Sunday, August 9, 2015

Jesus Calling: August 10

Relax in My healing, holy Presence. Allow Me to transform you through this time alone with Me. As your thoughts center more and more on Me, trust displaces fear and worry. Your mind is somewhat like a seesaw. As your trust in Me goes up, fear and worry automatically go down. Time spent with Me not only increases your trust; it also helps you discern what is important and what is not.
     Energy and time are precious, limited entities. Therefore, you need to use them wisely, focusing on what is truly important. As you walk close to Me, saturating your mind with Scripture, I will show you how to spend your time and energy. My Word is a lamp to your feet; My Presence is a Light for your path.

Ephesians 5:15-16
New King James Version

15 See then that you walk circumspectly, not as fools but as wise, 16 redeeming the time, because the days are evil.

Psalm 119:105
English Standard Version 

Your word is a lamp to my feet
    and a light to my path.

Note: The devotion and scriptures are from author Sarah Young. If you haven't already, please purchase the book and support the author. 

Also, bookmark to have an easy link to the entire year of these entries.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Thank you Holy One for lighting my world with your word and presence. Sassy Mom in Tennessee

  3. Thank you Holy spirit for reminding me of my trust in your word and presence.

  4. "Relax in My healing, holy Presence. Allow Me to transform you through this time alone with Me. As your thoughts center more and more on Me, trust displaces fear and worry.".....So comforting, thank you & praise you Jesus!

  5. Always grateful to have a daily reminder of the peace Jesus brings in my life and others. Especially when the meditation seems to always hit spot on where I am at in my daily life.Thank you Jesus

    1. Amen, Unknown! Thankful that God's messages for us come in many forms and various vessels and all in His perfect timing. Never too soon or too late. Jesus, open my eyes to see, my ears to hear and my heart to receive the many blessings and treasures You have prepared for me today. Jesus, my trust is in You! In Jesus Holy name, I pray. Amen

      Blessings from California

  6. I sit by myself in my car alot and talk to god but why is it that I cant get that comfort of knowing everything is going to be ok how do I trust him.

  7. To unknown unknown, simply say "I trust you, Jesus" and turn this into a habit. Take a deep breath' affirm your trust in him, and allow him to guide your next step. Our relationship with our Savior and Heavenly Father grows as we spend more time together with him. You got this' and he's got you! God bless.

  8. I wanna say thank you Jesus for never leaving my side. Thank you so much for never giving up on me and having faith in me as well. I love you Jesus. Amen

  9. Thank You Lord for continually lighting and guiding my world with Your word and presence.

  10. What I find so interesting today is how much evil is in this world, yet GOD is still present and turning many evil deeds into blessings. No matter what is going on in our lives or in the world, God will keep us in PERFECT PEACE if we keep our mind on HIM! I love Jesus more than words can say! I pray each of you relax in his love today as we go through this journey together! In HIS Love!

  11. Thank You, Father for your Light and Love. Beautiful morning here and WE ARE OFF to the Car Show. Prayers, please for he BEST buyer and all good things this day. Prayers are being answered, JC Family...will celebrate with you soon. All of you are in mine!

  12. Trust goes up, worries go down. to use energy and time wisely. I seek You Father, through Your living and powerful Word. Light up my darkness Lord and show me the Way. I love You Jesus!

  13. Thank you JC family for all your beautiful prayers. Our father in heaven keep us safe this week as we shop for our children and protect them for this upcoming school year. We ask this in the name of your son our lord and savior Jesus Christ. Amen!

    1. Now more than ever before! Amen again this year.

  14. Trying to calm thoughts racing farther than a day into the future, as only He can see there. The JC devo starts today where my mind needs to be: "Relax in My healing, holy Presence!" and in Him I surely need to. A friend often says I'm "over-thinking" situational problems and to just manage the day. Trust in the Lord...

    Similarly, I will find and play some old music to meditate and enjoy. And the scripture today, reminds me to break out some of Amy Grant's successful albums of the 90's. Can hear her sing today's scripture of the JC devo...🎶 "Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path" 🎶 Peace. Relax in the Lord. Amen.

    1. Peace Madfox, I pray that you allow HIM to transform you through this time while you are listening to Amy Grant. Love you and our JC Family

    2. I find the song, "Just Be Held" by Casting Crowns to be so comforting when things seem out of balance and life seems out of control. The lyrics are calming and soothing to the soul.

      "Hold it all together
      Everybody needs you strong
      But life hits you out of nowhere
      And barely leaves you holding on

      And when you're tired of fighting
      Chained by your control
      There's freedom in surrender
      Lay it down and let it go

      So when you're on your knees and answers seem to far away
      You're not alone, stop holding on and just be held
      Your world's not falling apart, it's falling into place
      I'm on the throne, stop holding on and just be held...."

      Peace and blessings to this awesome JC family. I feel so blessed to have had my Kindle app mess up on my phone (which had my JC book on it) so, I simply googled that day's JC and, WAH-LAH, there you all were! Love when God makes beauty for ashes!

    3. The power of music to orientate our heart & mind toward Him. I add my prayers to it all for you, brother MadFox, as you navigate the waters through which you are passing. May He still the waves and quiet the winds. By His grace, you will make it...and later wonder, ‘Why was I so stressed.’ God be with you.

    4. MadFox --- Bless you richly this day! Your journey continues to be in my prayers. I pray for success for your work. Of course, success is not found in the world, but found in our Lord. So, I pray that the Lord gives you success at all times and in every way. May the love of the Father, the tenderness of the Son, and the presence of the Spirit, gladden your heart and bring joy to your soul. In His Honor and For His Purposes, AMEN and AMEN.

    5. My dear brother Madfox, I can feel your tension today, and we all go through times when our circumstances and thoughts dictate our feelings. We often let our emotions rule instead of our Spirit. May God soothe your beautiful heart and quiet your mind as only He can. Cast all your concerns about your family and the future in His able Hands. He loves you and is already healing their weaknesses and making things right. JJ, Your post and prayers really blessed me. Thanks!
      Praying with my Family here, Madfox, that all will be better soon and peace will flood your heart.
      Such a beautiful song you posted NJS! Those lyrics were right on time for me.
      Yesterday I got a call from my Mom’s neighbor that my Mom had lost her balance while taking the garbage out and fell backwards and hit the back of her head on the sidewalk. She was refusing to go to the hospital despite a bleeding cut where she fell. Her neighbors, 2 nurses and a Fireman could not persuade her to go to get a Cat Scan. Since she was of a sound mind they couldn’t force her to go. I drove to Brooklyn so I could watch her and sleep in her room to make sure she didn’t become disoriented, dizzy or sick. I asked my family to pray and she seems fine today and clear headed and the swelling has gone down. Probably will stay one more night to make sure she is okay. God is so good despite how stubborn my Mom is. She said Jesus took care of her! Indeed He did! Praising God for His faithfulness.

    6. Praying for your Mom and you , Jeanne. I hope it is true that older people have hard heads :) Joining JJ, Bob and Madfox in prayer, and I am singing along with you, NJS. With love to my JC Family, the best family ever!

