Friday, February 14, 2014

Jesus Calling: March 1

    When something in your life or thoughts makes you anxious, come to Me and talk about it. Bring Me your prayer and petition with thanksgiving, saying: "Thank You, Jesus, for this opportunity to trust You more." Though the lessons of trust that I send to you come wrapped in difficulties, the benefits far outweigh the cost.
    Well-developed trust will bring you many blessings, not the least of which is My Peace. I have promised to keep you in perfect Peace to the extent that you trust in Me. The world has it backwards, teaching that peace is the result of having enough money, possessions, insurance, and security systems. My Peace, however, is such an all-encompassing gift that it is independent of all circumstances. Though you lose everything else, if you gain My Peace you are rich indeed. 
Philippians 4:6
New American Standard Bible
Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God.

Isaiah 26:3
New Living Translation
You will keep in perfect peace
all who trust in you,
all whose thoughts are fixed on you!

She mentions how "the world has it backwards, teaching that peace is the result of having enough money, possessions, insurance, and security systems." I Timothy 4:7 talks about exercising oneself or training oneself to godliness. It's a verse that has always spoken to me because of the inverse, when we aren't training ourselves to godliness, we are getting trained by the world. The follower in Christ has been given the Spirit and He speaks, but I wonder if often our attachment to the world and its ways results in us not listening to the Holy Spirit as he speaks to us or listening and not responding.

My Prayer
I don't need to be anxious for anything in my life. When I have trouble, Lord, I am to turn to you and let you know about it. Keep me focused Lord on you and trusting you for the outcomes of my life. Lord, I get into the habit so often of thinking that through my good planning and preparations that I can have peace. I think that I create the peace in my life by having things. But, you remind me that peace is found in You because You are Peace. This doesn't mean that I won't have tough situations, just as it doesn't mean that I won't have great times. But, no matter what, You are there. I need to trust You and fix my thoughts on You. But I cannot do this on my own. I need Your strength to accomplish this.

Note: The devotion and scriptures are from author Sarah Young. If you haven't already, please purchase the book and support the author. 

Also, bookmark to have an easy link to the entire year of these entries.


  1. Christians, team, blog group, or Team PFJC, it makes no difference and the suggestion was as Norah said... simply a "nod" to Mr. Payton and to his blog that put Jesus Calling in its entirety online.

    It appears this gathering is growing because it's simply focused on prayer and thoughts being shared regarding the devo theme of the day. No confrontation, no politics, no agendas other than to grow in our walk with Christ.

    May we continue to be guided by Jesus Calling messages, the accompanying scripture and the insights of those who feel moved on any particular day to share their experiences.

    God extends His RIGHT hand in peace to give us what we need TODAY! Godspeed "team" and anyone new here - may you be blessed as you journey with Him at your side. Amen.

    1. You said it perfectly MadFox! I look forward to this everyday. I have the book - but everyone's comments add so much more. Thank you!

    2. I have been reading this blog for well over a year every day. I too have noticed how much the community has grown over the last several months. It has been exciting to see such growth.

      Thank you Payton family for providing this blog. I have Sarah's book and I have bought 2 other copies for family members but it's just more fulfilling to share each day with this group. Thank you all for being a part of my morning each day. Blessings to you all.

    3. Thanks Chris and the Payton family and my JC Family for blessing me each day.
      Thanks dear MadFox for the light you pour into my days. I love your beautiful heart and need your encouragement. Always in my prayers my brother. God is with you always.

    4. Yes, MadFox I echo what Jeanne said. I was just thinking I wanted to tell you that I appreciate what a good disciple you are and Jeanne's words say what I'd like to say.and more. Godspeed back to you dear brother.

    5. Thank you MadFox for sharing your Faith Journey with us from the Mountaintops and through the Valleys. Because of you, I am better learning to say, Thank You, Jesus, for this opportunity to trust You more." and mean it. Be Blessed MadFox and all of our fellow JC Prayer Warriors. In Jesus' Name. Amen.

    6. Thank you for sharing these beautiful truths nod Jesus each day. I have a Jesus calling devotional that I have used, but this enables me to share the promises of Jesus with others very easily. It is a blessing each morning to begin the day sharing the hope and love our savior.

    7. This wonderful family is such a beautiful blessing, straight from our Lord. Love and prayers

    8. Praying this PFJC continues to grow and share!

    9. Dear MadFox, Your comforting words of truth are still lifting my heart and bringing me peace! Praying God is continuing to show you His faithfulness and all is going well as you move forward trusting Him. Much love.

  2. Thank yoi MadFox for the good words


  4. Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be your precious name, your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as in heaven. Forgive us Father, as we forgive those who have wronged us, please lead us from all temptation. Amen!

  5. Read this book every morning. It is truly amazing how sometimes when I’m in my darkest hours that day’s reading speaks volumes and brings me back to the light and love of Jesus❤️

  6. Thank you. It always applies to me!

  7. I have found that no matter what is going on in my life, each day of Jesus Calling is perfect for that very day. Each of us have different struggles in our lives ,every day is for for each struggle. Sarah is anointed by God for her way of how she puts the words God gives her to write it as if God was speaking directly to each of us and to what is happening in our lives. I bought our copy of her devo 6 years ago and I have read the same devo for this long. We bought each of our 5 children a copy and also one for my best friend. This is the best devo I have ever read. Thabless! Payton family for making a page on here so we can share our thoughts and prayers. God bless!

  8. I apologize for all the typos. I know God knows what I was saying, hahaha!

  9. Good morning to all! My personal devotions this AM focused on patience. How big a role patience plays in establishing His perfect peace. When I become impatient with things not being my way, I will have little to no peace as will those closest to me. I share with you a few lines from the devotional that gave me much food for thought:

    "The more perfect our patience the more completely do we possess our [own]souls."

    "We would be better suited to be patient with people's shortcomings if we were not inconvenienced by them." (This one particularly got to me.)

    "Have patience with everyone, but chiefly with yourself; do not trouble yourself about your imperfections, and always have the courage to lift yourself out of them. I am well content that you begin again every day: there is no better way to perfect the spiritual life than always to begin again and never to think you have done enough."

    "One of the paradoxes of the spiritual journey is that cultivating the virtue of patience requires patience! Patience is needed, for the spiritual journey itself, for more often than not we will end up taking one step backward for every two steps forward. Nevertheless, as long as we are making progress, speed is not paramount. Once we begin to accept our own place on the journey, we will be in a better position to show patience to others along the way."

