Thursday, January 23, 2014

Jesus Calling: February 14

    Give yourself fully to the adventure of today. Walk boldly along the path of Life, relying on your ever-present Companion. You have every reason to be confident, because My Presence accompanies you all the days of your life--and onward into eternity.
    Do not give in to fear or worry, those robbers of abundant living. Trust Me enough to face problems as they come, rather than trying to anticipate them. Fix your eyes on Me, the Author, and Perfecter of your faith, and many difficulties on the road ahead will vanish before you reach them. Whenever you start to feel afraid, remember that I am holding you by your right hand. Nothing can separate you from My Presence!

Hebrews 12:2
English Standard Version
looking to Jesus, the founder and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is seated at the right hand of the throne of God.

Isaiah 41:13
English Standard Version
For I, the Lord your God,
    hold your right hand;
it is I who say to you, “Fear not,
    I am the one who helps you.”

With Jesus as our guide and source of life, we cannot go wrong. Jesus isn't simply a cane that we lean on, but he is a cot or bed we lay on and then He carries us. It is not as if we can do some things on our own without His help and guidance, but rather we are to rely completely on Him. He is with us. His Holy Spirit is our helper.

Because of this, strife cannot rob us. Difficulties will arise, problems will come, trials will assault us, but we can be confident through them all because Jesus is carrying us through them. Just focus on today and the moment, rather than anticipating tomorrow. So much of life today is revolved around anticipation. We fret about the future and complain about yesterday, but instead we must trust in Jesus now, grab a hold of His hand as he is reaching down to grab us. 

My Prayer
Lord, thank you that dying on the cross, resurrecting, living a perfect life--that these events weren't just things that happened in the past to place me with you forever in heaven. Yes, they did that, but you are with me right now. It is in You that I have strength right now. Yes, you died for me, but you live with me. You carry me. Help me to rely on You each day and not try and do life on my own, in my own power. Show me what it means to rely on your strength and for you to carry me through the ebbs of life. 

Note: The devotion and scriptures are from author Sarah Young. If you haven't already, please purchase the book and support the author. 

Also, bookmark to have an easy link to the entire year of these entries.


  1. What would it look like if i were living in love and not competition(fear)?
    i would not depend on people to act the way i want them to act. i can let them be who they are right now in present moment. The way God would have them right now. I would no longer play God. i would love myself instead of resent myself, I would see others as children of God and not my responsibility to change. I could forgive myself and have more compassion for me. i would not others make me angry when they dont do or give me what I want.I would not shame myself for living against my truth and authentic self. All that happens in my relationships would not be about me. it would be about them. I can ask God for help, thank you for divine humility. Could i be useful in Gods work today if I stayed out of competing(fear) and entered into acceptance(love)i can turn my will(thoughts) and my life(actions) to a higher being of infinite power. God i ask you would direct my thinking according to your will, not mine be done. Father, help me to retain this feeling of peace today, i am forever grateful for the prince of peace.Amen

    1. Lisa, you describe so well the foolish games we play with others. You also state clearly what we are called to be by God. Good news: He has placed His Spirit in us Who is available every moment we want to be as He wills us to be. God be with you!

    2. Agreed Bob. Thank you Lisa!

    3. This was Gods answer to me for today. Thank you Lord for knowing my fears/thoughts and needs. I am amazed how you use other people and the timing of their words to confirm your existence in our lives. You truly are with and in us at all times.

    4. Joining in this TRUE LOVE prayer with you on Valentine's Day and everyday, Lisa. Thank You

    5. I am overwhelmed that your prayer could have been taken from my thoughts this morning but were written 3 years ago. God is so good to us. Thank you for your thoughts from yesteryear so that I might feel as though they were placed here for me today.

    6. ❤️ wherever you are Lisa, thank you for reminding us that that "agape" love our heart seeks is all about forgiving ourselves, forgetting ourselves, and opening our spirit to receive the greatest love displayed on a cross. Happy Valentine's day JC family💖

    7. Just curious but how do we know her name is Lisa if it says Unknown?

    8. Not to take away from the prayer, but I'm with COG and wonder how you know the name? Happy Valentines day to all JC warriors. May we all share the love of Christ with others. Mindy

    9. COG and Mindy, I wondered the same. Hopefully, someone here can post a response.
      The words posted three years ago are what my heart needed this morning. God's perfect timing at work again. It touched my spirit. It's wonderful to know that I'm never alone for He is with me. Thank You, Lord, for this group of believers, and Happy Valentine's Day to all. ❤
      Blessings from California

    10. I am amazed at this start to today's blog that is a virtual mind (s) meld. Thank you "unknown Lisa" whoever you are for today's prayer that is so mine!
      Happy♥️ day every one.

    11. I had to go back and read this again the next day. Divine humility... Yes please!

    12. I should read this every day and maybe, just maybe, I would let go of the fearing mindset that creeps in to my life more often than not.
      Happy ♥️ Day. Feeling blessed by the blog once again.

    13. Mindy. You can change your profile name at any time. It may make sense for her to be anonymous now, although you can't change the typed name in the blog replies.

    14. This prayer from "Anonymous Lisa" is simply one of those JC classics that keeps on giving. Feeling blessed to read it again today.
      Happy Valentine's Day! Love God, love people ✝️♥️

    15. Happy ❤️ Day, Anonymous Lisa and entire JC Family!
      Thanking our God of ❤️ for yet another hall of fame classic post that keeps on giving!

    16. ‘All that happens in my relationships would not be about me, it would be about them’. Amen!

    17. And now these three remain,
      Faith, Hope and Love.
      But, the greatest of these is,
      Love, Love, Love!!!
      May we walk in it today Father.
      Happy Valentine's Day to All,
      Blessings Abound!!! :):):)

    18. I had my dates wrong and read this today. Perfect timing (God's timing). This is exactly what God wants me to reflect on. It is a daily struggle; self-will, fear. Not living in perfect love in all of my relationships. I MUST remember that God has orchestrated every relationship and event. No mistakes. Everything is to bring glory to Him. Preparation for the day and gratitude at night. Thank you, Jesus.

