Friday, May 1, 2015

Jesus Calling: May 2

     Living in dependence on Me is the way to enjoy abundant life. You are learning to appreciate tough times, because they amplify your awareness of My Presence. Tasks that you used to dread are becoming rich opportunities to enjoy My closeness. When you feel tired, you remember that I am your Strength; you take pleasure in leaning on Me. I am pleased by your tendency to turn to Me more and more frequently, especially when you are alone.
     When you are with other people, you often lose sight of My Presence. Your fear of displeasing people puts you in bondage to them, and they become your primary focus. When you realize this has happened, whisper My Name; this tiny act of trust brings Me to the forefront of your consciousness, where I belong. As you bask in the blessing of My nearness, My life can flow through you to others. This is abundant life! 
Proverbs 29:25
English Standard Version
The fear of man lays a snare,
    but whoever trusts in the Lord is safe.

Verse thoughts
In this little verse, I am cautioned to not fear the power of man. When I raise the value of man, a snare is laid out before me. How often have I looked first to what a man thinks of me and in the process denied God? And often by doing that, sin is crouching at my door. Abraham feared man (Pharaoh) denying that he had a wife and it came back to hurt him. What a danger this is to us and yet, as we trust in the Lord, we are guaranteed safety. The key I see here is the word, "trust." By trusting in God, I am set on high.

John 10:10
English Standard Version

The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they may have life and have it abundantly.

Verse thoughts
The thief or false teacher comes for one purpose: to plunder; and thus the aim of the thief or false teacher is only self-glorification.  On the contrary, Jesus comes, not only so that I can escape judgment and hell, but for complete and abundant life. The life He has in store for me cannot truly be comprehended. It will be a life of eternal joy and peace and I will be exalted.  

My prayer
Lord, I pray for your power in Me, that I would seek You and turn to You everyday. Lord, forgive me for those times when I turned from you and embraced rather the validation of man. Lord, I want my life to be one of trust only in You. This tough time we are going through right now with our son as his denial of You and his trust in things that don't last has done just what you said, it has moved me to a dependence of You. I need events like this to remind me that I am not in control. Just in my life, you are making something good out of this tough circumstance. 

Note: The devotion and scriptures are from author Sarah Young. If you haven't already, please purchase the book and support the author. 

Also, bookmark to have an easy link to the entire year of these entries.


  1. It is good you see challenging times not as a punishment, but rather an opportunity to become closer, to be more dependent with God. Remember the prayer: Jesus I Trust in You!

    1. The sign outside a church here said " Sometimes God takes you through stormy waters to cleanse you, not drown you!" I pray that I am bettered by the storms and not bittered! Amen

    2. Amen Brie! That was awesome! I pray that I am bettered by the storms and not bittered! Love it and it's so true. God allows the storms to come because He is molding us. He never said following Him was going to be easy but it reaps eternal rewards.

    3. Great, encouraging words Brie. Thank you for posting it 🥰

    4. The change between bitter and better can be found in the "I". Thank you Jesus for renewing my mind so I can see you at work in my life with major attitude shifts. Thanks for that, Brie!

    5. Will definitely use that phrase thanx Brie

    6. This year's church sign said:
      If you can figure out how to be kind, then be kind; if you can't figure out how to be kind, then kindly figure out how to be quiet!

    7. Amen 🙌 🙏

    8. E Dear Lord, please help me lean on you in these tough times. Since my son died two weeks ago, I don't want to be alone, therefore I am around people. Some of them have been so compassionate and I think you have them there for me to lean on them. I don't want to be alone, but when I am please help me lean on you and think of you and praise you for everything in my life. Amen

    9. I do fear displeasing others dear LORD, help me to not be so concerned with others and keep my focus on the only one I need and want to focus on; YOU
      Help me see YOU in everything
      Remove my stubborn nature please LORD, help me seek to help others and think of them before myself, while maintaining a delicate balance of also taking care of myself. For YOU blessed me with this body, our temple, help me to only strengthen my body mind and spirit and remove all that is not approved by YOU or isn’t healthy for me.
      I lift my beloved E up to YOU LORD, ease his suffering please LORD, I too pray for all of my loved ones, for my daughter’s ambitions and efforts to find viable work, for many of my immediate family members that are suffering with illness ranging from the flu to cancer, LORD let YOUR will be done in all our lives.
      Please forgive me of my sins, for the negligence of prayer before a meal yesterday, for not putting YOU first some mornings beyond reading a daily devotion and a few scriptures, for I know I not only need to but want to spend more time in YOUR living word which brings me right to YOU💞
      Thank YOU
      In Jesus Christ name I pray

    10. Joining into prayer with you, our E, and with A 🙏 ❤️ and our entire family of JC Prayer Warriors.
      God is our stronghold, our steady unchanging rock, on whom we can always lean and rely, over and over and over, as we praise Him for everything, even through cracked hearts leaking pain.
      I've read posts from Sassy Mom that Grief Share helped God help her with some of her grief.
      I am praying for you. May His Holy Comforter comfort you.
      In Jesus ' Name. AMEN!

    11. please pray for my son who suffered a severe stroke. this has brought me to trust and lean on God more.

    12. Prayers and Peace are with you in need! 🙏

    13. Thank you for your prayers Bri and Audra more Prayers sent for you my dear sisters in Christ and for anonymous May the LORD hold you close, reach out and HE will
      With love

  2. I loved how these words focused on God's pleasure when we focus on Him more often. I have seen that recently but I have been calling the tiredness this mentioned in the last couple days. Struggle to get going. This was encouragement I needed.

  3. I read this devotion this morning and the first thing the Holy Spirit did was put this song in my heart:
    'What a Fellowship, what a Joy divine, leaning on the Everlasting Arms, what a blessedness, what a peace of mine leaning on the Everlasting Arms......Safe and secure from all alarms......, what have I to fear......, I have peace complete with the Lord so near, Leaning on the Everlasting Arms'.

    A scripture that resonates with this powerful hymn is: Deut. 33:27, "The eternal God is our refuge and underneath are the Everlasting Arms"!

    Father, Thank You for the promise of abundant life by living in dependence on You, remembering that You are our refuge and strength and all we have to do is Lean on Your Everlasting Arms! You encourage us to trust You, because in You are NO alarms. May we please You and never loose sight of Your Presence trying to please people and be in bondage to them! Like the song says, Truly, "what have I to fear, leaning on the Everlasting Arms"?
    Thank You for the gift of life today. Thank You for the sheild of protection over us and all the blessings You have already prepared for us this day. Thank You for the Holy Spirit whom we have acknowledged and invited to direct our steps today. May we live ABUNDANTLY each day, Glorifying and Pleasing You alone, in Jesus name, Amen!

    Good and Blessed morning my JC Family, Peace to all!

