Saturday, September 19, 2015

Jesus Calling: September 18

Seek to please Me above all else. Let that goal be your focal point as you go through this day. Such a mind-set will protect you from scattering your energy to the winds. The free will I bestowed on you comes with awesome responsibility. Each day presents you with choice after choice. Many of these decisions you ignore and thus make by default. Without a focal point to guide you, you can easily lose your way. That's why it is so important to stay in communication with Me, living in thankful awareness of My Presence.
     You inhabit a fallen, disjointed world, where things are constantly unraveling around the edges. Only a vibrant relationship with Me can keep you from coming unraveled too. 
Matthew 6:33
English Standard Version

But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you.

Verse Thoughts
This verse concludes a paragraph that began with the command to not worry about my life. How often do I let the events of my life distract, distrust, and disquiet me? Too often. But instead, seek first (through prayer) the kingdom of God and his righteousness. 
John 8:29
English Standard Version 

And he who sent me is with me. He has not left me alone, for I always do the things that are pleasing to him.
Verse Thoughts
These are words of Jesus, speaking of his relationship to the Father. The Father is with Jesus, is with me, at every step, at every turn, and so I do always things pleasing to Him. 

Colossians 3:23-24 
English Standard Version 

23 Whatever you do, work heartily, as for the Lord and not for men, 24 knowing that from the Lord you will receive the inheritance as your reward. You are serving the Lord Christ.

Verse Thoughts
As I serve, I am not to do it grudgingly, with a feeling of necessity, or murmuring, but rather delighting the work with a cheery attitude, as my service is unto the Lord and my payment, even if it is small from people, is primarily focused as coming from the Lord, in his time, in his way. 

My Prayer
Lord, I need an attitude overhaul. Bring an attitude of delight to my service each day. Thank you for being near, with me, every day. I want to stay focused on your kingdom and your righteousness and let you bless me in your time, in your way. 

Note: The devotion and scriptures are from author Sarah Young. If you haven't already, please purchase the book and support the author.

Also, bookmark to have an easy link to the entire year of these entries.


  1. Thank you for posting these - but also for the Verse Thoughts, My Prayer and the Labels. Its so wonderful to start my day with Jesus.

    1. Chris had a good prayer, was it 2015?
      When I read it I thought, thank you Jesus for this reminder to lighten up in my attitude. Everything seems so heavy these days. You are a kind and loving Father, and I bet you like to make time to play with your kids. As I remember to put a smile on my face, I know you are near. 😁 God bless you all, JC readers in Christ ✝️

    2. So true Audra! We must all serve Him cheerfully, without grumbling. We are His loving children so we should be joyful in His presence!

    3. LOL AUDRA because My QUICK WORDS for today were CHEERFULLY WORKING!
      This JC family is truly and cheerfully working in agreement with one heart and one mind and one purpose! Love to all.

    4. Especially true for me again this year. Seeking joy in all things as I thank the Lord for carrying my burdens and lightening my heart. I trust you Jesus. I join in prayers for all who come here for a cheerful boost. Joy to the world!

    5. My QUICK WORDS today were CHOOSE WISELY!

  2. Living in thankful awareness - the key spiritual element here is thankful. In being thankful I humble myself before the One from Whom all things flow. A red flag that indicates I am losing this divine awareness is in the complaining I do or the amount of displeasure I express. A fallen, disjointed world will be filled with complaining and unhappiness. It doesn’t need me to add to the misery. This is my Father’s world and it would be helped most by my prayers for it rather than my disgust with it. We are the salt of the earth...we are the light of the world. May you and I live in thankful awareness of our calling.

    1. Thank You God!
      Thanks to you, Bob for the reminder!

    2. This post has staying power, Bob!

    3. I'm going to copy this to glean wisdom from it, especially that the world doesn't need me to add to its misery. So true.

    4. Great comment. Inspired

    5. Thank you Bob and Chris for your prayers. Such great reminders!
      Having a thankful attitude of gratitude! Love, prayers, blessings and Joy to you all

    6. Bob, in 2024, your post still rings true. A minister at my church told me to “always put your praise army” in front in each day - what a difference it makes in my day.
      SC Anonymous

      for this day, a new opportunity each morning to seek YOUR Will to be done in my life.
      I praise YOU for our safe travels, healths, and lessons learned along the way
      Please forgive me for my sins, please pour YOUR Holy Spirit upon me so my words and actions are led by YOU
      I pray for my doctor and his family, and many others that truly need YOUR help(YOU know who they are FATHER)
      Please soften their hearts, open their eyes and ears so they can recognize what they are doing.
      I praise YOU FATHER & SON , for my life today , surrendering myself completely to YOU so YOU may use my vessel, the vessel YOU so lovingly blessed me with, to serve YOU, scatter YOUR seed, and be the beacon of light (which is YOU & YOUR fire burning so brightly from within.
      In Jesus Christ name

  3. Thank you, Payton Family, and also to Bob Malsack. Your words have been such a blessing to me each day as I grow in Christ. Being a mom, a wife, and a teacher can sometimes feel overwhelming, especially after sleepless nights with wakeful children! But I am set straight each morning during my prayer time, and your comments always really speak to me. I look forward to them in preparation for my prayer. Thank you!

  4. JESUS!! Talk about on time and confirmation. Living in the spirit and not flesh. I sure needed this. Thank you for posting. May the Lord continue to use you, guide you and protect you and your family. I do have a hard copy as I read in AM but when I get to work I reflect again. But how you put the verse thought is exactly what I needed today and even the prayer. Praise and Glory to GOD.

  5. I try so hard to understand but it's so difficult when I feel that I never asked to brought into this world so how can I be thankful I need prayers so all these bad thoughts go away and be thankful for the life god choose for me

    1. I've learned that the trials God allows me to go through are to strengthen me and to learn from, I also find that when I go through these trials, some as devastating as Him (God) taking my youngest son Home...has brought me so much closer to Him. I've learned to cling tight to my Saviors Hand and I know at times He carries me. His strength I also need daily. Praying for you fellow Saint, just know Hes always there to carry you through whatever life trials comes your way and the outcomes all of them can be all to His Glory if we have just a mustard seed of faith💕

  6. unknown unknown
    You were brought into the world because you are precious to our holy Father! I am praying for you!

  7. I finally feel 'caught up' with everyone and, as always, I give thanks for this site and all of you. Good to see your post yesterday, MadFox, Jan (what victories - so glad to hear about your echogram and WOW!! God's protection over your hubby! A cooperhead makes shoulder surgery sound mundane. ha ha! Praying for that shoulder (my hub had one several years ago and you would never even know it happened! That's my prayer for your hubby).
    My life seems to be in a pattern of living 2 days in one, about every other day. It finally dawned on me that the days that I go non-stop are the ones that I actually fit some form of exercise in (I'm talking about walking 3.5 blocks round-trip - total of 7; you'd think I prepped for a Marathon with the big deal that is for me!). That was yesterday and I only slept (soundly) for about 4.5 hours, but I so wanted time to read up on this site and prepare my day.
    "You inhabit a fallen, disjointed world, where things are constantly unraveling around the edges. Only a vibrant relationship with Me can keep you from coming unraveled too." AMEN, to that - so true that there are days I'd rather sacrifice an extra hour's sleep just to 'feed' myself His Word. It is "health to thy navel (gut) and marrow to thy bones." Prov. 3:8. When my hubby had to have a bone marrow transplant, this verse lived with me every day. Life is in the blood and it is a constant reminder to me that the time with my Lord is more precious than sleep, at times.
    However, I am asking for prayer for my lungs. I don't know if it's allergies (I keep thinking it is) or not, but I have a nasty cough. Last night my hub said, "I'm getting a 'nudging' re: your smoking." UGH - I've been getting that nudge too. So, please pray with me that I apply the 'good sense' I read about daily. I feel silly even confessing this b/c I quit for 15 years and picked it back up when our kids were almost grown. Sometimes I marvel at my logic re: 'relaxation.' ("Each day presents you with choice after choice. Many of these decisions you ignore and thus make by default" Mmmm...) Suzanne - your way sounds like more fun! I can't imagine being 'unplugged,' for even a day, on a CRUISE! Sounds heavenly.
    Enjoy this day, mighty Prayer Warriors! You are in my prayers, whether I list you by name or not - you are on my heart and I stand with you in His mighty calling. I'm so very thankful and will expect miracles!

