Monday, September 16, 2024

John 20:16-18 - Mary Recognizes Her Lord

John 20:16-18
16 Jesus said to her, “Mary!” She turned and said to Him in Hebrew, “Rabboni!” (which means, Teacher). 17 Jesus said to her, “Stop clinging to Me, for I have not yet ascended to the Father; but go to My brethren and say to them, ‘I ascend to My Father and your Father, and My God and your God.’” 18 Mary Magdalene came, announcing to the disciples, “I have seen the Lord,” and that He had said these things to her.

Time: John most likely wrote between A.D. 85 and 90. John's purpose in writing was, "that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God; and that believing you may have life in His name (John 20:31)." 

What the Lord is Saying: These are short lessons. Not much here or not much I am discovering from these. Jesus calls out Mary's name and now she recognizes him, stating "Teacher." I suppose what Jesus says here - now - is interesting -- Stop clinging to Me, for I have not yet ascended to the Father; but go to My brethren and say to them, ‘I ascend to My Father and your Father, and My God and your God.’” The clinging language may have been said because Mary was now sort of at his feet perhaps and bowing before him and being close to him, so says something like, "This is not the time." And then says, "I have not yet ascended to the Father" which might mean - I've still got work to do. So then what she needs to do is to go and speak these truths. For the time is now. Jesus had been saying these type of words to his disciples. He had predicted this moment and now here he is saying these words to them - This is it. This is the time. I'm going to My Father, to my God. And He is your father and your God. 

It is as if Jesus has always been speaking to them and trying to get them to understand what he is saying to them. There is an emphatic approach he is having with them. And that is growing. 

Currently in our home, we are hosting two hockey players, who are seeking to get college scholarships or play in college on a team. And for now, they are on a development team with the hopes of being seen by a college scout. As they are playing on this team now for the 2nd year and with us a 2nd year, they have mentioned that in their team practices there are several players that are not simply listening to their coach. The coach is speaking and coaching them and asking them to do things, but it sounds like they continue to not listen and instead do only what they want to do as players. Our two players, perhaps in their 2nd year, understand this better. 

And perhaps Jesus is still saying these same words to his disciples, "Would you simply listen to me and do what I am saying? The time is now. This is happening." I even saw a commentary say that the resurrection which has occurred is the beginning stage of his ascension. 

Summary: Mary now sees that Jesus is here, but Jesus makes it clear, He is ascending to the Father and Mary needs to tell others this is happening and the time is now. 

Promise: The Time is Now

Prayer: Lord, are you saying something to me that I am not picking up on? Am I hard hearted? I wonder if I am like these disciples in any way and you are trying to get me to understand something I am not understanding. I wonder if I am being stubborn in any way like these disciples were. If so, I pray that I am awakened to a right understanding. Thank you God for your mission and resurrecting Jesus. You be praised God always. 

Note: If you are interested in other studies/devotions, check out my index of Bible Study's.

Saturday, September 14, 2024

John 20:11-15 - Mary Sees Jesus and the Angels

John 20:11-15
11 But Mary was standing outside the tomb weeping; and so, as she wept, she stooped and looked into the tomb; 12 and she saw two angels in white sitting, one at the head and one at the feet, where the body of Jesus had been lying. 13 And they said to her, “Woman, why are you weeping?” She said to them, “Because they have taken away my Lord, and I do not know where they have laid Him.” 14 When she had said this, she turned around and saw Jesus standing there, and did not know that it was Jesus. 15 Jesus said to her, “Woman, why are you weeping? Whom are you seeking?” Supposing Him to be the gardener, she said to Him, “Sir, if you have carried Him away, tell me where you have laid Him, and I will take Him away.”

Time: John most likely wrote between A.D. 85 and 90. John's purpose in writing was, "that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God; and that believing you may have life in His name (John 20:31)." 

What the Lord is Saying: It is rather interesting this story. I admit I have not studied it before, have read it, but have not stared at or studied this. Mary goes to the tomb and sees that it is empty. Peter and John follow and see the same thing. And now we have the record of Jesus speaking or responding to Mary. Mary shows up at the tomb, despondent, weeping - wondering what has happened to Jesus. She thinks someone has taken him. Before her at the tomb were two angels sitting - one at the head of where Jesus would lie and one at the feet, asking Mary why she was weeping. And then behind her it would seem a voice came as well asking the same - and yet that voice was Jesus. 

Luke 24:4 also reports the presence of two angels at the tomb, while Matthew 28:1–2 and Mark 16:5 tell us that one angel was there. 

The angels came to her in that tomb and probably only her and those angels were meant to be a comfort to her but she did not seem to recognize it for her grief in the moment was larger. Sometimes in our grief and despair we struggle seeing what God is doing in sending us comfort and sending us people to give us comfort. There remained in these people (Mary, other women, John and Peter) a cluelessness or perhaps the truth had not yet been revealed to them. Obviously it is easy for us to see afterwards and to think they should have known better. But I do not want to miss what they were experiencing at the time.  

Summary: Mary goes to the tomb and 2 angels are there to comfort but she does not recognize this or Jesus who asks her a question about her sadness. 

Promise: We are likely to seek and find, when we seek with affection, and seek in tears. 

Prayer: Thank  you God for the work you want to do in our life - to comfort us and send your messengers to speak to us. 

Note: If you are interested in other studies/devotions, check out my index of Bible Study's.

