Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Jesus Calling: February 6

Come to Me and Rest. I am all about you, to bless and restore. Breathe Me in with each breath. The way just ahead of you is very steep. Slow down and cling tightly to My hand. I am teaching you a difficult lesson, learned only by hardship.  
     Lift up empty hands of faith to receive My precious Presence. Light, Life, Joy, and Peace flow freely through this gift. When your focus turns away from Me, you grasp for other things. You drop the glowing gift of My Presence as you reach for lifeless ashes. Return to Me; regain My Presence. 
Matthew 11:28-29
English Standard Version
Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.

I Timothy 2:8
English Standard Version
I desire then that in every place the men should pray, lifting holy hands without anger or quarreling;

My Prayer
Lord, that's what I need. Rest. I think of rest as doing nothing or not having to tend to all of my responsibilities. But, I think the Rest you are talking about here is giving you all of my life, giving You all of my problems and resting then at Your feet. It's a daily Rest. Once again, it's living the high road and realizing You have given me talents.

Lord, at times I wonder if I'm working too hard, if I'm trying to do anything, and think I must be in everything for their to be success. I'm reaching this stage of not wanting to continue my empty existence or my going through the motions of work, life, and play. I stay busy but am I doing the things that really honor You? I don't know. I don't know if I analyze too much or if I'm supposed to just live. It's hard. You know the kind of person I am. Lord, I just want to honor You and do things in the right way.

Help me to grab onto You Lord and cling tightly to Your hand.

Note: The devotion and scriptures are from author Sarah Young. If you haven't already, please purchase the book and support the author. 

Also, bookmark to have an easy link to the entire year of these entries.


  1. Help me to put you first in my life Lord and have enough faith to move mountains. Help me to not be a skeptic but to realize what is. Thank you for all your blessings and help me to become closer to you.

  2. Thank you for your honest prayer that followed the devotion. I too struggle constantly with if I am over analyzing or just need to live. I was just asking God today if any of His other kids wrestle with that insanity as much...LOL Thanks for being genuine. Blessings in Him

    1. Yes, I agree. I've been feeling that same way lately. Trying to run the rat race, but being all that he's called me to be. Help me Lord to rest in your goodness and love and just be. To quit trying to analyze every little thing, quit trying to impress people, and look to you to fill all my voids. You and you alone is the only one that can.

    2. This sentiment is what brought me to the decision to retire. Staying busy in the so many ways we do, is it simply a distraction? Do we really mean it when we say "You know the kind of person I am. Lord, I just want to honor You and do things in the right way."?
      I do analyze A LOT. To seek is one thing, but it can lead to stepping into God's territory, reducing our dependence on Him for rest and His timing.
      Lord, thank you for this new day. I pray for balance in mind, body and spirit each day. During my focused time with you help me to know my purpose in your will being done. In all my other goings about and DO ing, keep reminding me of who I am to BE. Thank you! In your name, Jesus, we receive your blessings and prayers for all to come to you for their every need. Amen.

    3. We try our best, dear Audra, to honor Him and do things the right way but until we are out of our earth suit, we will never please Him perfectly. Don't judge yourself harshly because we are all guilty of getting distracted and of leaving the Lord. But because we love Him so much we always come back to Him and He waits with His loving arms wide open like any good father to his child.

    4. Such great words from you both, years later! I'm so blessed to have found this book and blog and to be able to follow you all each morning! Thank you all for your steadfastness in pursuing his will through the power of his Holy Spirit.🙏❤️

    5. I need this prayer in my life. I'm home recovering from 2 surgeries on my left knee within 6 months and I struggle with worrying. Worrying I'm going to lose my job, worrying how I'll ever be able to do my job and be on my feet all day, worrying how others are judging my time off ,worrying if I'll ever enjoy golf again. I keep hearing Rest in Me!! Give these worries to Me!I I keep trying to look forward to the Joy that's coming from all this and how it is to be used to give Him the glory!

    6. I’ve had three surgeries in my left foot and 16 months. I know how you feel. I am in total over and over. That fear is not of God. That we need to look at this as an opportunity to lean on God into trusting God more at this very moment. This is Faith believe in the things unseen. Believing and knowing God will take care of us. Just like the ravens. I don’t worry about what you’re going to eat or they’re going to live, etc. That was so hard for me to compare myself to Raven, but that’s not what God wants us to do. It’s a message that he wants us to hear. It’s him that he wants us to rely on and not worry about what others think. I will supply all our needs his riches in Christ Jesus. These are our promises in the Bible. We are his children and he is not going to turn his back on us. This is where I have been told and also have read and the Jesus calling book that we need to ask the Holy Spirit to take over our minds. ask for guidance what do I need to do today. What is your real for me today. God, you know all my needs. Please show me how I can get the money for my rent. Thank you where my needs are met from. Help me to learn to ask for help. This has been very, very hard, but a friend a lot. I really learn to rely on the Lord more and not try to figure out where things are coming from, but knowing that when I ask him. and also reading the word every day and sitting still and listening, quiz answers, I have been blessed beyond measure! I’m still going to the foot doctor. It’s cause back problems and going to PT for that, and instead of me, asking God why, I just thank him for another day and ask him to put people in my path so I can shine God‘s light through me and ask him to bless me so I can bless others and you’ll be amazed at how God takes care of you. It sure won’t be the way he thought he would because it’s our way and are thinking, if your heart and here with your Holy Spirit inside. As for Westerman discernment and healing. I will be praying for you. Just know God has better plans for you than you could ever imagine! Keep on keeping on, and keep the faith!

    7. Amen! So grateful for this blog and All of these prayer warriors! Still encouraging me after 4years of following!❤️🙏

  3. The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want. Psalm 23.I have learned over the years, when I take my eyes off of HIM that's when anything hard I may be going through becomes more difficult. A good shepherd is ALWAYS there for his sheep; and protects the herd no matter what...therefore Jesus always has my back and this is all I really need.
    Michelle C. Antolik

  4. Thanks for your blog. I have turn to it many times when I'm on the road. Your comments and prayers are encouraging to me.

