Thursday, September 17, 2015

Jesus Calling: September 17

You will not find My Peace by engaging in excessive planning: attempting to control what will happen to you in the future. That is a commonly practiced form of unbelief. When your mind spins with multiple plans, Peace may sometimes seem to be within your grasp; yet it always eludes you, but when you think you have prepared for all possibilities, something unexpected pops up and throws things into confusion.
     I did not design the human mind to figure out the future. That is beyond your capability. I crafted your mind for continual communication with Me. Bring Me all your needs, your hopes and fears. Commit everything into My care. Turn from the path of planning to the path of Peace. 

I Peter 5:6-7
English Standard Version

Humble yourselves, therefore, under the mighty hand of God so that at the proper time he may exalt you, casting all your anxieties on him, because he cares for you.

Verse Thoughts
Humbling myself means that I do not place myself above others. I am to submit myself to him and let him lift me up. If afflicted, I do not murmur; if corrected, I accept it. I wait for his timing to lift me to a high place. 

Proverbs 16:9
English Standard Version

The heart of man plans his way,
    but the Lord establishes his steps.

Verse Thoughts
Do I need to plan? Yes. Do I need to prepare? Yes. But this doesn't mean troubles and difficulties will be averted. And am I willing to change my plans, if the Lord is leading me in a new direction? 
Psalm 37:5
New King James Version

Commit your way to the Lord,
Trust also in Him,
And He shall bring it to pass.

Verse Thoughts
Why do I commit m way to Him? Because he will, either way, he will work out my life in the way He deems appropriate, so why not start by surrendering my will to him rather than fighting with him.

My Prayer
Lord, I notice too often the world in which I live, the media often, spends much time analyzing the "what if" of life. And if I am not careful, I mirror this approach to my own life. Help me to understand how I am to prepare and plan. Speak to me Holy Spirit throughout my day to confirm His will on my life. I want to trust in You alone, Lord, even when it hurts. Thank you for caring for me and help me to not start at my circumstances to the point that I forget this.

Note: The devotion and scriptures are from author Sarah Young. If you haven't already, please purchase the book and support the author.

Also, bookmark to have an easy link to the entire year of these entries.


  1. Thank you for posting these each day. God bless.

  2. Dear Heavenly Father - I submit this day to You, the BOSS of my life. BE GLORIFIED.

    1. YES! You, God are the only employer with lifetime rewards and benefits, here and hereafter!

    2. Great way to say it Brie! Amen!

    3. COLOSSIANS 3: 23 says it best.
      Work hard and CHEERFULLY at all you do! Just as though you are working for the Lord, remembering that it is our Lord Jesus Christ Who is personally going to pay you, giving you your FULL PORTION of all HE OWNS. HE is The One you are really working for! Do your best for Him and He will pay you!

    4. Marilyn Watkins Thank You!💕✝️

  3. Brother Lawrence was a humble soul who worked in the kitchen in a monastery in France. It is said that he began each task with a thought from the psalms, “Lord, come to my assistance; make haste to help me.” Whether he was peeling potatoes, washing dishes, or scrubbing the floors, he did everything relying on God’s help and seeking God’s glory. After his death, his notes and letters were combined and published under the title “Practicing the Presence of God” and it has become a classic in Christinan literature. It captures the essence of today’s thought. Brother Lawrence kept all things in proper perspective.

    1. I really like hearing your input Bob! Thanks for always bring insight to us in a loving matter 🙏♥️

    2. Me too Sharon! Bob teaches me every day. He reminds me to rely on God's help in even the most trivial tasks. I spend so much time in the kitchen. Surely the Presence of the Lord is in this place. I often feel Him by my side helping me to whip up some tasty and nutritious things. He guides me to make up some very yummy recipes.

    3. Thank you for sharing this Bob! It helps me a lot! God bless each of our JC family
      Love and prayers

    4. BM you are such an inspiration to all of us. Our lord called you by name and you answered with a humble "yes Lord here I am". You have helped so many "me" with your holy spirited writings/prayers and I thank you and our savior Jesus for pouring his amazing grace on you.

    5. Wow thanks Bob what a wonderful way to start all task in the day ahead ! I am definitely adopting this.

    6. Brother Lawrence, Thomas a'Kempis, Madam Guyon; all lived very humble lives, their writings are a real inspiration and as wonderful examples to follow reveal to us their relationship with God. Blessed!

    7. Still praying, “Lord, come to my assistance; make haste to help me.”

    8. Thank you Father for watching over Brie and her family and your perfect timing in meeting their essential needs. 🙏♥️

  4. God please help me I am going crazy I'm so tired please god.

    1. Do the next right thing you know to do, friend. I've been there ...wholly, mindlessly, emotionally there. Just do the next right thing. Sometimes it's going beyond yourself to get some extra help. If it's the next right thing, God will make a way, even if there seems to be no way. He'll lead you. Praying for your mind and emotions right now. Praying you would know the joy of the Stability of the Abiding Love of Christ.You are known.

    2. unknown unknown, I thought of you when I read the devotional for September 17. On the post for September 16 you said you were trying. Like Unknown above said....take the next right step. One step at a time. That's all we can do sometimes. Sometimes we have to step back from a situation and do nothing. I have not read all your posts, but it sounds like you have many situations going on that you can't control. Step back and let God do His work. Mary

    3. Lord I know you hear unknown cries of appeal and we believe You are making a way grant unknown peace and comfort as he/she waits .

    4. Father remember my son Segral Watkins. Thank You Father, Marilyn Marie Watkins

  5. My 91 year-old mother is in the hospital. Today's lesson fits my scenario. I have asked God to be present and to give me the wisdom I need to make the serious decisions today. The verse of the day was Isaiah 40:29 he gives strength to the weary and increases the power of the weak. I also repeat Psalm 56 3 when I'm afraid I'll trust him. I had a bookmark with psalm 55:22 written on the back. Cast your cares to the Lord and He will sustain you. He never lets the righteous be shaken. I hold these verses close to my heart today as decisions are made about the next place for my mother. I just thank the Lord for being with me and showing me peace in this anxious time of decision making

  6. Praying for you and your mom Jody.

  7. It's 230 a.m. in the mid-south USA, and as often happens, I'm awake contemplating future events. Perfectly timed, today's devotional doesn't mean that you shouldn't have savings, or get an education, or learn a skill - all actions concerning the future. Rather, God is saying lean on Him and be mindful that He is the source of it all! In Him, your needs for tomorrow will be met but not necessarily how you envision it. He will lift you up so that you can cope with whatever the fallen world throws your way. Be at peace. Know that He will guide you by holding Your hand if only you ask.

    Over the past few days, there have been many prayers and needs offered to and for this group. As I read through the day's postings, I'm blessed. My prayer is Peace and Godspeed to all here, those returning to recovery, those attending to sick loved ones, those worrying how or if they will find a job... God is here. He is with us, and hears our pleas. As He still says, "Peace be with you." Amen

    1. Amen, Amen MadFox, we appreciate and thank you! Peace be with you as well this day and throughout.

      Stay blessed!

