Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Romans 16:16 - Greeting One Another

Romans 16:16 - Greet one another with a holy kiss. All the churches of Christ greet you.

Message: Greeting one another

Time: Written in AD 57 from Greece, to the Christians, both Gentile and Jewish in Rome

What the Lord is Saying:

The greeting of the holy kiss, embracing one another, male or female with a kiss on the cheek or even beard, is no longer common place in this country. It is interesting that it is an old oriental custom that Paul mentions here as a greeting to be given to one another in the church. It is a special way to communicate acceptance of the other person. There was a stronger dividing line in Paul's day between Christians and Jews or non-Christians and this provided a way to signify what it meant it be welcomed together in the family of God. I notice that many Christians are now adapted strongly with the hug though I think the kiss is somewhat more appropriate, but we tend to only kiss those we are closer to, like family members. 

Paul also mentions that all the churches of Christ send their greeting. We are all together. We are all one body in Christ. We are joined together. This is something we need more of today in our churches. 

Promise:  I need to stay connected in the Church and connected in the Local Body. This is important. There is something needed and necessary in just being in a community.

1 comment:

  1. Another early, early morning for me and I'm thankful for the time I've had in His Word, to organize my thoughts, my desk, my little corner of the world. Progress is being made on my hub's and my communication. Very thankful. Not there 'totally' yet, but progress! Thank you for your prayers - please continue. I will get a little more specific, so your prayers and mine can be also. It involves selling a car - one that we 'gifted' to ourselves when my step dad passed a way. Hub can no longer drive it, I don't either; it is in storage and has been for several years. We have agreed to sell it. Now, we have to agree on the price and what to do with it, if it doesn't sell at a show we are taking it to (I'm driving there - an hour away) on 8/10. Our prayer is that it sells before the show. That it is a blessing to someone else and that we get the most money out of it while still being fair and honest.
    So, JC Prayer Warriors, please join me and my hub in this prayer. I so want to do a Victory Dance over this one! Blessings to all of you.
