Monday, April 20, 2015

Jesus Calling: April 20

     Do not be afraid, for I am with you. Hear Me saying Peace, be still to your restless heart. No matter what happens, I will never leave you or forsake you. Let this assurance soak into your mind and heart, until you overflow with Joy. Though the earth give way and the mountains fall into the heart of the sea, you need not fear!
     The media relentlessly proclaim bad news: for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. A steady diet of their fare will sicken you. Instead of focusing on fickle, ever-changing news broadcasts, tune in to the living Word--the One who is always the same. Let Scripture saturate your mind and heart, and you will walk steadily along the path of Life. Even though you don't know what will happen tomorrow, you can be absolutely sure of your ultimate destination. I hold you by your right hand, and afterward I will take you into Glory. 

Mark 4:39 
New King James Version
Then He arose and rebuked the wind, and said to the sea, “Peace, be still!” And the wind ceased and there was a great calm.

Verse Thoughts - This is more than about simply calming a storm. This is about our lives, that we bring before the Lord continually. We come to him and he rescues us from our eventual death, sealing us with Him for all time, giving us the assurance that we will live for eternity with Him (I John 5:11-12). However crazy the storms occur in our lives, He is there. He calms the storms. He rescues us from the perils of life. He brings peace to us. This doesn't always mean that we win the game. In our sports heavy culture, where we consider the outcome of the game that the winner walks off with complete peace, God does not work in this way. There is peace no matter the outcome, because He is in control of all. We can submit and surrender to Him and then He will give us strength through the outcome.

Deuteronomy 31:6
English Standard Version
Be strong and courageous. Do not fear or be in dread of them, for it is the Lord your God who goes with you. He will not leave you or forsake you.”

Psalm 46:2
English Standard Version
Therefore we will not fear though the earth gives way,
    though the mountains be moved into the heart of the sea,

Psalm 73:23-24
English Standard Version
23 Nevertheless, I am continually with you;
    you hold my right hand.
24 You guide me with your counsel,
    and afterward you will receive me to glory.

My Prayer (2018)
Lord, thank you so much for commanding my life and declaring the storms of my life to be still. This does not mean that bad times always become good or the trial comes to an end, but you remind me that you can lift me up out of those situations and bring me peace. And then as I continue through those times - like a pain in my foot that now seems to not ever be going away or not being able to just fix the unpleasant environment of my work  - You are there showing me I don't need to fear and I can be strong and courageous. Lord, if I'm not careful I will get trained by this world I live in, to worry about my safety, to worry about whether my leaders are leading, to worry that sin is increasing all around me. O Lord, I am continually with you. You hold my right hand. You guide me with your counsel. Get my eyes off of this world and tune into the Living Word - You who is always the same. Glory awaits and therefore peace is mine, today, right now, at this very moment.

Note: The devotion and scriptures are from author Sarah Young. If you haven't already, please purchase the book and support the author.

Also, bookmark to have an easy link to the entire year of these entries.


  1. @paytonfamily thanks for the prayer and thoughts. As I think of Sarah's words and the referenced scripture as its basis, I am forced to recall the 'fickle, ever-changing news broadcasts" of today and how correct the viewpoint shared is. While turbulent and shifting is part of life on earth, the Holy One offers His hand to steady us and give us comfort.

    I pray today that we fully embrace: "Be strong and courageous. Do not fear or be in dread of them, for it is the Lord your God who goes with you. He will not leave you or forsake you.” Deuteronomy 31:6 ESV

    1. Amen! I continue to be amazed at how timely theses messages, prayers, replies and Scripture apply to the present moment. I find such comfort in the Word, thank you Jesus, thank you Father, thank you Holy Spirit for blessing us all with this blog to lighten out hearts and minds. ♥️✝️

    2. Amen MadFox and Audra. These messages and Sarah's beautiful words always encourage us, and they apply to this very moment in time. We are blessed that our God is the same always and forever, and never changes in His love, mercy and compassion. And most importantly, His Faithfulness.

    3. One would think that today's reading, whenever it was written, is written for 4/20/20. But the reason this is true reflects the work of the Holy Spirit in taking words that were written in the past and finding a place for them in our present need. The Holy Spirit does the same with scripture, taking it to the place we most need it. We will read these same words next year under different circumstances and as the Holy Spirit makes application of them within us, they will sound like the were written for 4/20/21 only. Such is the incredible work of the Spirit of God among us, just as Jesus said the Spirit would do. Glory be to the Father, to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.

    4. Indeed this is the wisdom of God and His Word having timeless application. We will have universal and local situations where God's perfect timing can and will create new thoughts regarding the same scripture in a new paradigm or age. I just recently was in a zoom Bible study, where a familiar passage had new meaning and positively impacted my viewpoint in a way that will help me be a better friend, spouse,and mentor. Thanks to all here, we are seeing the impact in marvelous ways since many of us have visited regularly for 2 or more years to @paytonfamily JC blog.