      Maplewood NJ

    2. Amen Madfox
      Your prayer is mine as well! God bless you and your family

    3. Dear MadFox! It is so very true that He will help us cope with any problem, burden or difficult situation if we only ask. I often call out to Him: Jesus I need You now. And He hears me and helps me. Thanks for echoing the words of my heart. Love you dear Brother.

    4. Two years later, this post sent a wave of calm over me. Bless you Mad 🦊!

    5. Peace be with you all
      🎶♥️ The Blessing

    6. 4 years later, I pray I will do better at living this truth by deepening my faith. May we all recognize His providence and enjoy Peace. Amen.

    7. Yes thank you, MadFox,
      I pray we all recognize His Providence and enjoy His Peace.
      God's helping us, now, in this moment
      Though we may not see Him nor hear,
      Perhaps through a friend in the distance,
      Perhaps through a stranger near,
      Perhaps through a printed message,
      Perhaps through a spoken word.
      In ways we know and know not
      We are having our help from The Lord!
      In Jesus' Name. AMEN!

  8. It's a new day, fresh anointing has come my way, praise to the King and Lord of lords for His mercy that has given me that fresh anointing for today. THANK YOU Father for today's blessings and gifts.

    JC family, today's devotion reminds of the perfect Peace of God. This Peace surpasses ALL human understanding. Jesus said in John 14:27: "Peace I leave wirh you, my peace i give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid".
    Our Father wants us to live and enjoy His peace, not worry and exhaust ourselves with excessive planing for tomorrow, but rather communicate with Him and tell Him all our concerns and needs. He's the only One that can give us 'beauty for ashes, the oil of joy for mourning and the garment of praise instead of a Spirit of heaviness'.
    We can plan all we want, but tomorrow is not promised to anyone, so lets be wise and surrender to His will for us as we move from the path of planning to the path of Peace.

    Norah and Jan, praying all is well and keeping you both covered in the Blood of Jesus. We miss hearing from you.
    Lifting Barbara, Richard, Zfuntastic , CO's sister, brother-in-law and the foster child God has given to them already and ALL other spoken and unspoken prayer request. Our God who answers by fire, thank You for each person and their circumstances.

    Keith, thanking God for the new revelation of His Holiness in your life.

    The ONE who designed us is working behind the scene to complete what He started. His name is JESUS! Receive His Peace and Trust Him.

    Blessings, Peace, Love and morning glory to all!

    Maplewood NJ

    1. Thank you, I needed to read this today 🤗

    2. Amen Maplewood,
      Thank you and Happy Morning to you and our JC Family. Joining in your prayer of thanksgiving for all of our blessings and gifts.
      Thank you Father for Your fresh anointing for today. Lift me and guide me to Your Will, not mine. Show me those who need your encouragment today. Give me the words to say to lift them higher in their day. Thank you for working behind the scenes to make all things right and new. Thank you for all our blessings, seen and unseen. I trust you Jesus and wait on You. Stay by my side as I walk through my new day. Amen.

  9. I will read more comments and try to post more later, but had to get on here to REJOICE for all of the blessings. Maplewood, my heart SANG yesterday as I read about your famiy. And Zufantastic - you remain in my prayers - so proud of you!! Sassy Mom, Barbara is in my prayers. I have cases like hers - so sad, yet God can work it out for her and that will be my prayer. How is Connie? Asking for prayers for: Ruth (a case very similar to Barbara), continued progress for my sister-in-law, my daughter's progress as she learns to love herself and believe the Word of herself. Prayers for healing for so many and thankfulness for all of you mighty prayer warriors. I love you, JC Family!!

    1. Norah - Sept 2019 most of her belongings had been packed and stored in her garage. One year later - her house recently sold. PTL!!!

  10. My Bible Gateway verse of the day - Therefore be imitators of God as dear children. Ephesians 5:1. Thank you Father for today's "hug from heaven".

  11. Norah, I join you in prayers and thankfulness for our faithful JC prayer warriors. Praying healing prayers and continued progress for your sister in law and guidance for all our children.
    PTL!!! Another "hug" from Turning Point. He who has begun a good work in you will complete it until the day of Jesus Christ. Philippians 1:6.

  12. Good morning my JC family 🥰. Have not posted for awhile, but have not missed praying for the requests. I hold you all near & dear to my ❤️. Maplewood wood I rejoiced at the power of reconciliation working mightily in your family. It gave me hope for my daughter to someday speak to me again. Thank you for sharing. Zfuntastic you are continually knocking my socks off! I just love hearing victory after victory that God is blessing you with. It's blessing us at the same time! Dave, you too! Keep it up guys! We are in the War Room for you! Dear Sassy Mom, Barbara is in the Shepard's hand. He will lead & guide her with His Rod & Staff, the restful, greener pastures is just beyond the hill. He does not abandon any of His sheep. That goes for Jinny, Norah's SIL, daughter, Connie, Unknown Unknown, Anonymous. All of us! Praise be to God! I want to thank you prayer warriors. My echogram was normal, hubby is getting closer to having his shoulder fixed. Giving thanks for angels watching over him when a copperhead coiled & struck his leg but couldn't get through the jeans/boots he was wearing, knowing that he always wears just moccasins when he goes in the garage. "The steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord". Be blessed JC loved ones, you are His beloved🥰.

  13. Good morning, JC fam! I've been on a cruise and just got back from a much needed vacation. I went totally unplugged for the first time in forever and it felt great but I missed by JC peeps. Will go back and read posts from the past week. Have a wonderful day all!

  14. Good morning Lord and jc family. It was good hearing from you Jan; been praying for you. So much to be thankful for; thank you lord for the rain here in Texas. Pour your amazing grace over us sweet Jesus and especially over all who are struggling with loneliness and emptiness. One day at a time with you and only you. Oh my Jesus forgive us our sins; save us from the powers of hell; lead our souls to heaven so that we may praise you forever and ever..Amen

  15. Thank you Jesus for crafting us in a way that we need you and your eternal peace. Please help me to remember to come to you with all things. Hopes, anxieties and fears. Teach me to always have you first and run to you every day. Amen

  16. This is exactly what I've prayed this morning! Thanks Payton family for posting this.

  17. I can feel the Love energy here..It's Awesome! God bless you all.

    1. Blessings to you too zfuntastic, Yes! Our God is an awesome God! We strive to be His mirrors!

  18. It is late in the evening here, yet my first chance to "plug in." I've been praying throughout the day for many things and people, but have felt the need to get on here tonight. I am so encouraged and inspired after reading the devotion and comments from today and from Sept 17 of years past. What a group of prayer warriors! Thank you, Lord, for showing me the way to this site. Thank you for allowing me to cast my anxieties on You; thank you for caring for me. Jesus, I trust in You! Amen. CO

    1. Amen CO

      And "Bring Me all your needs, your hopes and fears". He is our provision for it all and He alone suffices.

  19. Good morning!! It is a joy and honor to consider the beauty of everyone here. As Madfox wrote last year, God’s peace to all.
    In the stillness and darkness I always assess the day. My calling, My purpose is to love you God and glorify you forever.
    As we sit here with you, may our hearts be expanded by your love and purpose. Be glorified. Be magnified. I thank you for your love and mercy today.

