Saturday, January 25, 2014

Jesus Calling: February 16

    Thank Me for the conditions that are requiring you to be still. Do not spoil these quiet hours by wishing them away,waiting impatiently to be active again. Some of the greatest works in My kingdom have been done from sick beds and prison cells. Instead of resenting the limitations of a weakened body, search for My way in the midst of these very circumstances. Limitations can be liberating when your strongest desire is living close to Me.
    Quietness and trust enhance your awareness of My Presence into you. Do not despise these simple ways of serving Me. Although you feel cut off from the activity of the world, your quiet trust makes a powerful statement in spiritual realms. My Strength and Power show themselves most effective in weakness. 
Zechariah 2:13
English Standard Version
Be silent, all flesh, before the Lord, for he has roused himself from his holy dwelling.

Isaiah 30:15
English Standard Version
For thus said the Lord God, the Holy One of Israel, “In returning and rest you shall be saved; in quietness and in trust shall be your strength.” But you were unwilling,

2 Corinthians 12:9
Amplified Bible
But He said to me, My grace (My favor and loving-kindness and mercy) is enough for you [sufficient against any danger and enables you to bear the trouble manfully]; for My strength and power are made perfect (fulfilled and completed) and show themselves most effective in [your] weakness. Therefore, I will all the more gladly glory in my weaknesses and infirmities, that the strength and power of Christ (the Messiah) may rest (yes, may pitch a tent over and dwell) upon me!

Enjoy the silence. Enjoy the quiet. Enjoy the break from activity. Welcome His Presence. Enjoy the sickness. I need the break. I need moments of retreat. 

I also find that most people are very quick to try to put forth themselves as not having done anything wrong, not wanting to admit mistakes or failures. People make excuses. And place the blame on others, but rarely themselves. But the Lord reminds us there is nothing wrong with our weaknesses. We know we have them even if we try hard to not be forthright about them. Go ahead and admit them and find your strength in the Lord. Don't abandon Him or His teaching, but continue on your way and continue to trust the Lord. 

My Prayer
Lord, you have reminded me today how much I need to be thankful throughout my days and this includes thanking you for quiet moments and times to just be still. Remind me daily to savor the quiet moments I have with You. It seems Lord too often I always have something going in front of me -- a TV show, movie, my phone, a book, the computer -- and yet rarely do I just take moments to sit and be still. I'm so quick to pray to get well from an illness, but help me to not run from sickness, but to use it as a reminder that I can depend on You and trust in You. Lord, I'm not good at trusting in you. I'm too comfortable with controlling all of my surroundings. Remind me to depend on you through weaknesses. As my children get older, I'm reminded more of how little control I have. That is a good thing because I need to depend on You More. Correct me when I fail and help me to own up to my mistakes before others. Your Grace, yes, your grace is sufficient for me.  You make your strength and power to be made perfect in my weakness. Help me to recognize this instead of not ever tetting go of my control.

Note: The devotion and scriptures are from author Sarah Young. If you haven't already, please purchase the book and support the author. 

Also, bookmark to have an easy link to the entire year of these entries.


  1. Thank you for this! I am in the midst of recovering from a Hysterectomy, and I'm usually in a whirlwind of Christmas chaos right about now- and I really hate being still through it!

    I really, REALLY needed to hear this!

  2. Lord I come to you today in Stillness and in Humble quietness. I am on the strip and already Satan was trying to distract me. The troubles at home the chaos alluring of my husband's hardened heart. I wanted to stand in My Flesh and defended myself. But then I was humbled and reminded that you are my Lord and Savior and you are in control not me. So this morning I open my devotional and you reminded me of why I came here. Why I am looking out on this ocean with the warm breeze and son on my back. It's not about all the activities I plan for the day but about taking those breaks and reflecting on your glory. Only in Stillness can I do that. You took away the anxiety the other night and brought me into a place of peace and here I am. Lord give me the opportunity while I rested you to minister and plant seeds to others while I am here. Let me glorify you in everything I do. In Jesus name amen

    1. Thank you for sharing your prayer.

    2. Great prayer paytonfamily! Amen.

    3. Thank you Chris and unknown for your beautiful prayers.
      I needed this today! I trust in you Jesus

  3. My father, help me to set aside everything i think i know about you, everything i think i know about myself, everything i think i know about others. everythng i think i know about my own recovery. For a new expereince with you God, anew experience with others, a new experience with myself and a much needed new expereince in my own recovery. Sitting quietly with you, i treasure this prayer. I am connecting with spirit grom where i came from. help me remove my thoughts of self pity, self seeking and dishonesty. Thank you that i can see them more clearly. Bless my family, our finances to give instead of get, to be vulnerable before my family, others and myself. I love you and love your peace. Thank you Amen.

  4. Recently, I've had more "quiet time" than in the past 10 years. Also, more time for devotionals, prayer, this community, my church, etc. It is strange how I feel an increase in my faith as a result of being more still and listening for our God vs. talking to Him.

    In stillness and quietness we can hear Him. Perhaps God communicates that way to reduce our fear. I do recognize He is with me/you TODAY but my experience is that I only see Him in retrospect. And most often it was a friend or circumstance that nudged me to seek God's hand to steady my walk in a rough/steep path (chapter) of my life.

    1 Kings 19:11 "...Behold, Yahweh passed by, and a great and strong wind tore the mountains... but Yahweh was not in the wind. After the wind an earthquake; but Yahweh was not in the earthquake. 12. After the earthquake a fire passed; but Yahweh was not in the fire; and after the fire a still small voice."

    God talked to Elijah in a "still small voice" and He does so with us... my prayer is that I will be quiet and still instead of busy and with a mind full of wordly issues and fears. Father, I seek to hear Your WHISPER and pray for Your help to find time to rest in Your will. Amen.

    1. A friend and I were discussing this struggle when having a serious illness, we seem to be more tuned into listening and praying. God whispers because He is near, one doesn't shout when you are so close and can hold the hand of the person you're taking to. May we in our times of struggle hear His voice. May we in times of plenty, slow down, find solitude in a quiet place and listen for His voice. Amen.

    2. My quiet prayer is with you MadFox as you continue your journey of faith. Amen.

    3. How often do we remind ourselves that we must be still and quiet to hear that still, small voice? Sometimes it is done for us...such as today with snow and a Level 2. Waiting to hear if the Oncologist will do a virtual meeting with my hub and me. Giving it all to Him and resting in the peace that passes all understanding. Continued prayers that your heart remains peaceful, Brother Madfox...and all of us!

    4. Yes, He is so close. Thank you for the Holy Spirit who is always there for guidance when I call. Be still and know God. Blessings of stillness to you all today, and an extra dose of comfort to you Mad🦊 in recovery.

    5. We are all struggling in so many ways but there is only one solution JESUS JESUS JESUS! We trust in you in the stillness of our silent prayers for each other. Thank you for listening; help us to listen to your voice! Amen Amen!!

    6. Reading this again today and really appreciating these words from Mad 🦊..."God whispers because He is near, one doesn't shout when you are so close and can hold the hand of the person you're taking to. "

    7. Amen 🙏🙏
      Thank you for your prayer and reminders mad🦊 and Audra
      Love and prayers for each of the JC family

  5. Thank you paytonfamily and MadFox - beautiful and meaningful.

  6. What beautiful reminders of how to start my day! Because life can be anything but quiet and still. And I know for myself I don't take the time to just trust God and give him the control. I know in my heart he is always the one in charge. Thank you all for sharing! Today I will seek to hear His Whisper!

    1. I really related to your beautiful post dear Marie! Thank you for sharing! Be very still and trust that you will hear His small sweet voice just as little Samuel heard it.

