Friday, January 24, 2014

Haggai 2

Message: Keep the work of rebuilding the temple going, press on, and an encouragement for Zerubbabel

Time: 520BC and 521BC, three to four years before the second temple was finished in 516BC (same time as Haggai 1)

What the Lord is Saying:

Haggai is a collection of four sermons the Lord sends through Haggai:
  1. First Sermon, 1:1-11: Rebuild the Temple! (Leaders/People respond 1:12-15)
  2. Second Sermon, 2:1-9: The Temple size is not the issue!
  3. Third Sermon, 2:10-19: God's blessings will flow if the people obey and rebuild the Temple
  4. Fourth Sermon, 2:20-23: The Universal Reign of the Messiah foreshadowed in Zerubbabel.
Haggai is in the middle of encouraging Judah to continue to rebuild the temple. The final glory of this temple could be great.

Second Sermon: - Temple Size is not the issue (2:1-9)

Haggai speaks to them and asks them to compare what they see now in the Temple to what they remember from the former Temple. They would see that the current temple looks much smaller. But, the charge is not to stop working, but to realize that the Lord is still with them. The Glory of the Lord remains still. His Spirit is present. The Lord is with them. Don't be afraid.

Third Sermon - God's blessings will flow because of Him and they will be able to rebuild the Temple (2:10-19)

Sin corrupts us. Sin defiles us. Sin doesn't just effect an area of our life, but it affects our entire being. Haggai 2:14 says, "Everything they do and everything they offer is defiled by their sin." The sin in our life defiles our whole life.  And yet we live life thinking that a little sin isn't a big deal. But sin in our life means that the fulness of life will not occur. Sin is uncleanness. Finish the temple so that you will be clean, for uncleanness affects many.

God declares that the blessing they receive is not a result of something other than His choosing of them. His promise comes.

Fourth Sermon - The Universal Reign of the Messiah foreshadowed in Zerubbabel (2:20-23)

God is in control. While it looks like kingdoms are acting on their own will, God is actually at work, serving His purpose. We must look at things from His Perspective and Seek His Purpose. The Lord has chosen us. He is charge.

Promise: The Lord remains with us, no matter what our surroundings look like. We must daily be careful and examine ourselves to remove the sin from us. It affects more than we think. Submit and surrender to the Lord. He is in control, so let Him reign.

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