Saturday, December 10, 2016

Jesus Calling: December 10

Make Me the focal point of your search for security. In your private thoughts, you are still trying to order your world so that it is predictable and feels safe. Not only is this an impossible goal, but it is also counterproductive to spiritual growth. When your private world feels unsteady and you grip My hand for support, you are living in conscious dependence on Me.
     Instead of yearning for a problem-free life, rejoice that trouble can highlight your awareness of My Presence. In the darkness of adversity, you are able to see more clearly the radiance of My Face. Accept the value of problems in this life, considering them pure joy. Remember that you have an eternity of trouble-free living awaiting you in heaven. 

Isaiah 41:10
English Standard Version
fear not, for I am with you;
    be not dismayed, for I am your God;
I will strengthen you, I will help you,
    I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.

Psalm 139:10
English Standard Version
even there your hand shall lead me,
    and your right hand shall hold me.

James 1:2
English Standard Version
Count it all joy, my brothers,when you meet trials of various kinds. 

My Prayer
Lord, continue to take hold of my captive thoughts and retrain me throughout my day and life to allow you to work through me. I get too trained by the media of this world, impregnated to be a friend of the world and its ways. Help me to be trained by you God and accept whatever comes my way, even if it seems difficult to me. Keep eternity in my heart. You are my God. I do not need to fear. You will strengthen me and uphold my righteous right hand. Your right hand shall hold me.


Note: The devotion and scriptures are from author Sarah Young. If you haven't already, please purchase the book and support the author.

Also, bookmark to have an easy link to the entire year of these entries.


  1. Amen. All things work together for good for those who love the Lord. Thank you for the time, energy and love you put into writing your blog. You are preserving hearts to be focused on JESUS!

  2. Dear Lord, Help me to seek YOU as my only security. I cannot find peace and security on my own. My efforts are fruitless and separate me from you. Please bless me and my family today. Amen

  3. Several years ago the Lord led me to participate in a mission trip to Nicaragua. I was reluctant to go because I like my comfort zone and doing mission trips to the Third World is outside of the comfort zone I have created for myself. I offered good excuses why I should not go which lacked any validity and He told me so. He told me He wanted me to make this trip so I could see what real faith looks like. Like Moses by the burning bush, I was going whether I liked it or not. I was richly blessed by the beautiful people of Nicaragua. Though they were very poor in the world’s things, they were rich in eternal things, much richer than I was. One valuable lesson I learned was that in my comfort zone Jesus is not Lord, I am because everything is as I want it. When I was willing (not really) to step outside my comfort zone, I experienced His Lordship and as stated above, I was blessed in a way I never could have been in my cozy little comfort zone. When Jesus returns, my comfort zone will end once and for all and I will dwell in the eternal Comfort Zone forever. Maranatha! Come Lord Jesus.

    1. God was throwing you into somewhat of a wilderness because He knew you would emerge from it a new creature renewed and refreshed. Those poor people live the word of God because they are not distracted by the trappings of this fallen world. They know the Lord is ever at their sides providing them with their needs and showing them His faithfulness every step of the way. Take away our material comforts and we would see His promises more clearly.
      Trust in the LORD, and do good; so shalt thou dwell in the land, and verily thou shalt be fed.

    2. This is such a cool comment I had to share it with my church family!thanks Bob Malsack

    3. Thank you for sharing Bob! God bless you

  4. Replies
    1. Unknown, we all hope you are doing much better. We continue to pray for you and your struggles. Our good Lord is always with you. Much love and blessings to you. KS

    2. Amen. Praying you have seen God’s faithfulness in your life and all is going better.

  5. Good morning fellow JC/Payton blog brothers and sisters: I posted a reply to Norah later in the morning yesterday and felt some of what I wrote was even more appropriate for today's devo...

    (It seems) our (biggest) growth only comes when we are seeking Him while (in the middle of adversity). And Jesus having lived in the flesh and experiencing our limitations knows this. It's why He keeps whispering "Hold my hand". He always brings you peace. (Pray that) today we all experience the comfort of knowing that God is with us wherever we are... on a limb or on the ground, safe or in peril, traveling or at home.

    And the magnificent beauty of the passage today is the promise, as confirmed in scripture, that our faith will lead to an eternity with loved ones in Heaven with no more tears or fears! AWESOME is our God. Godspeed and Peace of the Christmas season to you all. Amen.

    1. MadFox - your words and Chris Payton's prayers are always very comforting. KS

    2. See post in 2020 that is inspired by the relevance of this year earlier post. God's Hand?

    3. Always, Madfox. Through His Holy Spirit, God has His way of preparing us for His Way...
      Love blessings to all.

    4. Dear Sassy Mom.... you responded to my message a few weeks ago....Thank you so much.... you are such an engaging person..... as are the rest of the folks on this thread....I so appreciate you guys being here. Lifting you all in prayer!...Cherhonda

    5. Thank you Lord, for ALWAYS teaching out for us "even there your hand shall lead me,
      and your right hand shall hold me"!

    6. You comforted my heart with your timeless words and unchanging truth. I am resting in the blessed assurance that Jesus is mine and that His Hand is always there to hold! Hallelujah!

    7. Thank you Madfox!
      Prayers and blessings
      Amen 🙏❤️

  6. So true, MadFox! I woke up thinking of the peace that passed all understanding when the kind man was there to fix my car! God knew my need was met and I got to watch it play out.
    I pray for my sister in law as she is so missing her husband. Your post and the JC devotion reminds me of that blessed eternity where we will see all of our loved ones again.
    God Bless each of you, JC Family as we watch our day play out, while holding His hand.

  7. This is Susan. I have asked for prayer recently. Not sure how I get a name to show on here like ""MadFox" or "Norah" or if I figured it out, what it should be 😁 - great devotional today. As I prepare for cancer surgery I want to put my life in order - and it seems impossible - but I need to just keep leaning and thanking the Lord for my trials. Loved today's scripture! So powerful! Blessings JC family!

    1. Unknown Susan - Praying for you as you pray for us.

    2. Susan - praying for you. May the Lord shower you with comfort and peace. KS

    3. Susan --- Joining the JC WARRIORS in prayer for you. May you be so aware of the Lord's presence all around you and let it bring you peace, healing and comfort.

    4. Good morning, Susan. You might be "Unknown Susan" here, but you are "KNOWN" by God. I also posted as Unknown for several weeks, then something just popped up one day and let me pick a name. I don't even remember how it happened, but I have a name. Maybe it'll pop up for you soon. I, too, am facing cancer surgery, but the laryngectomy they wanted to do now won't cure me because it has moved to my lung and chest. Docs are hoping to create a chemo for my specific cells to shrink everything. Then maybe I won't have to have such a drastic surgery. Praying for you for healing and peace. God is with you!

    5. Joining JC family prayer warriors and standing in the gap for ur hubby. The greatest Healer has already declared that by HIS stripes, he is healed. Receive it and rejoice.

      Stay blessed.
      Maplewood NJ

    6. Praying for you both, Mary OKC and Susan. Even if your names don't post, your names are still important to us. Sending blessings of peace to you both and praying that God sends miracles to you and your medical teams.

    7. Mary OKC --- I will lift your circumstances to THE THRONE OF GRACE. I ask the Lord to send healing, hope, and assurance to you. The Lord is by your side now and forever so you can live courageously Now and forever! AMEN and AMEN

    8. Susan & Mary OKC- you precious women are so brave. Inspite of your trials you both are proclaiming to those around you & the enemy that you remain steadfast & immovable in your faith in Jesus! Thanking & praising Him for it all. You are both an inspiration to this blog 🥰. Joining warriors in prayer for the two of you.

