Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Jesus Calling: May 20

     When your sins weigh heavily upon you, come to Me. Confess your wrongdoing, which I know all about before you say a word. Stay in the Light of My Presence, receiving forgiveness, cleansing, and healing. Remember that I have clothed you in My righteousness, so nothing can separate you from Me. Whenever you stumble or fall, I am there to help you up.
     Man's tendency is to hide from his sin, seeking refuge in the darkness. There he indulges in self-pity, denial, self-righteousness, blaming, and hatred. But I am the Light of the world, and My illumination decimates the darkness. Come close to Me and let My Light envelop you, driving out darkness and permeating you with Peace. 
I John 1:7
English Standard Version

But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus his Son cleanses us from all sin.

Verse Thoughts
Verse 5 says, "God is light, and in him is no darkness." I am to walk in the light, walk in God. A true Christian does not walk in darkness, but only in the light. It is this walking in light that allows us to have fellowship with one another. There is an intimacy of being in the Body of Christ that is like nothing else.  

Isaiah 61:10
English Standard Version

I will greatly rejoice in the Lord;
    my soul shall exult in my God,
for he has clothed me with the garments of salvation;
    he has covered me with the robe of righteousness,
as a bridegroom decks himself like a priest with a beautiful headdress,
    and as a bride adorns herself with her jewels. 

Verse Thoughts
This is the OT picture of imputed righteousness, the essential heart of the New Covenant. When a penitent sinner recognizes he can't achieve his own righteousness by works, and repents and calls on the mercy of God, the Lord covers him with his own divine righteousness by grace through his faith.  

John 8:12
English Standard Version

Again Jesus spoke to them, saying, “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will not walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.

My Prayer
Thank you Lord for forgiving all my sin and cleansing me, I am seen by You as pure, and as white as snow. It amazes me because I know the darkness of my life. Sure, I can put on a good front with people most of the time, but you know my inner thoughts, and you can hear the words I often express toward people even as I sit there listening to them talk. Thank you for saving me. The fact that I sinned one time made me not perfect and in need of a substitute. Thank You Jesus for redeeming me so that never again will sin have a hold on me. Yes, I want to live a life that honors you but I'm thankful that no matter what happens, you have covered me with the robe of righteousness.

Note: The devotion and scriptures are from author Sarah Young. If you haven't already, please purchase the book and support the author. 

Also, bookmark to have an easy link to the entire year of these entries.


  1. Amen!! Our sins are forgiven through Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior!!! 🙌🏼🙏🏼

  2. Good Morning! Rested and thankful that I am free to walk in the light! Blessings to everyone on this Monday morning. Prayers for all of my JC Family.

  3. Good morning JC family 🥰! The take away from JC today is, "Man's tendency is to hide from his sin, seeking refuge from the darkness. There he indulges in self-pity, denial & self-righteousness, blaming & hatred." Lord Jesus please bring my daughter out into the light. She has never forgiven herself from past sins & blaming others has been the game for years. I have no contact with her. But you oh Lord of heaven know her coming & her goings. You have your eye on her, she loved you once Father, ignite that spark again. I would be overjoyed if she came back to me, but so much more so if she comes back to YOU! Please JC family pray for my girl. Thank you & God's blessings on all of you🥰

    1. God I pray for Jan and her daughter. We know your ways are higher than our ways and in pain and the trials of life you are doing incredibly amazing things to draw your children to you. We stand in believing together that you are doing your will in Jen and her daughter's life. Jan I too have a daughter that struggles and I am watching as God heals her and grows her up. She has come a long way and I am not sure if she knows God's hand is upon her but someday I truly believe she will. God's best to you Jan!

    2. Standing in agreement with you two, Jan and RiseUp, my daughter knows the Lord, but doesn't quite understand how God works yet. She has a problem with faith although miracles are happening all around her. I ask you Lord that you touch our daughters hearts and let them see Gods work He has already done to protect them as they wonder around not knowing what or how to put their faith in His hands. In Jesus name I pray, Amen❣

    3. Jan, think about the Prodigal son, not only did he go back to his earthly Father, but he also went back to his HEAVENLY FATHER! When he said, 'Father I have sin against you and against God', he took responsibility of his actions, and both forgave him. I'm sure he forgave himself too. God can do the impossible! Keep praying, trusting and loving your girl. God is in the business of putting families back together as well. I'm trusting and believing for mine also and join you in praying for yours. Let go and let God!

      Maplewood NJ

    4. Today must be "pray for your beloved daughter day." We too have a daughter who walked away from the Lord and us. The world has woo'd her into believing she is a victim and that status must be nurtured daily with anger and blame. Oh how we long for restoration. God help and heal all our loved ones who struggle because they believe the world and not You. Colorado JC Friend

    5. Thank you so much JC family for interceding on my girl & my behalf. I will approach the throne for your needs also. We remain expectant. Bless each of your day in Jesus name.🥰

    6. Praise the Lord that we can pray and put our hope in him. He is faithful to fulfill his promises. Lord you are!!!

    7. It is a year later, Jan, and we stay in prayer for you and your beloved daughter. May the Lord be gracious to her in returning her to Himself and to all who love her. God be with you.

    8. Praying for daughters today! Holy Spirit, fill their hearts and minds with a love that can come from no other than our Heavenly Father through the forgiveness offered by His Son, Jesus Christ!

    9. Amen Bob! Thank You Father for bringing Jan's daughter back into Your fold along with all our dear lost loved ones who are wandering around without a Shepherd. Thank You for helping them to forgive themselves and allow themselves to be forgiven. Thank You for opening their hearts to Your presence and giving them a hunger to know You and realize Your promises. We ask this in the name of Jesus Christ Your Son. Amen

    10. Jan,
      It may be a year later, but I could have written your EXACT prayer today! Praying for your situation as well as my daughter's. May our daughters feel the Holy Spirit's words whispered with love that they are wanted! May the bridge of salvation be a path they choose to cross and return to the light! You are the master healer and great physician and NOTHING is impossible with you! We come before you as humble servants and give you all the praise Lord!

