Thursday, December 13, 2018

Mark 16:17-18 - Apostolic Signs and Wonders

Mark 16:17-18
17 These signs will accompany those who have believed: in My name they will cast out demons, they will speak with new tongues; 18 they will pick up serpents, and if they drink any deadly poison, it will not hurt them; they will lay hands on the sick, and they will recover.

Message: Apostolic Signs and Wonders

Time: Mark's personal connection with Peter gave him the source material for this book. This book was composed probably between AD 57 and AD 59. It's a book that is on the move, leading to the cross. 39 times is the word 'immediately' used. Mark reveals Jesus as God's servant, reaching into the lives of people and effecting physical and circumstantial change.

What the Lord is Saying:

Preface - Jesus has been crucified but now He lives. He died on Friday and rose on Sunday, appearing first to Mary Magdalene, then 2 disciples followed by the rest of the disciples (minus Thomas) and in the process He reproves the disciples. They were not trusting that He had appeared to others. They trusted only in themselves and He corrects them in this but then He also commissions them to Go and preach the Gospel. This gospel message is believing (in Him) followed by baptism. If one does not believe He will be condemned.

Lord, continue to help me unpack the truths of this message that You are giving to me as I read Your word. The message of the gospel is interwoven in this book and even today it has meaning to people's lives. Help me to know how to communicate that to others. Lord, I don't want to just have an internal understanding and book knowledge, but want to be able to pass this onto others. Not so we just all live successful lives, but saved lives. Thank you for saving my wife, my son, my daughter and her husband and continue to work in my youngest son's life to bring him (and his girlfriend) to salvation. Lord, they need You and need You to be their light.

Jesus is speaking here and he continues to deliver a message to His disciples. He last specifically spoke to them at the Passover and the breaking of bread and drinking of wine as His body, His blood. He has declared that His body has been broken and blood spilled for them. He became the Lamb of God before their eyes. He tells them to preach the gospel and then also tells them this means believing.

It has been clear that His message to His disciples has never simply been a message of gaining information but it has always been about being ministers of the Gospel. We are not placed on this earth simply to gain a different understanding from our peers, but to serve our peers and minister to them. Jesus will now say some radical things about people carrying on His message and doing things in His name. These signs will accompany those who have believed: in My name they will cast out demons, they will speak with new tongues; they will pick up serpents, and if they drink any deadly poison, it will not hurt them; they will lay hands on the sick, and they will recover.The radical look at things that He communicates - cast out demons, speak with new tongues, pick up serpents, drink deadly, lay hands on the sick -- sort of baffles us. On one hand we don't see some of these practices in our world today. Are we supposed to see them exactly as they are said by Jesus or is Jesus rather simply telling us that people will do radical things when they place their faith in Jesus and believe.

As I unpack these words from Jesus and try to figure out what He means, I recognize that in my life as a Christian I have been somewhat trained that these seemingly supernatural situations in the life of a believer do not occur today. They occurred with frequency during the time of the life of the apostles, from the death of Jesus and His commission to them in AD 33 to the time of the last apostles death around AD 100. But, since then they do not occur. Yet, many say they do occur and many ministries have capitalized on this and have a great following because of believing this ongoing ministry.

At first I see that Jesus does say there will be signs that accompany a believer. There are clear evidences therefore of a person that believes and follows Christ. He states clearly that not simply the disciples but believers will cast out demons, speak with new tongues, pick up serpents, lay hands on the sick and the sick will recover. The idea about drinking deadly poison and it not hurting them is an option rather than an prescribed thing. But, to me it also says that they naturally follow in the life of a believer. It is not a manufactured thing. Obviously, I think we must be careful in feeling like these exact things will follow in the life of a believer. My life has not exhibited these things, that I am aware of, but I also don't know the extent of my prayers in laying hands on the sick. Perhaps signs and wonders were needed more at this time of history.

So I'm not quick to necessarily write all of these things off, but I'm still, as a 51 year old man, and a follower of Christ since I was 1 month prior of my 15th birthday, trying to understand what this means to this day. Some clearly have these convictions so I pray for wisdom in not quickly judging them.

Summary - Jesus continues with His people to the disciples and after telling them to go and preach the gospel and that believing results in baptism and not believing, condemnation. He now passes onto them the idea that the believer in Christ is able to do things not previously done in that person's life. Believing in Christ changes us. Now people clearly did radical things then, but does this same practice follow today? I am not sure. The evidence would seem to be - no.

Promise: Signs accompany the believers life. Great things will follow the believer in life. The extent and variety of those signs is uncertain to me. But, I believe in Him.

Prayer: Lord, I pray for your understanding of these words. What is important to me is that a new life in Christ is simply that - a new life in Christ. Continue to train me in being Godly and serving others, for it is clear to me that ministering to others is what you are showing a new believer's life is about.

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