Sunday, February 3, 2013

Jesus Calling: February 3

I am with you and for you. You face nothing alone--nothing! When you feel anxious, know that you are focusing on the visible world and leaving Me out of the picture. The remedy is simple: Fix your eyes not no what is seen but on what is unseen. Verbalize your trust in Me, the Living One who sees you always. I will get you safely through this day and all your days. But you can find Me only in the present. Each day is a precious gift from My Father. How ridiculous to grasp for future gifts when today's is set before you! Receive today's gift gratefully, unwrapping it tenderly and delving into its depths. As you savor this gift, you find Me.

Romans 8:31
English Standard Version
What then shall we say to these things? If God is for us, who can be against us?

2 Corinthians 4:18
English Standard Version we look not to the things that are seen but to the things that are unseen. For the things that are seen are transient, but the things that are unseen are eternal.

Genesis 16:13-14
English Standard Version
So she called the name of the LORD who spoke to her, “You are a God of seeing,” for she said, “Have I [not] even here [in the wilderness] looked upon Him who sees me [and lived]?” Or have I hear also seen [the future purposes or designs of] Him Who sees me? Therefore the well was called Beer-lahai-roi [A well to the living One who sees me]; it is between Kadesh and Bered.

My Prayer
Lord, thank you for being my advocate. Thank You for choosing me and calling me to be Yours. You are with me every step of the way. I am never alone.

Lord, take away my anxiety and help me to not be worrisome. To keep You at the forefront, I need to stay on the high road and let you define the roller coaster of life.

Help me to fix my eyes on the unseen. To pray. To lean on You Father for everything. To trust in Your word. In Your way. To worship You. Lord, help me to not be quiet about my trust but to be vocal about it.

Lord, help me to thank You and realize the precious gift of each new day.

Lord, you have saved me by Your Grace, not by My efforts or works therefore, even as I walk through life, each day, I do not need to focus on My efforts, but instead fix my eyes on You and let You take the wheel and drive. You know the road better than I so let me trust You for each moment.

Note: The devotion and scriptures are from author Sarah Young. If you haven't already, please purchase the book and support the author. 

Also, bookmark to have an easy link to the entire year of these entries.


  1. Your prayer is timeless. Our goals are the same everyday. His promises never change. Thank you for this blog. Continued prayers for you and your family and for mine and all who read this. Practicing 'mindfulness,' staying my mind on things not seen.

    1. And in 2023.

      SC Anonymous

    2. Thank you for this today. Just what I needed. Focus on Him. Thank Him🙏

    3. And in 2024, God bless you

    4. Thank you Lord

    5. Great reminder. Focus on him, the unseen

    6. Also, always true, in 2025. Let us always focus on God, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

    7. Thank you Lord, for the WORD that offers a study into the life and wisdom of our Saviour!

  2. Thank you for this daily blog! I need to read this daily because you complete the readings with the accommodating scripture. This is so important to also read the scripture. Thank you and know your efforts are appreciated by my. God Bless you and all of your family, Amen. ♥️♥️♥️
    CeCe Rice

  3. Thank you for always being there with your encouraging words and prayers. This is my go to devotional every day.

  4. Sarah's book in hand is wonderful to have, complete with Scripture references. I am grateful for your blog to have my daily readings available when I might be away from the book. Your post journaling inspires my prayers as well. Thank you! God bless author Sarah, you and all who read to understand the beauty of relationship with our Lord.

  5. Nearly 2 a.m. and the URI/crud stirred me to wake and then hyper-thinking set in. So, my remedy is here! My habit is generally to read JC the night before and often then read the scripture here on @paytonfamily blog. Then over coffee in the a.m. reread the blog JC and this group's comments. If I am led to comment it's usually after reading the scripture at night with a.m. time, prayer and responses.

    I am focusing on the visible world tonight (even in the dark!) in the hyper-thinking of stress, both professional and personal. I know it is 'handled' but it a challenge for much uncertainty remains. Pray that all believe You are holding our hands and to be sure we don't let anti-God thoughts in. C.S. Lewis Screwtape Letters comes to mind and at times I feel I'm the patient with that darn Wormwood after me!

    Father, praying that while You are seemingly unseen that You are ever-present and can comfort us in times of stress. We can see all that You created around us. A kind word from Your follower to those in the rough/steep path, the beauty of the stars and galaxies, and of all the creation miracles seen here on earth. Praying for peace. Amen

    1. MadFox and Paytonfamily your prayers are my prayers - thank you for saying everything so truthfully. It certainly helps me.

    2. Yes MadFox. we must keep the faith that He is holding our hands. We also must surrender our reins to Him and stop being in such a hurry to do things our way. He must be included in everything. Today's prayer said we must let You take the wheel and drive. You know the road better. We must allow Him to take the lead. How can He lead us if we won't surrender the wheel. Where You Lead, I Will Follow. This is from a Carole King song but it is all about how our relationship should be with God.

    3. Brie, our songster, I'm praying for you and Larry and filling in a link for you, Jesus Take the Wheel!

    4. And one for you, dear Jeanne... Where You Lead I Will Follow

  6. Lord, thank You for reminding me that I am not alone, that we are not alone . As You know Lord, there has been so much fighting in this house recently. I pray that You allow Your peace to descend on us. May we all be embraced by Your love and peace, and show kindness to each other. Amen .

    1. Let nothing be done through strife or vainglory; but in lowliness of mind let each esteem other better than themselves. Look not every man on his own thing,but every man also on the things of others.let this mind be in you,which was also in Christ Jesus: Philippians 2:3-5 Start with you and others will eventually see and respond, Hope this Helps God Bless your Family, Tom

    2. I love this. Thank you, Tom. God bless you abundantly!

  7. Dear brothers and sisters in Christ, it is good to spend a few moments with you in this blog (thank you paytonfamily). Today's reading falls on a Sunday this year so the call to enjoy today includes God's invitation to us to come before Him in worship (though some of you may have already done that yesterday). By the setting aside of all earthly striving and seeking out and entering into a worship experience, is another affirmation His lordship in our lives. In a worship experience we get back to reality. All week long we can face all kinds of challenges and circumstances that create anxiety which produce many unrealistic thoughts and ideas none of which will occur. So we seek out worship to put ourselves back into what is real, namely, to be reminded again of God's love for us, God's sovereignty in all matters and that nothing in all God's creation has any power to override God's love for us. That is reality and we need a healthy dose of it on a regular basis. God knew we did thus He called us to rest in Him on a weekly basis. Yes, we get that each day with our personal time in reading scripture and Sarah Young's reflections but the act of seeking a worship experience is a healthy affirmation to our soul of God's importance to us. A wonderful young lady asked one time, "Do I have to go to worship?" The response she got was, "Why would you not want to?" I have prayed for you all be blessed this day in worship (and if you went last night, may the blessing stay with you).