    11. My humble prayer is forever joined with your prayers, Jan and entire JC Family. I know God is able, and He will, in His time! Thank you Jesus for being our Good Shepherd, and for Your CONTINUAL SEARCHNRESCUE, SEEKNSAVE Your SLIPNSLIDERS.
      What You do inside your cleaning and restoration laundry is just between You and Your sheep, Sweet Jesus. Let me read and reread an earlier post regarding "In Whose Hands", until I get it! You are THE GOOD SHEPHERD, always was, always is, and always will be because You remain the same, yesterday today and forever. Please keep me free from annoying and interfering with Your process. Help me stay in my own lane, paying more attention to my part: how I act, how I live, whether my deeds match up with Your teachings. Help me live life in such a way that all who see me, hear me, hear of me want to be a part of the same flock I am in. Precious Lord, take my hand, lead me on help me stand and continue in prayer. Yes! Help me concentrate more on living life as Jesus did, while You are cleansing and restorating all of Your estranged sheep back into Your Fold, just as You did with me, until there is one flock, with One Shepherd= You and Yours, which includes me and mine! Sweet Jesus I trust You with me and each of my dear ones! Amen

    12. Amen Brilamar. We put out needs in the Hands of the Lord and we let Him do the driving. He is already working on them.

    13. One more year has passed and we have all climbed mountains and crossed the deep valleys holding His unchanging Hand. We can now Thank Him for all He has done for us and for all He WILL do for us this year.
      Thank You Father for more answered prayers, Your amazing healing in all of us and Your guidance and faithfulness for Brie, her DH and her brother, Keith, Chuck, MadFox, Sister's Keeper, Jan, Bob, Norah and her DH, Xavier, Min Ahadi and her Mom, Janet, Ellen and her daughters, Linda and her daughter, Rose, Sassy Mom, SIS, Fern, Mark, Maplewood, Mindy, Brandy, Audra, LCA, ABC, God's Daughter, Pamela K. Anonymous, zfantastic, Rose, Terri, NJS, Sisters Keeper, Suzanne, Keith and all those who are part of this JC Family. I love you all. Thank you for all these things in the Name of the Risen Lord, Christ Jesus.
      Let's just keep putting our needs in the Lord's able hands. He can take care of everything and we can rest in Him. Halleluia!

    14. Today's Devotion has me singing. (Imagine that!)
      HOLD ON TO ME by Lauren Daigle
      When the best of me is barely breathin'
      When I'm not somebody I believe in
      Hold on to me
      When I miss the light the night has stolen
      When I'm slammin' all the doors You've opened
      Hold on to me
      Hold on to me
      Hold on to me when it's too dark to see You
      When I am sure I have reached the end
      Hold on to me when I forget I need You
      When I let go, hold me again
      When I don't feel like I'm worth defending
      When I'm tired of all my pretending
      Hold on to me
      When I start to break in desperation
      Underneath the weight of expectation
      Hold on to me
      Hold on to me
      Hold on to me when it's too dark to see You (I'll hold on)
      When I am sure I have reached the end
      Hold on to me when I forget I need You (I'll hold on)
      When I let go, hold me again
      I could rest here in Your arms forever
      'Cause I know nobody loves me better
      Hold on to me
      Hold on to me

    15. I know Brie that God is holding on to mine & other loved ones represented here. Thank you for reminding me.

    16. Thank you Brie! ♥️🎶

    17. I loved that Brie! He holds onto us even when we are letting go of His Hand.

    18. Thank you Jesus for not letting go..for not giving up on us. Thank you Jesus for loving us unconditionally. Thank you Jesus for guiding us ever so gently back to you. Thank you Thank you merciful, compassionate, most holy Sweet Jesus! Amen! Amen!

    19. 2022, still I press on to pray for all the daughters mentioned here. My own girl still has not reconciled with me but have with her dad, which gladdens my heart. Any move towards reconciliation is positive. Thank You Lord! Hallelujah!

    20. Praying for all the families. Our God is so very Good and brings comfort, strength and peace. He will bring salvation, unity, and joy as He puts all the broken pieces back together again and makes all things new! Our hope is in Him and He is Faithful! Thank You Jesus! Praise the Lord!

  4. Jan, I join you in praying God will bring your daughter out of darkness and into the light. Praying reconciliation. Love, peace and God's blessing for JC Family.

  5. A new day, a new week, all made possible because of Your mercy and grace. I thank You this morning Father. I commit this day into Your hands and ask Your Spirit to lead the way and live through me, think through me and love through me in Jesus name.
    When that curtain tore into 2, You granted me Direct full access to You and total forgiveness! Thank You for forgiving all my sins and setting me Free!!

    Thank You Lord allowing Your Precious Son to die for Your children in this world! "Whom the Son sets Free, is FREE Indeed"!

    We are Saints saved by Your Grace, not that we deserve it, but we THANK YOU for that GRACE!
    I cover my JC family and their love ones this morning in that Blood that Paid it ALL for us, the BLOOD of JESUS!

    All Praise and Glory to You oh Lord!

    Maplewood NJ

    1. Amen and thanks dear Maplewood.
      We are saved by His Blood, and by Grace even though we don't deserve it, and by Faith. We thank Him for His mercy, peace and loving kindness that are new every morning, and His amazing Love.

    2. Such a blessing this body of believers. Love, prayers and blessings
      I’m praying for each of you and yours.

  6. Good morning JC Family, in my neck of the woods here in Louisiana we had really bad flash floods and lightning like I have never seen before. We made it out with only our driveway losing rock and by the flood waters that flow from upstream running over our road. People where I used to live, including the houses we built and sold were damaged by tornados Saturday night. Thank you Lord for only homes, barns and cars that got messed up, but no human life was taken. I ask YOU Lord to help them during this time as they go through the motions of restoring what was blown away or torn up by the tornados. Be with all our JC Family this week as we go about our days, keep us safe with your protective hedge around us. Lead, guide and keep us as we go about our day. Thank you for loving the world so much that you gave your Son Jesus Christ as the perfect sacrifice for the worlds sins. Forgive me where I fail you, j the name of Jesus I pray, Amen❣

    1. Pamela, I will keep your community in my prayers. I have seen that kind of damage and it is heartbreaking! So grateful that you and yours are safe.

    2. He tears down, but then he builds back up. It’s a year ago since your post Pamela. We’re in the swells of Corona Virus, but our God is sovereign Lord. His mighty hand is in the middle of restoration. He’s the potter and we are the clay. He makes us into vessels to contain his living water. We will be satisfied.