    Maplewood, NJ

    1. Love, love that song! I want to hum it all day today. Be blessed Anonymous 🥰

    2. I love the way God use you through prayer. Thank you. Live life abundantly. Blessings to All My JC Family. Mr. Peyton.. God has his hands on your son. Keep the Faith. I have been where you are. The victory Is yours. Trust.

    3. That is a great song and it is so true. With Him holding us, we are more than conquerors in all things.

    4. Wonderful reminder why we should not lean on our own strength and emotions but lean on the everlasting arms of God !

    5. Funny, I received that song in my head yesterday morning and even looked up the lyrics to see how it made sense. As always its a pleasure to see what you all share.

    6. I love it when y'all share music that comes to you and I find great joy in listening. Here's Alan Jackson's version:

    7. Amen and amen 🙏 🙌

  4. Good morning, I too love the idea of being held in his everlasting arms and to know and believe all will be well. I get stuck in the struggle of work, loneliness and making my way in the world. I don’t wan to admit I’m struggling because I think I’m being ungrateful. Reading my book and then this blog every morning for years now focuses my heart and mind on Jesus for the day. Thank you for this site and all the encouraging comments.

  5. Amen, Anonymous. Once again JC is so pertinent to my life right this minute. Claiming in the name of Jesus Christ that I set my priorities as Mr. Peyton claimed and prayed several years ago. That I remember, I have nothing to give if I don't take care of myself and address the needs within our own four walls, first. Praying for my cases, the best outcome for all and the energy to stay focused. YOU, alone Lord, is who I rely on for the energy, strength and stamina needed to accomplish these goals. And now, thankfully, I have "Leaning on the Everlasting Arms," playing in my head! Blessings, JC Family!

  6. Dear JC Family, please pray I can lean on God more and call out to Him instead of trying to solve everything on my own. We are going through such a hard time with my young son, and I find myself trying to solve these issues through out the day instead of calling out to our Father. I pray I can remember to trust Him.

    I pray for you all as well: Norah, MadFox, Bob, SassyMom, Terri, and Anonymous (22 days today), all the others. Let us lift each other up this day. Many blessings to you all.

    1. IA and (unknown from yesterday) thank you so much for the prayers. Anonymous in Maplewood, NJ, thank you for being a mighty prayer warrior and covering us in your prayers. The idea that someone who doesn’t know me is willing to intercede on my behalf brings me to tears. It’s crazy I pray for the needs posted here but to think others are doing the same for me is extremely humbling. I find myself praying for the needs here sometimes more than the things going on around me.
      IA I would like to give you a word of encouragement on how God works in our children. The first thing to remember is that our children are His first, He is their heavenly Father just like he is ours. We are the earthly parents; tools God has put in place to parent his children. He loves them even more than we do. He is the perfect parent whose love isn’t affected by opinion or sin.
      When my oldest were 3 and 4 my Mom took all of her daughters on a weekend excursion. That meant that each of the Dads were responsible for taking care of their children. This was very hard for me because I was MOM. I was the one who did the kid stuff and he was the back up. I trusted him to take good care of them, but I felt out of place not having them with me. During that weekend God revealed to me that sometimes Moms are so busy being Moms that they don’t let the Dads parent their children very much. Twelve years later (after a divorce, (a year after the divorce he died, after recovering from the divorce and his death I thanked God that he didn't allow him to die while we were married the girls and I would of been even more devastated than we were), remarried, cancer twice and another child) God reminded me of this lesson when I was on the floor in the dark crying for my 16 yr old daughter and what I should do. He reminded me that sometimes the MOM must move out of the way to let the Father parent. This time it was the heavenly Father that was going to be taking care of his child. He had guided me and directed me, now it was time for MOM to step back and let him work. I’m not saying this was easy, but I knew it was for the best. This is also one of the times that He reminded me that he was my Heavenly Father. My Daddy who I could crawl up into his lap and be loved on. Leaning on his everlasting arms! There he reminded he was always helping me, holding me up and taking care of me and them. I still use this lesson 20 something years later, as my brother would say I’m still raising my second family as I’m working on raising my third.
      Oh, Daddy I need you to hold me today, teach me how to parent these children you have blessed me with and give me the strength and the tools I need for today. I know you will because you always do. I pray this for IA and all the other JC family members who are raising up your children whether they are little or grown they are still under our influence and teaching, In Jesus precious name AMEN!!!
      With love your Sister in Christ TERRI

    2. You got it IA. The hardest lesson for me grasp is that the Father has no grandchildren. Our children must be given wings to make it on their own someday as they are catapulted into this sinful world. Father expects us to train them up, hence the discipline. Once those wings start flapping around smacking us in the face, that's our cue, ease up on the reigns, as hard as that is, allow them to begin
      Their journey towards the cross. Could you imagine how excruciating it was for Mary to watch her Son go through what He had to finish the journey to the cross. As mothers we get a small taste of that. Now that my sons are grown, & knotheads they were! I see the much more gentle hand of the Father guiding them through. I have a picture that I pinned on the wall of a mother standing at the bottom of a stairway, looking up behind her to Jesus sitting at the top of the stairs with her child she just relinquished sitting on His lap. Be of good courage, hand him over to the one who created him. Blessings🥰

    3. Amen. Thank you. How timely for me as I am being "slapped in the face by the wings " of a grandchild I reared. She is 18yrs.old and really treats me awful at times. I give her to the Master and Trust Him.

    4. Thank you for your post Terri.
      God bless all the Moms who love too hard and need to love softly like Jesus. Loving tenderly, softly with hands opened, released to learn to fly into The Fathers arms under His perfect supervision and provision for their lives. Thy will be done in my life and the lives of my children. God bless all who find themselves on this blog today.

    5. Coincidence? I don't think so, the Word is alive. Today I randomly opened my Bible to John1, and here it is again. I love how He shows me what I need to read. Thank you Jesus! I listen for your voice, and you make sure I hear you! Blessings inspire bloggers! ♥️✝️

    6. Dear Brie, Praying that you will resolve your problems with your dearly loved estranged one because our Lord will show you the way. He will make it happen. None of us can make it through a day alone but with Him we can do all things. I had so much on my plate today that all I did was pray for my strength and guidance and then everything I needed to do was done and I thanked Him for His faithfulness. Praying that your dear brother Keith will be healed and all will go well. Dear Audra, it is so amazing that we open the Good Book and He feeds us the exact verse that our heart needs to be comforted and lifted up. What a great Daddy we have!

  7. Are mr. Peyton thank you for your Bible Bible tags and please try and establish a gratitude Journal thanking God for your wonderful son thanking God for turning his heart to a heart of Flesh thanking God for letting your son know how much he loves him. Establish a gratitude journal and write these things down even if your Earthly mine doesn't believe the thoughts that you're writing they will manifest and come true our words are very powerful God will take care of this let go and let God and just be positive and pray only good thoughts. And telling everyone about your son that's having so much trouble right now finding Jesus is probably something that is making a problem with him when he reads your posts blessings and peace to you and your family. Writing these things down is very powerful God will prevail

    1. Thank you, Enlightened to Jesus!
      What a great plan. I will establish a gratitude Journal thanking God and write thankful things down without relying on my eartly understanding. I too believe that thoughts are things and the thoughts that you're speaking and writing will manifest and come true because our words are very powerful and alive. God will take care of this let go and let God and just be positive and say and pray only good thoughts. Thanks again Enlightened to Jesus.

