Thursday, January 31, 2013

Jesus Calling: January 31

I am your strength and shield. I plan out each day and have it ready for you, long before you arise from bed. I also provide the strength you need each step of the way. Instead of assessing your energy level and wondering about what's on the road ahead, concentrate on staying in touch with Me. My Power flows freely into you through our open communication. Refuse to waste energy worrying, and you will have strength to spare.
     Whenever you start to feel afraid, remember that I am your Shield. But unlike inanimate armor, I am always alert and active. My Presence watches over you continually, protecting you from both known and unknown dangers. Entrust yourself to My watch-care, which is the best security system available. I am with you and will watch over you wherever you go.
Psalm 28:7
English Standard Version
The LORD is my strength and my shield;
in him my heart trusts, and I am helped;
my heart exults,
and with my song I give thanks to him.

Matthew 6:34
English Standard Version
“Therefore do not be anxious about tomorrow, for tomorrow will be anxious for itself. Sufficient for the day is its own trouble.

Psalm 56:3-4
English Standard Version
When I am afraid,
I put my trust in you.
In God, whose word I praise,
in God I trust; I shall not be afraid.
What can flesh do to me?

Genesis 28:15
English Standard Version
Behold, I am with you and will keep you wherever you go, and will bring you back to this land. For I will not leave you until I have done what I have promised you.”

My Prayer
You are my strength Lord. I wish I would realize this more each day. My days have so many weak moments when all I need to do is call on You for strength. Like the disciples on the boat with You Jesus as the storm turns violent, too often my focus shifts to the storm instead of remaining on You. You are my shield. You are the Protector of me, protecting me from any harm. Nothing can hit me too hard. Even though Job lost family and belongings, his most important investment--You--remained. Remind me that You are there. I can see You and You are working in me throughout these moments in life that I often am struggling with.

Lord, you have set this day in motion. It's not a surprise to You or a mystery, so therefore, help me to walk in You, in Christ. I want to remain with You, in touch with You. Remove worry from my life, and let me rest in You. "Don't you worry, tomorrow will take care of itself, I'm taking care of you." Those are words from Allies, the music group, and it's a reminder that Anxiety and worry are not to be a part of me. If fear rises up in me, I can put my trust in You. When I am afraid, I put my trust in you. In God, whose word I praise, in God I trust; I shall not be afraid.

Note: The devotion and scriptures are from author Sarah Young. If you haven't already, please purchase the book and support the author. 

Also, bookmark to have an easy link to the entire year of these entries.


  1. father, i ask your blessing today on my thoughts, I am aware not of my resentments and believe in your forgiveness. I believe you have came to set me free. divorce my thoughts from self pity, dishonest and self seeking motives I thank you in Jesus' name Amen I receive your mercy now, I love you

    1. This was a beautiful comment. Thank you Lisa!

    2. I need you with me Lord, all of my days. Help me to keep the focus on you at all times to keep me from falling.

    3. Such great reminders! I trust you Jesus! I pray lifting up each of the JC family. Thank you Lord for blessing my family and my husband with his new job! You are faithful and good, always! I love you
      Father God, Jesus and Holy Spirit. Speak through me and use me to bring others closer to you.
      In Jesus heavenly name
      Amen πŸ™❤️πŸ™ŒπŸΌ
      With love
      Brandy ❤️πŸ™❤️

  2. Peace what a good morning to me and you. Thank goodness... very blessed and very blessed with beyond my heart... ❤️⚓️

  3. Dear Lord, in you I trust. You alone know my daily anxieties. I need You today, tomorrow and as long as I live. Make me an instrument of your peace, to serve Your purpose and to be of good courage. In the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen.

  4. Today the devo uses Psalm 28:7, which is: "The LORD is my strength and my shield..." which is to say, "Have no fear." Hesitate to post 2 days in a row of lyrics, but I think another song fits with the devo emphasis of late and if you hear the song, the melody also "sticks" in your head:

    Fear is a Liar. by Zach Williams

    When he told you you're not good enough
    When he told you you're not right
    When he told you you're not strong enough
    To put up a good fight
    When he told you you're not worthy
    When he told you you're not loved
    When he told you you're not beautiful
    That you'll never be enough

    Fear, he is a liar
    he will take your breath
    Stop you in your steps
    Fear he is a liar
    he will rob your rest
    Steal your happiness
    Cast your fear in the fire
    'Cause fear he is a liar...

    1. Thank you, MadFox! Every time I hear this song, I turn the radio up and sing with it. It helps put me back on the path of reminding me that fear is a liar and "The Lord is my strength and my shield." CO

    2. Great song, MadFox! One of my faves. Thanks for sharing.

    3. KET - I know you posted a year ago, but I wanted you to know I am praying for you today.

      I certainly don't have the answers for you, but I wanted you to know I agree with the opinions of MadFox. I truly hope you have reached out and found some counseling to help you deal with your feelings since the tragic loss of your son.

      I believe God is listening to you and hears each of your prayers. The answers you feel you are getting may not be what you want, but God is holding you in His arms as you grieve. I can't pretend to know how much it hurts to lose a son at the age of 16; I can only imagine, and I don't like the thought of it. I pray you have found some bits of bright light and goodness while you have been in the depths of despair. I have asked myself "why" to so many things: why does this woman have a mental illness, why was that baby born with a terminal heart defect, why was that young man's life taken too soon...and I have found I don't have the answers. I am learning, day by day, to trust in Jesus. He truly is with you and each of us as we are on this earthly journey, in good times and in bad. "Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct thy paths." Proverbs 3:5-6 KJV I realize this is much easier said than done, but I keep practicing it, and I am feeling like it is getting easier. I hope you find some comfort in knowing others are praying for you. Godspeed! CO

    4. Love that song too MadFox!
      Amen dear CO! We will never understand why so many people have to suffer, until we are in our celestial Home in the sky.

    5. Thank you dear MadFox! Amen.
      God has not given us the spirit of fear, but of power and love and of a sound mind.

  5. I've watched myself change my mind this morning from, "Oh, I can't do this another day with this sub-zero weather," feeling sorry for myself to, "I can do all things through Christ which strengthens me." His Word heals and helps us change our minds. Madfox, I couldn't believe it when I listened to your daughter's song! A friend sent it to a group of us who meet and pray together, several weeks ago. What a beauty your daughter is and what an awesome song! I will look up the next one later today - because I've got to get to work and I will do it with a smile! As we just read, "Refuse to waste energy worrying, and you will have strength to spare." Prayers for all!

    1. Norah, oops! you misread, daughter introduced me to Lauren Daigle's music. Daughter can sing beautifully but she is a RN professionally.

    2. AH! Geez - just re-read - HA! So sorry! I still shared that song with whole-hearted praise! Listening to Zach Williams as I type. Music is always a vehicle to my heart/soul. I have 4 sons - all musicians and 1 daughter who is also musical. Just yesterday, I told a woman in my building, 'I can never remember HER name? What is her name?' She said, "Maria. 'How do you solve a problem like Maria?' WE LAUGHED! I said, "THANK YOU! When you put it to music, I will ALWAYS remember!" Also glad to know that your daughter is a RN! A profession that I yearned for but never pursued.

    3. Lots of music talent in your family. Nice! I like nearly all genres of music but have to say these young Christian singer/songwriters seem to have a heart for God. RN was a nice perk for me when I had the surgery! Good night!

  6. Thanks Mad Fox. There is so much truth in that song. Wish I had heard it in my teens but Zach Williams wasn’t born and I probably wasn’t ready. I thank you Lord for having your arms around me every day. I pray that I will keep that in mind all the time rather than off and on. I so appreciate everyone who in their pain or joy writes on this blog. Mad Fox you will never know how helpful you are as well as all of the others and I lift you all to the Lord in thanksgiving. I am trying to let go of “perfection” in me and everyone else but God. Foolish expectations cause stress and fear and we know that you can’t trust a liar. Thanks Payton Family!!

    1. Very kind praise. Like Bob M. wrote one time, may I help on this blog but not do so for my ego, but with humility in Christ.

