Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Jesus Calling: April 16

     I am calling you to a life of thankfulness. I want all your moments to be punctuated with thanksgiving. The basis for your gratitude is My sovereignty. I am the Creator and Controller of the universe. Heaven and earth are filled with My glorious Presence. 
     When you criticize or complain, you are acting as if you think you could run the world better than I do. From your limited human perspective, it may look as if I'm mismanaging things. But you don't know what I know or see what I see. If I pulled back the curtain to allow you to view heavenly realms, you would understand much more. However, I have designed you to live by faith, not by sight. I lovingly shield you from knowing the future or seeing into the spirit world. Acknowledge My sovereignty by giving thanks in all circumstances. 

Isaiah 6:3
English Standard Version
And one called to another and said:
“Holy, holy, holy is the Lord of hosts;
the whole earth is full of his glory!”

2 Corinthians 5:7
English Standard Version
for we walk by faith, not by sight.

I Thessalonians 5:18
English Standard Version
give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.

My Prayer
Lord, help me to realize that you provide information to me as I need it. I always need to be living by faith. Sometimes I take uncertainty to mean that you are mismanaging things, but you have taken care of my needs thus far and so I can trust you for today and tomorrow. Help me to not get unhappy or stressed when things don't go my way. Holy, Holy, Holy is the Lord of Hosts. The whole earth is full of your glory. 

Note: The devotion and scriptures are from author Sarah Young. If you haven't already, please purchase the book and support the author.

Also, bookmark to have an easy link to the entire year of these entries.


  1. I read these daily and appreciate that you post them. God bless!

    1. Thank you for your kind comments. They are most helpful to me so I like to pass them along. In Christ.

    2. Dear Lord, please help me understand your ways. You took my son, this was the time that you chose. I know he is no longer suffering. Please help me remain faithful. Amen

    3. E I am so very sorry

    4. OH FATHER, I come to YOU with a heavy heart, I approach YOU through YOUR SON JESUS CHRIST,
      I lift my beloved E Up to YOU, give him strength, maintain his hope, remind him of YOUR promises, YOUR promise for a new earth where there will be no more suffering, the promise of resurrection when we will see our loved ones raised in perfect health, oh LORD please comfort his son’s family and children, lead them to still waters, I praise YOU and Thank YOU for bringing YOUR light, love, reminder of YOUR promises, and the hedge of protection over us all, thank YOU LORD. Please lead me, show me how I can help, how I can be of service for not only my beloved and his family as they go through this most difficult time but also as YOUR servant dear LORD, lead me, show me how YOU want me to share the gospel and my testimony. I praise YOU LORD for this day, my loved ones, my children, and another opportunity today to do things in YOUR will instead of mine. Thank YOU for my life, all the provisions and the peace surrounding us in a world filled with turmoil and war. Praise YOU YESHUA AND YAWEH
      In JESUS CHRIST name I pray

    5. E: I am so sorry for your loss.
      Peace & comfort to you.
      "The Lord is close to the brokenhearted
      and saves those who are crushed in spirit." Psalm 34:18

    6. E: adding to the prayers for you and your family in this time of sorrow.

    7. Amen! πŸ™
      Beautiful prayer Chris. Thank you for sharing.
      Thank you Lord for loving, protecting and providing all our needs! You are always faithful & good!
      I love you and lift up each of the JC family in prayers
      I pray over our families and over our country
      We need more of you and less of us! πŸ™πŸŒΈπŸ©΅πŸ™ŒπŸΌ

    8. Dear Heavenly Father God,
      Thank you for helping E.
      Please let E know our sympathy and prayers are going up and we care. In Jesus' Name. AMEN!

  2. I needed to hear this today. Thank you for your reassurance God that You handle everything in Your time.

  3. Amen!! God has a perfect plan for us all and will reveal things in time but for now we need to trust Him and have faith :) Walk by faith not by sight!! Amen!! God takes care of us! The Lord provides!!

  4. Too often I just want all of the answers - NOW. How long will I live in this Eartly Life, Lord? How long will my husband, children, grandchildren live? How much time do I have? Why is this happening, Lord? Why, why, why? And then I think, if He wanted me to have ALL of the answers NOW, He would reveal them to me! Walking by faith and not by sight requires trust. I remember when I was around 12 years old, I went to a Youth Group Retreat and we split up in teams. One of us was blindfolded and the other was the guide. We had to trust our guide: with what we ate, where we stepped, where we sat. I don't think I realized what we were being taught at the time, but funny that I would remember that incident from 51 years ago, this morning as I prayed and read JC. So, today (again), I recommit my determination to TRUST. To be sharp and not lazy in my reading, my prayers, my willingness to not accept things as they may seem but to believe that 'all things work to the good for those who love God,' as Sassy Mom shared from Romans 8:28, yesterday. One of my favorite ministers shared one time that constantly asking "WHY" was like driving down the street looking in the rear view mirror. Asking for prayers to get me through this day with energy and commitment. My sleep has been spotty and I feel it in my bones. Let me be attentive to You today, Father. Let me be aware of what your Son was going through all those years ago so that I may have this more than abundant life. Thank you for continuing to heal my husband. And remind me to pray that I change - not the rest of the world! (enjoying that book, Jan G!). Prayers for all of you, JC Family!

    1. Thank you for your comments, exactly what I needed to be reminded of this morning.

  5. As God reveals things on His time line, I learn not only trust but faith and PATIENCE. Please continue to help me build patience! Maybe things are reveled me when I can handle it and not before. Wanting things now is not always best. My siritual director once told me that when we pray there are 3 responses: yes, no, or wait...I have something even bettter planned for you! Dear Lord help me not to want "yes now" and to be patient for Your better plan. Amen.

    1. Amen ABCπŸ’
      Thank you for sharing
      I pray Lord that I also patiently and grateful wait for your better plan too
      With Love
      Brandy πŸ™πŸ’πŸ™

    2. Lord hear this prayer for patience to wait on the will of heaven and be still enough to hear it. Thank you.

  6. Thank you Lord for another day to trust where you are leading, another opportunity to share JESUS with those who cross our path.

  7. Thank you Lord for the mountains protecting my area from the devastating, destructive storms (homes, power lines, lives, etc.) occurring in surrounding counties

  8. Thank you Jesus for giving your life that I may be saved. Help me to always be patient as I wait on you Lord. I know healing is on the way, just not when, but I trust you Lord to do so in your time, I know you want only the best for your children. Amen.

