Monday, September 7, 2015

Jesus Calling: September 7

Enjoy the warmth of My Presence shining upon you. Feel your face tingle as you bask in My Love-Light. I delight in you more than you can imagine. I approve of you continuously, for I see you cloaked in My Light, arrayed in My righteousness. There is no condemnation for those who are clothed in Me! That is why I abhor the use of guilt as a means of motivation among Christians.
     Some pastors try to whip their people into action with guilt-inducing sermons. This procedure can drive many people to work harder, but the end does not justify the means. Guilt-evoking messages can undermine the very foundation of grace in a believer's heart. A pastor may feel successful when his people are doing more, but I look at their hearts. I grieve when I see grace eroding, with weeds of anxious works creeping in. I want you to relax in the assurance of My Perfect Love. The law of My Spirit of Life has freed you from the law of sin and death

Isaiah 61:10
English Standard Version

I will greatly rejoice in the Lord;
    my soul shall exult in my God,
for he has clothed me with the garments of salvation;
    he has covered me with the robe of righteousness,
as a bridegroom decks himself like a priest with a beautiful headdress,
    and as a bride adorns herself with her jewels.
Romans 8:1-2
English Standard Version 

1 There is therefore now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus. For the law of the Spirit of life has set you free in Christ Jesus from the law of sin and death.

Note: The devotion and scriptures are from author Sarah Young. If you haven't already, please purchase the book and support the author. 

Also, bookmark to have an easy link to the entire year of these entries.


  1. Dear Lord, Thank you for the warmth from your Love-light. Thank you for your Perfect Love. Help me not to be driven by guilt. Amen

    1. Renee truely Love the Lord in Jesus name I don't know what I would do or were I would Be I thank you for your mercy father GOD.

  2. The art of leadership, of which we all practice to some degree or another, be we parents or be we given some role of supervision of others. Too often people apparently are under the impression that the best way to get people from point A to point B is to drive them, like a cowboy who drives cattle. But when God came to be with us in the Son of Man, He drew people into following Him by becoming personal with people, letting them experience His love for them, and leading them forward gently. This style of leadership the people in Jesus’ day fully understood for it was practiced by successful shepherds. Sheep (or any pet for that matter) will come closest to the one who genuinely cares for them. Granted, the cowboy style of leadership may get those being led quicker to the desired destination but the people arrived frazzled and unsettled. The sheep led by a good shepherd arrive at peace and at rest. Jesus, the Good Shepherd, knew how to lead people and the masses wanted to follow Him wherever He went. He is still and always will be the Good Shepherd and we shall not want. May people experience that same type of leadership in you and me to the end that they too desire to follow Him.

    1. Hallelujah and AMEN!!!!!!!! yes yes yes

    2. Thank you and Amen.may everyone have a very blessed day

    3. Amen Bob thank you for this beautiful thought.

      Blessings from France

    4. I want this visual to stay with me! Our journey and arrival in peace. Amen

    5. Thank you Bob, well said. Now Lord, if I could just remember thru the power of the Holy Spirit these exact words, "God came to be with us in the Son of Man, He drew people into following Him by becoming personal with people, letting them experience His love for them, and leading them forward gently". Help me stay focused on you Lord, one moment to the next. In Jesus name, Amen.

    6. Yes Lord! The gentle way, not the highway. Great share, Bob!

    7. Beautiful words Bob! Coming from Catholic from kindergarten through college, I’ve lived with guilt my whole life until I finally surrendered to Jesus and understood through His Word the peace and assurance of His love and the strength of His promises! Now He is always approachable and close to me. In my Good, gentle and loving Shepherd. I am complete.

    8. Amen, Bob! You blessed me today with this beautiful thought. Help me, Lord, to be Your Light that shines the brightest for others to see and know You. God be with you, my dear brother.

      Blessings from California

    9. Thanks Bob and thanks to Sharon's poem below that gives us many Godly ways to 'love hack'

    10. Love this! Thank you for sharing Bob!
      Love and prayers for our beautiful JC family
      May God bless your day and week greatly!
      With love

    11. You made my day Bob. God bless!

    12. This message is right on time❤️

    13. Timely, needed, and the desire of my heart. Thank you 🙏

    14. That was awesome to read. Thank you for the reminder of being a good Supervisor...

  3. Very well stated Bob. Thank you.

  4. Psalm 51:10-12
    Create in me a clean heart, O God; and renew a right spirit within me.
    Cast me not away from thy presence; and take not thy holy spirit from me.
    Restore unto me the joy of thy salvation; and uphold me with thy free spirit.

    Psalm 139:23-24
    Search me, God, and know my heart;test me and know my anxious thoughts.
    See if there is any offensive way in me,and lead me in the way everlasting.

    1. Sassy Mom--- Awesome scriptures that go right to my heart! Just where I need tbem. Nothing like praying the WORD!

    2. JJ - AMEN!!!!! My power just went off for less than 30 minutes - NOTHING compared to the victims of Dorian who have nothing. A reminder to pray for those who lost everything.

    3. Amen! Thank you for these scriptures. CO

    4. I love to pray these verses! Thank you Sassy Mom. God bless you.

      Blessings from France

    5. Sassy, Perfect psalms for our longings met. Thank u Lord

    6. I love those verses! Thanks! Off to the beach with my family! Will be back later! Prayers and love for all!

    7. Jeanne, praying you have a super blessed day at the beach with your family, and God's protection over all of you. Enjoy your day! Your prayers are gladly received and returned to you with much love, my sweet sister. <3

      Blessings from California

    8. Thanks Rose! Having a wonderful time with my family! And thanks for your prayers too dear Sis!

  5. I pray I will feel Your light shining upon me today. Each time I think of this, it brings a smile of hope and peace to my face. Help me, Jesus, to be a good example of You today as I will be in the midst of a bunch of people whom I do not know. Let my demeanor reflect Your light so others may see and feel Your light as well.

