Thursday, April 23, 2015

Jesus Calling: April 24

     Rest in the stillness of My Presence while I prepare you for this day. Let the radiance of My Glory shine upon you, as you wait on Me in confident trust. Be still and know that I am God. There is both a passive and an active side to trusting Me. As you rest in My Presence, focusing on Me, I quietly build bonds of trust between us. When you respond to the circumstances of your life with affirmations of trust, you actively participate in the process.
     I am always with you, so you have no reason to be afraid. Your fear often manifests itself in excessive planning. Your mind is so accustomed to this pattern of thinking that you are only now becoming aware of how pervasive it is and how much it hinders your intimacy with Me. Repent of this tendency and resist it, whenever you realize you are wandering down this well worn path. Return to My Presence, which always awaits you in the present moment. I accept you back with no condemnation. 

Psalm 46:10
English Standard Version

“Be still, and know that I am God.
    I will be exalted among the nations,
    I will be exalted in the earth!”

Verse thoughts
I think the key for me is to be still and know that God is with me, that His presence is with me, throughout all of life's circumstances. And to realize that God has brought particular circumstances into my life so that I will know that I can trust in God's person and trust in God's plan.

Romans 8:1
English Standard Version

There is therefore now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus.

Verse thoughts
Condemnation is to judge, discriminate or pronounce sentence against. And so there is no judgment or there is no pronouncement of a sentence against me. Why? Because I am in Christ Jesus. A change has occurred and so judgment, talked about in Romans 2, doesn't have a hold on me any longer. What an incredible comfort in my life that I don't really comprehend until I see who I am in Christ. I have escaped death.

It's the Christian that sees that he has escaped death because the Christian knows what it is to be dead. I think this is an important point. As I talk to people that are seemingly lost (apart from Christ), it is hard for them to see they are lost. And it is hard for them to see any danger for them remaining where they are at - in Adam.

This is why it is so important to read and meditate on the scripture. When I don't read it and meditate on it, then I am really living in Adam, with all of my focus on life and how my life should improve. This is the way the world lives. The world is all about self-improvement. The Prince of the World--Satan--deceives people into thinking life is all about self-improvement.  When we are reading God's Word and studying it, there is a shift in our life from self-improvement to self-awareness. This moves me to embrace people and be concerned about them.

My Prayer
Lord, it is hard for me to comprehend your words to me of 'no condemnation.' But, it makes me love you more. I know that I can return to you and that there is nothing in my life so grave, so ill, so bad that you will not forgive me and open back up your arms for me. I pray that I would respond to the circumstances of life trusting You and not by being afraid. It is hard because there are so many things that come up in my life that are unpredictable and unsettling and uncomfortable and I am so weak. Give me your strength. I do pray that I can rest in You each day. And that I will believe more and more each day that I am in Christ and all I need is You.

Note: The devotion and scriptures are from author Sarah Young. If you haven't already, please purchase the book and support the author.  

Also, bookmark to have an easy link to the entire year of these entries.


  1. Such mighty prayers yesterday. Prayed much in the spirit all throughout the day and though I didn't know specifics until I touched base again this morning (on yesterday's requests), it warmed my heart to see all of the prayers, love, concern, sharing and victories (Anonymous - Day 14!). Please know that today's focus will be on your results, Jan Gridley, Pamela K.and a heart of thankfulness for your prayers for our household. Building those "quiet bonds of Trust" that Sarah speaks of in JC, is exactly what is happening as I wait on the Lord for next steps in so many matters in our lives. The critter still isn't trapped, but no spraying has happened either. Our friend who works on our house is a man of God and I know he walks circumspectly. So thankful for him and his knowledge and trust. And, so we wait and trust as well. Lifting my JC Family - their needs and hearts desires. Thankful for your continued prayers. So very thankful for God, His Word and what His Son accomplished for us in our lives which are 'so daily.' The needs and wants are vast but so is His love and power. Continuing on in prayer for this day the Lord has made. PeytonFamily, thank you for your thoughts and prayer re: our devotion. Such poignant and needed reading for me. Sassy Mom, and JJ, I am reading the same verses and claiming the same victories. Blessings, JC Family!

    1. Sister in Christ, Nora, I am still praying that the skunk sees no need to spray as the person catches it. God definitely can keep it from spraying and He knows the horrible odor we are asking Him to prevent happening in your basement. I ask that the skunk be caught without incident and it is a win win situation for Nora and the skunk. I am claiming this in Jesus precious name, Amen❣

  2. Thank you heavenly father for blessing me with YOUR PRESENCE. I'm "still and waiting" ..... knowing whatever this day brings, I am surrounded with YOUR PRESENCE and I will thank YOU.

    1. I just said, Lets see what "Sassy Mom's",thoughts are on our lesson from,JESUS,today! God Bless You xoxo

    2. Auntie Jeanne - Echoing my 2019 thoughts .. enjoying the peaceful quietness of stillness .... ASSURED we are blessed with HIS PRESENCE. Praying we are a blessing to those whose paths we encounter. NO MATTER WHAT WE ENCOUNTER, He is faithful. Do not fear.

    3. So very true dear Sassy Mom!
      You have been on my mind a lot lately. How are you feeling and how is your family?
      Today’s prayer really spoke to my heart. It is my prayer too.

    4. Jeanne - Encouraged and blessed to share challenges and victories and join in prayer for others. Thank You Jesus.

    5. Chris Payton, your verse thoughts are full of "aha" moments, and I am so grateful to read them again today. They foster Peace in my heart and mind. Thank you for this blog. ♥️🙏

    6. Yes! Thank you Chris Payton for this blog and for sharing tour thoughts and prayers. This is such a blessing! Thank you Sassy Mom for your prayers and words of wisdom. Love you
      Loving prayers for you each of out JC family. Praying and thanking God for Victories all around.
      Have a very blessed day

    7. We are blessed with His presence! Thank you Lord for your perfect love. Seeking you continually and so grateful for the reassurance that you welcome me, us with open arms. May we be s blessings to those that you put in our path. Thank you for that reminder dear Sassy mom, Jeanne, Aunt Jeannie.
      Your prayers bless me.
      Love, blessings and prayers JC family.

