Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Jesus Calling: February 13

Peace be with you! Ever since the resurrection, this has been My watchword to those who yearn for Me. As you sit quietly, let My Peace settle over you and enfold you in My loving presence. To provide this radiant Peace for you, I died a criminal's death. Receive My Peace abundantly and thankfully. It is a rare treasure, dazzling in delicate beauty yet strong enough to withstand all onslaughts. Wear My Peace with regal dignity. It will keep your heart and mind close to Mine. 

John 20:19-21
English Standard Version
On the evening of that day, the first day of the week, the doors being locked where the disciples were for fear of the Jews, Jesus came and stood among them and said to them,“Peace be with you.” When he had said this, he showed them his hands and his side. Then the disciples were glad when they saw the Lord. Jesus said to them again, “Peace be with you. As the Father has sent me, even so I am sending you.”

John 14:27
English Standard Version
Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you. Not as the world gives do I give to you.Let not your hearts be troubled, neither let them be afraid.

Peace is a word that is thrown around a lot today. In the Bible the word peace is used more than 250 times to denote many different meanings. The root word in the Hebrew speaks to well-being, wholeness, soundness and completeness. In the New Testament, the Greek word denotes the opposite of war and conflict and ultimately Jesus is described as the peace which unifies humanity and reconciles humanity with God through His death.

From the verses above we see that peace is a gift from the Lord Jesus. It is something we need. Without it we try to get it on our own or our lives are lived anxiously and nervously. Our lives are often lived in fear because tomorrow is an unknown. We work hard to be safe from the unknown and we think that through our own power and knowledge we can erect peace and give peace to people, but peace really only comes from the Lord Jesus.

Peace is something He gives us and then we carry with us. It isn't something we create or manufacture or visualize. It is not of our own doing. That is the point of the words above. Peace is provided by Jesus through His death.

My prayer:

Lord, help me daily to not look elsewhere for peace, but to realize daily that as I submit and surrender to You, peace will overcome me. I don't want to be distracted, looking at my surroundings to define my well-being, but instead may I see you standing there, offering peace to me. And as I walk in this world, may I carry only your peace. Define peace in my life. Guard my life with your peace. Thank You for choosing to save me and make me whole in You. Draw people to yourself so they may encounter the true Peace that is in You.

This peace only comes from you. Your peace is different from any other peace that may be provided by culture or the world. There is only peace in Christ because in Christ we are made righteous. 

Note: The devotion and scriptures are from author Sarah Young. If you haven't already, please purchase the book and support the author. 

Also, bookmark to have an easy link to the entire year of these entries.


  1. Heavenly Father, forgive us for seeking peace the world offers. True peace only comes from YOU. I desire peace that passes all understanding. Philippians 4:7 Thank YOU for the gift of peace.

    1. Lord, make me an instrument of your Peace! ✝️♥️πŸ™

    2. Truth! Amen! ❤️πŸ™

    3. ✝️✌️✝️✌️✝️

    4. God bless you
      Sassy Mom, Chris and each of you in this wonderful family and body of believers. May the gift of true peace fr our Lord Jesus wash over each of us and fill us.
      Thank you Jesus for your perfect love and peace. I love you Jesus
      Blessings and prayers

    5. Amen! I absolutely agree with and love this prayer from last year! It's perfect again this morning! Thank you all for your continued prayers and participation in this incredible Blog!❤️πŸ™

    6. No Jesus, No Peace.
      Know Jesus, Know Peace!!!
      Blessings to, and prayers for all you Beautiful People. This devotional time is my favorite part of the day. :):):)

  2. Father, help me to set aside every thing I think I know about you, everything i think i know about others and everything i think i know about myself. For a new experience with you, a new experience with others and a much needed new experience in my own recovery. Your name is Peace, I am new today. Let me stay in present moment, divorced from all thoughts of self pity, self seeking, dishonest and frightened behaviours. I offer my self to thee to do with me and build with me as you will. Relieve me of bondage of self that I might show others your love. open my childrens heart to you and bless the girls at group with an open mind and heart this evening. Open my heart Father to spending time with Justin today. Thank you, i am new today and can behave differently if only I will focus on the positive in him.

    1. Wow, I'm with you, what a powerful, sincere, heartfelt prayer!!!
      Blessings to You, thanks!!!

  3. All of humanity yearns for peace. Peace from wars, family strife, weak friends, and/or immoral employers. But true peace is only found in God. It is amazing while reading scripture, reviewing this blog, and praying that my mind is at peace. Jesus says: Peace be with You. Thereby, He is granting His peace to us in that very moment and His presence removes fear and puts us in the "shaft of golden light."

    Lord Jesus, we pray that we move past our fears and live each day accepting Your peace. And we pray that TODAY we will pass that peace with kindness and love to anyone that we meet. Amen

    1. Thanks MadFox,
      As I lay in bed last night awakened by the continuous thunder and pounding of rain on the roof and house in the dark outside, I prayed.
      I thanked God for the comfort of my warm dry bed and for shielding me from the “bad” weather going on outside.
      Suddenly, peace dawned on me and seemed to say, your body is like this house; the thunderous pummeling on the outside matters little. What matters more is what is going on inside.
      I am praying to carry peace inside of me, including times when all outside of my body is pummeling strife. Tall order, but last night, God taught me it can be done. I can think of strife like rain bouncing off the roof, and at the same time still feel warm, comforted and peaceful on the inside, even in the dark.
      Oh for The Peace of a Perfect Trust
      My Loving God in Thee,
      Steadfast trust that always believes
      You choose what’s Best for me
      Best when my plans are all upset
      Best when the way is rough
      Best when the earthly store is scant
      In Thee, I always have enough
      O for the Peace of a perfect Trust
      That looks away from this world and all
      To see Your Hand in Everything
      From Great events through small! In Jesus’ Name. Amen

    2. Brie, I do the same thing. At this very moment we are in an ice storm. I was so thankful when hubby & got safely home from my MRI yesterday. I asked Him to make our car tires to hit the road as if it were dry, that we are looking forward to the warm glow of the fireplace, tucked safely from the storm. Thanking Him this morning for warm shelter. Even when we pulled a "stupid", hubby walked on ice to gather supplies from the garage grocery stash. Eggs, steaks, chocolate cheesecake & german chocolate cake waiting in freezer for Valentine's. His angels got him safely to the house. We were both so pathetically, stupid! Thank You Jesus for understanding our bad moves😱

    3. Peace Brie. Courage and strength in the Lord will bring you through this present rough, low path and as sO often said here, He has you by the hand and is walking that path with you. GODSPEEED. AMEN.

    4. Oh for the Peace of perfect trust, I thank you Jesus. Shelter from the storms of life, you never let go of our hands. How can we thank you enough???

    5. I am in strife with decisions in my life. Please Lord Jesus give me Peace that passes all understanding to make decisions that will glorify you. Please! Please! Amen!

  4. I need prayers for my pregnancy and where God wants me plz

    1. God bless you,Rebecca, and the precious life inside you! God loves you both more than you can fathom. He Keeps you safe in His arms!