    The quotes shared above come from Francis de Sales and a devotional written for the Companions for the Journey Series by St Mary's Press (which is unfortunately out of print) entitled Praying with Francis de Sales by Thomas F Dailey.

    Be blessed this day. God be with you.

    1. Cat
      I like to think of my spirit journey as progress not perfection. I am so grateful for this devotional and blog which starts my day.

    2. BOB! Serene Patience comes through to me in all of your posts and replies, and brings me His Peace. May God continue blessing you and our entire JC Family, in Jesus' Name. I ask. I seek. I knock. I praise. I thank. Amen.
      Yes CAT, progress is a win-win!

    3. Cat, I completely agree!!!
      Brie, I feel the same way!!!
      God Bless you both!!! ❤❤❤

    4. Thank you Bob, and thank you Father for this new day, a chance to begin again. Thank you for it's beauty and it's light. Thank you for this new month in this season and this time of progress in our journey with you. Blessings to ask those passing this way today! The hope of heaven fills my heart and soul as I spend my morning prayer time with you all. ♥️🙏

    5. I once read that " Patience often involves seeing the innocence in the actions of another ". This thought has served me well when I am faced with the choice of how to respond to a situation where patience is involved. I admit that it is very much of a challenge when I am " personally inconvenienced ", but that's usually when it's needed the most !
      Thank you for all your shared wisdom. We are so blessed to have this place to encourage each other to become better followers of Jesus.

    6. Oh those times when I am"personally inconvenienced" when evil finds the vulnerability to send me to judgement! Thank you Lord for the opportunities to practice patience and compassion.

  10. Being in a program of recovery, and sharing this work of God's influence in my life, having the book as a gift from a neighbor (best gift ever), reading and sharing the links with my friends in recovery or distress, is a daily reprieve from the insanity of this busy senseless world.
    Thank you all for comments and blessings to you for sharing your enthusiasm and experiences reading tease pages and living in God's will. Living, giving, striving and surviving one day at at time. Thank you Sarah Young for this inspirational well spring of spirituality and to Payton family for delivering the message...God Bless,FoB

  11. Patience, ah yes. Bob hit the nail on the head. This was, and is, one of my biggest struggles but I'm amazed at how much I've progressed. If we can get somewhat of a handle on that, then we are much better equipped to listen to, and to hear, Jesus when he speaks to our soul. Every time I make the sacrifice of time, or the days when I'm unexpectedly made to be still, but accept it as Jesus's way of speaking to me in the time of stillness, I have found that I come out of it blessed. Each time I come out feeling blessed, it builds my confidence in striving for patience. I'm finally beginning to realize when it's time to let Jesus have his way with me, I try and listen and accept it and begin the search for his reasons. Man, what an adventure this has become! I was raised in a Christian family and in church and always considered myself saved and a Christian, but I never was able to get as close to Jesus as I have today. He really does long to be you very best friend, that you can speak to about any and everything, without judgement and an absolute guarantee of acceptance.

    All I can say, is that reading Jesus Calling, never gets old, it actually keeps getting NEW! lol. I've been reading it now for around 7 years. It is absolutely magical how Jesus has connected to so many people and on a much deeper and personal level, with this book.

    Thanks to all for sharing. It all really lifts me up! Blessings to all! peace

    1. Hard for myself as well,to "be still". Running around trying to make or control to have patience. Backwards thinking.

    2. Amen Allen! We learn more about Jesus and ourselves each day through this wonderful blog, The time we dedicate to the Lord enhances our spiritual life because we feel His delight in us. He waits for us to come to Him. I really feel Him holding my Hand and walking me through the difficult spots in my day. God’s Word strengthens me and our JC Family inspires and encourages me..

    3. Yes, Allen! Never gets old, always new! Blessings to you today, from another long term reader 😉

  12. I always appreciate the kind words and amazed at how God has used— my simple desire to document this devotional and full Bible text and sometimes a personal prayer — to do something way more than I ever expected. I do read the comments each day and am greatly encouraged. God is good...very good...and He gets all the glory.

    1. Mr. Payton. God does get the glory but His RIGHT HAND is often the Christian who hears his "whisper". Six years ago, you began a journey probably with some "rough/steep" steps and look at what is the result. A community. Thank you for your leadership and raw honesty of your struggles in a public setting. Also, courageous given the challenges in today's social media. Godspeed to you and your family. Readers? Team? Amen?

    2. Amen and yes we are a team and United we stand in Christ.

    3. ❤️❤️❤️ Amen!

    4. Thank you, Sarah Young and thank you Payton family! God's glory shines through you all. I am grateful to visit and be uplifted here through the Word, your words, and the posts from all.

    5. Still AMEN in 2022!

    6. Amen for me as well! A little over 2 years and I start each day with this amazing group of Christians. Thank you to all who participate. You are my guides in asking God to direct my thinking each day! ❤️🙏

  13. Amen! And, AMEN! What a blessing to hop on here and read about everyone's day. Mine started at 5:15 and though I read (savored) each word, I chose to stay quiet and let Him set the pace for my day. Good choice! My day was non-stop and filled with all of the frustrations the owners of my casework are enduring, I was there for them. At the end of my day, I told the lady that I was removing my Caseworker hat and putting on my Sister-in-Christ hat and that I would be praying for her throughout the weekend and trusting our loving Lord and Savior to deliver her from the torment she's enduring. We both cried a little, laughed a little (I recommended a funny movie b/c 'laughter doeth good like a medicine,'). She is the woman who told me yesterday that I should not see my job as merely a job but a Calling. She assured me no one else in gov't spends the time I do. That is because I've chosen for whom I work. I give my 'boss' accolades everyday b/c he is a good, honest man; but I give my Boss, the credit for working out the kinks. I am so thankful to work for someone who lets me be ME which is God in Christ in me. For the first time in my adult career, I am in a job where I am free to do what God leads me to do. WHAT FREEDOM! It was worth the 60% cut in pay! I have to remind myself of that, often (especially since my husband, who is retired) and I both get paid - yep, once a month! OUCH. It has taken the Hand of God (and an act of...) to do what I do, but so many times a month I recall how much it is worth and I am still thankful. So, whether I'm typing a response in the morning or not, please know that I am ever-so-thankful to the Peyton Family (everything you said, MadFox), to Bob (love your words of wisdom and whether you realize it or not you EXEMPLIFY patience in every response!), and to everyone who posts on here. I can't always discern between the Anonymous' but that's ok - I pray anyway. Without looking back, I've prayed for upcoming pregnancies, jobs, recovery, release from depression and more. And I know that all of you are praying for me. And I thank you. End of Rant. Sorry - just spilling my heart after this incredibly, long day - week! God Bless each of you. Can't wait to read tomorrow!