    1. Amen Bob! I think I have always felt so much peace at Church even as a child because of the sweet calming feeling I got being united with othes who were also seeking to know Him better and worship Him. Being of one accord. In His presence is a peace that reigns above all situations of stress and anxiety. Just knowing that He loves us with such a perfect love at all times, no matter what we are doing or thinking, is so reassuring. He is the Home for our heart and He is always there waiting for us to return. The only place to hang our hats. Where your treasure is, so also is your heart. He is our Treasure.

  8. Payton family, Bob and friends- I, too, read this blog each day and am blessed by the prayers and comments shared. I usually screenshot a part that really speaks to me that day and text it to my prayer partner as a way to stay in touch. Thank you to all who comment. Re: Sabboth- I found a great read on Sabboth entitled “24/6” by Matthew Sleeth emphasizing the importance of worship and rest. It’s re-opened my eyes to the importance of unplugging and being present. Have a blessed day!

  9. I, too, was awake in the wee hours, feeling unsettled. Prayed, slept and fellowshipped with my husband this morning. It set things straight again. We live in this world, but we are not OF it. The JC devotion line that said, "How ridiculous to grasp for future gifts when today's is set before you!" reminded me of how childish my nature can be at times. Looking for the next thing instead of enjoying the present. I thought it was funny that I posted a year ago and while I don't remember exactly what was going on, I was having the same thoughts. I'm so thankful to all of you, for your comments and prayers. Hope you got rest, MadFox, praying that you are healthy before you know it. I looked up "24/6," Annie. I loved this line, "Sabbath is about restraint, about intentionally not doing everything all the time just because we can." Today, I will be intentional about being peaceful and resting in His peace. Perhaps I'll start by turning off my computer. :) God Bless, everyone.

  10. Thank you so much for these Jesus Calling I read these everyday! Daily affirmations everyone have a blessed day

  11. Sharing a prayer for Christ's return from David Jeremiah devotions.

    Even so, come, Lord Jesus.
    Come as You have promised.
    Come in the fullness of the ages.
    Come as lightning flashing from the east to the west.
    Come in the clouds of heaven with power and great glory.
    Come as if riding on a white horse with the armies of heaven following You.
    Lord, we love the thought of Your swift appearance, and we long to see You face to face.
    It’s our sure and certain promise, our glorious hope, our eternal future.
    Our Lord said, “If I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and receive you to Myself; that where I am, there you may be also.”

    Thank You, Lord, for the anticipation of our faith.
    We’re watching, working, and waiting for the day when You will descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of an archangel, and with the trumpet call of God.

    Even so, come, Lord Jesus!

    1. Sassy Mom --- AMEN and AMEN!

    2. Come, Lord Jesus! Thank you for posting, Sassy Mom. KS

    3. Maranatha! Come, Lord Jesus, come...the sooner the better for all.

    4. Amen Sassy Mom! Looking forward to that perfect day.

    5. I wonder about the tipping point and put my trust in the Lord. No one knows the hour or the day, so help me Jesus to be ready in mind body and spirit. Use me Lord to prepare the way for others, especially those I know and love who do not yet see or believe. Holy spirit, open the way in conversations that can be received in love, not grounded in arguments and debate over what the truth is. Jesus, you are the way, the truth and the life. Thank you for all you have done for us to join in your promises of heaven and eternal life. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

    6. Yes Audra! We must open the closed hearts of our loved ones so they will seek Him for themselves. God will make a way for them to say "Yes". Amen Thank you Father for Your good deeds, blessings and promises.

  12. Thank you always reminding us, Lord, that we are not alone. You are always with us.
    I appreciate Sarah Young, Payton Family and all on here commenting and praying with me and us each day.

    I will continue to redirect and refocus on you, God, when my mind begins to wander. Co

  13. Thank you for your service. I noticed a typo with (no) versus (on).
    "Fix your eyes, not on..." versus "Fix your eyes not no..."

    God bless you and thanks again for all you do!

    1. Noticed this is not corrected yet @paytonfamily

  14. Oh come to the alter
    The Father's arms are open wide
    Forgiveness was bought with
    The precious blood of Jesus Christ.
    ~ from Elevation Worship

    Peace, love and prayers to you all today and always.

    1. Love the invitation in this song!


    3. Looks like it's now a year since I began putting up links to songs mentioned here. Thanks to all who do so moving forward, it helps to build the most awesome playlist! ♥️🎶

  15. Thank You dear Father for this day, for including me and my household into it, for granting us new mercy and starting us out with Your shield of protection all around us. All Praise, glory and honor with thanksgiving are rendered unto Your majestic Holiness.
    Thank You that because Christ Jesus lives, I can face today even with uncertainty. I surrender all of my plans today, to You and ask the Holy Spirit guide my tongue, my actions and may the thoughts of my heart be acceptable to You, in Jesus name.

    We are blessed to know that God is with us always. He is Omnipresent (God is everywhere), Omnipotent (God is all powerful) and Omniscient (God is knowledgeable).

    In Galatians 2:20 Paul says, “Christ lives in me.”  
    God is in three Persons and that all Three dwell in all born-again believers at all times (Matthew 28:20).
    This fact causes us to believe that because God is with us, we know that we will never be separated from His love (Romans 8:38-39), though troubles and challenges come, His presence assures us that we can accomplish His will for us (1 Chronicles 22:17-19). 
    God is alive, and He is near. He wants to communicate and commune with us. This is the joy of the Christian life.

    Stay blessed and in His Presence today, giving Him the praise He deserves.

    Maplewood NJ

    1. What a reassurance! We will never be separated from His Love. His presence is a constant for us. He never leaves us and His promises never fade. They are always the same so we can stake our lives on the truthfulness of His words.
      Amen! He is alive and He is near! Thank you sweet Maplewood!!

  16. A reflection from the story of Jesus healing the Gerasene Demoniac (Mark 5:1-20). The area at which Jesus landed was the country of the Gerasenes. From the story, one gets the impression that the people living there had reached a level of stability in their lives. There was this issue of a demoniac who they could do nothing for though they had tried. So apparently they had learned to tolerate this evil influence in their community. Enter Jesus who in His compassion for all heals the man of demon possession but in the process, His miraculous work had an economic impact on the stability of the people evidenced in the herd of swine that was lost in the process. All of a sudden, this stability which the Gerasenes had worked so hard to establish was upset. So they begged Jesus to leave the area, probably in fear of any other ways He might upset the status quo.

