Sunday, January 13, 2013

Jesus Calling: January 13

Try to view each day as an adventure, carefully planned out by your Guide. Instead of staring into the day that is ahead of you, attempting to program it according to your will, be attentive to Me and to all I have prepared for you. Thank Me for this day of life, recognizing that it is a precious, unrepeatable gift. Trust that I am with you each moment, whether you sense My presence or not. A thankful, trusting attitude helps you to see events in your life from My perspective.
     A life lived close to Me will never be dull or predictable. Expect each day to contain surprises! Resist your tendency to search for the easiest route through the day. Be willing to follow wherever I lead. No matter how steep or treacherous the path before you, the safest place to be is by My side.
Psalm 118:2
English Standard Version
This is the day that the LORD has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it.

1 Peter 2:21
English Standard Version
For to this you have been called, because Christ also suffered for you, leaving you an example, so that you might follow in his steps.

My Prayer
Rough night last night with my back hurting. Lord, remove me from the pain I still have today and focus myself on You and Your plan for me, your plan for this day. Lord, I pray You would draw people to yourself this morning. I pray that the people at church would surrender to You and accept Your hand of provision in their life. Lord, take my focus off of myself and my pains and help me to focus on others and lifting them up to you. Lord, thank you for the wonderful time with Patrick yesterday. Thank you for the time to hear what is going on in his life and his life of ministry. Lord, you have gifted him in several ways and it is great to hear his heart for you and his heart for people. People are hurting in our midst and need your biblical guidance in their life and I pray that You would strengthen Patrick and people would conform to Your word in their life.

Lord, I thank You for this day of life you have given. Lord, this day is a gift. And this day will not happen again. Thank you for being with me and help me to rely on You each moment, in my pain, in my weaknesses, in my celebrations. Lord, keep my eyes focused on the way You see things.

Lord, help me to be sensitive to You and what You are doing in the world. I look at things selfishly, with how it will affect me. I want to be focused on how You are working and then show me how I can join You in what You are doing. Thank you for being with me, every step of the way. You are my anchor and I am Your child. You make me strong.

Note: The devotion and scriptures are from author Sarah Young. If you haven't already, please purchase the book and support the author. 


  1. Spirit lead me today, i am not into an adventure today. I am one to play it safe inside after I have put myself out there in excercising which i am truly grateful. the sun is another i thank you for and my familys health, our prosperity that is on the way. I will work today for cleaning, walking the dog and already cleaned the back yard. Make me strong and focused on your grace. Thank you for the job that is in my future, I know it is on the way and my gift to share will be for your glory, to help my family and myself Amen.

  2. Thank you Lord for the day ahead that you have prepared for each of us. For many, this Sunday in 2019, it will be attending services at a place of worship. May we embrace the challenges of today that lay before us with a new positive attitude as You lead us and also stand beside us to provide comfort and hope. Your perfect timing, love, and eternal perspective allow us to be free of fear of the hours and days ahead. Thank you, in Jesus name, Amen.

    1. Madfox thank you for your posted prayers, and openness. I visited your personal blog page. Please visit pleasant city Church Shelby NC page and view our pastors new sermon series “emoji masquerade”.
      Lord, please be with folks traveling in this yuckie weather this morning to hear your word being delivered at perspective church bodies today. Let us receive your word with open hearts and mindsets. So often we can listen and think of all the “others” a message should/could be applied to instead of how ourselves should be receiving the gift of your words being provided by the vessel you’ve placed in front of us.
      Thank you Lord for your love for me, I am so undeserving yet you promise me your love. Thank you thank you

    2. Thanks for the kind words. A new emphasis and goal is to help others in NEW ways (for me) as I try to be more transparent about my faith journey with those I meet physically or digitally (online).

      I did find your pastor's series and church website. Godspeed to you, him, your church, and its outreach.

    3. And just in case anyone missed my late post yesterday, risking duplicating it this morning:

      Did I share this already? I just listened to it again tonight it is a beautiful testimony from Summer, who has stage 4 breast cancer. Be lifted high, be inspired by her faith, and ask yourself the hard questions. Well with the time to listen and glean a bit of her wisdom


    4. Thanks Audra, What a strong faith she has! She went through so much and it strengthened her spiritually. Very inspiring!

    5. Still love your prayer dear MadFox. Especially this:
      May we embrace the challenges of today that lay before us with a new positive attitude as You lead us and also stand beside us to provide comfort and hope. Your perfect timing, love, and eternal perspective allow us to be free of fear of the hours and days ahead. Thank you, in Jesus name, Amen. Amen!

    6. Audra, thank you so much for sharing summer’s sermon. Her message is so inspiring. My wife was diagnosed with stage 4 lung cancer last year and through her strong faith has been making an impact on others. This sermon touched on so many ways we can continue to flourish in God’s blessings and live our lives to the fullest, like there is no tomorrow.

      I am very blessed by your sharing and appreciate all of the posts here on Chris’ blog. There is power in the Holy Spirit and it is so apparent in this place.

      Thank you all! Alan

    7. God bless each of you! Beautiful prayers
      In Jesus heavenly name, amen 🙏 ❤️🙌🏼
      Love, Brandy

  3. Thank you Lord for the very breath you give us. Thank you that you dwell within us and guide us. Lord as today we go each to our dividual churches to worship you help us to seek you as one body, your bride worshipping you together with your angels. Lord sometimes during Sunday morning worship I think about all the other believers who are join with me singing praises to you and I rejoice. Lord help us to keep our focus on you and the entire body not just our local church. Even though that's where we worship as a community our focus needs to be on the entire body of Christ becoming one in your Holy Spirit. Thank you that it's your very Spirit liveing within us and unites us in Christ. In the precious name of Jesus we thank you we praise you for you alone are worthy of all glory and honor. Amen

  4. The Sunday after January 6 (Epiphany), the Church traditionally focuses on Jesus’ baptism. This Sunday, the account in Luke 3 will be read. And a Voice from heaven thundered, “You are My Son, the Beloved, with whom I am well pleased!” Fast forward to your baptism, the same Voice could be heard by anyone interested in listening, “You are My child, the beloved, in whom I am well pleased.” Today, hear the Voice of our Lord taking delight in you. Let us, too, take delight in each other.

    1. Amen! So grateful for ears to hear the voice of God!

    2. So true! We a loved with a total and everlasting love! We are absolutely beloved!

  5. Thank you for sharing the daily devotional! When I forget to bring my book with me, I don’t worry because I know you will have it posted!

