Sunday, December 25, 2016

Jesus Calling: December 25

As you wait attentively in My Presence, the Light of the knowledge of My Glory shines upon you. This radiant knowledge transcends all understanding. It transforms every fiber of your being: renewing your mind, cleansing your heart, invigorating your body. Open yourself fully to My Presence, be awed by My glorious Being.
     Try to imagine what I gave up when I came into your world as a baby, I set aside My Glory, so that I could identify with mankind. I accepted the limitations of infancy under the most appalling conditions--a filthy stable.That was a dark night for Me, even though angels lit up the sky proclaiming "Glory!" to awe-struck shepherds.
     When you sit quietly with Me, the process I went through is reversed in your experience. As you identify with Me, heaven's vistas open up before you--granting you glimpses of My Glory. I became poor so that you might become rich. Sing hallelujahs to My Holy Name!
2 Corinthians 4:6
English Standard Version
For God, who said, “Let light shine out of darkness,” has shone in our hearts to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ.
Philippians 2:6-7
English Standard Version
who, though he was in the form of God, did not count equality with God a thing to be grasped, but emptied himself, by taking the form of a servant, being born in the likeness of men.
Luke 2:13-14
English Standard Version
13 And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host praising God and saying,
14 “Glory to God in the highest,
    and on earth peace among those with whom he is pleased!”

2 Corinthians 8:9
English Standard Version
For you know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, that though he was rich, yet for your sake he became poor, so that you by his poverty might become rich.


Note: The devotion and scriptures are from author Sarah Young. If you haven't already, please purchase the book and support the author.

Also, bookmark to have an easy link to the entire year of these entries.


  1. Happy birthday Jesus love you so much

  2. For unto us a Child is born... Behold the Lamb of God... and He shall reign for ever and ever! King of kings and Lord of Lords, And He shall reign forever and ever. Merry Christmas.

    1. Thank you Jesus for being my Lord of Lords, King of Kings and the GREATEST Power in the Universe!
      Happy Birthday

    2. Happy birthday Jesus

    3. We live in a world that has forgotten the wonder of his love…May I lean into Jesus today and REMEMBER

    4. Jesus, the gift that keeps on giving!!!
      :) Happy Birthday Jesus, and a Merry Christmas to all!!!

    5. I asked the 6 yr. old why do we get all the presents when it's Jesus' birthday?
      Still waiting for his answer πŸ˜‰

  3. and thank you PaytonFamily. You created space for many Christians to share thoughts from the inspiration of Sarah's Jesus Calling.

    1. Amen! Yes, thank you so much - this is one of my MOST important/critical and meaningful daily devotions.

    2. amenπŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™

    3. Thank you Payton family. For blessing me everyday of the year. And Merry Christmas to you all!

    4. Yes indeed. Thank you Payton family and have a very Blessed Christmas! KS

    5. Thank you Payton Family. Joy to the world to all JC Warriors the Lord has come. Let earth receive her king!

    6. Thank you Payton Family! Thank you Jesus and Happy Birthday! Celebrate! Rejoice and sing Hallelujah! He has come!

    7. Thank you Payton family and Merry Christmas to all who find their way to the JC family of bloggers. This IS the day the Lord has made. Be glad and rejoice in it! ♥️πŸ™

    8. Merry Christmas to the Payton family and we celebrate Jesus Christ our saviour who came so that we may have eternal life ! We offer you our highest praise

    9. And again, Payton Family that has grown to include all of us posting or not, MERRY CHRISTMAS!

    10. Merry Christmas! Thank you for this blog.


  5. May the love of our Savior, Jesus Christ,
    surround you all the days of your live.
    Merry Christmas to you and your family!

  6. I love this! A celebration of the birth of our Lord and Savior JESUS! Thank you everyone who contributes to this blog, especially Payton Family! May you all receive many many blessings in 2019!
    Buon Natale!!

    1. Yes, thank you Payton family, thank you Bob, thank you Sassy mom. Merry Christmas and God bless and prosper all you set your hand to do.- Angela

  7. For to us a Child shall be born, to us a Son shall be given; And the government shall be upon His shoulder, And His name shall be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.
    ISAIAH 9:6 AMP

  8. God Blesses us all , in Jesus name, AMEN.

  9. Fellow JC Family:
    As we celebrate the birth of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, I wish you and your family all the blessings and joy of this Christmas. Love, peace, happiness, great health, abundance and all of God's Best!

    Thank God for the KING that was born and became poor so that we might become rich! Hallelujah to JESUS our Lord and Saviour!

    MERRY CHRISTMAS, many Best wishing today and always!

    Maplewood NJ

    1. Merry Christmas, Maplewood!

    2. Merry Christmas Maplewood and Norah and all my dear family!πŸ˜ŠπŸ’—✝️πŸ™πŸ™‚πŸ™‚

  10. Thank God for another beautiful day! And thanks to all of you here for your kind prayers lighting my darkest moments with your faith and love. I am truly grateful to all of you. Merry Christmas to all!

  11. Happy Birthday Jesus! Your birth gave birth to our freedom from sin & death. Hallelujah! Gloria, Gloria! Merry Christmas dear JC familyπŸ₯°. Isn't wondrous that the Father gave us the greatest gift for every Christmas of our lives, His Son, the Christ, the Lamb of God, Emmanuel, the Treasure of heaven. Enjoy your Gift.

  12. HAPPY BIRTHDAY JESUS! Today is not about me, family, food or gifts - as important as they are.
    It’s about the Prince of Peace. It’s the day we commemorate the event that changed the history of the world, that provided salvation for the human race, and that brought indescribable peace into our hearts. Today we celebrate the day God entered humanity through Jesus Christ, the Son of Mary, the Son of God, the Son of Man, the Son of David.

  13. Thank you Jesus for blessing whirlwind trip to Miami. My daughter Denise and I arrived safely home at 10PM, blessed, safe and tired. Thank you Warriors for covering our trip in prayer.