    2. Prayers for you today, Rebecca.

    3. Holy Spirit, thank you for guiding Rebecca to her next most doable step. One healthy day at a time for her and her baby.

  5. I'm praying for you too, Rebecca and your sweet baby! It's so easy to get caught up in all of things of this world. Life changes and as mine does and our family grows (all adults with families, jobs, events of their own) it is easy for me to get caught up the "hows" of getting everyone together & keeping the family focused. Life changes and we have entered a new phase. When I read today's devotion, I, too, MadFox, found myself relaxing, taking a deep breath and knowing that it will all work out. I looked up the verse that Sassy Mom wrote a year ago and took another deep breath (Breathing, Bob, as you shared a while back) and I know it will all be OK. "And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus." Philippians 4:7. Prayers of peace for all of us today! In this moment. God Bless, everyone!

    1. As I read your comments Norah, especially about the "breath and breathing" "deep breath", I thought of a song I heard today on the Pray-as-you-go site. One Hope Project--Abba Father. Please listen Rebecca....prayers to you to see light, and feel the breath of the Holy Spirit. Amen

    2. Dear ABC, I missed this song of yours in 2019 and just listened to it! BEAUTIFUL! Thank you.

  6. Thank you Father for your Peace. Thank you for Grace. Thank you for Rebecca and the gift of life you have in her womb. God we know that we are chosen by you before we are formed in our mother's womb. God you said, "Children are a gift from the Lord." Thank you God for the gift of life to serve you. Each moment you bless me and my family; we are eternally grateful, humbled and truly undeserving and you grant of us your love anyway. Thank you. Thank you for answered prayers and prayer warriors interceding on our behalf. Thank you! In your son Jesus name, Amen!

  7. I started reading this blog the day I lost my job at the end of December and have read it everyday since. Although there are days when I am overwhelmed by fear and anxiety, I come back to these wonderful posts and they bring great comfort. I cannot thank you enough for sharing your thoughts, prayers and insight. God bless you all!

  8. Lord please hold my hand today and show me the way to comfort my sister through the funeral of her beloved husband. I have been where she is I want to be there for her in any way I can. Steve is in heaven with you and the pain is gone, thank you Lord for the gift to him of a short illness. This gift she will appreciate one day but right now that very shortness makes this loss so very hard for her. I feel you wrapping your arms around our family and I pray for that peace that only you can provide.

  9. Heartfelt comments and prayers of love and concern made in the above posts. These are words spoken in love and they work in ways far beyond human comprehension. But you and I believe in their power thus we dare speak them and let the Holy Spirit use them to bring the well-being, wholeness, soundness and completeness that Chris shared with us in the notes he posted. Receiving this peace leads us to a most wonderful state, the freedom to love as we go. Jesus knew peace in His soul. In His humanity, He spent a great deal of time developing and being in relationship with His Father. He lived and practiced all the things which we read each day in Jesus Calling. In so doing, He understood Himself and His purpose in life. In this He had peace and proceeded to live a lifestyle of absolute love which blessed everyone that drew near to Him. In this way, He was like us and we can be like Him. In the practices He observed on a regular basis He understood His relationship to His Father and those practices will do the same for us as we practice them. Peace is knowing who we are and Who we belong to. This is the peace that rises above all circumstances. Peace, my brother; peace my sister, all is well and under His control. Proceed in peace, live in love. God be with you!

    1. My questions to myself and to the Lord this week have been Who am I? and how do I know that I am living how He wants me to? I read your post today Bob and I'm assured that as I live and practice the things I read each day in Jesus Calling that this is my purpose in life. To live a lifestyle of love and be a blessing to those I encounter each day, others will be drawn to me. I want to be like Him and as I question if I'm living this life here on earth and how I should be living it I am feeling at peace in knowing who I am. Finally it clicked in my brain! Thank you Lord that all is well and under His control. I'll proceed in peace and live in love as I have been! Peace that rises above all circumstances. Thank you, you helped me understand that I'm doing ok!! I feel good that I had a voice this morning to say what has been in my heart aching to come out.

    2. Princevalley thank you for sharing I too am glad you were able to share your thoughts today. I have been pondering some of the same things lately. The time is getting closer to Jesus' returning and I question myself. Am I living for him the way he desires. Am I going to be a prepared bride. I don't want Jesus to say" I knew you not". In the past I felt so sure in my salvation. I know God loves me and is always helping me, but am I deceiving myself to think that I am following his commands. I am very far from perfect but I do earnestly seek to serve him. Is this a disception of the enemy or God calling us to go deeper. This is a question only the "Great I Am" can give each of us an answer to.

    3. I am learning to take comfort in this: You don't have to be perfect to be loved.
      Who has imperfect children? Do you love them anyway? If we with all our imperfections know how to love our imperfect children, how much more does God love us, His imperfect children! At least as much and probably more! Just my 2 cents while traveling the pilgrim highway.

    4. Amen Princevalley, We always wonder if we are doing enough to please our Father or whether we are truly living our lives for the Lord or for ourselves. We fall short often and get distracted by our daily responsibilities or trivial things like losing something and getting so upset about it we even forget to ask the Lord to help us find it. But we know in our hearts that we don’t have to be perfect to be loved by Him and He knows we are trying hard to walk in thanksgiving, love and peace each day and doing our best to stay in His presence. He forgives our shortcomings and our human weaknesses. So we can rest in His love and mercy.
      Terri, I have thought about the same thing with His return coming soon and hoping I put enough oil in my lamp.
      Dear Brie, I really loved your 2 cents.

  10. God bless and so happy to read your words again Bob. The Lord shines through you.
    Prayers for our JC family
    Thank you Father God for your Love and for your Peace
    We love you

  11. Peace to all on this wonderful day that God has made. We are all truly blessed no matter what our paths are. And I am blessed reading all your wonderful posts. KS

  12. Heading to bed, filled with Peace. Listening to, which you shared, ABC. What a blessing. I used to teach Yoga - Christian Yoga. THIS would have been a song I would have played. Breathing in, Bob, 'The Lord is my Shepherd,' breathing out, 'I shall not want.'
    What another day it has been - choosing flooring, cabinets, counter tops...going to be tearing out an old chimney, walls and then getting the new stuff in. All I can think every time I get anxious is, 'First World Problems,' - Really, Norah?? Relax. Breathe. Go to bed. Sleep sweet. Wake up refreshed and ready to take on another day you are blessed to live, serve others, celebrate, wrap up the week and then - Valentine's Day and then your 46th Anniv on 2/16! What a blessing. All my angst is First World Problems.
    Yes - I'm talking to myself - reminding myself of all of God's mighty blessings. Heading to bed.
    Love to all of you JC Prayer Warriors - lovely Saints, called to spread His Truth. And if I wake (again) on the Night Watch, trust that I will continue to pray for you.

    1. Happy Anniversary Norah. 46 years. That is wonderful.

    2. Norah - wow 46 years - how awesome! Happy Anniversary. KS

    3. Happy anniversary Norah and Mr. Norah! LOL!

    4. Norah, happy anniversary to you and your husband!

    5. Thanks, Norah, for letting us listen in on your conversation with yourself. I have similar conversations sometimes and then realize the helpful voice is that of the Holy Spirit at home within me. The Spirit is obviously alive and well within your soul. And happy anniversary! Do something special that you both will remember fondly. God be with you.