  6. To God be The Glory as I allow HIM to lead me through this day, realizing that whatever hurdles present, HE IS right there to take care of it when I wait on HIM in all things! May we each hear his voice clearly today and follow his lead is my prayer in Jesus Name.

    1. Amen! Your words are my thoughts. Thank you for this prayer. CO

    2. Amen! I'm listening with expectation for clarity and direction. I trust you Jesus!

  7. Willing to follow Your lead.
    Rejoicing in each day You've made.
    Holding Your hand.
    Embracing steep or easy paths.
    Trusting in You.
    Loving in faith, Father, Son, Spirit.

    1. Amen. Thank you for sharing! I am praying for each person on here today. May you all God to lead you on your path today. CO

    2. CO --- I receive your prayers with thanksgiving! I pray that you will be filled with hope and assurance. The Lord is by your side Now and Forever so you can live Courageously Now and Forever! AMEN and AMEN

    3. Beautiful, MadFox! Thank you!

    4. Where You Lead I Will Follow ♥️🎶

  8. Chris P. - Praying your back pain lessens or disappears. Thank you Jesus for this wonderful day. Guide me whether it's easy paths or difficult ones. I trust you always. KS

  9. Good morning JC family! Thank you all for your posts! You’ve all been such a blessing on my journey! And though I don’t often post please know that I am praying for all of you! Asking you all to keep me and my family in your prayers. We’ve been dealing with some really challenging things. Blessings for all and all glory to God!

    1. Praying for you and your family, now! CO

    2. Sweet4G! --- So thankful for your post. I am so grateful for your prayers! I go to The Throne of Grace, joining the JC WARRIORS in prayer for you and your family. The events or fears that threaten to overwhelm you don't stand a chance in the light of our Lord's loving power! Lord you make all things work together for the good for sweet4G! and family, even when we don't understand how that could be possible. Lord, increase our faith in You, Through Jesus Christ our Lord, AMEN and AMEN.

  10. Good to be among you all and read your posts. For all who have requested prayers, I lift you up to our Heavenly Father and ask His blessing upon you. The reading today raises the great tension of life: is it a matter of whether we like the way things are going or whether He likes how things for us. In a world where so many demands are made of us, there is only one demand that matters; wrap your heart around our Lord and respond accordingly as you go about your day. That will fulfill the admonition of the psalmist, “This is the day the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it.” May we all find that truth today, it is there for the choosing. God be with you.

    1. Good Morning Bob,
      Totally agree with you. As someone who suffers from anxiety and depression it is so hard to believe when things are not going well. It is easy to question if the Lord even exists. Faith when you are anxious is hard. Notwithstanding my doubts I continue to pray and try to trust the Lord. Jesus help me.

    2. BMP, and I agree with you, the demons of anxiety and depression can have a field day within our souls when things are not going well. One of the reasons is because so much of our culture, the advertising industry, the media, etc. thrives on making us anxious which is why they use all the gimmicks they have to create anxiety within us. Antidote is to keep coming back to the truth, through scripture, meditation, and song. The world is not at the mercy of the evil one but of the God of all love and grace. This needs to be repeated a few hundred thousand times until we get it. Still repeating myself. God be with you.

    3. Hello this is Ms Wanda my God strength our faith to do his will and not our.
      God give a heart full with love ,peace,and forgiveness Amen!

    4. Beautiful truth, dear Ms Wanda! Thank you! Praying for Him to strengthen my faith and enable and empower me to do all He has set before me and share His great love, peace and forgiveness. Amen! His will, not ours!

  11. Bob - Amen "This is the day the Lord has made ........." is the verse I shared with my daughter. WE WILL REJOICE!!!!

  12. Jesus- I trust you. Lead us to our daily adventures today.

  13. A great day it is and the truth that, it is indeed a day that the Lord has made! I have a choice to either REJOICE in it or allow my problems and circumstances to rejoice over me.
    I KNOW that I KNOW, that I KNOW, I certainly have NOTHING to loose when I choose to rejoice in this day, trusting the God who made it possible for me to see it and allowing myself to live a life close to Him and expect the surprises that each day contains.

    Thank You Father for this day (January 13th, 2020), that You made and placed me in. I yield to the power and authority of Your Holy Spirit to order and take me through each step of it, in Jesus name. Thank You Lord.

    Maplewood, NJ

    1. Maplewood--- AMEN and AMEN!

    2. Yielding to the power of the Holy Spirit, the gift that keeps on giving, thank you Jesus and Father!

    3. Beautiful and timeless! I pray this day will bring forth much good fruit to His glory!

  14. The aches and pains of aging can be a distraction that we ask the Lord to take from us. I pray that His grace and my focus on Him will give me peace to live through my earthly pains, praising him. He has better days in store for me.

  15. Thank you Jesus for your unconditional love. Help me Lord to see the good in all. I know we are all different in our faith journey. Jesus I trust in you. Keep all JC warriors safe and hear our prayers for each other.

  16. Oh my Gosh, JC Family!! Spilled a drink on my keyboard last night and I could not post for the life of me! All of you have been in my prayers and I'm thanking God for His redemption. I took a keyboard home tonight that would allow me to post. God always delivers.
    Prayers of Thanksgiving for little 2 lb Maribel and her Mommy. "Thank Me for this day of life, recognizing that it is a precious, unrepeatable gift." JC
    I am so thankful Lord, for Your Love and Grace. Heading to bed, one tired woman, but thankful. Praying for a sweet sleep for all of us.
    God Speed.

  17. Victory Lap! Victory Dance! Victory Song! and Victory Praises! are going up :)
    Thanks to all who prayed for Azalea and Honeysuckle; they are safe and sound at home.
    Thanks Be To God for them, you and your prayers JC Warriors!
    I also prayed for all of your posted requests yesterday, and for those prayers in the hearts of those who didn't.
    Blessings family

    1. Hallelujah!! Thank you Lord for bringing them home ❤

      Blessings from France

    2. Good Morning Brie, that is wonderful news of Victory and answered prayers! I prayed a thank you this morning that God was returning them even before I got up. I just knew that I knew.
      BFF as I heard myself praying a thank you in advance for the pets I also prayed a thank you for your mom in advance. I admire you for your faith and Christian wisdom. You're so young and I wish I would have found my way at a young age like you have. God's got this in His plans for you too. Have a good day sisters. Blessings to you and to all of this JC family. Thank you Lord! All Glory to you for what you've done here and will do.

