Thursday, September 10, 2015

Jesus Calling: September 10

I am always available to you. Once you have trusted Me as your Savior, I never distance Myself from you. Sometimes you may feel distant from Me. Recognize that as feeling; do not confuse it with reality. The Bible is full of My Promises to be with you always. As I assured Jacob, when he was journeying away from home into unknown places, I am with you and will watch over you wherever you go. My last recorded promise to My followers was: Surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age. Let these assurances of My continual Presence fill you with Joy and Peace. No matter what you may lose in this life, you can never lose your relationship with Me. 

Isaiah 54:10
English Standard Version

For the mountains may depart
    and the hills be removed,
but my steadfast love shall not depart from you,
    and my covenant of peace shall not be removed,”
    says the Lord, who has compassion on you.
Genesis 28:15
English Standard Version 

Behold, I am with you and will keep you wherever you go, and will bring you back to this land. For I will not leave you until I have done what I have promised you.

Matthew 28:20
English Standard Version 

teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.

Note: The devotion and scriptures are from author Sarah Young. If you haven't already, please purchase the book and support the author. 

Also, bookmark to have an easy link to the entire year of these entries.


  1. Thank you again for sharing your book with us! I have this book but it hasn't been shipped to my new home yet. My parents and I read it faithfully every day. Thank you again!

  2. Replies
    1. HE is with us! Praying for you!

    2. I glorify and praise your name my dearest heavenly father and humbly come to u in complete and total Thanksgiving for meeting our provisions and the promise u will ALWAYS be there for. Your love is unfailing. With this prayer I raise up Connie to your name. May u keep her in peace and comfort. Amen

  3. Please pray for my friend Connie a recent widow (last year) who is no longer able to live alone or attend church. She is very nauseous, her weight has dropped to 86 pounds. She also has asthma and on oxygen during the night. The doctors don't know what is wrong with her. Thank you for praying.

    1. The situation is sounding desperate.
      Lord, we lift up Sassy Mom and her friend Connie in this desperate time. I ask that you give wisdom and comfort to all involved. Also I ask that you be glorified through and by them.

      Lord, we need you every moment and we give you praise and Thanksgiving for your promise to never leave or forsake us. Lord, you alone suffice.

      We pray this in Jesus name.

    2. My heavenly father Bless her and the doctors. In the powerful name of your son jesus Christ amen����������������

    3. Jehovah Rapha, please glorify Yourself in Connie's situation and let testimonies to Your name be lifted up by her family and friends in Jesus name! Thank You Lord.

      Maplewood, NJ

    4. FATHER, I praise YOU for waking me in a sound mind. I come to YOU through YOUR Son JESUS CHRIST, and know YOU Never leave any one of us, it’s I or the person that walks away from YOU. I know because I’ve done it and have asked for forgiveness when I returned to YOU. And in that time I left YOU, living in my own will, YOU were still there, I just had turned my back to YOU so I couldn’t see YOU. For there’s no other explanation as to how, as a result of not living in YOUR Will, through YOUR beautiful Holy Spirit, that I survived the chaos and circumstances I was in. It was YOU, & YOUR supernatural powers that kept me protected and ultimately with child (after losing so many in miscarriages & told I couldn’t carry a child to full term) YOU knew I was not with the love for myself enough to change, but being with child gave me a new inspiration a new hope, as it was truly a miracle in so many ways beyond the fact of my body’s inability to carry full term YOU blessed me with a full term pregnancy and a healthy baby boy 🙏 a child after YOUR heart and attention today, 9 years later, and a mother that praises YOU for the blessings of both my children. By blessing me with my son YOU reminded me what unconditional love is, something I have had little of but what I am now filled with each day, not only by my son and daughter but from YOU, which is even more precious and important. I thank YOU Father & Savior, for YOUR LOVE, blessings of health, healing, opportunity and especially for YOUR HOLY SPIRIT
      Please let YOUR Will be done in my life today FATHER, let YOUR light shine from within me so I may be a beacon of light to others, glorifying YOUR name. I pray for all those in the midst of war, violence, suffering, sickness and pain, please FATHER, intervene and help YOUR people by leading us to the only truth and wisdom necessary to stay on the straight and narrow, remaining separate from this world and scattering YOUR seed along the way. I pray for our world leaders that seem to only have their own self interests, help the people of the world to open their eyes and see the truths right in front of them. For the powers that be are successfully distracting most by their media propaganda. Please forgive me of my sins, help me to stay near to YOU always, lead me in YOUR ways and pour YOUR HOLY SPIRIT upon us all so our ways and words are led by YOU. Help me to think of others before myself, help me to continue to fight the world’s shackles so I may finally be freed . I praise YOU for my life , all YOU provide for us, not just here in my own little world but in all congregations ensuring all brothers and sisters in Christ are provided for-thank YOU. Thank YOU for loving me when I turned my back, and receiving me, back into YOUR arms when I returned. I will never let go of YOU again. I love YOU & TRUST in YOUR Ways. Praise the most High, the creator of ALL YAWEH & YESHUA
      IN JESUS CHRIST name I pray

    5. Beautiful. May God continue His blessings in your life.

    6. Thank you, A🙏♥️, your testimony and passion for Christ lit up my morning prayer time. Thank you Jesus for your constant love and companionship. My King and my Friend ✝️♥️

  4. Heavenly Father
    I petition to you this morning and ask you in earnest to place a healing hand on sassy moms friend Connie who is having trouble with her health please work a miracle in her situation lord we praise your name lord and we glorify you lord you are everything to us lord because we are everything to you make Connie as comfortable as possible lord surround her in you infinite love and please give the doctors the skill and wisdom to determine what’s causing these health problems I pray father you take away any worry or stress friends and family may be experiencing at this time lord I lift Connie up before you this morning lord help her lord
    I pray you do what I ask lord in your precious sons name Jesus christ AMEN

  5. Praying the wonderful words of Keith's and Unknown's for Sassy mom's friend, Connie. May the Lord surround her with blessings, peace and comfort. KS

  6. I am joining in the prayers for Connie.

  7. Lord, bring comfort and peace to Connie and her family and friends during this stressful time. In Jesus name. Amen

  8. A grateful heart is speaking to You this morning Lord, to say THANK You for another blessed and gifted day filled with treasures that I intend to find and glorify You. Thank You Lord.