    5. Wonderful words in the devotion. What an encouragement as we start the day God will never let go of us no matter what the outcome ! Makes want to jump for joy

    6. Yes, these words could have been written today. They are absolutely timeless and necessary to calm our hearts and minds. Our great God is continually with us no matter what we may face. Taking this with me from the Verse thoughts:
      There is peace no matter the outcome, because He is in control of all. We can submit and surrender to Him and then He will give us strength through the outcome.

    7. I wonder today if women have a harder time in life because we are the caregivers, nurturers, the ones worried about everybody's feelings. Is is just me being codependent, being so dominated with everybody else's experience and emotions? I think I ask God every day to show me how to think about it - regarding someone else's experience. Today's reassuring words that Jesus is holding our right hand helps my weakness and reminds me I'm a work in progress that He isn't leaving. Praise the Lord.

    8. Yes, Waiting. And that us "co-dependent" types can let go, and let God. We can be compassionate, empathetic and caring without always "doing". God takes care of all outcomes by and by, His timing, not ours. Peace be with you, each and every one.

    9. I so agree that Bob. That is why I always believed that the Bible is called The living word cuz we can go to it and get something different everyday, based on our circumstances.

      May the good Lord be with you today

  2. The Treasure map calls it, "Bright Saturday" over 2000 years ago. It says, "Jesus takes the saints from Hades to Paradise; God receives His saints to Himself"!
    It was a Bright Saturday because VICTORY was just minutes around the corner!
    Oh God, how GREAT THOU ART! From a Good Friday to a Bright Saturday. Can't imagine the EXCITEMENT in Heaven for the final VICTORY on the 3rd day, when You received Your Son back to You! He fulfilled His Father's will!
    Thank You Lord for the Precious Lamb that was slain for us!

    Jesus, Your Blood redeemed us, therefore, our minds are NO match to Your Holy Spirit controlling it! Take control so that we can be filled with Life and Peace!

    Thank You for the blessings of another day and thank You for meeting the needs and concerns of all your saints.

    Enjoy this "Bright Saturday" JC family, Jesus gave it to us when He bored our burdens on that cross! Tell the storms in your life that Christ has given you His PEACE!

    1. So encouraging Anonymous! Yes, I join you in celebration of "bright Saturday"! Ultimate victory is at hand. Be blessed today with Peace!

    2. Amen....Amen... Amen. Bright Saturday! Thank you

  3. AMEN!!!To all the comments from my JC Family as we continue celebrating Holy Week.

  4. Words can not express my gratitude for your perfect sacrifice for me. I know that with out you interceding Lord I could not approach the thrown of the Father. You are glorious and holy, the one true God. Holy Spirit guide me this day and always. thank you for the gift of peace that passes all understanding. I could of never found true peace in the world. Enjoy this day JC family as we celebrate our Lord together. TERRI

  5. So very tired, JC Family. Our Jinny is finally at rest, asleep until the Lord returns. And she will be among the first to wake up and be gathered.
    Today, at 4 p.m. we got the news that Jinny returned home. That is how our text message read. I honestly didn't get it at first, thinking that our other sister was finally home, from a day of care giving, then I rad it again and knew.
    I'll post more tomorrow after a good night's rest, but I thank all of you so much, for your prayers, love, concern. THANK YOU.

    1. Norah
      I dont understand, but know God does, I am greatful for a God who can surpass our emotions of pain and suffering and find a way to comfort and bless us in that dark place of hurt. I am so sorry for your loss and the startling way you recieved the news. May God comfort you in ways that are beyond our comprehension but will fill you with rest, peace and right thinking. God bless you with whatever you and your family need at this time. Jesus heals.

    2. Norah - For I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worth comparing with the Glory that is to be revealed to us. Romans 8:18

    3. Lord, grant Norah and all those who loved Jinny peace in these days and may the hope of a gladly heavenly reunion through Jesus Christ comfort their hearts as they wait its fulfillment. Amen

    4. Norah, my deepest condolences on Jinny’s passing. Keeping her, you and your family in my prayers. Sending love!

    5. Norah, Be at Peace, Amen.

    6. Praying for a Peace that passes understanding and rest.

    7. Norah my heart goes out to you and your family. May God fill the holes in your hearts with His endless love. Jinny is in a place of perfect peace now, realizing God's promises. Life doesn't end with death as we all know. It is just a beautiful beginning with the Lord forever. You will be with her again.

    8. Norah, Peace and God's abundant blessings on you and all who loved Jinny. Amen.

    9. Norah- I stand with JC family and ask God for strength at this time. May His Peace grant you and the family comfort.

      Maplewood NJ

    10. We are all praying for you and your hubby. This other family of yours that love you very much. Sweet Jesus calm their spirit..give them a peaceful rest that only you can give.

    11. So sorry for your loss Norah. May God continue to comfort you and your family.

    12. I know your mind is on Jinny now, dear Norah. I'm sure you're still missing her but you know she has just gone Home and you will be with her again.
      Amen dear Min Ahadi, Joining in your prayer for continued comfort to Norah and her loved ones. Thank You Jesus for surrounding them with your love and comfort.