    In my contemplation of this incident I began to ask myself questions: Does my life reflect the spirit of the Gerasenes, striving and prioritizing a sense of security in my life? Am I like them in accepting evil and learning how to tolerate its presence in my life? How would I feel if Jesus enter into that security I have worked so hard for and upset the status quo? Would I beg Him to leave certain areas alone in my life and only ask Him to support my security plan? The country of the Gerasenes were not interested in Jesus because He upset their circumstances. I would like to think they do not reflect my life and yet after contemplation, I realized there are shades of that thinking present within my soul. The good news is His love for me is so great, He has no desire to leave. For that I give thanks. Now I need to allow Him to do what He does best, drive out the demons that linger within me regardless of the cost. Blessings, JC Family! God be with you.

    1. Bob - "The good news is His love for me is so great, He has no desire to leave. For that I give thanks. Now I need to allow Him to do what He does best, DRIVE OUT THE DEMONS THAT LINGER WITHIN ME REGARDLESS OF THE COST!!!!"
      Amen! Our hearts desire.

    2. Bob... This is so profound. Very thought provoking. Clarity. Blessings.

    3. Amen! Very good for me to contemplate this. Thank you for sharing. CO

    4. Thank you Sassy Mom, Phoebe, CO, and Unknown. I wrote it for you and anyone else that chooses to read it.

    5. Bob, reading this really opened up my eyes. I never thought about that and how it reflects on our lives and how we accept the Lord and reject certain aspects, whether we realize it or not. Thank you for this profound insight. God bless you 🙏.

    6. Amen! Greater is He that is in us, than he that is in the world.

    7. Wow Bob, I always look for your reflection and today was an opener. Thank you for your wisdom, Lord I invite you in to set my life in order, help me in Jesus name to be willing, Amen

    8. Amen! Worth another read and some quiet personal time in reflection.

    9. Thank you so much for sharing this, I needed to hear it. Thank you, Jesus, for another day and opportunity to learn and grow. ❤

    10. Amen 🙏 this is what I needed to hear, thank you Lord, for always answering prayers in the most awesome and Holy way that You do. I love you Jesus

  17. Very often even in spite of us. His will shall be done. Lord open my eyes to your goodness in every circumstance so the I may be a willing participant. Thy will be done often involves wide open hands not just a few fingers. So difficult to let go of it all, but Thy Will, not My will is clearly stated.
    Oh how glorious it will be when we are aligned seamlessly in heaven but until then my hope is to have more of me lining up with Him then less of me. That each day I progress a bit closer to the mark in thought and deed. Praise God for His love demonstrated by His infinate patience with his children. So that none shall perish. I pray for my son's salvation! Lord continue to pursue my dear ones and me in Jesus name.

    1. Amen! More of Him and less of me.
      Praying with you for your son's salvation and my children and husband too!

    2. Jeanne, praying for your family's salvation and healing of your beautiful heart. God bless you.

    3. Your prayers mean so much to me, dear Janet! Thank you!

  18. How often this devotional is directly in line with what I am experiencing in my life. Anxiety and feeling alone. Thank You Jesus for always being with me. I feel your loving presence always with me calming me and whispering to me to trust you. You love me and intend to prosper me. So many verses in the bible comfort me of your promise. Amen

  19. Father, I really don't know what to say, except thank You Jesus and search me for my short comings and help me bring them to light so we can work on them together. I can't make it without You Lord-nor do I want to. I need and want You in my life always. You are the joy in my heart and the smile on my face. I will bless, praise, and rejoice in You continually and always 🙏.

    1. Amen Janet!

      Blessings from France

    2. Amen! He is indeed the joy in my heart!! God bless you.

      Maplewood NJ

    3. Amen!! We are of one accord! He knows our weaknesses and our need for Him. He sure is the joy of my heart too dear Maplewood! Bless you all!

  20. Joining in your perfect prayer, dear Janet!
    Amen! He is the greatest part of us, and everything we will ever need. The true joy and peace is only from above. Blessed I am and blessed I will remain. Thank You Jesus!

  21. Joining as well, for myself and all whose heart is inclined as well.

  22. Today, He is with me and you. With all illnesses, from the current pandemic to cancer, it is easy to spin into a "what if" mode regarding treatments, prognosis, and one's future. As is so often the challenge, staying in the present is the key to a realistic peace regarding it all. Today's devo is a balm for our souls... His promise: "I will get you safely through this day and all your days." Be at peace TODAY. Amen.

    1. Amen, Amen, Amen! Yes He is! And He is never leaving, nor forsaking His children. That's a promise to hold on to and never give up, because He who promised is faithful!
      God be with you.

      Maplewood NJ

      Maplewood NJ

    2. Brother MadFox, I share with you a little quip I used when people were getting stressed out about what might happen. "Maybe Jesus will return before that happens and then it won't matter." It often got a chuckle but more importantly, it defused the anxiety in the midst of us all and reminded everyone that our hope is in Him. He WILL return one day and then nothing but His love for us and our love for Him and one another is all that will remain. "Oh happy day!" God be with you.

    3. Agreed. A good way to diffuse self-inflicted anxiety. PEACE in Him.

    4. Peace be with us all the days of our lives. Prayers for all again today wherever he leads you.

  23. “The Lord your God is in your midst, a mighty one who will save; he will rejoice over you with gladness; he will quiet you by his love; he will exult over you with loud singing.” Zep. 3:17

    Loving Father, In the name of Jesus’ Your Son, I give thanks for the hedge of protection placed upon us each day. As the East Coast expereicned one of the worst snow storms yesterday, I thank You for my life, my family, friends, neighbours and ALL the workers, contractors, firefighters, medical teams and road plowers etc., that risk it all doing their jobs or just being a blessing by helping others. Thank You for my neighbors that helped me by cleaning up the aftermath of the snow storm. Bless them oh Lord and thank You that there are good souls in this world. You were not kidding when You said: “I am with you and for you. You face nothing alone- nothing”! I recived that gift gratefully yesterday and I’m excited for what You have for me today! Thank You for each of them, in Jesus’ name. My eyes are fixed on You and when I slip and turn away, please Holy Spirit, turn my gaze right back to JESUS! Amen.

    “Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me.” Psalm 23:4

    Sassy Mom, I’m praying for Miss Pat’s son Tommy. Jehovah Rapha is with him.

    Brie, continue prayers for you and Larry. It shall be well.

    Audra- CONGRATULATIONS on your retirement, you’ve earned it! It’s time to kick back and enjoy more of the goodness of God!

    Norah, I stand in prayers with our JC family for your son and daughter, and comfort for the families who lost their spouses. We can NEVER give up on God, because He will never give up on us. He’s at work even when we don’t see or feel it!

    Whatever you are facing, I'm praying for all, and trusting God for His intervention in your life and that of your families.

    Blessings and Peace.

