Sunday, February 2, 2014

Jesus Calling: February 21

    Trust and Thankfulness will get you safely through the day. Trust protects you from worrying and obsessing. Thankfulness keeps you from criticizing and complaining: those "sister sins" that so easily entangle you.
    Keeping your eyes on Me is the same thing as trusting Me. It is a free choice that you must make thousands of times daily. The more you choose to trust Me, the easier it becomes. Thought patterns of trust become etched into your brain. Relegate troubles in the periphery of your mind, so that I can be central in your thoughts. Thus you focus on Me, entrusting your concerns into My care. 
Colossians 2:6-7
English Standard Version
Therefore, as you received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk in him, rooted and built up in him and established in the faith, just as you were taught, abounding in thanksgiving.

Psalm 141:8
English Standard Version
But my eyes are toward you, O God, my Lord;
in you I seek refuge; leave me not defenseless!

1 Peter 5:7
English Standard Version
casting all your anxieties on him, because he cares for you.

My Prayer
Lord, help my life to center on and be reminded of trust and thankfulness. May you use these truths as guides through my life. Lord, may I trust you in all things and be truly thankful for the gifts that you have given me. Forgive me Lord. I get impatient and want things my way right now and this leads me into realms of replacing you with my wants and desires. I spit in the face of your hand of providence and pursue my own realities. Lord, I want to turn from my evil ways and walk in You. I pray that my roots would be in You and when I am troubled you would be my refuge. You care Lord which means I don't have to worry. I want to believe that Lord. Help me to believe in You completely each day. 

Note: The devotion and scriptures are from author Sarah Young. If you haven't already, please purchase the book and support the author. 

Also, bookmark to have an easy link to the entire year of these entries.


  1. Trust in myself is what I lack, will i be able to receive Gods direction when i am so upset? God, help me set aside everything I think I know about you, everything i think i know about others, everything I think i know about myself. For a new experience with you God, a new experience with others and a much needed new experience in my own recovery. Trust in the process of recovery is when i focus on thanking God for these opportunities, asking him to see his will, praying for his will. Focusing only on his direction and power to carry it out.

    1. Yes! This is exactly my question and observation of my own behavior: Trust in myself is what I lack, will i be able to receive Gods direction when i am so upset? God, help me set aside everything I think I know about anything. Keep me focused on you Lord, and away from the obsession of thoughts that lead to doubt fear and judgement. Trust and thankfulness, such simple guidance in the devo today, thank you payton family and all those who visit here. May Blessings inspire us today! -audra

    2. Thoughts on trusting self: In Ephesians 6, Paul talks of combating evil spiritual forces greater than our self. In other words, we don’t stand a chance trusting in our self. Paul goes on to admonish us to put on the whole armor of God. It takes time and effort to dress our self correctly. We are not like Cinderella who gets a complete makeover with the waving of a wand by a fairy godmother. It takes time to get dressed both physically and spiritually as we are called to in today’s reading. The reading tells us how to keep at it. Psychology has said this same thing in talking how we have wired our brain through the choices we have made. If we get upset when things are not as we want them, we wire our brain accordingly. Psychology has gone on to say the wiring can be changed by undoing the harmful wiring and rewiring the thinking with healthy thoughts. That is exactly what our reading for today is saying (in a lot fewer words). Though Paul doesn’t specifically name trust and thanksgiving as elements of the armor, both are certainly contained in what Paul says about the whole armor of God. It takes time to get dressed but we might need to get undressed first before we can put on the right protection. Lastly, note Paul’s emphasis on the WHOLE armor... Don’t try to go out into the world spiritually half dressed. God be with you.

    3. Trust, Thank and Obey. There is no other way.
      Sometimes it takes me all day to uncross my brain wires enough to put on the WHOLE armor.

    4. Bob, As I am rewireing and trying to follow God's lead, I usually as Him to Create a clean heart in me and renew a right spirit within me.
      Amen Brie!!! I can relate. It's not easy to put on the whole Armor at the same time, but I notice as soon as I focus on Him, I can't help but be grateful no matter what I'm facing. He is by my side. I trust Him with my very life. Obeying Him is not always easy because I am flawed in my humanity. But I sure do try.

    5. The load gets lighter as uou let go and let God.

    6. Amen! Trust and thankfulness. Thank you Bob for sharing Ephesians 6.
      Lord, I pray for more of you and less of me.
      Love, prayers and blessings JC family
      Stay connected to the vine

  2. I have this book and I love it! I like being able to read it online too so I can look up words I am not sure of. Thanks!

  3. Sometimes it seems so easy for me to react first and then think about God later I need to get in the practice of seeking God first and then my reactions will be through him and not my circumstances

  4. Ouch. Today's devo struck right to my core issue. "Thankfulness keeps you from criticizing and complaining..." So the opposite is the lesson from Sarah: Criticizing and complaining keep me from being thankful.

    Thus, it's sad that my self-talk often moves to critiques and complaints of my circumstances or people. Focusing on the impact of others on me, keeps me. from having a heart of thanks. Being thankful is the mindset of those with strong faith. Father, I pray that today I will minimize complaints and maximize thankfullness. Amen.

    1. I am the same way Mad Fox. We all need to look in the mirror and work on ourselves instead of judging others. We can only do that by being close to the Lord.