    JC family, wishing everyone a bless day and lifting up the needs and prayer requests for all. This great God that we serve encourages us to stick closer to Him, He promised to NEVER leave us, no matter what we do or face! His Presence is always with us. NO man can be available to us like JESUS and NO one can be trusted like Him. We have it real good, and it's up to us to take hold and not let go. Whatever this day brings, please remember His promise in this devotion and THANK Him.

    Please join me in praying for traveling Grace and mercy for my 2 siblings that will be headibg back to TN this evening. I trust the same God that brought them will land them back safely in Jesus name. Thank you.

    Stay blessed,

    Maplewood NJ

  9. Good morning Lord and JC family. I too am a widow and I cannot begin to explain the emptiness that is felt but by the grace of God it shall pass. I pray for Connie for her heart to heal. I pray that she feels JESUS'S arms around her holding her close. Thank you Lord for all you do for us..for answered prayer. I pray for safe travels for our children returning home. God's peace be with all.

  10. Good morning God! Thank You for the night and this new day! God You are Good!!
    Father, in the Name of Jesus Your Son, grant us peace, love, health, joy and forgiveness that comes through Your love for us! I lift up all of these to You! Hear the prayers of Your children Father. Go before us and with us into this day! I trust You Jesus! Your will be done in Jesus’ Name, I pray! 💕
    Blessings and peace this day!

  11. Saying prayers for all requests from today. For health, peace, safe travels and for all to keep trusting in our Lord and Savior. He is always there with each of us on our journeys providing love and peace. Jesus, I trust You! CO

  12. Because I live in AZ, my posts occur after many have already stopped by this sight for the day. Brie suggested that I post a day ahead for those of you in the East who have already visited may have my thoughts. Below you will find a repost from yesterday and then I will try posting a day ahead. I am open to further suggestions. Last Monday, I posted the direction I am taking with my posts for the time being, in case you are wondering.


    Creating a sacred space. Churches have sanctuaries for the purpose of providing a sacred space in which worship takes place. When a space is set aside solely for that purpose, it can develop an aura that gives a strong sense of the presence of God upon entering.

    This also can be useful in the practice of personal intimacy with God. Setting aside a space within one's domain where one meets God can further the development of intimacy with God. Much as a sanctuary is for a worshiping community, your space will develop an aura that will increase your soul's feeling of being in the presence of God. Yes, God is with you everywhere but in experiencing God in a sacred space lends to the awareness of the eternal presence wherever you go. Make the space the two of you share in whatever way is a blessing. Use chairs that are comfortable but not too comfortable so you won't find yourself dosing off. Like a church sanctuary, place images around you that draw your attention to God's love and grace for you. Decorate it in a way that draws your heart toward Him who is with you. Make it a sacred space in which only the two of you share.

    For me personally, I have my space outdoors. I find my quiet time is enhanced by breathing fresh air. I place an extra chair in my space to indicate God sitting with me. I light a fragrant candle because Jesus is my light and my salvation and the lingering smell creates a pleasing sense to it all (the olfactories can play a role in this time). Though my space is not free from interruption because the workers on the golf course are driving by on their machines, I turn that into a positive by waving at them as they go by and now overtime, they are looking for me and take the initiative to wave first. So in this space I rendezvous on a daily basis with my Lord, He is sitting in His chair when I get there and sometimes He is waving as He goes by. This is my space. Do you have a sacred space where God and you meet? What is it like? Thanks for sharing.

    God be with you, JC Family! With love, Bob

    1. Thank you, Bob. I love how personal our space with our Papa can be.
      I share a love of meeting at the beach or near water. Bc I have never lived “right there” the beach has always been my temple visit. I journey there with the hope and expectation that Papa will meet me there. I journal, walk, listen, frolic in the waves,and worship in those holy moments.
      Daily, regularly, I have a few other spaces. I typically walk my dogs a couple times a day. And it is my prayer walk. I keep my eyes open for physical things but also the eyes of my spirit for what may surface. My shower is my war room for cancer. I bring every name before God asking for Papa to heal and replace cancerous cells. And then I journal and read either on my couch or outside porch.

      As Sarah reminds us today, we worship an ever present God. I am grateful beyond measure that he faithfully meets me! Surely He is with us always.

    2. Bob (bday twin), what great insights as always! Every person that has a relationship with God and loves Him, should find a space to be with Him, just you and your Father. A quiet space free from distractions et al., there you meet Him in that stillness, pour out your heart and just sit and listen to Him too. Because remember, this is a two way conversation, not one sided. In this quite space, time alone with Him, warms His heart and blesses your mind, body and soul. It doesn't matter where, as long as it's a comfortable space for you.
      Just like Blessings from France, I have a space in my bedroom where I sit flat on the floor to read, meditate, write and pray. The bed may be tempting to fall asleep, but the floor is better for me. TV, phone off, door shut and its just the two of us!
      When given the opportunity to be outdoors by a lake, river or ocean, I also find peace and tranquility in His Presence! Just the beauty of His creation and the power that He is, blows my mind and grants me and rest!

      Stay blessed my brother and keep it coming! The soul can never be fed too much of God's Word!

      Maplewood NJ

    3. Thanks Bob! So glad you shared it again! We should all make time in our days to be with Jesus. He is our greatest love. We must nurture our relationship and do our best to remain close to Him. He speaks to us in the silence.

