Saturday, September 12, 2015

Psalm 12:6 - Inspiration, Infallibility, Inerrancy

Psalm 12:6 - The words of the Lord are pure words, like silver refined in a furnace on the ground, purified seven times.

Message: The words of the Lord are the highest and greatest words we can read

Time: The psalms were written by many different people across a period of a thousand years in Israel's history. They are thought to have been compiled and put together in their present form by some unknown editor shortly after the captivity ended about 537 B.C.

What the Lord is Saying:

Psalm 12 is a Psalm that is said to have definitely been written by David. 

Man's Words
The predominant theme of the Psalm is the calling out of man as being fallible and a man of iniquity. There is almost a sense of surprise that not even the Godly man cannot remain without sin. Psalm 12:1 says, "the godly man ceaseth; for the faithful fail from among the children of men." 

Their isn't specific wickedness that is mentioned and it isn't saying that their is no good in man and that Godly man does not ever do good, but throughout life not even man can be counted on in all circumstances, in all ways. 

Verse 2 remarks, "They speak vanity every one with his neighbor: with flattering lips and with a double heart, do they speak." Verse 1 is a general statement and verse 2, then is an example of that failing. It is not the only failing, but simply one that is mentioned here as an example. Man's speaking words were often in vain and couldn't be relied upon. And man's words could convey a double meaning, they could have selfish motives, they could be deceptive. And man can have a double heart meaning they say one thing and then do another. Man's talk will often not be backed up with his walk. Overall, man if fallible.  

God's Words
Then God's words are spoken. "The words of the Lord are pure words." In contrast to man, the Lord's words are pure. God's words can always be relied upon. All His words are true and faithful. It needs to be clearly stated and clearly received and revered and known that the Lord's words are pure. 

The Psalmist describes how pure those words are. The commodity silver is used and the commodity is is taken to a place where it is tried and purified, not once or twice, but very often, seven times through the fire. The word seven in the Scriptures denotes a complete or perfect number. So, the process of it going through fire was repeated and repeated and repeated and repeated and repeated and repeated and repeated, seven times. It was complete and His words are pure. 

While men, and even those who professed to be good men failed and no complete reliance could be placed on their statements, the most perfect trust could be reposed on all the statements of God. 

This is a reminder to me that God's words needs to always be my chief source of guidance and wisdom. How quickly do I often go to man's words instead for guidance and wisdom. But, I need to be trained by God. 

I live in a culture that doesn't uphold God's words or even his name in a great manner. Even in the church, God's words are being spliced and diced so that the ways of the culture will not be compromised. It is a tough time because being a Christian is getting to be more and more unpopular and people who hold up the word of God are being laughed at more and more. 

But, I just need that reminder to my life that God's words are in fact the most complete and greatest words I could ever hope to read and know. I don't believe this says that I only read the "red letters" in the Bible or only the words that are said to only come from God for the Word says that "All scripture is inspired by God." And so I am to uphold all of its words, but my reliance on the words of God are indeed the greatest. And from that standpoint, I must be very careful to uphold those words. 

This is a process that grates against man and his ways. Just looking at the words of the 10 commandments is a chore to us and goes against our thinking. But, I must be careful. As I have seen from passages, like in Ecclesiastes, life is to be enjoyed. God has provided an abundance and goodness in life to eat, enjoy each others company and live life to the fullest. But, still I must be careful throughout that enjoyment that my enjoyment is based on God's providence and his words are always upheld in my life, for they are the pure words. 

It is not that man can never be relied upon. It is not to say that there aren't good words found in man. But, I must remember that man's words can be fallible while God's words are never fallible. So, I don't think this means I never listen to man, but I always must think about what I'm hearing and not always take it as complete.

Promise: While men, and even those who professed to be good men failed and no complete reliance could be placed on their statements, the most perfect trust could be reposed on all the statements of God. 

1 comment:

  1. God, please instill Your Words in me. May I always remember them and never forget! Amen.