    3. Thanks Kathy, I was so comforted by all the St Anthony (aka Tony) prayers and all the other prayers and stories, and by imagining the cats climbing into bed with me. JC WARRIORS, all of you warmed my heart and helped me keep hope alive.
      While I was going through this experience, God said because He has an infinite supply, I could have all the faith, hope, and love I want, without paying a price, and without deservability. Praise be to God for His generosity and for all of you. Amen.

    4. Brie - so happy they are home. I somehow missed your post yesterday. Dear St. Anthony helped guide them to you. Blessings! KS

    5. Joining the VICTORY dance Brie! God is faithful! "Let the Praises of the Lord Rise upon us"!!!

      Maplewood NJ

    6. HOORAY for your fur-kids returning home, Brie! Prayed throughout the day for them and truly envisioned them finding their way home. God is so good! BFF, prayers continue for your mom and hope the pain continues to retreat and your worry, BFF, abates feeling God's love around both of you. I so look forward to connecting with you all each day. Blessings JC family!

    7. Yay God! Thank you! Brie, don't you wish they could tell you about their adventure and how God led them home? Enjoy the purrs. Maybe a bowl of cream for a happy return? (For the cats, not you LOL) ♥️

    8. Yes Audra, I Wish I could figure out how to connect a gopro to their collars! Or a find my cat app!
      Cream for them; ice cream for me!

    9. Will think about the St Anthony prayer next time I need to find something lost!

      Thank you dear NJS!

      Blessings from France

    10. Brie, what a beautiful way to start the day! So happy they are gone! Thank you God!

    11. Blessings and Thanks again for your prayers, and letting your praises, thanks, Joys, and songs rise among us, Blessings From France, Janet, Waiting, Anonymouses, KS and Maplewood NJ, Jan Gridley, NJS, Audra and all JC Warriors

    12. And thank you dear Kathy for your sweet comment! Your words warm my heart.

      Blessings from France

    13. Amen and amen. So happy for their safe return.

      One of my dogs is a runner. We have always had to chase her with a car. We call her “the flash.” But instinctively, naturally she hunts. So it is no surprise to me that she wanders to rediscover a bunny or squirrel or whatever May have caught her attention. I dream all the time of her running and then me calling to her and then she actually comes when I call.😂 As mentioned, this is a dream.
      But very recently, our gate inadvertently was left open. I did not notice it at first, but then, noticed she was not there. In my panic, partially fueled by the fact that I had a work zoom meeting in minutes, I deposited my other dog inside. I went out the front to look for her in the woods area where I felt like she surely would have gone. Sure enough, she came around the corner of the house perched on the edge of the woods. I went to the street, and I called her name. Maya is her name. And, in the dramatic fashion of a Hollywood scene, she came running to me!! Oh what a glorious moment of reunion and peace in her safe return.
      This is my understanding of God‘s great heart for us. No matter if we have wandered or gotten lost or just escaped through a hole that is taking us from our path, God longs for our return. He longs to scoop us up and bring us home. What an incredible thing, that the creator of this universe would long for our presence!

    14. Hallelujah! Such great news,non dear Brie! Doing my victory dance with you and praising Him with thanksgiving and singing! He is so merciful and faithful!
      Amen GTT! God seeks us when we are lost and longs for our return.
      What a good Father He is!

    15. SO GLAD they are home!! Thank You, Father!!! Happy little kitties, Happy Brie!!!! Cream, Cream, we all scream for (ice) CREAM!!!

  18. Reposting today the update about my mother in case you missed it:

    Thank you so much for your prayers. She feels a little better. Stomach pain has reduced a bit but still have a headache. She has often had these pains for years now but this time it was so bad that she cried and it broke my heart.
    Thanks again for your prayers. Thanking God for the blessing of this precious family of believers. Love you!

    Blessings from France

    1. I am still praying for her and for you, our dear Blessings From France!

    2. Blessings from France - Praying for your dear mom for comfort and healing. I pray her better feelings continue. KS

    3. Will remain in prayer for your mom.

    4. Blessings from France, Thanking the great Jehovah Rapha, that He ALWAYS finishes what He starts. Your JC family will remain in prayers and thanksgiving for your dear morher. May the good Lord continue to keep her in His loving embrace.

      Maplewood NJ

    5. Awake since 4 am today and keeping all prayer requests in motion. Lord hear our prayers, offered in thanks for NO THING is impossible for our God!

    6. I was also up at 4 am.
      Only way to end the dream about a toilet that continued to make the sounds of running water after a flush because there was no mechanism inside it to make it stop; while I was trying to study for an exam!
      Anyway I used the up time to pray, meditate, read The Word, review and pray for all JC Warriors and their Prayer Requests. I also prayed that next week's Inauguration would be a celebratory and peaceful transition of power as ONE NATION UNDER GOD, WHO IS LOVE!
      As Jesus said, I can have all the faith, hope, and love I want because His supply is Infinite! Amen.

    7. Thank you so much! Reading all your prayers warms my heart ❤❤❤

      Blessings from France

    8. Amen! Continued prayers for all our leaders using God's wisdom to make prudent choices moving forward, and rebuke any efforts to run another destruction derby. N Jesus's name I pray!

    9. I was up till 4 putting photos together with Bible verses and looking at videos of my grandson. Continuing to pray for your dear Mom, BFF and my JC family, and our Country. Pray without ceasing.
      Maplewood, Hope you’re feeling pretty well after your procedure.
      MadFox, Praying you are resting and things are going smoothly,
      Praying God’s healing on you both, BFF’s Mom, Sister Pat, and all our family. Thank you dear Jesus!

  19. Blessings from France I pray that your Moms pain lessens and that God grants her the strength to get through it🙏

    1. Thank you very much John! God bless you.

      Blessings from France

  20. Truly this is ANOTHER day the Lord has made and as soon as my eyes opened this morning I jumped out of bed rejoicing IN AND FOR IT. I am inspired and encouraged by all the comments, prayers and words of wisdom, thank you all for sharing. I haven't posted in a while but I still read every comment. I have been tasked and led by GOD to write a book, but I can't seem to finish it. When I am in bed dosing off at night, I hear so much, and when I am in the shower I hear a lot also, but once I sit down to the computer, nothing comes. I tried to get out of it, but God keeps bringing it back to the forefront of my mind! Family can you pray with me that GOD will lead me through this process so that I may pass this test in obedience? I know FEAR is present, but I also BELIEVE GOD is able to help me overcome the FEAR of failure, but right now I am stuck!! Thank you in advance for lifting me up in prayer as I continue to do the same for my JC Family! Have a blessed beyond measure day!