  8. Dear JC family. Wanted to let you know that my husband's biopsy went well. We don't know results yet, but they think it's probably just an infected growth or cyst. Thanks for all of your prayers. I could feel myself being lifted up. Will keep everyone posted.
    And I'll keep praying for all of you.

    1. PEBGDesigns - Be blessed with peace, love and encouragement as you await biopsy results.

    2. Amen, Sassy Mom to your prayer for PEBGDesigns!

    3. Pebgdesigns- joining warriors in prayer for good news.

  9. Praying for you, Susan, and that you are healed in the name of Jesus Christ!
    Continued prayers - for your husband, too, PBGBDesigns.

  10. Blessed to be in the land of the living this morning and thanks to the ONE who made it possible! Who am I without You Lord? Just an empty vessel, but when I claim onto Your love and make You the focal point of my life, I am more than a conquer, I am Your royal priesthood, holy nation, chosen, called by Your marvelous Presence, Your beloved, Your daughter! THANK YOU that absolutely NOTHING can separate me from this truth! All Praise and glory to YOU my Holy Father. Keep me away from the issues of this world, but keep me in Your WORDS!

    JC family, may this devotion remind us of the importance of focusing on God and not our problems. We are told through the 'word'
    "Seek ye first the Kingdom of God and His Righteousness and all these things shall be added onto you" Matt. 6:33.

    Maplewood NJ

    1. Amen! He is all we ever need and only in Him are we truly rich. Seek Me First is one of my favorite songs we sing in choir. I prayed it often at the nursing home. Its words are from God and they are truth and light.

      Seek ye first the Kingdom of God
      And His righteousness
      And all these things shall be added unto you
      Allelu Alleluia

      Ask and it shall be given unto you
      Seek and ye shall find
      Knock and it shall be opened unto you
      Allelu Alleluia

  11. As I read the JC post this morning, a thought kept popping into my mind.... comfort zone. Then I read Bob's thoughts from a year ago and BAM! There it was again.
    It seems we are all going through some variation of adversity in our daily walks that is pushing us out of our comfort zones. MadFox described it best as our 'biggest growth opportunity'. But it's not comfortable.
    So grateful to be walking with you all in this journey. Thoughts and prayers going out to all of you today and always. Stay connected to The Vine, friends.

    1. Kind words. Thanks. Sad but true, I've mostly grown spiritually in the valleys. I'm working harder to also grow in the times of relative ease.

    2. Can seeds really grow when they are laid back in the comfort zone of their predictably safe and trouble free ease-y chairs?

    3. Amen Suzanne! God urges us to take risks following Him to show us His promises are reliable even when we’re put out on a limb.
      Good point MasFox. We must strive to grow spiritually and allow ourselves to be molded by God even in the ordinary safe and simple days. Keep your eyes open for His guiding light shining today in your warm comfort zone. .
      Brie, believe they can. 😊

  12. I was walking this morning and once again I was pleading with God to guide me and lead me to his will over my own will. I heard inside myself,
    “I am, you've giving me rein over your will. It doesn't mean that you don't walk in your own way, but it means I'm always there with you. I'm always with you whether you feel me or not. I'm always there guiding you. I told you this before but you get so busy, so caught up in doing that you forget. I'm like the air I'm always there I'm always present, sustaining you. The only time you're conscious of the air that sustains your life is when the wind blows and you feel the breeze blowing across you. I'm with you, in you and around you. You don't have to feel me moving or sense me speaking to you to know I'm there with you guiding you, listening to you, talking to you, providing for you, comforting you, and yes when needed correcting you as a loving Father should. There is times when the breeze has to blow to comfort you. There are times when you fell my presence more. It may be to draw your attention to me and what I'm saying to you or it may be to comfort you as I'm holding you close as your loving heavenly Father. Always, always remember that I'm with you closer than your very breath.”

    "In that day you will know that I am in My Father, and you in Me, and I in you. John 14:20

    I was prompted to share this with you JC Warriors. Please know this is not just for me but it's for all of us who call on his name. He is no respecter of persons. He desires all of us to have an intimate relationship with him. Being a mom I getting on with my day after my walk, but it kept coming back to me to send this. I knew that if I took the time to post God would make the work of my hands more prosperous today. Be blessed,

    I read over this blog through out my day and pray with you and for you. With deep respect and love, TERRI

    1. Terri --- Thank you for sharing these moving thoughts. I know them to be true and I relate to every one of them. I am so thrilled to have the prayers of a JC WARRIOR! May the Lord Bless you Richly, In His Grip of Grace from Kansas

    2. Terri~ thank you for being His hands and feet today.

    3. Comforting words, amazing truth. May we remember this as we journey forward and may this not be just a journey, but by these truths, become an adventure no matter what we are experiencing.

    4. Amen! So glad we still have access to such wonderful insight from Terri posted last year! Thank you Pauton family for the features of this blog!

    5. Your innermost feelings and God’s message to you blessed me deeply. I really understand because I have felt this same beautiful assurance of His surrounding presence and peace. We are taken care of and loved beyond our understanding, He holds us always in His loving Hands. We never walk alone and we are deeply cherished. Thank you dear Terri for reminding me He is as close to us as our own breath and the beating of our hearts.

    6. I woke up this morning and as usual was thinking what I need to change and chuckling as I asked God to help me because He doesn't need my help or direction to heal me. This reading as usual fell right in line with where I'm at in life. I struggle with addiction and I want free and I know God can and will deliver me, I just have to surrender. Thanks for letting me share and and blessings to all my brothers and sisters in Christ.

  13. Today my 15 year old son sent me a text and told me his anxiety has really been bad since yesterday. I told him that mine has really been bad as well. A little background. I divorced my 3 boys father in 2012. We were co-parenting and got along well until 2016. He was remarried and really lost track of our boys which saddened me. In May of 2017 he took his own life. Ever since then my 15 year old has struggled with anxiety. An amazing man walked into our life on December 9, 2017 (2 years yesterday) But walked out 5 weeks ago due to his own issues that had nothing to do with me or my boys. I've discussed this with all of my boys and they were really saddened. One of my twins who is 13 asked me Mom why doesn't he want us anymore? Even though I wanted to break down I just told them it has nothing to do with us and that we will be okay. This has been the hardest relationship that has ever broke me and broke us because I loved him just as much as my boys did. I have asked my 15 year old if he wants to go back to counseling but he said no. Please keep us in your prayers today in hopes that we will heal. I know in my heart that this is God's plan and God's will.

    1. Emily - God bless and comfort you, your precious sons and broken relationship. Warriors are praying, supporting, encouraging and loving you as you go through this journey. You are not alone.