    1. So I wondered where everyone was today and just realized, I posted on the wrong day. Happy Friday Eve, September 17, 2020!! 😂

    2. Your beautiful words, prayers and love are always right on time, just as our God is!

    3. Grace Takes Time: God's blessings through you are always good on whatever day they come! Love to you and our JC family.

    4. bring beauty and joy like so many here in this place. Thank you for your beautiful prayer.


    So you and your beloved friend now settle into your chairs to begin to engage with each other. How does it often begin? Are the heavy issues dumped out on the table to start with? Most likely not. You begin by delighting in being together, asking each other how you (and the family) are, you comment on how good each other looks and you express gladness to have this time together. To use spiritual terms in an earthly sense, you enter into a time of praise and thanksgiving for each other.

    Several of you have shared how you begin your 'date' with the Lord and you have posted how you enter into a spirit of praise and thanksgiving. As it is with two good friends so it is with your best Friend and you coming together, beginning with affirmation, delight and thanksgiving. As I have said in previous posts, this is at its best if it is mutual. It is good for your soul to affirm some of the characteristics of God that are to be praised (you cannot cover them all, that is what eternity is for). God takes delight in being praised (doesn't anyone?) but it is also good for us as well. Acknowledgement of God's greatness through praise brings stability and peace to the soul. Life is constantly shaking our soul, praise stabilizes it again in His greatness. But not only praise, but praise with gratitude. Now for the harder part. As I said, this must be mutual. Let God express His delight in you, let God be thankful for you. He has created you and pronounced you good exactly as He made you (warts and all). He has redeemed you from the one who captivated your soul with ungodly enticements. By your baptism, He has cleaned up ALL the filth of sin that has muddied your soul. You now stand (or sit) before Him spotless and pure because He has done that for you. This He did because He wants to take delight in you. say? No buts about it. Yes, both you and I are not perfect yet He is working on that through the Holy Spirit and He delights in the work of the Spirit in molding us into what He most desires for us. When a voice was heard at Jesus baptism, "This is my beloved Son with whom I am well pleased," that voice was not so much giving an 'atta boy' to Jesus as it was taking delight in the plan of salvation that was being fulfilled in His only begotten Son, a plan that would enable God to take delight in you. Upon your baptism, God was saying, 'This is my beloved child with whom I am well pleased.' Amid your praises and thanksgiving, give the Lord a chance to be thankful for you as well.

    It is suggested in the Divine Office that the first words to be spoken come from Psalm 51:15, "Lord, open my lips, and my mouth will proclaim Your praise." This is a request of God to empower us and God has by the Holy Spirit. With this empowerment, we will commit our self to praise Him. As I use these words to begin my devotional time, I find myself asking God to not only open my lips, but my mind, my soul, and my heart that all of me will proclaim His praise. I never want to be guilty of praising Him with my lips but having my heart far from Him. This prayer, as all prayers, He has faithfully answered. Thanks be to God!

    Thank you to those who have shared their own experiences of beginning your devotional time. Those posts are a blessing to us all. Have a blessed day, God be with you. With love, Bob

    1. Praise be to God. Thank you Bob! KS

    2. Bob thank you for speaking to use out of the wisdom God has given you. I remember when you hadn't posted for a season, you were missed! I myself felt like you were "missing in action" and was so happy to see you posting again. If I remember right it was right after your "procedure" I remember praying earnestly that you were in good health and that nothing had went awry. It is a blessing to glean from a gleaner!!

    3. Bob can I please repost part of this on my FB page? If yoou consent I will post it giving writing credit to my friend Bob.

    4. Merci Bob! What a blessing to read your inspiring posts! "Lord, open my lips, and my mouth will proclaim Your praise." Amen!
      Blessings from France

    5. As Janet stated in her reply, THIS is what I need in my life right now. Thank you for your insightful words, Bob. I have to admit my eyes welled up as I read your entry because I have a difficult time thinking God is well pleased with me. I have copy and pasted your words into my computer so as to reread and pray I can accept and know it is true even for me. I love the Lord with all my heart and soul. Thank you, Bob, for this entry and your teaching. May everyone here have a blessed day!

    6. Snagged by "Let God express His delight in you, let God be thankful for you. He has created you and pronounced you good exactly as He made you." Lord I need Your help to see what You see in me...and to take the blinders off when it is just You and me. I ask. I pray. I thank. In Jesus' Name. Amen.

    7. Bob, Your posts are helping me engage with Him so much better. When I was praying this morning and telling Jesus how much I loved Him, I opened up the Bible and He immediately brought me to Psalm 18:1-3. I will love thee, O Lord, my strength.
      The Lord is my rock, and my fortress, and my deliverer; my God, my strength, in whom I will trust; my buckler, and the horn of my salvation, and my high tower. I will call upon the Lord, who is worthy to be praised: so shall I be saved from mine enemies. It was highlighted in yellow and I just said "Wow Lord". Thank you! I could feel His love for me so much. To think that He is delighted and thankful to be with me is a wonderful gift.
      Brie, I understand those blinders. They are part of the flesh part. Cast them aside and rest in the Spirit that lives within us and tells us we are well worthy to run into God's loving arms. He sees us as absolutley beautiful especially in our weaknesses. He knows we're broken and we're running to Him to be made whole. I felt so warm and loved this morning and I will do my best to keep Him with me the whole day. Yesterday went well because He reminded me to stay in His Presence and Light.

  21. Thank you Bob. This is just what I needed in my life right now. It always makes me smile when I say those words because it reminds me of just how amazing God is. He always knows what we need and when. Thank You Jesus. I will bless, praise, and rejoice in the Lord continually and always.

  22. Janet - "Thank You Jesus. I will bless, praise, and rejoice in the Lord continually and always." Echoing your prayer.

  23. Loving Heavenly Father, I come before You humbly allowing You to take the wheel of my life. I surrender all control to You, please take the driver seat and drive. You know what is best for me. Help me to never take control back from You, but to always desire what You desire. Your grace is sufficient for me and this was only made possible through the sacrifice of Your Son Jesus for my sake. It is in His name I offer this pray. Amen!

    Our natural inclination as humans is to try and be in control of every circumstances in our lives. And when life isn’t going the way we want, we blame God. But what we fail to realize is that no matter what, God is always in control. We can’t take the driver’s seat while handing control over to God. He has to have FULL control! He is the one taking us exactly where we need to go. He sees way ahead of us! He wants us to know that His plan for us is perfect! So the question we must ask ourselves, why not let Him take the wheel of our lives and sit in the passenger seat? The process of giving God control and letting things go, may not be easy, but we must come to the realization that we are powerless and He knows EVERYTHING about us, all of our tomorrows and is the ONLY One who cares and ready to help us, meet our needs and direct our steps!
    We should learn to surrender, stop fighting with ourselves, stop fighting the universe and the natural flow of things,stop resisting and pushing against reality and commit everything into His care. Our business should only be the realm of things that we can directly influence. Like asking the Holy spirit to lead us to lost souls and encourage, teach them the gospel of Jesus Christ. We should let the feeling of freedom and trust in God guide us toward loosening our grip and giving Him ALL control! We will never have success in bossing or manipulating God while trying to trust Him simultaneously! Wanting to be in charge and giving God control just doesn’t work,they just can’t co-exist. But,there is always a blessing and God’s goodness attached to the other end of giving it all to Him and letting go. When we do this, He promised to give us peace that surpasses all our understanding.