    7. Madfox, may you feel God's love and peace as He quiets your mind through Amy Grant's beautiful music. NJS, thank you for the wonderful song. I am singing along with all of you. JJ, I an blessed by your words and prayers...thank you! Jeanne, I join our JC family in lifting you and your mom up to the Lord in prayer for healing and strength. So glad you are able to be with her as she heals from her fall. Having 2 nurses and a firefighter next door to your mom is such a blessing! Praise God for His faithfulness. May you all be richly favored as you go about your day.

      Blessings from California

    8. Praying for your Mom dear Jeanne! Thank you Lord for your faithfulness.

      Blessings from France

    9. Thank you so much for all your prayers! Don’t know how hard her head is but I can tell you my Mom is strong as can be, All 86 pounds of her. She is 92 and still sharp as a tack and able to get up and down the stairs each day. Her memory is solid and she is very wise. Above all she loves the Lord and seeks His help every day., And He is such a good and faithful Father. Hallelujah!

    10. Joining warriors dear Jeanne for complete recovery for mom. She's in good hands God & a loving, caring daughter🤗. MadFox sending prayers up for you friend.

    11. Madfox, everytime I read the verse "Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path" in my mind I hear it sung by Amy Grant.

    12. I remember how much your prayers and posts helped me when my Mom was going through this. I’m in Brooklyn with her now and feeling very blessed and thankful she is doing well and feeling fine.
      MadFox, Miss you and hold you always in my prayers that your treatment is going well. God is your strength!

    13. Thank you for the encouraging prayers JC family. Jeanne glad to hear your mum is doing well.

    14. ♥️🎶 Link Thy Word Amy Grant

  15. "redeeming the time" snagged me. Hmm! redeeming time was possible, like squeezing blood from a turnip possible, or really possible?? And then I remembered "With God, ALL things are possible. If there is a way to redeem time, I want it. Since I am a Time-Hog, who is always greedy for more time, I dove deeper. I still haven't found what I was searching for, but here is what I discovered: Another way we can learn to redeem the time is by asking God to help us. Start every morning by committing our day to the Lord and asking Him to help us do something that day that has eternal significance. By beginning our day with the end game of eternity in mind, we become more aware of spiritual nudges in our hearts. We look for ways we can bring honor to the Lord, by helping someone else, or utilizing our current time in productive ways. Sitting at a red light, we can pray for our neighbor. Mopping the floor, we can worship in song. At a restaurant, we can leave an extra big tip along with a gospel tract or a card inviting the waiter/waitress to church. We can evaluate our gifts, resources and interests and find ways to invest them into God’s kingdom. Volunteering, serving at church, leading a ministry, taking Bible studies to the jails and prisons, and studying to show ourselves “approved unto God” are all ways we can redeem the time (2 Timothy 2:15, KJV).
    James 4:14 reminds us that our earthly lives are no more than a fog that appears and then quickly evaporates. Our money and possessions will be given to someone else. Our jobs will be filled by others. Our families may remember us with fondness but will move on with lives that don’t include us. All that remains of our lives on earth is that which was invested in eternity. In the end, all that matters is what we did or did not do to redeem the time (Psalm 102:3; 144:4). Lord help me! Amen

    1. Amen, amen Brie! may JESUS Help us all! Indeed with God, ALL things are possible.

      Remain Blessed!

      Maplewood NJ

    2. Brie- hallelujahs & Amens! Love the "leave a track or invitation along with tip" idea, I'm adopting that one🤗.

    3. So well said, Brie. Thank you! When all is said and done, all that will remain is His love for us and the love we showed to others. Thus we make it our priority for today as you have so eloquently said. God be with you.

    4. Your post was so beautiful and insightful! So much tasty food to savor today! We must do our best to work hard in God’s vineyard to produce much good fruit fruit that endures abd be more selfless instead of selfish. I loved your ways to redeem tune abd u can just see you happily mopping away praising God with song! Thanks for blessing my day with more light!!

    5. Brie, I echo the comments above. Lord, please help me to accomplish some eternity work each day!

    6. Amen! Let us put our focus on producing fruit that will endure. Great reminder. Work hard to accomplish God’s work instead of ours.

    7. You are on fire in this post Brie thank you for the reminder that we need to invest in God's kingdom daily

  16. Heavenly Father, I have awaken to the dawn of a new day and thank You for this blessing. Please slow me down, and ease the pounding of my heart by quieting my mind. Remove the distractions in my life that keep me from Your presence and steady my hurried pace to see the vision of the eternal reach of Your time. Your grace is sufficient! In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen.

    Absolutely nothing compares to being in God's presence. We need just to let go of everything and simply ‘be’ and seek God to ignite the fire of our hearts so that we thirst for more and more of Him and relax in His Presence. It is a privilege to spend time with the great "I AM!”. God’s Word is perfect and when we get in the Bible and build our life on it, we’ll have a perfect foundation. When we relax in the Presence of our Heavenly Father and surrender our body, mind and soul to Him, we have no reason to fear or worry. Whenever we walk with God, take hold of His right hand, and allow Him to guide us through our days, we will have a blessed and fulfilled one. Yes, we will have difficult times and issues to deal with through some days (Isaiah 43:2), but also we must know that God will help us walk through those problems and lead us into the light of His Presence. We just need to surrender, stop leaning on our own understanding, relax, focus and trust in the Lord! We have a great tool, the Word of God. In Psalm 119:105 He tells us that His Word is a lamp to our feet and His magnificent Presence is a Light to our path! God has given us His all, lets recieve it and thank Him!

    “Because he has set his love upon Me, therefore I will deliver him;
    I will set him on high, because he has known My name. He shall call upon Me, and I will answer him; I will be with him in trouble;I will deliver him and honor him. With long life I will satisfy him, And show him My salvation.” (Psalm 91:14-16).

    Dear Father, Thank You for Your amazing love that allows us to cast all our cares and anxieties unto You and relax in Your glorious Presence. Please teach us how to remain in the secret place of Your presence and learn to constantly keep our eyes on You. Thank You for the Word that is a lamp to our feet. We pray this in Jesus' name. Amen.

    Praying for and with you, for ALL prayer requests and needs. Our Father is faithful!

    Blessings and Peace.

    Maplewood, NJ

    1. Amen amen amen! Nothing compares!

      "Oh, there's nothing better than You
      There's nothing better than You
      Lord, there's nothing
      Nothing is better than YouYou turn graves into garden
      You turn bones into armies
      You turn seas into highways
      You're the only one who can
      You're the only one who canYou turn mourning to dancing
      You give beauty for ashes
      You turn shame into glory
      You're the only one who can
      You turn mourning to dancing
      You give beauty for ashes
      You turn shame into glory
      You're the only one who can

      You turn graves into garden
      You turn bones into armies
      You turn seas into highways
      You're the only one who can
      You're the only one who can"

      Blessings from France

    2. As I am in His presence here, standing with His chosen ones (twin bd sis, mon ami, Jan & you who are reading this), He blesses me. Before showing up here, my quiet time left me praying to love above all else, to live in love, and to die to all worldly pursuits so love can be full. Being here with you deepens that prayer. God be with you. Continued prayers for Janet and all twin bd sis’s family waiting on the Lord.