  7. I am reveling in a quiet Saturday today and needing the stillness. At almost 8 months pregnant my head is spinning with a million things to do and prep, but my body is tired and telling me to rest even when I feel frustrated in my limitations. This was the perfect reminder to use this time when my body is sore and tired to just rest in Him and refocus. A good day to be still and pray for this baby and for others today.

  8. WE are in transtion. Moved to Chicago area (Morris) a couple of months ago. Finances are a huge concern - in the past I have always been able to supplement my husband's income by working. This time I'm finding the Lord has a different plan right now. I'm older ( 65) and have some health issues that need healing. The Lord spoke to me last week and told me to "stay"! I listened and waited for him. But being patient is so hard. Today my anxiety got the best of me. My plan was to have a quiet time and then go apply for a job. I "happened" to read this devotional. It stopped me in my tracks. He wants me to trust Him, to rest and to use this time to allow Him to draw near to me. I'm so thankful He loves me and insists on time with me so I can experience that love and see His abundant provision.

  9. All 3 Anonymous and Marie. Kind words. Godspeed and Peace as you wait for His whisper.

  10. Thank you, I have had a long history of illness and agree, God is still with me and giving the gift of His Holy spirit!!!

  11. My day was determined for me when I came home from work to a very sick husband. He'd taken his sister to the Oncologist (it went well - though who knows what we will face in the future of her undetermined diagnosis). He had gotten sick - throwing up to beat the band. In the meantime Son #4 texted that HE was sick - throwing up (we had plans to 'BUST IT' on the house, put the leaves in the table for our Anniversary Dinner Party 2/16). Bottom Line: all system fail - my husband was had obviously caught THE BUG, my #4 son ate a med-rare hamburger & was sick from that; I was on the phone calling our guests to cancel the dinner party. So, today, was one of sleep, rest, movies, FB (so many sweet wishes on our 45th Anniversary). My dear hub barely whispered at 7 AM, after being up for an hour dealing with the CRUD, "Happy Anniversary. Sure glad I didn't get this 45 years ago!" I replied, "Sleep sweet, honey - I'm glad too!" LESSON OF THE DAY: We were 'forced' into quietness, stillness. We had no choice. And yet, it has been a lovely day of spending time together and actually laughing at our circumstances. "Although you feel cut off from the activity of the world, your quiet trust makes a powerful statement in spiritual realms. My Strength and Power show themselves most effective in weakness." We have experienced that Strength & Power in weakness. Praying for both Anonymous' - 8 months pregnant and a needed job in a new city. WOW. My world just got smaller. Thankful, as always to this group of Believers. Prayers of healing, rest, peacefulness. And ever so thankful for the 'sages' who bless us with their wisdom. <3

    1. Praying for you and your family. what a day! great attitude Norah.

    2. Well dear Norah! I'm sure this year's Anniversary will be better than this one! The good memory was despite the sickness and changed plans, God forced you into being quiet and trusting Him so your Anniversary was more about love than anything else. Have a blessed one dear Norah and your DH!

    3. Thank you dear Jeanne. Yes, this Anniversary is similar to the one a couple of years ago but thankfully we are both healthy. Waiting to hear about the appt but thankful that we can rest in our warm home and just enjoy each other's company. Per Hubby - "after today, we will be in our 48th year!" HA HA...he's always thinking ahead. We're blessed.

    4. Happy Anniversary to you and DH, our Dear Norah!

    5. Happiest of Anniversaries dear sweet Norah and hubs. Still praying for your appointment. ❤🙏

  12. "Thank You Lord
    Thank You Lord
    Thank You Lord...
    I just want to Thank You Lord.
    You've been so good..,
    You've been so.. good,
    You've been so good...,
    I just want to Thank You Lord".

    Father, I Thank You for Your grace and forgiveness in my life, Thank You for all the things You've done for me and given me. Thank You for being merciful and kind. Thank You for loving me. I love You right back.

    If Jesus Christ the Son of God habitually removed himself from the busyness of life and spent time in intimate communion with His Father, we as believers have the responsibility to do likewise. If Jesus needed this time apart with the Father, it would seem logical to assume we need it just as much or even more.
    Isaiah 7:4 "Take heed and be quiet".

    May 'Quietness and Trust enhance our awareness of Your Presence dear Lord and may 'Your Strength and Power show themselves most effective in our weaknesses'. May the Holy Spirit help us to take time to be separate from all friends, family, all duties, all cares, and all joys and be quiet before the Your Presence.

    As we spend peaceful moments with the Lord and with a thankful spirit, may the peace and joy in our hearts grow and spill over into the lives of others.

    Let's go praise, worship and thank the King of kings this blessed Sunday morning!

    Maplewood NJ

    1. Thank you Maplewood! Peace and thanks to God always. KS

    2. So agree with you, Maplewood, NJ, if it was that important to Jesus...(gulp). Dallas Willard in his book on spiritual disciplines reminds us in His full humanity, He needed to do that and it helped make Him Who He was. How could we do any less? Also liked your thought on taking time to separate from others. Had to smile because the thought that came to my mind was they would so appreciate us doing that so when we returned to them, they would be more greatly blessed in our presence. As always, loved your opening thanksgivings to set the tone for what is to come. God be with you.

    3. Amen dear Maplewood! Like Bob, I loved that we must find precious time away from others and other distractions to really be aware of His presence in our day.
      Also loved this so much: "As we spend peaceful moments with the Lord and with a thankful spirit, may the peace and joy in our hearts grow and spill over into the lives of others."
      Thanks Maplewood! I love your heart of love and God's wisdom inside you!

  13. Distractions. We live in a world where technology provides resources of instant information and distractions. Social media gives us instant connections to the outside world but also sucks us in for periods of time which calls us away from spending time with our Savior. I live in a large city where there are always multiple options of things to do and see. The traffic is horrendous. The hustle and bustle mentality sends temptations to go, go, go and squeeze as much into a day as possible. I often have what I call 'let me just' syndrome. Let me just throw a load of laundry in the washer. While that is going, let me just unload the dishwasher. My kids tease me about it and say, "mom- why don't you just reshingle the roof and power wash the driveway too?" We joke about it but LMJ syndrome leads me away from spending time with Him.
    Lord- help me focus on You and spending time in Your presence. Help me push away social media and refocus my efforts toward Your peace and messages. Show me how I can be Your hands and feet today. Help me follow You and push away distractions which keep me from You.

    1. Love the sentiment Suzanne... I've found one more year later that the proper LMJ, let me to slow down, be quiet, shut off ALL screens, pray, pray some more, then stop and just LISTEN! In those moments, which sadly are usually just seconds, there is the space for God to whisper in a "still, small voice", His love and that He is HERE, NOW, holding your hand and will be forever. Amen. And to all our JC friends here, peace be with you this Sunday 2020.

    2. The analysis you have made of yourself, pretty much fits us all, Suzanne. Henri Nouwen has said that in a world where so many voices are vying for our attention so they can control who we are, we need silence and solitude to hear the still small voice within us that tells us really who we were created to be and to whom we belong. Blessings, Suzanne!

    3. Boy can I relate to that Suzanne: I too have that "Let me just" syndrome. I always try to pack as much into my day as I can. But often the Lord stops me and says. "Sit down and rest a bit with me". And after I do, the day always goes much smoother. He even knows when I need rest and I listen to His urges.

    4. Amen Suzanne 🙏. "Let me just" spend much needed time with You Lord ❤.

    5. Me too! Everything else can wait.

    6. Thank Suzanne.....I also do alot of let me just but today I was so challenged by your message . Lord help me to make you my first priority !

