Sunday, January 26, 2014

Jesus Calling: February 17

    I am the Risen One who shines upon you always. You worship a living Deity, not some idolatrous, man-made image. Your relationship with Me is meant to be vibrant and challenging, as I invade more and more areas of your life. Do not fear change, for I am making you a new creation, with old things passed away and new things continually on the horizon. When you cling to old ways and sameness, you resist My work within you. I want you to embrace all that I am doing in your life, finding your security in Me alone.
    It is easy to make an idol of routine, finding security within the boundaries you build around your life. Although each day contains twenty-four hours, every single one presents a unique set of circumstances. Don't try to force-fit today into yesterday's mold. Instead, ask Me to open your eyes, so you can find all I have prepared for you in this precious day of Life. 
Matthew 28:5-7
English Standard Version
But the angel said to the women, “Do not be afraid, for I know that you seek Jesus who was crucified. He is not here, for he has risen, as he said. Come, see the place where he lay. Then go quickly and tell his disciples that he has risen from the dead, and behold, he is going before you to Galilee; there you will see him. See, I have told you.”

2 Corinthians 5:17
English Standard Version
Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has passed away; behold, the new has come.

We need to constantly be open to God and what He is doing. Be careful to not get comfortable in the sameness of your routines, to the point that you get comfortable with the boundaries that you have built around your life. Being new in Christ means God is doing new things and my life is not to be lived in the old patterns. Always in accordance to His will, His ways. Don't take too many trips down memory lane. Don't get ahead of yourself. Focus on today and what God is doing around you today.

My Prayer
Lord, I want to behold You each day. Thank you for the work you have done in my life and carrying me through the yesterday's. Now, I rely on You for today. Be new in me. There is great wonder in getting something new and I pray that I would enjoy new songs and new understand of Your word and new application. Help me to not get comfortable ever and help me to stay close to you, being careful to being obedient to all that you have commanded. 

Note: The devotion and scriptures are from author Sarah Young. If you haven't already, please purchase the book and support the author. 

Also, bookmark to have an easy link to the entire year of these entries.


  1. Lord let me walk in the newness of your ways. As my walk it stronger I see myself leaving behind that old sinful life. I see the riches of what you have given me. And I thirst for more of you. Please continue to review to me. Help me walk in the obedience of your word through your Holy Spirit. Help me be bold and stand in your strength than your strength alone. Pressed upon my heart the grace that you have given me and help me defeat the lies from the evil one. I am a new creation in all the old has passed away. I now have eternal salvation and I work for a future towards that. And not towards a future on Earth here that leads to death. Help me walk in the newness of my life. Helping no longer be a slave to sin. In Jesus name amen

    1. Very good Starry, Many blessings as you continue to "walk in the newness of the Lords ways" Amen.

    2. Amen,Starry! What a beautiful prayer!

    3. Unknown 2018 - Amen!!! Beautiful prayer. Open my eyes, reveal to me the treasures You have prepared for my life.

    4. Absolutely just exactly what I need to here and be reminded of this morning at this very scary time of transformation in my life.

    5. Amen! Me as well, Thank You JC family and prayer warriors. Lord help me to remain steadfast in pursuit of the power of your Holy Spirit to strengthen me, guide me, enlighten me .

    6. Amen! Taking this morning walk in prayer!

    7. Thank you for the beautiful word you spoke for us! I am forever grateful for this blog and for your prayer Unknown 2018 (how do you all know that's Starry? You guys are freaking me out a little lol!) 🙏✝️💜

    8. Be blessed today with a song on this theme, A Thousand Different Ways:

  2. Hi JC family! Praying for all this beautiful day! Asking for prayers on this my birthday. It’s a challenging time. Praying for guidance regarding some significant issues and the courage and ability to see them through. Thank you all! Blessings and love!

    1. Prayers and Happy Birthday to you Sweet4G! May God give you comfort, courage and guidance. KS

    2. Happy Birthday Sweet4G! Wishing you many, many more blessed ones to come. May ALL your wishes come true as you glorify the Father in Heaven! May the God of love, peace, happiness and abundance surprise you today!

      Maplewood NJ

    3. May the God of Hope fill you with all Joy and Peace in believing, that you may abound in Hope through the power of the Holy Spirit.

      And the Word became flesh... let that manifest itself into a birthday blessing for you!

    4. Sweet4J - Happy birthday. Praying your day is blessed with the beauty of Jesus.

    5. SWEET4G --- Joing with the JC WARRIORS in wishing you a Happy Birthday and lifing you up to the Throne of God for your circumstances. I anticipate the law of God's favor working in your life. And, Keith, so happy to see your post. The Lord Bless you!

    6. Sweet4G! My B-day wish for you is that you receive guidance and be given courage to handle your concerns for today, and each day! Your faith will be met with many blessings! Amen.

    7. The Lord bless you and keep you this day, Sweet4G! May He make His face to shine upon you and be gracious to yo. May the Lord lift up His love upon you and give you peace. All is well. Happy birthday!

    8. Happy Birth Day Sweet4G! Be blessed and know you are loved!

    9. Happy Birthday Sweet4G! God bless you

    10. Happy 🎂 Birthday Sweet 4G!!
      This is the day the Lord has made, let us be glad and rejoice in it. Our Heavenly Father has known you since before you were placed in your mother's womb. He also knows every thought and concern that you are working in your life. Surrender your life unto Him and He will make your crooked path straight. This is your day to celebrate and be happy, in Jesus name we pray, Amen.

    11. Happy. Birthday dear Sweet4G!
      May God bless you with good health guidance and answered prayers, and all joy and peace in believing!