    2. Wow! Madfox this hit me as well! Truly give thanks to the lord and criticizing and complaining minimize and go away. God bless

    3. So true, and I am learning that if we criticize or complain about others, we are also criticizing and complaining about ourself in our self talk. So yes, it goes back to working on ourselves with a spirit of love and compassion for ourself. When these things come to our attention, (our shortcomings) a good response is to say, "Thank you God for showing me that. Help me love myself as you love me just as I am and I open myself up to Loving Grace which is the way to true transformation."

      Blessings on your journeys of purification and into a greater awareness of Love.

    4. OUCH! Here too MadFox,
      I am learning that the eye cannot see itself.
      It can see a reflection of itself in other people.
      Therefore, the faults, criticism, complaints my eye sees in others are the ones that apply to the eye's beholder. That would be me. OUCH! OUCH! And more OUCH!

    5. So true. Instead of criticising or complaining about others, we should do some serious introspection and forgive them as we are forgiven. Then concentrate on the gratitude and praise so we'll be of more use to our Father.

    6. I liken this tendency to criticize to the metaphor of looking in a mirror. That's how I remind myself that what bothers me in others is a reflection of some way that I should l look at my own behavior. That also reminds me that God is the ONLY one who will judge, and I should leave that to Him in regards to others and myself. He REALLY wants me to stay in my lane of love and thankfulness.

    7. Dear Lord,
      When I see my reflection in someone else's mirror, please let it look like YOU. This transformation should keep me so busy, I won't have time to delude myself into thinking I can qualify for judge!

  5. Ouch & Ah ha all at the same time. Thankful for a new day to do what I know is right. I need to minimize ME and maximize HIM. Starting with thankfulness.

  6. Today I will be thankful and not criticize or complain.

  7. Trust and and gratitude. An old saying comes to mind..."an attitude of gratitude". This will be my mantra for today....Amen.

  8. I'm on vacation in Mexico. It's been so nice to find this online to help keep me grounded.

  9. I try to think back to before instant access via internet. So much of the traffic in social media is vindictive or confrontational. Lord, help me NOT to be involved in the negativism and keep my postings from a perspective of love for others and trust in You. When we gather with friends, the conversation often tends to variations of, "so and so didn't do something to our expectations." Lord, help me be more positive and direct conversation with awareness of Your perspective of love and thankfulness.

  10. Lord thank you for the support of this blog and the encouragement of Sarah's writings.

  11. GOD is so faithful when your seeking you always seem to be receiving When my eyes seem to roam to the clock and it says 10:10 automatic I think of John 10:10 or at 3:16 John 3:16 God has ways of giving us assurance when we need it I'm so thankful that he loves me that much

    1. I also receive messages from the clock! My favorite is 11:11 as it signals a gateway opportunity is before me.

    2. Thanks maryellenloveday and Audra. I am loving your messages from the clock 11:11 = TOUCHDOWN!

    3. I have done Birthday Prayers according to the clock. When I see someone's birthday on the clock, i.e., 11:17 (DH), 10:15 (BabyGirl) I pray for that person until the number changes!

  12. I trust you Jesus in everything I will encounter today. I am thankful for it all, even if it's difficult. Thank you for shouldering all of my anxieties. Peace and blessings to all you wonderful JC warriors! KS

  13. You are a Mighty God..,
    You are a Mighty God..,
    Mighty, God, Mighty God,.yes You are a Mighty God.
    You are a Faithful God...,
    You are a Faithful God..,
    Faithful God, Faithful...yes You are a Faithful God.
    You are a Loving God..,
    You are a Loving God..,
    Loving God, Loving God..., yes You are a Loving God!

    I woke up this morning with this song in my Spirit and it is still with me. Thank You Father for another blessed and joyful day to sing Your praise and worship You in Spirit and in Truth.

    Giving Thanks to the Father from whom all blessings flow should be all believers top priority. No matter what valley or mountain top you are in. God deserves our praise at all times and in all circumstances. When we fight our battles on our knees, we win ALL the time!
    Give Him Praise and Thanks, for the Lord is Good and 'His Mercy endureths FOREVER'!

    Father in Heaven, Thank You so much for loving us that You sent Your Son Jesus to gave us this Free gift of Salavation. Thank You that we are FORGIVEN!
    No power of darkness shall be able to stand against us all the days of our lives. We hold onto all of Your Promises that are YES and AMEN!
    Thank You for Your Grace that is Sufficient for all of us.

    Blessings and Peace OF Family.

    Maplewood NJ

    1. correction: *JC family

      Maplewood NJ

    2. Thank you Maplewood. Yes His mercy endures forever.

    3. He sure is a Mighty God, dear Maplewood. How blessed we are that our battle is the Lord's. So we all have a reason to be blessed and joyful today. His blessings just keep coming and we know when we are up against the enemy or a difficult situation, He is just a prayer away. Yes just like Paul was taught, His grace is sufficent for all of us. So we rejoice in our trials and tribulations. Greater is He that is in us than he that is in the world. Amen! His Mercy endureth forever!
      Thanks sweet Sister!

    4. Thanks Maplewood. I woke up singing, "We've Come This Far By Faith" I am Praying for each of us to hear His Song in our heart today. Amen.

