Wednesday, December 28, 2016

Jesus Calling: December 28

I AM your refuge and strength, an ever-present Help in trouble. Therefore, you don't need to be afraid of anything -- not even cataclysmic circumstances. The media are increasingly devoted to fear-inducing subject matter: terrorism, serial killers, environmental catastrophes. If you focus on such dangers and forget that I am your Refuge in all circumstances, you will become increasingly fearful. Every day I manifest My grace in countless places and situations, but the media take no notice. I shower not only blessings but also outright miracles on your planet.
     As you grow closer to Me, I open your eyes to see more and more of My Presence all around you. Things that most people hardly notice, like shifting shades of sunlight, fill you with heart-bursting joy. You have eyes that see and ears that hear, so proclaim My abiding Presence in the world. 
Psalm 46:1-3
English Standard Version
1 God is our refuge and strength,
    a very present help in trouble.
Therefore we will not fear though the earth gives way,
    though the mountains be moved into the heart of the sea,
though its waters roar and foam,
    though the mountains tremble at its swelling. Selah

Psalm 89:15
English Standard Version
Blessed are the people who know the festal shout,
    who walk, O Lord, in the light of your face,


Note: The devotion and scriptures are from author Sarah Young. If you haven't already, please purchase the book and support the author.

Also, bookmark to have an easy link to the entire year of these entries.


  1. Heavenly Father, Thank you for your continuous presence in our lives. Lord, help me focus my thoughts on all the wonderful things you do for us and all the gifts you generously give us each and every day. Give me eyes to see and ears to hear the blessings You bestow on us. Help me focus on You as our refuge and strength during troubled times knowing that I can overcome all through Your presence and proclaim peace and hope in our lives.

    1. Beautiful prayer Jeff, Amen and thank youπŸ’—

    2. Heavenly Father, In the Name of Jesus Christ, In the Spirit, I praise you because you are my God and I have confidence and trust in you for my every need. Lord you are our refuge and our hope. Lord you are the source of every good thing. Lord I choose to trust you to make provision for a home, transportation, and for health, love, peace, joy and most of all a family. In Jesus Name Amen

    3. Wonderful Inspiration. Thank You!!!

    4. Beautiful prayer, amen! I would add a plea to our Lord to remove the scales from the eyes of those that cannot see your Presence is all around us. πŸ™

    5. I feel the same urgency on this prayer again this year. Come Holy Spirit and cover all those close to me in this awareness of their need for salvation and the joy that it brings. I knock, I ask, I pray, in Jesus's name. Amen.

    6. My prayer is in tandem with Audra.
      Open the eyes of my family, oh Lord. Create a new heart and understanding in each, I pray.
      Holy Spirit come. In Jesus' name, Amen

    7. Timeless prayer Jeff, thankyou!πŸ™πŸ•Š️

    8. Thank you for this loving, devoted Christian prayer! In a time where we Christians see so many disheartening stories of violence and downright Debauchery In our world, It is comforting to be reminded that God is with us. We cling to Jesus, entrusting in Him all things. Jesus, I thank you for the beautiful world you created around us. A marvel at your beauty, the beautiful skies, warm sunshine, Replenishing rains. Thank you, Jesus for the wonderful world you gave us to live in. Help us live according to your word, To be kind in our words with other others and lead them to you, father.

    9. Just love. Love Jesus, love others. Such a tall order, but He gives us strength to do just that.

  2. We have all been there... pleading. Lord, I need Your refuge & Your strength, to help me out of this current trouble of my creation. With Your perfect forbearance, we run to You and ask for mercy and grace. THANK YOU.

  3. Why god does it feel like your not my refuge or strength I so need you everyday but more now then ever please come to my home.

    1. Lately when I feel the same, I repeat this phrase from my daughter's children's book to's a little cheesy but so true and I can remind myself of God in spite of my feelings..."God you are good, God you are here, God you are near, and God you love me."

      I pray right now that you would feel God in your home and know with certainty that HE is your refuge and strength.

    2. Lord thanks for being my refuge and my strength. Open my eyes so I can see more of your presence all around me. Help me to walk in your word and trust your guidance and direction. I love you lord, and thank you for loving me so much! -Velia

    3. I come before YOU FATHER through YOUR son our savior JESUS CHRIST, and praise YOU for this day, my breath, all YOUR promises, blessings, my family, brothers and sisters in Christ, my beloved children. Guide me LORD, I praise YOU for the continued blessings of motivation and determination to change my ways, removing myself from all that I can which is of this world. I will and do Not fear anything beyond YOUR wrath if I were to live opposite to YOUR Will and break commandments . For YOU Are my refuge, in All circumstances, every day, no matter where I am nor the degree of problematic circumstance or chaos surrounding me, My words will never do justice in expressing my love, devotion and desire to serve and please YOU only, PRAISE the LORD , because YOU can read my heart and mind. Help me to obtain the wisdom within my spirit and heart, a level of understanding that cannot be explained or understood, but I know it is real. Please pour YOUR HOLY SPIRIT upon me today and always so I may take each step and every word spoken glorifies YOU. Transform me more LORD, help me to appreciate the little things, refrain from worrying over not only what is beyond my control but that too which is not worthy of wasting these precious moments on earth stressing over a dusty house or how we will make ends meet. So long as I am YOURS, I have little to worry about and that which I do, I thank YOU for taking my worrisome burdens from me. I sing a new hallelujah today for YOU FATHER/YAWEH, and ask for speedy recovery of my beloved’s son, and for all those sick and suffering from illness, depression, addiction, loss, soften the hearts of those that have turned away so that I (we) may be able to reach them scattering YOUR seed.
      FATHER I praise YOU for my life and thank YOU for saving me over and over , reveal YOUR Will for me today LORD, as I want to serve only YOU and bring YOUR loving light to ALL I cross paths with today.
      In JESUS CHRIST name I pray

    4. AmenπŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™What a wonderful prayer!! Be blessed, thank you!!!

    5. πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ’œπŸ’œπŸ’œπŸ™πŸ™πŸ™

  4. Unknown, you are "known", throughout the heavenly realms!God knows every hair on your head!not one falls without His notice! Tune in unknown!Don't let the enemy, the devil rob you of what is rightfully yours given through the cross! You are covered over with the precious blood of Jesus. Praise and thanksgiving is the key that allows God to work in our troubles. Let go and let Him through praise and thanksgiving.