  9. Thank you Jesus for this day and all of the growth opportunities it will bring! And, thank you so much for the Peyton Family for letting us into their family. Blessings to all! peace

    1. Yes! Thank you so much Chris Peyton for sharing Jesus Calling,the scriptures and your heart
      God bless you and your family

  10. Lord, help me to trust Your perfect plan and not to worry about how, when, and what ifs. So many times I try to turn it over to You and then take it back through worry, doubt, and fear. Help me to live more in faith, trust, and hope. Thank you for all you do in my life from that I recognize to things I'm not even aware are happening. I love you Lord and will try today to walk this path you have given me because I believe. Amen

    1. Adopting this prayer today as I am feeling the stress of how our move to combine two household will play out on time. Asking for prayers from my JC family to lift Marc and I up to the tasks at hand one day at a time in loving compassion for each other's mental, spiritual and physical needs.

  11. I pray for day 7 and just call him my one step at a time guy. Just keep repeating Isaiah 41:10

  12. What a perfect reminder as we go through these times... we walk by Faith, not by sight and to give thanks in ALL circumstances. Lord, I pray for everyone in this world, that as we are stricken with this virus, that we turn to you... “if my people will humble themselves, and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land” 2 Chronicles 7:14
    Thank you Lord that no matter what we see or go through in this world, we look to you, trust you and surrender all to you. This is a time for people of faith to stand up with confidence, pray for others and share the greatest gift of all: our salvation, our trust and our faith.

    1. Well said, Imac! In a previous post by one of our sister's in Christ, she commented how her family and friends, knowing her to be a person of faith, were watching her and how she was handling the present times. Yes, we are being watched. May our Lord come to our assistance and help us to manage the present circumstances well as a witness unto the power of faith. God be with you!

    2. Thank you Imac! This was a wonderful reminder for these times. All of us are in this together and we must look up from where out help cometh. This is an unknown situation to even the doctors and experts. It is indeed a foreign land we are walking through but God has never left us and never will. Faith is believing what you cannot see. His plan continues to unfold. I love the gratitude in all the posts today. I am truly grateful to have this JC Family and to see the strength of faith through this Pandemic. What a blessing also, to see the great lovingkindness extended to God's people right now. I can see how God is moving people to do the right thing. We are all working hard towards a better end. God is providing our spiritual, emotional and physical needs. Amen Imac! This is a time for all people to stand together in faith, trust and confidence. God is above all and ever faithful.

    3. Love your prayer Imac!
      Your prayer is my prayer
      God bless you and each of our JC family
      May we all turn from
      Our wicked ways and run to you Lord
      In Jesus heavenly name

  13. COVID 19
    Viruses &

    Joshua 1:9... “do not be afraid”...

    1. Taking what is given (COVID 19) and turning it into a positive outlook. I like it. Thanks, Imac!

  14. Thank you Jesus for all the circumstances I encounter. May I always see the good no matter what. KS

    1. KS - AMEN!!! AND AMEN!!! Your prayer is mine.

    2. Amen KS! What a timeless and perfect prayer. I had my grandson for a sleepover last night and didn't even have time to read these wonderful posts till almost 5 at night. I had a wonderful time with my grandson but didn't sleep too much and made cookies and pancakes. After he left I put the apartment back together but things didn't go smoothly when I was looking for the chicken broth to use in my chicken casserole in the crockpot. But Jesus helped me when I dropped a big container of cocoa all over the rug, the kitchen floor and many bottles of dressing. I guess I was overtired and got upset and then stopped and said: Father, I need some help here. I immediately felt His strength. When I cleaned it all up and put stuff into the white garbage pail, the cocoa got over everything and even onto the white floor. I just put my head up and said, Jesus is Greater and cleaned it all up. This was not a great trial or tribution but I acknowledge Him in all things, and He was there when I called Him.


    (Luke 24:35-48) The two followers of Jesus, who had encountered Him on the road to Emmaus, are now with us all. While excited accounts of seeing Jesus alive are being told, Jesus stands among us. "Peace be with you." He says. How do we all react? Startled, terrified, thinking we are seeing a ghost. Jesus responds by asking, "Why do you have all these questions running around in your minds?" With that, He deals with our finite thinking by inviting us to touch Him and see He is not a ghost but flesh and blood in our presence. He eats some fish as another sign to convince us what we are seeing is real. As He did with the two on the road to Emmaus, He explains the scriptures and then He opens up our minds to understand. Now that we are starting to understand, He begins to bring us back to the original mission of being witnesses to all the world of God's saving love through Him.

    The asking of questions to what is going on, it is normal in the process of human thinking. We all learned through our education to ask questions and when answers are found then whatever is being questioned can be trusted to be true. That works just fine for finite things but when it comes to the infinite and God's work in the world, it will come up short. As the JC readings says so well today, God is sovereign and working in ways that are far beyond our ability to comprehend because we do not see the complete picture. We are called to trust God, not understand God. We are commanded to love God with our whole self which includes the mind. When rational thinking cannot provide answers, we proceed in trusting our Lord who loves us, believing in our heart and not in our head that He is working to the good of all in everything. For those who are willing to take a chance on seeing God amid the events of the day, there will be glimpses of His presence that will help provide some of the evidence that cannot be gained through the thought process. When you do see God, be sure to share it with the rest of us.

    Have a blessed day, brothers and sisters. With love, Bob

    1. Thanks Bob,
      God is above everything, and He is in this big picture, working to make these things right. He works within the hearts of his people too. The way he accomplishes his Will is way beyond our human undertanding. But we have all seen his faithfulness, so we must just trust and rest in Him who loves us.

    2. Thanks Bob for taking us into the Word! You do this so well I want you to know I appreciate it.
      As you asked us to share our encounter with seeing God today, here is mine: All the signs of Spring in bloom, peacocks, wildflowers, new leaves on trees, grass growing, birds flying, birds singing, sun shining, cool breeze blowing etc all remind me that I can trust that God is still in total control of everything there is, and desires all He created to grow and be bettered by the pandemic experience!

    3. Thanks for sharing your experience of God, Brilamar! Ah yes, the wonder of creation as His hands have designed it for the blessing it is and all the ways it sustains us. He will not allow it to be destroyed and having made us in His image, He will not let anything happen to us either. Thanks be to God.