  3. I feel so at peace when I read everyone’s comments and look so forward every morning to starting my day on this site. Thank you Jesus

  4. Me too Anonymous! The daily sharing encourages me & gives me peace. Sassy Mom you are right on, He is our great physician, thanks for reminding me. I speak with the doctor today about the testings. Once you have the EB virus you have it for life. "Whatever my lot, though has taught me to say, it is well with my soul!" In everything give thanks, for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you, 1 Thessalonian 5:18. Hold my hand Lord Jesus. Blessings JC family, thank you for prayers 🥰

    1. It Is Well... With my soul!
      ♥️ 🎶

  5. As we still bask in the Glory of God for the Resurrection of His Son, let us continue to enjoy this full week of Jesus' resurrection. He said in Matthew 28:10, "Do not be afraid,Go and tell my brethren to go to Galilee and there they shall see Me". Yes, we shall see the King again.
    This day, He urges us to "Be still". Let's rest in His presence and focus on Him, while we're at it, let's cast all of our cares on Him because He cares for us!
    Father, thank You for a Bright and Glorious day, we will be still as You instruct us. We exalt You among nations and we exalt You in the earth!!
    All Praise and Honor to You, in Jesus name. Thank You!

    1. Amen dear Anonymous! All Praise, Honor and Gratitude to Him, Our Heavenly King!

  6. My prayer is Gods abundant blessings on ALL who find hope and comfort on this daily site. Amen.

  7. I thank GOD daily for using you to take my Bible study to the next level. I have purchased over forty Jesus Calling books to sow as the Lord led me to the people he chose. I have been reading it for eight years and God continues to speak to me. My husband and I were out of town and we forgot our Jesus Calling and didn't want to miss it so we found this sight and GOD has used you to help us gain greater understanding. I love how you elaborate and take it one step further plus prayer! Keep up the good work and may God continue to lead guide and inspire you as you inspire others!

  8. 2 weeks clean & going strong ��

    1. Congrats! You must be so proud!

    2. Praying for you! What a wonderful blessing. Clean and saved is a wonderful way to live!

    3. Way to go Anonymous!!! Thank you Lord for what you are doing for Anonymous!!! You are an encouragement to all of us. Always look forward to your post!

  9. I love coming here each morning to read what the Lord has in mind for me every day. From what I have read, a lot of us have the JC Devotional, but come here with the bonus of having the privilege of praying for others and others praying for us. It is amazing how God can put together a group from all over the states and abroad (not sure where everyone is from, I am from South Louisiana) to pray for each others needs. Since I left my JC Devotional in the house one morning when I went to sit on my porch to get the morning started with my coffee and JC Devotional. I ended up on this blog because I just didn't want to get up and go back in to get it. I thank God for me being lazy that morning and allowing me to be in a great group of folks that all want the same thing as I do, to give praise to God and also pray for others in need.

    Thank you Lord for this group of folks that come together each day to pray for others needs and also have my own needs prayed for. Thank you for another day Lord to give You honor and glory for all that You have done and are going to do in each of our lives. Watch over each of us as we go about our daily lives, meet the needs of those on this blog and show them your Grace and Mercy. Thank you Jesus for playing out Our Heavenly Fathers plan as you died on that old rugged cross for each of our sins. Forgive me for where I have failed you and give me the strength to do what it is You have in mind for me this day. I ask these things in the precious name of Jesus Christ, Amen❣

    1. Pamela-- Warm greetings to you. I am from Kansas. Just marvel how the Lord brings his people together. Thank you for your post and your prayers. Blessings, blessings abound from all the prayers this JC blog generates. I also join you and stand in agreement that the Lord will meet the needs of those on this blog! The Lord says we are loved,redeemed,renewed,chosen,
      blameless and holy. He does have us in his hands!

    2. Amen JJ! I read your last 2 sentences a few times because I loved your words and the truth in them. Thanks!

    3. Amen dear Pamela . I live in NY and I am so grateful that we have all been led to this sweet place where we can worship and pray together. Praising Him with you and JJ and our family.

    4. 🙏 from far northern CA ♥️

    5. California is so pretty, Audra. My son and his lovely wife live in Santa Monica. I can see why they want to stay there.

    6. Today is one of my favorite Devotional in every sense.

  10. Good morning everyone. I wake up and read this to start my day on a positive note. Thank you Christ Jesus and group for your elaborations and experiences with these spot on readings. I'm so blessed to have received a copy of Jesus Calling from my neighbor. I had a friend I would send the link to until he started sending them to me, until the day he returned to the spirit world. How thankful we are to have Christ Jesus with us on this journey, wherever and whenever we go. Blessings to all

  11. I am also so grateful for this site and for all of you!!!! Your words become my prayers. May God go before you and with you into this day!

  12. Anonymous, you are in our thoughts and prayers. Praying God gives you the strength and willpower to get through each challenging day. Love and blessings to my JC Family.

  13. We are seniors from the upper Mojave desert in California. It is so comforting to read Sarah's writings, Chris's additions, the prayers and comments each morning. Even in our declining health, God is so good and we embrace his hope for the future. God help us as we care for and support each other in our prayers.

  14. Welcome seniors from the upper Mojave desert! Praise be to the Lord for you and looking forward to your thoughts and prayers! I love the thought that you "embrace his hope for the future". A very good thought for all to embrace!

  15. God bless you JC Family! I too love the devo and have given a few copies to friends. But I can't help it, I love the blog and the comments and prayers and community even more. Something tells me that was Jesus' plan all along for us. He loves community and ours I'm sure of it!. I'm in Colorado! God bless you all and Day 14, YOU & JESUS GOT THIS! Well done!

  16. “Be still and know that I am God”
    Giving Him that quiet time, getting to that secret place with Him and just listening. This is crucial in our relationship with Him. He can do more in a minute than I can do in a lifetime. Thank you Lord for Your Presence, thank You for the gift of your Holy Spirit and that we GET to spend time with You. Thank you that You fill us with your Peace, Joy, Strength, Wisdom and so much more. What a Privilege we have!

  17. Holy Father, Thank You,Thank You for my life and for sustaining me. Help me to be STILL Today and always, in Jesus name. Amen.

    “Be still and know that I am God;I will be honored by every nation, I will be honored throughout the world!” Psalm 46:10.

