Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Jesus Calling: January 25

Let My Love enfold you in the radiance of My Glory. Sit still in the Light of My Presence, and receive My Peace. These quiet moments with Me transcend time, accomplishing far more than you can imagine. Bring Me the sacrifice of your time, and watch to see how abundantly I bless you and your loved ones.
Through the intimacy of our relationship, you are being transformed from the inside out. As you keep your focus on Me, I form you into the one I desire you to be. Your part is to yield to My creative work in you, neither resisting it nor trying to speed it up. Enjoy the tempo of a God-breathed life by letting Me set the pace. Hold My hand in childlike trust, and the way before you will open up step by step.
Hebrews 13:15
English Standard Version

Through him then let us continually offer up a sacrifice of praise to God, that is, the fruit of lips that acknowledge his name.

2 Corinthians 3:18
English Standard Version

And we all, with unveiled face, beholding the glory of the Lord, are being transformed into the same image from one degree of glory to another. For this comes from the Lord who is the Spirit.

Psalm 73:23-24
English Standard Version
23 Nevertheless, I am continually with you; you hold my right hand.
24 You guide me with your counsel, and afterward you will receive me to glory.

My Prayer
Lord, sometimes I need to sit in the quiet of You and not feel like I have to be busy all the time or engaged in activity. Activity includes sitting in front of a screen. Sometimes I wonder if I am really allowing You to work in my life or if I stack my life with so much that You can barely get a piece of it. Help me be a child that just holds my parents hand and is led. 

Note: The devotion and scriptures are from author Sarah Young. If you haven't already, please purchase the book and support the author. 

Also, bookmark https://bibletags.blogspot.com/2019/06/jesus-calling-366-days.html to have an easy link to the entire year of these entries.


  1. "Your part is to yield to My creative work in you, neither resisting it nor trying to speed it up." During difficulty, all of me wants to zoom forward many months and be done with it! However, if we are truly embracing our needed changes, it requires us trusting His timing. The "gift" is His promise to accompany us through each trial forever. Thank you God.

    1. Even more appropriate now, 2 years later!

    2. Yes even though you are on a rough uncharted road you must take it day by day in the Presence of the Lord. We cannot rush through the bad parts of life, or should I say, the challenging parts. They are here for a reason because our faith is being tested and our trust muscles must be exercised. Also we must lean on that fruit of the spirit, long suffering. Wait on the Lord. I sure do spend a lot of time waiting on the Lord and He has been so faithful to me. Praying for your dear brother. Much love.

    3. Especially the zoom part. ;)

    4. TEE! HEE! Child of God!
      Yes! ZOOM has help us keep some semblance of unity with others throughout this scourging pandemic.

    5. God bless you in recovery, friend and brother in Christ mad 🦊 ♥️

    6. Just read this. How god leads and loves us is amazing. I’ve found that his way his best.

    7. Amen! His way is always best, but sometimes more difficult. But I’m gonna follow where He leads even if it is up a steep mountain. He’ll be climbing it right along side me.

    8. We don't realize that when we are going through a challenge...it's the coolest place to be because God is working out something so amazing in our spirit .....cling on to God because when you are done going through this and you look back , you will do a dance of joy with your tambarine ..... singing Holy

    9. I'm trusting in this truth you share, Min Ahadi. I'm clinging!

    10. Beautiful encouragement, Min Ahadi. I know you are living this, too. Grateful for you!

    11. Even more important today! Such a great reading! Thank you all for continuing to guide me towards God's path in his time with the power of the Holy Spirit guiding my thoughts, words and deeds!❤️🙏

    12. Beyon swords important. Seeing and vision can be the same but also be two completely different things. I have arrived at a very hard bump and dip in my human life. I just hope to walk in the fog and I’ve Jesus and God take my hand.

    13. Today’s devotional and scriptures are beautiful. I love your prayers Jeanne, Min Ahadi, Chris Mad 🦊
      I’m clinging 🙏😇🙌🏼❤️
      Blessings and prayers friends 🙏🙏
      Love, Brandy ❤️

    14. Brandy!! It is so good to 👀 your posts again
      🙏 for you always, when I see you and when I don't. Much ❤️

    15. When you've stepped away from our Father in heaven for a season, for whatever reason, it takes so much mental struggle to reconnect. Then... after that terrible struggle, there is nothing as amazing as when you hear the words inside your soul, "My grace is sufficient for you."

    16. Still clinging…. Oh, how I love this site… love reading all your comments; continue to be even more encouraging!!! May be getting a glimpse of heaven here~ how time, the year doesn’t matter… we continue to Trust, Rejoice and lift each other up… grateful to all you “regulars” and this amazing blog, I keep coming back to! God bless you all!! Bib in Cali

    17. Thank you and bless you, Bib in Cali! To come here is to love here 😉

    18. God bless you all cling and cleave.🙏 And Seek. Love never fails. ❤️

  2. Lord I thank you for just being a loving Father. I thank you for just allowing me to trust you. I pray for guidance to continue to put you first. When you are first, I and those that I love will never be last. Thank you for the quiet time just to be at peace with myself because of You Father. I love you God. I thank You for the sacrifice of Your son Jesus Christ. I thank you for the blessing to be with my daughter as she and I grow closer in our walk with You. I thank you God for the many people that are praying for us in the mist of this government shutdown for no matter what man does, God you are in control. Lord thank you for the recovery of the young boy that was missing in NC returning to his family safe. God you are AWESOME and I give you all the honor, praise and glory. I celebrate the beauty of your being in my life. God is love!!

  3. Lord, let your light shine on me. Help me to grow closer to you each and every day. Life is so much better when you are at the forefront. Bring peace and blessings to those who are are part of this daily blog. Amen.

  4. Continuing to pray for you during the shutdown. All things come together good for those who love the lord. Roman's 8:28

  5. Thinking about the idea of him working from the inside out and at his pace because he knows it can't be too fast or we will explode. Before I allowed him to do his work in me I feel like it was kind of ugly on the inside AND the outside. If he does his work on the inside it will take time for the outside to shine. Thank you God for your grace and your mercy as you do your perfect work in me from the inside out. I have to admit I'm really excited about the change and the effects that you will have on others through me as you do your work and clean out the inside so that the love of Christ can pour out of me into a lost and hurting world. God your ways are so amazing and so high I can't even begin to comprehend your power your strength and your soul changing love

    1. Many years ago I discovered the truth that you are discovering, Riseup. It was a beautiful discovery and as the inner transformation was occurring by enjoying a meaningful time alone with my Lord, I found my outer world began to fall into place quite naturally and everything got a whole lot easier. Even psychology has discovered that people who spend time in meditation/contemplation are more compassionate people because meditation affects the part of the brain from which compassion flows. I would add to that thought, meditation/contemplation reorders my soul (something that is beyond scientific measurement) back to God's original intention when He breathed His Spirit into me and gave me life. God be with you.