  14. Take time to be Holy. Slow me down, Lord. Draw me closer Lord, I yearn to be surrounded with Your peace, blessings and love. Create in me a clean heart. Make me a blessing to others. Praying for you as you pray for me.

    1. Amen dear Sassy Mom!
      Read my heart, and see if there is any sin hiding in there.
      Create in me a clean heart O God and renew a right spirit within me. Change me into what You want me to be.

  15. I started this morning by turning on the tv to have some background noise. Something inside of me (Jesus?) said to turn it off and pray in the quietness of the morning. I went to this blog to read, reflect and pray; I was reminded in the reading that turning off the tv was the perfect thing to do.

    I. too, seem to get caught up in the hustle and bustle of daily life on Earth. Thank you, God, for putting this devotional and reminder in my path this morning, to "be still" as it is already making me feel more connected to You.

    There have been times when life has seemed too hard to navigate through and I find myself in shut-down mode. In those times, and in all times, Lord, please remind me to Trust in You. I am not navigating on my own; You are with me! When opinions of others seem to be flooding in and I am overwhelmed, let me be reminded to seek You. "The LORD will fight for you; you need only to be still.” Ex 14:14 NIV I will make time today to be still and trust in You. CO

    1. Awesome reminder CO. Solitude with Him is much more important than anything else. But I also get distracted by so much during the day. I always feel His peace when I am alone with Him, even in the bathroom. Or when I'm waking up or trying to sleep. I listen to Him and my heart beat. I always thanking Him for fixing my heart and knowing my weakness even before I knew it. We must find time to be still. He has much to say to us if we will only listen with open ears and an open heart.

    2. Jeanne - We are also thanking Him for fixing your heart. He's knows how to fix everything!
      "He has much to say to us if we will only listen with open ears and an open heart." AMEN!!!! You are loved by all.

    3. I found myself really working hard at being still while recovering. I'm not use to waiting for my leg to not allow me to perform my daily activities. By being still & allowing hubby to help, has been an eye opener experience for me & him. Praise the Lord I'm healed enough to go wedding dress shopping with my grandaughter this weekend 🥰, so happy🥳

    4. Thanks dear Sassy Mom! I know God heard all your prayers and He was faithful to me as He has been to you and Jan and Janet and so many of our sisters and brothers. We have all seen His amazing healing in our lives! We will proclaim His good deeds together.Weate bound by our love fir Him and our trust in Him and so much gratitude!
      Jan, Have fun shopping with your granddaughter for wedding dresses! 💗

  16. When Moses was issuing his swan song to the children of God in Deuteronomy 30, vs 16 records his admonition to the people, "to love the LORD your God and walk in his ways." Too often, people are more concerned about getting the second half right over and above the first part. When the first part is firmly established, the walking in His ways occurs naturally and with a lot less effort. The key is to be in love with God and spending time in being quiet with Him is so necessary to a healthy loving relationship with our Lord. (I dare to use this illustration) As God has granted to two people in the covenant of marriage to have times of intimacy for the enhancement and solidifying of the relationship (and these cannot occur meaningfully in rushed or busy circumstances) so too, our covenant with God in our baptism requires quiet intimate moments of being in love with each other. It is in these moments that the love is enhanced and solidified.

    (I hope you are not offended by this illustration but that you can see the point that I am trying to make about the value of having meaningful time alone with God to which the JC reading calls us.)

    Have a blessed worship experience today, JC Family! With love, Bob

    1. Thank you Bob. I have put both relationships on a fast pace track praying to give them both there due time. Amen

    2. Thanks Bob,
      We must nurture our relationship with our loved ones and our most loved one is Jesus. We must make time for Him and for intimate moments together. I am most at peace when it is just the two of us. I know the Lord knows me better than anyone on this earth. And His love is a perfect love.

    3. Thank you Bob. As always, most inspiring.

  17. Thank you Bob that is a great illustration for me. God illustrates what true love looks and feels like in so many ways by the gifts of intimacy He set up for us and through us. The greatest love spring forth from our families. God created the confines of this as a great teacher. The intimacy between a husband and wife, the love of our children, parents and siblings. All demonstrate the feeling of love I believe God has for us and beyond. I strive to love the Lord in a pure and whole way, but unfortunately my stumbling block ( sin) always dilutes even coming close. It is only through His provision of Christ that I am able to love Him in the way He deserves! " What a beautiful name it is..Jesus" For too many reasons to count, perhaps even more than the stars in the sky. Another example set before us.
    God bless all of you.

    1. Thank you, Fern, for expanding on my thoughts this AM. God be with you.

  18. I understand Bob the need to have an intimate relationship with our Lord and Savior for all of us..we need to stop, be still, and listen. Pray, pray, and pray more. Thank you.

    1. And in your faithfulness to prayer, Loveconquersall, pause and give God the chance to say something. He is known for having really good ideas. :-) God be with you!

    2. Yes that soft, kind, gentle voice. I am with you always; do not be afraid. Thank you Bob.

  19. Amen, Amen, Amen! He tells me: I am here. That is all I need.

  20. Thank You Jesus for speaking to my heart. I Praise You Lord. Father, please pray for me like You did for Your disciples. Let Your heavenly presence and peace flow continuously and abundantly through me. Bless You Lord and bless Your holy name 🙏 🙌.

  21. My friend in hospice and I spoke yesterday. He is not sure of a timeline, but i gathered from our call that he is not bed-ridden and is helping his family cope with the short time he has left. He was coughing a lot, please continue to pray that a miracle can happen for "Mark" and he is healed. In Him, Amen.

    1. Praying for a miracle for your friend "Mark" MadFox. Continued prayers for you as well. May God bless you both. Amen


    2. Joining in prayer in Jesus' Name; Ditto what TJ just said if I may, as I couldn't say it different or better. All the best, Kathy

    3. Praying for, and trusting Jehovah Rapha for a turn around and complete miracle for Mark! Our God is able to do just that!!

      Maplewood NJ

    4. Agreeing with prayers for Mark. May God’s peace and grace surround them.

    5. Praying for a miracle be done in both your lives and for your families to have His strength, peace, and comfort 🙏.

    6. Prayers for Mark and MadFox! Faith, Strength, wisdom be yours. Amen.

    7. Praying for your friend, Mark, and for you, MadFox, and for our entire JC Family. Abundant Blessings from The Abundant Blessor. In Jesus' Name. Amen

    8. Echoing the prayers above ❤

      Blessings from France

    9. Continued prayers for Mark, MadFox - for a miracle of healing; same for you...<3

    10. Joining all in these prayers for Mark, mad🦊 and all other requests this morning, from the stillness of me devotional time before seeing what is next on this day.

    11. I believe in miracles and I keep praying for “Mark” because our great God is a miracle maker. He can do all things. Praying for you always dear brother.
      Joining in prayers for all prayer requests! Thank You Jesus.

  22. Joining others in praying for Mark. Lord have your way.

  23. Loving Father, I thank You for the gift of another day and the added lessons learned through seeking You at the Fire Conference. Thank You for the messages, the blessings, the travelling mercies and ALL that You made possible in Jesus' name. I love You, but thank You for first loving me.