    2. Dear Emily: As God holds your hand in this time of turbulence with a friend whom you loved... remember He as a man, with all the same range of feelings, experienced the abandonment of friends and loved ones. It is hard to know why a man, who invested nearly 2 years into your relationship, just walked away. But fear and selfishness are at its core. It reminds us of when Peter, being afraid, and in the questioning of His relationship to Jesus, denied knowing the mentor and friend who had loved him as His brother. Jesus, Spirit, and Father know your pain PERSONALLY and also your sense of loss, lean on Him and know that even new unknown online "friends" here, are praying for you, the absent friend, and your boys. In Him all things are possible including forgiveness of this Man and the strength to Shepard your boys. May Peace come to you and Godspeed. Amen

    3. Emily --- Joining the the JC WARRIORS in prayer for your circumstances. I ask the Lord to heal your wounded heart and the hearts of your boys. I pray He will come and fill your hearts with the knowledge of His love His goodness and His faithfulness. LORD, let Emily and her boys literally feel Your loving arms around them. Let them draw closer to You during this painful time. Give them strength to continue with their lives. Let them know Lord You are the Lover of their Souls and You are working this all for the good. In Jesus's name, AMEN and AMEN

    4. Remember Emily, Jesus will never leave you nor forsake you & your son's. He is faithful to the end. My prayer is that your son's will come to know Jesus in a very real & intimate way as they observe His spirit weave through the darkness of their anxiety & disappointments & lead them into His marvelous light & love.

    5. Amen! I'm a witness, HIS timing, not ours.

    6. Emily, I pray things have gotten better in all your lives. God has never left you or your sins. He us the constancybthat holds your lives together. I know your hearts have been broken again but know the true joy and peace can only come from above. What you all need now is a strengthening aNd renewal of your faith and your sons to seek Him for their own peace and security. May you in faith and trust see God’s faithfulness in your lives now and forever.

  14. Oh, Emily... I'm so sorry. This is so difficult to comprehend as an adult much less a child. The JC prayer warriors are on it! Lifting you and your boys up in prayer. May the Father, Son and Holy Spirit wrap their loving arms around you like a shield.

    1. Emily I'm amazed at your insight and strength. I pray God's love and blessings showered on you and your boys. They are lucky to have you as a Mom

  15. Oh, Dear Emily - such pain and turmoil. Aren't TERRI's words a blessing? God spoke to her before she even knew of your pain. MadFox's heart-felt prayer for you; his encouragement. All of us on this site are praying for you and your sons. So many prayers, claiming His loving arms around you - us! Today my husband and I took his sister to get her Oncology CT Scan. It took hours, they had 'glitches,' and as we drove home a dear friend, former neighbor called with the worst news. Again. Hearing it from yet, another loved one. I did my best to assimilate her news, talk, pray and I promised (at her request) that I would put her on the JC Prayer Warriors list. Please pray for Jan, who believes in God and says, 'I also believe in Santa Claus & I'm expecting a Christmas Miracle. IF, the cancer really is as bad as the Drs say, (a week, a month), my prayer is that I make it through Christmas. I don't want my children to have to bury me at Christmas." This lovely woman of God, has buried 2 loving husbands and 2 loving children. Did the heartache finally do her in? My mind is asking WAY TOO MANY questions. While relaying it all to my Hub another call came in. A former boss of mine - a lovely man, who my hub encouraged me 'go work for THAT man - HE GETS IT!' I did and I grew and we've remained friends. God gave me the strength to shift gears and we had a sweet conversation - the 3 of us - him, my hub and me.
    What do I do when I feel overwhelmed? I hop on this site. Thank you again, Peyton Family! And I read all of the prayer requests and victories (PEBGDesigns - sorry I got your name wrong early this morning - I was going from memory, always dangerous!), but I continue my prayers for VICTORY. I see my brothers and sisters in Christ, comforting, exhorting, encouraging, edifying you, Emily. And I see "Unknown Susan" - 'known by God' and MaryOKC, and I just want you to know that you are in my prayers. I see Maplewood, as only she can which warms my heart every day. I see JJ and Jan, Sassy Mom, praising God, and all of the believers here claiming the promises of God.
    I have to tell you, my heart is not burdened. I even asked at one point, "God, is my heart getting calloused because of the number of deaths, diagnoses, and pain I've heard this year?" He assured me that was not the case. What I am experiencing is the peace of God. The gripping of His hand through adversity. The TRUTH of our future in Christ, when we will rejoice with all of our loved ones who are whole and healthy and have new bodies.
    This is nothing short of phenomenal to me, JC Family. I pray that it lasts - that I'm not just becoming numb to 'bad news,' but I really don't think I am. It's Bob's words of wisdom in action, JC Devotions, Chris' prayers and honest sharing. It's the Truth of THE Word of God in Christ in us, in action. And I am thankful.
    I feel as if all I've done for the last week or so is get on here and rant or cry or dump my latest catastrophe and I almost didn't share the latest. But then God reminded me that is the Devil's goal - to get us to SHUT UP, DON'T SHARE, KEEP IT TO YOURSELF. Wrong. As I learned in the teaching I received on Sunday, we are to PURSUE peace (pursuit requires action!) and EDIFY one another. We can't do that if we bottle it up. We have to humble ourselves to God, to each other, to get our our knees and pray and have the humility to tell each other we have a NEED. I have a need - just like everyone on here. I am praying for you. You are praying for me. We are seeing GOD'S VICTORIES, as we pray for one another. I won't stop - I hope you don't.

    1. Missed this post last year, a strong advocacy for open communication amongst believers... This comment in particular, was so true and why I'm posting,albeit anonymously, in my best effort to build my and your faith... Norah wrote, "I received on Sunday, we are to PURSUE peace (pursuit requires action!)" Amen Sister!!

    2. Thanks Nora, I shall try to keep this in mind during my 'discussions' with the Holy Spirit, each time He wants me to post, but I try to find reasons not to. ...But then God reminded me that is the Devil's goal - to get us to SHUT UP, DON'T SHARE, KEEP IT TO YOURSELF. Wrong. As I learned in the teaching I received on Sunday, we are to PURSUE peace (pursuit requires action!) and EDIFY one another. We can't do that if we bottle it up...
      Knowing how much my journey, and the journeys of people who come into my life, relates to almost every posting, yesterday, today, or tomorrow, and the fact that Holy Spirit knows there are people in, or coming into the room who'll need it, who am I to lay back in the comfort zone of my ease-y chair and choose otherwise?

    3. You certainly encouraged and edified me today dear Norah! Your strength of faith, spiritual encouragement and loving heart always reach me.

  16. Lifting you up in prayer..Emily, Susan, PEBGDesigns, MaryOKC, Terri, Jan, CO. Caring for my Mateo and Jairo takes alot out of me some days like yesterday and today. I read all of your prayers and requests and I find myself whispering your names and giving them to Jesus. Thank you Maplewood, JJ, Sassy Mom, Norah, MadFox, Bob, Dave, many and I know I left some out (forgive me). Your beautiful prayers are my prayers. May the Lord of peace himself give you peace at all times and in every way. The Lord be with all of you.

    1. Loveconquersall --- So appreciate your prayers and thoughts. Praying for the Lord to renew your strength. Psalm 103:17 "But from everlasting to everlasting the Lord's love is with those that fear Him, and His righteousness with their children's children---"

  17. Dear Heavenly Father God,
    Today's devotion reminds us: Instead of yearning for a problem-free life, REJOICE that trouble can highlight your awareness of My Presence.
    You're the Reason why I Sing out and Dance out my rejoicing praises!
    Psalm 150
    1 Praise the Lord!
    I Praise God in His sanctuary;
    I praise Him in His mighty Heavens!
    I Praise Him for His mighty deeds;
    I praise Him according to His excellent greatness!
    I Praise Him with trumpet sound;
    I praise Him with lute and harp!
    I Praise Him with tambourine and dance;
    I praise Him with strings and pipe!
    I Praise Him with sounding cymbals;
    I praise Him with loud clashing cymbals!
    Let everything that has breath praise the Lord!
    Praise the Lord!
    Thank You Father. Amen

    1. Amen and amen!! That hits home for me in so much truth! Thank you

    2. Praise Him! praise Him! praise Him! Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah!

    3. Amen! As MadFox so eloquently put it. We grow spiritually in the valleys. God never promised us a rose garden and our path will always many bumps along the way. But thankfully our blessings are as many as the leaves upon a tree and our loving Father leads us always by the Hand.