Friday, September 13, 2024

John 20:3-10 - Peter and John at the Tomb of Jesus

John 20:3-10
3 So Peter and the other disciple went forth, and they were going to the tomb. 4 The two were running together; and the other disciple ran ahead faster than Peter and came to the tomb first; 5 and stooping and looking in, he saw the linen wrappings lying there; but he did not go in. 6 And so Simon Peter also came, following him, and entered the tomb; and he saw the linen wrappings lying there, 7 and the face-cloth which had been on His head, not lying with the linen wrappings, but rolled up in a place by itself. 8 So the other disciple who had first come to the tomb then also entered, and he saw and believed. 9 For as yet they did not understand the Scripture, that He must rise again from the dead. 10 So the disciples went away again to their own homes.

Time: John most likely wrote between A.D. 85 and 90. John's purpose in writing was, "that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God; and that believing you may have life in His name (John 20:31)." 

What the Lord is Saying: This is a follow up it seems to Mary letting folks know that Jesus was not in the grave. It seems apparent from other passages that Mary wasn't alone, but upon hearing the disciples ran (Peter and John) ran to the tomb to see that the linens that Nicodemus and Joseph had wrapped around Jesus for burial were there but Jesus was not. John makes a note that they saw him gone, but did not understand or take into account yet the scripture prophecy or teaching that he would rise from the dead. 

Graverobbers was not a possibility because they would not have taken the time time to leave the linen nor as it states wrap the linen or roll it up. Plus, the linens were expensive and would have been taken. This is the same John here that authored this gospel and he remarks something in verse 8 that is interesting - "he saw and believed." And then mentions the scripture not yet fulfilled of Jesus' resurrection. But John believed. So John believed that Jesus was alive, but did not yet understand what this meant in relation to the resurrection. 

Of this story, Luke only mentions a visit by Peter. John was younger than Peter and this was the reason he probably outran Peter. John arriving first, doesn't go in and he is restrained by fear and awaits his friend to arrive. Peter though goes straight in, being the bolder one. 

Summary: Peter and John run to the tomb to see what Mary had stated that Jesus was in fact not present, the linens there though. 

Promise: When we trust in Christ, we more and more understand that He is proclaimed on every page of the Bible.

Prayer: O God, it is great to slowly read this account of the discovery of you, not being in the grave, but rising from the dead. Again, I pray that more and more people would understand these truths and behold you as the living God. 

Note: If you are interested in other studies/devotions, check out my index of Bible Study's.

Thursday, September 12, 2024

John 20:1-2 - Mary Magdalene Finds the Empty Tomb

John 20:1-2
1 Now on the first day of the week Mary Magdalene came early to the tomb, while it was still dark, and saw the stone already taken away from the tomb. 2 So she ran and came to Simon Peter and to the other disciple whom Jesus loved, and said to them, “They have taken away the Lord out of the tomb, and we do not know where they have laid Him.”

Time: John most likely wrote between A.D. 85 and 90. John's purpose in writing was, "that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God; and that believing you may have life in His name (John 20:31)." 

What the Lord is Saying: The devotional reading today makes mention that in each book of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John we do not get a complete picture of the resurrection of Jesus but we can have a complete picture by reading all of the accounts in the book individually. 

Matthew has, “Mary Magdalene and the other Mary;” Mark has, “Mary Magdalene, and Mary the mother of James, and Salome;” Luke has, “The women which had come with Him from Galilee” (Luke 23:55), and enumerates them in Luke 24:10, as “Mary Magdalene, and Joanna, and Mary the mother of James, and the others with them.” John speaks of only one of the group, who was specially prominent. 

All accounts mention the stone having been rolled away. In other words, that event definitely is recorded in all accounts, but here John chooses to focus on the person of most prominence. 

Mary speaks the idea that fits in her reasoning at this moment - someone has taken Jesus. The truth will be different from this assertion, but for Mary this is the only truth that makes sense. And yet what actually happened is different. It isn't a "they" that moved the stone, but rather death could not hold Jesus. But they or the plural is the only conclusion. It had to be many that moved the stone. 

Summary: Mary goes to the tomb (with others) and does not find Jesus there and concludes more than one has taken him. 

Promise: Different eyewitness accounts of the same event may not be identical, but that does not mean that they are contradictory.

Prayer: Thank you God for the account of the resurrection and the complete picture we can have from all and yet the clarify of each message of the Gospel. Make this story meaningful to many and many more as time goes on. Help us to accept what You have done. 

Note: If you are interested in other studies/devotions, check out my index of Bible Study's.

Wednesday, September 11, 2024

John 19:38-42 - Joseph and Nicodemus Bury Jesus

John 19:38-42
38 After these things Joseph of Arimathea, being a disciple of Jesus, but a secret one for fear of the Jews, asked Pilate that he might take away the body of Jesus; and Pilate granted permission. So he came and took away His body. 39 Nicodemus, who had first come to Him by night, also came, bringing a mixture of myrrh and aloes, about a hundred pounds weight. 40 So they took the body of Jesus and bound it in linen wrappings with the spices, as is the burial custom of the Jews. 41 Now in the place where He was crucified there was a garden, and in the garden a new tomb in which no one had yet been laid. 42 Therefore because of the Jewish day of preparation, since the tomb was nearby, they laid Jesus there.

