Sunday, September 6, 2015

Jesus Calling: September 6

Do everything in dependence on Me. The desire to act independently--apart from Me--springs from the root of pride. Self-sufficiency is subtle, insinuating its way into your thoughts and actions without your realizing it. But apart from Me, you can do nothing; that is, nothing of eternal value. My deepest desire for you is that you learn to depend on Me in every situation. I move heaven and earth to accomplish this purpose, but you must collaborate with Me in this training. Teaching you would be simple if I negated your free will or overwhelmed you with My Power. However, I love you too much to withdraw the godlike privilege I bestowed on you as My image-bearer. Use your freedom wisely, by relying on Me constantly. Thus you enjoy My Presence and My Peace.

John 15:5
English Standard Version

I am the vine; you are the branches. Whoever abides in me and I in him, he it is that bears much fruit, for apart from me you can do nothing.
Ephesians 6:10
English Standard Version

Finally, be strong in the Lord and in the strength of his might.
Genesis 1:26-27
English Standard Version

26 Then God said, “Let us make man in our image, after our likeness. And let them have dominion over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the heavens and over the livestock and over all the earth and over every creeping thing that creeps on the earth.”

Note: The devotion and scriptures are from author Sarah Young. If you haven't already, please purchase the book and support the author. 

Also, bookmark to have an easy link to the entire year of these entries.


  1. I'm going to try real hard to rely on you Lord with everything I do today

  2. Dear God I pray to rely on you and to allow your will to work through me

  3. Help me to accept the opportunities you provide to depend on you even more!
    Unknown unknown(not todays posts) be dependent on God. Aways look for the light, even in darkness there is light. God bless you!

    1. thank you but my life/family is in a very dark place it's so hard to stay faithful but I'm trying sensei starting reading this blogs it makes me feel better but everything is still bad.

  4. Heavenly Father, May we surrender this day to You, seeking your will and guidance throughout the day. We pray that during the pleasing times of the day we give you praise and during the tough times we seek your strength and faith that you are in control. We are thankful for free will and rely on You to choose wisely in our decisions and look to be dependent upon YOU.

    1. Amen, Jeff! Thankful for the many blessings he rains down on me, and praising His name for teaching me how to see Him in everything, even through the darkest storms. Thanking Him also for free will so that, daily, I can seek and serve Him. Thank you, Father God, for Your faithfulness. In You I trust. God be with you, brother, in all you do today.

      Blessings from California

    2. Jesus, I choose you.♥️✝️

  5. God please help me to turn my focus towards the things you really want me to do today. Help me to filter out the thoughts that overwhelm my mind and tell me that I'm not important. I want you to be in control of each thing that I do today so that it may be done in your name and for a good purpose.

  6. What great wisdom our Heavenly Father has and bestows on His children if we simply ask Him.

    1. Amen! It's powerful and amazing to see Him work when we deliver it all to Him! Thank you, Jesus!
      God be with you, Unknown.

      Blessings from California

  7. Thank you Lord for your neverending patience for me.

  8. Thank you my heavenly father for always living in my heart and soul. For I entrust in you, dear lord, in all your glory and your will and know that you have a higher plan and path for me. For this, I am truly grateful. Thank you. Amen.

  9. My dad needs prayer. He is sick. So angry, and bitter. I want to help but dont know what to do. I struggle with living a sober life n trying to live a GODLY life.

    1. I am so sorry unknown I pray for peace and strength for you both. Thank you for reaching out.
      You can do anything but only in Christ

    2. Amen. I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.

    3. Unknown, may the God of Peace visit you this day and give you rest and take away all bitterness, anger and all pain you are experiencing. JESUS, please help unknown. Thank You Lord for honoring Your words by never leaving us even in our darkest hours!
      Jehovah Rapha, please touch unknown dad with a special anointing, in the name of Jesus. Amen!

      Thank You Lord for restoration for both! Trust God unknown!

      Maplewood NJ

    4. I join loved ones here in prayer for you Unknown. Press in to the God of your salvation and He will lift you up & out of trouble. Give your father to Him. Just worship & bow down before Him. With a grateful heart thank Him even in this time of trial. He is faithful.🥰

    5. Joining JC prayer warriors in prayer for all those crying out to God.

    6. I can understand how you feel. I have struggled with sobriety and an angry bitter father.i have found a great a deal of peace through God, AA and especially prayers from the prayers generously given by the good people here. Miracles happen every day. I'm joining in the prayers for you and your father.

    7. znfuntastic - PROUD OF YOU!!!!

    8. Praying for peace for you both. Family can be so hard to deal with. We let our emotions and love for them keep our spirits all stirred up in a sort of whirlwind that can keep our minds searching for answers that we don't have. I believe that is why He said keep your mind steadfast on me. He does have the answers and peace beyond our understanding that is why we have to give our loved ones to Him in prayer. He loves them more than we do. A friend once explained to me when our loved ones are on a Roller-coaster ride of trials and emotions we can encourage and pray for them from a place of peace and wisdom as we intercede through prayer, or get on the ride with them. Compassion for our loved ones is best through our past experience. If you ride with them emotions can effect your counsel. Trust that the Lord will use all things and watch for the outcome without letting it steal your peace. Blessings

    9. Zfuntastic--- I join with Sassy Mom in being very proud of you! The Word speaks of praying for one another that you you might be healed, I join you and the other JC WARRIORS in prayer for Unknown and the father. The Word talks about the Lord upholds all who fall and lifts up all who are bowed down. I lift up anyone on this site that is struggling with circumstances. PSALM 121:1-3 " I will lift up my eyes to the hills. From whence shall my help comw? My help comes from the Lord Who made Heaven and earth. He will not allow your foot to slip or to be moved; He Who keeps you will not slumber nor sleep." The Lord's great Grace and Mercy to all from Kansas.

  10. I am awake this morning not of my own power, but that of Yours dear Father. I will be a fool to think that I can do anything apart from You. I need You. Thanking You for yet another day filled with Your Grace and new mercy to carry me through it. Thank You Lord.