    1. So glad you girls are home, safe and sound, Sassy Mom. God Bless each of you and Merry Christmas!

  14. Merry Christmas! Happy Birthday, Jesus! You are the reason for this glorious season! What a wonderful day to celebrate the good Lord! KS

  15. Merry Christmas everyone! And happy birthday, Jesus! The best Christmas present that I received this year is you all. This blog. Your prayers. Praying for you. We are so blessed.
    Special prayers going out for our military troops who can't be with family today because they are protecting our freedom.
    Special prayers also going out to all first responders who will miss Christmas dinner (my son in law included) so they can protect us locally. Kyle hates taking people to jail on Christmas Day but it happens every year.
    Peace, love and blessings going out to all of you and yours today and always.
    Stay connected to The Vine, my friends.

    1. Praying for all who you are so faithful to remind me of Suzanne. Merry Christmas and yes, we'll 'stay connected to The Vine!'

    2. Merry Christmas Suzanne, Jan, Sassy Mom, Brie, BFF, MadFox, Bob, KS, loveconquersall, Keith, Norah, Maplewood, Janet, JJ, Bright Star, TJ, Pam, Terri, GTT, Ofelia, Fern, Mark and all my JC Family! Be blessed we belong to a great and merciful and good God! Happy Birthday Jesus!

    3. Merry Christmas and yes let's stay connected to the vine !

  16. Happy Birthday, Jesus! Merry Christmas!

    I have been keeping all of you in my daily prayers and appreciate the prayers for me as well! This site has truly been a blessing and gift from God. Today, I am going to work on praising and thanking You, oh Lord, Jesus. It is a day to Glorify You! Thank you, God, for everything. For unto us A Child is Born! Let us all remember You throughout each moment of the day. Thinking of the Infant Jesus brings a smile to my face...the innocence and pure love of a baby...Thank You for Your Infinite Sacrifice. Amen. CO

    1. Merry Christmas, CO! Blessings this day and all to come.

    2. Merry Christmas CO! God bless you in every way and keep you safe!

  17. As Psalm 95 say: “If you hear the voice of the Lord, harden not your hearts.” On that night outside Bethlehem, the lowly shepherds heard the voice of the Lord through the proclamation of the angel and they hardened not their hearts but made haste to Bethlehem to see this occurrence which they were told about. And they found it all to be true. They returned to their earthly task glorifying and celebrating God. I am blessed by your posts above (and those that will be posted throughout the day) for you sound like those shepherds who heard the message, took it to heart, made haste to experience it, and were filled with delight in God. Merry Christmas, brothers and sisters in Christ! Today, many of us will share a meal with family and friends we love. In this blog (thank you paytonfamily) we sit around a table with each other in love. And our host is Jesus Himself. And we are glorifying and praising God like the shepherds that night. It is good to be here with you. With love, Bob

    1. Merry Christmas to you and yours, Bob! It is so good to have you back and enjoy your God-inspired words.

    2. Thanks, Norah. The Lord bless you and keep you and yours.

    3. Bob- so nice to read your blog again. Merry Christmas!

    4. Thanks, Jan! It is good to be back with y'all again. The Lord richly bless you and you family.

    5. Amen dear Bob! We truly share a spiritual banquet every day right here surrounded by God’s love and truth. Have a wonderful and blessed Christmas!

    6. Thanks Bob for the wonderful explanation . Thank you God that we can celebrate your birthday with our friends and family.

  18. God Blesses us with His Son.....who is very much Alive today ....Let us celebrate His Day! God bless you All! Merry Christmas

  19. Thank you Payton family. And thank you Lord Jesus !

  20. Merry Christmas JC Family. I hope your day is filled with blessings, love, and praise for the one who gave us life in the spirit. I am grateful for you all and a big shout out to the Payton family for making this possible. It is truly wonderful to share the faith with you all. God bless!

    1. Merry Christmas, TJ. I'm thankful for the prayers we have shared and the love you bring to this site.

  21. Giving thanks this day for each and everyone of you, JC Family! I'm so thankful for this site and all the Peyton Family has done to keep it going.
    Wishing all of you a very Merry Christmas! As I celebrate the birth of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, know that each of you are in my prayers and I give thanks for each of you and this time of bonding we've had! As always, your prayers are mine!

    1. Merry Christmas to you Norah πŸ₯°. Hope you are having a joyful time with your family & friends.

  22. As the song goes, LOVE came down and rescued me - us! God Came Near (a Max Lucado book title). Salvation came! His Nane - JESUS! Thank You, Father, for giving Your Son - a baby born to die, the Lamb without blemish, Who takes away the sins of the world! Jesus - Wonderful, Counselor, Mighty God, Prince of Peace, the Everlasting Father!

  23. Blessings for a Merry Christmas JC family!
    What are you doing today?
    How and with whom are you celebrating Jesus' Birthday today?

    1. God bless you Brie πŸ™.

    2. Thanks sweet Brie! Have a beautiful Christmas in His presence and peace! Be joyful and be glad in it! Much love to all!!πŸ’—πŸ˜Š

    3. We will celebrate the birth of our Saviour with daughter and beau, with some Scripture, gift exchange, virtual meetings via zoom and really good food. I will also be praying for estranged family members and all people that their hearts open to the TRUTH that Jesus offers us by his birth into humanity. God bless you all!

    4. Today we woke up to the real life version of:
      Over the ground lies a mantle of white
      A heaven of diamonds shined down through the night
      Two hearts thrilling
      In spite of the chill in
      The weather!
      As soon as the Son came out, it evaporated. Son's here and poof, the cold hard part is gone. HMMM, so that's how it works!

      Today it is just the 2 of us. Prayer Time and card sharing first thing this am. We will attend TV Midnight Mass that we recorded from St Louis Cathedral in New Orleans' French Quarter. Later on we will eat seafood gumbo, and stuffed bell peppers. Tonight's dessert will be miniature sweet potato pies and sharing what we are most grateful for and what we are looking forward to.