    1. Joining others Norah for recovery. Lord Jesus lay you healing hands upon Norah. Give her a blessed day walking closely with you.Amen🥰

    2. Praying for good health to be bestowed upon you, Norah, in your lungs and throughout your whole being! May you find renewed strength to quit the habit again; difficult, but surely possible. Please keep taking care of the precious gift you have been given: your life. Thank you for your continued posts on here. You help me, and I'm certain others, on a regular basis. CO

    3. Our Darling Norah: FYI: Nicotine Anonymous' 12 step program was a Godsend for me.
      As hard as quitting was, my Darling Husband said his lung removal was harder, more painful, and the recovery was much more challenging than giving up his 30 year nicotine addiction. IJS because ILY :)

    4. Praying Norah that you are doing well and Brie, that your husband is recovering and out of pain.

    5. Yes! Jeanne. His surgery was 4 years ago. Thanks be to God, he is out of pain now and down to a breathing treatment every morning. With it, he can go about his day. I thank God every day for His Miraculous Gifts.

    6. Oh, Brie, I read my post from last year and I am once again having problems with my breathing. I will google Nicotine Anonymous. I've cut down, considerably, but obviously not enough if now, a year later I'm still having problems and blaming them on allergies. So tired of being tired. We DID have a great day and I busted it on our house, but I felt the strain on my lungs. Please pray for me - that I do what I know is best. Love you, my personal Prayer Warrior, Brie.

    7. Brie, would you email me privately?

    8. Brie! Thank God your husband is doing better and down to a morning treatment. God is so very good and faithful!
      Dear Norah, Just wanted to say I'm praying that God leads you to a way for you to stop smoking and have perfect breathing once again. By the way, you are getting my drawing of my grandson in your email. God gets the glory for it. I'm sorry you're always tired. Glad you had a great day anyway.

    9. Praying Norah that here in 2021 you are dancing in victory over this addiction. Your health dear one, aside from your salvation is a priority. You are a very needed soldier in God's army. The enemy wants you out from the Frontline. He uses whatever he can to disable the soldiers of the kingdom. Be strong & of a good courage. We the warriors are holding you up! We will not leave you behind. We love you. Hallelujah!

    10. Our Dear Norah, Can you forgive me for just reading your 2020 reply in 2021: Norah September 18, 2020 at 11:43 PM
      Brie, would you email me privately?
      If your request has no expiry date, then I will email you now.
      In the meantime, Mea Culpa, Mea Culpa, Mea Maxima Culpa, says Brie as she knocks three times on her heart!

  8. Good morning all. This forum has kept me breathing by helping me stay focused on our Lord and Savior. I continue to struggle with the loss of my daughter and now the relationship with my 28 year old son is suffering. Tragic death can tear a family apart. My heart breaks for him and he does know Jesus, but I feel the deep anger we all have for her death, has started to consume us. I know some of you are great prayer warriors and I ask you today to please pray for my family. My 12 year old daughter is absolutely heartbroken as well. Being a single mom through all of this feels overwhelming sometimes. I do pray for you all and I truly appreciate prayers right now. Have a blessed day everyone. TL

    1. TL - Prayers for your family and that your struggles ease and Jesus overwhelms you with compassion and healing. KS

    2. TL - My husband passed 6 months ago. He was truly a gift from God. The Faith based group, GriefShare has saved my life. They are everywhere and likely there is one nearby you. I pray for us all. God Bless you and your family. GA

    3. Anonymous - AMEN, AMEN, AMEN!!!!!!! When I lost my Godly husband of 53 years I thought I would die of a broken heart. I am so grateful and thankful it was recommended to me. I repeated Grief Share twice. I heard things the second time I didn't hear the first time. I highly recommend Grief Share.

    4. Even though my grief has been different, I can relate to "kept me breathing". There was a time in my grief when He told me, "just breathe". Also, I urge you to seek out grief share. Those around you may fall apart for a time as well as yourself, but I feel the Lord will use it for your healing.

      You have our prayers...

    5. Hold unto King Jesus unknown. The pain of grief can only go away by His grace. Praying for you and your family with trust in the God of comfort!

      Maplewood, NJ

    6. Praying for you and for your heartbroken family, TL. Jesus, please hear our prayers for TL and help carry her through these dark times she is facing. Let her feel the warmth of Your love and light as you shine upon her future pathways. One day at a time. God is with you. CO

    7. TL, Hoping and praying for you and your son that the Lord has comforted your hearts and your relationship has been restored and strengthened to God's glory. You are bound by your grief and love for your dear daughter and his sister. Walk together now knowing that someday you will be reunited with her and you will realize the joy of God's promises.

  9. Norah, praying for healthy lungs for you. You help so many others and have so many kind words for everyone. I pray for peace and healing and comfort for you. KS

  10. Thank you oh Lord for this day unfolding, not unraveling before me. I call upon your Presence to counsel, guide & lead me. I give you thanks with a grateful heart for victories & yes also for times of defeat. It's those moments that calls me to press in closer & look to you for Hinds feet for the high of places trouble, your everlasting arms to hold me and your oil to anoint me with gladness. You are my Yahweh from everlasting to everlasting. Amen!

    1. Adding this prayer today to my shopping cart from this blog! Thank you!I'll be sure to take time to review my cart before sleep tonight.


  11. Dear JC Family, my heart is grieving for your hurt and pain. Praying healing prayers for peace, mercy, forgiveness and love.

    1. As is His. Isiah 40- no one can measure the depths of His understanding.

      Thank you for sharing His heart

  12. A bright, beautiful crisp morning You have awaken me to. It's been a very long time since I over slept a little, but Your great Holy Spirit woke me up just in time to join my prayerline group before it ended and got my added blessings of the day. I owe my thanks to You and You alone. Thank You Father for Your continued love and faithfulness to me. I know its everlasting. May Your Holy Spirit help me to do everything that is pleasing to You. In this fallen world, I pray that my words, my attitude, my actions, decisions, plans, choices and thoughts, pleases and glorify You above ALL else.
    Thank You for this gift of life given to me and my household today!

    My JC family, as king David declared, I also declare and pray the Lord's pray over us today:

    The Lord is my Shepherd, I lack nothing. He makes me lie down in green pastures, He leads me beside quiet waters, He refreshes my soul. He guides me along the right paths for His name's sake. Even though I walk through the darkest valley, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; Your rod and Your staff, they comfort me. You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies. You anoint my head with oil, my cup overflows. Surely goodness and love will follow me all the days of my life and I will dwell in the house of the LORD forever". Psalm 23 NIV.

    Morning glory and blessings to all and thanking the Father for His will and answers to ALL of the concerns and prayer requests. Stay blessed!

    Maplewood NJ

    1. Dear Maplewood, I feel blessed by reading the Lord's Prayer you reminded us of last year. It is what I needed today. God Bless you. Love, Kathy

    2. Praying it with you Kathy, with Love!

    3. Hi Brie, have a good weekend sister! Love Kathy

    4. Thanks Maplewood! I just love Psalm 23 and your beautiful words! Off to pick up my grandson and give my son and daughter in law a well deserved rest! I am so blessed by my JC Family and my own family. My cup truly overflows and I am grateful.

    5. Re-praying it for us today. God Bless you all!

  13. Good morning Lord and jc family. Heart of Jesus, king and center of our hearts, fullness of goodness and love have mercy on Norah, TL, and us. Hear our prayers Divine healer. AMEN!

  14. "That's why it is so important to stay in communication with Me, living in thankful awareness of My Presence." Thank you, Lord, for your presence in my life each day. Just before a therapy session tonight, I took a few deep breaths and prayed asking the Holy Spirit to both help me say and hear what was necessary for today. I was feeling anxious as the appt started, but praying quickly helped get me into a better spot. Thank you, Jesus. CO


    When you scheduled your date with whomever you needed a date with, either you or they took the initiative to extend an 'invitation' to getting together. Upon receiving or upon the acceptance of the invitation, joy was felt because of what is about to be.

    Following the words, 'Lord open my lips and my mouth will proclaim Your praise', the Divine Office/Liturgy of the Hours has an invitatory psalm, an invitation to enter into the presence of God. The most commonly used psalm is 95, but 100, 24, & 67 are also used to invite us to this 'date' with our Lord. I would like to spend some time reflecting on the spirit of these psalms for as long as the Spirit leads to glean from them a spirit in which we are called to this most holy 'date'.