    My JC family, our dependence starts by acknowledging our Almighty God as the owner of everything and controller of all our circumstances. For with Him, nothing is impossible, everything is within His reach. We are just to trust and obey Him and He will do the rest. Dependence is a continual connection to Christ that results in a harvest of holiness. Without God, we are unable to do anything of Kingdom significance. Jeremiah 17: 5 says "Thus says the Lord: Cursed are those who trust in mortals, who depend on flesh for their strength and whose hearts turn away from the Lord".

    Let us be reminded that we need Jesus, He is our source of strength and our hope in hard times.
    Ephesians 2:10, "For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them".

    Prayers lifted up for ALL requests and circumstances to the ONLY one we can DEPEND on, JESUS is His name.

    As branches, let us hold on to the VINE and not be separated.

    Stay blessed this Friday and declare: Thank God I'm Forgiven (TGIF).

    Maplewood NJ

    1. Great Blessings to you, Maplewood!

    2. Timeless truth dear Maplewood! We wake up each day thanking Him for our day. In Him we live and have our being. We are complete in Him and can do all things through His unlimited strength and power. He only asks us to trust and follow Him. Amen! We need Jesus in every part of our lives.
      I loved this from today’s devotion:
      But apart from Me, you can do nothing; that is, nothing of eternal value. Amen!

  11. Bible Gateway verse - Jesus answered and said to him, If anyone loves Me, he will keep My word, and My Father will love him, and we will come to him and make Our home with him.

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. Father, my Lord. Each morning I pray and focus on what you have planned for me. Life's trials and tribulations are not easy but through you, We are able to do all things. I am learning to Surrender And that by relying on you I do not lean on my own understanding but I am blessed with greater wisdom. I pray for those that love you and have a relationship with you That others may be patient in your divine work. I know that you always keep your promises and that it is sometimes unknown to us in the moment of the miracles that you have in store for us later. It is this that comes to pass that strengthens our faith. And it is through faith we are able to open our hearts To Quietly listen and prepare For the blessings that you bestow upon us. In Jesus name

    1. Amen, Sarah Wikander! Learning to "Surrender"! I'm still a work in progress, and I'm thankful that God is with me daily. I need you, Jesus! God be with you.

      Blessings from California

    2. As are we all, Rose from California, holding hands and learning to surrender all to Thee Our Precious Savior, help us all to surrender all! Amen.

    3. Amen! Help us all to surrender All! Thank You Jesus!

    4. Amen! Singing Sweet Surrender

    5. Thanks DJ Audra. I'm singing and enjoying John Denver's song, Sweet Surrender. I am praying that it helps me to activate and actualize today's devotion, until it becomes more than words on a page. I desire to depend on You, Lord. in every situation, starting with those that have eternal value. In Jesus' Name. Amen.

  14. Good morning Lord and JC family. I pray for your amazing prayer warriors and all of us who are struggling with loneliness, fears, hopelessness, addictions and everything that the evil one offers. Come holy spirit, our helper. Jesus I trust in you..Jesus I trust in you. Thank you our Father in heaven for loving us.

  15. Praise be to God for today's devotion and for all of the comments on here today. Truly uplifting! I will say prayers for all requests written and unwritten.
    Rejoice in the Lord always! I can do all things through Him who strengthens me. What an awesome God we have to allow us free will and to always remain there with us. Help me today to fully rely on You, my God, resulting in enjoying Your Peace. CO

  16. Today, my husband and I are blessed to share 54 years of marriage. We first met when we were 7 years old and our families renewed their friendship. It was years before our friendship turned from pure friendship to romantic friendship, but I'm glad it did! We are blessed to have 1 beautiful daughter plus a son in love, two beautiful granddaughters, 3 granddogs and 1 great granddog! We are blessed beyond measure, pray and thank God everyday that our lives are in His Hands! Today we are praying for all married couples, no longer marrieds, those contemplating marriage, those not contemplating marriage and all their families. May God help each of us discern and discover how we can respect and uphold the dignity of life and love -- in whatever situation or circumstance we live in. We ask. We pray. We thank. In Jesus' Name. Amen

    1. Congrats 54 years proves a commitment to each other and to God. May you enjoy many more! Godspeed.

    2. Congratulations! God bless you.

    3. Congratulations and God's Blessing to you and yours Brie! This is indeed something to Praise God for. Thank you for sharing your life and blessings with us.

    4. Congratulations Brie! Praising God for the blessings of 54 years and the fruits of that union. Enjoy your day with your hubby🥰

    5. Brie - I receive your prayers. Joining warriors praising the the Lord for abundantly blessing your life. Congratulations!

    6. Happy 54th Anniversary to you and your husband Brie. Here's to many more. God bless.

    7. Brie- CONGRATULATIONS for 54 years!!!!
      May more be added to your already, blessed, happy, spontaneous life!
      May the joy of the Lord ALWAYS be your strength, in Jesus' name!!

      CONGRATS to you and hubby!

      Maplewood NJ

    8. Happy happy anniversary!! What a wonderful story of friendship and commitment and faithfulness and love!!! Enjoy the celebration. Congratulations! 🎶❤️🥳

    9. Congratulations!! May you and your husband enjoy many more with your beautiful family!! I always look forward to your uplifting posts!!! Love from Maryville, Tennessee

    10. Congratulations on your anniversary to you and your husband, Brie! Thank you for sharing a bit of your story. It is so sweet and refreshing to hear of continued dedication. Your prayers are received and I join in prayer for you. Many blessings to you and yours today! CO

    11. How wonderful! Congratulations to you and your husband! Praising the Lord for all the blessings and memories from these years and many more to come!

      Blessings from France

    12. Oh, Brie, may you and your husband be so blessed today in whatever you do to celebrate God's gift to you of each other and all that He has to done to sustain the holy bond He put between you. How wonderful!!! Of course, a song is in order. For the video our children and grandchildren did for us on our 50th, they included the song, "Still the One" by Orleans. A favorite line of that song, "We're still having fun and you're still the one". Have fun, Brie and husband of Brie! God be with you.