    1. God's daughter, you can do ALL things through Christ Who strengthens you! Don't let the enemy hold you back! Keeping you in prayers.

      Maplewood NJ

    2. Praying that as you wait for the words to come, you will dive deeper into a closer walk with Him, for only then can you know that it's not about the book but more about " just a closer walk with thee".

    3. Writer's block? Surrender! His timing, not ours. What you trust persists. Thank you Lord for the Peace of understanding that completes God's Daughter's gift of a book to be shared with many.

    4. I actually meant 'what you resists persists', but what came out works too!

    5. What a great news! Praying for you to be filled with the Peace of the Lord and be inspired by His Holy Spirit to write what He wants you to as you lean on Him.

      Blessings from France

    6. Joining my prayers to theirs. Enjoy the journey as God guides you. At just the right moment all the words and ideas will flow!!! ❤️

    7. Joining prayers for you, God’s daughter that He will strengthen, inspire and guide you through this God appointed project, and that His Spirit will supply you with all the words to share. Thank You Father for granting this in the Name of Your Son, Jesus Christ. Amen.

    8. Heavenly Father, You hear our prayers. Thank You for lifting up God's daughter and helping her according to Your will. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen.

    9. Dear God's daughter, Continuing to pray for you and yours. May God lead you to good health and fulfillment, joy and peace.

  21. Good Morning God's Daughter, I'll pray with you. God's timing is part of his awesomeness. I learned some time back that he opens things up as we are ready for them. I hear your frustration. I want to say that your words "Family can you pray with me that GOD will lead me through this process so that I may pass this test in obedience"? are what is directing my prayer. Thanks for your contribution to this JC family and when you do get your book written, I feel it will surely bless others.

  22. Most Gracious Father, There is NO better life, than a life lived closed to You. Every day that I am blessed to breathe, plant my feet on solid ground and acknowledge that You are the Landowner and I am only a steward, reminds me to always have an attitude and response of thankfulness to Your loving kindness and tender mercy. I know that every good thing I have in life is a result of Your goodness and kindness, so thank You Lord for just everything. In Jesus’ name.

    “I want you to know, brothers, that what has happened to me has really served to advance the gospel, so that it has become known throughout the whole imperial guard and to all the rest that my imprisonment is for Christ. And most of the brothers, having become confident in the Lord by my imprisonment, are much more bold to speak the word without fear.” (Philippians 1:12-14)

    In Philippians 1:11, the Apostle Paul stated: “to the glory and praise of God,“ and by this he wanted us to know that living close to God is the greatest thing we as humans can live for! It is not to say that we will not have problems, but rather, our lives will not feel meaningless or empty. This life here on earth, will never be heaven, until we die and meet Christ face to face, but God has given us life full of meaningful possibilities right here if our minds are stayed and focused on Christ Jesus. Whether you have a divine perspective, or a right perspective, life gets hard, but God is ALWAYS with you if you truly belong to Him! He is the greatest Master, and we must make Him known, reflect on Him, praise and worship Him with thanksgiving and glory in Him. And if by doing so, takes over all of our lives and everything falls short, then the abundant life is now, full of peace and free in Christ!

    “What then? Only that in every way, whether in pretense or in truth, Christ is proclaimed, and in that I rejoice. Yes, and I will rejoice” (Philippians 1:18).

    Blessings and Peace.

    Maplewood, NJ

    1. Amen, Maplewood. Beautiful scripture readings and your thoughts. Thank you. KS

    2. Praying you are recovering well Maplewood 🥰

    3. Yes Jan, thank you! The good Lord remains GOOD.

      Maplewood NJ

    4. Thank you and AMEN, Maplewood, for your insight and wise words. I join Jan and all of us hear who are holding you in our prayers as you recover from your procedure. Continued prayers of healing for MadFox as well knowing Jehovah Rapha is always "in the house" with His remarkable healing!

    5. Amen Maplewood! So thankful for the Goodness of God. Keeping you in prayers for healing and recovery.

      Blessings from France

    6. Thank you for sharing your wisdom and a little piece of Heaven with us each day, Praying for your perfect recovery. God bless and heal you 😊💗
      All we need is a closer walk with Him!

    7. Amen and thanks again dear Maplewood! Taking this with me.
      This life here on earth, will never be heaven, until we die and meet Christ face to face, but God has given us life full of meaningful possibilities right here if our minds are stayed and focused on Christ Jesus. Words of truth dear sister!

  23. Thank you for all of your posts..I read and pray for each one. I want to do an update about my daughter. Her scan at Mayo went well, was an improvement as each time has been! She was disappointed that she didn’t hear “no evidence of disease” YET..... but she will. She has 3 more months of this chemo and if that continues to go well the doctor will consider presenting her case to the tumor board for possible surgery on the colon. We are hoping for that but God know the best course to bring her healing. Many thanks for your prayers. And many blessings to each one of you!

    1. Glad to see your post, Ellen! Been praying for you and your daughters and will continue. By faith we declare that she will hear "no evidence of disease" and receive many more blessings beyond imagination from Her Father in Heaven who loves and cares for her and each of His children.
      In Jesus name, we trust and pray. Amen

      Blessings from France

    2. Love - “but she will!” Praying with you Ellen!!

    3. Amen! She is doing well and I’m continuing to pray for her complete recovery! One day at a time in His healing presence.

    4. Amen. The Lord is with you all. Peace be with you.

    5. Dear Ellen, Keeping you, your hubby, your SIL's and your daughters in my heart and prayers. One day at a time in His presence.

    6. Thank you for your prayers for my daughter. She had wanted to hear “no evidence of disease”, and she has heard that! Actually has seen that in a radiology report…”no evidence of new or recurrent disease”!! Praise God! She is doing well, teaching, and still going to Mayo for scans every 3 months. She did have radiation on lymph nodes last summer which went well. So she is living her full life and we are praising and thanking God! My prayer is that she is cancer free in 2023, 33, 43, 53, 63…for the rest of her life! Coming to God boldly. Thank you for your prayers! Ellen

    7. Praise God with thanks for His healing in your family, Ellen. That makes me so happy. ♥️

  24. "Try to view each day as an adventure, carefully planned out by your Personal Tour Guide."
    When I read this in our JC devotion , I immediately thought SA2021 was making a stop and we would all get off to go on tours. At the end of the day, I'd be interested in knowing what Tour Jesus Our Guide took you on today?