    4. My Sacred Spaces were posted on September 9. Thanks everyone who has or will share theirs. It helps me.

    5. Bob, I am so grateful for the suggestion that you share the night before. Although I am here later than normal, it is a great blessing to read your words.

      My space was on my back porch with a nice wooded area to view and enjoy. Unfortunately it is now all construction zone and no more peace. AH, but the gracious Father is moving us to a new home next year on our lot with a mountain view. (Lord willing ;)) My space is now inside on a comfy chair, cuddled up enjoying time with my Jesus.

      The spirit has been helping me see that peace starts with our thoughts. I am studying from a book by Joyce Meyer: Battlefield of the mind. Pray for me as I go on this journey to fight the devils lies that I am not worthy.
      Love to all the JC Family!!
      from Maryville, Tennessee

    6. JOHN 21: 12 Now come and have some breakfast!
      None of us dared ask Him if He really was The Lord because we were quite sure of it. Then Jesus went around serving us with the bread and the fish!
      Come and have some breakfast with Me!
      Dear Heavenly Father God,
      My JC Family and I desire to have Breakfast with You. Would You help us be still, know that You are God, and commune with You in Gratitude and in Love? During that time with You, would you help us clear out our mind of plans, schedules, and todo lists, and take in the waves, wiggle our toes in the sand, absorb the sights, smells and sounds, and enjoy a moment with You for whatever it is? For now, would You help us accept Your invitation to "Come" into our Sacred Space with You today, putting aside the busyness of Martha and just be present in the moment with You like Mary? For all of us, I ask. I pray. I thank in Jesus' Name. Amen.

    7. Thanks for sharing the Shower, Grace Takes Time. My Shower is now a new B-9 Warroom with a prayer for every body part (mine and JC Family's) I am scrubbing clean and clear! Glorying and Praising God with Love to all.

    8. Yes!!! 😀 God be glorified as we listen and pray.

    9. Like sand and water On The Beach, Thank You God for always being available to us, for breakfast, lunch, dinner, and snacks. We desire to be stilled for listening to You, partake with You, and commune with You in Gratitude and with Love. Thank You for Blessed Assurance of Your continual Presence. Your Presence fills us with Your Joy and Your Peace on the Beach, and also Here, There, and Everywhere, Any Old Time Of The Day! How Blessed and Thankful we are. In Jesus' Name. Amen.

    10. I found that meeting God everyone morning on the porch before sunrise has become my perfect place. No one is up as I have coffee, listen to the awakening of the world for the new day. It’s made my time with God more special and enlightening.

      SC Anonymous

    11. I've had a Prayer Alter for year which I pray at, I also have a chair in the backyard I meditate and pray in.They both Carry remnant charges of the spiritual energy that has moved through them.
      Blessings to all on this beautiful day the Lord has made. Let us rejoice and be glad in it!!!Praying with and for my Beautiful JC Family today and everyday!!! Thanks once again for sharing with us and allowing us to share with you Bob. Always thought provoking, knowledgeable and Spirit Driven. My Spirit is praying with and for your spirit in whatever time and space continuum you reside in.
      Thanks for the Blessings!!! :):):)

  13. Thank You Jesus for always being with me. I enjoy You all the time, no matter what I am doing. I can't imagine my life without You. You are my Father, Lord, and Savior and I feel greatly blessed to have You in my life. I will bless, praise, and rejoice in the Lord continually and always. You complete me.

    1. Amen Janet!! "Can't imagine my life without you"!!! Amen to that!

      Maplewood NJ

    2. Amen dear Janet! You just spoke the words of my heart!

    3. As I have grown to look forward to the many different posts of our sisters and brothers in this blog, I find myself now always looking forward to your prayer, Janet. Thank you for your faithfulness here. God be with you.

  14. Please pray for my little sister Ruth. She has hurt her back trying to do to much. She is in so much pain and to hear her cry in pain hurts my heart. She is a single mother of a special needs adopted Chinese daughter who requires a great deal of attention. She has no one human to help her. She has her own business doing speech therapy with autistic children. Help her Lord please help her. In Christ's name amen.

    1. Praying right now.
      Have mercy Papa. May Ruth know and sense your presence and power right now in Jesus name.

    2. There is a hillsong worship song spinning in my head. The lyrics say:

      There was another in the fire
      Standing next to me
      There was another in the waters
      Holding back the seas
      And should I ever need reminding
      Of how I've been set free
      There is a cross that bears the burden
      Where another died for me
      There is another in the fire“

      I pray Ruth senses the other with her!

    3. Unknown- joining warrior GTT in prayer for precious Ruth 🙏🥰.

    4. May Jehovah Rapha relieve Ruth of her back pain today! He is our healer and restorer! Please, Lord, Ruth, your daughter, has a very physical job with her daughter and needs a strong back in order to care for her. Thank you, Father, for Your healing!

    5. Unknown- I join and stand in agreement with the prayer band here in praying for your little sis Ruth. I cover her this morning in the precious Blood of Jesus and trusting Jehovah Rapha to restore her back to its full pain free capacity.
      He is able, only trust and believe!

      Maplewood NJ

    6. Sending healing prayers for Ruth. May God comfort and strengthen her and help her with her daughter and work. We declare complete healing in Jesus Name. AMEN

      Blessings from France

    7. Praying for your sister Lord please give her the help she needs. Strengthen her with your strength. Come beside her to raise this child together. Only you know exactly what they need. You are the perfect husband and father, there is no one like you! We praise your holy name and thank you for working in this situation. You are the one true God the creater of all things and we tried your holy ways, Lord you know us better than we know ourselves. Thank you Lord!

    8. Joining in prayers for your little sister Ruth. Father, We thank you for healing this good mother’s back and relieving her of all pain so she can continue taking care of her daughter and serving you. She is helping autistic children. Thank you for strengthening her in all ways as she does your good work. In the name of your Son, Jesus Christ Thank you!.