    Dear Heavenly Father, It’s a joy and a blessing to be back in Your Presence today. Thank You for reminding us that in stillness and quietness, You speak to us. What is now happening in the world today, had to have happened to draw us nearer to You and be still. We pray for peace and comfort for those who have lost love ones, protection and strength for those who are affected/infected and the many health care workers and volunteers that are out there doing what Jesus would do.
    We are also thankful for the unity of the Church (the body) of Christ and the many, many messages that are being livestreamed etc.,where souls are being fed and led to Christ. Yes Lord, You got our attention alright, and rightfully so. One of the best part of this is laughing in the face of satan, because he came with hopes that he could silence Your people and lie to them that You don’t care for Your world. He had no idea that his joy was going to turn into the sorrow of his miserable existence, because Jesus’ believers and followers are on extreme fire for the gospel more than ever!
    Whether we believe it or not, You have prepared us (Believers) for such a time like this. A time where we can become restrained or let go. In other words, come to a place where we are willing to submit ourselves to You and acknowledge that You are in sovereign control.
    We have come to realize that we are truly incapable of controlling life and we can surrender our will to Your will. It may be a matter of finally saying we trust You, if we haven’t said it and meant it! This pandemic has open the door so that we may experience the fullness of all You want and have for us. After all, You are our Creator and have a perfect plan for us when we let You orchestrate it.
    How often have we asked You for everything, but we don’t stop to listen or to be still? Countless times! In a hectic world such as this, we have been asked to be busy, but all You have asked of us is to be still so that we can receive Your love, peace and guidance.
    Throughout this crisis and after, may we forever remember that You are Omniscient, the all-knowing God. You are Omnipresent, the God who is universally present at the same time and the Omnipotent all powerful God, who is Holy, Faithful, Sovereign and Infinite without measure forever! We pray that true stillness opens our eyes to the majestic provision of God on our behalf when everything is against us. We pray that the next time we have doubt, fearful and anxious thoughts that are raging within us like a violent storm, we will do as Jesus did and silence those thoughts by saying, “Peace, be still.” And be like Elijah who learned stillness to increase his capacity to listen and hear God’s voice on a deeper level. May the bond of TRUST never be broken between us, but built stronger and stronger each time we face trials and adversity. Thank You for forgiving us of all our shortcomings and accepting us without condemnation! Grant us Your strength and help, so that we can let go and rest in You, our refuge. In Jesus' name. Amen.

    ‘Peace be Still and know that He is God’!

    Maplewood, NJ.

    1. Amen and Amen, Maplewood! You said it all so beautifully and we are seeing amazing changes in the hearts of God's people. They are turning to God and his Word with an unprecedented hunger. We also must feed them ourselves whenever we have the opportunity. The Spirit supplies the words and God puts those people in front of us. Let His Word shine in us always. Let us continue to find the stillness in our busy days to sit and know He is God and we are his beloved children. We are blessed because we know He is much greater than circumstances. No room for fear in our day! And yes Greater is He that is in us than he that is in the world. Our strength of faith and our joy and peace in believing affirm this every day and give God glory. We will continue to rejoice and be glad, and rest in Him who cares for us. Much love to all.

    2. Amen, Amen and Amen, Maplewood. Thank you for communicating my sentiments! Building our foundation on The Rock before the storms rage, allow us to remain steadfast and secure during and after the storms rage. Remain Rock Steady, my JC Family, It's Too Late To Turn Back Now!

    3. Love your heart and your prayers Maplewood NJ
      Amen Amen Amen
      Loving prayers for our beautiful JC family
      We are so very blessed
      God is good and faithful, always!
      With love

    4. Your beautiful truth still moves me today. Thank you always for your generosity of spirit and for sharing God’s light, hope and wisdom. God bless you in every area of your life.

    5. I was also moved again this year from your post, Maplewood. Joining in the thanks echoed by Jeanne 🙏

    6. This is an amazing day on this blog! All of these thoughts, prayers, words resonate So Very Strongly with me! Thank you all for your continued dedication to Christ and his word! Praise God! ❤️🙏

    7. Yes, praise God! As "We pray that true stillness opens our eyes to the majestic provision of God on our behalf when everything is against us." AMEN!

    8. AMEN to ALL on this God given blog… it’s especially inspiring today… I wrote earlier in my journal that, “I don’t know these people, yet I love these people, what??!! How can this be??? But it is… ALL because of our Lord and Savior… we are all new creations in Christ!!! Sooo much of what you all say, resonates incredibly with me!! Thank you Chris Payton and all JC “family” can’t wait to meet you all some day… God bless each and every one of you!!!
      Southern Cali! BIB

  18. Dear Lord, thank you for the gift of stillness, quietness, and listening for your word. Open my heart that in my stillness I can hear your voice always. Amen.

  19. Resting in the stillness of His Presence, this day as I pray for my family, friends and all loved ones, i.e. my JC Family. This afternoon, we will lay my sister-in-law to rest. The service has been planned thoughtfully and strange as it was to do it all electronically, I think she would be blessed to know of the care that went into it. I'm praying for all 5 of my adult children who are attending and being pallbearers - their way of honoring their dad and me. I know their love and respect for their Dad is the only thing getting them to this funeral. That and perhaps the hope that it will bring more understanding to the family dynamics that have been present for 46 years.
    I thank all of you for your prayers this week and your kind comments. Your sharing of the Word has been healing and I so appreciate all I have read. And...I've laughed. This time last year I was dealing with a skunk. This year's events have been far greater, but it was a reminder to give it all to God. Every stink'n thing. And to be still and know that He reigns in each of us because God SO loved.

    1. Peace be with you, hubby, and family. God is so good and yes, we embrace His hope for the future as Mojave desert in California stated last year. I love you, Norah.

    2. Praying for your comfort and guidance. I believe the passing of your dear sister-in-law will mend many divisions in your family and strengthen their faith. You are bound by grief and love for her. God will make a way to unite you in faith through his love. Rejoice that God in his mercy lifted your sister in law up out of her misery and brought her to her Home on His celestial shore.

    3. You have my sympathy and prayers, during these times and always!
      PS How did the skunk story end?

    4. Continued prayers for peace for you, Norah, and all of your family. God be with you.

    5. Loving prayers for you and your family Norah.

    6. Sweet Norah! Still praying for your comfort and guidance after losing your sister in law. I hope your relationship with her sister has improved. Praying for your DH too. He has his cross to bear but he doesn’t carry it alone. Hope you are getting your well deserved rest.
      Also praying for our dear MadFox and Chloe, and Brie’s dear brother Keith and so many more. Thank you Jesus.

  20. Today's reading spoke to my busy heart as I see that " fear does often manifest itself in excessive planning and my mind has followed this well-worn path" for most of my life, so that it feels normal to me.
    I also see that this path is not the "narrow road" Jesus calls us to, because following this path constantly tempts me to try to fix circumstances( and even people sometimes) so that I am more comfortable in and with them.These tendencies spring from my old nature.
    I appreciate the advice to stay in the Word in order to " shift from self-improvement to self- awareness". And Maplewood's prayer is just what I am praying.

    Bless you all in these changing and challenging times.I pray everyone will stay healthy. I have no idea when we can return to our beloved Cape Cod home. My 100 year old mother is here in Florida with us, so we are praying for wisdom as to when to consider returning safely with her.
    Blessings to each of you

    1. Dear CapeCodgirl, I have found in my own life when such questions come up in my head, I spend continual time in prayer over them. In doing so, my heart and not my head becomes wrapped around them so that the love of God enters into the situation and from that standpoint, the necessary direction becomes clear. The old nature you referred to tries to figure things out; the new nature draws one into love where the answers will be. God be with you.