    Praying for help to get through my personal struggles and for each person on here... for your struggles and for those you love. Also praying in thanksgiving for the wonderful victories and miracles I have read about on here. Jesus, I trust in you. Thank you for this JC Family. Amen. CO

    1. CO --- I pray for you to have unusal FAVOR with anyone that looks upon you this day! Bless CO in ways CO wouldn't even think to ask. Father God, we need you more than life itself. So, please give CO more of Yourself. More of your love. More of your grace. Let CO know more of You, which is the the greatest blessings of all! I ask that you would provide for ALL of CO's physical needs. You have promised that You would meet all of CO's needs according to Your glorious RICHES in Christ Thank you Father that You are going to pour out Your richest blessings on CO. I trust you Father to bless CO in overwhelming ways! I ask these things in the name of Jesus, my only righteousness. AMEN

    2. Your prayers are felt and appreciated by me! I am nothing without God. May God shower his blessings upon you, JJ! Amen. CO

  6. AMEN!!! Praying we always reflect the beauty of Jesus to those whose paths we cross.

    1. Amen! The best gift we can give back to Him is to share His light and hope to everyone we meet today. Let them see the Christ inside shining like the sun. Hope we turn some frowns upside down and warm some cold sad hearts!

  7. Blessings to all this Saturday morning that the good Lord has placed us in. Thank You Father. May Your will be done today in the name of Jesus.

    Praying for requests and conditions. May the God of Love answer us according to His will in Jesus name.

    Blessing to all.

    Maplewood NJ

  8. Good morning Lord and JC family. Thank you for this day of rest for me. Yes Lord we pray for each other; thank you for your mercy, your protection, your love. One day at a time Lord nothing more, you and only you will guide us through. Praise the Lord!

    1. Joining Love Conquers All to Thank You Lord! Oh how we need You!

    2. Joining you both in thanksgiving and praise! How blessed we are to know the joy and peace in believing and to see clearly our blessings He generously showers on us every day, every hour and every minute! Watching my grandson play in the sand for the first time today and marvel at the feeling of the wave hitting his tiny toes in the water! Just doesn’t get any better. Thank you Jesus!

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. Just wanted to pray particularly for any of our sons, daughters, grandchildren right now. If this fits for your particular circumstance, then apply it. Father, God I ask that You would preserve everyone's life being prayed for here from the enemy. Hid them ALL from the secret counsel of the wicked. Pull them out of any net which has been laid for them (Psalm 31:4). I bind every spirit, contrary to the spirit of God, preventing us from enjoying our childen and grandchildren. I bind every spirit blindind their minds from receiving the Glorious Light of the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ. Let all spirits of stubbornness, pride and disrespect FLEE from their lives. Father, destroy everything in them preventing them from doing Your will. Let every curse, evil covenant and ALL inherited problems passed down to them, be CANCELED in the name of Jesus. I ask that You release them from the bondage of any evil dominion. Let ALL influences of demonic friends CLEAR AWAY. Let God arise and ALL the enemies of our homes be scattered. I ask that You place Your mark on each one of these precious souls for Your Kingdom. I ask it all the the name of your precious Son, Jesus. Amen and Amen.

    1. Addendum to above prayer: Since God's Kingdom is His rule, He brings rule into our lives when he saves us. So, I ask You Father to bring rule into the lives of evey one of our children, our grandchildren and descendants, and save every single one until Jesus returns! Amen and Amen

    2. Thank you for your wonderful prayers! Amen. CO

    3. Thank for your prayer JJ. Fast forwarding it to 2020. Oh how we need it again and again, year after year.

    4. Amen JJ! Thank you for this beautiful prayer!

      Blessings from France

    5. JJ- oh how that prayer blessed me again this year as it did when you first posted it! I fully, wholeheartedly claim it again! Especially for son #2 & his family moving out of state. Thank you for being a "hound for heaven"! Your spiritual nose sniffs out the powers of darkness & drags them out of the dark exposing them in the light where they can be seen & dealt with. Hallelujah! Amen!bless you sister🥰

    6. JJ thank you and I spread that prayer as far as it will reach.. over my boys, my family and this Family and our World! Thank you Jesus your blood covers the darkness and creates light! The enemy has rule now but Jesus is the mighty king of All forever!

    7. Thanks, JJ. This prayer is timeless; it is for the young, it still is for the elderly, it is for all of us. God be with you.

    8. Amen, I pray over family, friends, coworkers and all those lost in the dark, in Jesus's name!

    9. Wonderful prayer and exactly what we need for the safety, redemption and guidance of our dear ones. Especially now in the midst of confusion, uncertainty and fears. The love and promises of the Lord remain the same and His light can lead them through the darkest wilderness

    10. Thanks again for that JJ! I keep thinking of 2 of my sons who just don't believe in God anymore. They are the heads of their families. I pray that they will see Him for themselves and their loved ones. I know I planted the seeds of faith in them so I am giving it all to the Lord. He can handle it better than I can.

    11. Thanks JJ for that powerful prayer.

    12. Fast forward to 2021 JJ. That prayer holds it's power from when you posted it! Still claiming it for my daughter who is still held captive by pride & that left wing spirit that is holding our country in bondage. I pray that she will be set free to recapture her first love once again. Amen!

    13. Amen again, JJ and Jan. Through our loving prayers and praising our King Jesus, His will be done. Come Holy Spirit!

  10. JJ. Thanks for the word especially about our grandchildren. I pray that God leads them to wonderful friends in their new locations.

  11. Such wonderful prayers the last couple of days and JJ, I especially thank you for yours for our children and grandchildren. In the last 24 hours, I had the privilege of having all of mine gathered together to see their sister. Our daughter came home, very last minute and Miss Perfection (me) almost blew it by wanting everything the way it is when I have a month's notice that she's on her way. Thankfully, the devotions from this week, the prayers - all helped me roll with it and give up what I deem important. No, we didn't have the homemade dinner that takes hours to make (I ordered pizza and had salad); I didn't get my house scrubbed and special things in her room before she arrived. But, what we did have was (finally - after I gave up all of the expectations that I think make for a perfect visit) fun time with family and friends and I even have the wherewithal to let her go tonight to be with sibs and friends and not try to keep up people (at least) 30 years my junior!! I caught a nasty cold somewhere around Wed and I am content tonight to rest and get in bed early so we are set for little 3 yr old grandson's bday party. Our daughter is so excited to get to be here for this - she seems to miss these events more than anything.
    JJ, you nailed so many things on my heart in your prayer. Thank you. Love to all of you, my JC Family. Thank you for taking the time to type out perfect verses, for walking with the Father so closely that sometimes I don't even have to speak my concerns - you cover them in prayer before I can type them.
    And, Lord, let me be that Light as well...let me help win those of my adult children who doubt your existence by showing them Your love.

    1. Amen to that! Father God, show us how we can be your light to others. Put all those in our path who need your saving grace and hope and peace! Use us as your instruments of love. Guide our children and loved ones to You. Thank you! Amen!!!