Time: John most likely wrote between A.D. 85 and 90. John's purpose in writing was, "that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God; and that believing you may have life in His name (John 20:31)." 

What the Lord is Saying: Jesus has died. Now he is to be buried. Ancient Jews and even Jews today, have great respect for the body of the deceased. My father currently practices orthodox Judaism and it is very important that a body is buried and not cremated. He also believes it very important to bury a body in a wooden casket, with holes. He thinks the body I think should return to dust and the creatures of the earth should be allowed to get to the body, rather than being in a sealed coffin. And in this case, it was no different. With the day of the week as it was, coming upon Passover, the body would not stay on the cross. Normally, it seems it would have stayed and vultures would be allowed to get at it. But with it being Passover, it violated Jewish law to leave a body hanging overnight (Deuteronomy 21:22-23). 

The disciples were last seen in the Garden of Gethsemane where Judas has taken officials and soldiers to arrest Jesus. It was here that the disciples did not go along or follow Jesus but stayed behind, in a way showing not their allegiance to him, but their cowardice (John 18:1). But now, after Jesus has died, maybe in them coming to Jesus, 2 disciples come back to bury Jesus, maybe feeling a little bit of remorse for not going along with him previously. These two - Joseph and Nicodemus - were members of the Sanhedrin, an administrative body of Jews that met at the temple of Jerusalem. perhaps I can understand how when Jesus was arrested and it included Jewish officials at his arrest that these two would have not added to the commotion but let things go. 

Perhaps at the time of Jesus' arrest they never imagined that he would be crucified, and so upon Jesus being crucified they had compassion for him and now they came forth. Or perhaps in their roles as members of the Sanhedrin and His disciples that it made most sense or they had a felt responsibility to tend to the burial of Jesus. 

Reading this and seeing this makes me wonder about myself. How often do I say these words, "I am a Christian" or acknowledge that I am a Christ follower. How quick I am to show my allegiance especially in situations where it might end up being ridicule that comes my way. Or rather how quick am I to go along instead with the crowd. 

I am not sure if I would have made a big deal of the burial and been careful to bury Jesus. Sometimes I am not good at those things and being careful. And I am probably one to wait for someone else to be responsible for this. 

I enjoy the word of Alexander MacLaren (1826-1910) and here he speaks -- "The sight of the Cross not only leads to courage, and kindles a love which demands expression, but it impels to joyful surrender. Joseph gave a place in his own new tomb, where he hoped that one day his bones should be laid by the side of the Master against whom he had sinned-for he had no thought of a resurrection. Nicodemus brought a lavish, almost an extravagant, amount of costly spices, as if by honour to the dead he could atone for treason to the living. And both the one and the other teach us that if once we gain the true vision of that great and wondrous love that died on the Cross for us, then the natural language of the loving heart is- ‘Here, Lord! I give myself away; ‘Tis all that I can do.’"

Those are great words about Joseph and Nicodemus whereby their cowardice changed to allegiance and pride towards Jesus. 

Summary: Jesus has passed away and Joseph and Nicodemus come forward now to bury Jesus. Once ashamed or hiding from his arrest, now they take his burial serious and with honor. 

Promise: From Tabletalk -- It is sin to hide our allegiance to Christ (Matt. 10:32–33), but it is not unforgivable. The key is that we repent of being ashamed or afraid of our identification with Christ and publicly declare that we are His disciples. This is what Joseph of Arimathea and Nicodemus did when they took Jesus’ body for burial. If we have been ashamed of Jesus, let us repent today and ask the Lord to give us the courage to be known as disciples of Christ.

Prayer: I want to be proud always to be a disciple of Jesus. I need courage Lord and conviction always, in the company of anyone. Help me be true to myself. 

Note: If you are interested in other studies/devotions, check out my index of Bible Study's.

Tuesday, September 10, 2024

TABLETALK - November 2018

I continue in my daily studies to be guided by Tabletalk magazine. 2018 was a study on the Gospel of John and its straightforward presentation of the person and work of Christ, the work of the Holy Spirit, and other doctrines. 

