Monday, March 24, 2014

Jesus Calling: March 25

   Let thanksgiving temper all your thoughts. A thankful mind-set keeps you in touch with Me. I hate it when My children grumble, casually despising My sovereignty. Thankfulness is a safeguard against this deadly sin. Furthermore, a grateful attitude becomes a grid through which you perceive life. Gratitude enables you to see the Light of My Presence shining on all circumstances. Cultivate a thankful heart, for this glorifies Me and fills you with Joy.
1 Corinthians 10:10
English Standard Version
 nor grumble, as some of them did and were destroyed by the Destroyer.

Hebrews 12:28-29
English Standard Version
Therefore let us be grateful for receiving a kingdom that cannot be shaken, and thus let us offer to God acceptable worship, with reverence and awe, for our God is a consuming fire.

My Prayer
Father, I want to be thankful all the days of my life for your continual hand of Providence in my life. Help me to always be thankful, even for the things that I don't understand. Keep me far from grumbling. Just because I don't understand what is going on doesn't mean that what I'm experiencing is bad. I am too short-sighted Lord. In this consumer-oriented world, I am trained often in more, having more money, more possessions, just more over and over. I am so thankful that I can enjoy things but Lord help me to see that getting sometimes blinds giving in my life. I don't want to grumble Lord. I don't want to stare at what other people have and what I don't have and then grumble. Comparing makes me miserable; it makes me bitter. You are sovereign. You have saved me and brought me into your fold and therefore, I have assurance of eternal life. Help me to harness my thankfulness on that. I want a thankful heart.

My Prayer Update - 3/25/19
O God, you are awesome. Praise the Lord!! I give thanks to the Lord with all of my heart. Great are your works O Lord. You are creator. You are the one who orders this world. You are in charge. I submit and surrender to You. Give me strength this day Lord. I continue to wait on You Lord. I wait for Your Perfect timing. This last week has been hard but there have been wonderful times as well, even through the pain I am experiencing. Splendid and majestic is your work. Your righteousness endures forever. You Lord are gracious and compassionate. Lord, I fear you and therefore I pray for your provision. The power of Your words is known to Me. Be my strength this day as I deal with this pain in my body. Lord, I pray these kidney stones would pass. It has been a roller coaster of pain these past 7 days. I’m making it with Your help. I can’t make it on my own. The works of your hands are truth and justice. Your precepts are true. They are upheld forever and ever. Holy and awesome is your name.

As Pamela (my wife) left for work this morning, she said, “I can’t do this anymore.” She was speaking of her job and the difficulty of continuing to work. O Lord, you are good. You will never be shaken. From the rising of the sun to its setting the name of the Lord is to be praised. Who is like the Lord our God. You lift the needy from the ash heap. Lift Pamela. Help her to go the distance, not just today but each day. God, i have faith. I believe in You. I trust in You. You can do this Lord. Only You. Praise the Lord. Tremble, O Earth, before the Lord! Not to us, O Lord, not to us, but to Thy name give glory because of Thy lovingkindness. You do Lord whatever You please. Please rescue Pamela. This job remains but she needs a new attitude. She needs your power in her. You are her help and her shield. Help her to work well with others at her job. Bring amazing patience to her. Bring joy to her. As she writes those notes each day and responds to parents, teachers, and other therapists, give her the words to speak Lord. Guide her. Direct her paths. I give her to You. I love You Lord because you hear my voice and my supplications. As long as I live, I will call upon you Lord.

Note: The devotion and scriptures are from author Sarah Young. If you haven't already, please purchase the book and support the author. 


  1. Thankfulness is what I feel as so many areas in my life are where they need to be. However when the world/one throws words or accusations and or their own personal comments I sometimes react way to quickly. I pray and ask for prayers on biting my tongue and to either pray/ignore/or respond later. We live in a world where people want instant gratification/ response. Therefore this moment forward I will pause and let God. ⚓️❤️

    1. I too struggle with this. We need to be more proactive instead of reactive. Patience is something I lack quite often. Lord please help me to be more patient with others. Patience leads to so many other good qualities. Thank you Jesus. Amen.

    2. I learned 6 years ago to not say anything when I am angry. I was going through a separation with my husband, my heart was broke into a million pieces. My best friend was my rock and we were always there for each other no matter what was going on in each others lives, but she turned on me one day while we were at my house visiting and said many foul things to me. I just sat there and told her, why can't we just agree to disagree. I was so calm, it should have scared her, it did me. It was over nothing and I just sat there calmly and let her rant until she was so worked up and she left my house. I was stunned, I could not believe what had just happened. When she got home she was texting me and I guess prodding me to get onto her with my own words. I waited for 3-4 days to text her back and I told her after cooling off and pondering on what had happened a few days ago, I wanted to let her know I loved her and would be here when she got over whatever it was she was so mad about. That text prompted more angry words, i didnt see her or talk to her for a year. I never tried to get in touch with her and one day a year later she called to see if she could come over. I told her of course she could come over. When she got here I never mentioned a word about what had happened. I knew God would work in her heart, I didnt know we would still be best friends today, but we are. If I had came back at her that day, we would not be friends today. She has helped me, as I have her, through many good and bad times since. To this day, I wait on God when someone makes me angry and when it is time for me to say anything, it is always good because I let God talk through me instead of my anger spilling out with words I can not take back. It is so true that the tounge is as sharp as a two edged sword and once said, there is no taking it back even if it was said in anger and we didnt mean it. The words we say in anger stick in the persons head forevermore, ya can't unsay what has already been said, it is best to wait and let God❣

    3. Dear Pamela. Your words of truth are timeless. We must guard our words and give it to God so His spirit can guide us to say the words that edify, encourage, pacify, support, and make things right. So glad you waited until God said it was the right time and you held your tongue as He advised you to and the words you spoke fixed and renewed your friendship. Good advice my sister. Wait and let God!!!

    4. Pamela - AMEN! Your words of wisdom will always be true. Thank you for sharing excellent advise.

    5. Amen Pamela K, I miss your posts. Hope all is well with you dear sister. Words of wisdom like yours is like precious oil pouring from my head all the way down to my toes. This stance is so hard when all you want to do is retaliate. What you did saved your friendship. You must love her very much. So inspiring.

    6. Thank you me Lord to listen more and be still. Many times I speak too me Lord!

    7. Yes and Amen! Thank you Lord for this wisdom through postings. Thank you for guiding me, help me be a more patient listener.

    8. Dear YAWEH I ask for YOUR lending ear through YOUR son JESUS CHRIST
      LORD I praise YOU for this day, I praise YOU for making things transpire where we weren’t able to leave yesterday, learning by doing so our travels will not be affected by flooding and dangerous weather. Thank you πŸ™ LORD please help me to Always have a heart and prayer of Thanksgiving, for I know without YOU, & YOUR guidance I’m lost. I praise YOU and sing a new Hallelujah for our upcoming safe travels and for pouring YOUR HOLY SPIRIT within in me, for I need YOU & the help of YOUR HOLY SPIRT’s guidance to help my loved on soften his heart, to show him I have changed, that I no longer live in my will(I pray that is true) but YOURS, help me shine YOUR light and love on my dear friend we will be with, please give him eyes to see and ears to hear,please help me to mitigate our conflicts over pagan holidays I no longer want my son or I to participate in. As I move closer to YOU, my friend is seeming angry with my newfound understanding of how my son and I are to live and worship YOU in all we do. LORD he is a believer, at least I know he was, please soften his heart and fill him with the love my son and I have for him so he can see how YOU have transformed us, leading him to return to YOU. Please remove his resentments, his hate he carries for so many. Help him see he is not only hurting himself but all of his loved ones when he isolates and refuses to be a part of even a shared meal. Please protect us from his tendency to mock me for my beliefs and my many prayers I say , I don’t know if he’s aware by doing so he’s not loving YOU
      He’s very intelligent but he lives in fear, please help him to see we have nothing to fear but YOU, particularly YOUR judgment
      I also pray for the world dear GOD, as well as all of my brothers and sisters in Christ, may we all stay close to one another lifting each other up in times of distress and rejoice with them in times of joy.
      I pray these things in YOUR son’s precious name Jesus Christ

    9. Praying with you AπŸ™❤️.
      Sometimes people grow together. Sometimes people grow apart. May God's blessings guide our journeys, now and forevermore as we seek to remain on His Paths.
      In Jesus' Name. AMEN!

