Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Jesus Calling: August 12

Come to Me when you are weak and weary. Rest snugly in My everlasting arms. I do not despise your weakness, My child. Actually, it draws Me closer to you, because weakness stirs up My compassion--My yearning to help. Accept yourself in your weariness, knowing that I understand how difficult your journey has been.
     Do not compare yourself with others, who seem to skip along their life-paths with ease. Their journeys have been different from yours, and I have gifted them with abundant energy. I have gifted you with fragility, providing opportunities for your spirit to blossom in My Presence. Accept this gift as a sacred treasure: delicate, yet glowing with brilliant Light. Rather than struggling to disguise or deny your weakness, allow Me to bless you richly through it.

Isaiah 42:3
English Standard Version

a bruised reed he will not break,
    and a faintly burning wick he will not quench;
    he will faithfully bring forth justice.
Isaiah 54:10
English Standard Version 

For the mountains may depart
    and the hills be removed,
but my steadfast love shall not depart from you,
    and my covenant of peace shall not be removed,”
    says the Lord, who has compassion on you.
Romans 8:26
English Standard Version  

Likewise the Spirit helps us in our weakness. For we do not know what to pray for as we ought, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us with groanings too deep for words.

Verse thoughts 
I've taken a moment today to simply meditate on that word - weakness. In Christ, we are made strong, yet as humans we are weak and contrary to the world I live in, there is a joy in this, in being weak. I do not have to run from this. In our quest to be strong, self-sufficient, wealthy, independent - do we in turn shun weakness and view it as something we do not want in any part of our life. Yet, before Jesus, it is actually a good thing for it grows our dependence on Him.

Note: The devotion and scriptures are from author Sarah Young. If you haven't already, please purchase the book and support the author. 

Also, bookmark https://bibletags.blogspot.com/2019/06/jesus-calling-366-days.html to have an easy link to the entire year of these entries.


  1. So does that mean the one blessed with abundant energy shall ways be energized and I will always be fragile? In ither words:is this permanent?!

    1. I do not think so. Speaking for myself, only. Respond and I will expound. May God go before you and protect you in your journey.

    2. Nothing us permanent!!! You have God and The Holy Spirit inside of You You can achieve Miracles You have the Power Within!!! Blessings Peace Joy and Health Are YoursWhen You Make Jesus The Lord Savior if Your Life and Repent of Your sinsπŸ™πŸ˜‡✌πŸ˜‡

    3. Maybe. Seems that way.

    4. Nothing is permanent….Revelation 21:4 He will wipe every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death’ or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away.” ♥️

    5. I think this also means that even for those of us who normally have abundant energy, sometimes we feel weak and weary, and we have to depend on God to supply our needs and get us through whatever situation we are in. Happening now to me, feeling tired and fragile at the moment due to a circumstance. I know everything will be fine, but I really needed this devotion today. God bless you.

  2. So does that mean the one blessed with abundant energy shall ways be energized and I will always be fragile? In ither words:is this permanent?!

    1. Romans 8:26 says, "The Spirit helps us in our weakness." The blessing the writer is talking about is not a permanent blessing, but rather the point that is being conveyed is the person that has energy believes they control their outcomes, while the person with weakness sees they don't. But, those conditions are not permanent, but rather they are being used to describe how what we need to do always, whether we have energy or not, whether we are fragile or not, the focus is we need to surrender ourselves to the Lord and accept what He provides. I took this from Jesus Calling by Sarah Young. I would change her words to speak to the idea that we do not only come to the Lord when we are weak and weary, but we come to the Lord at any time.

    2. Thank you for that beautiful answer to such an understandable and relatable question!

    3. Paytonfamily that answer was comforting and clear. Thank you.

    4. Someone once said to me
      “Don’t compare your insides to someone’s outside”

      I might see as today’s reading states .. someone skipping along life with ease
      And immediately say to myself why them not me?Why do they have it so easy? I can go on and on with the Whys?
      Truth is I don’t know what is really going on in their lives, I can only speak for myself but I can put on a “everything is great face” to the outside world and be experiencing a difficult time on the inside.
      I look back at painful times in my life where people have come up to me and said “I don’t know how you do it, how you keep going,”

      I don’t do it alone ....God keeps me going always. Even when I’m wearing my feelings on my arm and I look and feel and ACT like the world is against me and everything is going wrong...deep inside I know God is smiling down and saying “ I got your back
      Put one foot in front of the other and trust ME”

    5. Beautifully spoken

    6. Thank you Chris and John S. I’ve wondered about this each time when reading Jesus Calling over the past several years.
      Your explanations and the scriptures have helped me to feel Gods presence, comfort, love and peace.
      There have been times when it appears I have bountiful energy. Getting so much done, excelling, on overdrive “Go” mode. Still wanting to shine Gods love and light. In reflecting, it is in the times when I feel more frail or weak that God is doing His best work in me. Just maybe, it’s in our weakness and/or frailty that God’s love and light shine through us as He grows and molds us to be more Christ like.
      In the past, when reading this Particular days devotional I also asked Why ? when I was in the weaker chapter or page in life.
      Praise God that we are never alone and He can and does work on and through us when we seek him in all stages of life.
      This fallen world has nothing on our Loving, Ever present and ever powerful God!
      Love, prayers and blessings JC family
      Happy Friday

  3. Also our perspective of others isnt clear because our perception of their energy and ease through life may just be a facade or perceived but not reality...people are struggling everywhere but we arent aware. we're all in this together and everyone has hard times. Once we realize we are weak and He is strong, "His power is made perfect in our weakness."

    1. Amen that's how I understood this, as well. When Sarah writes that 'others are blessed with abundant energy' it simply indicates a perception that is not whole and omits the weakness that is in even those people, as we're all human and have the innate sinful nature thus are all weak.

  4. Amen, as the old gospel hymn, "precious Lord take my hand, for I am weak but thou art strong. "

  5. I guess I'm always going to be fragile cause everyone around is strange I guess when will it get easier by while life has been a struggle so how do I keep in trusting god?

    1. Are you still here, reading and praying? I so hope you are. I am praying for hope for you. God says he will never leave you. God says if you seek him you WILL find him if you seek him with all your heart. He is close to the broken-hearted. He knows your name and your situation. God loves when you reach for him and call his name. He says when you go through the fire I am with you!! You may feel like you are in a fire. That is not a popular place. But God promises to meet you there. Keep asking. Keep praising him for even simple things like sunshine, puffy clouds, ability to move and have your being. Praise him for reading and prayer and the power of His word. Praise him for rest and sleep. Praise him for mercy for the new day. Praise him for fragile delicate flowers and massive trees to provide shade. Praise him as often as you can even when times seem bleak. He will meet you. He inhabits your praises. Keep seeking. You will find him. Praying for you!!!

    2. Beautiful encouragement for Unknown and truth, GraceTakesTime! I believe God can change any situation and turn weakness into strength. He is indeed my strength when I am weak. Thank you for your inspiration today. I woke up so weary because I tend to stay up too late and then wake up bleary eyed to pray with my Mom and Sis on the phone. Last night I was getting a gift ready for one of my relatives. But it comforted me to hear your reminder that God meets us where we are. He is with us late at night to strengthen us and early in the morning to refresh us. I feel Him always with me. When I lie down to sleep I always thank Him for the sweet rest. And in the morning, although it sometimes takes me a few minutes, I always thank Him for waking me to a new day. Never stop trusting in His care and guidance and never stop praising Him and thanking Him! He will meet you in the most difficult situation and lift you right out of it and set you up high again to a place of rejoicing.