    19. Forever grateful still! ✝️♥️

  2. I want to thank each and everyone of for your thoughts and prayers...As always thank you God plz help me to trust you and I beg and ask that you recancl my relationship with my boyfriend and let us be happy with this new baby that you blessed with in my Wound and as always with you Lord please let me hear from him today as your plan leads on thank you in Jesus's name I pray and I love you Amen

    1. I know you want your boyfriend to be with you and love you through your new life with baby. Please know that no matter if your boyfriend comes back or not, he is not the key to you and precious baby's new exciting life. Our Sweet Jesus is the key. Open your heart and mind to Jesus, hand your life over to Him, listen to His Word, He will lead you on the path He has chosen for you, opening up a life for you and precious baby that you never dreamed of. God always has a plan for us, and His Plan always works together for our good xoxo

    2. Rebecca Pena, I wil pray for you and your baby, as well as the baby's father! Keep the faith, focus on the light (provided through your child!), as you accept God's will on this journey written specifically for you. Amen.

  3. We have read for several weeks now of His holding our hand in the rough spots and to be fearless in light of His promise to assist us today and into eternity. For many of those mentioned yesterday, I pray today that His "golden shaft of light" did indeed cover your fears and will do so again today. Keeping focused on God is always the challenge in difficult times. Just as Peter's gaze left Jesus and he saw the fierce wind, Peter, like us today, let fear in and he began to flounder. Jesus as we read here often in the devo offers HIS HAND to save Peter and us. We can figuratively be in the boat with Jesus and the fear will calm just as the wind did.

    Praying for all of us to grip His hand tightly and to continue to focus on God not the fears. In His name. Amen.

  4. Thank you all for the comments and reminding me to always focus on Jesus!! He is the truth, the light and the way....amen

  5. Thank you God for blessing me each moment to trust in You solely. Thank you for keeping my mind, heart and soul focused on you. Thank you for prayers and prayer warriors.

  6. Occasionally I like to spend time in my devotions reflecting on a faithful believer from the past who loved the Lord God with all his/her heart, mind, soul and body. They become companions on the journey as I walk with our Lord. Presently I am using the life and writings of Francis de Sales (mid 1500s). Today's meditation opened with this prayer from his Letters for Spiritual Direction: "Let us all belong to the midst of so much busyness brought on by the diversity of worldly things." (Though times change, some things always remain the same.) What de Sales did each day was an exercise he called, "Preparation of the Day" which helped him derive maximum spiritual benefit from the opportunities to do God's will as these were made present to him in the course of a given day. In this exercise, he spent time praying over the things he needed to do within the context of the day. He also prayed for what he did not know was going to occur so he was prepared to respond as God would have him respond. Within this practice, he held strongly to the belief that God was sovereign and was behind all unexpected events. This practice also sheltered his heart as he was being educated at a prominent university where the student life was less than stellar in its moral practices. (I repeat, though times change, some things always remain the same.) I liked the title for this meditation, "Planning for Holiness". God be with you.

    1. Bob - thanks for your ministry. I am always enlightened. KS

    2. I'm a planner... Love this! 😉

    3. This was the opinion of Francis which he expressed in his Treatise of the Love of God (1,6):
      “Having created us in His image and likeness, God desires that, as in Himself, everything in us
      be accomplished by love and for love.” God is love; He acts by love and for love. Thus, we too
      must be governed by love and for love.

  7. So now I am giving you a new commandment: Love each other. Just as I have loved you, you should love each other. Your love for one another will prove to the world that you are my disciples.” ❤️❤️❤️❤️ John 13:34-35

    Thank You Jesus for loving me. Love and blessings to Warriors on this special day. Missing and loving my forever.

    1. Amen, Sassy Mom. Thank you. Love to you and everyone. KS

    2. Praying for you, Sassy Mom and everyone on this day and always. I know you miss your love. A friend of mine always says, "let's not say goodbye, let's say... until we meet again".

    3. Thank you, Sassy Mom! Love and blessing to you. I'm saying prayers for you and for others that are missing their loved ones on this day. God is with you! CO

    4. Sassy Mom, praying for you this day, you are in His Love❤ always!

      Maplewood NJ

    5. Thank you CO, Suzanne R, Sassy Mom, KS for your prayers. My husband of 30 years left our family 20 years ago to be with our Savior.."let's not say goodbye, let's say..until we meet again". Miss you Ma.

    6. Praying for all those who have lost their loved ones. Sending my true love to you. We are loved more completely by the Lord than we could ever be loved even by our dearest love on earth. Only He knows us fully and loves us unconditionally with an everlasting love. Today is a day for celebrating love and God’s love is our greatest gift to cherish to the end of time and beyond.

    7. Amen SassyMom, Happy Valentine's day to you dear❤️

  8. Amen! Love to all on this special day <3 JE

  9. I haven't been here for a while. I found out in September that my cancer of 10 years ago returned. I declined the complete laryngectomy scheduled for Nov 2019 hoping for less severe options. MD Anderson is wanting to try a chemo pill to reduce the tumor before surgery so that maybe I won't lose my voicebox. Insurance denied my claim, then denied the appeal. Now I am waiting on a third party foundation to pay for chemo. Starting to get a little antsy that it has been almost 6 months now with no treatment. Please pray for approval, the doctors, and continued peace. I know God's in control, but then.....(isn't that the way we humans go). thanks.

    1. May God's peace which passes understanding (of the way things sit in the moment) be with you, Mary OKC. You are loved. You always have been, you always will be. Rest in His love for there is nothing that can separate you from His love for you, not even cancer. God be with you.

    2. Mary OKC --- Joining Bob and the other JC WARRIORS in lifting you up to the Throne of Grace to our Miracle working Lord. I rebuke and cast out all spirits of torment and fear because we have peace through the blood of Jesus Christ. (Colossians 1:20)

    3. Mary OKC - Joining warriors in prayer. You are in our hearts. God bless you, we love you. "God is in control and you just can't beat it!" My husband's favorite expression.

    4. I've missed seeing your comments on here, Mary OKC. Joining the others from this JC Family and lifting you up today! May you feel the prayers of all of us as you walk through your daily life. May your anxiousness turn to a sense of peace as you pray and know that God is with you on this journey. May the "waiting game" be turned to approval and the needed treatment. Godspeed. CO

    5. Mary OKC, standing with our JC family in prayers with and for you. Keep your eyes fixed on Jesus, He'll carry you through.

      Maplewood NJ

    6. Joining the prayers warriors in prayer for you Mary OKC. For where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them. Matthew 18:20. Peace be with you.