    13. Congrats on 54 years. What a blessing to have grandchildren and granddogs. Happy Anniversary 🎉.

    14. Congratulations on 54 years! You have been blessed! ❤️

    15. Congratulations dear Brie and your good husband! 54 years is a lifetime of love together! You are richly blessed! Celebrate your special love that endures! I love that you met when you were 7. Boy! He must know you like the back of his hand as you know him! So happy for you both! God bless you and your family right down to the doggies!

    16. Happy anniversary! You have weathered many years of the labors of love. A celebration on this Labor Day weekend 😉 Cheers to you, and a match made in heaven.

    17. Happy Happy 54th Anniversary to you, Brie, and your hubby! Wow! Thank you for sharing your story of love and commitment. May you both continue to be blessed abundantly and your union strengthened through Christ who is LOVE personified. Wishing you both many more joyous years together with your family and doggies. God be with you all, my sweet sister.

      Blessings from California

    18. Brie --- Congratulations!!! And the Lord bless you richly!!!

    19. Thanks so much to each of you for all of your prayers and well wishes. I read them to Darling Husband, who wanted to know who are the people that wrote? The first thing I thought of was from the book of Revelation: “These are the ones coming out of the Great Tribulation,” he said; “they washed their robes and whitened them by the Blood of the Lamb. 15 That is why they are here before the Throne of God, serving Him day and night in His Temple. The One sitting on The Throne will shelter them; 16 they will never be hungry again, nor thirsty, and they will be fully protected from the scorching noontime heat. 17 For the Lamb standing in front of The Throne will feed them and be their Shepherd and lead them to the springs of the Water of Life. And God will wipe their tears away.”
      Where are they from, DH asked? Everywhere!

    20. Also included in our Anniversary prayers are widows and widowers, single parents, and families and spouses that have been hurt by divorce.

    21. Happy 55th Anniversary Brie and Larry! Wishing you many more happy years of love together in God's presence and peace.

    22. Happy anniversary Brie and your hubby ! We celebrate your wonderful marriage and family! 55 years is truly a blessing, you have been married longer than some of us have been alive ! God bless you two !

    23. Happy 55th Brie & Larry! 🎆🎶🎉🎊🎁. May God bless & guide you safely through to the 56th!💕

    24. Happy anniversary Brie! 🎉👏🏻🎊 55 years! You are truly blessed ❤️

    25. Happy anniversary sister! May you and Larry receive extra blessings today, maybe some abundant fruit that is symbolic of your dedication to God and each other. Here in northern CA it is peaches, plums and blackberries. You are fifty years of marriage ahead of us (that blows my mind) as we celebrated our 5 th last Friday. You inspire me. 5 is the number of grace, as we gratefully receive it and pray it for all.

    26. Happy anniversary to Brie and Larry!!!! ♥️♥️😎🎶

  17. Father, help me to always keep my eyes on You and to acknowledge You in all my ways. I am nothing without You Lord. Thank You Jesus. Praise the Lord continually and always. Amen.

    1. Amen! Help me to keep my eyes focused on You, Father. When I stray, gently guide my gaze back to you. I trust in You. God be with you, dear sister.

      Blessings from California

    2. Amen Janet and Rose! Jesus, Remind us all to keep our eyes focused on You.

  18. Janet - "I am nothing without You Lord." Amen. God bless you!!

  19. You are glorious Lord,. We praise your holy name.

  20. Father I need you to keep me focused today as I prepare a farewell meal for my loved ones. I want this gathering oh Lord to be about them & not about my sadness at their leaving the state. Food prepared with no joy cannot be too palatable. I want your joy, unspeakable joy, borne out of trust that you will prepare the way for them wherever they end up. Tears well up as I write this so I must stop, get to the kitchen, turn on worship songs & dance as I cook to the God of my salvation & for my family. 🎶" You are my everlasting God, the everlasting God, you will not faint, you won't grow weary, you're the defender of the weak, you comfort those in need, you lift us up like wings on eagles. Strength will rise as we wait upon the Lord, wait upon the Lord, we will wait upon the Lord"!

    1. I'm glad and praisefilled and thankful you have this time to spend together, Jan.
      Come Holy Spirit, attend and bless this gathering, much like You did when my one and only moved to South Korea. Bless all the food Jan prepares to nourish their bodies and feed their souls. We praise and we thank You for being The Giver of all of our Good Gifts. And when Your Good Gifts leave us, You always remain! Amen

    2. God bless you Jan. Amen 🙏.

    3. Joining in prayers for you Jan! May God brings you peace and comfort and protection for you and your loved ones.

      Blessings from France

    4. Bless you Jan, as your heart strings are pulled. You know that distance may change the relationship in someways, in others it will bring you closer. Prayers for your family ties to be so much stronger moving forward!

    5. Jan --- I entrust you and your family into the Lord's care. I pray for happiness and joy to be ahead for each of you, for wisdom and guidance to be beside each of you, and for grace and truth to be behind each of you, pushing each of you onwards into the Lord's goodness. Thank You Lord for Your love and protection over each of them where ever they are. For Your Honor and Your Purposes, AMEN and AMEN

    6. So happy for your joy. Enjoy that precious time with your Family. I can just see you dancing and singing in your kitchen. We have our son’s family with us! So much joy! I love cooking for them in God’s presence and with so much love.

    7. Rejoice and be glad and sing and dance in your kitchen! Enjoy every last blessed moment!

  21. Replies
    1. Thanks for putting a new song in my mouth, Jan, a hymn of Glory and Praise to our God! You can be sure I am singing with you.

    2. Praying for your strength and joy today! God's got this! Delight in each moment you have with your loved ones. CO

    3. Thank you my dear ones for each ofyour prayers. Wow! The power of it came through. There were so much joy at the table. Though some family members were late in coming, so what, we laughed it off. We tayalked about the move & getting together again, joy & laughter overshadowed the sadness. Your prayers took no detour, it went straight up to the heavens. Love you all💕

    4. Thanks for the Victory Report Jan! and for letting your JC Family know that All went as we all prayed it would!

    5. That sounds like such a wonderful memory. Happy faces and lots of love and good food. God is so good. God bless your dear ones!