      Yesterday we spent some time masked up and socially distanced with Darling Daughter, Son-in-Love, and both Granddaughters!
      Different and good!
      We've got a peaceful easy feeling...
      Love and Blessings to all of you, my dearly beloved JC Family!
      PS We used to pray for the shut-ins; now, we are the shut-ins!

    5. Dear Brie, Sounds like a lovely Christmas right down to the dessert. We too spent most of it alone but did get to see my Mom and brother on Christmas Eve, and on Christmas one son's family and my daughter in love's family. A very blessed gathering indeed with Jesus as the guest of honor. We are shut ins but the Way Maker made a way and our biggest joy was our 2 year old grandson who brought so much light and love to the day. Thank You Jesus and Happy Birthday!

  24. Posting on Christmas Eve, weather may not permit posting on Christmas day. Tennessee is experiencing severe blizzard, everything is covered in snow. Weather prediction: 0° by morning. Merry Christmas Payton family. Merry Christmas to JC Family. Happy Birthday Jesus, thank You for loving us with the cross. Be blessed, be loved, be safe. I love you.

    1. God keep you all safe through the storm. May all those affected find safety and refuge. God bless you all.

  25. Father, wrap me up in a bubble of Your perfect peace and love. Let me breathe in all that glorious, wonderful air and then let me be Your witness in the world and share it all. Let us all praise You Lord and Your glory in the highest. Hallelujah Lord. Peace on earth, good will to men. Thank You Jesus. Praise the Lord continually and always.

    May everyone enjoy this beautiful day in the Lord and have the peace in your hearts that He has given to us all. Be safe and loved. God bless you.

    1. Such a beautiful prayer dear Janet. Thank you and Amen. Have a wonderful day in the Lord πŸ™‚πŸ’—πŸ™

  26. "For unto us a child is born, unto us a Son is given and the government shall be upon His shoulder, and His name shall be called Wonderful, Counselor, the Mighty God, the everlasting Father, the Prince of Peace." Isaiah 9:6.

    Loving Father, Today we celebrate the gift of Jesus, Your Son, our Savior, born on earth and the salvation He gives to mankind. We give glory to You for Your promises coming true, and for gifting salvation to those who believe. You loved us so much that You gave Your only Son, that whoever believes in Him, will not perish, but have and enjoy eternal life (John 3:16). This is the unconditional love that You have for us. May we use this love and share with one another. We pray for the lonely who have no one to share this joyous celebration with, but may they be reminded that You are right there with them. May they feel Your tender love and just give thanks unto You. We already have You Lord, so what we really need now for this Christmas, is PEACE in the World, so that Love can prevail.We lift the sick and shut-in, the widows, widowers, homeless, hungry, the broken and lost, the poor, the destitute, the mourners, those who have not yet received this precious gift (JESUS) and Lord, we just surrender all of Your people far and near to You and say Thank You that as we celebrate this day, we are reminded of our Savior’s sacrifice and Love. Thank You for JESUS. Amen.

    St. Bernard of Clairvaux puts it best:
    “Let Your goodness, Lord, appear to us, that we,made in your image, conform ourselves to it. In our own strength we cannot imitate Your majesty, power, and wonder nor is it fitting for us to try. But Your mercy reaches from the heavens through the clouds to the earth below. You have come to us as a small child, but you have brought us the greatest of all gifts, the gift of eternal love Caress us with Your tiny hands, embrace us with Your tiny arms and pierce our hearts with Your soft, sweet cries.”

    JC Family, It’s good to be home and celebrate my Savior’s birth in the comfort of my home! Many, many thanks for the continue prayers. I wish each of you a Blessed MERRY CHRISTMAS! I pray that the blessings and sweet magic of this Christmas gladden your hearts and fill your every desire throughout the coming years. May Health, Peace, Prosperity, Happiness, Restoration, Protection, Joy, a heart fill with love and your life with laughter, be yours now and always in the name of Jesus!

    MadFox, I tend to learn from the Best! What you are going through, I see you humble yourself, while trusting God's will. It's true, He puts nothing on us that we can not endure, nor is He not there with us. So my friend, the saying is: "show me your friend and I'll tell you who you are." I try to follow the Word and good examples.

    MERRY CHRISTMAS, PEACE on EARTH and Good Will to ALL! Merry Christmas Payton Fam.

    Maplewood, NJ

    1. Beautiful Maplewood. God bless you πŸ™.

    2. Well said, kind words, thank you. May peace surround you today and the days ahead with His healing. AMEN

    3. Amen, beautiful Maplewood. A Wonderful Heavenly Christmas to you and all on the JC Blog.

  27. Our prayers have been answered as you rest in your own bed! What a fine Christmas gift from our faithful God. Sending love, prayers and Christmas cheer! Love you dear Maplewood! All will go well on Jan 9th. Praying on thatπŸ’—πŸ˜Š✝️

  28. Feliz Navidad! to all my brothers and sisters in Christ. My Mateo came over to granny's house after delivering food to my daughter (what joy he brought me)..our traditional tamales, enchiladas, rice, beans and something new birria tacos...soooo yummy. May God keep blessing you richly my dear friends throughout this coming year. May our Lord fill your life with peace and joy and health. Our Father gave us his son at Christmas. Let us rejoice while walking with him always! Much love to all..I'm so happy you are home, Maplewood..praying for your hubby, Norah. Praying for all who are lonely and sad. Tidings of comfort and joy to all!!

    1. God bless you Loveconquersall πŸ™.

    2. I'm so glad you enjoyed Loveconquersall! Feliz Navidad! Rejoicing with you that we walk with Him always! Much love. Enjoy your new day.

  29. Happy Birthday sweet Jesus!!

  30. Happy Birthday Sweet Jesus.
    Thank You for everything!

    ✝️ I will be with you. I will always be with you and I will always help you. So you can be strong and brave and steadfast, for you will be a successful leader of My People. You need only to be strong and courageous and to obey to the letter every law Moses gave you, for when you are careful to obey every one of them, then you will be successful in everything you do. Yes! Be bold. Be strong.  Be brave.  Be steadfast.  Trust and remember, the Lord your God is always with you wherever you go. So lead on with courage and strength.