    7. We love you Mary OKC..lifting you up in prayer. Lord have mercy; we trust in you; help our beloved one.

    8. Thank you all. Have missed your encouragement.
      I'm living with my daughter right now. She helps me rejoice with the little things that I want to brush away because there are bigger things I'm dealing with.

    9. I know that two years have passed since your original post. Would you mind giving an update on your health? In God's Love!

  10. Your valentine from your Lord:

    "Child, I love you. I love you eternally, unconditionally, and uncontainably. Out of your trials, I will bring good. Out of your problems, I will bring comfort. In your comfort, I will challenge you to go further. I will lead you with the greatest care, and I will never let you go. Feel the fire of love that burns inside Me for you. Come into My arms. I want you to live with Me forever. Nothing can separate you from My love. Be at peace. I have not planned a tragedy for you. I have not planned a farce. I have made you to be a love story. The most devoted mother would sooner forget her child than I could forget you. Rest in My peace; on fire with My love. My love burns for you. Peace, My child. I love you!"

    (I happened upon this many years ago in my ministry, no author's name was given. But if you look closely at each sentence, there is a verse in scripture that can support it, so ultimately, it is from God to you.)
    With love Bob

    1. Bob--- Thank you for sharing the Valentine message. It put a huge smile on my face and warmed my soul!

    2. So fitting for this day, Bob. Thank you! What a comforting message full of reassurance; I felt a sense of peace wash over me as I was reading. Blessings and prayers to all on this Valentine's Day! CO

    3. Thanks you for this, Bob. And happy Valentines Day to you too.

    4. What a beautiful and loving message. Thank you so much for sharing Bob. Many blessings and prayers for All. Happy Valentines Day
      Bob, May I share this on Facebook?

    5. Bob,. Thank you for sharing. Happy Valentine's Day to you. I always enjoy your comments. Blessings

    6. Bob Malsack we love you. Thank you always for your wisdom, for sharing your heart with us. God bless you and yours more.

    7. To Unknown's request: Yes you may share it on Facebook.

    8. So very beautiful Bob. Thank you for sharing. Peace be with you 🙏.

    9. That is truly amazing ! As a single mum with no romantic relationship in sight , Valentines day can be abit depressing ! Yet after reading this waaaaaaa am going to be alright because God loves me and is working on me ! My Christian walk is getting stronger and closer to God. Bwana asifiwe ( Praise the Lord in Kisawahili )

    10. Thanks for the loving Valentine's Day Message, BOB.
      Happy Valentine's Day JC Family.
      With Much Love To All ❤️❤️❤️ Brie

    11. Thank you for sharing brother Bob. Happy Valentine's day💕

    12. So wonderfully perfect, Bob! I have to say I have read it more than once. It is truly a great reassurance as it is a covering of peace from Our Lord. Thanks for sharing this today...what a wonderful love letter from God to us. Blessings and love, Bob, and to all the JC family and your loved ones.

    13. Perfect Valentine, thank you again this year, Bob! ♥️

    14. Thanks Bob for that valentine message. It is lifting me up into His arms today.

    15. The valentine gift from Bob that just keeps on giving, just like the love of our Father ♥️

    16. What a wonderful gem you blessed us with dear Bob! Thank you! I feel so completely loved.
      Amen dear Audra! Such a gift! Just like God’s perfect and unconditional love and endless mercy.

    17. Beautiful gift for this day. Thank you Bob

    18. Thank you so much, Bob for this beautiful Valentine from God. We are each so special to Him, yet we often forget that..what a great reminder!

    19. Thank You Bob, you always feed me well. Praying for, and with you my dear Brother in Christ. Such a Blessing!!!

    20. NYC: Reading this in 2025 and it has made my day. Thank you Bob for your beautiful thoughts and prayers.

    21. Dear God, thank you for this Church of yours and for all and each member who visits here. I get so much learning and understanding from these brothers and sisters. Bob always delivers the perfect extra understanding and metaphors that wrap the devotions in a nice beautiful bow.

      This group of people remind me of the disciples in the series, Chosen, when the zealot Simon joins Jesus and asked “where are your disciples?” and his surprise to see them all standing around, just normal lowly people. Jesus says, “what? Not what you expected?” lol

      I love you all and can never express how much each of you matters, in my walk.

      I love the time we are in that we may share our love of God with people like Min Ahadi halfway around the world. Happy Valentine Day!
      Bwana asifiwe ( Praise the Lord in Kisawahili )


    22. This beauty from Bob is better than roses or a box of chocolates. God's love for us is intimately spelled out in it. Feeling peacefully blessed!

  11. My First and Greatest LOVE, I come before Your Presence this morning with a Thankful heart❤. Thank You for loving me so much that You sent Your sinless Son Jesus, to die for me. Father, I thank You for wrapping me in Your Righteousness through Jesus Christ the Righteousness ONE!

    Indeed God doesn’t call the qualified but qualifies the called, just like we witnessed it with Moses, Joshua, Peter, and the list is endless!

    He calls us for missions where He is the sole provider and sustainer in all our executions in them!

    It is until we realise that, that will we always be willing and readily available for His call for service at any time without any fear or hesitation.

    As Believers, we are therefore challenged to keep our eyes fixed on Jesus regardless of all that swirls around us. Our hearts should be steadfast, trusting in Him at all times. We are to take practical steps do what we need to keep your focus during times of natural storms. These should include: Focus on Him, Focus on Hope, Focus on Heaven, Focus on His Power, Focus on His Person and Focus on His Position.

    Noah experience God’s provision in the midst of the Flood (Genesis 7:11-16).

    Elijah experience God’s provision during the famine (1 Kings 17:2-6).

    In 1 Kings 19:11-18, God use storms to refocus Elijah on His Person and His purpose.
    When trouble surrounds us, read John 14: 1-3 about what Jesus tells us to do.

    Besides keeping our focus, the Prophet Micah says, we are to respond to who God is (see Micah 6:6-8).

    The busyness and responsibilities of family, work and others will distract us, the natural and national storms will distress us, the memories of past wounds and failures will depress us. Nevertheless, we must be intentional about fixing our eyes on Jesus. Every day we need to make the time to read His Word, listen to His voice, apply and live out His principles and obey His commands. Doing this not only help us to maintain a vibrant relationship with Him, but a healthy equilibrium mentally, spiritually and emotionally.