    1. Glad the Lord is using it in your life. You are very welcome.

  5. It is 3AM CST and once again while awakened in bed, I seek Jesus Calling in smartphone-ease! It is ironic how often this devo in the past has accurately mirrored my path. The past two days has indeed been a very steep path and as I wrote yesterday, I definitely stumbled and lost His GRIP for a few minutes. I did not reflect Christ as I should have.

    Even though it was momentary, my frustration at the circumstances and loved ones who are impacted, caused a short but strong verbal outburst on how our current path will be challenging... correct, but handled poorly. I accept that the path for the next many months is challenging ahead! But as the devo for weeks has said I can't really know the exact path or all that will transpire. I need, to. accept that all we can do is be sure we don't let go of His loving hand. His grace is sufficient for TODAY.

    Father. I need Your help to regrip Your hand and bring peace, which in turn can lead family to accepting the path ahead despite the challenges. I know it is only with You that I can sustain my joy in all circumstances. I pray for all here to also regrip Your loving hand of protection and love. May our attitudes and words reflect You ALWAYS to all those we encounter in our journey. Amen

    1. Prayers for you MadFox and your rough path ahead. May God's blessings guide you. And to all of paytonfamily's faith community. Amen.

    2. You will make it, MadFox, of that you can be certain. The Father's love is over you, the love of Christ is with you, the love of the Holy Spirit is empowering you. With all of that in your favor, the blessed outcome for you and the family is certain. We, in this blog, come along side of you and lift you up in prayer which adds to the certainty of the good ending. From my devotional this morning: in the variety of challenges we are facing, the natural tendency is to look out for our self; the devotion encouraged to look for God in all circumstances for God is there. The more earnestly we look, the more certain we will find God. One good way to see Him is to ask, "how can I live in love in the encounters of the day?" When we are in love mode our souls are orientated to God and His visibility increases many times over. God be with you, MadFox (and everyone else reading this), all will be well, it always has been well, even now all things are well far more than you can realize.

    3. Kinds words Bob. Thank you. It's all good. Remembering we all need to look up and hold His hand.

    4. Thanks to all. Used to never feel comfortable with self-focus or discussing prayer; but now prayers for anyone including me cheerfully accepted and given! I still am so blessed. Live in the USA, have more comfort than most of the others on this planet due to that fact and my family challenges are nothing compared to so many others. Father, Son, Spirit bless all here today. Amen.

  6. Someone shared with me this past a human BEing not a human DOing. Just BE not only DO. BE in Him. Just something to ponder.

    1. Amen! In his song 'Strangers in the night', Frank Sinatra got the refrain wrong "Do, Be, Do Be, Do". For Christians it's 'Be Do, Be Do, Be'. All of what we Do must come out of Being: Being saved, Being faithful, Being in relationship with our Savior, Being in Worship, Being in prayer. Nothing of value for God's Kingdom comes out of Doing if it's not from Being in the first place.

    2. Amen, Peter! Be Do Be Do Be!

  7. THANK YOU EVERYONE! I have felt so lonely lately as I leave behind friendships that aren't feeling healthy. But to know I have this community based on jesus's love makes it more than ok. Payton family, I hope you see the blessings of your hard work. Madfox, praying for your peace and comfort.

    1. Yes, the change in relationships that fall away can be hard. God makes room for new healthy ones! Love them still, it's probably what they are honestly looking for, and you know where to find it 😉✝️

    2. As I'm often reminded, just love them. Pray for them, not so much for them to change to how you think they should be, but for the Holy Spirit to waken them to the Truth. All the while, keep His Light shining through you. You may be amazed at how many new and truly meaningful relationships come into your life. I am.

  8. In todays Gospel (Mark 6:7-13), Jesus sent out the 12 with nothing but a walking stick! Talk about a steep hill! They were given what they needed. They blessed and cured many. Help us to see the goodness in others and ourselves! That will be our "daily bread". Amen.

  9. This JC devotional is just what I needed today! Thank you, Jesus, for giving Sarah Young the words and for guiding Chris Payton to post them. Having them in this forum along with the prayers and comments of others is truly a blessing!

    I am saying prayers for all of you in this JC Family today as I hold on tightly to the hand of Jesus during the steep terrain of today! Thank you, God, for everything! Thank you always for reminding me You are with me. CO

    1. CO - agree with you fully! This site and all our JC family are true treasures. KS

    2. Well dear CO, I agree with you because God was also talking right to me with today’s devotion.Thank You Jesus for knowing my heart so well.

  10. Teach me to love You MORE, Lord. Show me how to place You at the forefront of my life and my thoughts. Help me to center my life around You and grow in obedience to You. Use me as a channel of Your ♥ love. Be blessed, JC Warriors

  11. Lord, You know that I need rest. In the physical meaning and the spiritual meaning. Help me slow down and focus more on You. Help me distinguish what is important and what is not. Help me prioritize Your will over my own. Show me how I can be Your hands and feet today.

    Stay connected to The Vine, JC friends/warriors.

    1. Me too, Suzanne! God is rest to our souls and refreshment and renewal.

  12. The Lord needed to address a serious concern in the faith journey of the believing community in our land thus He inspired Sarah Young to write Jesus Calling so His truths laid down in scripture could be amplified to us all. The concern is fear, anxiety, worry. It is nothing new for is not the most frequent command found in the Bible, "Do not be afraid"? In the days when scripture was written, life was a day to day existence. They made each day bread to sustain themselves, they were unable to stock pile daily provisions as we do. That is always enough to make people nervous and anxious thus the clause in the Lord's Prayer/Our Father. In our day and age, we are constantly having thrown in our face reasons we need to be worried, primarily by the media and the advertising industry. Why? Because it works, they know the human psyche so well. For if they can make us afraid, we pay better attention to what they have to offer and less attention to the One who keeps telling us 'you need not be afraid for there is nothing that can separate you from My love.'