  8. Open the 👀 of my ❤️May 2, 2019 at 7:44 AM

    Sunday night I resolved in my evening prayer to make a greater effort to keep my eyes on Jesus and put God first. I confessed that I had been finding my joy in my little granddaughter, when I should have been seeking it from the Lord. Earthly relationships change - people quarrel, people move away, people die. But God promises to never leave us or forsake us. When I read the first sentence of Monday’s Jesus Calling (You are on the path of my choosing) I felt God‘s peace come over me and I know everything will be just fine as long as I do as I resolved last night and place God first. I pray for strength to do that, because y‘all know there‘re distractions everywhere, and would ask to keep me in your prayers as well. Thank you!

    1. Love your name tag! I try so much to "look with my heart" not so much "with my eyes"! Also, God reveals himself in many ways, even in relationships, and of course in our family--children and grandchildren! When we seek Gods presence in our lives it can often be revealed through these family relationships, nuture it, enjoy this gift/blessing. God will be pleased! Amen.

    2. Amen! God reveals much to us through our family. We must be strong witnesses to our faith when we are with them, and be at peace. If we focus on our Lord, everything will work together for good. Our hearts can see the most important things in our lives better than our eyes, so we can put our priorities in the right order. Stay in His presence and continue to be enlightened by His spirit.

  9. Happy birthday to me! Thank you God for allowing me to open my eyes this morning. I will try to keep you at the forefront of my thoughts today. I love you always

    1. Have a blessed Birthday Mark in His presence. His presents to you today are your blessings in His presence.

    2. Happy Birthday dear Mark! Have a blessed celebration in His presence.

    3. Mark L, birthday blessings to YOU!🎉

    4. And again, as you've taken another lap around the SON. Enjoy your "bearthday", as Brie would write.

    5. Yes indeed Mark L.
      MAY you receive the Showers and Showers of Blessings and Prayers that are coming your way today. Much Love ❤, Brie

    6. Happy birthday Mark L! How are you being this year?

  10. JC today: "You are learning to appreciate tough times, because they amplify your awareness of My Presence."

    There is no question that my awareness of God and my faith growing during tough times is absolutely true. Our daughter's long fight with coronavirus these past 12 days has us daily asking God to provide His presence, peace, and healing. Thankfully she continues to improve. Thanks to those who posted yesterday: ChooseJoy, ABC, Jeanne, Bob Malsack, Anonymous, Maplewood NJ, JJ, Brilamar, LoveConquersAll, CapeCodGirl. Your prayers and kind words are appreciated. God is near today, let us recognize He wants to bless us each day. Godspeed and again thanks for lifting us up as our daughter dealt with CV19 in the middle of Manhattan.

    1. Thanking God your daughter continues to improve. And continual prayers and blessings for her. With a wonderful dad she has in you, your guidance and love and strong faith will get her through this. KS

    2. My dear brother MadFox, keep holding on and trusting. We are kneeling in prayers with you for Your baby girl. Keeping her covered under the Blood with my prayer group and of course our JC family. God's got your back and so do we! Stay bless.

      Maplewood NJ

    3. Continued prayers for your dear daughter, MadFox. Just this morning, I read yesterday's posts which somehow showed up after I posted. I am sure none of us will stop! Thank you for sharing - for teaching each of us how to put this is His hands.

    4. Sweet sweet Norah! praying for you and yours. Report this AM is still 99% O2 and feeling best of past 13 days. Also slept well which has been tough for her as you are so fatigued you nap 24.7. So am glad to have the power of prayer here, with our friends, and our church. Peace.

    5. Prayers for your daughter's healing MadFox. I'm so glad that she is feeling better. Bless her and everyone working in the medical field and others working on the front line of this pandemic. We are truly grateful. Blessings to all of you JC Warriors. Have a wonderful weekend.


    6. Prayers for daughter, MadFox! Also prayers for you and your wife! God bless!

    7. So grateful your daughter is improving. Thanking God for his faithfulness. God bless you and yours and give you strength as you care for your sweet girl.

    8. Many thanks for the kind words and prayers. Jeanne, sweet4G!, TJ, Norah, MW NJ, and KS.

    9. Thank You Madfox.
      Showers and showers of blessings are being prayed for you and our entire JC family and each of their dear ones.

    10. I could do no less for you, your daughter, and your family, MadFox. Thanks for keeping us posted on your daughter's progress. Thanks be to God!!!

    11. Declaring healing over all who need it today, in Jesus'name!

    12. Lord in heaven I lift up Mad fox’s daughter and ask for your miraculous healing. This beautiful servant of you serves to heal and I thank you for healing her completely so she can continue to honor you. Praise be to God and thank you for holding mad fox and his family close to your heart and working your loving miracles
      Love and prayers for our JC family
      In Jesus sweet and heavenly name

    13. Dear MadFox, Keeping your daughter and your family in my prayers. All of you have been through so much. I am sure your strength of faith and beautiful trusting heart must have brought your dear ones closer to the Lord. Looking forward to hearing more good news. Rest well dear brother.

  11. Psalm 16:11
    "You will make known to me the path of life; In Your presence is fullness of joy; In Your right hand there are pleasures forever."

    Heavenly Father, Thank You that Jesus freed us from slavery to sin, paving the way for us to walk in true abundance with Him. Help us to understand the freedom that comes with fully depending on You and rediscovering the enjoyable life You intend for us to have. You have made this life available for us to willingly receive, but sometimes we lose sight and look to pleasing people for validation. Thank You that Jesus’ gift is still available to us. We welcome His peace because it is more powerful than anything we could ever ask for in the world. May we be reminded that allowing fear,frustration, worry, and pleasing people, puts us in bondage to them. Please help us to release to You, the things and people we are holding onto and open our arms to receive Your incredible gift of Peace. Remind us also that our Christian life is a personal intimate relationship between You and us.
    You have proven Yourself trustworthy by Jesus’ life, death, resurrection, Your abiding presence and unconditional love. As we walk in faith and obedience to You, allowing You to change our lives, we know that we will gain increasing assurance of our relationship with You. We also know that You will enable us to do what we cannot do on our own.
    Today, we declare our dependence on You so that we can watch our abundant life unfold. We also submit to Your authority and leadership, every decision, test every thought, every response by Your Holy Word, and subject our own will and desires to Yours. We seek to bring Your purposes into every aspect of our lives. We also seek not only to know Your will, but to follow through and make it our own. Thank You Father, for this true abundant life that renew our hearts with You.