    “Don’t worry about anything, but in everything, through prayer and petition with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God.” Philippians 4:6

    “Haven’t I commanded you: be strong and courageous? Do not be afraid or discouraged, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.” Joshua 1:9

    “Our God is in heaven and does whatever He pleases.” Psalm 115:3

    Blessings and peace.

    Maplewood NJ

    1. Amen. Lord help me to sit quietly in the passenger seat as you drive wherever you want me to go. Help me to surrender it all into your care. Your ways not mine. In Jesus name, Amen.

      Blessings from France

    2. Jesus, 🎶 Please take the wheel, take it from my hand! I'm letting go!
      And Lord, please tapeface my mouth if I try to be a backseat driver!
      Thanks for my sweet morning syrup, Maplewood NJ! Love to you and our entire JC Family.

    3. PS "Lord, come to my assistance; please make haste to help me.” 

    4. So true Maplewood. I must surrender and let Him lead me. He knows where I'm going and I do not. Trust, Gratitude and Praise!

    5. Amen. Father, have Your will with me. Please align my will with Yours and align me with Your word. Your will comes first Lord. Help me to know You in spirit and in truth, my sweet Lord. Father, I depend on You for everything, including my very next breath. Help me to trust in You, O Lord, with all my heart and allow You to lead me along the path You have prepared for me. You are my Father, Lord, Savior, and Creator, and You know where I have to be and what I need to do. Thank You Jesus. Amen.

  24. Amen, Maplewood NJ, Lord help us to remember this valuable lesson.

    1. Terri, you asked above in my post if you could post a part of it on your Facebook page. Thank you for asking. What I have written (I pray) is Spirit led and it has been written in love (the surest way it can be of the Spirit). Receive it in love and pass it on in love. May God be glorified!

    GENESIS 1: 21
    God personally created great sea creatures and every sort of fish and every kind of bird. And God looked at them with pleasure and blessed them all. Multiply and stock the oceans He told them, and to the birds He said Let your numbers increase. Fill the earth. And that ended the 5th day!
    Dear Heavenly Father God,
    You have an oceanfront view where You see all our needs, all our cares, and all our desires and You love us with a steadfast love. You, Who personally made in great detail, the sea, the sand, the seashells, the rocks, the crustaceans, the fish, the waves, every molecule, every grain of sand, every fish gill, and the intricacies of the entire world, prove Yourself qualified to figure out the intricate details when we surrender our plans to you. Would You help us surrender the details of our lives and plans to You to figure out? Would You insert Your purpose filled plan with the bigger view over our small screen blurry visions and, like all the creatures of the sea do, trust You to work it out and we too see that It is all good? Would You help us cast out our distrust and doubt of You and reel in Your loving care?  I ask. I pray. I thank. In Jesus' Name. Amen

    1. Father,
      Please give me absolute and unwavering trust in Your lead. Thank you! Amen.

  26. Good morning!
    Jesus, take the wheel on today's driving date, and give me ears to hear you as I enjoy the passing scenery. I humbly take my seat.

    1. Our Dear Audra, Since so many of our JC Family signed up as passengers for today's trip, I do hope our Dear Lord is driving a Motor Coach, so we can all passenger together as we surrender to His Way for our journeys, fully accepting and embracing His Direction and His Process on the paths He chooses!
      Yes, I'm ready to eat snacks, sing songs and watch the beautiful scenery with our JC Family! Love to all.

    2. Amen! Hope I get a window seat! I'll share my goodies with you and sing songs too! What sights we will see when our Lord is leading us!

    3. I Hope and Pray that you are feeling better Janet.

  27. I'm picturing us all piled high in a convertible,(ok, a really big old land yacht) singing to worship music on the radio with a view that knocks our socks off. And with that vision, I lay me down to sleep. Much needed, another sobering week of aftermath of fires in the west. Prayers for containment all around!

    1. Love it Audra! What a day of rejoicing that will be! Come Lord come!!
      We need to be a prepared bride. I so want to be prepared. Fill me Lord with you the anointing oil of the Holy Spirit. Here's my cup Lord, I lift it up Lord.
      Please pour an overflowing into each of us today. Let it run through us, out of us and touch each person we come in contact with. What a blessing to be used by you Lord.

  28. May God bless our new days, encourage and lift our weary hearts, heal our weaknesses, renew our minds, and direct our paths. Father, We thank You for this in the Name of Jesus Christ. You are a Great and Merciful God and we trust in You. Amen
    Returning home from my Anniversary trip. Feeling refreshed, and strengthened. Saturday is Gabriel’s Birthday party. He turned 3 on the 15th. I’m bringing chocolate and vanilla cupcakes with numbers on top and also three with plus, minus and equal signs. He loves numbers and letters. He is an amazing and cute little guy and I am blessed to be his Nani. God is so good.

    1. I am so glad you had such a wonderful time. You deserve it. God is so good -- Always! God bless.

    2. Thankful for your refreshing. I just pictured dry ground that becomes drenched with a refreshing rain. Immediately everything is perked up and renewed. Thank you Jesus for pouring out your refreshing upon us not only each day but moment by moment as we need you.

    3. Thanks sweet sisters! I am very blessed and thankful. God bless you all. Prayed with my Mom and Sis today. All is well with my soul. Happy to have caught up on some sleep too. God is so good.

  29. We all make plans as to what we want to do or accomplish. However, it is the LORD that has determined what is the best course for us. Sometimes He will block what we initially planned, and push us in a direction we did not plan. Sometimes we meet these adjustments with great frustration and opposition.

    It is needful to always seek the LORD’s guidance before we make plans and set out on our journey. We must remember that God’s way will always be what is best for us. Now granted, we may not always agree the disruption of our desires, but in due time, He accomplishes in us that which glorifies Him and ultimately we will see it was the best thing to benefit us.

    Before we set out today, we must ask the LORD what His sovereign will is for us. “Seek first the kingdom of God…

  30. Heavenly Father, thank You for always being with me. Reprogram my way of thinking to be like Yours. Quiet my mind so I can hear Your thoughts and not my own. Let me be open to receive all You have for me and help me to let go of my excessive planning and replace it with Your perfect peace. I praise You Lord. Thank You Jesus. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen.

    1. Cast your burden on the LORD, and He shall sustain you; He shall never permit the righteous to be moved. (Psalm 55:22). Trust in Him at all times, you people; pour out your heart before Him; God is a refuge for us. (Psalm 62:8). Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about its own things. Sufficient for the day is its own trouble. (Matthew 6:34).

    2. Janet your prayer and scriptures made me cry ( or should I say they touched my heart deeply). Thank you Janet for your transparency and deep passion for seeking his will.

    3. Your prayer dear Janet is my prayer too. Amen! Jesus, Remind us to keep You reigning in our hearts and minds above all else.

  31. Amen dear Janet. Thank you for prayers/scripture reading. Bless your day. Look to the heavens & thank God. Hallelujah!