    5. Still singing! ♥️🎶 Link

    6. Thank you Maplewood! You are a blessing!
      Sending love, hugs and prayers

  14. Dear Lord, Help me to continue to be trusting and thankful each day. Give me the courage to keep my eyes on you at all times to be trusting and ALL situations. Jesus continue to be with me today. Amen.

  15. "Keeping your eyes on Me is the same thing as trusting Me."

    Turn your eyes upon Jesus
    Look full in His wonderful face
    And the things of earth will grow strangely dim
    In the light of His glory and grace

    1. One of my favorites Sassy Mom.

    2. I'm with you Janet! I sure do love it too! Thanks Sassy Mom!

    3. Love this, Sassy Mom!
      Thank you for sharing!
      Love you sweet sister
      Prayers and blessings

  16. Criticizing and complaining, indeed evil siblings who have caused much harm to our souls and by our behavior, much harm to others, and not withstanding, to the delight of the evil one, no glory to God in those moments. Let us show them the door out of our soul and respond to the knock at our door by trust and thankfulness. May they be welcomed in with loving hugs. With love, Bob

    1. Thanks Bob! Good advice. Much love to you.

    2. I had a wonderful (maybe trivial) experience of trust and thankfulness yesterday. The sirius xm radio had expired in my car a couple of months ago. I hesitated to renew for reasons of cost. I am learning to ask and listen for guidance on such questions. Finally, I decided a few days ago (me, myself and I, having not 'heard' any guidance) to go online and try to negotiate a better price. Couldn't reach anyone so I gave up trying. Yesterday, I am at the grocery store and I get this strong thought to try again online to reach siriusxm. I go online when I got home, start looking into FAQ s about SiriusXM, and there's a question..."is XM radio free now?". I click, it says "Yes! You may be eligible for 3 months trial for FREE". Sure enough, both cars were eligible and service has been refreshed, just in time for an extended driving trip we had planned. This may seem trivial, but there is no doubt in my mind anyway that this is a patience reward from God who shows me that I can tune in to His timing and trust and enjoy positive outcomes. Sorry, that was a long story. But maybe other JC warriors would like 3 months of free XM radio LOL! ♥️

    3. ❤️ the suddenly sirius treasure you asked/sought/found, Audra.
      I chuckle when you admitted, "having not heard" and suddenly at the grocery store you get this "strong thought" I chuckled that Gods Holy Spirit said "Can you hear me now?" as we did in early cell phone days when reception was spotty :)
      Not trivia at all since every Blessing counts, especially when we trust and thank on the journey. You gave the TRUST and THANK twins a workout.

    4. Audra, love the SiriusXM story. I'm amazed at how often God is in the little things in life. Our Heavenly Father know how to give good gifts. He not only major's, he minor's. Then again He created atoms, neurons and quarks-the smallest particle known to mankind. Amazing God!

  17. Jesus I trust in you. Thank you for all your blessings. Help me Lord to see good in everyone that crosses my path.

  18. Bob, your comments early in today's blog that talked about ridding our minds of the negatives before building the positives has proven so true for me. If I hang on to offenses, it crowds out my trust, love and thankfulness. Lord you know me intimately and all the "little dusty corners" of my mind. Help me to purge them to make room for full trust in you. Another thought came to me with an analogy of leaving dust in the corners that can blow back in to dirty the rest of the room.

  19. I think of Your Peace inside of me like You sleeping peacefully inside the unsteady boat through the torrential storms, that were 360 happenings all around You, outside of You. Since Your Peaceful Sleep was not disturbed by the turbulence, but it was disturbed by the apostles' lack of trust in You, why should we be disturbed by external turbulence, if we trust You?
    My MANTRA for today: TRUST and THANK!
    Trust protects me from worry/obsessing.
    Thankfulness protects me from criticizing/complaining.
    Help me Trust and Thank You more and more each day. I ask. I seek. I knock. I thank. I praise. In Jesus' Name. Amen

    1. Yes! TRUST AND THANKS are twin sisters:
      TRUST protects my FAITH and
      I am on a TREASURE HUNT Today to discover every opportunity to TRUST and THANK. I plan on giving the twins a vigorous workout today.
      Blessings JC Family. In Jesus' Name. Amen.

    2. Going on a treasure hunt with you today, Brie! I just posted above about a find from yesterday. 📻🎶. Looking forward to reading about other blessings!

    3. Here's the treasure I found today: Drive through Chicken Shack, ordered a 5 piece with fries, biscuits and drinks. Guy hands us the box and said, I want you guys to return. Suddenly box felt heavy. I opened it up to "find" 7 pieces chicken, double order of fries and rice, 2 drinks, no biscuits. HMM! Suddenly, the TRUST and THANK twins said be so thankful for what you do have, let what you don't fade away. I was so full, the biscuits never crossed my mind again, plus I would not have had room for them anyway! I was "siriusly" thankful ;)

  20. Thank You Jesus. Following Chris Payton's prayer above. Exactly what is on my heart and in my mind. Thank you Chris for sharing your wonderful thoughts with us. It's much appreciated. Father, I will bless, praise, and rejoice in You continually and always 🙏.

  21. Thanks Brie and Janet,
    Trusting and thanking Him for leading me to this blog. Thanks Chris for our dear JC Family. Took this with me today:
    But my eyes are toward you, O God, my Lord;
    in you I seek refuge; leave me not defenseless!