    Father, we also come together in prayer for one of our own brother in Christ, MadFox’s RN daughter. Please restore total health and strength to her and all those who are sick and afflicted with this virus. Doctors and nurses and all the medical practitioners who are putting themselves on the frontline to bring healing and comfort to those afflicted, but becoming sick themselves. Please protect all of them here and around the world as they face patients daily, mostly without adequate protection. We thank You for answering us,in Jesus name. Amen.

    Blessings and Peace to all.

    Maplewood, NJ

    1. Thank you for covering our daughter. Praying alogside you that the virus is eradicated globally and the world can return to work amid a new resurgence in faith and love to neighbors. Amen

    2. Prayers for your RN daughter and your family. Total healing in Jesus name.

    3. Amen Maplewood. Joining in with your wonderful prayer for Madfox's daughter to be healed and all our healthcare workers to be protected from any harm. Especially for the protection of Brilamar's daughter and all our loved ones everywhere.

    4. God bless you and your family. Your prayers are mine. You share your daily writings that get me through the day. Godspeed.

    5. Thank you Jeanne and entire JC family. I love, think about and pray for you everyday. Each night before I go to bed, I say a prayer for you and yours, and look forward to what your posts will be tomorrow!, regardless of the year they were actually posted! Whatever is, has been long ago; and whatever is going to be has been before; God brings to pass again what was in the distant past...
      May we always be one, in Jesus' name!

    6. Amen dear Maplewood. Praying with you for all our Family here. God has been so faithful to us and we must never take his loving kindness for granted. In His presence is fullness of joy. I have often thought about that word "fullness". What a gift to have the absolute fullness of joy in Him! Love you all.

  12. “Living in dependence on Me is the way to enjoy abundant life. You are learning to appreciate tough times, because they amplify your awareness of My Presence”
    Wow! I need to read this everyday. When we sit with Him and enter His a Presence nothing can shake us- He is our shield and our a Protector and He never leaves us. This is a time to press in, deepen our relationship to Him and feed our spirits with His Word. Our security is in Him.

  13. Brilamar, your daughter is also under the covering of the Blood and in my prayers as well. Your JC family will continue in prayers for God's protection.


    Maplewood NJ

    1. Thank You, Maplewood NJ. Showers and Showers of blessings are being prayed for you and our entire JC family! I m going to keep on singing Leaning on The Everlasting Arms!

  14. Keeping your beloved daughter in my prayers, MadFox. Blessings and peace to all.

    1. Thank you. Peace to you and yours. Amen.

  15. Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, as it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be world without end. AMEN!


    (John 6:60-69) (From John's perspective) Jesus' words about 'eating My flesh' and 'drinking My blood' made everyone, including ourselves, very uncomfortable. "This teaching is difficult, who can accept it?" Jesus was asked. Jesus, seeing that He had said as much as could be said in the moment, wrapped up this discourse by making clear that He was speaking to them on a spiritual level but they were trying to understand what He was saying from a physical perspective which will never work. He reiterated that it is on the spiritual level, life makes sense; to live it purely from a finite perspective is ultimately for nothing. He concluded by saying, "This is all the work of the Father to return all to Himself through My dwelling on earth." At this point, many began to walk away shaking their heads at what they heard. Jesus turned to us and asked, "Are you also going to abandon me?" I thought to myself, how could I leave You. In this short time I have followed You, I have grown to love You though I do not completely understand You. Further, I am finding in You life with purpose. I have never felt so blessed, so fulfilled, so much joy in life in being with You. I don't understand half of what you are saying but it doesn't matter for I love You. Peter then spoke up and said it best, "Now that we have found You and in You have found the meaning of life, there would be no one else for us to turn to. You are the promised Messiah." We all nodded in agreement...and He smiled.

    It is told that a devout believer was asked near the end of his life, "How would you feel if after dedicating your whole life to the faith, you were to find that it was all a hoax and you had wasted your whole life pursuing a myth?" The man responded, "If faith is all a hoax, it is the most beautiful hoax humankind has ever imagined."

    Sisters and brothers in Christ, when nothing makes sense, love Him anyway. You will never be disappointed. Grace and peace to you this day. With love, Bob

    1. Thanks Bob for reminding me that If I believe in God and get to the end of life to find faith is all a hoax, I have lost nothing; but if I don't believe in God and get to the end of life to find faith is not a hoax, then I have lost everything! Love, peace and blessings to my JC family!

    2. Thank you so much Bob
      I really needed to read this and I thank you all for prayers
      Please pray for me and for my fiancé and I.
      Things are scary and very harsh at home
      I love you all
      God bless

    3. Thanks Bob! I will just keep trusting Him and loving Him. His Way is my way.
      Brie, We know that He is our everything so we must just keep believing what we cannot see. Faith is a gift in itself.
      So sorry Brandy that you had to go through harsh and scary times with your fiance. Hope things are much better now. May God bless and protect you at all times. Much love.

  17. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. That's awesome! He lives in our hearts and just wants us to be still and listen. I hope you feel better today and relax in the peace that passes all understanding. In Jesus name, Amen.

    2. Thanks Unknown. Yes, I do feel better today knowing He's got the whole world in His Hands, so I can let go! Love You!

    3. .. but whoever trusts in the Lord is safe...Yesterday I experienced this Verse vs Life. (The Verse Won) I had to have an MRI of the brain with and without contrast as an attempt to locate or rule out the source of continual headaches. I prayed myself up.
      1st Prayer Ninja Warrior Challenge: surviving 4 or 5 needle sticks from nurses trying to locate a vein. Normally I would have walked out. Today, a still small voice said I brought you this far; be brave and steadfast. I am with you.
      2nd Prayer Ninja Warrior Challenge: I prayed the Jesus prayer over and over and over. Then, the 4th nurse, Melissa came in and gave me the final needle, success! Everyone left the room. The noise, the vibration, the headphones made my headache worse. I felt alone.
      3rd Prayer Ninja Warrior Challenge: Calling to mind what my JC family might be posting, and the prayers they were saying. With that thought, I sensed Jesus in the room, saying you are always accompanied because I am here beside you. I sensed Him rubbing the sore places in my arm, massaging my head, quieting my heart, and before I realized an hour had passed, the nurse was waking me up. Yes, I had fallen peacefully asleep!
      4th Prayer Ninja Warrior Challenge: Being led to share my story and my song of praise for His Amazing Grace. Thanking Him and you JC family for helping me make it through yesterday.
      5th Prayer Ninja Warrior Challenge: Living the verse...whoever trusts in the Lord is safe..., love, love, love you!

    4. Beautiful testimony. Blessings 🌹

    5. He holds our hands through every difficult trial and when we emerge at the end of it, all we can do is say Thank You Lord, I love you.