  5. On the universal Church calendar, today is set aside to remember the tragedy that soon followed after Jesus’ birth. When the birth narrative is merely sentimental, Matthew 2:13-18 is rarely if ever read in church and I have only heard one preacher willing to give a sermon based on it. God had come to earth in His Son to save His creation. Evil refuses to accept this and will make every damned effort to thwart our salvation. (According to Revelation, all that evil does is damned for all time.) As it was for Jesus, we can expect no less; the way of salvation is not an easy one because there will be many attempts by evil to knock us off of it, including at times great tragedy as in the Matthew passage. This is where Psalm 46:1-3 becomes a reality. Vs 2-3, though the world appears to be falling apart, vs. 1, we find refuge and strength in God to the absolute frustration of evil. Let’s clasp hands in the faith, we are going to make it. God has made it possible.

    1. Amen Bob! The current state of our country and the world is enough to drive everyone into depression and discouragement. Our very lives have been threatened and our financial security is dwindling. We cannot see or hug our family who remain so far away. Many have lost their dearest loved ones. People are homeless or have become orphans. Many are in hospitals fighting to survive. Our future is uncertain and appears pretty bleak. Seems like so much is falling apart. But for God! He has not left or forsaken us! He still is our very present Help! We who believe in His faithfulness find the light, peace and joy in every new day. We are walking our gratitude for His constant love and provisions. His promises are reliable! We have put our new list of priorities into place and He and our family and friends are on the top. No more useless fluff in there to cloud our eyes. We are truly there for each other in word and deed. We are filled with hope and gratitude. We are busy producing abundant fruit within our walls, consoling and comforting those in mourning and in need, and praying for each other. God’s spirit is working mightily through us to glorify Him and to help each other. God reigns and is still in charge. Hallelujah!
      So.... “Let’s clasp hands in the faith, we are going to make it.” God is making it possible!!!

    2. Clasping Hands todether with Him, our JC family and you, dear Jeanne. Together we can jump over these waves, until our God says, Peace Be Still!

    3. Thank you Bob, Jeanne and Brie! I really needed this! God is Mighty to Save! Yes, let’s clasp hands in love and faith and keep our eyes up to Him, Our Savior!
      Love and prayers

    4. Amen Jeanne. Let us continue to walk in His light and pray for others to follow.

    5. We have been through so many emotions together..yes we are clasping hands together in prayer with our Savior..our refuge and strength in ever present trouble ..Amen!

    6. **ever present help in trouble

  6. It has been one year and 2 days since a devestating loss in my life. Lord without you I would not have been able to bear it but while there is pain there is also hope in you and I know that the coming year, and next Christmas, will be easier. I understand that the gift of your birth, death and resurrection opened those gates for my loved one (and all believers) and I am so grateful. On my worst day, whatever comes, I know that this life is temporary but heaven is eternal.

    1. Gma B - "life is temporal - HEAVEN IS ETERNAL"

    2. So true, This is but a flash in the pan compared to the glory He has prepared for us on the sweet bright line that stretches forever.

  7. Thank you Jesus for always being there - in the good and in the unexpected bad. I am nothing without you. Amen. KS

  8. Morning glory and shut out to the KING from whom mercy and grace has ushered me into a new day. Thank You Lord for this last Saturday of the year 2019. As I look forward to the New Year ahead, I count my many, many, many blessings from January 2019 to this day and say: OH Father THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU for being the FAITHFUL GOD that You are! I surrounder the remaining 3 days into Your hands and trust You for the same gace, mercy, love, protection, provision etc.. to cross over to our New Year of added blessings.
    Thank You for this 'Grace' that is sufficient for ALL!

    JC family, may the God of miracles and the God of wonders, grant you whatever it is that you need from Him these last 3 days before you cross over to 2020. He's a miracle working God and an on 'time' God. NOTHING is impossible for Him. He can do it in the last 3 days, before the clock strikes 12 midnight or give you a new start in the 2020. Let His will be done.
    We are reminded to never be afraid. He is our "REFUGE and STRENGTH, an ever-present Help in trouble". Take hold of this truth and be steadfast in Your faith.
    May we acknowledge the Grace of God that is manifested in countless areas of our lives and situations and thank Him for ALL the seen and unseen blessings and miracles through it!

    Stay blessed this last Saturday of 2019, He is indeed your REFUGE and STRENGTH!

    Maplewood NJ

    1. Amen and thank you, sweet dear Maplewood! Joining in your lovely prayer and thanking you for your encouragement. If I could borrow these words from Anonymous from 2018, I wish all our loved ones this:

      I pray right now that you would feel God in your home and know with certainty that HE is your refuge and strength.

  9. The reading for today contains a healthy dose of reality which is made clear in Psalm 46 and throughout scripture for that matter. If we want a god who shields us from all unpleasantries in life, we are going to be very disappointed. The one true God is a refuge and strength no matter what. When/If we allow that to shape our theology of God, we will be blessed no matter what. I would go so far as to say, when it is more about His being our refuge & strength than it is about the earth giving way, we will see His miraculous involvement in every disturbing occurrence in life. Let us not lose sight of the cross as we linger by the manger. God be with you.

    1. Thanks for those words of truth, dear Bob. We must go through the hard times He allows because He is molding us, strengthening our faith, and completing us through them.

  10. Dear Bob, Thank you for reinnerating the clarity of hope through the trials that we all experience. To me, it is like sunlight peeking through the clouds. Loving that Christmas is not over and that we may still linger by the manger.

  11. My Aunt is with Our Lord now surrounded by all our loved ones gone before us. It brings me great comfort and peace that she seeked Jesus all through her life. Thank you all for your prayers.

    1. Dear LCA , When my sweet Aunt Joan passed away I was so very sad. The night of her funeral God handed me these words so I will share them to comfort you. Sorry I only have them with guitar chords.

      Amaj7 A7 Amaj7
      Why do I feel such sorrow
      Dm D7
      Why is my heart in pain
      Amaj7 A7 Amaj7
      I will still have tomorrow
      Dm pinky Dm
      But it won’t feel the same
      Amaj7 A7 Amaj7
      I miss her laugh, her face,
      Dm Dm7
      The twinkle in her eye
      Amaj7 A7 Amaj7
      I’ll never get to tell her
      F#m7 Dm7 D
      All I can do is cry

      She’s gone
      A7 D pinky D
      Resting in His peace
      She’s gone
      A7 D Dm7 D
      Mercy brought release
      She’s gone
      A7 D D7
      So far away from me
      She’s Home
      F#m Bm
      Now her soul is free

      She’s gone
      A7 D
      Resting in His peace
      She’s gone
      A7 D Dm7 D
      Mercy brought release
      She’s gone
      A7 D D7
      So far away from me
      She’s Home
      F#m7 D
      Now her soul is free

      Amaj7 A7 Amaj7
      So hard to lose a loved one
      Dm D7
      But all must go someday
      Amaj7 A7 Amaj7
      God strengthens us with comfort
      Dm pinky Dm
      As His light guides our way
      Amaj7 A7 Amaj7
      Don’t fill your heart with sadness
      Dm Dm7
      Our journey’s just begun
      Amaj7 A7 Amaj7
      Hold to His Mighty Hand
      F#m7 Dm7 D
      Until this race is run

      You’ll be Home
      A7 D
      Resting in His peace
      Home where
      A7 D Dm7 D
      Your soul finds release
      A7 D D7
      In the Glory Land
      F#m7 D Amaj7
      Where you’ll understand-and Stay.