    12. Happy birthday Sweet4G. Peace be with you 🙏.

    13. Happy birthday Sweet4G . Have a wonderful day as you celebrate turning a year older. May God guide your footsteps and hear your prayers .

    14. HAPPY BIRTHDAY Sweet4G. Sending more blessings your way today!

      Maplewood NJ

    15. May God put all the Happy in your Birthday today sweet4G!
      And may you always know GOD LOVES YOU today and everyday!

    16. Happy birthday Sweet4G! May this year bring you new found joy in discovering it as a unique day in love with our Lord. 🙏

    17. Happy Birthday Sweet4G!🎂🎁🙏❤

    18. Happy B'earthDay again sweet4G!
      May you rejoice in His making you a new creation, with old things passed away and new things continually on the horizon. May each new B'earthDay find you, and all of us, clinging to Him and His
      Newness, rather than to our own old ways and sameness. In Jesus' Name. Amen.

    19. Happy birthday Sweet4g! Another trip around the SON! Trusting our Lord to go another round full of blessings for you ♥️

    20. And again this year! Happy birthday Sweet4g!

    21. Sweet4G! - Joining with the JC WARRIORS in wishing you a Happy Birthday four years later! Ditto to all the prayers before me! Hope today is as beautiful as you are 🤩 As Mad🦊 would say Godspeed! And rest in the knowledge that you are loved by more than you can imagine! 💕🙏✝️💜

    22. Again today! Happy Birthday Sweet4G!
      ATL 2025

  3. Thank You Father for another great day to be in Your Presence. Looking forward to guietness and rest today through the help of Your Holy Spirit.

    Thank You for life, thank You for loving me so much that You sent Your Son to die for me.
    Today, Jesus is risen and lives within us. He is the RISEN CHRIST, Son of the most High God. He is the King of kings and Lord of lords. The ONE whose light shines upon us, the ONE who made old things to pass awsy and has granted us ALL things new. The ONE who is our Strength and Refuge. The Alpha and Omega. The ONE who defeated the devil and gave us VICTORY through His Resurrection!
    He lives,
    He lives,
    Christ Jesus lives today,
    He walks with me
    He talks with me along life's narrow way.............He lives within my heart!

    Thank You Lord, that because Christ lives, I can face tomorrow despite the challenges of life! Thanj You for the Risen SAVIOUR.

    Wishing all a peaceful and restful blessed day.

    Maplewood NJ

    1. Sharing your thoughts, Maplewood, NJ, promote a peaceful and restful blessed day. Thank you!

    2. Amen dear Maplewood! He lives! We are not alone and we have His constant love, affection, guidance, protection and peace.

    3. Amen Maplewood 🙏. Come sweet Jesus, Come!

  4. Sitting with Jesus this AM when He was confronted by the religious leadership of the day who wanted Him to prove Himself to them (Mark 8:11-13). And Jesus "sighed deeply in His spirit" at their request. How often in the circumstances that challenge us, does our faith wobble and we wish for God to prove Himself that everything is going to be alright? In earning a Bachelor of Science degree in undergraduate work, I learned to do experiments to prove theories so I could believe in them. But that practice only works for finite things. When it comes to the infinite, a whole different system comes into play to validate beliefs. In fact it is the exact opposite of the scientific principle which acquires data and then trusts some principle to be true. With God, I trust His words to be true, obey them and then I find myself flooded with data to the reality of His existence. In faith, trust and obedience produces the data to validate the eternal truths. If we wait for a sign as the Pharisees did, we are likely to be waiting a long time as they were. Do you want to see the presence of God? As the old hymn sings, "Trust and Obey; for there is no other way; to be happy in Jesus, then to trust and obey." Have a blessed day! With love, Bob

    1. Always, always so insightful are your thoughts Bob and followed by the scriptures!

      Maplewood NJ

    2. Spot on. Love your comments, Bob. Truth!💯

    3. Amen dear Bob! Thanks!
      Have this pasted to my kitchen counter!
      "Trust and Obey; for there is no other way; to be happy in Jesus, then to trust and obey."

    4. Amen Bob 🙏. It reminds me when Jesus told Nicodemus about how could He explain the "unseen" if he couldn't even get what is right in front of him. Trust in the Lord with all your heart. God bless you.

    5. Such a great "old” song, Bob. One of my Dad’s favorites. Thank you for the reminder. ❤️

    6. Thanks Bob. Even a year later, this is right on target. Especially after a year with COVID, I am finding comfort in routines. But I have to be careful not to make them idols. "Trust and Obey; for there's no other way, to be happy in Jesus, but to trust and Obey." As I mentioned months ago, this was the first hymn I went to when I added singing to my morning time with God. I realize I've gotten away from that. Perhaps it's time to add it back to my "routine." Thanks again.

    7. Agree with all. Let go, Let Gid.

    8. Trust and Obey
      ♥️🎶 Link

  5. Good AM JC friends: "Don't try to force-fit today into yesterday's mold." Sarah nails my normal thoughts after a day with a mountaintop experience or a special time with loved ones. Had a great week-end with our adult kids visiting and celebrating the late 8th decade of their maternal grandmother. She is doing great. It is these times that one indeed wishes you could hit "repeat" the next day.

    "Instead, ask Me to open your eyes, so you can find all I have prepared for you in this precious day of Life." Monday arrives and reality smacks one back to the worries and challenges of the present, which is still unsettled. I still need to work on my acceptance that each day is unique and may have a rough path, but with His presence it is still a daily victory. May our hearts embrace this truth. Amen

    1. So will pray that for you, MadFox. Something I learned from a secretary I had, "Blessed are the flexible; they don't get bent out of shape." Don't think Jesus said it using those words but I think God has said that many times over throughout the scriptures. Have a blessed day. God be with you.