    3. Amen dear Pamela. He is still leading us through each day and forgiving us when we fail Him. We are well taken care of. Yes Sisters Keeper! So happy to be a lump of clay in His Hands. I am sure He is molding me each day. I pray that I will be pliable in His Hands and not Yank Back the Reins.

    4. How are you today Pamela K? I am also a Louisianian in heart; Hope you enjoy Louisiana's Christian Songstress, Lauren Daigle's Hold On To Me!
      How are you today gma b?
      How are you today Sisters Keeper?
      All of you remain in my prayers along with our entire JC Prayer Warrior Family. In Jesus' Name. Amen.

  7. 40 days sober. God sent an angel - a retired man who knows the program and has spent hours with me working steps and helping destroy my ego.

    On step 8, thank you Jesus!

    1. Wow! Praise the Lord. So glad to hear the update. Keep it up! I pray for more blessings to come. Depend on God's future grace. It is there for us all. Colorado JC Friend

    2. Always praying for you Anonymous. One day at a time in His presence. You can do it!

    3. Great blessings abound! Thank You, God for helping Anonymous to discover You and Your Love, and Bless Your Angel Man who is helping him step up to You.

    4. Praying your one day at a time is now at least two years long, anonymous! I imagine you see your life and future in a much more positive way, that your relationship with God is awesome and you are surrounded by people that love and support you. Blessings!

  8. Thank you Pamela K for the prayer for all the daughters of our JC family. May have His will be done! I am in prayer for you & your community for damages from the storm. Thanking God that you all were spared from harm & injuries & am expecting His Grace & mercies to cover all of you at this time. Just like the storms of life, we find very quickly how little control we truly have & how much we need to press in to the One who does. Father wrap your everlasting arms around this entire community. For those who are in despair because they know not to lean on you, let Pamela K & her family be that beacon of light to guide them to you. Times like these Father are filled with Devine appointments. Amen!

  9. Praise to God for a beautiful day. I pray Jesus to keep this week about You. Knowing that you are in complete control and as a Parent is to their child your desire for me is that of good. I pray that your purpose is served thru me this week and no matter the circumstances or turn out of test and interviews that I accept this is your will and am content. Help me Lord to always find the glory in the experiences you place before me. Thank you for the fellowship that happens here in this blog and with my church family. Praise God for strength and peace that comes with sobriety. Grateful for the rainbows at the end of our storms. Open our eyes and hearts to your presence in everything that happens in our lives. You are always with us , holding us up with your righteous hand, we are never alone.
    Blessings and love...

  10. Our God is an awesome God! We have the victory. Trust, Believe, Receive. Thank you to All for sharing your challenges..God has already granted the Victory. Blessings

  11. Lord Jesus, i am sorry for all i have done incorrectly in my life. I thank you for your forgiveness.

    I pray you restore my relationship with my son who is an atheist and has not talked to me in over 10 years. It is very hurtful to me. Please i ask you to provide me work so i can have food, shelter,clothing and the necessities of life in this fallen world. I am in my sixties and age discrimination vs older qualified professionals is all around me. I do mt best to be a disciple of yours. Please bless all of your sheep so they many enter your kingdom. Annoint their head with your love and safeguard them from the devil. Lastly, my mom is in heaven with you. I miss her so much and she wants me to find a catholic woman to remarry in the church . I want to share mt loce for you with her and others from your blessings.
    Please lord bring peace and happiness to all that suffer from many trials.
    I ask this is in your name now and forever. Amen.

    1. God bless you Steven, your prayer is my prayer.

    2. Joining you & Sassy Mom in prayer for you Steven. God hears your heart & He is able.

  12. Just wanted to share with somebody,

    Sometimes it's hard when you have no one

    But it's not the end, not even close to being done

    I really just want some friends to have some fun

    But it's first things first and that's God's only Son

    Life can be tough, all the sin weighs a ton

    But the battle is His and He's already won

    Look to the Lord when you want to run

    Put on the armor of God, with His Word as your gun

    The heaven's Creator, ya the moon and the sun

    He takes in the lonely and weak and those that the world shuns

    Lord of all Lords, second to none

    Yeah this new life with Him aint gonna be a rerun

    Yeah this new life with Him aint gonna be a rerun

    Yeah this new life with Him has only just begun!

    Prayers to this family of believers! God is good!

    1. Nice poem from anonymous. No this new life will not be a rerun.

    2. Thank you, ZD, this was blessed food for thought. I agree with SK, the line 'This life with Him ain't going to be a rerun', is a great line for contemplation. For me, it brings warmth to the heart and courage to the soul.

    3. Still a wonderful poem or song ZD, and I also love the line, This life with Him ain't gonna be a rerun. Each new day brings new possibilities to do what is right and good, and to make a difference that will glorify God.

  13. Yes, God is so very good! Amen.

  14. Loving Father, I’ve sinned and fallen short of Your glory, but this morning, I thank You for Your mercy and grace through the sacrifice of Jesus my Savior, that has allowed me to receive forgiveness, cleansing and healing. And yes oh yes, each time I fall, You are right there to help me up! Thank You for wrapping me in Your Righteousness through Jesus Christ the Righteous ONE! I surrender this day to You and invite Your Holy Spirit to order my steps through it, in the name of Jesus. Amen.

    In Job 34:22, we learn that: “There is no darkness, no deep darkness, where evildoers can hide.”. One of the greatest lies of the devil is that we can successfully hide sin our from God. FALSE! Hiding sin from God never works. When Adam and Eve committed the first act of rebellion against God, they thought they could hide from Him (Gen. 3:8). In Psalm 69, King David acknowledges the fact that his hidden sin is obvious and apparent to God. He said in verse 5: “God, you know my foolishness, and my guilty acts are not hidden from you.” When he realized what he had done, he was motivated to confess his sin and seek forgiveness and grace in the sight of God. Sin thrives in an environment of darkness, lies and secrets and we are wise if we don’t allow the temptation to reject the pain of conscience, the pain of the realization of our own sinfulness and imperfection, but confess our sins to God and ask for His forgiveness and receive healing. God is Light and as we move into the Light, it means that our deeds will be exposed. We must count the cost because He already knows. But the good news is, He is calling us to resist the temptation to darken the Light so that He can illuminate the weaknesses that we stumble over. It is this "truth" that will set us free.