    9. Lifting your little sister Ruth in prayer, UK. May our loving Lord bring healing and wholeness to all areas of her life and yours as you are led to helping her. You have already started with the most important help, seeking prayers. It is the best you can do. God be with you.

    10. My prayers are entering in with all of the above as well as all of those below. Father God, I know you are able and that is why I am singing "The Goodness of God" while requesting total healing In Jesus' Name. Amen

    11. Singing with you, Brie!

    12. PTL, we got some measurable rain in the night!!! It has months without. Thank you, Jesus. Let's get those fires OUT, and no lightening starts. Thank you!

    13. Audra, I'm so glad to see you got some rain there. Praise The Lord! It has been the longest stretch in history for no rain here in Oregon right now. We are expecting some the end of next week after months of no rain We have spots on our cars and I learned yesterday that it is ash that comes down from the wildfire smoke in the sky. Your rain should have cleaned up your air quality for the time being. Soon the wildfire season will be over... let's hope.
      Have a good weekend dear sister in Christ

    14. Thank you sweet Jesus for sending Audra rain blessings.
      Let it Rain Let It Pour, Lord we need You more and More...(CA NOT LA)

    15. There is another in the Fire - acoustic version:

  15. Good morning. I am asking for prayer. Out of a desire to support my godson, I attended his wedding last Friday. While many people wore masks, not everyone did. My concern is that I and my husband may have been exposed to COVID-19. As a 57-year-old woman with asthma--and my husband is a 58-year-old-smoker--I/we are in the high-risk category.In retrospect, attending the wedding may not have been a wise choice. Please pray for our health and healing--and a negative result on our COVID-19 test. Thank you.

    1. KT- you and your hubby did the right thing by wearing masks. God is watching over you. Today's devotion is that blessed assurance that He is. Keeping you and hubby in prayers and thanking the good Lord for His protection.

      Maplewood NJ

    2. Praying Lord that your hedge of protection was surrounding all those concerned. Let no fear overtake their trust in your mighty power. Amen!

    3. Joining in prayers for you and your husband.

      Blessings from France

    4. Let no fear overtake our trust in Your mighty power. Amen! Good words that apply to all prayer requests. Thank you Jesus for coming to love, heal and restore us in all circumstances. We thank you and trust you, Amen!

    5. Praying for God’s protection for you and your husband and nothing less than perfect health. Hope you will wear your masks when surrounded by people. God bless and keep you both.

    6. Praying for you, KT, in this time of great anxiety. You and your husband were where you needed to be. May your faithfulness be rewarded with protection for your physical self. God be with you.

  16. Loving Father, Thank You for the truth of Your word and Your never-failing promises both to mankind and the body of Christ. Thank You for being my wonderful faithful Father who watches over me every second of my life. In Jesus name I pray, AMEN!

    What a promise Gen. 28:15 is! Here is a verse that is a source of comfort and encouragement, because it reminds us that God is always in control. No matter what the circumstances are, He ultimately is behind every outcome. When we exercise unwavering faith in Him that all things will work out for our good, we find unparalleled peace of mind. Here, God says to Jacob: “I am with you and will watch over you wherever you go, and I will bring you back to this land. I will not leave you until I have done what I have promised you.” He is telling us the same thing today and because of that, we can boldly declare:

    BEHOLD:- we have a God Who has promised to watch over us, who are His body. He has pledged to protect us, provide for us, keep us. and cherish us.
    BEHOLD:- we have a Savior Who gave His own life for us so that our sins are forever forgiven and we are covered in Christ's glorious righteousness.
    BEHOLD:- we have the promise of an eternal home prepared for us, in heaven.
    BEHOLD:- we have a bridegroom Who is currently sitting on the right hand of the Father Who is coming soon to take us home to be with Himself,

    Heavenly Father, We thank you that:
    “The light of God surrounds us,
    The love of God enfolds us
    The Power of God protects us,
    The presence of God watches over us,
    Wherever we are, God is” Thank You Father!
    (by James Dillet Freeman)

    Blessings and Peace.

    Maplewood NJ

    1. Amen! Praise the Lord ♡

      Blessings from France

    2. Praying for all that have special needs this day. Bob, so blessed that you are posting early so those of us early risers can benefit from your wise words.

    3. Thank you Maplewood and thank you dear Lord for always watching over us and for Your great sacrifice so we could be free. Thank you for surrounding us with your light, love, peace and grace. Thank you for being our everything and our greatest Friend.

    4. So well stated, twin bd sis! The promise was made and stands eternally; the bold affirmation is for us to proclaim from the heart. In doing so, we watch the details of the promise unfold before us. God be with you.

    5. Thanks Maplewood NJ. That is the reason why I sing!

  17. PTL and thank you for your prayers for those in the fires. The homes of my family and friends have been spared, just a block or two from total destruction. Thank you Lord for this opportunity for so many to see how all things can be made anew, and may the acknowledgement for that truth be the main message emerging from today's circumstances. I pray that those who are experiencing the stress of these times will find Your Presence, realize that the victory is already Yours, and stop putting their faith and hope in ANYONE or any outcome in this fallen world. Jesus, you alone are our Saviour. And I am so grateful.

    1. Again, thank you, Audra, for calling this to my attention. Your post was the first I had heard of what happened in OR. I since have heard from our neighbor who lives in OR in the summer months. It all sounds so incredible. So glad for your family's well being; gladness tempered for others who are suffering. Praying for them. Again, thanks for the heads up. God be with you.

    2. Thanks for the Praise and Victory Report, Audra. I will continue in prayer for all others.

  18. Audra! I’m thankful your family and friends are fine. God is so faithful! Continuing to pray for all those whose lives have been affected by the fires. Thank you Jesus!