    2. Ride up - I pray you are still experiencing God’s soul changing love. ❤️

    3. Amen RiseUp, Bob and Audra. We must first be changed inside to be able to make a difference outside. Must get right with God ourselves before we can spread His message to others. We will never please Him completely but we should be in a state of grace to spread His message. We can examine our own hearts and ask God to cleanse us of our doubt and sin. God knows us deep inside and understands our daily struggles even to find the quiet time to sit at His feet. Amen GTT! His love is a soul changing love.

  6. Lord, let me spend time alone with you each and every day...bringing to mind that you can do your best work when I am still. Although this is a very difficult time for me and my family with my daughter missing.....let me continue to have hope and faith. Your time frame for answers is perfect....let patience and closeness to you feed my hope.

    1. Praying for the Peace of God to cover you. Trust Him and claim the victory.

    2. 🙏🙏 I pray you are in a better place with your family

  7. Father thank you for your time with me.
    There is someone I want to spend time with but she doesn't even care about me
    anymore & it hurts bad. She is everything to me. But your always there Lord

  8. I ,too, am experiencing the feelings that result from trusting God and "letting go". There is such an unspeakable calmness that comes over you. I am still a work in progress but I am so very thankful for awareness. It becomes easier to live life when you surrender. Praying for All...Believing "It is Finished ".

    1. Rereading this today, Phoebe, and I am settling on your phrase, "it becomes easier to live life when you surrender." Thank you for that nudge!

  9. Wow just finally found you believers on my phone. I have been reading the book since 2009.wow how exciting. Your testimonials make my day.Am praying for you and need your prayers.

    1. Hello Unknown (but known by God!) Like everyone here, we were given or bought Sarah Young's Jesus Calling. Most found this blog by @PaytonFamily because they were at work and didn't read their copy that a.m., or maybe failed to bring it along on a biz or family trip. @PF started his daily reaction and posting of the JC devo in 2013.

      As you can see, the blessing is three-fold. 1. there is a way to discuss the devo topic/message and provide support to the "community" that has grown over the years 2. @PaytonFamily provided the entire referenced scripture vs. book/verse which is convenient to read all in one place 3. it is possible to copy and paste insights to share outside this group with family/friends.

      Welcome and Godspeed in your personal situation in need of prayer.

    2. Madfox: After many emails and much adieu, I got my DELETE key back today! Thanks be to God for you and again for your help! YEAH!

    3. Something was wrong with the blogger platform, I suspect they finally did a patch. Editing should be a function but delete is th minimum! Glad you can delete... I have some politicians and socialist ideas, I'd like you to consider... 😉

    4. I’ve been having problems posting lately too. Hopefully things will get better.

  10. Late to the party, but with all of you in prayer! The last two days, I was only able to read and run...to work, to appointments, etc. But, the peace of God passes all understanding and just knowing that my family and I have prayers and believing coming our way has helped immensely. Thank You!! My hubbie received a clean bill of health today - another x-ray in 3 weeks, but he's 'good to go!' So very thankful. And my family is pulling out the stops to help. Even my eldest, whom we've been praying for, and I had a lovely chat last night: no disagreements, just love. I'm learning how NOT to compromise the Truth and build on his strengths. So very thankful for this blog and for each of you. And, please know that when I read (even if I don't have time to comment), I am praying for you. "Servant Quilter" - I thought of you today when I heard the news that ALL Gov't employees will receive their next check. I knew they would be paid but what a relief to all 800,000 of them who lovingly and selflessly showed up for work! Talk about faith! God Bless each of you. So much changed when I INSISTED on the quiet time. "Bring Me the sacrifice of your time, and watch to see how abundantly I bless you and your loved ones." Often I am on the 'Night Watch,' - you know - hormones, can't sleep like the baby I used to be. I'm praying with you, relate to you and thank all of you for your prayers in the last week. What a difference it has made. Matthew 18:20 MadFox & Bob Malsack - you nail it SO many times for me. Peyton Family: I trust that you are reaping the rewards of your faithful blog. Look how many you have touched...years later. <3 (need my little emojies!). :)

  11. This is a day that You have blessed, place me in and granted me new mercy. Thank You.
    Not only am I alive, but I am in my sound mind, I opened my eyes and can see, my ears hear causing me to respond, my mouth opens, causing me to speak, my limbs are moving proving that I have mobility etc..Heavenly Father, my heart declares Your praise and say THANK YOU, THANK YOU LORD!

    1John 4:10 tells us that we love God because He first loved us. If we hope to attain real true intimacy witb the Father, we must look at Christ Jesus as our model. He is the model of intimacy with God because He and the Father are one and no relationship can get any closer than the oneness with God that Christ experienced. Jesus relationship with God is defined by love and obedience. It was in love that He came to earth to do His Father's will.
    It is natural for us to want to experience a close intimate relationship with God, but it's deeper than our wanting and emotions. That desire for a close intimacy with God should come from deep down in our souls and reflected by our actions. For us to do that, is to draw close to Him through righteousness. God will not draw near in intimacy with the unrighteous. James 4:8 says:"Draw near to God, and He will draw near to You. Cleanse your hands, you sinners, and purify your hearts, you double minded".

    2 Cor. 5:21 explains that those who have been cleansed by the blood of Christ and have received His righteousness at the cross, have hope of intimacy with God. We can also invite the Lord to draw near to us as His word says in Jeremiah 29:13, "You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart".

    If we struggle with questions and long to know God, want to be able to discern His voice and feel His Love in our hearts, lets ask Him to take us on a journey of understanding more fully what intimacy with Him looks like. We can also worship Him in Spirit and in truth, because God is Spirt (John 4:24) & through our worship, we declare the truth of who the Lord is.

    May our love for the Father draw us to an intimate relationship with Him so that we can be transformed from the inside out, hold onto His unchanging hands in trust and allow the Holy Spirit to lead the way before us, one step at a time.

    Blessings and Peace to all this day. May the Grace of God go before you and keep you safe, in Jesus name.

    Maplewood NJ

    1. So well written, Maplewood, NJ! We live in times that so many people are afraid of intimacy. Indeed, intimacy can be scary from the outside because it requires us to loose control of our self and allow love to come in and "move the furniture around" within our heart. We are all to some degree or another "control freaks" with our life. But why shouldn't we want to give up control to the love of God in our life because truth be told, none of us are doing a very good job with our life anyway. Behold, He stands at the door of our heart, lovingly knocking. There is nothing to be afraid of in letting Him in and there is everything to be gained. God be with you.