  12. Father, restore and revive our souls today. Breathe Your breath into us Lord and make us new in You. Help us to be witnesses for You in the world and to let our lights shine bright for Your glory Lord. Thank You Jesus. Praise the Lord continually and always. Amen.

    1. Joining Janet in thanking You Heavenly Father. Amen.

    2. "Help us to be witnesses for You to the world...." Amen, Amen to that Janet!!!

      Maplewood NJ

    3. Yes Lord, "breathe your breath into us Lord & make us new in you". Thank you Janet🥰

    4. Amen! Loving and good Father! We thank you for this new day. Let your Spirit breathe new life into our hearts and revive us so we can be the best witnesses to our faith. And open the hearts of our dear ones to receive You as their Lord and Savior. Amen!


  13. Love can be patient
    It is even kind
    Love is limitless
    And without time
    You cannot see love
    But you know it is there
    It’s a kiss on the cheek
    A brush through my hair
    It’s a can of warm soup
    When I’m sick in despair
    Or a phone call when my heart just needs a repair
    Love can be between 2 people or many more
    Love does not fight or keep a score
    Love sometimes comes with simple ease
    It is like a windy day with a gentle breeze
    It can be like a bird that sings a great tune
    It can be as simple as a gaze at the moon
    It can happen when someone gets down on one knee
    And a pledge to each other that it is meant to be
    Love leaves one breathless like a snowy white field
    That sparkles and shines over rolling hills
    It can be like the snowflakes that fall fresh from the sky
    Each one unique as they float on by
    Love conquers all when adversity appears
    It doesn’t bow down to the taunts and the sneers
    Love is unexplainable, ironic and true
    It is divinely passionate with its relentless pursue
    Love fills in the cracks and the holes in the soul
    If you give it a chance it will make you all whole
    So next time you feel happy and can’t explain thereof
    My friend it’s because you have been touched by Love 💗

    Thought I would share my latest poem with you 😊💞

    1. Beautifil! Thanks for sharing Sharon! God bless.

      Maplewood NJ

    2. Thank you Sharon for sharing your beautiful poem with us! God be with you!

      Blessings from France

    3. Just lovely Sharon dear, thank you💕

    4. Thank you for sharing, Sharon. You are so talented.

    5. Thank you Sharon your beautiful words rang true and made me smile.
      God bless you

    6. What a beautiful poem/prayer, Sharon! Thank you - I will read it again - it is SO true.

    7. Many thanks, Sharon, for sharing your God given talents with us. This is such a blessing. I feel the spirit of the Apostle Paul with you in these words for they amplify the message of I Corinthians 13. God be with you.

    8. LOVELY, Sharon! Keep writing 👋

    9. Beautiful poem to the Victory of Love. Thanks for Sharon your poem with us, Sharon. Each time I read it I am reminded of God first loving us, so we can go and do likewise, because of Who Our Father is.

    10. Sharon! Thanks so much for sharing your wonderful poem! I copied it and shared it with my Mom and Sister! God has richly blessed you. Keep shining that beautiful light to His glory!!

    11. Thank you for sharing Sharon. Amen 🙏.

    12. Thanks Sharon .... thanks for reminding us that love is every where and it is in the smallest gestures Amen

    13. Loved reading and sharing this again today, Sharon! Thank you! ♥️🙏

    14. Loving this poem again, a year later Dear Sharon! Whew - it says it ALL!

  14. “Our Father, who art in heaven,
    hallowed be thy name;
    thy kingdom come;
    thy will be done;
    on earth as it is in heaven.
    Give us this day our daily bread.
    And forgive us our trespasses,
    as we forgive those who trespass against us.
    And lead us not into temptation;
    but deliver us from evil.
    For thine is the kingdom,
    the power and the glory,
    for ever and ever.”

    Heavenly Father, Thank You for the six Steps of Prayer taught in the Lord’s Prayer. Help us:
    To always ADDRESS Your rightful place in our lives as the Father
    To always WORSHIP and PRAISE You for who You are and all that You’ve done
    To always ACKNOWLEDGE that it is Your will and plans that are in control and not our own
    To always ASK You for the things that we need
    To always CONFESS our sins and repent and
    To always REQUEST Protection and Help in overcoming sin and Satan's attacks on us. Amen!

    Thank You Lord, for another day to call You my Father and thank You for Your Presence that shines on me each day. Amen.

    Blessings and Peace.

    Maplewood, NJ

    1. Amen Maplewood! Thank you. God bless you.

      Blessings from France

    2. Amen and thanks sweet Maplewood! I loved that so much.

    3. Still love that so much I copied it, saved it, printed it, and shared it. Love you dear Maplewood!

    4. I love that six steps sharing it with my lady friends right away . Thanks for blessing us Maplewood

    5. LOVE this, Maplewood! Love YOU!!!

    6. Such simplicity and a wonderful reminder. Bless you Maplewood, wherever God has you ♥️🙏

  15. HAPPY LABOR DAY! God bless the American Labor movement and the works, contribution of ALL laborers to the development and achievement of the United States!!

    Be safe!

    Maplewood NJ

    1. And to you Maplewood, bless you🥰

    2. Hope all JC Family and their Dear Ones experience God in a labor free peace filled day today. As the outdoor church sign read: I STILL BELIEVE IN GOD! Amen.

    3. Amen Brie! Staying in His presence and peace. I still believe in God!

  16. Up far too early, spent some time in prayer, then got up and made some coffee and sat down to catchup with the JC blog community. Good news. Prayers answered! In His perfect timing. Nurse daughter called us to say that she gave notice at work and that she is leaving NYC to come home for an extended period thru the holidays (we got plenty of room) and apply to graduate school NP programs.

    She will probably travel nurse or if accepted to either of two elite programs, move there and go to work to get employee discounted tuition. While she enjoyed NYC and felt she would be there a few more years, the situation is really untenable with she and colleagues/friends not staying out once it is dark... and that only gets worse later in the fall/winter. No matter your politics, the continuing anti-police rhetoric and the political leadership that is allowing looting and rioting is causing good people to leave these cities. So, sad, but I won't shed a tear for NYC's loss! it is "a-okay" that God put a plan on her heart... this dad? couldn't be happier! Thank you Lord for guiding her to safety and furthering her career in medicine with a heart that serves you. Amen.

