Saturday, March 1, 2014

Zechariah 11

Message: The Lord Jesus Christ is to be rejected as the King at His first coming

Time: Written after the Temple Was Completed circa 480-470BC

What the Lord is Saying:

People are often deceived by falsehood and yet people willingly go along for the ride. God is there, eager to pull them back and yet as they continue to go in the direction of please themselves, God eventually gives them over (Romans 1) to the desires of their hearts. This appears to be the picture here. Could the cedars be people that have been well rooted and established and yet now are burned to the ground because they continue to wallow in the wrong direction? 

But the true shepherd rescues the deceived people. He cares for them. They were not careful, but He cares for them. As a shepherd, he had two staffs--1. Favor or Grace and 2. Union. And he got rid of the evil. And he broke the staffs into two, possibly signifying that the original covenant God had with Israel had now been broken and the Gentiles would also receive the blessing He has. Israel continued to forsake the message and devise their own methods of spirituality.

And one day, the Lord will provide a worthless shepherd, a false shepherd (Antichrist). As a shepherd the people will look to it and yet this shepherd will do them no good whatsoever.

Promise: Follow the True Shepherd

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