    3. Amen dear Maplewood! Joining in your prayers which echoed my heart. Praying with my JC Family for your little Sister too and your comfort. I will do my best today to surrender to Him. He is my everything and is holding my reins.
      Help me Lord to let go and so You can lead me in the paths of righteousness. Amen!

    4. To God be the Glory for you and your early morning JUMPSTART prayers to begin my day on the seesaw, Maplewood NJ.
      Love you too Bob, Jan, and singing along with you, our BFF. Praying Much Love to our entire JC Family of Christ-I-Ams serving One Light and One Love = HIS

    5. Amen dear Maplewood! Loved your good advice:
      We just need to surrender, stop leaning on our own understanding, relax, focus and trust in the Lord! We have a great tool, the Word of God. Amen!!

    6. Thank you Maplewood . May we seek the Lord at all times , He will direct our paths, calm our anxious minds ,He is waiting for us to reach out to Him ! Teach us your ways are best !

  17. Love what you said Brie! "Sitting at a red light, we can pray for our neighbor. Mopping the floor, we can worship in song. At a restaurant, we can leave an extra big tip along with a gospel tract or a card inviting the waiter/waitress to church. We can evaluate our gifts, resources and interests and find ways to invest them into God’s kingdom."

    I like to pray in my mind for the people around me when I'm walking in the streets, sitting in the bus, at the supermarket, etc.
    Before the pandemic I had printed gospel tracts, leaving them in different places at University, in the bus, in a doctor's waiting room.
    I also plan on putting them in my neighbor's mailboxes.

    This is so exciting! All for His Glory!

    Have a wonderful day JC fam!

    Blessings from France

    1. What a blessed post, mon ami! The beauty of your heart makes me smile. God be with you!

    2. I love how you share God’s light with others dear Blessings from France! May your sincere prayers be answered to His glory!

    3. So very true dear Brie and Blessings from France. No matter where we are and who we are with we can find time to pray.

    4. What a wonderful idea Blessing leaving gospel tracts I love it. I too love to pray for people around me it gives me so much and it helps with the long drive home or wait at the doctor's office. Merci Blessing

    5. Dear Min Ahadi, The Christ in you is very beautiful. I love your heart.

  18. Thank you, Papa, for helping us discern how to best use our time. “Live as children of the light and LEARN what PLEASES the Lord” (Ephesians 5: 8-9). May who we are and how we live please you today, especially, Papa.

    1. GTT, the Father and you are very close and it is a blessing to behold. God be with you.

    2. Beautiful and moving post. Such a beautiful relationship! I’m sure you live to please your Papa and He loves His sweet girl dearly.

  19. Thank you for your thoughtful and heartfelt prayer, Brie. A gentle reminder of all the opportunities we all have to help others and spread His Word...which is so desperately needed in this age that we live in. God bless you all.

    1. Hey shining one (some initials I prefer not to use), desperately is an understatement making it even more essential we keep a lookout for the opportunities that come our way. Thanks! God be with you.

    2. Amen God is the only One who we can trust completely in this fallen world! His guiding light is what we must be open to seeing above all.

  20. Good morning JC Loved ones. Today my bff will be going for a biopsy on her breast. Please warriors pray for her. No update on hubby & cancer treatments. She has a load on her plate. Please if you also would pray for my eye appt. Today. After cataract surgery last year my eyesight has not been right even with glasses. It's said that 1/3 of surgeries develop scar tissues, I am hoping it would be that simple, other possibilities scare me. Also with covid around I will be up close & personal with the examiner. Thank you dear ones for looking after me in prayer 🥰. Be blessed, be encouraged, be close to Jesus as you travel your path today. You are all dearly loved❤️

    1. Continued prayers for your bff & hubby, Jan. Indeed, a very full plate. May the cup beside their plate runneth over with His love. Praying for your safety in your appointment today and may it serve its purpose in restoring your vision. Be blessed, be encouraged, be close to Jesus as you travel your path today. God be with you.

    2. Jan I am keeping your BFF ant hubby in prayer. I will also lift you up for your precious eyes to see clearly again! I will tell you that the very same happened to my husband post cataract surgery and once scar tissue was removed (simple office procedure/no pain!) it made ALL the difference! Be blessed!

    3. Jan--- I am covering your requests with prayer. I will join you in worship and we will not worry, because our God is good all the time!

    4. Prayers are being sent to the Throne of Grace dear Jan!

      Blessings from France

    5. Jan! I will keep praying for your bff and your dear Hubby. Praying for your eye appointment to go well and for God’s peace to soothe your heart as so many concerns weigh heavily on your mind. May God surround you and your loved ones with a hedge of protection and heal all your weaknesses. Thanking Him for this in the name of His Son, Jesus Christ.

    6. Praying for our Jan and each of her Dear Ones. Yes, because of each of you, we are blessed, encouraged, and close to Jesus as we travel His path today and maintain His Strength and Balance on the seesaw. You are all dearly dearly loved!

    7. Dear Jan, Continuing to pray for you, your BFF and her hubby. Praying for perfect vision for you and healing of all weaknesses in you and your dear ones. Thank You dear Jesus. We trust in You and thank You for Your mercy and faithfulness.

  21. Today’s post and comments have me humming this song today!
    Be blessed JC Family!!

    Your words are spirit and life, O Lord:
    Richer than gold, stronger than death.
    Your words are spirit and life, O Lord;
    Life everlasting.
    Reviving the weary spirit.
    God's rule can be trusted: bringing us wisdom,
    Bringing God's wisdom to birth.
    They gladden the hearts of people.
    God's command is so clear it brings us new vision;
    Bringing God's light to our eyes.
    God's presence is everlasting.
    God's truth is eternal, bringing us justice;
    Bringing God's justice to earth.
    Worth more than we dare imagine
    And, sweeter than honey, this word will feed us,
    Bringing fulfillment and joy.

    1. Love that song BamaGrl! We sing it in Choir. Such sweet words of truth!

    2. Sing, BamaGrl, sing. Thank God, you are fillimg our airspace with your sweet sweet song!

    3. Nothing like a good song, BG, to put a handle on the message where we can hang on to it. God be with you.

    4. Just love that song! Hope we get to sing it in Church very soon. Amen and thanks dear BamaGrl.

  22. Good morning prayer warriors! In these times of troubles, we can DO something. We pray. And we trust. And we give thanks for everything. And that is enough. God bless you all, our collective prayers are like hands holding a safety net for all those in need. Thank you Jesus, we trust you Jesus, we serve only you Jesus.

    1. Amen dear Audra! Beautiful words. “ Our collective prayers are like a safety net for all those in need”. Thanks. Much love.,

    2. Bind us together Lord, Bind us together with a bond that can never be broken. Bind us together Lord, bind us together. Yes bind us together with love!