  19. We have been given notice that we are in stage one as far as evacuation from the fires here in NW Oregon. It has been extremely windy the past few days with trees down causing electricity to go out. As the air is full of smoke, we are to remain inside. Looking out the window this morning there is no wind at all today and the an erie orange. It seems that all this could be a prelude to something big to happen. Are the times ripe for the Lord’s return? I wonder.

    1. Anonymous --- I join with our fearless JC WARRIORS in going to The Throne of Grace to intercede for your family and all those impacted by the these wildfires. I pray for those who have lost their homes, churches, community centers, and business/workplaces. I pray for those who cannot find adequate food, safety or shelter. I pray, Lord, over your glorious Creation that has been destroyed or is in harm's way. I pray You will heal the pain of all affected. I ask that You would strengthen each one with Your presence who are numb with fear and distrss. Be near those who are grieving, and bless them with Your peace. I ask for Your Victory over these wildfires and trust You with assurance that You already know each need. Thank You, Lord, You are always with us and will never leave us, or forsake us, In the Miracle Working Name of Jesus, AMEN and AMEN

    2. Anonymous, joining JJ in storming the gates of heaven for you, your family & all the ones in the pathway of this destruction. Release your band of angels Lord to create a hedge of safety around each home in the name of Jesus! Amen! Hallelujah!

    3. Still looking for JJ to storm the gates with. I love the confidence and power behind her prayers that inspires me to have same.

  20. Hey brothers and sisters. I have recently been suffering from a panic attack and deep anxiety and depression and fear of having to leave my girlfriend and her two kids who i have been with for about 7 months. Ive been so broken cause idk if im sappost to leave her but i feel in sense like this to run and escape from everything. I have almost no one else i can trust cause of bridged that have been burnt and let alone when i get in this state there feels like no escape. Please pray for me.

    1. Praying for you to receive help now, unknown.

  21. Praying for you brother, Lord you did not give us a spirit of fear but of power, love and a sound mind. Lord sweep his mind clear of any thoughts that are not from you. Give him clarify in his mind and a pease that passes understanding. Lord you are sovereign and nighty. We trust you with our lives.

  22. Praying for each prayer request as I head to bed. Love and blessings to each of you. I picture all of you safe, out of pain (dear Ruth), comforted, blessed, cozy in our loving Father's arms. May your sleep be blessed and may we all wake up in the morning to sing Your praises! In the name above all names, Jesus Christ, Amen!

  23. I too am praying for all our prayer requests as I head off to sleep. So blessed to be resting in the presence of the Lord. All you who are weary, broken, depressed, mourning, lonely, frightened, needy, confused, sick, or overwhelmed by your circumstances: Take your burdens to the Lord and leave them there. Thank You dear Father for answering our prayers and granting us the rest and healing of body, mind and spirit that we it our loved ones need. We thank You for this in the powerful Name of Christ Jesus. Amen. We trust You Jesus!

    1. Amen Jeanne! Sharing in your beautiful prayer. May our Father put His loving arms around us and comfort us with His perfect peace. God bless!

  24. Father, thank You for always being with me. I need and want You in my life. I'm nothing without You. You complete me. As long as You are with me Lord, anything is possible. I'd be so lost without You. Thank You for being in my life. You are my heart and soul. I praise You Lord always. Thank You Jesus. As You know Lord, I submitted my resume the other day to the hotel that I've been staying in when I saw their ad on the internet. They are having the open interview today and if it is Your will, please help me to get the job. It will really help me right now. Many years ago I was an auditor for a motel. This is not exactly what I want to do with my life, but under the circumstances, I would be grateful to have a job of this kind. Lead me Lord and help me to follow Your will for me. I am grateful for all You have given to me. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen.

    1. The LORD your God in your midst, the Mighty One, will save; He will rejoice over you with gladness, He will quiet you with His love, He will rejoice over you with singing. (Zephaniah 3:17). Fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you, yes, I will help you, I will uphold you with My righteous right hand. (Isaiah 41:10).

    2. Oh Father in heaven, we place our dear sister Janet at the throne of grace. We thank You Jesus for taking care of her by providing shelter, now Lord we petition You to please provide work for her. Help her nail this interview if this is what You've picked for her to do . We want Your perfect will to be done. Amen. Hallelujah!

    3. You are our protector our provider our deliverer. Please bring very good thing to Janet, including this job if it fits your best for her. If not this job, we trust you have something else in mind!! Grant provision and peace, please Papa. Thank you. ❤️

    4. I am joining into prayers for your employment, our Janet.

    5. Father, please be with Janet today as she interviews for the job. As GTT mentioned, if this isn't the job for Janet, we know you've got the plan. JE

    6. Dear Lord, I join Jan and all of our family who will assuredly be praying for Janet and her interview today. Father, let may the interviewer not only see that Janet is capable and feel a strong work ethic from her but also feel her heart. May Janet's answers flow freely and may they be what the interviewer is wanting to hear and is looking for in a new employee! Your will, Lord, not ours, be done! Thank you, too, Father, that Janet saw this ad and applied! It is surely by Your hand! Amen!!!

    7. Janet, you have an army of prayer warriors lifting you up to the King of kings! It is well in Jesus name.

      Maplewood NJ

    8. Adding my prayers for you today, Janet. Lord, bring the people and circumstances forward for our devoted sister in Christ that will bring her closer to you and fulfill her earthly needs. In Jesus' name I pray.

    9. You've got my prayers too dear Janet, in Jesus' name I add mine.

    10. Praying you ace this interview dear Janet! Joining in all prayers for you and praying that God’s Spirit feeds you all the words you need to show them you are the right person for the job. If this is not the job He has prepared for you, may God open a new door and guide your steps right to the doorstep. Thank You Jesus.