    Dear Heavenly Father, According to Ephesians 5:8-14, we “were once darkness", but now as Christians we are "light". Please help us to live then as children of the Light that is good and right and true. Teach us to live our lives as living proofs of the things which pleases You. Help us to steer clear of the fruitless activities of darkness so that our lives expose their futility. May we draw closer to You each day and allow Your Light to envelope us, driving out darkness and permeate us with Your perfect Peace.

    Blessings and Peace to all.

    Maplewood, NJ

    1. We can never hide any sin from God but we can confess our sins and be forgiven and renewed. There is no darkness at all in our good God. Let us therefore be children of the Light and stay on the path that leads to righteousness, the Spirit and everlasting life in Him.
      Love your line: Teach us to live our lives as living proofs of the things which pleases You. Amen! And may we grow closer to Him every day and allow His light and peace to surround us. Amen.

    2. Amen! Amen! You know everything about us Lord but you choose to see the good in choose to forgive renew us! Thank you Jesus, my love!

  15. Sassy Mom (SM as my bdt Bob referred to you yesterday), I stand with our JC family, praying for your friend Sandi. Jehovah Rapha who did it before, can and will do it again in the name of Jesus. Nothing is impossible with Him!

    Bob, thanks for the insight you gave in yesterday’s post. Always food for thought! Read that before going to bed and pondered on it. Yes, the answer is just “Follow Me!”. There are so many things that will remain a mystery to us perhaps until we meet our Master face to face. In the meantime, all He is asking of us, is to enjoy life in His Presence and not lean on our own understanding. As you said, let’s just “Follow Him." He knows the beginning of ALL things as well as the end. Our responsibility is to TRUST HIM!

    God bless!

    Maplewood NJ

    1. Amen Maplewood. How blessed we are that in the darkness of this Pandemic, His light is shining through. We are at peace because we stand in the light of his presence. He has cast all fear away from us as we trust in Him. In Him there is no darkness and no need to be afraid. We must just be patient as we wait on Him to make all things right again and even better than before. Sassy Mom, praying for Sandi and believing that God can do all things and He is so much greater than her cancer. Waiting for a miracle. Trusting and Following Him.

  16. The weight of sin is heavy and we've all experienced it. Negative thoughts lead to negative results.

    Jesus, today, I choose to sit in Your light. I choose to forgive myself for mistakes that I have learned from in the past. Today and always I choose to stay connected to You.

    Blessings and prayers to all of you.

    1. Dear Suzanne, I am so blessed to read your words 'I choose to forgive myself' for that is the final stage of forgiveness, allowing His forgiveness to fill you, setting you free from yourself to be His forever. God be with you!


    (John 16:12-15) Jesus realizes He has our brains on overload at this point, especially since we will need to see the coming events in the next few hours and days before we can ever begin to understand what He is saying to us. Actually, His words were meant for future understanding through prayer and meditation which I did and thus I have written them down so you will be able to do the same. He continues to talk about the coming of the Holy Spirit. "You will begin to fully understand everything I am speaking to you when the Spirit of truth comes to you. He will help you understand and believe. He is not independent of the Father or of Myself. He is the one true God. He is one with the Father, He is one with Me as I am one with the Father. We are perfectly united in love to the glory of the one true God, Who is Us as one." When the Holy Spirit would come, we would begin to understand this more clearly but we will never understand such lofty truth fully until we are finally and completely one with the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit for all eternity. In the meantime, this is enough for us to hold dear within our heart.

    As I sat with these verses this AM and thought how I would share them with you, I was overwhelmed with trying to write accurately and truthfully. So I prayed that any of you reading these would by the Holy Spirit receive only truth and that our Lord would purge/correct any inaccuracies these words would bring. I trust in the Holy Spirit to work through these less than perfect efforts to bring about blessings and wholeness within your soul. I count it a privilege to write to you in this blog and, as is happening, to establish a friendship with each of you through posting to one another. Thank you, Chris, for saying 'yes' to God's plan to bringing us together in this space.

    Be blessed, sisters and brothers in Christ, and thank you for sharing your blessings in return, increasing the blessing of the Holy Spirit to everyone. With love, Bob

    1. Bob, it is us who are privileged to be able to read your inspiring comments.
      Thank you.

    2. Blessed I am and blessed I shall remain as your sister in Christ, dear Bob. Thank you for your wisdom and encouragment. What a bright light you are to us!

    3. The Holy Spirit is SO at work in you, Bob, and blesses us all throughout your posts. Thank you brother in Christ!

  18. "Just follow me." "My Peace I give to you." "I have come that you may have life and have it abundantly."

    These truths complement today's reading so well. It's my experience and observation that we cringe when we see the dark places (unloving or even despicable thoughts and deeds) that appear from within. Yes we cringe at times and either swear to never let that happen again or we can become shameful and stuff these ugly things in a corner, in the closet, or push them under the rug. Why do we do this? Because the light has exposed them as unclean and we become shameful and condemning of ourselves.

    He is leading me into new understandings. Instead of me trying to overcome these things, (sins, thoughts, depression, feelings) He is teaching me to bring them into the light within. His light within, because He resides within me. If I try to deal with these things on my own, (clean up my act so I can feel worthy to come to the light) it results in an incomplete and unsuccessful attempt at purification. And that process also puts a wedge in my relationship and fellowship with the light because I perceive I am not worthy. In that case, I do not access the Peace and Abundant life He has put within my very being because I limit that Peace and Life with my thoughts as I am unworthy.

    Am I unworthy? "For all have sinned (failed to perceive) and fallen short.." Yes that is true but I was redeemed and am worthy based on Christs atonement not by me getting my act together.

    It is me coming to the light within my heart that I get in touch with these truths. I cannot be self righteous. Self righteousness is what the world despises but it is His true light, life, and His Love within that draws the world to seek it as well.

    My Peace I give to you... not will give to you when you are adequate. I am discovering that I can bring these thoughts, feelings, sins to Him where the Light can shine on them WITHOUT condemnation. I don't have to hide (where are you Adam) or be ashamed. My Father knows all and has paid for it all "so I can come boldly to the throne of Grace" and accept the Peace that already lives inside because He lives inside. When I do this, I am free to accept His life and let it live. The light, by nature, crowds out the darkness. It is not by my power or might but by "beholding" the wonder of Love (God) living inside and through me.