    2. Peace be with you today,CapeCodGirl and all of us on our journey home. For planners like me, this situation can appear as a nightmare, the not knowing can easily get fed by fear. I pray that we all find the Peace offered to us in the stillness of what WE DO KNOW - God is with us! Always. Amen!

    3. I lived by my planner and considered organizing and planning as one of my greatest gifts HA!HA! My planner has been absolutely blank and "still" for one month now and I am "still" alive. Imagine that! And I am awed that I am actually enjoying the space, the time and the stillness, and my planner seems to be enjoying the stillness also!

    4. So enjoy your responses, Brilamar. They bring a smile to my face, I even read them to my wife and she gets a chuckle as well. Thanks!!!

    5. I can really relate! I write weekly lists but God always rearranges them according to His will and plan. Best to give Him the reins and follow His lead. But it sure takes great effort to trust in Him to handle each day and leave the days in His able Hands.

    6. Thank you Holy Spirit for helping me to reduce my full planner with a few scattered lists with tasks that you guide me to in perfect timing. I have more than enough time to be still with you and accomplish what "needs" to be done EVERY DAY!


    As the resurrection was an unexplainable phenomena from a scientific perspective, so, too, are many of the other things Jesus did and taught. These are the focus from now until Pentecost as we enter into the divine which is unexplainable but ever so real.

    (John 6:1-15) (From John's perspective) I included this story in my gospel to impress upon you the magnitude of the power of God that defies explanation. We had gone to the other side of the Sea of Galilee. As Jesus saw a large crowd approaching, He decided to make it a teachable moment. He asked Philip, "Where are we to buy bread for these people to eat?" Philip responded, "We would need six months wages to feed this many people (implying how impossible this would be)." Andrew, who was known for his befriending of people, told Jesus that he had met a little boy who had 5 loaves of bread and 2 fish but what good is that among so many people. So Jesus instructed us to have everyone sit down. He then took the loaves the boy had and began to break them and give them to us to distribute. He did the same with the fish. When we had finished passing out the bread and fish and everyone was satisfied, Jesus told us to gather up the fragments. Upon doing so, we were able to gather 12 baskets full of leftovers. When the people realized a miracle had taken place, we had to depart because they wanted to make Jesus a king. So I suppose you wonder, "How did He do that?" There is no finite explanation that will suffice thus it is a miracle and you cannot figure it out. We couldn't and we were there watching it happen. A better question for you to ask is, "Why did He do this?" As you spend time contemplating that question as we did, you will find yourself drawing into the ways of God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit, the ways you are being called to be. So why did He do this? He made it a teachable moment, so what did you learn?

    The JC readings which we gather here to read together have some similarities to the feeding of the 5000, they put before us ways of being that 'blow our mind'. Though we are challenged by them, as Mother Theresa would say, "Do them anyway!"

    With love, Bob

    1. I love, love Jesus' math and am always happy to read it and relearn it:
      5 + 2 + THANKSGIVING = 5000 + 12 basketsfull and then some more! YEAH!

    2. That's a good one, Brilamar. Never heard that one before. Thanks for sharing.

    3. Great BrIe! We must never forget He can do the impossible.

  22. Thank you, Bob. Our Savior Jesus is always trying to teach us in a quiet gentle way; thank you Lord..I'm still and learning, listening.

  23. Thank you Bob for reminding me that we must believe like a child in those things that we don't understand. God's ways are far above our ways. His miracles amaze us and encourage us. Let's remember today while we watch the news that He can do all things. Looking forward to seeing more of His faithfulness.

    1. Yes, Jeanne, I have often thought about Jesus' admonition to believe like a child. Children are willing to accept the biblical teachings and rarely ask how. The bible says it, no questions asked. Oh to believe like a child.

    2. Bob, Today I walked over to one of my favorite places, Burke Rehabilitation Center. The grounds there are just beautiful, and so peaceful. I went under my favorite tree and put my phone away and talked to the Lord. I asked Him to fill me today. I waited under that tree with my hands open ready to receive. I felt Him with me. The birds were singing and I waited patiently feeling very much at peace. Then these words came out of the wind:
      My child, You are well loved.
      And I stood there smiling, eyes closed, secure. What a sweet feeling and a beautiful moment in time.

    3. Thanks for sharing your retreat Jeanne.
      I am still searching for a silent retreat that I can attend and feel safe from covid. You have inspired me to look for beautiful peaceful grounds for now. Yes, you are well loved, by Him and us.

  24. Being still and knowing that you are God!

  25. Abundant, unexpected blessing. Thank you Jesus. My cup is full and running over. Love and blessings to my JC Family.

  26. Sassy Mom - sounds like your stimulus check arrived!

  27. Brilamar - Was it that obvious? Thank you Jesus!!!!!

  28. I'm smiling with you, Sassy Mom! God sees your needs and He fills it in His own timing. He is so good.

  29. I am so enjoying being with my family and 3 grandsons. I pray someday I will feel close to my daughter in law, the mother of my new baby grandson and I just keep praying that she, my son, and their sons will turn to Jesus. Praying for all our unsaved dear ones. Open their eyes and hearts to your truth and message. dear God. Thank you for this and Your faithfulness. Amen

    1. I am glad you are having a good time with your family. I pray that the Lord will work through you to open up their hearts and minds to Him and the truth of His word. Peace be with you and your loved ones.

    2. Immerse yourself dear Jeanne in loving up those grands. Their parents are God's concerns. Just love them, love them, love them!💕

    3. So thrilled for you, Jeanne! I've been getting to know the awesomeness of being a grandparent this past year with the birth of my granddaughter, Rooney, last May. I never expected the enormous wave of love that clobbered me when she was born. NOT that I wasn't expecting to love this baby, it's similar when you had your own but x 10, somehow, if that's at all possible. lol. Anyway, like you, Jeanne, I pray, also, that I can be closer with my daughter in-law and that my son comes back to Jesus. He turned away when a youth-minister that Nick held in high regard fell from grace if you will and was asked to leave the church because of this. It rocked Nick's world and he never reengaged. His young eyes just thought and still think (now 31) that we humans should never make such egregious errors and mistakes. His wife isn't plugged in either. I often say regarding them, "As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord!..."
      They did have Rooney baptized, however.
      Anyway, I too, got some time with my granddaughter last night. They asked me to babysit. I was eager beyond words since I don't get to see her much (even though they're not far from me). So, Jeanne, I understand the desire for a closer relationship with the DIL and the enjoyment you had with your 3 grandsons!!! Such a blessing to have them and to spend time with them! So happy for you!