    3. Amen. Agreeing. Bless you dear Brie and Jeanne.

    4. Wonderful contributions! Thank you GTT, Brie and Jeanne.

    5. Enlightening too read again this year. Thank you!

  6. You can keep trusting in God by asking for his help through all of life’s storms and thank him & praise him while you wait & just cry out to the Lord he says to bring to him our weaknesses so if your life challenges bring a weakness of your trust in God, pray,pray, & pray about it

  7. My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness. ..... Therefore I will boast all the more gladly of my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ may rest upon me.
    2 Corinthians 12:9

  8. Love that, Sassy Mom and also the vs. from Isaiah. Asking prayers for SIL, Jinny. Back surgery this morning at 9:00. Praying for all of you and thankful, once again, for this site and our JC Prayer Warriors!

    1. Praying right now for Sil & Jinny. For success in back surgery.

    2. May our Lord bless Sil & Jinny. Praying for a successful back surgery and recovery. KS

    3. Covering Sil and Jinny with prayers!

    4. Norah - A privilege to join JC Warriors in prayers for Sil and Jinny.

    5. Praying right now for Jinny, the surgeons and nurses for a successful surgery. JE

    6. Just checked the Urban Dictionary to find that SIL is short text for sister-in-law. Many of us are weak in our contemporary communication skills.......

    7. I'll say! I thought that was the name!πŸ€ͺπŸ˜‚. Thanks for clearing that up 10-4.

    8. 10-4 your message made me laugh. I too consult the Urban Dictionary often. Most recently I see so many people saying "smh". I looked it up and it means "shaking my head". lol

  9. I am finding times of weakness where I have not been weak before. I now believe all giftings are for a season. Some longer than others and all are growing us helping us to understand others and their struggles. We are to love people and they aren't always easy to love. If we never struggle it can be difficult to love those that do. Our seasons change to help us relate and we can rest in the knowledge that God loves us and knows our season and what we need. He is our loving Father.

    1. Yes! Great words. Prayers.. Understanding ...And Holy Spirit intercession. Thank you Father for who You are

    2. Amen to that Unknown! Even a year later you blessed me with your post. Thankfully God is always molding us. Our hardships polish us and prepare us to help others who are going through similar challenges. You can’t pick someone off the ground unless you’ve been there yourself. I always remember the worst year of my life after my third son was born. Going through a terrible postpartum depression prepared me for helping many in need. God saved me to bring light and hope to others in darkness. God us so good!!

    3. Well said “if we’re never struggle, it can be difficult to love those that do”.

    4. Amen dear Sister’s Keeper.,That is also why Jesus loves us in our joy and our suffering, and in every situation. He is such a great Helper! He has already suffered every human hardship and knows our pain very well, and understands our struggles and problems.like no one else can. What a Friend we have in Jesus!!

  10. Hi blessed ones. Praying for those requests.

    We are blessed when we come face to face with our weaknesses. It is a gateway to perceiving Him as our provision. "Accept yourself in your weariness." This one hits home as I struggle with being so worn out that things that are simple for others are at times impossible for me. But even in my failures, I sense a transformation coming. I have been storming heavens gates with prayers asking for this and I have a hope, like Abraham who waited and still believed when his promise was beyond hope, that I to can be healed and live His abundant life.

    I feel I'm not writing this for myself but for others as well, hope can be contagious!

    Coveting your prayers as I head out on the highway.

    1. Keith --- Covering you in prayers!

    2. Keith - We covet your prayers as we pray for you.

    3. Covering you Keith. Safety on the highway. I too cover your prayers.

    4. Auto correct doesn't like "covet".

    5. Amen, Keith! Hope is contagious! God be with you.

      Blessings from California

  11. Great is Your Faithfulness oh Lord my God. Thank You for another blessed and gifted day. A new week to Glorify Your name. Thank You for new mercy and Your Grace that sustains me.

    Yesterday You urged us to come, come, come to You, today You again encourages us to come to You with everything, including our burdens and weariness. There are so many things that goes on in our lives that we don't understand, how we are treated etc..., but it doesn't matter what or how, You want us to bring it to You, cast it and trust You while You work it all out for our good. It's a struggle and I'm struggling with understanding some things in my life and trying NOT to lean on my own understanding, but acknowledging You and trust You to direct my paths. Sometimes the weariness and the burdens becomes overwhelming and the devil tries to come at us with discouragement, but we have to be reminded of Whose we are and the promises You've given us! You will not put anything on us that we can't bare or leave us alone to carry it. You also said all things work together for our good to those who love You and are called accordingly. In the midst of all our struggles, help us Jesus, to declare: 'Greater is HE that is in me than HE that is in this world'! Thank You for ALL You do and for ALL Your promises that are YES and AMEN in the name of JESUS.

    Wishing all a blessed and peaceful day. Staying in prayers for ALL the concerns and needs for you, my JC family.

    God bless!

    Maplewood NJ

    1. Amen sweet Maplewood! Your words are my words! No matter what comes at us or what threatens to separate us from the love of God or tries to rob us of His peace, we are more than conquerors in Christ Jesus and He is so much greater!

    2. Thank you for blessings us Maplewood

  12. I like to compare my relationships with my kids (2 older teen girls) to my relationship with God as a father. In this case I thought about how I just love it when they come to me in their weakness. When they humble themselves and "actually ask" for help or advice or just need a hug. I bet God just melts when we humble ourselves in our weakness and come to Him...ask Him...need a hug from Him. I know there is nothing better and more rewarding than when my kids do that. Lord help me to be that "little one" that comes unto You.

    1. RiseUp, you are absolutely right. My girls range from 21 to 35 years old and I still feel so blessed when they come to me for advice, for encouragement or just for a hug. I love your line “I bet God just melts when humble ourselves...” Thank you for that. It brought up a nice visual for me, God as my Abba Father.

    2. Same here <3 thank you for that. that is precious. I'm so thankful for His tender, unending love for us and our tender love for our babies that helps us understand Him even more <3 our Father

    3. Truth! Thank you loving Father, Lord of all.

  13. All your thoughts and experiences are beautiful.

    I'm reaching out with hope to that hopeless one. I have become hopeless many times as certain things and circumstances in my life have not changed. But what I am noticing changing is me. How can a hope be growing where there was no hope and in conditions that have not changed. Even lifelong conditions. He is more interested in making me into a vessel that displays His glory than He is in my comfort. As His glory is displayed in and through me, I will find fulfillment in Him as I discover Him in me more and more. So take courage, as He is beginning to bring hope into my hopelessness even when circumstances have not changed. He can do it in you as well. He told me many years ago that "this" is not just about me. It affects others around me as well.

    Again, He has shown me that prayers are so important and I thank you for them.

    This is for His glory and our ultimate fulfillment in Him. Be blessed..

    1. So very true Keith! Even when our circumstances are remain difficult and unchanging He is able to add so much brilliant light and hope inwardly through His Spirit, that nothing can shake us and we will still rejoice and praise Him because He has given us more chances to test our faith.