    10. Praying for you, your boy, your friend and your situation. May He grant you traveling mercies as you head out today. May He hold you in the palm of His Hand and the cradle of His Heart. Bless you for not forgetting your first love. Praying with and for all of you Beautiful Warriors on this day the Lord has made, let us rejoice and be glad in it!!! Ray

  2. Your prayer is my prayer. God help me to be patient and realize that all that you provide is perfect for me and in your perfect timing.

  3. I am so thankful.

  4. Lord Jesus, help me to stay focused on the many many gifts you provide. Even among hardship my blessings of light outweigh the shadows! When I am focused on the shadows help me to see the light. The light of your presence and truly the many blessings you provide. Amen

    1. Thankfulness and praise every day no matter the circumstances. Dear ABC, Amen! His brilliant light so outweighs the shadows!!
      I do my best to focus on the light of each day and not the other stuff that threatens to drag me down. There are so many things I wish I could be doing but I am serving the Lord and my family because this is what He calls me to do. He blesses us every day with His presence and that is all we need. Thank You Jesus!

  5. Give thanks with a grateful heart. Our pastor preached on anxiety yesterday. We live in a world of "want" & more "want", & when it cannot be quenched anxiety steps in as a result of stressing over it. Being thankful & being content is the answer. Don't let me miss it Lord. Keep us all on track! Be blessed JC community.

    1. Love this today, Jan. It's one train I don't want to miss. Prayers with and for us.

  6. This morning's devotion was just what I needed - again! What jumped out at me was, "A thankful mind-set keeps you in touch with Me." "Furthermore, a grateful attitude becomes a grid through which you perceive life. Gratitude enables you to see the Light of My Presence shining on all circumstances." I needed more time this weekend and did something I rarely do - I am using some of my comp time to make sure that I'm rested and prepared for whatever this week at work brings. I knew I needed more time in His Word, time with my husband, whose faith is so strong and to take care of myself. I credit what I am learning in the Word and the prayers of my JC Family and others who are helping me see that if I don't take care of myself, there won't be any of me left to give. 'Lord, help me make good decisions, such as the one today, more often. Let me value my life like You do. Help me take time to make sure that I am spiritually prepared to make Godly decisions. In the name of Jesus Christ I pray.' Prayers for all of you, as well! As you said, Jan, "Keep us all on track!" AMEN!

    1. Fantastic and sincere thought process and prayer. More often .. .We All should Be Still and know. Blessings

    2. Lord, help me to value my life like you do. Thank you for those words.

    3. Hope you are doing your best to take care of yourself dear Sister. Get your rest because you work so hard serving Him and His people. The Word equips us to make those good and Godly decisions. He is whispering in your ear exactly when you need Him. Thanks always for your prayers.

  7. I am thankful if you Lord everyday

  8. Jesus please help and remi d me ro stay tjankful dor all I have and all You do dor me even in this tome of struggle of bot havung steady work. I love You. Amen

    1. Continuing to pray for you dear Mark L. God is in your corner and loves your gratitude.

  9. I'm so inspired by all of the people that stop by and feel so comfortable as to share their love of God and to just come by to thank Him. Just like livestock coming to the trough for water we come here to gain our sustenance from Him, to glorify Him and to commune with others we don't even know except for here.

    So many of us have the exact same problems. We've let the world take over and demand the bulk of our time, all while Jesus patiently waits for us to return to him, being the exact same today as he has and always will be throughout eternity.

    Thanks to all of you who come by, as I now get as much from that almost, as I do from the devotion. I know it gives Jesus joy to see us all sharing and talking with each other about our worldly faults. And to have us, as perfect strangers, feeling empathy for each other, and listening to others struggles, and giving us the opportunity of praying to God for that person. I just know it pleases Him. It's how He wants us to live our lives; To be so thankful, that we wish to serve others even before ourselves.

    When I come here I realize I'm not alone in my struggles as I can read them in the post of others as well. It lifts me up to see people turning to Jesus in faithful trust, waiting patiently for Jesus to make the path ahead for us.

    I really fills me with the spirit to come here every morning now. I've been reading Jesus calling for around 7-8 years now, every morning, and now I read it here.

    I love you all for sharing. And I just know it pleases God to see us come together as strangers with a common goal here at the Payton family website, showing our faithful trust and our thankful hearts even in the midst of trying times. I pray for you all in in here daily. I know others are praying for me. My trust is building and becoming more and more automatic. I give thanks for everything even in the midst of my trying circumstances. My circumstances haven't changed much, but the way I live through them has, drastically. By wielding my thankful heart, even when I want to lash out, God is showing me how to have peace and joy regardless of how bad things are.

    Sometimes I just want to bust out with things to say because I know I'm finally on a better track with Jesus, even though I was "saved" at 16. I'm a more pure Christian now. I don't make any less mistakes or have less faults, but I've learned that God created me to be unique, even in my faults. I don't feel guilty anymore, and I don't dwell on things... hopefully not too long, hah, I just turn to God and concentrate on the day I live in now, the present. '

    Well, I really just wanted to say that I'm lifted up, once again this morning, from all of the people who stopped by just to tell Jesus how much he means to them.

    I pray for you all this morning, that we can all live in only the moment, not tomorrow or last week.. today! I love you all and I love you Jesus, for making the path for me straight again. Thank you! Amen

    1. Beautiful post dear Allen. Thanks for sharing your heart of love and gratitude. God bless you in all things. Hope you are doing very well and feeling good and healthy! Thanks for all your prayers. I will keep you in mine.

    2. Thank you Allen for the visual of the gathering that takes place here and the reflection of the love we share. Blessings to you today, brother! πŸ™

    3. Allen, I believe your heartfelt words ring true in all of us. Thank you for sharing. Peace be with you πŸ™.

    4. Again this year, I Thank you God for Allen's post. I'm looking forward to returning here every year to refill my cup with water from this well. Bless Allen and each member of our JC Family of Prayer Warriors. In Jesus' Name. AMEN!

    5. I agree with you, Brie, how good it is to pass by this wonderful post by Allen. He sums it all up so well. It is good to be reminded of what we share much in the same way Jesus invites us to join Him in the Eucharist, ‘to do this in remembrance…’. God be with you!

    6. Excellent post Allen, and great food. I love the feeding trough analogy. I also enjoy our being unique even in our faults. It's a great perspective. Thank you for your humble and sincere prayers Brother. May you stay continually Blessed. Praying with and for, all of you Beautiful People, this day, and every day. May He hug us all so tight that all our broken pieces fit back together!!! :):):) Ray

  10. I was asked to be a strong link in a chain of a million believers praying the Lord's Prayer to slow & stop the Coronavirus. Emphasis on HIS WILL be done! we truly all need to be praying for The Lord to heal as only He can. Our nation and now our communities are in such a mess! HE keeps reminding me DO NOT FEAR!!!! We declare "What the devil meant for evil JESUS will turn to HIS GOOD"!! We pray the Good Lord uses this to open the eyes of millions to HIS LOVE, BEAUTY AND SAVING GRACE. ALL IS WELL BECAUSE OUR SAVIOR IS ON THE THRONE!

  11. Giving thanks for the opportunity to rejoice and pray with my brother's and sister's in Christ.

  12. Deliver us from evil, for Thine is the Kingdom, the power, and the glory.

  13. Here I am doing a Norah and a Sassy Mom..thinking and yes worried for our world. Evil one you are not wanted here My Lord and savior is in control..Lord of Lords..King of Kings Jesus Christ. Give us the strength sweet Jesus..pour your amazing grace over us. Thy kingdom come thy will be done. I love you JC Warriors..I feel your prayers and I hope you feel mine.

    1. Praying with you and for you dear Loveconquersall. Thanks for your prayers dear sister.

  14. Loving Father, I am awake to one of my favorite devotion topics, THANKFULNESS to You! I want to thank You for another blessed day. Feeling achy in my body,but grateful to be alive and depending on You for great health. Putting myself aside, I am thanking You for being my mom’s keeper. I put her in Your care for protection against anything that may try to find its way in her body. With all due respect and appreciation for what they are doing, I am not relying on the news, the government, the doctors, the scientist or anyone, but You! I am thanking You for the plans You already have in motion before the world was hit with this pandemic. My hope and trust is in You, You are our refuge. Thank You for knowing all our tomorrows and making ways when we don’t understand or see a way. Thank You for the strength to post this morning despite my body aches. Thank You for being Jehovah Rapha!