    4. God bless
      Love All yalls prayers today so much! Praying for each of you!
      We are so very blessed to have this to come to and share.
      Have a blessed night JC family
      With love

  16. Dear Heavenly Father, this morning, I give You thanks with a grateful heart, appreciative of all my many, many blessings. I know You don’t just work to change my situations and problems, You do more. You change my heart to one fill with thanksgiving to You. May this power of Yours keep my mind focused on You always, even in the midst of life’s challenges. Thank You for strengthening me by Your peace, refueled by Your joy, in Jesus’ name.

    God delights in our thankfulness and pours out His Spirit and favor over those who give honor and gratitude to Him, so regardless of what is going on around us and in the world today, let’s keep giving thanks to Our Father with a grateful heart because it:

    ‘It opens up the door for continued blessings. It invites His presence. Our spirits are refreshed and renewed in Him.
    It reminds us we're not in control, but that we serve a Mighty God who is. It keeps us in a place of humility and dependency on Him, as we recognize how much we need Him.
    It helps us to recognize we have so much to be thankful for, even all of the little things, which we so often may forget to thank Him for, but they really are the biggest, most important things in this life.
    It takes our attention off of our problems and helps us instead to reflect on, to remember, the goodness of His many blessings.
    It reminds us that God is the Giver of all good gifts.
    A grateful heart reminds us that ultimately God is our Provider, that all blessings and gifts are graciously given to us by His hand.
    A heart of gratitude leaves no room for complaining. For it is impossible to be truly thankful and filled with negativity and ungratefulness at the same time.
    It makes the enemy flee. The forces of darkness can't stand to be around hearts that give thanks and honor to God. Our praise and thanksgiving will make them flee.
    It gets our eyes off ourselves, and helps us to focus back on God.'

    Loving Father, We ‘Give thanks with a grateful heart, we Give thanks to You the Holy One,We Give thanks because You’ve given Jesus Christ, Your Son’. THANK YOU LORD.

    Psalm 107:1 (NIV) -“Give thanks to the LORD, for he is good; his love endures forever.”

    Maplewood, NJ

  17. Thank you Lord for everything you do for me. Good times,bad times,and tough times! I know that no matter what you are always by my side! I try my best growing my faith in you each day! I love you Lord,in Jesus name amen!

    1. Amen to that Tiffany! He never leaves us for an instant. The hard times come when we leave Him. Keep plugged into the life giving Vine and everything will go fine, and He will walk us through the valleys. He is so faithful. May we all grow our faith in Him every day. Love You Jesus! Amen!

  18. Oh, JC Family, I have gotten on here everyday and read and been thankful for the many insightful responses. I start writing and work I go.
    Today, we learned that Hospice is being called in for my husband's sister. We are deciding, praying about whether or not to go. Please pray with me.
    Your faithful words are balm to my soul. I'm very thankful.
    Praying for each of you, as well.

    1. Norah --- Joining the JC WARRIORS in prayers for the circumstances surrounding your sister-in-law, you and your husband. The Lord has a plan and it is a good one! The Lord's unusual favor over ALL the circumstances. Bless you!

    2. Norah - Joining JC WARRIORS in prayer for your sister-in-law.

    3. Adding my prayers to those of the Warriors for God's grace and mercy upon your S-I-L, Norah. God be with you all.

    4. Prayers for you and your family Norah.πŸ™♥️

    5. Dear Norah, I am sure your good husband is thinking of his sister and missing her. May God comfort him and strengthen his every weakness of mind, body and spirit.

  19. Praying also for your dear sister-in-law, Norah. She is in God's merciful hands and surrounded by love and prayers. May God's will to be done. You will surely make the right decision. May God strengthen you and your husband and comfort your hearts.


    As the devotional to which I was led comes to a close, I share with you these final reflections. As the last exercise so simply said, 'God is Love' and the rest is commentary. I appreciated some of the songs you posted with my post, they got it right regardless of where they were coming from. St Augustine wrote:

    "Take a look at what we are insisting: that the deeds of all are only discerned by the root of love. For many things that may be done appear good, but do not come from the root of love. For flowers also have thorns: some actions truly seem rough or savage; but they are done for the sake of discipline when love demands it. There is one basic command: Love, and do what you will. If you hold your peace, hold your peace out of love; if you cry out, cry out with love; if you correct, correct out of love; if you a frugal, be frugal out of love. Let the root of love be within you, so that nothing will grow but what is good."

    Vikto Frankl wrote in 'Man's Search for Meaning' from the concentration camps he was in he observed 'that prisoners who lost a 'why' to live - those who lost meaning, who lost God - turned to meaningless pleasures as a prelude to death.' Indeed, in the absence of meaning, pleasure becomes the only desire that is embraced.

    Lent and Easter have walked us through the way of love demonstrated by the Father who gave His only begotten Son out of love for all. And these are the plans He has for us, to give ourselves in the same love. Jesus said, "As I have loved you, so you must love one another. By this everyone will know you are my disciples if you have love for one another." (John 13:34-35) This is living and and what Jesus called, 'abundant life'; all else is nonsense and leads to death.

    St Ignatius (on whose spiritual disciplines this devotional was based) has left us his prayer:

    Take, Lord, and receive all my liberty,
    my memory, my understanding,
    and my entire will,
    all I have and call my own.
    You have given all to me.
    To You, Lord, I return it.
    Everything is Yours; do with it what You will.
    Give me only Your love and Your grace,
    that is enough for me.

    This concludes my Lenten/Easter meditations. The resource I have used is: 'The Ignatian Workout for Lent' (40 days of Prayer, Reflection, and Action) by Tim Muldoon published by Loyola Press in Chicago. I need a break from posting for awhile to renew my soul. If I am gone too long, send MadFox out to hunt me done or ask Brie to pray me back. God be with you. With love, Bob

    1. Thank you Bob for sharing all your inspiring thoughts, comments, and prayers with us. May the Lord bless you and renew your spirit and magnify your faith in Him. Peace be with you.

    2. Thank you Bob for sharing your heart and your knowledge. God bless you!


    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    4. Thank You BOB, I appreciate everything you did and will continue keeping you and yours in prayer, along with our entire JC Family, In Jesus Name. Amen.

    5. This comment has been removed by the author.

    6. MadFox, your heart is always to love and build us up spiritually, as is Bob's and Brie's and so many on here. I tend to spill my guts and then often regret it b/c it's TMI or is all about me. I have learned so much on this blog: we share honestly, sometimes we cry out, sometimes we teach; but, ALL of the sharings seem loaded with love, to me. I've learned from Bob that sometimes a rest is needed...another thing I'm endeavoring to learn.
      Love to all of you and there is NO condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus who walk not after the flesh but after the spirit.