  25. "The dark moments of our life will last only so long as is necessary for God to accomplish His purpose in us" (C. Stanley- based on 1 Sam. 30:1-6)

    Thank You dear Father for the blessings and gift of another day. Thank You for Your faithfulness and mercy that endures forever! Thank You for being the source of hope and the giver of peace to those who love and call on You. You know the heart and mind of all Your children, You know the struggles and You know the needs, so today I am just here to say Thank You for grace that is sufficient for me, Thank You for mercy, Thank You for forgiveness, Thank You for health and healing, Thank You for protection, Thank You for restoration, Thank You for fighting every battle from the enemy, Thank You for deliverance, Thank You giving me beauty for ashes, joy for mourning and a garment of praise instead of a spirit of despair. Thank You for sustaining me through the power of Your strength. Thank You for Joy, Peace and Your unconditional Love! You are my SHEPHERD, I shall not want for anything. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

    "But we all, with unveiled face, beholding as in a mirror the glory of the Lord, are being transformed into the same image from glory to glory, just as by the Spirit of the Lord" (2 Corinthians 3:18).

    Let us: Nehemiah
    Obey.. like Daniel Moses Noah David Martha Mary Paul Peter JESUS!

    Blessings and Peace.

    Maplewood NJ

    1. That was awesome dear sister! Thanks and Amen! Joining you in gratitude to Him from Whom all blessings flow.

  26. Janet, I saw your post today and also this one from a few days ago:

    "I am literally stranded at this point and I don't see any way out at all, but I trust in the Lord with all my heart."

    I don't get to read posts everyday so could you catch me up to date on what you mean by stranded?

  27. Had this prayer from The Chosen 40 Days with Jesus Book 2 today. Sharing it here because I want to declare it again:
    "Father, I've gone my own way and sinned against you. Have mercy on me and forgive my sin. I believe in your Son, who died in my place and then rose from the dead with the power and authority to give me a new life. Thank you for making me a child of God. I now surrender my life to you and your purposes. Give me, by your Holy Spirit, the boldness to confess my faith in you to others and to keep following you all the days of my life. I ask this in your Son's name Jesus. Amen."

    1. Thank you, Audra! Such a great prayer! I, like Jeanne, have copied this to my notes in my phone for easy access.

  28. Powerful prayer dear Audra! Copied it to share. Thanks good sister.

  29. Need prayers for my Cousin Bobby who is in the hospital with double pneumonia from Covid, and my Sister in law’s friend Liz with stage 4 Lymphoma.
    Father God, We thank you for healing Bobby’s pneumonia completely and strengthening his lungs and bringing him back to perfect health so he can continue to proclaim your good deeds. Thank you for guiding Liz to the right treatment. May the chemo she is getting destroy every cancer cell. You are the Miracle Maker and we are trusting in your power and promises. Praying in the Name of Christ Jesus the Risen Lord. Amen

    1. May the treatment needed come forth for all those in need of healing. Thank you Jesus!

    2. Amen for ALL in need of healing! Thank You Jesus!

  30. Praying for answers to our prayers, strength to the weary, normal enzymes for Norah's DH, and more victories to celebrate. We are waiting together on the Lord because we have already seen His faithfulness. Holding onto His Unchanging Hand. So blessed that our dear son from CA will be with us for a week. What a gift! He is looking at places to live here with his lovely wife and baby girl. May God guide him to the perfect home and keep them all safe and well.
    Thank you dear Father for all this and more answered prayers in the Name of Christ Jesus, our Risen Lord. We trust you and we will be patient and remain hopeful, and blessed in Your presence and peace. Amen

    1. Jesus, Jeane's camera is lost; Jesus, Jeanne"s Camera is found! I thank You Jesus.
      Jesus, Jeane's camera is lost; Jesus, Jeanne"s Camera is found! I thank You Jesus.
      Jesus, Jeane's camera is lost; Jesus, Jeanne"s Camera is found! I thank You Jesus...
      Traveling Mercy prayers for Bryan. In Jesus' Name. Amen.

    2. I love you Brie! You always make me smile. Bryan is safe and in his old bed. Thanks for your prayers. I've been praying non stop. I know God already knows where it is so I'll continue to wait on Him. I have looked in every possible place in our apartment, over and over. I'm putting up signs in my lobby and outside my building. Everything is in His own timing. Exercising my trust muscles, and resting in the Lord. Thank You Jesus.

    3. I am visualizing Jesus holding your camera.

    4. No matter what you may lose in this life, you can never lose your relationship with Me.

  31. " No matter what you may lose in this life, you can never lose your relationship with Me." So precious! The UK has lost their wonderful Queen Elizabeth ll. She, in a Christmas broadcast acknowledged to the world that Jesus Christ is her Lord and Savior. That's the kind of ruler every nation needs. Not necessarily a 'royal', but a ruler/president or whatever of a nation who acknowledges that Jesus Christ is their Lord and Savior. So wonderful to know that she has the same relationship to Almighty God that we have. Without Him we have nothing , with Him we have everything we need for this life and the next.

    1. Amen to that my good brother! He is our everything. I was thinking about that today. I often lose things but He is mine forever.

  32. I AM always available to you...
    "Always Open" "We Never Close" "24/7" When I see these signs on a business, I know to go there any old time of the day or night whenever I need what it provides. If I trust theses worldly signs, how much more could I trust Jesus, Who is always available to us and Who says, Come To Me?
    Surely I AM with you always, to the very end of the age. Let these assurances of My Continual Presence
    (READ: "Always Open" "We Never Close" "24/7" ) fill you with Joy and Peace. Dear Heavenly Father God, I always need what You provide. Please help me freely accept Your Open Invitation and Thank You for it.. In Jesus' Name. Amen.

