Saturday, April 11, 2015

Jesus Calling: April 11

     This is the day that I have made. Rejoice and be glad in it. Begin the day with open hands of faith, ready to receive all that I am pouring into this brief portion of your life. Be careful not to complain about anything, even the weather, since I am the Author of your circumstances. The way to handle unwanted situations is to thank Me for them. This act of faith frees you from resentment and frees Me to work My ways into the situation, so that good emerges from it. 
     To find Joy in this day, you must live within its boundaries. I knew what I was doing when I divided time into twenty-four-hour segments. I understand human frailty, and I know that you can bear the weight of only one day at a time. Do not worry about tomorrow or get stuck in the past. There is abundant Life in My Presence today. 

Psalm 118:24
English Standard Version
This is the day that the Lord has made;
    let us rejoice and be glad in it.

Philippians 3:13-14
English Standard Version
Brothers, I do not consider that I have made it my own. But one thing I do: forgetting what lies behind and straining forward to what lies ahead, I press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus.

My Prayer
Father, I pray my heart would be thankful at all times. May I appreciate all that comes my way and seek to understand how you are using good times and bad times in my life. Forgive me for thinking that if things do not go my way that you are somehow not real or not working in my life.  

Lord, help me and my loved ones to not segment you in our lives, not to just go to you 2 times a week when we show up at church, or at those rare moments we consult your word and direction, but remind us that you are with us every step of the way. You are there when the washer is squeaking or we spill oil all over the driveway (like I did yesterday) or we spend 4 hours getting ready for and driving to soccer, only to have another scoreless game, or when our 15 year old son refuses to come home at his curfew time and I have to go pick him up, or when my wife and I get in a disagreement about the kids -- remind me that you are there and I can thank You for those unwanted circumstances. 

As the sermon mentioned yesterday at church, happiness is found in people and relationships, not in things and possessions, but in what we do with them together. Keep me focused on that idea that you are in control and can carry me through life. Each day will take care of itself. This is the day that the Lord has made, let us rejoice. 

Update 4/11/19
Yes God, You are still there. You are still there when my now 18 year old son is still addicted to smoking marijuana after 3 1/2 years and still struggling just getting through high school. You are there when I was on the floor in discomfort dealing with kidney stones a short time ago. You are there with my wife who is working so hard to help my 18 year old son finish school while also working as an Occupational Therapist in the public schools and struggling each day to get her notes completed on time.

Lord, it remains so easy to listen to the lie coming from the prince of this world who tells us that You are not there and praying and talking to You does no good. But, that's the lie because this is the day that the Lord has made. I thank you always for a new day. Thank you for the love and support of others. We are better together. Let us rejoice and be glad in this day because You God are there...always there. 

Update 4/11/23
Very thankful, but in January my youngest son who is now 22 quit smoking marijuana. His stomach was giving him havoc and he was constantly vomiting so, on his own, he quit smoking. Praise God. We continue to pray that he would get right with God. He is going to school and working. He has great motivation. My wife has retired now from being an Occupational Therapist. I am still working and am 55 now. Appreciate the faithfulness of God always. 

Note: The devotion and scriptures are from author Sarah Young. If you haven't already, please purchase the book and support the author.

Also, bookmark to have an easy link to the entire year of these entries.


  1. Replies
    1. Thank You God for Chris' 2023 update! I missed it last year. However, good news is always good, regardless of when it is received. Praise You God, for always being here and dear.
      Ceaseless praying, believing and trusting You always works, because you are always our Waymaker, Miracle Worker, Promise Keeper, Light in the darkness, yesterday, today, forever. Prayer and patience are all we need. In Jesus' Name. AMEN!

    2. This really encouraged me!

    3. Amen Brie, and sending updated thanks to @paytonfamily for this gem of a devotional where we gather in the love of Jesus. ✝️❤️

    4. Yuup! Always overestimate and treasure the value of praying parents!

  2. Amen I loved it got so touched !! Yes thank you so much for sharing

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Lifting you in prayer Madfox. You're right on! No complaining!. No one listens but ourselves. Chris thank you for updating. I will be praying for you family. The enemy is out to destroy families, we know the battle belongs to the Lord!Be of good courage. You are a praying husband & father, the enemy doesn't stand a chance! Remember Chris, the Lord will redeem what the locust have eaten. Blessings today on you & your precious familyπŸ₯°

  4. Special prayers for you MadFox. God is right there and everything will be ok πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ˜‡πŸ’–

  5. Thank you all for sharing. I commit to no complaining today, amen

  6. PaytonFamily, so sorry to hear of the continued struggle of your son with Marijuana. Today's society is pushing the big lie that pot doesn't impact one's motivation and discipline. Like alcohol or other drug addictions, it is only when he realizes that he is addicted can it change. Godspeed and heartfelt sympathy as a Dad to a Dad.

    1. Praying for you Payton family! Boy do I get it. Doing a 40 day bible study, praying for our children! I will be praying for your family. God is always faithfully working and always on time.

    2. Praying for your son, Chris. May God guide his every step and decision, and draw him closer every day.

    3. “Give thanks to the LORD, for HE is good; HIS love lasts forever.” Psalm 118:29
      Oh my Heavenly Father I come to YOU through YOUR son, our great physician, and savior Jesus Christ and I thank YOU for this day! I thank YOU for my struggles, for the aches and pains of life, for they allow me to appreciate the days with less pain so much more
      I thank YOU LORD & FATHER, for helping me persevere through life, avoiding multiple surgeries. Yes, YOU know I hurt , but because of YOU & the strength & healing YOU have blessed me with (LORD I PRAISE YOU AND LOVE YOU) have allowed me to keep moving, with all of my original parts😊
      I praise YOU for my health and the health of my loved ones, and pray for those suffering from sicknesses and injuries, LORD I ask again, as I will continue to until YOU return, Please save our children LORD, please keep them safe, place the hedge of protection over the many innocent children taken into unimaginable circumstances, oh my heart aches, and my eyes overflow with tears imagining just one innocent child being mistreated, help me to see if there’s anything I can do dear LORD to help any child that is not my own.
      For this is a day to rejoice, for YOU have blessed us with yet another day, although fleeting, a blessed gift, a new start, a re-do or do-over. Thank YOU for this day, for the opportunity to do better today than I did yesterday, with each day improving constantly aiming for the finish line, which I don’t think is too far off for me, or any of us, LORD only YOU know.
      I pray for my brothers and sisters in Christ, please keep them safe, well, and with the necessary provisions, I too pray the same for my family, my son and daughter, I lift my daughter up to YOU LORD and ask for YOUR guidance in leading her, as she finds her place in this world. Thank YOU LORD, for giving her such a kind, loving man, that now knows and loves YOU, hallelujah!!! Thank YOU LORD for blessing me with my son, and having the glorious opportunity to raise another child better, with YOU as our focus
      I praise YOU LORD for my beloved and my friends that are presently at a great distance, I lift my beloved and his son up to YOU, asking for YOU to heal their hearts , heal my beloved’s & sons body, help them both to see and hear YOU always, let YOUR light shine upon them and throughout each and every one of us LORD.
      I praise YOU LORD for giving me such a kind and loving man, whom also loves YOU, hallelujah
      Thank YOU LORD for keeping us safe in the midst of this storm and tornado. I do not fear the weather nor should I fear a single thing beyond the wrath of my FATHER, if I step out of line and become continuous sinner, never repenting. Which won’t happen, for my love grows stronger for YOU each day, for the blessings I’ve witnessed by the FATHER, Son &/or Holy Spirit are immeasurable. Just as YOU are so great, our KING, why should we expect anything less from a loving, merciful KING
      I praise and thank YOU for the chains ⛓️ of this world which still have me shackled but YOU are loosening the chains!!!! THANK YOU LORD!!! I pray for this through our beloved savior, YAWEH’s only begotten son, that died and rose again for Our sins, Praise YOU, thank YOU YESHUA