    1. This was a blessing. Thanks, Norah!

    2. Agree with Bob. Thanks for kind words. Peace.

    3. Amen Norah.
      Always in my prayers and also your DH.

    4. I love when you spill out your heart. You’re always a blessing and a source of joy. Much love.

  14. I know this is a day late,but I have also been following this devo for the past year and have also been amazed at how it has grown legs the past few months. I got waylaid yesterday before I got to the comments and decided this morning that I wanted catch up.Holycow. 19 comments.Thank you Paytonfamily and thanks to everyone willing to share.

  15. I know this is a day late,but I have also been following this devo for the past year and have also been amazed at how it has grown legs the past few months. I got waylaid yesterday before I got to the comments and decided this morning that I wanted catch up.Holycow. 19 comments.Thank you Paytonfamily and thanks to everyone willing to share.

  16. Good morning JESUS! Today is a new day, a new week, a new month, my birth month and a chance for a new start. Yesterday is gone and with it, any regrets, mistakes, or failures I may have experienced. It's a good day and a great month to be glad and give thanks to You Lord. Thank you for a new opportunity to love, give, and be all that you want me to be. You are my Rock and my Fortress. You are my Shield and my Strong Tower. Help me to anchor myself to You today.

    Sometimes we’re like the Israelites, who immediately after God freed them from the Egyptians and brought them through the Red Sea and they saw the Egyptians were bearing down on them, they said to Moses, “Is it because there are no graves in Egypt that you have taken us away to die in the wilderness? What have you done to us by bringing us out of Egypt"? Exodus 14:11.
    These people had just witnessed God’s staggering power and relentless love, but yet they doubted his care. Even though they had seen him turn the Nile river into blood and kill the first born Egyptian sons, they refused to trust him.This sent them into a spiral of crushing worry and anxiety.

    When Paul said in Philippians 4:6: “Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God; and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus", he gives us a major revelation in this verse with how we can be anxious for nothing with the words that come right after he initially makes this statement. He says that we are to make all of our requests known to God in prayer and when we do, the peace of God can enter into us to guard our hearts and minds through Jesus. Once we know that God is now helping us take care of a severe storm cloud, then His peace will start to flow into our thinking and emotions and we know that He will now help us to solve the problem or crisis we are facing. This verse also tells us that the peace of God will actually “guard” our hearts and our minds and this peace of God can help us be anxious for nothing, even right in the middle of a severe storm cloud.
    We are not to be anxious about anything, including the basic necessities of our life, but are urged to concentrate and focus on seeking after the kingdom of God. If we do, God our Father will make sure to add all of the basic things that we will need to survive and live in this world. No matter how bad and severe the storm cloud may be, our Father through the power of prayer, can still bring healing, deliverance, or a solution to any problem or crisis. No matter how hopeless the situation may look in the natural, be 'Anxious for Nothing',

    Heavenly Father, may this verse burned into every believer’s heart and soul, because it perfectly sets the stage as to what is most important in this life and shows us exactly what we should be striving for and seeking after. It shows us that our top priority has to be with You and with what You want to do with our lives. Help us through the power of Your Holy Spirit, to make You and Your perfect will for our life our top priority and goal in this life and when we do, we know that You will give us everything else we will ever need to be able to live and work for You in this life.

    JC Family, this new month and beyond, I declare all the impossibilities in your life, family and business will become possible in Jesus name. As you’ve made it to this month, may lines begin to fall in pleasant places for you and may God continue to monitor your going out and coming in, in Jesus name.

    Happy, Bless and Fruitful March!

    Maplewood, NJ

    1. Amen, Maplewood! And happy birthday month! Praying for all!

    2. Amen and thank you dear Maplewood. That verse has always been my “go to” whenever things get difficult. But for God.
      There is no problem or set of circumstances greater than our God.

    3. Marching into March! Thanks Maplewood!
      Happy Birthday Month.
      I keep a birthday calendar as a reminder to thank God for the gift of that person and give them a gift of extra prayers several times throughout their birthday, whenever I know the date. May I know the date of yours? And every other JC Family Member who wishes to share their birthdate, I'd love to put you on the Birthday Calendar and give you the gift of extra prayers as well as thank God for the gift you are to me! (Not Year :)
      The choice is yours to share or not share the date, since I pray for you daily everyday anyway. Blessings in Jesus' Name. Amen.

    4. Asking for the gift of prayers for my cousin, Lynne, whose birthdate didn't make the calendar this year since she is a leap year baby born on FEB 29. She is an avid JC read only partner who prays with and for us each day! May God continually bless her and each of her dear ones. Amen

    5. Happy birthday, Lynne! You have a special birthday and a really cool cousin 😉
      March is also my birthday month, the 9th. And Brie... Yours? 🥳

    6. Audra, I am AUGUST 25.
      MARCH 9 is now on the official BIRTHDAY GIFT of PRAYER Calendar. But wait, there's more!
      Every day when the clock strikes 3:09, you and yours will also get my prayers! Love to you and our JC Family.

    7. My 57th birthday is today and I always accept extra prayers! Thank you in advance from Texas.

    8. How sweet, Brie! Thanking the Lord for your thoughtfulness. Happy birthday to your cousin Lynne and to You Jan!
      Mine is May 22nd. Keeping you and yours and all the JC family everyday in prayers.

      Blessings from France

    9. Gifting you with Extra Special Birthday Prayers all day today, Jan from Texas. I am also praying that the past weather situation in Texas has cleared up for you and yours with Blessings now and forevermore from His Vast Abundant Source.. Thank you God for giving us Jan from Texas. Amen.

    10. Brie, mine is april 23. Thanks for this, I'll add dates to my notebook too. Love and prayers to all my JC family. Mindy

    11. Oh how I love you all! ♥️ Happy birthday prayers going out to you, Jan from Texas!

    12. You are such a Sweetheart Brie!
      Happy Birthday to your cousin Lynne and Happy Birthday Jan from Texas! Mine is one day before BFF’s Birthday. May 21st.
      Sassy Mom’s Birthday is Wednesday. I love you all! It’s almost your Birthday Audra! God bless and keep you all!

    13. Love that you do this, Brie! What a perfect be prayed for on YOUR day! Mine is September 12. Happy birthday to Jan in TX and birthday wishes to your cousin Lynne! What a cool idea to do this!