    Together, let’s fix our eyes on Jesus and all the storms of our lives shall be His to bare for us.

    HAPPY VALENTINE’S DAY TO ALL. Remember, Jesus is our FIRST LOVE!

    Maplewood, NJ

    1. Maplewood NJ, highly favored one, you are a blessing to me to all. Happy Valentine's Day!

    2. Thanks for giving Valentine's Day another FOCUS, dear sweet Maplewood! ❤️❤️❤️

    3. Thank you, Maplewood, for your beautiful words that remind me to FOCUS and reFOCUS on the Lord who loves me unconditionally. Many blessings to you and our JC family on this Valentine's Day.❤

    4. You lift my soul Maplewood! Fixing my gaze on my Way Maker.

  12. Thank you so much for sharing the lovely valentine from our God. Special healing prayers for you Mary. Prayers for you Sassy mom for Gods perfect love and comfort for you. God loves you now, then and always.♥️ God bless each of you. Prayers for all of our JC family
    Enjoy a beautiful and very blessed day

  13. God of creation
    There at the start
    Before the beginning of time
    With no point of reference
    You spoke to the dark
    And fleshed out the wonder of light
    And as You speak
    A hundred billion galaxies are born
    In the vapor of Your breath the planets form
    If the stars were made to worship so will I
    I can see Your heart in everything You've made
    Every burning star
    A signal fire of grace
    If creation sings Your praises so will I
    God of Your promise
    You don't speak in vain
    No syllable empty or void
    For once You have spoken
    All nature and science
    Follow the sound of Your voice

    Hillsong United- So Will I

    1. ♥️ thank you for the beautiful lyrics to read this morning!

    2. ♥️🎶 link So Will I

  14. Happy Valentine's Day to all JC Warriors. We are loved by our Lord and Savior and calls each and every one of us by name. I cannot see my Savior or you my dear friends but I feel my savior's love and peace and yours also. I thank God for this wonderful site..thank you Payton family. I ask sweet Jesus to protect this family, keep them safe and I thank you. We seek your face Lord and fix our eyes on you. Jesus we trust in you.

  15. Barely getting this in before the end of the day, but love and blessings to all of you. Mary OKC - praying for you, for an insurance provider, for your trust and believing.

  16. Love and blessings to all of you! Have my 2 yr old grandson for a sleepover and then I’m preparing a special dinner for my hubby so I may not have much time to join you so I will say Happy Valentine’s Day to you, my dear JC Family! Thank You Jesus for Your great Love! Your gift that keeps on giving.

    1. God bless you Jeanne 🙏. Have a very happy valentines day with your family. May the Lord continue to heal you.

    2. Happy Valentine's day sis Jeanne. I too will be in the kitchen to create & show my love for my Valentine for 50+ years. No more crutches for me, PTL! I can cook again🥳. Breakfast is homemade cream filled donuts, dinner us asian style steaks called " bisteak", fried rice, homemade chocolate cheesecake & homemade german chocolate cake. Whew! I think we're good 🥰. Jeane, praying for healing for you. Brie, continued recovery/ strength. MadFox, continued recovery/strength also. JC family you're all covered❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

    3. Enjoy your time with your loved ones dear Jeanne! Praying healing for your back and blessings to all here.

      Jan - it all sounds delicious!

      Blessings from France

  17. Heavenly Father, thank You for loving me and holding my hand at all times. Today we celebrate a holiday of love, but in reality we should love one another each and every day. There shouldn't have to be a specific day for it. However, I am grateful in knowing that on this day people are more loving and considerate than usual. It reminds me of what Paul said about the gospel being ministered wrongfully, but he was grateful it was being told. I pray that the love that is shown today is also shown tomorrow and every day after. Father, take our love and maximize it and let it grow and spread to the ends of the earth. Let Your love shine through us all and brighten up the day for everyone. Thank You Jesus. I love You Lord with all my heart and I will bless, praise, and rejoice in You continually and always 🙏.

  18. When I had no one around during my difficult times ......I looked for peace and comfort in the wrong places ! Thank Lord for the reminder to today , that you God hold my hand all the time , even when I am not aware of it . Forgive for leaning on my own understanding ! Help me to focus on you alone .

    1. Amen and Amen! More of thee Lord..less of me!

  19. ❤️❤️❤️Thanks Be To God, This is helping me sleep more peacefully when things go bump in the night:

    1. Glad to have you back here dear Brie! Been praying for you and yours and still praying and declaring His Peace, comfort, healing, wholeness and many many blessings according to His will in every area of His beloved children's lives.

      Blessings from France

    2. Thanks BFF ❤️❤️❤️

  20. Loveconquersall, How is your sister, Anna who had Covid. Is she feeling better?🙏💗

    1. Thank you for asking..she is much better but still struggling with congestion and headaches. I thought I had it a couple of weeks ago..tested negative. Lord thy will be done..thank you for your presence Lord. Praying for you Jeanne.

  21. God's Valentine to the world - "For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.: John 3:16

  22. TERRI --- Thank you for your post yesterday about the song, "You're an Army" by Rick Pino. WOW, what a song!!!
    It had me dancing, praising, and shouting!!! What a song about the POWER and VICTORY in our Lord. Thank you so much for bringing it to my attention. Great Blessings and the Lord's Favor upon you! It is ALL for the Lord's Honor and His Purposes! In His Grip of Grace, Mercy and Healing JJ

  23. My daughter took her 2nd covid vaccine on Friday. Immediately she got a headache and then the rest of the expected symptoms fever chills aches. Today the worst is behind her. Thank you Jesus for answered prayer..thank you my friends for your prayers. She said "mom I'm never taking that vaccine again". I'm still waiting patiently to take the vaccine. It's a sheet of ice in Texas..we're not used to this my dear friends from higher places on the map. Stay warm and aunt and sis have taken a fall but are ok. Much love to all on this special day. Thank you Jesus for loving us!

