Monday, August 17, 2015

Jesus Calling: August 18

Expect to encounter adversity in your life, remembering that you live in a deeply fallen world. Stop trying to find a way that circumvents difficulties. The main problem with an easy life is that it masks your need for Me. When you became a Christian, I infused My very Life into you, empowering you to live on a supernatural plane by depending on Me.
     Anticipate coming face to face with impossibilities: situations totally beyond your ability to handle. This awareness of your inadequacy is not something you should try to evade. It is precisely where I want you--the best place to encounter Me in My Glory and Power. When you see armies of problems marching toward you, cry out to Me! Allow Me to fight for you. Watch Me working on your behalf, as you rest in the shadow of My Almighty Presence

Revelation 19:1
English Standard Version

After this I heard what seemed to be the loud voice of a great multitude in heaven, crying out,
Salvation and glory and power belong to our God.

Psalm 91:1
English Standard Version

He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High
    will abide in the shadow of the Almighty.

Note: The devotion and scriptures are from author Sarah Young. If you haven't already, please purchase the book and support the author. 

Also, bookmark to have an easy link to the entire year of these entries.


  1. Dear god I cry for you everyday why are you not fighting for me like this blog says In sorry to question you but I really need you to fight for my family.

    1. The red Sea parted at the last minute, shadrach meshach and abednego were thrown in to the furnace. Delivery sometimes comes beyond our comprehension.

    2. He doesnt promise to take away our problems but promises to walk with us through them. Keep trusting Him

    3. Amen! The problems and trials will keep coming but He will also keep walking us through them and bearing our load. His help is a prayer away. "Jesus, I need you". He doesn't leave us, we leave Him. He is as close as our breathe and the beating of our hearts.

    4. Thank you for this online version! When I do not have my book with me, this is so wonderful and handy! I have gifted this book many, many times for celebrations and for tough times I always hear back from the recipients as they love it so much and have bought it for gifts as well. Sarah's daily devotion might be brief,but the message is so powerful and divinely inspired that it stays with me for a long time. I am very grateful for this.♥️ Thank you!

    5. Lord give me the strength and patience to wait on you. Jesus I trust in you. Thank you.

    6. We serve a wonderful Father, who watches us every single minute, He never leaves our side. Be persistent, keep calling on Him !
      Psalm 145:
      The Lord is near to all who call upon Him,
      To all who call upon Him in truth

    7. Wonderful encouragement dear Min Ahadi!

    8. Jesus I trust in you

    9. Jesus I trust in you

    10. He who promised is faithful. If He has told us not to try to fix problems and issues, then it means that He already has the solutions, and we can be sure He will see us through.

  2. thank u each and every day for the blessing you give my family .without you GOD I can't do this alone. amen

  3. unknown unknown I am praying for you and your family! I know sometimes it seems as if God is not listening but He is always there working for our good! He truly knows what is best for us...he is a good good Father! He sees you trying so hard to stay faithful and will answer your prayers...but it will be in His timing! Praying for hope and peace!������

    1. thank you makes me feel better knowing people are praying for me

  4. Good morning sweet Jesus. What a day yesterday my grandson Jairo was born emergency C section after my daughter's baby shower..3 lbs 9 ozs breathing on his own and my daughter feeling much better. We were so afraid but all I could do was call out my lord and savior's name JESUS. I trust you totally and completely, let your will be done. Please pray for our tiny Jairo and my daughter. Glory be to our father in heaven; my prayer that each and everyone of you will feel his presence such as I have today. Thank you all.

    1. Welcome to the world little Jairo❤️

    2. We celebrate Jairo birth and we pray that God will shower blessings into this baby life, pray for provision and a loving God fearing home !

    3. LCA - how is your precious Jairo? ❤️

  5. "Expect to encounter adversity in your life, remembering that you live in a deeply fallen world." JESUS, JESUS, JESUS! Thank you for your guidance and always going before me when I face a Satanic Attack.

  6. I needed this reminder today! I have a bunch of adversity and difficulties in my life currently. I have been trying to depend on God, but I get weary and needed to be reminded to keep at it. Dear God, you sre aware of the host of difficulties in my life. Please help me. Please guide me through. Help me to get out of the pit I am in and allow my thoughts to turn toward you when I am feeling this desperation instead of feeling like I am sinking further. Oh Jesus, I surrender myself to you; please take care of everything. I say those words; help me to live by them. Amen.

    1. Amen! Help me Jesus with the challenges I face today. grant me the wisdom, Peace and clarity in communications for the greater good in the work I do. Thank you!

    2. Praying Romans 8:28:
      “And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose”
      I am in the waiting room at the hospital as my husband is being prepped for a colonoscopy, following a positive result on his fecal test. Please pray that all goes well; praying over the doctor performing, and the entire medical team, for wisdom, skill and precision. I trust you Jesus! I leave my husband in your hands����

    3. Amen, Anonymous!

      Anonymous, praying for a successful outcome for your husband's colonoscopy. May the Lord's Mighty hands be with the doctors and nurses involved in his procedure. Thanking God, in advance, for your victory, for sending you peace, and for His faithfulness. God is good! God be with you and your husband.

      Blessings from California

    4. Praying that your husband’s colonoscopy went well and he received good results to God’s glory. May God fill your dear heart with much rejoicing. Amen

    5. Thank you Jeanne and Rose (we too, live in Ca) for your prayers. My husband came out really quickly and 5 polyps removed successfully, with potentially good results Praise God from whom all blessings flow.

      God bless you both. Stay safe and well.

      Praying for God’s blessing and favors for Jc family����

  7. Thank you Jesus for allowing me to put yesterday's problems behind me, and to not make them today's problems. I trust you Jesus and I love you. What a wonderful JC reading today and scriptures. KS

  8. Thank you Lord that you allow circumstances in our lives to stretch out faith and conform us more and more into your image. Everything is for your glory. We love you!

  9. I'm still here trying to get through this addiction to alcohol. I cannot live with or without it. It's such a horrible state of being. I am praying daily. I've forgotten how to surrender. I should be able to do this. The physical part is so hard to deal with. The pain is unbearable. I lasted 12 hours without a drink but I fell back again this morning.

    1. We fall down but we get up again. Keep taking steps towards your goal. Next time you will do better. God knows your struggle. Call out to Him. Get back up. In Jesus Name. Praying for your deliverance. Blessings

    2. zfuntastic --- Phoebe is so right--we fall down but we get up again! 2 Corinthians 4:8-9 give voice to this "We are pressured in every way [hedged in], but not crushed; perplexed [unsure of finding a way out], but not driven to despair; hunted down and persecuted, but not deserted [to stand alone]; struck down, but never destroyed." This is all because are marvelous miracle working Lord never, never, never leaves us to stand alone! Ephesians 6:13 "Therefore put on the full armor of God, so when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand" Get back up, stand your ground and thank the Lord for your deliverance. Doesn't matter how many times you have to get up, you stand! Keep thanking the Lord for your deliverance! Confess the Lord's favor and success over the addiction to alcohol! JC WARRIORS are Interceding for you.

    3. zfuntastic-You got this! One small step at a time, hour by hour, Jesus IS with you every step of the way. Stretching faith is hard, He will give you strength. to bolster your weakness. My prayers are with you today and each day. Amen.

    4. Amen to that! Trials and tribulations may shake us to the core, but when we fall down but, rest assured He is the one lifting us up. He is our strength when there is none.
      Amen JJ, He never leaves us to stand alone. We get in trouble when we think we can do it all alone. Thankfully, I know I can only get through my day because He is by my side through everything. Those who suffer from addiction of any kind must hold very tight onto His Unchanging Hand. He is fighting your battles and helping you to resist temptation. He already has seen the better life ahead for you and He is guiding you to realize his plans and His promises.