    No matter what goes on, each and every day, we have so much to be grateful for in this life. We have a choice to give thanks to God every day and we are wise if we make that choice. The Word of God is filled with so many reminders of how powerful and vital a thankful heart can be in this world. Whether we or struggling, experiencing pressures, sick, busy, or whatever terrible situation we find ourselves, we need to just pause and give God thanks for all that He has done and continues to do. With what’s going on in the world now, some people find it difficult to give thanks, but I thank God that there are so many people who are putting aside this crisis and lifting Him up in praise and thanksgiving! The power of a grateful and thankful heart to the Father, have so many benefits, here are a few:
    1. It reminds us that God is the Giver of all good gifts.
    2. A heart of gratitude leaves no room for complaining because you know God is in control.
    3. It opens up the door for continued blessings.
    4. God delights in our thankfulness and pours out His Spirit and favor over those who give honor and gratitude to Him.
    5. The forces of darkness can't stand to be around hearts that give thanks and honor to God.
    6. Gratitude is a Spiritual Discipline.
    7. Gratitude is a Pathway to God.
    8. It is a Form of Worship.
    9. It Gives Us a Posture of Humility.
    10.It Reduces Anxiety.

    Dear Father, Thank You again for Your amazing power and work in our lives. Thank you Lord for all Your goodness and blessings over us. Thank you for giving us hope through even the toughest of times, while strengthening us for Your purposes. Thank you that You will never leave us. You are more than we deserve. Thank You for being with us always and in all circumstances. Thank You for Jesus our Savior and thank You for the Holy Spirit. Thank You thankful, Lord, that we don’t have to live under condemnation anymore, You have truly set us free! THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU LORD!
    1 Chronicles 16:34, “Give thanks to the LORD, for he is good; his love endures forever”. 1 Thess. 5:18 “Give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus”.

    God bless and keep us all under His shadow!

    Maplewood NJ

    1. Thank you Maplewood NJ for your wisdom and ability to get it into written words. I am so thankful to come here and receive guidance and comfort from other beliervers. I studied Phillippians 4 yesterday and am so thankful to read how to handle the anxiety I'm experiencing over my/our situation... something written over 2000 years ago. Praise the Lord for Christian fellowship and for giving us the Living Word we can learn from and search out. God Bless you Maplewood NJ. God Bless all of you that come here.

    2. Amen. Thank you, Maplewood, NJ. So grateful to have found this family. Thank You Jesus!!!!

    3. Dear sweet Maplewood. So many reasons to be thankful. I sometimes grumble because I have too much to do. Then my good husband comes in and says something that turns me around. God is so good that he even guides the words coming out of my hubby's mouth. I say "Thank You Jesus" so many times during my day and night. Everything good is from Him and I don't take His blessings for granted.

    4. Oh, dear Maplewood, Amen to your beautiful words and prayer. Continued thanks is our faith in God. God bless you πŸ™.

  15. "Create in me a clean heart, O God, and put a new and right spirit within me." (Psalm 51:10)

    My Lenten discipline has been to pray the above verse and observe this in Jesus as His actions are recorded in Matthew 8-13. Today's date is exactly 9 months before Christmas and thus the Church has celebrated the Annunciation of the Lord as it is recorded in Luke 1:26-38 (yes, I know everyone only reads this at Christmas time but let's step out that routine and discover something new apart from all the frivolity of that season). The Annunciation of the Lord, the announcement of God's plan to become a human, to take on flesh and blood, to enter into a world filled with the filth of unloving behavior toward one another called sin. He chose to enter into all of this. Were there diseases in His day? Most certainly. Did He ever get sick? There is nothing recorded of His being sick and this is not the place to perform theological gymnastics to answer that question. We know He intentionally chose to enter into this world and all that had gone wrong by human choice for the purpose of redeeming it and making it whole and healthy again. And He did!!! Though we cannot know if He ever suffered the effects of physical illness, we do know He suffered the effects of spiritual illness and those He felt totally in His passion and on the cross which then accomplished our salvation. Thanks be to God (if you are looking for something to be thankful for as the JC reading calls us to today, look no further, there is enough in that event to last us for all eternity).

    But there is one other point in the Annunciation of the Lord narrative that must not be overlooked, (and that is why I chose to spend time in this text today as I pray for a pure heart and a new and right spirit), the heart of Mary in the announcement by God through the angel Gabriel. "Here am I, the servant of the Lord; let it be with me according to Your words." she responded. These are sublime words whose simplicity contains more wisdom than the whole angelic world! It is an act so great and so decisive that its consequences will be endless (Father Joseph-Marie Perrin). This is the ultimate example of what is prayed for in Psalm 51:10. When God's plan meets a clean heart and a new and right spirit within, the results are miraculous and of eternal significance.

    I pray for you, my brothers and sisters in Christ, as I pray for myself. As we live in these most difficult times, may whatever God is up to meet a totally singularly focused heart within each of us so eternal good is accomplished for all. The JC reading calling us to absolute thankfulness is a reflection of just such a heart which is seen in Mary and reflected in her perfect response. May I do no less. God be with you.

    With love, Bob

    1. Thank you Bob, I look forward to your words every day. Please keep them coming. God be with you as well.

    2. Thank you my brother for your wisdom, prayers and encouragement. Taking this with me: "When God's plan meets a clean heart and a new and right spirit within, the results are miraculous and of eternal significance."
      Create in me a clean heart O God! God bless and strengthen you Bob!

    3. Thank you Bob. You always have "food for thought ". God bless.

    4. Thank you Holy Spirit for guiding me into a clean heart and a new and right spirit within!

    5. Thanks again Bob for your knowledgeable insights and prayers, now and throughout the years. It's great to see you posting in this present time. Praying with and for you, and all of this Beautiful JC Family. Your prayers are always mine!!! :):):) Ray

  16. Paytonfamily, I hope your wife Pamela is coping better with her job, this last year. I can so relate as I am a retired school Occupational Therapist. You can get spread very thin with all the needs-student, parents, the district, testing and paperwork personal ethics etc.. I am sure the demands are heavier now. (only been out of therapy a couple of years though)

    As with other areas of our life we are not promised a career without hardships, but we are promised Jesus will be with us every step of the way-Amen! Seek that guidance and support Pamela. Don't look at your entire caseload, only one student at a time. Work and focus on one student as if that was your only student, then move on to the next. I prioritized advocacy in this way: student, parents, then district. Thats just me. Seek wisdom, patience and strength--God is with you every step of the way! Amen.

    1. Joining ABC in praying for your wife Pamela. I pray things are getting easier for her this year even with Covid. God heard your prayers last year and every day still hears them.
      Thank you Father for Pam's contentment and fulfillment in your presence, and her joy and peace in believing. Amen.

  17. I need prayer for the Lord to just send me a doctor that will reconstruct my knee. Two years ago they said all they could do was fuse the bones. Well, I didn't want that and felt like more could've so I asked to be sent somewhere that could try to do more. Not 2 weeks later I found out that my breast cancer returned. So now I am dealing with alot. I have decided after doing their treatment to take a break, so at the present time I amade not under a doctor and when I was, I was not taking any pain medication because I am already taking gabapentin for my pain, but when I went to the er with my knee being shoved even higher onto my femur, well just let me tell you that ain't fun! Plus, I tore my tendons. I bet that I did a lot more, but no one ever said, "huh, maybe she needs more than a x-ray "! I went to the er, March 4, again March 9, urgent care March 12 and er that same night, got 1 lortab. I am in a lot of pain. Meanwhile, my husband has to take off work to drI've to the doctor office because we can't get anyone on the phone and I couldn't get authorization to see an orthopedic doctor and I am handicap and don't drive and I am in pain and they won't give me anything so after almost 3 weeks of ,your husband and daughter making calls from her work , I finally got to see an orthopedic saying thank God that this doctor will see me and my x-rays and just the painin my face, only to be told that he couldn't write any pain medication. I don't know if he was telling the truth or not, doesn't matter because I got my referral again and it was the same doctor who said 2 years ago that all he could do was fuse it together. This time he said that they could move the knee back and probably fix it. Well, I know with God, all things are possible, so right now I just ask that you all will lift my prayer for the Lord to heal mycancer and to send me a doctor who will fix my knee, in Jesus' name, Amen Thank you everyone

    1. Fay, sorry for your tremendous suffering and unrelenting pain. I'm praying that this too will pass and that your needs will be met.
      Thank you for the update and may God comfort you.

    2. Most Gracious and Loving Father in Heaven, You see your beloved child in the pain she is in. Send a doctor to correct what has gone wrong within her. Set her free from the pain she is experiencing, heal all that is not according to your will in her life, and glorify Yourself in her circumstances. And we all will look forward to her post that tells of Your love for her in action. To You be the glory. Amen.