    1. Thank you Madfox for updating us on your daughter! So glad that she's coming back home with you. Praying and thanking God for His guidance and protection. Be blessed.

      Blessings from France

    2. MadFox- 😄 I could literally feel your joy from your post. 🎶Oh happy day, oh happy daayay"! So happy for you🥰. Praying for a very smooth, trouble free transition for daughter.

    3. Wonderful news, MadFox! Like Jan, I could feel the joy of your words jumping off the page! So excited for your family.

    4. Prayers of peace a joy going out to all of you on this holiday Monday morning. I hope you all have a relaxing day with family and friends. Socially distant of course. 😁

    5. I am so happy for you madfox! God blessed you in a very special way, abundantly more is my guess! May your dear daughters future be blessed!

    6. So happy for the time you can enjoy with your daughter. What a gift! Thank you Papa!!

    7. Madfox --- Wonderful news about your daughter's plans! I pray for the Lord's protection over her and and that she wii experience the Lord's everlasting, unquenchable love for her! All praise to our WAY MAKER, Jesus!!!

    8. I stand with the rest of the family here, brother MadFox, in being happy for you and your wife in the love and concern you have for your daughter and of God's movement on her behalf which brings you joy. Her service to our Lord through her God given talents of love and caring shown in nursing people continues on. To God be the glory!

    9. Thanks for the Victory Report, Madfox. So happy for you and yours. Continued Blessings are being prayed for all. And all means all :)

    10. You and your good daughter are always in my prayers dear MadFox. Praying you are doing well my brother! God is holding you tight.

    11. And how has the plan unfolded for your dear daughter, Mad 🦊? Trusting you are healthy and busy in a good way these days.🙏

    12. Still relishing this news, a year later, Dear MadFox! I know you are a Happy Camper; Grandpa, new go it goin' Brother! Love to you and your family. VICTORY REPORT: 1 year later! <3

  17. Good morning friends, thank you for your thoughts and prayers! They are the lift I need when the darkness within me starts my day. It is amazing how your hopefulness and confidence in The Lord translates! I feel the strength and power and often when I open my eyes after my prayers it is light again, for the Sun has risen indeed! There is nothing that compares to the love of Jesus. We are still in an unknown zone in our family with our son, I continue to hope and trust. I recieve morsels of information which I am afraid to trust and ingest...seems to good to be true and yes I have been disappointed before, but I keep none the less trying not to tear it apart either. I am trying to remain in the moment and enjoy the peace even though the truth has not been revealed. It is enough I continue to assure myself. It is what has been given for today, for now.
    God continues to lead and I follow, sometimes I wish the light was brighter so I could see it all but its is enough for today. Thank you family, you are a blessing. I ask that you please pray for a six year old boy named Colton who is severely burned and his grandma Tina and his mom Erica. God please heal them all in all the proper ways, in Jesus name. Amen

    1. Fern - Joining in prayer for Colton, his mother Erica and his Grandma Tina. God bless you.

    2. We are by your side in prayer, Fern, in your motherly concern for you son. Yes, a bumpy road, but it will smooth out and from a human standpoint, the sooner the better for everyone's sake and to the glory of God. Will add little Colton and his mother and grandma to my prayers. A rough road as well. May God bring healing and wholeness to all. God be with you!

    3. Fern- joining warrior SassyMom in asking God to heal Colton not only physically but heal his memory of this awful incident & for mom Erica & grandma. Amen!

    4. Joining in prayers dear Fern.
      Blessings from France

    5. Praying for God's complete healing on all Colton who is severely burned and his grandma Tina and his mom Erica. God please heal them all in Jesus' Name. Amen.

    6. I am still praying for dear Colton, Grandma Tina and Mom Erica, and I pray they are now doing well and God has been faithful to them. Thank You Jesus.

  18. Our world is chaotic. Resting in the assurance of Your perfect peace. Isaiah 26:3 "You will keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on You, because he trusts in You."

    1. Sassy Mom--- Thank you for posting Isaiah 26:3!!! AMEN and AMEN!!!. Also joining you in prayer for Colton and family members. Thank you Lord for Your Healing presence to surround them and permeate every cell of their bodies!

    2. Thank you everyone!! The power of God can do all things.
      Thank you for your love Lord. We love you!

    3. Thanks Sassy Mom.
      My mind, she is a staying and a praying :)

    4. Amen to that! Have always loved that verse. Thanks dear Sassy Mom! Love you all my sisters!

  19. What blessings abound, MadFox!! Talk about the prayer of a righteous man availing much! I know the joy you are experiencing as we were in the same boat when our daughter decided to move back home - for many of the same reasons as your dear Nurse Daughter. Though ours was not a front line worker, she was constantly compromised and felt lonely, compromised and isolated. So, I'm doing the Oh Happy Day dance right along with Jan Gridley and everyone else. Your joy is ours.
    Thank you, Maplewood for the lesson in the Lord's Prayer. Dear Fern, I will pray for Colton, Tina and Erica. It is so like you to be praying for others while you still have great concern for your own son. THAT is what frees us to receive God's many blessings. I continue to pray for your son and that he finds his way back into the fold.
    Sassy Mom, that is the prayer I prayed earlier for my one of my dear daughters-in-love. She went to her BFF's wedding and is safely back home, only to experience fear and dread over being exposed to COVID. Another friend (the one whose Pop we're praying for) was exposed and now full of concern, though asymptomatic. The one she was exposed to was also asymptomatic and my friend's son, who is working with the CDC said that asymptomatic COVID doesn't spread as easily. Of course, she's concerned for her Pop and over the upcoming wedding. I have been praying that each of them (and us) experience that peace that passes all understanding.
    BRIE -HAPPY 54 (!!) ANNIVERSARY, a day late. You are SO youthful - I had no idea that you could even be alive long enough to be married 54 years! What a true testimony of the walk you and your 'Darling Husband,' have lived. I will do as you suggest, Brie, and give you the dates of my appointments as they are made so that you and all of my JC Family can help pray me through my angst. I feel silly and then remember that my Heavenly Father is NEVER surprised by my childish unbelief in certain areas. Here I am praying for others peace that passes all understanding and I'm allowing the devil to do the same thing to me as what I'm praying others rebuke. That beam in my eye can be SO BIG sometimes that I forget it's even there. To read again that I am cloaked in His righteousness causes me to ask (like the song we love), "What have I to dread, What have I to fear? Leaning on the everlasting arms..." Last night, watching so many of the Littles playing, running with sheer abandon and laughing until their sides hurt and they'd fall on the ground, reminded me again of the sheer joy of being a dependent child. Always trusting that their loving parent would be there to catch them if they fall, kiss any booboo well or provide their every need with food, drink and clothing, is another example of the 'youngers' teaching the elders. I want to be the older, wiser teaching the young and as I relive my God Given blessings, I am allowed to do so.
    Enjoy your day today, dear JC Family. You are all in my prayers and will continue to be. Thank you for all of your prayers for me and mine, as well.