    2. Amen dear Maplewood! Our relationship with Him is the most important thing we have. It is never ending. It is a source of comfort, encouragement, love, renewal and sustanence. I couldn't get through one day without Him and He very well knows it. He brought me safely through this one and guided me to bear much fruit for His glory. He even found me some time to rest. Finished my Bible group homeword and I had a lot to cover. He always sits by my side as I work, and feeds me the words. Such a loving Father to provide all I need.
      Bob, I just loved your words. Thank you!!!
      "He stands at the door of our heart, lovingly knocking."

    3. So grateful for these wise words today! They lead me to an awareness that comes only from sitting still with His Presence. I'm so grateful to have at my fingertips a family of such wonderful people. You each inspire me with your thoughts and prayers. Praying for all who come here to have the most intimate relationship with God!

    4. Absolutely wonderful. Wonderful posting Maplewood. I say 'Amen, even so let it be Lord' to every word you wrote.
      We have some understanding of intimacy with the Lord. But my prayer for all of us is that He brings us into intimacy with Him as He sees intimacy, as He desires intimacy with us.

    5. Sure do miss you, dear Maplewood. Thankful that your words continue to encourage, inspire, and challenge us!

  12. Maplewood - your first words proclaim the Lord's amazing goodness and I am so thankful for those treasures everyday also! Amen. KS

  13. "Sit still in the Light of My Presence, and receive My Peace." Be still and know that I am God. Psalm 46:10. JC Warriors - praying you are blessed abundantly with love ♥, guidance, peace and protection.

  14. Week of Prayer for Christian Unity (Day Eight) - scripture for the week Acts 27:18-28:10. Today's verse 28:7-10: Now in the neighbourhood of that place were lands belonging to the leading man of the island, named Publius, who received us and entertained us hospitably for three days. It so happened that the father of Publius lay sick in bed with fever and dysentery. Paul visited him and cured him by praying and putting his hands on him. After this happened, the rest of the people on the island who had diseases also came and were cured. They bestowed many honours on us and when we were about to sail, they put on board all the provisions we needed.

    A glorious ending to this story. Through life threatening storms, resignation to the circumstances, a shipwreck leaving everyone on board hungry, cold, and wet, and a snake bite, the story ends with the gospel being preached, many lives being impacted to the glory of God, and a feeling of unity between all the people. Oh, the joy there was in heaven!

    Let us affirm: "There is one body and one Spirit,...one Lord, one faith, one baptism, one God and Father of all who is above all and through all and in all." (Ephesians 4:4-6) Let us go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything that Jesus commanded us and to always remember, He is with us forever and ever. (Matthew 28:19-20). This incident that Luke has included in the writing of the book of Acts is all of this seen in action. May it be no less in each of us. God be with you.

    I am grateful for this blog (thank you, Chris) for it provided me with the opportunity to reflect and more fully grasp the passage for this Week of Prayer for Christian Unity. When I write to others about my experience in the Word, I am able to more fully capture it within my soul. If it blesses you in the process, I am further blessed. Thank you, everyone, for listening. You are a blessing!

    1. Amen Bob! We too are called to be His disciples to teach His message of love and salvation, and to teach others to follow hard after righteousness and the Spirit, and to seek Jesus with their whole heart, mind and soul. Some people just need a few words from our heart to open their heart.
      "May it be no less in each of us. God be with you." Amen.

    2. Bob, You are such a powerful speaker. I loved your teaching in Day 4. Thank you so much!

    3. Amen Bob. Concerning " When I write to others about my experience in the Word, I am able to more fully capture it within my soul." Remember, the best way to learn something is to teach it.

    4. Your teachings are still teaching, Bob! Thanks to Chris Payton and this blog format. So grateful!

  15. YOU are a blessing, Bob! And each and every one of you who share. Thank you, for your prayers. And, please keep them coming. Also please add a family near to us, who were in a head on car crash. The husband was killed instantly and his wife is in a coma. The family had just lost a brother this month (the visitation we went to on my hub's birthday). This dear family... I did hear today that Connie is making some signs of waking up. I can't imagine waking up to that. Please, pray with my hub and me for this family.
    Yesterday was taxing - the homeless and mentally ill were in my office, coughing on me, sneezing...I have a very small office. I spent today in pjs until 1:00 and finally made myself get showered and dressed and out of the house. I stopped by one of my son's to visit grandbabies, who I was sure would lift my heavy heart. And, of course (one was with his mommy at the store), my little grandson did. I helped my 5 year old GS clean up his room. We sang and did it quickly. I left after breaking a sweat and STILL getting hugs. :)
    I find myself ashamed that I allow the adversary to so impact my heart and mind some days. I have so much for which to be thankful. I find myself reading and reading and today it was as if I had a Word-Proof vest on - it just wouldn't penetrate. Until I gave. Once I reached out to bless someone else, the dam burst and I once again, hopped on here and re-read all of the posts. We are a mighty family because we humble ourselves to our mighty God. I thank all of you...you remind me why I continue to hop on this page every day and when I don't, I miss it.
    Matthew 11:28-30. He will give us rest. I ask that He helps me snap out of this self-pity mode I've been in and recognize all of my many blessings. Thank you - each of you - for continuing to remind me. I can't read your words (the Word) and not realize how blessed I am.

    Day 8, Reconciling with all of creation: “So that my joy may be in you, and that your joy may be complete” (John 15:11)
    Colossians 1:15-20, In him all things hold together
    Mark 4:30-32, As small as a mustard seed
    The hymn to Christ in the epistle to the Colossians invites us to sing the praise of God’s salvation, which encompasses the entire universe. Through the crucified and risen Christ, a path of reconciliation has been opened up; creation too is destined for a future of life and peace.

    With the eyes of faith, we see that the kingdom of God is a reality that is very close but still very small, hardly visible – like a mustard seed. However, it is grow- ing. Even in the distress of our world the Spirit of the Risen One is at work. He en- courages us to become involved – with all people of good will – in tirelessly seeking justice and peace, and ensuring the earth is once again a home for all creatures.

    We participate in the work of the Spirit so that creation in all its fullness may con- tinue to praise God. When nature suffers, when human beings are crushed, the Spirit of the risen Christ – far from allowing us to lose heart – invites us to become part of his work of healing.

    The newness of life that Christ brings, however hidden, is a light of hope for many. It is a wellspring of reconciliation for the whole of creation and contains a joy that comes from beyond ourselves: “so that my joy may be in you, and that your joy may be complete.” (John 15:11)

    Thrice-holy God, we thank you for having created and loved us. We thank you for your presence in us and in creation. May we learn to look upon the world as you look upon it, with love. In the hope of this vision, may we be able to work for a world where justice and peace flourish, for the glory of your name. Amen.

    1. Amen! Thank You Lord for renewing our mind and strength so that Your Will can be done through us seeking justice and peace. Thank You for allowing us to be a part of Your Perfect Plan and to plant seeds of Your Love. All for Your Glory.