    As I sat on the plane Friday morning out to the conference, I had a window seat right on the wing of the plane. After saying a short silent prayer as we took off, I stared out the window and all I could think of was the wonder of God and the below song (On the wings of a dove) immediately came to mind. That pure sweet love, was His pure sweet Son Jesus. Here I was, sitting on the wing on a plane, but I was actually sitting, leaning, resting, trusting on the wings of Jesus as he carried us to our destination. He was and is the perfect gift God gave us. I kept singing this song over and over in my head and thought that no matter what I face in this world, I must always remember that God has given me His perfect gift in His sweet, pure Son and I have a responsibility to hold on, seek Him, trust, depend and keep my eyes fixed on Him. It was a Fire Conference that elevated my dependence on God more than I could have imagined. We were encouraged to pray without ceasing, because the strength of a man lies in finding out the way God is going and following in that way and obey Him. We should know that patience is the virtue we need on this journey of life and anyone whose feet are faster than his destiny, falls into the pit of troubles. If God shuts a door, don’t go running through a window. Keep seeking, asking and knocking until He opens the right door for you at the right time. God is the master strategist and is incredibly organized. He has the right balance, flow and pace for our lives. I was blessed by this conference and it thought me to dive deeper and don’t let go. His blessings and favor followed me every step of the way. It got me out of Houston TX on Sunday night after the last service, right on time before the shutting down of the airport! When you are able to get on a flight that was not yours originally and right on time, count it a blessing from God!
    Amazingly, that pure, sweet Love Jesus, had me flying out on the plane’s wing again at the window. Except it was on His wings, just like before! FAITHFUL LORD, Thank You!

    On the wings of a snow-white dove
    He sends His pure sweet love
    A sign from above
    On the wings of a dove
    On the wings of a dove
    On the wings of a dove
    On the wings of a dove

    When troubles surround us
    when evils come
    The body grows weak
    The spirit grows numb
    When these things beset us,
    He doesn't forget us
    He sends down His love
    On the wings of a dove.

    May we always rest/be still On The Wings of a Snow-White Dove, who happens to be none other but JESUS, and trust Him in all circumstances!
    I lift all of the requests in prayer trusting God, and thank Him for the anniversaries, testimonies, victories and all the blessings to follow for this body of believers.

    Blessings and Peace.

    Maplewood, NJ

    1. Always loved that song Maplewood. The Lord was your companion throughout your journey, making sure His precious one was guarded, looked after & BLESSED beyond measure! Hallelujah!

    2. Amen Maplewood 🙏. Glad your trip was so wonderful. I had always been a person had to be active and "doing something " at all times, very, very impatient, but God has been showing/teaching me that I need to slow down, humble myself, and become patient. It's not an easy to "re-train a brain". I've been having all kinds of health issues since around the fall of last year. I'm not sure what is going on and I haven't been to see a doctor about it yet and last Monday I found out my health insurance is gone so not sure what is next for me, but I know that the Lord is with me every step of the way and I put my trust in Him always. Peace be with you.

    3. *taught

      Maplewood NJ

    4. What an uplifting experience you shared dear Maplewood! All your loose ends came together and you were blessed with that beautiful song in your heart and a wonderful church conference.that gave you more wisdom and understanding which you generously share with us every day. Thanking God for bringing you safely home again and keeping you safe from harm and sickness. Rest now and restore yourself. Much love

    5. Loving this wisdom on my 2022 reading of Maplewood post:
      "If God shuts a door, don’t go running through a window. Keep seeking, asking and knocking until He opens the right door for you at the right time. God is the master strategist and is incredibly organized. He has the right balance, flow and pace for our lives."

  24. Thank You dear Lord for the safety You provided for son #2 and grandaughters to arrive safely to the rental house before ice storm hit. You are faithful to answer our prayers. Hallelujah!

    1. Adding my Hallelujah and thanksgiving for God’s faithfulness. So happy He led them to shelter from the storm. What a great and merciful God we serve!

  25. Beautiful prayer, Maplewood. MadFox, I continue to keep you and your family in my prayers.... and, now, your friend, Mark. God Bless all.

  26. Dear Lord help me to be still, to be quiet, to listen to your word. I get frustrated when I "check the boxes", this reading, that reading, ask , ask, ask for my needs only, then rush on to my day. Forgive me. Help me to be still. Help me to listen with my heart. I need to include more silence in my devotions. I believe that in silence I can hear You more dear Father. A friend once told me sometimes in prayer I need to: show up, shut up and listen up! Open my heart to your whisper dear Lord. Amen.

  27. As I was reading your post, Dear Maplewood, my DH called the Ocologist. We will have a virtual meeting at 11 AM EST. Praying for another victorious report. I love the song you posted and it is now on 'repeat' in my head as I pray. I will let all of you know the results.
    Thank you for your prayers!

    1. God is with you Norah 🙏.

    2. Praying for a wonderful report and much rejoicing to follow. Rest in Him who loves you.

  28. Thank you all for your prayers and thoughts. I finally got my unemployment issues fixed. Thank You Jesus for all my benefits and blessings 🙏 🙌.

    1. YES, LORD! I am checking the Victory Box on your page!
      Please continue to pray for Larry, whose unemployment issues are still broken. Thanks!

    2. Got my dancing shoes out dear Janet! Our prayers are being answered! One more Hallelujah!
      Dear Brie, Continuing to pray for Larry’s health and for his unemployment problems to be resolved. Thank You dear Jesus!
      We are waiting on You in trust and patience together!

    3. Praying for Larry that his unemployment and health issues are fixed and healed by our great almighty God 🙏 🙌.

  29. Please continue prayers for a hedge of protection for my neighbor Miss Pat and Steven. Her daughter Terri and grandson Tommy both tested positive a few days ago. They are quarantining. Steven, her other grandson is missing work to care for his mother Terri and brother Tommy. (They are all living with and caring for Miss Pat.) Praying for our country, those without power and prayer requests for JC Family.

    1. Joining all prayers for Miss Pat, Steven and Terri and Tommy. Heal and protect them. And for our Country and for the sick and homeless and all those without heat or power. Father, Thank you for healing and saving Your people and giving them faith, shelter, guidance and comfort.

    2. Joining in prayers for Miss Pat, Steven, Terri, and Tommy. Place Your healing hands on them Lord and do Your good work 🙌 🙏.

  30. Forgot to mention - Miss Pat's son Tommy (in New Jersey) who had 7 hour back surgery a week ago is on his way to well. Miss Pat is grateful for your prayers.

    1. Wonderful news! Our prayers are being answered. His internal bleeding is gone and God has blessed him with healing. Praying fir a smooth recovery.

  31. Continue to pray for Kenya . The covid-19 numbers are rising ! The government has insisted schoold remain open ! Pray for protection and for wisdom on how to handle the situation adequately .
    Praying also to be consistent in my quiet time with God and seek to hear Him more clearly .

    1. Praying for you, school employees and students, Kenya, and all impacted by COVID. In Jesus' Name. Amen.

    2. Joining in prayers for Kenya and the School staff and students as for God’s guidance so they will make good decisions to safeguard themselves from Covid.

    3. Father, please place Your healing protection around Kenya and keep them safe and healthy. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen 🙏.

  32. UPDATE: Virtual Meeting with DH's Oncologist was postponed to Friday at 2:00. They didn't have all of his bloodwork back. SO...we have had a lovely day of Anniversary celebrations. Have Son #4 and Grands here tonight. Very thankful. Praying for Miss Pat and family, Sassy Mom. And for each of you (Min Ahadi), Janet, Jeanne, Brie & Larry, MadFox, Bob - I go again and I will SURELY miss someone's name. Praying for ALL OF YOU, my Dear JC Family!

    1. Praying for the good news of the Lord on Friday.

  33. Looking forward to hearing good news on Friday dear Norah! So happy you had more Anniversary joy with your family. Thanks for your prayers and I’m joining yours!😊🙏Much love to all!