    2. As always, beautifully done, Jeanne!

    3. Thank you Jeanne! This has been a difficult year for all. You have carried us Lord through it all thus far and we trust in you completely. Thank you Jesus..thank you!

    4. Dear Jeanne how lovely is your song if tribute to your loved one. My oldest plays the guitar, would you mind if I have him sing & play this for me?

  12. LCA - God Bless you in the passing of your Aunt. I'm so glad that you were able to see her before she went to sleep. Heavenly sleep. And the next thing she'll see is the face of Jesus Christ. And you will see her again and spend Eternity with her. Love you, friend.

    1. Thank you Norah for your kind words. I feel sad and happy. Thank you Jesus, my strength.

    2. Dear LCA, Happy we will be with them again and sad because our heart misses them so.

  13. Bob, as always, you salt my oats and make me want to drink (you can lead a horse to water, but you can't make it drink - BUT, you can salt their oats!). This holiday season was better in that I lowered my expectations. While I crammed more into one day than humanly possible, I did see that if I were expecting God to shield me'from all unpleasantries in life,' I would be very disappointed. 'The one true God is a refuge and strength no matter what.' And that He was! I made it through our 3rd Christmas Family Celebration (the 4th to be Mon, 12/30) and it was by His Grace that I was saved.
    Heading to bed and thanking God for all that I learn each day on this site and...I'm clinging to the Vine! :)

    1. Amen sweet Norah! Clinging tightly to the Vine!

  14. Bob M and MadFox - hope you see my response on the 12/28 post. So sorry for the length of my post, but I thank you both, from the bottom of my heart because you helped me 'word' my dear hub's and my 'Recipe for our Marriage,' which someday our children will read. Thank you!!

  15. Father, please let us remember that we are full of You and the holy spirit as we walk through our lives. Let our light shine bright so others will see Your glory in us and let us praise You continually and always in our hearts and minds. You are all we need Lord. Thank You Jesus. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen πŸ™.

    1. Yes! Lord, I'm also joining into prayer with Madfox's 2018 post:
      Lord, I need Your refuge & Your strength, to help me out of this current trouble of my creation. With Your perfect forbearance, we run to You and ask for mercy and grace. THANK YOU.

    2. In prayer for you dear Brie. Our Lord sustains you through this. Oh Lord grant this sister the mercy & grace she is seeking from You. Amen

    3. I join you dear Janet in this prayer. Bless you for sharing your heart.

    4. Amen sisters ❤

      Blessings from France

    5. And Amen from me too, Brie. God so loves you - His bright Brie. There is nothing He would withhold from you.

    6. Amen Janet! Joining in your lovely prayer.
      Praying with my sweet Sisters for you, dear Brie, God knows your situation very well, understands your hopes and needs, and loves you so much! He will lift you high above it all and make all things right.
      We pray this together in the powerful Name of the Risen Lord, Christ Jesus.

    7. Our heavenly Father will lift you up Brie and comfort and sustain you in His loving arms.

  16. Loving Father, Its a new day and I just want to say Thank You for fresh anointing, Your grace and the mercy You've given me to once again be Your Holy Presence.
    This morning I lift up the city of Nashville, TN and all its residents for peace, comfort and healing after the bomb attack downtown few days ago. Thank You for protecting my family and all the other families and friends.
    You are their Refuge and strength, a very present help in times of trouble, and Thank You for Your abiding Presence in the lives of all Your children. In Jesus' name I pray, Amen.

    Blessings and Peace.

    Maplewood NJ

    1. Amen Maplewood. Joining in prayers for Nashville and healing prayers for you.
      And keeping your friend Jane in my prayers.

      Blessings from France

    2. Glad your family is okay in BNA, twin bd sis. We lost contact with our daughter and grandson for several hours because one of the major carriers of phone service was knocked out. They are all fine as well but our concerns were heightened for a time being. Prayers for all things BNA, may God bless and keep that city in His care. And for all individuals who are so consumed by evil that they are led to perform such evil deeds, Lord, have mercy on them and rescue them from Satan's grasp.

    3. Glad your dear ones are safe Maplewood NJ, BOB; add my oldest granddaughter Hannah, to those who remained safe in His Arms!
      Thank you Lord for blessed assurance that in You, we can be brave and steadfast about everything -- including cataclysmic circumstances. Open our eyes to see more and more of Your Presence all around, like shifting shades of sunlight, filling us up with heart-bursting joy. You gifted us with eyes that see and ears that hear. Help us use them to see and hear You and Your Goodness. You gifted us with a mouth; may we always proclaim Your abiding Presence to the world. 
      We also pray for those who have yet to come into Your Fold, until there is One Flock with One Shepherd = YOU! Amen.

    4. Thankful for the safety and protection of our family members and friends in BNA as well. May the Peace that is Jesus fall upon their communities and the devil be dismissed from activities trying to shake our faith and devotion in Jesus Christ. We know your future, evil one, Lake of Fire! And we know ours, Eternal Glory!

    5. Thanking God for keeping your loved ones safe. Praying God is pulling His blanket of peace over Nashville and BNA and protecting his people and guiding them to the help they need. Greater is He that is in us than he that is in this fallen world. We shall overcome!

  17. In my post above (2018), explanation was given for the celebration today of the Holy Innocents, the first martyrs for Christ by Herod who had male babies in Bethlehem massacred in a vain effort to eliminate the King who was born in 'O Little Town of Bethlehem' (Matthew 2:16-18). To remember this again today led me to pray for children both whom I know and for the children of the world, especially those who's lives are on the line because of abuse, hunger, civil war or any such efforts of evil still wandering around in this world. Come, Lord Jesus, for their sake. Amen

    1. Amen Bob. Joining in prayers for the children all around the world.

      Blessings from France

    2. Amen! God bless the little children of the world!

    3. Amen Bob, Joining prayers for God’s little children in need. May He wrap His loving arms around them and sustain and lift them in every way, and give them joy and peace. Amen.

    4. Amen. God bless the little children.

    5. Amen! God bless our little children.

  18. As I start the new year, I praise God for His promises to us. I have lung cancer since 2019 then this spring as Covid started my headaches began. Five months later, after many tests, I learned I developed Leptomeningeal Disease, the cancer spread to my spinal fluid. It floats around the brain and damages nerves. It is terminal. As I lose function, I am not afraid, God has reminded me, from the first day, he is with me and in me. He is in me, how can I be afraid. He gives me His peace, the peace they speak of in the Bible, it is so very real. Thank you to everyone for your comments to the daily posts. I find comfort in reading your prayers and support for each other. I do not post but I am out here appreciating you all. Thank you Sarah Young for your book, I had it for years but it is helpful everyday even more. I pray 2021 will be better for the world, I trust God to be with me to the end, whether it be days or weeks. Keeping shining His light to the world!