      Bob - Such a blessing to get to watch you preach again. I just watched and was blessed by the service! I've subscribed to the YouTube channel.
      Keeping you and all JC family in prayers.

      Blessings from France

    2. Thanks BOB,
      I also watched both days, and went back to watch the last one about love a second time. Your illustration made me think of this JC warroom blog and our JC Family of believers, who keep God at the forefront of the helm and whose foundation and daily goals personify, activate, and release GOD and His LOVE to each other, with regard only to the heart and soul and needs of the person, rather than all the check boxes in which the world puts us.
      Love is very refreshing, and it is in infinite supply from a Generous Giver, and its free.
      When is your next service?

    3. Thanks, Mon Ami and Brie! Appreciate your affirmation. I'll let the church know you enjoyed the bells. God be with you.

    4. Amen Brie and BFF, and always good to hear from you, Bob. Peace be with you all.

    5. Amen Brie and thank you. I know that through all the darkness in the world, His Spirit is shining brightly through. Our Comforter, Our Helper, Our Indwelling Companion. We are not left alone and God is still in charge. May we look at everything through His beautiful eyes of love, and also discernment. God will help us to what is the truth around us. I trust Him to continue His work in me and in the world.
      Father, Thank you for giving us all Clearer Vision. Amen.

    6. Thanks for your teaching Bob. I watched the YouTube videos and also subscribed. It's nice to put a name with a face. I really enjoy your teaching and insight, and making me dig deeper. I so love our JC family and the power of unity in prayer. Mindy

    7. Yes thank you, Bob. Day 1 was good but your preaching in Day 4 was wonderful! Let your light so shine, my brother! Thank you!

  17. Father, thank You for all You do and giving us this space to come together and praise You and Your word. Thank You Jesus. Praise the Lord continually and always 🙏.

    I found out yesterday that there has been a covid outbreak at my church. Please pray for the families that have been affected. Thank you all in advance. I really appreciate all of you here ❤. God bless you 🙏.

    1. Praying for your Church and for all who are suffering with Covid. God heal and save your people. Thank You Jesus!

    2. Joining in prayer for your church family against covid, Janet. May the healing touch from God rid them from any and or trace of it, in Jesus' name.

      Maplewood NJ

    3. Healing prayers are being sent to the Throne of Grace, dear Janet.

      Blessings from France

  18. I try daily to pick up my cross, to follow Jesus, and not get lost. Some days are easy, some quite a cost. At times I can carry, others I drag, and times I misplace it, which makes me sad. "Forgive me ", I say, as I bend down to pray, and pick up my cross to start a new day 🙏.

    1. AMEN, AMEN, and AMEN!!!!!

      Maplewood NJ

    2. Amen.. we need Your strength Lord ❤

      Blessings from France

    3. And another, AMEN! Thanks be to God for you Janet, and our entire JC Family, with Love.

    4. Amen Janet! On those days when you’re dragging your heavy cross, He is by your side comforting you He helps us carry our burdens and bear our crosses.

  19. Loving Father, Whether I am praying, singing, fellowshipping with others, etc., I give thanks to You for all things and thanking You in particular for every spiritual blessings (e.g., Your grace) in the heavenly realms, given to us in Jesus Christ (Ephesians 1:3). Thank You Father for Jesus, Your unconditional Love and Presence that is always with us. I lift up my prayer of thanksgiving to You this morning, in the name of Jesus.

    O praise the Lord, all you nations!
    Praise Him, all you people!
    For His lovingkindness prevails over us [and we triumph and overcome through Him], And the truth of the Lord endures forever. Praise the Lord! (Hallelujah!) Psalm 117:1-2

    Blessings and Peace.

    Maplewood, NJ

    1. Amen and Hallelujah Maplewood 🙌 🙏 👏.

    2. Amen! His loving kindness, mercy and truth endure forever! Hallelujah! Thank You Lord!

  20. Dear heavenly Father I give you honor and praise for all the blessings you provide each day in my life. Help me to continue to be worthy of these blessings. Give me the faith and wisdom to be still and sit quietly in your presence, thanking you always. Carving out time to just "be" with you is what I can do for you. Amen.

    1. Joining in prayer with you ABC 🙏.

    2. Amen to that ABC! Praying with you and Janet!

  21. Jesus, please mold me into the faithful follower You want me to be . I offer You my heart and all that I am for You to shape into Your trusting servant. Help me to accept that things are done in Your way and Your time as I go out to do Your biidding. I love you Jesus

  22. Today, I read all of Psalm 73.
    I could have written it.
    Psalm 73 Living Bible
    73 How good God is to Israel—to those whose hearts are pure. 2 But as for me, I came so close to the edge of the cliff! My feet were slipping and I was almost gone. 3 For I was envious of the prosperity of the proud and wicked. 4 Yes, all through life their road is smooth![a] They grow sleek and fat. 5 They aren’t always in trouble and plagued with problems like everyone else, 6 so their pride sparkles like a jeweled necklace, and their clothing is woven of cruelty! 7 These fat cats have everything their hearts could ever wish for! 8 They scoff at God and threaten His People. How proudly they speak! 9 They boast against the very Heavens, and their words strut through the earth.

    10 And so God’s People are dismayed and confused and drink it all in. 11 “Does God realize what is going on?” they ask. 12 “Look at these men of arrogance; they never have to lift a finger—theirs is a life of ease; and all the time their riches multiply.”

    13 Have I been wasting my time? Why take the trouble to be pure? 14 All I get out of it is trouble and woe—every day and all day long! 15 If I had really said that, I would have been a traitor to Your People. 16 Yet it is so hard to explain it—this prosperity of those who hate the Lord. 17 Then one day I went into God’s Sanctuary to meditate and thought about the future of these evil men. 18 What a slippery path they are on—suddenly God will send them sliding over the edge of the cliff and down to their destruction: 19 an instant end to all their happiness, an eternity of terror. 20 Their present life is only a dream! They will awaken to the truth as one awakens from a dream of things that never really were!

    21 When I saw this, what turmoil filled my heart! 22 I saw myself so stupid and so ignorant; I must seem like an animal to you, O God. 23 But even so, You Love me! You are holding my right hand! 24 You will keep on guiding me all my life with Your Wisdom and Your Counsel, and afterwards receive me into the Glories of Heaven![b] 25 Whom have I in Heaven but You? And I desire no one on earth as much as You! 26 My health fails; my spirits droop, yet God remains! He is the strength of my heart; He is mine forever!

    27 But those refusing to worship God will perish, for He destroys those serving other gods.

    28 But as for me, I get as close to Him as I can! I have chosen Him, and I will tell everyone about the wonderful ways He rescues me.