    4. Thank you Janet. I had a bracelet on with one word engraved into it: "FAITH" and my 2 year old grandson was touching it. I told him the word was very important. I said faith if believing in God who loves us. I was glad his parents weren't around because they wouldn't approve of me talking about God to him. But I did my best to let my light shine before everyone.
      Dear Jan, That was exactly what I did. I just loved those babies, and played with them and read to them and changed them. It was such a wonderful visit.
      Thanks dear NJS. I'm so happy for you. Rooney must be so beautiful. I can really relate to what you are saying. I actually have the same verse up in my apartment. I'm happy at least they got Rooney baptized. I long for that to happen. So I just keep praying. I told my daughter in law that I thought she was doing an amazing job with my two grandsons. She is a great Mother and my son is a great Father. I pray she will warm up to me, but as Jan says: I will just keep loving those dear precious littles. Enjoy little Rooney and stay blessed.

  30. Father, thank You for always being with me and for the amazing, loving God that You are. I bless and praise You Lord continually and always. I repent of my excessive planning and the fear that it brings into my life and I turn from this darkness and come into Your radiant, glorious light with You Lord. Thank You Jesus. I trust, love, and adore You Jesus. All the glory be to God always and forever. Let Your Spirit be in my heart and flow through me. Wash and cleanse me of all my sins, wrong thoughts and doings. You are holy and perfect Lord. I'm a sinner and not perfect or worthy. I am so sorry for all my sins Lord. Please forgive me Lord. You are the son of God, Jesus. I believe You came, shed Your blood, died for me and my sins, and then You rose again so I can have eternal life in You Lord. Please come into me now Jesus and be my Lord and Savior. Let the Holy Spirit come upon me. I receive You Jesus. Thank You Jesus. Praise You God.

    1. Continued prayers for you, Janet. You are such a devoted follower of Christ. I know He has a good and perfect plan for you! May you feel His presence and feel He is getting you to where you need to be. Your trust and love for our Lord while being in a valley is inspiring. I will continue to pray for you, sweet JC sister in Christ.

    2. Joining prayers with you dear NJS for our sister Janet! God loves you very much and knows your heart. Remain hopeful and trust in the Lord. He is bringing you to a better place in your life. Be patient and look up from where your true help cometh. It comes from the Lord who made Heaven and earth.

  31. Praying for you always, Janet. I so admire your faith and trust in Jesus. You give me hope; your prayer becomes mine. We are forgiven!..thank you Jesus thank you Jesus! Peace be with you..much love!

  32. “In repentance and rest is your salvation, in quietness and trust is your strength” (Isaiah 30:15).

    Omniscient (all-knowing), Omnipresent (present everywhere), Omnipotent (all-powerful), Holy, Sovereign, Faithful, Infinite, and Good Shepard, I give thanks to You for another day to say thank You. I can be still in Your Presence, trust, and surrender to Your plan because I understand and acknowledge who You are to me. This morning, I lay down my weapons, run to You, and fall into Your arms, and acknowledge that You are Almighty God and that You are ultimately exalted in all the earth. In You I can find peace even when the earth gives way, and the mountains fall in the heart of the sea (Psalm 46:2), or even if the nations go into an uproar and kingdoms tottered…surely, when You raised Your voice, the earth melted (verse 6). Thank You for being refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble (Psalm 46:1).

    “Then Moses said to the people, “Do not be afraid! Take your stand [be firm and confident and undismayed] and see the salvation of the Lord which He will accomplish for you today; for those Egyptians whom you have seen today, you will never see again. The Lord will fight for you while you [only need to] keep silent and remain calm” (Ex. 14:13-14).

    Continuing in prayer for ALL the sick.

    NJS,-Jamie has been added to my prayer list. God is able and oh so faithful!

    Sassy Mom-pray for the safe discovery of the submarine, we serve of God of ALL possibilities!

    Victory for your husband JE, ALL praise and glory to KING EMMANUEL!

    Blessings and Peace.

    Maplewood, NJ

  33. Joining Maplewood in prayer for these requests 🙏. Continued prayer for you dear Janet🙏.

  34. I so often think I am the best still and know person, but I am often the busiest one in the room, particularly in our home. I am not an excessive planner but I benefit so greatly from those that are. I do love these quiet moments to read rest and reflect. We are watching and waiting as you direct our paths today, precious Lord. ❤️

    1. Amen, watching and waiting with you. Anticipating what he will unfold next.

    2. Praying for you dear GTT and Terri. I am waiting with you because I believe what He is preparing for us is better that we could ever plan for. His way is the right way. I'm trusting Him with my future and all my dreams. Praying and trusting that we are in good and able Hands and are deeply and completely loved and cared for.

  35. I have a praise report! God is so good! And a thanksgiving to God and all of you who have held my daughter up in prayer for healing from colon cancer. The tumor board at Mayo met and they were amazed at her scan results. They think it was the chemo but we know it IS God! I prayed JJs prayer for her and imagined her standing before the board in divine health! That’s what they saw! They have agreed to do further tests to see if surgery may be an option, which they were not willing to do before. And God knows this...there may be nothing to remove surgically! Thanks so much for all your prayers. You have sustained me during this time. I will give further updates and praise reports. God is so good!

    1. Victory, victory, victory, Ellen! SUCH incredible and awesome news about your daughter! Praise God!!! Yes, I too believe that there will be nothing that they need to surgically remove! Continued healing prayers for her as well as strength and courage for you all. Thanks for sharing this God-healing report!

    2. SO VERY THANKFUL for your PRAISE REPORT, Ellen! Honestly, my heart skipped a beat. "There may be nothing to remove surgically!" Deep sigh.

    3. Hallelujah! So very glad to hear about your daughter. God is always good! Another victory in Jesus. Praise God. Peace be with you.

    4. That is such amazing news, dear Ellen! Halleluia!
      So very happy about the wonderful report for your daughter. Our God is so faithful and always on time. Now where did I put those victory shoes. Guess I'll have to dance in my sneakers!

  36. Praise God!! Thank you for the update. May he continue the healing he started until there is no residue of sickness all is gone in Jesus name

  37. Dear Heavenly Father, please bless me with faith, fearlessness and contentment. Help me not to "excessively plan" (not relying on your plan). YOUR planing is all I need. You give me power to take on the day, even with all the negativities I am bombarded with each day in our world. Thank you Jesus! Amen.

    1. Amen ABC! He is so much greater than any problem we may encounter. He supplies the power and strength when we have none. He carries us through every storm and He is forever at our side.