    He told me last year to "just keep showing up kid". This showing up for me, is accomplished by sitting in centering prayer and sitting in His love, being open and receptive to anything that He or I bring into that set aside time and space. It is in this time, and in His presence that His work is allowed to continue in me.

    That may sound to simple especially for ones that are used to struggle or warring, or making things happen. So I will leave with this vision and meditation He has given me.

    He asked me "do you trust me?" And I have learned to say, "no, but I want to." And then I saw His outstretched hand and percieved a Joyful smile on His face and the implication was "Follow me"!

    1. Thank you Keith for the inspiration. You are right we need to keep showing up.

    2. I felt like I was unclear in my writing as I was short on time and written from my phone in a little box. lol The result is a very rough draft which may or may not make sense.

      The main message is He does the change as we show up :-)

    3. Do you trust Me? No, but I want to.
      Thank you for these words! ❤️

    4. Keith --- You are so right. It has been my experience that when I show up He is limitless!

    5. Thanks for the reminder Keith and JC family that when I find myself in de-basement, trying to hide my "stuff" in the darkness, it will only fester and grow larger and worse in the dank, dark, mold and mildew of de-basement. De-basment is really a clue to Quickly, find the door to the fire escape that leads up to the sunny rooftop, and leave the "stuff" there, where the SonLight can shine on it and burn off the junk. SonLight shines on everything, everyone, everyday whether or not our eyes can see it. When I show up and do this each time, I will get quicker and better at recognizing the clue that de-basement really is an escape room, which means there is an out. Perhaps one day I will go straight to the rooftop and into the SonLight without detouring through de-basement. Perhaps!
      Thanks for all of you JC family for being my touchstones along the way!

    6. Well said, Keith, and so accurate. Thanks be to God!

    7. I can sure relate to all you said Keith. So we will all continue to show up and He will continue to change us from the inside out. He's got a lot of work to do on me. Sometimes I slide and worry about things that I know I should just give to Him. Or sometimes I have a hard day and take it out on my good husband. But then I turn it around. I put the brakes on and call on Jesus and He is always there. I have been calling for His help through my day and then things go better. Amen Brie! Sonlight shines on everything, everyone, every day!

    8. That was really great to read today. Thanks for sharing! He is with you!

    9. Keith, your words made perfect sense and were very clear. Thank you! Help us Lord to follow you into eternal light.

  19. Thank You, Lord, for a new day in which I may serve You. I choose to walk in Your light every single day. Help me today, Father, as I go in for a medical procedure. I know You are in control, and I trust in You. I also pray for the petitions of my JC family. Your prayers are mine. May you all feel His love and peace today. Be blessed. Lovingly in Christ,

    1. Rose --- Heavenly Father, Thank you that You are Rose's ever-present help in times of need and trouble. Please bless Rose as she undergoes the procedure. Your word says that You will never leave her or forsake and that you are always there with her. Let her feel Your presence as she undergoes the procedure.
      Father I thank you that You hear my prayer that You protect her from harm and restore her to full health. You are the God of hope. Fill Rose with all joy and peace in believing, so by the power of the Holy Spirit she may abound in hope. Through Jesus Christ, our Lord, AMEN and AMEN

    2. JJ - Joining warriors in prayers for Rose.

    3. We are praying Rose..May you feel Jesus's sweet embrace.

    4. Praying for Rose. Dear Father, Thank you for bringing Roseto a perfect recovery and heal every weakness in her body. Thank you for restoring her to perfect health in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.

    5. Dear Rose, Continuing to pray for you dear Rose. Hope all is going better. Much love.

  20. Prayers needed!! My daughter is deeply depressed. It started a couple of years ago when she was diagnosed with epilepsy. With medication she has no seizures, but she gets overwhelmed easily, she has 4 children still at home and they walk on eggshells to not upset her. A black cloud hangs over the family. She is seeing a Christian counselor but resists any anti-depressant medication for fear it might interfere with her epilepsy medication. The situation is dire. Her husband who is a minister feels helpless to help her. Her depression expresses itself in anger outbursts. She tries to calm down, but within herself she cannot do it. I’m calling on Jesus to make a way for all of us. As a mother and grandmother, my heart is breaking for all of them. Please help me pray for this situation.


    1. Marolyn - Calling all warriors to join Marolyn in prayer for her precious daughter and family.

    2. Joining JC WARRIORS in going to The Throne of Grace to lift up Marolyn daughter and family! Our incredible Lord makes a way when it doesn't look like there is a way!

    3. Joining my prayers with our JC family, praying for and with you and each of your dear ones, Marolyn! Jesus, Sweet Jesus, Master Jesus, Savior Jesus, Sovereign Jesus, you said, whenever two or more are gathered in Your name, You are in the midst. Well, Here we are, showing up gathered. Thanks in advance for reigning down your blessings on Marolyn and the family you loaned her as well as all of our JC family everywhere. We are looking forward to more of Your infinite blessings, because You love us, and are our Good Shepherd. In Jesus' name and through Holy Spirit power, we praise and pray! Amen

    4. Thank you Sassy Mom and JJ for joiningme in prayer!!! May NO Tool fashioned against my family prosper. The devil will not be allowed to destroy their witness. Thank you again and THANK YOU Lord! I am encouraged by these prayers.

    5. Brilamar, , your prayer brought tears of sweet release. Trusting Jesus and thank you for praying!!

    6. PS Marolyn, you came to the right room- our JC Warroom - a place to seek refuge in His Light so Powerful it turns darkness into Light until everyone and everything is warmed by His Light. You are more than Welcome to come as often as you like, stay as long as you like, partake of Continuous on demand feedings as much as you like, and fellowship with people who love you just the way you are!

    7. Marolyn, joining JC family in prayers for Your daughter. God is able to do ALL, but fail! Keep thanking Him in advance.

      Maplewood NJ

    8. Lifting your beloved daughter up in prayer Marolyn. I'm praying for you, your grandchildren, your SIL. May God pour his amazing grace and peace over your family. We are all praying and Sweet Jesus is listening.

    9. I add my prayers to this long list of petitions being made to our Lord on behalf of your daughter and all your family. God be with you, Marolyn!

    10. Praying so hard for Marolyn and her family. The situation seems dire but not to God. With Him all things are possible. I pray she finds treatment that is effective and that will work well with her epilepsy medicine. God already knows her needs, wants and dreams. He is faithful and mighty to save.