      I have a lot of experience with failure, fear of failure, and the future but have been very blessed nonetheless. Many years of obstacles growing my faith. As I worked though recovery from major surgery done in fall 2017, I read this blog for at least a year before ever commenting. In the past few months and even more the last few weeks, I have felt that I should comment to assist others in similar circumstances. God uses our past problems for good. I now see purpose in my personal challenges. I had growth from them, and learned that any challenge for me is also an opportunity to help others. Godspeed to all of us in the PaytonFamily "community"

    2. Amen! God never wastes a hurt!!!
      Blessings to All.

  7. JC today is so so comforting, aaahhh. Thank you Jesus! Amen!

  8. Amen. I am in the MIDDLE of a self-imposed storm, an experience I hope will ultimately help someone and justify me, through Jesus.

  9. Dear MadFox I got to see Zach Williams touring For King and Country. It was a truly awesome concert. They are touring right now!

  10. Thank you Father God for the plan you have for my life every day. Keep me humble & my words be only about you.

  11. This was an important read for me today. I'm struggling with so many regrets over past decisions looking at my life now and feeling as though there's no purpose. I'm tired. I heard despair once defined as the feeling that tomorrow won't be any different. How do I change where I'm at? How do I shift direction when I feel stuck. A friend told me that God gives us our daily grace for the day in front of us. Kind of like the manna he fed his people. Not to be saved for the next day but to be consumed for the day ahead. As comforting as that is, I'm trying to stay in the day. What can I do or be for others today? How can I get out of myself? Thank you all for your comments. I will pray for his strength to flow through me and be my guiding light.

    1. Julianne, I hope if you still follow this blog it has contributed to answers you are looking for. May today bring you one day's portion of grace. He is with you.

  12. Father in everything give thanks. Thank you Lord for the blessing to be chosen to be a part of this beautiful day that you have made. I truly rejoice knowing that you gave and give me the blessings to be a servant to your Word. Thank you for my daughter as we both focus on our walk with you as our holy and spirtual guide. We love you. Thanking and praising your name for each moment as we honor and celebrate your Grace and glorify your name most high. We love and are thankful for your being in control as we seek your face. Thank you for the sacrifice of your son Jesus. God bless God!

  13. As I sit with y'all this morning, I am prepping for one of those unpleasant medical procedures that are given to make sure everything is well and functioning properly. I have had this done before with a great deal of angst within me. But this time it has been different. It has become an encounter with God. Being that I have been called by God to bring my eating habits under control since the beginning of the year, the need to fast from all solid foods was much easier because my "spoiled brat" of indulgence had been quieted. As I prayed over the day of preparation yesterday, God reminded me of how I had been less than pleasant to be around in the past primarily because I allowed my soul to be in "poor me" mode which resulted in less than a pleasant day for my wife. God made clear that I was to focus less on my unhappiness and more on being pleasant to her. Being in a more proper frame of spirit, we went and saw a movie, something we had not done for years. As I began to drink the "yucky" stuff that one is required to drink for a successful procedure, it wasn't as bad as it used to be and maybe I was not as negative about drinking it. As I drank it, my wife and I watched a favorite tv program we enjoy watching together. In my morning prayers today, I spent time praying for the doctor and all who will attend him; I also gave thanks for procedures that God has allowed humankind to create that help provide greater health for His children. Though physical health is not essential for spiritual health, it is nice to have and can compliment the soul. As I write these words to you, I am going through the second batch of the required solution and it is hardly an issue because I am spending the time doing something positive, writing in this blog. And how will the test come out? Well if there is any truth to today's reading, then the results have been planned out regardless of what they are. With that I am at peace. If my soul is at peace, my body will be at peace which will facilitate the physician in doing his work. (Several years ago, I had the same procedure done and I was filled with angst causing my body to react against the physician and the procedure had to be aborted.) I've shared this experience with you so if God's work on my heart and soul can provide you any spiritual insight, that makes this whole experience even more blessed. This one could be entitled, "Meeting God on the way to the Gastrologist". All is well!

    1. 3John1:2. Beloved, I pray that you may prosper in all things and be healthy, even as your soul prospers. Bob, you have blessed many here with your insights and wisdom. Your thoughts today do the same. Be at peace and Godspeed with your procedure today. All that know you, the smaller group here,
      and those in your church, friends, and family pray for good results. In Him and Amen

    2. Thanks, MadFox. You are a true friend!

    3. Praying for you, Bob. Your words have always and continue to nourish my soul. May all be well,for His greater glory!

  14. You're welcome. These procedures, well really the prep, are no fun! But they do provide opportunities to laugh (drugged comments) and to share faith. Confident you'll bless folks along the way. Again, Godspeed Bro' in Christ!

  15. I am really struggling with the idea above that God knows our day before we even arise from bed- I say this because my son was shot and killed at the age of 16 this past summer. Did God know this was going to happen? I know all about free will and that bad things happen, but if God knows our every move before we make it, why could he not have changed this day? why could he not have saved a 16 year old boy? why?

    1. God comfort your broken heart. I’m so sorry you lost your dear son. There are no words but bad things happen. We just don’t understand why these terrible things happen. Especially with Covid. Praying God has surrounded you with some angels and good people to guide your way. You are not alone. God bless you dear Ket.

  16. And why is God not listening to every day when I beg for him to take me to heaven now so that I can be with him and my son? Why?

    1. I responded by mistake in the reply main section instead of directly here - see below. Praying for answers for you and some local help.

  17. KET: I am so sorry for your loss and certainly all here in this Jesus Calling blog will pray for you. The questions you ask are difficult. But understandable with the loss of a child. I believe a child’s death is perhaps the most horrific loss that one can experience. We as parents are supposed to “go first” (natural order). Most if not all, would throw their child to safety and sacrifice themselves.

    I’m not a counselor; however, I am an “older” Christian. I had some time today and decided to respond although anything said here cannot take away your loss or questions. I am only trying to help you seek help locally - as I want to help not hurt. If anything said here is taken wrong. PLEASE IGNORE - these are simply suggestions to some of the points you raised.

    I think moms grieve differently than men/dad. You carried him, you felt his heartbeat for many months, and you nurtured him. But do know that I've grieved with family members as we experienced a tragic, devastating loss of a 20+ year old son and 35 years later, his mother still has a great sadness. Here are some quick thoughts:
    1. Seek Christian based counseling and ask these tough questions. Grieve and lament. If you tried this - seek new folks to help then.
    2. Free will can cause unnatural death – it is an awful consequence and a fear of any sane human being. Think of Job and perhaps find a book that talks about Christian grief and unnatural loss.
    3. God knowing what happens is because He is outside of time. C.S. Lewis in Mere Christianity explains this well. His ability to see the future doesn’t negate free will's consequences.
    4. Begging to die is grief and a lament… again, no judgement here, it is understandable. please seek a good counselor to help with your grief.

    Tragedy is real – the news shares it every day. One day death will be overcome FOREVER that is the future we cannot see but God does say TRUST that one day we will be with all our loved ones for eternity.

    KET: Please find help that is personal and face/face – this blog can only be a directional beacon to real help with someone who can sit and pray with you and hug you when you weep. I am sending a virtual hug out to you… Godspeed and Peace.

  18. MadFox - I did not see this last year but such a blessed response to a truly difficult time for KET. I pray KET has sought comfort in our good Lord. Praying for you, KET. KS

  19. With a grateful heart, I give Thanks to the Father, Son and Holy Spirit for a wonderful first month of the year. As it comes to an end today, I say THANK You Father for ALL the many, many blessings, known and unknown. Thank You for family, friends, life, restoration, provision, protection, health, healing, grace, favor, peace, rest, vengeance and VICTORY, in Jesus name.

    The song says:'You are my strength, strength like no other, reaches out to me, when I am weak, You are my strength, when I am afraid, You are my shield and strength, Your power watches over me wherever I go, You are my strength like NO other'!
    Thank You Jesus!

    Psalm 28:7-"The Lord is my strength and shield, my Heart trusted in Him and I am helped, therefore my Heart greatly rejoice and with song will I praise Him".

