Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Jesus Calling: February 5

Seek My Face, and you will find not only My Presence but also My Peace. To receive My Peace, you must change your grasping, controlling stance to one of openness and trust. The only thing you can grasp without damaging your soul is My hand. Ask My Spirit within you to order your day and control your thoughts, for the mind controlled by the Spirit is Life and Peace.  
      You can have as much of Me and My Peace as you want, through thousands of correct choices each day. The most persistent choice you face is whether to trust Me or to worry. You will never run out of things to worry about, but you can choose to trust Me no matter what. I am an ever-present help in trouble. Trust Me, though the earth give way and the mountains fall in the heart of the sea. 
Romans 8:6
English Standard Version
For to set the mind on the flesh is death, but to set the mind on the Spirit is life and peace.

Psalm 46:1-2
English Standard Version
God is our refuge and strength,

a very present help in trouble.
Therefore we will not fear though the earth gives way,
though the mountains be moved into the heart of the sea,

My Prayer
Lord, set my mind on the Spirit where there is life and peace. You are my refuge and my strength, my help in times of trouble. I have no need of fear on this earth, no matter what the earth experiences. Order my day, control my thoughts. I pray that You would be honored with the words that come out of my mouth, even my thoughts. Forgive me for not being kind in my words toward others. Give me strength to change and do things in a way that honor You.

Lord, help me to not rest in my ability or the words that I say. I need to give You opportunity to work in My life. I too often think it is my words that will change situations, but You want to work in people's lives around me. I have no need to worry or be anxious.

Lord, Jesus take the wheel. Take it from my hands cause I can't do this on my own. I'm letting go, so give me one more chance, save me from this road I'm on - Jesus take the wheel. You are the driver; don't let me take the wheel, but give it to you and let you drive in life. I am to lean on Your word of truth and the Law of the Lord.

Note: The devotion and scriptures are from author Sarah Young. If you haven't already, please purchase the book and support the author. 

Also, bookmark https://bibletags.blogspot.com/2019/06/jesus-calling-366-days.html to have an easy link to the entire year of these entries.


  1. I have always been taught that God doesn't control - He have us free will. Yet, there are times I would love for Him to take control. Today, I pray that I can give it up. That I can walk moment my moment, humbled by His Word. And not get hung up on words like 'control,' but realize my Earthly flesh is weak. When I read your prayer, I realize that I am 'giving Jesus the wheel' out of my own free will, but also recognizing that I, of my own power, can do nothing. I'm amazed again how your prayer in 2013 is so pertinent all of these years later. THANK YOU!

    1. A little country inspiration song seems to be called for this morning 😉
      ♥️🎶 https://youtu.be/lydBPm2KRaU

    2. Thank you for having this site on the internet. I am planting many seeds to spread God's word, so grateful. 😀

  2. Holy Spirit please order my day and control my thoughts. Greater are you that is in me, then he who is in the world.

    1. Theojohn 2018 - "Holy Spirit please order my day and control my thoughts. Greater are you that is in me, than he who is in the world." 2 years later, your prayer is mine. Blessings to JC Warriors.

    2. Amen! It is a timeless prayer and I so often feel the need to pull the reins away from God and do things my own way. Trying very hard to bring my decisions and problems to Him first. He already knows them altogether and He meets us in the present. He can handle anything better than we can.

    3. Hallelujah! Greater is He that is in me, than he that is in the world. In Jesus Name. Amen.


    4. Amen 🙏 thank you Theo John, sassy mom, Chris, Norah and Jeanne.
      Holy Spirit please order my day and control my thoughts. Greater are you that is in me, then he who is in the world.
      Sending up loving, healing prayers
      with love,

  3. I couldn’t agree more! Everyday speaks to me - last year or this year - regardless of when it was written- The Bible is the Ultimate Word I know, but I do enjoy this devotional. I received a copy of this book as a gift 5 years ago and I’ve even bought a few for friends over the years - I never tire of seeing how the words “speak” at the moment. God Bless!

  4. I am weak. My trust was strong in the Lord all day but with just a few simple stinging words from a family member, I let go of God's hand. What was so distressing was the hurtful things said are due to a mutual bad situation.

    I mishandled seeing the failure of another to grasp God's hand. God may force us both into the rough/steep areas. Jesus Calling says, "...I am an ever-present help in trouble. Trust Me," I didn't trust Him that all would be rectified (by them and God) and thus reacted, poorly.

    Father, you say Trust is THE way to make it through each day's troubles. Please keep holding our hands and in doing so help to change the focus to You not fear of what each faces in our future.

    1. Amen! I feel similarly in that I felt like I was trusting God all day yesterday. I read the devotion here several times and was working toward it becoming part of me.
      Then, I was faced with an unpleasant challenge last evening. I apparently let go of Jesus' hand. I was hurt, mad and disappointed with a loved one. I ended up crying myself to sleep, and my day today started off on the wrong foot.
      Jesus, I need Your help. I need to keep practicing trusting You. I'm not sure how. I'm scared. I need to hold your hand tighter instead of letting go.
      I'm struggling with how do I know when it is ok to walk away from a bad situation vs just holding on because of trust in Jesus. CO

    2. Dear CO, the progress we make in trusting our Lord is a process much like any other development in our being, be it mental, physical, or spiritual. It occurs over a period of time. Be gentle with yourself as the Lord is being gentle with you. You have some difficult circumstances surrounding you in your relationships. You can be trying but the other may not be. Unfortunately, it is easier to for a negative response to effect a positive effort than vice versa. But no best effort is ever in vain. Concerning your last thought about a quandary you have, the JC Family who holds you up in prayer is limited in any other help they can provide. A face to face conversation with a trusted individual is necessary to help you sort out the questions you are asking. We will pray that for you and the Lord will lead you to help for your dilemmas. God be with you.

    3. Bob, I thank you for your response. Being reminded to be gentle with myself was a blessing in itself! The prayers I have received have absolutely been felt; something somewhat new for me, but awesome. God is working through prayer and I have seen and felt it. (Something I had forgotten, but it brings a smile to my face now as I am remembering.)
      I wholeheartedly agree with your response about my quandary. I was feeling a bit lost and hopeless, but this is not the place to air what I said. If I could have removed those last words, I would have. My sincere apologies. I have a trusted therapist I see regularly and a wonderful priest whom I have talked with in the past I can go to for additional help.
      I prayed last evening and continued throughout today for guidance through my situation and for all on here. God is love. CO

    4. Amen CO.I can’t tell you how many times things turned out badly because I let go of my Father’s Hands. But then I remembered to trust Him with my day and the road got straighter and smoother. We learn by our mistakes. In Him we are made complete so let’s do our best to acknowledge in all things during our day. He is ever present and just waiting to hear those three words, I need You.
      Beautiful advice and encouragement, dear Bob,

    5. When you finally learn that a persons behavior has more to do with their own struggles than it ever did with you …….you learn “Grace”

    6. Thank you for that simple but profound statement.

      When you finally learn that a persons behavior has more to do with their own struggles than it ever did with you …….you learn “Grace”

      This is one of those truths that we know but often forget. Certainly a welcome remember to me, thank you.

    7. Yes, Anonymous, other's own demons are what drives their behaviors! Grace is a requirement until your Spirit-led interaction on matters of principles, or even non-religious matters, cannot achieve peace. Then as Jesus said to the 72, "Whoever listens to you listens to me; whoever rejects you rejects me; but whoever rejects me rejects him who sent me." Luke 10:16

      Grace and then in peace, when appropriate, you conclude with agape and move on from the subject discussed or from the person. You don't post negatively on social media,you don't fail to love them as a person, you just don't interact on the subjects that do not bear fruit or reject the word of the Lord in spirit or truth. May my and our interactions here always be Spirit led and in peace. Amen.

    8. Agreed. Such wise and powerful encouragement. ❤️

    9. Perspective, sometimes, is everything. Thank you JC Warriors for helping me to realize that, even moreso now, 5 years later! Our Father is forever teaching us! 🙏✝️💜

  5. God's Word is so humbling. As I was getting my coffee I was thinking, 'If I had the discipline of X and the faith of Y, and the ability to balance that Z has, I would be so much better off. I fail to see what I bring to the party, that God made me the way I am for a reason. Lord, help me to trust that you made me, ME, for a reason and that I too, contribute. Help me reign in my worldly analogies and focus on You and the spiritual abilities You have given us. Let me see and love myself as You do. Help me trust that You made a good work when you made me. As I see it others, let me see it in myself; not as a way to gloat but as a way to acknowledge Your goodness. What's that line, "God doesn't make junk!" :) Prayers of thankfulness for our little community who shares so honestly and always brings it back to you. Bob, I have been working on my breathing (inhale: 'the Lord is my Shepherd;' exhale: 'I shall not want'). It helps so much. I used to teach Yoga - I called it "Christian Yoga," and played Christian music and when we meditated, it was prayer. So thankful for all of these sharings that spur me to remember the growth that has taken place in a year and the humility of knowing, I have a long way to go. Baby Steps, little victories...slow down, don't over-plan, give it to God in the name of Jesus Christ and TRUST, not myself. but Christ's example. These will be my reminders today. As you said, MadFox, "...help to change the focus to You not fear of what each faces in our future." Thankful.

    1. Beautiful. xo

    2. Norah, we have many things in common! Now in retirement, you remind me that I hope to get back into sharing Christian values with exercise centered on breathing and prayer ..aka yoga. My health and self care has had a low priority for at least a year. Time to get strong again, in mind, body and spirit. Thank you JC family for your prayers and support for me in this area of my life. And I gladly offer my prayers for all of you!✝️🙏

    3. Finally recommitted to that balance between spiritual, emotional and physical. You come first Lord. ♥️✝️
      Working on my trust muscles at the gym!