    4. 🎶I never promised you a rose garden, along with the sunshine, there got to be a little rain sometime...

  18. As I surrender, He will choose the way for me.

    1. Yes, we have to surrender because His ways are not our ways, nor His thoughts our thoughts; they are far higher than ours, and unless we submit to Him, we do not make any headway! Amen!

  19. It certainly appears that the Spirit within, was trying to prepare me with my own foreshadowing posts. Here a year later...the above POST in 2019, is worded as if to describe my current circumstances. NO QUESTION since that surprise routine blood test, He has me by the hand,  and JC Warriors and friends are covering me with prayers. Add the doctors, nurses, and their teams, who have been gifted incredibly perceptive scientific minds to learn the genetics of my particular disease, and determine a great and effective treatment plan.

    It takes little faith to see that the Lord is with me. Now the challenge of today's JC message... Am I at "pure joy" yet in my circumstances? Truthfully, No, I'm not. BUT, shockingly, I have little to no adrenaline created fear, and I'm convinced and read that scientifically helps to fight ALL disease. Since embarking on this uncertain path, the God of the universe personally demonstrateed and continues to show, His awareness to me of my plight. So, JOY at these small miracles along the way, so far? Absolutely, yes! I pray my faith continues to be strengthened and one day soon, I count this present path as "pure joy." Your prayers are certainly building the faith to help me get there. Thank you Team, God bless you, AMEN.

    1. All will be well, as the Father has you in His loving, healing arms. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen 🙏. Thank You Jesus. Praise the Lord continually and always.

    2. Correct me if I am in error MadFox. By His stripes we are healed. I feel as if the valleys ARE the terrain created for our faith to catch up to this truth, because we say this truth but do we believe it? Do we walk in it? Or do we still have to be trained to achieve it? Hence the valleys. One thing is sure, He never leaves us or forsake us. Each valley serves to perfect our faith as it leads us closer to heaven's door.

    3. MadFox, to add to this. Your faith through you valley walk has inspired us🥰

    4. Jan, TRUTH! Thus,I MUST be positive given the company I keep, when I'm in several hours of IV chemo. Grace and mercy, have been extended to me by the healing response, whether that is the science. the doctor's training, the incredible number of pray-ers here and elsewhere, or a specific miracle, it matters not. Our faith journey is to be a witness of cheer despite the economic, religious or physical challenges we endure. We are not Jesus and do not believe I will ever attain 100% faith or joy in this life...but that is the goal and it can only be accomplished by remaining faithful during the valleys and "stripes". SO, yes, agree, and may I and we be that light whenever and wherever... easier here as this is in writing but tougher to "walk the talk" day to day with family and strangers. AMEN!!

    5. MadFox, you continue to be in my daily prayers. I admire your joy-filled state of mind, finding the "small miracles" as you call them & staying in a positive-spirit-filled mindset. Thank you for sharing your journey with your JC family and allowing us to hold you tightly in our hearts and prayers. Sending love and praying for more miracles! BE WELL! (Putting it out there and proclaiming it!)

    6. GO MADFOX! You've got this, and you've got us and others. Most importantly, you've got Him! As you so aptly put it, it is not about us and our valley of stripes nor vales of tears, it's about Our faith journey, which is to be a witness of cheer despite the economic, religious, physical and all other challenges we may endure...
      As COG reminded us yesterday, If any of us were ever arrested for being followers of Jesus, would there be enough evidence to convict us? Our goal is the same as Mary's Yes! Lord! Yes! Lord! Yes! Yes! Lord. Amen

    7. MadFox - your strength and faith lift me up! It is so wonderfully obvious that you follow our good Lord's way. And He is with you every step of the all of us are. We care! KS

    8. The Peace that heals you, mad🦊, covers us all. As you find it, write about it, feel it, so do we. Thank you and God bless!

    9. MadFox, Your attitude, courage, patience, gratitude, strength of faith and resilience is an inspiration and a blessing to me personally. You are actively walking through your battlefield with the good Lord at your side. All our prayers and God’s promises surround you. I believe you are being healed and in gratitude do I pray. Dear Brother, you are more than a conqueror in Christ Jesus as you take your treatment like the good and faithful servant that you are. I love you dearly.

    10. Dear Madfox, you are an encourager, and an inspiration to us all. We share your journey as brothers and sisters in christ. We are here to lift one another up when we feel liw or weary or discouraged. Blessings on you and the JC family as we bear one another's burdens and build our collective faith. Mindy

  20. God Bless You, MadFox . You are an inspiration to all you meet. Praying that your earthy journey continues on a positive path.

    1. Amen 🙏. A miracle in waiting 🙏 🙌 ❤

  21. Thank You Jesus, my Lord and Father. I am at Your wonderful mercy and grace always. I will bless, praise, and rejoice in the Lord continually and always 🙏.

  22. This is another day to give You thanks dear Lord, and to thank You for being the constant anchor in my life. Its a must that I keep my focus on You, no matter my circumstances. My Christian faith as personal experience, comes into focus in the person of Christ Jesus. I know that if I am going to stay focus on You, I’ve got to include those things that are pleasing to You, because my staying focus also requires abiding in You. Help me to disconnect from filling the spaces of my life with all kinds of conveniences and distractions, that will become difficult and even impossible sometimes to see where You are leading me. Remove any habitual, continuous sinful habits and patterns from my life, so that I can serve You with my resources of time, energy, talents, and funds. Thank You for making provision for the salvation of my once lost soul. I press forward in continue prayers without ceasing, allowing my focus on You to follow naturally. May I never forget that the focal point of my faith is the ONE Who invaded this world in that manger many years ago. The ONE Who lived, Who taught, Who performed miracles and wonders, the ONE Who died on a cross and on the third day rose again, the ONE Who now has ascended to the right hand of God the Father and Who, is my Lord, Whom I also trust as my Savior. His name is JESUS, thank You for Him!

    Help us Lord, to stay focus on Jesus at all times, the source and goal of our faith and run the race that lies ahead of us, never giving up (Hebrews 12).

    Blessings and Peace.

    Maplewood, NJ

  23. Wow. I never tire of God’s spirit of grace, love, peace and truth through you all. Thank you.

    A pastor once preached that we are always near a desert. Either we just passed through, or we are about to enter one. God meets his people in the desert.

    What an amazing God who loves us and who we get to serve and love and know.

    1. Yes GTT, thank you.
      Dear God meet me at the desert. Walk with me each step through the desert. Give me the strength and faith I need in any hardships or perceived struggles in my life. Help me to see these periods in the desert as an opportunity to grow in faith and rely on you completely. Amen.

  24. Taking my morning one-a-day vitamin:
    "I AM the good Shepherd"
    I will follow You, thank You for your lead. Thank You, Jesus!

  25. ✝️ FROM JAMES 1
    When you Ask with Faith and TRUST, then expect The Lord to give you a solid answer and then TRUST God's plan for your life!