    4. Joining my heart and prayers in with A πŸ™ ❤️. In Jesus' Name. AMEN!

    5. Dear A, I join in your passionate prayers each day as you target so many of my concerns! We declare and decree our freedom from all evil influences in JESUS' NAME! ✝️πŸ™πŸ’ͺ

    6. I have seen such a change in you. You have come back from the depths stronger brighter and more beautiful than ever. I love you.

  7. Mad Fox I pray that your appointment goes well today and that you will be given a clean bill of health. Payton family I will be praying for you and your family. I know what it is like to have a child who is addicted to drugs. It is very challenging. Pray to God for protection and wisdom that your son will see the light.

    This devotional made me chuckle a little today as the weather here is not pleasant. It is April 11th and the schools are closed here today. Life in the upper Midwest. Everyone have a blessed day!

  8. Semi-rough night last night. My dear husband is not bouncing back from this round of pnuemonia like he did a couple of months ago. Dr. appt. today and I was going to just send him, but have decided to believe my boss when she says, "Do what you need to do...Family First!" For years I have prayed for a business situation that believes this and now all I can hear is the devil's lies from past bad bosses! Father, please let my wonderfully stubborn husband (good in many ways!) listen to me and the Dr. today and REST. Help me to be meek to your Word & respect my husband and then trust you. Lord, my prayers today are for all of us to "not worry about tomorrow or get stuck in the past. There is abundant Life in My Presence today." I so appreciate everyone on this post and will be praying for you, Madfox, and that early-spring allergy junk does not equate to heart issues in your thinking. SO much 'stuff' going around! As Jan said, "Be strong & of a good courage." And PeytonFamily (Chris? I don't know any of your names), prayers for you and your family. Your clear communication of your needs and those of your family, remind us that this world is not our home; yet, God ALWAYS prevails, even when we wonder b/c it isn't exactly what we've been praying for. We, too, have had family issues (as you all know). Your prayers reminded me that our believing for our families, our continual, steadfast desire to learn and grow will benefit our children and our children's children. "Thank you for the love and support of others. We are better together. Let us rejoice and be glad in this day because You God are there...always there." Prayers for all my JC Family and everyone of your children, Father.
    "Psalm 119:90 King James Version (KJV)
    90 Thy faithfulness is unto all generations: thou hast established the earth, and it abideth."

    1. Norah, A year later and your words are still true. This world is not our home. We are in the world but not of the world. Our goal is the line that goes on forever, instead of this flash in the pan. We all have our family issues but we can rest assure that God is always in the picture. The thief comes to steal, kill and destroy and he is a lier. Our future is in God's hands and our lives are so much better because The Lord is our constant Shepherd and always there. Indeed a good reason to rejoice and be glad in it. Thank you for posting Psalm 119:90. It is just what we need as we walk through this Pandemic holding the Unchanging Hand.

  9. Amen...uplifting prayers going up for you today , MadFox....All is Well...and for you and your family, Chris.we are all a Special Group that are united in our Love of our Heavenly Father.

  10. Chris, thank you for sharing about your cross, involving your son. Addictions arrrgh! I pray that all who are struggling with all types of addictions are guided and comforted by Jesus to soon break the bonds that hold them down!
    Also, tell your wife we are "cousins" ! because my wife and I both are Occupational Therapists ;)

  11. It is such a blessing to read your blog, my family and I have enjoyed your post for several years. I will be praying for you and your family. God has given you everything that you need for today.
    My family walked the down the road of addictions and eventually we were blessed by the healing of the Holy Spirit from the addiction of drug abuse. My child was rescued, but not before they were ready. I look back now and I see all of the tools that God gave us to use and how we use them now. The same child now minister’s to others.
    Your family has been inspiring others and will continue to.
    Thank you for your honesty and for sharing your life with others.

  12. Beginning day 2 of recovery at the VA. Today's devotion is literally my mindset. Absolutely devestated that my wife and two small children have traveled 10 hours away to be away from me because of my repetitive relapsing, but thanking God for an opportunity to make it count this time. God is with me and as long as I submit to Him, all is well and Rom. 8:28.

  13. Praying over you right night anonymous.. Jesus is greater and I have seen Him work first hand in a very similar circumstance. The battle is WON and He has such victory for you and your family!

  14. Thank you for your wonderful prayers and comments. Chris, my daughter has been clean from crack cocaine for 10 years.She was incarcerated 7 times for crimes she committed to handle her affection. I never gave up on her. Prayer is the key. Trust God through it All. She now helps others and has a famous job. God will take care of us. Thank you for your honesty and selflessness .Blessings

  15. Thanking Him gor the difficult times.... I get it but easier said than done. Just been struggling in tbis season with work and its so hard not to get discouraged. Please pray for me and my 19 yr old son living with me. Thank you

  16. Praise God for the JC Family! I'm on board with no complaining today even in the midst of struggling. Health and adult children addictions also plague our family right now. I was so encouraged by the "victory" posts above. It is possible! I pray for you all and your children - for God to break the chains in His sovereign time and way. We will not be shaken.

  17. What a blessing to have this JC family!!! I am going boldly into the Lord's throne room to lift up the needs of this "family". That includes all that post and all those those who are visiting the site. I ask the Lord to surround each person with his ministering angels and to met all the needs and concerns. There is nothing to hard for the Lord!!!