    He hears our cries because we seek Him with a sincere heart of faith. His refuge is always available and His will always fight our battles.
    Thanks for your Mantra, dear Brie. Trusting Him and Thanking Him will always lead to good fruit: peace in our day even with hardships, and walking through it to please Him and serve others to His glory.


  22. "In the morning, Lord, you hear my voice; in the morning I lay my requests before you and wait expectantly." (Psalm 5:3 NIV)

    "My voice shalt thou hear in the morning, O LORD; in the morning will I direct my prayer unto thee, and will look up." (Psalm 5:3)

    Loving Father, As I come to You each morning thanking You for the blessing and mercy of a new day, I come with joy in my heart, praises in my spirit and worship glorifying Your holy name!
    Thank You for life today. I entrust ALL of my concerns into Your care and wait patiently and expectantly for Your answers. In Jesus' name. Amen.

    On this first Sunday of Lent, I just want to encourage and remind you all that we serve a God of the Suddenly!
    He breaks an addiction Suddenly, your health improves Suddenly, your petitions and desires of your heart are Suddenly met, your family is Suddenly restored, you get that dream job Suddenly!
    God goes to work in the same way Jesus turned the five loaves of bread and two fish into lunch for the 5,000 (Matthew 14:17), He will take our faith in Him and turn it into the provision we need as we wait thanking and praising Him in expectancy!
    The enemy's goal is to get us discouraged so we will give up and settle where we are, but Jesus reminded us that Satan is the father of LIES. Don't be deceived! No matter how many disappointments you've encountered, God can turn things around for you in a split second of time!
    Just One touch of His favor can Suddenly restore relationships, health, and all needs. One touch of His goodness can solve that problem you're facing today! Just one touch from Almighty God can instantly change your level in life!

    Happy and BLESS First Sunday of Lent!

    Blessings and Peace.

    Maplewood NJ

    1. Amen Maplewood. Yes He Can, He Has and He Will change everything suddenly, as in the blinking of an eye.
      I always perk up when I read about JESUS' MATH!
      May His Math and His Blessings reign supreme on all of us today. Amen.

    2. ❤️Jesus math, Brie and Maplewood. Thank you.

    3. Unknown, what a beautiful inspiration to trust God. He can and does turn things around suddenly and in the blink of an eye, and it can come in so many forms. Our job is to be expectant and trusting.

    4. Yes! Ellen, expectant and trusting as children during an Easter Egg Hunt!

    5. Our Dear Sweet Sweet Maplewood, your post has me singing..
      The Blessing by Elevation Workshop:
      May His favor be upon you
      And a thousand generations
      And your family and your children
      And their children and their children
      May His presence go before you
      And behind you and beside you
      All around you and within you
      He is with you, He is with you
      In the morning, in the evening
      And your coming and your going
      And your weeping and rejoicing
      He is for you, He is for you
      He is for you, He is for you
      He is for you, He is for you
      He is for you, He is for you, woah
      Amen, amen, amen
      Amen, amen, amen

    6. YES! SUDDENLY, be expectant and time in for answers. My prayer as called out by Maplewood...I entrust ALL of my concerns into Your care and wait patiently and expectantly for Your answers. In Jesus' name. Amen.

    7. Amen Maplewood 🙏. I enjoy all His "suddenly " blessings. Such an amazing inspiration ❤.

    8. Something amazing to hear is the Blessing song sung by believers from different nations.

    9. WOWSER! TERRI. Thanks for sharing. Suddenly The Blessing Song took on another life. It made me dream about every human being truly loving and being a Blessing to every other human being...what a wonderful world this could be.

    10. And The Blessing when ...I Hear A Symphony...

    11. Thank you dear Maplewood. He can change a bad situation suddenly into a blessing. He can change a hardship suddently into a way to glorify Him. I just loved all your responses, Brie, Audra, Janet, Terri, Ellen, GTT. So happy I had time after my family left to read this. Had such a busy day and spent most of it in the kitchen. Thanks for the songs: I loved The Blessing and then I listened to the next one! Wow is right! That Blessing Song filled my soul and blessed my heart! Thank you!!!! God bless you all.

    12. Listened to both as I lay me down to sleep. Thank you!!!!

  23. Lord we come together and praise you because you are holy, you are The Great I Am you are the just judge you are omnipotent and omnipresent. Thank you so much for your very process you breathe into us. You are glorious.

  24. Thank you Lord for blessing every day of my life with Your presence, love, protection and guidance as I prepare my heart to face the challenges of today.
    Psalm 91:1-2 Whoever dwells in the shelter of the Most High
    will rest in the shadow of the Almighty.
    I will say of the Lord, “He is my refuge and my fortress,my God, in whom I trust.”

    1. Sharing your prayers Sassy Mom and Terri. Amen 🙏.

    2. Amen Terri and Sassy Mom! Praying with you!
      Father God, Thank you for every wonderful blessing you bestow on us every day. You are so great and merciful and kind and all knowing and powerful and loving. We are praying together with so much gratitude and we know you are healing our loved ones right now. We are praying for MadFox and Norah's husband to have good results Wed and Friday. We know You can do all things and we trust in Your faithfulness. Hear our prayers and give comfort and healing to Your people. We will wait in patience and hope and we will not fear. You are with us and will never leave us. You uphold us with Your mighty right Hand. Thank you for granting all of our prayers. Thank you for giving us rest in You. We love you! Thank you for all these things in the Name of Jesus Christ.