  6. I love reading your prayers and comments. It’s a beautiful way to start each day. Thank each of you for sharing. You are each gifted in your ability to help others to see how Jesus Christ has made a difference in your lives. God Bless you all.

  7. From my time of meditation and reflection: I add these thoughts to the mix. One of the real strengths of Jesus Calling is the continual call of our Lord to trust. Let me ask this question, do you believe in love? (Rhetorical question.) Let's go one step further, do you believe love will work in all situations? (You know you are suppose to say "yes" but do you believe so strongly in it that everything you do is with the perfect and pure intent of acting in love?) In yesterday's readings/postings, reference was made to each day's path being smooth or bumpy. We have much to do with how bumpy it may turn out to be. For if we proceed with the intention of things working out to our satisfaction, we will increase the bumpiness of the road. The more we can go forth with the intent of love (God is love), the smoother the path becomes because love is the power of God in all situations (that is if we trust love). There will be times that we will show love and the road will get bump. Take heart, now God is in charge and is using the bumpiness to bless us (see further Job). Our reading calls us to trust and I need to hear that as much as you. How do we do that? Trust love, proceed in love, be intentional about being love in all situations, both the difficult and the mundane for in doing so we diminish our self-centeredness (which decreases anxiety and fear) and allow for the presence of God experienced in love to be in control. God be with you.

    1. God is in charge, God is Love, Trust God, Trust Love. Thanks for the beautiful words,Bob. KS

    2. I read this three times. So good. Thank you, Bob!

    3. And this right here speaks volumes:
      n doing so we diminish our self-centeredness (which decreases anxiety and fear) and allow for the presence of God experienced in love to be in control. Thank you Bob!

    4. Just reading this today in 2024. Still true today and what I needed to hear about doing all things in love. Thanks Bob.

  8. So excellent. Going through a difficult time, grateful for reminders of God's Presence.

  9. Today is the 12th anniversary of our beloved Grandsons passing.
    He was five days old and deeply missed every single day. We are taking 12 blue and ivory balloons, with little notes attached to Arlington National Cemetery in a few hours, to release to Heaven. Our hearts hurt deeply. Please pray for our son and daughter in law for strength and peace.

    1. Anonymous, may God be with you and your family on this day of mourning. Take comfort and receive His peace, healing, and strength that He has a plan, His ways are higher than ours, and it surpasses our understanding, but God is good and all things will be for the glory of the Lord. God bless you and peace be with you 🙏.

    2. So sorry about your great loss, Anonymous. Joining in Janet’s beautiful prayer for you and your family. Amen.
      When we lose a dear one, the years may pass but our heart is still broken. God knows how we feel and cares so much. I well understand howl our Father comforts us in such a way that His love just fills up that hole in our heart so it doesn’t bring us so much pain.

    3. Amen agreeing with Janet and Jeanne prayers. May the God of comfort and peace envelope you in his love.

    4. God bless you and your family in all your memories of difficult times. 🙏

    5. I know it's two years later, but I am praying for you and your family today. Lord I ask that you would heal this wound and may they feel the peace and joy of the Lord today. Thank you that you are an ever-present help in trouble. I bless them in Jesus name, amen.

    6. May God comfort your hearts as you remember your dear grandson today. Praying that you will find peace in the Lord's love that surrounds you. Know He reads all the words of your hearts and knows how you feel. He loves your grandson too. God bless and protect you all. Lean on His promises.

  10. I didn't see this until now. I'm so sorry for this nightmarish loss. So so difficult. . Praying for peace that passes all understand

  11. I love reading your thoughts, Bob! God bless each and every one of you.

    God is Love

    When I was a young child I used that phrase to explain to myself everything regarding God and to answer any doubts that might arise. I now know I had ADD as a child and the Bible was so complicated and hard for me to use. And, that's why Sarah Young's book has changed my life forever. It brings my focus right back to God. Every morning and whenever I want to center myself again. Speaking to Jesus in the first person, just really personalizes if for me, and helped me to visualize him as a living best friend, one I want to pour out all my thoughts with.

    God is Love.

    As a young child, I realized that if pure Love were applied to every situation or problem in life, it would always prevail. I always felt as though I had found my answer to whether or not I believed in God and if it could be true. I could never think of anything that could work better in any situation than Love.

    So, today, I still love that simple phrase, God is Love. It's that simple. And pure Love is absolute perfection. It will help you make decisions easier, answer doubts you may have make more sense. Applied to any situation, Love will always be the correct answer.

    Sorry for the rambling thoughts and I hope it sort of makes sense. It's just that in todays world, we tend to make things so much more complicated than needed. And, after reading the phrase in Bob's post, it brightened my day. He puts into words much easier than I seem to be able to do, lol.

    God is Love. It's just that simple. Blessing to you all!


  12. Seek... ask... change... choose... trust.
    The message is very clear today. And these are all active responses. We choose to seek or not. We choose to ask the Holy Spirit for guidance. We choose between change and stagnancy. We choose trust vs worry.

    Chris~ that is a great song by Carrie Underwood and reminds me of a portion of a retreat that I attended years ago. The activity was to imagine yourself wearing a backpack. Inside that backpack we were asked to imagine putting sticky notes of our worries, troubles, anxieties, fears, hangups, stumbling blocks, etc... Anything that was weighing us down and heavy on our hearts, minds and shoulders. Then when we were ready to let go of all these things holding us back, we imagined ourselves standing up, walking to the alter, taking the backpack off, leaving the backpack there and walking away. We left these items at the alter for God to carry on His shoulders now, not us. The tricky part is in the days/weeks/months to come after leaving the backpack there to NOT go back and pick up that backpack again!

    What are you choosing today?

    1. Suzanne R. --- Thank you for sharing the idea of the "backpack". A great way to visualize ---casting ALL your cares upon Him because He cares for you.

  13. Father, I thank You this morning, “that though the earth give way and the mountains fall in the heart of the sea”, I will still hope, I will still keep my dreams and visions alive, trusting that You who promised is faithful!
    Thank You for another day, reminding me of my hope in You and Your plans for my life. I believe it is not over until You say it is, but I also have that blessed assurance that even when it is over here on earth, ETERNITY has no ending! THANK YOU JESUS!

    When God says we should seek His face, that means desiring to know His character and wanting Him and His presence more than any other thing He can give us. Faithful believers are called to ‘seek His face always’ (Psalm 105:4). When we come to God in prayer, we are seeking His face. Psalm 24:3-6 says: “Who may ascend the mountain of the LORD? Who may stand in his holy place? The one who has clean hands and a pure heart, who does not trust in an idol or swear by a false god. They will receive blessing from the LORD and vindication from God their Savior. Such is the generation of those who seek him, who seek your face, God of Jacob”.
    When we are truly worshipping God, we are seeking His face. Our lives as Christians should be devoted to seeking God’s presence and His favor. He wants us to be humble and faithfully seek His face in prayers and times spent in His word.
    The Psalmist says in Psalm 63:1-3: “O God, you are my God; I earnestly search for you. My soul thirsts for you; my whole body longs for you in this parched and weary land where there is no water. I have seen you in your sanctuary and gazed upon your power and glory. Your unfailing love is better than life itself, how I praise you”!

    Sometimes we think we have not abandoned God, but there are times when we do neglect to chase after Him. God’s Presence and His holy character, is often vague and hard to see by our human condition and fleshly desires. So how does He help us in this regard,, He urges us to seek His face always. God desire is to be our constant companion in all our life experience. James 4:8 says: “Come close to God, and God will come close to you, wash your hands, you sinners; purify your hearts, for your loyalty is divided between God and the world”. When we draw close to God, He will draw close to us.

    When we draw close to God, we are blessed with His Love, Light and His shining favor. We should not chase after Him just to give Him a long list of our wants and needs, God is already aware of what we need today and tomorrow (Matt. 6:7–8 and 32–33).

    Isaiah 26:3 says: “You will keep in perfect peace him whose mind is steadfast, because he trusts in You”. Let’s seek Him and trust that He will take care of us.
    Peace and Blessings to all.

    Maplewood, NJ

  14. I visited Nazareth this AM (Mark 6:1-6). It was the sabbath so I went to the synagogue. Interesting occurrence took place. A home town boy showed up. It was Mary and Joseph's son, Jesus, and with him were a bunch of His friends. I was sitting behind two long time residents of Nazareth and their conversation was most interesting.
    First: Hey, look isn't that Mary and Joseph's kid, I think his name is Jesus?
    Second: Yes, I think your right, it is. He was such a nice boy, well behaved, good manners, very respectful. Everyone liked him. I wonder what he is up to now?
    First: I've heard he has become a preacher and a good one at that. Not only that they say he is healing and doing other miracles wherever he goes. Many are even starting to say he is the Messiah.
    Second: Man, that's crazy. We watched him grow up. He was good but not that good. People have a tendency to get carried away in there thinking sometimes. Hey, be quiet. He is standing up to speak, let's listen to what he has to say.
    (Jesus reads from the holy book, makes a few statements about its fulfillment in him, and sits down.)
    First one: Wow, that was good, very profound. I wonder where he learned all that?
    Second one: Actually, I am offended by what he said. Who does he think he is anyway? We know who he is, a carpenter and nothing more. Maybe what people are saying about him has gone to his head.
    First one: I would agree.
    (Jesus heals a few people and then leaves, amazed at their unbelief.)