    1. This year I join JJ, Prayer Warrior, in what are always powerful prayers. Thanking God for victory over all harmful addictions.

    2. Amen Audra! Joining all prayers for those struggling with addictions. Jesus knows exactly how you feel. He is greater than your problems and temptations. You can do all things through His unchanging and unlimited strength.

  18. Cast your cares on the Lord and he will sustain you; he will never let the righteous be shaken.
    Psalm 55:22

    Before starting devotions today I was thinking about my future and where I would be located. Jesus calling is my 1st reading and bingo the message was clear - Enjoy the day and know this is the place I am suppose to be today in God's presence.

  19. Cast your cares on the Lord and he will sustain you; he will never let the righteous be shaken.
    Psalm 55:22

    Before starting devotions today I was thinking about my future and where I would be located. Jesus calling is my 1st reading and bingo the message was clear - Enjoy the day and know this is the place I am suppose to be today in God's presence.

  20. Good afternoon all. Thank u for all your honesty and love for our Father. I have been reading this Blog for about a month. And love it. Trusting Jesus everyday has been a learning experience and not complaining I fall short. But I am learning. I have an adult daughter and she is addicted 1st to deugs and now to prescription drugs. I have raised her three children now adults. Been praying for her many years and I know the holy spirit will touch her and convict her heart and bring her back. My son is an alcoholic and he says he can stop anytime. Yea right. But has he. His family unit is broken apart. My grandkids are broken. Praying for there dad to change.God will break the chains. I believe in prayer and I will not give up. I draw strength from my Lord Jesus every new day he gives me. Praying for you all who have commented and those who are reading and not commented yet.

    1. Unknown - Blessed are the grandparents who raise their grandchildren and teach them to love Jesus. Joining warriors in prayer.

  21. Praying for your son's addiction - keep it in the light where the darkness cannot overcome it. May God's love, grace, peace & mercy sustain you and give you strength to fight the good fight.

  22. I would like to ask for prayer for my marriage. My husband is a great husband and father in many many ways. However, he greatly struggles with being emotionally supportive and empathetic in times where I need him the most. I ask in Jesus name that the Holy Spirit would touch him and teach him how to love me well in this way and our children. It causes a lot of hurt in our marriage and family when he responds to emotion in a cold, unsympathetic way.
    Thank u for your Godly insight for me as a wife and for your prayers.

    1. I pray things are better from last year but if it is not, pray specific prayers and be quiet and let GOD do the work. When I went through this, the more I told him what I needed it seems the further away he went. But when I stopped talking about it and just gave it to GOD and thanked HIM for the victory each and every day, it did come! If he did it for ME he will do it for YOU! I'm praying and praising with YOU!

    2. Thank you Gods daughter great lead. Always to the Father first.
      God bless every person reading this. We are all mighty warriors standing in the gap thru prayers, breaking generational strongholds which will allow future generations to be free! Praise God for the victory from all sin!

    3. To Anonymous (and all who feel like her), allow me to share some thoughts from years of ministering to situations like this.

      First - A Caution: When one's spouse (this goes for women or men) is not meeting certain basic needs you have, guard your heart for you are very vulnerable to quite accidentally, bumping into someone who just by being themselves, does for you what is lacking from your spouse. And if that person is having his/her own difficulties in his/her marriage, a perfect storm is brewing that will be devastating to many. So caution: guard your heart because you are very vulnerable.

      Advice: Actually, God's Daughter speaks from experience and she is so right. Unfortunately, my gender does not like to be told what to do and in the relationship of love, to do so is more likely to drive him away than to get him to change, and in many cases, even if he should show some level of change, it is likely to be hollow. I was asked by a woman whose husband was having an affair, 'what do I need to do to win him back.' (That was the first time I had been asked such a question in that situation.) I thought for a moment and was led to respond, "Well, you won him over once. What you did then might still very well work again." When I left town 25 years later they are still happily married. So I suggest, be who you were when you first fell in love. Initially, this will take effort because what you are receiving is not motivating you to act that way. That is why the advice of both God's Daughter and Fern is so valuable, you must pray for your husband. Pray not for him to be like you want him to be but to be well, to be happy, to be fulfilled, and any other positive element of life. In doing so, you will realize that you play a key role in God fulfilling your request. If anything will change him, that will. Add to your prayers, patience for yourself. You married him for better or for worse, and this is some of the worse. Don't let it bring the worst out of you. Prayer keeps the heart on the 'better' side of the vow and you will have increased the probability of him coming over to the better side as well.

      God be with you.

    4. God's Daughter, Fern and Bob all very on the mark advice. Bob you answer to the wife who wanted to win her husband back was eye opening to me. This is a piece of advice I'm going to keep on file and pull out when I'm sitting listening to the broken hearted wife. Guarding your heart and only talk to people who are going to give you Godly counsel very key. We've all seen the broken marriage that ends up with 2 broken people divorcing and getting remarried too soon and very often ending in divorce again. The only one who can heal a broken heart is God. A piece advice that I give that God showed me and I believe it saved my marriage. Before you respond think about your words and what do you want to achieve by saying them. Is the other person going to respond with the out come you desire? Weigh the importance of what you want to say. Instead of telling someone what they are doing hurts you and how they need to change it. Talk to your heavenly father, basically tatel on them to your daddy and let him take care of them instead of you.

  23. Praying so much for you Anonymous and for each of you
    Love and prayers

  24. Dear Heavenly Father, It is indeed a great day to rejoice and be glad! Not only am I blessed to see this day, but I am anxiously and joyfully anticipating the gloriously celebration of the day (RESURRECTION SUNDAY) Your Son won the VICTORY to set me free. I receive Your love today with open arms and worship You in Spirit and truth. You are the Author of all circumstances, this is why I can rejoice in what was finished on Calvary cross for me! May unspeakable joy be my portion today as I lift Your Holy name in praise, worship and thanksgiving, in Jesus’ name.

    The Holy Week Treasure map calls it, "Bright Saturday". Jesus takes the saints from Hades to Paradise; God receives His saints to Himself"!

    Holy Saturday is the last day of Holy Week and ends the season of Lent. Jesus rested in the grave, as His disciples mourned his death and, since it was a Sabbath day, they too rested. Like 23:56 says: that the women returned home "and prepared spices and ointments. On the Sabbath they rested according to the commandment". While guards had been stationed at the tomb to watch over the place to make sure that the disciples did not steal Jesus' body. I'm sure legions of Angels joyfully sang and awaited their Master's ascension into Heaven! On the other side, Jesus’followers and family held a vigil for Him, awaiting His foretold Resurrection. Today, we too await the celebration in remenbrance of that glorius day that the Son of God defeated death and the plans of the devil, giving us VICTORY!