    2. Thanks Bob. And glad you're here brother.

    3. If just came to me. Like you I live for the weekends. Or the days that my husband is off (shift worker) days that my grands are here....Christmas...or when someone special is coming to spend the day. I need to remind myself every day that the Lord has chose each and every day to be by my side and that makes each day special. Thanks for helping me see that!

    4. Thanks, MadFox, for being like Jesus to me; searching me out and bringing me back to the JC Family fold. It is what I needed in the emptiness I was experiencing.

    5. Thanks MadFox and Bob!
      Let us have open eyes to see the God ordained twists in our daily roads. He establishes our steps.
      Father, Help me to be flexible in my day and guide me to stay in the present so I can experience all You have prepared for me.

    6. Amen to that. I call it achievement addiction. And yes the routine helps ensure achievement. But the Bible teaches grace thank the lord is not earned. God bless !!

    7. Dear Heavenly Father God, please do open my eyes, and all our eyes, so we can all find all You have prepared for us in this precious day of Life. May You be our early morning EYE OPENER. In Jesus' Name I ask. I seek. I knock. I praise. I thank. I yield. Amen.

  6. Good morning God! Thank you for this new day! You know me, I am the queen of "getting ahead of myself". I love planning and imagining outcomes. Thank you for opening my eyes to what is in front of me today. Let me relax in your plan for me, and grant me the discernment to know your plan over mine. Thank you Jesus, I trust you Jesus, I love you Jesus! -audra

    1. Wonderful Audra! Praying your prayer.

    2. Amen Audra 🙏. I often have that same problem.

    3. Thank Audra for putting it so well . I am in the same boat too ! May God help us to relax and be dependant on Him !

    4. It makes me laugh when I read a post from a previous year, identify with it and then find out I wrote it! Getting a little better at surrendering to the FACT that each day is new and hold opportunities to discover. Thank you Lord, for opening my eyes, so I can find all You have prepared for me in this precious day of Life.

    5. I’m with ya Audra I’m off on different dates but no surprise finding enormous amounts of relevance to my day, today!

  7. John 15:5 “I am the vine, and you are the branches. Those who remain in me, and I in them, will bear much fruit; for you can do nothing without me.
    Stay connected to The Vine, friends.

    1. Amen Suzanne! We can do nothing without our life giving Vine. In Him we bear good fruit for His glory and to accomplish His plan.

    2. Yes. Spiritual beats secular any day. 🙏💪😍👍

  8. Good morning my family! Today here in BC Canada it is Family Day and a public holiday.
    Happy Family Day !! I know that the day is spent in thinking about all the things on the To Do list we can cram into it before the back to work day tomorrow instead of thanking God for this gift of family from Him! I am retired and still try and do the same. Many seem so busy that time with our families on this day is forgotten.
    Today I pray for God’s blessing and peace for your families and mine.
    Celebrate! Rejoice! Be glad!
    Thank you all for writing those things that describe my life and my thoughts!
    I love meeting with each of you in Spirit every morning!!
    Love and blessings!!!

    1. Thank you, Monica. Sorry to say I had not heard of this special day among our dear neighbors to the north. Will have to do a search to learn more about it. God be with you.

    2. Thank you Bob! Each province had one....I think it’s just a way to have a day off in February-but such a good reminder of how blessed we are!
      Blessings! 🥰

    3. Yes. So busy that we can’t listen. Psalm 23 first line - lord is my shepherd, I shall not want, he MAKES ME lie down in green pastures …. Hullo!!?? I need to remember as I also work and over prepare fir the secular. Time is precious and for me likely 1/2 over Stop and smell the roses

  9. Lord, I do pray for You to open my eyes to today’s blessings.

  10. I sure do see God’s blessings every day. Still in amazement that our middle son and dear daughter in love are having their second child in September. We are already looking forward to the birth of our third grandson in April. That was my husband’s greatest Birthday surprise and what a gift to me! God is so good! Blessed I am and blessed I remain.

    1. Congratulations to you Jeanne and your family. What a wonderful blessing ❤. God bless 🙏.

    2. What wonderful news Jeanne! Have a nice day with your dear Mom! Praying blessings for you and yours and everyone here.

      Blessings from France

    3. Congratulations Jeanne!


    4. Yay!! Congratulations!! Praying for so much love and God’s grand purpose for this precious little one! ❤️

    5. CONGRATULATIONS grandma! Praying blessings on your soon coming new born grandson and his parents.

      Maplewood NJ

    6. Congratulations Jeanne. You & hubby are truly blessed. We celebrate with you & your family.🥳

    7. Now THAT is great news on Family Day, Jeanne! Congratulations!

    8. Thanks and Amen! Such good news! Praise God! He just keeps those blessings coming!!

  11. Drove to Brooklyn to see my Mom for a few days and my son asked me not to tell her the good news yet. So happy I could share it with you, my dear JC Family. 😊💗🙏

  12. Father, please help me to see what You have prepared for me today. Let me not get ahead of myself and forget to enjoy all the little moments that make up the day. Please grant me the strength and courage to follow Your will and not my own and align me with Your desire and the leading of the Holy Spirit. Please protect, comfort, and bless Your children here and far, and let them feel Your presence in their lives. Thank You Jesus. I Praise You Lord. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen 🙏.

    1. Amen amen Janet. Less of me, more of You Jesus.

      Blessings from France

    2. Amen dear Janet! Praying with you and for you💗🙏
      So true dear BFF!

    3. Janet - this prayer is so similar to mine. God loves all his children !! God bless us all. And agree, seeing is believing. Slow down. listen

    4. Note to self... Don't get ahead of yourself! God's got this and if I can just relax and be patient he'll guide me in no uncertain terms. Thanks be to God!