    6. Jan, I can hear the song you sing and for some reason I was blessed to find this other one when I looked for the link to post

  22. Psalm 23:
    The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want.
    He maketh me to lie down in green pastures: he leadeth me beside the still waters.
    He restoreth my soul: he leadeth me in the paths of righteousness for his name's sake.
    Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me.
    Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of mine enemies: thou anointest my head with oil; my cup runneth over.
    Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life: and I will dwell in the house of the Lord for ever.

    Thank You for being my Shepherd. I see myself as Your sheep prone to wander, but entirely and always reliant on You.
    “I shall not want” because You are my good Shepherd who will ensure I have everything I need. “I shall not want,” not because of what I've done or can do, but because You love me. “I shall not want” because I know You personally as my Shepherd.
    I can do NOTHING apart from You, for my dependence is on You. Thanks for Your grace that is sufficient! In Jesus’ name, Amen.

    Blessings and Peace.

    Maplewood, NJ

    1. Amen and Thank you, Maplewood. I love Psalm 23. It always gives me comfort and peace and calms my fears.
      As long as my Good Shepherd is with me, I can do all things. He leads me through the toughest times and strengthens and protects me, and gives me rest.

  23. Thank you for writing this. I have the book and bible but not with me. So, thanks to you, I could still begin my day with it’s positive message. Have a blessed day!

  24. My Prayer
    Thank You God for pursuing me and desiring the connection I am starving for, craving for, and dependent on, sometimes unknowingly. You always know My whereabouts. Rather than alert You to my presence, which You already know, my Glory, Praise and Prayers alert me to Yours. When I am trapped in a fogball of confusion, would You remind me to use my Godlike privilege of free will to sound the alarm, ringing my ship's bell with Prayers of Glory and Praise knowing that I can depend on You in every situation? No matter how lost I may feel, would You remind me that I have a God Who fill find me, meet me where I am, and carry me back into His Light because of the boundlessness of His Love? Instead of trying to understand why You chose me or why You pursue me, would You help me be more grateful that You do because of Your Love? I ask. I pray. I thank. In Jesus' Name. Amen.
    �� I don't know why Jesus loves me.
    I don't know why Jesus cares.
    I don't know why He sacrificed His life for me.
    Oh, but I'm glad, so glad He did.
    He left His Mighty Throne in glory,
    To bring to us redemption's story
    Then He died but He rose again.
    Oh, but I'm glad, so glad He did.
    Oh, but I'm glad, I'm glad He did.
    So glad He did. I'm glad He did.
    Where would I be if Jesus didn't love me?
    Where would I be if Jesus didn't care?
    Where would I be if He hadn't sacrificed His life for me?
    Oh, but I'm glad, so glad He did!
    I'm glad, glad that He did!

    1. Amen Brie! Jesus lives us and that is all we need.

    2. I'm so glad He gave His life for me! Redeemed and happy am I.

  25. Father, please help me to use this precious freedom that You gave to me wisely and to do Your will and not my own. Align my will and my attitude with Yours Lord, and help me to always keep my motives and intentions faithful and true to You. I will bless, praise, and rejoice in the Lord continually and always. You are my Father, Lord, and Savior. Thank You Jesus. Amen.

    1. Amen Janet♡

      Blessings from France

    2. I am so blessed by your prayers, Janet. Awhile back you gave us a small glimpse of your past and of the change you seek in your life. Knowing that, your prayers become so meaningful to me. Thank you and I pray for all that is changing in your life. Lord, be glorified in Janet as You are, as You have been, as You will always be. God be with you, beloved Janet!

    3. Beautiful prayer dear Janet! Amen! .

    4. Praying your perfect prayer with you Janet and joining in Bob's prayer for you! God be with you, beloved Janet! Amen and Amen.

  26. It was a month ago today that I posted to all of you of my wife and my venturing out from the limitations of this quarantine mentality to visit family and to celebrate our 50th wedding anniversary. Y'all responded with prayer after prayer for our travels, 15 spoken and countless number in silence. Well now for the victory report...

    We arrived back home in AZ last night. The trip from start to finish was richly blessed by God and sustained through your love and prayers. We spent quality time with family and got to see a few dear friends. We had an anniversary celebration that was not as originally planned but when all was said and done, was far more meaningful then the plan we made (and a lot less expensive). We flew this time thinking it was the safest way to travel across the country. We followed CDC guidelines as we moved about but when with family, the masks came off, we shook hands, we hugged, we went out into public, we ate at many different restaurants, we shared food (seriously?) and a few other things that were outside of protocol. Everyone remained healthy, everyone had joy and the whole month was filled with blessing after blessing. Now we are back in our nest with overwhelming gratitude.

    A thought from it all: It was by the grace of God that we were so blessed. It was not a reward, it was pure grace that blessed our time. And you offered many thoughts and prayers for our travels. So I sat and gave thought (coming from my Bachelor of Science degree mentality), how do these two fit together. Did God only act because you prayed and had you not, He would have not moved on our behalf? Would God have been gracious to us even if no one prayed for our travels? This morning as I read the scriptures to be used in some churches for this Sunday, the Spirit brought me to focus on a verse you are all familiar with, from Matthew 18:19, "Again, truly I tell you, if two of you agree on earth about anything you ask, it will be done for you by my Father in heaven." The Spirit asked me to set aside my undergraduate degree mentality and see the spiritual element at work that is beyond scientific explanation. God's grace and the power of you being in prayer for us commingle and are components of the greater whole of the love of God. How that happens, who knows? That it happens, there is no doubt. My wife and I have just had a month of that being maxed out. All praise and thanksgiving to God! Thank you for your love expressed through your thoughts and prayers that upheld us through one of the most blessed months of my life. God be with you. With love, Bob

    1. You were probably busy packing and getting ready for your trip, but Welcome Back to August 7:) Trust in God, not in your own understanding. Human beings have a voracious appetite for trying to figure things out. Seek ME rather than understanding. It sounds like you and we sought Him and you and yours got a Gift of THE MIXTURE resulting from Divine Alchemy: Prayers,and Faith, Grace and Mercy, 2+Gatherers and multiplied using Jesus' Math! You will never understand it!
      P.S. Who knew the gift of normal would be so paranormal! Love to you and our entire JC Family.