  24. Home from a long day, celebrating my dear Hub's Coach from HS, passing. He was 88 (would be 89 in April), married 68 years, with 5 off spring and he changed my DH's life, by seeing his heart and giving him a chance. We got to meet all 5 of his children and many Grands. My Guy, gave the BEST tribute and I know his family was blessed.
    Prayi9ng for all of our loved ones, my dear JC Family and thanking God that He is stronger than any of my pitifully attempts. In today's Fellowship, our Minister said, "God did not call you to save the world. But, His mercies are new every morning. What you share is from the inside out...give your best; be Agents of Light! Give words of comfort, praise and PULL people into God's loving arms, as the world tries to PUSH their agenda. Prayers of mercy and grace to each of you in my Dear JC Family. I'm so thankful for each of you and for your prayers. Our appt to the Oncologist's on Tuesday, 2/16 (our Anniv), will most likely be cancelled due to weather. Another thing to pray for...Loren's continued health. We will call tomorrow to see if we can have a virtual appt. Loren said, "If my counts are up, he won't have a virtual. If they aren't they'll reschedule." Praying for my Hubs peace of mind. Love and God's best to all of you! <3

  25. ❤️❤️❤️ jw

  26. Sorry for all of the typos - it's been quite a day (quite several, actually). But, I thank you all for your prayers, as I pray for you. Going to bed, after watching a really good movie, Courageous. It's on Amazon Prime and I highly suggest it. Always thinking of ways to better love our off-spring. We, in this JC Family, know that God has shown us His ways.

  27. Heavenly Father, thank You Jesus and help me to heed Your words and to keep my eyes upon You. Let me rest in Your sovereignty and love. I praise You Lord always.
    JC Warriors, please pray for my old roommate Heather. Her son Joshua was killed yesterday morning in Florida on his bicycle by a drunk driver. Thank you all. God bless 🙏.

    1. Oh my! Father in heaven, how does one even know how to pray comfort for this grieving mom. You oh Holy Spirit is the only One who can know the depth of this pain Heather is experiencing at the tragic loss of Joshua. I pray for that special touch on her aching heart that only You can give. Also praying for the person responsible. May remorse & repentance lead him to the cross. You use everything that happens for the glory if Your name. Amen.

    2. Heather and her family will be in my prayers, Janet. I can't begin to imagine either, Jan Gridley. God will make a way where there is no way. So sorry to read this.

    3. Praying for Heather and Josh

    4. Such a tragedy. So sorry for their terrible loss. Joining all prayers for Heather and her loved ones. May God’s comfort and guidance surround them. He is holding them tight in their time of sorrow. May Josh find sweet rest for his young soul. God loves him and he will be with Jesus.

  28. Good morning JC family 🌞. Happy Valentine's day to each of you. Hubby surprised me with breakfast in bed. Wonderful way to start the day. Thank You Lord for my helpmate. Update on Ruth. She made it quite well through that long surgery. Now we wait for great results as she recovers. Thank you warriors for the prayers 💕🙏.

    1. Thanking God for His faithfulness in guiding Ruth’s surgery. May He continue to
      carry her through her recovery. Thank You Jesus.

  29. Sounds like you had a delight morning, Jan Gridley! :)
    You and your mom are on my heart, Jeanne. Praying that she is getting the attention, resolution that she needs.
    Also asking for prayers for my DIL's sister, Ellie who has been in labor with her first baby since yesterday. They are inducing her now and we are praying for victorious news later today.
    Prayers for all of you on this Valentine's Day! We know who our first love is and He adores each of us. My hubby and I are so very thankful for the 48 Valentine's Days we've had.
    Thanking God every moment.

  30. Praying for your mom dear Jeanne & your sister. Dear Norah lifting mommy & baby for safe delivery.🙏💕

  31. Where can I go from Your Spirit? Or where can I flee from Your presence? If I ascend into heaven, You are there; if I make my bed in hell, You are there. (Psalm 139:7-8). Fight the good fight of faith, lay hold on eternal life, to which you were also called and have confessed the good confession in the presence of many witnesses. (1 Timothy 6:12). Repent therefore and be converted, that your sins might be blotted out, so that times of refreshing may come from the presence of the Lord. (Acts 3:19).

  32. Such a blessing dear Janet, that He is everywhere so we are never alone no matter where we go.
    Happy Valentine's Day to all my brothers and sisters here, seen and unseen. Our greatest is love is the love of God. That's the only love we need. But I am blessed to be surrounded by love and many prayers. I was telling my brother in Christ Mike today that I could feel his prayers and all the prayers covering me. My future is in God's Hands and that's fine with me because that way I don't worry, I just rest in His Love and live my life.

    1 John 3:1 - Behold, what manner of love the Father hath bestowed upon us, that we should be called the sons of God: therefore the world knoweth us not, because it knew him not.

    Zephaniah 3:17 - The LORD thy God in the midst of thee is mighty; he will save, he will rejoice over thee with joy; he will rest in his love, he will joy over thee with singing.

    John 15:13 - Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends.

    Ephesians 3:19 - And to know the love of Christ, which passeth knowledge, that ye might be filled with all the fulness of God.

    1. Amen Jeanne 🙏. Happy Valentines day! I hope you and Rick enjoy the day together. May your blessings be multiplied! God bless and peace be with you.

    2. Thanks dear Janet! We’ll be with our grandson in the afternoon and later I’m cooking Rick a nice dinner. Tomorrow is His Birthday. So we’ll be celebrating again. Happy Valentine’s Day dear sister! Celebrate God’s amazing love. 💗

  33. Let us then with confidence draw near to the throne of grace, that we may receive mercy and find grace to help in time of need. (Hebrews 4:16). In Him and through faith in Him we may approach God with freedom and confidence. (Ephesians 3:12). For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind. Therefore do not be ashamed of the testimony of our Lord. (2 Timothy 1:7-8). Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles, and let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us. (Hebrews 12:1).

  34. Happy Valentines Day to my beloved JC Family. Praying your day is filled with His Love and Presence. Thank you for loving me.

    "Love is what the world seeks in all the wrong places. But, true love is an action, not a feeling. It's found in sacrifice, not selfishness. It is patient, not demanding. Doesn't hurt others, but casts out fear. Real love was born in a stable and seen at the cross. True love carries us through the highs and the lows. True love is Jesus."