    6. Prayer is so powerful, it's one thing we can DO for ourselves and others in GRATITUDE and expectation for positive outcomes. In Jesus's name ♥️

  18. Stopped in to catch up and was so happy to hear, MadFox, that your dear daughter is even better today!
    Love and prayers to all of you. Brilmar - I don't know if I missed it or if you just shared your journey of yesterday. So often, I don't know what to pray, but God knows what to bless and protect. It blesses me to hear victories shared and gives me a glimpse of what our Heavenly Father must feel when we believe.
    Asking for prayers this day for my adult kiddos who are worried about their dad and me and frankly, miffed that we are proceeding with the kitchen which has introduced some coming and going of others: friends/workers.
    I hate that I'm causing them angst but have also prayed and got the 'green light' to proceed. Let this time in our lives be a lesson in trust, prudence and yet, moving forward without fear. Such a balancing act.
    Thank you, Lord, that our children love us and while concerned will hopefully turn to You for calmness. Thank you that we are walking circumspectly with You as our Guide - a lamp unto our feet.
    Each of you, JC Family, are in my prayers all throughout the day. Bob, I loved your post and will be sharing that one with my son who doesn't know how I can believe in something I can't prove.

    1. Norah, what a turnabout. I am amused that now our children have to also learn the painful lesson about us that we had to learn about them: Letting go, Letting God!

    2. Thanks Norah. Think I have mentioned before but I thought like your son. The game changer was having kids and C.S. Lewis' Mere Christianity. A determined atheist Lewis converted and this book addresses the basic issues of the unseen God, how is He, Three in One, why bad things happen or are allowed... i.e. free will.

      As I've said here, God did not bring this pandemic upon us, scientists or the mutation of animal diseases in to humans at open air markets, etc did. God may use it for good but I do not believe that if You accept that He is a God of love (and He is) that He then creates a pandemic to kill off folks. Now, I understand some old testament references would seem to refute that but those were used against Pharoah to demonstrate that Moses requests to free the Jewish people was from the one true God... and were somewhat in response to pharaohs edicts upon the Jewish slaves. Pray your son is receptive and can objectively read that book.

      Lewis also states Jesus either was the greatest liar of all time and hoodwinked billions or He is who He says is... there is no middle ground. Amen.

    3. Kahlil Gibran on Children
      Your children are not your children.
      They are the sons and daughters of Life's longing for itself.
      They come through you but not from you,
      And though they are with you yet they belong not to you.
      You may give them your love but not your thoughts,
      For they have their own thoughts.
      You may house their bodies but not their souls,
      For their souls dwell in the house of tomorrow,
      which you cannot visit, not even in your dreams.
      You may strive to be like them,
      but seek not to make them like you.
      For life goes not backward nor tarries with yesterday.
      You are the bows from which your children
      as living arrows are sent forth.
      The Archer sees the mark upon the path of the Infinite,
      and He bends you with His might
      that His arrows may go swift and far.
      Let your bending in the Archer's hand be for gladness;
      For even as He loves the arrow that flies,
      so He loves also the bow that is stable.

    4. Thank you Brie! I'll share this on mother's day next week 😁♥️

  19. Our Dear and Precious Waiting Kathy,
    We are both holding onto God's unchanging hand to jump the waves and get through earthly-life altering moves together.
    The responsibility of also getting another dependent through adds to the weight of it all.
    Psalm 42 is an encourager for our temporary situation.
    Take courage, my soul! Do you remember those times when you led a great procession to the Temple on festival days, singing with joy, praising the Lord? Why then be downcast? Why be discouraged and sad? Hope in God! I shall yet praise Him again. Yes, I shall again praise Him for His help.
    6 Yet I am standing here depressed and gloomy, but I will meditate upon Your kindness to this lovely land where the Jordan River flows and where Mount Hermon and Mount Mizar stand.
    8 Yet day by day the Lord also pours out His steadfast love upon me, and through the night I sing His songs and pray to God who gives me life.
    O my soul, don’t be discouraged. Don’t be upset. Expect God to act! For I know that I shall again have plenty of reason to praise Him for all that He has done, is doing, and will do. He is my help! He is my God!

    This song is also helping. Blessings sister-friend in Christ and our entire JC Prayer Warrioring Family.
    FIRES by Jordan St Cyr

    1. As always, Today's Devotion once again confirms our path:
      When you feel tired, you remember that I AM your Strength; you take pleasure in leaning on ME. I AM pleased by your tendency to turn to ME more and more frequently, especially when you are alone. God's Blessings Family!

    2. Dear Sister/Friend in Christ Brie, thank you so much for your thoughtfulness in offering your encouraging words and song. It is indeed helpful to know and be reminded of these truths that you brought forward. I caught myself telling someone the other day its like having an infant because you don't ever wake up and get to think of just your own survival - your every move and decision from the smallest to the largest has to be considered with the other person's wellbeing up front then we can face the waves. I've sometimes felt like I'm bobbing on the surface breathing between waves. But what you said about Him holding our hand unchangingly and we can expect the consistency of that, is what we have faith in and it gives us our strength. Praise the Lord!!
      And AMEN to this you brought;
      O my soul, don’t be discouraged. Don’t be upset. Expect God to act! For I know that I shall again have plenty of reason to praise Him for all that He has done, is doing, and will do. He is my help! He is my God!
      We can be assured that there is a plan and a purpose for this "temporary situation." Thank you again for the encouragement. How very thoughtful of you. I'm praying for you and grateful to know you through this JC family. God Bless you!

    3. WOW. Absolutely POWERFUL song, Brie. Thank you for that. My niece, Julie, who is Jessie's sister (my niece we lost after her second shot in February), is struggling. Yesterday was Julie's birthday and while the Lord has blessed her with an incredible husband and baby Olivia-Jayne, she is missing her sister something awful. I had sent her a little gift for her birthday and she texted me late last night letting me know she hadn't opened it because she was hurting but planned on a do-over today. I told her to take all the time she needs and if she feels like skipping her birthday this year, it's totally understandable and acceptable. I've texted this song to Julie this morning as well as Promises by Maverick City the other day. She's super-appreciative and holding onto her faith but just misses Jess so much. Asking for prayers for Julie and my sister, Sue. Their/our grieving continues with waves and certain triggers. Thank you, in advance, my awesome JC family.

    4. NJS, still praying for your family and the grieving you are going through. I'll be praying for Julie especially.

  20. Amen Brie. Praying for you and Kathy. I just really needed to hear those beautiful words of encouragement because I am so weary right now. Going to sleep to restore and refresh myself in Him.
    I just loved that Walking through Fire song. It is so true. We must not fear what God allows to happen because He walks us right through it and holds our hands and lifts us when we fall. We have a loving and faithful Father, a wonderful and supportive JC Family and our loved ones. We are well taken care of. No matter what we are going through, there is always a reason to be thankful and praise Him. In good times and bad, He is ever present and immovable so we will be just fine, and we shall overcome. Much love to all.

  21. Father, thank You for showing, teaching, and helping me learn to lean on Jesus. I am so dependent on You for all that I do and say. You are my teacher and wonderful counselor and I am Your servant and disciple. I will follow and love You all the days of my life and forever more. Thank You Jesus. I will bless, praise, and rejoice in You Lord continually and always. May Your Spirit fill me up and spill over into the lives of those around me. Praise God.