    How sad it is when our minds are stuck in the past and everything is understood for what it was and not for what it is becoming. In so doing, God has little opportunity to move in in our midst and as a result, very few miracles can take place. The saddest part is that Jesus is amazed at such unbelief. My dear sisters and brothers of the JC Family, let us embrace the JC reading for the day so He is free to work miracles on our behalf.
    With love, Bob

    1. Bob, your messages speak right to my heart. Thank you.

    2. Amen dear Maplewood. Thank you so much for that truth that the Spirit has given you to share so beautifully. I truly understand and must constantly try each day to stay in His presence and seek His face. I speak to Him a lot and find time for alone time but sometimes I just get wrapped up in life and distracted by responsibilities and chores and then forget He is with me. His closeness makes my day special. Whenever I feel Him with me I am blessed and so peaceful and secure. Don’t know why I leave His presence when I get engrossed in things. But He always pulls me back to Him for which I am so thankful. I surely do seek Him. And I know He cares about me deeply. We in this family are blessed to be sure of this.
      Bob, Thank you! You open my eyes to my weaknesses. I must do better at trusting that He can help me in All things. He is a very present help in our times of trouble but we must include Him in all of them.

    3. Amen, Bob
      let us embrace the JC reading for the day so He is free to work miracles on our behalf.
      Lord work on our behalf as trust you.
      For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Jeremiah 29:11

    4. Sadly, he had no sin but few would believe it as Bob's "parable" illustrates. In our youth, we have sin, mistakes, and errors in judgements, but we are rightly judged as imperfect. So, if later in life which is of course, when our maturity and spirituality can lead to profound changes, some will not believe your faith and changed disposition is "real". As above, treat with agape those opposed with a Spirit of peace and move on from that relationship. Good stuff Bob, the interpretation is spot on.

    5. I find it difficult to move on from such relationships as you described mad🦊. These are people I have known for years and in some cases family members. I have enjoyed many good times with. I do treat them with agape and don't want to give up on them. I do notice that by and by, perhaps they are the ones distancing, perhaps in the name of Covid? I return to trust in Jesus for the people and circumstances that bring me closer to Him. And I trust the Holy Spirit to foster the communication skills I need to best serve in these challenging times with division running rampant in our circles of friends and family.

    6. By and by as my relationship with God has grown, so has my circle of friends who also love Jesus has grown tenfold. So grateful!

  15. Lord thank you for pouring your very life into us Lord. I couldn't do one day without you Lord. Your presence and peace are in helping us moment by moment. So thankful for updates on how God is working answering prayers.

    I have a praise report to share also.

    Last week I asked for prayer concerning a 4 year old at our church. He had a biopsy of his kidney. I'm unsure of the results but they did release him from the hospital. Mom said they are glad to be home.Thank you for praying with me and thank you Lord for stepping into this situation for him and his family.

    I had also requested prayers for wisdom and favor concerning the rebates we were owed after canceling them on our totalled car. After many phone calls which included several conversations with consumer affairs at the corporate level. After consumer affairs contacted the dealership I received a phone call telling me I could pick up the check the following day if I emailed them a copy of the payoff letter. I kept praying for wisdom and for God to give me the right words to put in the email. I requested a statement of what the funds were and what fees were taken out. When I spoke with the woman writing the check she told me the amount of the check, but she didn't have the breakdown of how they arrived at that refund amount. I continued to pray for wisdom and to guard my words. I took all the amounts we had paid and figured out the prorated amount without out any fees included. I was prepared to stand my ground if need be, but my prayer was for God to be my defender. When we arrived at the dealership the finance person handed my husband an envelope. As he walked away he said "if you have any questions they'll come and get me." I opened the envelope and the check inside was $88 less than the amount I had figured out. So they changed us $88 to process the refunds. That was no problem to me, I was just praising God because he went before us. I didn't have to defend myself, God had done it for me. The amount of the check was $700 more than the woman had told me the day before. Praise God he returned to us what was rightfully ours!! Thank you for praying for us! Here's another example of how God goes into a situation when we give it to him.

    What then shall we say to these things? If God is for us, who can be against us?
    (Romans 8:31 ESV)

    1. What a great news! He is so faithful! Thank you Lord!

      Keeping the little boy and his family in prayers, Thank you Lord for healing his kidney. You and yours are in my prayers dear Terri. God bless you!

      Blessings from France

    2. Praise the Lord. Glory be to God. He is always working in our lives. He is so faithful. Hallelujah.
      Here is a prayer to Jesus for healing and guidance I would like to share:

      Jesus, Son of God, You were sent by the Father to bear our weakness; be with us in this time of crisis. Merciful Savior, heal and comfort the sick, so that with health restored, they may give You praise. Divine Physician, accompany our caregivers so that, serving with patience they may heal wisely. Eternal Wisdom, guide our leaders so that, seeking remedies, they may follow Your light. Christ, the Annointed, protect us in body and spirit, so that, freed from harm, we may be delivered from harm, we may be delivered from all affliction. Who live and reign with God the Father in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God forever and ever. Amen 🙏.

    3. Continuing to pray with my family for that little boy, Terri. God loves His little children.Thanking Him for healing his kidney and giving his parents peace of mind.
      What a wonderful affirmation of God’s faithfulness to read the amount of that check, I’m so happy for you! The praise goes up and the blessings come down,
      Amen sweet Janet, Beautiful prayer,

    4. Praise God as we pray continually and remain expectant for God's good works! Blessings received in your name, Jesus, with gratitude! ✝️🙏♥️

  16. Father, holy spirit, control my thoughts and take the lead of my day. Help me to follow, trust, and grasp only Your hand and You. Open up my heart, mind, and spirit to Your presence in my life and help me shed my worldly ways, thoughts, and desires. "The cross before me. The world behind me. No turning back. No turning back. " Thank You Jesus. Praise the Lord continually and always 🙏.

  17. Praying that right along with you, Praise Him always in trust and gratitude. Amen. 🙏💕

  18. “So I turned my attention to the Lord God to seek Him by prayer and petition, with fasting, sackcloth, and ashes.” Dan. 9:3.

    “So as you go before God, let Him lead." Eccl. 5:1-2.

    Heavenly Father, Thank You for another blessed day in which I am called to seek Your face. Seeking You is the true nature of my worship and praise, because as a believer, my walk should always be a life devoted to seeking Your presence and favor. Help me to humble myself and seek You more often in prayers and times spent in Your Word. I know when I do this, it is equivalent to developing an intimate relationship with You. Please heal me and uncover the things that are hidden that You wish to bring into the light, and reveal all that displeases You so that I can confess it, repent, and purge it from my life permanently. The Psalmist said, “O God, you are my God; I earnestly search for you. My soul thirsts for you; my whole body longs for you in this parched and weary land where there is no water. I have seen you in your sanctuary and gazed upon your power and glory. Your unfailing love is better than life itself; how I praise you!” (Psalm 63:1–3). I desire to know Your character and want You, Your presence, more than any other thing You can give me. Thank You for this life that is supernaturally guided and empowered by Your wisdom and power. Thank You for mercy and grace for the sake of Christ Jesus. Amen.

    “Glory in His holy name; let the hearts of those who seek the LORD rejoice. Seek out the LORD and His strength; seek His face always. Remember the wonders He has done, His marvels, and the judgments He has pronounced.” Psalm 105:3-5.

    Blessings and Peace.

    Maplewood NJ

    1. Thank you Maplewood! This too is my prayer:
      Please heal me and uncover the things that are hidden that You wish to bring into the light, and reveal all that displeases You so that I can confess it, repent, and purge it from my life permanently. 🙏

    2. Amen Maplewood 🙏. Praying with you. Praise the Lord.

    3. Amen amen!! Consume our darkness & set our heart on fire with Your Spirit in us so we can burn for You as You shine Your light in and through us Lord. All for your Glory.

      Blessings from France

    4. Amen, Lord you see all my flaws and sins. Please reveal them to me as you see fit. Lord I can ask you this without fear because you have proven yourself faithful. You are always a gentleman and will not put me over my head without providing a lifesaver first. You have done that very thing for us. Thank you for providing the perfect lifesaver Jesus.

    5. Your prayer echoes the words of my heart. Amen and Amen dear Maplewood. Father, I search for you through my day and I know you understand how much I need you in every part of it. You know all my shortcomings and weaknesses. I’m sorry I get distracted from you and I tend to be a Martha and get so exhausted that I can’t serve you well. Please lead me to getting more sleep. Thank You, I feel you guiding me to rest but there is much to do. Blessed you helped me I prepare for my Bible group tonight after a sleepover with my 2 yr old grandson. I will sleep late tomorrow so I can cook for the Super Bowl. But I must learn the songs for Sunday. Our choir is down to 5 people now. I pray you will strengthen me in my days and help me glorify you in everything. I know you are right there beside me helping me. Didn’t finish all my prayers today but I know you will hear the ones in my heart tonight. Thank you for surrounding my dear JC family with your healing, strength and peace. I love You, Lord. You are so great and good to me. Amen

  19. Brie, You and your husband are in my prayers. May the power of the Lord remain your strength.

    Prayers for ALL the sick and needy, in Jesus' name!

    Sassy Mom, We give thanks to God for the Pastor's recovery. Jehovah Rapha is FAITHFUL! He who started a good work, will complete it.

    Praising and THANKING GOD for ALL the victories, healing, answered and unanswered prayers. His promises are Yes and Amen!