  25. Amen Jesus. Today I choose to walk next to You and let You be my guide.Thank you for all that You provide every day. Please help me to acknowledge You in all parts if my day for I can do nothing without You.

  26. JC warriors, I could use some prayers for an old friend of mine named Lawanda. She is in jail. I know that the Lord is working on her, but she can use some comfort, peace, strength, and love right now, as well as her 2 sons and brother. Thank you all in advance for your prayers and support. As always, they are most appreciated. Thank You Jesus.
    Father, please lift up Lawanda and give her Your peace, love, and strength while she is going through this trial. Comfort her brother and sons while she is away from them and give them the strength to carry on. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen. Praise the Lord continually and always.

    1. Praying for Lawanda and her Family right now.
      May they experience Jesus enfolding them in His Loving Compassionate Arms.

    2. Joining in prayers for Lawanda!
      Blessings from France

    3. Joining in prayers for your dear friend Lawanda and her brother and son. May God’s comfort and peace wash over them and May He guide them in His love to true joy and fulfillment. Amen.

    4. Praying Lawanda is in a better place and trusting in the Lord, and her family has found strength, guidance and comfort in Jesus.

  27. How blind could I be
    How could I not see
    You were all I'd need
    Lord, please forgive me
    Down on bended knee
    Thanks for saving me
    Glad I now can see
    You're the one for me
    Planting of the seed
    Took many years indeed
    Happy do I plead
    For planting I did need
    Grateful as can be
    No more captivity
    For I am finally free
    Yours I'll always be

    1. That is beautiful, Janet. Thank you for sharing.

      Blessings from France

    2. Wonderful Janet! The Spirit is moving within you. God bless you sweet sister!💗

    3. Thanks for always sharing your beautiful heart, dear Janet!

    4. Thank you again Janet! Amen.

    5. Ditto again this year! Thanks for this Janet. Amen.

  28. JC Family, please pray for my husband. He spiked a temp tonight, hard chills, a lot of pain in his L leg (the one he's had 5 surgeries on). My youngest son and I got him to bed. His temp is only about 1.2 degrees high, but he feels awful. Please - if you are awake to see this, pray for my Hub. God's got this. I know He does. I will be on the Night Watch, but not by my computer, so I pray someone sees this and prays with me.

    1. Steroid dawn for me! am praying now for you to sleep or less stressed and that your husband gets relief with sleep or at a doctor visit later today. Peace, In Him.

    2. Healing prayers are being sent to the Throne of Grace dear Norah. Declaring healing, renewed strength, peace and comfort for you and yours. In Jesus name, Amen.

      Blessings from France

    3. Continuing to pray for your good husband dear Norah. Praying this soon will pass and God will bring him back to perfect health and calm your worried mind. Thank You Jesus.

    I'll never be more loved
    Than I am right now
    Wasn't holding You up
    So, there's nothing I can do
    To let You down
    Doesn't take a trophy
    To make You proud
    I'll never be more loved
    Than I am right now (oh)

    Going through a storm (yeah)
    But I won't go down
    I hear Your voice carried
    In the rhythm of the wind
    To call me out
    You would cross an ocean
    So, I wouldn't drown
    You've never been closer
    Than You are right now
    (Let's sing it out y'all)

    Jireh, You are enough
    Jireh, You are enough
    And I will be content
    (Even in it)
    In every circumstance
    (You are) Jireh, (You are) You are enough

    Forever enough
    Always enough
    More than enough
    Forever enough
    Always enough
    More than Enough

    I don't wanna forget
    How I feel right now
    On the Mountain Top
    I can see so clear what it's all about
    Stay by my side
    When the Sun goes down
    Don't wanna forget
    How I feel right now

    Jireh, (You are) You are enough
    (You are) Jireh, (You are)
    You are enough (So I will be)
    I will be content
    In every circumstance
    Jireh, (He is always enough)
    You are enough

    1. Wow! Thanks dear sister! What a glorious song of praise and such a moving video! Amen and thank you. It spoke to my heart and lifted me so very high!

  30. Morning Glory and Praise and thank you prayers are going up to You Jesus and out to our JC Family of Prayer Warriors! Kyle is getting released from continual hospital care to maintenance care, which means he can go back to his home in another city, and back to his work from home job! Yeah!
    Kyle was the young man we prayed for during his liver and bile duct transplant.
    Yet again, another Jesus Victory abounds in this room! Kyle is forever grateful to our Lord and for His pray-ers. It is true about two or more being gathered in His Name. Thanks for gathering on Kyle's behalf and praising the Lord from whom all blessing flow.

  31. As I was praying for him today I was wondering how he was feeling. You just made me so happy. More answered prayers. And my good sister tested negative. Our God is just so faithful! Hallelujah!
    I will have my little Gabriel with me tomorrow and for an overnight. Then I'm driving to in the morning to see my Mom in Brooklyn for the weekend. Busy time but God is leading and protecting me. You will be in my prayers, dear ones.

    1. Mercy travels and enjoy. God bless 🙏.

    2. Thanks to all pray-ers for all prayers prayed. Hear us O Father, hear us when we pray!
      Traveling Mercy Dear Jeanne, in Jesus' Name. Amen

    3. Thanks for the prayers. All will be well. God bless you all. We are all waiting on the Lord

  32. Thank You Jesus for more victories in Your precious name. Hallelujah. Praise God always. God is so good.

  33. God is good. God is great. His right hand, I shall take. Of His loving grace partake.

  34. Lord I thank u for all ur goodness an as mercy. Pls watch over my friend, he very recently lost his wife unexpectedly. Then day before Christmas his older daughter broke her foot in 3 places, and her son (10yrs old) yesterday had a brain bleeding and emergency surgery, we r praying so hear he will be OK. Thank u for allowing me to post here. I have her book as well. I feel so helpless to help them all. But prayers to our Lord I will continue. Thank u.

    1. Yes Unknown, prayers for your friend and his children as they navigate their journey of faith. God is with them every step of the way...through YOU! As you pray and support them all. Amen.