    ♥πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™♥ Dear Heavenly Father God,
    Thank You for being with me to give me the strength and courage I need to do great things for You, just as You did for Joshua. And just as You did for Jesus. I am grateful for new opportunities to take bold steps of faith with You and work alongside You.

    😊Would You help us find the Courage and Strength You have already given us to handle situations that seem overwhelming?
    😊Would You help us muster up the faith in You that says, My child, you have nothing to fear?
    😊Would You help us to insure success 100% of the time, by saying: "Thy Will Be Done" and mean it?
    😊And would You give us patience to "Wait on the Lord and be of good courage" until the Knowledge Light of Your Glory shines upon us and we know You are strengthening our heart?

    I ask. I seek. I knock. I praise. I thank. In Jesus' Name.  Amen

    1. Asking, Seeking, Knocking, Praising, Thanking in Jesus Name! Amen.

    2. Amen and amen thanks Brie ! Wonderful words that made even more thankful for being a child of God.

  31. ❤️️ πŸŽΆπŸŽΆπŸŽΆ❤️️ O HOLY NIGHT (sung by many artists)
    O holy night, the stars are brightly shining,
    It is the night of the dear Saviour’s birth;
    Long lay the world in sin and error pining,
    'Till he appeared and the soul felt its worth.
    A thrill of hope the weary world rejoices,
    For yonder breaks a new and glorious morn;

    Fall on your knees, Oh hear the angel voices!
    O night divine! O night when Christ was born.
    O night, O holy night, O night divine.

    Led by the light of Faith serenely beaming;
    With glowing hearts by his cradle we stand:
    So, led by light of a star sweetly gleaming,
    Here come the wise men from Orient land,
    The King of Kings lay thus in lowly manger,
    In all our trials born to be our friend;

    He knows our need, To our weakness no stranger!
    Behold your King! Before Him lowly bend!
    Behold your King! your King! before him bend!

    Truly He taught us to love one another;
    His law is Love and His gospel is Peace;
    Chains shall he break, for the slave is our brother,
    And in his name all oppression shall cease,
    Sweet hymns of joy in grateful Chorus raise we;
    Let all within us praise his Holy name!

    Christ is the Lord, then ever! ever praise we!
    His pow'r and glory, evermore proclaim!His pow'r and glory, evermore proclaim!

    1. Joshua has great meaning to me. Appreciate your share, your thoughts, your prayer, and sharing of songs.

      Merry Christmas JC family. May we discover the gift growing inside us.

    2. Just beautiful Brie! Those lyrics are a prayer! Praying them with you.
      Amen Keith. May we discover the gift growing inside us. Merry Christmas!

  32. Merry Christmas Dear JC Family! It is a white Christmas here and as different from others years as it can be, yet still filled with the wonder and joy of the birth of our Savior. Much to be thankful for and counting each and every one of you as I look at my long list of Blessings.
    So enjoyed reading all of the greetings and details from each of you. Praying right along with you for each and every mindful request to our Dear Father, who gave it all. Thanking Him for the many lessons learned this season, in this year (like none other we've witnessed) and for the miraculous way He goes before us to assure the best of outcomes. That Trust and Peace and Joy that was born so many years ago reigns in our hearts as we "learn from the best!"
    LCA, your meal sounds delicious and I looked up Birria Tacos! YUM. So glad you had time with your grandson.
    We don't know how today will play out, but I know as I keep my heart safe in Him, it will be filled with Joy.
    Praying for warmth, comfort and love for all. Thanking God for the ones serving today, as always.
    Thank you for filling my heart with music, Brie and for painting a picture with your words, Maplewood. Stay safe, Sassy Mom!
    Merry Christmas to all!

  33. Thank you for your prayers for my hubby, LCA! He is healthy and blessed, as am I.

    1. So happy to hear your hubby is healthy and blessed as you are! Stay well and safe. Much love!

  34. Merry Christmas JC Warriors! May God bless you all with his love, comfort, and peace. Here's to hoping 2021 will bring happiness and joy to you all.


    1. Merry Christmas TJ. Praying with you all for a better year ahead in Christ.

  35. Love to you, TJ! I am right there with you on that 2021 prayer!

  36. A very merry Christmas to you my JC family. Prayers for all for health, healing and joy and peace. Lunch love. Mindy

    1. God bless you Mindy πŸ™.

    2. Thanks Mindy! Merry Christmas. Amen, May God heal all our weaknesses and answer our prayers. Love to you and yours.

  37. Merry Christmas to you all dear family. You are all in my prayers. Love, Peace, healing, comfort, Joy and many more blessings to you, children of the Most High. Thank you Jesus for everything, thank you for knowing every detail of our lives and understanding exactly how we feel.

    What a beautiful name it is
    What a wonderful name it is
    What a powerful name it is
    The name of Jesus Christ Our King

    Blessings from France

    1. Amen France and God bless you πŸ™.

    2. Merry Christmas dear BFF! Amen. Love and prayers to you and all God's blessings.

  38. Merry Christmas my dear JC Family!!

  39. Jesus, thank you for coming into the world and dying for my sins so that I m8ght achieve salvation with You in heaven. Happy Birthday!