    3. Fay - "All things are possible" AMEN!!

      Continuing prayers for God to heal your cancer and send you an orthopedic Doctor. Prayers for your husband and daughter.

    4. God is with you sister. I am praying for your family.

  18. Thank you Jesus for your guidance for you Lord are the way the truth the life. Suzanne R I carry you and yours in my heart praying that all is well.

  19. When I went to the mailbox a few minutes ago there was a letter with results of recent breast Thermogram that I have every year. I confess I was hesitant and fearful and didn't want to open and read the results because I didn't have one last year. I prayed before opening.

    I am giving You all the Glory LORD, praising and thanking You!!!!for a good report. No abnormalities. I continue to pray for those who are going through chemo and radiation.

    1. Sassy Mom--- Rejoicing with you for your GREAT REPORT! We serve the most AWESOME GOD! We give Him ALL the Praise, Honor and Glory! Great love and blessings to you Sassy Mom and to this incredible JC FAMILY!!!

    2. Rejoicing with you. Tears of happiness for your joy. Praise God!

    3. I love to hear good news! Thank You Jesus! God bless you and keep you healthy dear Sassy Mom.

  20. Forgive me Lord for a moment of fear.

  21. Thank you Lord for this day,thank you for being right with me through good times and bad!! Thank you for my sight,my hearing,my health,and they very breath I take. Thank you the strength you bless me with each day Lord. Thank you for your amazing Grace saving my life many times! Thank you for the ability to have a relationship with you Lord! On Jesus name,I pray,amen!

    1. Amen. Your prayer is my prayer, dear Tiffany Grace.

  22. Thank you Jesus for Sassy Mom's good health report..we all go through moments of fear but Jesus gives us a little tug to remind us of his everlasting love.

  23. So very thankful for your wonderful report, dear Sassy Mom! And as Loveconquersall, who of us have NOT had a moment of fear? Today was a struggle for me in that my sister in law had a rough day and night last night and we never would have heard a word about it if her care giver hadn't called me this morning. She is a tough one (in a good way) and insists that she is fine and just had a bad day and night, but tonight will be better. Prayers for her sweet sleep and the reduced swelling in her legs.
    Casework continues, though from home, which I admit is quite nice, though I pray short-lived. Sassy Mom, I received the same call to the Lord's Prayer and participated. We all pray everyday and these added opportunities with believers joined together are a blessing.
    God Bless each of you. Fay, you are in my prayers along with all of these other wonderful JC Family believers. God Bless you all.

  24. Norah - Praying your dear sister in law is blessed with restful peaceful sleep and reduced swelling in her legs.


    Was Jesus fully human, exactly like you & me?  If there is an experience that answers that question with a resounding yes it is watching Him in the garden. Did Jesus know that His calling in life would come to this point?  Was He fully aware of the plan when He left His throne in Glory?  Did He not have all power to defeat all the hostile forces He would face?  Did He not know the resurrection also was a part of the divine plan of salvation? Yes, yes, yes, & yes!  So why such agony since He knew all things. The author of the devotional I am using, Tim Muldoon, brought up a good point of how God has created the brain. Science has discovered that there is a part of the brain called the limbic  system which is a complex system of nerves and networks in the brain, involving several areas near the edge of the cortex concerned with instinct and mood. It controls the basic emotions (fear, pleasure, anger) and drives (hunger, sex, dominance, care of offspring).  It is that part of the brain that gives the ‘fight-or-flight’ reaction. God has created us that way.

    So what we see in Jesus is not a crisis of faith but a natural part of His God given brain acting as it is created to act. Why did God make us that way?  You will have to ask God the full answer to that one but we do see Jesus being driven more fully into His faith by these feelings. Would this explain His words from the cross, “My God, My God, why have You forsaken Me”?  A natural reaction to a severe crisis which was intensifying His relationship with His Father?  If all the above is anywhere close to the truth, emphatically yes, Jesus was fully human just like you & me. 

    Too often in times of crisis, well intending brothers/sisters or even we ourselves may hear what is being said or going on within as a lapse of faith leading to the question, “Where is your faith?” That question is inappropriate. It is perfectly except-able to be asking “God, where are you?”  God made the brain to question God and in the garden and on the cross Jesus did. Be comforted in such feelings and offer consolation to a friend who might be asking such questions. They are all a part of drawing near to God for strength as Jesus did. 

    The above is simply the product of my meditation on Jesus in the garden. Take it for what it is worth.

    God be with you. With love, Bob

    1. Thank you Bob for sharing your thoughts and insight with us. God bless πŸ™.

    2. I have discovered that fear and desperation drive me towards God not away. It puts me on my knees. I bristle when I hear where there is fear there is no faith. Of course I prefer to not have that course but some of my most spiritual experiences have been driven by intense sadness. Then I feel the most amazing calm and relief overtake me.
      I am working hard on maintaining an attitude of gratitude and renewing my mind daily. It is progress not perfection. Thank you all for your posts and prayers. I too add my prayers for Fay. The light is beginning to shine again within the time of Covid.

    3. Yes, Bob, very thought provoking and insight. Those thoughts, to me, make Jesus even more human. I hope that makes sense. that He too was fearful and scared and questioning his Father. Thank you for sharing this perspective. Blessings to you and all of our JC Family!

    4. I can understand that, Cat. I too pray intensely when fearful but don't always feel that "amazing calm" right comes though.
      When I saturate my day with gratitude, starting first thing in the morning, I find there is no room for grumbling. Sometimes it feels like a really tough tug-of-war or tennis match but I try hard to push out grumbling and anger and pummel it with gratitude. Like you, Cat, I'm not always successful but it is indeed about progress not perfection.

    5. So true dear NJS. Seek Him early and stay in His presence and we just see more reasons to thank and praise Him than to get angry or upset and then grumble.

  26. Thank you for your comfort and insight. I feel closer to Jesus when I think of His human suffering of any kind. He felt all the emotions we do. That is why He is the perfect High Priest whose reign is forever. He understands what we go through and even the pain of loss and not getting what we desire. He must have felt like He had no choice but to suffer out of love and obedience.
    Sometimes when we don't receive what we pray for, it wounds our trusting heart. Especially when someone we prayed for is not healed and passes on. My cousin Felicia just died a couple of days ago from a stroke that left her on a respirator with little brain function. I just kept praying for a miracle. But I guess God called her Home because He wanted her there. A new member of our choir, Martha whose Mom, Martha got Covid and was on a respirator just died. We had prayed together and so often but our prayers weren't answered. I know God heard our prayers. He chose not to answer them because His plan is the right plan. We must accept His will above all else and not question His decisions. When we get to the great "By and By" we will have all those questions answered. He just asks us to believe, trust and wait.

    1. I'm sorry to hear about all your loss Jeanne. May the Lord comfort you during this time. Remember to always keep your eyes on Him -- for He cannot be lost. He is with us always.

      Those who sow in tears shall reap with shouts of joy. Psalm 126:5

      Let Your steadfast love become my comfort according to Your promise to Your servant. Psalm 119:76

    2. Jeanne, I pray for you this morning, for comfort, strenght and peace. May our great God console you and your family during this difficult time. He is your refuge and strength, keep holding on to His unchanging hand. God bless.

      Maplewood NJ

    3. Dear Jeanne, your heart aches at your losses because you love so much. A natural response of having such love is to pray for love hopes all things. One might think prayers were not answered because that which was prayed for, in this case healing, did not occur. Ah, but it did! The final healing is the best of all for when healed, never again will the person suffer physical ailment. Isn’t that the greatest hope of all? But we keep on praying for healing for those we love and sometimes we get to see it on earth, and all the time we will get to see it in glory and on that day, all our questions will be answered. God be with you. With love, Bob

    4. Praying for comfort for you & all involved, dear Jeanne.

    5. Your faith and trust in God will see you through. I love you Jeanne..peace be with you and yours.

    6. Sorry for your loss dear Jeanne. Praying for you and yours and the families. You will be reunited again. As you said, what we can't understand now as humans will be revealed to us when we fly away to our celestial home and be fully redeemed. Your faith is unshakable and inspiring. Love you sweet sister!

      Blessings from France

    7. Praying in sympathy with all of you.
      When it cannot yet be done in the earthly field by the best, though human mechanics, Sometimes our vehicles have to get recalled and returned to The Manufacturer for a complete healing fix. It still hurts to give up to The Master, even when we know He is Gentle and Kind.
      I pray for the humility and thanksgiving necessary to accept God's Control and God's Decisions. I have a long way to go, and I'm praying for God's Help staying on, rather than straying from, His Path. Are we there yet? No, I'm not, but I want to be. In Jesus' Name. Amen.