    2. Praying for your grieving friend and each of his dear ones, and for you as well Unknown. You came to the right place for intercessory prayers. May all be blessed by them in Jesus' Name

  35. Thank you paytonfamily for the My Prayer, written above. I can relate!
    Dear Heavenly Father, continue to guide and help me to get behind and accept YOUR will, not mine. I pray for my will to be blessed rather than accepting your will which should be my focus. Your will has already been blessed! I love you Jesus! Amen.

  36. This has been a lovely time of reading and rejoicing this morning. Praying for each of your with the needs that are posted and rejoicing over the victories. Jeanne, I was so thankful to read that your sister and her husband tested Negative to COVID. Continued prayers for their full recovery.
    I chastised myself for going back to sleep this morning after I first woke up and then remembered the 'flexibility,' in my schedule that I have been given this time around! Jesus Calling wrapped it up for me in a nutshell: "Thank Me for this day of life, recognizing that it is a precious, unrepeatable gift. Trust that I am with you each moment, whether you sense My presence or not. A thankful, trusting attitude helps you to see events in your life from My perspective.
    A life lived close to Me will never be dull or predictable. Expect each day to contain surprises! Resist your tendency to search for the easiest route through the day." The joy of walking with Him, moment by moment rather than by my expectations is so freeing.
    Praying for your safe travels, Jeanne and the fun you will have with your family.
    Giving thanks as I read the past victories. This time last year, my Dear Hub was so sick. So happy to report he is up and running (well, active), today, one year later. Continued prayers for you, MadFox and all of you on here - posting or not. Our loving Father has this day. Father, let me walk with you, hand in hand as our dear Savior encourages us to. This is the day He made - not me. I will rejoice and be glad in it!

  37. Thank you Lord for today's adventure and for answering all prayers shared. Amen

  38. Thanks for the prayers dear Norah. Glad you got some much needed rest. Praying with you and walking with the Lord.

  39. Amen Peter! Thanking God for many more answered prayers and victories to celebrate.

  40. Amen! The safest place to be is by His side. Rejoicing that we are going to fight this lymphoma together today. Praying that His faithfulness will shine like the sun thoughout all my treatments, and soon, every bad cell will be destroyed and replaced with healthy tissue and that the Lord will be guiding the medicine to every cancer cell.
    Isaiah 41:10 "So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand."
    Thank You dear Father for this victory of healing and for answering all our prayers in the Name of Christ Jesus, our Risen Lord. Amen

    1. Sweet Jeanne ---- I stand with you in steadfast agreement!!!
      I Decree that you are redeemed from the curse. Galations 3:13 is flowing in your blood stream. It flows to every cell of your body, restoring life and health. In Jesus's name, AMEN and AMEN. JJ

    2. Joining in continuing prayers for you Jeanne. May our heavenly Father's presence comfort and strengthen you as you journey with Him during this time 🙏. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen. Peace be with you and God bless.

    3. Thank you dear JJ and Janet! You lifted me high today! Going now to fight my cancer with the Lord. He is so faithful! Love you!

    4. Blessings on you today Jeanne. Your wish is His command ✝️♥️

  41. Just had to thank you for all your prayers which will surround me like a nice warm blanket today. He hears every one. So blessed to belong to Him who cares for me and to this dear JC Family. Today, remind yourself through the hours that you are in His care and His peaceful Presence. His Spirit is Your constant Helper and Guide so all will go well. What a good and caring Father we have. He loves us like none other. Hallelujah!

  42. Lord, thank you for this day. Please gently nudge us all to reflect and remember that this is they that You have made; there will never be another one like it.
    Jeanne praying for you as you begin treatment today. Praying for God’s healing.
    Lifting up all that were affected by the tornadoes yesterday in the South.

    SC Anonymous

    1. What a beautiful reminder for all of us Jeanne- thank you for your strength and FAITH! You’ve lifted my strength and faith to face this day of unknowns. Praying that when these treatments do their job and your one of a kind, God given, God driven immune system continues to kick into overdrive and annihilates that which doesn’t belong - you will be stronger and healthier than ever. GOD bless you!

    2. Love you for your beautiful encouragement! Thanks!

  43. Dear sister Jeanne, basque in His peace that passes understanding. Set sail on this journey today knowing Who's at the helm. He will lead you through calm waters where the wind of fear or anxiety cannot disrupt your peace. Trust in Him will be the shield that covers you like a warm blanket. You are also fully covered with our prayers. You are loved💞🙏🌈!

    1. Amen Sis! The Lord has covered me. I’m not alone. Hallelujah

    2. Gathering in to Jan's prayers. In Jesus' Name. Amen.

    3. Jeanne - You are in our HEARTS AND PRAYERS. Praying you are blessed and comforted with HIS presence, love, guidance and HEALING. WE LOVE YOU!!!

  44. Therefore be imitators of God as dear children. (Ephesians 5:1). If we live in the Spirit, let us also walk in the Spirit. (Galatians 5:25). Blessed is everyone who fears the LORD, who walks in His ways. (Psalm 128:1).

    1. Blessed be the Lord, Who daily loads us with benefits, the God of our salvation! Our God is the God of salvation; and to GOD the Lord belong escapes from death. (Psalm 68:19-20).

    2. Amen! Help me to trust and follow God's will in my life, being grateful for this day. Help me to focus on him and help me to be his servant and witness to those that I may help of his love, his power and his way of life! ❤️🙏

  45. Continual prayers for you, Dear Jeanne, as you SO recognize our loving Father's Presence and that the Lord Jesus Christ has met all of the requirements so that you could be comfy and free in His Care. We will be praying with you all throughout this day and time, knowing that you are the Victor in this and every situation. I love you, Sister!

    1. And I thank you for your 'sweet sleep' prayers. It was a full, peaceful night of rest.

    2. Thanks dear Norah! Love you.

  46. 1 Peter 2:21 ESV
    "For to this you have been called, because Christ also suffered for you, leaving you an example, so that you might follow in his steps."
    Everything on Earth is broken, touched by brokenness. Even Jesus' body was broken for us in His suffering on the Cross.