  40. Merry Christmas to all of you.
    I am so very thankful for the Lord bringing us together. I feel it is a privilege and honor to approach the thrown of God. We have become a mighty force in the spiritual realm breaking apart schemes that the enemy has plotted for our destruction. What a privilege to be part of this JC Family and the most amazingly a part of the family of God.
    I spent the day at home with my husband and the four youngest children. we had ups and downs, a few bites and punches (our 3 yr old), but in the end the ones I need to put to bed are in bed. As tired as I am, I reflect back on our day and not to much matters but to let them know we love them, they are safe and most importantly show them by our actions that God loves them more than we could ever imagine. His love is so grand and so perfect that The Word was willing to leave his thrown in heaven to become a helpless child to open the door back up between us and the Father. Then to lay his life down and be abused and treated worse than a common criminal for us to be forgiven for the things that we do that make Father God sad. The things that we do that he has asked us not to do. (This is how I try to explain to my grandchildren about Jesus' birth and death. My 12 year old granddaughter definitely understands being a helpless child, to be beaten and abused. Thank you Lord that was their past, but your inheritance is their future.)
    No greater love than this than a man lay down his life for a friend. John 15:13
    The best gift I received today was 2 pictures my granddaughter printed out and then wrote on them "Be Safe! Have Faith! Dream Big! God Loves You No Matter What!" and "Be Kind! Be Good! God is Real!" I was crying yesterday evening asking God to show me that what I'm doing is making a difference and he did that through my little girl who flips over desks at school and broke 2 Chromebook this school year because she threw them at her teacher. I needed GOD to show me that theirs lives are being changed by what we /I do and not just another social worker tell me what a great job we are doing.
    Once again have a wonderful Christmas week, love to you my JC Family.

    1. Thank you Terri for being Jesus and shining His light in the darkness!! ❤️

  41. Dear Terri! May God continue to work through you to heal all the weaknesses in your grandchildren and to guide you to shine your light so brightly that they see Christ right through you. What beautiful gifts of love you received, especially in the written words over the printed pictures. Be blessed they are being molded by God and you in a most beautiful way. Wait on the Lord and continue to be His hands and feet. Merry Christmas dear Sister! Much love.


  42. Christmastide

    Today the Christmas season begins.  The retail world would like you to think Christmas is over but the universal church has always said that Christmas has just begun and is to be celebrated for 12 days up to January 6th, Epiphany.  You can decide which it is.  The value of Christmastide is for it to be a time to savor the whole significance of the birth of Jesus, to savor is to fully appreciate it all and not gulp and go after Christmas day.  This final devotion is a gift to you to have a blessed season of Christmas.  You may not have time to look at it today but I invite you to have a quiet sitting with it over the next 12 days.  You might want to spend time with it day by day as you take in the full significance of the incarnation which we are celebrating.   My prayer for you is to be blessed.  This comes to you wrapped in love.  

    For we ourselves have known what it is to be ignorant, disobedient and deceived, the slaves of various desires and pleasant feelings, while our lives were spent in malice and jealousy—we were hateful and we hated each other. But when the kindness of God our Saviour and His love towards all appeared, He saved us—not by virtue of any moral achievements of ours, but by the cleansing power of a new birth and the moral renewal of the Holy Spirit, which He gave us so generously through Jesus Christ our Saviour. The result is that we are acquitted (declared not guilty of sin) by his grace, and can look forward to inheriting life for evermore. This is solid truth.  (Titus 3:3-8a (PHILLIPS))

    Here is a stroll through suggested images which depict the essentials of what we believe about the babe in the manger.  

    I believe in (to dearly love) Jesus Christ God’s only Son, our Lord;

    Who was conceived by the Holy Spirit; Born of the Virgin Mary

    Suffered under Pontius Pilate

    Was crucified, dead, and buried

    He descended into hell (to set the captives free)

    The third day He rose again from the dead;

    And ascended into heaven,

    And sits on the right hand of God the Father Almighty (He is LORD!);

    From thence He shall come to judge the quick and the dead.

    There is only one song that can come close to the magnitude of who Jesus is:
    World’s Largest Virtual #Hallelujah Chorus

    Thanks for being here to listen. With much love, Bob

    1. Just when I was about to go into withdrawal, what to my wondering eyes did appear? Yeah! 12 more days! Thanks to you BOB, and to you MadFox for posting. Much Love, Brie

  43. The miracle of any child's birth is truly amazing. The transformation of our faith over decades is also no less of a miracle. This second holiday season in the covid-era is also my second with maintenance chemotherapy, and also a second time where some family won't be in our home for Christmas. Yet with technology, we can visit virtually and compared to the struggles of our Savior’s entire life, the challenges of today seem small in comparison.

    My prayer is that we use this Holy Season to see the miracles of our lives today. So much to be grateful for, despite the pandemic. Praying for this JC community, and for the continued progress of all the health challenges so many are enduring. Angels are among us just as they were when Jesus was born! HALLELUJAH!

    1. Bob, This was the highlight of my night. And I had a good one with my family. But while they were here I was the only one who mentioned Jesus. I kept saying Jesus is the Reason for the Season. But baby Gabriel kept looking at the Nativity and I asked him where Baby Jesus was and he pointed to him. That blessed my heart. He's 3 and he already loves Jesus. Hallelujah!

    2. Bob, my new favorite Christmas carol is the new one you introduced each night on our ADVENTure. 🎢 King of Kings! Happy birthday! I'll be in the glow for at least 12 days and then EPIPHANY! I'm excited!
      Merry Christmas all, good night.
      With love, prayers, blessings and thanks to my extended family,

    3. ♥️�� Merry Christmas to you and yours our dear brother friend in Christ, MadFox. Yes, I saw a miracle last night and will try to condense it for posting soon.
      Jeanne, keep on keeping on, someone told me it's the Grandparent's duty to feed Jesus to our littles. You can only imagine what they ponder, and gain nourishment from in later years. Our job is to plant and nurture the Seed; Jesus' job is to Water and Grow what we plant and nurture. Much Love, Brie

  44. Amen and Hallelujah dear brother MadFox! I have had you on my mind and now I know you're okay and will celebrate Christmas with some of your family. My oldest son had to cancel his visit too but I know he made the right decision because of this surge. Let us stay safe and blessed in His presence and peace. God bless you and your family always and ever.
    Merry Christmas to you and all our dear JC Family!

    1. ♥️πŸŽ„ Merry Christmas to you and yours, Jeanne, wherever they may be, as we are! Even though she is double vaxxed and boostered, My youngest grandbaby(22) works in the medical field. Omicron broke through leaving her quarantined in Cali with no family. She knows that today is not about her nor us, but Jesus, and we'll celebrate his birth together whenever it is safe. Much Love, Brie.

