Friday, February 7, 2014

Interesting Thoughts - February 2014

Tabletalk (November 2013) – Created to Enjoy God Forever – Dr. John D. Currid – Man is not God, but he resembles God in many ways, and he is to imitate God. When God created mankind in the garden, they had direct access to Him. He spoke directly to them without a mediator, and He even appeared to them. When mankind fell into sin, every aspect of the human nature was twisted: reason, will, desire, emotion, body, and spirituality. God promised, immediately after the fall, to send a Redeemer who would come to set all things right.

Tabletalk (November 2013) – Holy Ground – Dr. T.D. Alexander – Exodus is a micro-picture of the biblical story of salvation. People are oppressed. God rescues them. God appears far removed. He is aware. Israelites cry out to God for help. God summons Moses. Moses encounters God. Moses stands in the presence of the Holy One. In Exodus, God makes himself known. Atonement, purification, and sanctification--all are necessary in order for the Israelites to become God's holy people. The Passover foreshadows Jesus Christ's sacrifice, coming, and love. Exodus concludes with the Holy One of Israel taking up residence at he very heart of the Israelite camp.

Tabletalk (November 2013) – The Holy of Holies – Rev. Daniel R. Hyde – In the Old Testament, we had the temple as the place of God's presence. In the Old Testament, he walked in the garden, wrestled with Jacob, burning bush, pillar of cloud. With the tabernacle it was His kingly house. The tabernacle was a type of God's dwelling. Now, "The Word became flesh and dwelt (tabernacled) among us." Now He would dwell in their midst in grace and mercy.

Tabletalk (November 2013) – Because He Loves Us – Kevin Gardner – Isaiah 43:4 records the only time God says, "I love you." His actions constantly speak of His love. Here God punishes Babylon at the hands of the Persians in order to bring Israel back to the Promised Land. Jesus was punished for our sins in order to redeem us from the bondage of sin and death and rise us to new life in Christ.

Tabletalk (November 2013) - The Lord was with Him - Dr. David Murray - God loves humanity, but God hates sin. Humanity sins, thereby severing itself from God. Humanity deserves wrath, but God in mercy (not giving what humanity deserves) came down to humanity again to reconcile, to reestablish, to reconnect, and to re-commune. We were all sinners separated from God by sin, and distant from God by nature. Yet God drew near to them, drew them to Himself, and filled them with His own presence.

For the OT believer, it was a gift of faith in the coming Messiah. They experienced forgiveness of their sins and God's love shed abroad in their hearts by the Holy Spirit given to them. God came near and they had life again.

With God in our lives ("God with us"), a difference in our life results. God is personal, walking with us through life. It is not a force, but a person that is with us. God's presence in our lives is our goal. No matter what time of day, we can talk to Him, sing to Him, worship Him, and enjoy Him wherever, whenever, whatever.

That is the OT believer, looking forward. But, for us, it is more real. We look past to what has already occurred.

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