    2. Yes . Yes changing us even though the conditions remain the same . In some cases continue to worsen. Still he draws us near. We don’t see it happening but if we continue to seek the Lord, we look back and then are able to see the distance he has carried us.

    3. Amen! Pray without ceasing and keep praising the Lord in ALL circumstances. Brie, this reminds me of your experience where God changed you and not your situation. It's happened to me as well. What a blessing when we can see God working in us and through us. We may ask God to change our circumstance, but His answer to our prayer is always better than what we had in mind. God never ceases to amaze me! Thank you, Jesus, for Your faithfulness.

      Blessings from California

    4. Amen! God works inwardly in our hearts so even when circumstances don’t change, our responses do in a way that pleases God and brings peace and harmony to our situation and relationship with others. When we look back at His past faithfulness and the changes He has brought us through, we see a maturity of our faith. And as He grows our faith we are more able to walk forward in trust instead of holding onto the past which drags us down. He is constantly chipping away at us to create His masterpiece which will not be completed until He is satisfied. We are always works in progress, but still beautiful and worthy exactly as we are.

    5. As sinners in a fallen world, what we do have control over is how we think and respond to changes and challenges, and joy in our lives. When I choose to be aware of His Presence, all is well and peaceful in my world. Thank you Jesus, for this never ending gift and your invitation to come to you. Here I am.

  14. THANK YOU, not only for your prayers but for making me laugh!!! SIL & Jinny are one in the same as she is my Sister In Law - so sorry for the confusion. But, God understood and Jinny did GREAT! We just talked to her and she has NO PAIN. The Dr. said, "Only a very rare few have NO pain." Well, there you go. That's they kind of gal we're praying for! God bless all of you and again - thank you!! Think it will be an early night for me. <3

  15. But aren't we running from our weakness if we don't want it to be permanent? If we are truly surrendered whether we are feeling weak or strong, doesn't matter. ? Content in all circumstances.
    I understand though, as I would much rather not feel so weary and fragile.

    1. UK, it has been said that when we are able to embrace our weaknesses and be grateful for them, that is the day we find our wholeness in God. I can say that my weaknesses are some of the greatest assets to my faith. Thanks be to God! God be with you.

    2. Well said Bob! Amen to that.

    3. Amen, Bob! Embracing our weaknesses and being grateful for them indeed brings us to a closer, more intimate walk with the Lord. God bless you and our JC family.

      Blessings from California

    4. Amen Rose! Blessed to be weak and broken so He will be closer still in my time of need.

    5. Bob and Rose, I really love your old posts. We all have our weaknesses of mind, body and spirit. Certain situations, problems or responsibilites pull us away from following the spirit. Sometimes in our humanity, we get distracted by worldly stuff and let go of His Hand. I pray: Jesus, remind me to stay in Your presence. Everything is so much better when we are with our First Love. He is enough and He is everything.

    6. At our wit's end we find God's Wisdom beginning.
      Trusting and Resting in oneness with God makes us a deep JOY to Him.

  16. Good morning everyone!

    Thank you Lord for my weakness, Thank you for gifting me with fragility for this is a constant reminded that I always need you. I can't do anything without you but I can do all things (according to your will) through you who strengthens me. Showing you my weakness allows you to teach me your ways and as I lean on you I'm unshakable.

    I wanted to share a mail I got this morning, about being unshakable, which fits perfectly with today's devo.

    "You are unshakeable if you put the zeal of the Gospel of peace at your feet. The sandals worn by Roman soldiers were often studded, much like spikes on today's sports shoes, to ensure a good grip. Believing in Jesus fills you with His peace that stabilizes you, protects you, grant you to be unshakeable.

    Lord, my life is in Your hands. Even though sometimes I may feel like You don't hear me, I choose to trust You. You have left me Your peace. So I let Your peace reign in me. Fill me with a new zeal and passion to do Your will. More than ever, You strengthen my steps. May You take pleasure in my ways!"

    Amen! Have a wonderful day dear JC family! God be with you.

    Blessings from France

    1. Thank you for sharing France. God bless you πŸ™

    2. And also with you Blessings from France!
      May God grant us Abraham's et al., UNSHAKABLE FAITH!

      Remain blessed.

      Maplewood NJ

    3. I love this: “I let your peace reign in me.”
      Powerful. Beautiful. Thank you BFF!!

    4. Your post is a wonderful blessing, mon ami. The beauty of who He has made you to be shines through in your thoughts. Also, it is evident how those things that you see as weaknesses (by worldly standards?) have been used by God for the molding and shaping of that beauty within. Thank you for sharing the illustration from your mail. That’s a good one to think upon for awhile. God be with you.

    5. Thanks dear BFF! I rejoice that I am weak and needy because He is closer to me in my brokenness. Wonderful and moving sharing. Praying that beautiful prayer with you too!

    6. And also with you, BFF. Your words blessed me, and your prayer is mine.

      Blessings from California

    7. Thank you for sharing, BFF. Great analogy!

  17. "........... I understand how difficult your journey has been."
    Psalm 119:18: “Open my eyes, that I may see wondrous things from Your law.” Thank you Lord for Your love guidance and protection. Praying for Warriors as you pray for me.

    1. Feeling the spiritual vibes of being in your beautiful state, SM. Our family is in the Lebanon area. Prayers circle around and around, in other words, they are like God, eternal. God be with you.

    2. Bob - Lebanon, not close to my area in upper East Tn. If I sneeze, I will be in N.C.

  18. Dear Heavenly Father, Thank You for waking me up this morning and calling me again to a life of peace and joy, instead of sin and unhappiness. Your grace Lord, is sufficient. In Jesus' name. Amen.

    Reading today’s devotion and going back to yesterday’s, Jesus again is calling us to Come to Him. I was lead me to this scripture:
    “Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light “(Matthew 11:28-30).

    To analyze this: “Come unto me”. This is Jesus Himself speaking in this verse to me and to you, to our neighbors across the street and all around, to Presidents, to the rich, the poor, to leaders, to the sick, the healthy, Come ye ALL!.
    It is an opened invitation to join Him. More of an appeal than a command. His tone is loving and inviting, ‘ALL ye that labour, under a heavy load, weak and burdened’, come to me He says and allow me to provide the help you need! He knew that we all will have problems and will face uncomfortable situations in our lives no matter who you are, no matter your status. The fact is, we were created in a fallen world where things happen, where reality happens. What’s even more powerful about this verse is Jesus saying, “Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me”. How many of us will volunteer to carry on someone’s yoke? Their weaknesses, their addictions, their adversities etc..? I'm not sure, because many already feel yoked to their problems, but Jesus is urging us on to “Take His yoke and learn of Him”.
    The concept here is, when we come to our Savior with all our burdens, challenges, et al., He doesn't hand us a one size-fits-all yoke. He knows each one of us intimately. He loves each person infinitely and will offer us everything that is perfectly fitted to our needs, and circumstances. He wants to take our physical, emotional, mental and spiritual dimensions and lift them off of us! If we take His yoke upon us and learn from Him, there is a reward! He sealed it with a great promise: “Ye shall find rest unto your souls.” The key Word here is REST! He indeed understands all of our needs and extends His love and invitation to ‘Come to Him and find rest’! The invitation is ours my friends!

    Dear Father, What an unimaginable, unexplained Blessing it is to be called by You to surrender ALL our burdens to You and just rest! Of this, we testify in the name of Jesus. Amen.