  34. Heavenly Father, thank You for turning my weaknesses into strengths of glory for You. You are so amazing and wonderful. I can't thank You enough for all You do and are Lord. Thank You Jesus. I praise You Lord always 🙏 🙌.

    1. Yes, yes, yes, sister-Janet! Wonderfully said and prayed! Thank you! "You are, You are SO good to me!''...Third Day

    2. Amen Janet! Praying that with you because I am sleep deprived and running on empty. He continues to be my strength. I am more than a conqueror.
      Dear NJS, You have been on my mind. Yes! He sure has been good to me. He heals my broken and weary heart. Great song! Thanks Sis!

  35. Amen to that sweet Janet! Praying your perfect prayer with you. Praise Him always. He is so good to us. 🙏

  36. Driving home at 10. God will be in the passenger seat. May He continue to heal my Mom and answer our prayers. Thank You Jesus. .

    1. Safe travel dear Jeanne. Keeping your mom in prayer. Be blessed🙏💕

    2. Traveling mercies for Jeanne is in motion these days! Prayers for your mom and Peace for you. One day, one trip, at a time. Rest your mind on the presents of the present Presence 😉

    3. Thanks for your prayers. They mean so much to me. My Mom is getting a little better each day. Wish I could just take her pain away. God can. I'll be driving back and forth a lot for a couple of months now. My Sis is flying in on Monday from Missouri to stay with my Mom till 4/23. God will be in the car at all times. May He protect, heal and guide all of us. Thank You Jesus.

  37. To **SC Anonymous repeated here since posted now from yesterday.

    Fear is understandable with a cancer diagnosis pending, SC Anon., you are entering a period of a lot of uncertainty. But He says, "Fear not, for I am with you always."

    It can be at times a rough path emotionally and physically. It doesn't need to be spiritually. We KNOW eternity is eventually the dsstination. No doubt, you will pray and be prayed over during this time of ongoing treatments.

    I've also gained strength in the following approach:
    1. Keep relying on your faith. He is holding your hand and listen for His voice.
    2. Trust your medical team and the advances in treatments and tech. But as Reagan said, "trust but verify." Nurses are your angels on earth. The docs and team essential but RNs will be your friends who help you through.
    3. Stay positive. It is a fact that positive patients have a significantly better response to treatment. Be the light in the room. Not always possible, so when you can't be, start over at step 1.

    Godspeed, I and JC warriors are praying for spiritual and physical healing. In Him, Amen.

    1. Yes MadFox, absolutely keeping you guys in prayer. Such great advice🥰🙏

    2. Very good advice indeed. Thank you. I know quite a few people struggling with cancer. I will send them your post. God bless you dear MadFox. Praying with you dear Jan and thanking God to heal MadFox and SC Anon in all ways.

  38. Dear JC friends, I can relate to the uncertainty of diagnosis and needing to cling to Jesus. I have experienced that with myself, my daughters. God is so good and present. He has never left me, and when I couldn’t pray, others including this group raised our situations to God. When I found fearful thoughts coming, I remembered the verse, “take every thought captive”, and turned to God for a replacement thought of joy and healing and trust. I can give a praise report…my suture line for brain surgery after 4 months is 99% healed, better every day. My daughter who HAD colon cancer had a year of chemo, surgery on colon and liver last summer, and has clean scans since. She is back to work and her busy life as mom of 3 kids. My daughter with hysterectomy is completely healed as well. My son in law with cardiac surgery is recovering as well. God is so good and faithful, and fear is never from HIM. Peace, Joy, living in divine health, confidence in HIS plan and TRUST is my prayer for all of you.

    1. Ellen, your update brings tears to my eyes and praises to our Lord. His timing is perfect, our patience grows. Continued blessings for you and your family🤗

    2. Thank You for the updates and positive focus on HIM and His many blessings, our dear Ellen. Great is His faithfulness!

    3. Such wonderful news dear Ellen! My prayers are all being answered! Praising the Lord for His mercy and loving kindness. Yes He is so good and faithful. Fear is NOT from Him. Let us continue to trust in His faithfulness no matter the circumstances. He is greater!

  39. Thank you dear Ellen for such positive update. Your family including you has been tried and proven faithful in trusting our God through it all. Praise the name of the Lord!💕🙏

  40. In line with today's JC Blog reading is Psalm 46 part of verse 10: "Be still and know that I Am God'. This is a gentle call to rest in His Presence.
    Quit fussin'! Trust. Quieten down. Stop fighting. Relax. Let go of the defensive position against the world. Give Him all that's going on in your life, let God be your 'Auto Pilot' while you're in 'Stillness, Quietness and Trust' mode.
    Give Him control.
    God is more than big enough to handle all in our lives while we are STILL in His Presence and focus on Him.

    With all the noisy-ness in our heads it's hard to hear that 'still small voice'.
    So often, even in my ' quiet time' I'm making mental lists.
    It's a hard habit to get out of.
    Lord Jesus I repent of that, please help me to be more 'Mary' than 'Martha'. I want to, and need to sit STILL, quiet in your Presence. To receive You, hear Your voice, to be more conscious of You than anything else in my life during this 'still' time. Amen.

    1. Peter - Dear BROTHER Peter, "please help me to be more 'Mary' than 'Martha'. I want to, and need to sit STILL, quiet in your Presence" Echoing your prayer.

    2. I sure can relate. I sure do feel like a Martha sometimes. I know many of you who care for your parents or loved ones get so weary and busy that it seems finishing your prayers is so very difficult and so is getting enough rest. I had my family over for a dinner tonight to celebrate my husband's Birthday and I was in the kitchen all day making it and also making Rick 3 dinners so when I'm away, he won't go hungry. But I became a Mary later and sat by him and watched him open his presents. He liked the painting I did, thank God, so I know I'll catch up on my sleep according to God's timing. I'm so glad I let a little bit of my light shine for His glory. I have been talking to Him all through the day and I feel Him with me even now. So blessed to sit still and know He is my God.

  41. Good morning, I hope everyone is have a wonderful day. Please reply to this if you yourself needs prayers as I do as well.
    Also check out my Facebook page, Love, Faith & Jesus.

    So I'm asking for prayers for my son. He is 22, almost 23 next month. He is struggling with life and all the Curve balls. He accepts more things. He just started work last week after moving. He is homeless and Godless. I try to explain that God is his o ly option right now cause he can't even get a grip on life. He is not a drinker or on drugs. He has mental issues due to verbal abuse from his father. His father also put him down, called him names and juat abused him. I am still trying to tell my son he is toxic to atop all communication with him, but all he wants is to be accepted by his dad. I can't even talk to his dad due to he mentally abused me when we were together. Anyway, please pray that son, Robbie, turns to the Lord.i send these daily readings to his phone almost everyday. Not sure if he reads them, but I can tell him enough he needs God. So please pray that he turns toward God. Pray he finds somewhere affordable to live and grows up. With his mental disability he is like a 10 year old. Yes, he can do most things on his own but he really needs to understand he has to grow up and take responsibility for himself.

    Thank you so much and I hope everyone has a blessed day.

    1. A daughter of a King - Joining JC Warriors in echoing your prayers to Jehovah Rapha. Praying you are blessed.

    2. 🙏🙏🙏 Holy SPIRIT, find your way with this young man. Thank you Jesus!

    3. Come Holy Spirit. Make haste to help Robbie, in Jesus' Name. Amen

    4. Dear A daughter of a King, Joining all prayers for your son that God will lift him up out of his misery and soften his hardened heart so he will seek the Lord with an open and sincere heart. Robbie is already loved by God and he just has to say Yes to Jesus and all other things will follow.
      Father, Hear our prayers for this young man Robbie who has had a difficult life. Bless and heal him and his Mom in all ways. Lead him to all the sweet things you have prepared for him. Thank You for this in the Name of Jesus Christ, Your beloved Son.