  22. Abraham feared Abimelech ( a Philistine king), not a Pharaoh! If you want to add your own thoughts to 'Jesus Calling', please keep them Biblically correct.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Abraham did indeed meet a Pharaoh, possibly Amenemhat I who ruled 1991–1962 BC.
      See Genesis 12, this is Biblically correct.

  23. Loving Father, Thank You for the unfailing love and mercy You grant me everyday, beyond anything I could ever deserve or imagine. Thank You for the hope and promise of eternal life. All my praise and worship belongs to You alone!
    The Palm tree is never affected by any season, whether in raining or dry season. I am like a spiritual palm tree, so no matter the season, Father I know you will always keep me fresh and green through Christ Jesus. My dependence is on You alone. Help me to keep my eyes fixed on You, trust You with all the details of my life, never loosing sight of Your Presence. May I always glorify you in all my endeavours and give You thanks in and through all things no matter what it is. Thank You for remembering all of Your covenants in my life and that of my family, bringing each one to fulfilment, in Jesus' name. Amen.

    Continuing in prayers for you. May the God of new beginnings do something new in your health and all areas of your life this month, giving you more reasons to worship, thank, praise and testify to His glory and goodness!

    Blessings and Peace.

    Maplewood NJ

    1. Wow amazing amazing Kenya has so many palm trees , now every time I see one I will remember that I too want to be like a spiritual palm tree totally dependent on God. Thanks Maplewood

    2. Thank you for your beautiful prayer. I want to be like that Palm tree. Also like the green olive tree, and the tree planted by the rivers of water. God takes care of me and keeps me strong and renews me from the insided. I sure agree with you dear Maplewood. Looking forward to more healing and many blessings in this beautiful month of May. And more praise and gratitude.

  24. AMEN, our awesome Maplewood! Love the analogy with the palm tree and considering yourself a "spiritual palm tree". I'm a visual learner and this image has now been tucked away in my mind. So, thank you for that and your wonderful prayer! Blessings and peace to you as well, Maplewood!

  25. Yes... the palm tree... a “ spiritual palm tree”... a beautiful analogy..Thank you, Maplewood.

  26. Love all the reminders of God’s faithfulness through answered prayer and your encouragement over the years. What a mighty and generous God we serve. ❤️

  27. Dear friends, thank you so much for your prayers for my daughter. She has gone off one of her chemo drugs and will visit with 2 surgeons at the end of May to see if surgery is advisable. Will you also pray for my friend’s 5 year old grand daughter who fell at the playground and is hospitalized with a head injury and not able to swallow. It is so hard to see little ones suffer. JJ, are you still participating and posting on this blog? I miss seeing your posts, hope all is well.

    1. Dear Ellen, I'm so happy your daughter was taken off one of her chemo drugs. Hopefully she will feel a bit better now. May God guide the doctors to the right treatment and if necessary, the proper surgery to bring your daughter back to good health.
      I will add your friend's 5 yr old granddaughter to my prayers. Thank You Jesus!

  28. 🙏 all requests today in Jesus's name. It's a pleasure and a joy to do so.

  29. Right before reading today's posting, I was praying to God to speak to me on my current struggles. I am finding myself weak in my reactions, actions, and thoughts, with things life has given this week. And in my confusion I began to become angry at myself for not doing better. But I know that would only produce a downhill spiral, so I needed to pray on it right away. Being angry at oneself can push us away from our Savior. God reminded me that I have always learned the most when we work thru my mistakes, Together. And then when I opened this post it said everything I needed to hear right at this moment. Thank you, Lord, for your gentle kindness with me. I pray I can cling to you, instead of trying to find all the answers myself. I know You know what's best for us, and no one is as trustworthy as You. Thank you for the blessings I have, and for the love You continue to pour over me. I look forward to the growth and shows of strength that will come from this. Amen.

    1. Amen and amen ! May you feel the Father's closeness during this trying time!

    2. God is with you every moment Tay and He knows exactly how you feel. You can cling to Him. Do you best to stay in His peace and presence. We all make mistakes and we all fall from grace. But He is a good and forgiving Father. Trust in the Lord always. Try not to lean unto your own understanding. He knows better.

  30. Min Ahadi - Joining warriors in prayer for peace and provision.

  31. Joining prayers for your provisions and peaceful heart. He keeps His promises. Wait on Him and He will fill your life with joy. This may be a a stormy time for you but He is your Anchor and He's not going anywhere.
    Father God, show Min Ahadi your faithfulness and provide every one of her needs and then some. Thank You for this in the powerful Name of the Risen Lord, Christ Jesus. Amen.

  32. Well today is the dreaded dentist day. My fallen bridge gets put back on. My jaw will open wide not doing any good for the TMJ that's trying to heal. Could sure use some prayers dear ones. Love & blessings 💞

    1. Dear Jan --- You got my prayers and I Plead The Blood of Jesus over you. My Papa God, give Jan peace of mind and let Your healing/restoration hand rest upon her. In Jesus' name, AMEN and AMEN.

    2. Praying 🙏 for you, Jan gridley

    3. Praying mightily for you, Jan. May our compassionate and loving Lord have this dental visit be of little to no pain and be faster than expected to reduce jaw pain! In Jesus' name, AMEN!

    4. Joining warriors in prayer for Jan.

    5. Got you covered in prayer, Jan! Try not to dread, be grateful instead. 😉🙏

    6. Praying for you dear Jan that the Lord will be in that denitst chair with you soothing your worried mind and bringing you peace, and also guiding your good dentist to getting everything perfect. God is in charge and you are dearly loved and care for.

  33. To my Beloved JCFAMILY, Heavenly Father, give my treasured FAMILY love and blessings without end in the name of Jesus. I pray they will have Hope and Joy invade them; that Your Presence will overtake them and they will walk in the power of the living God! Knowing Jesus Christ, The King of kings, Lord of lords and Lion of Judah is the greatest honor of our lives! HALLELUJAH!!! I Pray and Believe in Jesus' name, AMEN and AMEN.

    1. WOW JJ! 👌 INVADE and OVERTAKE. really snagged me. I pray to allow amd accept the Lord doing both in my life.
      I know, I know, I know, I know, I know, this is one of the ways I will be living in dependence on HIM and in so doing, I will enjoy abundant life. Yes! I'm Ready

    2. Dear JJ, I accept and covet your prayers. Praying the same for you, our faithful JJ, whom we dearly love.

    3. I feel so blessed to be covered in all of your prayers. JJ, yours are powerful and leave no room for doubt! ♥️👏

    4. Amen and Amen! Just really needed this amazing prayer dear JJ! Really lifted my weary heart today! Praying all is going well.
      Much love.