    However the one thing we don't like and certainly don't volunteer for is suffering.
    Suffering equals pain, we don't like pain. Pain hurts. We don't like being hurt, physically, emotionally, relationally or in any other way.
    Not many of us suffer because of our relationship with God through Jesus.
    When we witness publicly and are sworn at or given a mouthful of hate, we feel affronted. (Although we should expect it)

    2 Corinthians 1:3
    Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of compassion and the God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our troubles, so that we can comfort those in any trouble with the comfort we ourselves receive from God.

    Peter 4:12-19 NASB
    Share the Sufferings of Christ
    12 Beloved, do not be surprised at the fiery ordeal among you, which comes upon you for your testing, as though something strange were happening to you;
    13 but to the degree that you share the sufferings of Christ, keep on rejoicing, so that at the revelation of His glory you may also rejoice and be overjoyed.
    14 If you are insulted for the name of Christ, you are blessed, because the Spirit of glory, and of God, rests upon you.
    15 Make sure that none of you suffers as a murderer, or thief, or evildoer, or a troublesome meddler;
    16 but if anyone suffers as a Christian, he is not to be ashamed, but is to glorify God in this name.
    17 For it is time for judgment to begin with the household of God; and if it begins with us first, what will be the outcome for those who do not obey the gospel of God?
    18 And if it is with difficulty that the righteous is saved, what will become of the godless man and the sinner?
    19 Therefore, those also who suffer according to the will of God are to entrust their souls to a faithful Creator in doing what is right."
    I admit I don't like the concept of suffering.
    I struggle with it. Yet, God has a purpose in our suffering.

    2 Corinthians 1:3 tells us that as Jesus suffered for us, He can comfort us in our suffering. As we cling to God and look to Him for comfort and hope in our suffering, He encourages us to comfort others who are being afflicted, with the same comfort we've received from God.
    God comforts us so that we can comfort others. Amen to that!

  47. Thank you for feeding us so well brother Peter! Much love

  48. Haven’t posted in a while so I wanted to check in. Praying for a blessed New Year for everyone, including myself, starting with rejoicing in each day He has made! Shalom🙏

    1. Happy and blessed New Year dear Rich!

  49. My Mighty Papa God --- I want to thank You in advance for the beneficial healing properties in the prescribed medication that Jeanne will be taking.
    I thank You that the medication WILL BE EFFECTIVE in its intended purpose and there will be NO harmful side effects in her body now or any time in the future. Shield her from any evil arrangements of the enemy. I send great destruction upon any of the plans of the enemy. I Plead The Blood of Jesus over, Jeanne and over her family. Let The Blood of Jesus SPEAK on Jeanne's behalf. Just a reminder, satan, you are nothing but lying scum, Lord of the Flie and a SOUNDLY DEFEATED FOE with a short time left. Thank you Papa God, that Your Word says, "the victory that has overcome", not only the world, but satan himself.
    In Jesus's Name, For His Honor and For His Purposes, AMEN and AMEN.

    1. Yes indeed, our JJ. Slay that evil scum..
      St.Michael the Archangel. Defend us in our battle against the evil wicked snares of satan. Be our protection. Rebuke satan we humbly pray. And do thou, oh prince of the Heavenly Host, by the Divine Power of God vested in you, smash, crash and burn alive in hell, satan along with all its evil works and evil workers. In Jesus' Name and with His Blood, we cover ourselves and pray. Amen.

    2. Dearest JJ and Brie! Felt those powerful prayers and all the sincere prayers of my brothers and sisters that covered me. God heard them. He saved me from bad effects. I kept saying: No weapon formed against me shall prosper. I prayed and thanked God for directing every drop of the meds to every cancer cell to be destroyed because only He knows exactly where it is hiding.
      I finished all my prayers and read a sweet letter my youngest son Dylan sent me with photos of me with Gus children. It blessed me.
      I only had chills, a somewhat queasy tummy and fatigue. The nurse said I did great! I told her I had Jesus with me and she said that was very good. I told her He is my everything. Praising God with gratitude for His faithfulness. Feel a little off and tired but so grateful that I’m doing well thank God! Thanks for your prayers 💗

    3. Yeah, Jeanne!!! Thanks for the update. So grateful for a good outcome. Loved the way you used the WORD!!! My Lord's Grace and Mercy be all over you and give you rest and restoration! Sending bunches of love and blessings your way!

  50. Remember to dress in your armour for treatment, Jeanne. I know you have your shoes on 😉♥️

    1. Yes , yes Audra and Brie --- Your words are wrapped in THE HIGH TRUTH!

    2. Sure did my sweet sister!!! I was well equipped. Read His Word and stayed in His mighty presence and peace! Thanks for your prayers 😘

    3. Amen to that JJ! Truth, light and life!

    4. Just had to thank you all for all your sincere prayers and support during my treatment last year. It was your prayers and God’s Word that brought me through. Jesus healed me. I have my follow up with my Oncologist on 1/17 and I’m praying for good results for me and for all those undergoing medical procedures and tests. Thank you Jesus! We trust in you.

      Romans 8:28
      And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose.

  51. Father God, I thank you for this new day.
    I know You’re leading me through it so I’ll do my best to follow Your lead. No
    matter the weather or circumstances You will bring me light and love and peace. Thank You for blessing my good mom and give her hope and joy. You hear her asking you to take her because she wants to be with You. But Your timing is perfect. You always give us reasons to be thankful and I pray my mom will see your bright light today in me. Help me to cheer her up and make her smile. Give her an appetite for the food I serve her. And also a longing to live her life. But Your will, not mine. Thank you for this and for granting all our prayer requests in Jesus’ Name. Amen.

    Matthew 5:14-16
    You are the light of the world. A city that is set on a hill cannot be hidden. Nor do they light a lamp and put it under a basket, but on a lampstand, and it gives light to all who are in the house. Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven.

    1. May you have peace as you wait through the next few days for your appt. And may the results be positive. Continued prayers regarding your mom and her wishes. Godspeed, sweet Jeanne.

    2. Jeanne lifting you and your mom up to God our Father.
      SC Anonymous

    3. Joining in prayer with you our sweet Jeanne. You are a beacon of His Light and His Love.

    4. Warm blessings to you and Mom, Jeanne! May you be surprised by some today✝️🙏♥️

    5. Love you dear MadFox, SC, Brie and Audra!! Your prayers and sweet words brought me much light today. I believe all will go well on the 17th for all of us! God has already shown me His faithfulness. Praying for you as you pray for me. Mom is doing well and she is looking forward to the other half of a big cheeseburger I’m about to give her. God is good.