    5. Still praying for you Zfuntastic! ❤️

    6. Yes I too continue to keep you zfuntastic in prayer. With God all things are possible. Hour by hour, day by day. Addiction freedom worth the effort. Amen.

    7. Just so proud of you Zfuntasic. Now you are following hard after righteousness in your life. God's faithfulness has touched you in a wonderful way and your determination and faith have brought you up out of your problems to a sweet place, all to the glory of God.

  10. JJ - AMEN!!!! Put on the Armor of God before we get out of bed!

  11. I can feel a difference since I reached out here but it is an increase in my pain. I guess I'm being forced to make a change. Thank you for your prayers. I am going to make that change.

    1. Sometimes that pain is a blessing. Been there. But, the gift I received was the gift of life instead of hell on earth - every day! No, it was not easy. No my life did not change immediately. I still had to face the consequences of MY choices. No my friend, not an easy journey but you will find a better, different way of living walking it. Blessings and prayers and it’s one day at a time . 💕

    2. Anticipate coming face to face with impossibilities: situations totally beyond your ability to handle...the best place to encounter Me in My Glory and My Power. When you see armies marching toward you, cry out to Me! Allow Me to fight for you. Watch Me working on your behalf, as you rest in the shadow of My Almighty Presence.
      'Til The Storm Passes By
      1. Out on the water storms raging high.
      The waters around them were troubled that night.
      And fear filled their hearts and they thought they would die.
      But they failed to remember that The Master was nigh.
      2. And He spoke The Word and the winds all stood still.
      Even the waters they obeyed His will.
      And He conquered the storms just like He will mine.
      If I just remember that He lives deep inside.
      So why should I worry?
      Why should I fear?
      The very same Jesus,
      He stays always near.
      He lives in my heart,
      And He hears when I cry;
      I'll call on His name, till the storm passes by.
      3. We read in the bible how He walked with them.
      Brought light to the darkness when the way grew so dim.
      How great it would be to have His Steps leading mine.
      And to walk with The Master all of the time.
      4. So when trials come and death is so nigh.
      I just searched for The Master He said He'll be there on time.
      And when I'm in trouble And my body is in pain.
      All I have to do is call on His Name.
      (Repeat chorus over and over and over again!)
      God's Blessings!

    3. Beautiful. Amen 🙏. Thank you for sharing.

    4. As the man says, it's a classic, thanks Brie!
      🎶 ♥️

    5. Zfuntastic - 3 years later I see your prayer for sobriety. I’m wondering how you are doing. Praying for you right now.

  12. Going to visit Family early today so I just got on to say I'm praying for all of you, my dear JC Family. Have a blessed day knowing He is behind us always fighting our battles, healing our weaknesses, forgiving our iniquities, and guiding us to every good thing to His glory. So much love for all of you. Be blessed today in His glorious light and presence.

    1. Traveling Grace and Mercy are being prayed for you, our Dear Jeanne! God's Blessings on you and our entire JC Family.

    2. Thank you. Have a great time and God bless you 🙏

    3. Echoing Brie and Janet's prayers for you and your family Jeanne. Enjoy every moment with them. God be with you all.

      Blessings from France

    4. Jeanne- The Lord your Sheperd goes before you and grant you safe travels to and from.

      Keeping you in prayers.

      Maplewood NJ

    5. And you as well, Jeanne. God be with you you in gathering with family this day. In spite of ups and downs, family remains one of our greatest blessings this side of heaven. God be with you.

    6. Jeanne, thank you. Praying with our JC family for traveling Mercies over your trip. Enjoy your time with family, and God bless you as well, sweet sister.

      Blessings from California

    7. Dearest Family! Thank you for your prayers and blessings! It was wonderful to see my family and we enjoyed the barbecue.i brought so much food! But it was so difficult to watch my dear sister in law, Maureen suffering from a form of dementia and Alzheimer’s. She is locked in a confusing world of her own. Most of her responses to our questions were not related to the subject of conversation. It was as if she were responding to her own question. But at one point she complimented me on the tiny cross around my neck and said “Jesus”. I said Yes! He loves you and knows how you feel. He’s always with you. I told her I was praying for her. She smiled and said thank you. It was a sweet moment.
      Thanks Brie for your beautiful words of encouragement. Maureen knows from where her help cometh. Indeed Jesus is always with her, ready to calm the inner storms that besiege her. My husband’s brother Casey has his own heavy cross to bear leading his good wife through her days. May God in His mercy heal their weaknesses and bring them hope, strength and joy. Amen.

  13. Thank You Jesus. Breathe Your breath into me and make me new in You. Praise the Lord continually and always. You are my everything Lord. I will bless, praise, and rejoice in the LORD continuously and forever. Amen.

    1. Amen Janet !

      Blessings from France

    2. Janet - Your beautiful prayer is mine. Praying God's abundant blessings for you Janet and JC Family.

    3. REJOICE in the Lord at all times and again I say rejoice!

      Blessings to you Janet, (my sister's namesake)!

      Maplewood NJ

    4. Thank you, Janet. I have found that pausing and taking a deep breath can become a fulfillment of your prayer. It is good for my body and good for my soul. God be with you.

    5. OOPS! I thought posting Janet was your sister Janet. I am still praying for your sister's Victory report, as Bob said, until you tell me to stop!

    6. I loved your little prayer dear Janet! Thank you and Amen! Joining in and asking God’s breath to fill all of us to the brim, and renew us in body, mind and spirit. Amen!

  14. Good morning JC warriors! Thank you Jesus for another day in which you renew abundant blessings upon us. I'm grateful for all that you've done, are doing and will do Lord. Keep us close to you and teach us your ways, teach us to be aware of your presence and hear your whispers. I declare strength, peace, comfort, wisdom, clarity, complete restoration in every of your children's life. You know what they need Lord and you provide according to your will. You know better, you see what we can not see. We trust you Lord. In Jesus mighty name we pray, Amen.

    Today is the last mail I'm sharing about the armor of God.

    Ephesians 6:18. "Praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, and watching thereunto with all perseverance and supplication for all saints."

    Do you know the precious weapon of prayer by the Spirit? Many people do not see the spear of intercession (i.e. intense prayer) as part of God's armor.  Praying by the Spirit is a formidable part of the armour that allows us to act offensively once again and also becomes a defence for those who need it. Prayer closes the door to the enemy.
    In fact, when you pray in the Spirit, you keep the enemy as far away from you as possible.

    I encourage you to pray as soon as you can, to set aside times to intercede. Prayer is very effective, it makes a difference in your life, it protects those you love, it invites God into your affairs. It asks God to take control of your life.

    When you pray, you keep your enemy at a distance and invite God to be close to you. When you pray, you make a difference! Through intercession, you protect those you love.

    Today, God is calling His children, His Church to live with a mentality of "real spiritual warfare". These children are dangerous (for the enemy), these children know how God gives victory. Put on all the armor of God. Stand firm in the evil days and be a conqueror in His army, for His Glory."

    I give glory to God for this series of mails that has blessed us richly. I love you all, have a wonderful day hand in hand with Our Lord ♡

    Blessings from France

    1. “Prayer closes the door to the enemy!!!“ Amen!!
      “Anticipate coming face to face with impossibilities: situations totally beyond your ability to handle. This awareness of your inadequacy is not something you should try to evade. It is precisely where I want you--the best place to encounter Me in My Glory and Power. When you see armies of problems marching toward you, cry out to Me! Allow Me to fight for you. “
      Papa, you know us so well. You know we often think we can fight things on our own, in our own strength. Help us to see that your power is made perfect in weakness. Help us to recognize that praying to you is a weapon! Help us to trust that you know how to fight our battles! Remind us of all the battles you already fought and won!
      “This is how I fight my battles -

      It may look like I'm surrounded
      But I'm surrounded by You. . .”