    Maplewood NJ

  20. Boom! Another right on JC! "....The most persistent choice you face is whether to trust Me or to worry. You will never run out of things to worry about, but you can choose to trust Me no matter what. I am an ever-present help in trouble...." This struggle with worry is so me. I dislike it! It reveals a weakness in my faith at these times. Dear heavenly Father, help me to see you in all my perceived worry. Help me to know (as I believe!) You crush my "worry". Help me to see that maybe a fear or worry is a blessing in disguise? Happy Birthday to me sister Giovanna-75yr-to day (I'm the younger...very younger brother Lol!) and my dad Sabatino (he would have been 99 this year!). Amen.

    1. Happy 75th birthday Giovanna. Have a blessed day. Peace be with you and your family.

    2. Happy birthday to your sister dear ABC! God bless you !

      Blessings from France

    3. Please pass our Happy Birthday wishes on to Giovanna. God bless!

    4. Happy Birthday Giovanna! Throw worry at His feet and He will give you rest dear ABC,

  21. Oh my, so many pearls of wisdom, love, praises (TERRI, JANET, Sassy Mom - here I go - I know I'm leaving some out), humility and victory in these posts! I am off work again today, by choice to continue getting my house in order and yet, here it is NOON (!) and I'm still reading, talking on the phone, sharing/praying with my dear Hub and all of it - in my ROBE!! These last 2 days off have been a glimpse of retirement which I'm eligible for in November of this year. Audra - you 'lucky duck,' I will be following your posts and can't wait to hear about getting back into Yoga. It's been over 8 years for me, other than dabbling with some 'at home practice,' which just hasn't cut it for me. Everyday, I hear someone retired say, "How did I ever manage to work full time? I'm more busy now than ever!" Or as Dear Hubby says, "The only thing wrong with Retirement is, you never get a day off." LOL!
    Allen, somehow I missed your 2019 post - until today, 2 years later. It blessed me so much as I have 2 grandsons with ADD, an older son, who is managing it and several others of us (yours truly), who deal with it to a lesser degree, but recognize it as part of our lives. I won't go into all of the ways it has been dealt with in our family, but for me, it all goes back to God's Word and reeling our minds back to His Truth. Trust in Him. ABC - your portion of JC is exactly what I wrote down and shared with other family members today. The other portion was, "To receive My Peace, you must change your grasping, controlling stance to one of openness and trust. The only thing you can grasp without damaging your soul is My hand." And so I pray, Lord, please order my steps for the rest of this day and multiple my time and energy to get accomplished the things You see as most important. One of those, for me today, was spending this glorious time in His Word and with you, my JC Family.
    Prayers for all who have asked and for those unseen - they are seen by our Father and Savior! Bob, your post from a year or two ago and MadFox's comments blessed me so much.
    Audra, I am experiencing what you mentioned in response to MadFox's sharing re: Bob's post and dealing with those who are distancing themselves (or are choosing to). MF said, "So, if later in life which is of course, when our maturity and spirituality can lead to profound changes, some will not believe your faith and changed disposition is "real". As above, treat with agape those opposed with a Spirit of peace and move on from that relationship." You wondered if some were doing it in the name of COVID and that is what I am experiencing. I grapple with this (b/c it is also with some family as well as friends), in the early hours when it's just me and God. My family has become vast in numbers and unfortunately, separated in some beliefs that we all practiced and enjoyed in earlier years. We have had to agree to disagree and that is about as civil as each of us can get (we're all passionate people when it comes to our beliefs). I have some friends who 'look forward to the day we can get together,' yet have chosen not to even try, even with safe practice. God has revealed to me that they don't want to and I am learning to accept that and move on. It is harder with my own children, but as my hub has reminded me, "It's not over yet - they may still come around!' And there it is again - trust ME, hold MY Hand. I pray daily to not 'lean on my own understanding,' but to Trust in the Lord with all of my heart. It's hard, but I know it is the Truth and God's Grace, Peace and Love will continue to show me the Way, as He did with Jesus in Nazareth, that day.
    One more email and then I'm off to the races on this house. Pray with me dear JC Family, that I knock some chores out and do it peacefully!
    Love and Blessings to each of you.

    1. May God be with you while you are cleaning your house Norah and give you peace in your heart and the strength to accomplish your tasks. God bless you.

  22. Our burdens, troubles, and circumstances are endless. There is no "light at the end of the tunnel" here on earth. The only "real" light is in heaven and in us. Evil wants us to think that if we fix this area of our life, or change this part of what we're doing, or do this or that, then our life will be easier or better. The devil is a liar! We must always remember this.

    For I, the LORD your God, hold your right hand; it is I who say to you, "Fear not, I am the one who helps you". (Isaiah 41:13). Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God (Philippians 4:6). Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you (1 Thessalonians 5:16-18). More than that, we rejoice in our sufferings, knowing that suffering produces endurance, and endurance produces character, and character produces hope (Romans 5:3-4).

    Maybe the devil thinks by keeping us distracted with trials, troubles, etc., we will take our eyes off God to focus on them. Let's not let the devil win! We will keep our eyes, hearts, minds, and spirit on our Lord at all times and He will help see us through it all. Praise the Lord continually and always. Thank You Jesus! Amen.

  23. Dear Norah, So happy you had sweet and precious time to spend with the Lord today and His Word, Such truth you shared about the only thing we can grasp is His Hand, Amen! We really don’t need a lot when we’re holding that Unchanging Hand, Your time for retirement will come and you will be blessed. Many of my family, children included don’t agree with my beliefs but we all love each other. I also miss people who are choosing for no contact. I know the people who text “I miss you” need a visit from me and I aim to visit with a double mask if need be. God says Be not afraid and I believe Him. God strengthen, heal and bless you and your hubby and all my brothers and sisters here! Much love.
    Amen dear Janet, Let’s just continue to focus on the Lord and His promises and Seek Him and follow hard after righteousness and the spirit and I believe all our problems will become much smaller.

  24. I rarely comment here, but this blog daily begins my time with the Lord. I am currently on staff at a church and have been for almost 20 years. Many of my co-workers have retired. A new younger staff with new ideas are now my co-workers. Most recently, I have been dealing with issues at work that have contributed to me being quite depressed. I have written some thoughts about this and wanted to run them by you to get your input as if you think I should share them with specific
    coworkers. I do not in any way want to cause division. Sorry it's kinda long...
    The journey of life has been extra difficult lately. I think I have been going through the refiner’s fire… My hope is that I will not be burnt up but instead come out shining brightly for our Lord.
    Most of my life I have had a hard time not viewing myself as invisible to others. I can remember as a young person standing at a counter to buy some doughnuts, and those on each side of me and even behind me were waited on and I was not. Silly that I would recall that as being invisible but it was. Lately many circumstances have confirmed this invisibleness as truth in my mind. This view has led me down a deep valley of heart ache and self pity.
    Invisible- not good enough to be seen, appreciated or affirmed. That what I do our say has no worth or value. I will never measure up.
    When one of the staff at church pointed out to me that because of my old age and old ideas, my gifts were not good enough to be useful and that the young minded would be better at pleasing the now culture, this was a confirmation that I was a “has been”. . . or was I ever a been? These thoughts along with actions of some others seemed to help push me down the slippery slope to the valley of self pity and unworthiness. I could so identify with the lyrics to “Fear is a Liar”, (When he told you you're not good enough, when he told you you're not right, when he told you you're not strong enough, To put up a good fight, when he told you you're not worthy, when he told you you're not loved, when he told you you're not beautiful, you'll never be enough.) Fear is a liar.
    I have had a hard time not rehearsing the situations that have confirmed these actions and thoughts. I know that some who have a little knowledge of the valley that I have been walking through have been praying for me. Of this, I am grateful.
    Today, I feel a healing of my soul taking place.
    Invisible to man, but God is reminding me that I am not invisible to Him. He is the God who sees! (El Roy). He is the God who loves me unconditionally, He is the God who accepts me just as I am, He is the God who sent His Son to die for me. He is the God who fearfully and wonderfully made me. He is the God of whom I should be trying to please instead of desiring the affirmation of others.
    I am appreciative and so thankful for a husband who has shown me his unconditional love, even though he may not have the words at times to be my comforter. This I know has been troubling to him and I am so sorry for that.
    They that walk through the valley of the shadow of death, disappointment, hurt, self-pity.. . should not fear (Fear is a liar), for God is with me, He is my comforter.

    1. Thank you for sharing, Learning to Trust. My first thought was, You're in Good Company; our Lord was treated in much the same way.
      My 2nd thought was, you are visible to God and what God thinks of you is all that matters and will be the ONLY thing that matters in the end. I was Happy to read that you know, and sing, fear is a liar
      And, please know you matter to us. I am praying for God to change your situation or situate your change, get you through or get you out, whichever boat helps you to come out shining brightly for our Lord. Keep is posted on what our Lord does in your life in this regard. In Jesus' Name I ask. I seek. I knock. I praise. I thank. I yield. Amen.

    2. TYPO: Boat was supposed to be BEST!

    3. Dear Learning to Trust. My good sister Brie speaks the truth. Even the Lord wasn't listened to in His own hometown. He didn't get the respect He deserved. And through His suffering, he was treated terribly and many turned away for fear of persecution or because their faith was weak. But Jesus was pleasing His Father above all else and accomplishing His will. He paid the price for all our sins. He did everything out of love for His Father and for us. He knows you have been faithful. You have been serving the Lord in your Church for almost 20 years. That shows your true heart of devotion. Age and appearance mean nothing when it comes to following Him. We can follow Him exactly as we are right from this moment until death and into eternity. Don't let anyone's words or judgments make you feel unworthy. You are a beloved daughter of the Most High and of great value to Him. Your Father loves you with an endless love without any conditions. He knows just how you feel inside even more than your good husband does. You have a true friend in Jesus and that is what you can stake your life on. No one can take your greatest Friend away from you. Put your head up high and know you are cherished and you don't walk alone. I'm praying with my sister Brie that you will keep shining your bright light where you are (Bloom where you are planted) until God opens a new door for you. You are anything but invisible dear sister. Fear is a Liar. God's Word is truth and light and life. YOU ARE LOVED! YOU ARE SPECIAL and YOU ARE WORTHY! Thank You Jesus!