  13. Good morning from sunny Nairobi where the temparture today is 75 degrees. Perfect day to swim! Today I have learnt to stay focused on the day and not start worrying about tomorrow! I told you guys how am running a homeschooling program till August and in the evenings I have been wandering about what will happen in August , will I get a job in time ? Where will my daughter go to school when this program ends ! Will I have an income to be able to provide for my family? I have been breaking into a sweat because of worry! However today, I felt a jolt! Am I finding security in this environment and getting to comfortable in it ? So I am asking God to open my eyes, so I can find all He has prepared for me in this precious day of Life.May I find joy and peace in daily events of my life ! Amen

    1. You will find God in the waiting. It is hard but He is there! ❤️ May it bless you both.

    2. These are times in your life, when worry is knocking on your heart's door, that the faithfulness of God swoops down to wrap you & yours with blessed assurance. Trust Him Min Ahadi, don't let the enemy rob you of what the Lord has already established in your walk of faith. Keep your eyes fixed on Jesus! Hallelujah!

    3. Our Dear Min Ahadi,
      I AM the Risen One Who shines upon you always!
      I AM new things continually on your horizon.
      My goto song for His Comfort and His Security:
      Be not dismayed whate'er betide
      God will take care of you
      Beneath His wings of love abide
      God will take care of you
      God will take care of you
      Through every day, o'er all the way
      He will take care of you
      God will take care of you
      No matter what may be the test
      God will take care of you
      Lean, weary one, upon His Breast
      God will take care of you
      God will take care of you
      Through every day, o'er all the way
      He will take care of you
      God will take care of you
      He will take care of you
      God will take care of you
      I am singing it for you and all our JC Family now!

    4. JOHN 10 tells us to believe in the evidence of the Miraculous Works I have already done!
      HEBREWS 13: 8 tells us Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever.
      He took care of you and yours, us and ours, throughout all the yesterdays, HE is here and now taking care of us today, and will therefore do the same forever, which includes all of our tomorrows! Blessings Min Ahadi and our entire JC family.

    5. Joining prayers with my Sisters dear Min Ahadi! Lean on His past faithfulness and trust He is taking care of your future. ZFaith is believing what you cannot see. Hold onto His Hand. Trust Him one day a time as you stay in His presence.

    6. ♥️🎶 link God Will Take Care of You

  14. Good Morning Min Ahadi, it is hard to learn this practice of faith but you will. God took many years working with me but provided the whole way through and some day you'll look back and see that what He provided was perfect. My future is very uncertain, but knowing how He has taken care of me and my family I know He's not going to stop now.

    Matthew 6:26 Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they?
    You are on the right path to JOY
    J = Jesus first in our lives
    O = Others (your homeschool)
    Y = Yourself

    1. Thanks for the JOY acronym, Waiting. I am Waiting to see your posts again in 2022. Either way, you are always on my mind and in my prayers. Much ❤, Brie

  15. “I have been crucified with Christ [that is, in Him I have shared His crucifixion]; it is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me. The life I now live in the body I live by faith [by adhering to, relying on, and completely trusting] in the Son of God, who loved me and gave Himself up for me” (Galatians 2:20).

    Most Gracious Father, Thank you for Your amazing power that woke us up this morning in our sound minds and for the blessings that You’ve already poured over us. As You shine Your light upon us this day, we are reminded of what the Apostle Paul preached, that all in Christ are now new creations. All of the old dreams, purposes, ideas and agendas have now ceased to exist and have been replaced by Christ Jesus’ agendas, Ideas and purposes in an entirely new creature called "Christian." Thank You that Jesus is the long-promised new Covenant that now makes it all possible for humans to be made new once and for all, and for eternity, without the possibility of returning to the old. Thank You dear Lord for reconciling us to Yourself through faith in Christ Jesus, not counting our sin against us. Grant us sight to see all that You have prepared for us today, as we worship You in Spirit and in Truth. Thank you for Your great love and care, Your mercy and grace, and for strengthening us for your purposes. We place our present and our future in Your hands, trusting in You always and give You thanks and praise because this is the will of God in Christ Jesus.

    Let us remember and pray for the folks in TX,(Houston, Dallas, Austin and parts adjacent), OK, and ALL other states and cities without power, running water, food etc.. What's going on in the world today, is no surprise to God. We pray for His mercy, protection and provisions, in Jesus' name.

    “Do not remember the former things, Or ponder the things of the past. Listen carefully, I am about to do a new thing, Now it will spring forth; Will you not be aware of it? I will even put a road in the wilderness, Rivers in the desert” (Isaiah 43:18-19).

    Blessings and Peace.

    Maplewood NJ

    1. Amen Maplewood 🙏. Beautifully said 👏.

    2. Wonderful truth sweet Maplewood! We are made anew in Him! But we must walk the walk because we are changed in Him. We are following hard after righteousness and doing our best to avoid those things or situations that tempt us to pull away from The Vine. If we belong to Him we must live our lives for Him and be worthy of being called the children of the Most High. We must reflect this in our words, thoughts, motives and deeds. This is a daily mission and we can never attain perfection but perhaps a gold star on our foreheads for our good efforts will suffice. He loves us with our human imperfections.

  16. One of my favorite scripture. Thank you Maplewood for sharing🥰. Yes, praying for these folks, including us. Hubby is getting generator ready. We have more ice storms coming Tonite. Filling the tub with water for toilet flushing, making sure gas tank is full, etc.we give You thanks Lord! You are Jehovah Jireh. Amen.

  17. Please pray warriors, just heard from DIL, she's in another state, trying to find another rental for son#2 who is in another state in an ice storm. Pipes burst & they cannot stay there. Hotels with generators are booked, the girl's winter coats are in storage, on & on it goes. Our God is an awesome God! He reigns. Amen! Hallelujah!