    7. I for one take my rest from blogging from time to time. I get called back(which I dearly appreciate πŸ₯°) when I am missed. After all if a family member have not been heard from, wouldn't we begin to inquire! I have myself in past postings have called out to the missing. Some have responded, some have not. So I πŸ™.

    8. I have been doing well this past year. It is as if I have been catapulted into a 4th dimension through recovery in AA. I have learned that gratitude is not just a checklist of things that I am thankful for, it is a state of mind that makes me feel blessed for everything in my life. Even the challenges offer an opportunity for growth. I check into this site daily to read the devotional as part of my morning prayers. Sometimes I check out the posts and always am uplifted by the love and positive spirit. Then, I go to a 6:30 am meeting everyday except Sunday. I know I don't make the time to post. I'll make an effort to check in more often. I have really thrown myself into my recovery program working with other alcoholics. I'm currently sponsoring 3 men who are working the program. It is such a blessing to be able to give back what was so freely given to me. It requires that I take the time but it is time well spent and insurance against a relapse. My family is healthy and happy. My 16 year old sons acne has completely cleared up for some time now. Thank you for your prayers for his healing! I do like reading the posts here. There is so much love and wisdom being shared. I will make an effort to check in more often. Thanks for keeping this place alive and God bless you all!

    9. You have added so much to our daily spiritual journeys, dear Bob. Your unselfish and giving spirit is evident in all your posts and your strength of faith is an inspiration to me. You have taught me so much and I know you are glorifying God with all your good work. You are always in my prayers and I'm so glad you will be taking some time to renew yourself. Thank you for your kind generosity of time and spirit. God bless you and yours in all things. Much love and gratitude.
      Dear MadFox, You never have to apologize. We all have problems posting and sometimes I realize I post quickly with many typos but our hearts are on Jesus and our intent is to encourage and lift our brothers and sisters. You always bring light to my day. I am so happy about your remission. What an amazing triumph!
      Brie your sweet posts always make me smile and I love your heart.
      Dear Norah, I too tend to let it all out because I love all of you and trust you. Today I am exhausted because I tried to be a good Nani last night and this morning. I needed God today and He was there. I felt so bad I didn't have time to read or post or finish my prayers but my grandson comes first.
      Jan I love you so don't take too many rests from blogging.
      Dear zfuntastic! I am so happy your recovery is going so well and that you're sponsoring 3 men in the program. I love your gratitude and your desire to give back because you have been blessed and renewed. I'm glad your son's acne is cleared up. It's hard at that age when you want to look your best. We've all been there. You are so right. I never leave this page without feeling refreshed and encouraged by the love and wisdom in everyone's hearts and posts. Continuing to pray for you. Onward and Upward in the presence of the Lord.

    10. Thank you, BOB ♥️ I enjoyed the Easter journey they your writings again this year. Could there be a published version to share in the future? πŸ˜ŽπŸ‘✝️

  21. Thank You Jesus. Praise You Lord. You are so wonderful and amazing every day. May there be a refreshing newness of You and Your spirit in all of us daily.

    Lord, I want to know Jesus more. I know Him just a little, I want to grow in my knowledge of Him. But I don't just want to know about Him, I want to come closer to Him, to think His thoughts, to see people and situations through His eyes, to have His love and compassion. May I become more like Jesus Christ. May my walk with You be more consistent. May my life show wholeness and integrity. Lord, may I know the help of Your Spirit to make me more like Jesus Christ. May I cultivate the fruit of Your Spirit: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. Lord, where I am stubborn and resist You and Your purposes for my life, knock the sharp edges off my life. Mold me to become Your true child, while I am still in Your presence. Shape me, so that I am sensitive and responsive to You. May Christ be formed within me. Help me to discern Your way, Lord Jesus I pray, and give me the courage to follow it. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen. Thank You Jesus. Praise the Lord continually and always.

    1. How are you getting along Janet?

    2. I'm hanging in there by the faith I have in Jesus. Thank you for asking Jan. The Lord is working in my life. I believe it and I see it. There's so much, but it's all still in progress. I will post more victory updates when they come to pass. Of course, the biggest victory I realized was the fact that the Lord was telling me to move out because that place was what was making me sick and if I would have continued staying there, I could have died from it. Thank You Jesus. Sometimes things look one way, but are actually for our good and that was definitely for my good so I have faith that whatever comes next is for my good also. God is always good. Thank you all here for your prayers, thoughts, and concerns. You are all blessings. I thank the Lord for everyone on this blog. Praise God always.

    3. Dear Janet, You are more than hanging in there because you are trusting in the Lord and striving to know Him better and get closer to Him. You have your eyes wide open to His Hand in your life. He brought you out of an unhealthy environment that was making you sick. Everything from here on will be better than that. He promises to provide your needs, and that isn't just material needs. He knows your heart and what you long for in your life. He can supply it. You see His work in your life right now. Believe the best is yet to come. Praying always that God will lead you to the desires of your beautiful heart.
      We all love you and care about you.

  22. Loving Father, I Thank You for my life, thank You for forgiving me, thank You for the big and small blessings I receive each day from You, thank You for answers to my prayers, thank You for my family, thank You for my friends, thank You for my love ones, thank You for great health, thank You for roof over my head, thank You for food/provisions and all of life’s necessities (water, electricity, etc..), thank You for my job, thank You for the people You've placed in my life (colleagues, church family, my fellow brethren, neighbors, co-workers, the strangers I encounter, etc..), thank You for the people who help to make my life a little better (my doctors, my mail carrier, my mechanic, my hair dresser, the lawn gentlemen, etc..), and thank You for traveling mercy as I fly out to TN early this morning to bring my mother back home tomorrow from her visit. I just give You THANKS in EVERYTHING (the trials, the disappointments, the waiting periods, the past, present and future challenges). Most importantly Father, Thank You for being the GREAT I AM, Thank You for JESUS, Thank You for the HOLY SPIRIT, Thank You for first loving me (I love You right back) and Thank You for Your grace that is sufficient for me! In Jesus’ name I give Thanks. Amen.

    Our prayer life reflects our gratitude to God, but just being thankful to Him in ALL things, pleases Him and teaches us to never take anything for granted, but to be content with what we have. The Apostle Paul said: “I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances. I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want. I can do all this through Him who gives me strength.” (Philippians 4:11–13).