    During this quarantine period as children decorate eggs with paint, crayon, water colors, stickers and other materials in preparation for the celebration of the greatest day of Holy Week, we can step aside and spend time reading the, accounts of the burial if not yet read (Matthew 27:45–57; Mark 15:42–47; Luke 23:44–56; John 19:38–42) and meditate on his passion and death, His descent into hell, and await the celebration of His resurrection with prayer and fasting. This is a day for quiet reflection and preparation for the celebration of our Savior’s resurrection! Had it not been for a day like this, the world of darkness would exist without the hope of Christ’s resurrection.

    Loving Father, What great love You have for us. Though they spat, mocked, stripped, whipped Him and crucified Him to death, He asked for them to be forgiven. He endured it all just for us. Thank You for forgiveness and the abundant life we have in Christ Jesus. You are our God, and we will praise You! You are our God, and we will exalt you, in the name of Jesus.

    Peace and Blessings to all. VICTORY is here, REJOICE and give thanks!

    Maplewood, NJ

  25. Dear God, Today I accept the challenge of complimenting everyone, or keeping quiet. I also accept the challenge of finding the Good that You weave into every situation. I need Your Divine help. Amen!

    1. What is causing you to REJOICE today?

    2. God's unconditional love, grace and mercy towards US!

    3. Rejoicing with you today! In the midst of the chaos I rejoice because the Lord is at work in the fine details of this day!

    4. I am rejoicing today because: God is making ALL things work together for good, which includes pandemics; finding my JC family; and hearing the song, "MY TRIBUTE!TO GOD BE THE GLORY!"
      Sending positive thoughts of His Peace and His Blessings to you and yours!

    5. Bravo, Brilamar!!! As He arose from the dead, so, too, you are rising from the dead elements of life. I can see it happening and it is wonderful. God be with you!

    6. One year and one pandemonic later, I am still rejoicing in You, Lord. Thank You for making me glad and for your Divine Mercy today and everyday. I love You Lord!

    7. Link to tribute song:

    8. I am so grateful for our Prayer Room Warrior, BRIE, our "DJ" who points us to music that brightens our days and strengthens our faith. I always check them out and happy to provide links for others if missing. ♥️🎢 ♥️ Brie! To GOD be the glory!

    9. Thanks for keeping us linked-in My Dear Sweet sister-Friend, Audra! This will definitely be one of my Going Home songs. Although I have to pare down the songlist so attendants don't have to bring sleeping bags, this one will definitely make the cut! From the instant I first heard it, I have always treasured its truth. Again this year, it is a part of my rejoicing plan for today! Praying His Blessings enfold you, me, and our entire JC Family, Love Brie-J

    10. Just love your post Brie! Me too! Rejoicing with you dear Sister and all our beloved JC Family. Just loved that song sweet Audra! That is one powerful Choir too! Wish I had some of them in my Church Choir. Today it was just me, Dominick and the organist. Of course Jesus is singing very loud with me.
      Thanks for that lovely blessing dear Brie!

  26. As I sit with rejoicing tears in my eyes all I can say after reading each post is THANK YOU LORD! When I think of all HE went through to show me how to live holy and pay the price for my sins even BEFORE I chose to live for HIM while I was yet a sinner nothing but rejoicing and gratefulness comes to mind! WE are blessed beyond measure even in the midst of the Pandemic, because GOD is STILL GOD and when we know that we know that we believe the WORD of GOD, we can still have PEACE in the middle of this state we're in right now! My prayers go forth for all of MY JC Family, and know that whatever your situation, GOD has the answer, and HE always comes through on behalf of his own. I have been married over forty years and my husband has been in recovery twenty-seven of those years. However the thirteen years we were married when he was in active addiction were rough! But I can say GOD showed up in a big way. The other testimony is when he was no longer using he had no emotional connection to me and even though he was clean and sober and home, it felt like he wasn't providing what I needed emotionally, and today I can say GOD worked that out suddenly! I don't know exactly when it happened but our marriage is not a perfect one, but it is a really good one and we both keep GOD First and pray each morning with and for each other! I share my testimony to say, this too shall pass, GOD's timing is always perfect! I love each of you to life and pray GOD exceeds your expectations as we go through this wonderful Easter weekend!

    1. Dear God's Daughter, thank you for sharing God's grace to you in your married life. My wife and I will be married 50 years in August. We have had our own ups and downs as everyone has. Marriage is not for the faint of heart. But Who sustained our marriage was God and the faith He placed in each of our hearts so when the road got rough, He continually guided us. My wife's faithfulness to our relationship is only exceeded by God's faithfulness to us. I pray each day to be faithful to the vow I made when we got married and God has empowered me to do so. I must confess there were times I got emotionally attached to things that caused me to not be there for her in spirit. But God has always corrected me along the way for which I am eternally grateful. Now that I am retired from serving as a minister, we are making up for lost time while I was tending the sheep. To some extent, it is much like the days when we were dating, free of commitments and able to just enjoy each other. There will come the day that one of us will have to walk the other to the door of heaven and we will temporarily be apart but only physically because even death will not be able to separate us from the love we hold within for each other; as God has made clear in scripture, 'love is strong as death, passion fierce as the grave. Many waters cannot quench love, neither can floods drown it.' (Song of Solomon 8:6-7). And when Christ returns, we will be together forever. I pray the same for you. God be with you.

    2. As usual Bob, your words are straight from the heart led by Christ for ME! I am inspired, encouraged and in AWE of how the Lord continues to minister through you on subjects that matter and help in this game called life one day at a time designed to help ME! Keep it coming as GOD leads!


    3. Dear God's daughter! You and your husband have known many valleys but God was faithful and brought you up out of them. To have a husband who loves the Lord is the greatest blessing. I am so happy for you both.

  27. Thank you Maplewood for supplying us with some good food to chew on as we look forward to tomorrow's joy. Jesus has already conquered death and is at the right hand of the Father. He is also on our side always, and waits for us to join Him when our time comes. This blog today and your closing words remind me that with all the trouble in the world of addiction, sickness, wars, cruelty, famine, depression, conflicts and this Pandemic, the Victory is here in the Risen Lord and He will not disappoint us. We must take all these burdens and cast them before Him. He is already working on them and He will make all things right and new again. We stand on His faithfulness and on the Hope we have inside us. God bless you my JC Family, and Happy Easter! Rejoice and be glad in this new day.