  25. Cat
    Guilty as charged. I have spent much of the pandemic reflecting and actively working to change the way I think. Some days are better than others. I remind myself when I point the finger at others three fingers are pointing back at me. I continue to pray and work. This blog is an integral part of my process. Thank you to all contributors. This very cold weekend I am cozy in my childhood home enjoying good food and the company of my mother amd sister. I am immensely grateful. I hope you all are finding a little joy today.

    1. Oh, yes, Cat - I have the same 3 fingers pointing back at me every time I become critical. So, I silence myself an watch every one relax. Sometimes it takes a leader to show every one how to relax. Deep Breath (Bob - in and out....The Lord is my Shepherd (inhaling); I shall not want (exhale).

    2. God bless you Cat. We are all guilty of judging others just because they sin differently than we sin, and sometimes for the things we do ourselves. I'm working on this problem and trying to walk in their shoes before I judge. So happy you are with your Mom and Sis. Hope you have a great visit. Wishing you Peace with my sister Janet and dear Norah. I just love Bob's Deep Breathing technique. You all make my heart smile.

  26. Amen. Blessings & Peace to all.

  27. Lord, help me to keep you central in everything I do. Please forgive me for the times I think of myself or my situation and don't include You. This is something I want to change as You are what's really important. I love You and seek Your will for me today

  28. Madfox, I'm sure you and your RN Daughter at your destination by now. Praying for both of you. That you wake up tomorrow morning, refreshed, renewed and ready for the tests you are about to take. God Speed, dear friend! Dear Hub and I are praying for you, ever step of the way. It will be good.
    To all of my JC Family - we thank you for your prayers. Heading to bed, tired but blessed. Visits with sons and daughter today. Thankful for their love. We may disagree on many counts, but we know the important ones on which to agree.
    Sleep Sweet,

    1. Joining prayers for you, dear MadFox and your family, and you, dear Sister and your darling Husband and your family. God is with all of you and He will see you through your biopsies. Praying for good news. Do not be dismayed. Trust in Him with your whole heart and mind and soul. Lean not unto your own understanding. Hold on tight to that Unchanging Hand. Know that we are all praying so hard for all of you, and also for your peace and comfort.
      Get some rest Norah. It always does my heart good to know you are restoring yourself. Much love to you and MadFox.

  29. You have our prayers, SC. God will be holding your hand throughout the biopsy. A Bible verse written on paper and tucked into my sock helped me, and repeating the Our FATHER on the "breathes" and "don't breathes" also helped me keep my mind stayed on Him rather than my circumstance Much Love ❤

    1. This is my song for you, SC. May you sing it loudly, and may you sing it proudly in Jesus' Name. Amen.

  30. Trusting in God's faithfulness for SC today as she goes through her biopsy. May He guide the doctor's hands and give SC peace through the procedure and good results to follow. Thank You Jesus!

    1. Joining dear sisters I'm prayer for SC. May that biopsy produce great results. Placing you in the Loving hands of the Lord🙏💕

    2. Linking my prayer with yours, my sisters, for dear SC. Thanking God for a positive outcome, and may His peace, mercy and grace be with you through it all. Much love.

  31. My twin sister is flying in from Missouri today. Thanking God for a hedge of protection around her at all times. She will be in NY for 2 months and we will be going to my Mom's on Wednesday. I am blessed my Mom is a little better every day. God is so faithful. Rick is doing fine too. Thanks for your prayers. We will continue to pray for each other. Much love to all.

    1. Thanks for the update. Traveling Mercy Prayers are being said with Love ❤ 😍

    2. Praying traveling mercies for your sister. I hope your reunion is beautiful and a balm for your soul, sweet Jeanne. Thanking God that your dear mother continues to improve in Jesus' name. May you all enjoy your time together.

    3. What they said 😉🙏♥️

  32. Lord please provide a safe flight for Jeanne's sis. Thank You for continued healing for Jeanne's mom and Rick. Thank You for success for bypass surgery for our worship leader Cliff. He is recovering well. Asking for prayer for improvement in breathing & stamina. Thank you warriors for your prayers. Thanking the Lord for each of you. Blessings overflowing as you walk with the Lord this day. 🙏💕

    1. Praying for all this and more, sweet Jan. Thank you, JC family, for all of your prayers. I am grateful we have one another. May you all feel His presence and guidance today in Jesus' name.

    2. Continuing to pray for Cliff to be strengthened in his breathing and all through his body, mind and spirit. Father, We ask you for your amazing healing power for Cliff and for all our JC Family. Thank you for your continued faithfulness in the Name of Jesus. Amen

  33. " focus on Me, entrusting your concerns into My care. " We'd all love to say we don't have a care in the world. If we give them all to Jesus, we won't! Slowly getting there, prayer by prayer. Casting all anxieties on Him.

    1. I am casting with you, Peter. In Jesus' Name. 💖 Amen

    2. Amen, Peter. Casting away!

    3. Amen, Peter. Casting away!

    4. Casting all worry and anxiety as I put my trust in the Lord. Thank you for all our prayers! Everything went well with Janet today and we got her to the doctor for her knees. God was leading us and his timing was perfect. We enjoyed our night together and even the babies were good. My Mom is doing alright but she is still unsteady on her feet. I will try to get her to use her walker more often. Giving it all to Jesus. Resting in Him who loves me.