  38. Dear JC Family: it has been quite the week, and I thank you for your prayers. Happy to report that my DH is healthy and on the upswing. His Oncologist has given him a reprieve and we don't go back until June. My DH feels great; his legs look great; we are SO thankful!
    On another note, my job has changed. My US Rep has resigned. I am happy for him and his family. My job is good through November (my Full Retirement Age (FER), so at that time I'll have decisions to make. The new incumbent will most likely want to hire me and that is where my decisions will have to be made. My LinkedIn pages are peppered with 'Inquiries,' and I will hopefully be able to update them soon. I'm not sure how to go about this. New territory for me. My "BEST" DIL just passed her latest Financial Advisor exam and we've entertained the boys and their daddy (my Kindred Spirit) all afternoon.
    To my Dearest who pray for me and mine - I thank you. MadFox, you have been a blessing as we've made appointments, decisions and know we have your prayers. You are priceless, Dear Brother in Christ. Brie, I love your's probably the only equation I've ever gotten. LOL!! It's only 7:05 pm, EST and yet, I'm ready for bed. Jeannie, I'm praying for you and the time you have with you newest Grand - what a blessing. Let your heart rest assured, Dear Sister in Christ: at some point your family (esp you INLAWS) WILL "get" you. They probably already do more than you know. Brie, JJ, Janet, ABC, TERRI, Ellen, Grace Takes Time, Love Conqueors All, Sassy Mom, Maplewood, Bob, MadFox (oh! here we go...who am I forgetting???"); know that you are in my prayers. MadFox, I know you've had your dear Mom with you & I'm praying for it being the BEST. Speaking of 'The BEST,' my Kindred Spirit Son's wife has a maiden name of "Best." We call her the BEST (blank Last Name). Her birthday is Monday and we hope to celebrate her on Tues at their oldest's last Soccer game. My live if full, JC Family! And while I'm looking at (seemingly), unsurmounted changes in the next 6 months, I know it will be OK, right? MadFox? PLEASE, play that song again for me. <3

    1. So glad to hear that your dear DH is doing well. Hallelujah! Another victory in Jesus. Peace be with you and God bless.

    2. You made my night! I'm so relieved that your dear DH is dong well and you don't have to return to the doctor until June! Thanks for your prayers. I had a lovely visit and yes in time, their hearts will change because we serve a faithful God. Praying with you for all our dear Family. That's so cool your DIL's maiden name is Best. Bet she is the Best DIL. Have fun celebrating her birthday on Monday.

    3. Rejoicing!!! Hopeful. Thankful. ❤️

  39. Father God! You are with me always. Help me not to stay up so late. Thank You for helping me do a painting for my son’s Birthday. You are so faithful. Keep me safe on the drive back to White Plains this morning. Help me to sing well in Church and let the songs be familiar to me. Don’t know why my choirmaster never emailed them to me. But You know. Trusting in your faithfulness. Thank You Jesus. God bless, heal, comfort and guide all our dear JC Family. Thank You. Amen.

    1. Mercy travels Jeanne and may you sing as an angel of the Lord. God bless 🙏.

    2. Traveling Mercy Prayers for both of us. I will be On The Road Again, as well. ❤ and 🙏

    3. Hallelujah! Thanks dear Janet and Brie. Your prayers were heard! Somehow God led me through a nice painting late last night so I can surprise my good son on his Birthday. I can frame it before 4/29, the same day we bring Janet to the airport to fly home to Missouri. She was a real help to my Mom for a long time. And great company to me. She will be celebrating her husband’s birthday with her son’s family as soon as she gets there. All is well according to God’s timing. I knew all but one song today and thank God I had time to listen to it twice before Mass started! God is so faithful! Praise Him!

  40. Heavenly Father, thank You. May the temptation to plan excessively be removed far from me and replaced by Your perfect presence Lord. Let me be still and know that You are God. Thank You Jesus and I praise You Lord always. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen 🙏.

    1. Yes, Lord. My excessive obsessed planning is rooted in feeling alone, and acting alone as though You are not here. Even though You are, it tries to exclude You. Help me do better, in Jesus' Name, I 🙏 Amen.

    2. Thank you Jesus, doing my best to trade planning for trust. When I do I find your peace. Enjoy your SONday pray-ers! ♥️🙏

    3. Amen sweet Sisters. I’m a planner too! I already made a to do list for this week. I have my Bible group and 3 Church meetings and I plan to sing with some friends and spend most of my days with my grands and celebrate my son’s 38th Birthday! I’ll let the Lord lead me. Trusting in His direction! Have a blessed Sunday dear Family!! Much love

  41. "There is therefore now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus." Why? Because He took all the condemnation for us. Wonderful!I praise You and thank You Lord Jesus for all the outworking of what You have done for us on the Cross and in Your life. Amen.

  42. Amen! His great sacrifice changed us and it is His Gift to us that keeps on giving right into eternity. Thank You Jesus 🙏

  43. When you respond to the circumstances of your life with affirmations of trust, you actively participate in the process... Today Keith's wifi went out. Wifi connects his heart's pacemaker to a device that sends realtime electronic readings to his Dr's office. I called his wifi service provider. No service person could come out until Thursday (today is Sunday) Rather than plan this out alone on my own, I re-read today's reading over and over until I mustered up enough trust to get into God's Word, praying to Him for help rather than my traditional, alone on my own routine.
    When I rose from my heartfelt prayer laying it all in His Hands, reassuring myself You Are Not Alone, the wifi service was restored. Thank you Jesus for TESTing me on today's devotion, to make sure I really got it, and so I could share Your Victory in my TESTimony. In Jesus' Name. Amen.

    1. Witnessing your TESTimony, Brie. God is so amazing, especially when we let Him be so.

  44. What a great testimony dear Brie. When you turned it all over to God, you saw His faithfulness. Halleluia! One more victory to celebrate!
    I am also trusting in God about my little virtual Bible group. I've been leading our Church Bible Group for about 6 years but we lost almost all our members during the Pandemic. Only 3 lovely sisters agreed to meet by Google Duo all through it. Now my Pastor wants me to resume meetings in our Church. I'll be attending 3 meetings this week with other Volunteer groups in our Church. May God lead many to sign up, and also give me the strength and wisdom to prepare for them and lead them, and also to bake the goodies each week. Trusting in His Word and His Faithfulness. I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.

    1. Praying for you and all of your Bible Study Members. You Are Not Alone, our dear Jeanne. God already knows who will sign up:) In Jesus' Name. Amen. BRIE

    2. Thanking God tonight for you, Brie and Keith's deliverance, due to your faithfulness.
      Praying for you, Dear Jeannie - God is on the Night Watch, as I head to bed. YOU are fully equipped! The Artios Boat! "Fully equipped, kinda like a ship! Don't know that I ever shared that little quip, that I taught our Littles, so many years ago, but it is TRUTH. YOU are fully equipped - you have the high rising, calling in Christ! They will be blessed! Love and God's best to all of you!