  32. Good morning dear family🌞. I feel like Jeanne today. Big to do in the kitchen. Family coming in from out of town. Gathering here at my house after church with the rest of the clan. When did deciding, should I make peach cobbler, banana cream pie or apple pie, become such a big deal??? Holy smokes! C'mon Jan! I need brother Lawrence! Yes Lord, visitors can toss my mind into a spin of planning. Make haste & be the ever present help this day, I pray. Amen. Audra dear, praying for good results, praying for Marc also. Brie, still covering Keith. Covering all prayer concerns for this family. May each of you hear clearly, "this is the way, walk in it". Amen! Hallelujah!

    1. Jan bless your heart 💜❤️💜❤️, I say with the crowd you'll have make all three. Sorry, I have to admit I would probably buy them. Enjoy your time with your family!

    2. While I feel your anxious/excited thoughts of the family coming, I also know you're so happy to have them coming! (I always love when that happens but, like you, toss my menu back and forth in my mind wanting to make the best for thee people I adore...and in reality, they're all happy with whatever I make. Oh, the pressure we put on ourselves, lol.) Excited for you, though, thinking of all the laughter and fellowshipping to be shared around your table, Jan! Enjoy every moment and sending blessings that all your baking and cooking goes off without a hitch!

    3. God Bless you dear Jan for your caring loving ways.

    4. I sure would be happy with anything you bake. But I can almost taste that peach cobbler. I love to bake and cook for my family! Know the Lord will be at your side while you produce your good fruit. .

  33. Jan, I vote for banana cream 😋pie!
    Maplewood, I was heart touched to read about your sister's reunion from last year, which in turn led me to earnestly reflecting and pondering about Sharon's situation with her mother. Sharon, how are you doing? You are in my prayers daily, and was reminded by reading Maplewood's post about her sisters reunion, that all things are possible in God's time. It had occurred to me that possibly God was allowing you to grow and mature in his love to be able to carry the strength and love through him to be able to care for your mom for the betterment of his kingdom. I pray that your mom has mellowed some with age, and will allow your love through him to open up her heart. I also pray for your daughter, as well.
    I also have an update on Margi: she will be able to take her neckbrace ( or her "cone as she calls it, says it reminds her if a dog's cone!) off when's she eats. However, her doctor told her that she might have stenosis of the spine, and may need a steel rod put in. She tod me she felt like crying, and I told her cry if you need too, it's OK! Thank you in advance for your prayers for her: she has always been through much.
    As for Dennis, Margi says he's the same old Dennis, laughing and smiling and lights up the room when she comes to visit.
    JC family, always love to read the bits and pieces, thanks for the songs Brie...shared the one yesterday with a friend and the original video.
    Norah, always love your slice of life as well....getting used to the dentist is a BIG accomplishment.
    Love and prayers to all.

    1. Butterfly Love I'm glad to see you show up today. I want to tell you I sent a letter as I said I wanted to for Dennis and Margi. It came back to me "Return to sender - attempted - not known." I sent it to Town and Country Rehab in Minden, LA. Please tell them that I tried to give them a hand written letter to let them know they matter and are being prayed for. Thank You

    2. Oh, so sorry Kathy! If you type I Town and Country Health and Rehabilitation, it will bring it up....We are in the state of MO, not LA.. if you'd still have them and like to send feel free. Although I will definitely pass it on for her as for the message of prayers...Thank you...she also has tried to keep up with this blog as I send it to her, as well.❣

    3. Dear BL praying for Margi. Thanking our God for caring for everything that concerns her well being. Bless you for sharing.

  34. We have been greatly encouraged in the midst of our troubles and suffering, dear brothers and sisters, because you have remained strong in your faith. It gives us new life to know that you are standing firm in the Lord. How we thank God for you! Because of you we have great joy as we enter God’s presence.
    1 Thessalonians 3:7–9

    1. Praying with you Waiting. Thank you for sharing this scripture to feed on today 🙏💕

    2. I miss you Kathy and pray showers of blessing prayers on your new endeavors. I am asking God's Holy Spirit to let you know you matter and are being prayed for. Much Love, Brie

    3. Dear Kathy, I too send a hug your way for a most beautiful day filled with peace in His Presence.

  35. Praying with you for our family in Christ and for you dear Butterfly love and Kathy. God is in our midst and mighty to save and heal and strengthen us. Continuing to pray for Margi. She has a rough road ahead but she’ll be holding His Hand through it all. Praying for Dennis that God is healing his weaknesses. We serve a good and faithful God.

  36. In my "humanness" I try to plan and solve any perceived issues. Dear Lord help me to surrender all to you. Help me to have an open heart to accept your will and follow your lead. With You Lord I have nothing to fear or be anxious about. Amen.

  37. So true ABC! Me too. I thank God for the day but then try to do all the things on my list. It amuses me how God doesn't let me do what I had planned because He has other plans. We plan our day but He establishes our steps.
    Today's devotion was right on target about that:
    "Bring Me all your needs, your hopes and fears. Commit everything into My care. Turn from the path of planning to the path of Peace."

  38. Asking for prayers for our good neighbor, Carolyn. Abulance took her out tonight.

  39. Thank You in advance for traveling mercy prayers for me and all our JC family. Love You Lots, Brie

    1. Thank You Father for traveling safety and protection to cover our dear Brie and her loved ones, and all of us and our dear ones who are out there and traveling in Jesus’ Name we pray. Amen

  40. How are you (((TERRI))) and (((SASSY MOM))). Again today, I said a prayer for you, and asked God's Holy Spirit to deliver hugs and love to each of you.

    1. Joining in with Brie’s prayer and continuing to hold you both in my daily prayers. I think of you dear Sassy Mom and Terri and pray that God fills the holes in your sorrowful hearts with love and comfort. May happy memories of Debbi and Michelle lift your days as you go forward in God’s peace

    2. God understands our broken hearts.
      His promise - "Weeping may endure for a night, but joy comes in the morning" Psalm 30:5 NKJV. Blessed are those who mourn for they shall be comforted. Matthew 5:4. Thank You Jesus for my JC Family who covers grieving and broken hearts with much love and prayers. I miss our beloved Terri.

  41. Needs are actual, our God Will supply our needs. Fears, hopes, concerns, are projections of our mind. When these arise in your thinking give them to Him and ask for His Peace in return.
    Isaiah 26:3 "You will keep in perfect peace those whose minds are steadfast, because they trust in you."

  42. Amen Peter! I see Him supplying my needs every day. Thank You Lord!!!
    Last night He guided me to get my sleep. He knows our needs better than we do. We are in the Best of Hands. Hallelujah!

  43. Thank you for making this available online

  44. Sharing Daily Devotion from MIchael Youssef
    Sharing my Daily Devotion from Michael Youssef.

    Who is in control of your life? Who directs your plans, dreams, and goals? We all are influenced by something—our egos, our greed, our pride, our circumstances, our relationships. But only the Lord, the one who created us and every living thing, has the right to claim ownership on our lives.