    2. Oh dear Brie! I'm so sorry you cannot be with your good grandbaby. But praise God that she has her priorities in the right Order. God is reigning in her heart. Yes you will celebrate well together in God's perfect timing. Love you dear sister!

  45. Yes thanks to everyone posting....I just had at baby I was only 30 weeks pg but babys good and praise and glory to our heavenly father..I ask for prayers for my baby and also for myself I getting really depressed and also for my child's father i pray he can see my love and hurt for him the enemy using him to get me very sad and feel like iam losing my mind plz pray for the both of us plz In jesus name i ask and pray Amen πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™

    1. Prayers for you as requested, Rebecca. May the peace and joy of our Father fill your heart!

    2. You asked for prayers, Rebecca Pena, you and yours have them.
      ♥️πŸŽ„ Merry Christmas

    3. Rebecca - Echoing prayers for you and the beautiful healthy blessing you received on Christmas Day. Merry Christmas as we celebrate the birth of our Savior.

    4. Continuing to pray for you dear Rebecca. May God hold you and your little one very tight in His love and care and lift your heavy heart and change your husband's heart towards you. Do not be afraid, the Lord is at your side today, tomorrow and forever. May God bring you clarity of thinking and many reasons to be thankful. Love your sister, Jeanne.
      Father, we pray that you bless and guide and comfort our sister Rebecca and take care of her tiny baby and lead her to the desires of her heart and renew and restore the relationship between her and her baby's father if it is Your will. Thank You in the Name of Jesus!

  46. Merry Christmas JC family all th way from Nairobi Kenya ! We celebrate everyone who comes to this blog to read and drink from the all these wonderful posts . May remember the reason we celebrate Christmas
    • I am a sinner.
    • As a sinner I need a Savior.
    • Jesus Christ is that Savior.
    I love Jesus more and more each day!
    Off to eat lunch with my family at Mum place , she has a beautiful garden where the kids can run around and we eat a pot-luck lunch . We give God thanks !

    1. Merry Christmas Min Ahadi! Peace on earth!

    2. ♥️πŸŽ„ Merry Christmas Min Ahadi.

    3. Merry Christmas dear Min Ahadi! Hope you enjoyed your time with your Mom! Hope you all had a blessed day!

  47. We greet You Savior, Lord Jesus, we celebrate the Miracle of Your birth on Earth. We bow down, floored in Worship, utterly amazed utterly undone. Just as awesome is the fact that You are born into each one who believes in You. Our words are totally inadequate in expressing our thanks, love and devotion. So Almighty Precious Savior, see our hearts. For that is where we meet You. Lover of my soul, who gave up His Heavenly Throne for ragged, dirty, disgusting sinful me. You who gives me any value I have, loved me so much to be born, to live, to die for me. Thank You just doesn't say it, see my heart Lord Jesus.

    1. ♥️πŸŽ„ Merry Christmas Peter!

    2. Hope you had a blessed Christmas dear Peter.
      The Lord sees your beautiful heart of love for Him and trust in His way. May He bless the path before you with His brilliant light and guide you through 2022 to joy, peace and good health! Thank You Jesus!

  48. Happy Birthday Jesus! I praise and worship You Lord always. Thank You Jesus. I don't deserve anything, but You give me everything. I trust, love, and adore You Jesus ❤.

    1. Merey Christmas Janet ♥️πŸŽ„

    2. Dear Janet, Joining in dear Brie's wishes for your Merry Christmas! Merry Christmas sweet Brie!

  49. Merry Christmas to all of you... I may not know all of you but through this blog and the Holy Spirit I feel as if I DO know you.... I start every day with all of you before heading off to whatever the day may bring and it comforts me
    God Bless you all

    1. ♥️πŸŽ„ Merry Christmas John S

    2. Thanks for the blessing dear John S! Merry Christmas!

  50. Merry Christmas to the JC family and loved ones, May your lives be richly blessed and may you find the JOY in the simple things that the Lord provides for you every day. We have a houseful of recovering ones, from the flu, covid, surgeries….but all together safely and celebrating this wonderful day with great JOY! The Lord is good. Blessings to you all…

    1. Merry Christmas, Ellen and Family!♥️πŸŽ„

  51. Merry Christmas JC family. I am grateful for all of you. Happy birthday to our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. He is the reason we are all here. Everyone have a wonderful, blessed day!


    1. Merry Christmas TJ ♥️πŸŽ„

    2. Keeping you tight in my prayers dear TJ! Merry Christmas <3

  52. Merry Christmas to all of you! We have a fresh blanket of snow in northern CA that reflects the light of our Savior. May today be special for each of you in every way as we celebrate the birth of the One Who Saves. ♥️✝️πŸŽ„πŸ™πŸŽΆπŸŒ 

    1. Snow? There'sno snow here, only 80+ degree weather, AC, Christmas sundresses, Christmas flip flops, and Jesus, the most important of all ♥️✝️πŸŽ„πŸ™πŸŽΆπŸŒ 
      Love to all my JC Family as we celebrate His Birthday.

    2. Merry Christmas to you dear Audra! Enjoy the beauty and peace of the falling snow! Praying you had a special day. Praying for Paul. Your husband also needs God's comfort. It's a bittersweet Christmas but God is with you all.

    3. Love to you dear Brie! Your weather sounds wonderful. Enjoy wearing your flip flops as you celebrate His Birthday!

  53. Merry Christmas, Dear JC Family! Bob, thank you for blessing us with that beautiful choir! MadFox, you are a Christmas blessing and I know you will celebrate with your family, whether virtually or in person. You are a miracle that reminds us all of the blessings our Savior brings.
    Audra, while you are looking at snow and Brie, you have on the AC, it is 60 degrees and raining in Ohio. It looks as if it's around 7:00 pm here, but all of the lights are brightening things up. Balmy weather in OH, in December?
    Our big celebration was yesterday with 20+ of us eating, signing, kids playing - food galore (our oldest son smoked a Brisket - SO GOOD!). Our DIL's mom is staying with us but spending a lot of the time at their house with new baby Kaia, who we have yet to meet. Tomorrow is her big brothers Birthday, so I believe that will be the day I get to hold her. Can't wait. Later this afternoon, more of the family will come over, so Hubby and I are enjoying a quiet house that needs some clean up detail, but can wait a little while as we ease into the day.
    Blessings all around. Prayers for those who are sick or have lost loved ones. Jesus' Light is shining brightly whether that is recognized by all of our family or not. WE know and believe someday they will return to the fold.
    Love and Blessings to each of you.