    I learned a lesson in trust last summer. My wife and I like to travel by car when we visit places. So we crisscross the country a lot. We travel some very desolate places across TX, AZ, and NM. Before we travel, I always make sure the car is in top condition, I have the best tires that are manufactured on the car, and I have two roadside protection plans (that alone is evidence of a high rating on my anxiety meter). But I always wondered, what happens if I had trouble in one of those desolate areas where there is no service. (Should I say, worried rather than wondered?) Last summer while driving across northern AZ, one of those expensive tires blew for no apparent reason. Picked up the phone and had no service to get through to the roadside assistance. Totally stuck. All of a sudden, a tap on the window. A man of slight stature and few teeth, maybe a Navajo, maybe a Latino, asked if he could help. My first reaction was fear and I sent him away. But before he actually drove away, I went and talked with him. "Yes, I need help. How much? (figuring I was about to be charged an exorbitant fee)" He said, "Oh I don't charge; I just like to drive the highways and help people in need." Long story short, he put my spare on and got me on the road again. As I said, I always wondered (maybe worried) about having car troubles where there was no help. I have been given an answer, "Didn't I say I am with you always?" I humbly responded with thanksgiving. The next big question, will I travel with less anxiety the next time I am on the road? God be with you.

    1. Bob, it sounds to me like God was letting you know that you don't need to worry about such things. His angels are everywhere, even where you don't expect them. Peace be with you 🙏.

    2. Beautiful story about the faithfulness of God putting that humble and gentle spirited man in your midst to mend your tire and your day.
      Amen Janet!

    3. I have driven and traveled a lot by car around this beautiful country and have NO DOUBT that those angels you speak of watch over God's children. And there are far more kind and generous people out there than ones to fear. Thank you Father for protecting me in so many instances. All glory goes to you!

    4. Amen Bob, travel more, unlike a tire, He won't let you down! 🙂

    5. What a beautiful story of god’s provision! Thank you so much for sharing!

  13. Great story and insight Bob! As always, thanks for sharing and "The next big question, will I travel with less anxiety the next time I am on the road?" You know the answer to that (smiling), the same God who made a way back then, will do so again, even in the midst of another anxiety. God bless you my brother.

    Maplewood, NJ

    1. Amen and Amen! Thank you for the story. God is good...always! CO

  14. A perfect devotion for me this morning. Few challenges seems to be looming around me, but dear God, I come to You this day because I’m feeling weary and know it’s the trick of the devil (but he will not win!), I’m trusting in You to turn whatever it may be around from me and my family. I don’t know the next second, hour or tomorrow, but You sure do, so please help me to breathe You in with each breath no matter how steep or loomed up it may seem or feel. Help me to keep my eyes fixed on Jesus and not what I’m feeling, seeing, thinking or hearing. I know who I am in You. May I never forget that, but call on You and say JESUS, HELP ME and take Control!

    Thank You for the power in prayer, the power in the name of Jesus and the power in His Blood that was shed for me, giving me the right to resist the devil, all strongholds and hold on to the VICTORY that I have in Christ Jesus!
    Thank You for taking care of the concerns I have for my mother and family. May I not lean on my own understanding in what may be looming around, but keep trusting You and allowing myself to rest in Your presence. Thank You for taking control of it now, in Jesus name. All glory and Honor to You!

    “For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God”(Ephe. 2:8). “Behold the fowls of the air: for they sow not, neither do they reap, nor gather into barns; yet your heavenly Father feedeth them. Are ye not much better than they?” (Matt. 6:26). This verse reminds me of how much I mean to God, how much He loves me that He is even very jealous over me. Wow! Jesus-God, jealous over me? I take courage in Your words knowing that I have a God who fights for me and my love! What an amazing feeling! satan has lost yet another battle! Thank You Jesus!

    The “rest” in Matt. 11:28, God is speaking of putting ALL of our burdens of sin and placing them in the tabernacle of His heart. He takes all of our sorrows, fears, concerns, woes away, if we just TRUST in Him.

    Father, thank You for being the LOVE of my life and my Abba! Jesus, thank You for being my addiction! and Holy Spirit, thank You for being my magic wand!

    Blessing, peace and rest to all.

    Maplewood, NJ

    1. Maplewood --- Your prayers are my prayers. AMEN and AMEN

    2. Trusting in Him to take every bit of worry and stress from me and replacing it with His perfect peace. Praying for you my family. Be brave, patient, hopeful and above all rest in God’s promises. We have a very present help in trouble. And He ain’t the leaving kind.

  15. I've so enjoyed reading the last few days though I've not been able to post. Thank you SO much for the wonderful posts. Bob, yesterdays just GOT me! Those miracles CAN and DO take place! Each of your chimings-in blessed my heart.
    MadFox - reading yours from a year ago and mine, and Bob's and Sassy Mom's, JJ, ALL of you mean so much to me - please forgive my lack of recall to name each of you, but you know this JC Family, as much as I do. And the ones who are now speaking up - who have been reading for years and finally finding their voice. What a blessing.
    We are a blessed community of believers. When I read this morning that Jesus is there to bless and restore, all I could say was, "THANK YOU." I woke up with swollen glands, my ear hurt, my throat hurt. I persevered, actually BELIEVED that He was here to heal me and now, tonight, I'm fine - tired, but fine.
    God Bless each of you. I am so thankful to have this post to read and to have all of you to connect with. All of the tings on my mind are 'first-world-problems,' that I'm going to let go and let God take care of.
    Please pray for my dear sister who is sitting dutifully by her beloved doggie of many years as she is ready to succumb to cancer. Little Katie who has given so much joy and unconditional love. It's so hard for my sister. My heart aches for her. They have had many dogs over the years, but Katie has been the best!
    Going to go gargle with salt water again and call it a night early. One more day in the office of 'so many needs,' and then I get a break. Love to all of you.

    1. Praying for you and for your sister today! God is with both of you. Blessings and peace. CO

    2. Love you Norah. Praying with you and for you.

  16. Father, help me stay focused on You and trust in You and know that You are always with me. Hear all the prayers of Your children and answer them according to Your will. Comfort, heal, and strengthen those in need. Let everyone know that God loves us all. Thank You Jesus. Praise the Lord continually and always 🙏.