    1. Praying for our God to make a way out of no way!
      He can! He does! Let us know when HE DID!

    2. I don't know where your son is, BUT if he is near a Gallery Furniture Store owned by Mattress Mac, I am told that they are open and available as warming shelters, until another place can be found. Regardless of where he is God is taking care of him. Prayers continuing, Jan for you, yours and all. In Jesus' Name. Amen.

    3. Praying for your family Jan. May the Lord bless and guide them through this process 🙏.

    4. They're in Texas Brie. It's a mess! God is in the middle of all messes! Hallelujah!

    5. Texas is where the Furniture Gallerys are located.

    6. Praying that your son #2 and the girls found shelter from the storm and winter coats.

  18. Please pray for Miss Pat. I have spoken with her several times today. She was fine. She called 5 minutes ago to say she had felt sick and nauseated and went to be tested. She tested positive. Pat is high risk.

    1. Praying for Ms Pat right now, Sassy Mom.

    2. Praying too for Miss Pat and her family. 🙏

  19. Praying for Miss Pat, Sassy Mom. Asking for prayers for a young, male child who has been reported as abused. Praying for his safety, protection and a way out. My hands are tied at this point. God has him in His hands - that is my prayer.
    First, full day back at work (after 4 off) - retirement is looking better every day. Praying for each and every one of you, for TX, for everyone with power outages, frozen pipes (Oklahoma), for the snow that is coming that my sons will be traveling in. God is good all the time. All the time, God is good. "Don't try to force-fit today into yesterday's mold. Instead, ask Me to open your eyes, so you can find all I have prepared for you in this precious day of Life." Still true almost 15 hours later. Please pray for sleep for me tonight, so that I am ready and willing to take on tomorrow's cases. Each one I got today is 'Dire Need.' Our Father knows what that means.

    1. Praying for the poor child dear Norah and for sweet sleep for you dear sister.

    2. Joining in prayers for sweet sleep and for that poor little boy to be safe and protected in the arms of our Lord. And travel mercies for your sons.

      Blessings from France

  20. From last Sunday's teaching, "God has not asked us to save the world, but He did ask me to be faithful to His Word." My goal every day, "Morning by morning, great Mercy, I see."

  21. Stopping in to wish everyone a blessed and sweet day. Praying for more victories and God's faithfulness for all my JC Family and their loved ones. Thank You Jesus. I pray when I get to my Mom's today, she will be a little stronger. I will stay till Saturday. Maybe I can get her to eat a little more. Be blessed sweet family. We don't walk alone. Our good and faithful best friend is always with us.

    1. Traveling Mercy prayers 🙏 are coming your way. And prayers for you and yours are being said everyday.

    2. Continued prayers for your dear Mama, Jeanne. I am confident that YOU can get her to eat. You are always making my mouth water with your cooking descriptions. :) So true...we never walk alone.

    3. Thanks dear Brie and Norah! Your prayers and God’s faithfulness carried me here safely. My Mom ate a little bit but she is distracted by her pain. God is holding her tight.

  22. Asking prayers for my son Neil. He has a substance abuse problem. Yesterday he checked himself into treatment and now I get a call from them he is no longer in their care and he is on his way to the hospital. He sent me an odd picture before I got that call. All of this in the middle of the night. Its been a long haul for him and many attempts at getting sober. Prayers for him and prayers for his Momma would be appriciated.

    1. Praying for Neil and you Kathy. Praying that you will receive the Peace that passes all understanding. Praying that God will impact Neil's life and bring him out of what he's in. In The Mighty Name of Jesus, Amen.

    2. Praying for you and your son Kathy. I too went through this with my son. He has been clean for 2 years now. It may take many times but trust God to get him through his addiction. God bless!


    3. Stay strong dear Kathy. God loves you both and can turn every situation into good. Joining in prayers for you and your son Neil. May God comfort your worried heart and strengthen both of you in body, mind and spirit and give you peace as you await news of your son. Neil
      is not alone. The Lord is right by his side no matter what is going on. May He open up his eyes and heart to see and know he must ask for help now. His help us from the Lord Who made Heaven and Earth. He is mighty to save. He can guide him to all the help he needs and give him strength to endure anything in order to get well. Thank You for leading Him to all peace, good health and fulfillment and for comforting our dear sister Kathy. We trust in You because we have seen Your faithfulness. Thank You dear Jesus.

    4. Joining in prayer for you Kathy and your son Neil. It gives me hope to read he is still making many attempts at getting sober.
      AA programs are extremely helpful in this regard. I will continue praying for both of you. 🙏

    5. Joining in prayers for you, Kathy, and for Neil. Expect the best outcome, in trust and gratitude 🙏

    6. I'm praying for you and Neil, Kathy and all those involved in his determined fight...renewed strength, confirmed believing for victory!

  23. Prayers for you and your son, Kathy. May you receive rest and peace knowing God has him in the palm of his hand, and you too. Bless you!

  24. One time in church, I sat next to the preacher and his daughter who was my best friend. He preached a powerful sermon and we all took the oath of a pastor. After he preached, he came back to his seat. His wife was out of town and I thought..I bet she always compliments his sermons. I felt the clearest tug of the holy spirit for me to compliment his sermon. It was a beautiful one! I stood there with the spirit coaxing me, but, sadly, I didn't say anything...I don't know why. I thought I would have other opportunities, but my pastor was diagnosed with an illness after that and is in heaven now. I realize "this" day, "this" moment is what we have and it is precious. Thank God He gave us eternity in Heaven. I'm going to compliment my preacher when I get there <3 And I will try not to pass an opportunity to compliment someone on this side of eternity. God bless you on this beautiful day 🙏

    1. What a sweet story, free as can B. Thank you for the reminder to seize the moment in blessing others. God knows our hearts and I'm with you in thanking God for eternity with our loved ones.