  6. “Peace be still!...and there was a great calm”
    Thank you Lord that we can have this peace, Your Peace within us, no matter what goes on around us. Peace in the Hebrew (Shalom) means harmony, completeness and wholeness and Calm means secure, serene, unruffled, stillness. How grateful we are that when we choose to sit with You and marinate in Your Word, we can obtain Your Peace and be calm. “ Be still and know that I am God”
    Thank you Lord that the whole world is shaken right now and faith can increase. And thank you for this time that we use it wisely, to seek you, share our faith and serve others.

    1. For me, the "be still" is the hardest part. I trust God, I know God, I love God. I pray to know stillness to quiet my mind and my physical being to know him more deeply each day.

  7. Dear Heavenly Father, Thank You for a new day. Thank You for never leaving me, nor forsaking me. When I am not strong, You are, when I am weak, You always carry me through. My courage is rooted in Your strength, which allows me to take the anxieties off, lift it up to You and receive a peace that transcends all understanding.

    We have a promise from God that He will not leave us nor forsake us. Even when we walk away from Him, He is graceful and we can rest assure that He will never forsake us. Like the prodigal son, He takes us back when we wander off on our own, but we run back into His arms with a meek heart. When we have God’s assurance behind us, we experience the most amazing strength and we glorify Him in all our ways of life. God commands our confident trust in Him. In our brokenness, He’s right there beside us. It’s a blessing to have God with us always. We can be strong and courageous, knowing that the source of our strength lives in us.
    "Though the earth give way and the mountains fall into the heart of the sea, you need not fear”, why? because He is not walking away from us. He is going to sustain us with strength, peace, and joy.

    Dear Lord, Thank you for reminding us that you never leave us. Fill each day of our lives with the purposeful pursuit of Your love that flows through us. Fill us with Your presence, Your purpose, and a yearning for Your will to come to pass in each of our lives. Thank You for loving us, leading us, and 'upholding us with Your righteous right hand and afterward taking us into Glory’. In Jesus name.

    Maplewood, NJ

    1. Amen and thank you, dear Maplewood. We have no reason to fear with our Almighty God behind us and inside us. I loved your ending prayer and I will share it with my Bible Group. God bless you and my JC Family.

    2. To all who stop to read these wonderful posts from Maplewood, NJ. Note how she begins each post, she orientates her soul by seeing everything as God has said it is. Another way of saying it, she anchors herself in true reality. When we spend our time with God, however that may occur for each of you, this is a wonderful way to begin that time. In doing so, your are taking the elevator to the top floor where God is waiting for you. Thanks, my twin bd sis!

    3. Thanks Maplewood that message was amazing! I have been feeling anxious about all the people we have lost due to covid 19 but this message calmed my heart and my soul that God will never leave us even after death.

    4. Still comforting words, sweet Maplewood. Thank you so much.
      We always need Him to show us what He needs us to do each day to serve Him.
      So blessed He leads us lovingly through every hour He has prepared for us.

    5. Agreed! So many times I read the prayer and accompanying words out loud and ask that it be my prayer and words of gratefulness as well. We are so blessed here in this forum.

    6. Yes, Waiting!
      We are indeed so blessed with this loving body of believers and prayer warriors.
      Love and prayers for all of our JC family.

  8. Norah - Sending love and comforting prayers.


    The past 8 days following Easter, the traditional readings have remembered the encounters that Jesus' followers had with Him in His resurrected state for the purpose of confirming the resurrection in the heart and soul of all who believe. From this day until Pentecost, the traditional daily readings, primarily from the gospel of John, look back at some of His teachings while He walked on earth, teachings that in the moment made little sense from a finite perspective but now in light of the resurrection can be understood from an infinite perspective. As John contemplated these things to draw closer to God through the rest of his life, I invite you to do the same.

    (John 3:1-8) (Through the eyes and ears of John) It was evening and there was a knock at the door. Peter opened the door and to our amazement, there stood one of the members of the Sanhedrin, Nicodemus by name. We all wondered what he wanted. But Jesus knew. Looking in the eyes of Nicodemus, He saw a religious leader who seriously was seeking God and that is why he came to Jesus. He saw God in Jesus and he wanted to have a time with Jesus though in secret because of the position he held in the religious hierarchy of the day. Jesus was willing to receive him and answer his questions. The conversation lasted over an hour and I cannot tell you everything that was discussed but let me give you some of the highlights. A most profound moment was when Jesus told Nicodemus that in order to fully understand God as he desired, he must be born again. That certainly was a new concept to both Nicodemus and all of us. Jesus went on to explain, you cannot enter into relationship with God without being born of water and the Spirit. In the moment, no one understood but as I looked back on it, I now understand Jesus was referring to what would become the sacrament of baptism. A sacrament is an act in which a person enters into the divine and experiences the divine in his/her life. Jesus went on to say those who are born of the Spirit are like the wind, which comes and goes but has an impact on everyone with whom they come in contact. I spent much time over the years in meditating on that thought.