    4. Dear Learning to Trust, praying for you in these difficult circumstances. Fear absolutely is a liar! Fear also immobilizes. So, 'Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding'.
      Remember Psalm 94:12-15:
      12 The righteous will flourish like a palm tree,and grow like a cedar in Lebanon.
      13 Planted in the house of the LORD,they will flourish in the courts of our God.
      14 IN OLD AGE THEY WILL STILL BEAR FRUIT; healthy and green they will remain,
      15 to proclaim, “The LORD is upright; He is my Rock,and in Him there is no unrighteousness.”
      Years ago, and a short time before commencing theological studies, I received a Word from the Lord through our Pastor. Part of it was 'Let your sails (as in sailing ships of years gone by) be filled with My Spirit and I will guide you to your destination'.
      Our destination has not been reached yet (we're still on Earth), so I commend the Word I received, to you; 'Let your sails ( your thoughts, prayers, hopes, your attitude, your heart,) be filled with the wind of His Spirit'. He will guide you through this time and eventually to your destination, just as surely as He lives.

    5. Dear Leaening To Trust. In addition to all the good stated above, may I share my old standby?
      Matthew 10:14 And if anyone will not welcome you or heed your words ...
      Whoever does not welcome you, nor listen to your message, as you leave that house or city, [office, place, person, thing] shake the dust [of it] off your feet.
      I literally do this by scraping my shoes outside of the place, where only God can see me, and it helps everytime.
      Praying you dough not let satan bait you with a doughnut! In Jesus' Name. Amen.

    6. Dear Learning to Trust, I think many of us feel invisible at times and can most definitely relate. I've come to realize, at least with myself, that God allows certain things (comments, etc) to be said towards us because He's got something better for us and sometimes words and actions of others actually are a stepping stone to what He has in store for us. While it doesn't seem like a helpful "nudge", when we look back at an uncomfortable or hurtful situation, we can see how it actually catapulted us to something better. It helps us take a step...whether to the right, left, up, etc. In that taking of the step, we are closer to where God wants us to be. So, while unkind & thoughtless comments/words and actions hurt like a son of a gun, they might be a needed nudge.

      This has happened to me. While overwhelmed by a situation or words said, I felt God say to me, deep down inside and clear as day, "I'm enough for you!" That moment and those words empowered me and gave me strength to take a necessary and needed step.

      I'm so sorry you had to endure such unkindness, LTT, but I truly believe Our Lord may be using that to bring you to a better place and I know He is with you in this. While we often don't know what "that" is, we must trust Him knowing He knows the situation, right?!

      I recently started watching the series The Chosen and I'm enjoying it immensely. What's interesting to me in my quest to watch this over this last year, I could never figure out how to get it...which network offered it and free of charge kind of thing so I'd put it off since tech things are not my gift or talent. This being said, I finally figured it out in yet another attempt. The timing couldn't be better as to me hearing and seeing Jesus being portrayed and the disciples He chooses. They are not perfect in any way. And while I knew this, to see it played out has helped and comforted me knowing God is not looking or asking for perfect. He knows we're gonna mess up and yet still seeks us and wants us to come to Him, right?!

      I have added you to my prayers, LTT, and pray you feel God's discernment and direction as well as His loving arms around you. Be well and blessed one and all knowing God has us in the palm of His hand!

    7. Through tearful eyes, I give thanks to the Lord for each of you as you have been such an encouragement to me. Brie's last comment, "Praying you dough not let satan bait you with a doughnut" made me smile. Your prayers are deeply appreciated.

    8. Bless you, LTT, I can relate to your experiences. I think once we decide or buy in to the lies, the devil is very good at feeding our vulnerability with yet more experiences that support the lies.

      Turn your sights on Him who loves your unique personality. You are a child of God!

      In prayer for renewed minds for all who need to turn away from lies and live in peace, myself included. 🙏

    9. PS. I can't recommend The Chosen series highly enough. We have watched it again and again as it takes us deeper in to our love for Jesus, the man. You can find it one YouTube which then we'll help you find subsequent episodes. In joy!

    10. And a year later, the season 3 finale rocked my heart!

    11. Thank you Audra! I haven’t heard of it till now. I know I’ll enjoy it!

      Wow, I’m feeling better now but yesterday I had a terrible breakdown with my faith. I started the morning off terrible and let it continue with the whole day. And it would be no surprise to anyone that the more I complained the worse my day continued get. By bedtime I could barely think straight and I was so disappointed in myself by then. I expected I wouldn’t be able to sleep when I woke up in the night.

      But I prayed every time I woke up (which was at least 5 times) for God’s forgiveness and his mercy and to grant me his peace and more sleep as I felt so terrible. Every time I woke up I went right back to a deep sleep. I actually slept better than most normal nights!!

      I was so impressed and so sorry for the previous days choices to stay in my pity party that I couldn’t wait to get up and read the devotion for today before anything else. First thing was Mad’s “fell off the wagon” post and the CO’s (I think) post of her bad day. I instantly started to feel God’s presence and mercies. I feel so bad for how I acted, just to myself, much less anyone else I spoke to.

      I often ask God to “humble me before his mighty hand” in prayer, and today, I can only think that this has been another quickly answered prayer from my Heavenly Father, because I haven’t felt so bad about myself in a long, long time and he made me to feel the pain. It’s been an emotional morning so far and now has given me the strength to get up and focus on on step at a time again today, to keep my mind more focused on Him. and to make the correct choices between worry and trust.

      I thank you dear Lord for taking so little time to show me the wrong in the whole way I went through yesterday. I also thank you for all of our JC Warriors and The Peyton Family for whose testimonies bought me right back into the fold. I thought I had been doing pretty good but once God heard my prayer for humility, he put it to the top of his list for me today, I suppose.

      Thank you Jesus for being my best friend and ever present help in troubles. Please bless each of the Warriors especially today for bridging my gaping hole this morning right back to you. I pray you can teach me to somehow learn to love myself as you love me. Past wounds seem to never want to heal. Amen.

      (Long time reader, rarely ever posts, lol) Blessings to all!

  25. Thank you all for your prayers for my husband. His procedure went well and God was in the room with him. He was surrounded by so many prayers. His heart rate is back to a regular rhythm again and he feels good. Thank You Jesus!!! What a faithful God we serve! My friends, Your prayers for Mayda and Emilio are working too! They are both showing an improvement in their conditions. Thanking God for His loving kindness and tender mercies. I see them every day. May you also receive answers to your prayers. Don't get discouraged. He is working behind the scenes and according to His own timing. Be patient and hopeful. His promises are true. Hallelujah! Wait on the Lord.

    1. Such answered prayers, Jeanne! HOORAY and HALLELUJAH! Thanks for letting us know! Thank you, Jesus!!!

    2. Great news Jeanne! Praising our Lord!

  26. Thank You dear Jesus for answered prayers for Rick, Mayda & Emilio. Great is Your faithfulness, Your love & Your power moving mightily among us! Pushing the enemy & his lies that has attacked our sister Learning to trust. Bless us with Your presence as we each reach for Your hand ready to lead & to guide us through times of troubled & uncertain path. With a heart of thanksgiving we raise holy hands to praise & worship You. Amen! Hallelujah!

  27. "pushing the enemy & his lies back to the abyss"

    1. Thank you dear sister! Amen and amen! Fear is a Liar and God is greater and faithful and Mighty! 💗😊🙏

  28. 'Seek My Face, and you will find not only My Presence but also My Peace.' from today's Devo.
    I cannot think of anything better than to receive His Presence and His Peace.
    I think I wouldn't be alive on Earth today without these. If we are in Him, His promise is to 'NEVER leave us or forsake us'. And from Isaiah 26:3 You will keep him/her in Perfect Peace whose mind is stayed on You, because he trusts in You. Trust is the key. "Lord Jesus I trust You". Amen

    1. Amen and thank you Peter! True joy and peace can only be found in His presence so we must remind ourselves through the day to stay blessed and in His loving care.

  29. I trust what I share now will not cause anyone offence, I do not mean to be flippant, or irreverent or offensive.
    I follow with interest 'Space walks' as the they are televized. I was thinking of the Astronaut wearing the suit needed in order to operate in space, to be able to stay alive and well in that extremely hostile environment.
    I suddenly 'saw' that as Christians, we, in order to operate alive and well in this hostile earthly environment, need to wear our 'Jesus Suit'. Acts 17:28 "For in him we live and move and have our being". I am wearing my 'Jesus Suit' are you wearing Him today?
    Ephesians 6 10:18 " 10 Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power.
    11 Put on the full armor of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes.
    12 For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.
    13 Therefore put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand.
    14 Stand firm then, with the belt of truth buckled around your waist, with the breastplate of righteousness in place,
    15 and with your feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace.
    16 In addition to all this, take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one.
    17 Take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God.
    18 And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests.
    With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the Lord’s people."

    1. Thank you Peter for the perfect analogy that prefaced this important reading to help remind us to what we actually are dealing with in life. May many blessings follow you as you go about your day. 🌄 🙏 🤲 ❤

    2. I love visuals and analogies, Peter. Thanks for this! Just what I needed! Blessings, brother, to you and all in our JC fam! May we all dress in our Armor of God!