    14. Wonderful posting Maplewood, thank you. We 'March' on to victory in Jesus Mighty Name.

    15. Dearest Maplewood! How your beautiful words still make my heart sing! You continue to bring us hope, strength, peace and God’s truth. You usher us into a new month like no one else can! Always in my prayers. God bless you always.
      Happy and blessed Birthday dear Jan from Texas! May God grant you a special Birthday blessing today. Thank You Jesus.

  17. Maplewood - AMEN!!! "I raise a hallelujah, with everything inside of me"

    1. ♥️🎶 raise a hallelujah link

  18. Thank you Jesus for everything. Thank you all for your wonderful prayers, comments, messages, scripture...It's so joyful and peaceful to start the day after reading our JC Family's words and insight. Truly heaven sent. KS

  19. I have been a seeker for many, many years, however, the last 4.5 years God lifted the obsession to use and I have found a new way of life. It took me over four years in recovery to realize the power of the pause, the “God pause.” The more I grow in my relationship with God, the less willing I am to pay the consequences for acting out on my behavior, character defects and people/places/things that challenge my Peace.

    The Peace I have is definitely a result of living life aligned with His will. Being centered on God as allowed me to create a reality that I don’t WANT to escape from. I love my life. I don’t want money, cars, possessions clothes - the most valuable thing in my life is the conscious contact I have.

    As the reading states, the most spiritual growth does happen sitting in a lotus position or on a meditation mat, it happens in the midst of challenges, aka “problems.” I now see challenges as veiled opportunities to practice spiritual principles: brotherly love, honesty, patience, tolerance, kindness, hope, perseverance. When “problems” are viewed through this lens, anything can become a spiritual experience.

    God needs time and space to work in our hearts and life. When I stay in the pause, I don’t react on my rash emotions. I pray for the next right thought or action and practice sitting still. Learning that I don’t need to say/do all the things that come to my mind is a gift of spiritual fitness.



    1. Beautiful truth Brittany! Thank You for opening your heart to us. May God bless you always.

    2. Thank you for sharing Brittany! A great reminder for me as I put on today's reading for practicing, "Bring Me ALL your prayers and petitions with thanksgiving, saying: "Thank You, Jesus, for this opportunity to trust You more." So help me God. Amen.

    3. God bless you, Brittany! Joining you in the PAUSE, by the grace of God!

    4. Loved reading this Saladin this year, Brittany! A wisdom filled prayer, thank you! Hope all is well with you these days. ♥️

  20. It’s also worth noting that when my daughter and I were homeless, living in a shelter for women with children recovering from drugs/alcohol, I had peace, joy and contentment. Though I had nothing in the way of material objects, I was rich in Spirit. That is not to say I didn’t strive for better, but it showed me how little we really need to be “happy.” It also gave me a pretty permanent gift of gratitude to appreciate all things, little and big, moving forward.

    1. God bless you and your path on which we learn what others may never know.

    2. Brittany, I am humbled by what you have shared about your journey. You have experienced what Jesus experienced of God when the Spirit led Him out into the wilderness. Jesus returned from the wilderness more firmly entrenched in His love for God...much as you have in your wilderness experience. I would hope I can catch up to you someday in your relationship with our Lord. God be with you.

    3. Thank you all! Brittany " power of the pause..God pause" recovery is such a blessing. " count it all joy" only through Christ can any if it possible. Praise God! Thank you team thank you mates!
      Every thought holds such value.

    4. Thank you Bob. Your contributions and reflections are always soul shots to me.

    5. Thank you Brittany. A blessing of God's mercy. You are a beloved recipient! Continue to use your story/blessing as encouragement to others! Amen.

    6. Thank You Jesus. Through Brittany's sharing, I have this opportunity to trust YOU more. Amen.

  21. Lord help me to continue to live in faith, hppe, and trust in You. Teach me to turn to You with all if my troubles and concerns When I focus on these, Your peace reminds me thay You are in control and that all outcomes are Yours to decide. Jesus thank you for all,You do for me. You are in the results business, my job is to remain in You every day.

    1. Amen Mark! As we hope and trust in Him, He continues to mold us according to His will. As we do our best to be still and know that He is our God, He brings us closer to Him.
      He says
      I am here. I will always be with you. You are taken care of. There is nothing to fear. I understand you and love you. You are mine and I am yours.

    2. ������

  22. I was impressed with Madfox's comment from a year ago. " focused on prayer and thoughts being shared regarding the devo theme of the day. No confrontation, no politics, no agendas other than to grow in our walk with Christ."
    I've been following for a few years and noticed that the few times there have been "shots taken", they just fall by the wayside and there is little or no response to them.
    Thank you God for the lesson that the world will be firing on us as we work at staying focused on your Word, but we can let the shots fall harmlessly as we keep our spiritual eyes on your ultimate goal for us.

    1. 10-4, very kind, thank you. Yes, some shots have been thrown including some denominational slants made to non-denominational and good theology... thus a bit of a praise to all and a reminder that this is not FB or Twitter but a prayer journal revolving around a fairly non-denominational and powerful daily devotional called Jesus Calling. All should simply be here to be blessings to others and try to emulate the Master. Godspeed Team, family, and/or fellow bloggers.

    2. Amen dear MadFox. Praying you are feeling better.
      Blessed that God is strengthening our faith through any opposition. We knew it would not be a smooth journey following after righteousness and the Spirit and being a prisoner of Jesus Christ. But God fights our battles so as we read His Word each day, we can remain in His Peace and Grace because we believe: Be Not Afraid. I am with you till the end of time and My Mercy endures forever. Hallelujah!

  23. Before I read Jesus Calling today I was praying for my granddaughter's clarity in finding college housing. My last words to her were to pray and trust God has a plan for her. Then I read today's message in Jesus Calling. Bingo! How quickly God answered my prayer. Such a wonderful message for all of us to not be anxious but go to God in prayer and trust in him.

  24. Posting here for the early risers. Pprayers for my daughters (chloe), first cathederized bladder treatment today. Prayers for all my JC family on this new month. Love Mindy

    1. Praying for you Mindy and your dear daughter Chloe. Thank you Lord for healing her and guiding the medical staff, and for filling her and her family with your Peace, comfort and strength during this trial. Thank you Jesus, we trust you.

      Blessings from France

    2. Joining in prayer with you BFF. May the Lord lift Chloe and you, Mindy, up with Him and heal, comfort, and strengthen you both. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen 🙏. Thank You Jesus. Praise the Lord continually and always.