      Thank you, Papa!

    2. BFF-Its been a blessing going through verses of the book of Ephesians with you. The Apostle Paul's message to a group of believers 'rich beyond measure in Jesus, but yet remain in spiritual poverty'.
      When we put on the armor of God, we are never ignorant of our true wealth!

      Thank you for walking us through.

      Remain Blessed.

      Maplewood NJ

    3. "GraceTakesTime"- great reference. Love that and so true, it surely does take time!

      God bless you!

      Maplewood NJ

    4. Blessings from France - Thank you for blessing JC Warriors. We receive your blessings and love.

    5. Your posting on Ephesians 6 has been a wonderful blessing, mon ami! Many thanks. A great way to end for it is through prayer that all the previous pieces of the armor fit us well. As I suggested to Janet in her post above, the simple act of taking a deep breath is a prayer. The word for breathe and Spirit is the same in the original language of scripture. The body benefits from the oxygen received in a deep breath and the soul benefits from being filled with the Holy Spirit. Again, thank you for blessing us with your posts. They reflect His dwelling within you. God be with you.

    6. The power of prayer! It's here in us, yes, "this is how we fight out battles it may look like we're surrounded, but we're surrounded by you!" Thank you BFF for the walk through and understanding of our uniform 😉

    7. Amen! Thank you all for your kind words.
      I love what you said Bob! I heard it once and I'm so glad to think about it again. How wonderful!

      Love you all, God bless you abundantly.

      Blessings from France

    8. Thank you BFF for reminding us that God does not send us out the door without fully equipping us for all we might encounter in this fallen world. With our Armor and our feet firmly planted on The Rock, we are more than conquerors in all things.

    9. I can see and hear the JC army of intercessors is growing. Bless you, our family of prayer warriors, you are doing God's work to change lives through the power of the Holy Spirit. We thank you in Jesus's name!

    10. In my studies of the joy of intercession I am reminded that we pray FROM victory, not for it. Thank you Jesus for the joy of your finished work from which all requests can flow.

    11. Hello BFF! Are you still here side by side with the flanks of our army? Such wisdom you prayed over us years ago, still so very important for today.
      Blessing you and missing you, 🙏♥️

  15. What a wonderful message on Aug 18. I needed this today. Praise Our Father, Son and Holy Spirit. I am praying to remember to always really on Him and that His timing is perfect even when it seems too far ahead :) Blessings, Protection, Perseverance to all of you. Live, Shaun

    1. He knew you would greatly benefit from the message today, Shaun, thus the Spirit moved you to be here. So often I have experienced the same and it can come through a multitude of ways. Coincidence? Hardly! The love of God through the Spirit always! Thanks for your prayer, Shaun, and the same back to you. God be with you.

    2. Countless times I've received His messages right on time; never early and never late. To piggyback on what Bob wrote, I don't believe in coincidences, but I believe God moves in and through people and even blogs. He has moved you to be here today, Shaun. I receive your prayer and praying the same for you and this JC family. Be blessed!

      Blessings from California

    3. Amen Shaun, Bob and Rose! God guides us to come here to be filled with His Spirit and Truth and to receive our true sustenance. God knows except what we need and fills us with the Word and encouragement to lift us and make us whole in Him. The other day He pushed me up out of bed because He had put a glorious rainbow in the sky right in front of my eyes! It blessed me so much. His timing is perfect and beyond compare. Hallelujah!

  16. Loving Heavenly Father, I am so in awe of Your faithfulness and unconditional Love for me. Each morning when I am awaken to You causing me to see and hear Your loving kindness, I count my many, many blessings. Thank You for Your grace that is sufficient for me and Your power that is made perfect in my weakness. Thank You for always being on the journey with me through all my trials. This is my prayer and thanksgiving to you Father, in Jesus’ name. Amen.

    Although we would rather not have it, ‘Adversity is a Bridge to a Deeper Relationship with God’. God’s mean goal in adversity is to draw us closer to Him. This is not to say that He rejoices in our pain and sufferings, but He uses these trials to mold and or teach us about His unconditional Love and everlasting Faithfulness! He wants us to depend on Him!

    When we are experiencing trials, we often wonder where God is, but our first instant should be to run to the Lord and to the cross, secondly, affirm our commitment and faith in Him by keeping our eyes fixed on Him and not our circumstances. Why? because it is there that we realize that we need our Savior. Our mind is telling us, we need God, we need His Presence, we can’t go on or we will fall apart! God is never surprised about our trials or reactions thereof. The good news is, whether we believe it or not, He always has a plan, a purpose and a goal (Jeremiah 29:11) for our entire life on this earth. He is Jehovah Uzzi, our immovable strength (Prov.18:10). There are many instances in the Bible where men and women portrayed both their commitment and faith in God and kept their eyes on Him. Joseph is a great example. A story of great faith that we all know! Adversity was a tool in Joseph’s life, but God used it to shape Him. There is no quick way out of adversity, the only way out I believe is through obedience and surrender. (LOL) I could write a book about mine, but had He not brought those trials in my life to shape and mold me, I won’t be posting what His Word has taught me. I am still pushing for where I want and need to be (re:an unshakable walk of faith with Him), but I can boldly shut: THANK YOU JESUS, I am not where I was before!! And this is ALL His doing, His Spirit just helped me and is still helping me take one step at a time! ALL the glory belongs to Him!!

    Adversity, accept it or not, pushes us beyond ourselves to a place where we find God just waiting for us! It moves us to pray even when we don’t feel like. It is through fighting ALL our battles on our knees that we win every time! And this my friends, will cause God to move heaven and earth to show us His will (2 Cor. 20:12), because He cares that much and wants the best for us! We should never forget that God holds our future and He totally understands the advantage of adversity and how He chooses to use it to strengthen our faith! So, let’s keep our eyes on Jesus, no matter what curveball life deals us! That’s the ONLY and BEST way out! He is our Jehovah Raah (The Lord our Shepherd-Psalm 23: 1)!

    Oh dear Father, You never promised us that this life would be smooth sailing, but you did promised to be right there with us, making sure we do not drown in our sorrows and trials or burn in or from them (Isaiah 42:3). May we always turn to You and cry out ABBA Father, Help me! Because when we do, we encounter You in all of Your glory and power! Thank You for loving us this much, in Jesus’ name. Amen.

    Blessings and peace!

    Maplewood, NJ

    1. “Thank you Jesus, I am not where I was before.”
      Amen and amen!

    2. SUCH comforting and truth spoken words, Maplewood. Thank you! I am saving those words in my notes to reference and recall your awesome thoughts in the future. May blessings surround you and yours today!

    3. So well said, twin bd sis! As I have practiced physical conditioning in my life, I know it is most helpful when it becomes more difficult. Having it easy has limited value. The soul is much like a muscle in the body; it becomes stronger through adversity. Having it easy can provide a time of recovery and refreshment which also is necessary but it is adversity that builds strength. God be with you, my twin bd sis. Lifting up Janet in prayer.

    4. Thanks Maplewood,
      Yes, Life Is A Beach. And Thank You God for making sure we do not "drown" in our sorrows and trials or "burn" in or from them (Isaiah 42:3), nor sink in the sand. May we always turn to You, our Perpetual Lifeguard and cry out ABBA Father, Help me! Because when we do, we encounter You in all of Your glory and power! Thank You for loving us this much, in Jesus’ name. Amen.