    1. Love you Norah! Thank you for sharing your love. Prayers lovely one no fear just peace!

    2. I have gotten into the habit to pray for myself as well as for others. It took a while to do that but now whenever I have a problem I am on the same prayer list and I know He hears every prayer. I love to hear about your Littles playing. I know the joy my Grands give me and now I have a 4th little grandson. Just watching him sleep in my arms brings a smile to my face and my heart. God bless you dear Norah and all our JC Family.

    3. Sweet thoughts this morning, Jeanne. Nothing like a babe sleeping in our arms. Been a while for me but the thought still brings a smile.

  20. As I return to normality in my life (being home), I feel a sense of renewal as a result of our blessed time away. There is a bit of a 'born again' feeling, a fresh beginning to all things. September often gives me that feeling as a transition from summer to fall (especially for those in the north) begins.

    With all of you upon my mind, I began to ask, 'What shall I contemplate and blog?' I started my quiet time in the usual fashion of reading one of the invitatory psalms and then reflecting on a verse to begin a time of reflection and prayer. As I did so this AM, the Spirit slowed me way down in going through that process (it is easy in its regularity, to 'whip' through it). As I read the psalm given to begin, a psalm which I have read hundreds of times, the Spirit was amplifying it greatly within my soul. It came to me that maybe I should share that with you for the time ahead. As I considered the purpose of this direction, it came to me that it is to help anyone, as needed, to be drawn into God's love through the practice of contemplation. I have grown in this area throughout my life and in no way or sense have I arrived. The growth will continue until I enter the final stage of growth, the entry into His glory. But I want for any of you who could learn something from this to be blessed. What I share may not be necessary for everyone, it is for those who might find it helpful. We will see where this goes in the days and weeks ahead. The one thing that has happened in this time I spend with you in this blog is that you are on my mind as I approach our Lord. As twin bd sis led us in the Lord's Prayer/Our Father above, it is the essence of the first word, 'Our'. I never approach God alone and it is a blessing to have you with me in spirit and in love. God be with you. With love, Bob

    1. Thanks Bob
      Yes I am ready.
      Much like you, I usually begin my days about 4:45 am with thank you prayer and song! Then I read scriptures from two sources, one being JC. Amazingly, there is always agreement from the two different sources, then I boil all the Scriptures I read into one or two words on which I meditate. I end with the AA prayer that includes do with me as You will and relieve me from the bondage of myself. Then I hop on this site, check the 'notify me' box, and go about the day applying His Word, and of course a Victory Song when I accomplish anything for Him. This morning I was snagged by Psalm 103. It's gonna be a long long time before I get it all.
      Love you and glad to have you back back!

    2. Looking forward to the future blessings you will share with us Bob! How encouraging and refreshing it is to approach "Our" Lord together, never alone. God be with you mon ami.

      Blessings from France

    3. Brie, you have opened the door for me. I will leave space within my thoughts for others to share their practice, much as you have above in spending time with our Lord as our JC readings are always encouraging us. There is no one way to do this, it is about what works for each individual person. My wife and I are night and day in how we spend time with God; literally, she does hers at night and I do mine like you early in the AM. But suggestions from others can deepen our experience. So as we proceed through this, the family members sharing their practices could help deepen this whole experience. I am ready too.

      Your affirmations, mon ami, are always a blessing to me. Thank you!

    4. Yes Bob! Many roads lead to the same destination: At One Ment with God! The Holy Spirit guides each of us with individually tailor made garments of Salvation and with His Robe of Righteousness. Because each is tailor made to fit a specific individual, all are differing, yet cherished equally. I too, would love to hear all the ways the Holy Spirit guides our JC Family Members to pray because when it comes to prayer and communing with Jesus, it's all good! Love to you and our JC Family of Prayer Warriors. Based on the Sincere and shared Love plus the Victory Reports, whatever way we are praying is the 'right' way. Keep on!

    5. I always learn a lot from you Bob and Brie. I always start my morning with prayer and devotions with my Mom and Sis and then I start praying for all those who need so much healing and help. He hears me and He knows I must take breaks because there are so many to pray for and right now I am on Nani duty much of my day.

    6. Brother-Friend in Christ, BOB! Have I told you lately that I love you, and I miss you, and if tomorrow never comes, I'd like to thank you for all the work you, and all JC posters put into our lesson plans? Regardless of the year, your posts are gifts to God and our JC Family that keep on giving, year after year after year after year.
      And to all on the praying side of town, your selfless gifts of prayers are deeply valued.
      Thanks again brother BOB and entire JC Family, wherever you are. I know you are flowing His Blessings to others. Appreciatively, Brie.

  21. I look forward to that, dear Bob! Your words always have a calming effect on my b/c they are His Words. In one of my readings this morning I was encouraged to 'pray first and ask Him for His plan,' rather than making a plan and then praying for it to work! Sounds so simple but oh the latter example is what I too often do. It went on to say that "Activity birthed out of the flesh, our own effort without God, actually prevents God from showing Himself strong" in our lives. Those works of the flesh just DON'T work! Or leave us exhausted and frustrated. Having these last few days off (it will be 6 (!) by the time I return on Wed), have renewed me, as well. Though I've not been away from home much, just the change of routine has brought me peace (after struggling and 'kicking against the pricks' for at least almost a day of it) and I'm in a peaceful place.
    I thank you for thinking of what you can study to bless all of us. What a giving, thoughtful guy! :)

    1. Thanking you Bob with Norah, You have always taken the time to present what we really need to read and understand. I loved your words: it came to me that it is to help anyone, as needed, to be drawn into God's love through the practice of contemplation. Amen. That quiet time with the Lord is so important. Be still and know that I am God. And time reading His Word is so important. Just being thankful in His presence for the blessings He has given us brings us closer to Him. Bob, You always let the Spirit work through you as you prepare for us. It has always been appreciated. As Norah says and I agree: "What a giving, thoughtful guy!" You were talking about how different prayer times are for you and your wife. Prayer times can be as different as day and night and there are many ways to pray. God made us all different with our own schedules. I pray each morning with my Mom and Sis and do our devotions, and read the Word. Then I do my best to pray for those who need healing, guidance, comfort and help. But I get interrupted by life very often. I tend to speak to Him at different times during the day and I try to find quiet time to spend with Him. I know He's always there and He understands how I feel all the time. Today He understood I was weary after helping with my son's children, their laundry, cooking and cleaning. I must confess I was rather cranky today when I got home and knew I had to make Rick's Labor day dinner and bake a cake for a friend who just turned 72. I must be careful to be a good witness to my faith even when I am tired. He is my strength.
      Really good advice sweet sister: Pray first and ask Him for His plan. His plan is always better than my plan. Sometimes all I say is: "Jesus, I know You're with me. Guide my day. Thanks." Then I set off to do those things on my list, but, He often changes the direction of my path to serve His purposes. His will, not ours.