  34. Joining in the casting party today. Thank you Jesus for this uplifting reminder of trust! ✝️♥️

  35. “Trust and Thankfulness will get you safely through the day.” They did. It’s now Monday evening and the biopsy has been done. Thank you JC warriors for your prayers today. I felt them and felt God holding me. The anxiety leading up to the procedure was greater than the pain of the procedure. So thankful. I’m resting my faith in God that the results will be favorable. Thank you again for your prayers.

    1. Dear SC. Thank God your procedure went well. Praying with my family here that your results will be good ones. Thamk You Jesus. Amen dear Brie! All good things come from up above. They are the things that endure.

  36. Isn't it interesting how active our imaginations can be leading up to medical procedures? God gave us these amazing bodies, capable of regenerating cells in healthy restoration from challenges put upon them. Choose love over fear and trust he'll make all things new. Thank you Jesus! Every day I am healing thanks to your grand design. Nite nite all ♥️🙏

  37. Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, in everything give thanks; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you. (1 Thessalonians 5:16-18). While you are enriched in everything for all liberality, which causes thanksgiving through us to God. (2 Corinthians 9:11). But I will sacrifice to You with the voice of thanksgiving; I will pay what I have vowed. Salvation is of the LORD. (Jonah 2:9).

    1. Thanks sweet Janet! Good food to start my day. Amen

  38. Amen Jeanne 🙏. Let praises of thankfulness and trust flow freely from our mouths and our hearts. Shalom.

  39. Yes indeed! Praise Him! Praise Him! Jeanne, your love of singing is resonating from the scriptures you chose to share today. Are you singing them around the house? I can almost hear you. Bless your day dear sister🥰🎼🙏🌈

  40. Thank you dear Janet. Jonah has my curiosity at peak. I'm looking that one up this morning. Bless you sweet sister🥰🙏🌈

  41. The Lord decided to have B and his wife wait longer for his brain cancer pathology report - it was sent to Mayo Clinic for further review (which they knew was a possibility/likely to happen) but they got to their appointment yesterday and found out the final results weren’t back yet. They now have an appointment in 4 days, this Friday, to hear the results. They know it’s malignant, just not what grade. They are covered in prayer but I’d sure appreciate more for them. It would be hard not to be anxious, to want to take the next steps but also not knowing how hard those steps might be. Such is the life of a family with cancer…hurry up and wait!

    1. Praying to our good God for B and family!

    2. Into God's Care, I am casting B's cares. As patients in God's Waiting Room, may their patience and courage be strenghthened as they seek The Greatest Phsician and Healer, Who is so worth the wait! Much Love and Many Prayers, Brie

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    4. Joining my sister, Brie, and all of our JC prayer-warriors in praying for B and B's family. Waiting is never easy, but remember, Jehovah Rapha has already been at work and will continue working/healing and bringing B and B's family THROUGH this valley and holding tightly to their hands.

    5. ..."These things dominate the thoughts, but your Heavenly Father already knows all your needs." Matthew 6:32

    6. Joining all prayers for B and his family and praying that when the results are finally revealed in 4 days, they will receive a good report and God’s faithfulness. He will be right there with them. May He cover them will His peace now and remove every anxious thoughts from their minds.
      Father God, We thank You for healing B and removing every cancer cell and replacing it with healthy tissue. You are the Greatest Physician and we trust You to turn this trial into a blessing. Thank You for guiding B’s doctors to bring him back to perfect health, peace and comfort in Jesus’ Name we pray. Amen.

      Psalm 103:1-5
      Bless the Lord, O my soul;
      And all that is within me, bless His holy name!
      Bless the Lord, O my soul,
      And forget not all His benefits:
      Who forgives all your iniquities,
      Who heals all your diseases,
      Who redeems your life from destruction,
      Who crowns you with lovingkindness and tender mercies,
      Who satisfies your mouth with good things,
      So that your youth is renewed like the eagle’s.

    7. Joining all the JCFAMILY/WARRIORS in prayer B. When in Spiritual Warfare, it helps me to review God's Mighty Supernatural Interventions. David did this before he faced Goliath. It just takes one encounter in the Presence of Lord to change everthing---touching, healing and saving lives! ALL availabe today, for the Lord is the same yesterday, today and forever
      (Hewbrews 13:8). And He is no respecter of person which means that God will provide every person with the opportunity to receive the Blessings available through the plan of salvation (Acts 10:28, 34-35). He transformed Saul's life on the road to Damascus.
      He healed the man waiting for years at the pool of Bethesda. The lame beggar was healed after he encountered the power of God released theough Peter and John. Peter walked on water. He got his eyes off of Jesus and onto the water and sank. But, Jesus, saved him and put him back in the boat. He saved Noah, his family and "every living thing of all flesh"
      (Genesis 6:19) from the flood. He saved Daniel from the lion's mouth. He saved the three Hebrew boys from the firey furnace. He parted the Red Sea and delivered the Israelites.
      Caleb and Joshua put their faith in God and they became MORE THAN CONQUERORS! David took out Goliath with one stone, because he served the God Who Makes GIANTS FALL! HALLELUJAH!! And our Lord healed when the hem of His garment was touched. I reach with B and his family to touch the hem of His garment and receive healing! Fill B and his family with your GLORY, Lord, and cover them with The Blood of Jesus. I call on the name of Jesus for B and family who changes everything! My Lord turn it around for B. AMEN and AMEN. JJ

    8. Amen dear JJ! God's power is the same so He can grant us miracles. He is mighty to save and He sure can answer our prayers. Praying with you for B and his family. Trusting in His faithfulness as always. Waiting on the Lord and expecting amazing things. Nothing is too hard for Him. Hallelujah!