  23. WITHIN...
    Based on today's devotions, what is within me right now?

  24. Father, please forgive me for letting things distract me from You today. Help me to focus on You first and foremost and everything else after. Please take me by the hand and guide me in Your spirit Lord. Let my heart, mind, and soul be in You. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen 🙏. Thank You Jesus. Praise the Lord continually and always.

  25. Joining in your lovely prayer! 💗😊🙏

  26. Thank you sweet Jesus and dear ones: Sucess❣ Staying the night for observation, and for taking for 2 weeks a nebulizer of steroids, and an antibiotic. 💚😊🧡

    1. Halleluia Butterfly love! Such good news. You will be breathing much easier. Our God is so faithful. Rest now. Thanking God for your complete recovery in His timing. Praying for good news about Audra's daughter. Thank You Jesus.
      This is from today's devotion: Hold My hand in childlike trust, and the way before you will open up step by step.

    2. Thank You Jesus for another victory in You! Praise God always 🙏.

    3. Doin' a dance for BL🦋! Hallelujah! We trusted you dear Jesus for the surgery, now we are trusting you for full recovery for our dear sister. Amen!

    4. Praise God, Butterfly Love! A definite victory dance is called for! May you wake feeling better than you have been and hope-filled! We, your JC warriors, will continue our prayers of healing for you, BL! Thanks for letting us know how it went! Hallelujah and thank you, Jesus! Amen!

    5. Yes, dear Audra prying that all went well for your daughter as well, and virtual hugs all the way around for my awesome sisters in Christ...I can't thank you enough in letting you know how much your words of love, comfort, and encouragement have meant to me...THANK YOU ALL❣❣🫂🦋💚💜💖💙👣🐑

    6. Blessings surround you, Butterfly Love, and my daughter today. Outer Father is so good, watching over all that touch or hearts, souls and bodies. Enjoy the peace and rest following your procedure that allows for improved health to return. I join you in thanks for all prayers offered through this amazing family of warriors! 🙏♥️✝️👏🥳

    7. So happy to hear all went well dear Audra. Joining you all in thanking our good and faithful Lord! Hallelujah!

    8. Thanksgiving prayers going up!

  27. Hello JC family. I haven't posted in awhile. Seem to be going through a slump, struggling with just going thru the motions of life and just feeling numb. Searching to reignite the spark of hunger and desire to seek God and his will for many of life's challenges and circumstances. Struggling with getting hormone balance under control through early menopause too. Don't mean to be a downer, just sharing with this sweet faithful family of believers. I still read and pray for each of you, but need some of your prayers to listen and hear God. I just started an amazing study with a group of ladies, Discerning the voice of God by Priscilla Shirer. Already feeling encouraged. Also missing my dad alot lately. (He passed in 2018 during his favorite running race Bloomsday. Just before the finish line.) He crossed over to his heavenly finish. I finally went to get a tattoo on mY right forearm this week. It's beautiful. A runner with heartbeat symbols that go into a flatline then into beautiful butterflies. I have a pic on Facebook (robmindyrowe). It just has me contemplating my dad's influence in my life and his strong faith in God. As in today's reading, I'm seeking God's peace in the stillness and wanting to hear and obey his leading. Much love and continued prayers to each of you. You are all still kept track of in mY prayer notebook. Mindy

    1. Mindy, your in my prayers as you encounter these physical and emotional challenges.

      I haven't shared yet (that I recall) but today is one year since my dad crossed that finish line. I understand you missing your dad. Blessings and prayers friend.

    2. Joining in prayers for you Mindy. May our loving Father prick your heart and increase your hunger and desire for Him and His word. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen.

    3. Dear Mindy, joining in prayer here for the rekindling of your first love. Because you are so unsettled in your spirit is exactly where God wants you, He is the first to know when any of His children is off kilter in their walk, a lamb wandering off to the side, His staff is at work at this very moment to gently prod you back where you are safe from the wolves of temptations. Believe that He is chasing after you dear one. Love the sharing of how your father passed from this life's finish line and into his eternal rest. He finished the race set before him here on earth! Hallelujah!

    4. I can understand your slump, disconnect, and overall numbness, Mindy, and I'm sorry you're going through this. I've definitely felt similarly at times as I bet many in our JC family have. Not a comfortable or comforting place, for sure, but I see you are still making forward motion with joining that study group. That's so great and is most definitely taking a step forward! Any size of the step forward is still forward motion and progress. Good for you! Be kind to yourself, though, giving yourself grace for all you're feeling and dealing with right now. May you feel God's hand in yours as you navigate your Tuesday, Mindy. Not that He hasn't been holding your hand each day already but hoping you truly feel Him today. In Jesus' name, amen!

    5. 💜💚🦋Joining prayers for all of your crosses right now: our most precious God will bring you through it❣ I'm happy that your able to fond comfort and reassurance with your new tatoo, knowing that your father is looking down through God's window in cheering you on and saying prayers for this time of perseverance. 🫂🫂

    6. Thanking God for never letting go of your hand, Mindy. And for keeping the embers burning. When it's time they will be fanned and light you up for others to see even brighter. Enjoy the blessings as they come, sister. And come they will. ♥️🙏

    7. May we all cross HIS finish line. Praying for you Mindy and Keith. May our Father in Heaven comfort you both.

    8. Amen! Praying with you all and for you. Keith is always in my prayers!

  28. Dear Mindy. Praying always for you and Chloe and Camden. Believe that God knows your beautiful heart. I know how hard it is to be go through premenopause and menopause. All the sweating and the emotional ups and downs. It was a very hard time. We all go through it. Part of being a woman. Wow you got a tattoo on your arm as a tribute to your Dad! I'm sure he is smiling down. Love never ends. It just changes. Running has always been so important to me so I understand your Father's passion for it. At least God called him when he was doing something he loved. You will surely be with him again. We all go through times in our lives when things seem a bit flat. And then the little Godwinks happen and get us right back on track. Thank you so much for your prayers. That means a lot to me. God's peace is surrounding you at this very moment. Rest in it dear sister. You will get through this valley time and the best is yet to come. Blessed Assurance. You belong to the Most High and you are dearly loved.