  17. Amen dear Janet, God loves us more than we can imagine. Praying for you and Debbie, Miss Pat’s son, Tommy, Brie and Larry, MadFox, Sassy Mom and hubby, Maplewood, Audra, Norah and her hubby, BamaGrl’s Mom and daughter, JJ, GTT, Choose Joy, Mindy and her son Camden, CO, Suzanne, Fern and Joe and Julie and Dan, Rose’s Aunt Bertha, Bob, BMP, Mark, Keith, Terri and her hubby, and ABC. Father God, I thank you for putting a hedge of protection around these dear ones and grant them and all others who come through this dear room of love, your healing, strength, guidance, faithfulness, security, wisdom, peace, and rest for their body, mind and spirit. In the name of Jesus, Amen.

    1. Praying with you Jeanne 🙏 ❤. And may peace be with you all. God bless.

    2. Joining in all of your named prayer requests and for those unspoken or written. And to you, dear Jeanne, an extra dose of love and appreciation today! ♥️🙏

    3. Thank you Jeanne! I'm sending prayers your way as well. Stay Blessed.

      Maplewood NJ

    4. Thank you dear Sisters. Your prayers mean so much. And when we pray together for our family here, God knows we are all of one accord. He is in the midst of us.

  18. Amen, thank you for interceding for this beautiful JC Family. Together we can destroy the plans of the enemy and welcome God's amazing power into every situation.

  19. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Oh NJS - I am so so very sorry for the sudden and heartbreaking loss. I am grieving with you and praying for you and with you. May the God of all comfort and all peace grant you a double portion of His spirit at this time especially. He is near to the broken-hearted. As today’s devotional says, “Lift up empty hands of faith to receive His presence.” You and your family are in my heart and prayers. ❤️

    2. My heart morns with you and your family. May the God of all comfort wrap his loving arms around all of you and give peace. I will continue to pray for you and all that are affected by this sudden loss

    3. Joining in prayers with all of you. I am so sorry for your loss. You and your family are in my prayers and thoughts NJS.
      Father, please comfort, strengthen, and pour out Your perfect peace on this family in mourning over Jessie. Though Your ways are higher than ours, and we have no understanding of why these tragedies happen, we rest in the faith that You are in control and hold us all in Your loving arms at all times. May You hold Jessie close in Your heart and let Your soothing arms of comfort be wrapped around NJS and the family. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen 🙏.

    4. Father, we know you are ever present with NJS and family to comfort them under such circumstances that shock us all. Help me to put my feelings of anger and blame at this news at your feet. In Jesus's name we pray.

    5. NJS, I join our dynamic prayer warriors here, in lifting you and your family up to the God of all comfort and strength. Its seems all dark now, but I pray that you lean not on your own understanding, but turn your pain, hurt, confusion and all that you feel, over to the Lord. Great is still His faithfulness and His mercy will continue to endure forever! Keeping you in prayers.

      God be with you.

      Maplewood NJ

    6. I'm so sorry for your loss.. you and yours are in my prayers. Thank you Lord for welcoming Jessie home with You, even though it hurts we know she is with You and we know Your ways are higher even if we can't understand. Thank you for comforting her loved ones and filling them with Your Peace that surpasses everything. We trust You, Lord. Thank you Jesus.

      Blessings from France

    7. Father, wrap Your loving arms around this family and fill them with Your comfort, peace, love, and strength. Help their hearts to heal as You help them endure this pain. As we mourn here on earth, put on our hearts the knowledge of the rejoicing that is in heaven for one of Your children coming home to You. While we are crying, heaven is filled with joy at their return. Lord, lift them up with You and hold them in Your everlasting arms as You comfort them. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen.

    8. NJS - Echoing warriors prayers to the One who comforts all those who are hurting and grieving the unexpected loss
      of Jessie.

    9. What a tragedy. My heart goes out to you and your family. Praying with my family here for her perfect peace and their comfort and guidance. It just doesn’t make sense. A young life cut short for no apparent reason. God knows the reason and we must always accept His will although we often don’t understand it. May Ge wrap His loving arms around them all. And comfort you too. Thank You Jesus.

  20. Amen! Won't God do it! He will show up & show out just to let us know that he is in control. Bob that's a powerful testimony. Praises be to the Most High God.

  21. -Kriss (can't seem to change anonymous)
    Good morning, friends. Have you ever written and sent something only later to reread and realize you were actually the one who needed that truth. My daughter Sabrina is struggling with what life is throwing at her. And appearantly so am I because I needed to hear this as much as her. Thank you, friends for your many prayers.

    Whenever you start to feel your thoughts going dark simply pray 'God, help me.' EVRY TIME. Nothing more unless you want to. He knows your heart. He is always the answer. Though I like to think I can control situations and outcomes. My human self will always fall short of what God can do. Especially when I get out of the way and let God be God -controller of ALL situations. He wants to show Himself to you through this season of your life. You don't have to 'get right' first, as I've heard you say. He will get you right where you are. I love you enough to tell you He loves you more than I ever possibly can. And you know how much I love you. There are many people praying for you. Adding your voice to those prayers will let Him know you are trying to trust Him-even when you don't want to, even when you don't feel like it, even when you are scared.
    I love you, Sabrina❤️
    So does God❤️

    1. Yes. God's love surpasses our understanding ❤. Thank You Jesus. Praise the Lord continually and always 🙏.

    2. Praying for you Kriss and your dear daughter Sabrina. Be still and know He is God. He loves us in our imperfections.

  22. "O praise the Lord, all ye people. For His merciful kindness is great toward us and the truth if the Lord endureths forever. Praise ye the Lord." Psalm 117.

    Father, Thank You for being an ever present help in times of all my needs, and thank You for restoring to me the joy of my salvation. I come this day to receive rest in Your Presence, as You overflow me with Your Light, Life, Joy and Peace. May I keep my eyes on You today and every day, in Jesus' name. Amen.

    Blessings and Peace.

    Maplewood NJ

    1. Praying that perfect prayer that reflects my heart too, dear Maplewood. Amen!!!

  23. I am so sorry to read this, NJS. Praying for your dear family, for comfort.
    Thank you Dear JC Family, for your prayers. Love and prayers to each of you.