    5. Good morning! Just letting you know I also struggle with mental health issues. It’s caused by years of emotional and mental trauma by family members along with self-destructive choices with addiction. I am 23 years sober by the Grace of God but I still have my moments and days where I sink into despair, but God pulls me out. I have a very strong support system now that I didn’t have before. I have also been diagnosed with Bipolar Disorder and Major Depressive Disorder which I am medicated for. The meds have been a miracle for me as well as practicing self-care with exercise. Prayer and spending time trying to calm myself to find peace everyday is a necessity for me. I pray as your son tries to deal with his own personal demons that You will have Grace and understanding offering your unconditional love and support.♥️🙏especially your prayers!

    6. Anonymous, praying you are sorrounded and blessed with His comforting presence, love and guidiance.

    7. Sending prayers to you anonymous 🙏

    8. Adding prayers for you, Anonymous, and to all known and unknown visitors here. You are loved, He knows what you need each moment of each day. As Mad 🦊 wrote previously...God whispers because He is near, one doesn't shout when you are so close and can hold the hand of the person you're taking to.

    9. Dear Anonymous, You can use the Mighty Keys of the Kingdom for your situation--Binding and Loosing. You can Declare something like this: My Heavenly Father I come to You in the Name above EVERY NAME--Jesus. You said whatever will be bound on earth shall be bound in heaven and whatever is loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven. So, Father God, by MY WILL, I CHOOSE to LOOSE from every layer of my soul any form of darkness that I have experienced: Emotional and physical abuse, addiction that has tried to hold me captive, mental illness that tries to drive the life out of me, Family relationships that in many ways have turned toxic, and many unkind negative words that have been hurled at me and linger and torment my thoughts. SO, Jesus, I Declare, because of the Power of the WORD I AM FREE ftom all that darkness. And now by MY WILL I CHOOSE to BIND to my soul: The Love of God, The Will of God, His Way, His Plan, His Healing, His Deliverance, His Glorious Encounters, His Expectations, His Great Celebration, and His Great and Holy Goodness. I ask this ALL in Jesus's name--My Promise Keeper, My Waymaker and My Redeemer, AMEN and AMEN.
      These KEYS were meant to be used and they are backed up by the Power of our Mighty Lord and the Blood He shed for us! HALLELUJAH!!! Now Praise God that you are FREE in 2023!!!
      I have got you in my prayers 🙏💞💞💞 JJ

      Matthew 18:18 "Truely, I say to you, wharever you bind on earth shall be bound in heaven,
      and whatever you loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven."

  42. Thank You Father for teaching me that challenges and trials are also part of Your Plan. Sometimes we must pull back from everything we know to spend more time with You. When our circumstances cause us to be isolated, and also to stay still to rest and heal, You are our greatest company. All we need is You by our sides. We are not losing our selves or our lives, we are gaining a closer relationship with You and that means everything. It is the most important gift you are giving us through the hard times. You never change and You are always there to pull us through anything. Thank You Jesus. I love you so much. Every day I come to You in gratitude because I'm feeling good and You are healing me. May You heal all those who are in need of your power to bring them back to good health in their bodies, minds and spirits. Thank You Father for all this in Jesus' Name. Amen.
    Today's devotion ends with: My Strength and Power show themselves most effective in weakness. Well just as Paul rejoiced in His weaknesses so the Lord could be his strength, I am blessed that God has been my strength through my treatments and now I can honestly tell everyone, I'm fine because Jesus is healing me. I know that.
    What a blessing that He keeps His promises.

    2 Corinthians 4:16-18
    “So we do not lose heart. Though our outer self is wasting away, our inner self is being renewed day by day. For this light momentary affliction is preparing for us an eternal weight of glory beyond all comparison, as we look not to the things that are seen but to the things that are unseen. For the things that are seen are transient, but the things that are unseen are eternal.”

    2 Corinthians 12:9-10
    “But he said to me, ‘My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.’ Therefore I will boast all the more gladly of my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ may rest upon me. For the sake of Christ, then, I am content with weaknesses, insults, hardships, persecutions, and calamities. For when I am weak, then I am strong.”

    Philippians 4:13
    “I can do all things through him who strengthens me.”

    1. Amen Jeanne 🙏. I am so glad to hear how well you are doing. God is so good ALWAYS! He is our light in the darkness and our love in our hearts and we will spend eternity with Him, but for now, we will continue witnessing to others and telling of His amazing presence and glory as we walk hand and hand with Him every day. The best thing in life is being close with Him. He is my everything and I truly can't make it without Him! Thank You Jesus! Praise God for your healing! God bless.

    2. Thank you and god bless you Jeanne for sharing and this beautiful reminder! Joining Janet and JC warriors Praying with you and for you🙏

    3. Amen dear Janet! Your words are true! We are so blessed to be in His loving care. He is our everything and we are well equipped in His armor to face anything. We can do all things through Him! Hallelujah!
      Thanks dear Blessings from NY! And thanks for your prayers. We pray for each other and lean on God’s faithfulness.

  43. The LORD will fight for you, and you shall hold your peace. (Exodus 14:14). Rest in the LORD, and wait patiently for Him; do not fret because of him who prospers in his way, because of the man who brings wicked schemes to pass. (Psalm 37:7). In the day of prosperity be joyful, but in the day of adversity consider: surely God has appointed the one as well as the other, so that man can find out nothing that will come after him. (Ecclesiastes 7:14). Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. (Ephesians 6:11).

  44. Offering healing prayers to the great physician Jehovah Rapha for our beloved Tori, Gail and Smiley. Thank You Jesus for healing my ulcerative colitis after 5 years.

  45. Comforting prayers for Anonymous and family while you care for your loved ones. Thank You Lord for healing Camrie.

  46. Joining Sassy Mom praying for Tori, Gail and smiley this morning 🙏 thank you Lord!

  47. Learning to appreciate stillness. More precious as time goes by. Just to "be still and know I AM God" opens up a whole new dimension we inhabit with Him. Still struggle to maintain and disentangle distractions though.

    1. Yes brother Peter! The best time of the day is when we stop and rest in His presence.
      Be still and know that I am God.
      He wants us to rest in Him and be renewed and restored. The only true peace is found in Him.

  48. Joining the prayer warriors for all listed above and thankful that Camrie is doing well.

  49. Can we give gratitude when God provides circumstances that cause stillness? Our human nature wants to complain and control. His presence allows us to be still, build the trust muscle, and receive His perspective.

    1. Very true Suzanne. The very trials that cause us to lose are peace are also the ones that forces us to be still in Him, trust Him completely, and grow closer.

  50. Prayers for families who are caregiving for loved ones.. and for all the loved ones! 🙏🙏

  51. Happy to share God's words to me today:
    And a reminder that His eyes are on me and It Is Well:

    1. What an absolutely beautiful song and her voice is so pretty! Thanks dear Audra! Thanking God that it is well. More answered prayers. Our God is so faithful!

  52. Going to The Throne of Grace to lift up Tori, Gail, Smily, and needs of my beloved JCFAMILY/WARRIORS. No weapon formed against us will prosper! By Jesus' stripes WE ARE HEALED! I Plead The Blood of Jesus over all! Devil, you CAN'T DEFEAT THE BLOOD!!!! Our Mighty God WATCHES OVER HIS WORD TO PERFORM IT!!! I Pray, Believe and have Faith in Jesus, AMEN and AMEN. HALLELUJAH!!!