    1. Like sand and water On The Beach, Thank You God for always being available to us, for breakfast, lunch, dinner, and snacks. We desire to be stilled for listening to You, partake with You, and commune with You in Gratitude and with Love. Thank You for Blessed Assurance of Your continual Presence. Your Presence fills us with Your Joy and Your Peace on the Beach, and also Here, There, and Everywhere, Any Old Time Of The Day! How Blessed and Thankful we are. In Jesus' Name. Amen.

    2. Amen and thank you sweet sister! That Neon Light that says Always Open and We Never Close is a comfort just as the blessed assurance that Jesus belongs to us always and we belong to Him always. He always knows exactly how I feel. Hallelujah

  33. Thank You Jesus for singing to me this morning, as You bless my travels and travails with faith and courage:
    by Dionne Warwick

    1. Praying for traveling safety for you, sweet Brie, and all to go well because you go with our mighty and loving God. Thank You Jesus.

  34. Blessings dear ones. Never lost, always found. ✝️♥️

    1. Amen to that sweet Audra! Guess what? While I was praying with my sister Janet, God found my camera! What a faithful God we serve. He actually placed my hand right on it! Thank You Jesus!

    2. That was me!! 😊😊💗

    3. Jesus, Jeanne"s Camera is found! I thank You Jesus...

    4. Amen! Thank You Jesus!
      Your sincere prayers helped,!dear Brie!! Thanks 💗

  35. First I would like to express my thanks to everyone who posts always does my heart good.
    I have a prayer request for my 6 year old niece she has been diagnosed with a rare form of cancer. Her name is Millie Rae
    Her FB page is Mighty Millie for more details.

    1. Praying for little Millie Rae that God will destroy every cancer cell and bring her back to perfect health.
      Thank You Father for this in the Name of Christ Jesus. Amen

    2. Praying B9 prayers for Millie Rae and her family.

    3. Come in JJ.
      Pryaers adapted from JJ September 13, 2020 at 7:29 AM:
      Joining the JC WARRIORS in continued prayer for your niece Millie Rae. The law of the Spirit of Life in Christ Jesus makes us free from the law of sin and death. And this Life is energizing EVERY CELL of Millie Rae's body! AMEN and AMEN

    4. Your prayers mean so much to my and my family I cannot thank you enough. God Bless you all

  36. Anonymous - Praying healing prayers to Jehovah Rapha the GREAT PHYSICIAN for Mighty Millie, comforting prayers for you as well.

  37. Dear Family, My Dearest Best Man (only) was admitted to the hospital today due to elevated cariac enzymes. They wouldn't let me stay the night with him. He is very peaceful - humor still fully in tact and I know God has him in the palms of His hands, as He does me and all of us. Our kids are with us and for us. Our daughter even texted, "You are in my prayers, Daddy." He said, "If for not other reason, than to hear those words - this was worth it!!!" We are thankful for your prayers. I'm eating some chicken soup (for my soul as well as my tummy) and then thanking God for a sweet night's sleep. I know my dear husband is already enjoying his. Love and Blessings to all of you. I'll try to keep you posted. God Bless.

    1. Praying for boh of you. Nighty night. See you when the Son shines bright! Amen.

  38. ...and here I thought he was already asleep. He just called me! HA HA....gotta love that man of mine!! <3

  39. Isiah 54:10: " steadfast love shall not depart from you, and my covenant of peace shall not be removed..." Jeanne praying for your family and your mom. She knows His love for her and that gives her peace to move to our next existence. If now is the time I pray she can do so quickly and without pain.
    Norah. Pray test results are as hoped.
    Audra. The same. And if surgery needed that it's quick and easy.
    For all the other needs, may God provide peace and comfort. In His name. Amen.

    1. Thank you, Mad 🦊! Joining in your peaceful prayers for all.

    2. Thanks dear MadFox, Praying with you and for you. We know that when we are absent in the world we are present with the Lord. The best is yet to come. My Mom seemed a little better today so I just pray that she will take each day as a gift from God. Praying that Audra's results will show the doctor exactly what needs to be done to fix her shoulder and that Norah's DH gets good results. My Oncologist appointment is tomorrow so I pray for good results too. Praying for your continued good test results and health, dear MadFox. You are such an inspiration to me.God bless you always! Love you!

  40. Good morning MadFox🌞. So reassuring that you have us in your prayers. Please include me . I have been battling with breathing issues. Don't really know if it's allergies or what, but it's uncomfortable & the mind conjurers up all sorts of negative, unproductive imaginings. We all know about that. So I run to the Lord for the answer & wait on Him. Still waiting. Praying this day finds you blessed according to His will and good purpose dear MadFox. 🥰🙏🌈

    1. Will do. My prayer is for answers in all things medical. Nothing is worse when we have no idea what is causing pain and discomfort. Peace. For all here. Amen.

    2. ... well, of course, praying for healing! Godspeed.

    3. Praying that God opens up your airways and strengthens your lungs, dear Jan! May God heal all your weakness and give you peace of mind. Thank You Jesus! <3

  41. Continued prayers for mom dear Jeanne. I have been petitioning the Lord for His mercy to fall upon her. To take her home where her soul longs to be. I didn't get to read yesterday's post until after my Devotion this morning and lo & behold you listed the same scripture that I included in my prayer. Psalm 73:26. I sing it too quite often. It must give you peace that your mom knows Whom she has in heaven. She desires nothing more on earth. Full speed ahead to heaven's gate & run not walk straight into Jesus' arms! Hallelujah!!!

    1. So very true, dear sister. My Mom loves Jesus and really wants Him to take her home so she can be with Him and my Dad and her loved ones. Amen! Full speed ahead into Jesus' Arms! Hallelujah!

  42. Through the LORD'S mercies we are not consumed, because His compassions fail not. They are new every morning; great is thy faithfulness. (Lamentations 3:22-23). But the LORD is faithful, who will establish you and keep you from the evil one. (2 Thessalonians 3:3). He who calls you is faithful, who also will do it. (1 Thessalonians 5:24). Let us hold fast the confession of our hope without wavering, for He who promised is faithful. (Hebrews 10:23).