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    4. Totally agree, Audra, so let us pray without ceasing. God be with you.

  23. Good Morning and God Bless, Dear JC Family! I feel somewhat like the Mad Hatter, ("I'm late, I'm late!!") because MY schedule got all of kilter today. But, after reading this devotion and all of your lovely prayers, I remembered that it is HIS schedule, I need to be devoted to and it is just FINE!
    Something you said, Brie, really struck me: "Our families may remember us with fondness but will move on with lives that don’t include us." That has happened with one of our sons. We haven't seen him or his wife, or talked to him since July 4th. His wife called me last week to say they were back from a trip (that we didn't know they were going on) and that they'd come over this weekend. I texted at 9:30 last night asking what happened. I finally called b/c the texts were flying and was greeted with, "Why are you calling, Mom?" That cut me to the quick. The only night he appears to be available is tonight and I have my Ladies Group, which I'm not going to cancel. It hurts and I think I have to remember your words, Brie.
    Instead of fretting, I am praying for each prayer request on here and claiming Victory for each of you, your BFF, family members, Pastors and days at work. Getting out of myself seems to be the best remedy for my self pity, which is SO UNACCEPTABLE not only in His sight, but in mine.
    I'm going to put some of these songs up and follow your lead, MadFox, with some good music.
    Love and Blessings

    1. God be with you, Norah, in knowing the directions He has chosen you to follow. Lifting you in prayer.

    2. PS Our Dear Norah: How old is this son who failed to get a permission slip to go on his field trip?

    3. LOL!! Brie - I just saw this - a year later!! Yep, I get it; he's in his 30's. :)

  24. Praying things get better dear Norah

  25. Our Dear Norah,
    When you get off the Merry Go Round, you may want to try the Seesaw! Yes, life is just a lark in the park, isn't it?
    But while you are in Fast Forward mode, you may also want to Fast Forward to our August 23 JC devotion. It could be one of the best Birthday Presents you get this year! We love you and want your light, and having it on just one end of your candle suits us perfectly fine. With much love to you and our entire JC Family always, including Rainy Days and Mondays ;)

    1. Beautifully worded dear Brie! Amen and ! love both of your bright lights and love. Exactly as God created you!

    2. Loving counsel from a true sister in Christ. Couldn’t have said it better, Brie!

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    4. Thank you loving family for your prayers. AND DID make me LAUGH!!! My son who failed to get his permission trip TO GO ON A TRIP WITH HIS WIFE (UGH, Norah!!), is 34 - turning 35 on 8/28! Point taken and well received as Bob said, "Loving counsel from a true sister in Christ." :) I did read ahead to 8/23 and once again - you are right! When my husband was diagnosed with Cancer in 2014, all of our "kids" (adults) moved back to our home town to be with him. We have always been a close-knit family, but this was more than any of us could imagine. I'm afraid I got used to them all being at our beck and call and that just isn't fair. I've told God I'm sorry and I will continue to read JC, 8/23 - maybe by my birthday, I'll truly believe it into action. I'll really do my best to stop burning the candle at both ends. :)
      Love you all so much!
      And, Jeanne, I saw your prayer request for Morgan before I finished this and will definitely be praying for her.

    5. Ah, Brie - I DID see this in hit me new and fresh though a year later. Have to admit that I still struggle with some of the same issues (EX: Son #3 (same one who took the Field Trip without notice in 2020), hasn't been seen since Father's Day in June. He is one of the busiest guys I know. He's the Director of our County's Regional Planning Commission and, honestly, his time is not his own. He and his wife are OK with that, but many of us who miss him, well - we MISS him. We'll see him sometime in August and look forward to that.

  26. My Sister just sent me a new request for a friend of a friend’s daughter Morgan who has leukemia. Please add Morgan to your list, Thank you my dear JC Family!

    1. Prayers are being sent for Morgan!

      Blessings from France

    2. Morgan added to my prayer list, Jeanne. God be with you.

    3. Jeanne, Praying for your friend's, friend's daughter, Morgan's healing and their comfort and guidance.

  27. Hope you saw my message, Bri and Bob.

    1. Yes, I saw it and laughed with you! You know I related since I, too can get The Giver and The Gift priorities all twisted up:) Hope you felt our love! We are Family......I've got all my JC sisters and brothers with me...

    2. Yes, I sure did 'feel the love!' And your humor, prayers and wisdom got me out of my funk. And then, the whipped cream topping (there goes that food analogy again that we all love), I got to see your post below! I have to sign out to get back to work b/c I could honestly just read this all day if I didn't work. HA HA... Love you bunches!

    3. Love you all too! And you are just like the whipped cream and cherry on a hot marshmallow sunday with hot fudge sauce! I'm getting hungry just thinking about it!

    4. One year later these exchanges brought new smiles and laughter to my heart. What an amazing crew you all are!! 😂 So grateful. ❤️

  28. Dear God,
    As my trust in Your Timing goes up, then my greedy need for more time in this park goes down. Just like on a seesaw! And, while we are discussing seesaws, would you give me Your Strength and Your Balance on this seesaw called Life? When I am down and it is dark, even when I can't see You on the up end of the seesaw, would You encourage me to stay on the seesaw anyway? Where are the seatbelts on this thing? Since there aren't any, would You Secure me in the knowledge that "Even when I can't see You, You're Working"? And when darkness comes, and I have yet to make it home from the park before "the street lights come on" would You send me Your Light? You already know how I react to things that go bump in the night, so would you shine a little extra light when the bumpers start making their noises inside my head? Thank You for Being in both The Light and The Night. Thank You for being my Lighthouse, Lord Jesus Christ and for casting Your Lighthouse Light far, broad and wide until it reaches and shines on our entire JC family. As we wait on You, Your Light will come and get us so You can lead us safely home! Amen.

    1. So beautifully said sweet Brie! Amen!!! I can see His light shining on you and everyone here. So thankful for you all.

      Blessings from France

    2. Wonderful analogy Brie! I still remember how I was afraid on a seesaw and sometimes, my brother would be mean and get off the bottom and I would come down with a thump! God is the one on the other side of the seesaw that will never let us fall but gently get us back on our feet. What an amazing light He is in the brightest day and in the darkest night. And always available to light our way like the long thick string to the light that was always ready to pull down the dark scary basement. Such a good Dad we have!!!

    3. So happy that He is always working behind the scenes to heal us and our loved ones, and to answer our prayers. Thank You Jesus!

  29. Yesterday was a challenging day for me. Weary from the pace and weary from other challenges.

    I came to a point where my heart was restless. I have learned that is ok because God's truth is still true even if my feelings do not line up with His reality (and mine).

    In the past, God has shown me how He treasures all our feelings, yes even the ones we despise. So I again came to the point of giving Him an offering of my feelings. I felt His pleasure with my offering. I also told Him if it is His will for me to feel the restlessness, then I will continue to feel it for His glory.

    Blessings, encouragement, and prayers to you my friends.

    1. "Come to me all who are weary..."