  24. Love to you dear Norah. Praying with you and for you and yours.

  25. Heavenly Father, let me rest in Your everlasting arms of sovereignty and just KNOW that You are God and I am not. You know what's best for me and You ALWAYS take the best care of me. You provide all that I need, want, and desire. Praise God and thank You Jesus.

    1. Amen dear Janet. Sharing your prayer🙏💕

    2. Joining in that prayer. Amen and Amen!
      God showed me His faithfulness once again. He helped me accomplish more than I thought possible today. He is the strength in my weakness and His grace is sufficient. I am encouraged by His love and He is everything to me.

  26. I was so blessed with Bob's story about the angel who came to their rescue. I remember my angel, he came in the form of a tall man, rescuing my bff & I. We had a flat tire on a road trip, on a very busy highway & feeling totally helpless we sat on the tailgate & called on the Lord to help us. A car pulled up & out comes this very tall well dressed man. After he changed our tire, I tried to give him a $20. Bill for his kindness, he refused, as he walked towards his car I noticed he ripped his pants, he said he was on his way to a job interview, so after practically shoving the money in his hand, he relented. God provided. So yes indeed! Angels are out & about looking out for us. Hallelujah!

    1. Yes Jan! Bob was blessed that his angel didn't want anything in return. His reward was offering Bob loving kindness by fixing his car. And your well dressed man who helped you with your car. You became his angel too. He was on his way to an interview and had ripped his pants in service to you and you provided his need. God is indeed in charge and we are well taken care of.
      I have met many angels who appeared out of the blue when I was going through a crisis. Many times it had something to do with my car. God knows our going in and going out. He is well acquainted with our ways and sees a need and provides it. We are so blessed that He goes befores us and prepares our paths.

  27. I love this JC family. I sometimes wish we could meet in person, but maybe God has provided something better for us. A forum where we can share from the heart and pray from the heart. You are all chosen by God to be given this gift which brings great joy and connection. Thanks so much to the Payton family. May God bless each one of you with health, happiness, contentment, and trust in HIM.

    1. Yes sweet Ellen. We are there for each other here. Was praying that your head was healing well and your son in laws were doing well and your family was seeing God's faithfulness. We have such a wonderful closeknit family here. I look forward to praying with you and sharing encouragement and God's words. God led us here and it was no accident. Thank You Jesus.

  28. Global issues are developing at an ever increasing rate. It seems not one nation on Earth is without strife of some kind.
    Which makes today's Devo so relevant. It reminds me of Psalm 23:5 "You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies."
    'Prepare' is God's foresight, He alone knows what will happen in our live personally and globally. In fact He is actively engaged in every element of our life both now and for all eternity.
    'Table' is his provision, not just food but He provides ALL we need.
    We sit safely ( not needing to protect ourselves) at the table He provides, in confidence, knowing that we feast in perfect security.
    'In the presence of my enemies' God's care, provision and Presence does not mean there are no enemies are around.
    But He protects WHILE we rest, while we enjoy His presence and provision, confident in trust in Him alone that He will protect us.
    (Example: A pack of wolves may circle your tent but He will prevent them attacking you, or African Lions and Hyenas outside the tent in my son's case)
    "I am teaching you a difficult lesson, learned only by hardship." This is why above all we need to trust constantly (Lord Jesus I trust You). His ways of teaching are perfect, the lesson may be known or unknown. The hardship too may be known or unknown; maybe we're in it, maybe it's just ahead, this coming week even.
    That's why He must be our focus as we cling to Him with BOTH hands, not one hand on Him and one in the world.

    Psalm 121: "1 I will lift up mine eyes unto the hills, from whence cometh my help.
    2 My help cometh from the Lord, which made heaven and earth.
    3 He will not suffer thy foot to be moved: he that keepeth thee will not slumber.
    4 Behold, he that keepeth Israel shall neither slumber nor sleep.
    5 The Lord is thy keeper: the Lord is thy shade upon thy right hand.
    6 The sun shall not smite thee by day, nor the moon by night.
    7 The Lord shall preserve thee from all evil: he shall preserve thy soul.
    8 The Lord shall preserve thy going out and thy coming in from this time forth, and even for evermore." Amen.

    1. Amen. Sometimes we learn the most during our hardships. He allows them but leads us through them to strengthen our faith. We must exercise those trust muscles when the storms come.
      Wonderful Psalm dear Peter. Just what I needed to read today. Thank you.

  29. Please join me in prayers for my BIL Paul today. He says he is ready to go and pass on from this uncomfortable world. He is angry and frustrated that he hasn't left yet. He says he has nothing left to do or say to anyone. He doesn't understand why he is still here. I don't claim to understand any of God's will or timing. I pray for peace to surround us and our home. Thank you Jesus, I trust you Jesus, I love you Jesus.

    1. I hesitate to comment but thought this may be the Spirit prompting me for something your husband or you could say to your BIL. Perhaps God is wanting him to not be angry or frustrated ever, and even more so now... perhaps there still is something he needs to say to someone... perhaps the Father wants him to be at peace when he transitions, not frustrated... perhaps a miracle recovery is going to happen... praying for your BIL to let go of his anger and accept that God's timing is perfect. Amen.

    2. Dear Audra, Your dear BIL has been suffering for quite a while. We have been praying for him but not walking in his moccasins. God is the only One Who knows what he is enduring. We would like our dear ones to hold on and stay with us in this world as long as possible. God's promises are reliable and the best is yet to come so when the end is near we should not have a heart of fear but a heart overflowing with love, even if we are in pain.
      I'm joining in your prayer for peace to surround you and your family and in dear MadFox's prayer that Paul will let go of his anger. God will call him Home at the right time. His mercy will lift Paul up out of his suffering. I pray for healing but God's will is above our prayers. So His will be done. Amen His timing is perfect. Thank You Jesus.

  30. Thank you, I am praying the same. I have my thoughts about what he needs to do, but it's not about me. I'm guiding as best and as gentle as I know how and then need to let go and let God.