    So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand. Isaiah 41:10

  29. Thank You Jesus. I praise You always Lord. You are my heart ❤.

  30. This devotion is so spot on for me ! I have survived January without a job.....at times I feel like running to get help from I don't know where but today God says He is with continously .He never takes a break no matter how challenging it gets....He holds my hand , He guides me with His counsel . May my mind stop racing to plan A B C , calm my heart and spirit , Father you are in control

    1. He certainly is in control Min. You are His precious child. His eye is on you, keeping you steady with everlasting arms to calm your heart & spirit. Just be held. Blessings 🙏💕

    2. In our bleakest moments, He IS there with us. It is indeed hard at times to actually feel Him because we are caught up in our turmoil and despair. Something Jan said reminded me of such an awesome song by Casting Crowns. This song has helped me many times when I feel overwhelmed by life's circumstances. When I listen to the lyrics, I literally feel an exhale of my entire body. Like God is hugging me letting me know He's got this and is bringing me through. Here is the link:


    3. Our dear Min: I have been aware of your struggles, and downcast spirit for your posts. I WILL BE PRAYING not only for a job, but your peace of mind, and also for your dearest daughter and Mom.🫂💌

    4. NJS, so appreciative of the link sharing! It helps me build the most awesome JC Calling inspired playlist ♥️🎶

    5. Continuing to pray for God to guide you to that open door. He is sustaining you because He is faithful. Keep leaning on His promises. Praying you, your Mom and daughter will soon be rejoicing because our prayers have been answered! Thank You Jesus! .

  31. Thank you dear warriors for prayers for son #2. Echogram was normal. He still has very annoying palpitations, that he is attributing to stress. He has such a servant heart towards taking care of his wife's parents who both have health challenges. He's still seeking God's counsel on a ministry. Keep their family in prayer please. Thank you. Love to all💕

    1. Keeping those prayers coming for your dear. son and his family. Praying for your healing too dear sister.

    2. I know heart palpitations only to well, Jan. Magnesium supplements helped me .

    3. Thank you dear sisters for prayer support. Absolutely Brie, magnesium helped me. Bless you dear ones💕😘

  32. Requesting prayer dear JC Warriors.
    I am 73, I retired rather late in life, at 71, and closed our business down.
    Contacted by a former work associate late yesterday, I've been asked to consider supplying CAD (Computer Aided Design) services to the company he works for, and to lead teams of engineers in Virtual Builds. (This was my area of expertise for over 20 years, previously Mechanical Engineering) It's a highly challenging area, extremely intense and technical. The mental focus required is quite challenging and tiring. To be quite honest I was rather relieved to give it up when I retired. I know how I feel about it, but I need to know Heaven's answer. My Lord see the days, weeks, months etc ahead, I don't. Is this unlooked-for request, of Him or not? Is it part of Heaven's purposes or a distraction?
    I'm not looking forward to setting up a business again with all the legality required. But if it's of the Lord, I'll do it. Please pray; I'm not happy to take the plunge without hearing His word on it. I need to give an answer within a day or do. Thank you JC Blog Brothers and Sisters in Christ.

    1. Praying with you Peter

    2. While it's quite a feather in your cap to be asked to share your know-how with others, I can feel the struggle you're having inside yourself. Praying God gives you clear discernment in this decision and you feel at peace with it. In Jesus' name, amen.

    3. ...My Lord see the days, weeks, months etc ahead, I don't. Is this unlooked-for request, of Him or not? Is it part of Heaven's purposes or a distraction???
      Praying for discernment of His Purpose for you, Peter.
      If it's not a definite yes from Him, then it is probably a no or wait. What helps me is saying a prayer for discernment with my closed bible on my lap, then closing my eyes, opening my bible to any page. The answer was fulfilled in my reading.
      Prayerful blessings for clarity from the One who gives Us purpose and leads us. in Jesus' Name. Amen

    4. Such wise and loving words already offered. I will continue to pray for peace in your decision, beloved Peter. God is with you.

    5. I join Audra, Suzie, NJS, Brie and GraceTakesTime in prayer over your job decision. I go to the WORD and declare these two scriptures over you:
      Philippians 4:6-7 "Do not be anxious about anything, but in everthing by prayer and supplication with thanksgivings let your requests be known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus."

      Isaiah 30-21 "Whether you turn to the right or to the left, your ears will hear a voice behind you, saying, "This is the way, walk in it."

      And, we WAIT on the Lord with GREAT EXPECTATIONS!!! And remember, the Lord has such GREAT LOVE for you and is absolutely crazy about you!!!!

    6. Joining my dear JC family in praying that God’s Spirit will guide you to the right decision. Sounds like you may not want to jump right in again but God’s will and Plan shall be done. He already knows which way is best. He will guide you at the crossroads. Continue to spend much time with Him and listen for His small sweet voice. Praying He will light the right path like a Neon sign.

  33. Praying for you Peter. Thanking God for delivering the support you need for a timely decision. I understand that the skills we may have offered during our more formative work lives might still be desired by others. And retirement from a long working life comes with challenges unique to that separation of day to day purpose. The thing I like best about retirement is that I don't have to do anything in a hurry, and I am thanking God for that. I sense that your skills would be welcomed without the pressure of time, and I will be praying for clarity for your decision. 🙏♥️

  34. Thank to all for prayer support. I will follow advice as given. Looking forward to the Neon sign 🙂

    1. I'm praying for you, Peter. Tough decisions. I retired on Nov 1 and was asked back on Nov9. My Dear Hub said, "Guinness World Record's shortest retirement - 8 days!" The # 8 in Scripture is "New Beginnings." So, I took it for what it was. I wasn't ready to retire. If I went back, I'd get SSA and a salary - we could do things to our house that need to be done, pay off debt, etc. So far, so good, though there are days I'm SO TIRED. Then I remember - I did this of my own accord, with the help of God. I'll persevere and when it's too much - I'm done. I saw it as an open door, but it's between me and God as to how long it lasts. I will be praying for you. Mixed Blessings. God will speak to you. That's my prayer. God Speed, Brother!

  35. Today's devotion ends with: Hold My hand in childlike trust, and the way before you will open up step by step. Yesterday's MRI went well because of all the prayers and because I never let go of His Hand, not for a second. We are all going through our own valley times, but I have seen so many sweet spots of light that God is blessing me with. So many brothers and sisters that are praying for me as I pray for them. God knows our hearts better than we do. When I'm asked how I am, I can honestly say I'm doing well, thank God! Spending so much time with my good husband is also a blessing. We are enjoying the ordinary sweet moments in our days. He knows sometimes I get concerned about the future, but he quickly reminds me everything is going fine and I'm being a real trouper. I keep telling him that Jesus is healing me. By His stripes, I am healed. As long as He is by my side, all will be well. Got my 3rd infusion on the 27th and I am ready for it. Please pray for my younger brother Tommy who just tested positive for Covid. He has cold symptoms and feels very drained. May God heal him completely and keep the rest of his family negative.
    Thank You Father for this in Jesus' Name. Amen
    Hope everyone receives all that God is offering them. Peace is at the top of the list and He has an inexhaustible supply. He is the best Healer, Comforter, Guide and Guardian. So blessed to be a sheep in His flock. Have a special day in the Lord.

    Isaiah 40:31 "But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary, and they shall walk and not faint."

