Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Job 42 - Job's Repentance and Restoration

Job 42

Message: Job's Repentance and Restoration

Time: The time of Job is unclear and commonly debated. Often the language of the book can give clues. It seems to be that Job had a lifespan of close to 200 years as Job 42:16 says he lived 140 years after the events in the book.

What the Lord is Saying:

I've been studying these chapters in Job, somewhat selectively, based upon the readings of Tabletalk. It's taken me a while to get through them for the words are poetic and generally are tough for me to understand. As I saw last time, Chapter 42 concludes the book with Job answering the Lord, the Lord speaking the truth about his friends and then God restoring Job's fortunes.

There are 17 verses in this chapter.

Job's Confession
The first 6 verses Job answers the Lord and in his response he admits his error before the Lord. He has listened to the words from the Lord, like chapter 38 that I looked at, and he now understands better. He says in verse 2, I know you that you can do all things, and that no purpose of yours can be thwarted. It is a rather simple proclamation that Job makes stating that he knows that the Lord can do all things. He is omnipotent, meaning God can do anything or he has unlimited power. I can go about each day with the simple understanding that God is in control.

Job is now a humble person. I think it takes a lot to be humble these days. We are a proud and puffed up people and we think our intellect and knowledge puts us in control. Job mentions in verse 3, I have declared that which I did not understand. He admits that he has made an opinion on things that are beyond his understanding. It's one thing to talk about God through the words of a song, like Chris Tomlin does in God is incomprehensible or rather indescribable. We need this. We need to realize that God doesn't need to be described completely. We need to let there be things about God that are indescribable. We need to admit that there are things we do not know.

For me, this becomes clearer and clearer with each new day. God, I don't understand what is going on in people's lives. I don't understand why some people have and some people have not. I must admit, I am weak, in that my mind wants to ponder this and wants to examine this and figure it out, but O God, help me to turn from that and simply acknowledge that you are omnipotent and I need not understand every tit and tattle. Help me to accept the unknown. Help me to stay in what I do know. Give me wisdom in the day to day. That's where I want to live. If I don't know it, then I need to bring it before you and pray for it. This should be my calling card for life. Forgive me for being so quick to thinking that I must understand it all before I can step forward.

Lord, verse 4 of this chapter, seems to put forth this sentiment well. Hear, now, and I will speak; I will ask you, and You instruct me. This is how I should come before God. I come before Him praying and asking and waiting for His instruction. Help this to be all I need.

I like what Albert Barnes says here:
The most holy men may have occasion to repent of their presumptuous manner of speaking of God. We all err in the same way in which Job did. We reason about God with irreverence; we speak of his government as if we could comprehend it; we discourse of him as if he were an equal; and when we come to have any just views of him, we see that there has been much improper boldness, much self-confidence, much irreverence of thought and manner, in our estimation of the divine wisdom and plans. The bitter experience of Job should lead us to the utmost carefulness in the manner in which we speak of our Maker.
Even the most holy men have occasion to repent. 

God Displeased with Job's Friends
God speaks to Job's friends and simply says, you have not spoken of Me what is right and he asks them to repent by offer(ing) up a burnt offering for yourselves. When God confronts us, we need to repent.

O God, forgive me for thinking I know better than you. Forgive me for thinking that I know how to raise my children. Forgive me for thinking that I have it all figured out and that I even have you figured out. Help me to be on my knees more and studying Your Word and accepting of your ways. Keep me anchored in a path of not questioning. I am to father and care for my children. Show me God what this means more and more.

God Restores Job's Fortunes

Job needs to have a right understanding of God. This is what I need in my life. The Lord restored the fortunes of Job. This restoration wasn't necessarily immediate, but it was lifelong. God is more interested in my character than my wealth or social position. I must be focused here.

Job had it all, but then lost it all. He questioned God, but then had a right understanding of God. And God blessed Job. His later days were greater from his beginning. The hallmark of his life was putting his trust in God.

Lord, help me to trust you. Help me O God. Keep me focused on you. 

Promise: Expect restoration while we persist in faith and do not speak ill of the Lord. God will keep his promises.

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