    1. Thanks for sharing your faith with us ibjeni. You will be continually in my prayers.

    2. Joining JC Prayer Warriors for you, ibjeni; so thankful for your unrelenting faith and expectations of joy. Praying for everyone on here and thankful for your words, Bob and everyone's as they share their heart-felt Love for our Savior. Praying for those in Nashville, as well and thankful that no one died. Calm the angst that situations such as these bring.
      On this gray Monday, I look to the Light of our Lord. Calm our hearts, renew our expectations of miracles of healing, and all needs met.
      Bless my family in all of their endeavors and keep my Hubby and me healthy, as we share your Love and Light to our loved ones. Blessings to each of you, JC Family. And Congratulations, Audra, on your daughter's engagement! I look forward to the day that I can share the same regarding my only daughter.
      Rise and Shine and Give God the Glory, Glory!!

    3. Thank you for your post Ibjeni. Keeping you in prayer. The Lord bless you and keep you, make His face shine upon you and be gracious to you. The Lord turn His face toward you and give you peace.

    4. Thank you for posting ibjeni. Your faith is so inspiring and unshakable. Glory to God. Joining in prayers for you and your loved ones. His Peace and comfort is for you by the blood of Jesus. Amen

      Blessings from France

    5. God bless you ibjeni, and increase your Peace and understanding thousandfold.

    6. Thank you Norah for your kind congrats. I also want to ask you to join me in prayer for the one fatality we read about in the Nashville explosion. That would be the tormented soul that planned a suicide that included a warning to others to seek safety. I don't know what evil lurks in the heart of anyone, but I do want to pray for their souls and for family and friends and all those who knew this man. And for all those trapped in a scheme of the devil hell bent on destruction. Lord have mercy!

    7. Joining in prayer with you for all those who are taunted and tormented and led to do the evil one's bidding. Lord, save us when we are less than Merciful and less than Kind. Make us as You are. Amen.

    8. Ibjeni- May your strength and strong faith in God remain with you throughout this difficult time. In today's devotion, God has reminded you that HE is your refuge and strength. Keeping you in prayers.

      Stay Blessed,

      Maplewood NJ

    9. God bless, comfort and sustain you dear Ibjeni! You are going right onto my prayer list! Joining prayers for you and thanking our Father for His unmatched healing power. Your strength of faith is an inspiration to me. I believe in miracles and I’m praying you touch the garment of the Lord. Continue to rejoice and be glad in your days and know you are a beloved child of the Most High. He is holding you tight in His love. And we are holding you in ours.πŸ’—✝️πŸ™πŸ˜Œ

    10. IbJeni, well said, and truly reflects a spirit connected to the Father and Son. May peace and grace continue to wrap your life in the time ahead, and may we all grow from your example. Please stay connected by posting now and then, and allow us to continue to pray on your and your family's behalf on this journey. GODSPEED. Amen.

    11. Thank you for being a light in this world and for shining so brightly. You are in my prayers and may you continue to bask in His peace and love always. God bless you.

    12. IbJeni, joining all JC Prayer Warriors in lifting you up in prayer. Merciful Jesus hold Ibjeni tenderly; thank you for breatheing your holy spirit over your child. How Great Thou Art, Lord! Amen!

    13. Jesus continue to watch over IbJeni…
      InJeni you are a power of example and are in my prayers

  19. Dear Jesus, continue to be my refuge and strength in all I encounter this day. Give me Hope. Give me Faith. Amen.

  20. Lord, thank you for being a constant strength and refuge for me. Even though I don't always say it, I am thankful for,Your constant presence that brings unparalleled peace. In a world that seems very lost right now, there is no bigger comfort than knowing You are working Your plan in spite of all the chaos in the world. I love You Jesus and am growing closer to You daily. Amen

  21. FROM ROMANS 11
    ✝️ O, what a wonderful God we serve!
    How great are His Wisdom, His Knowledge, and His Riches. It is possible for us to trust His Higher Decisions, His Higher Methods, His Higher Ways, and His Higher Means, rather than understand them.
    Everything GOOD has GOD in it and comes from GOD alone! 
    Everything GOOD lives by GOD's Power alone!
    Everything GOOD is for The Glory of GOD alone!
    To GOD alone be The Glory now and forevermore. Amen.

    ♥πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™♥ Dear Heavenly Father God,
    Thank You for teaching us the prayer that always succeeds: "Thy Will Be Done!" Thank You for all You have Done for our Good and the Good of each of our dear ones. Thank You for showing us Your Way to Your Peace and Your Joy. Thank You for having a wonderful plan for our life.

     πŸ˜ŠWould You help us have a deeper, more intimate, and more personal relationship with You, our Refuge, our Strength and our Everpresent help?
     πŸ˜ŠWould You help us to live with You, through You, and for You, our Refuge, our Strength and our Everpresent help?
     πŸ˜ŠWould you help us live more fully and more joyfully by freely offering our lives back to You, our Refuge, Strength and Everpresent help?
     πŸ˜ŠWould you help us gratefully know that everything You ask of us is for our benefit and Your Greater Good?
    I ask. I seek. I knock. I praise. I thank. In Jesus' Name. Amen.

    1. ❤️️ 🎢🎢🎢❤️️ HOW GREAT IS OUR GOD? by Chris Tomlin

    2. Thanking God for you dear Brie! What a special Sister He gave me in you! Thanks for your daily light, encouragement, truth and Love! Praying for you and your health and situation. Much love!

    3. Wonderfully said dear Brie. God bless you.

  22. Today's reading reminds us that as we grow closer to God, we have eyes to see many miracles and wonders. As the year draws to a close, I want to have 2020 hindsight on the many blessings this challenging year has brought us. Many have died, and many were born, and many were born again. For God's grace and the gifts of my eyes to see and ears to hear, I step into this new day in gratitude and joy. Every day has a beginning and an end. Bless you, JC family!

    1. Yes Audra, "20/20 Hindsight"
      I love it!
      One of my best 20/20 Gifts: meeting and praying with all of you, for all of You, both seen and unseen, and all of us giving Glory to God for His many Victories. It came to mind that some of our unseen Pray-ers could be in Heaven.
      If I get there before you do, I know I'll still be praying for you and yours, and I thought, maybe they are still praying for us too! Love to all, Brie

    2. Beautiful Audra! Thanks dear Sister!
      I agree Brie, God has led us to this wonderful family and I am blessed every day because of His great gift! Love you all so much! May 2021 bring His faithfulness, comfort, guidance and healing to all, and an end to the Pandemic. Thank you Jesus for a better world on its way. Waiting on You always in Faith, Hope, and Patience.πŸ’—✝️πŸ™πŸ˜Š


  23. ibjeni - God bless you for sharing your faith. You are in our heart and prayers.