    "Create in me a clean heart, O God, and put a new and right spirit within me." (Psalm 51:10)

    (There is no gospel lesson for today.) It is the Sabbath. The Law requires everyone to stay in their houses and have no activity other than to go to the synagogue for worship. Though bodies are at rest, minds are running wild because of yesterday. Pilate is back in his palace, still a bit bothered by what he had to oversee yet he consoles himself in knowing he made everyone happy and he is secure in his position. The religious leaders are sitting around, patting each other on the back for getting Jesus out of the picture so they can be fully in control again. The woman are sitting quietly yet discussing how they will return to the tomb to fully complete the burial process; it will be the last act of love they can show Him. Myself and the other disciples remain hidden, dazed, confused, unsure of what to do next, afraid of being caught and crucified ourselves. Word gets around to each of us Peter has arranged a room to meet in tomorrow night. It is as safe as it can be. We will get together to try to make some sense of everything that happened and to discuss where we go from here since we have come to this 'dead' end road. See you all tomorrow.

    With love, Bob

    1. Again, I want to say thank you. You brought the scriptures alive for so many of us. We may know the story. But re'living' it? has been AMAZING!! Thank you brother!

    2. Thank you, Bob for helping us to walk The Walk in His Shoes!

    3. Thank you, CJ & Brilamar. It is a way that I find gets me deeper into the scripture and when I write it out as this blog provides me the opportunity to do, I am able to get further in touch with my feelings for the Spirit's movement in the particular passage. Knowing that there are people like yourselves who find it meaningful gives me even more incentive in my writing. It is not for everyone but it works for me and if it is helpful to you, then I am even further blessed. God be with you.

    4. Be incented by God's Holy Spirit to continue writing BOB, assuredly knowing that there are people like myself who find it meaningful in our walk towards God and in our cause for rejoicing. Whether or not I am able to post, I am always reading and praying and of course, singing and dancing! May His Divine Mercy rest on you, our entire JC Family and each of our dear ones. In Jesus' name. Amen

    5. Thanks Bob! You're still holding our hands and leading us through God's word and teaching us His messages no matter what day of the week it is. Know you are loved and appreciated. God bless you always.

  29. Thank you Bob! You surely are called to open the hearts of others and I appreciate your guiding hand always. God bless you and strengthen you as you do God's will. Happy Easter!

  30. This is the day that I have made. Rejoice and be glad in it. Begin the day with open hands of faith, ready to receive all that I am pouring into this brief portion of your life.
    The only way I know to do this?
    I'm going to keep on singing, I am going to keep on shouting, I am going to keep on lifting my voice...

    Gladly wishing all of you a Sunday of Divine Mercy! Love, Brie.

    1. Thank you for sharing! I love to sing to this song

    2. Thanks Tay!
      I shall sing "So will I" again in the morning along with the birds who faithfully chirp their greetings to the Sonrise everyday, regardless of whether or not they like HIS Weather or not!

    3. MARANATHA! Singing and Rejoicing with you sisters (and the songbirds) in this new day!

    4. He sure has made me glad too! Love that song. Thanks Brie.
      Love that song Tay! Keep singing it and glorifying God, sister.
      Rejoicing with you Audra and all my sisters and brother! So thankful for all of you.

  31. Father, You know that I need guidance right now. I thank You that I know You are the good shepherd and that You will certainly show me the way in the confusion that I seem to be in. Help me to trust in You even when the glimmer of light seems so dim, faint and far away and I hardly know what to do. May I follow the clear directions from Your word. As I pray, may I listen out for You and know You are with me. And Lord, even if I don't fully sense Your peace and assurance before I make a decision, please show me the way. Overrule if the decision I make isn't quite right and bring glory to Jesus in every part of my life. Help me to come to know You more deeply so that I may discern more clearly the way You want me to follow. I bless, praise and rejoice in You Lord. Thank You Jesus. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen πŸ™.

    1. I am joining into you beautiful heartfelt prayer Janet and making it my prayer as well. His Son/Sun is always shining, even when we cannot see it, even when clouds may be blocking our earthly vision from it, even when it appears as a dim glimmer, faint and far away, His Light is still Light and His Son/Sun is always shining. May His Divine Mercy rest on you, me, our entire JC Family and all of our dear ones. I ask. I seek. I knock. I praise. I thank. In Jesus' Name, Amen.

    2. Dear Janet, Even when it is distantly far, I Thank God For The Lighthouse!

    3. I will continue to pray over you and the situations you face. When I find myself in a place of uncertainty, or with a problem that He hasn't shown direct hand in yet, it can make me feel incredibly lost. During that time, I now try to shift my prayer focus to gratefulness. After praying for those I love, I just thank God for each gift, going as deep into my spirit as possible. I bring back memories of times when I failed, and He came in with His Glory, and I thank him for that. I find it helps build that trust enough that my mind doesn't wander back at the current problem as much. When I free my mind from overthinking, it becomes more open to Him. I pray He brings clarity to you soon. He IS with you, and it always comes together somehow, for good.

    4. Praying with you and for you dear Janet. God is holding you very tight in His Love.

    5. THE LIGHTHOUSE, as sung by Joseph Larson
      When I'm tossed it sends out a light, That I might see;
      And the light that shines in darkness now, Will safely lead me o'er,
      If it wasn't for the lighthouse, My ship would be no more.
      And I thank God for the lighthouse, I owe my life to Him,
      Jesus is the Lighthouse, And from the rocks of sin,
      He has shone His light around me, That I might clearly see
      If it wasn't for the lighthouse, Tell me where would this ship be?
      The big ships just don't pass this way anymore, So there's no use in standing around
      Then my mind goes back to that one dark, stormy night, When just in time, I saw His light
      Yes, it was the light from that old lighthouse, That stands up there on the hill.
      I thank God for the lighthouse, I owe my life to Him
      Jesus is the Lighthouse, And from the rocks of sin
      He has shone His light around me, That I might clearly see
      If it wasn't for the lighthouse, Tell me where would this ship be?

    6. So many prayer requests and so many victories! I lift each prayer up to you Lord and thank you for your never ending love for each of us. I trust you Jesus. Thank you so much for each and every one of our JC family. I pray for your loving presence to shine bright over addiction, marriage challenges, sickness. We are so blessed by you and we call out to you Father God. Thank you for your living word and for all that you speak through here to draw us closer to you.