    2. The direction of how my day was supposed to go (according to me)got changed drastically on Saturday. Totally shook my "snow globe" and while I was fighting being irritated by it, I knew it was God "rerouting" me for His purpose. I was quite pleased that my frustration eased quickly the more I thought about what was His will vs mine and that my to-do list could be rearranged and figured out quite easily...and got over my pouting. Am I always successful with this? No but I am more aware now than ever before. Thank you, Jesus, for that! And, yes, Jeanne, His will, not ours!

    3. Simply put, starting each day with the discipline of this blog has increased my awareness of His Presence. And that is a very good thing.

    4. Amen! It is so true. I am so aware of Him even in the little ordinary moments of my day. Had my grandson for a sleepover and I just could feel Him with both of us. Gabriel kept saying: More God books! What a blessing.

  22. This comment has been removed by the author.

  23. d) Praying for all of the above!

    VICTORY IS GOD's word for me today
    My Prayer:
    Dear God our Heavenly Father,
    Would You remind me to Glorify You for all Your Victories, such as freeing and nurturing my soul and spirit with the Vastness of Your Love, Grace and Mercy? I ask. I pray. I thank You. In Jesus' name. Amen.

  24. Very good prayer! Amen. We must rejoice in His faithfulness and all He is to us. Thanks dear Brie.
    Janet, I pray everything is okay my sister.

    1. Thank you for all your prayers and thoughts Jeanne. I appreciate them very much. I am leaning on Jesus and the word. I am so grateful for Him, all the blessings He provides me, and all the people He puts in my life. God bless!

    2. Amen good Sister! You’re leaning in the Everlasting Arms. You’re well taken care of.

    3. Love your heart AND your humor, NJS! "Totally shook my "snow globe" and while I was fighting being irritated by it, I knew it was God "rerouting" me for His purpose." That is me - SO OFTEN! lol!!! How blessed are we to have a Heavenly Father with a sense of Humor?!

  25. Wanted to check in; it's been awhile. It's been a hard extended weekend. I didn't get things done that I had planned. To be brutally honest, it was a bought of depression.

    A friend of mine checked in with me. The Lord told him some things. First of all, not to feel guilty. As I sat outside to spend some time with God in the quiet of the evening, that is also what I heard in my heart. Also that His love for me is not dependent on my performance or what I am feeling. He told my friend to tell me to "just be".

    Also he told my friend that I am going through a process of "burning away" some things and "He's drawing you closer to him than you ever thought you could get. He just told me that when I prayed what I should say."

    I'm kind of at a loss for words. These things (and His work) go deep.

    Also, I felt transparency here is called for... to bring glory to Him... to marvel at our humanity and the frailty of ourselves. And once again to say that God alone suffices.

    1. Amen Keith! So glad to hear from you and to know that God is working in your life. God is everything and all we ever need. Peace be with you!

    2. Keith I am in agreement with you and I'm in a similar place. Lord please have your way in us!

    3. Dear Keith & Terri, Keith your post started with some discouragement & low spirit, yet it progressed to "hearing" a friend's encouraging counsel, taking it in through your spirit, and ending with an acknowledgement of God's love for you & His Sovereignty by praising Him. It's not how you started your day but how you finished it! Hallelujah!

    4. Missed you dear brother. God knows your beautiful heart. He was there when you were feeling depressed. Run into His loving Arms. There’s no room in there for guilt or condemnation. We come as we are. We are deeply loved and understood.

    5. Amen Keith, good to hear from you. I also struggle with "just be". I'll be praying for you to rest in Him and just be, and see where He leads you. Thanks for sharing. Mindy

    6. Jan, I just loved: It's not how you started your day but how you finished it. With our good God's help.

    7. Terri, God knows how you feel and He loves you. Praying for your strength and joy.

  26. And if by grace, then it is no longer of works; otherwise grace is no longer grace. But if it is of works, it is no longer grace; otherwise work is no longer work. (Romans 11:6). But by the grace of God I am what I am, and His grace toward me was not in vain; but I labored more abundantly than they all, yet not I, but the grace of God which was with me. (1 Corinthians 15:10). But may the God of all grace, who called us to His eternal glory by Christ Jesus, after you have suffered a while, perfect, establish, strengthen, and settle you. To Him be the glory and the dominion forever and ever. Amen. (1 Peter 5:10-11). Let us therefore come boldly to the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy and find grace to help in time of need. (Hebrews 4:16). For by grace you have been saved through faith, and that not of yourselves; it is the gift of God, not of works, lest anyone should boast. (Ephesians 2:8-9).

    Father, You are so amazing. You give everything to us. You provide all that we need. You watch over and take care of us at all times. You are the best Father ever. Thank You for all You do and all You are. I praise You Lord always and continually. Thank You Jesus. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen.

    1. Oh but by the grace of God go I!

      🎶 Lead us to a place
      Lead us with Your grace
      To a place where we are safe.

      Thank Sis Janet for sharing 💕

    2. THE PRAYER sung by David Archuleta & Nathan Pacheco

    3. In Jesus heavenly name Amen!!

    4. Amen dear Janet. Blessed by His Word and your prayer.
      Brie, I sure do love that song. So very powerful! Thanks

  27. Dear Heavenly Father God,
    Romans 8 and Today's Devotion tells me, There is no condemnation for those who are clothed in Me! That is why I abhor the use of guilt as a means of motivation among Christians...
    John 4 confirms, The water You give becomes a perpetual spring within me, watering me forever with eternal life.
    Is my guilt obstructing the flow of Your Living Waters all through me?
    Letting myself be controlled by my lower guilt nature gratifies satan and leads to the dead sea.
    Letting myself follow after God's Holy Spirit of praise, glorifies God and leads me to Living Waters of His Victory, Life in Him, and His Peace.