    8. Thanks to all of you my dear family. I have tears of joy in my eyes because your beautiful messages brought me so much peace and comfort.
      I am on my way to the wake for Martha’s Mother. I will take the comfort you gave me and comfort her with it with God’s love and light. God bless you all. If you only knew how much you mean to meπŸ’—πŸ’—πŸ’—πŸ™

    9. I know you will bring His Beautiful Blessings our Dear Jeanne, because you always do. Love You!

  27. Dear MadFox, I pray you are tolerating the chemo well and you feel God's love and peace surrounding you in your hospital room. He is the only company you need. I prayed for your wife to be with you. Rest in Him who loves you so dearly.
    Now I understand that you had a real trial to get through but the transplant won't be for a couple of days. I had written the 26th down so maybe that is the day. You are in my thoughts and prayers always. Much love.

  28. Thank You Jesus. Praise the Lord continually and always πŸ™.

    Everything God created is good, and nothing is to be rejected if it is received with thanksgiving. 1 Timothy 4:4

  29. Lord forgive me for complaining or being a grouch when trials or challenges come my way . Holy spirit remind me to change a complaint into a praise and a thanksgiving !!

  30. Hello family please keep praying for my mum , she is 76 years old and has covid-19. She is responding well to the treatment , trusting God for complete healing .

    1. Min Ahadi, Staying in prayer for your mum's speedy recovery. It shall be well, you will testify to the glory of God.

      Maplewood NJ

    2. Praying for your mom to fully recover from this awful virus. May Jesus place His healing hands on her and that she recover ver soon πŸ™❤️

    3. Jesus we trust in you! Thank you for your love and care for mum. Praying Min Ahadi!

    4. God and statistics are in your mom's favor for a complete recovery. In Jesus's name I pray! πŸ™♥️

    5. Healing and comforting prayers for you and your dear mom Min Ahadi. The Lord is at work and is strengthening her in the healing process. We trust You Lord, thank you.

      Blessings from France

    6. Praying that God is healing your dear Mom, Min Ahadi. Trusting in His faithfulness. We are praying together for her as a family in Christ. He is in the midst of us.

  31. Jeanne, I am sorry for your loss. Great post above talking about trusting God's plan. We don't always understand it but we can be assured that it's the best plan. Min Ahadi, continued prayers for you and your mom. May she heal quickly from Covid. Praying for you MadFox as you go through your transplant this week. May all go as planned. God bless you brother. Praying for you all as always. Have a wonderful day!


    1. TJ --- Your prayer for Jeanne and MadFox is my prayer. Thank you, Lord, for Your great love and blessing over their lives and this incredible JC FAMILY!!! In Jesus's Name, the name above EVERY OTHER NAME, AMEN and AMEN

    2. Joining in prayer as well written by TJ and JJ, prayer warriors!

    3. Amen. Joining in your prayers for everyone here. Healing, strength, peace, comfort, guidance and wisdom filling every area of our life as we turn our eyes upon Jesus. Thank you Lord. ❤

      Blessings from France

    4. Thank you dear TJ, Audra and BFF. Praying with you for our dear brother.

    5. Agreeing in prayer in Jesus’ name.

    6. Prayers with this JC family for Madfox and Jeanne, and Minahadi mom. Mindy

  32. “You are my God, and I will Praise you! You are my God, and I will exalt You! Give Thanks to the Lord, for he is good! His faithful love endures forever.” Psalm 118:28-29.

    The Bible says it’s a good thing to give You Thanks, so Father this morning,
    I come before You today
    And there's just one thing that I want to say
    Thank You Lord
    Thank You Lord

    For all You've given to me
    For all the blessings I cannot see
    Thank You Lord
    Thank You Lord

    With a grateful heart
    With a song of praise
    With an outstretched arm
    I will bless Your name
    Thank You Lord (song by Don Moen)

    Most importantly, we give Thanks for: the gift of Salvation (the Birth, Life, Death and Resurrection of Jesus), the goodness of Life living in Your Presence, the Blessings of a new morning, Family and Friends, great Health, every breath that we are blessed to take, giving us life that is filled with beauty, the provisions of all of life’s necessities and so much more. All that we have and own have been given by You. May each blessed day be filled with love and sustenance. And at the end of each day when night falls, may we remember, to thank You in all things.

    May our lives be filled with Thanksgiving and Praise for the countless blessings we receive each day, because a heart filled with Gratitude and Thanksgiving:
    - Glorifies God. Our gratitude glorifies God as we exalt not the gifts, but the Giver.
    -Helps us see God for Who He is. It opens our spiritual eyes and the more we thank Him, the more we see how He works in us, around us, sense His Presence, and His perfect timing.
    -It puts us squarely in God’s will and allows us to be thankful for the sunny days and the grey days.
    -It brings the Peace of God. The kind of Peace that lets us know that His hand is all over our circumstances, His supernatural Peace.
    -It draws us closer to God. The magnitude of His undeserved kindness draws us so much more closer to Him.
    -It brings contentment. A Thankful heart is the key to contentment.
    -It deepens our faith. A gratitude journal of ALL He did in the past is a testimony to what we know His faithfulness is capable of doing again.
    -It leads to joy. The overflow of Thankfulness is joy in the soul. Psalms 126 is an example.
    - It defies the devil’s lies. He wants us to believe that God is withholding good from us. But his scheme’s as old as Methuselah.
    -It guards us against envy. A heart that is full of gratitude no matter what, has no room for envy.
    -It helps us live in the present. It allows us to see each day as a gift.

    A Thankful heart allows us to testify to the glory of God by openly acknowledging what He has done for us, not from what we have, but Who we know.

    “Therefore, since we are receiving a kingdom that cannot be shaken, let us be thankful, and so worship God acceptably with reverence and awe.” Hebrews 12:28

    Blessings and Peace.

    Maplewood, NJ

    1. I thank God for you dear Maplewood. You continue to feed my soul every day.

  33. Thank you dear lord for all the nourishment you provide. Help me to see that it is in gratefulness that I can grow closer to you. I thank you. Let my thankfulness be seen in honoring and worshiping you always. Bless all your children that see shadows of darkness, rather be grateful for the light that is truly at hand, always, by your presence. Amen.

    1. Beautiful prayer, ABC, adopting it for mine today.

    2. Amen dear ABCπŸ’•. Beautifully prayed.

  34. Thank you Jesus! Thank you Jesus!

  35. Father! Abba! Elohim! My spirit shouts your name with joy! You are the true creator of all things! I am aware of you and you awesome! You are a holy and deserve to be kneeled to! I send you my thankfulness your throne. I appreciate your grace and kindness. I feel better knowing that you have sovereignty over all things and I feel comfortable to come to u in prayer. I ask how can I be of service today. Whatever your will is for me today I ask it be done on earth as it is in heaven. God I enjoy telling people about how amazing you are so if I can be of service in that let me know. Let me know in your ways. Remind me of you and your personality and let your spirit shine through me! Lord I ask for your promised forgiveness if I ask and I know you shall deliver because u are not a liar and I can depend on you. The heart of man is nowhere near as holy and pure....Lord I want my intentions to be aligned with righteousness. Teach me more Lord! I thank you for the excitement in my heart about your promises! I think you eternally. I ask for deliverance from fretting or worrying and today I want to embrace the person you want me to be! Your are truly grand! Thank you Lord I send this to you through Jesus thank you forever for your kingdom Yahweh!! Elohim! Please continue to be patient with me as I grow AMEN

    1. Xavier Hill --- What a wonderful prayer, AMEN! Your words; "I thank you for the excitement in my heart about your promises." gave me such delight! The Lord has a great plan for you, because you are a child of The Most High God!!! HALLELUJAH!!!

    2. Amen! Wonderful prayer of praise and thanksgiving dear Xavier! May God answer all your prayers and bring you closer to Him every day. You are his beloved child.