    Psalm 95 & 100 begin with an invitation from God through the Holy Spirit via the communion of saints to enter into this time (didn't I tell you in a past post, this devotional time was His idea). Psalm 95:1 - "O come, let us sing to the LORD; let us make a joyful noise to the rock of our salvation!" A true and loving invitation extends a request, a hope, a desire to another to be a part of something. An invitation makes no demands or has a sense of 'you better' accept this. No, a true invitation extends oneself to another in a spirit of love in hopes that the other will reciprocate. The word 'come' captures that spirit. Would you? Will you? Please, do. In Psalm 100, the word 'come' appears after the purpose of the coming is stated but the same desire is there. Not that you have to or that you better if you know what is good for you. No, the invitation is made in love in hopes that it is received in love for God wants to be with us not because we feel we have to; no, God's hope is that we come willingly. So He simply says with total love for us, 'Come'.

    So why would anyone turn down such a gracious invitation? This is an invitation to be loved. The tragedy for those who decline is they don't love them self which is a most sad state of the soul. We have all had to clear that hurdle in our relationship with God and to be perfectly honest, I am not totally over it yet. Are you? (Please make an honest response over and above a correct response.) Recording artist Ne-Yo performed a song in 2012 which the title alone haunts me in relation to this thought. The song, 'Let Me Love You (Until You Learn to Love Yourself)'. I hear in this title, the 'Me' being God and one of my greatest needs if not the greatest is to learn to love myself. It has been said by St. Bernard of Clairvaux that the ultimate stage of growth in the faith is when we love our self as God loves us. And that my dear sisters and brothers, is why He has invited us to share this time with Him. Please come! Let's come together.

    With love, Bob

    1. I say Yes, Jesus, I am coming! KS

    2. Love that song by Ne-Yo: "Let Me Love You"!

      I say Yes Lord Yes, to Your will and to Your Ways, I say Yes Lord Yes, I will trust You and obey...., when Your Spirit speaks to me...oh my answer will be YES, LORD YES..!!

      Yes, I come to You Lord, just as I am without one plead!!!

      Another great one twin bday brother! God be with you and continue to bless you!

      Maplewood NJ

    3. Amen! It is the best invitation we could ever have! Wish we could love ourselves the way He loves us.

    4. Love it Bob! And before I finished reading John Denver's Annie's Song filled my heart prompted by your words
      You fill up my senses
      Like a night in a forest
      Like the mountains in springtime
      Like a walk in the rain
      Like a storm in the desert
      Like a sleepy blue ocean
      You fill up my senses
      Come fill me again
      Come let me love you
      Let me give my life to you
      Let me drown in your laughter
      Let me die in your arms
      Let me lay down beside you
      Let me always be with you
      Come let me love you
      Come love me again

    5. 🎶 🎶 🎶
      I am singing with you Audra while thanking You Lord for Your Gold Engraved Personally Delivered Invitation, because you love me. Yes! I come just as I am without one flea (a 5 year old's version of the song that is stuck inside my head)

    6. Bob --- Just want to thank you for sharing how Brother Lawrence
      began each of his tasks with a thought from the psalms, "Lord, come to my assistance, make haste to help me." I have put this into practice and WOW!!! It has opened up a whole new dimension for me with thw Lord. Thank you, thank you!!! Great blessings on your day.

    7. I remember that song Audra. Thinking about God's invitation to Come to Him with an open heart to receive His love. We must empty ourselves of anger, doubt, judgment, greed, envy, and pride and come to Him in a state of holiness. That takes a lot of work but if we start the day intent on pleasing Him, things will go better. We can come to Him ready to be filled. I love the Psalms and I usually offer some during most of our Bible groups. Everyone is blessed by them. What a wonderful invitation from a loving Father. O Come, let us sing for the Lord. Maybe that's why I've been in choir for 33 years. I really love to sing for the Lord. Went over the songs for Sunday tonight and we're doing some really pretty ones. There's a Wideness in God's Mercy, I Want to Walk as a Child of the Light, Prayer of St. Francis, and Those Who Love and Those Who Labor, to the tune of Ode to Joy. I know my sisters and brothers here also love to sing for the Lord. So blessed to be glorifying Him together and rejoicing at the same time.

  16. I love this site and the encouraging and enlightening comments.
    So few of them are 2020 though 😔
    Have people stopped commenting so much now? It seemed like a little community before...

    1. Thanks for asking Unknown. Have no fear, The 2020s will be here! Check the notify box at the bottom, to the right of "preview" and you'll be notified as each 2020 post turns up. Or check back in about 8:30 am and again tonight! Be blessed.

    2. Unknown,
      Chris, who created this blog, has posted that includes links to all the year's postings so that it's easy to pick up on past days that have a lot of current postings

  17. Thank You Jesus. Help me to always keep You first and foremost in my life Lord. If I am distracted from You, please bring my eyes back to You. Sunset tonight begins the 10 days of awe (period of introspection and repentance that culminates in the Yom Kippur holiday). Help me to not take You for granted Lord. I am eternally grateful to You Lord for my life and everything in the world that You created out of Your perfect love for us. With renewed minds and wills, let us serve You out of pure hearts faithfully. Praise the Lord continually and always. Amen 🙏.

  18. VICTORY REPORT: Praise and thank You Lord for Your Answer (as always, it was better than I could have ever asked for or imagined) to an event I prayed for! You Are Amazing God! I THANK and WORSHIP You. Amen.

      Every time I try to make it on my own
      Every time I try to stand, I start to fall
      And all those lonely roads that I have traveled on
      There was Jesus

      When the life I built came crashing to the ground
      When the friends I had were nowhere to be found
      I couldn't see it then but I can see it now
      There was Jesus

      [In the waiting, in the searching
      In the healing, in the hurting
      Like a blessing buried in the broken pieces
      Every minute, every moment
      Where I've been or where I'm going
      Even when I didn't know it
      Or couldn't see it
      There was Jesus]

      For this man who needs amazing kind of grace (mm-hmm)
      For forgiveness and a price I couldn't pay (mm-hmm, mm-hmm)
      I'm not perfect so I thank God every day
      There was Jesus
      There was Jesus


      On the mountains
      In the valleys
      There was Jesus
      In the shadows
      Of the alleys
      There was Jesus
      In the fire, in the flood
      There was Jesus
      Always is and always was, oh
      No, I never walk alone
      Never walk alone
      You're always there

      There was Jesus
      There was Jesus
      There was Jesus

    2. That's AWESOME to read your victory report! God is so good!

    3. Brie- Praising and thanking God for your VICTORY REPORT!! He is a FAITHFULL, AMAZING FATHER, who deserves ALL the praise and pleasing!

      Remain in VICTORY my sister!

      Maplewood NJ

    4. Yay!!!!! Thank you Papa!! You are so generous to you us. We rejoice with Brie.

      Love the Dolly Parton Zac Briwn version of that song! ❤️

    5. Hallelujah dear Brie! He always gives us reasons to be thankful because He's so faithful! Rejoicing with you!

    6. I just loved this song. Thanks Brie! I heard this version.
      I shared it with my Mom and Sis.

    7. Praising Jesus is such an important piece of our walk. This song is beautiful and reminds us of some of the many ways we are blessed. Thank you sisters.

    8. Singing praise this morning with and for you Brie, and others who celebrate God's presence today. It looks like RAIN is on the way... Drown those fires Lord! Be gone satan!

    9. Our Dear Audra, What a difference a year makes! Who knew when you led us in Annie's song last year, that this year would give us new meaning to the same line:
      ...Like a walk in the rain...
      When it rains where you are, I will be singing Annie's Song with loud emphasis on the line LIKE A WALK IN THE RAIN, catching raindrops on my tongue, splashing in the puddles, and enjoying, this free gift from God with you! My well used hot pink rainboots are at the door and ready, though a bit worn from IDA! Love You, Brie

    10. This will be us when you get some of our rain, Audra!

    11. Very interesting that a wet cold front had found it's way into northern CA this year! Lots, we thank you for a walk in the rain. It's been MONTHS since I enjoyed the sound of rain on the roof and the sweet smell of rain. Learned a new word..."petrichor"

  19. Loving Heavenly Father, I am grateful this morning as I think about You being wholly mine. Stretch me and mold me so that I may be a more effective witness for You, seeking to please You only. May my mind continue to be transformed, so that my life is fully conformed to Your will. Thank You for Your grace that is sufficient for me, by the atoning sacrifice of Your Son Jesus Christ. Amen.