    (Bob speaking) Baptism, do we allow it to connect us to the Triune God or do we simply quibble about who, when, and how? And what is a sacrament anyway? Is it just some feel good act or do we see it truly connecting us to the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit? What I am suggesting is to allow the sacraments to have their impact on our heart and soul rather than telling them what we want them to be. Here are a few lines from a French Dominican priest, theologian and author, Father Philipon, that offer a very high view of the sacrament of baptism. Yes, they are a theological understanding but I offer them to you to come to your own understanding of your baptism:

    "To be baptized means to be a child of the Trinity, after the manner in which Jesus is the Only Begotten Son of the Father. In means to have entrance through Jesus, and with Him and in Him, into the family of the three divine Persons, sharing with Them Their own life of thought and love, Their own eternal joy and happiness. It means, in the words of Saint John to have fellowship with the Father and the Son in one and the same Spirit...Progress in the spiritual life will consist simply in becoming more and more instilled with this very real presence of the Trinity in the soul and allowing ourselves to be led by Jesus unto ever more intimate fellowship with the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit." Is this not the purpose of 'Jesus Calling'? That very fellowship which we have been granted in our baptism? As I was given to say to the congregation upon renewal of baptism, "Remember your baptism and be thankful."

    This will be my journey to Pentecost, to grasp the infinite implications of all that Jesus taught. You are welcome to join me if you should like. With love, Bob

    1. Thank you Bob, I wrote down some of your thoughts to think about.will go to the scripture as well to see How God personally means them for me today.
      Peace be with you Family of The Lord.
      Peace be with you

    2. ...You are welcome to join me if you should like...Thank you for the invitation, BOB. Because I am all in, I am RSVPing YES!

    3. Me too! So happy to be joining you, Bob and Brie, to grasp the infinite implications of all that Jesus taught. That should take a long time but I'm IN.

    4. Thank you for the reminder of an invitation to get closer to God! I accept whole heartedly!

  10. This made me think,be still and know that I am God! Also to get in the word more. God help me to make time to get more in your word,in Jesus name amen!

    1. Dear Tiffany, The best way to make more time for getting into the word is to give it a specific time in the day. Much as we have built meal times into our daily routine and they occur roughly at the same time each day, so, too, when we give our time with God a specific time in the day, it will become built into our daily routine. If we wait to find time, it has a low probability of happening. Enjoy your time with the He so enjoys the time with you.

  11. Thanks, I really needed this today: PEACE, BE STILL  to your restless heart. Whatever happens, I will always be with you and I will always take good care of you.  Let My blessed assurance soak into your mind and heart, until you overflow with My Joy.  Though the earth give way and the mountains fall into the heart of the sea, trust Me in all you do! Tune in to My living Word! Always proclaim My Good News! Today, I am tuning into You and tuning out the news channels using that time to offer a silent prayer for PEACE and GOOD NEWS starting with each member of my JC family who posted today. I'd be happy to know who received the Peace and Good News of Jesus that only Jesus could give?

  12. Brilamar - No TV or radio news for me today, me and Jesus. My day has been blessed.

  13. WHEW! Thanks be to God, my brother and I made it through. As always we have lots for which to be thankful. Although I was left sitting in a freezing cold hospital waiting area for 7 1/2 hours as my brother went through many scans and tests, Thanks be to God, an Angel brought me a warm blanket just when I needed it most. I got to stay and pray in our JC Prayer Warrior's Room most of that time. Also praise God, my brother's diabetes laid low as he was still fasting since midnight until 2 pm the next day. I count all that as good news!
    As God's Holy Spirit often does, yet again He prepared me for today's devotion and associated Bible Readings, "Do not be afraid, for I am with you. Hear Me saying Peace, be still to your restless heart. No matter what happens, I will never leave you or forsake you"... "Let this assurance soak into your mind and heart, until you overflow with Joy. Though the earth give way and the mountains fall into the heart of the sea, you need not fear!" and He put a new song in my mouth:

    But wait there's more - My Bonus: There were no TVs on in the waiting room! For almost 8 hours, The Holy Spirit spared me from the media relentlessly proclaiming bad news. Instead of focusing on fickle, ever-changing news broadcasts, I was able to tune in to His Living Word, Christian Music and break up with fear! In Jesus' Name. Amen.

    1. Hallelujah Brie! Another victory in Jesus! Amen 🙏. Peace be with you.

    2. Thank Brie for being your brother's keeper. God is already healing your brother , it will be well and we will rejoice in the Lord ! It amazing how God directed your thoughts to focus on Him and his word . May we keep running to the Lord constantly during the day!

    3. What a kind angel that brought you that blanket. 7 1/2 hours is a long time in a cold hospital. Praying for good results from all the scans and tests. I'm glad his diabetes laid low. Amen Sister, He sayd: Be Not Afraid, I go before you always.
      I'm so happy you had hours of Spirit filled time with His Word and beautiful praise music. That is a blessing in itself.
      Love the Breakup song. Thanks! Much love. Praying for both of you. Now get some sweet rest.