    6. CONGRATULATIONS NORAH!! Many more blessed years ahead! May God continue to bless you and your hubby.

      Maplewood NJ

    7. Happy and blessed anniversary to you and your husband! Thank you for sharing your thoughts. Wonderful to be filled with peace! I am working on the breathing that Bob suggested. Enjoy the remainder of the day. CO

    8. Have a wonderful Anniversary dear Norah and your good husband. Celebrate your special love and all of God's blessings.

    9. Happy anniversary NorahπŸ₯³πŸŽŠπŸŽ‰πŸŽˆπŸŽ‚

    10. Happy anniversary Norah and hubby. ("Mr. Norah", hilarious, Suzanne!) πŸ˜‚
      And happy Valentine's day, everyone! Celebrating love and chocolate and flowers tomorrow, my favorite holiday! ♥️ God's love is the BEST!

    11. Happy 47th Norah and hubby! My prayer..May God bless you both with much more love, joy, and health. Thank you Jesus!

    12. Ditto the Happy Anniversary Norah and Mr Norah.

    13. Happy anniversary Norah and hubby! Have a SUPER day πŸ˜‰ (I left you a post late yesterday in the blog, a little friendly competition)

    14. Happy Anniversary to you and your DH. Hope you had a romantic day dear Norah! Celebrate a love that endures. God bless you both in all things.,

  13. Thank you, TJ! It's hard to believe - neither of us feel 46 years older! :)
    Sassy Mom - how many anniversaries did you and your dear husband celebrate? I think it was more than 50? I remember my grandparents 50th, the reception in the church hall - same church they got married in. I was probably 10 years old and all I could think was, "WOW! That's a LONG time!" How quickly it flies.

  14. Norah - God blessed us with 53 years together. Happy Anniversary to you and your husband. Praying you are blessed with many more.

  15. Prayers for peace to all of you today and always. Stay connected to The Vine. :-)

    1. Amen dear Suzanne. We must make sure not to unplug ourselves from our life giving vine. It is only in His presence where we experience the true peace.

  16. Father, thank You for a new day, a day of experiencing Your perfect Peace that surpasses all of my understandings. THANK YOU.

    The God of Peace wants us to follow, The Prince of Peace, who gave to us, The Gospel of Peace, so that the fruit of The Spirit of Peace can bear fruit in our lives, allowing The Perfect Peace of God to surround our lives each day.

    This is the preparation of the Gospel of Peace (Eph. 6:15) that we are to wear, firmly tied onto our feet as we walk through this life.

    Let’s walk a Peace-Protected walk and ask God to keep us wearing our shoes of peace and make sure our shoes are on tight so that we can walk through each day’s troubles living out His promised peace. God is called the God of Peace. Research through the Bible by scholars, shows that The God of Peace is mentioned five times and this He what He wants to do:

    He Wants to be with us:
    Now the God of peace be with you all (Romans 15:33)

    He Wants to crush Satan:
    And the God of peace will crush Satan under your feet shortly. The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you (Romans 16:20).

    He Wants encourage us:
    And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus, verse 9 The things which you learned and received and heard and saw in me, these do, and the God of peace will be with you (Philippians 4:7, 9).

    He Wants to Sanctify us:
    Now may the God of peace Himself sanctify you completely; and may your whole spirit, soul, and body be preserved blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ (1 Thessalonians 5:23).

    He Wants to make us complete:
    Now may the God of peace who brought up our Lord Jesus from the dead, that great Shepherd of the sheep, through the blood of the everlasting covenant, 21 make you complete in every good work to do His will, working in you what is well pleasing in His sight, through Jesus Christ, to whom be glory forever and ever (Hebrews 13:20-21).

    As believers we should know that we are radically different from everyone around us who is not a follower of Christ. God has called us to walk in PEACE. His will for us is that we be peaceful. Anxiety is work of our flesh; and peace is a fruit of the Spirit.

    We should ask ourselves, am I Firmly Planted in the Shoes of Peace? Do I have the Peace of God at work in My Life? Am I Wearing Jesus As my Peace?

    Jesus Christ Came with the Gospel of Peace. Let’s allow the choice of Christ’s Promised Peace to Rule Our Hearts because He says our spiritual life Is Central to who we are.

    Let’s also remember that God is the source of peace, Jesus His Son is the giver of that peace and the Holy Spirit is the agent of that peace.

    The God of peace sent the Prince of Peace who sends the Spirit of peace to give us the fruit of peace. How AWESOME is that? “The Lord is Peace” (Judg. 6:24).

    As You go through your day today, put on your shoes of PEACE and make sure they are on tight! Stay Blessed.

    Maplewood, NJ

    1. Thank you for this, Maplewood! Amen! CO

    2. Walking in my Shoes of Peace and they are definitely tight enough so they won't slip off. In Him I remain blessed and enveloped in His peace and grace!

  17. A most blessed devotional time this AM. I was led to I Kings 11 in the readings for the day. The first 10 chapters of I Kings, things are going so well for Solomon. In chapter 11, things begin to unravel in his leadership. He started taking foreign wives which the Lord had strongly warned him against because the Lord knew he would start making space in his heart for the gods they worship and that is exactly what happened. Solomon began to erect shrines to the gods of his foreign wives leading his heart astray from the Lord. Questions came to mind such as: And things were going so well, how did this happen? Were things going to well causing to Solomon to become more lax in his devotion to the Lord? As his heart was drifting from the Lord, it may have not appeared to be "so bad" at first and initially there were no repercussions but a heart drifting is a very serious spiritual concern that inevitably will face consequences.

    All of this can so easily happen when things are going to well (well in terms of how we like them). Like Solomon, believe it or not, alters can be erected in our heart to the gods (really demons) of worry, anxiety, and the vices which I wrote about yesterday found in Mark 7:14-23. I found in this devotional time a gentle warning and spent time doing a spiritual self-examination to check for any drifting on my part, similar to Solomon's, in my love of my Lord and, not surprising, I found some things that needed to be addressed. Thanks be to God.

    I share my spiritual journey with you for any help it may be to you in your own journey. God be with you! With love, Bob

    1. Thank you always for sharing, Bob! CO

    2. Thanks Bob. I always look forward to reading your posts and getting your perspective. JE

    3. Thank Bob for the reminder that when things are going well we still need to be grounded in God . May we be watchful for lax in our lives that will allow other gods to come into our lives. orgive us Lord .

    4. Thanks Bob! Your words are always helpful. We must all do our best to check for any drifting of our hearts. We must make sure Christ is reigning in them above all. And that takes a whole lot of self examining all day long.

    5. Amen, Min Ahadi! Staying vigilant in forgiveness.

  18. Father, please help me. I thought I had peace in my life, but now I realize that I really don't have the kind of peace I want or thought I had. Help me remove whatever this is that is blocking me. Help me over this hurdle Lord. I can't do it myself. I need You. I am weak, but You are strong. Thank You Jesus for all that You do and that You are. I will praise You continually and always πŸ™. I love and adore You, precious Father.