    Maplewood, NJ

    1. Joining in prayers with you Maplewood, Amen 🙏 🙌 .
      Father, thank You for answering all prayers from Your children and giving them the peace, healing, strength, love, and comfort that they need. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen 🙏.

    2. Thank you and God bless you all in so many ways we don't see in our timing.

    3. Thank you sweet Maplewood. Joining prayers for our dear JC Family and Miss Pat's son, Tommy and Norah's family and cases and dear Brie and Larry and dear MadFox and all our needs and prayer requests.
      I loved: "My eyes are fixed on You and when I slip and turn away, please Holy Spirit, turn my gaze right back to JESUS!" Amen.
      Also: "We can NEVER give up on God, because He will never give up on us. He’s at work even when we don’t see or feel it!"
      Sweet Maplewood! Thank you for filling me to the brim each day. Amen and Amen! Much love. Hope you're feeling stronger.

  24. Your prayer is mine, Janet. Thank you.

  25. Joining Maplewood Norah, in prayer for grieving spouses & your family. Continued prayer for your hubby also, great to know it wasn't blood clots. Hallelujah!

  26. Brie, in trying to get caught up, I noticed you haven't posted. I have kept you, hubby, Janet,Norah & more in prayer. MadFox, praying for your upcoming procedure. SassyMom, I have your concerns in prayer🙏💕. All requests are covered. Amen.

  27. Thank you warriors for prayers for my leg. I suspected that it was lyme kicking up. I haven't been vigilant enough when it comes to this disease. You start to feel good & you become complacent. When my leg just wasn't getting better, I began to fight the little critters ( bacterias ) with all the arsenals I could throw at them! It's called lyme arthritis. My hubby had to help me to get groceries. I do appreciate my hubby helping me, but I found myself hurrying through shopping🥴. Will keep you guys updated as to my findings. Love to all, blessings 💕

    1. May the Lord's healing hands be upon you Jan 🙏.

    2. Dear Jan, Praying hard for your leg and your healing. God is better than any Doctor. He knows exactly what's wrong and He can resolve your problem. Trusting in the Lord for your relief and perfect healing! Thank You Jesus!

  28. Joining Jan, echoing prayers to Jehovah Rapha for Norah's husband, Madfox, Maplewood - great strength for today, HOPE for tomorrow, those grieving the loss of loved ones, all mentioned prayer requests. Praying love, protection, guidance and presence of Christ. praying for you as you pray for me.

    1. Strength for today, HOPE for tomorrow! Amen, Sassy Mom!

  29. "Lord, help me to thank You and realize the precious gift of each new day."
    Thank you Lord for unexpected blessings. Yesterday evening someone was banging on my patio door. Rodney, the father of Jenn, one of my "other kids" surprised me by shoveling snow from my patio, driveway, both front and back walks and front porch after working all day. Temps were 27° felt like 17°. I was snowed in!!! Rodney, a city employee, had worked all night scraping snow from our streets, continued working the rest of the day. Thank you Lord for blessing him with the strength,love and desire to help others. Rodney is not a young man, he is 2 years away from retiring.

    1. Rodney to the rescue! Thank you Father for providing our Sister Sassy Mom's needs and also Maplewood's needs to get that snow cleared out. God bless those Angels who help others cope with their problems. My Mom's neighbor Lenny used his snowblower twice to clear my Mom's sidewalks. The Angels of the Lord work hard to bless us. Thank you Father for providing our needs. Strengthen those dear Angels and heal their weaknesses too! Thank you Father!
      Amen Audra! They will have a special place in heaven!

  30. God bless the snow movers, they will have a special place in heaven!

  31. Sassy Mom, and other Grief Share participants: Were there any in your grief share group who were participating while they were in the long goodbye phase, but before the last goodbye?

  32. Brie, those in my Grief Share group had already lost their loved ones.

    1. Thanks Sassy Mom.
      I just went back to January 31 posts for prayers and am happied and bolstered up with them. Though broken like bread and poured out like wine, I am a-breathing through the brokenness and a-swimming through the pouring.
      Thank be to God and to you our JC Family of Faith Filled Prayer Warriors! In Jesus' Name. Amen.

    2. We're are in the long goodbye and challenges to be home hospice care providers. It looks different for everyone, I imagine. This is not my first experience and probably won't be my last. And God knows what we all need and blesses us all along this path. I am so grateful.
      What I am learning:
      *God is great and has a plan. We don't know what it is
      *Patience dear child, a chance to practice it many times each day
      *It's not personal
      *Just listen, no need to talk to fill any silence
      Grab some moments in nature
      *Do for YOU too
      *Share observations and conversations with loved ones
      *Say 'I love you' a lot
      *Pray together
      *Thank God

      This list is not prioritized!

  33. Thank You Jesus. I will praise, bless, and rejoice in the Lord continually and always 🙏. Praise God.

  34. Dear Brie, Just like Hagar in the wilderness with the God that sees her, we know that our loving Father knows the depth of your brokenness and all the feelings and words in your heart. May He flood your path with bright light today and heal and comfort your dear brother Keith. He can do the impossible. He can do it all.
    My dear friend and “sister” Mayda’s oxygen level is increasing and the Doctor is amazed and now believes she will not need a ventilator, We know this is because God heard our prayers and is answering them. He is the strength in her lungs. He can do all things. Thank You Jesus! Trust in the Lord and wait on Him dear Sister. We must not lean on our own understanding. Praying He will help you distribute Keith’s furniture and tie up all the loose ends. It’s an emotional time but He is with you and Keith. Much love.

    1. Thanksgiving prayers are going up for Mayda and her medical team.
      Keith's Cardiologist wants to implant a pacemaker. I am praying for His Knowledge and His Wisdom yet still struggling with putting Keith through a surgery in his condition, or the alternative if I don't. Jesus take the wheel. Amen.

    2. As always, today's devotion is right on time. I am verbalizing trust in HIM, the Living One who always sees and will get me and my brother, and this entire family of JC Prayer Warriors safely through this day and all our days. Jesus I trust You. Please increase my trust. Yes, each day is a precious gift from Our Heavenly Father Who always has, is, and will continually provide. I am receiving today's gift of manna, gratefully opening it tenderly and delving into its depths. May I find Him now. In Jesus' Name. Amen.

  35. "Verbalize your trust in Me, the Living One who sees you always" - From today's Devo.
    Gen 16:11 NIV:
    In distress, Hagar fled into the desert. An angel of the Lord appeared and informed Hagar that her unborn child was a son. She would name him Ishmael (which means “God hears”), “for the Lord has heard of your misery.”