  31. Dear Audra. May God give you peace right now dear sister. Praying for your husband Marc's peace and comfort too. I'm sure he's going through a hard time because his dear brother is so uncomfortable and upset.

    1. I appreciate all the prayer support from last year! Today is Paul's heavenly birthday! He relaxed and let go and grabbed his hand a year ago today. Thank you Jesus! ♥️✝️

    2. Happy Heavenly Birthday Paul.
      Thank you for praying for us.

    3. Here's a gift for today! What Paul sees
      My new absolutely fave song "Glory"

  32. Keeping my focus on our Lord and Savior. I was so busy with my family yesterday but it was a blessing to be together and God knew I needed just that. Going to watch my grandson early today so i wish you all a blessed new day in Him. He is greater than our problems and His Words are true. Be still in your day and know that He is God. He can do all things and nothing is impossible with Him. Fear is not from Him so seek Him if you are worried, scared, depressed or lost. He’s as close as your own breath. He is a very present Help in times of trouble. God bless your day and keep holding onto His unchanging Hand and trusting in His Words. He will not fail you so tell Him what you need with faith, trust and gratitude, and then wait on Him,and be patient in Prayer.
    Psalm 73:26
    “Nevertheless I am continually with thee: thou hast held me by my right hand. Thou shalt guide me with thy counsel, and afterward receive me to glory. Whom have I in heaven but thee? and there is none upon earth that I desire beside thee. My flesh and my heart fail: but God is the strength of my heart, and my portion forever.”

    1. Glad to hear how well things are going. God bless and peace be with you 🙏.

    2. Sounds like you're feeling good, Jeanne. So glad to hear this! Enjoy time with your grandson today! Thank you for your prayer. Continuing prayers for healing and peace,

    3. Thanks Janet, Anonymous, and NJS. Yes, God is taking such good care of me and I am feeling well and cooking and baking. He gets the glory. Thanks for all your prayers. We pray for each other and trust in God's faithfulness. Much love.

  33. He saved us, not on the basis of deeds which we have done in righteousness, but according to His mercy, by the washing of regeneration and renewing of the Holy Spirit (Titus 3:5). The Spirit of God has made me, and the breath of the Almighty gives me life. (Job 33:4).

    1. God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble. (Psalm 46:1).

    2. Amen and thank you sweet Janet. All good verses today! Psalm 46:1 is such a comfort to me.

  34. Dear, amazing heavenly Father, thank You. I praise You Lord always and bless Your holy name! Your ways are so endearing; abounding in gentleness and humbleness unique. I think of Your Word as "letters from God". Thank You Jesus! Oh, how I adore You! You are my perfect love forevermore! I can't thank You enough Lord. I am Yours and You are mine. Sing me a love song in Your perfect tune. Touch me with Your hands and make me brand new. Create a rainstorm just so I'll see Your perfect handiwork and rainbow for me. Your love is deeper than the ocean and wider than the sea; higher than any mountain tops, as it embraces me. There are many kinds of "letters" from God; from a kiss or a hug or a simple "hello". You're full of complexity; shrouded in mystery; alive with beauty and grace. Your mercy everlasting and love unconditional. You are Almighty God -- the One and Only God, forever and ever! Thank You Jesus!!! I love You Lord 😍!!!

    1. Wondering post, thank you Janet.

    2. Thank you, Janet, for that! Perfect and wonderful!

    3. Amen. Sometimes His letter is: I Am Here, Be Not Afraid, All Will Be Well.

    4. 🙏 🙏🙏 Lovely 🙏🙏🙏
      A modern psalm, from the Heart with Love. Thank You!!!

  35. A time of restoration:
    "Come to Me and Rest. I am all about you, to bless and restore."
    "Learn the unforced rhythms of grace."
    Matthew 11:28-30 MSG
    “Are you tired? Worn out? Burned out on religion? Come to me. Get away with me and you’ll recover your life. I’ll show you how to take a real rest. Walk with me and work with me—watch how I do it. Learn the unforced rhythms of grace. I won’t lay anything heavy or ill-fitting on you. Keep company with me and you’ll learn to live freely and lightly.”

    1. Amen brother Peter. Resting in His loving Embrace as He Restores Me. Thanks!

  36. I am grateful for these postings and the faithful followers of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ who share their trials, tribulations, Joy, Peace, Love and Hope. God's Blessings to all. John H.

    1. Mw too, John H.
      And that's what it's all about!

  37. My motto for today “Gods in control, so just let it go!” Thanking the Lord for the possibility of a lovely couple that are interested in buying my mother’s home. It’s been for sale for several months and it would be so wonderful if it sold.

    1. Joining our dear Audra in praying that God will lead the nice couple to buy your Mom's home. Put Him in the Center and All Things will Come Together. Thank You Jesus.

    2. Any updates Learning To Trust?

    3. Yes. Mom’s house sold and she has lived with us for over a year. This past week she has been in the hospital twice with a very high heart rate( doubled the norm) and in a fast atrial fibrillation. They have given her meds to help the heart rate and sent her home still being in atrial fib. because of her old age it is too risky to do anything to help the AT. Every breath she takes is difficult . As full time caretaker it is so hard to see her like this without being able to help her. Your prayers would be appreciated.

  38. Love and Prayers to all of you, my JC Family. Every, single, need/want; He has it! We must rely on our source of strength...we all know Who that is!
    Sleep sweet - God's on the Night Watch!

    1. Thanks sweet Norah! Love and prayers to you. He has us all in His Hands. When we are weak, we are Strong. Rest well.
      Amen! God is on the Night Watch and He never sleeps.

  39. Today's Devotion reminds us to come to Jesus and Rest.
    He is all about us!
    He is all about blessing us!
    He is all about restoring us as we breathe Him in with each and every breath we take.
    JUST FOR TODAY, I will do something positive to improve my own health and wellbeing.
    If I'm a smoker, I'll quit in exchange for His Restoration of my lungs.
    If I'm overweight, I will eat healthfully in exchange for his Restoration of my body.
    If I'm______,
    then I'll______
    in exchange for ______.
    if only JUST FOR TODAY.
    And not only that, I will get off the couch and take a brisk walk, even if it's only around the block in exchange for His Restoration of my mind. JUST FOR TODAY! In Jesus' Name. AMEN!