    I may not sing on key
    Imperfect I may be
    But I will still praise Thee
    For in You I believe
    And in You I will see
    Believers just like me
    Sharing Your victory

    1. Jesus is carrying you right over that hurdle. We all need Him to carry us through the hard times and set us up high above our pains and problems so we can thank and praise Him for how blessed we are.

    2. Dear Janet, I call upon the name of Jesus to shield you from the enemy of your mind, heart & soul. It's the battleground dear one. First defense is awareness, then don't waste anymore time second guessing it. Go on the offensive, make a show of them by calling on the name of Jesus. JJ reminded us on an earlier post, put on the whole armor of God. Then watch them flee from you, giving you back what they stole. Your PEACE. Hallelujah!

  19. God is truly amazing .....just by reading the verses I felt leading a Bible study for a goup of 6-8 year olds girls and I wonder if they will be attentive and get anything from the lesson today. But God has assured me that He has gone before me and that I wouldnt have to do this in my own strength. Thank you God for your peace that is better than what the world gives ! Help us to turn to You whole-heartedly.My car still hasnt moved but I know it will.

    1. AudraFebruary 13, 2021 at 9:49 AM
      I love the picture of you with a circle of young girls. Bless you for your gifts of teaching God's Word to them. God is on the move, as will be your transportation solution.

  20. Amen Min Ahadi! The Spirit will give you the words to share and the girls will absorb them like sponges. Fill them well. Praying that car of your will function perfectly. Rest in His peace. God will not leave or forsake you. You may be in need of one of His angels to help you. He will provide all you need and then some.

    1. Amen Jeanne, hang in there Min Ahadi. God's got this. Thank Him now for this, all if it.

  21. I thanked the Lord this morning for each of you who responded to my prayer requests. For the Lord to bless you abundantly for being attentive to my prayer needs. I feel the power that's released when you pray for me & my family concerns. Janet dear, thank you for the "Hallelujah"! May God's blessings fall mightily upon you & yours πŸ₯°.

  22. Dear Lord I offer all my prayers today for the requests mentioned here. Help those who feel in darkness, see your light. Help them to know that Your Light can be brightest in the darkness. I am grateful that my past "dark lonely" times are shining bright because of your mercy. Amen and forever.

    1. ABC --- My prayer is your prayer. Great Blessings, Grace Favor and Mercy on The JC WARRIORS. Applying the Armour of God to ALL!!! HALLELUJAH!!! Love your prayer ABC! In His Grip of Grace, Mercy and Healing JJ

    2. Hallelujah dear ABC! Joining you and JJ in your lovely prayer! Amen!
      Jesus is the light in our darkness and He can turn even the hardest situation into one of joy and thanksgiving. What a wonderful place to be; In His Grip of Grace, Mercy and Healing. Amen dear JJ!

  23. Thank you so much! I needed to hear this and pray this prayer this morning. Amen!

  24. Praying for you Janet..all of us! Much love to you!

  25. JJ your posts yesterday and comments today reminded me of a song our youth danced to years ago. It had a strong impact on the youth as well as us who enjoyed their passion.

  26. Prayers for all as we find and follow our purpose in Christ. Praying daily for each request here. Love this JC family and the support and encouragement we share. Mindy

  27. Sparkle and stamp. God fills us with the words we need. So happy your heart was lifted.
    Terri, I listened to your song. We’re studying 1 Samuel and we are covering David killing Goliath this week. So it held special meaning for me. In Him we can do all things! Nothing is impossible!
    Dear loveconquersall, Praying with you for Janet, and for all requests and to see more victories. Stay strong dear MadFox! We love you.
    Love you Mindy! Thanks for your prayers. πŸ’—

  28. Prayers for each and every one of you - posting or not, you are in my prayers. Praying that your back is healing, dear Jeanne. Sleep sweet, Dear JC Family - God is on the Night Watch.

  29. Thank You Father for this new day of hope, joy, gratitude and love. Thank You for continuing to lift us and our loved ones. Thank You for Your continued faithfulness in our lives and Your guidance and comfort. Thank You for being such a good and loving Father. Thank You for giving me this beautiful JC family, and for blessing them all and answering their prayers, and flooding their paths today with Your light, in the Name of Your Son, Jesus Christ. Amen

    1. Joining you dear Jeanne in your prayer. Thank you for sharingπŸ™πŸ’•

    2. Greeting this new day in gratitude along with your prayer, Jeanne!

  30. JC Warriors, I am asking for prayers for my 84 year old dad. He fell yesterday and broke his hip, pelvis, and elbow. Please pray for healing for him. I greatly appreciate it and am so thankful for this family of believers. God bless!


    1. May our heavenly Father place His healing hands on TJ's dad and restore him with His power that is His alone. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen.

    2. Praying for your Dad TJ. May he know the Peace of God that passes all understanding, while he rests, being healed and comforted in Jesus' the Prince of Peace, Mighty Name.

    3. Praying for Tj’s dad, may he be filled with God’s perfect peace and healing. May he feel God’s comfort in his care and healing, In Jesus name I pray, AMEN

    4. Praying TJ for dad. May the Lord touch his body. Every bone, every ligament & tissue knit together again for restored strength & mobility. In the name of Jesus, amen! Hallelujah!πŸ™πŸ’•

    5. Joining in prayer for TJs dad. Speedy recovery of body in Jesus's name.

  31. Thank You Jesus. Praise God always πŸ™Œ. Let Your perfect peace be upon us Lord.

  32. Thank you Lord Jesus for Your Peace in our hearts, bought at such an unimaginably high price.
    Living in the Peace You give is having You in our boat while the storms of life rage around us. Thank you Lord Jesus, Amen.

  33. Bless each of you brothers and sisters as we set aside this day to worship & praise our Holy God. Some of us will gather with fellow saints, some will be in their homes, God honors our offerings wherever we are. Let's sing a new song to Him, let our hearts leap for joy at the sound of His name, Jesus, Jesus, Jesus! Offer up the utterance of thanksgiving for He lives! He lives! The Lord of the universe lives! Shout the festal shout! Give Him the glory due His name, YAHWEH, ADONAI, ABBA, JEHOVAH ROHI, JEHOVAH SHALOM, JEHOVAH JIREH, JEHOVAH NISSI, JEHOVAH RAPHA,our PAPA! Lift high His name now & forever more amen! Hallelujah!

    1. Amen, glory to God! Worship Him with abandon, with songs and many instriments.
      Sing like David sang

  34. Jan gridley - Echoing your words. Hallelujah!

  35. 🎢 When Peace like a river attends my way, It Is Well With My Soul🎢:

  36. It is well with my soul, God is enough.

  37. Amen Guarding the Peace of God in this storm. My Mom is sick. She said her leg is shaking and she can't walk. She has a pain in her side and she's unsteady and weak. She wants to put herself into a hospital. My brother Tommy is on his way there. I have all these people coming for the Superbowl. I'm gonna put out the food and leave and go to see my Mom. Trusting God to guide this and take good care of my dear Mother. I will be praying for all of you dear brothers and sisters on the way. Much love.