    3. Always loved these words of armoring. Especially as a new Christian & so vulnerable. Thank you Peter for reminding me. Bless you brother.

  30. Thanks Peter! Putting on my Armor of God. I know the Lord will help me fight my battles today and keep me safe from the fiery darts of the evil one. I am more than a conqueror in Christ Jesus. Amen

  31. What a joyful morning I've had reading and reading and reading this lovely blog. I am so thankful, Jeanne that Rick's heart is back in rhythm and he is feeling so good. So blessed to read about Mayda & Emilio's improvement. Continued prayers for all of you.
    Dear Learning To Trust, you will be in my prayers. So many posts on here to you with words of wisdom, love, concern! Brie's ability to bring humor into her posts and help them stick in my mind. So, Learning to Trust, I pray that you see the Christ in You and trust that above and beyond the fiery darts. I pray you know your worth and that age is a blessing - it brings wisdom (knowledge applied). I am the oldest person on my Team...many of our staffers are straight out of college. I am blessed that they are respectful and willing to learn from me as I learn from all of them daily. No one's perfect though except Christ and I got my feelings hurt last week when, not once, but TWICE, I was told by two different people to, "Stop talking!" I felt as if I'd been slapped in the face. But, stop talking I did. And once my ruffled feather got soothed by prayer and God's Word, I was able to see the truth in those statements. Could they have been delivered a little more respectfully, kindly - sure; but, I don't know if the message would have reached me the same way. It is true! I need to stop talking sometimes and LISTEN. Grow my ears and shrink my mouth! Through the prayers and help from my Ladies Nt friends, I was able to stop and say, "OK, I need to learn this, and move on." My youngest son also confronted me a few days ago - that I can be pushy in my effort to love everyone so much. Again, it crushed me, but I saw the truth in what he was saying (and he was very kind in his correction). So, I know God is teaching this old dog some new things (I won't call them tricks - ha ha). I will calm down, get meek and receive the lessons I am learning. I thank God for my loved ones who care enough to help me see what I need to learn. You are not invisible - you are beautiful in His sight. You are YOU and for a reason (another thing my youngest son reminded me). It doesn't mean we can't improve or make changes, but we cannot allow the devil's words to weigh in - only God's. So, after all of this...no, I'm not talking, but I AM RAMBLING, please know that I will continue to pray for you and your situation. And I ask prayers for mine. Almost 48 years ago, at our wedding, an older man I loved had a saying, "When you're green you're growing; when you're ripe, you rot." Let me always want to learn and grown and change, Dear Father. Let me follow Jesus' example and go off and get QUIET.
    Love and prayers to/for all of you. And, great thanks for your insight and responses that touch my heart, so completely.

    1. Dear Heavenly Father God,
      I need Your Mega Help to change my grasping, controlling stance with others to one of openness and trust in You. For Your Divine Help I ask. I seek. I knock. I praise. I thank. I yield. In Jesus' Name. Amen.

    2. Praying that for both of us, Dear Sister! Won't go into detail, but, trust me....I'm fighting it! I love you!

    3. Have you checked your emails lately?

    4. Dear Norah and Brie I just love you sisters just the way you. Just the way God made you. You can be yourselves here. We all have our quirks and imperfections but your hearts and the Christ in you is beautiful to behold. I'm Italian and I probably talk a lot, sing a lot, hug a lot, drive my kids and my DH crazy a lot and that's okay. I also pray a lot and love and trust God a lot. And I know I am loved a lot just as I am. As we all are.

    5. Yes, you are loved a lot our dear Jeanne!

  32. Today's devotion advises us to trust God and we will receive peace in any situation. I love this sentence: The most persistent choice you face is whether to trust Me or to worry. Well I'm throwing worry out the window. I trust Him with my life and my future. So many of us are going through stormy weather. The best we can do is Look Up from where our help cometh. He is still there, the same as He always was and the same as He will be. Unchanging and Almighty. Our immovable Rock and Stronghold. It's so much better to trust in Him than in men.
    I bring my problems to Him because I have already tasted His goodness, and received His faithfulness. Wait on the Lord. Trust in His Words because He is truthful and His promises are reliable. I trust in Him more than anyone else. He is the only One Who Knows Me and Who Hears Me. He can make a Way in any Wilderness. Hallelujah.

    Psalm 42:11 "Why art thou cast down, O my soul? and why art thou disquieted within me? Hope thou in God: for I shall yet praise him, who is the health of my countenance, and my God."

    Isaiah 55:11 "So shall my word be that goeth forth out of my mouth: it shall not return unto me void, but it shall accomplish that which I please, and it shall prosper in the thing whereto I sent it."

    Philippians 4:6-7 Be careful for nothing; but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God. And the peace of God that passes all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.

    1. Amen, Amen! Thank you for the scriptures.

    2. Amen dear sister amen! Praying that you are rested & obviously tackling the enemy head on with the sword of the Spirit! You are NOT cast down! Quite the opposite, you are soaring towards new heights! Love & blessings on your day.🥰💞🙏🌈

    3. Love it!!! Thank you so much for sharing!!! I'm with you. Me too, I'm throwing out my fears and worry out the window and I'm trusting God. He is holding my hand and guiding me at all times. Have a Blessed day everyone!

    4. Amen! And thank you for sharing, Jeanne. You have been in my thoughts and prayers and I’m curious (we all are lol)…. How did your last treatment go? What’s next?

    5. I was singing in Church this morning and I had to learn one of the songs last night. Thank God He helped me sing it well. I was able to give Him some glory. Thanks Peter, Jan, Melissa and Suzanne! I’m glad you were lifted by the good verses and my message. We have no place in our lives for worry and fear. Only the sweet peace and joy we get through believing. Thank God my last treatment on Friday went very well because I remained in His presence. I slept for 3 hours afterwards and by night time I was feeling like myself. The doctor said I can live my life now but I must meet with him every 3 months. My next appt is on May 4th. He will schedule another Pet scan after that. God is faithful and I know He’s healing me. Your prayers are being heard and I am so grateful for them and for your love. We pray for each other.

  33. Behold, God is exalted by His power; who teaches like Him? Who has assigned Him His way, or who has said, 'You have done wrong? Remember to magnify His work, of which men have sung. Everyone has seen it; man looks on it from afar. Behold, God is great, and we do not know Him; nor can the number of His years be discovered. (Job 36:22-26). I know that You can do everything, and that no purpose of Yours can be withheld from You. I have heard of You by the hearing of the ear, but now my eye sees You. Therefore I abhor myself, and repent in dust and ashes. (Job 42:2; 5-6).

  34. James 4: 13-14 'Now listen, you who say, "Today or tomorrow we will go to this or that city, spend a year there, carry on business and make money.” 14 Why, you do not even know what will happen tomorrow! What is your life? You are a mist that appears for a little while and then vanishes.'

    Today's Jesus Calling shows we have a choice; to let go and let God, or attempt to control what we have no knowledge of - the future including what remains of this day.

    God is not asking us to be brainwashed robots, He offers us a better way of life.
    We do have the right to try to control our own destiny ( good luck with that!), we also have the opportunity to make the decision to hold His hand and trust Him.
    For me it's a 'no-brainer'; "I trust You Lord, no matter what. All I am holding on to is Your hand. 'Take my life and let it be, consecrated Lord to Thee'

    Take my life, and let it be
    consecrated, Lord, to thee;
    take my moments and my days,
    let them flow in ceaseless praise.

    Take my hands, and let them move
    at the impulse of thy love;
    take my feet, and let them be
    swift and beautiful for thee.

    Take my voice, and let me sing
    always, only, for my King;
    take my lips, and let them be
    filled with messages from thee.

    Take my silver and my gold,
    not a mite would I withhold;
    take my intellect, and use
    every power as thou shalt choose.

    Take my will and make it thine;
    it shall be no longer mine.
    take my heart, it is thine own;
    it shall be thy royal throne.

    Take my love; my Lord, I pour
    at thy feet its treasure store;
    take my self, and I will be


    1. Amen and thanks! I’m trusting Him with you dear Peter and holding His Hand. I’ve never heard that song before. The video was as beautiful as the song. Very soothing.

  35. Blessed by the encouragement through sharing the word dear Janet & brother Peter. Hallelujah!

  36. Please JC family,
    Prayers for family traveling and for softening a brothers heart towards his siblings and reconciliation in family.
    -Margaret, Pennsylvania

    1. Dear Margaret, God will surely make a way for all hearts to be softened and open enough to forgive and be forgiven and also to receive the love that is offered.
      Father, keep this family safe and protected from harm and sickness. Lead then to a complete and lasting reconciliation and open their hearts to Your love and as well as their own. Bless them and cover them with your peace. Thank you also for granting peace of mind to our sister Margaret in Jesus’ Name we pray. Amen

    2. Great anointing, Jeanne, on your prayer for Margaret and family! Bless you Richly!!!
      Dear Margaret, I ask my, Papa God, to remove in your family any hearts of stone, and give them hearts of flesh--hearts He can mold and shape. Give them hearts that long for the things that please You, Papa, and a DESIRE to be continually in Your presence. May they become people after Your own heart like David. Thank You, Lord, for The Blood that cleanses us from all sin and gives us a new heart and a new, everlasting life.
      Holy Spirit, I invite You to continue changing this family into the image of Christ. Send revival and safe travels to them this day! In Jesus's Name. I pray this trusting and believing on Your Holy Name, AMEN and AMEN.

      Ezekiel 36:26. "And I will give you a new heart, and a new spirit I will put within you And I will remove the heart of stone from your flesh and give you a heart of flesh. " HALLELUJAH!!!