    5. Amen and Amen, Maplewood! May God's love, peace, mercy and grace be with all of you this day.

      Blessings from California

    6. Amen! Thank you so much Maplewood for sharing your wisdom with us. God bless you.

      Blessings from France

    7. *Isaiah 43:2

      Maplewood NJ

    8. God bless you dear Maplewood. God allowed you to go through your hardships and fire to hone you so the stronger and wiser you became, the greater the instrument of God’s Grace and wisdom you are. Now a Bringer of His light and wisdom to us each day. He had his plan in you and you had to be brought low to the ground before you could climb up to reach and capture His light above. God knew you would have to experience pain, sorrow and emotional suffering so you could have the special understanding of others’ trials to give you the gift to lift, teach and encourage others to God’s glory. I am thankful for every tasty morsel you throw my way and feed me every day. Love you dear sweet Sister.

    9. So true and timeless sweet Maplewood. The hardships God allows may break us but they won't take away our faith. He is leading us through them and there is light at the end of the tunnel for those who persevere in Him. He told us we would have to suffer to follow Him. Sometimes our crosses nearly break our back. But we put His yoke around us and He helps carry the burden.
      Amen! He is a prayer away. Just say "Help me Lord" and He is right there by your side as always.

  17. Thank you for this post...I am in the middle of adversities, but God is always present for me. When I’m to the edge of my own abilities, I look to Him to see what He provides, He is faithful, and He loves my family and will heal them.

    1. If I take the time to see Him in my adversities, at times they have become fun. He is with you, Ellen, I can see Him from here; I see Him in the prayers being offered for you from your sisters & brothers in this blog. God be with you.

    2. Ellen, lean on Him through times of trouble and watch His immutable power transform your situations, your family, and you. There is no greater blessing. Thanking God for strengthening you and carrying you through the storm. May you feel His love, peace, mercy and grace to your very core. Looking forward to your praise report. Be blessed!

      Blessings from California

    3. Singing a prayer for you Ellen:
      In the eye of the storm
      You remain in control
      And in the middle of the war
      You guard my soul
      You alone are The Anchor
      When my sails are torn
      Your love surrounds me
      In the eye of the storm

      When the solid ground is falling out from underneath my feet
      Between the black skies and my red eyes, I can barely see
      When I realize I've been sold out by my friends and my family
      I can feel the rain reminding me

      In the eye of the storm, You remain in control
      In the middle of the war, You guard my soul
      You alone are The Anchor, when my sails are torn
      Your love surrounds me
      In the eye of the storm!

    4. Ellen- joining the prayer warriors in praying for you. Just hold onto His hand a little longer, He will not disappoint you.

      God be with you.

      Maplewood NJ

    5. Ellen, Joining with my Family here and praying for the difference God is making right now in your situation and life. We must go through the storms so we can be thankful for the brilliant sunlight that follows.

    6. Thank you for these words from last year…God has been so faithful! My daughter is going back for her first scan today after her cancer surgery while being off chemo for 12 weeks. We EXPECT good things. God is so good! I am so grateful that I can go back and see past posts and answered prayer..this blog is full of reliance on God! Thanks so much for your prayers.

    7. Good to read the update Ellen! The blog is out reminder to rely on God in full expectation of his promises to make all things new. Blessings to you and your daughter today, and to our JC prayer-ers, posting or not.

    8. Dear Ellen, Continuing to pray for your dear daughter's good report. She has been through so much, and you and your other daughter have been through your own difficulties. Praying always for your strength, safety, protection and healing. God is so faithful to those who trust Him and wait patiently on Him.

    9. Another praise update…my daughter has had clean scans after 2 surgeries and almost a year of chemo. She is going back to teaching full time. Her husband is still healing after his heart surgery but PROGRESS is being made. Trusting in God during the dark times is so hard but it helps to have others praying, Thanks so much! May God bless each and every one of you!

    10. Thank you Jesus for revealing your blessings upon Ellen and her family. May all involved see the glory in you for who you are!

  18. UPDATE!.....I asked you for prayers yesterday for my niece, Jessie, and late last night I received a text from Jessie saying: “I accepted a day shift position today and thought you’d want to know.” Thank you, thank you, thank you one and all for praying for Jess! I truly believe the intercession of prayer to Our Lord and awesome Healer was heard! I can’t thank you all enough for your help. Glory be to God! Love and blessings to you all!

    1. Thanks, NJS! Tell Jessie we all wanted to know. Also, let her know how much she is loved by people she has never met. That’s what praying causes to happen. God be with you.

    2. PTL for yet another Victory!

    3. NJS, claiming another Victory in the name of Jesus! Praise the Lord! Indeed, Bob. Love abounds here! Amen!

      Blessings from California

    4. Praise and Glory be to the King of kings!!! Keeping Jessie in prayers.

      Blessings from France

    5. Thanking God for His faithfulness in granting Jessie the day shift! Praise Him for His loving kindness and tender mercies! May He heal her in all things. Amen!

  19. Dear Heavenly Father,
    In accord with Psalm 91:1, Whoever dwells in the shelter of the Most High will abide in the Sanctuary of the Almighty, would you remind me that life is a Beach, therefore I can go rest, cool down, regroup and recharge under the shade and Sanctuary of Your Big Beach Umbrella, rather than run into the Rip Tide alone when I encounter adverse situations? Would You remind me that I belong, and therefore can enjoy the freedom of coming and going, returning to Your Big Beach Umbrella's Sanctuary as often as I like, and which stores a perpetual supply of every necessity under the sun, and there is enough even for me?
    Would You also remind me that we are all welcome underneath Your Big Beach Umbrella, where there is more than enough room for all of us in Your shade, under Your great Wingspan provided freely just for Your people, and where we find our homebase Sanctuary for life and more than enough Sonscreen? In Jesus' Name I pray and I thank. Amen.

    1. Can always count on you, Brie, to provide a clever way of expressing a profound truth. Sort of like Jesus did with the parables He used. Keep bringing them, please. God be with you.

    2. Joining you, Brie, and the JC family under God's "Big Beach Umbrella"! There is room for more! Lord, help us to see the many blessings You have in store for us today. Help us to understand that we are never alone. You hold our hand. Always. Help us, also, to be Your Powerful Light that shines bright for others to know You, Lord. And thank you for the "Sunscren". In Jesus Holy name, I pray. Amen!

      God be with all of you.

      Blessings from California

    3. Amen amen sweet Brie! Thank you for sharing your thoughts in such a beautiful way. Peace and love to you and all of us as we stay under His umbrella!

      Blessings from France

    4. Brie- Amen, Amen, thanks for the evening food for the soul!!!

      Remain blessed!

      Maplewood NJ

    5. Dear sweet Brie! First, thanks for always making me smile and even laugh out loud. Now let me just get my beach towel so I can join you under His Giant Umbrella! Much love💕

    6. Thank You Father for reminding us to yield to resting and recharging underneath the shelter of Your Umbrella in 2021 and beyond! I ask. I seek. I knock. I praise. I thank. I yield. In Jesus' Nane. Amen.

    7. Yielding to the shade of the beach umbrella, even though I have applied Sonscreen as recommended. See you at the beach!

    8. Been praying for your yielding dear Brie! Time to recharge your beautiful battery, refresh your heart and strengthen your body and soul. Just love that Audra. Applying my Sonscreen too! But happy to stand together with all of you in the Sonshine!