    Blessings and Peace!

    Maplewood, NJ

    1. Thanks Maplewood NJ. Yet again, I am receiving fresh, sweet Maple Syrup for my morning feeding. Thank Be To God. Amen

    2. Indeed, Jesus is calling with an invitation and He rejoices when our RSVP is a resounding YES! Not one is excluded, but the envelope has to be discovered and opened. May I be a good and faithful messenger for the heavenly host! Thank you Jesus for solid ground and your great love. It brings me a Peace I want to share. God bless you, JC folk, today and everyday.

    3. Beautiful dear Maplewood! God already knows the mountains we must climb and our weariness and trials and often hopelessness. But no matter where we are in our lives, He extends His invitation to all to Come to Him to be freed from our shackles, enlightened by His truth, strengthened in our exhaustion, refreshed and renewed. He is asking us for our burdens and problems and every little worry and concern that is dragging down our spirits. He loves us more than we could ever love ourselves because He knows each of our hearts intimately. He wants us to walk with a lighter load and come in repentance to be forgiven so we will not be heavy laden with sin and guilt. Whatever we are carrying: sorrow, discouragement, depression, anger, anxiety or fear, He wants us to cast it all at His feet and rest a while. He will give us refreshment for our souls, a new peace of mind, renewed strength and hope. All we need is a Yes to take Him up on His amazing offer to Come to Him to be emptied and blessfully filled.

    4. Your words are my thoughts! Thank you! ❤️

    5. Such blessed words of Jesus (aren’t they all) recorded by Matthew. It has been said that when two oxen are yoked, a strong one is always yoked with a weaker one so there is a leader and a follower. Hmmm, when we are willing to be yoked to Jesus, guess who is leading and who is following? When we allow Him to lead, it gets a whole lot easier. Thanks, twin bd sis, for this post. It serves as a constant reminder for who is leading. God be with you. Praying for Janet and y’all (a word I picked up living in the south).

    6. Amen Amen! Indeed, God does not provide a "one-size-fits-all" answer to our needs and prayers. He provides a custom, just-for-you answer to prayer according to your needs. "He knows each one of us intimately."

      Brie, I also enjoy receiving "the fresh, sweet Maple Syrup" every morning. The way you word things brings a huge, happy smile to my face. Thank you!

      Audra, I'm also responding to the RSVP with a resounding YES! "Not one is excluded, but the envelope has to be discovered and opened." So true. Praying for all the lost souls that they may "discover the envelope and open it" to receive Christ as their Lord and Savior.

      Amen, Jeanne. May we all be "freed from our shackles, enlightened by His truth, strengthened in our exhaustion, refreshed and renewed."

      God be with all JC prayer warriors today.

      Blessings from California

    7. Thanks Jeanne. I really need to hear these words, especially
      He is asking us for our burdens and problems and every little worry and concern that is dragging down our spirits. He loves us. 

    8. Just want to say I love you all so much. So many beautiful hearts of faith, love, compassion and comfort! Your posts, no matter when they were written, lift me and instruct me every day. I was just thinking that I must allow the Lord to lead me and stop yanking the reins of my life back. He can direct me because He already knows my future. Met two people tonight that are my new brother and sister in Christ. Just love when that happens. God put them right in my path so we could encourage one another. Love to talk about the goodness of the Lord with those who are of one accord. That is why this wonderful blog (Thank you Payton Family!) and my JC Family are such blessings to me. I am so grateful!

    9. Dear Maplewood, Your words give me a clear understanding of God's individual help to each of us according to our weaknesses and needs: “Take His yoke and learn of Him”.
      The concept here is, when we come to our Savior with all our burdens, challenges, et al., He doesn't hand us a one size-fits-all yoke. He knows each one of us intimately. He loves each person infinitely and will offer us everything that is perfectly fitted to our needs, and circumstances.
      You hit the nail right on the head. Thanks for sharing your Spirit ordained words and wisdom from above.

    10. What a loving Father we have that gathers us to a special place of rest, no questions asked. I am SO GRATEFUL. See you there, JC fam ♥️πŸ™

    11. I remember when I first met someone I wanted to talk openly with about Jesus and my desire to know him better. And I remember the next two I met that became friends I talked about Jesus with. A few years later, and thru this blog I am surrounded by friends who love Jesus and my intimacy with Him has grown beyond measure. Many thanks to God and those that engage here so we may grow in Christ. ♥️ Y'all ♥️

  19. The king's heart is in the hand of the LORD, Like the rivers of water; He turns it wherever He wishes. (Proverbs 21:1).

  20. A new day - filled with all of the promises of God. I'm thankful, too BFF, that our lives are in His hands - what better place to be? That contentment you mention, Unknown, is calming. Whether I'm in a weakened state or feeling fiesty, God is there, holding my hand.
    Please continue praying for Aunt Mary Anna. She had her first chemo treatment yesterday and her BP dropped. They discovered pneumonia and she is in ICU. I'm praying for her daughter as well; she is tired and still trying to work while she goes to be with her Mom...remembering this time last year and all that was happening, causes me to look back and see how God took such good care of all of us.
    Thank you for your prayers yesterday. I was at the Dentist's for over 2 hours and my head was buzzing from the drilling, but, it all worked out just fine. This morning, the only sore thing is my jaw from having my mouth open so long! :) I don't have a smart phone, Brie, but they had music on in the office and it was nice. Continued prayers for your mom and Morgan, Jeanne and that you got good rest, Bamagirl! Was happy to hear about your eyes, Jan!
    Each of you will remain in my prayers this day that the Lord has made.

    1. Thanks for the praise report on your dental visit, and your prayer request for Aunt Mary Anna, Norah. As always, I am glad He got you through it all, as He always does for all of us. Yes, God is always holding our hand.
      While down on my knees, I learned to truly stand. I can only walk with God holding my Hand! Peace and Love Blessings are being prayed for you and yours, JC family.

    2. Continuing to pray for your dear Aunt and her good daughter. So happy you got through your very long Dental appointment okay. I posted a response in yesterday’s blog that there is another Jeanne and I too am praying for her friend’s friend’s daughter Morgan with leukemia. It’s a small world because my Sister in Missouri asked me to pray for Andrea’s daughter Morgan with leukemia. I told her about Jeanne’s request. Could be the same Morgan. Either way, we are thanking God for healing Morgan and strengthening and guiding her family in the Name of His Son Jesus Christ. Amen!

    3. Thank you, Lord, for Your love of Norah that carries her on. Hear our prayers for Aunt Mary Anna and her daughter. May the love you show Norah be equally upon them in their need.

    4. Prayers going up for Aunt Mary Anna and her daughter as requested. So happy to hear your praise report, Norah. God, indeed, holds our hand through it all. God is good!

  21. This comment has been removed by the author.

  22. Prayer Request; our water source needs thorough cleansing and clarity. We need God's help to clarify our well water back to pristine, hopefully without the use of harsh chemicals. Thanks in advance for all your prayers for God to help us and guide us through this situation. Thanks be to God, we do have bottled water to use in the interim. Love going out to you JC family from today's woman at the well. Come! Lord Jesus, Come!

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Brie, my prayers are with you for clean, clear water. Thank you, Father God, for always going before us and making our paths straight. Amen.