    1. Perfectly stated, Sassy Mom! Thank you for your words today!

    2. Beautiful truth and a gift for the day! Thanks dear Sassy Mom! Holding you tight in my love and prayers. 💗

    3. AMEN and AMEN, Sassy Mom!!! You are most cherished and loved! You make me want to be so ever closer to Jesus. Sending you and this AWESOME JCFAMILY a Big Valentine's Day hug with much, much Love and Blessings!!! 💞💞💞🤗 JJ

      1 John 4:19 "We love because He first loved us."

    4. True That!!! What a Beautiful Truth.

  35. Perhaps today being Valentines day it is fitting to share a small update on what the Lord is doing.

    Many of you remember the Woman I love. After our separation God said to my that my love for her was precious, that He would use it, and that He would change it. Ultimately I learned that the reason I felt such a strong love for her is because I was tapping into God's love which goes beyond me.

    He also said He would bring a wife to me. For me, that was great relief because I knew I didn't have to re-enter the dating world, or even look for a companion. So today, I am sharing, that He has brought another woman into my life. And now, because I have learned that it is Ultimately His love that i am accessing I can refer to them as the Women I love :-)

    Beloved, let us love one another... for Love comes from God

    1. Such wonderful news, dear Keith! I’ve been praying God would lead you to true love, and I believe He has! I’m sure she’s a lovely lady. Hallelujah for answered prayers! Happy Valentine’s Day my good brother. Enjoy this special day and stay blessed in God’s presence and peace.

    2. Cheers to the lucky woman who found Keith! God bless you both! In his love, ✝️♥️👏

    3. Keith, your post made my day! I think i see a 'glow' eminating from your words. I really love the way you are. Isn't it GREAT to be serving the God who make GIANTS FALL!
      But, God, His plan will prevail and God WILL NOT FAIL!!!

      Psalm 3:8 "From the LORD comes deliverance. May Your blessings be on Your people. "

      In His Grip of Grace, JJ

  36. Today's devotional: " With Jesus as our guide and source of life". I really appreciate the comment by Chris Payton on today's reading: "Give yourself fully to the adventure of today."
    Focussing on the moment, right now, there is no fear or worry. The future, even 5 minutes from now onwards is in God's Hands. To us the future is unknown, for Him, He knows everything down to the tiniest detail.
    Too often we look past our immediate 'now' to what we can't see then projecting a negative or worst case scenario, we start to worry and fear the worst.
    Today's adventure for me included a short drive to the beach. Tide was out, warm sunny morning, sea was misty. Only seabirds around and one fisherman fixing his boat. Sand stretching for miles.
    I thought of the song or poem about 'Footprints in the sand, part of which is below:
    I dreamed that I was walking along the sands of time;
    It seemed I saw my whole life flash before my eyes.
    The One Who walked beside me gently led me by the hand;
    Together we walked onwards-left our footprints in the sand.

    And looking back, it seemed in times of heartbreak and despair,
    I only saw a single set of footprints walking there.
    When I questioned Him beside me, “Were You really always near?”
    The answer that He gave me still echoes in my ear.
    Footprints in the sand, walking side by side,
    Walking on forever with Jesus as my guide.
    So many times I thought I walked alone, but His voice so kind and true,
    Said, “That single line of footprints was when I carried you.”
    Enjoy today's God given adventure.

  37. The best we can do, dear Sister, is surrender to Him and to His will. Then hand over our reins for good, so He can lead us. May He lead you to all the desires of your trusting and beautiful heart as you continue to delight in Him and in His Word! God bless you in every little thing. Sending much love.

  38. Thanks dear Peter! Amen. What a blessing to have felt the peace of the beach and to have seen the beauty of God’s creation so early in your day. When I think of Jesus, I often visualize Him on a beach walking toward me.
    I have always loved that poem and it has been painted in many ways. Sometimes just with the footprints and other times with the Lord carrying someone. I love the pictures and I sure can relate because there have been many times in my life that I have needed the Lord to carry me and He was right there to lead me through and bear my burden. Thanks for the nice video. I felt like I was at the beach too. God bless your day!

  39. Beautiful posts today. I have to say I love you in a song, butt with another song 😉
    What the world needs now is love, with a prayer for Bert Bacharach who recently passed.
    ♥️🎶 Link

    1. The World lost a great talent and the Angel Choir got a new member! A beautiful song. Thanks dear Audra!!

  40. Praying for Eli to be healed and comforted, and for Ken and his wife Nancy. May God heal Ken or in His mercy take him Home and heal and comfort his dear wife Nancy who is recovering from pneumonia.
    Nancy needs Ken’s love and company at the nursing home so Dear Father we thank You for making a way to comfort and heal Ken and to console and comfort them and guide them both according to Your Plan. And may Norah’s DH have a good Oncologist appointment and Katie’s heart valve problems be resolved because God is in charge. Thank You Jesus.

    Psalm 125:1
    Those who trust in the LORD Are like Mount Zion, Which cannot be moved, but abides forever.

    Isaiah 40:31
    But those who wait on the Lord
    Shall renew their strength;
    They shall mount up with wings like eagles,
    They shall run and not be weary,
    They shall walk and not faint.

    1. Joining in prayer with you Jeanne for all. May our heavenly Father incline His ear and move mightily in all these situations 🙏 🙌. In Jesus name, we pray, Amen 🙏.

    2. Joining Janet and Jeanne in prayers for these children of God and asking for healing and comfort. In Jesus’ holy name we pray.
      SC Anonymous

    3. Anchoring these prayers in His holy name, Amen.

  41. Standing with you, Jeanne, for all those individuals you mentioned that need Jesus' intervention. He is Faithful to watch over His WORD and perform it. We trust You Jesus!

    1. Yes He is! Leaning always on His faithfulness and praying for more answered prayers with you.

  42. May God's love shine brightly upon each JCFAMILY/WARRIOR this Valentine's Day, filling our hearts with Joy, Peace, and the Sweet Assurance of His Unfailing Love. Speaking Life and Blessings to each of you as we share His love with the world.

    1. Amen JJ 🙏. Hallelujah!

    2. Amen! Thanks dear JJ! Praying for God’s blessings for you too. He is our dearest Valentine because He loves us exactly as we are with a perfect and eternal love.
      Dear Janet, May He surround you with His comfort and love because you lost your dear Norma. She’s resting with the Lord now and out of pain. You will be with her again. Rest in Him dear sister. Love to you and JJ.

  43. And He said, "My presence shall go with you, and I will give you rest." (Exodus 33:14). But as for me, the nearness of God is my good; I have made the LORD God my refuge, that I may tell of all Your works. (Psalm 73:28).