    HALLELUJAH!!! Check out Asbury University Chapel in Kentucky. This is
    Isaiah's message of Hope and REDEMPTION. Our Lord is setting up a STANDARD against the evil we are wittnessing in the USA and the world. Watch for Great Exposures of evil, the Lord's Justice, His Glory covering the earth, more Revival and Great Celebration!

    Isaiah 59:19. "So they shall fear the name of the Lord from the west, and His glory from the rising of the sun. When the enemy shall come in like a flood, the Spirit of the Lord shall lift up a standard against him."

    ALL PRAISE, HONOR AND GLORY TO OUR MIGHTY LORD!!! These are Glory Days NOT gloomy days!!! Love, Love, Love to my Beloved JCFAMILY/WARRIORS! JJ

  54. Thanking God that Camrie is better. God is faithful. Continuing to pray for dear Tori for God's healing of her Crohn's disease and now for sweet sleep and restoration. Adding Gail to my list now for strength and guidance and for healing of her good husband Smiley's Crohn's disease.
    Amen Audra. May God lift all the weary caregivers up and give them rest, and strength to accomplish all they must, and may He heal all those in need of healing of body, mind and spirit. Amen dear JJ! Our Mighty God watches over His word to perform it. He keeps His promises. Hallelujah! Thank You Jesus!

  55. Amen! Hallelujah! These are Glory Days not gloomy days because He is in Charge and He is Greater than the evil in this world! Amen! All Praise, Honor and Glory to our Mighty Lord!!

  56. Dear Sassy Mom, I’m so sorry for your loss and I’m praying for God to wrap Nancy and Ken’s family up in His love, peace and comfort. Nancy needs so many prayers for comfort and company. Ken has gone Home to be with Jesus. May God guide dear Nancy and send her loving and caring people to ease her pain and sorrow. Please pray for my mom. Her blood pressure was 173 over 109 today. Her doctor is starting her on a blood pressure medicine. Putting it all into the mighty and able Hands of God. Thank You Jesus.

    Psalm 103:1-5
    Bless the Lord, O my soul;
    And all that is within me, bless His holy name!
    Bless the Lord, O my soul,
    And forget not all His benefits:
    Who forgives all your iniquities,
    Who heals all your diseases,
    Who redeems your life from destruction,
    Who crowns you with lovingkindness and tender mercies,
    Who satisfies your mouth with good things,
    So that your youth is renewed like the eagle’s.

    1. Going Boldly to The Throne of Grace to lift up Nancy and Ken' family. Father God, I ask You to be their refuge, strength and comfort. I trust in Your goodness and Your faithfulnes, knowing that You are with this family in their time of need.
      And, Jeanne, I lift up your precious Mom to Jehova Rapha
      for her blood pressure. He is faithful to perform His WORD! IN Jesus' Name--For there is No One Greater or Trustworthy Like You, AMEN and AMEN

    2. Father God, lifting up Nancy and Ken’s family to you this morning. Lifting up Jeanne’s mom as she battles high blood pressure. I’m your Son’s name, amen.
      SC Anonymous

    3. Jeanne - echoing prayers to Jehovah Rapha for your beloved Mother's blood pressure.

    4. Joining the prayer warriors in expressing sorrow for your loss, Sassy Mom. Prayers of peace for you and Ken's entire family during this difficult time.
      Jeanne~ also praying for your good mom and medical team to be able to stabilize her blood pressure.

    5. Amen and thank you dear JJ, SC, Sassy Mom, and Suzanne. God hears every prayer. He knows we trust in Him.

  57. Simple Truths To Repeat When You're In A Spiritual Battle:
    1. God's Got This
    2. The Lord Fights For Me
    3. No Weapon Formed Against Me
    Shall Prosper
    4. Not Today Satan
    5. Jesus Loves Me
    6. I Am A Child Of The Most High God
    7. He Is Able
    8. It Is Finished
    9. His Grace Is Sufficient
    10. Joy Comes In The Morning
    11. I Am Not Alone
    12. I Am Fearfully and Wonderfully
    13. Fear Has No Grip On Me
    14. Christ Is Enough For Me
    15. He Has Overcome the World. I Am A New Creation In Christ And He Always Causes Me To Triumph
    16. Jesus Conquered The Grave
    17. Sin Doesn't Define Me, Christ Does
    18. Be Still And Know
    19. God Is Absolutely Good
    20. Jesus Is My Healer And Restorer

    1. JJ, this list is awesome! I have sent it to my family. Thank you!
      SC Anonymous

    2. Amen! Good to keep and share.

    3. Great list, JJ! I shared with my friends and family. Thank you!

    4. Yes indeed JJ.
      This is yet another Wall Hanger.

    5. Loved this so much I just sent it to my mom and sister. Amen!! Thanks dear JJ!

  58. I am enjoying the blessings of silence (my wife is still sleeping); sunshine (a surprisingly sunny and warm morning); stillness ( I am still and quiet before Him, wrapped in His Presence after committing all in prayer to Him); confidence (after committing all my difficulties, problems and weaknesses to Him); assurance (He hears and will answer all prayers for those who are in need, in sickness, prayers of all in this JC Blog).
    When we hand everything to Him, we receive His Peace and every day becomes not just a good day but a God Day.

    1. Amen, Peter. This is awesome! If I may borrow your template.....
      I am enjoying the blessings of silence (Jon is still sleeping),
      rain (listening to the raindrops and birds singing as I have coffee on the back porch),
      stillness (a soft breeze sweeps over me reminding me He is near),
      confidence (admitting my faults and weaknesses to Him even though He already knows)
      assurance (praying for all needs in the JC blog as well as friends and family)
      Peace to all of you.

    2. Beautiful Peter and Suzanne! You both started your days in the best ways in His presence and peace. God days are always good days.

  59. PTL!!!!! Dear faithful prayer warriors, thank you for praying for Ken's beloved wife Nancy in the nursing home. Debbie W. who considered Ken a "father figure" will be going to the nursing home every day to feed Ken's wife Nancy. Please pray comforting prayers for Debbie W. who is grieving the loss of her "father figure". Ken didn't die alone. When they removed Ken from the respirator she was with him until he took his last breath.

    1. My Papa God, lifting up Debbie W. to you and I ask You to grant her wisdom and compassion as she provides care to Ken's wife Nancy. Give her patience and understanding as she navigates this new role, and let Your Life-Light shine through her in every interaction.
      My Papa God, I ask for Your peace to reign in the nursing home, bringing comfort to all that reside there. May Your love be felt by everyone involved with this situation, and may Your Grace sustain them through this challenging time.
      Pleading the Blood of Jesus over all. In Jesus' Name, Who is our Comforter, our Rock, and our Refuge. He understands our pain and suffering, and He is there to carry us through the darkest moments. AMEN and AMEN

    2. Joining JJ’s wonderful prayer and praying that God will bless, strengthen and comfort Debbie W as she encourages, feeds, and comforts Nancy. She is going to need our prayers and God’s Spirit to supply the right words to bring light to Nancy’s sorrow and strength to help her despite her own loss of her father figure in Ken. May God surround them both with His comfort and peace and guide their new lives without Ken. Thank You Jesus. Amen

  60. Norah, belated prayers for your (ours too) Best Man. You are loved.

    1. Praying with you for our dear Norah’s Best Man. Praying we will soon hear a victory report. Trusting in God’s promises.

      Hebrews 10:23
      Let us hold fast the confession of our hope without wavering, for He who promised is faithful.