    1. Excellent encouragement dear Brie! Thank you. I for one am going to put this into practice today🤗💕

    2. Thank you, Brie! I am loving your 'Just for today' posts. I too will join you in doing something positive to improve my health and wellbeing. I know in my heart that I do not take the time for self care and you reminded me of this... just for today. Thank you, dear friend.

    3. Thank you Brie for such encouragement! I’m with you ❤️🙏

  40. Thanks dear Brie! I am giving Him every worry and concern and resting in Him. I feel His peace and know He’s always on my side. Thanks Sis, for adding light to my day and for sharing your prayers, thoughts and love with us. May God bless your day and life in a special way. Thank You Jesus.

  41. For he who has entered His rest has himself also ceased from his works as God did from His. (Hebrews 4:10-11).

    1. Thank you for always feeding us so well!

  42. Good morning, JC Warriors. Thank you for your prayers yesterday. I have copied and shared them with my brother and SIL. They begin their long day in about an hour.
    SC Anonymous

    1. 🙏 with the knowledge that His Blessings go before them. In Jesus' Name. AMEN!

    2. 🙏❤️

    3. Praying for God’s faithfulness for them and perfect healing. Thank You Jesus.

  43. Dear JC Warriors, thank you for all of your comments and prayers yesterday. I just read them this morning. As is often my practice, I visit this blog in the morning but don't always check in again at night. But as I look back on yesterday, I realize that I was being held up by prayer and even the more challenging interactions went well. Thank you and God bless.

    1. I’m glad you could feel God’s strength and presence, dear PEBGDesigns. He hears our prayers and answers them. He is so good.

  44. This comment has been removed by the author.

  45. The 'rest' spoken of (in Matthew 22:28-29 and Jeremiah 6:16) is not relaxation, is not sitting in the porch in the old rocking chair or in the lay-z-boy, remote in hand.
    Adam has a job to do in the garden. But he is in God’s presence, in the garden, where all is ordered and at peace. He is experiencing God’s rest while actively engaged in tending the Garden of Eden. (what a wonderful job!)
    Moses had a job to do; lead the infant nation of Israel out of Egypt to the Promised Land. Plenty of hardships on the way spanning roughly 40 years. On his own Moses would have failed miserably. The only way through those hardships was WITH God. Resting-trusting in Him.
    Today's blog mentions lessons only learned by hardship.
    There are two ways to handle hardships:
    1. On your own - the hard way - battle through, argue, pull your hair out in despair, fight against people and the system, have sleepless anxious nights, get up next day exhausted only to experience the hard way all over again. (been there, done that, wrote the book, made the movie, worn the tee shirt!)
    2. With God - the way of His Rest - give the hardship to Him, ask Him to lead you through, trust Him, refuse the 'mind-meander' of exploring all you are up against ( the negativity of which will be thoroughly depressing). Thank Him for the hardship (if you can't do that, thank Him He's with you in it), despite your feelings sing praises (in your head or out loud). If you get a knock-back, say "I trust You Jesus". Trust and Rest go together. Keep trusting.
    The time will come when you can look back and see how He led you through.
    Keep trusting: 'In ALL your ways know, recognize, and acknowledge Him, and He will direct and make straight and plain your paths.(AMPC Proverbs 3:6)

    1. Thank you Peter ! Just what I needed to hear, in the way I needed to hear it- God bless you brother

    2. Thank you, Peter. Though I am seeing it late, your post is right on time.

    3. Thanks my dear brother. You blessed me.

  46. Thank you Jeanne for your uplifting words every morning- god bless you sister

  47. On my way out the door, in case you missed it ♥️🎶 Glory!

    1. Hope your day went well dear Audra! Thanks for sharing that good song.

  48. Make God your first love. Make Him your first priority!
    As a believer, you are called to believe.
    Whose report are you believing and trusting in?
    We can only do so much. We must learn to rely on God. We have limits.
    God is limitless! All you need is God!
    This is not the time to quit or give in to defeat.
    I DECLARE OVER THE JCFAMILY/WARRIORS and LOVED ONES: Life and Life more Abundantly, Love, Blessings, Health, Prosperity, Wonder, Awe, Goodness, Grace & Mercy, Sound Mind, Restoration, and FREEDOM!!!
    I DECLARE In Jesus' Name: God is moving on our behalf NOW!!!

    1. Alleluia and AMEN!! Ty JJ❤️

    2. Amen! Thanks for lifting me with your words and our great God’s truth!

    3. Thank you, JJ, for this powerful prayer that lifts us up! Bless you!

    4. Thanks for the Faith Lift, JJ.

  49. Thanks dear Blessings from NY! GOD bless you too!

  50. So, what do we do? Simple, really. Jesus says, come to him. Take his yoke. Learn from him. And find rest for our souls. From Jesus. And only from Jesus. We can’t buy it. There is no pill that provides it. Rest for our souls can only be found through our faith, through our relationship with Jesus. Because we were created by God to be in a loving relationship with him. And God actually created our souls to be restless until they find their rest in God, as St. Augustine once famously said.

    But it is only when we realize that our souls are restless that we finally accept this invitation. So, the first step to find this rest is to realize how weary and burdened we are. If you are not weary, and are doing just fine without Jesus, this invitation probably won’t have much meaning.

    1. Bless you, Min Ahadi, for sharing this. Yes, our souls were made for Him, and true rest is only found in His presence. As Augustine said,
      "Our hearts are restless until they rest in You, O Lord."
      May God's perfect peace and rest surround you, filling your soul with His unshakable love ❤️ and joy!

    2. Blessed! Thank you Min Ahadi. Good insight.

    3. Thank you, Min. Such an awesome teaching you shared with us. It has blessed me indeed. Blessings and love right to you, Min!