    For us to live before God’s face, is to be obedient to His commandments wherever we are and seek His will in situations and decisions whether big and small.
    The book of Proverbs tell us that “The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, and the knowledge of the Holy One is insight” (Prov. 9:10). When we hold onto God’s Holiness, Majesty, and Power, all other things, and people in our lives will take secondary place. If the phrase “Fear of the Lord” means anything to us, then the thoughts and opinions of people won’t matter nearly as much as what God thinks of us and our actions. Real fear and respect of God will motivate us to avoid sin (Exodus 20:20) and remind us that God will hold each of us accountable for our actions. Whenever we chose to live to please people, we’ll always fall short. Anyone or anything that we exalt over God is the enemy of our soul, worshipping what is false! This is actually a form of sin and we are better equipped to resist it with biblical truth. If we live to please Him, we are no longer living primarily to please other people.
    The Apostle Paul warns us to be aware of the enemy’s tactics:“Be sober-minded; be watchful. Your adversary the devil prowls around like a roaring lion, seeking someone to devour. Resist him, firm in your faith…” (1 Peter 5:8-9) and again in Eph. 6:11- “Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the schemes of the devil.” When we give up our will, denying our natural desire for honor and approval, we reap great benefits living before God’s face. Such as an eternal reward for big and small faithful decisions, blessing for this life and eternity, Unshakable confidence that comes just knowing you are living in a way that is so pleasing to Your Father God and the Freedom to think, do and be who you are regardless of what others think about you. We cannot please both, it is Christ and Christ alone! When we claim this freedom in God, we can live at peace with all men. God’s grace is always greater.

    “Therefore we make it our aim, whether present or absent, to be well pleasing to Him.” 2 Corinthians 5:9.

    “Take heed that you do not do your charitable deeds before men, to be seen by them. Otherwise you have no reward from your Father in heaven” (Matthew 6:1).

    Dear Father, We ask to be remove from anything that will keep us from living powerfully and effectively for just You. You have indeed freed us for joyful obedience when we seek Your face and when we acknowledge Your Lordship alone. You have given us all our blessings, and life itself. You alone deserve all our honor, pleasing and worship. In Jesus’ name, amen.

    Blessings and Peace.

    Maplewood NJ

    1. Amen! Thanks sweet Maplewood. Let us live to please Him in word, thought and deed.
      Father, Keep our eyes on You, and away from anything that can separate us from Your great love.

  20. Good morning everyone! Shanah Tovah! As we enter the new year of 5781 of the Hebrew calendar, may you be inscribed and sealed for a good and sweet year of happiness and growth! May God draw us closer to Him, open our eyes, mind, ears and mouth to be aware of His Presence and sing His praises! Lord we are so thankful that you are with us every second, you will never forsake us and you deserve all the praise!
    You are all in my prayers JC family! Have a wonderful and blessed day.

    Blessings from France

    1. Amen Blessing from France! You are indeed in my prayers as well!

      Remain blessed!

      Maplewood NJ

    2. Thank you and Amen Blessings From France!

    3. Amen Blessings from France! Praying always for you too, Sister!

    4. WOW! That is a new one for me (the new year 5781 on the Hebrew calendar), mon ami. I am amazed at the things all of you teach me here that I never learned in seminary. Thanks! God be with you.

  21. Amen Janet!- "let us serve You out of pure hearts faithfully"!

    Maplewood NJ

    Dear Heavenly Father God,
    First things, first! When the sun was setting on Jesus' work, as He was facing death, His prayers were first devoted to us who'd never yet dined with Him, us who'd never yet walked with Him, us who'd never yet were born to believe in Him. That night Jesus put us first and prayed for all of us. A short time later, His work would be complete. For all of us. Do we put Him first? First, before all of our todos when we are away from the beach: jobs, laundry, grocery shopping, preparing meals, paying bills, making appointments, finishing up a project, planting a garden, etc?
    Your invitation to us says COME! Out of gratitude and love, we come to You now! Would you give us patience and then  help us leave unnecessary Martha-ish things undone until we first spend time with You? As we watch the Sonrise, would You help us first take care of The Essential of putting You First?  I ask. I pray. I thank. In Jesus' Name. Amen

  23. Good morning all 🥰. Just grateful shout out to you warriors for prayers for #2 son & family. Travel went well even with 2 dogs in tow. DIL will be starting work this Sunday at the ER. Missing them so much. Busy day for me. Out walking with hubby. Then hit the decks for grocery run, kitchen to turn out some goodies for plant swap party tomorrow. Bob appreciate the series on intimacy, Brie, our songbird 🎶, loving the songs, Jeanne, I'm right with you about the kitchen, cooking is my passion. The Lord has saved me from tons of flub ups. Well loved ones, have to sign out. Still have plants to package up for their new homes🥰. Love you all💞

    1. Blessings to you, Jan and to our entire JC Family. I Mary'd this morning and now it's Martha-time. I will try to cheerfully work my Martha's. Pray for me to the Lord our God. I ask. I pray. I thank. In Jesus' Name. Amen

    2. Thank God for answered prayers, Jan! You got a lot of good things done. Have fun at the plant swap party! Happy cooking! Much love!

  24. Waiting to hear some victory reports. Dear Audra, Praying you get a good report on your biopsies. Put it all in God's Hands and rest. Praying for Marc and Paul too. Dear Brie, Praying God will bring Keith peace and comfort as he gets tested, and his test results will show the Doctor exactly what God is guiding him to do to bring Keith back to good health. God can do all things. Norah, Hope and pray your dentist appointment and cleaning went well. Praying for your dear friend that she is feeling better. And that your cases will have good outcomes. God is in charge.
    Dear Brie, You made me smile. I can relate to your: Mary'd this morning and now it's Martha-time. I will try to cheerfully work my Martha's. You are like a breath of fresh air to me dear Sis.
    Miss you, MadFox and Bob. Praying always for you and your families.
    Rest well dear Family. Wake up in Gratitude and Praise. Our Father is so faithful that He wakes us to a brand new day with many possibilities to do His will and please Him with our good fruit. Hope my cupcakes come good and are yummy, and the children enjoy them. So excited to watch my little 3 yr old grandson try to break the pinata. We will surely be rejoicing and so glad in our day.

    1. I pray you and the children have a wonderful day and make some very heartwarming memories. God is so good to us! Peace be with you.

    2. Thanks dear Janet! The party was so much fun and little Gabriel and his friends really enjoyed the cupcakes. Watching the little children hitting the pinata was great fun too! God is so very good to us! Amen! Peace be with you too sweet Sister.

  25. I wish I had understood this verse 20 years ago, I wish I knew that my focus as I work should not be the pay check or a good boss but my focus should be on God and giving Him the best of my services. I ask for forgiveness Lord for self-gratification and being led by my emotions during my working years and I ask God to change my attitude Colossians 3:23-24 23 Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters, 24 since you know that you will receive an inheritance from the Lord as a reward. It is the Lord Christ you are serving. I am still teaching, so my prayer is that change my perspective remembering that working for man produces pride but working for God with a spirit of humility brings God glory and honour ! Do you not only want to make a difference but be the difference? Well, this type of fruit from our labor starts with the mind set of knowing that in ALL we do MUST be done as unto the Lord and not man. Change my attitude, may He receive all the glory day after day....

    1. Amen Min Ahadi! All the glory is the Lord's. We need to humble ourselves and not be prideful. Serving the Lord is our real purpose. God bless!

    2. Amen! Humble in ALL things, whatever our "work" or retirement looks like😉

    3. Lord see our hearts intentions that we desire not only to make a difference but be the difference. A difference that has eternal value, because you are living through us so others see you when they see us. You Lord Jesus became a human flesh so you could make the most important difference in all of mankind. Thank you so very much for the enormous sacrifice you made for us. Lord you deserve all that we can give you and more.

    4. So very true dear Min Ahadi! Whatever we do, let us do it for the Lord's glory. Yes Janet, Pride is a terrible sin and we are all guilty of it. But God knows that we are trying to serve Him with a joyful heart and be more selfless than selfish. I try to remember I couldn't do anything without Him. Any good thing that I do is from Him and for Him.
      Amen dear Audra. Humble yourselves therefore under the mighty Hand of God and He will exalt you in due time.
      Terri Thank you and Amen! Let us work hard for those things that endure and give Him the glory because He gave everything for us. Thank You Jesus!

  26. But without faith it is impossible to please Him, for he who comes to God must believe that He is, and that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him. (Hebrews 11:6). But as we have been approved by God to be entrusted with the gospel, even so we speak, not as pleasing men, but God who tests our hearts. (1 Thessalonians 2:4). When a man's ways please the LORD, he makes even his enemies to be at peace with him. (Proverbs 16:7).