    11. Dear Marolyn, I pray you and your family have been guided by God to the help you need and your daughter is living a better life with her 4 children. Praying you have seen God's faithfulness in your lives and answers to your prayers.

    12. Praying for Marolyn and His Peace and Love over her family today in all ways.

    13. Any updates this year, Marolyn?
      I am still in prayer for you, yours, and our entire JC Family of Prayer Warriors.

  21. Marolyn, the fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much. The aroma of those prayers are very pleasing to our Father! Your desperation is noted and we are joining in worship with you as we offer prayers together.

    1. Keith, i’m Thanking God in advance of Him showing Himself in this situation. Thank you for joining this circle of prayer!

  22. A Shepherd looks at Psalm 23: 1 The Lord=He is my Only Good Shepherd, He is simply The Best, Better than ALL the rest! Therefore, I can boast and be glad to be among the fortunate and highly favored because HE IS MY OWNER, HE IS MY DIRECTOR, HE IS MY MANNA-GER, HE IS MY LIGHT!
    I John 1: 7 When we walk in The Light, as He is in The Light, we have fellowship with one another, and The Blood of Jesus His Son cleanses us from all.
    Hymn of praise to Light from my Divine Diligence! The life of a sheep depends solely on the type of Shepherd Who owns it. Someone Who is gentle, kind, intelligent, brave and selfless, in Whose care, and in Whose Hands the sheep flourish and thrive contentedly! The GOOD SHEPHERD lays down His Own(er) Life for His Sheep!
    Recognize and desire His Ownership of us:
    He continually lays Himself out for us;
    He is forever interceding for us;
    He is forever guiding us by the (en)Light(enment) continually held by His gracious Holy Spirit;
    He is forever working-it-out-for-good on our behalf ensuring we have more than enough to benefit and flourish from His care!
    He is always Giving us the best of everything for the well being of His sheep!
    I can take pride in belonging to The Good Shepherd.
    Look at His Life: Enormous COMPASSION, incredible INTEGRITY, most BALANCED, most BELOVED, great DIGNITY, blessed ASSURANCE, high STANDARDS of Human CONDUCT, enormously IMPACTFUL, DECENT, HONORABLE, NOBLE, GENTLE, TENDER, TRUE, MAGNIFICENT, CONCERNED, CARING, MAGNANIMOUS SPIRIT of FORGIVENESS, SEARCHNRESCUE, SEEKNSAVE the SLIPNSLIDERS, even in disgusting surroundings, among disgusting people, inside a modest working family, with no education nor employment advantages, with no vast economic assets, with no political power, with no military might, among phony people, among betrayers, among double talkers, among false pretenders.
    With genuine gratitude and exaltation I can exclaim proudly, along with David, THE LORD IS MY SHEPHERD! and I am thrilled He invites and wants me to belong to Him, for it is thus that I shall flourish and thrive, In Jesus' Light. I accept. Amen.
    I John 1: 7 When we walk in The Light, as He is in The Light, we have fellowship with one another, and The Blood of Jesus His Son cleanses us from all.

    1. Amen to that Brie! Thank you for your words of truth and praise.
      I would be nothing without my Good Shepherd. He leads me through thick and thin and opens my eyes to His truth, and the beauty and peace around me. His Spirit instructs me to reach out to others and share His love and light. When I get lost He finds me and brings me back. When I am weary or depressed, He lifts my head and carries me to a higher place where I can see my blessings clearly and give thanks again. He guides me to safety and peace and heals my weaknesses and gives me strength. So blessed to be one of His sheep.

    2. I'm remembering a time when I put my hands on a sheep (is the plural of sheep, sheep?) The coat was tight and curly, a bit oily, and difficult to spread my fingers in. Shave me clean dear Shepard and renew my mind. I will follow you (ewe). Hey, I just write what I hear 😉

  23. Thank you all for praying! This morning was tough but this afternoon was Peaceful. Please continue with me in this

  24. Praying for you Marolyn that this is a better year for you and your family because the Lord has not left your side. God bless you and yours in all things and bring you peace.

    1. Joining in prayer with you Jeanne. May the Lord bless you and keep you. Amen.

  25. Father, I am so grateful for the saving grace of eternal salvation that You have bestowed upon me. I don't deserve any of it, but You give it to me freely and full of Your everlasting love for me. All You ask of me is to have faith in You. You are my everything Lord. I can't do anything apart from You -- nor do I want to. I need You in my life. I'm nothing without You. You complete me. Thank You Jesus. I will bless, praise, and rejoice in You Lord continually and always.

    1. Please share this with others:
      I am a creation of the glory of the Lord; and so are you.

    2. Amen sweet Janet! Thank you for sharing your beautiful prayer and your reminder. Let us always do our best to walk worthy of our calling. He abides in us as we abide in Him. We are a part of Him and each other bound by His love and our faith.

  26. Good morning dear JC family 🌄. Please pray warriors for my friend & sister in Christ, Patty. They found a mass on her breast & going for testing today. Her attitude is one of calmness & trust in the Lord. The same God who just brought her through a successful parathyroid surgery is the same God who is carrying her through this next journey. Hallelujah! I will read to her your prayers for her. Love & blessings 💞

    1. Praying that Patty is touched by the Lord's healing hands and restored. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen 🙏. Shalom and God bless 🙏.

    2. I pray that God watches over her and the doctors who are treating her.

    3. Praying showers and showers of God's choicest blessings on Patty. When God completes His Work, may her medical team say, "What mass?" In Jesus' Name. Amen.

    4. Praying for your friend and sister Patty that God will continue to show her His faithfulness and the mass will be benign. Praying that she will continue to rest in Him and proclaim His amazing deeds. Trusting in God's promises and waiting on the Lord.
      Thank You Father for this in Jesus' Name we pray.

    5. Believing our Jehovah Rapha is over Patty, Jan, healing her/dissolving this mass and so, like Brie said, they say, "What mass?"! How awesome that she has such calmness and trusting and relying on her strong faith! Praying God dissolves this and returns health unto her in Jesus' mighty name! AMEN!

    6. It's a privilege to join in the prayers for Patty and all other requests today. Thank you Jesus for hearing our call.

  27. The LORD is my light and my salvation -- whom shall I fear? The LORD is the stronghold of my life -- whom shall I be afraid? (Psalm 27:1).