    Times that we experience bad and not so good issues are times that we must press in and seek the shelter of the Lord and all of His promises pertaining to our given situations.
    There are times we just need to be still and allow God to direct the Holy Spirit within us for wisdom or to simply be still and quiet.
    The Saviour spent many times in prayer and it was not always to get answers from the His Father.
    There should be times in our lives as believers to just find an intimate place where we can come into His Presence with NO request or needs and just sit at His feet in silence. This is a time He speaks and we can be assured that from these special moments, our joy can be restored and resolve.

    May the Peace and joy of the Lord go with you this last day of January 2020 and fill you with His power and strength to face tomorrow.

    Maplewood NJ

    1. Amen sweet Maplewood. I must do my best to be a Mary instead of a Martha. I am always in the kitchen preparing for my family. I have been trying to get my work done so I can spend precious time with them. Quiet time with Jesus is my favorite time. Usually I get that sweet time in the morning but He is with me all through my waking hours making things better and adding light and peace to my day. He sure is my strength and shield. He’ll be protecting me on my trip home from my Mom’s in the morning and then helping me get dinner ready for my son’s family tomorrow. Can’t make it through my day without Him. Thank You, Jesus!

  20. "I plan out each day and have it ready for you, long before you arise from bed." Thank YOU for planning my day and reminding me to put on The Armor of God before my feet touch the floor. Thank YOU for blessing me with this blog.

    1. Sassy Mom --- AMEN and AMEN!

    2. Amen! We sure need that Armor every day!

    3. Put His Armor on and I’m ready for my day. Especially the Sword of the Spirit, His Word! He has equipped us for everything! Hallelujah

  21. As we draw January to a close, the JC monthly verse from Jeremiah 29:11 comes to mind. 'For I know the plans I have for you, declares the LORD, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Our Heavenly Father set the table for us long before we awakened this morning and every morning. How comforting it is knowing we have His active shield of armor as protection. Key word... ACTIVE. He goes before us, guarding us along our paths.

    He is my source of strength and through Him in me, I am a source, you are a source when we walk in peace, comfort and love with our Heavenly Father.

    Lord, help us stay in active communication with You. Keep us mindful of your active shield of armor as we face challenges in our days. Thank you for your daily blessings and guidance. In Your name, we pray. Amen.

    1. Amen to that! He is our ever present source of peace and comfort and an active shield of Armor!

  22. Being blessed this AM by Jesus' teachings about the Kingdom of God found in Mark 4:26-34. Two parables that emphasize that "thy Kingdom comes" in very small ways that grow to produce great things to the glory of God. We live in a culture that always considers large as being great and small as being insignificant. This notion can creep into people's understandings when considering churches where large growing churches are held up as model churches and little country churches with very faithful shepherds receive little attention from anyone. We allow this same thinking to enter into our assessment of our lives as well. If we see someone who is admired doing "great things for the Lord", we diminish ourselves as a child of God because we are not doing things comparatively. Jesus emphasizes to us it is in little acts of love shown in the the smallest of ways that the Kingdom of God is experienced. A small act of kindness in the moment can make an incredible impact that may never be seen. Moral of the story, you are a beloved child of God through whom He wishes to show tiny acts of love; for when you do so, the Kingdom of God is at hand and the world is becoming a better place. Your small acts of love have a more powerful impact on the world than great acts of evil occurring in our midst. (Rational for that thought: small acts of love are of God, great acts of evil are of Satan. God is greater and God wins!) Blessings on you, JC Family, no matter what you are called to do in your life, do it in love never diminishing the importance of even the smallest of acts for with God, there is no such thing as small. God be with you!

    1. Thanks Bob! Those small acts of love really make a big difference especially right now when so many people are struggling, sorrowful, confused, discouraged and depressed. God shows us small acts of love and we pay them forward. We are His Hands and Feet down here!

    2. Exactly. And let us also practice receiving even the smallest gifts. Be in the lookout for blessings to give and receive from our Lord and King!

    3. Very true dear Audra! I'll be on the lookout for the incoming blessings to pass along.

  23. Oh, so true, Bob! And to all of you lovely Saints - thank you for your lovely summation of the first month of this year.
    Do my VICTORY cheer for my dear Hub - all is well with his heart (obviously, in more ways than one). I thank you for your prayers. We are off to take my sister-in-law for her back injections. Prayers for her and safety for all on these snowy roads.
    Looking back on last year was a blessing as well...several of the responses will be shared throughout the day. Yours, MadFox, your response to KET - so much good there to share with my friend this evening and her grieving family. Yours Bob re: your icky procedure. That gave me pause as I consider the many missed appointments I've had. Fear should never be the reason.
    Have a blessed day, dear JC Family. Your prayers are mine, as are your victories and sorrow...we will give them all to God.

    1. Praise be to God for your husband's heart, Norah! Always nice to hear good news...and The Good News.
      Praying all went well for your sister-in-law, including the travels on the snowy roads. CO

  24. Thank you Jesus who illustrates great love always!my hero. Love really does conquer all. " God is love"
    * thanks Bob for your words

    1. Amen dear Fern. Jesus is the embodiment of selfless Love and He is my Hero too!

  25. Thank You Jesus. Father, You are always with me. Thank You. Please help me to remember that when circumstances start to take over and distract me from You. Bring my eyes and focus back to You Lord. Let me rest and find my peace in You. Praise the Lord continually and always. Hallelujah. I trust, love, and adore You Jesus. Amen πŸ™.

    1. Amen Janet!
      Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy set before him endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God. Consider him who endured such opposition from sinful men, so that you will not grow weary and lose heart.

    2. Amen sisters ❤

      Blessings from France

    3. Sealing your prayer with a Loud AMEN, Janet!!!

      Maplewood NJ

  26. I started writing to all of you, JC Family, around 4:00 1/ I am. Praying for every traveling mercy (Ellen) and all of you for restored health (Janet, Maplewood) - love to all of you. I pray for all of the Saints on this page, daily, but seem to have less and less time to respond.
    So many posts, visits from people running for City Council, who are surprised at how lengthy this procedure has become. I laughed and said, "Really? You are first visit many 'shut in' have received in months! People (not us, so much) are starving for conversation, face-to-face visits and human connection! They will GLADLY sign your petition to run for City Council - just sit down for a minute and TALK!" It was another realization, for me, that much of the 'social distancing,' is one of convenience or political statement, than health concerns. How long does it take to all a parent and say,"Hi!" Nothing dangerous about that. Yet, there are people who haven't heard from their kids for months - out of 'concern.' I call that out as a lie.
    I got involved in a 'discussion' on the reality of prayer. It was from the daughter of one of the ladies in my weekly fellowship. Many of the comments came from "The Atheist's Bible Commentary." My oldest son chimed in. All of the discussion pointed to 1) God doesn't exist - why pray? 2) Some people get WORSE after prayer 3) Who are you 'praying' to? I quickly realized these people, in their attempt to define prayer and God (really? We're going to explain our Creator?), my son included, were people who were spending more time explaining why they didn't believe than why they should. They were trying to explain what Christians could possibly benefit from by praying.
    I thought of the song (shared by the Mom of the young woman trying to explain why it's fruitless to pray), shared on one of of Ladies Nts. I'll share this song with you. It is from the book of Job which Chris mentions above in his prayer. Job is asking WHY, WHY, WHY, to all of his plights in life. God answers in Job 38, Where were you...and proceeds for 3 chapters to explain the fruitlessness of us trying to explain Him, Our Creator, Our Father, who loved us so much He gave His only begotten Son, so that we may prosper and be in health.
    There is so much pain in this world right now (not unlike there was centuries ago). Our Father has promised us Life, more than abundantly. He has promised to comfort us, love us unconditionally and be there when we need Him most. He knelt and answered a loving Father would explain to a confused child. Job admitted he was nothing but ashes - he put his trust in God and all of his blessings were multiplied. That is me, years ago when my husband had open heart surgery. That is me when my husband had 7 surgeries in one year and diagnosed with cancer. That is me today, delivered, as is my dear hub. None of us can explain His mightiness or the hows or whys. We are called to trust, and He delivers.
    Praying for all of my loved ones - for all of the health concerns, the traveling mercies, the events to come in the next month or two...He has this! He has US, in His Mighty Hands.
    Heading to bed and waking up on the same day - 1/31/21 to all of His great mercies, grace and miracles given to each of us.
    Please listen to this song and then read Job - and read the account for yourself. It is powerful!