  51. God created us and only wants the best for us. Today’s devotion reminds us God calls us to rest in Him and be restored so we can serve Him better. That doesn’t mean just resting our bodies but also our minds. Resting in Him by emptying ourselves of our worries and giving Him our burdens so He can fill us with His peace. My dear husband Rick still hasn’t received his biopsy results. Maybe today. Resting in Him who loves us. So many of us are going through trials and many are in need of God’s healing and many are waiting for test results and are praying their loved ones will recover. We must give everything to our mighty Father to handle and trust that He will bring us good outcomes. He is our Way Maker and Ge stands by His Word and keeps His promises. Trust that in His able Hands, all will be well.
    Father God, We thank You for healing us and our loved ones and we ask that You comfort those in pain who are struggling and surround them with Your Peace and strengthen them in every way and guide them to the right treatment, the right decisions, and the rest they need. Thank You for answering our prayers and shining Your bright light on our paths, and comforting us and encouraging our weary hearts in Jesus’ Name we pray. Amen

    Lamentations 3:22-23
    Through the Lord’s mercies we are not consumed,
    Because His compassions fail not.
    They are new every morning;
    Great is Your faithfulness.

    Philippians 4:6-7
    Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God; and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.

    1. AMEN, Jeanne! Standing with you in this heartfelt prayer. Trusting God to work in ways beyond what we can imagine.
      Great Love ❤️ Blessings to you!

    2. Your words, Jeanne, are so nourishing to my soul. Thank you for filling me up. May there be no more waiting on Rick's biopsy results and you get a call today with the words "all clear",!...In Jesus' name, AMEN!

    3. Thanks dear JJ and NJS!
      With I had good news. Thanks for all your prayers. Unfortunately I didn’t get my miracle. Trusting God will heal my good husband. The doctor called him this morning to say he has cancer and must get a PET scan right away. He must meet with two other doctors and one of them will help him decide on a treatment plan. Waiting on the Lord. Holding tight to His Unchanging Hand. Remembering His Faithfulness.

    4. Oops. Wish I had good news. The good news is God’s plan is the right one and He can turn any situation into a blessing. Thank You Father for this opportunity to test our faith.

    5. My precious friend, this report
      does not change who our God is---He is still the Miracle Worker, the Healer, and the One who turns every battle into a testimony of His power! I refuse to accept defeat because NO WEAPON FORMED AGAINST YOUR HUSBAND SHALL PROSPER! We stand on the unshakable truth that by Jesus'
      stripes, healing flows! I am linking my faith with yours, Declaring that God's Mighty Hand is at WORK, and His VICTORY will be seen in ways beyond what we can imagine. Pleading the Blood of Jesus over you and Rick.
      Love ❤️ you and standing firm with you!

    6. Thanks dear JJ! Amen! Standing together on the Rock that never crumbles: Thank You Jesus!

    7. Jeanne, lifting you and Rick up to the Great Physician and Healer. May you know that God has you both in the palm of His hand. Praying for the doctors and wisdom for the best treatment option for Rick.
      SC Anonymous

  52. "For in Him we live and move and have our being, as also some of your own poets have said, 'For we are also His offspring'." (Acts 17:28).

    1. Yes, Janet! AMEM! Our very breath, our every step, and our entire existence are sustained by Him. Apart from Him, we are nothing, but in Him, we are alive, empowered, and unstoppable. Thank you for sharing. May you be covered in great blessings!

    2. Words of truth, dear Janet and JJ! He lives in us as we live in Him! All things are possible in Him!

  53. FATHER, I come to YOU through YOUR only begotten son JESUS CHRIST (YESHUA) I praise YOU for this day FATHER, SON & HOLY SPIRIT. I also thank YOU for this place we call home, for now. Thank YOU for always providing, thank YOU for always seeing me through my anxiety, sicknesses and trials. Thank YOU for YOUR living word, which has become my remedy for my anxiety.
    Please LORD continue to strengthen me so I quit these harmful habits/addictions (cigarettes) I do trust YOU will help me achieve this goal and thank YOU in advance. LORD I continue to lift up my uncle Bob to you, my sister Sherry and her mother, as well as my other sister in Christ, Meghan, who’s in a lot of pain following heart surgery. I praise YOU for hearing our prayers for Meghan’s success in surgery, please provide her respite.
    LORD I also ask that YOU please pour YOUR Holy Spirit upon Scott, so he may find the truth and stop treating me like garbage and pitting my son against me. Please reveal to him how his hurtful words and sarcastic remarks towards me, in front of my son, is affecting the entire dynamic of all our relationships.
    I ask this in YOUR son’s Holy name

  54. Dear friends, I pray for this family that in this rapidly changing world, you would have peace and comfort. That God would be our source of direction. Amen

  55. In GOD we trust!!!!! 🙏🏽

  56. Dear Anonymous A, Praying for you and your family and sisters in Christ that God’s Hand is already making things right and helping Sherry and her mother, and healing Meghan and removing her pain, and giving you the strength to quit smoking, and healing and comforting your Uncle Bob, and changing the heart of Scott so he will treat you with the respect that you deserve, and blessing the relationship between you and your son, and answering all your prayers and guiding your words, thoughts and actions to please Him. Thank You Father for this and covering all with Your Peace in the Name of Christ Jesus. Amen

  57. So am I, MadFox! I know that all she wants to do is hold him in her arms. Jeanne, you always give all things to God. You will with Dear Rick, too.
    Funny that a year ago I wrote about my DH's fall at the BB game. Tonight, I took one. Caught my toe on the step up to the kitchen. My two sons were here to help me up. We iced/heated all throughout the evening. Giving this to God as we did a year ago for my DH. He hugged me (gently) and said, "I know how you feel. I love you!" Heading to bed praying for all: Rick, Jeanne, all of you in this sweet Family. God is on the Night Watch - let's sleep sweetly.

    1. Sometimes that’s all it takes is a toe fall to make us slow down and enjoy our surroundings.

  58. Your prayers are so appreciated, dear Norah. So sorry you took that fall. Praying for your complete recovery and healing. Rest up and know God’s got this. He’s on the Night Watch and He never sleeps.

  59. Amen to the devotion and the prayer below it. “I don’t know what you want me to do, Lord, but I am listening and my heart is open. That is all you require. You will speak and do the rest, and in that, I will have rest. Thank you.”