  24. I will start caring for my boys tomorrow. Thank you Jesus for your healing over my daughter, SIL, and grandson. Thank you for sparing Mateo and Jairo and me. Thank you for holding our world in your hand..for holding our brothers and sisters in your hand. King of kings Lord of lords we thank you. JESUS I TRUST IN YOU!! Amen!

    1. Praying for healing of your daughter, Sister in law and grandson and for your own healing and peace of mind dear LCA. Thank you Father for this and all your blessingsπŸ™πŸ’—

  25. Praying for John S.'s friend's wife Sally's miraculous healing of her cancer and for healing of all our brothers and sisters here and of their loved ones. Father, Nothing is too great for You. Thank You for answering our prayers, comforting and encouraging our hearts and showing us Your faithfulness. How Great Thou Art! Thank You Jesus.

  26. Heavenly Father, thank You for Your loving presence in our lives. You perform miracles and shower blessings upon us all the time. You are always moving and making things happen. Please open our eyes, hearts, ears, and minds to be aware of all that You are doing in and around us at all times. I praise You Lord always. Thank You Jesus. Amen πŸ™.

    1. Amen dear Janet! He is busy working behind the scenes and answering our prayers. He is as close as our breath.

  27. Psalm 46 is a powerful chapter. To help me remember the vers I found this song .

    1. Hallelujah! I rest secure! Beautiful song dear Min. Thank you for sharing. Bless your day as you walk in the light of His gloryπŸ™πŸ’•

    2. Beautiful encouragement dear Min Ahadi! Thank you for adding light to my day.

  28. For all who read this JC Blog:
    Psalm 91
    1 He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High, will abide in the shadow of the Almighty.
    2 I will say to the LORD, “My refuge and my fortress, my God, in whom I trust.”
    3 For he will deliver you from the snare of the fowler and from the deadly pestilence.
    4 He will cover you with his pinions, and under his wings you will find refuge; his faithfulness is a shield and buckler.
    5 You will not fear the terror of the night, nor the arrow that flies by day,
    6 nor the pestilence that stalks in darkness, nor the destruction that wastes at noonday.
    7 A thousand may fall at your side, ten thousand at your right hand, but it will not come near you.
    8 You will only look with your eyes and see the recompense of the wicked.
    9 Because you have made the LORD your dwelling place—the Most High, who is my refuge—
    10 no evil shall be allowed to befall you, no plague come near your tent.
    11 For he will command his angels concerning you to guard you in all your ways.
    12 On their hands they will bear you up, lest you strike your foot against a stone.
    13 You will tread on the lion and the adder; the young lion and the serpent you will trample underfoot.
    14 “Because he holds fast to Me in love, I will deliver him; I will protect him, because he knows my Name.
    15 When he calls to Me, I will answer him; I will be with him in trouble; I will rescue him and honor him.
    16 With long life I will satisfy him and show him My salvation.”

    1. Peter --- How I love this Psalm! I stand on every WORD of this Psalm and Suit Up with the Armor of God everyday. This is how I Intercede, STAND IN THE GAP and do WARFARE! Every part of The Armor of God is for defense, EXCEPT for The Sword of the Spirit, which is the WORD OF GOD! I stand on the WORD OF GOD, in Jesus' name. I hold up this Sword of the Spirit day and night. I chop off the head of every lying, deceiving serpent and send it to a dry place for GREAT DESTRUCTION by the Lord's Holy Fire! I Plead the Blood of Jesus on all that I pray. I give PRAISE to the Lord and declare that His GLORY is my covering! His favor surrounds me as a shield! Then, I give thanks to the Lord for the manifestation of all that I pray. Because of what Jesus did for me, I am MORE than a CONQUEROR!!! I always INTERCEDE for my Beloved JCFAMILY. I don't always post, but I am always praying.
      I send Great Blessings and Love to each JCFAMILY/WARRIOR. Coming soon, we will have the most Incredible Year known to Man! HALLELUJAH!!!

    2. Amen, Amen, Amen dear Peter!
      Yes dear JJ! We are more than conquerors in Christ Jesus. He is our strength and our song. He is our salvation and our hope. Thanks for the Blessings! Amen! Looking forward to more victories to celebrate! Thank You dear Jesus!

    3. I love you JJ! I'M SEEING THE HEADLESS HORSEMEN we are leaving in our wake. Glory, glory hallelujah!!!!

    4. This prayer by JJ is so important for me to grasp. I ask for increased awareness of who I've been born to be in faith to replace any fear of failure to be so.

  29. Lord, thank you for all Yoh do for us whether it's obvious or something behind the scenes we will never notice. Help me to recognize and acknowledge You in all things and circumstances. Your mercy and grace know no bounds. What a comforting feeling to know You are my constant protector.

    1. Perfectly and wonderfully said, Mark L! I am praying this prayer, too. Thank you and be blessed!

  30. This JC entry is appropriate in todays world. Not enough real news for for 24/7 coverage, unless its filled with repetition, anger and sensationalism! It would be nice to have some true accurate and informative news balanced with positive news as well--an hour or two each day and done!. Either way I am going to try to continue to stay focused on You Lord. The bearer of ALL good news and light in my life. Help me in this area in 2022! Amen.

  31. Amen! Let us turn out attention to HIS LOVE, HEALING and RESTORATION and away from the outright hatred being expressed, destruction, and separation resulting from evil forces that attack us where we are most vulnerable. Come Holy Spirit! We are many in great need. In Jesus'name I pray. ♥️πŸ™

  32. Wonderful ABC. Let us just keep our focus on the Lord from where our true help cometh. Amen dear Audra! His Spirit will be moving us right through 2022. Hallelujah!

  33. Has anyone heard rom Love Conquers All? I've missed her - for a long time! She's been on my heart for a long while and I thought I'd finally ask!
    So thankful for this day - much accomplished (I went out on a limb and TRUSTED....great results!).
    Love and prayers to all of you.

    1. My heart tells me she is in Heaven Decree and Declaring over us and cheering us on!

    2. Thanks JJ. What a blessing it would be to have our dear sister with the Lord cheering us on and praying for us.

  34. The LORD is my light and my salvation; whom shall I fear? The LORD is the strength of my life; of whom shall I be afraid? (Psalm 27:1). For You are my rock and my fortress; therefore, for Your name's sake, lead me and guide me. (Psalm 31:3).