    1. Wow what a beautiful song and video! Thank you Norah.
      Your faith is unshakable and inspiring. Glory to God. Praying for you and yours dear sister.

      Blessings from France

    2. Norah, Powerful video adaptation to the song. When man truly recognizes the expanse of time and space, how can one not be humbled by creation? Thanks for sharing, and may we indeed continue to pray for all mentioned here.

    3. Norah, Thank you for the prayers and oh yes, thank you for sharing this song and video!!!!

      The book of Job remains one of the best evidence of God's faithfulness!!! No matter what card life deals you, TRUST and PRAY, TRUST and PRAY, TRUST and PRAY! When it seems difficult, lean on the Holy Spirit, God is ALWAYS true to His Word!

      Joining you in prayers for all who wants to give up, all who turn away from Him in lack of trust and all who are lost. May the Lord show Himself Stong and Mighty, in every situation in their lives, for Jesus' sake, because that is who He is! FAITHFUL and TRUST WORTHY!
      May we continue to do our part in thanksgiving, priase and worship.

      God bless you as you stand in the gap for others.

      Maplewood NJ

    4. Joining in prayers with you all. Thank you Norah for the inspiration and your undying faith in the Lord. God bless you and your family and peace be with you πŸ™ ❤.

    5. Great start to this day! Newly inspired I pray, thank you Norah! (My auto correct wants your name to be Noah!) Love the video and song, will watch it again on my big screen 😁

    6. Thank you so much for taking the time to share this. You are an amazing woman of God. I pray every night, that God guides me as I raise my son (who is only 3 now) ... in these times, to cultivate a relationship, dependent on Him, and on prayer.
      You are all in my prayers ❤

    7. Norah, somehow I missed watching the song last year, but it was perfectly timed for me this year and just as powerful. Thanks for posting it. Luckily with this blog we can always go back to visit.

  27. What a powerful song, dear Norah! What a faith journey you and your good husband have been on! I can see why you felt like Job. Crushed but still standing. You are an inspiration to me. You have such a strength of faith, and it has been rewarded in your dear husband’s victories. His life is a testimony to the faithfulness of God! Hallelujah!’.

  28. Dear Brie and Larry, praying for you and your healing. God bless and hold you both tight.
    Janet, praying that swelling went down.
    MadFox, Stay strong. God is with you. Praying always for you and for a miracle for “Mark”.
    Maplewood, Praying you’re healing well as you recover from your surgery.
    Thank you, Father for your healing of my dear brothers and sisters of all their weaknesses. Waiting on You and trusting in Your faithfulness. Bless my dear JC Family.

    1. Amen Jeanne. Joining in prayers for everyone here ❤

      Blessings from France

    2. Thanks for the continued prayers for "Mark" and me. They are cherished.

    3. Jeanne, Thanks for praying for me. As you've prayed for others, I pray for you and may the blessings of God be multiplied onto you and yours.
      Thank you, remain blessed!

      Blessings from France, thank you as well for adding your prayers from across the ocean. There is no distance in prayer. God be with you and bless you.

      Maplewood NJ

    4. Praying with you Jeanne and thanking everyone for all their prayers. Mercy travels Jeanne as you head back home tomorrow and praying for your health. God bless you always πŸ™ ❤.

    5. Joining in ALL.OF.THESE.!!!

    6. Thanks for all your prayers. Sending so much love to you.
      Our prayers together are powerful, sincere, heard and: thank you Jesus, being handled by the Most High!
      MadFox, We all cherish you!!

  29. Most gracious Father, You have brought me to the end of the first month of this new year, thank You for Your grace that carried me through 31 days. I’ve been feeling like my strength is running out, but I praise You that I can declare: ‘The joy of the Lord is my strength’ and it is brought to fullness when I accept Your provision of righteousness by grace that reunites me so that I can enjoy Your Presence. Yes, I can rejoice despite my circumstances, and not to be anxious about anything, but bring every thought into captivity to Christ. You wouldn’t tell me to do so, if it was impossible. Your promises are all Yes and Amen! Thank You for Your Presence that watches over me, in Jesus’ name. Amen.

    We give thanks to You oh Lord, as we conclude this last day of the month of January. We thank You for walking along with us all through and protecting us in all we did. Thank You for watching over us, preserving us, keeping us, healing us, sustaining us and setting around us Your heavenly hosts to prepare and usher us into a new month. Forgive us for all the times we disappointed You this month, and grieved Your Spirit. As believers, we have access to Your boundless joy, a joy that does not come from our circumstances or within ourselves, nor does it depend on how strong or spiritual we are. It is all made possible through Your grace, that is sufficient for all. This joy comes from You alone, and the relationship we have with You. May we always access the power of Your joy in our everyday lives. Help us to be prudent and structured, wise and patient, longsuffering and kind. Lord, we give You thanks for the blessings of 31 days. We look forward to what You have prepared for us and trust that we need not fear of the unknown, because You remain the same! May wisdom, courage and strength be granted to us, for our tomorrows. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

    “The Lord is my strength and my song, and he has become my salvation; this is my God, and I will praise him, my father's God, and I will exalt him.” Ephesians 6:10.

    Blessings and Peace, JC family, Jesus did it again!

    Maplewood, NJ

    1. Amen! Indeed, His grace is sufficient. May his mercies strengthen you. Peace.

    2. The Lord IS my strength and my song! Lord, I did not handle the snafus of Friday very well, allowing myself to get anxious and worried about the situation at hand. In spite of my not trusting and giving it all to you, I panicked and took it all on myself even though I kept uttering, "in with Jesus, out with Satan", it didn't seem to calm me like it usually does. I see now, though, that while I may have said that, was I saying it yet still trying to control the out of order circumstances? And YOU came through in the end like light bursting through the clouds! You made all things turn around for not just good, but GREAT. I beat myself up that night thinking of how I messed up and failed in trusting. I need to do better. I happened upon a Zach Williams song yesterday that spoke to my heart about the situation I didn't handle so well. Take a listen.

      A Little Less Like Me

      Oh, I have days I lose the fight
      Try my best but just don't get it right
      Well I talk a talk that I don't walk
      And miss the moments right before my eyes
      Somebody with a hurt that I could have helped
      Somebody with a hand that I could have held
      When I just can't see past myself
      Oh Lord help me be
      A little more like mercy' a little more like grace
      A little more like kindness' goodness, love, and faith
      A little more like patience's a little more like peace
      A little more like Jesus, a little less like me
      Yeah, there's no denying I have changed
      'Cause I've been saved from who I used to be
      But even at my best' I must confess
      I still need help to see the way You see
      Somebody with a hurt that I could have helped
      Somebody with a hand that I could have held
      When I just can't see past myself
      Oh Lord, help me be
      A little more like mercy, a little more like grace
      A little more like kindness, goodness, love, and faith
      A little more like patience, a little more like peace
      A little more like Jesus, a little less like me
      Oh, I want to feed the beggar on the street
      Love to be your hands and feet
      Freely give what I receive
      Lord, help me be
      I want a friendship first above all else
      Love my neighbor as myself
      In the moments no one sees
      Lord, help me be
      One, two, three
      A little more like mercy, a little more like grace
      A little more like kindness, goodness, love, and faith
      A little more like patience, a little more like peace
      A little more like Jesus, oh, a little less like me
      A little more of living everything I preach
      A little more like Jesus, a little less like me
      Oh, a little less like me

      Norah, that video was powerful and such a reminder for us all of the power of God. Thanks for sharing that. Healing prayers continue for MadFox, Mark, Janet, Maplewood, and all the JC family here. Love and blessings to you all.

    3. Sharing your beautiful prayer Maplewood πŸ™. Praying for your continued healing. Peace be with you and God bless you πŸ™.

    4. Amen Maplewood, You worded your prayer so beautifully and it moved me very much. Praying along with you. My favorite part was: We look forward to what You have prepared for us and trust that we need not fear of the unknown, because You remain the same!
      NJS, I was just blown away by that song! I've heard it before but never saw the video. Let us do our best to be more like Jesus. Easy to say but hard to do. It takes a constant conscious effort. The same goes for remaining in His peace and presence. God bless all my JC Family! Thanking God for your strength and healing.