    2. Amen mon ami! How amazing the grace of God is! I am so glad that you spent this blessed and refreshed time with your loved ones! What a blessing.

      Blessings from France

    3. Welcome home dear Bob & wife🥰. Angels He has sent from on high to guard every steps, every hugs you gave. He loves you guys so much & was celebrating with you!

    4. Bob- I will like to say we missed you, but all during your 3 weeks family vacation, you still found the time to comment, pray and encouraged others here. God bless you!!!
      Thanking Him for your safe arrival home and excited again to read your full insights each day.

      LOL, just read out that verse, Matt 18:19 this morning with my daily prayer partner. He is certainly with us as we believe and stand in agreement.

      Great to have you back, my brother! Remain blessed.

      Maplewood NJ

    5. Welcome Home Bob! You were blessed to travel safely and spend so much time with your family. God went before you and prepared your trip, and even guided your Anniversary celebration. Now your heart is filled to the brim with memories to savor over and over. Our prayers and God’s faithfulness brought you and your lovely family safely through many days. Thanking God for your safe return after your wonderful trip. Congratulations! God bless you and your marriage. Much love.

  27. And also with you, Bob! Amen! ✝️🙏♥️

    1. Sand revisiting this year I received new understanding of not understanding 🤣
      "Trust in God, not in your own understanding. Human beings have a voracious appetite for trying to figure things out. Seek ME rather than understanding."

  28. Jesus, my heart is open thou to teach me dependence on You. I invite You to collaborate with me on direction and purpose for my life. I am enjoying growing closer to You through Your word

    1. Praying with you, Mark!
      Yearning and Learning to say Yes! Lord all the time.

    2. Yes Lord, yes Lord, yes, yes,Lord!

    3. Amen Mark! Seek Him with a sincere heart of trust and gratitude, and He will be found.

  29. To Tomorrow our children and their families will be coming over to help celebrate their father’s birthday as well as to say good bye to one of the families that will be moving far away to another state. One family is and has been extremely diligent in quarantining themselves while the other prefer not to wear masks unless they must. This has caused quite a division in our family. The one family has set conditions that they will only come if the other family respects their certain protocols . Please pray with me that inspite of their different views on “keeping safe” that God would bring His joy to this gathering. Thank you.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. LTT, may all things work to good in a way no one could have thought of. God be with you.

    4. Learning to trust --- Amen to Bob's post! I ask you Father God, to rise up and extend Your mighty hand to this family. Strike down the enemy that is seeking to divide them. Anoint them Father, with Your wisdom and clarity, and for them to seek unity according to Your Spirit. Help this family stand firm and raise up Your flag of VICTORY, because Christ has overcome the world! In the name of Jesus, AMEN and AMEN

    5. LTT- praying that that same joy our JC warriors prayed for me, I pray for you🥰

    6. Praying for you and your dear ones, Learning to Trust!
      As He's done for others, He'll do for you.
      I'm glad and praise filled and thankful you have this time to spend together.
      Come Holy Spirit, attend and bless this gathering, Bless all the preparations LTT makes as she prepares to nourish their bodies and feed their souls. We praise and we thank You for being The Giver of all of our Good Gifts and our safeguard. And when Your Good Gifts leave us, You always remain! Thanks Lord. Amen

    7. Learning to Trust: Praying God’s hedge of protection will extend over every family member and that God’s spirit will guide all to a blessed and memorable gathering in God’s sweet presence. Enjoy, my Sister!

    8. Already I feel joy as your prayers for today’s gathering are such an encouragement. Thank You Lord.

  30. Ephesians 6: 10 Finally, be strong in The Lord and in the strength of His Might.
    ...My deepest desire for you is that you learn to depend on Me in every situation...
    Ebb tides are outgoing tides; they are that period in between high and low tides. Sometimes they can be worse than low tides because they are that tide that stumbles us one step forward, two steps back, and then recede us into a sea of helplessness.  An ebb tide can feel like a period of decline, i.e.,  late notices, bills we cannot pay, spouse who seems distant, layoff announcement, etc., situations and circumstances with no apparent resolution. What is our next move? Forward? Sideways?
    We are caught up in an ebb tide.
    We realize we are not in control. BUT, do we also realize we never were, and, Who is?
    Ephesians 6 tells us Finally, be strong in The Lord and in the strength of His Mighty Power.
    Today's devotion reminds us that Jesus' deepest desire for us is that we learn to depend on Him in every situation ... including ebb tides.
    Psalm 69 shows David in a similar ebb tide, and exhausted from crying for help. David couldn't find a foothold in the ebb tide so he waited for God's help. He waited and waited and while waiting, David stayed full of faith in God, trusting that God's full salvation would come.
    When we find ourselves being swept into an ebb tide, will we remember David's prayer, and trust God's timing and provision to come to us, too?
    Waiting in faith, reminds us to depend on Jesus in every situation until the ebb tide rises again and Jesus takes us safely back to shore.
    Dear Heavenly Father God,
    Thank You for David's reminder to call out to you in seemingly hopeless situations, and to learn to depend on You in every situation, circumstance, and ebb tide. Once our feet are safely back on shore, let us always remember to praise and thank You. I ask. I seek. I knock. I praise. I thank. I yield. In Jesus' Name. Amen.

    1. Loved going to the beach with you, Brie. Watch out for any rip tides, that's a whole other lesson in trust.
      Praying and thanking our Lord and King today as we ride the waves.

    2. YUUP! Audra, I love being at the beach with you as well. Rip Tides are another story for another day 😊 But for now, we will ride the tide. Love you abd all of our JC Family.