    2. Keith, I too have learned it is ok that we bring ALL our feelings to the Lord -- even the bad ones that we don't like. That is what He wants. You are right. It does please Him. He wants a relationship with us, which includes everything -- the good and the bad. He knows that we are only human and that we are not perfect. You are in my prayers. Peace be with you!
      Humble yourselves in the sight of the Lord, and He will lift you up. (James 4:10).

    3. That was wonderful dear Keith. He loves us exactly as we are. Broken, sinful and needy. He is the glue that holds us together.

    4. While I know to bring all of our feelings to Him, I have found that I feel a disconnect when despair comes lurking. Have to work on that knowing that is me and NOT God. Great reminder, Keith. Thank you! He is indeed the glue, Jeanne, that holds us together...especially when feeling broken!

    5. Saying a little prayer for you, Keith. I know that feeling of weariness too - had it today - felt cross-eyed from staring at my computer so long and just had to take a break. God restored me and I finished my day...He always fills our need; gives us rest when we need it. Love you, Brother!

    6. Thanks to you Keith, I was able to admit to God that I am judgmental and angry that my MiMi got COVID and is in ICU alone.
      I know He will speak to my heart and will clarify my difficulties according to His Way.

    7. Praying for your dear MiMi. The Lord is at her side.

  30. Yesterday afternoon these thoughts came to my mind and I would just like to share them.

    Is it more important to take a selfie or to take a picture of someone else? Are you happy for others that receive things that you don't? Do you need attention or are you humble? Do you let your circumstances get the best of you or do you give it to God and believe He will turn it around? As time goes by, everything changes. Moment by moment, itty, bitty changes. While the changes are happening, they tend to seem so insignificant at the time. They aren't even noticed. It's only when one looks back over a period of time that they can see all the changes that occurred. Are we that out of tune with things happening in the world? Or are we just too busy in our lives that we don't notice things until they become problems? I think we take a lot of things for granted -- even more than we can comprehend or realize. We need to always remember that the evil one is working in the world all the time -- and is doing his best to keep us distracted so we can't see the truth or the changes as they are happening. His goal is to pull us away from God. Remember what Peter said, Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil walk about like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour. (1 Peter 5:8). Father, help us to not fall prey to the evil one. Grant us good discernment and open our eyes to see the whole truth. Reveal the joys of Your heart to us and let us share in them with You. Thank You for accepting that we have weaknesses, and for using them to strengthen us. Father, I'm a sinner. I am so sorry. Forgive me. Thank You for giving me the opportunity to ask You for forgiveness, to pick up my cross, and to follow You every day of my life. Thank You for Your mercy and grace. And thank You for Your love, peace, strength, and joy. I praise You Lord always. Thank You Jesus. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen.

    1. Perfectly stated, Janet! "Grant us good discernment"...YES, please!

    2. Love this - thank you for the great questions, Janet.

  31. Just so true and absolutely beautiful, sweet Janet! You made me look inside myself. I have some housecleaning to do. God knows every thought, motive, and word in my heart. Create in me a clean heart O God and renew a right spirit within me.

  32. Heavenly Father, please prick our hearts as we open them up to You and Your holy presence. Let Your transformation of us take place as we put our complete trust in You and You remove our fear and worries. Let Your word permeate deep within our soul. Thank You for all You do and all You are. You are so amazing and wonderful. No one compares to You. Praise You Lord always. Thank You Jesus. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen.

    "As the Father loved Me, I also have loved you; abide in My love. (John 15:9).

    1. Amen! Perfect prayer... And they all are, whatever the focus 😉

    2. Amen, Amen and Amen dear Janet!

  33. “For the word of God is living and active, sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing to the division of soul and of spirit, of joints and of marrow, and discerning the thoughts and intentions of the heart” (Hebrews 4:12).

    Loving Father, This is a day to rejoice, relax and be glad in Your holy presence because You have blessed me to see it and has given me a spirit of love, peace and a sound mind, not fear. I Thank You that Your Word provides the direction I need in my daily walk with You and that it is a very reliable lamp that shines into every dark area of my life. (2 Peter 1:19). In Jesus' name I pray. Amen.

    As believers, sometimes we find it challenging with all of life’s trials to trust in God’s goodness toward as we walk by faith, not by sight. But we have been given the great blessed assurance that Christ lived, died, and rose to purchase for us the gift of eternal life. Therefore, we ought not be afraid, God is always good and His promise of goodness casts out fear. He is for us in Jesus Christ, not against us. God’s giving of His Son for the sake of our soul is the ultimate demonstration of His goodness and love toward us, and what happened at the cross proves that what appears to be bad, God intends it for our good. Jesus disarmed death by wiping out the record of debt that stood against us” ( Col. 2:14-15).
    God’s ways and wisdom are higher than ours. the One who measured the oceans in His cupped hand, weighed the mountains on a scale, and marked off the heavens by the width of His hand, is the same tender Shepherd who gathers His lambs (you) in the fold of His arms and carries them close to His heart (Isaiah 40:12-14). This God who measured the ocean in His hand, marked off the heavens by the width of His powerful hand and weighed the mountains on a scale, is the same good Shepherd who holds us in His arms and lead us closer to His heart. His perfect love cast out all fear, therefore we can rest in His love and trust in the extraordinary power of His Word that is alive and active!

    Dear Lord, May Your Word be food to our soul as we meditate on it, hold it firmly and hide it in our hearts, because we trust it to accomplish the purpose You intend for it to prosper wherever You send it in Jesus' name. Amen.

    “So shall my word be that goes out from my mouth; it shall not return to me empty, but it shall accomplish that which I purpose, and shall succeed in the thing for which I sent it” (Isaiah 55:11).

    Ellen- I lift your dear daughter up in prayers and thanking God for a great report. He who started a good work, will surely complete it. She is strong and has the Lord on her side. Keeping you and the family in prayers, it shall be well in Jesus’ name because Jehovah Rapha is in the midst of it all.

    Butterfly Love- You are in my prayers for peace and comfort. May your sister’s memories live in you. It’s hard losing love ones, but thank God we have Jesus to lean on.

    Brie dear- You are a loving sister and Keith is blessed to have you. Your prayers and faith together with your JC family, have already reached the heart of God. Expect to give testimonies to His glory for Keith’s healing and restoration.

    Jeanne- I’m keeping your friend Ruby in prayers for healing from covid-19. God will get him through this in Jesus’ name.

    Blessings and Peace.

    Maplewood, NJ

    1. Thank you for that reminder, Maplewood, that "Christ lived, died, and rose to purchase us eternal life. Therefore we ought not be afraid". Need to do better in the trusting and leaning vs me getting upset and/or trying to figure "things" out. He is the GREATEST "figure-outer" of our life and how stupid for me to think I shouldn't or can't bring to Him! Thank you, Maplewood, for your insightful words. Blessings to one and all in this JC family and to your families and friends! In Jesus' name, AMEN.

    2. Maplewood thank you for sharing the wisdom and insight that God has put in you with us.
      I often think about how your Mom is doing. It seems like years ago that you brought her to your home to live with you. I remember that you faced many challenges doing this involving family members and a strained relationship between you and your Mom. My prayers is that all is well and relationship is not only restored but made new.