  36. MadFox! You have all our love, prayers and God’s help to carry you through. πŸ’—πŸ˜ŠπŸ™

  37. What a day, and I've been 'trying' to post since early this morning. MadFox is on my mind 24/7 and my DH and I pray for him throughout the day. We may be talking, driving, sitting on the couch and we'll think of him and pray. Love to you, MadFox! Your latest Journey has had my DH and I remembering, thanking God and believing for you victory. Tonight, I went all the way back to 2014 in my posts on FB, where I daily, spent time, 'Counting My Blessings.' WHEW! I have a moment-by-moment specific prayer for our dear Brother in Christ. And the greatest blessing is that all of these years later, we are still here, talking about it! You will do great; you will be reunited with your family and friends before you know it and have the bloodstream of a new-born babe. I'm telling you - you will be getting vaccinations with your new Grandbaby!
    Another VICTORY, Dear JC Family, is that I got my Mammogram results today - NORMAL! This morning, I was reading and saw Sassy Mom's praise for her 'normal' results and this afternoon, when it came in the mail, I rejoiced. They had said I'd get a call, so I've been glued to my phone. I got this letter in the mail and my DH said, "Maybe that's the bill." Well, I was ticked off just thinking that they'd have the nerve to bill me before even sharing the results, but, no - it was a letter saying, all was well. I can't believe the years I spent in fear, refusing to get one. So, my exhortation is, "Do it afraid! Just DO IT. Get it over with!"
    My Dear Jeanne, you have been in my prayers and will remain in them, dear Sister. I'm so sorry for your loss and I thank God for your continued Peace and knowledge of His Word.
    I've prayed for each and every one of you, as I read your requests and share your victories. Today's devotion set me on the right path. I had taken the day off for our Tax Appointment and was committed to not 'grumbling.' Thank You, Jesus - it did me well.
    Love and Blessings as I close this day out and welcome His presence as I sleep.

    1. Praises with you. Rest well sweet Norah!

    2. We prayed for MadFox all day and are still praying, in Jesus' Name! Amen.

  38. Dear SC Anonymous,
    I am reposting in case you are an early riser, rather than a Night Owl:
    Praying for you, SC Anonymous. May I offer something that helped me when my daughter, and granddaughters went off to college?

    And a woman who held a babe against her bosom said, Speak to us of Children.
    And he said:
    Your children are NOT your children.
    They are the sons and daughters of Life’s longing for itself.
    They come through you but NOT from you,
    And though they are with you yet they belong NOT to you.

    You may give them your love but NOT your thoughts,
    For they have their own thoughts.
    You may house their bodies but NOT their souls,
    For their souls dwell in the house of tomorrow, which you cannot visit, NOT even in your dreams.
    You may strive to be like them, but seek NOT to make them like you.
    For life goes NOT backward nor tarries with yesterday.
    You are the bows from which your children as living arrows are sent forth.
    The Archer sees the mark upon the path of the infinite, and He bends you with His might that His arrows may go swift and far.
    Let your bending in the Archer’s Hand be for gladness;
    For even as He loves the arrow that flies, so He loves also the bow that is stable.

    1. Thank you Brie. Our children's pains are often magnified within ourselves...wrong thinking that they are indeed an appendage or an extension of us that thru this worry/concern can somehow redirect. They are not us or ...if we truly seek to understand this our disappointment and sadness of how things turn out can change. If we take away our claim and give it back to God and them, how does that change our perception, response and thoughts? If we take away our worry and judgement and place it in the right place...God's hands, our response then can be thankfulness for all he is and can do and does create faith & hope.
      God please help me to replace any wrong attitudes with thankfulness in Jesus name. I know as well as i can disguise my thoughts that deep down fear still drives my thinking in response to my dear children now men. They are indeed themselves in everyway and though I have influence only God's power can change their lives! Thank you Lord for reminding me and confirming your great unparalleled love for us.

  39. Dear Brie, Praying with you for dear SC Anonymous that God will comfort and assure her as her son leaves for college. It's hard letting go but our children are always in God's hands and we keep them in our prayers and hearts always.

  40. Prayers please for my daughter Tori Faith she will start a new infusion medication for her Crohns Disease this morning at 9:00 am. Prayers for healing and relief from her pain. Thank-you ♥️πŸ™πŸ¦‹

    1. Lifting Tori Faith up to the Great Healer. I pray for peace and comfort for you both. JE

    2. Joining in prayer for Tori this morning! Trusting God for perfect outcomes from treatment.

    3. πŸ™♥️πŸ™♥️πŸ™

    4. Joining prayers that Tori is receiving God’s healing through her infusion. Rest in Him who loves you both.

  41. Sharon - You and Tori Faith are in my heart. Prayers for healing and relief from her pain.

  42. Requesting prayers for my friends wife Sally
    Last round of chemo did not work
    They are going to try a more aggressive treatment
    which could do damage to her heart… she wants to keep fighting
    Gods Will be done asking for a miracle
    God Bless

    1. Praying for Sally and asking the Great Healer to touch her body. I pray for peace and comfort for her family. JE

    2. πŸ™♥️πŸ™♥️πŸ™

    3. Continuing to pray for Sally. May God’s amazing healing and this new treatment bring her back to good health, peace and comfort. Thank You JesusπŸ’—πŸ™

  43. AMEN! Echoing your prayers for Sally.

    Give thanks with a grateful heart
    Give thanks to the Holy One
    Give thanks because He's given Jesus Christ, His Son
    Give thanks with a grateful heart
    Give thanks to the Holy One
    Give thanks because He's given Jesus Christ, His Son
    And now let the weak say, "I am strong"
    Let the poor say, "I am rich
    Because of what the Lord has done for us"
    And now let the weak say, "I am strong"
    Let the poor say, "I am rich
    Because of what the Lord has done for us"
    Give thanks with a grateful heart (with a grateful heart)
    Give thanks to the Holy One (to the Holy One)
    Give thanks because He's given Jesus Christ, His Son
    Give thanks with a grateful heart (with a grateful heart)
    Give thanks to the Holy One (to the Holy One)
    Give thanks because He's given Jesus Christ, His Son
    And now let the weak say, "I am strong"
    Let the poor say, "I am rich
    Because of what the Lord has done for us"
    And now let the weak say, "I am strong"
    Let the poor say, "I am rich (I am rich)
    Because of what the Lord has done for us"
    Give thanks
    We give thanks to You

  45. Dear Min, You have been on my mind for days. That is a beautiful song and she has such a sweet voice. Thank you! How are you dear sister? How is your Mom and daughter. Has God opened up any new door for you? Giving thanks with you. God is so good every day. Got to be with my 2 grandsons today. It was a sweet blessing. Thank You Jesus

  46. Good morning warriors. Update on hubby. The imaging for the 29th. Has been cancelled. Hubby has decided that he's had enough radiation. The neurologist did not insist but instead will take a look at the images already taken in Texas. He said the arteries around the neck area appears to be clear. It's the arteries in the brain that he wants to evaluate. All of this is in the Lord's hands. Hubby & I have placed it there, knowing & believing that's the best place to leave it. When you think of us please whisper a prayer & believe with us. Love & thanks to each of you. πŸ’žπŸ™πŸŒˆ

    1. Jan,
      I'm sorry for what you are going through. Wonderful that you have such faith. I am praying for healing for your husband and praying for you as well. God bless you both.


    2. Dear Jan, I had been praying for good results from the new films to be taken but too much radiation is not a good thing so I’m trusting that God is in charge and He’s protecting your DH from harm. So now I’ll pray that the old pictures will clearly show your hubby’s doctor exactly what he needs to know to make him all better. Joining in TJ’s prayer that all will be well and also that God will give you both perfect health and peace of mind. Thank You Jesus.

      Proverbs 3:5-6. Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight.

    3. Joining in prayers with all for your husband. Heavenly Father, Jan's husband has been given into Your incredible, loving care. There is no place better for him to be. Let Your mighty healing power flow into his body and let Your glory shine through. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen πŸ™. Peace be with you!

    4. Placing All of this is in the Lord's hands...These are the Best Hands I know of; none Greater! Praying for you and hubby, our dear Jan.

    5. So, so grateful for each of you & so blessed by each of your prayers. I love you guys!πŸ’žπŸ˜˜

  47. Taking my dear Mom to the doctor’s at 10:30 to retake her blood test because her potassium was too high. Also want to ask him to check her head. She told my sister twice that she had a sharp pain in the back of her head. She claims it’s gone but he should know about it anyway. Trusting God will be guiding her appointment and also my Mom’s health in every way. Thank You Jesus.

    1. Praying with you Jeanne πŸ™. God bless!

    2. Praying for Mom and you. May the crooked places become straight and may the murky waters become clear, through His Hands and in His Name. Amen!