    In Psalm 23 David declares, "The Lord is my shepherd, I lack nothing" (Psalm 23:1). David acknowledges God as his shepherd—the one who governs and manages his life, the one who is the owner of his life—and God is the best manager we could ever have. A sheep's life isn't easy—but no matter our circumstances, our Shepherd provides His guidance and comfort.

    We are never in need because our Good Shepherd cares for us. He provides us rest when we cannot carry on in our own strength. He quenches our thirst. He restores us and forgives us when we are broken and weak. "He makes me lie down in green pastures, he leads me beside quiet waters, he refreshes my soul" (Psalm 23:2-3).

    Even in our darkest days, our Shepherd will remain with us: "Even though I walk through the darkest valley, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me" (Psalm 23:4). With the Shepherd leading us, we have nothing to fear—not the disappointments of life, the dark days, not even death itself. Whatever valley we go through, God is leading us to higher ground.

    Prayer: Father, thank You for being my Shepherd. Thank You for Your care and guidance to higher ground. I pray in the name of Jesus. Amen.

    "I am the good shepherd; I know my sheep and my sheep know me—" (John 10:14).

    1. Thanks for sharing, Sassy Mom. Love you.

    2. Thank you so much dear Sassy Mom! You fed us well. My heart is lifted and strengthened! Our Good Shepherd is always by our sides and when we get lost He finds us, comforts us, and brings us back into His fold. How blessed we are!

  45. Amen! Thanks for sharing, Sassy Mom ♥️🙏

  46. Praying for each of you and thanking Our Father for His love, mercy and grace. Dear Brie, extra prayers for your DH, Larry. Praying mightily with you for both of our Best Men.
    Continued prayers for you, Sassy Mom and TERRI. Welcome Margaret/Pennsylvania!
    Love to each of you this lovely September Day!

    1. Praying with you and for you dear Brie, Norah, Sassy Mom and Terri and all our dear JC Family. Amen and Amen.

    2. And dear Audra!! That was me 💗😊🙏

  47. My Beloved JCFAMILY --- Have been going to The Throne of Grace daily to intercede for each one of your needs and others that have need of intercession. The Lord LOVES, LOVES, LOVES each one of you WITHOUT MEASURE! HALLELUJAH!. It is such an honor and a privilege to Stand in the Gap for each one of you! Great Love and Blessings coming your way!
    There is so much going on in the world and in people's lives, and is getting them into doubt and mistrust in God. Because some lean on their own understanding, they don't understand why so many things are piling up against them. This makes it hard for them to believe, because of how they feel. Right now so many are going through hardships, tests and trials that they don't know how they are going to get out it. They don't know how God is going to do anything about it, because they haven't seen anything yet. I want to pray over you for strength, healing, restoration and peace. I want to pray over you for perseverance and the joy of the Lord into your life.
    Heavenly Father, right now I want to pray over every person that is going through hardships. Father, these adversities are just so hard, it's weighing them down. Some are saying " God, what are You going to do? Are You going to do something about it? Am I doing something wrong? Am I not worthy to recieve breakthroughs, healing or deliverance?" I want to let you know right now, in the Name of Jesus, you have been made the Righteousness of God through Christ! Father God, is sayin to you: You are worthy, because Jesus has made you worthy to recieve what He has done. He's the one who bore the curse. He's the one who knew no sin, but He took the sin in His body for each and every one of you. So, I loose from every layer of your soul the heaviness that has been over you; the spirit of depression; that fear: that doubt; that worry; that unbelief. You, devil, are such a liar and a loser--WILL NOT TOLERATE YOUR GARBAGE! Now I bind to this JCFAMILY/WARRIORS the Life of God, the Love of God, the Goodness of God, His will, His way, His plan, His breakthroughs, HIS healing, His restoration, His supernatural finances for you!I I thank You, Heavenly Father, that you have delivered them no matter what they are seeing right now. NO WEAPON FORMED AGAINST THEM WILL PROSPER! Begin to Speak your breakthroughs, your healing, your deliverance, your restoration, your joy over your life and the lives of your loved ones. Our Heavenly Father SPOKE and brought the world into existence. With our faith in Jesus and the WORD, He expects us to SPEAK His reality for our lives and do it BOLDLY! Father, let them feel the lightness of heart that you have for them. Now you can SPEAK God's Blessings and Provisions over your life, because you have the backing of His Holy Word. IT WILL NOT RETURN TO HIM VOID!!! I Plead The Blood of Jesus over each of your lives. You will know the Truth and the TRUTH WILL SET YOU FREE! I thank You, Father God, for the PEACE THAT PASSES ALL UNDERSTANDING!! I PRAY and BELIEVE in Jesus' Holy name, AMEN and AMEN.
    "Unless Your law had been my delight, I would of perished in my affliction. I will never forget Your precepts, for by them You have given me life." Psalm 119:92-93 HALLELUJAH!!!


    1. Dearest JJ! What a powerful prayer you covered us with! I feel safely wrapped in it! Your Spirit guided words are surrounding us! The Love of Christ, His promises, The Power of His Name and His Word! You blessed my whole night. Thank you sweet and righteous sister! You are a gift to us and you are so loved and appreciated! God bless, guide, protect, and heal you and your whole family and dear ones. Thank You Jesus!

    2. So powerful dear JJ!, You have chased the enemy from our midst & hurled him back to the abyss with the word of God. Hallelujah!

    3. I am coming late to these awesome and wonderful's 9/18 but I try and read the entries I missed from the afternoon and evening before...SO glad I did! Receiving both Sassy Mom's meaningful entry from Michael Youssef and JJ's powerful prayer! Tears down the face as I read and reread this prayer, JJ. It's as if you know me, JJ. Know all of us-and what we all need or are going through. Bless you, sister in Christ! May you feel all the love and blessings from all of us here! In Jesus' great name, amen!

    4. Thank You JJ! I am receiving every WORD you posted, and joining into this powerful prayer. Dear Heavenly Father God. Thank You for shining Your much needed light through our dear dear sister friend in Christ JJ. Love you! Love You! Love JJ and the JC's. In Jesus' Nane. Amen.

    5. My tears down the face are comingling with yours, NJS . Love, Brie

  48. Amen, JJ. Thank you and God Bless you, Sister!

  49. Saw this and it certainly made we stop and think: Have you ever stopped and wondered what God has done in your life that you aren't aware of? Maybe He healed you before you were even sick. Perhaps He saved you from a fatal car crash that never happened. I feel like my God has protected me more times than I can count, so I can only imagine the times
    He's rescued me when I wasn't aware that I was in danger. I thank Him for watching over me, even when I didn't realize it. What an AWESOME God we serve!!! HALLELUJAH!!!

    1. Thank You God for watching over me all those times when I didn't realize You were, nor realize I needed You to.

    2. Great reminder JJ! Thank You Jesus 😊.

    3. Absolutely dear JJ. Thank you for the reminder 🙂!

    4. Such a great reminder, JJ. I have at times thought of this and think those times He's rescued me from this and that are far more than I can think or imagine...How grateful am I and are we all when we think about this thought! Thanks, JJ!