    5. Beyond tired clearing out the family home. Completed approximately 80% of where Real Estate Agent wants us to be before the showing.. I wore out today's devotion....When you feel tired, you remember that I am your Strength; you take pleasure in leaning on Me...Thanks to The Good Lord, Larry, JJ's, and all of your prayers, Somehow we made it through, Leaning On His Everlasting Arm, in Jesus- Name. Amen and to all a Good Night.

    6. Brie, these parallel paths we are on, thanking the Lord for the strength. No way I/we can do it without him!

    7. Dear Brie and Audra, May God continue to strengthen you as you do your work. That goes for all of our brothers and sisters but I know you both have some heavy burdens. Find time also to rest in the Lord.

    8. Looking back on all the progress that was made in just the last 2 days, I know HE is here, because Larry and I could never accomplish this much alone. Thank You Jesus!
      PS : Prayers for The Holy Spirit to get the contractor to finish his part quickly, and to finish it well, in Jesus' Name. Amen.

    9. What a difference a year makes! Home is 100% cleaned out, freshly painted, decorated and ON THE MARKET! PRAISE YOU GOD FOR THIS AMAZING FEAT! JC Family can you storm heaven for a buyer, sale, and closing while we are still all alive? Thank You in advance for the gift of your prayers. They availeth much!

    10. Thank you Jesus, for your timing to send the perfect buyer at the perfect time for Brie 's family house so they can make it a loving home with new memories filled with your abundant blessings.( I believe the Lord does not mind run on sentences LOL) Thank you Jesus!

  34. Just wanted to thank you all for praying for my eye. The doctor said it was an infection due to a stye and so I am continuing with warm soaks and applying an antibiotic ointment and massaging the area. I am so blessed to be taken care of by such a good doctor and a loving Father, and also to be surrounded by prayer from my dear JC Family. Thank You Jesus for answering all of our prayers in your perfect timing. Give us patience as we wait on You.

    1. The ayes 👀 have it!
      Thanks Be to God.

  35. Thanks sweet Brie! You made me smile.

  36. Thanks for praying for my dear friend and my brother in Christ, Mike, who had surgery yesterday to repair a hole in his retina. We thank God that his vision will be restored. He won't know until he sees the doctor, but I'm believing that God guided the whole procedure to be a big success to His glory. Mike is a talented musician and teacher and he needs to be able to see. Thanks for all your prayers for him. I loved today's devotion. I am so dependent on Him for everything, Especially His peace and strength. May you all have a blessed day in His presence and no matter what is on your plate, know that He goes before you always, so be not afraid. He is in your corner ready to help, guide and comfort you.

    Deuteronomy 31:8
    And the LORD, He is the One who goes before you. He will be with you, He will not leave you nor forsake you; do not fear nor be dismayed.”

    1. Praying for Mike dear Jeanne, also for you. How's the eye infection?

    2. Thanks for your prayers for Mike! Praying for your health too, sweet Jan. My eye is fine thank God. My friend Rudy has an infection in the incision where they did his heart surgery. He's going in for more surgery next Friday to remove the old sutures and explore. We know God is so much greater than that infection and all of our infirmities. In Him we are well taken care of. Leaning always on His faithfulness and promises.

      Psalm 107:19-21
      Then they cry unto the Lord in their trouble, and he saveth them out of their distresses.
      He sent his word, and healed them, and delivered them from their destructions.
      Oh that men would praise the Lord for his goodness, and for his wonderful works to the children of men!

  37. Note to self. A Reminder worth repeating:
    8 Yet day by day the Lord also pours out His steadfast love upon me, and through the night I sing His songs and pray to God who gives me life.
    O my soul, do be encouraged. Do be glad and happy. Expect God to act! For I know that I shall again have plenty of reason to praise Him for all that He has done, is doing, and will do. He is our help! He is our God!

    This song is also helping. Blessings brother and sister friends in Christ and our entire JC Prayer Warrioring Family.
    FIRES by Jordan St Cyr
    In Jesus' Name. AMEN!

  38. Sending blessings back to you, Brie, in your every day walk through the fires. Love you!

  39. Holding hands with you and Audra as God leads you through the fires. Our love and prayers go with you. You are more than a conqueror in Christ Jesus. <3

  40. I covet your prayers. I have appointment with oral surgeon today at 1:00 pm for upper jaw tooth number 4 extraction. Spiritual meaning of number 4 is Grieving. I continue to grieve the loss of my Debbi. It is now 11:00 in my world. Praying for you as you pray for me.

    1. Praying for you Sassy Mom. May God cover you in His peace.

    2. Praying your surgery went smoothly and you are resting well. Soon you will be eating ice cream and feeling better. You will always miss your dear Debbi, until you are with her in the Gloryland. I can't imagine your great grief but I sure do love you and I'm sending you a hug and my prayers.

  41. My oral surgery has been rescheduled to May 12th at 10:45. Thank you for your prayers.

  42. Oh I didn't see this message. I will put it on my calendar to pray for God's guidance through the whole procedure.

  43. Please join me in prayers for Dr P's spouse who is having eye surgery today
    May God complete the healing in time for them to enjoy their beach vacation. In Jesus' Name. AMEN !

    1. Thank You Father for guiding Mr. P's spouse's eye surgery today. Thank You for perfect and rapid healing in time for them to go on vacation to the beach. Thank You for answering our prayers and making a way for them to have a wonderful vacation without anything going wrong. Heal Mrs. P's eye completely and bring them both peace of mind in the Name of Christ Jesus. Amen.

    2. Blessings from NYMay 2, 2024 at 5:54 AM


    3. Joining in prayer for Dr. P's spouse. 🙏🙌🌈

    4. Joining in prayer for Dr. P’s wife as she undergoes this eye surgery. Lord please guide the surgeon’s hand and speed her recovery.
      Adding prayer for dear friend’s son who is undergoing wrist surgery this morning. He is on a hockey scholarship at University. His hand has already been at work in arranging this surgery while the son is still in the United States as if he had to return to Canada without the surgery the wait times here would have greatly impacted next year’s hockey season. Thank you, Lord and trusting their son into your Hands during this time. Good is so good.

    5. ‘God’ is so good

    6. Prayers for EYES that see and WRISTS that heal!

  44. A man's heart plans his way, but the LORD directs his steps. (Proverbs 16:9). There are many plans in a man's heart, nevertheless the LORD'S counsel--that will stand. (Proverbs 19:21). My flesh and my heart fail; but God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever. (Psalm 73:26). I will lift up my eyes to the hills--from whence comes my help? My help comes from the LORD, who made heaven and earth. (Psalm 121:1-2).

    1. Perfect encouragement for this new day. I am going to Brooklyn in a few hours and I am looking up from where my help comes from. Thank You Jesus for granting all those who are traveling, safety and protection, and for healing all those in need in body, mind and spirit and for granting those waiting for results, good results in Your Name we pray believing with thanksgiving. Amen.