    Genesis 16:13-14 NIV:
    “So, she gave this name to the Lord who spoke to her: ‘You are the God who sees me’ for she said, ‘I have now seen the One who sees me.’ That is why the well was called Beer Lahai Roi, it is still there, between Kadesh and Bered.”

    Above we read of Hagar who said of God: 'You are the God who sees me’. (El Roi).
    There is an absolute wealth of meaning in that statement; not just that God can see her physically. But that He knows her through and through, that he is fully acquainted with her circumstances, her distress. He knows her heart, her thoughts.
    He knows of the misguided attempt to 'help out' His plan for the future nation of Israel.
    'You are the God who sees me’ also carries the meaning of recognition; 'I am recognised and known by God.'
    Hagar learned a precious lesson that day as she rested at the desert spring. God was watching over her and had plans to bless her. When she was feeling the most dejected, invisible, and unwanted, El Roi came to her.
    (El = God, Roi (ro-ee) =see/sees)
    We all have at times had an element of Hagar in us. But verbalise your trust in Him, for the Living God sees you, watches over you and will help you. He has plans to bless you.

    1. Thanks for the reminder Peter.
      I still struggle to fully understand the story of Hagar, Sarah and Abraham, but I'm learning.

  36. My DH is scheduled for a cardio version tomorrow. Please pray his heart rate returns to a normal rhythm before then. Thank you and please keep dear Mayda and Emilio in your prayers. God is their strength and they trust in Him..We pray for each other. The Lord hears all our prayers. Waiting on Him in all things..

    1. My prayers are continuing!

    2. Thanks dear Brie! I just found out they won't let me into the hospital because of Covid so I will drop Rick off and go home and pray. All will be well because God is in charge.

  37. Gracias a dios <3 I made a mistake and forgot to tell my husband to get a covid test before coming home from Mexico. He's been there visiting family this past week. He got to the airport at 4 am this morning and, of course, they wouldn't let him board without the covid test. I felt so bad because I knew that he needed it and completely forgot to tell him. But...God turned it for good 🙌 if he would've boarded this morning, he would've been stuck in the Dallas airport because that connection was canceled dt snow! He would've probably had to sleep in the airport, but instead he gets to spend another day with his family in Mexico 🇲🇽 whom he rarely sees and I get to continue getting the house cozy and ready for him. Our Father turns things for good! Big things, small things, and everything in between <3 Thank You Jesus 😊 another occasion to write down in the category "He Knows What We Need, Just Trust Him"

    I pray you all are well and progressing on your journeys in every way. You are all blessings. <3

    To update about my son, I've been searching for another surgeon for him for his next surgery in March. I've found one I would love to take him to, but we are waiting on approval since we are out of state. Praying for His providence and expecting His goodness 🙏 my other is son is doing well <3

    I pray everyone notices His blessings today and everyday.


    1. Sounds like God was leading your husband and it was a blessing that he could spend more time with his family in Mexico and you had more time to prepare for his homecoming. God's way is always the right way. Thanks for your prayers. Continuing to pray for your dear son. Thanking our loving Father for traveling safety for your husband and for approval to go to the other surgeon for your son. Thank You Jesus!

  38. Absolutely love the JC for today (as everyday!). I often look ahead to "look" for gifts and blessings, rather than accept and savor the blessing and gifts set before me TODAY!. God provides our "daily" bread. His great gift is provided each and every day to all of us who seek it. Amen.

  39. So very true dear ABC. Let's stay in the present and see all the blessings God has dropped along our path, rather than look ahead or behind. We should meet Him in the present where He meets us. Amen.

    1. Presently praying for awareness of God's Presence in the Present, a thankful, grateful heart, and a mind stayed on all the Presents He is Presenting us with today. May we Represent Him to all. In Jesus' Name. Amen.

    2. God bless you Brie with strength and hope each day. ♥️ To you and your family 🙏

  40. Since I have to leave early for my LAST treatment, I just want to say thank you all for your prayers and for God's Grace and Faithfulness in getting me through these treatments. He is healing me every minute. I am healed by His Stripes. May you all receive God's healing and blessings especially now, Tori, Camrie and B and Audra's neighbor Jim and all that are waiting on the Lord. He knows exactly what you need. Trust Him because He is Trustworthy and Mighty to save. Much love to you all.
    Thank You Jesus for surrounding us with your peace and loving kindness, and for holding our hands and carrying us through. Amen

    2 Corinthians 12:9 - And he said unto me, My grace is sufficient for thee: for my strength is made perfect in weakness. Most gladly therefore will I rather glory in my infirmities, that the power of Christ may rest upon me.

    Romans 8:28 - And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose.

    Psalms 119:71 - It is good for me that I have been afflicted; that I might learn thy statutes.

    John 16:33 - These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world.

    2 Corinthians 4:17 - For our light affliction, which is but for a moment, worketh for us a far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory;

    1. Amen Jeanne,
      Go get it with God's Grace, God's Peace, and God's Compassionate Mercy, which so far surpass anything earthly
      Jesus, my Lord, my God, my All,
      How can I love thee as I ought?
      And how revere these wondrous gifts,
      So far surpassing hope or thought?
      Sweet Sacrament, we thee adore;
      Oh, make us love thee more and more.
      Oh, make us love thee more and more.
      In Jesus' Name, I am praying in the gap for all of us, and each of our dear ones. Amen.

    2. The Lord be with you 🙏. God bless.

    3. Already in prayer for you dear sister. Jesus is already there giving you hope & a future. His plans for your today &, ahead is perfect. Hallelujah!💞🙏🌈

    4. Final treatment! 🎉
      The Lord will carry you through this day as he has all the days before.

    5. Prayers for peace and comfort for you, Jeanne on your last day of treatment.

    6. See how far you have come in the arms of our Lord! Blessings, Jeanne!

    7. Thanks dear Brie, Janet, Jan, Anonmous Mom, Suzanne and Audra! Amen and Amen! Your words brought me joy! I love that song, Brie. We sing it in Choir. Jesus stayed with me through everything. I'm finished with my treatments, thank God. I'm so grateful! My doctor said I can be out with people again soon and live my life but I must get checked every 3 months. My next Pet Scan is on May 4th. He congratulated me on finishing my treatment but he said this is chronic. He hopes to get it into remission and if it comes back he'll give me more meds and maybe add a pill to me meds. He hopes the meds kill the cancer. I know God is helping it because He is healing me every minute. All your words blessed me so much. He sure is giving me hope and a future that He has already prepared for me. He carries us all up those steep hills because we are dearly loved. Amen Audra! Right to the finish line in the arms of the Lord.