  20. "When you see armies of problems marching toward you, cry out to Me! Allow Me to fight for you. Watch Me working on your behalf, as you rest in the shadow of My Almighty Presence." Thank you, Father God, for always being present through the many, many storms and adversities that I've encountered on my journey towards Heaven. It's been a complete honor to watch You work! Thank you for working it out for my good and for changing me. I am not worthy to stand in Your Presence, but by Your stripes, I am healed and saved. All Glory and Honor are Yours, Father God. Strengthen me, Lord, as I put on my armor daily, and thank You, Jesus, for the rest You provide. Keep me holding steadfast to Your Word and forgive me when I falter. I surrender ALL that I am to You. May Your will be done in my life and that of my family. I pray that Your Will be done in all prayer requests and petitions here in this JC family. Thank you, Father God, for hearing our prayers, and THANK YOU for the precious Victories! In Jesus Holy name, I pray. Amen

    Blessings from California

    1. and Amen! Well prayed, Rose. Thank you!

    2. Beautiful prayer dear Rose! Thank you for the truth you shared and your inspiring words.Amen!

    3. Thanks Rose! Our Lord works in mysterious ways but always for good. I'm so thankful for all the victories and more answered prayers. May He continue to bless all of us with His faithfulness, and lift us up out of our trials and heal our weaknesses, as only He can. Thank You Jesus!

  21. Watch Me working on your behalf, as you rest in the shadow of My Almighty Presence. Well I did get a glimpse today, bit I didn't do so well from the resting in the shadow part. Thank you Jesus for answering my prayers, I want to see you more clearly by and by.

    1. Praying that you and Marc and Paul are all seeing His work in your lives and health. Amen sweet Audra. We will all understand it well in the sweet By and By.

  22. Heavenly Father, please remind me that you are not a God of confusion but of peace (1 Cor. 14:33). You already know everything that I need (Matt. 6:32), therefore, I have no reason to fear the uncertainty of my future and circumstances! Please keep me in perfect peace as I set my trust in you (Is. 26:3).

    Jesus, as you desired not your own will but the Father’s will (Matt. 26:39; Mark 14:36; Luke 22:42), so let me follow your example in my circumstances. I’m so quick to think that I have to control everything around me, and I’m also quick to think I need to be perfect. Lord, remind me that you do not call me to perfection, but to dependency on you.

    1. Thank you Min Ahadi. I had just been crying to the Lord a little bit ago about my imperfections. Thank You Jesus! God bless.

    2. I meet with college students for my job. Today a precious sophomore and I were discussing her summer experiences. She mentioned going to the beach and protecting her face from sun exposure. And then she mentioned she already needed Botox because of wrinkles forming between her brows. I couldn’t stop my reaction. I told her she was beautiful just as she is and that perfection is not an attainable aspiration. I expressed my dismay at our culture and how it grieves my heart that a 19! year old contemplates such a procedure.

      But we do this often with our spiritual lives, don’t we? I am there. Praying for grace for us all. Grateful God adores our wobbly bits and continues to work in us for our good and His perfect plan.

    3. Yes, many thanks, Min, for this awesome reminder! When I release control and my need for perfection to God, what peace I experience. Why won't that "stick"?! I must relinquish and remind myself of this feeling of great peace when I do!

      And you are so right, GTT, that God does love our "wobbly bits" and we need to remember that versus striving for perfection thinking THAT's what's necessary.

      Lord, thank you for your gentle reminders and nudges to give up on trying to be perfect at this or that or have complete control of a situation. Thank you for making me pause and realize that You are in control and when I depend more on You, giving you my worries and struggles, is when I exhale and have peace!

    4. Love this prayer, Min Ahadi...remind me that you do not call me to perfection, but to dependency on you.
      Lord help me with my obsession with perfection, let me experience that YOU ARE ENOUGH, and I can relax my doing into the peace of knowing you. And, of you will, please pray for my daughter to learn the same. I see that this is one area of role modeling I wish I had done better on. Repenting in hopes of a new model for her and less stress in all our lives.

    5. Amen dear Min Ahadi, May He order your steps and guide you to every little thing you need, and strengthen your heart. Always praying for you and your family. No matter what storms you may find yourself in, hold onto His might Hand and He will lead you through them.
      Sisters, we are all so blessed that God loves us in our imperfections. And by the way, we earned those lovely wrinkles because we were out living our lives, not under an umbrella every day covered with sunscreen.
      Sweet Janet, I love you just as you are as God loves you.
      Amen dear GTT and NJS, Our wobbly bits and wrinkles are just snags in our earthsuit. We should continue to live life to the fullest in thanks and praise, work for what endures.
      Dear Audra, May God show your daughter that the Christ in her is the most beautiful part of her. We can take care of ourselves but must not worship beauty like an idol.
      Don't worry about our broken shells. We will be wearing God's glory someday when we reach our Celestial Home in the sky.

  23. Father, thank You for Your multiple messages. I needed them today as You know). I am surrounded by adversity in my life right now. I don't see a way out, but I trust in You Lord. Only You can do impossible things. I have no understanding of how, when, what, or why, but You are sovereign over all things. Please forgive me for thinking about my circumstances and troubles instead of just keeping my eyes on You. Help me to center my focus on You and to always look to You in all things. As I see the things that are going on in the world around me, my problems seem small in comparison (I know You say not to compare yourself to others), but my heart breaks for all those people in their troubles and situations. It reminds me that things can always be worse. I know Your ways are higher than mine and I can't even begin to comprehend them. Guide and direct me and my steps along the path You have prepared for me Lord and let me be of good courage and passion to do what You created me to do. You are my reason for being. Remind me that You are right here beside me through it all. Father, give me the courage to be bold enough to go out of my way and share with the world the almighty prayer -- Jesus is the only way! Let my words be heard by those who may not know You. Open hearts and minds to receive Your loving message of salvation. Lift up those in the world that need it and bless them and provide the provisions that they need along with Your perfect peace, hope, love, healing, and comfort. Grant us the wisdom to really see what is happening around us so we can do good things instead of wrong. Let us lift one another up instead of drag them down. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen. Thank You Jesus. I praise You Lord always.

    I will freely sacrifice to You; I will praise Your name, O LORD, for it is good. For He has delivered me out of all trouble; And my eye has seen its desire upon my enemies. (Psalm 54:6-7). Whenever I am afraid, I will trust in You. In God (I will praise His word), In God I have put my trust; I will not fear. What can flesh do to me? (Psalm 56:3-4). When I cry out to You, then my enemies will turn back; this I know, because God is for me. (Psalm 56:9).

    1. Janet my prayer is with you for peace, comfort and wisdom to get you through these times. As you know, as you've written. God never promised us a life with suffering, BUT SO THANKFULLY, he did promise He would be with us every step of the way. Jesus I trust in you! Amen.

    2. You are always in my prayers, sister Janet. May God show you some glimmers of hope today. I admire your relentless love and trust in Our Father, while going through all you're going through. His plan is for good! Thank you, too, for what you contribute to us all here each day, Janet! You have great spiritual food that nourishes us all!

      May you feel His mighty hand in yours each day guiding and direction you out of this valley, Janet! In Jesus' name, AMEN!

    3. Amen Janet. Echoing NJS words. Your faith and trust in the Lord no matter the trials you face is inspiring and encouraging.
      Keeping you in prayers and everyone here. God knows your needs and the bigger picture even if it seems blurry and scary from our perspective, He's working it all out for good because He's a good Father worthy of our Praise and trust.
      He has a plan for everyone. Thank you Lord for protecting and guiding my JC family and their loved ones. Thank you for all your blessings, your Peace and the joy you put in our heart through your Spirit that dwells in us. ❤

      Blessings from France

    4. Blessings from France, so good to hear from you!!! Thought about you and keeping you in prayers. Remain blessed.

      Maplewood NJ

    5. Janet dear, you are in my prayers. You know God got you covered! Your wonderful and heartfelt prayers are heard by Him. Stay blessed.