    1. Amen, blessed! (Peter)

    2. Perfect encouragement. Gif bless you always! Thanks, Sis!

  44. “When you start to be afraid, remember that I am holding your hand.” What a perfect reminder that Jesus walks with us. Thank you, Lord.

    1. What a blessing that He holds our hands through the valleys. Praying for you and your dear sister in love.

  45. I woke this morning at 4:30am with a gripping fear attached to me. I have a MOUNTAIN of things to complete at work before March 5th and that fear of not getting it all done robbed me of sleep. I remember asking my pastor for help with this feeling the last time I felt overwhelmed by anxiety; he said to rebuke the spirit of fear in the name of Jesus and to do so vocally. I sat up in bed and said our loud, “Spirit of fear, in the name of Jesus I command you to leave me!” I did this twice and felt each time a physical sensation of something leaving my body through my back.
    Today’s devotional, the scriptures, Lisa’s prayer from years ago, and all of the comments and prayers from the JC Family are all exactly what I needed. God bless you all as we begin the season of Lent. AMEN!

    1. Hallelujah KC! "Fear is a liar", as the song goes. We give it power to paralyze us. You cut off that power by declaring your belief in Jesus' power in you to rebuke it. Well done my friend! Hallelujah!

    2. Amen, blessed, thanks for the 'test'imony.

    3. God’s peace is so much greater than that fear! Hallelujah! Jesus removed it by your faith. Be anxious for nothing. Praying God will help you get your work done in time. Thank You Jesus.
      Rest in Him and trust in His faithfulness.

  46. 😊 💝 day JC Family,
    A ❤️ note from Mother Teresa...
    When people are often unreasonable, illogical, and self centered, then LOVE AND FORGIVE ANYWAY!
    When you are kind, people may accuse you of selfish, ulterior motives, then LOVE AND BE KIND ANYWAY AND ENJOY SAYING GOOD THINGS ABOUT OTHERS ANYWAY!
    When you are successful, you will win some false friends and some true enemies, then LOVE AND SUCCEED ANYWAY!
    When you are kind, honest and frank, people may cheat you, then LOVE AND BE KIND, HONEST AND FRANK ANYWAY!
    When you spend years building, someone could destroy what you've built overnight, then LOVE AND BUILD ANYWAY!
    When you find peaceful serenity, happiness, motivation and joy, "they" may be jealous haters, then LOVE AND BE PEACEFUL, HAPPY, MOTIVATED AND SERENE ANYWAY!
    When the good you do today will be interred with your bones and people will often forget you tomorrow, then LOVE AND DO GOOD ANYWAY!
    When you give the world the best that you've got, and it is never enough, then LOVE AND GIVE THE WORLD THE BEST THAT YOU 'VE GOT ANYWAY!
    When in the final analysis, you will see that IT IS ALWAYS BETWEEN YOU AND GOD, WHO IS LOVE!
    It was never between you and them anyway!
    Written by Mother Teresa

    1. Amen dear Brie! Love the mother the Teresa quotes. Thank you for sharing that🥰🙌

    2. In keeping with today's devotion
      I am reminded that Loving "anyway" allows us a route to give ourself fully to the adventures of today.
      Loving "anyway" allows for walking boldly along the path of Life, while relying on our ever-present Companion, WHO. IS. LOVE! ❤️
      Loving "anyway" allows for following Him Who gives us every reason to be confident on the journey, because His Loving Presence accompanies us all the days of our life--and onward into eternity. In Jesus' Name. AMEN !

    3. PS Thank You Lord for loving me anyway!

    4. Amen! Thanks for sharing that and also for all your good and godly advice! I love you truly. Truly I do! No matter how people judge you or hurt you, Love them anyway because that’s what Jesus would do.

  47. Prayers dear ones for Norah, DH & Lonnie as you make your way to the oncologist, for Katie, Ken, Nancy, Eli, Janet & knees. Norah cast your anxieties for Wednesday towards the Lord, for He cares for you. Enjoy Florida dear Jeanne & Rick, bring back some of that warmth. Please warriors pray for my DH. He has tendonitis in his knee. Painful. Love you all dearly. Enjoy Valentine's Day. ❤️🙏🌈

    1. Gathering into your prayers for all.

    2. Praying with you for Norah, her DH and Lonnie that all will go well because God is in charge. And for Katie’s heart, Ken and Nancy’s comfort and guidance, Eli’s healing and relief and Janet’s strength and healing and for you dearest Jan! Thanks for your prayers and well wishes. Florida is so pretty but..the temps are low and the skies are cloudy. I’m still grateful to God and blessed to be with Rick. We are enjoying our time together. Just walking on the beach and watching the waves and looking at the clouds and listening to the sea and the seagulls is such a gift!

    3. Yes they are His Gifts 🎁 !
      Enjoy each one.

  48. Acts 17:28 "For in Him we live and move and have our being…For we are also His offspring".

  49. Praying for all requests of need here as well needs held quietly in our hearts. Amen.

  50. Thanks dear ABC! Praying for you too. May God answer our prayers and all the prayers of our JC Family. Thank You Jesus.

  51. Our God is so good. I’ve been reading devotionals and verses this morning praying that today would be the day my husband would turn the corner. I just received a call that his blood pressure is up and they are waiting to move him to a regular room. Praise the Lord!!!

    The first sentence of JC today “Give yourself fully to the adventure of today.” WOW

    Please continue to pray for my husband and that his spirits are lifted. He is always a glass if half full type of person - right now, he is leaning the other way.
    SC Anonymous

    1. Praying for your husband and for you. Father God, please bring healing to SC's husband and encouragement to his heart. Give them both strength, comfort and peace. Let Your miracle power be known in this circumstance. In Jesus name, Amen 🙏 🙌. God bless and peace be with you!

    2. My Heavenly Father -- I thank You for bringing SC's husband through surgery and stabilizing his blood pressure. You have been faithful every step of the way, and I trust you to complete the good work You have begun in him. Now, Lord, I ask You to lift his spirits--fill him with Your peace, strength, and the joy that comes from knowing You are in control. Let him feel Your presence, renew his energy, and restore his hope. May he soon be moved to a regular room as a testimony of Your healing power. In Jesus' Mighty Name, AMEN and AMEN

    3. Joining Janet and others in prayer for both your husband and you, SC. May your husband feel that his glass is more full today than yesterday. May you both have strength, endurance, peace and even laughter today and in the days ahead, SC. Laughter is so healing. Blessings and love coming your way!