  41. Beautiful Brie- love, blessings and prayer to you Jeanne on your FINAL treatment! ❤️🙏

    1. Thanks dear Blessings from NY. Your prayers and love were received. God bless you too!

  42. Oh, how great is Your goodness, which You have laid up for those who fear You, which You have prepared for those who trust in You in the presence of the sons of men! (Psalm 31:19). But put on the Lord Jesus Christ, and make no provision for the flesh, to fulfill its lusts. (Romans 13:14). For the earnest expectation of the creation eagerly waits for the revealing of the sons of God. (Romans 8:19).

    1. You sure do feed us well sweet Janet. Our souls are satisfied with the goodness of the Lord.

  43. Bless you dear Janet as you bless us with scriptures. Amen. 💞🙏🌈

  44. Just to add dear Jeanne: the JC devotion for today fits your need to a "T"! PTL💞🙏🌈

  45. Worth sharing a prayer by Michael Youssef from Leading the way devotional.

    Lord, help me to lift my eyes to You when my days are dark. I know You will give me all the strength I need to persevere in hope. Grant me Your nearness when my heart faints, that I might have peace that transcends understanding because of Your great love. I pray in the name of Jesus. Amen.

    1. Thank you dear Sassy Mom! You never fail to comfort my heart just as God comforts you. Much love and prayers. Putting that on my kitchen counter right now.

    This link to the song 'Jesus Take the Wheel' is for all of us, but especially for Jeanne today. Happy last day of treatment, Jeanne! You've got this because He is driving.

    1. Thanks sweet Suzanne! I do love that song too. And Jesus took the wheel today and the ride was smooth. Your prayers helped too. Love you, dear sister!

  47. I'm not sure why today 's devotional was so eye opening for me, but I realized I don't have to be focused on any problem or situation to be anxious. Just by being
    UNFOCUSED on the Lord brings anxiety and stress. Thank you Lord for always being available and for always knowing exactly what I need for each and every day. Thank you for your patience and love that gently reminds us of how much you care about us and desire our fellowship.
    Oh, How He Loves You and Me! ❤️💕❤️

    1. Praying dear Anonymous that you will always be wrapped in His blanket of peace no matter what may come. We all must be reminded to stay in God's presence where the peace remains. He sure does know exactly what we need even before we ask. We have such a wonderful and loving Papa!
      Thanks JJ! That was so great. Grabbing that for my kitchen cabinet too. Choosing the GREAT I AM and His Word! Hallelujah!

  48. I love that JJ!!!!

  49. Thank you for sharing, the Lord speaks to us in these moments. I felt the same way a few days back when I spent time watching a new popular movie, I walked aways thinking my time was filled with negative things and a waste, was it not for this lesson, I guess. God bless you all, love this group.

  50. Loved your post dear Peter and Philippians 4:8 is a favorite of mine too. He sure guides us minute to minute. I can relate.

  51. LONG Day - but GREAT day. Love you my Dear JC Family. I leave you with this song that my hubby, sons and I listened to multiple times tonight, (at my bidding). It says so much to me. Who am I to ask, "Why?" I hope it blesses you.
    God Bless and Sleep know Who's on the Night Watch!

  52. What a moving song and video! Thanks Norah! I can see why you listened to this many times. Amen. It blessed me very much. I pray you have a sweet and restful sleep. Thanks for all your prayers. May all of this dear JC Family receive answers to their prayers. God's faithfulness is amazing and His plan unfolds every day.
    God is on the Night Watch so we can sleep soundly. Much love!

  53. He is with us and for us. So we must not get distracted and forget we are in His Presence. We must keep our eyes on what we cannot see because it never fades or dies. It is eternal. Look above the glitter and empty promises of this world. They can’t offer what our God promises to those who love Him. The best is yet to come and the prize is looking into the Radiant Face of our Lord. I can only imagine!!

    1 Corinthians 2:9
    But as it is written:
    “Eye has not seen, nor ear heard,
    Nor have entered into the heart of man
    The things which God has prepared for those who love Him.”

  54. Therefore do not worry saying, "What shall we eat? Or What shall we drink? Or What shall we wear?" For after all these things the gentiles seek. For your heavenly Father knows that you need all these things. But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you. Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about its own things. Sufficient for the day is its own trouble. (Matthew 6:31-34).

    1. Thanks Janet for reminding me to look at the birds and the wildflowers!

    2. Thanks dear Janet! Amen. Those verses remind me of the song Seek Ye First we sang in choir.

  55. Jeanne~ happy one year anniversary of your last treatment!
    Continuous prayers to all who we've been praying for this week... stay connected to the vine!

    1. Yes Jeanne, enjoy B9 and C free

    2. Thanks Suzanne and Brie! I sure don’t take God’s healing for granted. I thank Him every day for healing the lymphoma! Blessed I am.

  56. Today's devotion reminds us to fix our eyes on Jesus, rather than on what our eyes see in this world and to verbalize our trust in Him, The Living One Who sees us always. He will get us safely through this day...
    JUST FOR TODAY, I will accept what is.
    I will face reality.
    I will correct those things that I can correct, i.e., my own attitude, my own words, my own thoughts.
    And I will accept those things I cannot change, i.e., other's attitude, other's words, other's thoughts. I will pray for discernment to know the difference. In Jesus ' Name. AMEN!

    Dear God,
    Grant me the Serenity
    To accept the things I cannot change,
    Courage to change the things I can,
    And Your Wisdom to know the difference.

    Living this day and each day, one day at a time,
    Enjoying this moment and each moment, one moment at a time.
    Accepting hardship as a pathway to peace,
    Taking this world as it is, just as You did,
    Not as I would like it to be.

    Trusting and allowing You to make all things right,
    When I surrender all things to Your Will.
    That I may be reasonably happy in this world
    And supremely happy with You forever in the next.
    In Jesus ' Name. AMEN!

    1. Thank you Brie. God's Blessings for all this day.

    2. Amen, Brie! HIS will, not ours. Blessings to JC Warriors.

    3. JUST what I needed, Brie! Thank you! I keep feeling that I take one step forward and get closer in my relationship with God and then, wham, I am short with my spouse with my words and I feel I'm taking 5 or more steps backwards feeling defeated like I just can't get it right. Ugh. I know He forgives me but it's me giving myself grace. I just can't see to do that or feel I deserve it if that makes sense.