  61. I am praying with you and for you Anonymous. May you give it to the Lord anyway.
    May you activate today's devotion to ...
    search for His way in the midst of these very circumstances... May you cut off the activity of the world (social media, fakebook, etc.).
    Your quiet trust in the Lord makes a powerful statement in spiritual realms. His Strength and Power show themselves most effective in your weakness. In quietness and in trust shall be your strength.” ...
    It sounds like satan may be baiting you to return evil for what is perceived as evil? If so, this battle is the Lord's, rather than yours. Let go and release it to Him. Only He can win it.
    Thank you for sharing your prayer needs. Looking forward. To reading your TEST-imony
    Much ❤️ and Many 🙏

  62. PS
    JJFebruary 15, 2024 at 9:57 PM
    Simple Truths
    Peter February 16, 2024 at 5:08 AM
    I am enjoying

  63. Replies
    1. Dear Anonymous --- Brie posted
      Insightful advice to you. Thank you, Brie, for your wisdom and guidance--as usual, spot on!
      Anonymous, keep speaking Blessings, Life, Love and the WORD into your situation and over your family. By speaking God's WORD into a challenging situation, you are inviting His power, wisdom, and presence to intervene and bring about transformation, healing, and breakthrough. God's Got This. Keep a firm, focused foundation on the Father and He will see you through! HALLELUJAH!!!
      Great Blessings and Love to you, Anonymous! JJ

  64. Dear Anonymous, This family member hasn’t even been in the picture. She has a hardened heart and her eyes are blind to all you have been doing for your mom since she moved in with you. I think you must forgive her for these mean accusations and give it to God. Don’t let her steal your peace. God is greater than satan’s traps. You and your generous spirit and strong faith have been such a blessing to your mom. She knows how much you love her and have genuinely cared for her. God knows that too. Those truths are most important. This family member has no right to make these accusations. God’s timing is perfect so if your mom is not improving despite the good care you have given her, that is not your fault. It may be God calling her Home. This family member hasn’t ever been around to help you care for your mom. It is better to please God than man so you have already glorified God through your selfless caregiving. This family member cannot change that. But God can change her heart and open her eyes to the truth. Praying our Way Maker will turn this situation to good. He knows the truth and you know in your heart that these accusations are unfounded. Don’t let them separate you from the love and peace of God. Praying all will go well, praying for the comfort and healing of your good mom, and praying for your peace of mind. Father God, You know and understand this difficult situation and all Anonymous has done for her mom. Thank You for restoring her peace of mind and healing and comforting her good mom according to Your Will and Plan and strengthening and guiding Anonymous in all ways, and changing the heart of this family member, and making all things right as only You can, in Jesus’ Name. Amen.

    Ephesians 4:32
    And be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, even as God in Christ forgave you.

  65. Amen!
    May God bless you, dear Anonymous, in every way and strengthen you in body, mind and spirit. God is greater than this situation. Trust in the Lord.

    1 John 4:4
    You are of God, little children, and have overcome them, because He who is in you is greater than he who is in the world.

    Proverbs 3:5-6
    Trust in the Lord with all your heart,
    And lean not on your own understanding;
    In all your ways acknowledge Him,
    And He shall direct your paths.

  66. Amen, Dear Brie! "Don't let her steal your peace."

  67. Father God. I just want to thank You for Your faithfulness. I started another painting for Rick’s Birthday this morning and didn’t touch it till after I put my mom to bed and You helped me finish it. You are so good to me. My good mom is doing well and You helped me take care of her. Thank You for making a way for me to go home with my husband today. Thank You for bringing my sister here safely, and giving Rick traveling mercies as he picks her up at the airport and brings her here. Thanks for healing his cancer and healing my sister’s knees. Strengthen them both for what you are preparing for them. I know she will take good care of our mom. Thank You for getting us both home safely and leading Rick’s doctor’s appointment to good tomorrow and for continuing to heal SC’s husband and Rich C and his daughter, and heal Anonymous A’s hip and and her loved ones and guide her roommate to a good job and heal our dear Norah, her DH, Joni, Brie, Larry, Al, MadFox, Janet, my mom’s friend Cathy, all those on my prayer list, and I was asked to pray for Sheila who needs a miracle and her husband Dave. We trust You to answer these prayers. We ask this in the Name of Christ Jesus. Amen

    Psalm 107:19-20
    Then they cried out to the Lord in their trouble,
    And He saved them out of their distresses.
    He sent His word and healed them,
    And delivered them from their destructions.

    1. Joining in prayers with you Jeanne 🙏. Father God, You hear and see all of our prayers and needs. You are already doing Your perfect work in each and every one of our lives. You are working everything out for Your good will and pleasure. Thank You Jesus! Praise the Lord! Please encourage our hearts and bring us into alignment with You Lord. In Jesus name, Amen 🙏 🙌. God bless and peace be with you!

    2. AMEN! Such powerful prayers, Jeanne and Janet! May the Lord move Mightily in this!

    3. Amen dear Janet and JJ! Thank you! God hears every prayer and continues to bless and lead us. He protected all of us as we traveled in bad weather! Hallelujah! Thank You Lord! Lead us all to what You have prepared for us and make our paths straight! We trust in Your Word and wait on you for more answered prayers.

  68. Thank You Lord for where You have me at this moment of my life and for all the issues that You know I need in my circumstances at this time to help grow me in You. Thank You for sustaining me and helping me through it all. You know when I need rest and You know when I can keep going. You give me the strength and You put the song in my heart to sing the praises of the LORD as I walk along this life with You. You are my Good Shepherd! I can't thank You enough Lord! To You Lord be praise, glory, and honor forever and always! I love You Lord! Thank You Jesus!

    1. "Have I not commanded you? Be strong, and of good courage. Do not be afraid, nor be dismayed. For the LORD your God is with you wherever you go." (Joshua 1:9).

    2. Praying with you and for you, sweet Janet

  69. LORD, FATHER & HOLY SPIRIT I Praise YOU for YOUR love , mercy, forgiveness and wisdom. I too thank YOU for all my brothers and sisters so lovingly praying for me here and at my church. For I feel their prayers have been not only heard but YOU are answering, I’m with less pain this morning, not sure if that will last throughout the day but this reprieve of pain make me cry out a new HALLELUJAH.
    Thank YOU for the opportunities my roommate has tomorrow, please let this job be the one, as it is through our brother and sister in church and I feel strongly he will, as a result, return to YOU & return to church
    Please fill me with YOUR HOLY SPIRIT, give me strength to eliminate all which is harmful to my body, as I don’t believe YOU are done with me. Let YOUR Will be done in my life today
    I lift up all my loved ones, Sherry, Meghan, Will, Donna, and know a 13 year old that has to have emergency heart surgery! FATHER why are our children dying so young? Help
    Me to know how I can help the children of this world, how to protect them.
    I ask this in YOUR sons Holy name
    Jesus Christ amen

    1. That sounds like more victories! One step at a time, dear Anonymous A! Praying for you and believing God is leading you and your family to better days and much healing in every way. Thank You Jesus.

  70. Psalm 46:10 "Be still and know that I am God;...."
    God knows that you are tired. He knows that you are doing your best. He knows that you don't know exactly what the future holds.
    But, He sees you. He sees you are not giving up. He has a plan for you. He will make away for you, if you trust God to make a way. AMEN!🙏❤️🙏❤️

    1. Thank you for that great reminder JJ. We just need to have faith and leave it in his wondrous hands. May your day be Blessed.

      ATL 2025

    2. Your blessing truely uplifted my spirit--thank you! May God return it to you a hundredfold!

    3. Yes He sees us like Hagar and hears every word in our hearts!

  71. Replies
    1. Amen.His way is the best way, dear Audra.