  42. Amen dear Janet and Jan! We praise Him together with a new song of thanksgiving in our hearts! Yes Jan! I sing all through my day! The songs I’m learning for Choir are just beautiful. I often sing them while I’m cooking in my kitchen. One new one is These Alone Are Enough.

  43. Joining in prayers for those in waiting... And thanking and trusting! ♥️🙏✝️

  44. Amen! Thanking and Trusting with you that all will be well because God is in charge. Thank You Jesus.

  45. We don't know what lies ahead but God does. So we must trust Him even when we can't see anything in front of us. He guides our wilderness and lights our paths. Faith is believing what we can't see. We are anchored to Heaven by our Faith. We can't see it but our trust is a golden cord and we are tethered to God by our faith and trust. No reason to fear because He goes before us and prepares our days. If He brings us to it, He will equip us for it, and carry us through it. Always remember that we are of great value to our Father. We are His sons and daughters, the work of His Hands. We are dearly loved and cared for. If you're going through a trial, read His Word and know you can stake your life on the truthfulness of His Words and Promises.

    Psalms 125:1
    Those who trust in the LORD Are like Mount Zion, Which cannot be moved, but abides forever.

    Psalm 34:4
    I sought the Lord, and He heard me,
    And delivered me from all my fears.

    Jeremiah 17:7-8
    Blessed is the man who trusts in the Lord, And whose hope is the Lord.
    For he shall be like a tree planted by the waters, Which spreads out its roots by the river, And will not fear when heat comes; But its leaf will be green, And will not be anxious in the year of drought, Nor will cease from yielding fruit.

  46. Enter His gates with thanksgiving and His courts with praise; give thanks to Him and praise His name. (Psalm 100:4). Give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus. (1 Thessalonians 5:18).

    1. Thank you for sharing that our place in this life is not a competition with others… it is a unique race with only God as our ultimate reward, not kudos from any other source. It is His joy that gives us strength to finish that which He has started in each of us🥰
      Helen in San Diego

  47. Striving to put trust in front of worry.

    1. Yes! No room for worry! God is greater.

  48. From today's JC Blog: "Trust and Thankfulness will get you safely through the day", and "The more you choose to trust Me, the easier it becomes. Thought patterns of trust become etched into your brain."

    We have Squirrels! No, that's not the name of a new sickness or infection; I refer to the little furry creatures scampering up and down trees, chasing each other around and burying nuts in the lawn. Delightful to watch!
    The grass is regularly mown, kept quite short. The squirrels like most of us are creatures of habit. They don't weigh much 14 to 20 ounces or thereabouts, even so, in the grass are well worn tracks showing their entry and exit points. The squirrels have run across and back along the same path so many times that they have created defined tracks through the grass.
    A bit like our thought patterns of trust (and thankfulness); repetition reinforces habits, creating neural pathways in our thought patterns. Creating and cultivating the habits of trust and thankfulness helps us keep our eyes on Him throughout the day and help keep us on the path of righteousness; "He leads me in paths of righteousness” (Psalm 23:2)

    1. That was great Peter. Thanks.
      I love to watch them too. Keeping Trust in the front of my mind because I lean on God’s faithfulness.

  49. Thank-you anonymous I am a runner that has actually ran many races. Right now I’m having a hard time getting back into it after taking off for a while, but I know God is with me. He literally just let me know by reading your post! ❤️🙏

  50. Brie, I love an earlier post you wrote this day, that says we should be waiting expectantly for God’s answers like children at an Easter Egg hunt! That is an image that I can easily imagine. Attuned and expecting a blessing!

  51. Beautifully said! Amen!

  52. Thank you and Amen. John H.

  53. Loved that, Anonymous! Thank you! That blessed me too. I have been a runner since I was 22 and I have raced many times too . I loved running marathons. You really feel God’s Hand holding you through the races. I pray when my life is done that God will say I was a good and faithful servant and I ran a good race for Him.
    I’m also trying to get back into it because I enjoy it. God is our strength and we can do all things through Christ Who strengthens us.

  54. Beautiful! Waiting on the Lord. Hope we find some pretty Easter eggs today as God scatters His blessings along our paths.