  31. Amen and thank You sweet Brie. We all find ourselves from time to time swept into an ebb tide. I can tell you sometimes I cry out right in my kitchen saying: "God, You know exactly how I feel. I need your help right now. Thank You for all you do for me."
    Dear Brie, I know you and your family are facing many challenges right now. I am praying God is filling all your needs because He already knows them. May He continue to Heal you, Larry, Keith and Al, and all our JC Family in all ways and bring you all peace and contentment as you bravely go forward into a wilderness while holding your Daddy's mighty Hand. Amen.
    I ask. I seek. I knock. I praise. I thank. I yield. In Jesus' Name. Amen.

    1. Love your prayer Jeanne ! No sugar coating it , calling out to God , He knows what you need.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. Thanks Jeanne, I cried out loud for His Power and His Light. Then like David, I waited in Faith. I knew His help was on the way; I just didn't know His ETA. Now we have electricity and flushing toilets without the buckets😁 Praise and Thank God from Whom all blessings flow!

    4. What a wonderful victory in Jesus Christ! I'm so glad to hear that Brie! God is so good -- ALWAYS! God bless.

    5. Waiting is so hard but knowing He is on the way ALWAYS with answers and solutions helps us while in the valleys & floods. So HAPPY FOR YOU, Brie, that you have electricity and flushing toilets!!! Thank you, JESUS!

    6. Amen to the God who restores!!!
      Great news Brie! Thanking God with and for you for restoring those things we take for granted! May all find healing and restoration from the storms.

      Remain Blessed.

      Maplewood NJ

    7. He is so faithful!!!! Hallelujah! Rejoicing with you!
      Psalm 118:28-29
      Thou art my God, and I will praise thee: thou art my God, I will exalt thee.
      O give thanks unto the Lord; for he is good: for his mercy endureth for ever.

    8. Praising the Lord for restoration and His timing, not ours.

  32. The LORD will fight for you, and you shall hold your peace." (Exodus 14:14). For I, the LORD your God, will hold your right hand, saying to you, 'Fear not, I will help you.' (Isaiah 41:13). Thus says the LORD: "Cursed is the man who trusts in man and makes flesh his strength, whose heart departs from the Lord. For he shall be like a shrub in the desert, and shall not see when good comes, but shall inhabit the parched places in the wilderness, in a salt land which is not inhabited. Blessed is the man who trusts in the LORD. For he shall be like a tree planted by the waters, which spreads out its roots by the river, and will not fear when heat comes; but its leaf will be green, and will not be anxious in the year of drought, nor will cease from yielding fruit. The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked; who can know it? (Jeremiah 17:5-9). And my God shall supply all your need according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus. (Philippians 4:19).

    Heavenly Father, thank You for Your living Word. It breathes life into us and helps keep us close to You. I desire to walk, talk, live, love, and breathe You LORD. Help me to achieve this and to serve You joyfully, with all my heart, soul, mind, and body. I surrender myself and all I have to You Lord. Use me as Your vessel for Your glory. I am Yours and You are mine. We are one. I praise You Lord always. Thank You Jesus. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen.

    1. And thank You for the message. I love You Lord.

    2. Like a bucket, I too am Your Vessel, Lord. Thank You for filling me up, pouring me out, refilling me, and continuously repeating.

    3. Amen! I must empty myself of the chaff so He can keep in filling and renewing me.

  33. “For it is by grace [God’s remarkable compassion and favor drawing you to Christ] that you have been saved [actually delivered from judgment and given eternal life] through faith. And this [salvation] is not of yourselves [not through your own effort], but it is the [undeserved, gracious] gift of God; not as a result of [your] works [nor your attempts to keep the Law], so that no one will [be able to] boast or take credit in any way [for his salvation]” (Eph. 2:8-9).

    Loving Father, Thank You for a new day, a day in which I can depend on You. My dependence on You is like a branch’s dependence on the vine. It is the necessary connection with You to guarantee a fruitful life. That fruit is, loving You with all my heart, and with all my soul, and with all my might (Deuteronomy 6:5). I have no other desire than giving You my complete trust in the midst of the good and bad. You care about the big and small things that concerns me, even the ones I deem insufficient. Please Holy Spirit, teach me to Pray daily, Fast as led by Your power, practice obedience and decrease so that You can increase. Even if I fall I know that You are willing to pick me up back again and grant me forgiveness (1 John 1:9).
    Dependence on You and practicing obedience to Your Words, helps me remain faithful. I ask for strength to depend on You at all times, no matter the circumstances I may face. You will never let me down and I believe that. Thank You for being ever-present in my life and that of my family. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

    Our dependence on God is not something we muster only in times of emergencies. The truth is, apart from His will we cannot even presume our next breath. Our dependence on God allows us to see Him as being everything, while our presumption sees Him merely as a resource for dealing with our struggles, problems, wants, and crisis. As we depend on God, we are showing an expression of faith, surrender and confidence, whereas presumption shows act of pride (2 Chronicles 25:19; 26:16). God desires to be involve in every aspect of our day to day life. He did not covenant to be present with us only in emergencies, but to dwell amongst us and be with us every given second so that we can live in a real and true moment by moment dependence on Him.

    ”For by Him all things were created, in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or rulers or authorities, all things were created through Him and for Him. 17 And He is before all things, and in Him all things hold together” (Col. 1:16-17).

    Blessings and Peace.

    Maplewood, NJ

    1. Absolutely 100% Gold standard got it :)

    2. Amen Maplewood! Well said and so very true. How amazing it would be to walk with God like Enoch did or even like Adam and Eve did before the fall. Peace be with you.

    3. Thank you, Maplewood, for more of your wisdom! When I talk with and depend on God throughout my day, I feel comforted...where I wouldn't think I needed it but I truly do feel Him, and I feel far less anxious about my "to-do" list for work or home. The other day, I had a set "to-do" list that quickly fell apart due to outside circumstances. I initially was a bit frustrated but soon (& I was so pleased I had a quick-turnaround in my perspective vs staying irritated!)realized that this "snafu" took precedence today vs my day going as I had planned. And in the end, it was all okay! My to-do list could be spread out a bit because of the holiday weekend! Thank you, God! Peace and blessings, JC family, on this Labor Day!