    3. Read below that I needed my spiritual hat on to appreciate the depth of your thought. Luv how you stretch my mind and soul, Brie. God be with you.

  23. Thank you, Brie and I will be praying for your clear, clean water!!

  24. Good morning JC Family! Got me thinking that maybe my “fragility” or “energy” speaks for this day. Whether the day extends into weeks or months is dependent on the lessons(s) I need to learn to draw closer to God. Either one -at the end of the day-invites me to call on Him to rest, to spend time with Him.
    The again maybe these gifts of fragility or energy are given to me to show others that my faith in God (who loves me in all ways and always) allows me to trust Him in ALL circumstances! He will never leave me or forsake me!
    I know I will have to think on this more but THANK
    YOU for letting me share these ramblings!! πŸ˜‚
    Blessings and Peace this day to all of you!
    Love, Monica ❤️❤️❤️

    1. And thank you for rambling with us, Monica! Things go better when we ramble together. God be with you.

    2. Amen and ramble on sweet sister!

      Blessings from California

    3. Monica, your rambling made me think that we should not think of our weaknesses as flaws but opportunities for God’s growth in us. I am not ashamed of my weaknesses. We are all gifted with certain strengths and weaknesses. The weaknesses are areas God uses for His purposes, and many times to lead others to His Kingdom since others can relate, and will want some of the sweet light we follow and abide in.

  25. Dear Brie! God can do all things and I am thanking Him for providing you with perfectly clean and clear water. Praying for His guiding Hand to make all things right for you. Much love.

    1. Thanks Norah and Jeanne,
      The well situation is my classroom for learning today's lesson, and hopefully learning it very "well" :)
      Come to Me when you are weak and weary. Rather than struggling to disguise or deny your weakness (with the well), allow Me to bless you richly through it. Come Lord Jesus Come. I am weak but Thou are Strong. Yours truly, the woman at the well. Amen.

    2. Thanks Jeanne. I am hanging on to His Strength in my weakness, thanks to JC Prayer Warriors Prayers.

    3. Struggling with choosing His Peace and His Love rather than understanding, especially when DH and I try to "discuss" our well situation. Please pray for us to the Lord Our God. Thank you prayer warriors .

    4. Dear Brie, hope this year all is well in your world ♥️πŸ™

    5. Thanks Audra! Yes! All is well at the well, praise be to God for His Victory, from the woman at the cleaned well which He cleaned up well.
      Well, Well, Well, Well, Well!

  26. Jesus, thank you for being Lord over my life. I have often compared my inside feelings to others outside appearances which only brought feelings of jealousy, less than,and why me. Today I try to embrace who I am and understand that I am exactly who and where You want me to be. It still isn't comfortable at times but You never said it would be. Today I choose to do Your will before anything else. Please use me as you see fit, I offer myself to You.

    1. Good food for thought, Mark. I have learned through the years that those who appear to be skipping through life have equal challenges that they are struggling with but are managing them better which is where the lesson is for me. Why don’t we all learn to skip together like children do. God be with you.

    2. Mark L., God bless you on your journey. We all struggle at one time or another. Lean and trust in Him to guide your steps. Accepting the RSVP daily with a resounding YES, as Audra wrote, is so powerful. God be with you.

      Blessings from California

    3. Amen Mark!! Looking forward to seeing how God will use me today as I stay in Hus presence.
      Amen Bob- Let us trust as innocent children who know they are safe and secure in all things because they’re holding their Daddy’s strong Hand. I actually remember skipping alongside my Dad in merry abandonment. No worries just true peace and joy.

  27. Good morning, JC prayer warriors!
    I ask for prayers this morning for my dear cousin, Angie, and my family. I won't go into details, but the Lord knows our situation. Praying for the Lord to guide my steps and that I can find it in my heart to forgive. I know nothing is impossible with God, and His love, grace and mercy will carry me through this storm.

    Praying for all prayer requests here posted and unposted. God knows our needs, and He will provide. Thank you, Father God, for Your faithfulness! God be with you all.

    Blessings from California

    1. Rose --- Interceding for your cousin, Angie, and your family. Also lifting up all the JC WARRIORS concerns and needs. The Lord has a great plan for each. May He direct each and every ones steps, allowing each to be influenced by His Spirit and His grace and bring the Lord Glory with each step. In His Honor and For His Purposes, AMEN and AMEN

    2. Praying for your Cousin Angie and your family, and also asking God to give you a heart of forgiveness despite the circumstances. May His Spirit guide you to making all things right.

    3. Thanks JJ for your prayers. God bless you and guide you in all things. Much love

  28. Yes, Rose, lifting each other in prayer is sufficient for the Father knows the needs. Love doesn’t need the specifics, it can stand on its own. God be with you.

    1. Love can stand on its own. Words worth repeating dear Bob. ♥️

  29. Praying for all of you as I go to bed. Time spent tonight with my son and his wife (the one I was having the 'issue' with). It was a nice time, partly b/c I chose to keep peace rather than be understood (Brie). Blessed, thankful, praying for each of you, our dear Aunt Mary Anna, your Angela, Rose, Morgan, Janet, all who even if I don't remember, God does as I life my JC Family.

    1. Sweet Dreams of His Mission Accomplished, Norah! Love

    2. ...and Peace surpassing any and all understanding!

  30. Norah I’m so glad things are going well with your son and his wife. God is orchestrating as you continue to trust in Him!

  31. Please pray for my neighbor Terry who has lung cancer and will need surgery to remove 20 percent of her lungs. She never talks about having faith so please pray for God to heal her completely and open her mind and heart to Him so she will seek Him for herself, and receive His peace, healing, guidance and comfort.
    Dear Father, You are merciful and kind and faithful to all those who seek You. We are thanking you for healing Terry of her lung cancer, and calling her to You. Open her eyes and heart to come to You to be redeemed, healed and saved unto salvation in the powerful Name of Your Son, Christ Jesus. Amen

    1. Father, provide healing for Terry, as well as, comfort, peace, and love. Draw her to Your perfect truth and salvation. You are God Almighty. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen. God bless!

    2. Praying that Terry's diagnosis and surgery springboards her to want to know who God is, Jeanne. I know with you for her neighbor, you will be that shining light for her and she'll want to know just what "that" is! Praying for Terry and her medical team knowing Jehovah Rapha is at the helm! In our awesome Jesus' name, AMEN!

    3. Praying for your neighbor Terry to discover a new relationship with Jesus as it will carry her through this surgery and recovery.

  32. Thanking each of you warriors for your loving prayers on behalf of Valery & Ryan. God is most certainly running after these two. Corbin's fever has gone down, so has his mom's. She rubbed drops of EO called Warrior on the bottom of their feet. It's one of God's healing oils, it's powerful stuff. Hubby & I are still waiting for test results. Praying for Terry dear Jeanne. I think sometimes God uses health crisis to get our attention. Lord in heaven I pray Terry will be drawn to You through this trial. Show her the length and depth of Your compassion. May Your servant Jeanne have opportunity to share Your goodness with her. Amen. Hallelujah!