    4. Sounds like time etched out for the purpose of you having nothing else to do but spend time with the Lord. And you're here to proclaim your gratefulness. Today is a new day now and I'll thank God in my prayers for keeping you occupied. Love, Kathy

    5. Amazing Brie!! That is such great and encouraging news. Love it. Grateful with you.

    6. Brie thank you for sharing your experience in the light of God & not in the light of man. Our perspective changes everything when we allow God to shine the light on our path. A cold waiting room filled with fear of the unknown turns into a lovely time with God.

    7. What a gift! Glad you gratefully received it, Brie! And you paid it forward for the rest of us to be reminded what a precious gift we are offered every moment. ♥️

    8. Brie, so thankful uou were taken care of as well as your brother. God is good. My prayers still with you on you and your brothers journey. Love to you. Mindy

    9. Hallelujah! Thank you for sharing Brie
      God is faithful and good.
      You have shared your blessings with us and we are also blessed.
      Love you sweet sister 🙏❤️🙏

  14. Thank You Jesus. Praise You Lord 🙌 🙏. Father, You are my amazing guide, directing my steps and lifting up my spirit. Thank You for being the light of my life Lord. I am so grateful for You. Glory be to God always.

    1. Praise and gratitude dear sister! Amen. Praying you are in a better place of safety, contentment and God's peace.

  15. Be blessed with this amazing song

  16. Absolutely beautiful song! Thank you dear Min Ahadi. Praying for your dear Mom's shoulders. God is greater!

  17. Prayers for my family please.

    1. Yes Sharon, we will.

    2. Praying for your family Sharon.
      Thank You dear Father, for protecting, healing, comforting and guiding Sharon's family and strengthening their faith and giving Sharon peace of mind. Thank you for all this in the Name of Your Son, Jesus Christ.

  18. Loving Father, Thank You for Your constant presence in my life. When I am weak, You are strong enough to carry me through. Thank You for the courage that is rooted in Your strength that takes away anxieties, giving me Your peace that transcends all understanding. To have You with me, means that I can be strong and courageous, because the source of my strength lives in me. Thank You for reminding me that You will never leave nor forsake me. May all my days be filled with the purposeful pursuit of Your everlasting love flowing in my life. Thank You for another blessed day. In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen.

    Not only are we forgiven because God’s Precious Son was forsaken, but He wrapped us in His Righteousness through Jesus the Righteous One. His eternal promise that He will never leave or forsake believers is another proof of His amazing love and it is not only comforting, but it gives courage to all followers of Jesus. In this world, people will change, family and friends will leave us, but we have the encouraging promise from the Master, Creator of this universe who will never leave us. This is a wonderful promise that God will never abandon or leave us alone! We can live unafraid because we have a loving Father who is our Helper (Hebrews 13:6). Jesus Himself affirmed that the Comforter, the Holy Spirit will be with us always, even to the very end (John 14:16). This is the truth that we should seal in our hearts. Abraham, Isaac ,Jacob, Moses, Joshua etc., held God to His promises and He wants our confident trust in Him also! May Deuteronomy 31:6 serve as a benchmark in our everyday lives and may we be strong and courageous, trusting in His provisional hand on our lives, because His promises are sure and His love is enough! He is Emmanuel, God with us!

    Loving Father, The events of the world today and all that’s going on in people’s lives are no surprise to You. People are sick, hurting, mourning, and in need of miracles and answer to their prayers. We know that You are a God who answers by fire (1 Kings 18:24). Today, we are also reminded that You are ALWAYS with us and we can trust You. I lift up all those who are facing various illnesses, and pray that You grant them the hope and courage they need today and every day. Comfort the pain of those mourning, calm the fears of those in need and surround them with Your perfect peace. Please grant the sick healing (or their love one), comfort, strength, peace, courage and provision for whatever they may be facing that is beyond their control. Please give them the confidence in the power of Your grace, so that they may put their whole trust in You. The Word says in Isaiah 53:5: “……by His stripes we were healed.” I therefore cast out sickness that is, was, and will ever be in their bodies, and pray for rejuvenation of their mind, body, and soul, so that they may have the strength to function in all areas of their lives. I thank You for answered prayers, for always being with us and for meeting all the needs of Your children, through our Savior Jesus. Amen.

    “If God says it, that settles it, and there’s absolutely no reason to doubt it.” (Jack Graham).

    Thanks for the traveling prayers, the good Lord returned us home safely.
    It was such a beautiful weekend weather in TN, Sassy Mom. I felt the welcoming waves and love sent!

    Blessings and Peace.

    Maplewood, NJ

    1. Amen Maplewood, Praying your beautiful prayer with you.
      So thankful the good Lord got you back home, safe and sound. And you enjoyed a lovely weekend in TN. God's faithfulness.