    2. Blessings from NYMay 2, 2024 at 5:56 AM

      Blessings to you Janet- thank you ❤️🙏

  45. Heavenly Father, thank You and bless Your holy name! I praise You Lord always and thank You Jesus! Lord, please guard our hearts and minds and help us to build one another up and not tear each other down. Help us edify each other and not be so quick to judge and correct one another. Let us see things from one another's viewpoint and be more loving and kind to each other. Let us remember that we are of one Spirit, one mind, and one Body of Christ. As believers, let us be united together in You Lord. We are all individuals, with different thoughts, emotions, and desires, but we all belong to You. You are what brings us all together. Thank You Jesus! Let us walk together in love. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen 🙏.

    1. The beauty of God's creation--the trees are praising the LORD in their stillness--the birds are singing to their God--the flowers are blooming in praise to the LORD, their Creator! Do we just praise the LORD in our stillness?
      Be still, and know that I am God. (Psalm 46:10).

    2. Beautiful prayer dear Janet. Amen
      Thanks for this wonderful verse too! God bless your new day and all our JC Family. Here are two more good ones.

      Proverbs 4:18
      But the path of the just is like the shining sun,
      That shines ever brighter unto the perfect day.

      Psalm 5:11
      But let all those rejoice who put their trust in You; Let them ever shout for joy, because You defend them; Let those also who love Your name Be joyful in You.

    3. Blessings from NYMay 2, 2024 at 5:59 AM

      Blessings Jeanne ❤️🙏

    4. Thank you dear Janet. I'm heading outside soon to enjoy the pleasures you described. PTL of creation!😍🙌

    5. #METOO ! AHHH! The treasures of God's Creations! Indescribable! Uncontainable! You Are aMAYzing God! Tha k You for sharing You with us 😊

  46. Lord, I thank you for this day. I thank you for the many blessings you have given us all. I thank you for the reminder of the verses “Be still, and know that I am God.” This is one of my favorites. I lift up JC Warriors and their prayer requests to You.
    SC Anonymous

    1. Thanks dear SC! Praying for you and your DH. Sending love.

  47. Lord, thank you that my older son will be home from college tonight. You know he is nervous about one exam this morning. Lord, I lift him up to You. I pray for grace and wisdom as he takes this exam this morning. I pray for a clear mind and a focus on You as he works through the problems. Please guide him and remind him that he knows the material and will do well. In Your Son’s name, I pray.
    SC Anonymous

    1. Blessings from NYMay 2, 2024 at 5:57 AM


    2. Praying with you for your son to Ace his exam. SC and for Traveling Mercy as he heads home. In Jesus ' Name. AMEN!

    3. Praying dear SC🙏🙌❤️

    4. Joining in prayer

    5. Expecting perfect outcomes for requests made today, in JESUS' NAME I pray.

    6. Joining all prayers and Thanking God for granting him traveling mercies and enlightenment and may His Spirit supply him with all he needs to get a good grade on his test. Thank You Jesus!🙏💗

  48. Good Morning God and our aMAYzing JC Family of Prayer Warriors.
    Note to self on becoming...
    O my soul, do be encouraged. Do be glad and happy. Expect God to act! For I know that I shall again have plenty of reason to praise Him for all that He has done, is doing, and will do. He is our help! He is our God!
    In Jesus' Name I pray for showers and showers of God's Blessings on all of us and ours today. AMEN!

    1. Blessings from NYMay 2, 2024 at 5:57 AM

      Thank you Brie. ❤️🙏

    2. Hallelujah dear Brie!😍🙌❤️

    3. Abundant Life and Blessings on you, Brie! Loving on the GOODNESS OF GOD! HALLELUJAH!!!

    4. Thanks for your prayers and that blessing! May God grant you a special blessing and answers to your prayers! Love you, Sis!💗

  49. What Heaven Is Like

    By Michael Youssef, Ph.D.

    Read Revelation 21:2-7.

    In heaven, we will see Jesus face to face. There will be no barriers, no limitations to seeing the reality of our Lord. Of course, without Jesus, heaven wouldn't be heaven. But praise God, Jesus is in heaven, and He is preparing a place for us there. One day, He will come back and take us to our eternal home.

    When we close our eyes one final time on this earth, we'll also experience uninterrupted fellowship with our loved ones who have gone before us in faith. Now, you might have heard that your departed loved ones are "asleep" until Jesus returns—maybe it's been called "a state of unconsciousness" or "soul sleep." That is not in Scripture. The Bible does speak about those who have "fallen asleep" but only as a metaphor to illustrate an important Truth: Because Jesus died for us, our deaths are merely temporary. Because of His sacrifice, we can say with Paul, "Death has been swallowed up in victory. Where, O death, is your victory? Where, o death, is your sting?" (1 Corinthians 15:54-55). So, when you get to heaven, all your loved ones who died in Christ will be there, and you will be reunited, never to be separated again!

    In heaven, there will also be no more brokenness. Here, we experience broken careers, marriages, reputations, dreams, friendships, and on and on. And when we suffer these losses, it's easy for us to tumble into despair and hopelessness. But the resurrected Jesus will completely redeem and renew all things. In heaven, we will enjoy full restoration in the presence of Jesus.

    In fact, in heaven there will be no more sorrow, no more grief—only joy. Revelation 21:4 says God will wipe every from our eyes and there will be no more mourning or crying or pain. We all go through discouragement and despair in this life, but these trials can never survive the journey to heaven.

    Finally, there will be no more death. Death can be a frightening prospect, but on Easter morning, Christ canceled its power. Now, for the Christian, death is nothing more than a change of address. It is moving from the basement to the penthouse. Once we cross over to heaven, death no longer has power over us. Indeed, Christ—our Life and Resurrection—has declared, "I am the Living One; I was dead, and now look, I am alive for ever and ever! And I hold the keys of death and Hades" (Revelation 1:18). Amen belongs here!

    Prayer: Jesus, thank You for defeating death and preparing an eternal, perfect home for me with You in heaven. This Truth gives me strength for today as I trust in Your promises. I pray in the name of Jesus. Amen.

    "And I heard a loud voice from the throne saying, 'Look! God's dwelling place is now among the people, and he will dwell with them'" (Revelation 21:3).
    Thank You Jesus for loving me.

    1. Thank you SassyMom for this sharing of our hope in heaven. Then comes the resurrection of all those who have fallen asleep at the coming of Christ! Hallelujah!👏❤️🙌

    2. My mom and I were sitting out in the sunshine today talking about Heaven! You blessed me so much dear Sassy Mom! Thanks 🙏💗😊

  50. Blessings from NYMay 2, 2024 at 6:06 AM

    Thank you Sassy Mom! ❤️ I love this- I’m going to share it with my mom who is 90 1/2 years old and doing great.

  51. Ephesians 5:2 Walk in Love
    As I walk in the mountains nearby today and thank God for nature, I will also be focusing on walking in love - His Love. Thanks be to God for this indescribable joy!

    1. Amen! Walk in His love and share it!

  52. Please join in today's NATIONAL DAY OF PRAYER 🙏