  30. Blessings, JC Family! I just listened to this Zach William song and loved it! Thank you, NJS for sharing.
    A good night's sleep helped calm me down from my angst last night. Preparing for fellowship which starts in just a few minutes. I didn't leave Hub much time to get ready, so I'll go get his coffee and help
    Just wanted all of you to know I so appreciate your prayers and sharing. Praying for you, Brie and Larry and hoping you are just taking a little break from posting, Brie. We all do at times and as Bob and MadFox have confirmed and I've experienced; sometimes, we just need to read and pray. Posting seems to come from an abundance of victories and/or needs.
    Giving this snowy, cold, winter day to you, Father. Help me be 'a little more like Jesus, a little less like me,' as I entrust myself to Your 'watch-care, which is the best security system available.'

    1. So glad you got some rest! I'm smiling. I intend to go to sleep soon too. Need to catch up on some myself.

  31. JC Warriors, I just found out that the pastor at my church and his wife both have covid. She also has cancer. Please, all prayers for them are appreciated and welcomed. They are Pastor Mike Reid and Jeanine. Thank you all from the bottom of my heart ❤. God bless πŸ™ πŸ™Œ.

    1. Prayers sent for them dear Janet ❤

      Blessings from France

    2. Joining prayers for Pastor Mike and Jeanine. Putting them right on my list. God is greater than Covid and cancer. I trust in His faithfulness.

  32. Praying for Pastor Mike & wife. Father may their symptoms be mild & recovery quick in Jesus name. Amen

  33. Good Night, Dear Family. Prayers for all listed and those each of you SO much!

  34. Sleep well and continue to be blessed!

  35. Praise the Lord ! God has provided rent for this month ! I know I didnt do a very good job while waiting, I was cranky , doubtful and I know I looked stressed beacuase when I went to pick me daughter from school, a mum asked if I was ok ! I hope I did well in this test ! When God says trust with all your heart and mind......its because He has the soultion already , His ways are higher than our ways and today I am just humbled ! Thank you for the prayer JC family am forever grateful to each one of you !

    1. I'm glad for you Min Ahadi. Read Matthew 6:25-34. It's a great reminder of how the Lord provides for us and that we can ALWAYS trust in Him. Peace be with you πŸ™.

    2. Read Matthew 6: 25-64 and was blessed.

    3. Beautiful video. Thanks for posting it Min Ahadi. Again, perfectly timed for me to watch it today. So glad God has provided for you and you are in my prayers.

    4. Yeay God! Hallelujah! Min. Jehovah Jireh came through as always. Give thanks to the Lord for He is good, and His mercy endures forever!

    5. Min Ahadi, keep on keeping on. Each day that passes is a day closer to receiving answers to prayers.

    6. Yay!!! Great news of our great provider. So happy to celebrate God's provision with you.

  36. Amen dear JJ! Praying with you for our dear Ellen’s perfect healing. Praying for your whole family to be healed and brought back to good health. And you too sweet JJ. A second opinion does sound like a very good idea. Do your best to remain in God’s presence, light and peace and get your rest. God will guide your healing. Thank You Jesus.

    1. Dear JJ, had to go back to yesterday's post about our dear Ellen's concerns. I join you & Jeanne in prayer. In full agreement for the second opinion. Be strong in the Lord dear Ellen. He will see you through this also. In Jesus' name.πŸ™πŸ’•

  37. Thank You Jesus. You are so amazing. I praise God always and forever. Let my heart sing songs of praise and worship to You Lord, all the day long. Amen πŸ™.

  38. ...I am with you and will watch over you wherever you go...
    As always, today's devotion again provides His guiding light I need to help me make it through the day.
    Prayers requested for success and trust to let Him lead and help me leave stress alone as I am Meeting the movers today for move out of all the furniture to ready the home for sale that my brother Keith formerly lived in.
    Thanks be to God Who blessed us with consignors for the furniture. Praying for success in getting it to them, clearing the home for the potential buyers, whomever they may be. God already knows. Thank you for all your prayers and posts JC Family. I don't leave home without them! For this I ask. I seek. I knock. I praise. I thank. I yield. In Jesus' Nane. Amen.

    1. Brie. Prayers for you that you can get through this day both physically and emotionally. I know how hard it is to do something like that.

    2. Dear Brie, God has seen your faithfulness in caring for Keith. Praying He continue to supply you with a steady & sure supernatural strength as you go through this process. Just breathe Brie. πŸ’•πŸ™

    3. Such a huge undertaking both emotionally & physically, Brie. I know your spiritual strength, though, is strong and tough...not to be messed with! Praying you feel Our Lord, Our Waymaker, Our Peace-giver in the midst of these storms bringing you through this as He puts all the right people in place to make it all happen. Sending prayers of strength and endurance wrapped tightly in love, Sweet Brie. In Jesus' great name, amen.

    4. Dear Brie, May Papa God has you in His grasp. And, these Incredible JC WARRIORS have you in our prayers for success! Just as Jan posted---Just breathe.
      Great Love and Blessings to you ---JJ

    5. Love you sister, Brie. Parallel lives, turning up the worship music playlist and going about our "to dos". So grateful for one day's portion of grace that gives us the strength we need. Thank you Jesus! We trust you, Jesus! ♥️

    6. Joining in prayers with and for you dear Brie.

    7. Joining all prayers for your success dear Brie and for God to bring you smoothly through the prep, move and delivery of the furniture. You have much on your shoulders but He will help you beat your heavy load. Amen, He is our strength and He is mighty to carry you through. Thank You Jesus!

    8. A year later, photogs are taking pics of home today for the MLS LISTING. Thanks for your prayers. They moved mountains! Much Love and Many Prayers for this JC Family! In Jesus' Name. Amen.

  39. Dear Brie..I'm sorry to hear of your troubles. I hope you feel the kindness and love from others with pure heart and the powerful force of laughter and awe at the changing of the tide. "Just keep swimming...just keep swimming"

    1. Amen Amanda! Good advice! Just keep swimming.

  40. Dear Lord thank you for being with me and protecting me even before I arise from bed. Thank you for being alive, alert and active in protecting me in all I encounter. Please bless and protect all on this site for their written (and unwritten) needs/requests each day. Amen.

    1. Praying for God's blessings, healing and protection for you dear ABC. Thanks!

    2. I join my sisters and thank you for your prayers, ABC, praying for you as well! Be well and blessed one and all!

  41. ABC - Echoing and receiving your prayers. Praying for you as you pray for me.

  42. I too gratefully receive and offer up prayers for all blog visitors. ♥️πŸ™

  43. Dear Jan, I have to relay to you a story related to your grandson's lump. When I woke up the morning after I had prayed for your grandson, my right eyelid was swollen effecting my vision. There was no redness or pain, just swelling. Then I heard in my spirit, the big liar say, "Well you think you can pray away lumps do you. What are you going to do with that lump on your eyelid?" Well, big liar, I am doubling down on prayers for Jan's grandson and I am standing on the WORD and sending GREAT DESTRUCTION into your camp, in Jesus's name!!!
    And beside that, I live in Divine Health and Proclaim God's glory is my covering and and His favor is my shield!!! The swelling was gone by early afternoon! I speak Glory Days, Glory Days to this Incredible JCFAMILY---not gloomy days!!! Thank you Jesus for ALL the healing You have brought to the JCFAMILY!!! HALLELUJAH!!! IN His Grip of Grace JJ

    1. JJ - that is so powerful to read. We know God's power and presence in you and through you. Agreeing with you right now! Amen and amen!!

    2. Sorry---should read affecting, not effecting.
      Great Blessings and Love to you,GraceTakesTime! JJ

    3. Thank You Jesus for healing Jan's grandson's lump and JJ's eyelid. We know you are so much greater! There is no place for the evil one here where we stand together on You, our Rock of all Ages. Cover our dear ones with Your protection and healing. We rest in Your loving care and on Your promises. Hallelujah!