      Maplewood NJ

    6. Our dear sweet loved sister-friend in Christ, Janet. Even when we can't see Him, He's working! Because He never stops, no, He never stops working, because He is a WayMaker, Miracle Worker, Promise Keeper, Light in The Darkness. His Blessings are being prayed for you and our entire JC Family. In Jesus' Name. Amen.

    7. Our BFF! How good it is to see your post today! I just completed your 2020 posts on the Armor of God! They are keepers as well as awesome reminders! Thank you for sharing them with our JC Family. Love you all.

    8. I too am happy to read your post, BFF! Your sharing of the Armor of God is another JC blog treasure in the archives. Bless you!

    9. And Janet, your faith inspires, keeping you in our prayers! 🙏

    10. Sweet Janet, You are on an uncertain road and have had to suffer many hardships. God knows them all and every word in your trusting heart. Your steadfast faith amidst this difficult storm is an inspiration and an encouragement to so many. I am sure He has wonderful things prepared for you. He loves you with an everlasting love and He already knows where your path leads. Your beautiful prayer reached His ears and He will not let His beloved daughter fall. You are not ashamed of your faith and I am sure you are a brilliant beacon to all who meet you. Let His light shine. Keep giving Him the glory and praise and He will open all the doors you need to comfort, strength, self sufficiency, love, acceptance, fulfillment and peace. Love you dear one.

  24. "Trust in Him at all times, you people, pour out your hearts to Him, for God is our refuge " (Psalm 62:8).

    My Father, my Father and Lord, I have seen the Your sovereign Hand in my life over and over again and I thank You. Your Holy Spirit is teaching me to ‘Fight my battles on your knees’ because when I do, I win. Whenever I think about what I should do when the trials come, You remind me of the many battles You’ve fought for me when I did not lean on my own understanding, nor took matters into my own hands, but rather prayed and turn it over to You. There is no promise in Your Word that we will have a problem free life on this earth, but You promised to always be there right by our side whether we know it or not. Thank You Father for working all thigs out for my good and Your glory, Never let it be my will, but let Yours be done always. I take refuge in the shadow of Your Almighty presence this day and surrender all of my battles, concerns and needs into Your capable hands. Thank You for Your grace that is sufficient for me. I offer this prayer in the name of Jesus, Your Son. Amen.

    The scriptures (Deut. 20, the book of Joshua, Exodus 14, 2 Kings 6, 1 Sam 4,17, 15,..) tells us about the many, many battles the Lord fought for His people. Today, He’s still doing the same, because He remains the same yesterday, today and forever. We will only see and understand that He is fighting on our behalf when we acknowledge and allow Him to take over those battles. In the book of Joshua chapter 23, we read that the prophet on several occasions, reminded the Israelites of God’s goodness and just before leaving this earth, he assembled the people to remind them of God’s faithfulness and power. He also told them that it wasn’t their weapons, power or their own strength that won battles against the greatest Egyptian army of their time, nor was it their labor, power or anything that they did that caused manna to fall from the heavens every morning for 40 years. Even though they turned from God and rebelled over and over again despite His shown power and love to them many times before, while in and departing Egypt, it was because of His faithfulness and love to forgive, protect, provide and defend them every time their leaders cried out to Him in prayer. Friends, we have a great, good, wonderful, loving, kind, compassionate and merciful God! We must do our part with all of our might and trust Him, seek Him and surrender all to Him no matter what the situation! The reality is, we fail all the time when we try on our own, but when we surrender and turn it over to the Lord in prayer, He fight those battles for us!
    Just how He fought the battles of Jericho, Air, Gideon, David and Goliath etc., for His people and the many others scriptures tells us about, He is ready to fight ours because we are also His!

    Loving Father, Thank You for loving us the way You do and for caring for us despite our foolishness and disobedience. Please forgive us and teach us to lean on You each and every blessed day of our lives. We know that the battles we encounter are not ours but Yours, yet we forget to acknowledge, trust and turn them over to You. Help us Lord, so that we can always allow You and depend on You and not on our own understanding or strength. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.

    Blessings and Peace.

    Maplewood, NJ

    1. Dear Maplewood, You're standing strong although there are raging waters all around you. You are tethered to the Lord and He loves you with a never ending and complete love. Hold on and keep leaning on the truthfulness of His words. The BATTLE is the LORD'S. It is all in His Hands. Trust in His promises. They are reliable, not like the promises this fallen world offers. It is so much better to trust in God than in Man. I'm sending a warm, tight, safe hug. I love you. Turn all your battles over to Him. He is so much more powerful and MIGHTY to SAVE.

  25. Brie, I’m continuing in prayers for your brother Keith and for your strength and struggles. Give it all to the Lord my dear sister and He will take it and turn it around for your good and His glory. Remain blessed.

    NJS- You stood in prayer and asked for prayers for your former MIL, but God knows best! As you pray for others, may the good Lord intercede on your behalf and meet all your needs according to His riches in Heaven! Blessings to you.

    Jeanne- Yes, our Way Maker never fails! Your sister is His priority and I pray that she surrender her struggles to Him and watch Him do wonders in her life. She is in my prayers. God bless.

    Kneeling in prayers for ALL the needs on this blog, spoken or unspoken! We have the greatest army in Christ Jesus!

    Blessings and Peace.

    Maplewood NJ

    1. Thank you for your sincere prayers. We pray for each other because we remember His faithfulness in our lives and we know He hears every prayer. Prayer from a sincere heart of faith is powerful indeed. Amen! We have the greatest army in Christ Jesus. Hallelujah!!!

    2. God actually did answer my prayer for my MIL, Primetta. She was so ready to go home to Him and our most awesome and loving God took her in her sleep. Answered prayer for sure. He certainly does know best, Maplewood. You're right about that!

  26. Referring back to the YIELD DEVOTION day: Thanks you NJS, Waiting Kathy, Audra, Jeanne, Grace Takes Time, Maplewood NJ, and all others who prayed. While driving my brother Keith to Speech and Language Therapy, I noticed several YIELD traffic signs that, that I probably paid no attention to before, or at best, considered them suggestions! But on YIELD DAY they became commands that I consciously obeyed as I could see all of you holding up those same YIELD signs and I started laughing at the comforting thought :) I shared the reason for my laughter with my brother, Keith. He smiled, nodded, and said Jesus Is In The Plan!
    I also read the Beach Umbrella post from last year, and just took a mental vacay with all of you under His Big All Encompassing Beach Umbrella, using His Sonscreen, which contains total protection, even though we cannot see it while it is working!
    There, underneath His Big All Encompassing Beach Umbrella, I shall gaze upon how easily the grains of sand easily yield to the waves on the Big Beach of Life.
    NJS: you have my sympathy for your loss of Prime; and my joys for Heaven's Gain.
    As always, I am praying for us all and all of our dear ones, to get through it all, until He returns for us all; the same HE Who Is our all and all! In Jesus Name. Amen.

    1. Amen Brie! Your brother Keith spoke right in saying: "Jesus is in The Plan". He is the Author of our Future, and the Lover of our Soul, and the Keeper of our Heart. We are in good and capable Hands. Just loved that vision of all of us under His Big Umbrella using His Sonscreen and dwelling safely under His wings. We shall overcome dear Sister! The best is yet to come because He is in charge. Thank You Jesus!