    3. Prayers on the way to the throne dear Jeanne that all issues will be attended to by our caring, powerful God. For an extra measure of strength poured into you as you minister to your mom's needs. Take care of yourself. Amen. ❤️πŸ™πŸŒˆ

  48. Heavenly Father, thank You and bless Your holy name πŸ™ πŸ™Œ! I praise You Lord always! You are sovereign over all things and everything! You are perfect! You are the light of our salvation, so what should we fear? You go before us and with us. You take the best care of us. You know exactly what we need and when we need it. You are the best Father ever! Thank You Jesus 😊. You are amazing! Please continue to ALWAYS amaze me! I desire to always be in awe of You! Let Your Spirit fill us and be felt by us Lord. We need You! Thank You Jesus! In Jesus name, I pray, Amen πŸ™.

  49. "Cultivate a thankful heart, for this glorifies Me and fills you with Joy."
    Counting our blessings sure helps 😊
    Grumbling don't!
    When upon life’s billows you are tempest-tossed,
    When you are discouraged, thinking all is lost,
    Count your many blessings, name them one by one,
    And it will surprise you what the Lord has done.

    Count your blessings, name them one by one,
    Count your blessings, see what God has done!
    Count your blessings, name them one by one,
    *Count your many blessings, see what God has done.
    [*And it will surprise you what the Lord has done.]
    Are you ever burdened with a load of care?
    Does the cross seem heavy you are called to bear?
    Count your many blessings, every doubt will fly,
    And you will keep singing as the days go by.
    When you look at others with their lands and gold,
    Think that Christ has promised you His wealth untold;
    Count your many blessings—*money cannot buy [*wealth can never buy]
    Your reward in heaven, nor your home on high.
    So, amid the conflict whether great or small,
    Do not be discouraged, God is over all;
    Count your many blessings, angels will attend,
    Help and comfort give you to your journey’s end.
    *alternate text

  50. Praying for Jeanne's mom, Janet's hubby and all here who are praying in the comfort of your homes this morning. May He bless you and comfort you in knowing He is with us along this journey. Peace to you all.

    Headed to Cypress, TX this morning to babysit two of my six Grands. Gonna be a fun day!

    1. Traveling Mercy Suzanne R., as you stay connected to The Vine!

    2. Safe travels dear SR. Enjoy those precious onesπŸ₯°πŸ™πŸŒˆ

  51. Dear Lord, thank you for this wonderful day. Thank you for who you are and for what you have done on our behalf even though we are so undeserving. Thank you for your Love and for your constant forgiveness of our sins knowing that we try and try to duplicate your example of unconditional love. You are awesome and thank you for being my GOD. Please help me ward off life’s temptations and give me the strength and wisdom to be who you want me to be in order to let Your will be done. Please give Jan and her husband the strength and Your Peace to wait for and deal with the test results while you complete your mission through them for your perfect result.
    Please give your comfort and peace to Sonny and Char, Tammy, Danny and Deb and Dianne also Tammy B while grieving their loss’s. Please give them strength.
    You are an awesome Lord. Thank you for being The Lird of Lords, the King of Kings and the Greatest Power in the Universe.

  52. Praying over all concerns on this page. Resting in God's power of life and redemption. God bless you

    1. Fernnnnnnn! It is so good to see you. You and our Dan remain in my prayers. Much Love in Jesus' Name. Amen !

  53. Prayers please for my big brother AL. He has an appointment with a knee specialist. We need an accurate and clear diagnosis by a caring professional, and of course, an easy, complete fix to keep him walking and walking pain free. In Jesus' Name. AMEN!

    1. My Father God, As Brie's brother, Al, prepares for his appointment with the knee specialist, I lift him up to You, knowing that You are the ultimate source of healing and guidance. I ask that You would guide him to a doctor who not only possesses medical expertise but also embodies compassion and empathy. May this doctor have the wisdom to make an accurate diagnosis and prescribe the most suitable treatment plan to ensure Al can
      continue walking with ease. Grant Al and family peace of mind and strength as they navigate this journey, trusting in You Divine Providence every step of the way.Thank You, Father God, for Your Grace and Your Mercy and for hearing my prayer, In Jesus's name, I Pray and Believe, AMEN and AMEN.

    2. Joining in prayers for Al. May our heavenly Father grant guidance and direction for the doctor and bring healing to his knee. May He remove all the pain and shower him with His perfect love. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen πŸ™.

    3. Bob Malsack March 25, 2020 at 1:59 PM
      Most Gracious and Loving Father in Heaven, You see your beloved child in the pain s/he is in. Send a doctor to correct what has gone wrong within them. Set them free from the pain they are experiencing, heal all that is not according to Your Will in their life, and glorify Yourself in their circumstances. And we all will look forward to the post that tells of Your love for them in action. To You be the glory. Amen.

    4. Glory to God! Our Healer, Our Redeemer! We trust, we expectant, we are so grateful. In Jesus' name we praise!

  54. Joining in your prayer dear JJ. And praying for Al in gratitude and trust. Thank You Father for guiding Al's doctor's appointment to good, and enlightening the doctor to the right diagnosis and the perfect treatment to bring Al back to good health, flexibility and comfort. We know You can do this and we ask this in the powerful Name of Your Son, Our Risen Lord, Christ Jesus. Amen

    John 14:13-14
    And whatever you ask in My name, that I will do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son. If you ask anything in My name, I will do it.

  55. There are many coming out and using the upcoming eclipse, April 8, 2024, to bring fear. The enemy is very involved in wanting to use this eclipse to bring fear and confusion, and has made devious plans as well. BUT WHAT DOES GOD'S WORD SAY? It says the heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the works of his hands.
    (Psalm 19:1) So we, as people in God's Army of Light, will take this verse and make it a WAR CRY against our enemies. We will DECLARE this WORD in the ATMOSPHERE, which will send God's Angel Armies on their mission to destroy the works of the enemy. Where does our help come from? Our help come from the Lord who made heaven and earth. NO WEAPON FORMED AGAINST US SHALL PROSPER! OUR GOD ALWAYS WINS!!! HALLELUJAH!!!

    1. Amen! We the faith filled and faithful, who are His, have nothing to fear.

    2. JJ - you post reminded me of the lyrics of one of my favorite songs, copy/pasted here -
      All heaven declares the glory of the risen Lord
      Who can compare with the beauty of the Lord?
      Forever He will be the Lamb upon the throne
      I gladly bow my knee and worship Him alone

      [Verse 2]
      I will proclaim the glory of the risen Lord
      Who once was slain to reconcile man to God
      Forever You will be the Lamb upon the throne
      I gladly bow my knee and worship You alone
      Forever You will be (Forever You will be)
      The Lamb upon the throne
      I gladly bow my knee
      And worship You alone

    3. Yes dear JJ. Our God is greater. So I’m not afraid, just thankful. I choose to chew on that which is sweet. Yes, we are filled with His light and we trust the truthfulness of His Word. No reason to fear!
      That was a very pretty song with wonderful lyrics. Thanks dear Websister!!

  56. If you think you have done something in your past and it is too big for God to forgive you, think again...

    Abraham lied about his wife to save his life.
    Noah got drunk.
    Jonah ran from God
    Jacob stole his brother's birthright.
    Rahab was a harlot.
    David stole another man's wife, committed adultery, and murdered.
    Saul was a religious bigot and murdered.
    Moses ran ahead of God and murdered.
    Peter denied Jesus 3 times.
    James and John --- Sons of Thunder, wanted to call down fire on unbelievers.
    Thomas was a doubter.
    Sampson was a playboy.
    Solomon was a womanizer.
    Just to name a few.

    Everyone of these people in the Bible had flaws, yet God used all of them for His purpose. GOD ALWAYS WINS!!!

    1. We're in good company. God already knows our faults and loves us anyway, as we do our own children.
      I've heard Jesus was born in a stinky, smelly stable so He could be at home living inside our hearts 😻 Thank You Jesus for always loving me anyway, just as I am.

    2. Amen sisters!!! So happy He loves us even when we’re grumbling and not behaving. Trying to walk in the Spirit and in gratitude and praise. No room for worry.

  57. JC Warriors, please pray for the Hardwick family. The husband and father, Jim, is in ICU and hospice and the doctors say he may only have a few hours or days left. Please pray for strength, comfort, and peace for all of them. I appreciate all your prayers. May God's will be done. He has placed me in this family's life right now for His will and purpose and plan. Even though I may not know or understand, God does, and that's good enough for me. Thank You Jesus ! Praise the Lord always πŸ™Œ πŸ™ ❤!

    1. Count me into your prayer circle, Janet as I cover the Hardwuck Family, and you with prayers to our Almighty, Omnipotent God. In Jesus' Name. AMEN!