  • January 2018 (July 4, 2023 - July 23, 2023) John 1:1-2:22 - The preexistence of Christ, the ministry of John the Baptist and the person of Christ. 
  • February 2018 (July 24, 2023 - August 10, 2023) John 2:23 - 3:36 - Regeneration and our need to believe in Christ for Salvation
  • March 2018 (August 13, 2023 - September 30, 2023) John 4:1 - 5:29 - Christ is the incarnate Son of God
  • April 2018 (October 1, 2023 - November 6, 2023) John 5:30 - John 7:36 - Jesus is as necessary to our souls as food is to our body; Jesus teaches in the temple during the Feast of Booths
  • May 2018 (November 7, 2023 - December 22, 2023) John 7:37 - John 9:41 - Jesus experiences opposition and there is a sin-motivated resistance people have toward being enslaved to sin.
  • June 2018 (December 23, 2023 - January 21, 2024) John 10:1 - 11:57 - Jesus as our shepherd will lay down His life for His sheep, but some won't hear Him. Jesus raises Lazarus from the dead in order to impact the faith of the disciples. 
  • July 2018 (January 22, 2024 - March 14, 2024) John 12:1 - 13:20 - Jesus as Savior and Judge; salvation comes to Jesus' disciples and the judgment comes to all who reject Him. 
  • August 2018 (March 15, 2024 - April 12, 2024) John 13:21 - John 14:31 - Warnings Jesus gave on the night of the Last Supper and the blessed promise of the Holy Spirit. 
  • September 2018 (April 13, 2024 - May 9, 2024) John 15:1 - John 16:24 - Continuing Christ's Farewell Discourse and the meaning of abiding in Christ, the analogy of the vine and conviction/guidance of the Holy Spirit
  • October 2018 (May 10, 2024 - July 19, 2024) John 16:25 - John 17:26 - Seeing Christ as our Intercessor, even on the night He was betrayed, Jesus will pray for His disciple; High Priestly Prayer
  • November 2018 (July 20, 2024 - September 10, 2024) John 18:1 - John 19:37 - Consider Jesus' trial before Pilate and Jewish authorities and His crucifixion. 
Chapter 18
The Arrest of Jesus (John 18:1-9) - Jesus heads to a garden and Judas leads Roman/Jewish officials to Jesus in the garden, then they fall down to the ground and Jesus surrenders to be arrested. 
Peter's Misguided Zeal (John 18:10-11) - Peter thinks he is coming to Jesus' rescue, though most likely outnumbered, in pulling out his dagger to cut off a high priest's servants ear, but Jesus tells him to back down, as He is to drink the Cup (of wrath) the Father has for him. 
Taken to the High Priest (John 18:12-18) - Jesus is taken to Annas, but it seem Caiaphas really conducts the arrest proceedings. Peter and John follow though Peter denies being a follower of Jesus. 
Before a Kangaroo Court (John 18:19-24) - Jesus is accused by Annas regarding his impact, answers that Annas should ask those that have been impacted, but Jesus is then sent to Caiaphas bound. 
Simon Peter Denies Jesus (John 18:25-27) - Peter was questioned two more times about his association with Jesus and two more times Peter denies being a disciple of Jesus. 
Defiled in the Heart (John 18:28-32) - The high priests take Jesus to Pilate, but Pilate puts it back on the Jews but they mention they are not permitted to put anyone to death. 
Christ's Otherworldly Kingdom (John 18:33-36) - Jesus responds to his accusers, spoken from Pilate, that His kingdom is not of this world and He is not here to overthrow a government. 
Pilate's Cynicism (John 18:37-38a) - Jesus came to testify of truth, to be about truth. This is what God is looking for in people - a people that walk in the Truth of Jesus. 
Exchanging Jesus for Barabbas (John 18b-40) - Pilate states Jesus is innocent, but he remains a prisoner and the chief priests must determine between Jesus and Barabbas, the murderer. Barabbas is chosen to be spared. 

Chapter 19
Pilate Presents Jesus to the Crowd (John 19:1-5) - Jesus is scourged, receives the crown of thorns on his head, with many mocking and slapping him, but Pilate also presenting him as having no guilt, a man. 
The Source of Pilate's Authority (John 19:6-11) - Pilate finds no guilt in Jesus, but the Jewish leaders up the ante to include Jesus proclaiming to be Son of God. Pilate feels obligated to enforce Jewish laws as well and Pilate receives his authority from God. 
Pilate Sentences Jesus to Death (John 19:12-16) - Jesus is presented as King of the Jews in order to show He is somewhat equal to Caesar as King and incite in Pilate to crucify Him which the Jews continue to want. 
The King of the Jews Crucified (John 19:16-22) - Jesus is taken to be crucified and the sign of King of the Jews is displayed over him in a mocking way. 
Jesus Garments Divided (John 19:23-24) - The soldiers, like they do at any crucifixion, take Jesus' garments and divide them for their own use, casting lots, but this too fulfills scripture from Psalm 22:18. 
Jesus Provides For His Mother (John 19:25-27) - While on the cross, Jesus takes a moment to consider first the care of His mother, making sure John know he is to care for her and vice versa. 
Redemption Accomplished (John 19:28-30) - Prophetic scripture has been accomplished and Jesus speaks of his thirst and is quenched of that thirst, gives up His Spirit and proclaims, "It is finished." 
Unbroken Bones and a Pierced Side (John 19:31-37)

Various Scriptures - The Cross of Christ - The Atonement rescues us by Jesus living a perfect life and ransoming His life so that our life of sin can be paid for by Him and through faith in Him; we are restored from the condemnation we received when Adam sinned to being justified and escaping God's wrath. 

Our Only Infallible Rule - Lord, I admit sometimes it is hard for me to read and understand Your word or maybe it hits me in a way that I realize I am not responding to it in the way I should. Your truth God is there but often it does not become my truth. You Spirit convict me, crush me, search me, sadden me, grip me, chasten me, and humble me, but also comforts me, assures me, exhilarates me, comes to my aid and reminds me of that glorious inheritance secured for me by Christ. I love your word, but sometimes I don't feel like I have to study it thoroughly. But I love to study it, examine it, search it, meditate on it, hide it in my heart and dwell on it. Lord, as I read and study it, help me to shine it in my life. Yes, it overwhelms me at times and there is actually so much that is being said, but I pray it would shine forth in my life. 