    2. Thanks for sharing that story, dear free as can be. I can certainly relate. I have regretted the moments when God’s Spirit was urging me to follow God’s calling and I didn’t obey. Let us try harder to please God above ourselves.

  25. Dear Kathy, I will pray for Neil and his family who are fighting for him. My daughter was lost for many years but she fought her way back. Godspeed and please know prayer is a powerful force and will see you through.

  26. Dear JC Family - thank you for your prayers for my hubby. His appointment went well and once again, we are kicking the treatment can down the road. The Doctor did say we'd be discussing options. His numbers were good and unchanged so that is our continual prayer - that they stay that way. We will walk it out with God, know He never leaves our side. We don't go back for 2 months. We are so thankful to be back home. It's cold and rainy and home feels so nice.
    All of you are in my prayers - love and God's Blessings to each of you.

    1. Praising God for no new news, which is good news!
      Love ❤ Brie

    2. Hallelujah dear Norah! More answers to our prayers for your good husband! Praise God! He us so good. Celebrate His faithfulness!

  27. Leaving for Brooklyn in the morning so I just wanted to wish you all a blessed and happy weekend. May we all receive more answers to our prayers because we serve a faithful God. As today's devotion says, "let us not cling to old ways". Sometimes we get comfortable with the familiar day to day tasks and routines we follow, but God is asking us not to be afraid of change. He is molding us every day into who He wants us to be. Sometimes He allows trials to polish us, but His will is not for us to suffer but to be restored and to have a closer walk with Him. So we should be open to receive what He has in store for us.
    Today's devotion ends with:
    "...ask Me to open your eyes, so you can find all I have prepared for you in this precious day of Life." Amen to that! We all need to have clearer vision to see all that He is offering us every day. There's a beautiful song that we sing in the Choir called Open My Eyes, Lord.
    Here is the link to it:

    The unknown is sometimes scary but God already knows what tomorrow or the next day will bring. So we must hold on tight to His Hand, exercise our trust muscles, and go forward. I do wake up in gratitude for the new day and all that He has set before me. He often changes my direction and I accept it. Sometimes His Spirit nudges me to call a person who I know needs a call. When I made such a call today, I found out my neighbor Beth had a double masectomy in 2007 and she just had the silicon implants removed a week ago and somehow now she and her daughter have Covid. Praying for both of them and trusting God will heal them and bring them back to good health and comfort. He knows exactly what they need to get well.
    My own life is changing in a lot of ways. Besides the cancer, which I try not to think about because I know I'm being healed, I must spend all my weekends with my Mom now that Janet is back in Missouri.
    I love her dearly but that means time away from Rick and our 3 sons and their families. Our sons all work so we usually only see some of them on the weekends. Thank God we can still see them on Sundays. My Mom really needs me now and I pray God will help me make her happy, provide her needs, and take good care of her in every way. She absolutely doesn't want an aide at this point although Janet and I have been discussing it. Putting all that in God's Hands. I'm just gonna love her and everything will fall into place. She only wants time to pray and maybe watch a couple of movies and of course have her full glass of wine with dinner. Sounds like a plan but she still needs some exercise and she must eat better. She is so set in her ways and stubborn. I know so many of you are dealing with the same things with your parents. God will guide us and show us how to make their lives better. Well stay well and safe out there. Trust in the Lord and try not to lean on your own understanding. He has the final word and He is all knowing and mighty to save. We are in excellent Hands. God bless you all. Let's continue to pray for each other.

    Psalm 62:8 Trust in Him at all times, you people; Pour out your heart before Him; God is a refuge for us. Selah

    Proverbs 3:5-6 Trust in the LORD with all your heart, And lean not on your own understanding; 6 In all your ways acknowledge Him, And He shall direct your paths.

    Psalm 118:8 It is better to trust in the LORD Than to put confidence in man.

    1. Prayers for safe travels for you, Jeanne and give mom a hug from all of us. It is tough watching our parents age. They are set in their ways doing the same things everyday. I take comfort in knowing He is watching over them when I cannot.

    2. Safe travels and a blessed stay with your mom, Jeanne. God makes a plan that gives you what you need too. Listen for it ♥️😎🙏

    3. So true dear Suzanne! Me too. I’m so thankful God is watching over my Mom when I can’t be with her. She’s such a little prayer warrior that I’m sure He’s taking great care of her!
      Thanks dear Audra. Listening for His Plan and accepting His Will. All went fine today because I did all I could to make my Mom happy. God led me through a good and productive day and we even got to watch a movie. I got cooking and laundry done and even got to the Post office to
      mail my sister’s package out. He is so faithful and good. We are blessed to be His children.

  28. Then Jacob awoke from his sleep and said, "Surely the LORD is in this place, and I did not know it." (Genesis 28:16). Tremble, O earth, before the LORD, before the God of Jacob. (Psalm 114:7). Then I was beside Him, as a master workman, and I was daily His delight, rejoicing always before Him. (Proverbs 8:30). Mountains quake because of Him and the hills dissolve; indeed the world is upheaved by His presence; the world and all the inhabitants in it. (Nahum 1:5).