    2. Joining you, Janet, along with Brie and all our praying JC Warriors who will be praying for Jim and the Hardwick family. Praying for peace for them all. May they feel God's presence with them today and in the days ahead. In Jesus' name, amen!

    3. Anchoring these prayers in the Mighty Name of Jesus.

    4. Joining in prayer for Jim and the Hardwick family.

    5. Father God , Thank You for hearing our prayers for the Hardwick family and answering them. May You call the good father Jim to You and lift him lovingly to You and remove his suffering so his soul can soar far above his earthly misery. Dry the tears of Janet and his dear family and fill their broken hearts with Your love and comfort. Guide their paths and give them the peace that passes all understanding. Let their hearts not be troubled. Cover them with your Unchanging and perfect love. Guide dear Janet to be a sweet beacon and a well of comfort to them all. In Jesus’ Name we pray. Amen

    6. Surrounding the Hardwick family and Janet in prayer and peace πŸ™✝️

    7. Joining in the prayers for the Hardwick family. Calling on Jehovah Rapha, the God who Heals, and brings His Restoration touch upon this family, granting them Comfort, Strength and complete Healing in every aspect of their lives. In Jesus's Name, Who is the sorce of all Healing and Restoration, AMEN and AMEN

  58. Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, in everything give thanks; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you. (1 Thessalonians 5:16-18). But thanks be to God, who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ. (1 Corinthians 15:57). Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God; and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus. (Philippians 4:6-7).

    1. Wonderful breakfast for my soul! Thanks Sis!

  59. This is the day that the Lord has made;
    let us rejoice and be glad in it. Psalms 118:24
    This blog has been my daily ritual for several years. The past 15 years I feel like I have been under attack. A lot on my own doings. You are either growing closer to God or you will be pulled from him. It's a daily struggle. I am grateful for the bible verses that seem to touch me each day. And the guided prayers. Especially from Norah, Maddox, Sassy mom, Bob and many others. Truly you all are a blessing to do many. KH

    1. God bless you, dear KH. God can change any situation to good. I pray for your joy and fulfillment. The past is gone and this is a day of new possibilities. God’s gift to us. Nothing has to be if it can be changed. Have a sweet day.

      Lamentations 3:22-23
      Through the Lord’s mercies we are not consumed,
      Because His compassions fail not.
      They are new every morning;
      Great is Your faithfulness.

  60. Praying for Al and his knee, The Hardwick Family, Norah's DH and all reading today who just need an extra prayer of confidence and consoling as we head into Holy Week. He's got you!
    I lift prayers of thanksgiving to our Savior for a wonderful weekend with my sweet man as we rode through the hills of central Texas where I saw constant signs of Him surrounding me. He is so good!

    1. Have a wonderful weekend m, sweet Suzanne! Thanks for your love and prayers. Enjoy the beauty of God’s creation and special time with your good man in God’s presence and peace. He speaks to us in the silence. His voice is in the wind and the air and in the beauty of the sunlit skies. Be still and receive. Much love.

  61. Praying for all the needs here in 2024. He is willing to hear and provide grace and mercy to all that seek Him with gratitude and love as JC points out today: "Gratitude enables you to see the Light of My Presence shining on all circumstances. Cultivate a thankful heart, for this glorifies Me and fills you with Joy."

    So humbled, overjoyed, and grateful when re-reading all the amazing and prolific prayers for me in this blog for over 3.5 years (hard to fathom it's been that many). THANK YOU. Your and my prayers have been answered many times over during this journey. Headed to my 3rd anniversary doctor visit early a.m. tomorrow. All the test results that we can see online, so far, from a few weeks ago, appear to indicate that the weekly infusions and prescription chemo-immunotherapy have put the Myeloma in deep remission. If that is true then I should be able to stop the 3.5 years of weekly infusions and just go monthly for checkups and be on far less drugs in pill form!

    Grateful for all here and thankful to our Lord for His blessings. Your prayers, His mercies, and the miracles of modern science and medicine, which is God inspired, are evident to all that are on any journey of faith! With gratitude and In Him we pray, Amen.

    1. It's wonderful to hear that Madfox! God is so good ALWAYS! His amazing glory and power at work πŸ™Œ!!! God bless πŸ™.

    2. Grateful that you're here, MadFox! You have contributed so much to this blog over the years and touched so many hearts. We thank God for your insights, scriptures, attitude and journey experiences. May He continue to use your gifts to reach others.

    3. What a Mighty Marvelous Miracleworking God we serve. Thanks for helping us keep the Gratitude glasses on, Madfox. May you, our JC Family of Prayer Warriors, and each of our dear ones continue on in Faith in His Blessings. In Jesus' Name. AMEN!

    4. Suzanne R - awww, so sweet. very kind. Jamet. Ditto. Make it a.great week.

    5. Hear! Hear! So Greatly Blessed. What a Blessing to see Him moving in and through your life MadFox as you move in and through our lives as well. Thank You for all of the Knowledge, Wisdom, Thoughts, and Prayers you have Faithfully shared throughout the years!!! Praying with and for all of you Beautiful People on this day the Lord has made!!! Ray

    6. My prayers are with you MadFox and with everyone else here. It has been an amazing 3.5 years and your faithfulness has been inspiring. God bless the JC Warriors.

    7. Hallelujah! I love to hear great news of God’s continued faithfulness in your life. Praying you will not need those infusions and you can live your life in peace and comfort. The Lord is at your side always. Thank you for being a bright light and a source of insight and encouragement to all of us. Your steadfast faith has been an inspiration to us. I believe God is using you in a special way to add to His Kingdom and to soften hearts and you’ve been a willing instrument in His Hands through your valley times. So happy to see you’re reaping what you have sown. God bless you always. Love and gratitude.

    8. PTL! Pour out the pills, Mad 🦊, you're heading into the recovery season in perfect health! What an honor to pray with and for you along the way. PTL!

    9. Dear MadFox --- Praise be to the most High, whose Mercies are boundless and whose Healing power knows no bounds! We rejoice with you, dear friend, for this incredible news of the Myeloma in deep recession. Your journey is a testament to God's faithfulness and the power of fervent prayers. May your life continue to shine brightly as a testimony of His Grace and Healing. We will lift our voices in Worship and Gratitude, for He has indeed done marvelous things! HALLELUJAH!!! GOD ALWAYS WINS!!!

  62. Asking for prayers please for a huge business venture I am about to embark on. This is waaaay outside of my comfort zone, so I am holding onto His hand for dear life. I keep pushing away doubt and uncertainty but can feel the enemy trying to weasel his way in saying, "What are you thinking? You can't do this." I know I can't do this alone, but HE can! And if it's His will, he will guide me along the way. I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength. (Philippians 4:13)
    Where two or more are gathered, I am in the midst of them. (Matthew 18: 19-20).
    Thank you, friends!

    1. Praying with you, Suzanne R, to step out holding His Hand in Faith. If He needs to recalculate you, HE WILL. Praying for you to follow His Lead and thank Him out loud, because when we do, satan flees as it cannot stand thankful grateful praises to God!

    2. Joining in prayer for you Suzanne. Just hold on tight...He will guide you.

    3. Joining prayers for you, dear Suzanne! Put it in the Hands of God and surrender it to Him. Give Him your reins and don’t yank them back. Trust in His guiding Hand. He goes before you always. If He brings you to it, He will surely prepare you for it, and carry you through it! Think of David! God is faithful to those who seek Him. May God lead you to success, fulfillment and more good fruit to glorify Him. Thank You Father for this in Jesus’ Name. Amen.

    4. You've got this Suzanne... And GOD'S GOT YOU!

    5. I second Audra' response, Suzannez. GOD'S GOT YOU! MOVE FORWARD!

  63. This morning I was led to compile the following encouragement for those in any sort of need, for those who need God to provide in any way.
    God's Provision:
    A childhood mealtime prayer: "For what we are about to receive may the Lord make us truly thankful".
    What ever needs arise God's provision will be there to meet it. ( "And my God will liberally supply (fill to the full) your every need according to His riches in glory in Christ Jesus". Philippians 4:19 AMPC)
    " All is well, all will be well". (Isaiah 3:10 AMPC "Say to the righteous that it shall be well with them, for they shall eat the fruit of their deeds.")
    The measure of flour and the cruise of oil shall not fail. (1 Kings 17:14 AMPC "For thus says the Lord, the God of Israel: The jar of meal shall not waste away or the bottle of oil fail until the day that the Lord sends rain on the earth.")

  64. Thanks brother Peter! We sure are well taken care of and God is good all the time.