    1. Amen sweet sister! Just the thought of being enveloped in His light brings such joy and comfort to my weary heart!
      Come close to Me and let My Light envelop you, driving out darkness and permeating you with Peace.

  28. JC Warriors -- I would love to tell you all about how much God is doing in my life and in the lives of those I see. He is doing so much that it's too much to post, but when I can post better I will share what I can with you. Please know that He is moving and changing lives all the time and it's so amazing! God is so good -- ALWAYS! God bless 🙏.

    1. Thank You, God for blessing our sister friend in Christ, Janet, along with all of our JC family of prayer warriors. Thank you for doing far more than we can ever ask for, dream of, or imagine if. Thank You for doing doing so much that it's too much to post! Thank You for always being on the move, ALLELUIAH! In Jesus' Name. Amen.

    2. Praise God! I'm so thankful to receive answered prayers dear Janet! Can't wait to hear how He has worked in your life. His Spirit is moving and you are following. Much love dear sister!

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  29. Thank You Jesus for my salvation, thank You Jesus that my sin is forgiven, in fact You say it exists no more. Thank You Jesus for covering me with Your robe of righteousness. Amen.

    1. Amen Peter! We all are sinners and fall short of pleasing Him. How blessed we are that we are loved in our imperfections. Such a merciful and good God we serve.

  30. Dear Warriors, please continue prayers for my friend Sandi in Texas who continues to battle cancer that has returned a third time. This is the message I received from her late last night. Pray for her husband Paul who also received discouraging news.
    "My CT scan revealed a few small 1cm tumors. Dr. is trying me with anti-estrogen pill. Tumors need estrogen. This is used for breast cancer as well a other things. I will try it for 2 months - to give me a rest from chemo. Of course, I might get sweats - hair loss (already thin) - hard to sleep. Hope and praying I don't have their many side effects. And at my age - I asked them to day - do they know if I have estrogen (they said I have an estrogen receptor - not sure that really means I still emit estrogen). Any way - 2 months - the estrogen being gone - no more tumors should grow - but the few I have will still be there - but should be (hopefully) stabilized - not change or grow.
    Paul also does have protrate cancer cells - found out this last week - so is probably going to do brachytherapy - not to find a good doc for it. There seems to be no end to health issues. Sigh..."

    1. My prayers are with Sandi and Paul. May God's Healing Spirit balm the tumors until they are no more. In Jesus' Name. Amen.

    2. Continuing to pray for Sandi and adding her husband to my list. May our compassionate Way Maker change Sandi's condition around to good and guide her and her good husband Paul to the best doctors and the perfect treatments to bring them back to good health and peace of mind.
      Thank You dear Father for Your amazing healing power to wash over Sandi and Paul and destroy every bad cell in their bodies and bring them both to a perfect recovery in the Name of Christ Jesus. Amen.

  31. Quote from The Chosen: 'It's not your job to feed the 5000, it's your job to bring the loaves and fishes'.

  32. I am the Light of the world, and My illumination decimates the darkness. Come close to Me and let My Light envelop you, driving out darkness and permeating you with Peace. Thank You Lord for waking me to see, yet another of Your Beautiful SONRISES! And allowing me to witness Your SON'S illumination which really did decimate the darkness of night. Thank You for Your Gift of prayer, and for enveloping me until Your Illumination decimates my dark spots and permeates me through and through until I experience Your peace of mind and heart. In Jesus' Name. Amen.

    1. That was just beautiful dear Brie! So blessed to be enveloped in His light and peace. The only true peace is from above. Resting in Him who loves us.

  33. Blessings on this new day, our chance to bring again. Thank you for your prayers for traveling mercies, daughter time! ♥️🙏🛬

    1. Praying for His Traveling Mercy, Daughter Mercy, and Mother of the Bride Mercy. In Jesus' Name. Amen.

    2. So very happy for your joy dear Audra! Praying with dear Brie for all to go well with you as you remain in God's presence, guidance and protection. Rejoice and be glad in Him.

  34. Dear heavenly Father, thank you for being a compassionate, forgiving and merciful God. Help me to always turn away from sin, but when I do fail, I believe that confessing to You provides me with the graces of these special and sacred gifts to cleanse me of my sin. Keep me away from the darkness of hiding my shortcomings. You see and know ALL about me before I even think or speak. Thank you Father. Amen.

    1. Wonderful dear ABC! Gathering right into your prayer. Amen and Amen. So blessed He loves us in our many imperfections.

  35. My heart is full, my girl sharing her July wedding plans and all is well in the house. Long day... Thanks for your prayers! 🙏🤗😴

    1. It just doesn't get any better than that! The joy of true love and the fulfillment of your daughters dreams and desires. God is so faithful.

    2. Congratulations dear Audra! Praying all wedding plans to go smoothly, filled with anticipation & happy moments to treasure.🙏💞

  36. Thank you for praying for my dear friend Loretta. She had her colonoscopy today and the doctor removed two polyps. He said they looked benign but she must wait for the lab reports.
    Thank You Father that those polyps were benign and she will be just fine. Thank You for Your faithfulness in her life, and for Loretta's healing and continued good health in Jesus' Name. Amen.

    Psalm 103:1-5
    Bless the LORD, O my soul: and all that is within me, bless his holy name. Bless the LORD, O my soul, and forget not all his benefits: Who forgiveth all thine iniquities; who healeth all thy diseases; Who redeemeth thy life from destruction; who crowneth thee with lovingkindness and tender mercies; Who satisfieth thy mouth with good things; so that thy youth is renewed like the eagle's.

  37. Just wanted to say Loretta had her colonoscopy yesterday because I just stay up too late. Anyway, Thanks for praying with me that those polyps are benign and she'll be just fine. She's been my friend for 25 years. God will take care of her. I'm leaning on His faithfulness.
    My 2 sons and their families are coming over for a pizza party later to celebrate my Birthday. I'm just gonna make a big salad and throw lots of veggies into it. Really looking forward to having fun with the little ones. I have plenty of cake and cupcakes so we will enjoy. Tomorrow is my Birthday and I'll be going right to Brooklyn after Church to celebrate it with my twin sister and Mom. God is so very good and I am blessed and so grateful! Praying you all have a wonderful weekend, and you stay close to the Lord so He will stay close to you.