    3. Continuing in prayer for your family Mindy, it's a new mobth, expect fresh new anointing from Jehivah Rapha!

      Maplewood NJ

    4. Continuing in prayer also. May you feel His presence and comfort.

    5. I too am joining BFF with healing and peace for Chloe and you, Mindy. May both she and you feel God's presence today. Lord, Jehovah Rapha, you are the Great Physician and I know you will not only heal Chloe but will guide all the medical staff today, Father. Thank you! In your son, Jesus's name, AMEN!

    6. e) All of the above.
      I am joining in merciful healing prayers for our Mindy and Chloe, and praying for God's Wisdom and His Guidance to invade her medical staff. I ask. I seek. I knock. I praise. I thank. In Jesus' Name. Amen

    7. Thank you Father for watching over Chloe and Mindy and all medical personnel as they do what they do for health and wellness by your grace, Amen!

  25. I always have you and Chloe in my prayers.
    Praying her treatment goes well. God is with her.
    Thank You Father for guiding the doctor’s hands perfectly and giving dear Chloe comfort and peace in Your presence as she undergoes her procedure, and calming our dear Sister Mindy’s heart and mind. In the Name of Jesus Christ. Amen.

    1. Praying with all, in agreement for Chloe, Mindy and family. To you Lord all glory, honor and praise.

  26. Father, help me focus on You and Your word and not be distracted by things of this world. Let us walk together in Your Spirit and in truth. Thank You Jesus. Praise You Lord always 🙏 🙌.

  27. Amen, Janet wake me up in the physical as well as the spiritual. I need you to live this day through me, please and thank you Lord!

  28. Give thanks with a grateful heart, gives thanks to the Holy One, because He's given Jesus Christ His Son!
    We sing songs of thanksgiving to You oh Lord, for Your Loving Kindness and tender mercies.
    Gracious and wonderful Father, Words of gratitude will never be enough to thank You for Your faithfulness, but this morning, we come together as a body of believers to express our thanks for all of Your many blessings, the trials You carry us through and the victories granted to us only by Your grace the past two months of this new year. Thank You for a fresh new month (March) in which we can expect much more of Your work and blessings in our lives and that of our families.
    Thank You for already lining up for us, hedge of protection, restoration, healing, joy that only You can give, and all things exceedingly and abundantly according to Your glorious riches in Christ.
    As we ask for all these blessings, we also remember to seek You more and give You the glory that is Yours alone. We ask for the Holy Spirit to guide and walk with us along the way because we would not do it perfectly on our own. We may stumble or stray along the way, but please bring us back to the path that leads to our salvation. Our lives, love and faith is in Christ Jesus and the path He has set before us. Thank You for the promises to sustain, preserve, and guard all that we have entrusted to Your care and thank You for protecting our hearts and minds with Your peace. The Peace that surpasses ALL our understanding. In Jesus' name. Amen.

    "Behold, I am doing a new thing; now it spring forth, do you not perceive it? I will make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert." Isaiah 43:19.

    As you have marched into March, may the guiding light of the Lord continue to be upon us wherever we go, whatever we do, and may He prosper the works of our hands this new month, for His glory!

    Bessings and Peace throughout.

    Maplewood NJ

    1. Amen! I gratefully receive these "Marching orders" in Jesus name!!

    2. Thanks sweet Maplewood! Marching into March with a heart full of thanks and praise.

    3. What a blessing your prayer is to my heart, dear Maplewood! It is timeless, sincere and guided by God’s Spirit! Amen and Amen and Amen! Continuing to pray for you and your family, sweet sister. May God keep you all well and safe as you live each day in the Presence of the Lord.

    4. Amen! 🎶'And now, let the weak say now I am strong,
      Let the poor say I am rich,
      Because of what the Lord has done for us,
      Give thanks🎶

    5. What a joy you are to us no matter what year we read your beautiful posts filled with God’s truth and grace! Praying you and your family are doing well and you’re continuing to be a good and faithful servant of the Lord. If you only knew how much your Spirit guided words feed our weary hearts! You’re still a sweet blessing and a precious gift to us. Much love to you and your dear ones. May God answer your prayers and keep you safe, well, happy, and blessed.

  29. Thank you Maplewood, I am grateful for your confirming and guiding words. "Thank You for already lining up for us, hedge of protection, restoration, healing, joy that only You can give, and all things exceedingly and abundantly according to Your glorious riches in Christ".
    And I'm also grateful for this verse you provided today;
    "Behold, I am doing a new thing; now it spring forth, do you not perceive it? I will make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert." Isaiah 43:19.
    God Bless you and God Bless this gathering place.

    1. I was also touched by the reading of Isaiah 43:19 , thank you Maplewood! ♥️

  30. Yes, thank you, Maplewood! Such great encouraging words as Waiting said! I have shared that verse with my daughter, Paula. While Paula and Ben, both 28, are wonderfully grounded in their faith, hallelujah and praise God(!),they have not shared any of this news with the rest of the family or friends...They are newly pregnant with their first!
    Paula found out the morning after I had told her about her cousin, Jess, and her passing, plus she had a HUGE executive meeting that she was in charge of that very day, & then discovers she's pregnant. SO MUCH to handle in a short period of time with emotions all over the place. She did not want to tell Ben yet, wanting to confirm, again, with another test. Long story short, after telling Ben in the most adorable way, they went for their first appointment with ultrasound. The PA and tech believed there were possibly two babies. So elated and excited at the prospect, P&B finally told me of their news...They had a follow up appointment with a more high-tech ultrasound machine only to discover that the second sac is either a vanishing twin (so a twin that wasn't viable) or a kind of subchorionic hematoma...the PA and tech believe it's the vanishing twin more so than the other. Paula being Paula and trying to hold it all together and yet still grieving for Jess, newly pregnant but grieving over the loss of the twin and trying to be positive and hope-filled about this pregnancy since they deemed it high-risk with more ultrasounds, while working a high-paced job.
    They were over last night for dinner and I can feel her tension. Could I ask you all to hold Paula (& Ben) in your prayers? Her next appointment is to see that the vanishing twin and/or the hematoma (less likely) is absorbing since it was quite large according to the PA & tech. I know God has her/them and ALL IS WELL...I pray Paula feels God's presence and His peace in the days, weeks, and months ahead. So grateful for this site and everyone here. May you all have a blessed, healing, and peace-filled day!