  44. My husband’s heart went back into A-Fib yesterday so I came home from my Mom’s today. Praying his heart rate will return to normal on its own. He usually has to have an electric shock to get it back. He just keeps drinking and I think that’s one of the causes. He was even drinking wine tonight. He’s in God’s Hands. Thanks for your prayers. Goodnight and God bless.

  45. Happy to say my good husband’s heart is still in rhythm but he sure could use some prayers for his back. He’s been struggling with back pain for years. I always pray for his healing. He’s going to start physical therapy very soon! May God guide the therapist to loosen his stiff back and bring him back to perfect health. So happy that Rich C is receiving peace and God’s faithfulness. May God heal his good wife and all of our weaknesses, and heal our loved ones too. Today’s devotion is just what I needed. And the verses encouraged my heart.
    Adding these to lift your hearts. Trust in the Lord because He keeps His promises.

    Psalm 50:15
    “and call upon me in the day of trouble;
    I will deliver you, and you shall glorify me.”

    Psalm 55:22
    “Cast your burden on the LORD,
    and he will sustain you;
    he will never permit
    the righteous to be moved.”

    Psalm 94:14
    “For the LORD will not forsake his people;
    he will not abandon his heritage;”

    Psalm 100:5
    “For the LORD is good;
    his steadfast love endures forever,
    and his faithfulness to all generations.”

    1. Ditto what Janet said! Your faithfulness is such a blessing to us all!

    2. Praying for your hubby dear Jeanne. My hubby suffers from the same. Chiropractic care has kept him steady, until he reinjures it πŸ₯΄. Bring Your hand of healing upon our hubby 's backs dear Lord., Show them the limitations they need to respect as they heal. Amen! Hallelujah!πŸ’žπŸ™πŸŒˆ

    3. The Psalms are awesome and bring such a sense of peace. My mantra is Psalm 62:7- My God is my rock and my salvation. He is my refuge.

  46. Thank you Janet! Now I can rest my head on my pillow in peace and protection. The past few days have yielded some dark dreams. Keeping them at bay tonight by your powerful prayer.

    1. Praying your gloomy dark dreams get transformed into glorious bright days, powered by God's Holy Spirit. AND, ICYMI, I re-peat and re-claim the words of our JJ, ...I speak Glory Days, Glory Days to this Incredible JCFAMILY---not gloomy days!!! Thank you Jesus for ALL the healing You have brought to the JCFAMILY!!! HALLELUJAH!!! IN His Grip of Grace JJ... January 31, 2022 at 9:25 am! In Jesus' Name. Amen.

    2. Hallelujah! Agreeing with Brie & JJ! AMEN!πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ’žπŸŒˆ

    3. Amen and Hallelujah dear Brie! Glory Days and Healing Days! Nothing is impossible with our great God. Waiting on the Lord. Dear Audra, May God turn your gloomy dreams into sweet and happy ones. Dear Jan and JJ, You always lift me. Much love to you all! Stay warm and blessed in His presence and peace.

  47. Janet - what an awesome prayer to start off the day! Thank you for posting.
    SC Anonymous

  48. I have never known how to pray — to put words into prayers so that God knows what I’m trying to say. I realize that He knows every thought I have long before I have it, but I have always struggled to put those thoughts to words. By reading everyone’s posts for the past year or so, I have learned so much! You have taught me how to talk to Jesus and how to put thoughts into words — and those words into prayer. Thank you all SO much — every single one. God bless youπŸ™❤️

    1. Psalm 145:18-19 ESV
      The Lord is near to all who call on him, to all who call on him in truth. He fulfills the desire of those who fear him; he also hears their cry and saves them.
      Just say His Name, 'Jesus'; then start talking.
      Start by thanking Him for the day you've woken up in. Talk out loud as you would to a close friend, or in your head. Tell Him your needs and difficulties. Confide in Him. Think about how little children talk about everything, you are His child, chatter away :)

    2. Dear Dee Dee, Best and shortest prayer is “Jesus”. It brings Him into the forefront of your mind and heart. I often just say: Jesus I need you. He already knows what you need. Prayers are just speaking to the One we love from our heart. He hears every one.
      Brother Peter, Great advice!

    3. Dee Dee et. al., I haven't read it yet, but out church is offering a workshop based on this book. Maybe it would be if interest:
      Joyful Journey: Listening to Immanuel by E. James Wilder

    4. Thank you all for such simple and meaningful suggestions. Those are what help me open up and just “talk to Jesus instead of trying to construct some kind of formal prayer — like an essay on a test! I will continue to practice many times a day, starting with Jesus I thank you and I need you. πŸ™❤️

    5. The last comment was from me.😊

  49. Blessed by your posting, thank you.

  50. Psalm 145:18-19 ESV
    The Lord is near to all who call on him, to all who call on him in truth. He fulfills the desire of those who fear him; he also hears their cry and saves them.
    Just say His Name, 'Jesus'; then start talking.
    Start by thanking Him for the day you've woken up in. Talk out loud as you would to a close friend, or in your head. Tell Him your needs and difficulties. Confide in Him. Think about how little children talk about everything, you are His child, chatter away :)

  51. So true brother Peter & I might add: something I often forget, after I have voiced my needs &, difficulties, "listen, just listen". πŸ’žπŸ™πŸŒˆ

  52. Thank you dear Janet. Blessed by you prayer of assurance & protection, a loving promise from the Lord. πŸ’žπŸ™πŸŒˆ

  53. Thank you Abba, Father, Yahweh, my Lord, for each of the beautiful souls that meet here to pray , praise, worship and gather in your most holy name, searching for answers that only you can provide as we journey along this road together. I come thankful to your throne for all the blessings received and petition you for continued healing, strength, wisdom and a peace that passes all understanding. May we rest easy in your righteous right hand today confident that you are with us through it all and you hear our cries, and will deliver us according to your plan and purpose, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.“ Jer 29:11
    Blessings family. ShalomπŸ™

    1. Amen Rich C, amen! Thankful that the Lord is bringing you & your wife the answer to your needs. PTL! πŸ’žπŸ™πŸŒˆ

    2. Gathering into your wonderful prayer, dear Rich! Waiting on the Lord with you for healing and more answered prayers. He is faithful and good, and mighty to save.

      Matthew 19:26
      But Jesus looked at them and said to them, “With men this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.”

    3. Amen dear Jan, Praise the Lord for His loving kindness and tender mercies. He keeps His Promises.

    4. God hears your cries!

  54. Amen to your perfect prayer dear sister! Joining right in with gratitude! We are in the Best of Hands.

  55. Come Holy Spirit, fill the hearts of Your faithful and kindle in them the fire of Your love. Send forth your spirit and they shall be created and You shall renew the face of the earth. Oh God, who by the light of the Holy Spirit, did instruct the hearts of the faithful. Grant that by the same Holy Spirit we may be truly wise and ever enjoy his consolations. Through Christ our Lord, amen

    1. Amen. Thanks dear Suzanne, Our Comforter is with us every second of the day. We are not alone and we are well equipped and instructed by God's Holy Spirit Who dwells within us.
      Trusting in God's Words and Promises. Waiting on the Lord with happy expectation and gratitude.
      Amen Rich, He hears our cries, pleas and prayers, and He cares and answers, because we are His dear children. His Spirit bears witness to this.

      John 14:18 - I will not leave you comfortless: I will come to you.

      John 4:24 - God is a Spirit: and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth.

      Psalms 84:11 - For the LORD God is a sun and shield: the LORD will give grace and glory: no good thing will he withhold from them that walk uprightly.

      Philippians 4:19 - But my God shall supply all your need according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus.

  56. Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. (Ephesians 6:11). You are my hiding place; You shall preserve me from trouble; You shall surround me with songs of deliverance. (Psalm 32:7). God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble. (Psalm 46:1).