    2. Thank you Maplewood for your beautiful and loving prayers.
      You are such a blessing!💕🙏
      Thank you for sharing the Bible with us and for sharing your journey, thoughts snd prayers!
      Love, prayers and blessings sweet sister

  19. AS usual this JC reading is so perfect for todays world.... " The media relentlessly proclaim bad news: for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. A steady diet of their fare will sicken you". My wife and I were just discussing this very thing this morning. We get plastered by bad news consuming every waking moment....until the next biggest "crisis". 6 or 8 months ago if we said 1/2 of the nations population would be vaccinated all would agree we would be coming out of this "crisis". Yes still positive cases, yes still deaths but "slowly coming out" of this situation. But no, fear and dread continue.
    Dear Lord help me to stay focused on YOU and not be caught up in the doom and gloom of our current times. When this "crisis" passes help all those who are so concerned shift to their efforts to other situations and conditions especially our tragic abortion situation or other health concerns. Sorry for the rambling! Always looking forward with HOPE! Amen

    1. The media never let's a crisis go to waste. So much so that there is always one ready to be manufactured in the wings. I rebuke the devil and the fear he uses to distance us from God, love and truth! In Jesus's name I pray in place of tuning into "news".

    2. Doubling down on this prayer again this year! Thank you Jesus, come Holy Spirit!

    3. And AGAIN we rebuke the evil influences streaming deception to anyone who will tune in to "mainstream media". I will not back down on my prayers for revival and the widespread GOOD NEWS that JESUS has to offer.

  20. Beautiful song!

  21. Such a great devotional for today. Living in the twin cities (mn), has been quiet the ride this year, and especially these last few days. I am grateful everyday for my family's safety, our home, our jobs, etc. But my city needs prayers.
    But sometimes it's easier to turn to news and world events, than to sit and dwell within my own personal anxieties and stresses. Ones that have no place in my heart and I try so hard to calm. But I can't calm them myself.
    Lord Jesus, I pray you fill my mind and soul with Your Peace. I can't do that myself. That power belongs to You. You have given me so much to be grateful for. You always hold my hand. I pray for my city, for safety, compassion, and love to fill the uneasy hearts. Thank you Lord, for being a God of love, grace, a mercy. Amen.

    1. Gracious Lord Jesus, would you bless Tay, her city, our states and our nation, and all of our earthly leaders with Your Wisdom and Peace that this world cannot give? May we carve out time to rest in Your Peace everyday, in Jesus' Name. Amen

    2. Joining prayers for you Tay, Amen Brie!
      May the Lord bring you the true peace that you need. Do your best to empty yourself of worry and anxiety and He will fill you with His peace. The Lord knows exactly what you need and He can provide it. Trust Him. He always holds your hand because He loves you. He is faithful and His promises are true. Thank You Jesus!

    3. Thank you Jesus for showing our cities, towns, communities with your everlasting lov knowe. We come to you with a heaviness of heart for your love. You always deliver!

  22. Praying with you Tay and amen to Brie's prayer. Lord please have your way in our nation and all the nations across the earth. Lord call us to be united under you. thank you Lord for being always Present

    1. Amen dear Terri! We are praying together that our world and our hearts will be filled with God's peace.

  23. Thanks for your prayers on us and on our Cardiology Visit, Janet, Audra, Janet JE, Jan gridley, NJS, Jeanne, and all who prayed.
    The Cardiologist's answers: "The surgery was successful; the implant is perfect; the device is working; the blood pressure has been lowered; the heart rate is normal.
    Options: I cannot do anything else to help the patient; therefore he is discharged."
    Today's devotion is my True Answer with Options to exercise: Do not be afraid, for I am with you. Hear Me saying Peace, be still to your restless heart. No matter what happens, I will never leave you or forsake you. Let this assurance soak into your mind and heart, until you overflow with Joy. Though the earth give way and the mountains fall into the heart of the sea, you need not fear! Much Love, from God!
    It's where it has always been - in His Hands.
    Much Love to you and yours, family, Brie

    1. Thanks for sharing the wonderful news come you are KWM nowdays ????? Lots of love from Nairobi Kenya

    2. Praise God for the outcome before you. Stay in His PRESENCE and be comforted to know the humanly possible things have been done to make Keith as comfortable as possible. Thank God for his medical care, Thank God for his spiritual care. Peace be with you, Brie and family. ♥️🙏🤗

    3. Thanks Audra and Min Ahadi!
      MinA: when I am on Keith's computer, it uses his initials when I forget to log in as Brie.

  24. Dear Brie! So happy to hear that the surgery was successful and his heart rate is normal, and his bp is lowered. So many reasons to rejoice and be glad! Thanking God for more answered prayers and for His amazing faithfulness! Amen! Be Not Afraid. He goes before us always. Come follow Him and He will give you rest! Amen. Hallelujah!

    1. Thanks Sister Friend! 😊 🫂

    2. Oh Brie, what a wonderful Victory! Our Lord is THE WAYMAKER!!! We are Washed in THE BLOOD, Covered in THE Blood, Saved by THE BLOOD, HEALED by THE BLOOD, and devil you CAN'T defeat THE BLOOD!!! HALLELUJAH!!!

  25. Wonderful JC reading today written by Sarah Young.
    Under the influence of an un-holy spirit, Dr. Timothy Leary in his book 'Turn on, Tune in , Drop out', promoted a substance based alternate lifestyle that leads to death.
    The Bible written by many under the influence of the Holy Spirit, promotes a Living Word (Jesus) based Godly lifestyle that leads to Life.
    "tune in to the living Word--the One who is always the same. Let Scripture saturate your mind and heart, and you will walk steadily along the path of Life."