    1. Praying for you and Mom, our Dear Jeanne. Traveling Mercies.
      Much Love, Brie

  38. Jeanne - Prayers for you, your mom and your brother.

  39. Thank you so much for your prayers. My good Mom really needs them. Her x-ray didn't show a fracture thank God, They diagnosed her as having sciatica and said she must see an orthopedic doctor. She's home now in her own bed listening to Dean Martin. She’s still in pain but she took some Tylenol. I'll stay a couple of nights. She will need home care because she’s unsteady on her feet. God will make a way. My Sis is coming in from Missouri soon and she is staying with her for a long time so that will help. But God must fix my sister’s knees. Thanks for your prayers. We pray for each other.
    Dear Father, I’m taking all this to You to handle. You know I need to rest now. Thank You for blessing, healing and guiding my Mom and all our dear ones in the powerful Name of Christ Jesus our Risen Lord. Amen

  40. Praying for you, Dear Jeanne. For your Dear Mom (had a post that I made earlier and with you update, no longer relevant.). Just know that I am praying for all of you as I head to bed. You, your brother, Tommy, you sister, you and, of course, your sweet Mom. It will be ok.
    Sleep sweet. God is on the Night Watch.

  41. But God has revealed them to us through His Spirit. For the Spirit searches all things, yes, the deep things of God. (1 Corinthians 2:10). Call to Me, and I will answer you, and show you great and mighty things, which you do not know. (Jeremiah 33:3). He who dwells in the secret place of the Most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty. I will say of the LORD, "He is my refuge and my fortress; My God, in Him I will trust." (Psalm 91:1-2).

    1. Amen! Bless you dear JanetπŸ₯°

    2. You fed us well dear Janet! Love all those verses. Amen.

  42. Heavenly Father, Oh, how wonderful You are! Thank You Jesus 😊. Your unfailing, unconditional love is like a soft, warm, cozy blanket that is wrapped completely around me. Thank You Jesus! Your perfect peace is so beyond my understanding and yet, I need it in my life as much as I need to breathe. Walking with You is simply amazing Lord! Thank You for granting me the privilege. Thank You for loving me! In Jesus name, I pray, Amen πŸ™.

    1. Amen. Joining in your perfect prayer too!! Guarding His peace above all and feeling blessed in His Love and care!

  43. Totally blessed by reading Revelation 5 and listening to the Revelation song, I pray that it will bless you all today.
    This scripture and associated song is so uplifting, drawing us away from the things of Earth to the glories of Heaven:
    1 Then I saw in the right hand of him who sat on the throne a scroll with writing on both sides and sealed with seven seals.
    2 And I saw a mighty angel proclaiming in a loud voice, “Who is worthy to break the seals and open the scroll?”
    3 But no one in heaven or on earth or under the earth could open the scroll or even look inside it.
    4 I wept and wept because no one was found who was worthy to open the scroll or look inside.
    5 Then one of the elders said to me, “Do not weep! See, the Lion of the tribe of Judah, the Root of David, has triumphed. He is able to open the scroll and its seven seals.”
    6 Then I saw a Lamb, looking as if it had been slain, standing at the center of the throne, encircled by the four living creatures and the elders. The Lamb had seven horns and seven eyes, which are the seven spirits of God sent out into all the earth.
    7 He went and took the scroll from the right hand of him who sat on the throne.
    8 And when he had taken it, the four living creatures and the twenty-four elders fell down before the Lamb. Each one had a harp and they were holding golden bowls full of incense, which are the prayers of God’s people.
    9 And they sang a new song, saying:
    “You are worthy to take the scroll and to open its seals, because you were slain,
    and with your blood you purchased for God
    persons from every tribe and language and people and nation.
    10 You have made them to be a kingdom and priests to serve our God, and they will reign on the earth.”
    11 Then I looked and heard the voice of many angels, numbering thousands upon thousands, and ten thousand times ten thousand. They encircled the throne and the living creatures and the elders.
    12 In a loud voice they were saying:
    “Worthy is the Lamb, who was slain, to receive power and wealth and wisdom and strength and honor and glory and praise!”
    13 Then I heard every creature in heaven and on earth and under the earth and on the sea, and all that is in them, saying:
    “To him who sits on the throne and to the Lamb be praise and honor and glory and power, for ever and ever!”
    14 The four living creatures said, “Amen,” and the elders fell down and worshiped.
    Revelation Song:

    1. Put me in the mode of worship, as this song always does. Thank you brother Peter for sharing. Bless your day.πŸ’žπŸ™πŸŒˆ

    2. Such a glorious gift of light, dear Peter! And I enjoyed that beautiful song and every bit of that video. Praise Him with every breath! We know the best is yet to come.

  44. My profile seems to have disappeared, anyone know how to restore it? I usually see my picture, but now only a 'B'. Thanks in advance, Peter.

  45. Dear Lord, I praise you and thank you for today’s entry being about peace - Peace that can only come from You. This lesson is one you’ve been teaching me for a long time, and the timing of this entry was perfect. The world we live in is crazy. Only You can give us peace as we navigate through the the rapid changes we are experiencing. The family concerns right now (son’s ankle, husband traveling, SIL cancer, aging parents) could leave me all over the place. However, I know when I call your name You and there.

    God I thank you for your word. I thank you for this community of followers. I ask for protection for my husband as he flies across the country today. I pray for my children- especially lifting up the one with the ankle injury, along with my family. I pray for JC Warriors here that they may be blessed with your peace today.

    SC Anonymous

    1. Thank you Janet, Peter and SC Anonymous for the beautiful prayers and meditations this morning. Joining you SCA in prayer for your family today. πŸ™ God bless all our JC warriors today

    2. I would like to thank all those who provided kind and spiritual words for me the other day. It really means a lot to receive encouragement from other brothers and sisters in Christ. I love you guys.

    3. We love you RLW! WELCOME! Joining you in prayer SC. Father God, bless SC & each of the warriors the peace we need for today, yesterday is gone, tomorrow is but a dream, today we ask for this peace sufficient for our need. Bless SC & RLW that peace as they trust You with all that concerns them. Your will be done! Amen! πŸ’žπŸ™πŸŒˆ

    4. I'm in agreement with my fellow bloggers here. Can't say it better as I to join in these prayers and gratitude for y'all.

  46. Good morning jc family <3 Thanking God for His precious peace and for making us right. I pray for joy to bubble out as laughter today and for His peace to rule our hearts πŸ’• please help us pursue You first, Lord. In You, we can! In jesus name. Amen <3

    1. Good and blessed morning dear free as can B! May God answer your prayers and continue to guide you to all the desires of your heart as you delight in Him. In Jesus’ Name we pray. Amen!