    ♥🙏🙏🙏♥Dear Heavenly Father God,  Thank You for more and more  capabilities each day to do a lot more than we have done in the past. Thank you for abilities to learn from our mistakes and then focus on You actually working them out for our good.
    😊Would You help us put doubt aside and TRUST You completely?
    😊Would You help us always have Faith in You, Your Goodness, and in our awareness of Your Presence?  
    😊When we torment our own mind with doubt, trying to order our own world so that it is predictable and safe, would You help us grip Your Hand for support, see more clearly the radiance of Your Face, uncover Your True Words and then speak them out loud to the adversity?  
    😊And would You receive our gratitude for in Jesus Christ, we have everything we need and an eternity awaiting us in Heaven.
    I ask. I seek. I knock. I praise. I thank.  In Jesus' Name. Amen.

  26. Thankyou for your prayers for my hysterectomy yesterday. Surgery went well and I came home 14 hours later. I now have plenty of time during recovery to pray for each of you in the JC family. Love and prayers to all. Mindy

  27. Hallelujah! Great news Mindy. Now rest, recover & heal dear one🥰

  28. Father, please help me to make You my umbrella in the rain, my coat for the cold, my food for my hunger. Let me know You and walk with You in Spirit and in Truth Lord. Magnify my love and faith in You and let it grow even more in me every day. Help me to remember to always look to You for all my guidance, lessons, trials, and rejoicing Lord. As long as You are with me Lord, anything is possible. Thank You Jesus. Praise the Lord continually and always 🙏.

  29. Please pray for my daughter Debbi who just called a few minutes ago to say she had to get tested for Covid and has to quarantine until the test results comes back. She has a bad sore throat and has been coughing uncontrollably. I will post this prayer request again on tomorrows date for those who wont see this message. Thank you for praying.

    1. On it. But so sorry that Debbi is in this place. Papa, protect and heal we pray. Bring your overwhelming and glorious peace to Debbi. May she see you in these moments despite the waiting and uncertainty.

  30. Praying for your dear daughter Debbie. May she get negative results and May God heal her completely. Thank you Lord for your faithfulness.

  31. Our devotion today reminds me, In the darkness of adversity, you are able to see more clearly the radiance of My Face. Is anyone else watching, "THE FOURTH WISE MAN" ?
    It is the 1985 version with Martin Sheen, Alan Arkin, Eileen Brennan. Each year I see the Radiance of His Presence more clearly; it is like a gift that keeps on giving. Much Love, Brie

  32. God knows us thoroughly. He knows when we get worried or become anxious. He knows we’re human. And yet, God gives us many reminders to fear not. To fear not means to trust God instead of believing our present situation is bigger than God is. God wants us to trust him. To trust that he will be enough, no matter what.
    God please help strength me with the three things that are causing me to be fearful.

  33. Many are the plans in a person's heart, but it is the LORD's purpose that prevails. (Proverbs 19:21). I am not saying this because I am in need, for I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances. (Philippians 4:11). The LORD will fight for you; you need only to be still. (Exodus 14:14). When times are good, be happy; but when times are bad, consider this; God has made the one as well as the other. Therefore, no one can discover anything about their future. (Ecclesiastes 7:14). Praise be to the Lord, to God our Savior, Who daily bears our burdens. (Psalm 68:19). Surely God is my help; the LORD is the One who sustains me. (Psalm 54:4).

    1. I really needed those verses. I'm letting the Lord lead me through this busy time. Read the Christmas story to little Gabriel and now he knows who Jesus is. I'm blessed by his thirst to know about God. He is such a sweet boy with a beautiful heart. I wrote Nani loves Gabriel and when I came back in the room, he was trying to write I love Nani. It just blessed my heart.

  34. But He said to me, "My grace is sufficient for you, for My power is made perfect in weakness." Therefore I will boast all the more gladly of my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ may rest upon me. For the sake of Christ, then, I am content with weakness, insults, hardships, persecutions, and calamities. For when I am weak, then I am strong. (2 Corinthians 12:9-10). For no prophecy was ever produced by the will of man, but men spoke from God as they were carried along by the Holy Spirit. (2 Peter 1:21). He will not let your foot be moved; He who keeps you will not slumber. (Psalm 121:3).

  35. JC Warriors -- thank you for all your support, prayers, thoughts, and love. I am so grateful to the Lord for all of you here on this site. God is so good -- ALwAYS! He knows what's best for all of us. Lord, please help us all receive Your blessings upon us. God bless!

    1. Isaiah 41:10
      English Standard Version
      "fear not, for I am with you;
      be not dismayed, for I am your God; I will strengthen you, I will help you,I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.

    2. Janet,
      Thank YOU for all your scripture-laden, encouraging and inspiring prayers!

    3. Amen! Thank you sweet Janet for feeding my soul very well. You are a blessing to our family!

  36. Goodmorning everyone i am new to publishing comments on here but I read the JC and then the comment below every morning. Goodmorning and thank you for your kind uplifting words. It's comforting to see some of the same names on here. Feels as if I know u even though I have never met you. Thank you for commenting under these posts and thanks Peyton family for these posts. I tried finding ypu on fb and was gonna send a friend request but I didn't want that to seem weird because you don't know me so I did not. Thank you for posting these JC readings and scriptures to go w then

    1. Welcome! We are glad you felt comfortable enough to comment. You are a warrior with us all now. God Bless you and yours!

    2. Joining dear GTT in welcoming you to our JC Family. We are so happy to pray for you and help you in any way.

    3. Welcome to the posting side of town, Unknown, where we are all known to God.

    4. Welcome unknown. Glad to have you here with us. God bless!

  37. Sharing with my JC Prayer Warriors - Luke 1:68,69 NLT

    “Because of God’s tender mercy,the morning light from heaven is about to break upon us,to give light to those who sit in darkness and in the shadow of death,and to guide us to the path of peace.”

  38. Sharing one of my morning devotionals.
    The Justice and Love of God
    By Michael Youssef, Ph.D.

    In Revelation 8 we see a precious golden bowl at the breaking of the seventh seal during the Great Tribulation. In this bowl are the prayers of the saints—your prayers, your petitions, your confessions, your praise of God, your cries for justice. An angel offers this bowl to God at the golden altar. Then the angel fills it with fire from the altar and hurls it down upon the earth—and judgment is released.

    Read Revelation 20:11-15. In this passage of Scripture, John describes how God is going to judge the world. We will all give an account on the day of judgment (see Matthew 12:36), and each of us will fall into one group or the other: those whose names are written in the book of life—and those whose names are not. You may ask, "How can I be sure my name is written in the book of life?" Jesus said, "Only the one who does the will of my Father who is in heaven." The will of the Father is that we commit our lives to the Lord Jesus Christ. Confess to Him that you are a sinner, repent of your sins, and receive Jesus, once and for all, as your Lord and Savior. Ask Him to write your name in His book. Then live every day for Him.

    Through thousands of years of human sin and rebellion, God has been patient. He has withheld His judgment and wrath, in spite of being blasphemed and rejected by the wicked human race. God's people have been persecuted and killed by the ungodly—and through it all, God has been patient. In fact, He has been so patient that His followers have often asked, "Lord, where are You? How much longer will You wait?"

    Let no one assume that He will tolerate sin and rebellion forever. A day is coming when God's patience will come to an end. A day will come when Satan will see his final defeat. So let us hold fast to the light of Christ as the world plunges into moral and spiritual darkness, remembering His love for us and His promises: "I will come back and take you to be with me that you also may be where I am" (John 14:3).