    5. Amen, JJ! Whenever I feel "inconvenienced" I try to remember that God has a higher plan in my better interest. You reminded me to try harder at that today. ♥️

    6. Wow JJ! I sure do think of that. Just recently I was turning around a corner and I just missed a car that was turning into my street. I said Thanks Father for protecting me and I know you do it all the time even when I don't notice!!! He is our protection and He never sleeps. :) <3

  50. One of today's devotional Bible Verses is from 1 Peter 5.
    Casting all our cares on Him means to humble ourselves under the Mighty Hand of God and rely absolutely on God and in His Words, much like scuba divers trust and rely on their equipment in order to survive in underwater worlds. We too, can move from trusting in our own limited knowledge and capabilities to resting in God and His Provisions.
    Where am I on this continuum?
    God is willing and able to carry the heaviest burden for us. His Plan is intertwined with His Care, which nothing or no one can separate, much like a scuba diver's regulator is intertwined with his/her air.
    How do I cast all my cares on God?
    For anyone else who is facing adversity, a casting prayer may sound something like this, “Lord, life hurts right now. I need you to take care of the situations I am facing. I am casting my cares on You as Your Word says because I know You can and I know You Care. You are my way, my truth, and my life. Please take these situations from me along with anything else that is not like Thee.” In Jesus' Name. Amen!

  51. Thank you Jeanne and all others for your prayers. I am so grateful and blessed 🙌 🙏. God bless!

  52. Thank you Brie for that sharing of your heart according to the word of God. Jeanne, lifting in prayer all of your concerns. It's God's breath in your lungs, He will gladly give it to you for the offering of songs to worship Him. Praying for mom & Janet. For Patricia, that inspire of her sorrow over her loss she can celebrate her life. A precious gift from God. Amen. 💕🙏🌈

  53. Me too Lord. Help me get out of Your way. Amen

  54. Just had to share what happened yesterday. I woke up with excruciating pain on side. It's familiar to me as my gallbladder gets angry sometimes. The nausea, vomiting, chills, dizziness are all part of it. It got so bad I could hardly breath. In desperation I called the 700 club prayer line. I got Abigail. I could hardly talk but she got the gist of it. Her prayer was simple & sweet. I went to sleep &, when I woke up, the pain was completely gone. Hallelujah! Thank You Jesus! thank you Abigail! Our God hears our cry. Amen!

    1. Our God is good! Prayer is our lifeline to God our Father! Thankful you are ok.
      SC Anonymous

    2. The power of prayer never ceases to amaze me. So glad you awakened symptom free, Jan! Thank you, Abigail, for your healing prayer for Jan!

    3. Sweet Jan --- Just want to Praise the Lord with you!!! I speak Divine Health and Plead the Blood of Jesus over you from the crown of your head to the soles of your feet! His WORD DOES NOT return to Him void! His power is UNLIMITED!!!
      HALLELUJAH!!! Sending you Great Love and Blessings! JJ

    4. How Great Thou Art! Our God is a Healing God and He is so Faithful! Hallelujah! Abigail was His instrument but the Healing was His Power working through her. Praise Him!!

  55. Dear friends, I have to admit it, i am afraid. I know I am not supposed to be and I know God heals. I am reaching out to my friends to ask for prayer that my husbands heart is able to go back to normal rhythm after his complicated open heart surgery. It has been 48 hours that he is out of rhythm, and medication hasn’t helped. They are keeping him in the hospital to try to fix this. His heart is hurting and irritated from the surgery. If it doesnt go back to normal sinus rhythm today, they will shock him tomorrow. This is fine, but he needed 10 shocks coming off the heart lung machine for his heart to resume normal rhythm. Lord, in your mercy, help me to calm down and bring peace to him. I pray that his heart will calm enough to start beating normally today, , and the shock won’t even be needed. THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR YOUR PRAYERS, God is good. I have a great praise report about my daughter which i will share with you later. Thank you.

    1. Praying that your husbands heart finds its normal rhythm. In Jesus name. Amen

    2. My Father God, I thank You that You have given us all power and authority over the scumbag liar--the enemy! Your WORD say that NO weapon formed against Ellen's husband will prosper. I call down and bind and cut off the source, the root and power of his irriated heart, in Jesus's name. I speak to to this heart and say: "You WILL come back to a NORMAL SINUS RHYTHM NOW!!!" You, enemy, HAVE NOT given Ellen the spirit of fear, but of power, and of love and of sound mind. Thank you Father God, that You are watching over Your WORD to perform it!!
      "For with God nothing is ever impossible and no word from God will be without power or impossible of fulfillment." Luke 1:37 AMP. I thank you, Father, for Your WORD and we WILL NOT let, Satan, dump his garbage lies into our spirit. The GREATER ONE lives in us and I speak TOTAL RESTORATION, RESTORATION, RESTORATION over Ellen's husband!!! Pleading the Blood of Jesus over Ellen and her husband. Father, let Ellen and her husband know they are stronger than they think, because they are tapping into Your UNLIMITED POWER!!! I Pray and Believe and ask it all in the Mighty Name of Jesus, AMEN and AMEN.

    3. Praying with you and for you and your husband, Ellen. Protect him, Father and calm both of them. Restore his heart beat, as only You can, Dear Lord. We ask this in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen

    4. Praying these prayers for a Peaceful Easy Healing.
      In Jesus' Name. AMEN!

    5. Thank you for your prayers for my husbands heart…i am going back to the hospital and will pray these prayers over him. His body is healing in every other way and his heart will too. Thanks so much for your powerful prayers!! JJ, you are awesome! God uses you in a special way. A gift to others!💕

    6. Joining in prayer for you, Ellen, and expecting the perfect heart rhythm returns to your husband NOW!

    7. Prayers coming your way, Ellen. Praying his heart rhythm is restored to normal and no shock is necessary. Praying, too, for you both to have peace feeling God's presence with you in this valley. Remember, He brings us THROUGH the valley! Praying this in Jesus' name, amen.

    8. Joining all prayers for your husband's heart rhythm to return to normal on its own so he doesn't need a Shock. Thank You Father for hearing all our prayers for this good man and bringing his heart back to normal rhythm right away, and giving our dear Ellen peace of mind. We're trusting in Your Faithfulness and waiting on You. Thank You Jesus!

  56. Dear Ellen, lifting you, your husband, and his doctors up in prayer. Praying for a normal heart rhythm. Praying for peace for you all.
    SC Anonymous

  57. Joining in with you all for todays prayer requests. 🙏❤️ Thank you and have a blessed Sunday

    1. Thank you, Blessings from NY. I receive your Blessing with Great
      JOY and send them to you also!

    2. Thanks dear Blessings from NY. Praying God is leading you each day to joy, and guiding your life according to His plan for you.

  58. 1Peter 5 is a favorite of mine and reminds me to "cast my cares/anxieties on Him"..."for He cares for you". Another great analogy and visual, Brie. Thank you!"

  59. What a gift to be able to sing, Jeanne. May it be so healing to your voice to be singing worship songs about and for our King. Praying for your mom, your sister, Janet, and Patricia as well.