    1. Good food today dear Janet! Thanks. Amen and Amen!

  43. Oh dear Janet thank you for sharing that, yes! Our God is faithful indeed! Steadfast we shall be & wait on Him Who will always be faithful & true. Hallelujah!

  44. JC family please know you all are in my prayers even when I don't get to post. Norah, praying for hubby. God is at the helm. As Janet shared He remains faithful! Audra may you soon get relief from that shoulder issue. SassyMom, Jesus is the master carpenter of repairing broken hearts. Be still as He works on yours! Hallelujah! Love & blessings 😍🙏🌈

    1. AMEN!!!!! YES HE IS!! The tag on the back of my car says "My boss is a Jewish Carpenter"

    2. I love that, Sassy Mom! Yes He is!

    3. That is so cool, dear Sassy Mom! He's my boss too! We live and breathe for Him. Thanks!

  45. Dear MOM of Jeanne,
    Jesus said “Let not your heart be troubled. You are trusting God, now trust Me. There are many homes up there where my Father lives, and I AM going to prepare them for your coming. When everything is ready, then I will come and get you, so that you can always be with Me where I AM.

    Earth is our training ground. SOON AND VERY SOON WE ARE GOING TO SEE OUR KING.

    1. Praying with you, Brie for Jeanne's dear Mom, and for Jeanne's family.

    2. Thanks dear Brie, and dear Norah and all those praying for my Mom and our family. We are taking everything day by day. Dear Matilda is living each day, praying for others and staying in God's presence. When He calls her, it will be the perfect time and she will go happily. God bless you all!

      1 Corinthians 2:9
      But as it is written: “Eye has not seen, nor ear heard, Nor have entered into the heart of man The things which God has prepared for those who love Him.”

    3. "For I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worth comparing with the Glory that is to be revealed to us." Romans 8:18

  46. God's Blessings for all this day.

  47. Lord, thank you for this day. Thank you for the crispness of the morning air. Thank you for today’s post; it is a much needed reminder for all that You are with us always. I like to think of the times that I don’t feel your presence is when You are carrying me instead of walking next to me. Lord, thank you for Your promises. Lord, I lift up this JC family today.
    SC Anonymous

    1. Amen! Beautiful prayer! Just like Footprints in the Sand. He is with us every second. Leading us or carrying us. God bless your new day, dear SC.

  48. Today's Jesus Calling is a precious reminder that we are never alone. Human companionship may fail, but He will never leave us. The Greek meaning of when Jesus said "And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.", is of never leaving us from the moment we're saved in our Earthly bodies AND being with us constantly throughout eternity.
    Physically Jesus returned to Heaven but left the Precious Holy Spirit with us.
    The Holy Spirit is literally embedded within us, inseparably interwoven within our very being, thus we're never alone.
    Psalm 139:7-10
    Where can I go from your Spirit? Where can I flee from your presence? If I go up to the heavens, you are there; if I make my bed in the depths, you are there. If I rise on the wings of the dawn, if I settle on the far side of the sea, even there your hand will guide me, your right hand will hold me fast.
    Psalm 73:23-26
    Nevertheless, I am continually with you; you hold my right hand. You guide me with your counsel, and afterward you will receive me to glory. Whom have I in heaven but you? And there is nothing on earth that I desire besides you. My flesh and my heart may fail, but God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever.

    1. Amen! What wonderful reassurance and hope this brings.

  49. Thanks dear brother Peter! You blessed my day with that truth and God’s Word. Hope and pray you’re feeling better and getting your rest.
    God is with us and will be with us till the end of time and through all eternity! We count on unchanging His presence and the peace that passers understanding. We are covered with Hus love, protection and mercy. He quiets our anxious hearts and lifts our heads when we are weary and downtrodden. In all things and situations He is Sovereign. He is our Strength and our Hope. The Keeper of our hearts and the Lover of our souls. Let us rest in Him today because He is pur Blessed Assurance. Every good thing comes from Him and every good fruit is for Him, for without Him we can do nothing but with Him all things are possible. Much love dear family. Praying for my cousin Liz who had knee surgery and my brother in Christ Kevin who will get his report today from his cardiologist and for healing for Sandy, Rick’s brother Jimmy with leukemia and his brother Jack who is getting an Oblation to fix his A-Fib on Thursday and for Lindy’s daughter Taylor’s protection and healing from addiction and for all those on our prayer lists including SC’s husband , Ellen’s daughter, Jan and her DH, Rich C and his daughter and Peter and his daughter, Norah’s DH and sister Pam and Audra’s friend Annie and for all our prayers to be answered in Jesus’ Name. Amen.
    May God bless, protect and guide us all save our children and their parents from this fallen world’s corruption and heal and strengthen all of us and our dear ones in body, mind and spirit in Jesus’ Name. Amen.

  50. 2 Corinthians 1:3-4
    Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of mercies and God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our tribulation, that we may be able to comfort those who are in any trouble, with the comfort with which we ourselves are comforted by God.

  51. Amen, Jeanne! Thank you Father for answered prayers ✝️♥️🙏

  52. Hallelujah Jeanne. Amen. Amen!
    Thankful for your prayers.
    Thankful that Abba, Jehovah, Yahweh always shows up with perfect timing and keeps His promises.
    Thankful for all the JC prayer warriors.
    May you be blessed with answered prayers and restful sleep.

    1. Thanks dear Rich C! Got some answers to my prayers. God is so faithful! My cousin Liz said her surgery went well and Pam’s surgery went well and Kevin got a good report from his cardiologist and Audra’s DH is doing well. May God protect all those in the path of Hurricane Francine and answer our prayers, and guide our country in Jesus’ Name. Amen