    These are some of the many gifts of GRATITUDE/THANKFULNESS we benefit from:

    Our Gratitude glorifies God (2 Corinthians 4:15).
    Our Gratitude helps us to see God (James 1:16-17).
    Our Gratitude puts us squarely in God’s will (1 Thessalonians 5:18).
    Our Gratitude brings peace (Philippians 4:6-7).
    Our Gratitude draws us near to God (Luke 17:17-19).
    Our Gratitude brings contentment (Timothy 6:6-8).
    Our Gratitude deepens our faith (Psalm 136:1).
    Our Gratitude leads to joy (Psalm 126:1-3).
    Our Gratitude defies Satan’s lies (Psalm 84:11).
    Our Gratitude guards against envy (Psalm 138:1).
    Our Gratitude helps us live in the present (Ecclesiastes 7:10) and
    Our Gratitude is a testimony (Psalm 105:1).

    “Enter His gates with thanksgiving and His courts with praise; give thanks to Him and praise His name.” (Psalm 100:4).

    Blessings and Peace.

    Maplewood, NJ

    1. Maplewood NJ, Thank you thank you! So well put.
      Dear heavenly Father, I give you great praise, honor and worship for all you have blessed me with. We all have experienced some form of darkness and struggle but it's there that Your light is revealed. Help me to continue to be grateful in all things. Even when I don't understand, help me to see that it will be revealed to me on your time frame, if at all, (when you know I will be able to understand and handle it!). Help me to live with an attitude of gratitude ALWAYS. Amen.

    2. Thank you Maplewood NJ. I will pray Loving Traveling Mercy prayers for you, your Mom, and all of our traveling JC family.

    3. Maplewood - Echoing your prayers of thanks for EVERYTHING!! Traveling Mercy prayers for you and your mom. Welcoming waves, love and greetings from me to you as you fly to Tennessee to bring "mom" home.

    4. Praying you had a good and safe trip this morning to bring your Mom back. I pray she has seen Jesus working in you, and her faith is becoming real and strong. I hope you are feeling well. Thank you for filling me spiritually. Your thankfulness blesses me so much.

  23. Ellen --- I reach out to you as a mom and a believer to give you encouragement concerning your daughter's health. When I was dealing with a rare tumor, the Father God drove this deep into my spirit: My sins brought Jesus to the cross, but it was by His stripes I am healed! I believed what He said! When my doctor presented my case to the Tumor Board, I envisioned Jesus there declaring to the group of doctors: "She is healed and living in Divine Health." This is now my reality and I make a daily confession of living in Divine Health, with Great Praise to my Lord! The most important thing to do is to speak the WORD and Plead the Blood of Jesus over the situation with Praise to the Lord! Do not let negative words come out of your mouth. If they do, repent quickly and get back on God's side. I sow these words over your precious daughter. My Father God, Jesus is the Name above all names. His name is above Ellen's daughter's tumor and this tumor must bow to His Name! I speak the Name of Jesus over every part of her body today. I declare that Jesus's Name is driving out anything that is under the curse, because He has redeemed her fron the curse!(Philippians 2:9; Galatians 3:13)
    Father, I declare that Your Word has become a part of Ellen's daughter. I Plead the Blood of Jesus over her. Your Word is flowing in her bloodstream. It flows to every cell of her body, restoring and transforming her body. You Word has become flesh; and You sent Your Word and healed Ellen's daughter! I am sowing these Words with great Faith! Thank you for us Reaping a Glorious VICTORY!!! In the Mighty Name of Jesus, AMEN and AMEN. Ellen, I decare your greatest blessings Ever today, because God's Grace is upon you!
    I ask the Father to surround with His warming powerful presence, being heavy with everything good! Great blessings and love to you, your daughter and family!!!
    In His Grip of Grace, Mercy and Healing

    1. Thank you JJ. May I borrow your prayer to pray with my brother?

    2. JJ - AMEN and HALLELUJAH!!!! Echoing, joining and claiming your powerful prayer for Ellen's daughter.

    3. Dear Brie --- Most certainly you may use it! I speak these these Words over your brothers situation and any JC Family Memmber in need of it. My Father God told me it would be used and bring Him Glory. When you understand God's Kingdom of Seed, Plant, Harvest, Seed, Plant Harvest, you become a New Person, old things pass away, all things become new. We are made in the image of our Father, who spoke this world into existence. Likewise, when we speak, our words are seed and they are planted. Then there is a harvest! So, we strive to only plant good word seeds mixed with Faith, Praise, the name of Jesus and not "bad" seeds, because both WILL come up and there WILL be a harvest! So, Father God, put a Guard over our mouths, and keep Watch over the doors of our lips! "The tongue has the power of life and death,
      and those who love it will eat its fruit" Proverbs 18:21. Great Blessings, Love and Grace to you Brie and my Incredible JCFamily. Just wild about you ALL!!! Always praying over each step of each one's journey. JJ

    4. An Addendum --- Someone counted how many times the Bible's Word said "Do not fear, or Do not be afraid". The count turns out to be 365 times! Fear is your ENEMY!!! It will help you plant a plethora of BAD SEED! Guard against it at ALL costs!!! JJ

    5. Thanks JJ. So true! I appreciate all your prayers as well all the prayers of this great JC Prayer Warrior Family; They availeth much as they nourish the thoughts in my head and the words coming out of my mouth for the greater good and glory of God's Harvest. In Jesus' Name. Amen.

    6. Thank JJ awesome prayer. I have a friend who has a brain tumor and since it is close to her opic nerve the doctors have been hesitant to remove it. It's been a trying time. Please may I send her prayer to rekindle her faith and trust in the Lord ?

    7. Dear JJ, Such a blessing that God has healed you and you can now rejoice in His faithfulness! You were leaning completely on your faith and He knew your trust in Him. Wonderful advice and encouragement for our sister Ellen and her daughter.
      Joining in JJ's prayers and all prayers for your daughter, dear Ellen. Praying God will guide the Medical Board to decide on the right treatment or surgery to bring her back to complete and perfect health. God can do all things and He knows her needs better than the doctors do. Praying for your peace of mind too. Rest in Him who loves you.

    8. Amen, amen and amen JJ. Thank you Lord for filling us with your truth that no one can take away.

    9. Dear Min Ahadi,
      Absolutely send the prayer to your friend! It is meant for healing and to bring Praise, Honor, and Glory to my Father God. I will go to The Throne of Grace to intercede for your friend. Thank you Father, for Your perfect timing. May Min Ahadi's friend receive healing through Your precious blood and Your blessed name Lord Jesus Christ, AMEN and AMEN! Sending Great Blessings and Love your way Min Ahadi! So thankful your friend has a friend like you! HALLELUJAH!!! JJ

    10. Joining in dear JJ's prayer and praying, Min Ahadi, that God who is above every infirmity will heal you dear friend with the brain tumor and bring her back to perfect health.