    4. Joining these prayers and thanking you for answered prayer for SC’s husband and his blood pressure. Praying for continued progress in every way as he goes through this postop period and asking for encouragement, strength and peace for SC, her husband and the boys. In Jesus name, amen.

    5. I'm joining NJS in prayer with you SC that your cups runneth over with gratitude, joy and laughter as you and your husband see the sunny side of progress in recovery.

    6. Dear SC, Thanking our faithful God for more answered prayers. Joining this mighty prayer train for your dear husband. Thank God his blood pressure is better and he’s going to a regular room! Praying with this family for his heart to be lifted.
      Father God, thank You for healing SC’s dear husband in body, mind and spirit! Let him see that You are preparing a bright future for him. Bring him back to good health and happiness. Let him feel Your presence and Your strength and Your peace. We ask this in Jesus’ Name. Amen

  52. Heavenly Father, we come together ❤️ in unity, lifting our voices in Gratitude,
    and great Praise! Thank you for hearing our prayers, for healing our loved ones, and turn every situation--no matter how impossible it seemed--into something good for Your Glory. You are the God who restores, redeems, and works all things for the good of those who love ❤️ You.

    We stand in faith, Declaring every answered prayer is a testimony of Your power, every Healing is a witness of Your love, and every challenge turned to Victory is proof that You are always working on our behalf. Let our hearts remain steadfast in trust, knowing that
    You finish what you start and never leave Your children without hope.

    To You alone be ALL the Honor, ALL the Praise, and ALL the Glory! In Jesus' Mighty Name, and by the Blood of Jesus, we reclaim every territory Satan has tried to steel, and he must flee! AMEN and Amen

    Philippines 1:6 "Being confident of this,
    that He who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus."

    1. Hallelujah! Thank you for that portion of courage and hope for today!

    2. Amen, Amen, and Amen!!! Thank you from the bottom of my heart for your powerful prayer! It lifted my heart sky high! I love you, dear JJ

  53. Heavenly Father, I lift my soul to You today, trusting in Your unfailing love and mercy. Please guide my steps and help me to rely on You completely, especially when challenges arise. Teach me to seek Your face in all circumstances, knowing that You are my rock and my protector.

    As today’s devotional reminds us, let us focus on your presence in the present, leaving the future up to you and the past well behind us.
    Praying for emotional strength in the midst of family and personal challenges. I cast it upon you Jehovah, Abba, heavenly Father with hope, faith and trust, claiming your promises and victory in the name of Jesus, our Lord and Savior.
    Peace of Christ be with you JC family.

    1. Receiving the Peace of Christ with Great Thanksgiving!
      My Dear Rich--The Lord is your strength, your refuge, and your ever-present help! He upholds you with His Righteous Right Hand, and NO storm can shake the foundation He has set beneath you. STAND FIRM--God is not only hearing your prayers but moving on your behalf!

      I Decree and Declare over you:
      Rich, you are strong in the Lord and the Power of His Might! NO WEAPON FORMED AGAINST YOU SHALL PROSPER and EVERY challenge before you is bowing to the name of Jesus! Your strength is renewed, your spirit is unshaken, and your Victory is certain!
      Rich--breakthroughs are coming!
      He ALWAYS causes us to TRIUMPH in Christ Jesus!
      Our God ALWAYS WINS!!!

    2. Thank you dear JJ! I recited your prayer several times today and it has blessed me. Grateful 🙏

    3. My Dear Rich -- That's incredible! You are taking hold of truth and DECLARING IT--that's
      where real breakthrough happens! The Truth of God's Word is breaking every chain and lifting you higher! Where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom, and you are walking in it! No weight of the past, no burden of the present can hold you down--God has set you free, and you are soaring
      unhindered, strengthen by His Grace. You keep going! I'm going to keep speaking Abundant Life over you. God has you Covered, Strengthened, and Unstoppable!!!

    4. Dear Rich C, Praying JJ’s powerful prayers for you! Your strength is from our Great and Mighty God, and you are unstoppable! He is already fighting your battles and making your paths straight! Don’t fear or doubt God’s power and faithfulness! He hears your prayers, JJ’s prayers and all our prayers for you! God’s got this, dear brother! Thank You Jesus!

    5. Thank you dear Jeanne and JJ for that uplifting encouragement and support!
      Be blessed. 🙏

  54. Job 22:28 New King James Verison
    "You will also declare a thing, And it will be established for you; So light will shine on your ways."

  55. Praying for all and thanking you for yours. Long day - too long to go into, but suffice it to say - God is in control! I have to say to myself at times, "Shut Up!" "STOP!" And then I confess scripture and pause. God is bigger than ALL of this shi* happening in the world. DO NOT be deceived. Greater is He that is in us than he that is in the world.
    1 John 4:4-6
    Ye are of God, little children, and have overcome them: because greater is he that is in you, than he that is in the world. They are of the world: therefore speak they of the world, and the world heareth them.
    Love to all,

    1. That scripture is such a treasure, Norah--I love it and use it often. Another one I refer to many, many times:
      Miach 7:8 "Do not gloat over me, my enemies! Though I have fallen, I will rise. Though I sit in darkness, the LORD will be my light." The Lord's Blessings over you! Rest well, recharge, and rise stronger!

  56. Thanks for the good food, my sisters! Dear Norah, I am praying for you and dear JJ that God is answering all your prayers, bringing your loved ones closer to you and Him, and healing you both in every weakness and infirmity and doing the same for your dear ones. You are all covered by the Blood of Christ and He stands by His Word and His Promises. Father, Thank You for this and that on Monday Rick’s doctor will say his cancer is contained in the prostate or gone, in the Name of Your Son and our Risen Lord and Savior, Christ Jesus! Amen

    Psalm 62:5-8
    My soul, wait silently for God alone,
    For my expectation is from Him.
    He only is my rock and my salvation;
    He is my defense;
    I shall not be moved.
    In God is my salvation and my glory;
    The rock of my strength,
    And my refuge, is in God.
    Trust in Him at all times, you people;
    Pour out your heart before Him;
    God is a refuge for us. Selah