  55. Amen Jeanne!! I didn’t know you were a runner. You always pray for my daughter Tori Faith and I appreciate that! ❤️

  56. Still praying for your dear daughter, Tori Faith. Not running now but I am still able to. Thanking God for His continued faithfulness to Tori and peace and strength for you and for the good health He has blessed me with. Praying now for my dear husband’s healing and for God’s guidance as he decides on a doctor and a treatment plan. Praying for our answered prayers and for dear Ellen, and SC’s DH, and Anonymous A, Brie, Larry and Al, Peter, Wendy, Rich C, Gabrielle, Norah, her DH, Joni, Audra, Marc and their families, MadFox, ABC, Jan and her DH, our Janet, JJ, my mom and my sister Janet, their neighbor and friend Lenny and his wife and daughter, my friends Sandy and Mike, my neighbor Terry, my friend Bobby, and everyone on my prayer list. Father God. You are so faithful and good and merciful. We are trusting You will answer our prayers and make things right for us. Thank You for this in the Name of Christ Jesus. Amen

    John 14:13-14
    And whatever you ask in My name, that I will do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son. If you ask anything in My name, I will do it.

    1. Joining in prayers with you Jeanne 🙏. Thank You Jesus for hearing and answering all our prayers. All praise, honor and glory belong to You. In Jesus name, Amen 🙏 🙌.

    2. Thank you for this beautiful prayer---such a powerful Declaration of faith ❤️. Standing in faith with you---may His Power and Mercy be revealed!🙏🙏🙏💪🕊💕

    3. My Dear Jeanne, thank you for this beautiful prayer--- such a POWERFUL Declaration of faith!
      Standing firm with you in God's promises---may His Power and Mercy be revealed!

  57. "For you died, and your life is hidden with Christ in God." (Colossians 3:3).

  58. Struggling with sin that I know is wrong, yet I keep doing it. Could really use some extra prayers for the strength to stop.

    1. Praying that you will keep your eyes on Him throughout this day and that He will provide His strength, peace and grace to you.
      Younrequest brought to mind 1 Cor. 10:13 NKJV:
      13 No temptation has overtaken you except such as is common to man; but God is faithful, who will not allow you to be tempted beyond what you are able, but with the temptation will also make the way of escape, that you may be able to [a]bear it.

      Sometimes we can get so focused on the temptation and trying to resist it in our own meager strength that we forget to look for and ask Him to reveal to us the ‘way of escape’ that He has promised us. God bless 🙏🏻

    2. Extra prayers for strength to stop going your way, Anonymous. In Jesus' name, I pray. Amén. 🙏🏼

    3. My King Jesus--You came to set the captives free, and Your VICTORY IS COMPLETE! I lift up this dear one who is struggling, caught in a battle they long to overcome. The enemy is a liar, but You are the TRUTH that sets them FREE!
      By the POWER of Your Blood and the authority of Your Name, I Declare: sin has NO hold on them. They ARE NOT BOUND---THEY ARE DELIVERED!
      Strengthen them, Holy Spirit, to walk in the VICTORY ALREADY WON! Fill them with Your Power, BREAK every chain, and remind them that they ARE MORE THAN A CONQUEROR IN CHRIST! Thanking You, Jesus, for Anonymous's Supernatural Breakthrough! By the AUTHORITY of Christ, every scheme of the enemy is DEMOLISHED AND POWERLESS!, AMEN AND AMEN.

      Galatians 5:1 --- "It is for freedom that Christ has set you free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery." (We don't have to go back----our freedom is secured!)

      Romans 8:37 --- "No, in all these things we are more than conquerors through Him who loved us." ( We are not just survivors---WE ARE MORE THAN CONQUERORS!)

    4. Dear Anonymous, I’m joining all prayers for God to grant you strength and courage to avoid those things that threaten to separate you from His love. We are all sinners in need of forgiveness. Jesus has already paid for your sins. He knows you’re sorry and you long to stop sinning because you want to please Him. Hold tighter to His Hand. Avoid people and situations that tempt you to sin. Stay in His Presence and read His Word. He is a very present help in trouble. He will help you turn away from sin and follow hard after righteousness and the spirit.
      Father God, Thank You for helping dear Anonymous make the right decisions and choose the path that leads to glorifying You, in Jesus’ Name. Amen

      Romans 8:37-39
      Yet in all these things we are more than conquerors through Him who loved us. For I am persuaded that neither death nor life, nor angels nor principalities nor powers, nor things present nor things to come, nor height nor depth, nor any other created thing, shall be able to separate us from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.

  59. Lord, I thank you for this day. Thank you for getting us to the final post op check before we can fly home. Praying for a good check and easy uneventful flights home.
    SC Anonymous

    1. Thankful and praying with you 🙏🏻

    2. My Heavenly Father--- I lift up SC and her DH to You with hearts 💕 full of gratitude! Thank You for bringing them this far and for Your hand upon his healing journey. I pray for a great report at this final post- op check, that all would be well and in perfect order. Surround them with Your peace and grant them safe and smooth travels home. May Your presence go before them, behind them, and all around them. I ask it all in the Unmatched Power of Jesus, AMEN and AMEN.🙏❤️💕🙏💪

    3. Dear SC, Such good news of God’s faithfulness! I’m praying with our dear Websister and JJ that all will go well in the post op checkup for your dear husband and God will continue healing him in body, mind and spirit. He can rest in the best Hands as he recovers and receive the joy and peace in believing to lift him each day. Trusting that our merciful Father will bring him through a perfect recovery. The best is yet to come! Thank You Jesus.

  60. Asking for prayers. Our family is very broken.

  61. Dear Norah, Hold on tight to His Unchanging Hand. Praying for God’s peace, healing, strength, comfort and love to cover you and your family. Sending love.