    Prayer: God, thank You for Your justice and Your love. I pray for those who do not yet know You. May You give them ears to hear Your Truth and lead me as I share Your Gospel with the lost. I pray in the name of Jesus. Amen.

    "The Lord is not slow in keeping his promise, as some understand slowness. Instead he is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance" (2 Peter 3:9).

    1. Thank you for sharing Sassy Mom. Amen. Peace be with you!

  39. TGIF, Dear JC Family - as Maplewood, NJ taught us: Thank God I'm Forgiven! Unknown - I feel the same in that the names we see and the new ones who arrive (or post for the first time) are family! "When we all get to Heaven, what a day of rejoicing that will be..." Sassy Mom, your devotion is much of what my DH has been reading and sharing, of late. Yesterday, he read I Corinthians 15 out loud to me as I ate my breakfast. We laughed with pure joy at the thought of us being gathered together for Eternity.
    Janet, your prayers and scriptures bless my heart. I pray that your pain is dissipating as you continually give praise to God. We are a blessed bunch and my prayers are with each of you and those we don't see for a while.
    Rejoice in this day the Lord as made. As I give each detail to Him who cares for me, I am confident that it will be a day of accomplishment in all things. As long as I keep my focus on Him, my heart will stay calm and my steps will be ordered.
    Love and Blessings, JC Family!

    1. TGIF! Thank God I'm Forgiven! We are blessed to be of one accord. I sure don't take you or any of my dear JC Family for granted. Rejoicing in this day and resting in the assurance that He has my back and all will be well. Hallelujah

    2. God bless you and your husband, Norah. When we all get to heaven, what a blessed day it will be! We will all rejoice together with our savior Jesus Christ! Peace be with you.

  40. Absolutely beautiful prayer Janet. I copied it to read it anytime 💕 You certainly have a gift with words and I just appreciate how beautifully you’ve spoken to our God. Have a blessed day❤️

  41. Dear heavenly Father, thank you for this day. Thank you for walking with me every step of the way. Please bless my family as well as all faithful on this devotional site. Also please pray for Robert, who passed away alone in prison after 40 years of incarceration. He was transformed by his relationship with Jesus Christ, not recently but many many years ago. Jesus of compassion, mercy and forgiveness please welcome Robert in your merciful-loving arms. Amen.

    1. Amen, He is in the best Hands forever, dear ABC, Thanking God that Robert is now realizing all of His promises and enjoying a perfect peace and joy that we can only imagine.

    2. Blessings on you Jeanne! Thank you for your kind words. Amen.

  42. Just a perfect prayer dear sister! Amen and Amen. I am sure that those around you can see the Christ in you. You are like a shining light to them no matter what they believe. God knows your beautiful heart of love and trust. He will not let you down. Thank You Jesus!

  43. Yet again, there is SOO much truth in today's devotion ...
    In the darkness of adversity, you are able to see more clearly the radiance of My Face...
    GOD'S VICTORY, please join me in praising and thanking God for bringing about a Victory through the perilous night, for the highest good of all concerned yesterday morning. ONLY God could have covered all the bases so well that everybody came out winning!
    His Much higher thoughts and ways were amazingly evident. Thank You Jesus. Amen

    1. You can reach Me by railway, you can reach Me by trailway
      You can reach Me on an airplane, you can reach Me with your mind
      You can reach Me by caravan, cross the desert like an Arab man
      I don't care how you Praise Me just Praise Me whenever you can
      You can reach Me by sailboat, climb out on a tree limb and swing rope to rope
      Take a sled and slide down the slope, into These Arms Of Mine
      You can jump on a speedy colt, cross the border in a blaze of hope
      I don't care how you Praise Me, just Praise Me whenever you can
      There are hills and mountains between us
      Always something to get over
      If I had My Way, surely you would be closer
      I need you closer
      It Doesn't Matter How You Praise Him, Just Praise Him Whenever You Can.
      The last, but in no way the least, of the Psalms:
      Psalm 150
      Praise The Lord!
      Praise God in His Sanctuary;
      Praise Him in His mighty heavens!
      Praise Him for His mighty deeds;
      Praise Him according to His excellent greatness!
      Praise Him with trumpet sound;
      Praise Him with lute and harp!
      Praise Him with tambourine and dance;
      Praise Him with strings and pipe!
      Praise Him with sounding cymbals;
      Praise Him with loud clashing cymbals!
      Let everything that has breath Praise the Lord!
      Praise the Lord!

    2. Amen!!! Awesome prayer for all because we are all covered by the Blood and nothing is too hard for our God. He is Sovereign. Praise Him with every breath and remember His good deeds.
      Psalm 95:1-8a
      Oh come, let us sing to the Lord!
      Let us shout joyfully to the Rock of our salvation.
      Let us come before His presence with thanksgiving;
      Let us shout joyfully to Him with psalms.
      For the Lord is the great God,
      And the great King above all gods.
      In His hand are the deep places of the earth;
      The heights of the hills are His also.
      The sea is His, for He made it;
      And His hands formed the dry land.

      Oh come, let us worship and bow down;
      Let us kneel before the Lord our Maker.
      For He is our God,
      And we are the people of His pasture,
      And the sheep of His hand.

      Today, if you will hear His voice:
      “Do not harden your hearts...

      May God open all of our hearts to hear His voice and see His guiding Hand in our lives. Thank You Jesus.

  44. The scripture in Isaiah 41:10 is so reassuring to me that it has become one of my favorites. It has helped to dispel fear from me especially fear of sickness. I have ailed for the past three and half years, while recovering from a stroke suffered in 2019, but this verse has comforted me, and I strongly recommend it to anyone who has any kind of fear. God is faithful, and His word will never return to Him without first accomplishing that for which it was sent, and in this case, it is to reassure us of God's faithfulness. In this verse He has promised to help and strengthen us, and I see that on a daily basis. He does stretch that righteous right hand to anyone who needs it. So, my prayer is for everyone to exercise faith in His word, and believe that what He said He will do, He always will. He never fails, as He is a covenant keeping God. Our part of the covenant is just to trust Him. Amen.

    1. Dear Emm --- Just had to say AMEN and AMEN to your post! Isaiah 41:10 has always been one of my go to scriptures! You are soooo right that we have a covenant with God, a Blood Covenant with The Blood of Jesus! HALLELUJAH!!! We use our faith to stand on His word and believe what He says, He will do!!! He is faithful!!! Lifting you up, Emm, and reaching with you to touch the hem of His garment to bring to you RESTORATION from the crown of your head to the soles of your feet. I Pray and Believe in Jesus's name, AMEN and AMEN.

      Jeremiah 17:14. "Heal me, LORD, and I will be healed; save me and I will be saved, for you are the one I praise."

    2. Isaiah 41 is one of my fave verses to cling to, especially when things go bump in the night.

  45. Yes and Amen dear Emm! Me too! Thank you! aAbsolutely love and need Isaiah 41:10. It has comforted me so many times and continues to bring rest to my weary heart. God bless you in all things. Praying with you for all to believe in His Word and promises. He is so faithful so we trust in Him always and ever. I'm holding on tight and staying in His presence. Thank You Jesus for showing all of us Your faithfulness and strengthening us in every way. Amen.

    Fear not, for I am with you;
    Be not dismayed, for I am your God.
    I will strengthen you,
    Yes, I will help you,
    I will uphold you with My righteous right hand.’

  46. Cast your burden on the LORD, and He shall sustain you; He shall never permit the righteous to be moved. (Psalm 55:22).