    1. Amen dear Janet. Thanks.
      Surely the Presence of the Lord is in this Place.

  29. Safety in travel for you dear Jeanne. Thank you dear sisters for sharing the word. I am well fed for the day. Blessings. 💞🙏🌈

    1. Thanks dear Jan! Your prayers really helped. Arrived safely and in time to heat up my chicken soup and make tea for lunch. My Mom had already showered and washed her hair. We had a nice day but it was a busy one for me. I just wanted my Mom to rest and she did! Hope your day went well too! 😊💗

  30. Good morning beautiful Holy Spirit. What adventures do you have planned for me today?

    1. Wonderful prayer to begin your day!

  31. I love this devotion. It's so thought-provoking, timely, and heartwarming. The other day, my family and I got to spend time together in the warm sun. It was so joyful and unforgettable. What a gift! Something id been praying for <3 I've been thinking I'd like to recreate that day, but God has new adventures and new plans beyond my imagination. I pray you each are able to see His loving hands and hear His song over you throughout your day <3

  32. So happy for your day in the sun! I’m sure it renewed your spirit and refreshed your weary heart. God provides all our needs. He knew you needed to rest in the sun. He reads our hearts and makes a way!

  33. This devotion tells us not to get uncomfortable or worried when the winds of change come. It is then when we must continue to trust that if God leads us to it, He will bring us through it. He must get us out of our comfort zones and lead us to new horizons in order to strengthen and polish us, and draw us closer to Him. Through the wilderness, He tests our faith. It’s a new day and I am blessed to wake up in a different and beautiful place. I’m with my good husband and I know my mom is well taken care of by my dear sister Janet. I’m so grateful. Praising God for His loving kindness. Enjoy this new day with gratitude no matter your circumstances. God is greater. Trust Him to heal your weaknesses, guide your steps, and make things right. Praise Him.

    Isaiah 25:1
    O Lord, You are my God. I will exalt You, I will praise Your name, For You have done wonderful things; Your counsels of old are faithfulness and truth.

    Psalm 150:6
    Let everything that has breath praise the Lord. Praise the Lord!

    Psalm 63:3-4
    Because Your lovingkindness is better than life, My lips shall praise You. Thus I will bless You while I live; I will lift up my hands in Your name.

  34. "I want you to embrace all that I am doing in your life, finding your security in Me alone." Our only security is in Him our firm foundation, He is our Solid Rock, anything else is sinking sand.

  35. Agreed Peter. Solid Rock foundation is where it's at-where I want to be! No sinking sand!

    1. Yes dear ABC! No Sinking Sand! I used to play that song in the nursing home. Our Cornerstone never crumbles.

  36. Yes and amen! ♥️🎶. Firm foundation link

  37. Thanks Sis! You blessed me with that song! I sent it to my sister Janet! Love you.

  38. “I want you to embrace all that I am doing in your life, finding your security in Me alone.” He is the Cornerstone that never crumbles. I am putting all my trust into His Word and promises! I know God is working hard to answer our prayers. Resting in that. Praise Him from Whom all blessings flow. Rick’s appointment isn’t till 5:45. I know your prayers surround him. God is good. Praying for all prayer requests and waiting on the Lord with all of you. God bless this day of new possibilities! Praise Him with thanksgiving and rest in His Love. All will be well, dear ones. His Word is true.

    Proverbs 3:5-6
    Trust in the Lord with all your heart,
    And lean not on your own understanding;
    In all your ways acknowledge Him,
    And He shall direct your paths.

    1. My Heavenly Father -- I lift up Jeanne and Rick before You as they go to this appointment. You are the God that sees, who heals, and holds all things in Your Mighty Hands. I Declare that NO WEAPON FORMED AGAINST THEM SHALL PROSPER! Let Your peace surround them like a shield, driving out fear and uncertainty.

      Lord, I ask for a report that brings hope--that the cancer is contained and the treatment plan is clear, effective, and guided by Your wisdom. Touch Rick's body with Your power, and let every cell align with Your perfect design. Strengthen Jeanne as she stands beside Rick, and let their faith be unwavering in the face of this battle.

      We trust You, Jehovah Rapha, our Healer. Your name is bigger than cancer, and Your Victory is sure. In Jesus' Mighty 💖 Name,
      AMEN and AMEN

    2. Joining in prayer with you JJ for Jeanne and Rick. Our God is with us till the end of the age. He never leaves us or forsakes us. He goes before us and with us. He is love! Praise the Lord and thank You Jesus! God bless and peace be with you 🙏.

    3. Hopping on this powerful prayer train of healing prayers with JJ & Janet...while a weapon has formed IT WILL NOT PROSPER! Jehovah Rapha will see to it! Praying for Rick, Jeanne, and may you both feel God's loving arms around you.

    4. Dearest sisters, JJ, Janet, and NJS!! Amen! Your powerful and sincere prayers blessed and lifted me! God hears all our prayers. I know God is already preparing the good news that it will be contained. Resting in that and trusting in God’s faithfulness. Thank You Father for this in the powerful Name of Christ Jesus. Amen

      John 14:13-14
      And whatever you ask in My name, that I will do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son. If you ask anything in My name, I will do it.

  39. Life's storms don't mean you are off course. They just make your roots stronger. "Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you have trials of many kinds."
    James 1:2 🙏💕🌈✝️🔥

  40. In GOD we trust. 🙏🏽 ❤️

    1. Yes, dear Gail! It’s better to trust in God than man. We can stake our lives on the truthfulness of His Word. Hallelujah!

  41. "Blessed are those whose lawless deeds are forgiven, and whose sins are covered; blessed is the man to whom the LORD shall not impute sin." (Romans 4:7-8) (Psalm 32:1-2). "But now in Christ Jesus you who once were far off have been brought near by the blood of Christ." (Ephesians 2:13). "For to this end we both labor and suffer reproach, because we trust in the living God, who is the Savior of all men, especially of those who believe." (1 Timothy 4:10). "And that from childhood you have known the Holy Scriptures, which are able to make you wise for salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus." (2 Timothy 3:15).