  37. Today's devotion reminds us of The Divine Exchange (thanks Peter): In order to receive His Peace, we must exchange our grasping, controlling of others stance for one of openly trusting God and grasping His Hand stance.
    Only the mind controlled by God's Holy Spirit is Life and Peace.  
    JUST FOR TODAY, I will make a conscious effort to be agreeable. I will be kind and courteous to EVERYONE who crosses my path, and I'll not speak ill of anyone nor will I try to control anyone else but me. I will improve my appearance, speak softly, and not interrupt when someone else is talking. JUST FOR TODAY, I will refrain from improving others &/or controlling anybody but myself.

    1. Brie, your JUST FOR TODAY prayer is mine as well. Thank you for sharing.
      SC Anonymous

    2. Love your entry, Brie, and will join this JUST FOR TODAY prayer. It's such a great mindset to have which, for me, doesn't overwhelm me with pushing the envelope of every day...although I'd like to say I can do this every day. One day at a time of JUST FOR TODAY is a great pace! Thank you, Brie!

      *Side note...not sure if you all remember my son's best friend Alex and his wife, Kristen, who had Baby Joseph just shy of 2 years ago and Joseph had some immediate and life threatening health challenges. Update, Joseph is doing GREAT with no evidence of any lingering issues to date (which I believe was due to the tremendous amount of prayers said for Joseph...which you all graciously and willingly prayed for him!) AND while at my son, Nick's house yesterday, Alex & Kristen FT'd and gave us the news they are expecting another baby due in September! This is truly another miracle as they went through a lot to get pregnant with Joseph. I'd be so grateful if you could add them to your prayers. Thank you!

    3. Praying for Alex, Kristen, Joseph and their new baby.

  38. Each year, I marvel at the new insights to scripture that I've gained in the Bible studies that I attend, and of course, ** in this JC devo. ** Simple message today is you have a choice to be at peace through Him or to submit to the world's chaos. He extends peace to us but only when we accept Him holding our hand.

    As I've grown older, dealt with health challenges, waded through family dynamics, seen others die with and without a strong faith, I'm convinced the journey is about each of us finally finding and trusting God in a way that only we can accept Him. He doesn't change to meet our needs... we must learn, grow in our trust, and ultimately die to ourselves. Only then are we approaching the ability to be more like Jesus. Godspeed and my prayers are with all asking for His mercy and grace. In Him, agape JC Prayer warriors.

    1. MadFox- thank you for sharing your insights- they are a blessing for all of us. The nugget I’ve taken today is to be at peace through Jesus or engage in the chaos of this world. I choose Jesus. The chaos of this world today is scary, sad, and easy to let ourselves be drug into each day. We need to learn - each in our own way- to trust more and find peace in Jesus.
      SC Anonymous

    2. Thank you MadFox. This really landed for me. My favorite Bible verse is Galatians 2:20 : “ I have been crucified with Christ, it is no longer I who lives but Christ who lives in me..”. It’s that dying to self throughout the day that allows Christ to live in/ through us and our faith and trust in that sustains His presence. Thank you Jesus

    3. Beautifully said MadFox! I love your insight! Like the song, "we live, we learn", and we better learn fast bec we don't know if there will be a tomorrow. Have a peaceful day everyone!

    4. Yes! MADFOX, you are so right.
      We are under a boil water advisory and it all boils down to:
      DO I TRUST GOD ? 🤔

    5. Amen! We are citizens of heaven, here to work on the "mop up" after the sacrifice of our Lord finished it for all mankind. This we do with love, trusting God.

    6. Nailed it, MadFox. Thank you for sharing!

  39. God bless you my dear brother! Thank for your wonderful message of truth! We must make a conscious effort all through the day to trust God and His promises and not to worry. You are right about dying to your old self. We are made anew in Christ so we should allow Him to guide us and not yank back the reins. We should reflect His light in everything we do and say. I feel like I must set my life to the side to make my mom happy and comfortable. God knows my heart and my concerns. He knows I need rest and His peace. He knows every word in my heart. I share them with Him and He understands perfectly. I know you must feel the same. You have been a good and faithful servant of the Lord and a great brother to all of us. May God continue to heal, guide and strengthen you. Thank You Jesus.

  40. What then shall we say to these things? If God is for us, who can be against us? (Romans 8:31).

  41. JC Warriors - asking for prayers for a family member. Tomorrow is the first follow up visit with the doctor after starting treatment for metastatic breast cancer. Praying for shrinkage in cancer. Praying for peace for the family as they anticipate tomorrow’s long day.
    SC Anonymous

    1. SC Anonymous-Prayers sent. In the mighty name of Jesus- just yesterday in church a woman gave a praise report of her stage 4 metastatic breast cancer being GONE on her PET scan. Tears everywhere- thank you Jesus for another healing

    2. Done. May she know His mighty hand is holding hers, and that healing comes to this family, in His name, we pray. Peace. Godspeed.

    3. Praying as requested. Trust and rest in His Peace. All is well.

    4. Joining in prayer. May they receive good news and that God cover the family with His peace.

    5. Gathering into prayers with all my brothers and sisters in Christ.

    6. Adding my prayers that treatment has been effective, wisdom for doctors in decisions for future care/treatment, for long life for your friend and for His blessing on her and her family. May they trust in Him and His Presence overshadow them.

    7. Joining this mighty prayer train! Amen! Father God, We thank You for destroying every cancer cell and heal this good woman of her cancer for once and for all! Lead her to touch the hem of your garment and cover her and her family with Your peace and comfort. Thank You for this in the powerful Name of our Risen Lord Christ Jesus. Amen

    8. Praying for obliteration of any cancer in her body, SC! May it not just have shrunk but be gone completely! "Where 2 or 3 gather in my name, there am I in the midst of them!" Thank you, Lord, for your healing of SC's family member! In Jesus' name, AMEN!

    9. My Papa God, joining in all the prayers for SC's family member.
      I ask You to grant her strength to face her follow up with courage and peace, knowing that You are with her every step of the way. Give wisdom and skill to her medical team, and may the results bring comfort and reassurance. May Your Healing Touch continue to work in her body, bringing Restoration and Hope. Surround her with Your love and the support of her loved ones, and may she feel Your presence in this journey. In Your Mercy, grant her good news and renewed strength. Pleading the Blood of Jesus over her and her family. Devil, you CAN'T DEFEAT THE BLOOD!
      In Jesus' Name, Whose name is INFINITELY ABOVE breast cancer, and is Our HEALER and RESTORER, AMEN and AMEN.

    10. Joining the JC prayer warriors for your family and the entire medical team.

  42. I want to join my JC family in acknowledging that I need to act in love and grasp nothing but Jesus' hand. Thanks to everyone for their thoughts on this.

    1. Yes and Amen. Grasp His hand with both of yours, that's fully putting your trust in Him.

    2. Holding hands and jumping waves 🌊 with you PEBGDesigns and Peter. By The Grace of God, We're going to make it over! AMEN!

    3. Praying with you and for you, dear PEBGDesigns. All you need is Jesus! Seek Him first and all other things will be added unto you. Hold onto His mighty Hand and don’t let go.

    4. Dear PEBGDesigns --- The JC WARRIORS are on FIRE with their replies! PRAISE GOD!!!
      I so agree with them! As I have my grip on Jesus tighter than a squirrel holding on to his last acorn befor winter, I also say to my Mighty Father, King Jesus and Most Powerful Holy Spirit:
      "O God, Come to my assistance;
      O Lord make haste to help me." Ps.70:1 When we are with God, He ALWAYS, ALWAYS, ALWAYS, WINS, so WE WIN!!!

  43. "You can have as much of Me and My Peace as you want, through thousands of correct choices each day. The most persistent choice you face is whether to trust Me or to worry. You will never run out of things to worry about, but you can choose to trust Me no matter what." God unmistakably beams into my life frequently, yet I fall back into worry and fear. "Dear Lord, may I continue to grow in my relationship with You and surrender to you and thank You for Your unmistakable Presence in my life." John H.

    1. Thanks dear John H. and sweet Brie! We are only human but He is Greater than anything we could ever worry about. It’s better to trust in God than in man and the world only offers empty promises! God’s promises are reliable and eternal.

    2. You will never run out of things to worry about...says the world.
      May the following Message from our Sponsor preempt the above programming:
      You will always have an infinite ♾️ supply of things to trust God about days THE WORD.
      In Jesus' Name. AMEN!

  44. Amen, complete trust and surrender ❤️

  45. GOD ALWAYS, ALWAYS, WINS!!! My Papa God, keep us in Your Spirit. Surround us with Your protection, so that in body and soul we may praise Your might and be joyful even in a world full of evil. Shine into our hearts that we may discern what is right and good and eternal. May You do more than we can ask or understand for those who still walk in darkness, far away from You. We DECLARE: Every evil power, standing against our lives and our famlies, FALL AND RISE NO MORE!!! May Your Eternal Mercy enfold each of us, and may the earth be filled with the Highest Praise and Thanks to You. Pleading the Blood of Jesus over all! In Jesus' Mighty Name, Who causes us to Ride on the Wings of the Morning into a NEW DAY OF VICTORY, AMEN and AMEN.

  46. Beautiful prayer dear Janet! Amen! My mom and I were talking about that verse today. We are of one accord.

  47. AMEN & AMEN, JJ! Thank you for that powerful prayer!

  48. Amen and Amen and Hallelujah!! We are victorious in Him!

  49. This particular devotion is life changing for me. After this reading I got notified my check had been garnished for $581.36. I prayed and told God I was going to walk in the Spirit, not in the flesh, and trust Him to experience His perfect peace based on Romans 8:6, and Psalms 46:1,2. The garnishment was reversed the next morning, and many other amazing circumstances in my life have also begun to change.