    1. Beautiful encouragement for this new day. Thanks sweet sister!

    2. I had Psalm 32:7 on my mind this morning dear Janet, thank you for posting it. Blessings on your day.πŸ’•

  57. As we close out the first month of 2024, I'm reminded of our friend, Maplewood NJ who always closed out months and opened new months so eloquently. She has a natural talent for sharing His word and articulates in a way that few others can. I miss her contributions but am happy that she is sharing in other capacities these days. In only a way that Maplewood can share, I repost her thoughts from this day in 2020:

    With a grateful heart, I give Thanks to the Father, Son and Holy Spirit for a wonderful first month of the year. As it comes to an end today, I say THANK You Father for ALL the many, many blessings, known and unknown. Thank You for family, friends, life, restoration, provision, protection, health, healing, grace, favor, peace, rest, vengeance and VICTORY, in Jesus name.

    The song says: 'You are my strength, strength like no other, reaches out to me, when I am weak, You are my strength, when I am afraid, You are my shield and strength, Your power watches over me wherever I go, You are my strength like NO other'!
    Thank You Jesus!

    Psalm 28:7-"The Lord is my strength and shield, my Heart trusted in Him and I am helped, therefore my Heart greatly rejoice and with song will I praise Him".

    Times that we experience bad and not so good issues are times that we must press in and seek the shelter of the Lord and all of His promises pertaining to our given situations.
    There are times we just need to be still and allow God to direct the Holy Spirit within us for wisdom or to simply be still and quiet.
    The Saviour spent many times in prayer and it was not always to get answers from the His Father.
    There should be times in our lives as believers to just find an intimate place where we can come into His Presence with NO request or needs and just sit at His feet in silence. This is a time He speaks and we can be assured that from these special moments, our joy can be restored and resolve.

    May the Peace and joy of the Lord go with you this last day of January 2020 and fill you with His power and strength to face tomorrow.

    Maplewood NJ

    1. Beautiful! I miss Maplewood too. Thanks for posting.

    2. What a beautiful gesture.
      Sometimes He just wants us to sit in His lap!!! Blessings to All. :)

    3. I was thinking of Maplewood this morning and how she always ushered us into the new month so beautifully! Thanks Suzanne for reminding us of her rare and precious gift of sharing God’s Word and message through her Spirit guided words and encouraging His people. She’s always in my prayers and I know she’s glorifying the Lord in everything she does. Miss her so much!!!

    4. I have to admit that many times when I need a little extra encouragement from the Lord, I’ll search out Maplewood's older posts. She was given an extraordinary gift of sharing God’s Word beautifully. We miss you Maplewood NJ!

    5. Thanks πŸ‘ Suzanne. I needed that good dose of Maple(wood) Syrup 😊

    6. Grateful that the posts by Maplewood still bless our days. Prayers for her service to Christ, wherever that leads her. ♥️πŸ™

  58. Love this sharing from your heart dear Jeanne. There are days when I forget that my feet are planted by the waters, nourished & cared for by the Lord of the universe. Thank you for reminding me. Continuing to pray for you & your mom πŸ’•πŸ™πŸŒˆ.

  59. "Refuse to waste energy worrying, and you will have strength to spare."
    Matthew 6:34 The Message: "Give your entire attention to what God is doing right now, and don’t get worked up about what may or may not happen tomorrow. God will help you deal with whatever hard things come up when the time comes."
    Just concluded the first part of my morning time alone with the Lord, and have a testimony to share: All my life I've been an avid flyfisher and flytyer (Atlantic Salmon, Trout, saltwater flyfishing etc), fishing wherever in the world I've lived. (favorite salmon fly to tie, the Lady Caroline)
    During this time I've entered and won several flytying competitions. Two weeks ago I mailed a competition entry but due I think to a little confusion/mental lassitude on my part, mailed it incorrectly. It took several weeks of meticulous effort trying with my bad eyesight and arthritic fingers to tie three small size 12 flies good enough for the competition. I'm not anxious to win, I just enjoy flytying, do my best and like the competition. Usually taking at most two days, ten days later my entry still had not been delivered. I asked the Lord to help, He said "Trust Me in all things". I trusted but still couldn't resist helping Him out (lesson: if He needs our help He'll ask for it). Time was short, I can tie the flies again but didn't have another entry form.
    I was trusting God, but was still trying to help Him out by trying a plan B but fretting and getting worked up in the process. Last evening I started tying again but made too many mistakes, so went to sleep.
    During my prayer time earlier today my phone rang, a person from the competition office said " just to say, your competition entry has arrived". "Thank You Lord, You came through, I'm so sorry for not trusting You more". In the current world situation my issue is negligible but to me it was important.
    My testimony is that God came through when my problems solution was totally out of my control. "Thank You, Thank You Lord."
    Lesson to self is to let go of the problem with BOTH hands and hand it fully to the Lord - not one hand in His and one hand still wrestling with the problem.
    We save ourselves a lot of anxiety when we let go and fully hand our problems to Him.
    Psalm 28:7 ESV "The LORD is my strength and my shield; in him my heart trusts, and I am helped; my heart exults, and with my song I give thanks to him." Amen!

    1. Oh, Peter... that is an awesome story and wonderful lesson for us all. Yes~ let go with both hands and let God!

    2. Excellent lesson for us all, Peter. Enjoyed learning that you love fly-fishing to the point of competing in competitions! There is something so peaceful about fishing in general...I grew up with a father who loved to fish (lake fishing in MN or WI) and thus we all learned how to fish at a young age. You can get so much clarity while fishing or just get lost in the artwork of nature that God created. Glad your entry form arrived, and you're right about trusting God letting go with both hands!

    3. Why am I not surprised that you are a fisherman Peter. Lol :)

    4. So very true! We often get ourselves all tangled up in worry because we let go of God’s Unchanging Hand and then later realize everything worked out perfectly because God was working on the sidelines. Very often I think I’ve lost something and when I’m ready to give up, He finds it. He’s so faithful! Hope you get good news from your competition. You impressed me with your handiwork without even seeing it! God bless you always and heal your arthritic fingers.
      May God forgive us for forgetting He’s always in our corner.

      Psalm 86:5
      For You, Lord, are good, and ready to forgive,
      And abundant in mercy to all those who call upon You.

    5. Yes, Peter (the fisherman!), no need to micromanage God. Or anyone else for that matter. He's got it covered!

  60. The only fear one should have is fear of the Lord. Though that is not easy at times. We must try our best, because when you have no fear but that of God it is easier to speak of His name without shame. I think we could all agree at some point in our life we saw an opportunity to talk about our Lord but maybe fear overcame us and we didn’t. (I’ve been there before). So you see, when you only have the fear of the Lord and you lose the fear of what people will think or say, it is easier to talk about our relationship with Christ. So have no fear of anything my friends except for fear of the Lord! Because God is our strength and shield. He will protect us, from all of life’s troubles. Praise be to our Savior!

  61. Thanks sweet Jan! We all get distracted during the day but then we return to our First Love. He never leaves us and He remains the same. A constant source of comfort, love and help. I know you understand. Love you, Sis!

  62. Beautiful truth to ponder. Thanks dear Aly Pitstick! God bless you in all things.

  63. I’m grateful for all your encouraging and inspiring posts. Glad to be back again. As I read through them while pausing here on my hike near a meandering stream through the woods, I’m reminded of Jeanne’s post and Jeremiah 17:7-8, and Pete’s fly fishing story (and wanting to cast a few nymphs in here in the spring). It is here, in nature, where I spend much of my time, that I am closest to our heavenly Father, in awe of all his creation.
    It is when I leave here that I get distracted with life and forget to remind myself of this place and that the Creator of all things, including me, loves me unconditionally and has a plan for me. If only I would trust more, yet I know that all the times when I walk through the valley, He is with me and those hard times bring me closer to Him.

    I humbly ask for your continued prayers for my marriage, and for physical and mental healing, especially this week with ortho visits for my wife and me. THANK YOU!

    I pray that each of you have a day filled with the peace of Christ and that your intentions are met and fulfilled with the grace and mercy of our Lord.
    Jer 29:11


    1. Praying for your, and all of our, marriages, physical and mental healings, Doctor and Lab visits. ♥️ Above all else πŸ™ for HIS Peace, Love, Mercy and Compasaion to fall afresh on us and each of our dear ones. In Jesus' Name. AMEN!