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Oops...typos...meant to say Wonderful Scriptures, amen, yes...we trust in the Living God Who lives in us, and in Whom we live and move and have our being. So Blessed!

    3. Good food, sweet Janet! Thank you. Praying for you and believing God is already strengthening and guiding you through any challenges you are facing.
      Dear Peter, Amen to that! Praying for you and Wendy too. God and His indwelling Spirit are leading us forward through the wilderness. His Light never fades. It continues to guide our steps and our lives to good. Thank You Jesus!

    4. Thank you for the beautiful thoughts and prayers Peter, JJ, Janet, Jeanne and any others I may have left out, This group is such a BLESSING to me.
      ATL 2025

    5. God bless you, dear ATL 2025! We encourage each other! We always receive God’s love and comfort here.

  42. Blessings on this sunny, cold morning. Happy Birthday, Sweet4G!
    I loved the encouragement to not cling to routine. Praying for each of your requests. For my daughter getting her stolen car replaced. For all of my adult kids and their families. For Rick's appt this evening, Jeanne and your love and service to so many.
    Missing Sassy Mom and praying that her heart is comforted and the same with our Brie.
    Have a blessed day, Dear JC Family!

    1. Thanks dear Norah! Joni got her car stolen? Unbelievable! So much ungodliness in the world. Praying with you and Audra for you and your dear ones! Praying for our dear Sassy Mom and Brie that God will continue to fill the holes in their hearts with His love and comfort. Rick still hasn’t heard anything. We’re at his doctor’s office waiting to meet the doctor. But I believe we will leave with good news. Thank You Jesus!

  43. Praying with you, Norah! ♥️🙏

    1. Praying in agreement---AMEM and AMEN!

    2. Amen dear JJ. Praying for good outcomes because we serve a good and faithful God!

  44. Good afternoon, humbly asking for continued prayers for my husband. I know everything happens in God’s timing not ours. DH was healthy before open heart surgery. Surgery was aneurysms related. He walked 4-5 miles a day before surgery and wasn’t on any
    Meds. He has had many “uncommon but can happen” things occur post surgery. He is beginning to feel defeated. We have a good day and then a bad day. I know God will heal him. I trust God’s promises. I know nothing is impossible for Him. I know we are in valley right now. I know Satan is feeding us doubt. Please pray for healing, positive mindset, peace, and strength for my husband. Please pray for me to stay strong and be positive around him and not lose faith that God is going to provide. I know He will. Emotionally I am exhausted.
    SC Anonymous

    1. My Father God --- I lift up SC's DH before You Declaring that his healing is in Your hands.
      Lord, You are the Great Physician, and no complication
      Is beyond Your power. I speak Life, Strength, and Full Restoration over his body in Jesus' name! When setbacks try to steal his hope, remind him You are still at work, and His Victory is already restored
      in Christ!

      For SC, Lord, renew her strength as she stands in faith. You see her exhaustion, and promise to sustain those who trust in You.
      Refresh her spirit, fill her with Your peace, and remind her that she does not carry this burden alone. Let both of them see Your hand movin, even in the waiting. NO WEAPON FORMED AGAINST THEM SHALL PROSPER! We praise You for the testimony already unfolding.

    2. Should read: and his VICTORY is already secured in Christ!
      Victory is ours because OUR GOD REIGNS! That is the Fire 🔥 of God's Word blazing through!
      The enemy is trembling, chains are breaking, and Victory is being Declared in the spirit! Let it be Established! AMEN and AMEN!!!

    3. Dear JJ, God is Greater and we know He can turn this to good. Amen to your mighty prayer for our beloved SC and her good husband! May God in His mercy and compassion soon grant dear SC’s husband Only Good Days! The best is yet to come!
      Father God, Thank You for covering this good couple with Your peace and faithfulness. Heal every weakness in SC’s husband’s heart, body, mind and spirit! Show him that he will regain his strength and his health and joy! Let every day bring more improvement so he can clearly see Your Mighty and Loving Hand in it! The devil is a liar but Your Word and Promises are reliable! Thank You in Jesus’ Name. Amen

  45. Just got back. Good and bad news. Rick’s cancer is contained in the prostate thank God, but the Dr can’t do the surgery because of his heart issues and blood thinner. He will need 25 shots of radiation and at least 6 months of hormone therapy. I’m very upset but I know God will carry us through.

    1. Praying that physician strategies are guided by the Lord. Sorry about the news... it is always challenging with cancer. Godspeed to both of you.

    2. Thanks dear MadFox! Amen. May God lead Rick’s doctors and guide his treatments to make him better and heal every weakness, and may Gid draw him close to Him. Thank You Lord.

  46. Good that the cancer is contained to the prostate. Very disappointing that surgery is not being considered due to the heart issues and blood thinners 😞. God will carry you both through the radiation and hormone treatments and any side effects, so glad Rick has you and your family’s love and support. You have a lot on your plate with caring for your dear Mom as well. Praying the Lord will make a way where there seems to be no way so you can be there more for Rick.

    Praying that you will both feel better tomorrow after working through your feelings this evening and for good, restful sleep.

    May the Lord bring you both His peace and strength to face each day. Continuing to pray for His healing power to work in Rick’s body and for His covering and protection over him as he goes through these treatments.
    Looking forward to celebrating with you once the treatments are completed.
    Sending love and huge hugs to you 🫂❤️🙏🏻

    1. Thanks sweet Websister! You are so kind to pray for all that. I am now back home until May except for some weekends. My sister Janet is with my good mom now. May God heal and strengthen her knees.
      I believe God will carry Rick through his treatments and he will be himself again. Trusting our Great Physician to make all things right. God bless you dear sister.

  47. This comment has been removed by the author.