    1. Letting Scripture saturate my mind and heart, is my heart's desire each minute of each day.
      Thanks Brother Friend.

    2. Peter --- AMEN and AMEN!!! WHEN THE WORD of GOD dwells in us richly, there is GREAT REJOICING in one's heart! This REJOICING brings those inward spiritual riches to flow out of one to bring LIFE to everyone around them! And our Heavenly Father has the FINAL SAY! HALLELUJAH!!!
      In His Grip of Grace --- JJ

  26. Thank you Brie for such good news about Keith. PTL! Your faith & full trust in the One who carried both of you through this journey has been inspiring to me. Rest Brie as Jeanne quoted in her post. I think back to when you posted the beach experiences. The waves wanted to knock you down Brie, but Jesus held it back,instead now you can just dig your toes in the sand, lean back, enjoy the warm sunshine (don't forget the sunscreen), listen to the ebb & gentle flow of the sea & let the peaceful ocean breeze sweep over you. Hallelujah! Love & blessings 💞🙏

  27. Prayers please dear ones. At 1a.m. this morning my daughter in love's father went home. He was well in his nineties. Godly, gentle spirited man, raised 8 godly children who are raising his god-fearing grandchildren & great-grandchildren. What a wonderful spiritual legacy he leaves behind.He will be sorely missed. God has now received him into Glory. Hallelujah!

    1. Dear Jan, I add another HALLELUJAH to Brie's HALLELUJAH!!! ALL of Heaven is Celebrating your daughter in love's father returning home!!!

    2. What a wonderful faithful servant he was! Adding my Hallelujah! Joining in your daughter in love’s father’s Home coming celebration! He strengthened the faith of a small army of believers! The gift that keeps on giving right into eternity.

  28. Hello there ....todays devotion just floored me I cant even talk.....background I homeschooled two wonderful children and the mum still hasnt paid me ....But God didnt leave my side the car always has fuel, rent has been paid in full and I got a call from a parent who needed a teacher for 2 weeks to help the daughter with her reading skills while on vaction (schools open in May here ) Deuteronomy 31:6
    English Standard Version
    Be strong and courageous. Do not fear or be in dread of them, for it is the Lord your God who goes with you. He will not leave you or forsake you.” Praying for more strength and more courage in the coming days !!!

    1. Continuing to keep you tight in my prayers dear Min Ahadi. May God continue to provide all your needs and bless and strengthen you as you do your work and His. Thank You Jesus.

  29. Prayers for you, Min Ahadi! All is well! Praying comfort over you, Jan, and your DIL's family. Prayers and praises in song over Brie and her family. HOW GREAT THOU ART!!!

  30. Amen! How Great Thou Art!
    I’ve been helping my daughter in love most of the week and will tomorrow. God is my strength. My son Greg isn’t feeling well. Some sinus problem. Praying he will be okay. Going to my Mom’s for the weekend. Busy time. God goes before me always. God bless you all, and give you all you need, healing and strength. Thank You Jesus! 🙏

    1. Sending much love dear Brie. You're going through a hard time and you and Keith are in God's Hands. God's timing is perfect. Be not afraid. One day at a time in His presence and peace. Let it Be!

  31. I have such a busy day and weekend ahead, and I want to finish preparing for my Bible group. I'm helping my son and his wife all tomorrow and my Mom needs me all weekend, but God knows exactly what I need to do so I'm trusting Him to make a way for me. Holding onto His unchanging Hand with gratitude and believing that all will go well because He's in charge. Be not afraid. He is with us always. Let's just keep praying for each other and staying in His sweet presence.

    Deuteronomy 31:6 - Be strong and of a good courage, fear not, nor be afraid of them: for the LORD thy God, he it is that doth go with thee; he will not fail thee, nor forsake thee.

    1. May the Lord touch your day with strength & a heaping portion of joy along the way dear sister 🥰🙏🌈

    2. Thanks dear Jan!!!

    3. Jeanne, I'm sure you'll be thanking God all thru your helping others. That's who you are, and his strength in you is who he is.

  32. But from there you will seek the LORD your God, and you will find Him if you seek Him with all your heart and with all your soul. (Deuteronomy 4:29). Whom have I in heaven but You? And there is none upon earth that I desire but You. (Psalm 73:25). Whenever I am afraid, I will trust in You. (Psalm 56:3).

  33. Amen dear JJ! Amen! Hallelujah! God bless you for reminding us that we can march in victory as we continue to persevere & keep following & believing in the Lord of Hosts! 💞🙏🌈

  34. Thank you dear sister. These are some of words that have carried me through rough paths. Bless your day 💞🙏🌈

  35. JJ - gratefully receiving your love, blessings and prayers. OUR ENEMY IS DEFEATED!!!!! Praying for you as you pray for JC WARRIORS. .