    1. Sounds like a house full of love and good food! God bless you all and keep you safe. Hope you got a little rest in between everything. Amen. May God bless all those who are sick or sad or lonely or mourning. God knows our hearts and can make every situation better. Love and blessings to you dear Sister!

  54. Happy birthday JESUS! Merry Christmas to all my JC friends. Thank you for blessing my life with love and prayers. Praying for those who are lonely and grieving the loss of their loved ones. Love and prayers for those who are in the hospital. Prayers of healing, forgiveness and restoration for parents and those estranged from their children, friends and loved ones. Thank You Jesus for hearing our prayers.

    1. Joining in your prayers for our dear ones for joy, peace, comfort, healing, forgiveness and restoration. Amen and Amen. Love you, dear Sassy Mom! Merry Christmas!

  55. Merry Christmas to all JC family!
    So thankful for this blog and for each of you.
    God bless you and yours.

    Blessings from France

    1. Love you dear Blessings from France! Merry Christmas to you and yours and God bless you in every little thing!

  56. Merry Christmas!! Thank you for your prayers and inspiring words over the years. It's great to be alive and still sober by the grace of God. Peace and love to you all!

    1. Merry Christmas my dear brother zfantasic! So proud of you and all you have become. God is so very good and you have been a good and reliable servant. Peace and love to you!

  57. Thank you everyone 4 prayers happy birthday my lord and savior thank you 4 your many blessings.....God is good JC family thank you so much blessing and peace joy to all JC family

    1. Amen dear Rebecca! He is such a great God and we love you sister! God is holding you by your hand because He is the best Father. He loves us exactly as we are and knows our hearts intimately. Believe the best is yet to come. Take your burdens to the Lord and leave them there. He will make all things right. Love you sister.

  58. Wrapping up after another good, long day of Family, Food and Fun. Sooo tired. Wishing all of you the Merriest of Christmases - "For Unto Us a Child was Born!!" Sleep sweet - praying for all of my JC Family!

  59. Merry Christmas JC family. Praying each of you are making ready to worship Emmanuel, God with us. Like the kings & the Shepherds, let's make our way towards the manger & behold the awesome wonder of the Christ child! Rejoice! For unto us a child is given! Hallelujah! ✨πŸ•―️πŸ‘‘πŸŽ

  60. Merry Christmas JC Warriors! May God bless you and your families. Happy Birthday Jesus!


    1. Merry Christmas and thank you, dear TJ. God bless you and yours too. Happy Christmas dear Jesus!

    2. Good and blessed Christmas to all! Have a happy day. Jesus is the Reason for the Season. Going to sing for the Lord and then I have a busy day. God is in the Center so all things will come together.
      Luke 2:8-14 Now there were in the same country shepherds living out in the fields, keeping watch over their flock by night. And behold, an angel of the Lord stood before them, and the glory of the Lord shone around them, and they were greatly afraid. Then the angel said to them, “Do not be afraid, for behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy which will be to all people. For there is born to you this day in the city of David a Savior, who is Christ the Lord. And this will be the sign to you: You will find a Babe wrapped in swaddling cloths, lying in a manger.”

      And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host praising God and saying:

      “Glory to God in the highest,
      And on earth peace, goodwill toward men!”

    3. Thanks, Jeanne, and may you have a happy day rejoicing in the choir and with your family today as well! Love your "God is the Center for all things will come together"!!! Peace and love, sister!

  61. Happy birthday Jesus!!! And thank You for EVERYTHING Jesus!!! Praise God always πŸ™Œ.

  62. Happy Birthday JESUS.

  63. And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we beheld His glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father, full of grace and truth. (John 1:14). Be exalted, O God, above the heavens; let Your glory be above all the earth. (Psalm 57:5). Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, goodwill toward men! (Luke 2:14).

    JC Warriors, have a very Merry Christmas and be blessed in our Savior's peace and love! God bless πŸ™.

    1. Amen! Thanksgiving dear Janet! Glory to God in the Highest! Must rush to sing in Church now. Happy and blessed Christmas to all!

  64. What a comfort to see the posts this morning from others who know what a Savior and Friend we have in Jesus. Despite brokenness in my family, I was reminded at church last night that Jesus has already won the war! I can relax and rejoice in God's arms knowing all is well. May I carry His Light and Peace with me today and share it with others.

    1. #METOO! May The Radiant Glory of The Lord Shine Among Us, transcending all understanding, and transforming every fiber of our being, our mind, our heart, and our body, in Jesus' Name. Amen. Merry Christmas Family

    2. Amen! Carrying His light and peace today right into Church and beyond. Merry Christmas to all. Have a sweet day in God’s presence celebrating the Birth of Jesus! He is our everything!
      God bless you and your families! Rejoice and be glad! Hallelujah

  65. Amen! Praise and Gratitude to the Most High!

  66. Merry Christmas, dear Sisters and Brothers in Christ! Picturing you singing your lovely heart out, Jeanne; Jan bustling to prepare food, Brie and Audra and all sending sweet blessings. I'm so very thankful that we know how truly blessed each of us is. So very thankful that we have God in Christ in us, the Hope of Glory. Enjoy each memory, celebration, blessing and all of the Love that our Savior gave this day and every day.
    God Bless us, one and all!

    1. Thanks dear Norah! Hope you had a really special day with your dear ones. Praying you’re finally getting your rest. Love you and all our JC family.

  67. Merry Christmas family! May you all be blessed with peace, hope and love.

    Praying for traveling mercies, restored relationships, and healing. That all our gatherings of family today are blessed with love and understanding, even for those difficult relationships, and that the light shines through in the darkness, the light that was born into the world in Jesus, Immanuel! Hallelujah!!