    1. YES! NJS, you, Paula, Ben, and Babies all have my prayers!
      I am bringing your prayer and petition with thanksgiving, to The Author of Life. May he pour out His Grace on all of you. "Thank You, Jesus, for this opportunity to trust You more." Amen.

    2. Praying comfort, peace and strength for Paula and Ben and all who are grieving the loss of a child/loved ones.

      Blessings from France

    3. Lord, bless Paula and Ben and comfort them on this journey of life.

    4. Amen praying!

    5. NJS, I have Paula, Ben, those precious babies and your family are in my prayers. It shall indeed be well! God is in control. Praying with and for you.

      Maplewood NJ

    6. Still good news NJS! Congratulations to Paula and Ben. God is merciful and there is a reason for everything. Praying for comfort and strength. God bless them in all things and keep them safe and healthy.

  31. SPRINGing forth, as I am MARCHing forth, and bringing forth to HIM all our prayers and petitions with thanksgiving, saying:
    "Thank You, Jesus, for this opportunity to trust You more." Amen!

  32. Keeping Paula and Ben in my prayers, as well as the rest of our JC Family. All is Well.

  33. Up and thankful for all of the blessings, prayer requests and a new month as Maplewood always gives thanks for ushering us into! Praying for you and Chloe , Mindy and also for Paula and Ben, NJS and their new pregnancy.
    Heading to the Dentist this morning and refusing to be anxious. Praying for my Dear Hub, who did so well over the weekend. No adverse effects from the biopsy.
    I'm so thankful that this morning's devotion was all about Trust and the Peace it brings. Friday seems like a long way off, in may ways. So, I'm thanking the Lord for keeping us peaceful and knowing His good plans for us. Praying for you, MadFox, as you get results and treatment plans, that your heart is calm and you know Who has your RIGHT hand. Our teaching yesterday was in part, about Abraham and Sarah. In The Message, Romans 4:13-18, we are reminded how God kept his promise and said, "You're going to have a big family, Abraham!" He and Sarah didn't ask "cautiously skeptical questions. He plunged into the promise and came up strong, ready for God, sure that God would make good on what He had said." That is my prayer for all of us this week and that with that commitment, we will have Peace.
    Love and Prayers for all of you, dear JC Family!

    1. Thank you Norah and thank you Jesus for giving us all these opportunities to trust You More each day. Amen.

    2. Thanks for the prayers Norah. Praying all goes well at the Dentist. May God lead your hubby and MadFox through their next trials with only good results and much peace. Thank You Jesus.

    3. Thank you, Norah, for your prayers as I continue to pray for you and your husband. So glad you have a calmness as you await Friday. I think of 1Peter 5:6-7, "Humble yourselves, therefore, under God's mighty hand, that he may lift you up in due time. Cast ALL your anxiety on him because he cares for you"! I feel so fortunate and blessed to have this group to lift up in prayer to also ask for prayer when needed and to, most of all, feel the love and support for one another and the love we all have for our Lord! May you all have a peaceful and filled day. Blessings of healing for Norah, her hubby, MadFox as he readies himself for the transplant procedure and we then rejoice in its success! God is in control, hallelujah! (Thanks, one and all for your prayers for Paula and Ben. You ROCK!)

    4. Thanks NJS. Godspeed to you and yours. We lift all up. AMEN.

  34. From John 10: 4 ~ When He has brought out all His Own, then He Goes Ahead of them, and His Sheep MARCH behind Him clopping as they follow Him because they know their Good Shepherd and they hear and know their Good Shepherd's Voice!
    Thank You Jesus for including me in Your Fold and teaching me to clop behind You rather than try to race out in front of You. I ask. I seek. I knock. I praise. I thank. In Jesus' Name. Amen

    1. Amen Brie. So grateful to be in the loving care of Our Good Shepherd.

  35. Silly Norah....I got to my appointment and was told that it isn't until 3/15!! I had mistakenly put a 2 week ALERT Reminder on my phone. WOW - nothing like a reality check about what I'm spending my time stewing about. Seriously? Getting your teeth cleaned vs. Biopsy Results. My Dear Hub laughed and said, "Well good - you'll have a little more time to pray about your angst over this." Laughing at myself and thanking God for putting things in perspective for me.

    1. I have done things like that many times. We’re only human. Amen! God puts it into perspective and then we see clearly our blessings.

  36. Thank you, Jesus for this opportunity to trust you more. These past two months have been by far the hardest of my life suffering derealization. I’m working with medical providers on treatment but each day is a battle that I fear I may never come out of. But even if only with faith of a mustard seed, I’m hanging on to God’s word and promises. There is no way he can want to leave me here in this suffering much longer. I refuse to believe it as my purpose here on earth and I pray he works miracles this month. Trying oh so hard to trust and cast my anxieties on him but i am most certainly struggling.

    1. I am praying for you Jesskeil and for our Good God to work through your Medical Providers. Each day is also a battle for many of us. As you are doing, we join you in seeking help, putting on the Armor of God, and fighting the battles on our knees. Sometimes struggle is a result of the growth process, just as a seedling struggles to break through the ground to get to a place where it can flourish. Easy? NO; Worth It? YES!
      I am joining my mustard seed of faith with yours in praying:
      God is helping Jesskeil now in this moment
      Though she may not see it nor hear
      Perhaps by a friend in the distance
      Perhaps by a stranger near
      Perhaps in a printed message
      Perhaps in the spoken Word
      In ways she knows and knows not
      She's always getting help from the Lord. Amen.
      Thanks for sharing.
      ❤️❤️❤️Heartfelt Blessings❤️❤️❤️ Jesskeil

    2. Praying for you Jesskell. God doesn’t want you to suffer. He loves you and cares you are in pain. Trust His faithfulness and keep praying and waiting on Him. Sometimes His help is not exactly what we ask for but He knows best how to help you. Stay strong and remain hopeful.

    3. Also joining Brie and Jeanne, Jesskeil, in prayer for a break through in your healing. Being in the valley in such pain while you wait in trust is NOT easy. May you feel God's presence and have relief from pain as a treatment plan is put together for you.

    4. Hi Jesskeil…I pray that you are doing better and that Gods has delivered you from the suffering of derealization. The Medical Medium is truly a God send for those suffering mentally with depersonalization and derealization, in case you wanted to check out his work. God bless your healing journey.


  37. I humbly request prayers for my husband as he is not feeling well and I am very worried. Thank you and God Bless.

    1. Praying with Sassy Mom for you Amanda and for your husband.
      May God renew his Good Health and Good Healing. Amen

    2. Joining prayers for your husband, Amanda.
      God knows exactly what’s wrong with him and He is the Great Physician.
      Trust in Him.