  45. What a blessing to see one of my favorite verses. I always joke that the Lord is tired of hearing my voice because I talk to Him so much. He understands me like no other. I always feel Him telling me to rest in Him. He's got my back and I know it. I've been so very busy with my Mom and family. But He knows what I must accomplish and in Him I am made complete.
    Psalm 46:10
    “Be still, and know that I am God.
    I will be exalted among the nations,
    I will be exalted in the earth!”
    Philippians 4:13
    I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.
    Romans 8:37
    Yet in all these things we are more than conquerors through Him who loved us.
    Romans 8:28
    And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose.

    1. 😊 Jeanne I smiled when I read your comment on the Lord being tired of your voice because you talk to Him so much. On the same though He said to me one day "All little children chatter", and I sensed the smile in His voice. Just think of how many millions of us are talking to Him constantly. He hears and loves each one of us. It is a blessed life indeed to be in constant communion with our God, our Lord , our Saviour, the Lover of our soul, King of Kings, the great I AM.

    2. Dear Peter! You are so right about our loving Father! I imagine we must amuse Him by our constant chatter. But I know He loves our thanks and praise. He helped me work on my Bible group prep for tomorrow into the wee hours of the morning. I thanked Him for His help as I closed my eyes to sleep. He provides all our needs. God bless your day dear brother.

  46. Wonderful entry for a Monday. Be still and know that I am God is my mantra when life comes at me swinging.

    1. Amen Anonymous! Me too💞🙏🌈

    2. Me too! I just stop what I’m doing and feel His presence. Turns my whole day around. I love to go outside and take walks with Him.,

  47. Thank you dear Jeanne for the meal of the word. So satisfying to the soul. Praying for your request yesterday. May the surgery performed result in a clean sweep of any more signs of bladder cancer! Hallelujah! Thank you Jesus!💞🙏🌈

    1. Thanks for your prayers dear Jan! My Mom and I spoke to my Uncle Bob Saturday and he knows we’re praying for him. He’s doing well thank God! He told me when he was praying he asked God to make him better so he can take care of his good wife Lucille. I told Him to keep trusting in God’s faithfulness. We believe He is removing every last cancer cell. I always pray the same for me and many others. We rest in Him who loves us. Thank You Jesus.

  48. Thank you warriors for continued prayers for Jeff & Sherry. Our SS teacher is an elder of our church. I approach him about the Lord prompting me to ask him to anoint Jeff with oil as the class prays over him. In Matthew it clearly states that if any among you are sick, ask the elder to anoint with oil. What a beautiful prayer time we had for Jeff! The spirit of the Lord was amongst us as we approached the Mercy Seat for the healing of his eyes. What pure blessing to pray in one accord, tears were shed, love was shared, faith displayed, & hope soared! We don't know how God will move, we just know He will! 💞🙏🌈

    1. Amen, blessed to read. In Your Name Lord Jesus heal Jeff's eyes.

    2. Keep that precious moment of God’s healing presence in your beautiful heart forever. Joining my prayers for the healing of Jeff’s eyes with gratitude for God’s faithfulness and mercy.
      Father God, You are Almighty and Your healing power and wisdom are above all. You know all of Jeff’s weaknesses and the strength of his faith as he trusts you for his clear vision. We thank You for answering our prayers and we believe You are already bringing him back to perfect health and clear vision in the powerful Name of Christ Jesus our arisen Lord. Amen

    3. So powerful to join in prayer, using THE GIFTS OF THE HOLY SPIRIT with which as Christians, we ARE CALLED TO DO! More, Holy Spirit, come showing us MORE.

  49. One of the greatest blessings of this stage of my life is to be able to have the opportunity, peace and a place daily to be alone with the Lord and wait on Him. To be still, and know that He is God, to be prepared by Him for the day ahead.
    Psalm 32:8 "I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go; I will counsel you with my loving eye on you."
    Although there are no barriers to receiving instruction and communication from the Lord, I can concentrate and hear clearer when I am alone with Him and meditating on Him.
    During the time of active working life I often used car journeys to talk, sing (car window shut!), and worship Him.
    Resting in the stillness of His Presence is not a luxury it is a necessity for life.
    Just as trees draw in nutrients from the earth, we need to draw in our heavenly nutrients from Him. Trees don't move around much! They're rooted in the ground.
    It's so blessed to receive spiritual nutrient while 'rooted' quiet and still in His Presence.
    Have a blessed day in his Presence everyone.
    Ephesians 3:16-22 AMPC
    16 May He grant you out of the rich treasury of His glory to be strengthened and reinforced with mighty power in the inner man by the [Holy] Spirit [Himself indwelling your innermost being and personality].
    17 May Christ through your faith [actually] dwell (settle down, abide, make His permanent home) in your hearts! May you be rooted deep in love and founded securely on love,
    18 That you may have the power and be strong to apprehend and grasp with all the saints [God's devoted people, the experience of that love] what is the breadth and length and height and depth [of it];
    19 [That you may really come] to know [practically, through experience for yourselves] the love of Christ, which far surpasses mere knowledge [without experience]; that you may be filled [through all your being] unto all the fullness of God [may have the richest measure of the divine Presence, and become a body wholly filled and flooded with God Himself]!
    20 Now to Him Who, by (in consequence of) the [action of His] power that is at work within us, is able to [carry out His purpose and] do superabundantly, far over and above all that we [dare] ask or think [infinitely beyond our highest prayers, desires, thoughts, hopes, or dreams]–
    21 To Him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations forever and ever. Amen (so be it).

    1. Thanks my good brother! I ate every word for breakfast and my heart is full with gratitude! Amen and Amen.

    2. Amen! Such powerful reminders and suggestions! I pray the Holy Spirit helps me remain steadfast in my conscious contact with God through daily prayer and meditation! 🙏❤️🙏

  50. Dear heavenly Father, help me to Trust in You always! I will have NO fear, You are with me always! Amen

  51. Amen dear sister! I pray He is helping you carry that cross whatever it may be! He sure makes all my burdens light! We are well taken care of because His promises are true.

  52. Dear ABC. May God answer your prayers and cover your life with His peace. He knows our needs and weaknesses. He lovingly guides our steps and orders us not to be afraid or anxious. He is so much greater than our problems. Be not afraid. Praying always for you. Rest in Him.