      Love and blessings

  32. Loving Father, It is indeed a great day that You have made, and I plan to rejoice and be glad in it. Thank You for the understanding of Your Word that people did not put Jesus on the cross, Your Love did! One week today, we celebrated Jesus' Resurrection, thank You again, and again for Your infinite Love demonstrated on Calvary cross!
    My Faith (Full Assurance In The Heart) tells me that no matter what lies ahead, Jesus is already there. He is the Author of all my circumstances and I give thanks for Your Loving Presence that increasingly brightens my vision of life each blessed day. In Jesus' name. Amen.

    I will enter His gates with thanksgiving in my heart
    I will enter His courts with praise
    I will say this is the day that the Lord has made
    I will rejoice for He has made me glad.

    He has made me glad, He has made me glad
    I will rejoice for he has made me glad
    He has made me glad, He has made me glad
    I will rejoice for he has made me glad..

    "Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the Author and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy set before Him endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God. Consider Him who endured such opposition from sinful men, so that you will not grow weary and lose heart." Heb. 12:2-3.

    Blessings and Peace.

    Maplewood NJ

    1. I am singing, clapping, and rejoicing along with you Maplewood as I pray Divine Mercy prayers for all of us. In Jesus' Name. Amen.
      I am also praying and hoping that you are feeling better and better everyday in everyway.

    2. I love that song. singing it makes me gladder each time I sing it! Thanks be to God!

    3. Amen dear Maplewood and Brie. Yes Singing it does make us glad together. We are all blessed to be a part of the glorious Body of Christ! This is the day the Lord hath made!

  33. Yes i love this group god has blessed us all rejoice as i posted 2018 i love this
    Rebecca pena

    1. We love, pray for, and rejoice with you too, Rebecca!

    2. Amen Rebecca! Always in my prayers. Love you too!

  34. Psalm 95:6- " Come, let us worship & bow down, let us kneel before the Lord our maker." Hallelujah!

    1. Speaking of knee-ling, how is your knee-healing, our Jan gridley?

    2. Yes Brie, Curious too.
      Praying for your knee dear Jan. that it is getting stronger every day. Thank You Jesus!

  35. As I read down the entries/requests over the last couple years and I see so much struggle with addictions. I pray strongly for all those in this web of destruction. I pray for those addicted and their families that also experience sadness and heartbreak. Dear Lord let them ALL know you are with them every step of the way. Let them know you are there holding them through the darkness and toward the light. The light of healing. Amen.

    1. Thanx ABC . It is a concern for many families , can we plan a day of fasting for deliverance .

  36. Driving back from my Mom’s in Brooklyn. Thanks for your prayers. Praying for all of you. Much love πŸ™πŸ˜ŠπŸ’—

    1. Our Jeanne! May the good Lord Bless and Keep you inside the Protection of His Traveling and Divine Mercy.

    2. Safe Travels, Dear Jeanne! We are praying you home. <3

    3. Thank you for those wonderful prayers! I got home and into Church before the first song! Halleluia! Love you all.

  37. I, too, am humbled ABC, as I read from the past years, see the growth, the challenges, the victories and yes, the continued prayers for Victory that our Heavenly Father has promised as we go to Him first and trust that He knows best - He has gone before us. All things work to the good for them that love God.
    Have a blessed day. Ours is a bit gray and we are supposed to get rain, but even that was covered in our devotion! "Be careful not to complain about anything, even the weather, since I am the Author of your circumstances. "Be careful not to complain about anything, even the weather, since I am the Author of your circumstances." Praying for 2 of my sons who are helping their sister move furniture and a dryer. Praying for safety, efficiency, blessings for their giving hearts & a grateful daughter (sister). :)

    1. Hope you have a blessed day too. We have a lot of rain but it's only outside. The light of Christ is shining in us and we are safe and warm inside. Praying for your 2 sons that they do their good deed and get home safe and sound. I'm sure your daughter appreciates them. God bless her and her good brothers.

  38. Today I complained , the Holy spirit rebuked me . The person i was complaining about locked eyes with me ....I have learnt my lesson . Psalm 86:11
    Teach me Your way, O Lord; I will walk in Your truth; Unite my heart to fear Your name.
    We got my mum's covid results are back , she is negative . We thank God ,we need to be vigilant taking care of her. God grant us wisdom

    1. Thanking God that your mom's results were negative, Min Ahadi! Re: the complaining - as I heard in this morning's Fellowship, we are works in progress. I am trying to forgive myself for my 'human-ness,' (is that a word?), as quickly as I forgive others or more importantly as quickly as God forgives me! I don't ever want to become calloused to doing my best or get to the point of sloughing off things I need to correct; however, condemnation is crippling. A great quote that was shared in this light today was, "A day of worry is more exhausting than a week of work!"
      My point is, I loved how you recognized it (when the person locked eyes with you) and you learned your lesson. You asked forgiveness and you'll move on - lesson learned (for me over and over and over again). :)
      The last 3 weeks on the study of Romans has invigorated me and I am thankful. It also has pointed out what I love about this blog: we are all human. None of us is afraid to point out the challenges we are having and yet, we are always mindful of sharing how God get's us back in line with His Word. THAT is where our growth occurs! "Romans 8 reinvigorates us: it shows us all of the major disconnects in our lives that could occure (nakedness, peril, sword...); and then it shows us how to be persistent, get back on track, how to 'show up' day after day, hour after hours, minute by minute" as the Holy Spirit directs our paths. NOTHING can separate us from the Love of God!
      I am excited to see how the Holy Spirit continues to direct our paths.

    2. Thank You Jesus. Please help us let Negative Test Results be the only kind of Negative that enters our minds and parts our lips. In Jesus Name. Amen.

    3. Min Ahadi, The Holy Spirit rebuked me yesterday and gave me a new path out: I was engaged in a conversation with two other people and it turned negative. One of the three who was in it said "Please exclude me from this conversation. Listening to it won't help me get into Heaven. so I have to leave now." And they did. I admired that stand for Jesus so much, I asked the Holy Spirit to continually remind me of those same or similar Words, whenever I am in the same or similar situation with myself or other people. In Jesus' Name I pray for deliverance. Amen.

    4. Halleluia Min Ahadi! I was praying for Negative! God is so faithful. Amen Brie! Have a blessed day and stay warm and happy.

  39. MadFox, How are you doing, dear one? Praying each day brings you new strength and God's faithfulness. Enjoy the love that surrounds you. We are praying for you, our beloved brother.

  40. Here is my prayer for today

  41. Lovely way to end my day, Min Ahadi. Thank you! <3

  42. That is just the most beautiful song. I have heard it a few times and it justs lifts me so high. Jesus Christ My Living Hope! Halleluia! Thank you, Min Ahadi!