    3. Jehovah Rapha is indeed working on and for your husband, Amanda! Lifting him up in prayer and healing!

  38. Amanda - Joining with all JC Warriors God's comforting prayers of peace for you and your husband. God bless you for humbly asking prayers for your beloved.

  39. Praying for you Amanda, and a replay of an earlier message from today...
    My Peace, however, is such an all-encompassing gift that it is independent of all circumstances. Though you lose everything else, if you gain My Peace you are rich indeed.
    Amen! Night night...🙏✝️♥️

  40. My heart is full this morning as my husband slept well without much pain. We will start the day with appointments and I am so thankful for all of your prayers. To God be The Glory.

    1. Praying with you and for you, Amanda, along with other covid longhaulers, including my DH. May the good Lord bless and keep you wrapped up in His Grace, and Mercy, and Compassion. May He bless all employers to know the long haul struggle is real. In Jesus' Name we fight this battle on our knees. THY WILL BE DONE. AMEN.

    2. Joining prayers for you and your husband dear Amanda. God will not leave you. He is there for the long haul. He will lead you back to good health. Trust in Him. Amen dear Brie. God will fight this battle. He is mighty to save. Let us praise God together on our knees.

    3. Dear Brie! Praying for God’s healing for Keith. He has had his share of pain and God knows how he feels.

    4. Joining the band of pray-ers and those holding up your arms in the battle here, Amanda. God has you. We have you. Thank you for the updates!

  41. Thank You Jesus. I praise You Lord always. Please let Your perfect peace permeate within me and all around me.

    1. Praying with you dear Janet. We know the peace of God is more important than anything this world can give us. We must guard His peace and guard our hearts. So blessed to feel His peace surrounding me. May God answer your prayers, keep you in good health and lead you to the future He has prepared for you. Thank You Jesus!

  42. Father, We are asking you to strengthen Norah at work today and lead her through all the prep and then guide her Colonoscopy. Give her good results and give her much needed rest in You. Thank you for this in the Name of Jesus.

    1. Yes Lord be with our sis Norah today. Bless her with added strength to get through all that is weighing on her. Your yoke is easy. May she lean on you this day.🙏💕

    2. Thank you, Dear Sisters! And, thank you Brie for the great song you sent last night. I'll listen to Peter's later.
      SO appreciate your prayers. Get ready for a victory dance tomorrow. :)

    3. Yes Lord, Yes Lord, Yes! Yes! Lord!

  43. Joining warriors dear Amanda for quick recovery from covid & good test results. Be at peace, God's got this.🙏💕

    1. Amen. Joining in to your prayer dear Jan.
      Thank you Father for healing every symptom and leading Amanda and her husband to perfect health in Jesus’ Name.

  44. Norah, praying God strengthens you for the work situation and all you handle each day. I'm sure the people that get to talk to you feel reassured and blessed to have spoken to you. May your prep be easier than expected and the procedure be over quickly with clear results, dear sister. I know God's hand is in yours holding it tightly.

  45. Woke up this morning with a Sunday school song on my mind:
    "Joy! Joy! Joy! with joy my heart is ringing:
    Joy! Joy! Joy! His love to me is known;
    My sins are all forgiven,
    I'm on my way to heaven,
    My heart is bubbling over with His
    Joy! Joy! Joy!"

    Too much, the burdens of life weigh us down, we lose the Joy bubbles.

    Another one came to mind:
    "All your anxiety, all your care,
    Bring to the mercy seat, leave it there,
    Never a burden He cannot bear,
    Never a friend like Jesus!"

    Take joy in your salvation.
    Let anxiety go.
    "When something in your life or thoughts makes you anxious, come to Me and talk about it. Bring Me your prayer and petition with thanksgiving, saying: "Thank You, Jesus, for this opportunity to trust You more."
    Amen Lord Jesus, I trust you.

  46. Georgian Banov 'River of Joy'

    1. Thanks for the beautiful songs and words, Peter They gave me peace. I have my little grandson for a sleepover. All is well with my soul.

  47. Thank you for the inspiring lyrics and music for our hearts, today, Peter!!

  48. Covering all in prayer for healing mercies, strength and peace and thankful for this forum of support, strength and praise!

    What a powerful reminder today to pray with Thanksgiving and to trust Him. My recovery continues with good progress as I can now drive again!
    Yet, I have follow up doctor visits the next two days and find myself a bit anxious. Today’s devotional reminded me to stay fixed on the cross and not my problems and to cast my worries upon our awesome God.
    Please continue to pray that my appointments go well and that I have peace in my soul, and healing in body .
    Thank you JC family! Have a blessed day! Shalom🙏

    1. Praying with Thanksgiving that your leg is recovering well. You will be fine in God’s timing. Thank You Jesus

  49. Thought I better put my response down here too!!
    Thank you, Dear Sisters! And, thank you Brie for the great song you sent last night. I'll listen to Peter's later.
    SO appreciate your prayers. Get ready for a victory dance tomorrow. :)

    1. Got my victory shoes ready but my grandson is sleeping over so I may be late in dancing. Trusting in God’s faithfulness with you dear Norah and my JC family.

  50. Shalom, RichC! I continue to be amazed at God's creation of these physical bodies designed to restore and heal by his grace. Thank you Jesus!

  51. Dear Lord, I need your peace. You have delivered me from a cancer diagnosis. We were so thankful. This time for my family is both happy and sad. Please remind us/me to lean on you more and continue to come to you in thanksgiving with all of our concerns.

    1. Dear SC, You have already seen God's faithfulness so continue to lean on His good works and promises. Most days in this world are both happy and sad but He is the light in every day and His light never dims or fades. We must conciously remain in that light even when the world around us is in crisis.
      Joining into that wonderful little prayer of gratitude and trust in Him from Whom all blessings flow. Amen Brie! Each day gives us an opportunity to trust more and more in His Word and promises.
      Father, Remind us to lean on You always and remember to trust you more and more. Shower Your trusting sons and daughters with your peace and healing.

  52. 🙏 SC, For you and our entire JC Family and each of our dear ones. ❤ I have been saying this mantra over and over today:
    "Thank You, Jesus, for this opportunity to trust You more and more." In hopes that two or more would gather until we could all experience Him in our midst.

    1. Amen, SC and Brie! Prep's over - heading to bed to be up at 4:00. It's almost over. God Bless you all. Enjoyed the music today. Praying for each of you, on here or not...Love and Blessings!