Where is the Word of God - Lord God, this world, it has so much that is competing for truth. In faith, there are so many different claims of what counts as salvation. It is hard for me to reconcile daily. I feel like I have peace what You are teaching me, but sometimes it is hard to get my thoughts out with others. But I appreciate the challenge as well God. But it remains hard to hear of so many with seemingly similar good intentions and yet they beat to an entirely different drum. Oh God, I thank you for the standard and authority you provide through Your word and how you speak through it. I thank you also for the authors that You have led me to read and study and learn from. Even Adam and Eve when after their own way instead of listening to Your word. And yet Lord, I see so many different interpretations of Your word and passages, almost like it gets twisted to say something we want it to say. Again Lord, it is hard to know what is right sometimes. I keep coming back to Love though. But help me to know whether I am denying your truths. Defining truth seems tricky. Lord, I am thankful for the great access I have to Your word that wasn't present early on till the printing press and people were dependent instead on certain people in the church to help them understand Your word. But, I am thankful for the time and place I am in now. I know I am to only depend on scripture and yet, often there are people that help me to understand this truth and I pray that I am listening to the right people. Lord, I sense a need to look at history and how others have interpreted these truths and not to believe in only those that have come along recently to say, "this is now it." Keep me at churches and under teaching that continue to speak the word of God and scripture alone. Keep me thinking about the messages that have been shared for the last 2,000 years repeatedly. 

The Lens of Scripture - God, the world seems to be going backwards at times. Lord, please wake up people to value life in all its forms and value the life you create in people as male and female. Move people away from defining life by themselves, their biases, their sin, making you God into what they want to believe. Keep us ready in season and out of season to the preaching of the Word; keep us sober-minded, enduring suffering, and do the work of an evangelist (2 Tim. 4:1-5). There is a distrust of Scripture that continues to make its way into our lives on this earth. O God keep this distrust out of our churches and out of our pulpits. May we all rightly handle the truth. Sanctify us in the truth; your word is truth (John 17:17). 

Interpreting the Bible - The gist of this article is making sure we understand the context, setting, and times of scripture passages as we study them. 

Encountering Difficult Passages - God, it is normal for me and others to read scripture and see certain texts as difficult to read and understand. Keep me humble in this even as others ask questions about texts they struggle with that even I might see as clear. Help me to understand that with some passages it will require study to uncover the truth. As I study, make me able to discern truth, picking the right sources for information and not necessarily whatever comes up in a search window on the internet. Help me to not assume always that all sources have the right intention in understanding passages and are focused on what You want me to understand and what is the truth of those passages. Instead allow me to see that the texts of the Bible can be discerned through other texts of the Bible. I can also consult members of the church who have spent time in school and have that wisdom that I am looking for. Help me to stand with those individuals that over time have stood up and their truths continue to be respected. Give me discernment in where and who to seek out. Train me in the use of trusted and reliable resources so that as I encounter difficult passages, I can approach them without fear. 

How Jesus Read the Scriptures - O Jesus, I recognize that it is often hard for me to comprehend how You are God and yet lived on this earth as fully man. As a man, I see that you needed to learn the scriptures. You grew up and had experiences. And yet you were filled with wisdom from above. You grew and yet you remained God, but laid aside that to be our representative. You were tempted in the same way I am tempted and I need this to be about You. You saw that the Old Testament writings were about you and written to You. At your baptism, you received words of comfort from God, "You are my beloved Son, with you I am well pleased" and this comfort carried you through temptations, also fighting back with scriptures. Remind me that Your Word carries this weight in my life, to help me fight back any assaults that come my way. God, you spoke to Jesus your Son and confirmed your relationship to Him and His authority and His divine nature. Jesus, you did all that He commanded You. God, You gave Jesus a mission and He fulfilled it. Jesus read and studied the Old Testament Scriptures and as it was written to Him and about Him. Jesus knew that all the promises of God were made first and foremost of Him. God, you had Jesus experience your wrath on the cross, being brutally scourged, receiving the full cup of wrath. Jesus you knew that everything in the Old Testament writings - types, shadows, symbols - pointed to your saving work/benefits. The Old Testament saints pointed to You, even "Abraham rejoiced that he would see Jesus' day and be glad (John 8:56-58)." Every prophecy was about Jesus. Even the festivals and feasts of the past pointed to Jesus, as Jesus alluded to the year of Jubilee in His first sermon (Luke 4). You Jesus referred to yourself as the bridegroom (Matt 9:15; 25:1-10) to redeem a spiritual bride for Himself. You are the perfect source of wisdom and righteousness for His people. Jesus, you knew you were the Son of David sitting on the throne of God to rule over His people forever. You went to great lengths to redeem Your people. All life and godliness are found in You Jesus and You Alone. 

Hermeneutics and the Heart - Lord, there is great joy in studying Your Word, the Bible. In understanding it and in applying it - to love you God and neighbor. Everyday, move me beyond knowledge of Scripture to application, so the Life of Christ is communicated to others, living rightly. Help me to not simply love the text, but to treasure Christ himself and being in intimate fellowship. Guard me against this sinful disposition to love the Word, but not the people. Christ, you are the example to Me that I am to emulate. The study of scripture is relational. Keep me submissive to the God of the text. Help me to be a faithful disciple, to know God and love God, know my neighbor and love my neighbor. I am not to acquire information or knowledge in order to impress others, but to seek deeper communion with my triune God, and then overflow with love, grace and encouragement to those around me - for His glory. This is truly understand scripture. 