  43. God bless and heal you and your loved ones and answer your prayers. My sister Janet is getting her second gel injections in her knees today and my dear sister in Christ and my Bible group member, Danuta is getting back surgery today.
    Father, Thank You for answering all our prayers and for guiding both procedures and bringing Janet and Danuta back to good health and comfort! Trusting in Your faithfulness and praying in Jesus Name. Amen

    1. Joining in prayer with you Jeanne. Father, trusting in Your goodness and mighty power in Jesus name, I pray, Amen πŸ™.

    2. Joining Janet in prayer for your sister &, dear friend Jeanne. πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ’ž

    3. Thanks dear Janet and Jan! Those prayers sure mean a lot to me. God hears every one.

    4. Joining in prayers with you Jeanne, and for our shoulder pains! Thank you Lord for renewed strength in them to carry us on about our days! In Jesus's name I pray πŸ™

  44. Heavenly Father, thank You and let me be open to receive all that You have for me today. I praise You Lord always. Let Your goodness and glory fill the earth and all that is in it. Thank You Jesus.

    1. Amen sweet sister! Beautiful and heartfelt prayer. .

  45. Chris~I was an alcoholic from the age of around 14 until I surrendered it to God almost 24 years ago. As I look back on my journey I see the people that were put in my path that sowed kindness and love regardless of what they saw in my actions. I also recall the ones that judged me harshly and didn’t consider me valuable as a human being because I wasn’t living up to their standards. I have learned along the way that everyone is struggling with silent battles I don’t know anything about. My son used marijuana for about 3 years and I just tried to love him through the process. Alcohol and drugs will change a person and their perception-just about everything can become skewed and negative. All I can say is people who struggle with addiction already have a hard enough time feeling loved or valued. Jesus meets people where they are regardless. None of us are perfect Christian or not. When I get in my flesh and get frustrated with someone I stop and imagine my life without them and it helps change my perspective of that person. It all comes down to Faith hope and love…the greatest of these is love. ♥️

  46. I read this just yesterday—
    If you really want to be like Jesus be the one who stays when everyone else walks away
    Be the one who forgives even when it’s undeserved
    Be the one to show grace when everyone else is casting stones
    Be the one to show love even when they betray you because that’s what Jesus did. ♥️πŸ™ I have that as a note to myself and plan to read it everyday!

  47. Dear Sharon! We are all flawed and human. God allows us to experience difficult times so we can learn from our mistakes and be sympathetic and helpful to those going through similar trials. Amen to that beautiful truth you posted. I want to be the one that is like Jesus who loves people when others turn away. I pray I will not judge people by their outward appearances but by their hearts. Thank you dear sister. Continuing to pray for you. God bless you always.

  48. I try to remember this everyday. Being grateful and trying not to sounds so simply but yet sometimes hard to do. I love this reading.

  49. Today's post and Chris's comments are a perfect (no surprise there) follow-up to reinforce a sermon I heard yesterday. We are being called during difficult times to be strong Christians. How do we do this? First, BE STILL AND HOLD ON TO YOUR PEACE AND WAIT FOR ME TO MOVE.
    And finally, OBEY AND ACT.
    Many of us get stuck in prayer, wondering if we are hearing His word and questioning right action. Be bold to act. God did not lead us to these places and circumstances to abandon us in the desert! He never leaves us and will always be with us to take out next steps, even if we mis-step along the way.
    Stand still, and hold on to your peace my friends. God will show you the way.

    1. Amen πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™ŒπŸ»

    2. Thanks Audra! Be still and know that He is God. He knows the best way to walk and He will lead us. The only true peace comes from Him! Praying your shoulder is much better. Mine is doing well, thank God!

  50. God made this new day and set it before us. He woke us up to see the morning light, and to abide in His presence. If we have problems, He's there to help us. He's the first One we should turn to when we need help. It's better to trust in Him than men because He is trustworthy and reliable. It is a busy day for me but I'll try my best to include Him in every part of it. Praying for your needs in the Name of Jesus, and trusting that God will answer our prayers in His own timing. Wait on the Lord and trust in His promises.
    Psalm 27:14
    Wait on the Lord;
    Be of good courage,
    And He shall strengthen your heart;
    Wait, I say, on the Lord!

    Isaiah 40:31
    But those who wait on the LORD Shall renew their strength; They shall mount up with wings like eagles, They shall run and not be weary, They shall walk and not faint.

    Psalm 33:20-22
    Our soul waits for the Lord;
    He is our help and our shield.
    For our heart shall rejoice in Him,
    Because we have trusted in His holy name.
    Let Your mercy, O Lord, be upon us,
    Just as we hope in You.

    1. Thank you Jeanne, great scriptures that I take to heart

    2. Amen! They lift my weary heart too! His Word is our nourishment.

  51. Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus. (1 Thessalonians 5:16-18). Therefore, since we are receiving a kingdom that cannot be shaken, let us be thankful, and so worship God acceptably with reverence and awe, for our God is a consuming fire. (Hebrews 12:28).

  52. As my friend lies in MICU on a ventilator, as my sister from my dads first marriage is sent home on hospice. I praise you!!! πŸ”₯

    1. Praying for you, your friend and your half sister. You are giving thanks in all things. Not FOR all things, but IN all things. God will bless all 3 of you because of your believing. God Bless you.

    2. Joining prayers for you dear Anonymous and for your dear friend and your half sister. God knows what you are all going through. He knows your heartache and pain. He is with you always even in the darkest hours. His peace is always present in even these dark valleys. Hold onto His unchanging Hand because He cares for all of you and knows your pain and what you're going through. He is hearing our prayers. Rest in Him.
      Thank You Father for Your mercy, Your healing, and Your perfect timing. Comfort them all and guide them according to Your Will. Thank You in the Name of Christ Jesus. Amen

  53. Dear paytonfamily,

    As I read your prayers from past years, I wonder how you and your family are doing. I pray that your son has found his way. My sons are little and it rarely occurs to me that they will be driving one day before I know it. Reading this has given me perspective. In this stage it seems like they will always be with me. I'm thankful for this time and for this perspective. πŸ™ God bless you, your family, and everyone in the JC blog.

    Sister in Christ,

  54. Reminding myself if inclined to complain today to replace those thoughts with Reverence and Awe! Thank you all for your verses and insights today. I appreciate you!

  55. Praying for all of you, my JC Family! God Bless each of you. He knows your needs, wants and requests. Love and God's Best.

  56. I sure do appreciate you dear Audra!
    Thank You for your prayers, dear Norah. We continue to pray for each other and wait for God's faithfulness. Get some rest now.