    2. Hallelujah! His peace that surpasses all understanding!
      Thank you Brie!
      Be blessed.πŸ˜ŠπŸ’›πŸ™

    3. Praying many streams of blessing for you Rich C and praying specifically as you requested. Good to meet a fellow flyfisher.
      There are other streams of course; streams of life, which Jesus referred to in Mark 1:16-18. 16 "As Jesus walked beside the Sea of Galilee, he saw Simon and his brother Andrew casting a net into the lake, for they were fishermen. 17 “Come, follow me,” Jesus said, “and I will send you out to fish for people.” 18 At once they left their nets and followed him."
      Enjoy all your fishing.

  64. So happy to have you back, Rich C! May God bless you in every area of your life! You got that right. It’s in the valleys when He draws us closer to Him.
    Amen dear Brie! God’s Peace, Love, Mercy and Compassion. May He cover us all with them. Thank You Jesus.

  65. There is a saying: You can't go back and change the beginning. But you can start where you are and change the ending.

    I may not, be able to rewrite the past, but by the power of God's Word, I will shape my future. The enemy has NO hold on my destiny, for my steps are now ordered by the Lord (Psalm 37:23). I stand in the promise that He is making ALL things new (Rev 21:5).
    What the enemy meant for evil, my God is turning for good (Gen.50:20)!
    I move forward with faith, knowing the Author and Finisher of my story (Heb.12:2) holds the pen, and He writes VICTORY!

    Psalm 37:23 CEV "If you do what the LORD wants, He will make certain each step you take is sure."

    Rev.21:5 CEV "Then the one sitting on the throne said: I am making everything new. Write down what I have said. My words are true and can be trusted."

    Genesis 50:20 CEV "You tried to harm me, but God made it turn out for the best, so He could save all these people, as He is doing now."

    Hebrew 12:2 CEV "We must keep our eyes on Jesus, who leads us and makes our faith complete. He endured the shame of being nailed to a cross, because He knew later on that He would be glad He did. Now He is seated at the right side of God's throne!"

  66. Dearest JJ, I needed every bit of that encouragement and God’s Word! Amen. My dear Rick is having a very hard time since the biopsy of his prostate and I can’t be with him. Because of his prior A-Fib he takes a blood thinner but he wasn’t allowed to take it for 3 days before the biopsy. He was told once there was no blood in his urine he could take it again. Well this morning his urine was clear so he started taking his blood thinner and now he’s got a lot of blood in his urine. He called the doctor and he was told he probably shouldn’t have started it so soon. Waiting on the Lord and believing all will be well in His timing. He still has to wait a while for his results so he’s going through a wilderness. Praying for his strength of faith and God’s amazing healing. Today’s devotion reminds us not to worry and I’m giving everything to Jesus to handle but Rick is dealing with so much. God knows how we both feel. I must take care of my mom but I wish I could be there with him.
    “Refuse to waste energy worrying, and you will have strength to spare.
    Whenever you start to feel afraid, remember that I am your Shield.”

    Jeremiah 29:11
    “For I know the plans I have for you, declares the LORD, plans for welfare and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope.”

    Nahum 1:7
    “The LORD is good,
    a stronghold in the day of trouble;
    he knows those who take refuge in him.

    Matthew 11:28-29
    “Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.”

    Exercising my Trust muscles and holding on tight to God’s Unchanging Hand. Thank You Father God for making all things right for Rick and for all of us in the Name of Christ Jesus. Amen

    1. Yes, thank you JJ and Jeanne! Joining in prayers with both of you. May our heavenly Father give you and Rick extra strength during this time and continue to bring healing. May His love and comfort sustain you both and lift up your hearts above your circumstances. He is ALWAYS in control! He is perfectly sovereign and He is ALWAYS good! Thank You Jesus for hearing and listening and answering all our prayers πŸ™ πŸ™Œ ❤! Amen πŸ™. God bless and peace be with you!

    2. Amen! Thanks sweet Janet! Praying for your good health, strength and peace.

    3. πŸ™πŸ€—♥️ dear Jeanne and family. Thank you JJ! Declaring with you this morning over all the JC Peeps!

    4. My Dear Audra, Jeanne and Janet --- AMEN, AMEN!!! Standing with you in powerful agreement. There's strength when we Declare God's truth together ❤️---may His Word go forth and accomplish all that He has purposed for our JCFAMILY/WARRIORS. No weapon formed against them shall prosper, and His VICTORY is sure! Keep Declaring Warriors!

  67. Thank you sisters for your beautiful prayers, praying with and for you allπŸ’ž
    FATHER, help me keep my mind and focus on YOU all day, I place my burdens at YOUR feet, so I may proceed with a freed mind and take that time I would waste worrying and spend it worshiping YOU.. YOU have set the day ahead already, lead me LORD, help me walk in YOUR steps, speak and do that which only glorifies YOU. For there is no one greater , no one more powerful, loving, proven, or trusted more than YOU . YOU tell us in YOUR living Word that all we need to do is ask for the Holy Spirit and it will be given, FATHER, through YOUR son JESUS CHRIST I am asking for the HOLY SPIRIT to dwell within me, to guide each and every action, thought, and utterance.
    I praise YOU for my life, my children, please place YOUR hedge of protection over us all FATHER, so we are protected as we come upon the spiritual battles of the evil one and the sinful nature of our heart.
    I ask this in JESUS CHRIST Holy name

    1. Thank you for that awesome prayer! I’m joining right into it and praising our amazing God with you! Amen and Amen! He is so good! God bless you and surround you with His peace and cover you and yours with His faithfulness. Thank You Jesus.

  68. My the Love of Jesus Christ abound in us. May God's presence be unmistakable to us. May the Fruit of the Holy Spirit pour out from us.

    "Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of mercies and God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our affliction, so that we may be able to comfort those who are in any affliction, with the comfort with which we ourselves are comforted by God. For as we share abundantly in Christ’s sufferings, so through Christ we share abundantly in comfort too." 2 Corinthians 1:3-5

    1. Beautifully said! Thanks, John H. Have a blessed day, everyone. AC from MD. πŸ˜‡πŸ™πŸΌ

    2. Thank you! God bless your day too, dear AC from MD.

    3. Amen! God bless πŸ’•πŸ™πŸ»πŸ’•

    4. AMEN, John H.---You had me at
      2 Corinthians!

  69. Thanks for blessing my day! God bless you, dear John H! You fed us well today!

  70. IN GOD WE TRUST... ALWAYS πŸ™πŸ½❤️πŸ™πŸ½

  71. Thank you so much dear SJ, for your beautiful spirit guided words of truth and for so much encouragement! May God lead you to all the desires of your heart, fulfillment, good health, and strength, and continue to answer your prayers and bless and keep you. Thank You Father for this in Jesus’ Name. Amen

  72. Amen, love this. Lately, I have been praying a prayer similar to your ask of ‘please lead us in Your purpose for our lives’. Joining in prayer, God bless!

  73. Good news, and God blesses you Rich C!

  74. Praise God, Rich! So grateful to hear Gabrielle is moving in a positive direction and you have been blessed with a godly therapist. Continuing to stand with you in prayer---may His peace and strength overflow in you and your family. So thankful for your blessings, Rich! Your words and prayers uplift us all!

  75. Dear Rich C. Wonderful prayer! Amen. Thanks for your prayers. Adding your dear friend Earle to my prayer list. Jesus healed him before and He can heal him again. Such good news about Gabrielle’s improvement. God is faithful. You’re always in my prayers dear Rich C. I’m glad you have a nice new Christian therapist. May God continue to guide you and your life, and cover you and Earle and your dear ones with His healing and peace. Thank You Jesus. Amen

  76. So thankful for the strength God blessed me with today. I got my mom showered and all dolled up, did laundry, and got out to buy groceries, made lasagna, and baked a birthday cake for our neighbor. Even sewed new elastic into my mom’s favorite pants. God is my strength and He helped me get so very much done and find time to watch an old video with my mom of some of our family when they were young. Tomorrow will be a day of rest, praise and gratitude. Thanks for your prayers. Rick said there is less blood in his urine today. Prayers are powerful and God is faithful. May He answer all our prayers and heal us and our dear ones. Thank You Father for this in Jesus’ Name. Amen.