  47. My Lord, You are the light of this JCFAMILY/WARRIORS! I Declare that because of You we don't need to be afraid of what the forces of darkness tries to do to us. We have not been saved for destruction, but for a purpose. Lord, You have chosen us for such a time as this. I Decare that we will remember that You are ourJoy and Strength of our lives. We acknowledge Your power and love at all times so that fear never overtakes us. You, Lord, keep us safe from harm or danger at all times. Let faith arise in us
    and dissolve any fear. We refuse to be afraid because You have sent Your power to move on our behalf. I pray and believe in Jesus's name, AMEN and AMEN.

    Psalm 27:1 "The Lord is my light and my salvation; whom shall I fear? The Lord is the strength of my life; of whom shall I be afraid?"

    1. Amen dear JJ and Audra. Be not afraid!!! He goes before us always and He is so much greater!

  48. Praying for all listed above and for those reading in the quietness of their hearts. May His peace be with you and yours.

  49. Jeanne, your prayer brings SON shine to my day πŸ€—

  50. I’m happy I made you smile and God is glad too!

  51. Thanks for your prayers. Praying with you and for you with much love and gratitude.

  52. God Bless each of you, my Dear JC Family. I read early on today and have prayed for each of you - present or not! So enjoyed your many posts, praises, requests. My day was a blessing and my prayer was that I was to the ones I spoke to and worked with. Praying for our youngest son, his wife and their 3 kiddos. The baby girl had a virus; the boys didn't catch it; then Daddy got it last night (had to leave the Super Bowl Party, then come back, collect the boys (protesting, loudly!), and go home. This morning he was fine (but sore stomach muscles and ribs) and then Mommy got it. UGH! So PRAYING, that it leaves us alone b/c tomorrow afternoon, we drive to Cols, OH to have an early Anniversary, Valentines Day Celebration with my sister (married 35 yrs) and my DH and me (married 49 yrs on 2/16). I will NOT sacrifice this time with my sister and dear BIL. Amen and Amen!
    Had a lovely evening with my Ladies Nt Gathering. These 3 of us have been soul sisters for over 7 yrs...been through SO much together and our believing and answered prayers only get stronger, every week. I am so thankful. Hubby and I had a great day of shuffling between work/home/family. I am blessed. Our one Sister said tonight, "I just wake up and say, "This is what you thankful; make do." We are all abundantly blessed and by showing our appreciation to our Father and Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, we continue on. We always share music after our time of fellowship. Tonight I shared Audra's Casting Crowns song from a while back, "Praise You in the Storm," and while looking at that, it led me to another. A little baby hearing Pavoratti for the first time. I'm sharing it with you. Watch those little feet CELEBRATE THE MUSIC! It's adorable! Love to each of you, my precious JC Family. Your love, devotion and praise for God brings me such joy. Sleep Sweet....God is on the Night Watch!

  53. Dear Norah! Sounds like you've been having a wonderful time with your loved ones except that your youngest son, his baby girl and his wife got a bad bug. May God heal them all and keep it away from the rest of the family, especially with your Anniversary/Valentine's Day trip in Ohio coming up. So happy you had a blessed time at your Ladies Night Gathering. You must be a bright light among them as you are to us. It's nice you end your fellowship with beautiful Praise Music. I love that song Praise You in the Storm! And I really enjoyed that video. The baby looks like an angel mesmerized by Pavoratti's incredible and moving singing. And I was watching the little feet. Thanks! Sleep well dear sister. Amen! God in on the Night Watch.

  54. Jesus showing the Apostles His hands had to be truly amazing. To offer them peace was to cement their faith that He would always be with them.

    Peace has such a different meaning after you come to know his Hand was holding yours in a "valley" in hindsight. But to feel His Presence in the present and to know He is with you is when you have true peace. If it has happened, I've been unaware mostly except on literal Mountaintops when I prayed for peace and NOT an outcome... and He showed up in miraculous ways. And when I have prayed for outcomes unselfishly, I believe He was there too.

    Holy Father grant us peace today, for situations mentioned in this blog, for our family and friends, for our needs when presented with a grateful heart, and lastly for this nation, which so desperately needs your peace and a return to the ideals laid out 248 years ago. We ask this in Jesus Name. Amen

    1. Amen, MadFox! Joining in prayer for each JCFAMILY/WARRIOR that Father God's peace reigns in each heart and that His presence be felt in our land and in every corner of the world. Father God, I lift up those who are suffering from the consequences of violence, injustice, and unrest. Bring healing to broken communities and comfort to those who are hurting. Help us to be instruments of Your love and compassion, reaching out to support one another. Father, bring Your Healing and Restoration to our lands. In Jesus' Name, I Pray and Believe, AMEN and AMEN

    2. Articulating your prayers, JJ and Mad 🦊! Amen!

    3. Dear MadFox, l loved the last sentence of your prayer "peace for this nation, which so desperately needs your peace and a return to the ideals laid out 248 years ago." AmΓ©n, AmΓ©n, AmΓ©n!

    4. Amen! Beautiful Prayer and prayer warriors! I'm so grateful for this blog every morning for the last 3 years! Praise God from whom All Blessings Flow!πŸ™❤️

    5. Dearest MadFox! Thanks for sharing your beautiful heart and sincere prayer with us! I know you have had many occasions to rest in God’s peace which is above our circumstances! No room for fear because God’s perfect love and peace cover everything. This fallen world sure needs God’s peace and leadership. We are in desperate need of our Way Maker. And He is ever present and faithful. God bless you dear brother. We pray together and for each other. Peace and Love. .

  55. And let the peace of God rule in your hearts, to which also you were called in one body; and be thankful. (Colossians 3:15). And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus. (Philippians 4:7).

    1. Amen, Janet! Thank you for sharing those powerful scriptures!

    2. Amen dear Janet. Praying Norma is resting peacefully. No more pain. May God comfort your beautiful heart and wrap you in His love .

    3. That was me, Sis!

  56. "When Peace like a river attendeth my way", 'It Is Well With My Soul':

  57. Dear Katie -- Just wanted to lift you up in prayer. My Father God, I lift up Katie to You for complete Healing and Restoration of her heart valve. May it be repaired and strengthened according to Your Divine Word. No weapon formed against Katie will prosper. And it is written by Jesus' stripes, Katie, you are HEALED. Pleading the Blood of Jesus over you. In Jesus' Name, Who Is Our ALL IN ALL, AMEN and AMEN

    1. Praying with you all for Katie that her heart tests caring good results.

  58. There are people "who wear their heart on their sleeve." Jesus wore His heart on the cross!
    Romans 5:8 But God demonstrates His own love for us in this: while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.
    This act of selfless love on the cross is a powerful reminder of God's unwavering Love and Grace for all of us. HALLELUJAH!!!

  59. Replies
    1. Thanks. Peace to you dear Suzanne

  60. Our Prince of Peace is a Mighty King! I pray to be stronger in faith and following.

    1. Amen dear Sis. Me too. A closer walk with Thee.

  61. Flying to Florida soon in a major snowstorm but God is greater.

    Proverbs 3:5-6
    Trust in the Lord with all your heart,
    And lean not on your own understanding;
    In all your ways acknowledge Him,
    And He shall direct your paths.