  35. Thanks dear Janet! I’ve been up for hours reading God’s Word! So many Bible verses He has given us to comfort us. He calms our worried minds and tells us Be Not Afraid 365 times in the Bible. So we can rest in Him and be comforted.

    1. AmenπŸ™ Thank you Jeanne

  36. Isaiah 41:10
    Fear not, for I am with you;
    Be not dismayed, for I am your God.
    I will strengthen you,
    Yes, I will help you,
    I will uphold you with My righteous right hand.’

    1. Yes, God is always us, to protect us and keep us from the wiles of the enemy. Almost 4 years ago, had He not been with me as He says in Isaiah 41:10, I would probably not be here today to testify of His faithfulness and the truth of His word.
      He was my refuge and strength, and very present in time of trouble when the enemy struck me with sickness.
      Praise be to Him who is always near even when we are not aware. He never leaves nor forsakes us. He is magnificent God!!!!

    2. Thank you dear Emm for sharing your testimony! You encouraged my heart and blessed my day! Amen! We remember His faithfulness as He continues to lead and strengthen us day by day.

  37. Thank you for this beautiful prayer to start my day Janet . I love “ Heavenly Father, thank You. I praise You and bless You Lord πŸ™” to start the prayer. I always praise and thank the Lord but I don’t think I’ve ever blessed the Lord- thank you!

  38. Good morning dear sisters πŸŒ…. I join you both in savoring God's word &, uplifting, encouraging posts. I wanted to donate blood tomorrow but when I called to make the appointment I was told that I can no longer donate because I have Hep B. That was a surprise! As often as the case, I have no symptoms. Also come to find out a lot of people are unaware they have it unless it's chronic. Well dear Lord, as with everything else about my body, I fully trust You to show me , lead me, steady & still me, as You walk me through this latest adventure! Hallelujah! To God be the glory!, Amen!

  39. Want to share a victory dance of sorts with you all. Do you remember back in April I had asked for prayers for a baby named Joseph, aka "Baby JoJo"? (He is the son of my son's best friend, Alex,...friends since 6th grade and they are now 32 & 33 yrs old.)It was determined that Joseph suffered a stroke while his momma, Kristen, pushed for 4 hours. They didn't know if he would live and you all joined me in prayers for this baby. Soooooo, Alex, Kristen, & Baby Joseph, are in town (GA) from Washington state and staying at my son, Nick's, house. I got to meet, hold, and love-on Joseph and talk about God's goodness with Alex & Kristen. IT WAS AWESOME. Joseph is now 8 months old, sitting up and showing signs of a normal baby. Has some residual issues that he's getting help with from the PT but is alert, happy, observant, reaching for things, etc. Alex brought up how he and Kristen had basically wallpapered Joseph's hospital room with prayers from across the country and world as well as scripture verses and also left a note with more prayers and scripture for chaplains that visited the baby saying, "If you feel lead to read these prayers over Joseph, we'd be so grateful." Thank you all for "circling the wagons" around this child with prayers! He is a miracle baby! Wish I could share some pictures with you but wanted to give you an update...a victory update of God's goodness!
    *side note, while my son has not come back to God since an incident during high school and his wife is uncomfortable when any talk of God occurs, I loved that Alex, Kristen, my daughter, Paula, and her husband, Ben, ...that we all talked openly and freely about God and this miracle baby. Hoping that Nick will come back to the Lord soon along with his wife. My prayer is always, "As for me and my house, WE WILL serve the Lord!".

    1. NJS thank you for sharing such a praise. That is terrific! God is good. Prayers for your son to come back to a Jesus and be a guide for his wife.

    2. Dear NJS --- Doing a VICTORY dance with you. Thank You Lord that You watch over Your WORD to perform it! And, Lord, show Nick and his wife the mysteries
      of Christ. I Declare they will become mighty children of God. They will be free in Jesus's name. They will not miss their destiny. They will beome the living testimony of the Saving Power of Jesus Christ, AMEN and AMEN. JJ

    3. Hebrews 4:16
      "Let us then approach God’s throne of grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need."
      Ezekiel 34:16a
      "I will seek that which was lost and bring back that which has strayed, and I will bandage the hurt and the crippled and will strengthen the weak and the sick."
      Lord God we approach Your Throne of Grace in confidence on behalf of Nick and his wife. We ask that You will draw them to You with Your cords of love. We pray that You will draw them both into a personal relationship with You, thoroughly saved and filled the the precious Holy Spirit. Bring them both into the plan and purpose You have for their lives, in Jesus Name amen.

    4. So happy to hear little JoJo is doing well! By the power of prayer and the grace of God, little Joseph is on his way to a perfect recovery. More answered prayers and one more reason to celebrate God’s faithfulness!!! Hallelujah

    5. May God call Nick and his wife to Him and open their hearts to see that He is good and mighty to save, and faithful.

  40. Thank you, Janet! Thank you for this prayer and reminder that He is ALWAYS with us!

  41. Thank you, Janet, for your prayer. What a great prayer to start the day.

    SC Anonymous

  42. Dear NJS,
    I join in the victory dance for Baby JoJoπŸ™. This is testament to the miracle working God that we serve. He never ceases to surprise us with His mighty hand that He has once again stretched to your circumstance concerning little Joseph, and He is not done yet. JoJo will grow up to be a normal child and will exceed all expectations for the best. Praise be to our God who daily loads us with blessings and merciesπŸ™.

  43. Yes, Emm! Praise be to our God who daily loads us with blessings and merciesπŸ™.
    Please join me in covering our neighbor Jim who has received a cancer diagnosis and will undergo tests this week. Miracles happen!

  44. Amen, Amen and Amen! Gathering right into your perfect prayer sweet Janet! Thank you!! Much love

  45. Praising God with you dear Emm and Audra! Little JoJo will be fine and healthy because we serve a mighty and faithful God, and prayers from sincere hearts of faith are powerful.
    Dear Audra, I’m praying for your neighbor Jim’s healing and God’s guidance to lead him to the right treatment to bring him back to perfect health. Trusting in God’s promises. Thank You Jesus.

  46. Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might. (Ephesians 6:10). You will show me the path of life; in Your presence is fullness of joy; at Your right hand are pleasures forevermore. (Psalm 16:11).

    1. Sweet Janet -- Your choice of scritures resonates deeply. Thank you for sharing.

    2. Thank you for sharing dear Janet. Bless your day πŸ’•πŸ™πŸ™Œ

  47. Wonderful food for this new day! Thanks dear Janet!! Here’s some more breakfast for your soul. God bless this day and this new year coming. New chances each day to grow closer to the Lord and to get things right. So much to be thankful for. We know God is our refuge and strength and with Him all things are possible. Hallelujah!