    1. Thank you Rich- I join you and the rest of our JC family in these beautiful prayers πŸ™ Blessings to all! ❤️

    2. Amen to that dear Rich C! When you wrote restored relationships I immediately thought of my difficult older brother. The Way Maker made a way. Thank You Jesus!
      He was cranky and complaining a lot but Love never fails. I am so happy to say my older brother was such a blessing to us today! My sister picked him up. I helped him clean out part of his old closet so he could store his stuff and then we had a nice dinner with my Mom. He supplied all the Christmas music and he made all of us happy. I took him home and Janet came for the ride. My dinner came good and Rick and my family enjoyed it. Resting with gratitude in God’s loving arms! Rest well!.

  68. I feel your words down in my soul, Janet. Thank you for them as He has done the same for me. Blessings ad love dear sister!

  69. My prayer exactly Rch C! Good bless you all as we honor and thank Him today!
    Blessed Christmas in the year of our Lord 2022.

  70. Thank you so much for all your wonderful and kind words and to make me πŸ’ͺ with your words thru the times of trail ,Amen!

  71. Hoping you all had a wonderful day celebrating Jesus’ birthday. Thankful for this forum and the prayer warriors here. Merry Christmas!

    SC Anonymous

    1. Amen to that! Grateful for this wonderful family and thankful that our loving Father walks through the trials with us and binds us up in His unending love.

    2. Thanks! Merry Christmas dear SC!

  72. Happy Birthday Celebration, Jesus.
    Today, I am giving "Y" 🎁 🎁 🎁 to YOU with the same words Mary and Joseph said to YOUR request for them to bring forth a YOUNG Child:
    I pray my YES, always means YES!
    Each time I hear YOUR Voice today, may I soften my heart and simply repeat,

    YES! YAHWEH! YES! Amen!

    Thank You God for all of YOUR YEARLONG blessings on this JC Family of Prayer Warriors. May we press onward as Christian Soldiers In our YEARNING to do what YOU would do.
    May we keep CHRIST at the forefront of all our CHRISTmas celebrations from today until YEAR's end and beyond, bringing our finest gifts a-rum-pa-pum-pum!
    In Jesus' Name. Amen!

    1. AMEN, Brie, AMEN and HALLELUJAH!!! LOVE your post!

  73. I gift my Lord this day the "Y" word YAHWEH! YAHWEH is the Unchanging God! God calls Himself YAHWEH when He first enters into the covenant with Abraham, a subtle promise that He will be forever faithful in keeping His WORD. When He reveals Himself again as "YAHWEH" to Moses, it is our reminder that He is Unchanging, and we can trust Him not to back out or change His mind.

    Thank you, Father God, that You chose to be WITH US, as we remember that the MANGER leads to the CROSS, and a SEEMINGLY DEFEAT becomes the GREATEST VICTORY of all time.!!!

    1. Love ❤️ YOUR post our JJ!
      The Christ in YOU shines ever so brightly, Ray and Stevie can see YOUR light!

    2. Thanks dear Brie and JJ! You are both sweet beacons of His light to me! I loved your "Y" gifts to our Lord. YES YAHWEH! Happy Birthday Celebration to JESUS! Singing Hallelujah with you and praising HIS HOLY Name forever.
      I sang in Church today and I will try my best to glorify Him tomorrow in Church too. May you and our JC Family have a blessed and happy Christmas. Sending love and prayers that God will grant our prayers, supply our needs, heal our weaknesses, and comfort our hearts because He understands them intimately. Thank You Jesus.
      So blessed that our Father God chose us even before we were born. What a blessing it is to belong to Him! Hallelujah!

      Jeremiah 31:3
      The LORD has appeared of old to me, saying: “Yes, I have loved you with an everlasting love; Therefore with lovingkindness I have drawn you.

  74. Luke 2:11
    For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Saviour, which is Christ the Lord.

    Wishing you all a Merry Christmas!
    I love the Christmas songs we're singing this morning and I'm the only Alto so I know God will help me with the harmonies. He is always up in the Choir loft with me. Have a sweet day of gratitude and praise to the Most High!

  75. Happy Birthday Jesus

  76. "For unto us a child is born, unto us a child is given, and the government will be on his shoulder. And He will be called Wonderful, Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace." Merry Christmas dear ones! May the humble birth of our Lord reawaken & renew your resolve to run after Him, YAHWEH! HALLELUJAH!

    1. YAHWEH! Hallelujah! And Merry CHRISTmas to you also, our dear Jan gridley, and to all our JC Family! I am so thankful He came in the flesh to show us The Way to live The Truth and The Life. May His life begin anew in us πŸ™ In Jesus' Name. AMEN!

    2. For your Christmas book wish list..."God Has a Name" by Mark Comer. YAHWEH! ♥️ Blessed be His name, the name above all names.
      Just saw a photo of the stable manger with this caption: "the first KING size bed." Amen!

  77. Merry Christmas to all!!!
    This blog and it's phenomenal prayer WARRIORS have brought me closer to God and helped me through all of my difficulties this year. May this day bring us all blessings and gratitude. Amen!

    1. Merry CHRISTmas Tanya.
      Your post and prayers bring us closer to God and help our journeys also. May you and this awesome JC Family continue in His High Favor and Abundant Blessings today and forever. In Jesus' Name.AMEN!!

  78. Merry Christmas Dear Jesus Calling Family!! God Bless each and everyone of you and all of yours. We have so much to be thankful for and I pray that each of you has a day filled with all of God's Love!
    Jeanne, I would LOVE to get to hear you sing! I am sure the Love of God will be in every note you sing.
    Praying for each of you and remembering those who are struggling; may your hearts be blessed, comforted and filled God in Christ in YOU!

  79. Happy Birthday Jesus! Wishing all on this blog to have the most choice blessings for health and joy in 2024! May our King and Savior Jesus be with us always-from manger to to eternal salvation in heaven. Amen.