    11. JJ, your prayer is awesome and effective! I pray it often both alone and with my daughter. The tumor board was indeed amazed at her results and will do further tests....which will also show divine health. I thank you so much for your prayer, all praise to God, by His stripes we are healed!

    12. I pray the "tumor board" gets really BORED with fewer and fewer cases to discuss. Thank you Jesus!

    13. Thank you dear JJ as I re-read your prayer and your prophetic words and prayer has been heard, as well as the prayers of others, for my daughter. I will never doubt the effectiveness of prayer. I thank God for this group and te tremendous support you all have been for me and each other, and I pray God's deepest blessings for you in your need, and for your family. Amen

  24. Amen & Amen JJ!. Dear Ellen, joining our sister in declaring the power of His stripes over your daughters. I also encourage you to stand firm on His promise never to leave you nor forsake you & your daughters. Hallelujah!

  25. Thank you, JJ for leading the prayer charge as you do. I feel the power and confidence of your words and join with you in them on Ellen's behalf. πŸ™

  26. Bob, thank you for leading us through the Lenten season in your unique and insightful way. ♥️

  27. And one more... Thank you all for prayers for a safe journey to a visit with my daughter and fiance in their new home. Feeling so blessed for this opportunity!

    1. Thank You Father for putting a hedge of protection around Audra as she travels back and forth to visit her daughter and fiance in their new home.
      May it be a sweet and wonderful visit for all. Thank you for giving her the right words to say and let them see her love for You. Thank you for all this in the Name of Jesus.

  28. I can sit and talk about the challenges I have faced in my life , However today I have learnt that there is a good reason and may God change my attitude and mindset ! I need to stop playing the victim and I have decided to be victorious in Jesus' name .I don’t know where you are on this journey of walking by faith, but I encourage you—beg you, plead with you—to wave the white flag of surrender. Let God take your life, your pain, your loss and use it for his glory. Ask him to do an amazing work in you so he can do an amazing work through you.

    1. Amen Min Ahadi, Continuing to pray for you that God will fulfill your dreams and all will go well with your job and your daughter. We must surrender ourselves completely and stop trying to pull the reins away from Him. We can do nothing without Him. We must trust in His direction even when He directs us to walk out of our comfort zone and into uncharted waters. When things go wrong, call out to Him because He's always there. He can handle every part of our lives and nothing is too small or big to bring to Him. Thank You Jesus for everything you are to us.

  29. Thank You Heavenly Father God for giving us Your Peace as our inheritance, just because we are Your Children and You Love Us!
    Would You help us hold on to The Joy of Your Peace in every word, situation and circumstance?
    Would You help us be lifted up by them?
    Would You help us choose Your Peace as our guide through all things in this life?
    I ask. I seek. I knock. I praise. I thank. In Jesus' Name. Amen.

    1. Amen ! Thanks Brie for reminding us we need to make a choice and choose God's leading and peace !

    2. Amen! πŸ™

    3. Amen! πŸ™

  30. Thanks dear Brie! Amen and Amen!!!

  31. Praise God! We had church today. We join together across the nations worshipping and praising our. Giving him the glory and honor he deserves. We learned of his goodness and tender mercies. We gave room for dear friends to be themselves, to take a posting break that is so earned (Bob your wisdom will truly be missed. I remember when you took a break before after your "procedure". I prayed for you so much and was so relieved when you were back on). We heard from old friends and I'm glad Madfox that you couldn't delete your post because it prompted good conversation. I was over joyed as I caught up on today's posts. Madfox God has allowed us to be a part of your journey, thank you for sticking with us. JJ's amazing prayer and testimony, Maplewood's decorations of God's faithfulness. So amazingly thankful to be a part of what God has put in place. Norah or anyone else don't ever think your posts are rants or to much about yourselves. They are thoroughly enjoyed. Have to say I probably fall at the top of ranting and posting about my own situation. It means so much to me to be able to pray with you and for you and I know that your prayers for me and my family help immensely. Every one has been brought to this platform for a reason. Brie's positive encouragement and all the J's we love you. I would keep going but my little guy's bath water is ice cold and he looks like a raisin. Please forgive me if I didn't mention you everyone is important part of this blog!

  32. Terri, You are doing a wonderful job with those young grands you are raising. I always pray for your strength and guidance. It is a hard job to take care of young ones, but God has equipped you well to do everything you need to do. You are right in saying God has brought us to this JC Family for a reason. I know your encouragement and love make a big difference in my life and I'm sure our other family members feel the same way. We have all seen God's faithfulness in our own lives so we can tell of His good deeds and lift others up who cannot see the light at the end of the tunnel. It is there! Rest well good sister.

  33. JJ, thank you so much for this Holy Spirit inspired prayer for my daughter as she waits for the results of the tumor board. I stand with you in this prayer and feel the results of it. I just saw it today and am so grateful for your words!

  34. Dear Ellen, How is your head? Hope it's healing nicely, and how are your daughters and your family? Happy Easter to all. May God heal their weaknesses and bless them in all ways. Thank You Jesus.

  35. Dear Family, seen and unseen, God bless, heal and comfort you, and lift you high above your problems, and guide you and protect you, and bring you peace. We have so much to be thankful. Just waking up to the light of a new day, and remembering what Jesus did for us. We are never alone, not even for a second. That comforts me always. When worry creeps in, I know my Savior is right there by my side. He says. Don't worry about a thing, I've got you. Amen. He is our God and we are His people. We are the sheep of His flock. So blessed to be able to praise Him with all of you. Much love. We are of one accord and we know the truth. The truth will surely set you free. We have been saved by His Blood.
    Salvation is found in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given to mankind by which we must be saved. Acts 4:12
    Thank You JESUS.

  36. Oh, JC Family! Celebrating my DH's great Hx Report, just 2 days ago (4/14). NO Treatment needed! Thanking God! And, then on 4/15: the birth of our youngest, #33. I can recount every minute of that day! And, that is what I've done. So, I'm thanking God for yesterday and today and for every tomorrow. God Bless us all! Praying for each of you and trusting God for another new tomorrow.

    1. Such wonderful news about your DH's great report and the birth of your youngest grandchild! How many grandchildren do you have?
      God bless you always my dear sister. Thank you for your prayers. Amen Trusting God for all our tomorrows. We are in the best of Hands! Hallelujah!