    1. I would have lost heart, unless I had believed that I would see the goodness of the LORD in the land of the living. (Psalm 27:13).

    2. Amen to that dear Janet! Thank you.

  47. Praise Jesus! Thank you Brie, Emma, Jeanne, JJ, Janet and the rest of our JC brothers and sisters! Such warriors of faith!!

  48. Emm not Emma 😉❤️

  49. Good morning dear ones. Sooo very blessed by the sharing of golden nuggets of God's word from each of you! I feel as if I've just feasted from God's banqueting table! I am soul satisfied! What a blessing you all are to me! May our One & True God overwhelm each of you with His joy unspeakable, His grace abounding, His peace that passes understanding, His mercy that's new every morning, His promises that He never takes back, His love unconditional. AMEN! Hallelujah! 💕🙏🌈

    1. Jan - Blessed beyond words, thanks for sharing your beautiful thoughts to JC Family.

    2. Let us praise and worship Him!

    3. Dear Jan, You are such a special blessing to me. Holding onto that unfading peace and trusting in His mercy and promises. Hallelujah!

  50. Words from today's devotion, ...When your private world feels unsteady and you grip My hand for support, you are living in conscious dependence on Me.... led me to begin thanking God for yet another one of His brilliant Victories! Isaiah 55:9 came to mind:
    For just as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are My Ways higher than yours, and My Thoughts than yours.
    Afterwards, God said to me, My thoughts and ways will always be much much higher than yours; your thoughts and ways will always be much much lower than Mine.
    So, do you want to take My High Road? Or stay on your own low road?
    I chose His High Road.
    He said, then Hold on to Me, and let go of you, i.e., grip My Hand for your support, and live in conscious dependence on Me. In Jesus' Name. Amen.

    1. Yes, James 1, . He is always ready to give a bountiful supply of wisdom to all who ask Him...Amen

    2. I sure can't do anything without His wisdom, grace and guidance. Holding onto Him for my support and peace. Thanks dear Brie!

  51. This morning has greeted us with the challenge of deep, wet snow, and the prospect of strong winds, power interruptions, and challenges. What a perfect reading for this morning!
    Thank you Lord for your supernatural strength that will be ours today. Thank you for the beauty and diversity of nature in our midst.
    Thank you, JC family for your prayers. I have victory reports! The kids that have been living on the brink financially, spiritually and physically are on the mend. My husband says...every time I pray and give them up to God, another mini breakthrough gets communicated. We have to remind them to take one moment at a time. I began to text them our daily devotional reading. At first, they were too depressed and lazy to even read them. Now, it has helped them wake up to action and gratitude for what they do have and seem to be motivated. There is no where lower to sink. God is on the move in many mighty ways!
    Now... Off to tackle the great outdoors, covered in a blanket of snow. (More like a thick down comforter!) Help us Jesus!

    1. YUUP! Nothing like scraping the bottom of the deep dark adversity pit, to be able to see more clearly the radiance of His Face.
      When The Bottom To You Ain't Up, it will probably be the only Face that descends into your hell to get you out. My experience: He Is the ONLY WAY OUT. Follow Him.

    2. Lyrics to get you and Marc through the challenge of tackling the great outdoor blanket of deep wet snow!
      Over the ground lies a mantle of white
      A heaven of diamonds shine down through the night
      Two hearts are thrilling
      In spite of the chill in the weather, ooh the weather
      Love knows no season, love knows no clime
      Romance can blossom any old time
      Here in the open
      We're walking and hoping together
      Together, together, together...
      Much Love to our JC Family of Prayer Warriors.

    3. Such great news Audra. God's Word can soften any heart and change their tears into dancing. Praying with you for them. One day at a time in God's presencel

    4. Another trip around the sun, still praying for those kids. They say they love us, then "ghost" us for months at a time. Jesus take the wheel, you love them more and I must let go and put this relationship in your hands. Please guide me if and when there is something we should DO. Holiday time, it gets harder...

  52. Remembrance is common theme in the O.T. and for good reason. We have something they did not have - The Cross! When we remember His Great Work there is nothing we cannot endure. The worst was endured for us. Couple that with the fact that He works ALL things for good and for what purpose? So we can be more like Him! This world does not guarantee happiness, but it can guarantee trouble, but it never ceases to amaze me that living for Him is a win-win no matter what happens here! It simply does not get better than that in this world, but then He pours the out the storehouse of Heaven in reminding us that we have a trouble free eternity waiting for us! Talk about cups running over!

  53. Brie - Psalm 150 is so appropriate! I have to imagine that it is even better than Hallelujah Chorus when put to music in Heaven!

    1. Ahh! Heaven !!
      I can only imagine that our hearts will be naturally and continually pumping out Ps150, rather than our voices!

    2. As a Choir member for 34 years, I have sung that glorious song many times and it has always moved me. But the music in Heaven will surpass it in flying colors. One more thing to look forward to.
      1 Corinthians 2:9 But as it is written, Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, Neither have entered into the heart of man, The things which God hath prepared for them that love him.

  54. I'm replacing the winter storm warning forecast with the one on a plaque in my living room..."today's forecast GOD REIGNS and the SON SHINES"
    Forget the snow shovel for now, this too shall pass. Get a hot cup of coffee and turn up the worship music while the power is still on and relax in His Presence.

    1. Loved it!
      'Snow forecast like your revised forecast.
      Yes, Let the Son do its job... you know, ...Out came the Son and dried up all the rain (or snow or ___)

    2. You made me smile sweet Audra!!! The Son is always shining. What a blessing!

    3. I love your plaque Audra: it says everything we need to be grateful for. God reigns all the time, and when the Son shines, we know that God's covenant is in effect!

  55. Replies
    1. Good to have you here dear Suzanne. Keeping you in my prayers. Much love

  56. Amen Audra! We should all hold on to that slogan and the promises in today’s verse from Isaiah. Such a powerful verse and one that should see us through all our challenges. If only we had the faith of a mustard seed with complete trust and just let go-to let God be God and reign supreme in every aspect of our lives. He is an awesome God!
    Be blessed, rest well. 🙏

  57. Amen! Isaiah 41:10
    Fear not, for I am with you;
    be not dismayed, for I am your God;
    I will strengthen you, I will help you,
    I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.

    What an awesome God we serve!

  58. As Maplewood stated in an earlier crossover post...December is a great, special and wonderful month. A month in remembrance of our Savior’s birth, a month when hope and redemption came into the world, a month of JUBILATION, celebration, a month that will forever be cherished!
    Today's devotion reminds us to accept the value of problems in this life,  considering them pure JOY. (ouch!)
    James 1:2 tells us to Count it all JOY, when we meet trials of various kinds. (more ouch!)
    Reiterating Peter's post on December 9, 2023 at 7:09 AM
    Better with JESUS in your boat during the storms of life, than being out on your own on a Peaceful Pond. (ahhh!)
    To celebrate the 10th day of this celebratory month, I plan to give JESUS "J" gifts of JOY in everything today, including trials of various kinds. Giving this gift is impossible for me unless I muster up faith that JESUS is in this boat with me and His Holy Spirit is at the helm. In Jesus' Name. AMEN!
    sung by Cece Winans

    1. Hallelujah! YES! May we all experience and give to others the gift of the JOY of the Lord! Amen 🙏.

  59. Thanks my good sister! Love you!!! I've got that JOY, JOY, JOY, JOY down in my heart! Thanks for giving me Joy too dear Brie. The peace and JOY in believing is all we need and Jesus is our EVERYTHING. He makes us JOYOUS, JUBILANT and JOVIAL. He leads us on our JOURNEY. He is our precious JEWEL. When you surrender to JESUS, you hit the JACKPOT.