    1. Happy Birthday to you and your sister! May the Lord bless you both and grant you a beautiful day! Glad to hear Loretta's report and looking forward to the final hallelujah 🙌 🙏! God bless!

    2. Blessings from NYMay 20, 2023 at 4:39 AM

      Continued blessings for Loretta and happy birthday to your sister and you Jeanne!!❤️

    3. Happy Birthday Jeanne and to your sister.

    4. Echoing BD greetings to Jeanne and her sister.

  38. "I AM, the Light of the world, and My illumination decimates the darkness."
    There are many names is Bible scripture for our God, whether for Father, Son or Holy Spirit. ( According to there are 952 names and titles of God)..I haven't checked these personally.
    The name I've just thought of may not be in the Bible, but it sure is biblical; Jesus 'Darkness Decimator'. His light decimates darkness.

    There can bo NO darkness where He is:
    "His radiance is like the sunlight;
    He has rays flashing from His hand." ( Habakkuk 3:4a)
    "This is the message we have heard from Him and announce to you, that God is Light, and in Him there is no darkness at all." ( 1 John 1:5).
    "And the light shineth in darkness; and the darkness comprehended it not (couldn't understand it, couldn't mix with it, had no association with it)."(John 1:5.)

    Thank God for the Light of His Presence, where we receive forgiveness, cleansing, and healing.

  39. Good morning! Thank you Father for this new day! May your light, protection and abundance fall upon all those involved in our church yard sale today! Thank you for your prayers!

  40. Hi I have found this site recently and as a new Christian converted from Islam I enjoy spending time with JF

    1. Welcome Amin! Thanks! God bless you in every way.

    2. Merhaba Amin, God bless you.

  41. Happy Birthday, Jeanne and Janet!! Sounds like a delightful celebration will take place this evening. Continued prayers for Loretta's results. Welcome Amin!
    Blessings to all on this site - enjoy this lovely Saturday!

    1. Thanks sweet Norah! We had a nice family pizza party at our home tonight. Our three little grands had a ball together! Tomorrow Rick and I will visit our Mom and Janet after Church. Thanking God for his blessings. Janet and I will have fun celerating our Birthday together. Hope you're enjoying this Saturday too. I'm resting now! Goodnight all! Rest well because God is on the Night Watch.

  42. Thanks dear sweet sister Brie! Your prayer must have been heard. It was a very special day and God was present throughout!

  43. When we walk in Christ, we walk in the Light. A Light that never fades. It lights every wilderness and the deepest, darkest recesses. Like the Peace of God, it is never changing, constant, and dependable. If we walk in the light we should have fellowship with one another. It is privilege to be part of the Body of Christ and the greatest part of us is Him. Let your light shine for His glory. Praying for Danny's comfort and God's guidance and love and light to cover him and his family and all those who have lost a loved one. Dear Sassy Mom and Terri, May God continue to soothe your broken hearts. We know we will be with our loved ones again. Praying for healing for dear Jan's DH and dear Norah's DH and also for Keith. May God bring good reports to everyone awaiting test results, and also heal every sickness of body, mind and spirit, and grant traveling safety, renewal and joy to all those who will be on the road and in the air. Thank You Father for blessing us with Your Faithfulness and answering our prayers in the Name of Christ Jesus. Amen!
    What a Blessed Assurance that You are our Great Healer, Constant Companion and our Savior and Redeemer! We love You!

    Luke 5:31-32
    Jesus answered and said to them, “Those who are well have no need of a physician, but those who are sick. I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners, to repentance.”

    James 1:17
    Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and comes down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variation or shadow of turning.

    Psalm 18:2
    The Lord is my rock and my fortress and my deliverer;
    My God, my strength, in whom I will trust;
    My shield and the horn of my salvation, my stronghold.

    1. Happy Birthday, Jeanne! 💐🎉🎂🎉🙂

    2. Thanks dear Websister! It’s tomorrow but I’m having fun with my family today. So blessed and thankful!

  44. Jeanne, I am claiming Psalm 18:2 this morning - God is my rock and my fortress.
    SC Anonymous

    1. Amen dear SC! The Rock that never crumbles.

  45. Thank you all for praying for my husband last week. The CT did show the aneurysm to be 5.1 cm, which is not good. 5cm is generally the size where surgery has to be an option. My husband is tall, so the cardiologist said there is some wiggle room due to his height, weight, and good blood pressure. At this stage, we wait for a call from the cardiologist to see where he refers us for a specialist to now track the size more closely. We are resting in God’s grace and trusting in Him.
    This week, our youngest graduates from high school. My parents are traveling to see graduation . They didn’t get to come when our older child graduated due to health issues. I pray for safe travels as they have a 5 hour drive.
    So thankful for this community of people that we can share and lean on. Lifting you all up today in His name.
    SC Anonymous

    1. We will continue in prayer for your hub, 🙏, for you, traveling Mercy for your parents, and for the graduate. All are covered up in our prayers. Blessings now and forevermore, from His Vast Abundant Store. In Jesus' Name. AMEN!

    2. Joining in prayer as you celebrate your youngest’s graduation. Praying for safe travel to and from for your parents and asking for His peace to be with you so you can enjoy celebrating this wonderful event and rejoice together in His goodness. Continued prayer for you, your DH and the cardiologist as decisions are made. Continuing to ask that this aneurysm is healed, in Jesus name.

    3. Continuing to pray for your DH. May God bless and guide your Graduate in every way. Put it all in God’s able Hands. He is our Way Maker.

    4. Dear SC --- I am lifting you and your hubby up to the Throne of Grace. And ABSOLUTELY, God has this! Keep applying the WORD'S HEALING. Our God makes a way, even if it looks like there is no way! Pleading the Blood of Jesus over all. In Jesus' Mighty Name, AMEN and AMEN.

  46. Our God reigns. He is a Supernatural God.

    God is setting His children apart from the world and His enemies.

    The enemy is restricted because he is brought to nothing.

    God had disarmed the enemy because of what Jesus did on the cross.

    God has drawn us out of the darkness
    and out of the power and control of this world.

    God Heals, Restores, Replenishes, and
    makes Whole.



    1. Amen!!! Looking forward to more Glory Days and reasons to be thankful and rejoice! God bless you all.