  37. When our Fav Onc Dr said, again, "We'll kick this can down the road," our Dear Suz said, "Let's kick this can OFF the Mountain!" She said, "We don't have to keep praying that your DH doesn't have to have Chemo. That 'can' is kicked off Mt Everst!" AMEN and AMEN!!

    1. Great news Norah! We celebrate with you!πŸ‘πŸŽŠπŸŽ‰. PTL! Obviously you &, yours will have a very happy & thankful Easter. Hallelujah!πŸ’ž

    2. Praise God for the good news about your DH, Norah! Thank you Jesus!

  38. "I am the Creator and Controller of the universe." Amen! Thank you Jesus you do all things perfectly. I trust You my Lord and look forward to celebrating Easter Sunday tomorrow! WOW what a day!

    1. Amen! Such a blessing to celebrate Easter Sunday and Resurrection Day! So many reasons to be thankful and rejoice and be glad!

  39. Holy Saturday. All seem quiet as it is the Sabbath for those who wait in anticipation for the promise of the resurrection of the beloved Son of God. I can't imagine what's going through the minds & hearts of His mother Mary, the disciples and all the followers. It's the testing of faith for each of them. Thank You Jesus for what You went through for me & my family. We too wait, not for the resurrection as your followers did, we know the outcome. We wait for You coming again! Amen! Even so Lord Jesus, come! Hallelujah!

    1. Beautifully prayed and received. Amen.
      Waiting for Him to come again. He is with us every moment but someday face to Face.

    2. Yes, we are awaiting The Return! It will be glorious! Thanks to all of you for your prayers and Victory Shouts for my DH. We are so very thankful.

  40. Still celebrating my youngest son's birthday (which was yesterday, 4/15). #33 - with a lovely wife, 3 beautiful kiddies, a job he enjoys....his life is good. What's even better is, he gives the glory to God! Very thankful Mama!

  41. Happy 33rd Birthday to your youngest son! He is richly blessed and so are you because he gives the glory to God! I'm sure you're a thankful Mama!

  42. Happy and blessed 34th Birthday to your youngest son, dear Norah! Hope he’s still celebrating his Birthday.

  43. Driving back to Brooklyn to sing in Church. Praying I’ll shine some sweet light for the Lord. Singing with some friends later too, and then having my family over for dinner and then keeping our 2 grandsons overnight! Monday is my dear daughter in love’s Birthday and they’re going out to celebrate. God will help all to go smoothly! He is so good and faithful. My hope is in the Lord.

    Romans 15:13
    May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in Him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.

  44. As you therefore have received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk in Him, rooted and built up in Him and established in the faith, as you have been taught, abounding in it with thanksgiving. (Colossians 2:6-7). Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows. (James 1:17).

  45. Heavenly Father, thank You and bless Your holy name. I praise You Lord always πŸ™ πŸ™Œ. Thank You Jesus 😊. Let my heart be open and full of thankfulness to all things. Help me remember Your perfect sovereignty in my life and all the things around me. You are so good to me! I am truly blessed by You Lord! I can't thank You enough Lord! In Jesus name, I pray, Amen πŸ™.

    1. Amen sweet sister! Gratitude and praise to the Most High Kings!

  46. Dear Jeanne, I woke up this morning after one of the best night sleep I had in a long time. I knew in my heart somebody had prayed for me in this JC community, thank you and praise God for his work through you. Thank you for praying for me last night. Bob posted for us all "to make sure we share when God works in our lives" here I am sharing. God bless

    "Acknowledge him in all your ways and he will make your path straight"prov 3:6

    This verse has always reminded me to be thankful, as I thank him for everything that he's brought me through and blessed me with I acknowledge that it's all about him. And as I share that truth with people, as God works in my life then, I I'm acknowledging what God is doing in my life.

    Jeanne, sounds like you have a long day today I pray the good Lord uses your singing and your praise to touch hearts and bring encouragement to others in your path.

    1. Dear Violet! Thanks dear sister! Keeping you and Ben in my prayers and know your words blessed my heart. Yes I did sing and shine light for the Lord. God bless you and Ben and lead you to brighter days, and heal your weaknesses. Thank You Jesus.

  47. An 'Attitude of Gratitude' is a well known phrase which comes through loud and clear in the 1 Thess' scripture below "give thanks in *all* circumstances".
    It's easier when the going is good, harder when it's rough, yet 'all' means 'all'.
    The easiest way to thank Him when in pain, difficulties, hardship, bereavement and disappointment is to look back, remembering how He helped through hard places and eventually brought us through.
    Remembering helps our faith rise to thank Him.
    Thank You Lord for bringing me through some really hard places. Many times of physical and emotional pain, difficulties and distress.
    You knew about these events even before I was born and You were faithful in bringing me through.
    I am so thankful to You for your loving care and Your rock-steady faithfulness. I give thanks to You Lord Jesus in all things, Amen.
    1 Thessalonians 5:16-18
    “Be joyful always; pray continually; give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.”
    Colossians 3:16
    “Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly, teaching and admonishing one another in all wisdom, singing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, with thankfulness in your hearts to God.”
    1 Chronicles 29:13
    "And now we thank you, our God, and praise your glorious name."

  48. I sure can relate! Thanks dear Peter for your encouragement, prayers, and wonderful verses! I have 2 grandsons sleeping over and you added much light to my day and night. God has brought me safely through many storms and trials so I can’t help but say Thank You!!! Goodnight and may God bless you and our dear ones and our dear JC Family. Rest well in Him Who loves us.

  49. Lord, thank you for this reminder that we need to live by faith and that YOU and YOU alone are in control. You know what will happen each day. You know what will happen in all the hot spots around the world. This knowledge is comforting as we face an ever changing and seemingly more evil world. Help us to keep our focus and YOU and not the craziness of this world in which we presently live.

    SC Anonymous

  50. God loves a thankful heart and a humble heart. Every good thing we do or good fruit we produce is from Him and should be for Him. I thank Him for all the blessings He has given me. He turned my sadness into joy yesterday. He ordered my steps and made things right again. Only He knows how to do that and I am blessed to have His Divine Help whenever I need it. How blessed we all are to be His children.
    Rick and I are picking up my sister's dear husband David today from the airport. He's flying in from their home in Missouri and he will stay with my mom and Janet for 2 weeks. He's a good and righteous man of God and a wonderful brother in Christ to me. May God grant him, us, and all those on the road, traveling mercies and protection. Thank You Jesus. I'm so happy for my sister's joy. She really misses David and rightfully so. My mom will also be glad to see him. And me too!
    Have a blessed day and be thankful for all the beauty and peace that surrounds us and the guiding light God shines on our paths and every good thing that comes from above.