    Colossians 3:15-17
    And let the peace of God rule in your hearts, to the which also ye are called in one body; and be ye thankful.
    Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom; teaching and admonishing one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing with grace in your hearts to the Lord.
    And whatsoever ye do in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God and the Father by him.

    1. Fully nourished this morning dear Jeanne. Thanks for breakfast πŸ™ŒπŸ’ž☺️

    2. Thank you Janet and Jeanne for these wonderful scriptures to start the day❤️

  48. May our heavenly Father heal her completely and bring peace, comfort, and strength to you and the whole family. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen πŸ™.

  49. Heavenly Father, I am so grateful that You are God and I am not! Thank You for all that You do and for all that You are! Praise the Lord and thank You Jesus 😊.

    1. Amen! Hallelujah!πŸ™ŒπŸ™

    2. Amen! Thanks Janet! God gave me the strength to get settled into my mom’s house. She’s so happy I’m gonna take care of her. Trusting Him to help me do the best I can to make her better. I sure do miss my good husband but he will visit us on New Year’s Eve and stay the night. All is well with my soul.

      Psalm 91:1-2
      He who dwells in the secret place of the Most High
      Shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty.
      I will say of the Lord, “He is my refuge and my fortress;
      My God, in Him I will trust.”

  50. The Lord will see you through this difficult time Anonymous. God's got this. Hang in there, warriors are praying πŸ™πŸ’žπŸ™Œ

  51. Sending up prayers for Camrie and your family ❤️πŸ™

  52. Thanks for the update on Camrie. I am still praying and leaning heavily into Psalm 46 for her, and on her and your dear friend behalf:
    GOD IS our refuge and our strength,
    GOD IS a very present help in our troubles.
    Therefore we reverence Him and we are brave and steadfast.
    though the earth gives way,
    though the mountains be moved into the heart of the sea,
    though its waters roar and foam,
    though the mountains tremble at its swelling,
    yet, I pray, we continue reverencing Him and being brave and steadfast! In Jesus' Name. AMEN!

  53. Dear Anonymous --- Lifting you and your family up to the Great I Am, Jehova Rapha --The Lord Your Healer. I pray that you and your family to be Breathing in the Presence of the Lord, and Breathing in the Spirit of Life, Refeshing, Renewal, Strengthening, Healing, Sound Mind, and His Peace. As you BREATHE in His Presence, it EQUIPS you and your family to fight another day to believe in the promised VICTORY, and to SEE the FUTURE through His eyes! Speaking Blessings, Life and the Blood of Jesus over all. Asking it all in Jesus' name, Who makes a way when there doesn't seem to be a way, AMEN and AMEN.

  54. Amen to JJ’s awesome prayer!!! Praying with my family here that God has heard our prayers for dear Camrie’s complete restoration and her meds and God’s power will bring her home very soon. God knows what she needs so we must trust in His perfect timing. Wait on the Lord. Thank You Jesus!

  55. I can’t do anything without Jesus but with Him I can do all things! Blessed to be having all three sons and their families, and my younger brother and his family, joining us at my mom’s. So busy but the Lord has been such a help and a comfort to me. Whatever you are facing or going through, know that He resides in you always, and you can count on Him. His promises are reliable and He stands by His Word. Hallelujah! His Love for us is unconditional and everlasting. We are blessed. Stay well and in His Presence. Rest in the Peace that passeth all understanding. Trust that all will be well because He is leading it. Be not afraid, He goes before us always. Have a blessed new day! Give Him your reins and try not to yank them back.

    Jeremiah 31:3
    The Lord has appeared of old to me, saying:
    “Yes, I have loved you with an everlasting love;
    Therefore with lovingkindness I have drawn you.

    2 Corinthians 2:14-15
    Now thanks be to God who always leads us in triumph in Christ, and through us diffuses the fragrance of His knowledge in every place. For we are to God the fragrance of Christ among those who are being saved and among those who are perishing.

    1. Amen Jeanne πŸ™. I was just meditating on 2 Corinthians 2:15 yesterday. God is so good ALWAYS!!! Praise the Lord and thank Him for all His Goodness!!! God bless and peace be with you πŸ™.

    2. Thank you Jeanne- as always this is exactly what I needed to hear today with all the busyness of the world around me. God is good all the time!❤️πŸ™

    3. Yes dear Janet and Blessings from NY! Praise Him with a thankful heart. He is so good! May God bless this new day and answer our prayers.

    4. So wonderful that all three sons and their families were able to make it for this special day and that God provided grace, comfort and strength for you as you went about your preparations, Jeanne. He is so very good, my heart is full from the special time with my family members his Christmas season. It will be extended to the January 3rd weekend as my husband and I travel to our oldest son’s place to celebrate with his family. People and our relationships with each other and with our Lord and Saviour so much more important than any ‘things’ we might receive, once again reinforced in very special ways this year. ❤️

    5. So true Websister! I got what I asked for, quality time with others which was at times chaotic. Thanks also to our Lord for revealing to me in this season what might be in the way of an even closer relationship to Him and others.
      Continued prayers for all who need healing. Our friend Joe has been cleared to go home from the hospital. Post surgery infection no under control. Thank you for your prayers! What he thought was a ruined Christmas turned around when his daughter brought a gift to the hospital - proof of a positive pregnancy test announcing their second grandchild is on the way!
      God is so, so good!

    6. Dear Websister! Thanks for understanding how much my family get together meant to me. As exhausted as I was from so much prep, being with our large family with 6 grandchildren eating and laughing together was so much joy! I praised the Lord throughout the day for His help and comfort. The biggest joy was baby Julian who has just started smiling! He has a wonderful temperament and happily watched us the children rush by. Anytime we got close to his face and talked to him, he would smile and bless our hearts. Needless to say in a big Italian family, we had a delicious meal and plenty of desserts. The children kept asking when it was dessert time! We were blessed and thankful. My mom enjoyed herself but took a midday nap and finally announced she wanted to go to bed after the antipasto. She was up later at 11 to eat my cheesecake. I ended my day with a long video call with my sister Janet as we opened our presents from each other and talked and laughed. We both got most of them from the thrift shop and the dollar store. It was a sweet day and night. Thank You Jesus.
      I’m so happy you had a blessed time with your family this Christmas season and you’ll have much more joy to come as you travel to be with your oldest son’s family on January 3rd. May God bless your time together and protect you as you travel back and forth. He is so good!
      Dear Audra, Sounds like you had a mix of love, joy and chaos for Christmas. Guess that’s pretty normal. Such good news about Joe and what a sweet blessing that God is bringing him a second grandchild. His daughter couldn’t have given him better news at this difficult time in his life. All will be well because God is in charge!