    4. Beautifully said, Brie! Happy Saturday everyone! Amén!

    5. NJS: HE cares about your FORWARD progress. When 2 steps back is what it takes to propel you FORWARD again, so be it. He cares about your FORWARD progress. We are always worthy of His Grace, because His Grace is F-R-E-E, that spells free and without regard to earnings &/or deservability.
      When your kids were learning to walk, and they fell down in the process, did you love them any less? Asking for a Friend 🧡 😊

    6. That was just beautiful and heartfelt, sweet Brie!! God sure gave you a gift with words that lift us all! Thanks Sis!

  57. On a happier/brighter note, lol, I wanted to share some happy news. Paula, my daughter and youngest, gave birth to their second baby on Thursday, 1/25, at 2:30p.m! She had a beautiful boy. His name is Theodore Lincoln Pacer (they pick two middle names because both Paula and Ben have two also). Theodore or "Teddy" is named after Roosevelt who started all the national parks to which Paula and Ben are striving to see & hike each one. Lincoln is the street her awesome grandparents lived on and Pacer is a childhood summer camp that Ben attended summer after summer as a child and has so many fond memories being there.
    Paula delivered in record time of 4 1/2 hours which is the total opposite of her labor/delivery of George's birth of 40+ hours. I told P&B that this labor and delivery was beauty for ashes given the length of George's labor but also the midwife they had at the end that caused Paula a good bit of PTSD going forward. What's even more of a God-wink and seeing Him in action was when P&B came into the hospital dilated to 5 already with the midwife and doula they had hired for this go around, Paula immediately heard the voice of the midwife from G's birth...and sure enough there she was as they all passed her in the hallway. Then 2 days later upon leaving the hospital, this same person was in the hallway again. What came to mind for me after they told me this was a verse in Psalm 23..."You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies...".
    What added to this birth was that Paula got to have the water birth she had hoped for delivering George but couldn't due to the length of her laboring and her water had broken early which took her out of the running to do that. When she called me to tell me they had a boy, his name, etc, she said, "and Mom, I DID IT!" referring to the water birth. She was so proud of was I. When I talked to Ben later, he said, "your daughter was just amazing and a total rockstar! I am so proud of her!"

    Mom and baby are doing great and big brother, George, 2, is loving his baby brother, Theodore/Teddy!

    Praise God from whom all blessings flow!

    (I apologize for the long post.)

    1. No apologies needed. Praise the Lord and thanks for sharing your beautiful news.

    2. Awe- sweet news NJS! Congratulations!

    3. I am praising with you and dancing in my Peace Shoes, Grandma NJS ✨️ 👠 👠 much love to P, B. G, & T. In Jesus ' Name. AMEN!

    4. What awesome news, dear NJS! Congratulations! God is so good! Welcome little Teddy! Your daughter Paula is just amazing. So fast and she got her water birth! God bless her, Ben, Big Brother George and Baby Theodore. God has richly blessed them all! I know you’re a proud Grandma! .

  58. I have always loved that phrase ' The God who sees me'. 'El Roi' is the One who knows the number of hairs on our head; who counts our tears. He foresaw our need and sent His Son to die in our place.
    Luke 12:7 "Indeed, the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Don’t be afraid; you are worth more than many sparrows.'
    Psalm 56:8 AMPC "You number and record my wanderings; put my tears into Your bottle–are they not in Your book?"
    Romans 8:27 "And he who searches our hearts knows the mind of the Spirit, because the Spirit intercedes for God’s people in accordance with the will of God."
    John 3:16 AMPC "For God so greatly loved and dearly prized the world that He [even] gave up His only begotten (unique) Son, so that whoever believes in (trusts in, clings to, relies on) Him shall not perish (come to destruction, be lost) but have eternal (everlasting) life."

  59. Amen! He is the God that sees us and knows our hearts intimately. Thanks dear Peter! Wonderful encouragement! And we are loved with a perfect love. Doesn’t get any better. He understands us completely. Such a comfort to me.

  60. Father God, Thank You for the gift of this new day! I will give You my reins and do my best to follow Your lead. Help me to lift my good mom’s spirits and bring joy to her heart. She always asks You to take her because she’s tired of living. I tell her Your plan for her is perfect and You want her to be thankful and joyful in her day and pray for everyone because they need her prayers. I point out the sunshine and the reasons to be happy because she’s has been blessed with a family that loves her and she can breathe, and see, and hear, and walk, and live her days. Help me to comfort and encourage her, and cook the foods she will want to eat. We both love you so much. When we pray and praise You together she feels Your peace. Thank You for answering our prayers and filling our hearts with gratitude. You have been so good to us. Thank You for giving my mom an appetite and a zest for life. Thank You for granting my dear Rick good biopsy results and a strength of faith. Let Him see Your faithfulness. Thank You for blessing my sisters and brothers here and their families with good health, peace, comfort, prosperity, happiness, and Your protection. We trust Your Word and know You are working all things together for good. You meet us here in this new day. Help us to remain in Your healing presence and peace. Thank You for keeping us safe in Your loving care. Thank You for all this in the Name of Your Son, our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Amen

    Hebrews 13:20-22

    Now may the God of peace who brought up our Lord Jesus from the dead, that great Shepherd of the sheep, through the blood of the everlasting covenant, make you complete in every good work to do His will, working in you what is well pleasing in His sight, through Jesus Christ, to whom be glory forever and ever. Amen.

    1. Blessed by this posting and the scipture!

    2. Praying with you dear Jeanne. God has & is moving in a mighty way in your favor because you trust & love Him. Good to hear about Rick. Hallelujah! 🙌🙌🙏🙏

    3. I love you, Jan. Praying for you and yours. We have not yet received Rick’s biopsy report but I am thanking our faithful God in advance, expectantly, for a miraculous benign report. Rick knows he has been blessed in many ways. But he has not yet surrendered himself to Jesus. I am believing he will in God’s perfect timing. He goes to church each week so I know he is seeking Him. God is so good and He hears all our prayers so I am trusting in His faithfulness for all of us. Thank You Jesus.