    May we feel the JOY of the LORD today as we walk in His Presence!

    Psalm 16:11
    You will show me the path of life;
    In Your presence is fullness of joy;
    At Your right hand are pleasures forevermore.

  60. Just wanted to thank you all for praying for Emilio. He is out of the hospital and the antibiotics he received by IV have really helped in. They did many tests on him and they will give him the last one as an Out Patient. But my dear friend Barry really needs your prayers. He had a lump removed from his leg and the cut just keeps leaking. I told him to get right to the doctor's so it doesn't get infected.
    Thanking God for healing him from the inside out and healing it completely and strengthening his faith in Jesus' Name. Amen.

    Jeremiah 17:14
    Heal me, O Lord, and I shall be healed; save me, and I shall be saved, for you are my praise.

    1. Joining in prayers for Barry. May our heavenly Father touch him with His healing hands and remove the affliction from his body. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen 🙏.

    2. Lifting up Barry to the Throne of Grace. Father God, send forth your healing touch to Barry from the top of his head to the soles of his feet. Pleading the Blood of Jesus over him in Jesus's name. AMEN and AMEN

    3. Praying for Barry's healing in Jesus' Almighty Name.

    4. Thank you so much for your prayers for Barry. He went to the Emergency Room but I haven't heard anything. Waiting on the Lord with you. God is greater!

  61. Thanks Brie and Jeanne for the inspiration. This can be a day of JOY especially with Jesus in the boat.

  62. I gift my Lord the "J" word this day of JUDICIOUS. For His WORD says in Prroverbs 16:23 "The heart of the wise makes his speech JUDICIOUS and adds persuasiveness to his lips." I pray, Lord let my heart be clean and fill my heart with clean words of scripture to have beautiful and helpful things to say. In Jesus's name, AMEN and AMEN

  63. I don't even know why but these words come to mind: justice, juxtaposition, and jurisprudence. I'll look them up after church.

  64. Thinking on 'Accept the value of problems in this life, considering them pure joy.'
    Today the weather where I live is stormy, with occasional torrential rain and strong 50 mph winds roaring through the trees.
    Not a perfect analogy but our Christian life needs winds of adversity (trial, troubles, temptations etc) to strengthen our trunk and root systems, enabling us to stand and grow strong in Him.
    James 1:2-4 NLT
    Dear brothers and sisters, when troubles of any kind come your way, consider it an opportunity for great joy. For you know that when your faith is tested, your endurance has a chance to grow. So let it grow, for when your endurance is fully developed, you will be perfect and complete, needing nothing.

    1. Beautifully said! Txs! 🙏

    2. Love this, Peter, love this! I am so AWE STRUCK how God can bring that unexplainable Joy and Peace in the midst of troubles and trials, when we keep a firm focus on Him. Such a MAGNIFICENT God we serve!

    3. Thanks so very much for that, Peter! Beautiful encouragement for my weary heart! So much to do and so many people need me. I know that just belonging to Jesus is enough to give me joy and to be thankful. I have stayed in His presence through all my work and I'm blessed to have Him always by my side.

  65. Another thought today seeing we're in the middle of Hanukkah. The centerpiece of the Hanukkah celebration is the Hanukkiah, a candelabra that holds nine candles. Eight candles symbolize the number of days that the Temple lantern blazed; the ninth, the Shamash, is a helper candle used to light the others.
    I ask myself "am I a helper candle to help light other candles?"

    1. You surely are a helper candle to us, dear Peter!

  66. Hi guys,

    Hope everyone is doing well. I was just noticing how distracted I feel even just doing everyday things. So much of this modern world causes distraction. I appreciate that our Father God is training us. I pray for focus for us and our brothers and sisters as we worship and serve Him in His will. Be blessed JC family.


    1. Dear Free2b ---- So appreciate your post and grateful for your well wishes. The enemy is cunning and works at three things fervently ---- 1. Distract, 2. Deceive, 3. Destroy. This is why we HAVE TO STAY IN THE WORD DAILY and speak God's WORD into our lives. We use the name of Jesus and His Shed Blood to send great Destruction to the enemy's camp, because the Name of Jesus changes everything and He turns it around for the good! I often speak: NO WEAPON FORMED AGAINST ME SHALL PROSPER! And these words also into situations and say: Let the valleys be brought up. Let the mountains be brought low. Let the crooked places be made straight. Let the rough places be made smooth. Let the Glory of the Lord be revealed. I Bless You, Lord, for everything You are going to do. Thank You for moving on my behalf. In Jesus' name, and in the Power of His Shed Blood, AMEN and AMEN.
      If the enemy can keep you from the WORD, then it is open season for him. Let him know:

  67. Amen! He makes our ways straight and He even finds a way even when there doesn't seem to be one. Stay in His presence and all things are possible. God bless you, dear Free2b and JJ! Standing on His Word and Promises, strengthened by the Lord. God Always Wins! Hallelujah

  68. JESUS
    What a JOYOUS Bouquet
    We collectively gave to our Lord today!

  69. Good morning! I would like to request prayer for my mom and daughter right now. As well as myself. My prayer is that Jesus will illuminate our paths and give us all His Strength. The warfare is strong but I KNOW HE CAN BREAK DOWN STRONGHOLDS IN THE NAME OF JESUS!! We are all in a fierce battle for the mind just trying to break free from habitual responses that we have developed over time. Help us all to be rooted and grounded in Love. Help us to see each other through God’s eyes and perspective. 2 Corinthians 10:4
    4 The weapons we fight with are not the weapons of the world. On the contrary, they have divine power to demolish strongholds.

    1. Not only that help us ALL to first see OURSELVES through GOD’S eyes holy and blameless through Jesus children of God! Help us to NOT FEAR because God’s PERFECT LIVE CASTS OUT ALL FEAR IN THE NAME OF JESUS NO WEAPON FORMED AGAINST US WILL PROSPER 🙏

  70. Thank you for praying that Rick’s Mohs surgery goes well and that he feels the presence of the Lord around him. Also my mom’s neighbor said she is going to the doctor today and she really needs prayers. And for traveling mercies for Dylan and little Lucas who are driving to visit us from CT. Thank you Father for granting our prayers and changing all our situations to Good! In Jesus’ Name, we pray. Amen.

    In the darkness of adversity, you are able to see more clearly the radiance of My Face. Accept the value of problems in this life, considering them pure joy. Remember that you have an eternity of trouble-free living awaiting you in heaven.

  71. Life in the last few days has been very busy. Up and out very early attending to 'life'. Prayer time of necessity has been short, but still oh so blessed.
    It's not been possible to order my life during these few days, it's been pray, commit the day to my Lord, and drive off, trusting Him for all things and in all things.
    It's been anything but problem free.
    The shortest prayer "Jesus Help!" brings Heaven to earth enabling His answers to our needs.
    Even responding to a call for help when a washing machine full of water and washing stopped working, God was there. No sign of life from the machine, unable to lift it out to access the internal parts, I prayed. Seeing the machine was a little too far under the counter top , I wiggled it forward a touch. Switching it on again and selecting a program, it worked! it is still working. Praise the Lord for His help in ALL situations.
    'Life' happens; when our life is in Him our dependence on Him brings His loving response and answers to prayer.