    1. Continuing to pray for Valery and Ryan to surrender themselves to the Lord and be comforted by His peace and strengthened and guided to the life He has prepared for them. Praying also for Corbin and his Mom's healing and recovery. I pray you and your DH get good test results. Thank you so much dear Jan, for your prayers for Terry and for me. I have never gotten close to her. She has lived next door to us for many years. Because she was a heavy smoker, all I smelled outside her door was smoke. We were always kind to her but I never sparked up a true friendship with her. I feel God is dropping her in my hands as my next mission. I will do my best to plant the seeds of faith in her even if her heart is hardened. She really needs Him in her life right now as she faces her biggest trial. She is lonely and doesn't seem to have any friends. I think she has a brother and an ex husband who she mentions from time to time. I always tell her about the goodness and faithfulness of God. But she doesn't seem to have a faith. Praying His Spirit will work mightily through me to comfort, lift and encourage her, and open up her heart to Him.

    2. Continued prayers for Terri and for all our JC family and for all those for whom we are requesting prayers. Jesus, we trust You, Thy will Be Done. As it was in the beginning, it is now, and forever shall be. Amen.

  33. Putting out there in faith for prayers for my friend Margi again: she fell was taken to the hospital for a concussion, and also will need her front tooth extracted. She is once again battling with a UTI. Thank you dear warriors for all your love.

    1. Continuing to pray for Margi, May God who knows everyone of her weaknesses heal her and show her His faithfulness, and lead her through a smooth extraction and relief from her UTI.
      We thank You Father for this and for ButterflyLove's peace of mind in the Name of Jesus Christ.

  34. Praying for Margi, ButterflyLove, knowing our AWESOME Father will bring her through this. She is blessed to have you for her friend.

  35. Praying in thanks for Valery and Ryan. Lifting up precious Margi. ❤️

  36. Prayers for my former mother-in-law, Primetta, who is 90 as well as my mom's best friend, Gaile, 85. "Prime" is dealing with a failing heart, leg swelling, etc...She came through open heart surgery 5 years ago when only given a 6% chance of surviving. She is one tough Italian woman who knows the Lord and is now ready to go home to Him. While she is still at her physical home, she slowed in eating much at all, has stopped getting up out of the bed, and is given water by syringe as that's only the amount she can handle. She is such a wonderful, wonderful woman with whom I learned so much from and still use in my life today. Gaile and my mom consider themselves the sister neither ever had (both were only children). Gaile was the mom I wanted as a kid when I'd be angry with my mom, lol. (Her daughter and I were friends and I spent a lot of time in their house.) Gaile also knows Jesus and is also in hospice suffering with terminal neuropathy (not diabetic). Please, Warriors, pray for God to bring them home soon so they suffer not another day. They're both ready. While I will miss these two INCREDIBLE woman tremendously, I know the glorious place they are going and know their pain and suffering will cease. Your prayers are appreciated. Blessings one and all for a good Thursday! In Jesus' GREAT name, amen.

    1. Dear NJS, Praying for these dear faith filled women, and for your peace and comfort. Rest in Him who loves you.
      Father God, We come to You to ask for your mercy for your good and faithful servants, Prime and Gaile. They have run a good race and are now enduring great pain and suffering. They are in need of immediate relief. Show them Your faithfulness. We thank You for lifting them up out of their misery and carrying them Home in Your loving arms. We ask that you end their suffering and bring them the perfect rest and peace they long for. Thank you for this and for comforting dear NJS and granting our prayers, in the Name of Christ Jesus, the Risen Lord. Amen

    2. Thank you so much, Jeanne, for such a perfectly said prayer. I'm so grateful to you and your prayerful and prayer-filled words. Love and peace to you and all in this great and supportive JC family!

    3. I'm entering into prayer with you, our dear Jeanne. Two or more are now gathered into your prayer for Prime and Gaile.

    4. You are so awesome, Brie! I was JUST listening to a sermon in my car on "two or more are gathered into prayer...."! Is God incredible or what?!!! Can't thank you enough!

    5. Amen! He is in our midst as we pray together as a family. Our God is incredible and oh so GREAT!

  37. Lord thank You for creating me with fragility and weakness that keep me seeking You. You know me and my needs better than anyone. Thank you for Your compassion and understanding of my needs even when I don't. Help me to always turn to You in my times of need instead of trying to figure it all out myself. I am at my best when I am trying to do Your will. I love You Jesus.

  38. Dear brother Mark. Joining in your perfect prayer that echos the words in my own heart. Amen

  39. Dear MadFox, I have had you on my mind and in my heart so much lately. Praying your treatment and every little thing is going well to God's glory.

  40. “The Lord does not look at the outward appearance, but He looks at the heart (1 Samuel 16:7).

    Loving Father, I thank You that Your grace is sufficient for me, for Your power is made perfect in my weaknesses (2 Corinthians 12:9). Whenever I am weak, may I never hesitate to submit it all to Jesus, for His awesome power works in my submission to Him. I must believe that allowing myself to humbly depend on You, who is able to align my will to Yours, strengthens me in my weaknesses. As a believer, I know my weakness also opens me up to honest and real conversation with You in prayer. I thank You Father, for a new day to do just that and glorify Your Holy name. This is my prayer in Jesus’ name. Amen.

    Some people, especially believers find it difficult to admit their weaknesses. Our weaknesses may be hidden from the clear view of others or even oursleves, but certainly not from God. He knows everything about us, our strength and our weaknesses. We must understand that our weaknesses is an opportunity for God to work powerfully in our lives because when our flesh and heart fail us, He is the strength of our heart (Psalm 73:26). Let’s take time to reflect on those areas of our lives where we know we are weak, regardless of whatever capacity that is, and look to Jesus and ponder how He works through all of our weaknesses for His glory. Our heavenly Father does not delight in our sufferings, it is Satan who does and we must resist him.
    God loves us too much and will never abandon us in our weakness. His purpose in our weaknesses is to glorify the grace and power of His only Son Jesus! This is the mean point of 2 Corn. 12:9-10. If it is God’s Will to show the perfection of His beloved Son’s power in our weakness instead of by our escape from it, He knows best, let’s trust Him!

    “who through faith conquered kingdoms, administered justice, and gained what was promised; who shut the mouths of lions, quenched the fury of the flames, and escaped the edge of the sword; whose weakness was turned to strength; and who became powerful in battle and routed foreign armies” (Hebrews 11:33-34).

    Blessings and Peace.

    Maplewood, NJ

    1. Thank you for sharing your sweet Maple Syrup via Maplewood NJ.

      At our wit's and weakness' end we find God's Wisdom beginning.

      Trusting and Resting in oneness with God makes us a deep JOY to Him. Come! Let all of us make God Joyful!

    2. Thanks sweet Maplewood! Trusting with you and Brie and our family, and resting in Him who loves us and cares for us. Watched my little grandson most of the day and then had my son and daughter in law over for dinner and then gave the little guy a bath. God saw all the joy and my 2 year old grandson who will be 3 in September was trying to make words with his magnetic letters and he put GOD down and I said: You spelled God who loves us. He said God. He understands because I always talk about how good God is. How blessed I am.

  41. O Jesus, You said, Come to Me when you are weak and weary. Weakened and weary, ready or not, Lord Jesus, here I come.
    FROM MATTHEW 8: 26
    We produce JOY deep in the heart of Jesus by remaining absolutely confident in Him at all times, including Light, Dark, Peace, and/or Storms with whatever lies ahead. Refuse to let our breaking point break our confidence in Him. Resting in oneness with God makes us a deep JOY to Him.
    But Jesus answered, O you of little faith! Why are you so frightened? Then Jesus stood up, rebuked the wind and the waves until the storm subsided and all lay peaceful and calm! Thank You Jesus for the comforting thoughts through Matthew. In Jesus' Name. Amen.

