Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Romans 13:6-7 - Paying our Taxes

Romans 13:6-7 - For because of this you also pay taxes, for rulers are servants of God, devoting themselves to this very thing. Render to all what is due them: tax to whom tax is due; custom to whom custom; fear to whom fear; honor to whom honor.

Message: Render to all what is due

Time: Written in AD 57 from Greece, to the Christians, both Gentile and Jewish in Rome

What the Lord is Saying:

My responsibility - a review
A Christian has responsibilities. We are to "present our bodies a living and holy sacrifice, acceptable to God" from verse 1 of chapter 12. We have a responsibility first and foremost to God. We have a responsibility to "not to think more highly of oneself than he ought to think (12:3)." And "let every person be in subjection to the governing authorities (13:1)." These are simply marks of a Christian. I am not to link myself (conform) to the world but my mind is to be renewed daily. This is what I am to do, not because I am trying to receive something or gain something, but because God is good and I am his servant and I am to uphold the ways of God. 

Paying Taxes
Because rulers have been set up by God, I "also pay taxes." My role is to not only be subject to the rules and the authority of the government, but I am also to pay them taxes or pay my portion in supporting the government. These are individuals serving the people and they are to be compensated for their work. It is possible that one is paying taxes to support a regime that is not acting in a moral manner, but our duty is first to surrender to God, and pay the tax, but I still have a responsibility to vote in a better representative. 

Being a Christian does not de-obligate us from being servants to the government. I am to be a cheerful giver in supporting the individuals supporting the community and the welfare of the community. Understood in these verses is individuals are paying taxes and they are to continue in this discipline. It has already been discussed that the role of government is to uphold good and punish evil and so our tax paid is supporting this cause.
  • Custom - this word has also been translated tribute and it appears to mean the tax on real estate, land, or merchandise. 
  • Fear - I should stand in awe of those that wear the badge or sword. It is clear and true that I serve out of fear of being punished. There is nothing wrong in wanting to avoid punishment.
  • Honor - I am to be reverent towards those in authority. 
Can I question the government? Yes, but I am also to show respect to the government. They have a difficult job and it is easy for me to stand on the sidelines and critique. So, to this I need to resist and act in a way that is honoring to God. 

To me, one of the big challenges in these verses is that I am called to pay taxes, but often I don't want to because I don't believe in the mission or the way in which my taxes are being spent. I notice I do this at church as well. I must be careful because first and foremost I am servant of God and my payment of taxes/tithes is because these are the individuals God has set up to govern my life. Whether they do it properly is a different story. 
Promise: I fulfill God's command when I pay taxes.

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