    Heavenly Father, thank You for another blessed day. You are such a wonderful Father. You pour out many blessings upon each of us. Your Presence can not be described by words because it is so magnificent. Thank You for all my benefits and blessings. Help me to always keep You first and foremost in my life. Let my eyes stay focused on You at all times and everything else will be provided as needed by You. You will always be with me and You will always take good care of me and protect me. Thank You Jesus. I praise You Lord always. You are my everything. Help me to not take You for granted. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen.

    1. Amen Janet have said it so well. Thankyou for sharing and reminding us to always keep God first

    2. We are of one accord sisters! Janet, Joining in your wonderful prayer of thanks and praise. May we never take Our Lord and His Blessings, Faithfulness and Mercy for granted. Let "Thanks" always be on our lips and in our hearts.

  27. Don't know what to do, prayer concerning my wife's paranoid schizophrenia condition is not being answered, she's really getting bad but can't see it herself and WONT seek medical help, thinks nothing is wrong but upsets all our grandchildren and children. Please pray for Karen,thank you dear JC family

    1. Father, please remove the affliction that is taking over Karen and give her Your comfort, peace, love, and restoration. Give her family and friends comfort, peace, and strength to endure this time in their lives while You do Your work in her. You are the healer and miracle worker. Thank You Jesus. Praise God. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen.

    2. I lift Karen up in prayers for healing and restoration. I pray that she seek the necessary help she needs. I pray for peace, strength and patience for this family. Thank You Lord for showing mercy.

      Maplewood NJ

    3. Oh my . . . my sincerest empathy and prayers for you as well as Karen. I just happened to come upon your post this morning. I found this blog site for the first time. This is a topic that is very near to my heart, having lived with a severely mentally ill spouse for 35 years. I'm not meaning this to sell you something but to help: Look into this book that perfectly addresses your situation: Healing the Stormy Marriage: Hope and Help for YOU when Your Loved One has Mental Health or Addiction Issues. It's a Christian book. May God lift and comfort you and grant you wisdom and strength as you face such daily uncertainty and emotional stress. Check this little video too, called Help from God for the Hurting, just 8 minutes:

    4. Jesus Christ, I pray that You bring relief to Karen. She has been sick for so long, and it is starting to get in the way of her ability to care for herself and others. Please be the strength, comfort, and healing within her, God. I ask that You help heal her and bring back her strength. Help her family to come together to assist her and direct her proper medical care. Please help her to be agreeable to get medical help. In Jesus name we pray Amen again Amen

    5. Thank you all for your replies and prayer. The only one who can initiate help is our loving merciful gracious Heavenly Father.I certainly will look into the video and book. I am Anonymous as this is a very sensitive issue. Thank you JC Family, may He cause His Face to shine you all this day.

    6. So glad you found our awesome JC family, Anonymous! And how, "God-like" or what I often say, a "God wink" that R. Christian Bohlen happened upon this site as well and was able to offer some resources! Praying for you, your kids, grands and, of course, Karen. Lord, please relieve Karen of this affliction! You are Jehovah Rapha, our GREATEST physician and healer! Please, Father, talk to Karen and encourage her to seek help so that she can be unencumbered by this! Praying for you, Anonymous, Karen, and your family that God provides the nudge Karen needs AND that right practitioner that can help her! In Jesus' MIGHTY name, AMEN!

    7. I too will be praying for God to help Karen and all others who suffer from awful mental disorders. Praying as always for all of my JC families' prayer requests. May God heal and bring peace to you all. Have a great weekend everyone!


    8. Welcome to the family. The Holy Spirit guides us here. Its amazing the Love and Caring that happens among this JC family while we share our concerns and victories. I showed up asking for prayer just like you did and the love and care I was shown helped me immediately and in time, prayers were answered better than I could have imagined. Many prayers become victories that we are rejoicing over. May yours be just that now that these mighty prayer warriors are praying for you. I'm praying for you now and ask God to Bless you with relief. He knows what you need.

    9. God bless you brothers and sisters in meeting your prayer requests, welcome here to a very dedicated online house of worship and prayer. Always room for more! We pray in Jesus'name without ceasing.

    10. Yes Welcome to our JC Prayer Warrior's Room and Victory Garden. You and Karen are now in the prayers of our 24/7 Around The World Family of JC Prayer Warriors. We are praying for you and for Karen. As Audra said, there is always room for more who are sent in here by invitation from God's Holy Spirit. Some post; all pray in Jesus' Name. Amen.

    11. Welcome Anonymous to our Family. Joining prayers for your wife Karen. My heart goes out to you both. She is going through such a miserable time and dragging you and your family down with her. My dear sister in law and brother in law are in the same sad situation. Show Karen love every day even if she doesn't react the way you'd like her too. She's not herself and only God knows her heart and mind right now. Don't lose yourself as you care for her. Hold onto God's Hand and trust in His promises. Karen is still His beloved daughter and dearly loved. May our Father lead you to the help that Karen needs, and rest for you and your family. He only wants you to experience His peace and be blessed. Dear Karen and so many others need God's amazing healing, comfort and peace.
      Thank you R. Christian Bohlen. That was a good video about David and Abigail and the faithfulness of God. God's promises are true. We can stake our lives on the truthfulness of His words.
      Father, Please give all those suffering from mental illness and physical infirmities clarity of mind and physical, mental and spiritual healing, and we thank you for guiding and comforting them and their loving families. Thank You for this in the Name of the Risen Lord, Christ Jesus.

  28. "And whatever you do, do it heartily,as to the Lord and not to men. Knowing that from the Lord you will receive the reward of the inheritance,for you serve the Lord Christ" (Col 3:23-24).

    We all face difficult situations. Somebody isn’t treating you right, or your business is not growing, or maybe you’re single and still haven’t met anyone. It’s easy to get frustrated and anxious. You don’t understand why it’s taking so long or why things haven’t changed.
    But here’s a key: just because it’s an uncomfortable place doesn’t mean it’s not where you’re supposed to be. Seek the Lord because He uses difficulties to do good work in us. We grow in the tough times. That’s where our character is developed, where we learn to trust God and persevere, and where our spiritual muscles are made strong. God will not allow a difficulty unless He has a divine purpose for it. If you’re going to reach your highest potential, you have to make up your mind, “I’m not going to live frustrated because I am uncomfortable. I’m not going to be upset because things are not happening on my timetable. I’m not going to fight against everything that I don’t like.” Instead, believe that God is doing a work in you. Seek the Lord and believe that He has the best for you. And see yourself moving forward in the victory He has prepared for you.

    Loving Father, today I give You my questions, fears and concerns. Have Your way in every area of my life and all that concerns me. I trust that You are at work in all difficult situation goig on in and around me, and seeking You this morning through the power of the Holy Spirit, in Jesus’ name. I thank You for a day. Amen.

    "But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you" (Matt 6:33).


    Blessings and Peace.

    Maplewood NJ

    1. What a faith-filled, wonderful post, Maplewood! :) The Colossians scripture is one of my favorites, as it touched me and guided me at a challenging time in my life. And your beautiful view of God's use of difficulties to build our spiritual muscles is so wise. For one who suffers with family members in any way, this whole post is full of wisdom. Thank you for it!

    2. Amen Maplewood! What perfect advice ♥️🙏

    3. Thank you so much dear Maplewood. Your words gave me much encouragement. Today I felt discouraged because my brother in law is suffering with a terrible prostate problem and is in the hospital again. I saw him a couple of days ago and I was thanking God because he seemed to be getting better. My poor sister in law is getting depressed and she is still suffering from colitis. There are so many people I care about struggling right now and going through difficult times. I ask God why do all these good people have to suffer? I know that when I finally face Him I will get my questions answered.
      Dear sister, Your words of truth gave me comfort. Especially this: "God will not allow a difficulty unless He has a divine purpose for it." I believe this too. He is using our trials and tribulations to polish us and test our faith. We must stand strong and not waver in our faith despite our situations. We must trust in His provisions, healing power and guidance. Even when we are suffering, He is holding us tight in His Love.
      So we must seek Him with a sincere heart and glorify Him with every good thing we do. Your spirit filled words encourage me and your strength of faith inspires me. Thank you so much for lifting us every day. Much love and gratitude.

  29. Thank you, Maplewood, once again, for this wonderfully insightful post! You always offer such wisdom to us all in this family! Your words today truly hit home, as they often do. Through these months since my Beaver-Cleaver family shunned and turned their back on me with zero communication over a decision I made for me (& I forgave them during that week this happened), God has made me aware that He is enough for me! He reassures me that through Him and with Him I can do all things! He's shown me that the "smallness" I have always felt with my family, feeling as though I never quite measured up, was them and not me. That to Him I measure up just fine! So, while I walked for days and weeks in deep sadness and heartache, He was working on and in me and this "shunning", if you will, actually needed to happen! How great is that?! While the situation is still the same with them, I, along with God, am stronger! Thanks, again, Maplewood, for your teaching!