    1. Such a wonderful reminder, Brie. Thank you! Praying for you as well knowing you're going through some valleys right now. May you feel His loving arms around you and guiding you. I'm imagining lots of praise music in your day today! Praying for healing blessings, Brie, for you and your brother. Sending peace and love. In Jesus' great name, Amen.

    2. So very true sweet Brie!!! Amen. Even when we are at the point of exhaustion we are coming to Him to get refreshed, renewed and refilled. He waits with Arms wide open until we Run to Him.
      Praying for you and Larry, Keith and Al. May God heal all your weaknesses and make all things right. Thank You Jesus!
      Sending peace and love to you and to dear NJS and our dear JC Family.

  42. Father, You are beautiful. O, so beautiful. For many years I tried to do it all on my own. I was always on the go, thinking I had to be in control and take care of everything. I now know that all I was doing was wasting my energy and spinning my wheels. I always thought I was so strong, but I'm not. The only real strength I have comes from You and You alone. I am completely weak without You. I praise You Lord always. Thank You Jesus.

    Whoever speaks, as one who speaks oracles of God; whoever serves, as one who serves by the strength that God supplies -- in order that in everything God may be glorified through Jesus Christ. To Him belong glory and dominion forever and ever. Amen. (1 Peter 4:11). The LORD is my strength and my shield; in Him my heart trusts, and I am helped; my heart exults, and with my song I give thanks to Him. The LORD is the strength of His people; He is the saving refuge of His anointed. (Psalm 28:7-8).

  43. Amen Janet, We can do nothing without Him, and with Him we can do all things. He is the strength in our weakness and the light in our darkness. He leads us to wholeness, peace, good health, fulfillment, self sufficiency, righteousness, and salvation. He is the answer to all questions. Wait on Him dear Sister. The best is yet to come.
    Amen!!! He is the saving refuge of His anointed.

  44. So blessed that the Lord always knows when I'm weary and guides me to get the rest I need. Going to Brooklyn this morning to be with my good Mom. Praying for Chloe to feel better after her procedures and for all our dear ones from our JC Family to receive God's faithfulness. Praying with you all and for you. We hold each other up in prayer. God bless and keep you all. Thank You Jesus for the strength and peace, and all you are to us.

    1. Yep! We do hold each other up in prayer. Amen! Holding you up dear Jeanne for safety in travel & sweet fellowship with your mom.πŸ™πŸ’ž

    2. Thanks dear Jan! Had a safe trip and all is well.

  45. Whatever my circumstances, God will be "a shield about me." Don't look at others with envy, but be grateful for His providence in the midst of your challenges. This is not to say your or my current situation will be life-long, but while in the midst of it, remember who is your Father, and "He will lift you up."

    Pray for the young woman, I mentioned months ago. She has ovarian cancer in her late 20's. She had responded well to all treatments but there has been damage from her radiation and she has been hospitalized for several weeks. I continue for 2 more years on a 3 drug therapy but still have too much fatigue. It appears after many tests that the fatigue is going to remain while I'm in this regimen. Praying for it to subside and that I'm able to minister, work, and/or disciple each day with positivity. Amen. Thanks to all here. ❤️πŸ™

    1. Thank Madfox for the reassurance ! Will pray for you and the young lady . Loving God, I pray that you will comfort our friends in their suffering, lend skill to the hands of their healers, and bless the means used for their cure. Give me such confidence in the power of Your grace, that even when they are anxious, they may put their whole trust in You; through our Savior Jesus Christ.

    2. Joining Min in prayer MadFox for you &, your young friend. Oh Holy One of Israel, touch these precious souls with Your loving hands of healing & restoration of wholeness & strength. We claim the promise of the cross, " by Your stripes, they are healed!" Amen! Hallelujah!πŸ™πŸ™πŸ’ž

    3. Thank you MadFox ❤

    4. Praying God's heart of peace and strength for you and your young friend, Mad 🦊

    5. Dear MadFox, You are such an inspiration to me and I hold you in my prayers and my heart. Joining all prayers for the brave young woman who has gone through so much. May God continue to carry her through her treatment as He heals her cancer and removes the effects of her radiation. Praying always for your strength and healing, and for God’s continued faithfulness in your life and your health. Love you dear brother.
      Father God, Thank You for all this and for answering all our prayers, and for healing, strengthening and comforting our dear brother and this young woman in the Name of Christ Jesus. Amen

  46. Victory! Clear voice of God during a 30 min prayer meditating while tech expert worked my MRI. I left energized and had a great rest of my day with new insights. Thank you for your prayers!

    1. God is so good Audra. He held your hand & kept your spirit steady through it all. Joining Jeanne in her prayer yesterday that it's fixable & better yet, healed! Amen! πŸ™πŸ’ž

    2. Hallelujah! God was with you to reassure you that He is in charge and all will be well. So happy for you dear Audra!

  47. Good morning everyone ♥️ I was blessed by this devotional today because I can relate to it so much. I have struggled with depression and anxiety for years. I was put on medication years ago and my life went from night to day. It is my thorn in my flesh but I praise God for it because it leaves me solely dependent on him. Which includes depending on the miracle of my meds to keep me going. I am so grateful for a Savior that has a purpose for everything we go through in life. I praise Him because I am fearfully and wonderfully made! Just last week I was looking for a cheap and less invasive way to remove a tattoo I got on a whim. I have been back and forth with removing it for a while. However, after reading the devotional this morning I have decided to embrace it. It has one of the verses for today on it.
    ♥️Isaiah 54:10
    English Standard Version

    For the mountains may depart
    and the hills be removed,
    but my steadfast love shall not depart from you,
    and my covenant of peace shall not be removed,”
    says the Lord, who has compassion on you.♥️

    It’s really hard to drag myself out of the bed some mornings but this morning I awoke and got out of bed easy. What a blessing to know that God knows my weaknesses and He gives me Strength and Power to rise again and again! Blessings to everyone and thanks everyone again for keeping my daughter Tori Faith in your prayers she is doing really well right now living with Crohns. Help me to minister to her always knowing what to do and say to make her journey easier. Prayers for all of her Drs and caretakers that they will be Proactive as they have her in their care. Especially let her know above all that she is in her Father in Heavens loving arms and care. I think I will pass this devotional on to her. I hope everyone has a blessed day and weekend. Also if everyone could lift up my friend Sharon and Donald they also have health problems. They have been married for a long time and she was his caregiver for years as he has Parkinson’s Disease. Now she is in need of care and love.πŸ™πŸ’•

    1. Dear Anonymous, the warriors are on it, God is on it. You, Tori Faith, Sharon & Donald are surrounded , covered, from the top of your heads, to the bottom of your feet, with loving prayers. Walk in newness & healing! Amen!πŸ’žπŸ™πŸ™πŸ™

    2. Dear Anonymous, Amen We are lifting you and Tori and Sharon and Donald up in prayer. Joining prayers for your depression to be lifted, and for Tori’s continued healing of her Crohn’s disease. I’m so thankful she is doing well. And may God heal and strengthen your friend Sharon and also heal Donald if his Parkinson’s. Our loving Father can do all things. Trusting in His promises, His compassion and faithfulness. Thank You Jesus.