  62. Prayers and thanksgiving to/for ALL of you, Dear JC Family! Jeannie: for you protected flight to sunny FL; MadFox for your (always) wise words; JJ, Janet for your perfect prayers; Audra and Suzanne for your encouragement.
    I ask for prayers for my Best Man tomorrow, as we go to his Oncology appt in Northern KY. May his results be the great news we have received for years.
    Prayers for my travels to a Staff Retreat next Wed. I have to confess: I'm nervous...haven't driven on a highway since 2021. Muscle Memory - kind of GONE. Hopefully, I'll get some practice in before next Wed.
    Prayers for our good Son, Lonnie, who will drive us to KY (maybe he'll let me drive a portion? May be asking too much - we'll have his 9 yr old in the car with us, but I need experience!).
    Prayers for you, Katie...healing, strength. And, for all of you, my dear JC Family for so many years. All of you bless me so much and I'm THANKFUL!!
    Sleep sweet - God is on the Night Watch!

    1. God was faithful and although it took us all day, We arrived at our hotel safely at 9 pm. May your Best Man’s Oncologist Appt bring you both good results and another reason to rejoice and be glad. And may Katie’s test results be good. Praying for your traveling mercies with God leading it all. Rest in Him.

    2. Dear Norah --- Just wanted to lift up your hubby's Oncology appointment. I ask for Good News, Positive Outcome and the Lord's Healing touch over all. Lord, let Your Comfort, Strength and Peace surround hubby and Norah.
      I ask for Your protection and guidance on the road to Norah's retreat, and for Your peace to calm any anxieties or fears she may be feeling. Give her confidence and assurance as she takes this step, knowing thay You are with her every step of the way.
      Lord, I trust in Your Goodness and Your Faithfulness. I thank You for the love and care You have for for Norah and her Best Man, and I pray they may feel Your Presence and Your Peace in ABUNDANCE during this time. Pleading the Blood of Jesus over all. In Jesus' Name, Who Stirs our Faith that He can move Mountains in our Life and cause Giants to Fall before us, AMEN and AMEN.

  63. Dear JC Warriors, please pray for Ken a beloved faithful member of my church who had a stroke this afternoon and not expected to live through the night. Ken loved the Lord with all his heart. He is a very devoted husband to his wife Nancy who has been in a nursing home for years. Ken faithfully visited the nursing home 3 times a day to feed his beloved Nancy. Please pray Nancy is surrounded with His comforting presence and love. Nancy was hospitalized with pneumonia for a week and returned to the nursing home 2 days ago.
    Thank you for praying.

    1. Dear Sassy Mom --- You are so faithful to lift up those in need. Bless you, Bless you! I join with you in lifting up Ken, our dear brother in Christ, who is facing the shadow of death after suffering a stroke.
      Lord, You are the Ultimate Healer, and we ask Your Divine Intervention in this situation. We lift up Ken's wife and ask You to give her comfort in this difficult time. Provide her with the support and care she needs, and let her feel your presence in a tangible way.
      Lord, we surrender this situation into your hands, trusting in Your perfect will and you infinite wisdom. May Your will be done, and may Your name be glorified in ALL things. In Jesus' Name, For Your Honor and Your Purposes, AMEN and AMEN.

  64. Father God, Wrap Your live and comfort around your faithful servant Ken and heal h but if that is not Your will, gently lift him out of his suffering and bring him Home and thank you for surrounding his good wife Nancy with loving and caring friends, family and helpers comfort her. Your will be done. Thank You also for healing little Eli because his MRI showed the cancer had spread to his spine. You can destroy it and remove his pain . You know we trust in You. Thank You for Your faithfulness and mercy in Jesus’ Name. Amen

    1. Amen - praying with you, Jeanne, for Sassy Mom's friend, Ken and his wife, Nancy. Love and Blessings to you and yours, Sassy Mom and all of you, JC Fam.

  65. Update on Ken who had a stroke yesterday afternoon and was not expected to live through the night.
    He is on a respirator keeping him alive. There has been no response. My church Elder said someone has been with him every minute of the day and he will not die alone. Ken was visiting his wife Nancy in the nursing home when this happened. An ambulance was there in minutes to take him to the hospital.
    My pastor and church elders are with Nancy to make the very difficult decision to turn off the respirator. Thank you for the many prayers being prayed for this beloved couple. I didn't have the information yesterday but learned Ken is 85 years old. He and Nancy recently celebrated their 61 st Anniversary.

    Last but not least, thank you so much for being there for me with many prayers, love and support when I lost my Debbi. Continually giving thanks to my Lord for the 64 years to love her.

    1. Sassy Mom, lifting you up today as well as Nancy and Ken. May God’s peace surround you all.
      SC Anonymous

  66. Dear Sassy Mom, I remember praying for Ken and Nancy. Such a sad time especially for Nancy. May God continue to comfort both of you and our dear Brie. You are such a dear sister and I know you miss your dear Debbi so much. You remain in my prayers and I believe you can feel God’s comfort and His strength. Much love.

    Revelation 21:4
    And God will wipe away every tear from their eyes; there shall be no more death, nor sorrow, nor crying. There shall be no more pain, for the former things have passed away.”

  67. Giving every concern to my loving Father to handle. I could sense Rick’s worried mind when I talked to him on the phone. We will meet his doctor and I believe the results will be good. It will be easily treatable because we serve a faithful God. I’m doing well because I can feel His Peace covering me, and His Strength, and His Presence. So much to do to prepare for Janet’s arrival on the 16th. Cleaning, cooking, baking, beds to change. I washed the bathroom rugs tonight. Jesus is helping me dot every i. I want Janet to rest her knees as much as possible. I put at least 10 dinners in the freezer and she has enough food and paper goods and supplies for a long time. God will help her as He has helped me. Last night my mom and I talked for hours about when we were young and her parents and my dad. I reminded her of a lot she had forgotten. We had a really nice night. She’s still very sharp thank God. Although she is getting weaker each day, her appetite is getting better. She can walk but she walks so much slower than she used to. I’m thankful she can still get up the big flight of stairs. My dear sister Janet will only be able to go down once in the morning and come up once at night wearing her knee braces. My heart goes out to her. God hears our prayers and I believe her first knee replacement in June will improve her life so much. Thank You Jesus.
    Have a blessed new day and stay in God’s presence and peace! Be grateful for every little spot of light God shines on your path. Know He’s working behind the scenes to make things better. Bring every worry and burden to the Throne of Grace. He wants to carry them so you can walk with a lighter load. He is our Light, our Hope, our Strength, and our Comfort. Rest in the Peace that surrounds you and find time to be still and know that He is God. Much love to all.

    Psalm 27:14
    Wait on the Lord;
    Be of good courage,
    And He shall strengthen your heart;
    Wait, I say, on the Lord!

    1. Praying for you and Rick, Janet, and your mom, Jeanne. May God make straight your paths and open up the way before you. May He strengthen, comfort, and heal all the pain, as His loving arms are wrapped around you. In Jesus name, Amen πŸ™ πŸ™Œ. Thank you for the encouraging words and verses of Scripture. God bless and peace be with you!