  57. Leaving for Brooklyn in a few hours to be with my mom and sister for the weekend. Taking my mom to her Gastro doctor to see if any of the meds she gave my mom caused her seizure. Praying our Way Maker will guide it all. Praying that Norah's DH is recovering from his treatment and also that my dear friend Sandy will feel God's presence as she starts her own treatment for MM. May God destroy every bad cell in both of them and all those who are receiving treatment for their cancer. God can do all things so rest in Him who loves you. Have a blessed new day in His loving Hands. May He protect you all and lead you to joy, hope, peace, love, healing and comfort.
    Thank You Father for all of this and for covering us with Your peace and leading us through a good and productive day that gives you glory in Jesus' Name. Amen

    Matthew 5:16
    Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven.

    May we all shine our light today for His glory. We are His little beacons and His light shines through our cracks. He loves us in our imperfections, so we should also love others with their flaws and faults. We are only human but the Christ inside us is perfect. Hallelujah!

    1. Prayers of safe travels for you, Jeanne. Have a wonderful weekend with your good mom and sweet sister!

    2. Thank you Jeanne for this beautiful post to start the day! Covering you and the entire JC family in prayer this morning ❤️πŸ™

    3. I am also praying for your safe travels, Jeanne; answers from your Mom's Dr. visit and for your friend Sandy's first treatment. I loved reading JC this morning in light of all that all of us are praying for! We can thank Him for all of it because He's got us covered!
      Love and Blessings to you, your family, friends and to all of this wonderful JC Family!

    4. Thanks dear Suzanne, Janet and Norah! Your prayers and kind words blessed my morning! Amen! We are indeed covered by the Blood of Christ and Healed by His Stripes and Surrounded by His Peace and Protection. A good reason to rejoice and be thankful and to Rest in Him. God bless your days, dear ones. You’re in my prayers and my heart.

    5. Bless you, Jeanne, and your travels. I will be with my daughter this weekend, always special!

  58. Heavenly Father, thank You and bless Your holy name! I praise You Lord always and thank You Jesus! Lord, please guard my tongue and mind from complaining or murmurs of any kind. Help me to remember that You love me just as I am, and I shall love others just as they are: "As is" -- We are all works in progress. Thank You for Your faithfulness, patience, gentleness, and love. You are so good to us! Let Your glorious Light shine brighter than the sun in and through me as I walk through the day with You. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen πŸ™.

    1. Well said, Janet. We all come AS IS... no returns, no refunds, no in-store credits.... He loves us just as we are.

    2. Such a great prayer, once again, Janet. Thank you. I hope to pause before any complaining and instead, consider it an opportunity to thank God for it and push through guarding my tongue and thoughts.
      I read something not too long ago that when we're by ourselves we don't complain out loud, right?...It"s when we have an audience of even one person we tend to let complaining words escape our mouth. I didn't have a great night's sleep last night from about 3 or 4a.m. on with my mind bouncing from this to that while batting the thoughts down with scripture but the thoughts would return. I chose not to say a word this morning because what would it do? It doesn't change a thing AND just puts that negative "poor me" out there. I changed my thoughts to 'At least I got some sleep and I'll get a better night's sleep tonight.' May this trend continue throughout my day where I see complaining as an opportunity to be thankful.

    3. We are loved AND is. Thank you Janet !

    4. Thanks dear Janet! Your beautiful prayer hit home with me. I pray God’s Spirit supplies all the right words to comfort and lift my good mom and dear sister. I will try to remember not to grumble when I’m working but to thank God for all His help and strength. So happy we are loved as is!
      Dear NJS, May He grant you a sound sleep tonight. Thank You Jesus.

  59. Blessed Assurance; Re-Assurance.
    God IS totally in control of all that's happening internationally, nationally, personally; He's in total control of all creation throughout the universe and on Earth: the ocean's and seas, land and mountains, volcanic and earthquake activity, even the climate, the weather, the very atmosphere we breathe. If He were not in absolute sole control of everything in existence He wouldn't be Almighty, Omniscient, Omnipresent, Omnipotent God.
    The only thing He has left out of His control is our freewill!
    I gladly surrender my freewill to Him: 'Heavenly Father knows best'.
    Psalm 135:6 – The LORD does whatever pleases him, in the heavens and on the earth, in the seas and all their depths.
    Proverbs 21:30 – There is no wisdom, no insight, no plan that can succeed against the LORD.
    Deuteronomy 31:8 – The LORD himself goes before you and will be with you; he will never leave you or forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged.
    Joshua 1:9 – Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the LORD you God will be with you wherever you go.
    1 Samuel 2:6-7 – The LORD brings death and makes alive; he brings down to the grave and raises up. The LORD sends poverty and wealth; he humbles and he exalts.
    Job 34:18-19 – Is he not the One who says to kings, ‘You are worthless,’ and to nobles, ‘You are wicked,’ who shows no partiality to princes and does not favor the rich over the poor, for they are all the work of his hands?
    Job 34:24 – Without inquiry (consultation) he shatters the mighty and sets up others in their place.
    Job 42:2 – “I know that you can do all things; no purpose of yours can be thwarted.”
    Psalm 33:10 – The LORD foils the plans of the nations; he thwarts the purposes of the peoples.
    Isaiah 43:13 – Yes, and from ancient days I am he. No one can deliver out of my hand. When I act, who can reverse it?

    1. So true, Peter. He IS in control over all creation.
      Jesus, take us by the hand and lead us where you want us to go. Let us be Your hands and feet to share with others as we thank you for your many blessings.

    2. Amen Peter! We are well taken care of and our Almighty God is in charge of everything! Lead me Lord as You lead this world. I trust in You.

  60. Dear God, please place a hedge of protection and bring healing to our family’s health and medical issues, I pray this for all of the Jesus Calling family. Our God is good and faithful and hears our prayers. AMEN

    1. Praying for our JC Family and your family’s good health, and resolved medical issues, and for God’s peace and faithfulness in answering our prayers. Thank You Father God for this in the Name of Christ Jesus. May the Blood of Christ and Your unchanging Peace cover us all. Amen.

    2. Joining you and Jeanne, Ellen, and all of our JC family who is praying for your family's health issues. "For I will restore health to you and heal you of your wounds, says the Lord." -Jeremiah 30:17

  61. Peace and Blessings. Thank you for sharing Jesus Calling. I have the book yet I can share it with my family/friends. Thank you for sharing your family testimony(ies). I rejoice with you all.

  62. Payton family! Message me.. I know exactly what is wrong with your son.. my daughter smoked for years.. there's a medical diagnosis that not all doctors know of!

    1. Sorry I can't reach you.. canabanoid hypermesis