Loving the Word - O God, the notion of love is complex. You have made it this way. As humans you have created us with a mind as we are rooted in knowledge, and we exercise our will with decision(s), experiencing love in the affections. In love, we love a person and we love all about that person. It is the same with you God, we love you and love all that is about You. And we love your word O God - "Oh, how I love your law! (Psalm 119:97). I love You God by Loving Your Word and reading Your Word. We do this publicly. Jesus entered the synagogue to read from the prophet Isaiah and this continues through the early church and church age. We need this community of reading. And I pray we do this together as a family teaching commandments to children. It is important to read God's word together in the home so Lord lead me to lead our family in this. But, I also thank you for the great love of reading your Word privately. "Oh how I love your law!" Thank you God for the delight found in reading it and understanding it and the anchor it is in my life. My delight is in the Word of God.  

The Word Stands Forever - Am reminded of how buildings and structures don't last forever. It is amazing often to find a building that is several hundred years old. Even our laws and standards go by the wayside and don't stand true through the centuries. "But the word of our God will stand forever (Isa. 40:8). Your Word O God lasts forever. This Word God keeps us secure yesterday, today and for all time. It was delivered to the saints of old and it remains applicable today. Let me turn from my sin, trust in Christ, let the Word become flesh in me. I look to the the future and the fulfillment of God's promises. God you have perfect timing. "The world is passing away along the with its desires, but whoever does the will of God abides forever" (I John 2:17). All that You said You will do. There are disappointments in this life but they do not compare to the glory revealed to us. 

Mildew and the Cost of Sin - Thank you God for all the books of the Bible and what they can teach me. In Leviticus, you show me that Jesus fulfills the office of the priesthood, fulfills the Day of Atonement, and the year of jubilee, freedom and celebration. You also show me the significance of cleansing oneself. Lord, You are sovereign over all of creation. The earth is Yours Lord. You show me that sin must daily be rooted out in my life as you are Holy and cannot look upon sin. Help me to free myself from sin so that You God, the Most High will reign among my life. Praise be to God that You had Jesus pay the cost of sin on the cross. The cost of sin has been paid on my behalf. God you are therefore with me having granted me the forgiveness of sin. 

Hungry for the Word of God - God, your word answers all the important questions about life. Despite the way the world views your Word, irrelevant for our lives and the challenges people are facing, I pray Your people would not be discouraged but instead boldly talk with others about the Bible and speak to how it is the most important book. Help me to speak to this when I speak to seekers or other non-Christians, to value the church, the Bible, and my relationship with Jesus. And be praised and glorified through the fruit that comes from this. 

Gospel Benediction - Lord, we speak blessings toward one another when we gather together. The Aaronic benediction is one we voice which says, "The Lord bless you and keep you; the Lord make his face to shine upon you and be gracious to you; the Lord lift up his countenance upon you and give you peace" (Numbers 6:24-26). This reminds me of my reconciliation and your blessing always God of Your people. You are with us Lord and we have that assurance and ultimately only through faith in You Jesus do I know grace, peace, and God's loving countenance. I am blessed because Jesus was cursed. Jesus loves me. You suffered the unspeakable wrath of God on the cross for me, that by grace through faith I would be fully accepted and the know the Father's smile for eternity. 

Enemies of Truth - There are certain names that come to mind as enemies of truth, like Richard Dawkins, but even Christians can be an enemy. Lord, help me not be an enemy of truth. I need to listen to the truth and not refuse to accept it. Listening may require humility, repentance and change. Lord, allow your Words to change us and change those around me. Your word applies to us. Let it be. Lord, help my son not treat your word as an enemy but let it continue to confront him and speak to Him. Expose the sin in my life. Let it not be hidden. Give me a clear picture always of Your Gospel message Let me have always a desire to obey Your Word O God. 

State of Theology - This is a survey that Lifeway conducts every 2 years and in this case occurred in 2018 and Ligonier captures these results: 

- 91% of evangelicals state that justification is by faith alone
- 51% of evangelicals state that God accepts the worship of all religions
- 78% agreed that Jesus is the first and greatest being created by God.
- 60% of Americans agree religion is a matter of personal opinion, not objective truth. 
- 64% of Millennials (18-34 age) state there will be a time when Jesus Christ returns to judge all people who ever lived
- 57% of Millennials agree abortion is a sin compared to 52% of general population
- 36% of Millennials say God is unconcerned of their day-to-day decisions
- in the UK, only 2% expressed belief in evangelical beliefs

Strength in Weakness - I would like to echo the words of Paul, "when I am weak, then I am strong." Paul experienced a thorn in the flesh. It was to depend on God's grace. It was to keep him being conceited. And we can complete our God given tasks. It is important at times for me to remain weak so I see in glaring light the strength of God. "Apart from him we can do nothing (John 15:5)." Be made perfect in my weakness.  

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Monday, September 9, 2024

Various Scriptures - The Cross of Christ

I Corinthians 15:17  
And if Christ has not been raised your faith is worthless; you are still in your sins. 

What the Lord is Saying: Why is atonement our only hope? Because our sin makes us imperfect. In order for us to be accepted, our sin must be atoned for. For man to be reconciled to God, sin must be dealt with. This is the consistent message of scripture, beginning in the Old Testament when the blood of animals was the means by which sin was atoned for, ultimately looking forward to the blood a perfect lamb found in Jesus. It is the central idea of the Christian faith - that sin separates us from God and the only way to be reconciled is through trusting that Jesus covers that sin. The idea of atonement is not unique. Everywhere in society we see some sort of atonement occurring. When a person is wronged, people seek to make up in some way for a wrong committed. Prison terms are ways a person's life is atoned for an offense. Fines and penalties in our courts for wrongs committed is a form of atonement. Even saying "sorry" is a form of atonement. In the scope of our relationship with God, as this scripture states, without Jesus rising from the dead, faith in Him has no value. 