  50. Missing you, Brie and Sassy Mom, and all those we haven't heard from! Praying Strength, Peace, and Victory over you. Whatever the enemy is trying---IT. WILL. FAIL. God's Power is GREATER, His plans UNSTOPPABLE, and His LOVE ❤️ UNSHAKABLE!
    Standing strong in VICTORY and always FIERCE and FEARLESS with you! 🙏🔥💪♥️

    1. I have been missing them for awhile now but just continued to trust God with them.

  51. I miss them too, JJ. Praying as always for my Dear JC Family.

  52. Our sweet Brie is okay but she and Larry and Frank all need our prayers! Missing you dear Sassy Mom. You are in my prayers and in my heart. May God bless and strengthen you both and heal your weaknesses and your dear ones. Thank You Father for this in the Name of Christ Jesus. Amen.

  53. Father God, We come to You today with thankful hearts of faith. We have seen Your faithfulness so many times before. We need you now and we know you hear all our prayers. You are so loving and kind and caring. Thank You for healing Jan’s eye and her DH and Kevin, and lifting, strengthening, helping, and guiding Rich C and his daughter Gabrielle and his friend Earl, and dear SC and her husband and son #2, and Anonymous A and her Uncle Bob, and our dear Norah, her DH and Joni, and comfort her for losing Paula and comfort Roberta and Luke, and the family who lost their daughter in a car accident, and help and heal our dear Brie, Larry and Frank, and Audra’s friend Jayne, and Websister’s dear DIL Leah and BIL Dale, and Anonymous KY, our Janet, and my sister Janet, and my Mom, my old friend Larry Dimondo who had a stroke, and heal and help young Eli, and Free as can be, and Looking up daily, and MadFox, and NJS, and protect Suzanne and Jon, and help ABC, and comfort our Sassy Mom and Terri, and bring my Rick a miracle of a benign biopsy result and bless, heal and strengthen all of us and our dear ones in Jesus’ Name. Amen.

    John 16:23
    And in that day ye shall ask Me nothing. Verily, verily I say unto you, whatsoever ye shall ask the Father in My name, He will give it to you.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Prayers dear Jeanne for all the loved ones you've listed &, for a clear biopsy for your Rick. We trust You Lord that even before these list of concerns came about you new it already & at work through the power of the Holy Spirit. Our part is to pray, believe, trust and be thankful for all of it. Amen!🙏🙏🙏🙌🙌🙌

    3. Thank you, dear Jeanne, for your prayers for us all. Praying for you, Rick's good results, your mom & family. We must continue to trust in and lean on our Heavenly Father knowing He is in control. In Jesus' name, amen!

    4. Amen and thank you for your prayers, dear Peter, Jan and NJS and all our JC Family seen and unseen. Trusting with you in God’s promises. He is already at work answering our prayers. Waiting on the Lord Expectantly. Thank You Jesus.

    5. Thank you, Jeanne, for your powerful prayer. May the Lord move mightily in this prayer.

  54. Ask, Seek, Knock
    Prayer is the word we use when we are communicating with God.
    It is how we communicate our needs and desires.
    Our Heavenly Father being omniscient, knows what we need whether we ask or not, but prayer is the means God has chosen to bring about those answers (James 4:2).
    "You have said, ‘Seek my face.’ My heart says to you, ‘Your face, Lord, do I seek’ "(Psalm 27:8).
    Our seeking through repeated asking is of God Himself, even though we have needs to be met, we don't seek His Hand that supplies our answers to prayer, we seek His Face - eye to Eye.
    When children want something from a parent they will look you straight in the eye. The cookies may be in your hand yet they will look at you when asking.... mostly!🙂
    "Knock and the door will be opened to you" (Matthew 7:7)
    Keep knocking until the door is opened and the need is met. In the same way, we should pray in faith for God’s provision and be persistent in prayer (see Luke 18:1). Keep on keeping on.

    Asking is a verbal request.
    Seeking is setting of priorities and focussing our heart.
    Knocking speaks of a physical repetitive persistent action to bring about a desired result or response.

    A new neighbour needed help yesterday in bringing some furniture he just purchased. It was quite long but my wagon was big enough to put it in. We had arranged 2pm to get the furniture. He's a nightshift worker. I phoned repeatedly from about 1.50pm....no answer.
    I got ready, went to his place and standing by his front door could hear loud snores. I rang the door bell, it was loud enough to hear, rang and rang several times. Eventually I heard footsteps, he opened the door full of apologies saying he was sleeping, but he'd be ready in a minute.
    Keep knocking on 'Heaven's Door' so to speak, until the Door is opened and you get a response from your Heavenly Father.

    1. Amen! Thanks dear Peter! Pray without ceasing and knock until the door is open and seek until you find. God is always with us so we must come to Him in the state of Holiness with an Open Heart ready to receive all He has to offer. That was an act of kindness that brought God glory! Good thing you woke the man up. God bless you and your new day.

    2. AMEN, Peter! Persistence in prayer moves mountains--He hears, He answers, and His timing is perfect! Keep knocking, keep believing!

  55. Thank you dear warriors for interceding on my behalf. I do so appreciate your loving support & encouragement. I had a little bit of a scare at yesterday's eye appointment. The previous doctor thought I had cellulitis of the eye. Hence the 24 hrs check up. He had to move quickly. Well the Lord through your prayers moved quickly too! The specialist didn't see cellulitis but dry eyes. Everything looked normal. Hallelujah! Our God is an awesome God! He heard your prayers! Thank you dear ones. Let's continue to believe! Amen! Love to you all😍🙌🙌🙌

    1. My dear Jan --- PRAISING THE LORD WITH YOU!!! We serve such an AWESOME GOD!!! He watches over HIS WORD TO PERFORM IT!!! HALLELUJAH!!!
      Great Love ❤️, Life and Blessings to you and your family!

    2. Rejoicing with you dear Jan! So blessed by your good news! Our God is an Awesome and Faithful God, and powerful prayers from sincere hearts of faith are answered! Hallelujah!

    3. Praise the Lord!

  56. Praise God, Praise God from who all blessings flow! So happy to hear your praise report, Jan! Glory be to God!

  57. Lord I ask that you help me to focus on You and not my day. I ask that Your Spirit order my day and control my thoughts.

    1. Amen! Come Holy Spirit. Come! Lead us Lord.

  58. FATHER I come to YOU through YOUR SON, JESUS CHRIST, I praise YOU for this day , my breath, my family, children, broth and sisters in Christ. FATHER I ask for YOUR hedge of protection to be placed upon and over all that serve YOU, help me LORD, to seek and find YOUR face, please 🙏, help me to refrain from grasping that which only leads to death and instead help me to always remember to reach for YOUR hand in good and bad times.
    FATHER, I lift up my uncle Bob , my sister Sherry and her mother who’s in hospice and has broken her shoulder due to another fall and no doctor is willing to perform surgery. Provide respite please LORD, to my uncle and aunt, Sherry and her mother too
    FATHER help me to prepare for what is coming, for YOUR return. As I feel the time approaching, and I could be absolutely wrong, yet I don’t se YOU being able to tolerate the sun and evil nature of this world, how they have turned away from YOU and seek only selfish interests.
    Please forgive me for my sins, help me Please FATHER, SON & HOLY SPIRIT to stop smoking, and replace that addiction with an obsession to serve YOU. I ask this in YOUR son’s mighty name JESUS CHRIST,

  59. Continuing to pray for you, dear Anonymous A, and for your Uncle Bob, and now for your sister Sherry and her mom who broke her shoulder. May God heal you in all ways and give you the strength and determination to quit smoking. I remember it took me several tries and God’s help and strength for me to quit many years ago. Trust He is already answering our prayers and He is the strength in our weakness. Go forward today in His presence and peace! Invite Him into your day and look for the light on your path. He cares for you. Try to do only those things that please Him. May His Spirit guide your words and actions and may He make a way for Sherry’s mom to get help for her shoulder, and relief from her pain, and may He soothe and comfort her. We are all imperfect sinners. May God make our paths straight and help us to please Him in our thoughts, words and deeds. One day at a time. Thank You Jesus! 🙏💗

    1. Well said Jeanne and I join in the same prayers in Jesus name for “Anonymous A”.

  60. What a beautiful devotion today reminding us to continually seek Him and Huss presence. I like to use simple breath prayers to help me remember to do that, instead of trying to do things so on my own. A simple “Jesus comfort me” brings peace and a reminder of who I belong to.

    Dear Lord, guide me on my journey of personal growth and development by keeping my mind and soul fixed on upon you and your promises.
    Help me to recognize the skills and talents You have bestowed upon me, and to use them in a way that glorifies You. Teach me to be patient with myself as I learn and grow, and to persevere through challenges with faith and courage. May Your wisdom light my path, and Your love inspire my efforts to improve and grow, knowing that you are with me and will not leave me nor forsake me. In Jesus' name, Amen.

    May you all be blessed with Christ’s peace that surpasses all understanding as you rest in His righteous right hand.

    1. Dear Rich --- May your journey of growth be filled with wisdom,
      strength, and the undeniable presence of God. Every step forward is a victory, every challenge a refining fire, a
      and every monent a chance to walk deeper in His purpose.

      And I thank you for your blessing and His perfect peace is settling over us as we rest securely in His righteous right hand--our refuge, our strength, our ever-present help.
      Great peace and blessings to you, Rich.