    4. Thanks Maplewood, for a reminder that I depend on Him for Every Beat of My Heart, Every Little Step I Take, and everytime I Breathe Again. Dear Heavenly Father God, Thank You for our JC Family of Pray-ers who remind me to Hold On To You until I remember I need You and if I let go, hold me again and again until I'm lying in Your Arms Forever. I ask. I seek. I knock. I praise. I thank. I yield. In Jesus' Name. Amen.

    5. Absolutely beautiful truth dear Maplewood! You blessed my day and encouraged my heart. Inviting Him into every part of my day. Even the very small things I am doing are in His Hands. because He really cares. Loved this sweet sister: “You care about the big and small things that concerns me, even the ones I deem insufficient.”’ Nothing is too trivial to bring to him.
      Please pray for my young friend Christian who just lost his 35 yr old Cousin, a mother of 3. She went to bed and never woke up. Praying for her family’s comfort and guidance. May she rest in God’s perfect peace.

  34. This comment has been removed by the author.

  35. Did anyone else get this intrusion from google (I've never seen it before) "This site uses cookies from Google to deliver its services and to analyse traffic. Your IP address and user agent are shared with Google, together with performance and security metrics, to ensure quality of service, generate usage statistics and to detect and address abuse."

    1. No, but I think it has something to do with the settings in your google.

    2. No Peter JF Jackson, I did not get that intrusion.

  36. I lift up ALL those who labor in God's vineyard, for this country, for individuals, society, etc. I pray for the living and the families of the dead.
    May God bless all who labor for His kingdom, for humanity, and grant them strength, peace and reward them according to His Will.

    Have a Happy, Safe and Blessed Labor day!

    Maplewood NJ

    1. Amen to that.
      Wishing everyone a happy and safe Labor Day.

    2. Same back to you Maplewood. Thank you for sharing your gift of articulation and thoughts on Labor Day. Well said. God Bless

    3. Amen Maplewood! The need is great.

  37. Worth sharing one of my daily devotions. "The Longing of Every Heart"

    "The imperishable reality of heaven is the desperate longing of every human heart. We all want a home where we can live forever, experience endless joy in the Creator's presence, and be reunited with those we love.
    God Himself placed those desires within us so that we would never be satisfied with anything less than eternity with Him. He wants to draw us into a relationship with Him because only by joining our lives to His can we experience the eternal life He intended for us at creation.
    We are physical beings—but we are not merely physical. We are part of the spiritual realm, and we were created for heaven. We are restless and dissatisfied with life until we find our true destiny in Him. Only when our searching and wandering leads us home to the Father can we find the peace and belonging we seek.
    This world is impermanent and destined for destruction. But if we have placed our trust in Jesus, our citizenship is in the world to come—a permanent place called heaven."
    Praying for you as you pray for me. Be blessed with a safe Labor Day.

    1. Thanks Sassy Mom. All I can think is: "ARE WE THERE YET?" and "HOW MUCH FARTHER?"

    2. Just loved that so much Sassy Mom! I will share it and save it on my computer.
      Amen Brie! Only God knows when, but He has prepared a place for us more wonderful than we can ever imagine.

    3. Thank you Sassy Mom. We are indeed longing and searching restlessly for that gift that is there for us to receive - HIM
      You and all of this family in Christ are in my prayers. God Bless

  38. I wanted to thank you for all of your prayers for my daughter. She delivered baby Elijah a week early and he had his CDH surgery 3 days later. The surgery was a success and he’s finishing his second week in the NICU ❤️ God is so good to bless our family with this precious boy and we just have to be patient to wait until he’s well enough to bring him home🥰 Thank you for your prayers 🙏❤️

  39. Such good news dear Joy! Hallelujah! I have been praying fior him that he wouldn’t even need the surgery but I always added if he did, that the Lord would guide the whole thing and make him all better! Elijah is in the best of Hands. Our God is so good and faithful. Rejoicing with you with gratitude and praise!!

  40. OH, JC Family! I have had nothing but computer issues since Friday. I can't read all of the posts and I can't reply. I finally resorted to my work computer.
    When I read about dependence on Him today, I realize how dependent I've grown to doing every on-line. And then when it stops, I'm incapable of paying bills, checking accounts and reading all of your wonderful posts and praying for each other. I have continue to pray and will...please know you and each concern is in my prayers. Congrats to the new arrivals (Jeannie, did your DIL deliver yet?) and prayers for all those dealing with the crazy weather, sickness, family issues. I can pray whether I know specifics or not...God does.
    Love to each of you and all of yours,

    1. Yes dear Norah. Nathaniel Luis was born on 9/1 and weighed 7 lb and 11 oz. He looks a lot like his Mommy and his other Grandma. He is very cute and a good eater. Gabriel is a very good big brother too. Mayra is doing her best with the nursing. She's a great Mom and DIL. I have been there every day and will have Gabriel with us tomorrow and the next day. Greg is having some Zoom interviews and needs quiet. I pray he gets a good job soon. And that he seeks to know Jesus. I know God is in charge. I'm so sorry you are having computer problems. We've all been there. Praying with you and for you.

    2. Ahhhh!! Jeanne!! Just saw this - so HAPPY for you! What a great name. Praying for you, Greg ('Please - GREAT JOB, Father!), and your sustained energy. What an awesome Grandma you are! <3

  41. Heading to bed...sleepy girl! Too much to try to share. Just - please pray for me, my DH, my Fam.

    1. Going to sleep now too dear sister. Praying for you, your DH and your family. Rest well. Proverbs 3:24 When thou liest down, thou shalt not be afraid: yea, thou shalt lie down, and thy sleep shall be sweet.