    2. Lord your heard every need and the trust that you are able. Father let it be onto them your grace and favor the continued peace that surpasses all understanding. I thank you for the Love you have shown them all. may the blood of Christ cover ever concern and even fear that may try to arise. And continue to give them peace. In Jesus name I pray πŸ™πŸ½

    3. Joining you in prayer, Jeanne you are a faith full servant, God bless.

    4. Thank you dear Janet, Anonymous, and Looking up daily. Rick is in the best Hands. I believe God’s faithfulness will shine like the SON and all will be fine. May you all receive answers to your prayers. Thank You Lord.

  68. "For this reason I bow my knees to the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, from whom the whole family in heaven and earth is named," (Ephesians 3:14-15). "Now to Him who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that works in us, to Him be glory in the church by Christ Jesus to all generations, forever and ever. Amen." (Ephesians 3:20-21).

    1. Thanks sweet sister! Just what I needed!

  69. May the Lord bless you in mighty ways today as He shows you His path for you. πŸ™♥️πŸ™♥️πŸ™

  70. Lord I thank you for this day. I thank you for the big family I married into and their help during this time. Lord please heal my husband. Please let his blood pressure level off and let the AFIB that started due to his surgery be controlled. Please ease the pain and lift his spirits. Thank you for today’s JC post about PEACE - i needed this today. The scripture posted above (PS 27:14) I claim today for my husband - God says He will strengthen your heart. We need to be patient and continue to trust You for healing and peace.

    1. My Father God -- I lift up Anonymous's husband into Your Mighty hands. You are Jehova Rapha, our Healer, and I Declare Your power over his body right now. I speak Peace to his heart, Regulation to his blood pressure, and relief from pain in Jesus' Name! Let every irregular rhythm bow to the order of Your Divine Design. Breathe Your strength into him and lift his spirit with Your presence. Surround him, Anonymous and family with Supernatural Peace--the kind that silences fear and anchors them in unwavering trust. I Decree Healing, Comfort and Wholeness in the Mighty Name of Jesus--The enemy has NO hold here--only the Healing, Peace, and Power of our Mighty God WILL REIGN!! AMEN and AMEN

    2. Declaring with you, JJ! Over all with health concerns, at home and abroad πŸ˜‰

    3. Praying for you dear Anonymous with our dear JJ and dear Audra. Father God, We know You can do ALL THINGS. Thank You for bringing Anonymous’ husband’s heart back to perfect rhythm. We ask that You ease his pain, remove his fear, return his blood pressure to normal and cover him and our sister Anonymous with Your unchanging Peace. In the Name of Your Son, our Lord Jesus Christ we pray. Amen

  71. Good Morning All,

    I am grateful for this sacred place where we lift one another up in prayer. May the Peace of the Lord and Savior Jesus Christ be with you this say.

    I also read the devotional God Calling and today, February 13th, is one of my absolute favorites and I would like to share wit you all.

    February 13 – Near The Goal

    "In a race it is not the start that hurts, not even the pace of the long stretch. It is when the goal is in sight that heart and nerves and courage and muscles are strained almost beyond human endurance, almost to the breaking point.

    So with you now the goal is in sight, you need your final cry to Me. Can you not see by the nerve and heart rack of the past few days that your race is nearly run? Courage, courage. Heed My voice of encouragement. Remember that I am by your side, spurring you on to victory.

    In the annals of heaven, the saddest records are those that tell of the many who ran well, with brave stout hearts, until in sight of the goal, of victory, and then their courage failed. The whole host of heaven longed to cry out how near the end was, to implore the last spurt, but they fell out, never to know until the last day of revealing, how near they were to victory.

    Would that they had listened to Me in the silence as you two meet with Me. They would have known. There must be the listening ear, as well as the still small voice.

    And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due
    season we shall reap, if we faint not. Galatians 6:9

    God's Blessings for all this day.

    1. One of my favorites too. It helps to know that God recognizes how hard we are trying, and how exhausting it can be.

    2. Thank you so much for that encouragement. I ran 5 marathons in my forties and I sure can relate. God was so faithful! I was never alone and His strength was mine. I prayed through all of them. And in every one I imagined that I was running the last 5 miles in the soft warm palm of Almighty God.

  72. Replies
    1. Amen!! My mind is stayed on Him and I’m resting in that perfect peace and trusting in His Word.

  73. FATHER, I approach YOU through YOUR son JESUS CHRIST, I praise YOU for waking me up to see another day.
    FATHER YOU know what I’m dealing with right now, please help me find a solution. I don’t want to die , not yet, but if things aren’t remedied the odds of death skyrocket
    Please don’t take me yet, unless it’s YOUR Will , in that case I’m ready
    But my children are not, help me to know how to proceed FATHER, LORD ‘ HOLY SPIRIT.
    Please pour YOUR HOLY SPIRIT within me
    I pray for all of my brothers and sisters in Christ, my children, parents, family and for the lost soles that are unaware of the truth. Show them LORD YOUR truth & PROMISES & soften the hearts of those that are not receptive to YOUR word.
    FATHER please forgive me for my sins
    In JESUS CHRIST name I pray
    Amen AπŸ™❤️

    1. AπŸ™♥️, your sins ARE FORGIVEN. Jesus died for you and took all. Not only forgiven but forgotten. He has made us new. We need not plea for forgiveness, we need to thank Him, Worship Him, and love ourselves and others like Him.
      Be still, and know this peace that covers all understanding.
      Bless you!

    2. AMEN, AUDRA, AMEN!!! I am standing in agreement with this powerful prayer for Anonymous, lifting them up alongside you.
      Your words are filled with wisdom and truth--may God move mightily in their situation.

      Declaration: We Declare that God's power is at work right now--healing, restoring, and bringing perfect peace. NO WEAPON SHALL PROSPER, and every plan and scheme of the enemy is crushed under the Mighty Name of Jesus. We give You, Lord, ALL THE PRAISE, HONOR AND GLORY. WE love You and we Worship You!

    3. Joining these powerful prayers for you dear Anonymous A! You shall not die, but live!!! God has not left you even for a second. Thank Him for turning your health around and healing and helping all your dear ones! He is Mighty to Save, Compassionate and Faithful. He will carry your burdens and remove your fear. Trust Him to turn everything to good. Thank You Jesus.

      Psalm 118:17
      I shall not die, but live, and declare the works of the Lord.

  74. Love and prayers to and for all of you. Jeanne - I'm with you - Rick's Dr. will have the best plan. I'm praying for your mom and Janet while you are away. You've certainly planned it all, bless your heart!
    My DH and I are on the mend though our youngest son now has it. Prayers for him and his family as the other 4 + their FE Student is feeling punky again. As you would say, JJ: I declare that God will heal them all in the name of Jesus Christ! Love your words which is His Word.
    Night everyone - sleep sweet; God is on the Night Watch.

    1. Thanks sweet Sherry! You and your DH must get all better for your Anniversary! Praying with you and our dear JC Family. Father God, We come to you because we know You are the Greatest Healer. Thank You for restoring good health to Sherry and her family. Destroy the sickness that is going through everyone and also the FE student. And we ask that You let them know that their healing came from You! Thank You for making things right again in Jesus’ Name we pray. Amen.