    1. Whenever I have prayed and asked God to change "them", He always changed me first.
      I'm finally learning to save time in a bottle, by cutting to the chase, and asking up front, OK Lord, what changes do You need to make in me to resolve this situation? O Lord, come to my aid and hasten to help me. Amen (Thank You Brother Lawrence)

  30. I learn so much from what you guys share! I'm just so grateful to come here and share this experience with all of you. Thank You ~ Praise our Loving Lord Jesus!

    1. We are aWaiting your return, Waiting! Much Love, Brie!

  31. God knew your sadness dear NJS and all you were going through. He works behind the scenes to help and heal us in ways we can’t imagine.
    Me too dear Janet! I am so thankful to have this wonderful family of believers and safe refuge in Christ.
    Asking for prayers for my dear brother in law Jack. He’s in the hospital with a painful prostate problem.He cannot urinate and he is bleeding. Father, You are greater than this infirmity and we thank You for guiding the doctors to the right treatment to bring him back to perfect health. Thank You Jesus.

    1. 🙏 Praying for Jack and for God's Wisdom on his Urologist to fix and resolve Jack's situation.

    2. Joining the sisters above, Jeanne, and all of our JC family who are praying for your BIL, Jack. Lord, guide Jack's medical team to uncover the reason for this pain and inability to urinate, etc and to treat him giving him relief and healing!...This is all thru You, Father! In Jesus' name, amen!

  32. 🙏 for bringing back Jack to better health!

    1. Thank you dear Sisters for your powerful prayers for Jack's healing and God's faithfulness. They mean so much to me.

  33. Oh Dear JC Family: this morning (now, well after noon!), I gave myself a gift. I have read every single post, listened to music, prayed out loud, with my best friend, with my husband (also my best friend!), wept, laughed and continue to give thanks. I think I got the Mary-Part down pat today, Brie!! For every offered prayer, I give thanks. My little neighbor, Carolyn was released from the hospital around 11:00. She called a cab and asked them to take her to the store to buy the 1 baby aspirin a day, she was told to take. Her tests came out fine and when her twin called to tell me, she gave thanks! Now, I ask that Carolyn be delivered of the living situation with her son. He terrorizes her. He is mentally ill - much as you described Karen, Anonymous. I am praying for each request on here, giving thanks for this devoted family and for Chris Peyton who started this blog. For those of you who asked, I am still dealing with my smoking, though I am doing it less and see God working. I've been told, "JUST QUIT IT! NOW!" There are times that I know it's that simple, but most often, I opt out. I pray for God's strength, his delivering power and know that I can do all things through Christ which strengthens me. Praying for your dear brother in law, Jack, Jeanne - for relief, healing, and release from the hospital. Praying for each of you - unable to repeat each one, but God knows. Thankful for this lovely day and preparing to get my Martha on! THANK YOU again - and please know how humbling it is to be amongst such committed believers. WELCOME to new member of this family. There are no coincidences when it comes to God!

    1. Your morning sounded relaxed and wonderful. Praying with you and for you dear Norah! Your prayers fpr Jack are so appreciated. God will help you quit smoking in His own timing. Just keep trying to cut down and He will do the rest. Praying for Carolyn's healing. So happy her test results were good. Praying also for her living arrangement to change because God doesn't want her to be terrorized by her own son. May he be guided to the help he needs. Get some rest sweet Norah.

  34. Lord please help us to have a vibrant relationship with you. So we can keep from coming unraveled in this corrupt world.

    1. Amen Terri! May we keep our focus on Him and rest in His peace despite the corruption in this fallen world.
      1 John 4:4 Ye are of God, little children, and have overcome them: because greater is he that is in you, than he that is in the world.

  35. Extra prayers please. Our daughter chloe and fiance Evan have decided to postpone wedding. Long conversation happened today. Please pray for guidance and direction. Especially for Evan, he's hurting so bad, and is devastated. Pray for God's protection for him and peace for both. My heart hurts so bad for them. Let them feel loved and supported. Bring the right people along side Evan Especially. Thanks you JC family.

    1. Praying for Chloe and Evan, you and hub, our dear Mindy.
      Dear Lord, Would You send in Your Holy Spirit to minister to both Chloe and Evan, setting their feet on the path, or paths, you have set for them, guiding them forward in Your Wisdom and Your Grace, as only You can. In Jesus' Name I ask. I seek. I knock. I praise. I thank. I yield. Amen.

    2. Our Dear Mindy I am praying alongside Maplewood NJ's 2021 post:
      ...We all face difficult situations...
      But here’s a key: just because it’s an uncomfortable place doesn’t mean it’s not where you’re supposed to be. Seek the Lord because He uses difficulties to do good work in us. We grow in the tough times. That’s where our character is developed, where we learn to trust God and persevere, and where our spiritual muscles are made strong. God will not allow a difficulty unless He has a divine purpose for it. If you’re going to reach your highest potential, you have to make up your mind, “I’m not going to live frustrated because I am uncomfortable. I’m not going to be upset because things are not happening on my timetable. I’m not going to fight against everything that I don’t like.” Instead, believe that God is doing a work in you. Seek the Lord and believe that He has the best for you. And see yourself moving forward in the victory He has prepared for you... In Jesus' Name, I pray. Amen.

  36. Mindy, You must be so upset but God is still guiding their paths. Joining in Brie's beautiful prayer for Chloe and Evan. I'm so sorry that Chloe had second thoughts about marrying him but it sounded like she had some good reasons to reconsider. God is already preparing their futures. He knows if they will walk together along the road in front of them. May God comfort all your hearts, and give you and them peace and protection. Thank You Jesus!
    Amen Brie. I seek. I knock. I praise. I thank. I yield. Amen.

  37. Thank you for your prayers for Carolyn. She called me at 3:00 and was still in the hospital. By the time they her ready to leave, the cab service had stopped. I got her within minutes. She's blessed to be home and appreciates all of the prayers.
    Praying for you, Mindy and Chloe and Evan, that God settles their hearts. Joining all our JC Fam and Prayer your thoughts and prayer, Brie.
    Nite Dear Family.

    1. Nighty Night, Norah.
      I emailed you, albeit a year late and a dollar short 😘

  38. Thanking God that your good neighbor Carolyn is home from the hospital.
    Hope you're getting some real rest dear Norah.
    Mindy, God will guide Chloe and Evan to the plan He has for their lives. Be comforted because His Plan is always the best one.

  39. We must seek to please Him above all else. He must reign in our hearts above all other people and things. He is the Keeper of our hearts, our Redeemer, our Savior, our Comforter, the Lover of our souls. We are His sheep and He is our Good Shepherd. There is no changing in Him. His love, compassion, and mercy are forever. God bless your Sunday, dear ones. If you’re lost He will find you and bring you back. He will lift you up out of the depths of despair and place you in a high place above all confusion, misery, pain and sadness so you can clearly see your blessings. And thank Him.

  40. Thank you dear Sister for the Sunday encouragement that will last through the coming week &, beyond. May you also drink in with the same blessings & be satisfied. Love &, blessings 💞🙏🌈.

    1. Thank you sweet Jan. I am very blessed indeed. It looks like Bryan and Allie are going to move here and rent a condo until they find a permanent home but they will be 40 minutes away. That isn't too far. God will have the final say. But I am so grateful that they will be close to us. Thank You Jesus!

  41. Happy Sunday dear ones. Lay aside what encumbers you & just worship &, bow down to our Lord &, Maker. Amen! Hallelujah!

  42. Micah 6:8 "He has shown you, O man, what is good. And what does the LORD require of you but to act justly, to love mercy, and to walk humbly with your God?"

    1. Wonderful verse and song brother Peter. Thank you!

  43. I hope it is OK with you, JJ that I am reposting, rereading and rereading your powerful prayer. It is so Worth repeating because it also fits today's Devotion and Bible Verses!