Psalm 85:10 
Lovingkindness and truth have met together; righteousness and peace have kissed each other. 

What the Lord is Saying: God is our creator. We live in the Father's World. In the Garden where he originally placed man and woman, there was complete freedom to live and work and play. There was only one sin to avoid - eating from a fruit tree. Through one man, sin came into the world. When Adam sinned, as our federal head or the representative of the human race, his response becomes our response. Through one act of disobedience all our guilty. Due to each person being imperfect and sinning, the debt cannot be paid by any person that has committed sin. Jesus becomes our federal head - through his infinite worth in satisfying the requirements - his sacrifice becomes a substitute for all, But it can only happen if that gift is received. There must be a payment for sin in the same way we see payments in society through saying sorry, levying fines, and prison sentences. We can be made righteous through the cross. Righteousness and love meet at the cross. 


Matthew 20:28
just as the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give His life a ransom for many. 

What the Lord is Saying: Jesus came to give his life for all? No, for many. He will restore many from their position of being under the Adamic state of condemnation. Verse 16 of Romans 5 brings the same idea: "For the judgment following one trespass brought condemnation, but the free gift following many trespasses brought justification." A trespass condemned us all. A free gift (Jesus offering his life for mine) brings justification. Jesus comes to earth to bring a gift to man. Ransom is a payment for the release of someone else. What is owed? Death. We earn death from the wage of sin (Romans 6:23). The ransom payment is the life of Jesus, lived and then his death on the cross. Sin had to be covered and covered completely. 


Matthew 1:18-21
18 Now the birth of Jesus Christ was as follows: when His mother Mary had been betrothed to Joseph, before they came together she was found to be with child by the Holy Spirit. 19 And Joseph her husband, being a righteous man and not wanting to disgrace her, planned to send her away secretly. 20 But when he had considered this, behold, an angel of the Lord appeared to him in a dream, saying, “Joseph, son of David, do not be afraid to take Mary as your wife; for the Child who has been conceived in her is of the Holy Spirit. 21 She will bear a Son; and you shall call His name Jesus, for He will save His people from their sins.” 

What the Lord is Saying: Did God intend for Jesus’ death to atone for all people or only for some? If Jesus died only for some, then all of the some experience the outcome of the atonement. Thus, the atonement was perfect in that God designed it and it achieved its outcome, to save those that benefited from its work. If Jesus died for all and yet not all are saved, then his atonement was in way unsuccessful. And instead it only paved the way and man is responsible for claiming the ransom - with some believing and some not believing. So does God limit the extent of the atonement or man? Scripture points more to God than man. Faith is the instrument, but the gift is from God. 


I Peter 2:21-25 
21 For you have been called for this purpose, since Christ also suffered for you, leaving you an example for you to follow in His steps, 22 WHO COMMITTED NO SIN, NOR WAS ANY DECEIT FOUND IN HIS MOUTH; 23 and while being reviled, He did not revile in return; while suffering, He uttered no threats, but kept entrusting Himself to Him who judges righteously; 24 and He Himself bore our sins in His body on the cross, so that we might die to sin and live to righteousness; for by His wounds you were healed. 25 For you were continually straying like sheep, but now you have returned to the Shepherd and Guardian of your souls.

What the Lord is Saying: There is a distinction that can be made of active obedience and passive obedience. Active is Jesus' work on earth - living a perfect life so that he would be a perfect substitute. Passive is him going to the cross, not of his own doing, but arrested by Jewish officials and sentenced later by Pilate; this was not his doing. By trusting in Jesus or having faith in Him for what He has done, his perfect obedience is transferred over to our account. The penalty is due and the penalty is paid by what Jesus did on the cross and how he lived on his path. 

Summary: The Atonement rescues us by Jesus living a perfect life and ransoming His life so that our life of sin can be paid for by Him and through faith in Him; we are restored from the condemnation we received when Adam sinned to being justified and escaping God's wrath. 

Note: If you are interested in other studies/devotions, check out my index of Bible Study's.

Sunday, September 8, 2024

John 19:31-37 - Unbroken Bones and a Pierced Side

John 19:31-37
31 The Jews therefore, because it was the day of preparation, so that the bodies should not remain on the cross on the Sabbath (for that Sabbath was a high [day]) asked Pilate that their legs might be broken, and [that] they might be taken away. 32 The soldiers therefore came, and broke the legs of the first man, and of the other man who was crucified with Him; 33 but coming to Jesus, when they saw that He was already dead, they did not break His legs; 34 but one of the soldiers pierced His side with a spear, and immediately there came out blood and water. 35 And he who has seen has borne witness, and his witness is true; and he knows that he is telling the truth, so that you also may believe. 36 For these things came to pass, that the Scripture might be fulfilled, "NOT A BONE OF HIM SHALL BE BROKEN." 37 And again another Scripture says, "THEY SHALL LOOK ON HIM WHOM THEY PIERCED." 

Time: John most likely wrote between A.D. 85 and 90. John's purpose in writing was, "that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God; and that believing you may have life in His name (John 20:31)." 