    Please remove my guilt logjam.
    Like the woman at the well, I too, am asking, Please Sir, give me some of your rivers of living waters to be a perpetual spring within me, flowing all through me, washing away my guilt, and watering me forever with eternal life, and then out from me to others. In Jesus' Name. I ask. I seek. I knock. I praise. I thank. I yield. Amen.
    JOHN 4
    The water I give becomes a perpetual spring within, watering forever with eternal life.

    1. LETTING IT GO on The Beach...
      Like that moment on the beach when we are on our beach loungers, lying flat on our backs, eyes closed, feeling the warm, gentle sun on our body, and we experience the release of everything else. Sometimes it takes only a few minutes, sometimes it takes a few days, but in His time, relaxation will come. Once it does, we are no longer aware of anything else around us.OOOH!AHHH!OHHH!
      The collective sounds of soothing waves and breezes invite synchronization, and we accept. Eventually our eyes open to absorb our expansive sky blanket, the horizon, and the vastness of it all without any interference.
      This is true freedom in God's great love for us, like the same true freedom we have when we confess our sin, give our guilt to God, and receive God's great love for us. However many miles of sky our eyes can see, God's forgiveness and love expands further. Logjam begone as He takes our sins as far away as possible, forgets them, forgives us, and washes us clean, as only God can do, far beyond everything we can ask for, or imagine. His love is infinite.
      Dear Heavenly Father God,
      Thank You for the vastness of your sky, sand, water, merciful forgiveness and love. In Jesus' Name. Amen.

    2. Thanks Brie, I need to take a "beach day". Thanks for the reminder and painting such a relevant picture. Mindy

    3. BRIE - I was right there with you on that beach - though I'm really in Ohio, working at my computer and now - hours later, getting ready for bed. You have a gift for describing your moment. THANK YOU. Didn't you and Larry have an Anniversary recently? Did I miss it (among lots of other posts while my internet was wonky)? Today, again my DH and I prayed for you, Larry and your fam and all of those in LA, NJ, Queens, NY. Texted my former boss who lives in Queens and found him and his wife unscathed - thanking God.

    4. Just what I needed Brie! So busy with my grandsons and hardly finding time to shower. But the rest in Him is always so complete and He knows what I need and when I need it.
      Amen dear Mindy, Praying for Chloe. It is so true Brie sure knows how to paint a picture in our minds and hearts.
      Norah, You made me smile. I could also feel myself resting on that beach in the warm sun with a beautiful blue sky above.
      I'm so happy your computer is up and running well. Get some rest now.

  28. JC Warriors -- I want to thank all of you for your prayers and thoughts and the Lord has been healing me greatly. I've been going through all kinds of health issues over the past year. I would appreciate prayers for the Lord to please guide and direct me along the path He has for me in my life. I am literally stranded at this point and I don't see any way out at all, but I trust in the Lord with all my heart. He can do anything. I thank you in advance. I am so very grateful for all of you. God bless!

    1. Janet, dear sister, continued prayers for God's direction and provision in your life. Thank you for sharing your journey with this JC family. Its an honor and a blessing to support each other in prayer. Love 5o you sister. Mindy

    2. Joining in Mindy's prayer for you. Praying for God's light to direct your path like bright neon arrows. He knows exactly what you need to be happy, safe, fulfilled and blessed. Thank You Jesus! Trusting our Way Maker to make a way for you in your personal wilderness. He knows the way because He has already prepared it for you dear Sis.

  29. Keith and Terri, You are in my prayers for the Lord to help you turn to Him and not to yourself. May He help you to stop doing and start trusting and help you to wait on His answers. May God grant you wisdom, hope and peace. Scripture tells us in I Kings 19 that though the Prophet Elijah preached one of the greatest sermons of his life. God helped him to defeat 400 prophets of Baal on the Mt. Carmel and exposed them as the false prophets. Because of Elijah’s faith & obedience in prayer, God sent fire down out of heaven to consume the sacrifice he’d placed on the altar, and sent a downpour of rain on a land that didn’t have rain for 3 years. Yet the prophet Elijah was crippled by fear, hopelessness, despair and wanted to die. God healed him and He can do the same for you (along with seeking the necessary help and getting the necessary medication). God bless.

    Janet, God is the greatest healer of all, He is Jehovah Rapha! Keeping you in prayers for direction, healing and peace. Jesus says, “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.” (Matthew 11:28). Remain Blessed.

    Blessings and Peace.

    Maplewood, NJ

    1. Amen Maplewood! He will provide, heal, guide, renew and bless our dear brothers and sisters. They are in the best of Hands. He hears our prayers. He can do ALL Things.

  30. Dear JC family, asking for prayers for my mom and myself as she is still trying to decide what to do about her future and living situation. My dad passed in May 2018 and she is still lost, lonely and confused. She's wanting to down size her house, (this changes daily) and sell some other properties. She will he fine financially she is just afraid of making a "wrong" decision. My husband and I would like to buy one or more of her properties but she can't decide. There are also inheritance issues with my brother and she has given him lake property. We are offering to buy, not asking for a gift. Please pray for clarity and peace of mind for her and to make the decision God wants her make. We just want her to be comfortable wherever she decides to live.
    Also along with this I ask for prayer for the perfect housing opportunity for my daughter Chloe and our future SIL. these 2 requests are tied together, as maybe they can purchase from my mom also. Wedding is October 16th. They like to know where they will be living, and they'd really like to not still be in our basement for too much longer after wedding. I covet this JC family's prayer and support. Love and prayers for each of you. Still keeping track of each of you in my prayer notebook. Mindy

    1. Praying the prayer for you, that always succeeds: THY WILL BE DONE with Love for you our dear sweet sister friend in Christ.

    2. Praying that the Lord provides your family with guidance, peace, and comfort. His will be done. Peace be with you and God bless.