    2. Oh, how I smiled thinking about the beach umbrella visual you wrote about, Brie! So, so comforting and true about this AWESOME God we serve! Loved "Sonscreen"...that's THE BEST protection there is!
      Thank you, Brie, for your sympathy. She was an incredible woman who loved God and her family. "Primetta" or Prime was one tough woman who endured much and God, being the rewarder, came for her in her sleep. She's now in His loving arms, out of pain, able to see perfectly (her eyesight had failed tremendously), and able to call all she knows in heaven by name! (she was suffering a bit from dementia) How absolutely glorious for her! Thank you, again, Brie, and all who prayed for God to bring her home.

  27. Lord, I need you always, especially in the situations where it seems impossible. My trust and faith in You gives me such peace and strength. Please help me to turn to You always in these times as reliance on myself alone will fail every time. I love You Jesus

    1. Gathering into your prayer, our dearly loved brother-friend in Christ, Mark L.

    2. Praying with you, dear brother Mark and sister Brie. Trusting with an Open Heart to Receive. Amen! I love You Jesus!

  28. Update on the two school interviews. One school offered a great salary and then said they will employ when the number of children increase in the school so by 5th September they will get back to me! That left me feeling uncertain . The second school offered me a low salary after paying for rent and transport I wouldn't have much left for food. I know I am an awesome team and I know my worth I wonder if I should take it so that I have rent but it will be a challenge. Pray that God makes a way , this is just making me cry all day

    1. Praying for HIS Wisdom and HIS Guidance and HIS Resolution to your situation and circumstance, Min Ahadi. I am thanking HIM for giving you two roads, and asking HIM to lead you on the road that is for the highest good of all concerned. He Did. He Will. He Can!

    2. Dear Min Ahadi, I pray God's Spirit will lead you to making the right decision. Trust in God's guiding Hand. You have no way of seeing the future but God already knows it. I pray He will close one door so you will walk right through the open one He has prepared for you. Thank You dear Jesus!

    3. I can understand your need to cry over these offers, Min. While they're job offers, they both still leave you questioning and hanging, really. Ugh. Praying God gives you discernment and guidance as to which way to go. Remember God is faithful and we can put our trust in Him! Holding you in my prayers, sweet Min.

  29. God you are our rock, shield, provider and strong tower, among so many other things. Lead Min Ahadi to peace. May she hear your songs regarding her worth deep in her soul. Amen. ❤️

  30. I'm hearing "patience and trust" for you sister.

  31. Amen. Wait on the Lord and trust Him to shine His light on your path in the right direction.

  32. Good morning from sunny Nairobi Kenya .The Presidential results are out, sadly there was so much rigging I really dont really know who won. But we thank God it has been peaceful. Pray for peace and saftey for our great land !

    1. Thanking God that the elections were peaceful. Praying that the results are positive.

      SC Anonymous

    2. Continued prayers Min for the election to reap positive effects. Your heart for your country is inspiring. May the Lord bless you and your country men with God's desire fulfilled. Amen!🙏💞

  33. Dear Min Ahadi, Continuing to pray for your election and that the results will be clearer and better than expected. May God cover Kenya with peace and safety and put faith into His people's hearts.
    Dear Norah and your DH. Praying with you and for you. May God heal your Best Man and strengthen him for his 8/25 appointment. Praying for good results and God's guidance through his treatment. God is still in charge. Be not afraid. He goes before you. Feel His peace surrounding you and trust He is already preparing your tomorrows.

    1. Dear Norah, joining warriors in prayer that "the God you know" will walk you & DH through this yet another challenge without fear of the unknown. That's His territory! He knows the terrain! There's a pathway for you &, your loved one to walk through. His outstretched hand is ready to grip yours & DH. FEAR NOT! He is with you always. We love you guys 💞🙏

  34. Good morning JC Warriors. As I sit watching the sun rise and listening to the sounds of nature, I pray for each of you in this blog. May God bless you and make His presence known to each of you today. May He bless you as you walk through trials.

    Thank you Peyton family for starting this blog so many years ago.

    SC Anonymous

    1. Dear SC Anonymous - "May God bless you and make His presence known to each of you today. May He bless you as you walk through trials." I receive your blessing.

    2. Thank you dear SC Anonymous. Your beautiful blessing lifted my weary heart today. So happy to celebrate your victory. God is so good. He really leads us through our trials and supplies our needs of body, mind and spirit. Sometimes I feel His love like a hug just when I need it most.

  35. Good morning dear ones. Joining SC in asking the Lord to bless each of you. Asking for prayers for my 12 yr. Old granddaughter, the one who came with her daddy from Texas to visit us. She is down with covid caught at the skating rink. Honestly it makes me so sad that even an innocent activity such as this can be a threat to our young people. Please pray that her sister, dad & grandparents will not get it, her mom had it last month. Thank you warriors.💞🙏

    1. Praying for your granddaughter Jan. May she get well quickly and that the family would be safe. JE

    2. Jan - Praying a hedge of protection for granddaughter's sister, dad and grandparents.

    3. Jan, Praying for your dear family, may they feel protection from covid and may your granddaughter heal quickly. Amen

    4. Praying for her and all my JC family.

      May we dwell in His shelter and abide in his love, where we will find peace, healing and hope. 🙏

    5. Joining prayers for your young granddaughter that she will recover soon and completely and her family will not get it.
      Thank You Father for this and for giving dear Jan and her whole family peace of mind and the assurance that you will take care of her granddaughter and all will be well, in the Name of Christ Jesus. Amen.

  36. You forgot a passage:
    Job 5:7 NLT
    “People are born for trouble as readily as sparks fly up from a fire.”

  37. God Bless all of you, Dear JC Family. My DH and I thank you so much for your prayers and love. All of you are in ours, as well and will continue to be. Fervent prayers for your family, Jan.

  38. Heading to bed. What a LONG day. I feel as if I've been watching the clock since 5 PM, thinking, "BED!" Heading now, but had to thank you again for all of your prayers. God will get us through and prayers to all of you, dear JC Fam.

  39. Thanks for your prayers sweet Norah. So happy you're finally getting your rest dear sister. Holding you and your Best Man tight in my prayers and trusting God will lead your DH through it all. Praying for good news. Praying with you for Jan's granddaughter's recovery, and may all of her family be protected against Covid. Thank You Jesus.

  40. Praying on the Nightwatch for each of you and all of your dear ones. In Jesus' Name. Amen!

    1. Thanks for your prayers! Received your blessing, dear Brie!
      This is for you and Audra and all those who need encouragement.

      Isaiah 40:31
      But those who wait on the Lord
      Shall renew their strength;
      They shall mount up with wings like eagles,
      They shall run and not be weary,
      They shall walk and not faint.

  41. Consider it all joy, my brethren, when you encounter various trials, knowing that the testing of your faith produces endurance. And let endurance have its perfect result, so that you may be perfect and complete, lacking in nothing. (James 1:2-4). And we know that God causes all things to work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose. (Romans 8:28). Who will separate us from the love of Christ? Will tribulation, or distress, or persecution, or famine, or nakedness, or peril, or sword? (Romans 8:35). Call upon Me in the day of trouble; I shall rescue you and you shall honor Me. (Psalm 50:15).

    1. Wonderful food dear Janet! Thanks for your good work in the Lord!!

  42. Amen sweet Janet!! And He will be faithful and merciful till the end of time. He has brought all of us safely through our ups and downs and trials despite mistakes we have made. And He continues to guide us and mold us every day! He guides us with true Fatherly love because He only wants us to be blessed and prosper. The best is yet to come. Sending much love!

    Psalm 113:3
    From the rising of the sun unto the going down of the same, the LORD’s name shall be praised.

  43. JC has shared these thoughts before but accurately returns to this theme as the Father laments that we continue to forget that we are eternal beings created in His image. As such the challenges here are temporary but necessary steps. I've not grown, and I dare say we all have not grown in our faith without walking in the rugged deep valleys, where we need His steady hand.