    3. Terri, Thanks so much for the prayers and follow-up on my mom! She is still with me and doing well (Thank You Jesus!). With the good Lord's help, those challenging moments are behind me. I am honoring her the best way I can. She buried her last sibling/sister and nephew back to back last month, but with God's peace, strength and comfort, we are all moving and healing.
      Thank you, and may the good Lord bless you and yours as well.

      Maplewood, NJ

  34. Amen and amen Janet. Thank you for your challenge and encouragement. ❤️

  35. Dear friends, I know now to come to God and this body of believers with requests, even though I don’t have all of the information. Yesterday my daughter came over and said that her husband, who has been the rock for her through her cancer treatment, found at his physical that he has severe mitral regurgitation, for which he was referred to a cardiologist today. Please God let this be understood and healed, let his heart return to normal size and function normally. Thank you God.
    I read each of your posts from the past years, and pray for you dear family of God.

    1. Ellen I am praying for your son-in-law and that his heart would be healed. Praying for peace to cover you all as you go through this. JE

    2. Ellen rejoicing with you over your daughters good reports and praying with you concerning your son in laws health. Jehovah Rapha our healer please intercede in this young man.

    3. Prayers continue for you and your family Ellen. Stress seems to bring out physical challenges. May we rest in trust with Jesus during such times and trials for our health and well being. Thank you Jesus!

    4. Father, please bring Your healing and restoration to Ellen's family. Let them feel Your heavenly presence working in their lives and comfort them with Your perfect peace as You do what You do. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen. God bless!

    5. Dear Ellen, Joining prayers for your dear son in law that God we heal his heart and bring him back to perfect health so he can continue to be your daughter’s rock as she stands on the Rock. Thank You loving Father for this in the Name of Christ Jesus. Amen

  36. Hi there dear JC Family,
    I've been vacant with only quick glances in here but haven't been able to keep up. Although having said that I "blanket pray" for my JC family every morning.

    Those that know me here know I've had the 24/7 care of my mom for the past 5 years. She is 93 and falls often from weakness so couldn't live alone. Her falls and needs have rapidly changed over the past couple years. We've lived fall-to-fall while I hoped for the best and honestly its been overwhelmingly draining for me since I'm a senior as well and I've prayed and asked for prayer for strength and guidance with this. She's extremely stubborn as we hang on to as much independence as we could for her. However I've gotten completely frightened to live this way while its my frail mom banging herself up and I hear it sometimes from the other room and its very scary to come running and wonder what you'll find when you get there.

    Her last couple falls were 2 days apart. The second fall was pretty intense and a couple days later on Wednesday she asked to go to the hospital to get checked out. She's been there since while they decide what the next step is for her. They said she's not safe to live at home, but however since nothing was "broken" they were having a hard time finding a rehab facility to place her in. Finally late in the day yesterday they found a Catholic-Run facility that will take her- She will be transported there from the hospital today. The future is very uncertain if she'll be kept long enough for us to apply and get accepted with Medicaid. Their soonest appointment is Aug. 25th.
    I've prayed all through this and asked God through His Spirt it guide me and all of the players in this = to open doors and shut doors according to His handling of whatever is best - to move forward in what is just and best.
    I'm asking for prayers please, from you so I can have the "two or more gathered" praying about this. God is so good and I'm giving this to Him for complete handling.
    Thank you in advance mighty prayer warriors. God Bless you all and I'm sorry I haven't had time to address each of you personally but God knows I am fervent with my "blanket prayers". God Bless you. Love, Kathy

    1. Waiting - Praying God's spirit will give you strength for each day and the wisdom needed to make the right decision.

    2. Sending prayers and thanks to God for you Kathy, that all decisions will be guided by the Holy Spirit as you trust in the Lord.

    3. Kathy, my heart goes out to you. As hard as your situation is right now, God is with you and your mom -- ALWAYS! He will never leave you or forsake you. Keep holding firm in your faith and all will be well. Father, please grant Kathy and her mom strength, healing, comfort, peace, love, and Your holy presence in their circumstances. Lift them up with You as Your loving hands take care of their circumstances. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen. God bless!

    4. Kathy, I am keeping you in my prayers. May you surrender to the Holy Spirit's guidance. The Lord is your strength.

      Maplewood NJ

    5. Praying for you, Kathy and your dear Mom. What a great daughter you are!

    6. Dear Kathy, Joining prayers for all things to come together for you and your Mom according to God’s will and plan. You have had so very much on your shoulders and He knows how difficult this trial is for you and your dear Mom. I’m still in Brooklyn with my 93 year old Mom. She’s 85 pounds and getting slow and frail. She loves Jesus and prays for everyone. Although she is in pretty good health as a colon cancer survivor who still smokes, I know I will be facing the same thing eventually. Praying that God will comfort both of you, heal your weaknesses of all kind and strengthen and guide you both in all things. Thank You dear Jesus!

    7. Dear Kathy, my prayers are with you and your sweet mom. Praying for the right people to intervene and the best placement for your mom. May God wrap uou in his peace as he directs your path. Love to you. Mindy

  37. Praying for your mother and you. ❤️

  38. Waiting-Kathy, My heart goes out to you. It's so challenging to walk this path with our parents. Lord you are mighty and holy your ways are perfect and true. You are a loving Father who desires to give gifts to your children. Lord please give Kathy wisdom as you guide her and her Mom through each moment. Bless her for her faithfulness in caring for her Mom. Speak life and a future into her aa she has trusted you each step of the way. Continue to strengthen her in mind, body and spirit as she walks into her next day, week and year. You are Lord of heaven and earth and nothing escapes your glance. Thank you for seeing Kathy and her Mom and meeting every need they have. Thank you for pouring your love into them so they can pour it into others. Lord we trust you with the care of these two precious women. We trust you to accomplish your will in them. Thank you Lord, to you all glory, power and honor for ever and ever amen

    1. Kathy thank you for interceding for us with your blanket prayers. God knows all the details. I find myself covering all in a blanket of prayers often also.

    2. Me too... Known and unknown needs are covered by the beautiful blanket of JC Warriors, wide enough, long enough, deep enough for all who come here.

    3. Yes Thank you for those sweet blanket prayers. I can relate especially when I haven’t finished my prayers and I’m exhausted. He already knows my long list by heart. 🙏💗

    4. Dear Terri, Praying for your comfort and your family's comfort. I know you all must miss your daughter terribly. May God give you all the right words to say to her childen and guide you day by day.

  39. Praying for you, waiting, that the right spot opens for your dear mom and that you be strengthened and peaceful in Gods timing.

  40. Heading to bed, Dear JC Family. Praying for each and every need/want/desire. My KS Son and I watched a movie tonight (kind of strange, but good - Maggie Smith!); something that caught my attention was that the writer said, "When we write, we're really talking to ourselves," or in our cases - to God and Believers who we know will pray with us. That's what I often do on this Blog. I write my heart, ask for your prayers and in more cases than none, I get answers. Can't thank you enough for this (and you, Chris Peyton for providing this space). Love and Blessings to each of you - sleep sweet.
    Jeanne - any news on Ruby? In my prayers, Sister.