    2. May the LORD go with you and protect you. Peace be with you.

  42. Jesus knows just what I need
    He satisfies and every need supplies
    Yes, He knows just what I need jw

  43. Heavenly Father, thank You for blessing me with Your presence and Your living Word. Let Your perfect sovereignty reign in my heart and mind. Shine Your face upon me and bless me and keep me. Thank You Jesus. Praise You Lord always.

  44. Amen to that sweet Janet!

  45. Thank you for your prayers. It didn’t rain today thank God! We got together with Rick’s older brother and his wife for some lunch. We hadn’t seen them for awhile and it was a real blessing. We also got to check into the hotel and rest a bit, Then we had a nice dinner and even though it was dark we walked to the beach and sat on the bench for a long time listening to the ocean and breathing in the salt air. The moon was out and it looked so pretty shining on the water. God is so good to surround us with His peace, love and beauty. I am so grateful. Still praying the sun will come out during our short vacation. Leaning on His faithfulness. But we will enjoy it either way. Praying for you dear JC Family. He is our strength and our song.

    1. No matter the weather dear Jeanne, you & hubby are enjoying the same bench, the same beach, the same moon, you are enjoying time together.💕

    2. Yes dear Jan! We made a sweet memory yesterday! It’s raining like crazy today but we’re so happy together. Enjoying some good coffee after a good night’s sleep. God gave us a new day and we are grateful to have some sweet time to ourselves. God is so good.

    3. Side By Side...
      Through all kinds of weather
      What if the sky should fall?
      Just as long as we're together
      It really doesn't matter, doesn't matter at all...
      Enjoy your gift of time together!
      Love to you and Rick!

    4. You always add light to my day dear Brie! Thanks for pumping sunshine into this rainy day! Love you 💗

  46. Thank you Lord for this day you have given us. Please give us all the gentle reminder that we should lean on You in all situations- good or bad.

    One year ago yesterday, my family tested positive for covid (husband, sons, myself). This time in our lives was when the Holy Spirit did a lot of nudging for me to fully rely on God- not just when I thought about Him. My husband should not have survived (per two doctors). One went so far as to say God wasn’t through with him yet because medically he shouldn’t have survived. We witnessed the power of prayer in one hour and fifty minutes one morning. I’m thankful we are all alive today and able to share his survival.

    As we hit our one year anniversary, my brother tested positive. I’m thankful he has the current variant and not the one we had last Fall. Asking for prayers for his healing. Like me, he just sent his first born to college.

    Sorry for the rambling post this morning. Wishing you all a safe and happy day fully relying on God.

    SC Anonymous

    1. Praying for your brother. May our heavenly Father place His healing hands upon him and remove his affliction. May the strength of the Lord fill him. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen 🙏.

    2. Praying with Janet dear SC. 🙏💕

  47. Wow, this hit right on for me.

  48. Today's Jesus Calling, "Do everything in dependence on Me." reminded me of relaxing, resting, dozing in a hammock.
    One home we had many years ago was built on a ridge or an arm called the Bluff that extended out into the Indian Ocean. In the back yard overlooking the harbor was a huge Flamboyant or Flame tree.
    My Father-in-law hung a hammock in the tree, which was a great place to rest and doze, although it was nearly 3 feet off the ground. The brilliant red/orange flowers overhead and a cool breeze from the ocean plus the birdsong lulled me off to sleep in no time.
    I was totally dependent on ropes tied to the tree. Dozing off I could do nothing if one end gave way. If I had worried about the hammock giving way, I would not have rested. Holding on to the rope by my own efforts would have been useless as I could only hold on end, what if the other came loose?
    My dependence on my Lord and Savior Jesus in a way, is similar to my dependence on the hammock ropes.
    I realize I depend on Him totally. My efforts to help myself or Him are useless as I do not know the twists and turns of the day or know what will happen in the next minute of my life.
    If the rope of life let's go today I depend fully on Him to hold me up and not let me fall.
    May this testimony and song by Andrae Crouch 'Through It All' bless you today:

    1. Thanks for sharing Life on The Ropes, Peter, and an Andrae Crouch song! Love his music and his love for our Lord.

  49. Happy 56th Anniversary dear Brie & Larry💕🥳💐

    1. Wow 56 years that is amzing...happy anniversary Larry and Brie . May God continue to bless your marriage.

    2. Happy Anniversay!

    3. Happy anniversary kids! ♥️♥️

  50. I once visited a grapevineyard several years, and looking at the grapes I had a hard time knowing where the vines ended and the other began; they just merge into each other. If, like the branches, we remain in Christ, we will draw our nourishment from him, his life will flow through us, and we will become like him.

    1. What an AWESOME ILLUSTRATION! To God Be the Glory, that blessed me far beyond words!

    2. I have always been a visual learner. Thanks so much, Min, for this perfect visual! Picturing God intertwined with each of us and visa versa. Call on, lean on, and trust in Him always! Taking this picture of the vineyard into my day today. Thanks, Min!

  51. It's true Min. The branches intermingle, the trunk is where you can separate them & where the nourishment comes from. Love it! Thanks for sharing 💞

  52. Dear heavenly Father, thank you for the opportunities to become more dependent on you. Help me not to be independent from you in worldly ways. You are the source of all I need to honor you each day. Bless all requests made here today! Amen.

    1. Right on Anonymous. Let's lean on Him each & everyday.🙏💕

  53. Asking for prayers warriors for our neighbor Phyllis. Her health is nosediving, her family is ignoring her (Phyllis is pretty rough around the edges). Her house is falling apart, she's in litigation with the city from animal citations. She's in a mess. She says she's a believer but continues to proclaim she's cursed. Please pray for devine intervention. She needs help fast. Love & blessings to all 💞

    1. Praying for Phyllis to depend on God, to experience His Presence and His Peace. In Jesus' Nane. Amen.

  54. Four years later I am gathering in to a prayer posted in 2018, by Unknown on September 6, 2018 at 8:09 AM:
    God please help me to turn my focus towards the things you really want me to do today. Help me to filter out the thoughts that overwhelm my mind and tell me that I'm not important. I want you to be in control of each thing that I do today so that it may be done in your name and for a good purpose.
    In Jesus' Name. Amen