    JJ September 17, 2022 at 3:22 PM
    My Beloved JCFAMILY --- Have been going to The Throne of Grace daily to intercede for each one of your needs and others that have need of intercession. The Lord LOVES, LOVES, LOVES each one of you WITHOUT MEASURE! HALLELUJAH!. It is such an honor and a privilege to Stand in the Gap for each one of you! Great Love and Blessings coming your way!
    There is so much going on in the world and in people's lives, and is getting them into doubt and mistrust in God. Because some lean on their own understanding, they don't understand why so many things are piling up against them. This makes it hard for them to believe, because of how they feel. Right now so many are going through hardships, tests and trials that they don't know how they are going to get out it. They don't know how God is going to do anything about it, because they haven't seen anything yet. I want to pray over you for strength, healing, restoration and peace. I want to pray over you for perseverance and the joy of the Lord into your life.
    Heavenly Father, right now I want to pray over every person that is going through hardships. Father, these adversities are just so hard, it's weighing them down. Some are saying " God, what are You going to do? Are You going to do something about it? Am I doing something wrong? Am I not worthy to recieve breakthroughs, healing or deliverance?" I want to let you know right now, in the Name of Jesus, you have been made the Righteousness of God through Christ! Father God, is sayin to you: You are worthy, because Jesus has made you worthy to recieve what He has done. He's the one who bore the curse. He's the one who knew no sin, but He took the sin in His body for each and every one of you. So, I loose from every layer of your soul the heaviness that has been over you; the spirit of depression; that fear: that doubt; that worry; that unbelief. You, devil, are such a liar and a loser--WILL NOT TOLERATE YOUR GARBAGE! Now I bind to this JCFAMILY/WARRIORS the Life of God, the Love of God, the Goodness of God, His will, His way, His plan, His breakthroughs, HIS healing, His restoration, His supernatural finances for you!I I thank You, Heavenly Father, that you have delivered them no matter what they are seeing right now. NO WEAPON FORMED AGAINST THEM WILL PROSPER! Begin to Speak your breakthroughs, your healing, your deliverance, your restoration, your joy over your life and the lives of your loved ones. Our Heavenly Father SPOKE and brought the world into existence. With our faith in Jesus and the WORD, He expects us to SPEAK His reality for our lives and do it BOLDLY! Father, let them feel the lightness of heart that you have for them. Now you can SPEAK God's Blessings and Provisions over your life, because you have the backing of His Holy Word. IT WILL NOT RETURN TO HIM VOID!!! I Plead The Blood of Jesus over each of your lives. You will know the Truth and the TRUTH WILL SET YOU FREE! I thank You, Father God, for the PEACE THAT PASSES ALL UNDERSTANDING!! I PRAY and BELIEVE in Jesus' Holy name, AMEN and AMEN.
    "Unless Your law had been my delight, I would of perished in my affliction. I will never forget Your precepts, for by them You have given me life." Psalm 119:92-93 HALLELUJAH!!!


    1. Oh, Brie, I am so humbled that you reposted the prayer. I had such trouble posting it yesterday, because I had to stop several times and wipe the tears from my eyes so I could see my keyboard. There were also times righteous anger would build up in me --- I could of spit nails. The adversary has NO AUTHORITY over us. He is such a liar. Strike him with the WORD every time he raises his ugly head! Speak Healing over your family. Speak Restoration over your family. Speak Blessings over your family. Speak God's Plan over your family. Speak the GOODNESS OF GOD over your family. Speak Aboundant Life over your family. Speak your family is Flourishing. Speak God's Protection over your family. Keep speaking the Promises of God over your family and DO NOT STOP and SPEAK IT BOLDLY and OFTEN!!!
      And when it looks hopeless and there is great loss, speak
      Joel 2:25 (ESV) "I will restore to you the years that the swarming locust has eaten, the hopper, the destroyer, and the cutter..." My Papa God is all about restoration and He DOES NOT LIE! It is not my business to know how God will bring restoration. It is my job to stand with my faith and know He does what he says--- not my timing, but His!!!
      Brie, Jan, Jeanne, Norah, Audra, Peter, MadFox, Sassy Mom, NJS, ABC, Janet, TERRI, Janet, Bob, Maplewood, TJ, Keith, CO, KS, Loveconquersall (Think she's in heaven, bless her), GRACETAKESTIME, Rich C, paytonfamily, Sharon,
      Ellen, Mark L, PEBGDesigns, Bright Star, Min Ahadi, Redeemed, ButterflyLove, Purplemartin, PeasForChickens, IA, Phoebe Quarterman,
      Mindy,Spokana Wa, Chose Joy, Fern, sweet4G, SweetAngelGirl, Learning to Trust, 10-4, Suzanne R, Waiting, Anonymous, Brandy, All those that are Anonymous, and all readers and posters that I missed, I hold you all very tight to my heart and I am so honored to serve along side of you in our Heavenly Father's Army!!! Words just can't express how much I love and appreciate each one of you. I have grown strong because of this JCFAMILY. I will forever be grateful!!! One last thing --- We have all been hand picked by our Heavenly Father for such a time as this. It is a time to PRAISE, PRAISE, PRAISE, PRAISE like you have never done before!!! Great Praise to you my Lord!!!

      In His Grip of Grace JJ

    2. Praising with you JJ and the JC's!

    3. Thank you again, dear JJ!
      Joining in Praising Him with you and Brie and all our wonderful brothers and sisters here with a grateful heart. Amen!
      Great Praise to You, our Lord!!!

    4. In 2024, I am again Praising out loud again and again with you and the JC's, our JJ ! Keep on smiling. Keep on shining like the Son. Keep on praising our God with and for us! Much ❤️ and Many Continuous 🙏. In Jesus' Name. AMEN!

  44. Good Morning to my beautiful JC Family. Brie, I thank you for repeating JJ's prayer. I read it again earlier this morning and it IS SO POWERFUL! It is our moment-by-moment decisions and claiming of God's Word that keeps us solid, grounded in His Word. Our fellowship starts in an hour and we always look forward to it. It sets the tone for our week and daily we review the scriptures, the prayers and teachings on this site and give thanks. THAT is what keeps our hearts light in spite of what's going on. We were with our family yesterday evening. September Birthdays celebration. It was delightful and even though we were only there a couple of hours (I told my Best Man - you give me the sign when you need to go!), it was a breath of fresh air and so nice.
    Today, I move my office to another room in my house so the renovation can be completed this week. That has been a daunting task (in my mind), but this morning, after a full night's rest and a promise from my youngest son to come help me, I know it will be completed and on I will go!
    Praying for each of you (Brie, for Larry and you), for all needs being met, all hearts being soothed, all minds able to grasp the greatness of His promises to us.
    Have a lovely Sunday, JC Family.

    1. Thanks for all of your inspiration Norah! With God on our sides, we can hold hands and jump over these waves together. 1-2-3 and JUMP!

  45. It’s so important to read this in the morning. If I wait until the end of the day, I just realize how bad I blew it. 🙈

    1. Tomorrow will be a brand new day, dear Kelly. God brought you safely through this one so you can rest knowing He has been faithful, and tomorrow He will continue to be faithful.
      Rest well in His loving care.

  46. Going to see my Eye Surgeon today. He's the doctor that I believed saved my life and discovered the lump was malignant. But I have been healed by Jesus so I know he will say I'm doing fine. My sister is returning to her home in Missouri this Friday. My Mom will need a lot of help after she leaves and I pray God will guide me to help her as much as I possibly can. When I am taking care of my Mom, I'm pleasing her and God. She means so much to me and she loves the Lord and He loves her. We both trust in Him.
    Resting always in Him. God is my strength, my song, my refuge, my peace, and my salvation. May you all have sweet days in His presence and may you receive answers to your prayers and signs of His Faithfulness. Thank You Jesus!

    Psalm 27:1
    The Lord is my light and my salvation; whom shall I fear? the Lord is the strength of my life; of whom shall I be afraid?

    Psalm 37:3-6
    Trust in the Lord, and do good;
    Dwell in the land, and feed on His faithfulness.
    Delight yourself also in the Lord,
    And He shall give you the desires of your heart.
    Commit your way to the Lord,
    Trust also in Him,
    And He shall bring it to pass.
    He shall bring forth your righteousness as the light,
    And your justice as the noonday.

    1. Entering into the throne of grace dear Jeanne, asking Jesus to stay close today as you see your doctor. Like you said, &, I claim it with you, all will be fine. In Jesus' name. Amen?💕🙏🌈

    2. Thanks sweet Jan and all those who prayed for me! We pray for each other. Good news. My doctor said there is no trace of cancer around my eyes and the right eye has healed very well from the surgery. God has been so good to me and I am grateful! May you all get your prayers answered too!

  47. Good morning ☀️ please pray for my friend Sharon and her family. Their house burned down yesterday and they have so many trials going on right now. Thanks!!