  48. MadFox I just scrolled up and read your comment after posting mine. How relatable it is to mine πŸ™♥️

  49. Good morning JC Warriors,

    As I sit on the porch this morning awaiting the sunrise, I’m enjoying my time with God and his creation. I want to thank you for your prayers. I had a mammogram and ultrasound yesterday to check the lump found earlier this week. I will have a biopsy on Monday. The mammogram wasn’t much different from my last one at the end of January - good sign perhaps. However, I’ve lost weight (planned) and that along with hormones may be the culprit. On the ultrasound, they saw “a mess of a mass” of cystic type cells. It was inconclusive so they will do a biopsy Monday. Hoping to get answers before we move our first born to college next Friday. This mom’s heart is quite heavy right now. I thank you for your prayers. As I was waiting for the “fun” to begin yesterday, I reread your comments from this week. I had a calming feeling come over me as I waited. I thank you all for your prayers and more importantly God for carrying me through this.

    SC Anonymous

    1. You got it Anonymous! Our prayers are with you. Go into this day knowing who's child you are. Jehovah Rapha is one of His name, your great physician, and as Emmanuel, He is with you, He is with you, He is with you! Claim your victory!, Amen! Hallelujah!

    2. I have been asking God for good test results for you, dear SC Anonymous. Joining all prayers for good news and healing. Keep trusting in the Lord to keep you healthy and fine, and to keep your children safe and well. Time to lean on His faithfulness instead of your own understanding. Be not afraid. He goes before you always and He loves you dearly.

  50. Continue to pray for Kenya ....lots of rigging in the presidental race and this causing delays which is bringing a lot of anxiety and too much hate speechall over social platforms. Please pray that the government will find a solution and we will be able to transition peacefully . Schools have been shut, people are afraid to veture out of their homes.
    Let us pray for our countrymen with love and cherish that God is sovereign over all powers and principalities of this country.
    Father, in the name of Jesus, ransom this nation from every power that want to destroy her destiny. – Hosea. 13:14
    in the name of Jesus, thank you for disappointing the devices of the wicked against the well-being of this nation at every point up until now – Job. 5:12

    1. There by the grace of God go the USA. Praying for your beloved Kenya, Min Ahadi. And for America who looks to be on the same trajectory.

    2. Dear Min Ahadi, Continuing to pray for God’s Hand in the election and for His guidance and His Spirit to enlighten the people of Kenya, and to change the hearts of the ungodly ones
      so peace will reign. Thank You Jesus.

  51. Lord, please keep reminding me to bring it all to you. So many times Ii turn it over and then take iit back. I bring Yoh my weakness so that You nay help me through it.. in Your name Jesus, Amen

    1. Glad to see you Mark. As we keep giving it to Him, it can become easier even if we take it back. Keep on giving!

    2. Praying for you both my brothers Mark and Keith. Take your burdens to the Lord and leave them there. May God answer all your prayers and heal you in body, mind and spirit. Much love

  52. Thanks be to God for you and your prayers, JJ, Jeanne, Peter, Janet, Jan gridley, Suzanne R, Audra, Norah, and all others who prayed for my big brother, Al!
    His Urology appointment went better than we could have ever dreamed of, asked for, or imagined if!
    His PSA was reduced in half!!
    It seems as though the previously elevated PSA was caused by an enlarged prostate causing urinary retention, for which he was given meds. Praising and thanking God for his new and current 3.74 PSA!
    Now I need your help to praise and thank God with me! In Jesus' Name. AMEN!

    1. Sweet Brie --- Praising and thanking our Lord with you. He is soooo faithful and watches over His WORD to perform it!!!

    2. Thank You Jesus! Hallelujah and praise the Lord! Amen πŸ™.

    3. Praising God with so much thanksgiving for Al’s good report and I know God is already healing you dear sister. We have seen His faithfulness so many times! He sure isn’t going to stop now. Rest in Him Who loves you. Be patient and be not afraid. He is preparing this day and your future. Much love.

      Lamentations 3:22-23
      Through the Lord’s mercies we are not consumed,
      Because His compassions fail not.
      They are new every morning;
      Great is Your faithfulness.

    4. That was me, dear Brie!! πŸ’—

    5. Amen! God IS good...all the time.

  53. Your reply to this reading in 2016 was so impactful & helpful for me today. Thank you

  54. for that is his only covering; it is his cloak for his body. What else shall he sleep in? And it shall come about that when he cries out to Me, I will hear him, for I am gracious. (Exodus 22:27). Great are Your mercies, O LORD; Revive me according to Your ordinances. (Psalm 119:156). Just as a father has compassion on his children, so the LORD has compassion on those that fear Him. For He Himself knows our frame; He is mindful that we are but dust. (Psalm 103:13-14).

  55. "Is Ephraim My dear son? Is he a delightful child? Indeed, as often as I have spoken against him, I certainly still remember him; therefore My heart yearns for him; I will surely have mercy on him", declares the LORD. (Jeremiah 31:20).

  56. Thanks sweet Janet! God knows well our weaknesses and He has given us our strengths and talents. Our injuries, infirmities, and weaknesses of body, mind, and spirit increase our need for Him and also draw us closer to Him! We reach out to Him for relief from all types of pain and also for true comfort, understanding and a real love. Just as a tiny child reaches for Mama, we reach with trust and need in our hearts. God’s Love is comfort for our hearts and souls. His love for us is eternal and unchanging. So we put our burdens before Him because our weaknesses are met with compassion and mercy. We trust in His faithfulness. Wait on the Lord.

    Isaiah 40:31
    But they that wait upon the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint.

  57. Good morning, JC Warriors. Asking for prayers as we move our first born back to college today to begin his second year. I am thankful he is only an hour from home; nonetheless, time is moving so fast.
    SC Anonymous

  58. "I do not despise your weakness, My child. Actually, it draws Me closer to you, because weakness stirs up My compassion--My yearning to help."

    Thank You Lord Jesus for Your compassion, thank You for Your help. I gratefully I accept and am blessed.

    It seems to me there is not much compassion in the world except for a few.
    Of the few, a member of nursing staff comes to the top of my list.
    In ICU one night, there was no possibility of sleep, the Morphine or Cyclimorph was wearing off, in intense pain tears were streaming down my face. A member of the nursing staff, the matron I think, came and stood by my bed. Bending down she put her arms around me and hugged me, stroking my head for quite a while. I honestly don't know if she was praying or just talking quietly. Eventually she got up, I received another shot and drifted off to sleep. That hug was full of compassion.

    Psalm 103:13-14
    Just as a father has compassion on his children,
    So the Lord has compassion on those who fear Him.
    For He Himself knows our frame;
    He is mindful that we are but dust.

    Isaiah 30:18
    Therefore the Lord longs to be gracious to you,
    And therefore He waits on high to have compassion on you.
    For the Lord is a God of justice;
    How blessed are all those who long for Him.

    Psalm 103:3-4
    Who pardons all your iniquities,
    Who heals all your diseases;
    Who redeems your life from the pit,
    Who crowns you with lovingkindness and compassion;

    Ephesians 4:32
    Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you.

    Help me Lord to be more compassionate to those I come across throughout each day. Amen.