  53. Dear JC family,

    My heart is so tender and sore. My grandmother is in the hospital. Her bp has risen high and stayed high. Please help me pray for her to come home to us. She and I are so close <3 God is so good and faithful. I don't deserve His mercy, but He gives it to us in abundance and I am grateful for it 🙏 💖 ❤️ I also pray blessings over you all and your families. Love is the most important aspect of life: love God, love everyone. I pray you all are giving and receiving love today in every direction. In Jesus name

  54. This comment has been removed by the author.

  55. This comment has been removed by the author.

  56. Thank you sassy mom <3 she is doing consistently better! Thank the Lord! Hugs from VA <3

    1. You are welcome. Hugs from Tennessee to my neighbor in Va.

    2. Dear free as can B, Joining prayers for your dear Grandma that her bp will come down to normal and she will recover and come home to you and your family. Amen! God is with her and He is with you to comfort you and give you hope. Love is what God teaches us and we share it with everyone, even those who are not so loveable. To God we all are. I'm so relieved to read your post that your Grandma is getting better! Thank You Jesus!

  57. free as can B - Praying blessings for you and your grandmother that
    you are comforted and surrounded with His presence, love and guidance.

    Matthew 22:37-39
    {37]Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind.
    [38] This is the first and great commandment.
    [39] And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself

    1. Praying for your Grandma and you, free as can B! So thankful to read that she is doing 'consistently better!'

  58. Janet - AMEN and AMEN!!!!! Your prayer is my prayer!!!

  59. God meets us in the present moment. Seek Him early and stay with Him. His Presence goes with us but we must be aware of it. We may plan our day, but He directs our steps according to His Will. If you're like me, you already have a list of things you want to accomplish today. But God always changes it because He knows what's really important and what is chaff. His Way is the right way. Wait on the Lord patiently.
    Thank You Father for staying with us today, and healing all those going through their cancer treatments, and giving good results to everyone waiting to receive their reports. Relieve the pain of those who are suffering, guide them to the right doctors and meds that will help them have a comfortable and sweeter way of life. Strengthen the faith of those who need You. Turn their hardened hearts to You. Let them know You can provide all their needs and You are ready to forgive them and receive them as Your Children. Lift up those who are depressed and lonely, and let them feel Your Love. Give those who don't feel like eating or even living an appetite, and a will to live each new day to the fullest. Give us all daily reminders of Your loving care and protection. You are our constant Help and we can do all things with Your Strength and Your Spirit's Guidance. Thank You for covering us with Your Peace today and let us keep a cheerful heart of gratitude as You lead us through it. Thank You for all this in the Name of Christ Jesus. Amen.

    Ephesians 1:3-15
    Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who hath blessed us with all spiritual blessings in heavenly places in Christ:
    According as he hath chosen us in him before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and without blame before him in love:
    Having predestinated us unto the adoption of children by Jesus To the praise of the glory of his grace, wherein he hath made us accepted in the beloved.
    In whom we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of sins, according to the riches of his grace;
    Wherein he hath abounded toward us in all wisdom and prudence;
    Having made known unto us the mystery of his will, according to his good pleasure which he hath purposed in himself:
    That in the dispensation of the fulness of times he might gather together in one all things in Christ, both which are in heaven, and which are on earth; even in him:
    In whom also we have obtained an inheritance, being predestinated according to the purpose of him who worketh all things after the counsel of his own will:
    That we should be to the praise of his glory, who first trusted in Christ.

    1. Thanks for the beautiful prayer to sleep on tonight, and Jumpstart into tomorrow.
      Much ❤️2 you and our entire JC family. In Jesus' Name. AMEN!

    2. What a beautiful prayer to start off the day.

    3. Amen, beautiful prayer and precious scripture, thank you Jeanne.

    4. Bless you dear Jeanne for this prayer of blessed assurance. We are His and He is ours. What an inheritance indeed! Praise You Jesus🙌❤️🙏

    5. Jeanne, thank you for this beautiful prayer.

    6. Thanks my dear Family! You blessed my morning. We encourage each other as God encourages us. Was so happy to read your beautiful messages! Amen! We are His and He is ours. He abides in us as we abide in Him. God bless your days! 🙏💗

  60. Thank You God for the prayers of SC Anonymous, Jan gridley, John H, Audra and all who prayed 🙏 empowering Prayers as You led them, for survivors of sexual abuse/ sexual assault.
    All prayers are eloquent, welcome, and appreciated because they come from our heart! ❤️

    1. Praying with you all for those who have been sexually abused, used and taken advantage of. May God comfort and guide them to true joy, self worth, fulfillment and Peace. Thank You Jesus.

  61. Heavenly Father, thank You and bless Your holy name! I praise You Lord always and thank You Jesus! Lord, may I stop being a planner and only be a follower of Jesus Christ and trust fully in Him to direct every step of my days. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen 🙏.

    1. Jesus said to him, "I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me." (John 14:6).

    2. Amen! Thanks dear Janet. Giving Him my reins today to keep. Lead me Lord.

  62. For we walk by faith, not by sight. (2 Corinthians 5:7). But let him ask in faith, with no doubting, for he who doubts is like a wave of the sea driven and tossed by the wind. (James 1:6). He will not allow your foot to be moved; He who keeps you will not slumber. (Psalm 121:3).

  63. This seriously hit home with me because of my excessive planning wow talk about pointing the finger at me and say stop it I got this I'll handle it (thank you lord )

    1. I had to tell you, Anonymous, how this made me laugh!! It sounded SO like me! "I got this - I'll handle it!" Sometimes, I take "I can do ALL THINGS through Christ who strengthens me," a little too far! I feel as if I have no boundaries when it comes to giving. And then I find myself worn out and no good to anyone. Our Lord Jesus knew how to draw the line! Let's learn it together!

    2. Me too! I sure do light my candle at both ends. Especially in the kitchen! God is my Helper. I'm smiling with you and Anonymous!

  64. Had to hop on here and thank all of you for your heart-felt prayers! My DH received a VERY GREAT report today. His counts are NORMAL! Next Wed, he has labs; we meet with Great Onc. and then he has his infusion. Today, was shorter than any of the others have been and our drive home was filled with JOY! We now enter the 2nd Cycle: every other Wed.
    SO very thankful to our loving Heavenly Father! As I just re-read, " I am always with you, so you have no reason to be afraid. Your fear often manifests itself in excessive planning." I thanked the Good Lord for his Wisdom and Grace and leave all of you with this song. It was played at one of my best friend's son's wedding; the song she and her son danced to while we all watched, misty-eyed...
    Enjoy this sweet song as you go to bed tonight knowing that our Father, God and Lord, Christ Jesus is on the Night Watch.
    LOVE and BLESSINGS!,vid:T0JNlCaihnc,st:0

  65. Rejoicing with you and your DH, Norah!
    Lovely song 💕

  66. Beautiful song, dear Norah! Thanking God for His Faithfulness for your DH and you and your family. He is so good! All the time!