  41. Yes and thanks Norah! His name is Rudy and he said he is having some problems with congestion but his doctor said it wasn’t bad enough to go on medication yet.. That sounds like God’s faithfulness. Thanking Him for perfect healing. Thank you for your prayers. Please also keep my brother in law Jack in your prayers because he has a prostate problem and is in great pain but he’s out of the hospital and home with a catheter. Thanks! Thanks Father for your healing of Rudy, Jack and all my dear JC Family seen and unseen and their loved ones in the Name of Christ Jesus. Amen

  42. Praying with you, Dear Jeanne, for RuDy, Jack and all of our JC Family!

  43. Dear Norah, So blessed to say that my friend Rudy and my brother in law Jack are both doing well. Your sincere prayers really helped. God is so faithful. I just found out that my first cousin, Bobby died a couple of days ago. He had a weakened heart due to Covid, and his family thinks it was a heart attack. He was 60 years old and a very good man. He had a strong faith and was very thankful for his blessings. May God comfort his sorrowful family and rest his beautiful soul. Thank You Jesus.

    1. Jeanne, I'm sorry to hear about your cousin Bobby. Praying for you and your family. I'm so glad to hear he had a strong faith. God bless!


    2. So sorry for your loss dear Jeanne. Oh Holy Spirit comfort Bobby's family, hold them close & tightly as they mourn his passing from their midst & into Your presence. May beautiful memories sustain them at this time. Amen🙏💞

    3. Echoing comforting prayers for you, Bobby's loved ones and your dear cousin Bobby.

    4. Adding my prayers for the loss of your cousin, Jeanne. Peace.

    5. Thank you so much for all your sweet prayers for my Cousin Bobby and his famiy, dear TJ, Jan, Sassy Mom and Audra. . May God surround his good family with comfort, guidance and love. Amen. We will see him again. Thank You Jesus.

    6. Joining my sisters in prayer for you and your family, Jeanne. So very sorry for the loss of your cousin Bobby. May the memories made with Bobby and the knowing that he is with our Heavenly Father in Heaven give you all peace. Amen.

  44. Thank you dear Jesus for your powerful ways to reduce and replace any fears of worry & anxiety with peace and calm. You are what I need to focus on during times of weakness. Please continue to walk with me each and every day. Amen.

    1. Amen to that dear ABC. Keep your eyes on the Lord because His peace is all you need. When you are weak, He is strong. He is with you every step of your journey. Rest in Him who cares for you.

  45. Lord, I thank you for this beautiful say that’s just starting. I thank you for convicting me to start having my quiet time first thing in the morning. I’m able to see (sunrise) and hear (owls, birds) your creation. Thank you for the timing of your message today as well. Please be each each JC Warrior as they walk through their day. Please continue to grant me peace as I await my ultrasound tomorrow and get ready to send my first born to college next week. Please bless the surgeon that is going to operate on my brother today to deal with the infection in his foot due to the cut/cellulitis. Please grant him healing and protect his toes/foot/leg so he is able to move his first born to college this weekend. I ask all of this in the name of your Son Jesus.

    SC Anonymous

    1. Continuing to keep you and your children in my prayers. Put it all in God's able Hands. You raised your children well and they will do just fine and give God glory. Praying you will receive good news very soon. Praying also that your brother's surgery was successful and resolved his problems. May God heal all of his weaknesses very soon so he can help his first child move to college this weekend. But if he needs to rest, may God direct him to do the right thing. Dear sister, praying you will see God's faithfulness very soon. Wait on the Lord and remain hopeful.

  46. Min Ahadi- joining warriors in prayer for your country. The prayer of a righteous man has great power to prevail, James 16B. 🙏🙏🙏💞

    1. Amen dear Jan. Continuing to pray for a good outcome of the election and peace to God's people. Thank You Jesus.

  47. I thank God for my JC family, and ask for His blessings to rain down on each and everyone of you, bringing peace and healing and restoration to you and your families. And give you the pull and JOY of spending time with Him each day.

    1. Thank you for your prayers and blessings, dear Ellen. Amen.
      Yes dear sister, the greatest part of our days is spent with Him.

  48. Thank you Ellen and all the prayers of my JC family. They mean so much to me, especially these days as I continue to fight the battle in my mind and soul, which affects so many around me. Praying for healing and peace, as I pray for each of you. May your day be blessed with His peace. 🙏

    1. Continuing to pray for you dear Rich that God will cover you with peace, and heal your body, mind and soul. Praying with you for more answered prayers for our JC Family. He is on the Night Watch.

  49. Let us find the gifts in this new day, rejoice and be glad in it.
    ♥️ Y'all.

  50. Praying for each of you and asking for prayers. No call from the Onc. and my Best Man says, "No worries. They'll call if they know something." Help me, God, accept that calm. JC Prayer Warriors, I ask for prayers tonight for one of my cases. A 75 yr old woman who has been through hell and back for 3 1/2 yrs. She has a Hearing in the morning, which we finally got the Judge to accept by phone and tonight her phone lines went out. AT &T says they won't be restored until 8/13. I've contacted everyone I know to let the Courts know to call her cell, but as of now, no confirmation. Please pray for me. This woman is exhausted, wondering why God doesn't answer. I just listened to the Casting Crowns song, "Just Be Held." I don't want to risk waking her up, so I'll send it to her first thing tomorrow morning. Please, Dear God, give Pat strength. Renew her energy, strengthen her wings; let her know she is not forsaken. Move all of the mountains that have been thrown in her way and let her know that YOU are on her side. So praying that she doesn't give up.
    SC Anonymous: I'm praying for your appt tomorrow. Can't wait to hear the Praise Report! Praying for each of you and thanking you for praying with me and mine.

  51. Praying with you for your case, Pat who is weary and in need of God's restoration and guidance. Praying with you for her renewed energy and strength. May God make a way in her wilderness so she can have her Hearing via her cell phone. May she never give up and may she put all her trust in God's almighty power. All things are possible in Christ Jesus. We are more than conquerors in Him.

  52. Requesting prayers for my big brother, Al.
    At 10 a we are meeting with his urologist to discuss his PSA, Gleason score, staging, and prostate cancer.
    I am saturating my mind with Scripture, "My Word is a lamp to your feet; My Presence is a Light for your path." Thank you Jesus. Amen!

    1. Sweet Brie --- You got my prayers. I am going to The Throne of Grace to intercede for Al and your whole family. My Papa God, touch Al from the crown of his head to the soles of his feet with Your miraculous healing/restoration and the Blood of Jesus. Let Your sweet anointing saturate him and restore him to health. I rebuke every demonic spirit of cancer, tumors and every sick cell. I DECLARE life and restoration over Al's mind, body and soul. Bring a GREAT PEACE to Al, Brie and family.
      You, Papa, always have the final say, no matter what the reports say. I ask it all in Jesus' name, who changes everything, AMEN and AMEN.