  61. Oh FATHER , JESUS CHRIST & HOLY SPIRIT, I praise YOU- each of YOU, individually and united. A beautiful, but beyond my comprehension, unification of 3 powers in One. Only YOU FATHER could achieve such a thing . YOU never fail to amaze me in YOUR power, love, promises kept and unending miracles.How great is our GOD! FATHER I am in a strange place in my life, unsure of what and how to proceed. Feeling torn between wanting to remain in one state but have this overwhelming feeling that I need to go back, I want and need to be there for my aging father, I refuse to have him placed in a home, he’s far from that as of right now, but LORD YOU can see the changes more than me. Please keep watch over my father, I believe he’s feeling very alone, and I don’t like that. LORD please help me to know what I should do & when for my father . I also lift my uncle Bob up to YOU today, and ask for travel mercies as my family that lives closer drives to see him to say their goodbyes. LORD it isn’t fair, and I know it’s a part of life. I have no means to see him, and if he passes as they expect, soon, I will not have the opportunity to say goodbye. Please help me to find the way to reach my Uncle just one more time before he departs into finally a suffering, pain free sleep, until YOU bring him into YOUR house.
    LORD I also pray for the family here that lost their 7 year old daughter in a hit and run accident, please comfort that family LORD, I pray for the victims of the recent plane crashes, those sick and suffering from illness, those in war ravaged areas, also praying for all the single parents out there trying to raise their children the best they can filling multiple roles at once, please give us the strength and knowledge to continue, while reminding us of the critical importance of imparting the knowledge of YOU and YOUR love and promises onto our little ones. LORD I also pray for my daughter and her fiancé , he has expressed some resistance in taking the next step and becoming YOURS (baptism) he said he’s afraid it will change him and he won’t be the same. Please help him, reassure him in knowing any changes are for the better, help me to have the words to say when I speak with them next FATHER, please 🙏.
    I pray for all of my brothers and sisters in Christ, my beloved family, children, parents, cousins, aunts and uncles . Please place YOUR hedge of protection over us LORD. I also ask for YOUR HOLY SPIRIT to be poured within me, as YOUR word states we only need to ask for the HOLY SPIRIT and YOU would give it freely. Thank YOU FATHER for YOUR promises and for the gift of the HOLY SPIRIT. I surrender myself to YOU again today LORD of LORDS, thank YOU for the gift of another day. May my heart, spirit and mind remain focused on YOU this day. FATHER I ask for forgiveness of my sins and shortcomings, in JESUS CHRIST name I pray

    1. Dear Anonymous A, Sending a very tight hug and prayers for God to strengthen and guide you. Your dear Uncle Bob knows you love him and you’re praying for him. Your family members will also tell him that. May God protect them as they travel. God provides your needs. And His Spirit is indwelling and always with you. I talk to the Holy Spirit often. Invite Him into your heart and know He is a part of you. The best part! The part that will never leave you when you leave this earth. I’m praying God will make a way for you to say goodbye to your uncle if it is His will. Your prayers for him are making his life better. I truly understand how you feel about your good dad’s situation. It will be difficult to move to a different state to care for him when the time comes. God will guide your steps and your life. My sister and I have changed our lives in order to let our mom stay in her own home. She can’t take care of herself and at 96, she just wants God to call her Home so she can be with our father. May God answer all your prayers and help all those who are struggling and suffering because of the effects of natural disasters, accidents, wars, sickness, and the loss of loved ones. May He bless, strengthen, comfort and guide all the single parents who are bravely bringing up their children alone. Many years ago my cousin and her husband lost their son to a car accident and my heart goes out to the family who lost their 7 year old daughter. Our dear Sassy Mom and Terri lost their dear daughters. God knows the depth of their sorrow. May God comfort and soothe their sorrowful hearts and shine His bright light on all their paths. He is a very present help in times of trouble. Two of my sons and one daughter in love do not believe in God and 2 grandsons are not Baptized and there is one on the way. I pray they will all come to Jesus someday. Your dear daughter’s fiancé must be told he will remain the same sweet guy but he will be so much better after he is Baptized. Give him time and just keep praying. I’m sending you my love and keeping you and all your loved ones and the family who lost their daughter in my prayers. God bless your new day. He is already preparing bright days ahead. Thank You Father for this in Jesus’ Name. Amen💗🙏😊

  62. Praying Anonymous for your concerns & requests. Trust in His power to move your mountains. He is faithful. 🙌🙏🙏🙏

  63. Thankful. 🙏🏽
    GOD bless everyone. ❤️

  64. Dear JC family, I have been reading this blog for a few years and posting on and off. I’ve had the book since 2017 after my first husband passed away from cancer. It sure is a blessing.

    My Most recent post in response to post Jeanne had in the last month or so. I spoke of my concern for my current husband‘s drinking and my trust in the Lord. I have a praise to share! about two weeks ago, He decided to quit drinking. He started going to Bible studies and listening to family life radio he is helping a coworker who doesn’t have a license bringing him to church also. I praise God for his faithfulness in answer to prayer. I’ve been praying for my husband for Six years. I do believe when I laid him on the hearts of the people that read this blog it strengthened the prayers to heaven. Thank you all. One thing I’ve seen in my 55 years on this earth, Is that prayer is answered on God‘s timing and we don’t know the reason . I trust in God‘s timing.

    I ask for prayer for continued success for my husband‘s journey and for direction and discernment for me as I walk alongside him. I ask for prayers for both of us as we navigate our new normal.

    I Thank you Lord for inspiring Sarah to write this devotional and for the payton family for creating this blog and finally for all of you who daily reinforce for me-the power of prayer.

    God bless

    1. PTL! Keep on praying, as we do here for all known and unknown requests. God's plans are so good!

    2. So good to hear that! Praise Jesus!

  65. Hallelujah!! So very happy to hear that dear Looking up daily! Praising God for answered prayers and for His faithfulness to you and your dear husband. I know you are so thankful and blessed to see God’s light shining so bright in him. Praying my good husband also cuts down on his daily drinking and someday confesses that Jesus is His Lord and Savior too. Keeping you both in my prayers. God bless you as you go through your new normal. One step at a time in His presence, grace and favor.

  66. Coping with life takes many forms, some healthier than others. Family support groups have been a blessing for me through the years. Supporting my loved ones through my own recovery (focusing on my mental, physical and Spiritual health) has been a God send.

  67. Abba, Father, I come before You with much on my mind, troubling my soul and feeling the weight of anxiety, worry and even fear, undoubtedly from the lies and deceit of Satan. I rebuke the evil one in your name, Yahweh!
    In Your Word, You have promised us peace that surpasses all understanding, and so I reach out to You now, seeking that peace. Cast away all anxious thoughts and replace them with Your divine calmness. Help me to trust in Your plans and timing, and to not be overwhelmed by the uncertainties of life. Let Your presence envelop me, and remind me that with You, I need not fear any challenges that come my way. You have commanded us, “Do not fear.” You are with us, always, you hear and answer every prayer, and by the blood of Jesus you have set us free. In Jesus' name, Amen.
    Peace be with you this night JC family as you rest in the shadow of His wings, held in His righteous right hand.
    Shalom 🙏

    1. Dear Rich C, Amen. In His Presence we find true rest. Praying for God’s Peace to cover you. Exercise your trust muscles and know He is Greater than anything you could ever face. May God bless and guide every area of your life.

  68. Praying for all of you, Dear JC Family as I head to bed. Especially you, Dear Rich C.
    I pray for Peace, for rightness , and that all prayers are answered as we go to sleep casting our cares. Leave us of our anxieties; help us to cast our cares.
    Bless my Dear Roberta and her son, Luke as they lay their Dear Sister and Aunt to rest on 2/5.
    Giving it all to God Who cares.

  69. Thanks dear Norah. God bless you always. Praying for God’s comfort for Roberta and Luke. Paula is now resting in a sweet peace we can only imagine. Rest well sister.