    3. Asking God to reassure your mom that He is with her every day and He is helping her to free herself from some of these responsibilities of property/home ownership. Once she takes the initial steps in the process of selling, she will feel like a weight has been lifted. May she feel the gift of being able to sell to family and that by doing so, she can still inquire about and maybe even visit since family would be owning them. Perhaps your mom could benefit from talking with a grief support group or Christian counselor to help sort feelings of grief and the feeling of being overwhelmed by other things and decisions that need tending to. Praying for your mom, Mindy, that God intervenes and she feels His guidance and direction as He walks with her holding her hand through this process of so much change. Praying too that she sees the gift she could give her granddaughter and her soon to be husband by allowing them to buy one of her properties. Praying also for you, Mindy. You're trying to be respectful of your mom, her grief, etc. while also trying to help your daughter with her wedding and housing. God is with you all and will reveal His perfect plan for everyone. Praying for peace and discernment, Mindy. In Jesus' great name, amen.

    4. I have been praying for your Mom, Mindy. Losing her husband is hard enough and I really understand her feelings of confusion and insecurity about parting with her possessions and some of her control. My Mom hates change of any kind. Even if I put something in her dishwasher or her cabinets in the wrong place, it bothers her. Such wonderful advice from NJS. There are a lot of ways to take her stress and worry away. My Mom is difficult because she doesn't even want to go out of the house. I try to walk her down the block and back just to keep her legs strong. Going to visit her this week. Your Mom has a lot she's dealing with and grief and worry can do much harm. So it's best to just hold her hand as she goes through the steps to selling her house and parting with her things. At least selling to family is an easier thing so it shouldn't be too hard for her. Praying for your guidance and strength as well.

  31. Praying for you and your family, Dear Mindy! SO MANY's been the theme of my (our) life since May. Trusting God to work in your Mom's heart and LET GO of the abundance that she has been blessed with. Love you, dear sister - praying for Chloe, your brother's good conscience and each of you loving your Mom and trying to bring her a bit of peace. <3

  32. Still thinking of Min Ahadi’s story about the vineyard. What a blessed assurance that we are a part of God as He is a part of us. His spirit and light inside of us is the most important part of us. It will never die. Like vines intertwined, nothing can separate us from His light, love and peace.

  33. Dear Lord, thank you that we are able to sit in your presence and read your Word. Thank you to the Peyton family for providing this forum for your children to read/grow/share. Thank you for giving us another day. Please bless the JC Warriors past and present.

    SC Anonymous

    1. Amen dear SC! So blessed we are to belong to this wonderful family of faith. We stand on our Cornerstone together.
      How is your brother feeling? Praying for his complete recovery.

  34. What a blessed state! How can it be? Yet it is.
    Irrevocably we live in Him:
    Acts 27:28a Amplified: "For in Him we live and move and exist [that is, in Him we actually have our being]".
    Irrevocably He lives in us:
    1 John 4:12-13 "12 No one has ever seen God; but if we love one another, God lives in us and his love is made complete in us.
    13 We know that we live in him and he in us, because he has given us of his Spirit."

  35. Praying for you Brie. Don't believe the lies of the enemy. Find the time to listen to that beautiful voice of the Holy Spirit. You are loved & looked after by the Lord of the universe. Hallelujah! 🙏💕

  36. " Enjoy the warmth of My Presence shining upon you. Feel your face tingle as you bask in My Love-Light. I delight in you more than you can imagine. "

    Let's sit at His feet for a while:

    I long to Sit at Your Feet Stay here a while
    Lost in the moment with You
    Breathe in your fragrance taste of your goodness
    Know that I'll not be denied

    All that is in me longs for Your glory
    All that is in me cries

    How I love You
    How I want You
    How my soul cries for You

    Here I am Your beloved
    Who values the price of your presence
    Lost in the beauty of being
    In the courts of the King

  37. Prayers for me please with some personal struggles. Thank-you! ♥️

    1. I am praying for YOU and know that when we're trying to figure it out, GOD has already worked it out! God knows all that you are going through and knows that whatever it is HE IS BIGGER THAN IT, and if you can't think of anything else to say, just say HELP ME JESUS! It will truly bring your mind back to him! I know firsthand, it's working for YOUR GOOD.
      JUST TRUST HIM! May HE consume you with his love while YOU WAIT AND PRAISE HIM IN ADVANCE as though it is already done.

    2. Anonymous joining in prayer for you....may your struggles dissipate quickly. May God's peace comfort you.

    3. Thank-you both so much! ♥️

    4. Joining prayers for you dear Anonymous. God is so much greater than your struggles. He can make all things right. Seek Him, trust Him, wait on Him. He knows your heart and your troubles. He is mighty to save. Come to Him with gratitude and praise no matter the circumstances. He cares for you.
      Thank You Jesus.

  38. Today is a GREAT GOD day to celebrate life wherever we are realizing when God is FOR US. Who can be against us? My Soul is rejoicing and I Praise GOD for ALL YOU SHARED THIS DAY!

  39. Prayers for a narcissistic friend.

    1. I think we all have narcissistic tendencies and we all need prayer for that. I admit I do.😊

    2. Then I shall pray for you also.

    3. Amen. We’re only human and at times our emotions get the better of us.
      Father, Thank You for guiding us to follow the Spirit Instead of the flesh. Lead us on the right path and give us the right words to say. in Jesus’ Name we pray.

  40. Prayers for all who ask on this new day. I'm hearing God's call to me and my answer to Him today in this song this morning:
    🎶♥️ Ain't no Mountain High Enough link

    1. Wonderful song dear Audra, Thanks

    2. I listened to it as me singing to our God and then again, as our God singing it back to us! Amazing Grace thanks to our dear sister DJ, Audra

    3. Thanks to our dear sister friend and DJ in Christ, Audra, I listened to it as me singing the words to our God, and then again as our God singing the Words back to us! Amazing Grace!

    4. Thanks be to God and our dear sister friend in Christ, DJ Audra, I listened to this song as me singing to our God, then again, as our God singing the Words back to us! Amazing Grace!

  41. I have Tasha Layton's song in my head (Into the Sea). My heart IS breaking, for my Best Man and that he has to go through more chemo. Though, I don't wonder if He's still good, I wonder, WHY? Why, does this good man have to go through all of this again? He's in bed, sleeping peacefully. He's getting up at 6AM to shower and go in and be his best. I need to do that, too. For him. For me. For God. Praying, dear JC Prayer Warriors....let it be OK. Give me something, from this wreakage, of my heart. It's gonna be OK. I know it will be OK. Thank you for your prayers. Heading to bed. God is on the Night Watch. Sigh. I am more exhausted for him, than he is for himself. I love him SO much. Father, give me Your Peace.