      Wisdom of Solomon 16:12
      "It wasn't any herb or ointment that healed them, but your word alone, Lord, which heals everything."
      Love and Blessings, Brie. Love and Blessings. JJ

    2. Joining JJ's prayer for your dear brother Al. May God in His mercy and compassion destroy every cancer cell and replace it with healthy tissue, and bring Al to perfect health and comfort, and give you and Larry, and Keith and Al peace of mind and the knowledge that our amazing God is above all circumstances and illnesses. He can do all things. Thank You dear Jesus!
      Proverbs 4:20-22
      My son, attend to my words; incline thine ear unto my sayings.
      Let them not depart from thine eyes; keep them in the midst of thine heart.
      For they are life unto those that find them, and health to all their flesh.

    3. Praying for Al, that God will touch his life, that the cancerous cells will die out being replaced by healthy tissue
      In the Holy Almighty Name of Jehovah-Rapha.

    4. Joining in prayers for Al. May our heavenly Father touch him and remove all afflictions from his body. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen 🙏.

    5. Joining warriors in prayer for Al & family. Brie, God's got this. Jesus is interceding, seated at the right hand of the Father for all concerns. Trust in Him, lean on Him, believe in His power. Amen! Hallelujah!💞🙏🌈

    6. Joining in prayer for Al. May our Savior wrap his loving arms around you all in peace. He has this!

    7. Declaring the power of Jesus' healing, and the authority He gave to us to rid Al of any irregularities in his perfect body, and peace to Brie and her family.

  53. Exodus 33:14 The Lord replied, “My Presence will go with you, and I will give you rest.”

    1. Thanks dear Peter. This verse says it all. Amen. It contains God's promise that in HIM, we receive rest from every burden, worry, or trouble. He helps us carry the heavy loads. When we are safe in His presence, with our mind stayed on Him, the storms may come but we are safe and enveloped in His unchanging peace. Hallelujah!

  54. Sanctify them through thy truth: thy word is truth. (John 17:17). The grass withereth, the flower fadeth: but the word of our God shall stand forever. (Isaiah 40:8). Every word of God is pure: He is a shield unto them that put their trust in Him. (Proverbs 30:5). For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart. (Hebrews 4:12).

    1. Nothing much left as to what the sword of the spirit can pierce! Hallelujah!

    2. Amen to that. We are well armed and well taken care of, so we can Rest in Him.

  55. Dear friends, I THANK GOD for you all! I feel like I’m always coming to you for prayer, but that’s because I believe that God does hear and answer our prayer. Yesterday my daughter and family (the one who had radiation this summer) flew into LaHaina, Hawaii. For those of you who have heard, there were severe wildfires that blew up quickly and destroyed much of that side of Maui. The Lahaina condo they had rented burned to the ground. They were able to get a 1 night hotel stay, with many sleeping on the floor, and then did get a flight to Oahu. They are safe, and many were injured, so many prayers needed. Please pray that our family can have a somewhat restful much needed vacation. Thank you so much!

    1. Amen Ellen! Praying for your love ones 💞🙏🌈

    2. Father God, You know how much Ellen's daughter and family need this vacation. Thank You for safely taking them to Oahu. Make a way for them to relax and enjoy their precious time there. Help all those who are suffering and homeless because of the fires and also remove the wind that is fanning the fires, and shelter and guide your people. Give them a strength of faith so they will seek your help and heal all those who are wounded and protect the firefighters and help them put the fires out. We place our trust in You. Thank You for this in the Name of Christ Jesus, Amen.

    3. Joining in on prayers for your loved ones, Ellen. And extended prayers for the people of Maui. Father God, You are the God of compassion, you are our refuge and our strength, our sure rock in the midst of any storm, the light that pierces every darknes,
      and the anchor of hope for those who cotend with despair. And, Father God, any form darkness CAN'T put Your Life-Light out! HALLELUJAH!!!

  56. That's what we're all here for, Ellen - to pray for each other! I read about the fires and disruption from Hurricane Dora in Hawaii, yesterday. A dear friend of ours lives there and we are praying for all of them.
    Praying for Al's appt, Dear Brie and for each and everyone of you in this sweet JC Family. I was up early and laughed at some of our past posts. Brie, I wish I had a dollar for every time you've had to remind me that my adult kids don't need a permission slip from me to live their lives. HA HA HA!! Trying to get better at that...still!
    My time was well spent this morning, just basking in God's love and light. Jotting down my To Do list, but keeping Him my #1 priority. Love and Blessings to each of you on this remarkable day that the Lord has made.

    1. Joining your prayers for Brie's dear brother Al's appointment and also for Audra's healing. Basking in God's love and light is the best way to spend time. Amen! He is at the top of the list because He is holding this day in His Hands and He is our everything. Love and blessings to you and all our JC Family, seen and unseen. Rejoice and be glad in this day,

  57. Missed you dear Norah. Glad to hear that you're still the energizer bunny. Keep charging that battery with God's word & beat that drum to the tune of the Holy Spirit. Love ya girl😍

    1. Bless you heart, Sweet Jan Gridley! I love YOU!

  58. God bless you all, my prayers go along with you all. I’m needing prayer for a young lad who has a gambling issue, it may also affect his education due to scholarships. Sad start for him but God knows the heart of us all and could remedy this in His own miraculous way. Thank you All

    1. Praying for the young lad who has a gambling problem. God knows who he is, dear Mary. He is his child.
      Father God, We thank You for giving this young man a clearer vision to see that this habit is harming him in a big way. He must save his money and also he must do well in school or his scholarships will be taken away. Give Him a discerning heart so he will only do those things that will please You and guide him to a good future. Give him a support system who will advise him to change his ways. We know you are our Way Maker. Thank You for making a way to turn this young man's situation around to good, in Jesus' Name we pray. Amen

  59. Dear prayer warriors, time to stand up and declare with authority the outcomes we need, all the while thanking God for the opportunity to do so.

  60. Amen dear Audra! All will go well because our amazing God is in charge and He is greater than anything we could ever face. THANK YOU JESUS!

  61. Good Food:

    Isaiah 41:10
    Fear thou not; for I am with thee: be not dismayed; for I am thy God: I will strengthen thee; yea, I will help thee; yea, I will uphold thee with the right hand of my righteousness.

    Romans 8:18
    For I reckon that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us.

    Romans 8:31 - What shall we then say to these things? If God be for us, who can be against us?

    Philippians 4:6-8
    Be careful for nothing; but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known unto God. And the peace of God will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.

    Romans 8:28
    And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose.

    Psalms 50:15
    And call upon me in the day of trouble: I will deliver thee, and thou shalt glorify me.

    2 Corinthians 1:3-4
    Blessed be God, even the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of mercies, and the God of all comfort; Who comforteth us in our tribulation, that we may be able to comfort them which are in any trouble, by the comfort where with we ourselves are comforted by God.

  62. Thanks Jeanne--great scriptures!