    2. So happy your prep is finished, dear Norah. Praying your Colonoscopy will bring you good results and peace of mind.
      God will indeed be guiding it. Rest in His loving care as we pray for you. Much love.

  53. Norah, it's gonna be OK 😉♥️🙏

    1. Amen. Praying with you sweet Audra.
      Norah, You are in good Hands.

  54. Just loved this last line: Though you lose everything else, if you gain My Peace you are rich indeed. I have been so very busy and I need more rest. All my family need me and my Mom needs me too. Up late preparing for my Bible group. Wanted to work on some songs for choir and some other songs. Did so much cooking yesterday too. Gabriel will be over tomorrow and I want to
    have time with him. My dear SIL Allie wanted me to come to CT to help with baby Evelyn on Thursday but Greg’s son Gabriel is sleeping over. Can’t help her next Thursday because I’m taking my Mom for her Physical. Prayed a lot today and God gave me the peace I needed. I know He will continue to show me His faithfulness in every area of my life. He will guide my days and nights. I’m in His able Hands and I am blessed. Continuing to pray for good news, good test results, more answers to our prayers and more open doors. Thank You Jesus.
    Psalm 119:165. Great peace have they who love your law, and nothing can make them stumble.

    1. Just breathe dear Jeanne, just breathe. Take time for yourself. You're recovery is still going on. Allow ample time for it. Be blessed with peace today. 💞🙏🌈

    2. Thanks Jan! That's exactly what my twin sister Janet said. Take time to rest because I'm still recovering. Amen! God doesn't want us to get weary. We just can't serve Him as well.

  55. Peace I leave with you, My peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid. (John 14:27). I will both lie down in peace and sleep; for You alone, O LORD, make me dwell in safety. (Psalm 4:8). Now may the Lord of peace Himself give you peace always in every way. The Lord be with you all. (2 Thessalonians 3:16).

  56. Another Divine exchange: We give Him trust, He gives us Peace.
    Philippians 4:7 "And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus."
    When Peace like a river:

    1. Yes brother Peter. We trust Him and He blesses us with His Peace. Thanks for the song.

  57. “We give him trust, He gives us peace.” Thank you Peter- I will take that with me all day. Btw, Beautiful song- blessings to JC family.🙏

  58. Me too brother Peter. Thankful for your sharing. Bless your day with peace also. 💞🙏🌈

  59. Prayers for a Happy Blessed B'earthday going up for Jan from Texas!

    1. Hope it was a wonderful Birthday, dear Jan from Texas! God bless your Birthday week.

  60. In joy your special day, Jan! ♥️

  61. Thank you all for traveling mercy prayers. We know there will be a home blanketed in 4 feet of snow, but trust AND THANK our Father for making a way!

    1. As you are on your way home, remember, He makes a way out of NO WAY And the wayght of the snow is naught to Him, so I'm putting the way in His Hands!

    2. Praying you got home safe dear Audra and the snow was not so high.

  62. Thank you all! Home safe from 5 hour drive. Driveway got plowed, and the rest we will deal with tomorrow. This too shall melt 😉✝️ thank you Jesus for clearing the way!!!

    1. Yeah God! There' snow way like your way in the drive way. Thanks for making a way for our Audra and Marc! IN JESUS' NAME. AMEN!

  63. Praying for Norah's DH who is starting chemo on Wednesday. We know that God is so much greater than cancer. He is in charge of everything.
    Thank You dear Father for guiding Norah's husband through his treatment and destroying every bad cell and replacing it with healthy tissue, and bringing him back to good health and comfort, and covering his family with peace and strength. Thank You for giving them a good outcome and another reason to rejoice in the Name of Christ Jesus. Amen.

    John 14:13-14
    And whatever you ask in My name, that I will do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son. If you ask anything in My name, I will do it.

    Proverbs 3:5-6
    Trust in the Lord with all your heart,
    And lean not on your own understanding;
    In all your ways acknowledge Him,
    And He shall direct your paths.

    Isaiah 53:5
    But He was wounded for our transgressions,
    He was bruised for our iniquities;
    The chastisement for our peace was upon Him,
    And by His stripes we are healed.

    1. MARCHng in cadence with your prayers for Norah and her DH, dear Jeanne. Thanking God for this opportunity and another reason to trust Him more. More than anything else, including what my eyes can and cannot see. In Jesus' Name. AMEN!

    2. Joining in prayer with you Jeanne for Norah's dear husband. May His healing hands touch his body and remove all the bad and make him new again. You, Lord, have ALL the power to heal us and You are in complete control of ALL things. You are so very good to us ALL the time! Thank You Jesus for this healing and for EVERYTHING You do! In Jesus name, I pray, Amen 🙏. God bless!

    3. Lord, please be with Norah, her husband, family, doctors, and nurses as they begin this journey. Lifting them up to You to great healer.
      SC Anonymous

    4. Jumping on the bandwagon to lift Norah, her DH, their family and DH's entire medical team in prayer. May you all feel the love, peace and guidance of our Heavenly Father as you embark on this journey together. Lean on Him and each other. Let the Holy Spirit guide you in this endeavor. Peace, my friend.

  64. But let him ask in faith, with no doubting, for he who doubts is like a wave of the sea driven and tossed by the wind. (James 1:6). He will not allow your foot to be moved; He who keeps you will not slumber. (Psalm 121:3). The LORD is near to all who call upon Him, to all who call upon Him in truth. (Psalm 145:18).

  65. Let this be our prayer.

  66. Early morning Jesus Hymns
    Are you washed in the blood?

    1. Amen! Precious .This hymn centers me on Him, cuts thru everything else in life, for every good thing in my life is built on the fact that He shed His Blood for my salvation. Yes I'm washed in the Blood of the Lamb.

  67. Another precious hymn, Truth in every line, I love this version O For A Thousand Tongues To Sing:

  68. I AM YHWH Jehovah Rapha Your Elohim. Trust My Word. My Word in your mouth, mixed with Trust that my Word will do what I have sent it to do through the Blood of the New Covenant by the Power of the indwelling Set Apart Spirit, You Will overcome. Revelation 12:11

  69. Heavenly Father, we thank You for the many blessings, challenges and experiences you sent to us during the first 1/6th of this year. Thank You for a fresh new month in which we can expect much more of Your work and blessings in our lives and that of our families.

    As we march into March, may the guiding light of the Lord continue to be upon us wherever we go, whatever we do, whomever we encounter and may He prosper the works of our hands this new month, for His glory!