What the Lord is Saying: After Jesus speaks His last words on the cross, having been crucified, the Jews wanted Jesus removed from the cross. The Jews were concerned about the Law rules. The Sabbath was beginning shortly and per the Law a body hanging on a tree overnight ceremonially defiled the land (Deuteronomy 21:22-23).  The Jews had the soldiers break the legs of the other men being crucified but coming to Jesus they saw that He had already died. To confirm this, they pierced his side with a speak and saw blood and water. And this fulfilled scripture:

Exodus 12:46 - are not bring forth any of the flesh outside of the house, not are you to break any bone of it. 
Numbers 9:12 - They shall leave none of it until morning, nor break a bone of it; according to all the statute of the Passover they shall observe it.
Psalm 34:20 - He keeps all his bones; not one of them is broken. 

Thus, by not breaking Jesus' bones, it can be seen that scripture has been fulfilled.  

Summary: The Jews confirm Jesus death by the soldiers piercing His side, but breaking his legs is not necessary is it is with others, fulfilling Scripture. 

Promise: The death of Jesus fulfilled Messianic prophecy. 

Prayer: God, you are holy and true. Your ways are eternal and you make all things new and give life to creation. I have sinned and not only I, but those you have placed in my charge - my family. Please forgive those sins. Thank you for the act of Jesus and dying on the cross. Bring meaning of this to me more and to those around me. Make this important to those living with us and my children who have now departed. Be glorified always. 

Note: If you are interested in other studies/devotions, check out my index of Bible Study's.

Wednesday, September 4, 2024

John 19:28-30 - Redemption Accomplished

John 19:28-30
28 After this, Jesus, knowing that all things had already been accomplished, to fulfill the Scripture, said, “I am thirsty.” 29 A jar full of sour wine was standing there; so they put a sponge full of the sour wine upon a branch of hyssop and brought it up to His mouth. 30 Therefore when Jesus had received the sour wine, He said, “It is finished!” And He bowed His head and gave up His spirit.

Time: John most likely wrote between A.D. 85 and 90. John's purpose in writing was, "that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God; and that believing you may have life in His name (John 20:31)." 

What the Lord is Saying: Being crucified was extremely painful. Adding to this was the problem of hanging on the cross in the Palestinian sun which exposed Jesus also to dehydration. 

Jesus has shown us that this entire process has been a fulfillment of scripture and him asking for something drink also seems to point to an application, but it is not clear. As I read the text in verse 28, it seems to say that now everything had been accomplished according to the scripture and my first reading was that the words of requesting something to drink was something extra. Tabletalk proceeds to find verses in Psalms, and most notably Psalm 69:21. But, the actual meaning of “knowing that all things had already been accomplished” seems to exclude the idea of a further accomplishment. It is as if everything has been accomplished and now he seeks some sort of relief for his physical suffering. 

After receiving the sour wine to quench his thirst, he announced "It is finished" and passed away or died. I feel like I need to be saying more about this other worldly and momentous moment. I love the song by Petra titled It is Finished. The idea that Jesus made this statement is the culmination of all that he came to this earth to do - to be God's authority on earth and to also live as man, in a perfect way, staying free from sin - going to the cross to be the perfect lamb. This is what we know now, but as I have read John, has this been the outcome that Jesus has mentioned or is has it been inferred by what He has said. Meaning, the idea that He would be the payment for sin, is that a message that is apparent? I mean, "it is finished" seems to embody that statement. Otherwise, what else is finished? His time on earth? 

But John did specify this as this book began in John 1:29 as he saw the approaching Jesus  “Behold, the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world!"

Throughout the Gospel of John, Jesus is clearly shown as the entry point for people to enter the kingdom of God (John 3:5); believing in Him merits eternal life (John 3:15; 6:40, 47; 10:10; 11:25-26; 17:3; 20:31). Believing Jesus also changes the person's ways and actions (John 7:38; 8:12; 14:11). Believe or you will die in your sins (John 8:24). Keep His word and never see death (8:52; 14:21). Jesus will also lay down His life (John 10:15, 17). His time on earth is temporary (John 12:8; 13:33; 16:17; 20:17). The Holy Spirit will convict the world concerning sin (John 16:8). 

"It is finished." It is like Jesus is saying, I have come and done all that you commanded me to do. And now He will return to the Father. I guess it is interesting that it appears the idea that Jesus died for sins is only a reference by John at the beginning of this gospel with Jesus being the lamb of God. 

Summary: Prophetic scripture has been accomplished and Jesus speaks of his thirst and is quenched of that thirst, gives up His Spirit and proclaims, "It is finished." 

Promise: Dr. R.C. Sproul writes in his commentary John: “When [Jesus] said, ‘It is finished,’ He was saying not just that His life was over but that His mission had been fulfilled. His purpose in coming to earth and going to the cross was accomplished.

Prayer: Lord, I am always trying to understand your truth. As I have studied this gospel I am moved by the words that John has put forth to me - the focus being on Jesus and believing in Him and then great things happening - a full life, a life of great action, and an eternal life ultimately. I know for sure I need to believe in You God and it is through Your Son Jesus that You are made known and I do believe in You. Help me to continue to understand the truth of Your word, the truth of who You are and who I can be in You. Thank you Jesus for living a great life. Keep defining truth in my life. 

Note: If you are interested in other studies/devotions, check out my index of Bible Study's.