    1. Amen Jeanne 🙏. Praying for healing for Tommy and continued prayers for you. May the Lord's healing power be supplied to His children and His perfect peace be felt in their hearts. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen. Shalom and God bless.

    2. Continuing to pray for you Jeanne, your husband and Tommy. Be at peace He is covering you.

    3. I can tell, Jeanne, that not only are you wearing God's armor, you are also holding his hand tightly trusting wear He is leading you. Continued prayers for your results and this next infusion. May the results be better than expected and you have no ill effects from the infusion. In Jesus' name, amen.

    4. Yes! Joining warriors in praying for this next infusion dear Jeanne. May our awesome God infuse your spirit with an extra helping of hope, peace & His unconditional love! I'm amazed at how you are holding up through all this! Bless you sis as you bless us! Hallelujah! 💞🙏🌈

    5. Thanks my dear Janet, Peter, NJS and Jan! Your prayers and encouraging messages lifted my heart on this gray morning. Thank God it’s only raining outside. The Son-Light is shining in our hearts! With your prayers and God’s faithfulness, that infusion is going to be easy. God holds me tight and your prayers surround me. Love you all!! God bless your new day!

    6. May you be INFUSED with even more intimacy and faith in your Lord Jesus, Jeanne! Continued prayers for all your requests ♥️🙏

  36. The LORD is good to those who wait for Him, to the soul that seeks Him. (Lamentations 3:25). The LORD will fight for you, and you shall hold your peace. (Exodus 14:14). Wait on the LORD, and keep His way, and He shall exalt you to inherit the land; when the wicked are cut off, you shall see it. (Psalm 37:34). Rest in the LORD, and wait patiently for Him; do not fret because of him who prospers in his way, because of the man who brings wicked schemes to pass. Cease from anger, and forsake wrath; do not fret--it only causes harm. For evildoers shall be cut off; but those that wait on the LORD, they shall inherit the earth. (Psalm 37:7-9).

    1. For the LORD is a God of justice; blessed are all those who wait for Him. (Isaiah 30:18). For since the beginning of the world men have not heard nor perceived by the ear, nor has the eye seen any God besides You, Who acts for the one who waits for Him. (Isaiah 64:4).

    2. Thanks dear Janet for sharing God’s Word and promises. You feed us so well!

  37. Looking at my posting of last year, I'm so glad Heaven answered my call for help, directing me to continue in this retirement phase. The moment I made the decision I was enveloped in His Peace; something like basking in warm sunshine on a cold day. The demands of life since then have proven the wisdom of that decision.
    John 14:27 "Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid."

    1. Isn't that just like our nature. We fret, squirm, question ourselves & God. Then the "leap", and "hello"! We land on a feather bed God had prepared all along. He has to smile as he summons the angel to ring the bell! Growth spurt from another one of my children! Hallelujah! Hallelujah!🥰

    2. So happy God led you to the right decision dear brother Peter! It was part of His Plan that you should put work aside and serve Him as you rest in His peace!
      Dear Jan, I love how you described a leap of faith! We land in a feather bed! Hallelujah

    3. Peter, I'd love to hear more about your decision (I hope you'll answer me on tomorrow's post, so I see it first thing). As I look back on my decision, a year ago today, I'm still thankful for mine. We have a walk in shower for my Best Man; a 'new' office for me; a proposed new roof and windows. My days are full of my Casework - helping others, which brings me joy. Yet, after another year, the appts, the various Drs; all of my 'To Do List,' I wonder how long I can do this...juggling so many roles. I'd love to know how you came to your decision and how it has blessed you.

  38. Thank you NJS for your post in 2022. One of my favorite phrase of assurance is " just be held", little did I know that in replaying the song as NJS posted, I would be the one bawling as I heard it again. Since my hubby's stroke 2 years ago, I just realized I've held my breath since then, it must've been buried deep. Hearing the song reminded me, I was holding on! I---needed to be held! God's got this! Fear! has to face the God I know! (Another song).

    1. I sure can relate! I’m being held in such loving and caring Hands. What a comfort and a blessing! Just be held, dear sisters! Rest in Him Who cares for you.

  39. Hoping that good cry released the breath you've been holding for so long, Jan, and you did indeed feel held by His loving arms. Glad it helped. For me, praise songs are like therapy. Praying for you, dear sister, and may you have a good & blessed day...one and all.

  40. ♥️🎶Link Just Be Held

  41. Thanks dear Audra!
    Here’s another great one.

  42. Just listened to these songs before I head to bed. Thank you, Sisters. I'm so tired, but so thankful. Love and Blessings to all of you.
    God is on the Night Watch (please, not me tonight, Father!).

  43. Praise the LORD of Lords, KING of Kings . I praise you YAWEH and YESHUA …… 🎶” ….Jesus what a beautiful name it is…” 🎶
    Oh how I love YOU

  44. Amen! Praise Him with every breath! Holding onto His Hand in childlike trust.
    Please continue to pray for young Eli who is in terrible pain in the ER and he cannot keep anything down even his meds. His tumor was drained but he’s so sick again. Calling out to our good God to make things right again for him.
    Father God, Your compassion and mercy endure forever. We thank You for wrapping your loving Arms around this 8 yr old child and taking away his pain and shrink and destroy this tumor, and guide him to the right doctor and treatment right away! Show him Your faithfulness cover him and his family with peace and healing of body, mind and spirit. Turn it all around to good as only You can. We trust in Your Word and Your promises. Thank You for this in the powerful Name of Christ Jesus our Risen Lord. Amen.

    Psalm 41:3
    The Lord sustains them on their sickbed and restores them from their bed of illness.

    1. Lifting Eli up in prayer to the Great Healer. Praying for peace for him and his family.

  45. Praying that tomorrow will bring good test results to all who are awaiting God’s faithfulness. God is close to us as we go through trials. As close as our own breath and Ge really cares. Thank You Jesus.

  46. Praying with you, Jeanne for Eli. Praying for my friend, Martha. That she is healed in the name of Jesus Christ. For my sister and that all COVID symptoms are removed. For my Best Man (#1 on my list), that his health continues to improve and he is totally restored. For my Bestie, Susie - stomach and gut totally restored. That her sleep is sweet and enhanced. For my dental appt in the morning...that my crown prep is smooth and painless. That all of these prayers are answered in the name above all names, Christ Jesus, our Lord.

    1. Praying with you, dear Norah for God to heal all these dear ones and everyone on our prayer lists and for God to guide your dental appointment to go well and smoothly.
      Thank You Father for all this in the Name of Christ Jesus. Amen

  47. My Father God, I come before You with heart burdened with those facing health challenges. You know each person by name and their specific needs. I lift them up to you and asking for Your Healing Touch and Comfort to surround them. Grant strength and courage to face each day with hope and trust in Your UNFAILING LOVE. I pray for wisdom for medical professionals and Your peace for families. May Your presence be felt in their midst, bringing peace that surpasses understanding. Pleading the Blood of Jesus over all. In Jesus's Name, Our Promise Keeper, AMEN and AMEN.
    Isaiah 53:5 "But he was pierced for our transgressions, he was crushed for our iniquities; the punishment that brought us peace was on him, and by his wounds we are healed."