  56. According to the apostle Paul, the mystery of the Gospel is that knowing of "Christ in you".

    1. πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™ πŸ’œπŸ’œπŸ’œ πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™
      God in Christ in Us.
      The Hope of Glory!!! :):):)

    2. I love a good mystery 😎♥️

  57. Yes! Amen.That’s the mystery made manifest! Christ in us-The Hope of Glory. He abides in us! He lives in us as we abide in Him. Such a comfort! We are filled with His Light! Let it shine today, and comfort others with His Comfort and love others with His Love.

  58. Wow, often we come to a day’s post and think, “ this is for me - God sent it to me today.” Well, today is that day for me. When I tell you that I have been so worried about everything ahead for my family in the next 45 days, I am not lying. I have cried out to God; I have prayed; I have sat in quietness; I have been numb. My problems are first world problems. I have a home and family. God provides what we need. We have a surgeon that can help my husband, and God willing, he will be ok. Nonetheless, I have been crippled with fear as February gets closer each day. God has been with us through so many valleys. The logical side of me is confident that God will provide, and my husband will be healed. The irrational/human side is scared.

    If you’ve read this far, thank you. This group has provided much support in prayer and comments, and I greatly appreciate it.
    SC Anonymous

    1. IAM your refuge and strength, an ever-present Help at ALL times. Therefore, you can be brave, strong, and steadfast about everything. As I am praying this verse for you SC, I am continuing my prayers for your husband. In Jesus' Name. AMEN!

    2. Gathering into your powerful prayers and continuing to pray for SC’s good husband!
      Dear sister, May God’s peace and healing cover you and your husband. It’s a scary situation but for Jesus! He knows your fragile human heart well! Faith is believing what you cannot see. We trust in the Lord with all our hearts but it’s hard not to lean a bit on our human understanding and worry. But He asks us to throw fear out the window because He’s already preparing that day in February. He is our Great Physician and we must give it all to Him and really rest in His Peace. Dear SC, Keep holding on tight to His Unchanging Hand. Know He goes before you always. I’m having a hysteroscopy on Jan 2nd which is right around the corner. Every time I think of it, I call out to Jesus and I say I’m giving it all to you. There will be nothing to see. Thank You Lord!
      Keeping you and your dear husband tight in my prayers. Rest well, sweet sister. God is mighty to save and so faithful. Exercise those trust muscles. Much love.

      Lamentations 3:22-24
      Through the Lord’s mercies we are not consumed,
      Because His compassions fail not.
      They are new every morning;
      Great is Your faithfulness.
      “The Lord is my portion,” says my soul,
      “Therefore I hope in Him!”

      Proverbs 3:5-6
      Trust in the Lord with all your heart,
      And lean not on your own understanding;
      In all your ways acknowledge Him,
      And He shall direct your paths.

  59. "If you focus on such dangers and forget that I am your Refuge in all circumstances, you will become increasingly fearful. Every day I manifest My grace in countless places and situations, but the media take no notice. I shower not only blessings but also outright miracles on your planet." God, I thank you for Your Grace. Praying for my JC Family. Ours has been exposed to covid and I have several very upset. Our only daughter, Joni, may have a delayed surgery; scheduled for 1/2/25 - may be postponed now, (since she was 'exposed,') until the middle of January. Dear God, You know my heart. You know our needs. EXHAUSTIPATED, Dear JC Fam. Thank you in advance for your prayers. Sigh. Our daughter is so exasperated. She said, "What if it's delayed? What will that do to my job?" My first thought is: "This is NOT our decision." I keep thinking of my DH's postponed Carotid Surgery, after his fall. What WAS that? Wrong Surgeon? Wrong Team? He finally had it and is better than ever. God has this! Thank you in advance for your prayers, JC Fam!

    1. My Heavenly Father, I lift up Norah and her daughter, Joni, to You, asking for peace amidst the frustration and fear caused by a possible surgery delay. Protect Joni from illness and prepare her body and mind for the right time. Provide assurance and favor in her job, reminding her that You are her ULTIMATE PROVIDER!
      Grant Norah strength and comfort as she supports daughter. Fill them both with trust in Your perfect timing and plan. Jesus, I Declare Your Healing Power and Peace over this situation, knowing You are in control. Pleading the Blood of Jesus over all. In Jesus's Mighty Name, Who makes the crooked places straight--Isa. 45:2-- and causes the giants before us to fall --1 Samuel 17 --AMEN AND AMEN. God has this, Norah. Great love and blessings to you and your family. JJ

    2. Dearest Norah, My heart goes out to you and dear Joni! I’m joining into JJ’s powerful prayer for you and Joni and I decree and declare you and Joni and your family are all covered by the saving Blood of Christ and His Faithfulness. Such bad timing to get Covid. But God is Greater! May He remove it from your bodies as quickly as possible leaving no lasting symptoms. Praying for Joni’s health and job. Her surgery date is almost here and she must be in tip top shape for it. Our loving Father knows best, so accept His Will and remember how faithful He has been to your Best Man despite his delayed carotid surgery. Holding you, Joni, and your family in my heart and prayers.
      Father God, We hand this situation and SC’s husband’s situation over to You! We thank You for Your mercy and amazing healing power. Guide all the doctors and the timing, and cover these families with your peace, protection, and healing of body, mind, and spirit. They trust in Your Word and Promises. We thank You for good outcomes and more reasons to rejoice and be glad because You are Faithful and oh so Good, in the powerful Name of Christ Jesus, our Risen Lord and Savior. Amen

      John 14:13-14
      And whatever you ask in My name, that I will do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son. If you ask anything in My name, I will do it.

  60. Thank you, Dear JJ! Heading to bed, thanking you for your prayers. Sneezing and thanking God for answered prayers! AMEN and AAAMEN!
    Love you SO much!

  61. Rest well, sweet sister, knowing the Lord’s mercy, love, peace, faithfulness are covering you, Joni and your family like a warm blanket. May He comfort you, give you rest, and make your paths straight. His Healing power is above all and His timing is perfect. Sending so much love and many prayers.

  62. Thank you, Dear JC Family! We had a lovely, quiet day after Fellowship; made us bacon and eggs and sour dough toast. Watched a movie and read 1/3 of my newest book. Then, 2 sons, and 3 grands came over. We made steak, pasta and broccoli and both sons just took their kiddos home.
    My Joni felt pretty good today. She'll test tomorrow and then know her next steps. Thank you, JJ and Jeanne and all of you for your prayers. My Best Man and I have remained symptom free of any covid. I'm still off work until the 2nd or 3rd of Jan, depending on Joni's schedule. Please pray for my DIL's step-dad who was dx'd with lung cancer. Caught it early and will only need chemo; still-not a fun thing to discover. He is a bright, loving man who has the best attitude which will do him well.
    As I look back on what I read early this morning, I realize again that Christ is our refuge. We have nothing to fear. HE has it ALL. Praying for all of you. Sleep sweet....God is on the Night Watch.