    1. Praying Anonymous for Sharon. My family experienced this years ago. It can be devastating, yet we also experienced God's goodness through it all. 💕🙏🌈

    2. Praying for you and your friend Sharon and her family. "Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of mercies and God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our affliction, so that we may be able to comfort those who are in any affliction, with the comfort with which we ourselves are comforted by God. For as we share abundantly in Christ's sufferings, so through Christ we share abundantly in comfort too."

    3. So very sorry for your friend Sharon and her family. Joining prayers that God will guide them to all the support and provisions and shelter they need and also that He will heal them in body, mind and spirit. Jesus is with them all and knows how they feel. They will be drawn closer to Him through this great trial. Trusting in His faithfulness and comfort to rain down on them. Thank You Jesus.
      Amen dear John H. Yes we do!

  48. Dear Lord, thank you for this
    day and all the blessings you have bestowed on your children. As we begin this day, please help us all to remember to keep our focus on You.
    Please be with the JC Warriors today. I lift up all the spoken and unspoken prayer requests. In your Son’s precious name I pray. Amen
    SC Anonymous

    1. Thank you SC for your prayer. Bless you! We covet the Presence of the Lord in our lives! Speaking God's Abundant Life, Blessings, Restoration, Prosperity, and His Joy to the JCFAMILY/WARRIORS. In Jesus's Name, AMEN and AMEN.

    2. Thanks dear SC! Amen JJ!!! Thank you sweet sister!

  49. Joining you in this prayer dear Anonymous. In Jesus' name amen. 💕🙏🌈

    1. I'm praying with y'all for these requests be made known and granted. 🙏

  50. Dear Ellen, joining warriors in prayer for your hubby. May his heart begin to beat in perfect rhythm today & he can be out of the danger zone completely. In Jesus' name amen! Hallelujah!💕🙏🌈

    1. Praying for perfect heart rhythm right away! In Jesus Name. Amen.

  51. Heavenly Father, thank You and bless Your holy name! I praise You Lord always and thank You Jesus 😊. Lord, please watch over me and lead me along the path of Your will for my life. Let Your will be done and not mine. Let me walk in the Spirit and not in the flesh. Let Your word be my guide and let Your promises bring great joy to my heart. I lift up all the prayer requests here to You Lord and I know that You are already working in all these things. You are our God and You always take the best care of us. You know exactly what we need and You always provide it to us. Thank You for Your faithfulness. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen 🙏.

    1. Amen Janet. So so good,. Thank you for your prayer. Mine too! Amen.

    2. Thanks sweet Janet! So true. He's the only One who understands just what we need and all the words in our hearts.

  52. "Seek to Please Me Above All Else"
    How do we do that?
    Below are a few Scripture references:
    Have Faith - (Childlike Trust) (Hebrews 11:6).
    "But without faith it is impossible to please Him, for he who comes to God must believe that He is and that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him."

    Spiritual Mindset (Romans 8:6-8).
    "For to be carnally minded is death, but to be spiritually minded is life and peace. Because the carnal mind is enmity against God; for it is not subject to the law of God, nor indeed can be. So then, those who are in the flesh cannot please God."
    (Colossians 3:2 AMPC) "And set your minds and keep them set on what is above (the higher things), not on the things that are on the earth."

    Reverence (Psalm 147:11 AMPC).
    "The Lord takes pleasure in those who reverently and worshipfully fear Him, in those who hope in His mercy and loving-kindness."

    Obedience (1 Samuel 15:22).
    "Has the LORD as great delight in burnt offerings and sacrifices, as in obeying the voice of the LORD? Behold, to obey is better than sacrifice."

    Cooperate with God as He works His will in you:
    (Hebrews 13:21 AMPC)
    "Strengthen (complete, perfect) and make you what you ought to be and equip you with everything good that you may carry out His will; [while He Himself] works in you and accomplishes that which is pleasing in His sight, through Jesus Christ (the Messiah); to Whom be the glory forever and ever (to the ages of the ages). Amen (so be it)."

    Sacrifice of Praise and blessing others.
    (Hebrews 13:15-16).
    "Therefore by Him let us continually offer the sacrifice of praise to God, that is, the fruit of our lips, giving thanks to His name. But do not forget to do good and to share, for with such sacrifices God is well pleased".

    Please God, not man (Matthew 6:24 AMPC)
    "No one can serve two masters; for either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will stand by and be devoted to the one and despise and be against the other. You cannot serve God and mammon (deceitful riches, money, possessions, or whatever is trusted in)."

  53. Thanks dear Peter. You fed us well. Much to ponder.

  54. May we live in thankful awareness of God today. He is always at our sides. He is merciful, loving, and kind. He saves us from falling and from failing. He lifts our hearts and pumps us with His joy. He guides our feet and He supplies the words we should share. His strength belongs to each of us. His Word is true and lights our feet and our paths. Every new day is a gift that brings another reason to be thankful and one more chance to get things right. Follow hard after righteousness and the Spirit and don't let the false promises and earthly glitter sway you from the road that leads to His Glorious Kingdom. Have a sweet day in the Lord. May He grant us our prayer requests and cover us with His unchanging peace. His Love is Forever.

    Lamentations 3:22-27
    Through the Lord’s mercies we are not consumed,
    Because His compassions fail not.
    They are new every morning;
    Great is Your faithfulness.
    “The Lord is my portion,” says my soul,
    “Therefore I hope in Him!”
    The Lord is good to those who wait for Him,
    To the soul who seeks Him.
    It is good that one should hope and wait quietly
    For the salvation of the Lord.
    It is good for a man to bear
    The yoke in his youth.

    1. Thank you Jeanne. Our heavenly Father is so very good to us ALWAYS! His love is unconditional and perfect! His mercy endures forever! May He shine His face upon us and be gracious to us and bless us and keep us and give us His perfect peace! God bless 🙏.

    2. Amen! Thank you Jeanne, Great is His Mercy, Great is His Love, Great is His Faithfulness.

    3. Amen! Stay connected to The Vine, my friends.

    4. Thank you for these awesome reminders, Jeanne, of who our God is! May you have a blessed and sweet day with the Lord as well!

    5. Thank you for the encouragement and lovely passage from Lamentations, Jeanne. Continuing to hold you, your family and all those whose concerns you have brought to us in prayer. Wondering if you have any updates on your eye appt and on Sandy, I may have missed them. Blessings. Websister

  55. Amen Jeanne, wonderful prayer!🙏🕊️

  56. Thanks and Amen, dear Janet and Peter. I always love to hear that song! Great is His Faithfulness! Thanks dear Suzanne, Staying connected to our life giving Vine! And thanks for the blessing, dear NJS. Thanks dear Anonymous KY. May God bless you all, shine His light on your paths and surround you with His peace! Have a sweet day in His presence.

  57. Heavenly Father, thank You for the gift of faith that connects us to You. Help us to hold onto the assurance and conviction of Your promises, even when they are yet to be seen. Strengthen our trust in You, so that our spiritual journey may flourish and reflect Your love and truth. Teach us to walk by faith, not by sight, relying on Your word and Your presence in our lives. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

    Covering you all in prayer JC family and asking for prayers over my daughter Gabrielle who is at NIH for two days of testing. Grateful.

    Christ’s peace be with you.


    1. Praying for your daughter during this ‘testing’ time at NIH. God bless. Having trouble posting this a.m. so posting as anonymous to see if that works. Websister

  58. I have to confess, I really do get lost in the days troubles and things that I worry worry worry about by default. I want to make effort in my mind today as I go through my day and be attentive to the fact I belong to the Creator of this world. Even if all I can say is Jesus help me today and help me in this moment. I dont have to be consumed by the things that are happening if I just remember who I belong to. Help me to remember this today Jesus and that you have the whole world in your hands that means me and all my troubles too!

  59. Prayer please for a teenage boy who cannot do anything that may cause excitement because it triggers his heart to go into tachycardia . He basically is a prisoner in his home, very very sad situation. But God has a name that means healer, for this I pray.

    1. Praying with you for this boy and thanking Him for His healing power. Websister

  60. Thank you Father, gulp, for the plateful of challenges before me. Thank you for being my go-to as I seek my next steps. Help me, Holy Spirit, to trust with all my heart and keep my mouth shut. I need more discernment and patience, and you know that. In Jesus' name I pray.

    1. Lord, thank you for Audra. Asking you to answer this prayer of her heart, providing your wisdom, discernment, peace and patience in this situation Lord. Amen and thank you, Lord. We ask, we seek, we knock, we praise, we yield. Websister