  60. The best EVER plan for our life is God's plan for us.
    He alone know the details of today and each of our future days.
    Think of the account in Genesis 37 through 41 of God's plan for a large family who became the nation of Israel. Joseph in his mid teens sold by his brothers and put in the pit doesn't sound like a good plan; but it was God's plan. God's plan includes planning, down to the finest detail, nothing left out.
    What He has for us today will work out in blessing in future days.
    God's plan for the fledgling nation Israel, for you and I too is summed up in:
    Jeremiah 29:11
    "For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."
    Proverbs 16:3 AMPC
    "Roll your works (plans) upon the Lord [commit and trust them wholly to Him; He will cause your thoughts to become agreeable (aligned) to His will, and] so shall your plans be established and succeed."

    1. Thank you Peter for your encouraging word! I so love the AMPC.

    2. Life restoring words, Dear Peter! Praying with all of you, FOR all of you. As I just told one of my cases (homeless, living in her van, in her 60's..."God's got you in His Almighty Hands." So easy for me to say as I head into my cozy bed. There are so many hurting people out there, but my prayer remains, "Turn your eyes upon Jesus...",vid:7Ka7bVQmbnk,st:0
      Love and Prayers for all of you, my Dear JC Family.

    3. Goodness! I thought it would pull up the lovely song. Hope you can listen to it.

    4. Thanks dear Peter. Looking forward to finding out what God has planned for my future. Casting all my concerns on Him to handle.
      I just love that song Norah! Amen! May your case find shelter and stability in the Lord. Thanks. And thanks for the love and prayers. Sending some to you too, dear sister!

  61. Sweet Brie and Janet and Jan and NJS! I love you all. Brie. I am casting all my cares on Him and I know He won't let any of drown in the sea of problems that arise because He is greater. Yes dear NJS. He cares for us and that is all we need. Yes It was a gift to Him and to me to be able to praise Him with my choir today. Thanks for your prayers for my Mom, my sister, and Patricia. Praying with you and for all of you and our dear JC Family! Thank You Father for answering our prayers in Jesus' Name. Amen

  62. I am a planner but I do bend according to God's guidance. My Bible group meets tonight and I am prepared for it. Within our group there are so many we are praying for too. Know I have kept you all in my prayers. My list is so long that I pray whenever I can and just keep lifting you all. I know our JC Family needs God's help and healing and many of our family members are going through hard times. Especially so many husbands and daughters. I lift them all up in prayer. All we can do is pray for each other but we know those prayers are heard. We all need healing and we all need peace. Today's devotion encouraged my heart: "Bring Me all your needs, your hopes and fears. Commit everything into My care. Turn from the path of planning to the path of Peace". Today, I will go forward holding God's Hand and I will not worry about tomorrow. One day at a time in His sweet presence and peace. Rest in the Truth that He is our Way Maker. Don't get discouraged because of the unanswered prayers. Remember His Faithfulness and all the times He has reached down and brought us up out of our problems, anxiety, fears, sadness. He has not brought us to this point to let us go. He holds us tight through every difficulty. He makes our paths straight and dries our tears and makes us rest when we are weary. He is very much in charge and such a good Father. He reads our hearts and provides our needs. Sometimes all we need is to stop and know that He is God. Have a blessed day, and as we pray for Eli, and Ellen's daughter and her DH, and Brie and Larry and Audra and her friend Annie, and Marc, and Norah's DH, and her friends, July and Pam, and SC's sons and DH, and Jan and her DH, and Rich C and his daughter, Janet's need to quit smoking, and Sandy and MadFox, and Rick's brothers, Jimmy and Jack, and Jack's wife Sally, and Anonymous, and John H, and my friends Patricia, Bobby and Mike, and my mom and sister Janet, and so many more, I know that God reads our hearts and right now, He knows I'm weary so I'm gonna rest. But He is so Great and I am expecting miracles and victory reports. Thank You Father in Jesus' Name for your Faithfulness to rain down on this good Family and their loved ones. You are Everything to us and You can do all things. Hallelujah!

    John 15:5
    “I am the vine, you are the branches. He who abides in Me, and I in him, bears much fruit; for without Me you can do nothing.

    Romans 5:8
    But God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.

    Jeremiah 17:14
    Heal me, O LORD, and I shall be healed; Save me, and I shall be saved, For You are my praise.

    1. Wonderful prayers and scripture. Thank you always for praying for me.

    2. Thank you Jeanne for your daily posts, wisdom, and prayers.
      SC Anonymous

    3. Joining in prayers with you Jeanne 🙏. Heavenly Father, please incline Your ear and hear our voices and prayers. Make haste and bring Your healing, peace, and strength to us for Your glory and by Your mighty power Lord. We praise You Lord and thank You Jesus! In Jesus name, we pray, Amen 🙏. God bless you and peace be with you!

    4. Joining the prayer warriors in praying for all you've listed above and for those in need of quiet prayers. What a wonderful post of prayers and scripture. I'm especially praying for little Eli and his family.

    5. Be encouraged today dear Jeanne as you have encouraged us. Praying with you and for you, that you may feel His strength infusing through your body and spirit. Be blessed dear sister 🙏🙏🙏❤️🙌

    6. Thank you Jeanne- your prayers are my prayers- you’re such a gift ❤️🙏

  63. Jeanne and JC Friends. Am up this early morning as part of "planning" for a business meeting, that is only possible due to the nearly 4 year healing journey (Oct. 2020 was diagnosis month) that He has sheparded me through. He helped me to learn that the "best laid plans of mice and men" are subject to daily change, and that plans to "prosper me" (physical, spiritual, and mental) are in holding His LOVING hand. All He asks not demands, is to allow Him to use us for His purposes, if we do, we can have peace.

    JC warriors, PRAY that you are seeking Him here, and that in doing so find His love will allow you to plan but not fret over outcomes, if you do so with humility and love to others, and most importantly, also forgive and love yourself despite all the sins and planning you do! Godspeed. Peace be with you. Amen.

    1. Joining in prayer with you Madfox 🙏. Thank You Jesus. Praise the Lord. God bless you!

    2. Amen, MadFox. You are an inspiration to all you encounter. Throughout your healing journey, you have allowed Him to use you for His purposes. That's why you're still with us... your job here isn't finished. Peace, my friend.

    3. Thank you dear MadFox. Encouragement for today duly noted . Bless your day also. 🙌❤️

  64. Today's devotion jumped off the page this morning and hit me over the head like a two by four. Depending on what is happening in my world, some devotions just seem to hit at just the right time. Jon and I have a potential job opening that we are being considered for. We've planned, interviewed and are waiting to hear back which is the hardest part. We are both of the mindset that whatever God wants to happen will happen, it is out of our control. We give it to Him. We bring our needs, hopes and fears and turn it over to Him.
    Please pray that Jon and I will have the patience and wisdom to accept whatever outcome arises.

  65. In prayer Suzanne for you & Jon. 🙏🙏💞

  66. As a planner by nature and business I need to reign in my planning, praying about what ever it is, surrendering it to the Lord. My parents often would say "DV", after making a statement of intent i.e. Deo Volentè - 'God Willing' we will see you soon etc.
    Proverbs 16:3 "Commit to the Lord whatever you do, and he will establish your plans".
    I like surrendering things to the Lord as then He has complete control and will bring about what is good and right in His sight.