    Jesus' life here showed that free will and sin creates evil upon us all, as even the Son of God was not spared an unjust brutal death. Therefore, our Father has promised when we walk "through the shadow of the valley of death," He is with us. It should gives us peace and gratitude as His love abounds. Godspeed today. Amen.

    1. And to you, Sir. I'm thinking about the cross on my neck and Jesus' heavy burden to carry it to his death. Have you ever tried to lift a 2 x 4? Can you even imagine the weight of The CROSS? What a good good Father to accompany his Son to a death for the salvation of the world. I'm overwhelmed by the peace and love offered to me by Jesus ✝️

    2. Amen dear MadFox! We find Him in those deep rugged valleys because He goes before us always. He allows the trials to test our faith. We must carry our own heavy crosses and follow Him right into eternity. The pain of this world polishes us. The Great Potter is working on His creations and He is helping us carry our crosses.
      Praying for you both

  44. Thank you everyone for all your beautiful words, blessings and prayers. I receive them with gratitude and pass them on back to all the JC family and to all I encounter today as I start my day. Thank you all so much for being part of this family!

    1. Thanks for the blessings and prayers dear Blessings from NY. Hope you had a sweet day in the Lord.

  45. Good morning and happy FriYAY all.
    Thank your for your encouraging words, thoughts, blessings and prayers this morning. They are very welcoming and much needed.

    Jon's daughter gave birth to her son last Wednesday. Since then, our lives have one test of faith after another. Makenna hemorrhaged during the birth and lost 3/4 of her blood. We almost lost her. She's since received two transfusions and is much better.

    The baby (Westin) has had internal bleeding since he was born. The doctors couldn't figure out the cause and eventually scoped him two days ago. He has at least two ulcers. An infant has ulcers. ???? This is such a rare case that Westin is now a case study. Westin has been in the NICU for 9 days and has not been held yet... not even by his mother and the only food he's received is saline via tubes.

    To say the past couple of weeks has been stressful is an understatement. The fact that they live in Tennessee adds to the frustration because we are getting information second hand. Jon actually flew up there last Thursday and came back to Houston this past Tuesday when he knew Makenna and Westin were stable. The doctors then talked about moving Westin to Vanderbilt so Jon and I were going to fly up there yesterday but Vanderbilt said they would do the same treatment that Niswonger is doing in Johnson City. What a roller coaster ride.

    My faith continues to be strong and I'm trying to stay connected to The Vine for guidance, but Jon and I are tired. Today's JC hit home... 'expect to encounter adversity in your life...'. Yep! There is absolutely nothing we can do but rely on our Heavenly Father and Westin's medical team for answers. Jon and I are strong for Makenna and Austin, but we rely on our Savior and each other as baby Westin gets stronger and can go home.

    Any and all prayers would be appreciated and thank you for your continuous love for our family.

    1. Prayers for Mom and baby, and using them as back up for your strength and faith, Suzanne R. 🙏♥️

    2. Dearest Suzanne, I can only imagine your stressful past weeks and I’m so sorry that Makenna had such a horrendous childbirth. But I’m so thankful our faithful God has saved her with those blood transfusions. Now she and Austin must wait on the Lord for His amazing healing power and guidance to enlighten Westin’s medical team to get rid of those ulcers in his tummy right away. Poor little guy. Our God can do anything. He will open the right doors and close the wrong ones to get this tiny baby the right treatment he needs to be completely healthy again. Praying for strength and peace for you and Jon and the whole family, Makenna’s healing, Austin’s guidance and baby Westin’s perfect treatment and complete recovery. I believe by the grace and power of our Lord Jesus Christ, Makenna will be fine and tiny Westin will receive the proper treatment and God’s healing and soon be in the loving arms of his family. Praying with you and for you dear sister. Putting all on my prayer list. We know our great God is already answering our prayers.
      Thank You Father for all this in the powerful Name above all names, Jesus Christ. Amen

      Proverbs 3:5-6
      Trust in the Lord with all your heart,
      And lean not on your own understanding;
      In all your ways acknowledge Him,
      And He shall direct your paths.

  46. Dear Vine Sister Friend in Christ, Suzanne R.
    You, Jon, Makenba, Austin, Westin, family and medical team have my prayers. Lord, help us cling tighter to The Vine; You are our only hope. In Jesus' Name. AMEN!

    1. Joining in Brie's prayer for all of
      Suzanne family. ALL of my hope is in the name of Jesus. I Plead the Blood of Jesus over the family. Because of His blood, we FIGHT FROM VICTORY with THE WORD. We are Washed by the Blood; Saved by the Blood; Healed by the Blood, and you devil CAN'T defeat the Blood!
      I thank you, Heavenly Father, you hear our prayers, and I thank You for the miracles and victory You are bringing forth to this family! In Jesus' name, I Pray and Believe.

  47. Dear Brie, I love that Van Morrison song!!! The lyrics are beautiful. Thanks

  48. Goodnight! Rest well, dear ones, God is on the Night Watch. We are well taken care of.

  49. As Sarah said, " When you see armies of problems cry out to Me." Here is an affirmation/prayer one can use when you see "armies of problems marching" toward your body or that of a loved one.

    Jesus has already borne (speak the problem, example - hip pain, back pain, knee pain, migraines, cancer, diabetes, heart issues) so I refuse to carry it in my body, in the Supreme Authority of the name of Jesus Christ. I forbid
    (Speak the problem) to reside in my body. I Declare that every cell, organ, member and system of my body is Healed and functions perfectly. I will not be moved by what I feel, see or any negative reports or words from others.
    I am moved ONLY by what I believe and I believe in the WORD of God. I receive my Healing from (Speak the problem) that Jesus paid such a precious price to provide. I choose to "walk by faith, not by sight." NO WEAPON FORMED AGAINST ME SHALL PROSPER! Thank you Jesus! AMEN and AMEN.

  50. JC says, "Anticipate coming face to face with impossibilities: situations totally beyond your ability to handle."

    This is so true. Yielding to Him has proven to be how one's path in the valley eventually becomes a trek with His holy Hand patiently guiding you to the eventual mountaintop. No matter what your valley is: addiction, ego, medical, family, or Name It. He is going to love you and unconditionally. Our folly is not realizing, we do not need to "earn it just learn it!"

  51. JC Warriors, I attend a Friday night group meeting at my church and this past Friday night the message was a great reminder about "Misplaced Priorities". It spoke about how we can stray from our relationship with the Lord by our day to day life and all the different responsibilities and issues that it brings. Of how we start to focus on those things instead of looking to the Lord for His help. We "chew" on them, over and over again in our thoughts and words. We then have made the struggle with our problems our top priority and not Jesus Christ. He used many examples in the Bible but I can't post all of it here. The key verse that he used was, "But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added unto you." (Matthew 6:33). I hope I was able to share some of what he spoke about with you. It was quite eye opening to be more mindful of things in my life and how I handle things. I pray everyone has a blessed day 🙏.

    1. Amen!
      Rule No1 Take it to the Lord in prayer.
      Rule No2 Repeat Rule 1 until He has resolved the issue.
      Rule No3 Thank Him and Praise Him for His answer to your need.

    2. Yes you have dear Janet and thank you. Still praying for your tooth. Hoping the pain has subsided. 🙏🙌❤️

  52. Praying for Sandy Jeanne. Amen Peter!🙏🕊️

  53. The JC comment for this morning always puts into perspective whatever troubles I'm experiencing at the moment. As a child of God, He brings it back home to me every time. "Remember Jan, trouble will chase you all the time, but if you stay close to me, eventually together we shall outrun it to finish the race!" Hallelujah!