    1 Thessalonians 5:16-18
    Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, in everything give thanks; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.

    Psalms 119:105
    Your word is a lamp to my feet And a light to my path.

    Proverbs 4:18
    But the path of the just is like the shining sun, That shines ever brighter unto the perfect day.

    1. Love your heart, Jeanne and all that you share. May God bless David’s visit and you and your sister for all the loving care you provide your Mom.

    2. Thanks sweet Websister! God bless your heart! Got David in the car and we’re almost at my mom’s. I’m grateful!!πŸ™

  51. Dear Lord, thank you for this day and all Your blessings. Thank for your Sarah’s book that is shared here in this blogpost. Lord thank you for today’s post about living day to day by faith, being thankful, and not looking ahead and worrying about tomorrow. Lord I lift up my husband as his aneurysm is larger, and we may be at decision time. We meet with the vascular surgeon tomorrow. Please give us a sense of calm as we know that You are in control. Lord I lift up my child in college as he is approaching his final tests and then exams in 2 weeks. I lift up my younger child as he is wrapping up his senior year with projects and finishing up college enrollment. Lord we are thankful for all you have given us. I lift up my family to you as we go through this day.
    SC Anonymous

    1. Dear Lord I thank You for SC
      Anonymous, and her family. I thank You for providing Your Wisdom through all the medical professionals they see. I thank You for your healing and restoration of SC's DH, Your Wisdom for her college son to ace his finals, and her soon to be college son to get it all done. I thank You for putting Your Loving Arms around this family and I thank You for all Your Blessings on our entire JC Family in Jesus' Name. AMEN!

    2. Amen to that, dear Brie! Gathering into your wonderful prayer for our dear SC's family. Thank You Father that SC's dear husband is already being healed and all the decisions made will be Spirit guided, and her college son will receive great grades on his tests and her younger son will complete all his projects successfully and finish up his college enrollment and all will be well with SC's family. Thank You for wrapping them up in Your peace and shining Your faithfulness over them like the noonday sun, in the powerful Name of Christ Jesus. Amen.

  52. Dear Lord,
    Thank you for giving me a TESTimony this morning, after yesterday when the ceiling fell in one of the rooms in the home I am trying to sell and rent until it does. Thank you that my maintenance repair person was working next door. Thank You that he and his apprentice came over right away to clean up, and repair the ceiling. Thank You that he had everything on his work truck except 2 items.
    Thank You for providing me with no line in the big box store and very helpful employees so we could easily procure them.
    Thank you for delaying the arrival of the tenant.
    Thank You for helping me totally clean, wash, vacuum, mop, sanitize the home, and get a prepared meal, knowing he would be tired and exhausted after a very long delayed flight. Thank You that he was very happy with his temporary home.
    Thank You for all I had to say Thank You for when I got on my knees and then into my bed last night, very weary and very thankful. In JESUS' Name. AMEN!

    1. YOU, Brie, are something else. Truly. Your faith and endurance inspires me and I'd be willing to bet it does the same for the rest of this JC family as well. You turn unfortunate events or hiccups in your day/life as opportunities to give thanks to God knowing He is sovereign and will not only get you through these situations but will turn them around. May you continue to feel His loving arms around you as you go about your day and week. How awesome was it that not only did you provide a safe and nice place for your tenant, you somehow had the strength to make him a meal thinking of him and how tired he'd be from his travels...vs how tired you were. Awe-mazing. Love you, dear sister in Christ, and praying for you. In Jesus' name, AMEN.

    2. Beautiful TRUSTimony, Brie! More victory reports from me as I have returned from a wonderful weekend with family in a nice warm place (while I received reports of 6 in of snow at home). Been praying for word from stepson that all is ok as we are constantly turning to God to handle communication we rarely get to have from said soon. Low and behold, an invitation to see grandkids in a play and one now on a baseball team. Who knew? Thanks, Jesus, for promoting the conversation. TRUSTimony!

  53. I think sometimes I crave the perfection of heaven: community and connection, harmony and peace, face to face time with God. In the middle of this side of heaven, I'll be encouraged by the fact that eternity of all that and more is coming and I'll be thankful for all the blessings He's given me here and now out of the perfect love and kindness of His heart. Hope everyone is having a beautiful, blessed day/life.

    1. Yes dear free as can B. We believe God's promises and look forward to our Celestial Home in the Sky. The Best is Yet to Come and we can stake our lives on the truthfulness of God's Word. Thanks! I was blessed to be with my mom, sis and good brother in love today. And I got 2 new members in my Bible group tonight. Blessed I am and very grateful! God bless you and your family too.

  54. Knowing You Jesus

    1. Thank You God for the Beautiful Words.
      Thank You God for the Beauriful Scenery.
      Thank You God for the Beautiful person who posted this.
      In Jesus' Name. AMEN!

    2. Such a beautiful and soothing song and I loved the sky and the waves. You blessed me. Thanks dear Sassy Mom.
      Amen. Thank You God for our sweet Sassy Mom and for this song that lifted my heart.

  55. Knowledge is power.
    Fear, Doubt, and Unbelief: These are spirits that try to impose themselves into our thoughts. We give them entrance by our words that come from expressing our emotions or knee jerk reactions.

    Proverbs 15:1 CEV "A kind answer, soothes angry feelings, but harsh words stir them up."

    The WORD teaches us about responding to adversity with Grace, Patience, and Love, rather than seeking retaliation or revenge. This approach emphasizes the importance of our response to challenging situation and how it can influence the outcome.

    Our actions speak volumes about our faith. Responding in a Christ-like manner, especially in challenging situations, can serve as a powerful testimony to others, showing them the transformative power of God's Love in our lives. HALLELUJAH!!! These are GLORY DAYS not gloomy days!

    1. Proverbs 16:24
      Kind words are like honey—enjoyable and healthful.

    2. Thank you JJ- spoke directly to me! Thank you Jesus

    3. Wonderful truth dear JJ! May we all respond to all situations in a Christ like manner, with kind words that soothe, comfort and edify, and let our light shine in the darkness of this world. God is greater! These are Glory Days and not gloomy days. Hallelujah!

  56. Yes, JJ!
    We have not been given a Spirit of fear, but of POWER, LOVE and a SOUND MIND.
    2 Timothy 1:7