    1. JJ borrowing your prayer this morning for a family member with stage 4 cancer who is having an MRI this morning. Praying for nothing new to show up, praying for technician doing the MRI, and praying for peace and strength for family.
      SC Anonymous

    2. I receive all prayers for perfect health and thank God for medical professionals He can work through. Praying for Eli, and others I know who have invasive tumors. May God grant them full recovery and renewed health and hope.

    3. Thank You God for JJ's post.
      May all who were looking to Your Holy Spirit for JJ to stomp out satan, so they could receive God's medical blessings, benefit from what you shared. I know I have and will save it for future use! Much ❤️ and Many 🙏

    4. Amen!!! Thank You dear JJ for your powerful prayer! We are healed by His Stripes! Praying for so many right now. We know our God is so much greater and He has already overcome death. We are Victorious in Him. Thank You Jesus.

  48. Today I go to court for what might be the final time. I have been dealing with this court issue for close to a year and a half. My faith has grown tremendously during this time. Yet, the anxiety is still overwhelming. I pray that his peace covers me, and that I receive an outcome that works out in my family's favor. In Jesus name I pray Amen!

    1. Praying for a victory in court for you and your family in Jesus Almighty Name.

    2. May God bring Peace and serenity to you this day, Tanya. The "Peace that surpasses all understanding." God's Blessings for you this day. John H.

    3. Standing with you, Tanya, for a positive court outcome for your family. Declaring: NO WEAPON FORMED AGAINST YOU SHALL PROSPER! The Lord hasn't given you the spirit of fear, but of POWER, and of LOVE, and of a SOUND MIND. Pleading the Blood of Jesus over you and family. In Jesus' Name, Who causes the Giants to Fall Before Us, AMEN and AMEN

    4. I'm standing on His Word while praying in the breach for you, Tanya. Blessings now and forever more from His Vast, Abundant Store. In Jesus' Name. AMEN ❣️

    5. Dear Tanya, May the peace of God cover you like a warm blanket in Court. May His Spirit supply you with all the right answers and the words you need to say.
      Thank You Father for guiding this court appearance and leading it to a good outcome for Tanya and her family in Jesus’ Name. Amen

      Philippians 4:19
      And my God shall supply all your need according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus.


  49. Good bless you on your path today, Tanya. He is a just God.

    1. Amen. He is just and so faithful. Rest in Him who loves you.

  50. My Dear SC Anonymous --- I've been praying into your situation. I know this season must feel heavy. I was reminded of Micah 7:8 and how it declares that even in dark times, God's light leads us. This verse has strengthened me during tough moments, and I pray it encourages you to keep holding on to His promises.

    When worry tries to creep in, remember it's an invitation to hand it all back to Him. We can't add a single hour to our lives by worrying, but we can strengthen our faith and peace by Declaring His promises over the situation. You've already prayed, and I know God has heard you--now it's time to stand firm and trust that He is working all things together for good, even when it's hard to see.

    You are not facing this alone. God's strength is made perfect in your weakness, and His peace is greater than every fear. Stand BOLDLY, knowing His love ❤️ never fails, His promises never return void, and His hand is over your husband, kids, and you.

    My Father God, I lift up my dear sister and family to You right now. Thank You for being their light, even in this dark season. I Declare Micah 7:8 over them:
    though they may feel pressed on every side, they will rise because You, Lord, are their strength. I come against every spirit of fear and worry that tries to take root in their hearts, and I loose Your perfect peace to guard their minds and their spirits.

    Lord, remind them that You are the Great Physician, and Your hands guide every surgeon's hand. Fill their hearts with fierce confidence in Your love ❤️ and power. Surround them with Your presence, so tangible and strong, that all anxiety is silenced by the sound of Your voice. I speak Life, Healing, and Wholeness over SC's husband, and peace and strength over this family. In Jesus' name I Declare fear is defeated, peace reigns, and God's Healing Power
    is at work. NO WEAPON FORMED AGAINST THIS FAMILY WILL PROSPER, and His Life-Light leads them to VICTORY! The battle is the Lord's, and He had ALREADY WON!

    MICAH 7:8 "Do not rejoice over me, my eneny! Though I have fallen, I will rise.
    Though I sit in darkness, the Lord will be my light."

    John 1:3-5 MSG "Everthing was created through him; nothing---not one thing!---came into being without him. What came into existence was Life, and the Life was Light to live by. The Life-Light blazed out of the darkness;
    the darkness couldn't put it out."

  51. Sweet JJ, Joining your powerful prayer for our dear SC and her husband and sons! Rest assured that they are covered by the Blood of Christ and His Word. God will guide the surgeon’s hands perfectly and the outcome will be a good one! Trusting He will also protect and guide both sons, bring you all peace, and continue to show you all His Faithfulness. We Thank You Father for this in the Name of Christ Jesus! Amen

    1. Amen and amen JJ and Jeanne!! ❤️🙏

  52. Amen JJ! Joining in prayers for you and your family SCA.🙏🕊️

    1. Joining in prayer too for JJ, SC.🙏🙏🙏. Our God is the only One who hears and answers prayer.

    2. Amen to that Peter!

  53. 🙏🏽❤️🙏🏽❤️ In GOD we trust.

    1. Always. God bless you dear Gail! 🙏💗

  54. Yes, Gail! From Whom all blessings flow!
    As we declare health and recovery over all those in need (including my dear daughter) let us give the outcomes to HE WHO LOVES US.
    This past week I've been witness to how good God is when we give all things Him, asking and listening to how He may want us to partner with Him.
    Praying peace over the family and friends of a dear departed friend who we will celebrate today.
    Thank you Jesus! ✝️♥️

  55. Dear Audra, Praying with you for our dear JJ, SC and her DH and sons and for your dear daughter that God is already healing her and bringing her back to perfect health and for His Peace to cover the loved ones of your dear departed friend. Thank You Father for all of this and for everything you are working for good in all our lives and our families’ lives in Jesus’ Name. Amen

  56. Prayers Audra for your friend and the family. 🙏🕊️

  57. Love and prayers to and for all of my Dear JC Family.

  58. Thanks! Love and prayers to all! Praying with you and for you, dear Norah! Rest well as we lean on the Everlasting Arms. Sweet dreams.

    Proverbs 3:24
    When you lie down, you will not be afraid;
    Yes, you will lie down and your sleep will be sweet.