  36. Thank you JJ! Just what I needed to hear this morning- blessings to Jeanne and Janet and all JC family this Thursday morning 🙏❤️

  37. Amen dear JJ! Thanks! Our God is so much greater and we are wearing His Armor.

  38. You sure do feed my soul good sister.

  39. YES JJ! We will not be shaken.

  40. Asking for prayers, Dear Family. I'm sick. Several times I've thought I had it beat and then comes back: chills, pounding headache. My Dr. sent me for a CT scan today to check my colon. He thought he'd have the results tonight, but I haven't heard from him. I can't wait up any longer. I'll take my phone to bed, but I'm sue he won't call tonight. He is a Gem of a Dr as his is lovely RN Wife. Thank you in advance for your prayers. Heading to bed knowing Who is on the Night Watch.

  41. Thank You God for Jeanne, Websister, Audra and all who prayed for my Big Brother Al's surgery, Physician, and Medical Staff. The Dr waa very pleased. Al walked !

    1. Most excellent news! The Lord watches over His WORD to perform it! HALLELUJAH!!!

    2. Wonderful news, praise God! 🙂

  42. Such wonderful news, dear Brie! Answers to our Prayers and one more gift of God's faithfulness. I'm so glad Al walked. Hope he is resting and covered with Ice. He's got a great nurse in you, dear sister! Praying with you and for you and waiting for more good news to come. Much love. Al is covered by the Blood of Christ and surrounded by love and prayers.
    Your are such a compassionate and merciful God. You read our hearts and know well our needs. Thank You for answering our prayers, bringing us good news, and heaing all our weaknesses and our dear ones in the Name of Christ Jesus. Amen

    Psalm 27:14
    Wait on the Lord;
    Be of good courage,
    And He shall strengthen your heart;
    Wait, I say, on the Lord!

    John 14:12-14
    “Most assuredly, I say to you, he who believes in Me, the works that I do he will do also; and greater works than these he will do, because I go to My Father. And whatever you ask in My name, that I will do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son. If you ask anything in My name, I will do it.

    1. Wonderful encouraging verses to hold on to

  43. YOU ARE MINE by David Haas

    1. We sing that in Choir! I just love that song! Thanks Sis!

    2. Beautiful, I have never heard this song before. A treasure to listen to.

  44. Earlier this morning in my prayer time, I was led to remember the many many times the Lord has protected me and those I love; those times I known of (plus many I'm not aware of).
    Emergency landing on an airfield ( yes, field!) near Tbilisi; working on an oil tanker off Madagascar (violent storm-holding on for dear life to the catwalk as sea engulfed the ship). Potentially deadly attacks against family and myself (cops caught killer in our garden). Motorcycle accident, heart attack etc etc, too many incidents to write of, but importantly His Hand of protection covers us.
    Then I turned to today's JC Blog and read
    "Do not be afraid, for I am with you."
    We may not always come out unscathed; the injury or disease may end our life on earth, BUT:
    Isaiah 41:10 "So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand. 13 For I am the LORD, your God, who takes hold of your right hand and says to you, Do not fear; I will help you." No matter what!

    1. Amen, thank God for His mighty hand over us and His loving presence always with us. Those are some big things you came through. Glad you did come through them. Praise God. 👏

    2. Thanking God for carrying you safely through those harrowing and frightening times! He is faithful to those Who seek Him. Hallelujah!

    3. Bless you Peter and your family-so glad you are with us.

  45. Amen, Peter! It is a profound reminder
    of faith in the face of adversity. In those moments of fear and uncertainty, we can find solace in the unwavering presence and support of Our Mighty God. It is a testament to the human spirit when we are anchored to Jesus, we are not alone, and with His Divine Strength will guide
    us through life's challenges. HALLELUJAH!!!

    1. Amen! Blessed! Anchored to Him always and to Heaven by our Faith! Love you, JJ

  46. I was randomly prompted to review my files on my phone today. I'm glad I did. I saw videos from years ago when my sons were very little. It was so sweet. I'm grateful for things like this: memories stored from the past. It's like time travel. I know that our God can do so much. I believe when we are in heaven, he will bring up beautiful memories for us that didn't even need a device to record. Thank you Jesus for sweet memories.

  47. What a lovely thought, dear free as can be! Thanks for sharing it. I often look at pictures of my 3 sons when they were little and videos of my baby grandchildren. So much joy! God has been so good to me. I’m sure what He has prepared for those who love Him will be sweeter than anything we could ever imagine. The best is yet to come.

  48. This was in my Spurgeon devotional today and I wanted to share it. Let's be strong and bold and brave for the Lord. We may be in this fallen world but we are not of this world. Our Home is Heaven. God helps us fight our battles but we might fight for Him and with Him.

    The Christian is involved in a continual war, with Jesus Christ as the Captain of their salvation. He has said, "Behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age." Listen to the battle cries! Now let the people of God stand firm in their ranks, and let no man's heart fail him. We may feel in these days that we are losing the battle and unless the Lord Jesus shall lift His sword we do not know what may become of the church of God in our time; but let us be courageous and bold.