  52. Psalm 128 AMPC‬‬
    [24] This is the day which the Lord has brought about; we will rejoice and be glad in it.
    [26] Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord; we bless you from the house of the Lord [you who come into His sanctuary under His guardianship].
    [28] You are my God, and I will confess, praise, and give thanks to You; You are my God, I will extol You.
    [29] O give thanks to the Lord, for He is good; for His mercy and loving-kindness endure forever.

    Song by Todd Galberth
    We will not be shaken
    We will not be moved
    For the Lord is beside us
    With Him we cannot lose
    Though shadow surrounds us
    We will fear no evil
    We'll trust in the Lord with our hearts and in your joy we will dwell forever
    Though the night may seem weary
    Joy is coming, coming, coming in the morning
    All praise to King Jesus
    I know joy is coming, yes joy is coming
    We will not be shaken
    We will not be moved
    For the Lord is beside us
    With Him we cannot lose
    Though shadow surrounds us
    We will fear no evil
    We'll trust in the Lord with our hearts and in your joy we will dwell forever
    Though the night may seem weary
    Joy is coming, coming, coming in the morning
    All praise to King Jesus
    I know joy is coming
    Though the night may seem weary
    Joy is coming, coming, coming in the morning
    All praise to King Jesus
    I know joy is coming, yes joy is coming
    Your light can drown out darkness and bring your joy to light
    We won't submit to sorrow, our joy is coming in the morning
    In the morning
    Your light can drown out darkness and bring your joy to light
    We won't submit to sorrow, our joy is coming in the morning
    In the morning
    Your light can drown out darkness and bring tour joy to light
    We won't submit to sorrow, our joy is coming in the morning
    In the morning
    Your light can drown out darkness and bring your joy to light
    We won't submit to sorrow, our joy is coming in the morning
    In the morning
    Though the night may seem weary
    Joy is coming, coming, coming in the morning
    All praise to King Jesus
    I know joy is coming
    Though the night may seem weary
    Joy is coming, coming, coming in the morning
    All praise to King Jesus
    I know joy is coming, yes joy is coming
    Your light can drown out darkness and bring your joy to light
    We won't submit to sorrow, our joy is coming in the morning
    In the morning
    Your light can drown out darkness and bring Your joy to light
    We won't submit to sorrow, our joy is coming in the morning
    In the morning
    Your light can drown out darkness and bring Your joy to light
    We won't submit to sorrow, our joy is coming in the morning
    In the morning
    Your light can drown out darkness and bring your joy to light
    We won't submit to sorrow, our joy is coming in the morning
    In the morning
    Though the night may seem weary
    Joy is coming, coming, coming in the morning
    All praise to King Jesus
    I know joy is coming, yes joy is coming

    1. That was so very good and it blessed me. Thanks dear Min Ahadi! I really needed it.
      Here’s one I love. The Goodness of God.

  54. Science Says That We Need At Least 4 Basic Elements To Survive:
    1. Water
    2. Air
    3. Food
    4. Light
    And Look What The Bible Tells Us About Jesus:
    1. I Am the Living Water
    2. I Am the Breath of Life
    3. I Am the Bread of Life of the World
    4. I Am the Light
    Science Was Right, We Need Jesus To Live!

    1. Wow, JJ, that is so great…He is our all in all, and we NEED Him and can count on Him to be present for us!

    2. WOW! Thanks JJ for summing it up into a nutshell.
      Form follows function and science follows Jesus.
      As it was in the beginning, it is now, and forever will it be, world without end. AMEN!

    3. Thanks JJ! I couldn't have said it better! 🙏🏼❤

    4. And would you look at that! Thanks for this, JJ! He IS our Sonshine our only Sonshine...He makes us happy when skies are grey...!

    5. Love the truth in the Bible that defines!

    6. Thanks dear JJ!! That is just such a great share! So very true. He is Everything we need and more!! He is Eternal!

  55. Lord thank you so much for another day , A brand new day; A gift from you. God thank you for reminding me that you are my source you are my guide lord . So many times I try to do it my way …and I forget that this day was prepared for me directly from you . Lord you are my orchestrator. Help me lord to let go of my controlling ways that leaves me so frustrated, burnt out , worried and anxious. Give me the strength God to truly be wiling to follow you wherever you lead me . I want to live close to you lord deeper lord. Where there is peace, joy, confidence and with a light heart. I yearn for this lord. I need you father God to help me lord to trust, to not always choose the easy avoiding growth , to remind me that you are always with me …even when I don’t sense your presence.By your sis is the safest places for me thank you father thank you for your goodness and faithfulness.

    1. Joining in this heart felt prayer, thank you for bringing it forth!

    2. Excellent prayer! We are the Head and NOT THE TAIL. We are ABOVE AND NOT BENEATH. The LORD ALWAYS causes us to TRIUMPH!

    3. Dear Maranda! Joining all prayers for you. God knows your sincere heart of trust and everything you long for especially His help and guidance. Praying with you that God leads you to peace and comfort and security and a life of true joy in Him. God bless your life in every way. And answer your prayers and show you all He has prepared for you. Trust in His faithfulness.
      Thank You Father for this in Jesus’ Name. Amen

  56. Thank you God for blessing my life and showing me grace and mercy. I love you: ol please continue to watch over me. In Jesus name amen. 🙏🏻💕

  57. Amen! We need Him in every little thing.

  58. Praying with you and for you, dear Anonymous. You are beloved in His Eyes.

  59. Please pray for Eli, an 8 yr old boy with a brain tumor. My sister’s DIL’s cousin’s son just got diagnosed and he’s not doing well. He really needs our prayers.
    Father, You know Eli needs your help and healing and his family needs your guidance and peace. Thank You for removing this tumor and guiding Eli to the best doctors and treatment and lead him back to good health so he can proclaim your good deeds and give you glory. Thank You for bringing peace of mind to him and his family and let them feel Your loving presence. Thank You for this in the powerful Name of.Christ Jesus our Risen Lord. Amen

    Psalm 18:6
    In my distress I called upon the LORD;
    to my God I cried for help.
    From his temple he heard my voice,
    and my cry to him reached his ears.

    Psalm 50:15
    and call upon me in the day of trouble;
    I will deliver you, and you shall glorify me.

    Psalm 55:22
    Cast your burden on the LORD,
    and he will sustain you;
    he will never permit
    the righteous to be moved.
