Saturday, September 19, 2015

Jesus Calling: September 19

There is a mighty battle going on for control of your mind. Heaven and earth intersect in your mind; the tugs of both spheres influence your thinking. I created you with the capacity to experience foretastes of heaven. When you shut out the world and focus on My Presence, you can enjoy sitting with Me in heavenly realms. This is an incredible privilege reserved for precious ones who belong to Me and seek My Face. Your greatest strength is your desire to spend time in community with Me. As you concentrate on Me, My Spirit fills your mind with Life and Peace.      The world exerts a downward pull on your thoughts. Media bombard you with greed, lust, and cynicism. When you face these things, pray for protection and discernment. Stay in continual communication with Me whenever you walk through the wastelands of this world. Refuse to worry, because this form of worldliness will weigh you down and block awareness of My Presence. Stay alert, recognizing the battle being waged against your mind. Look forward to an eternity of strife-free living, reserved for you in heaven.
Ephesians 2:6
English Standard Version

and raised us up with him and seated us with him in the heavenly places in Christ Jesus.

Verse Thoughts
We are united in Christ. We die with Him and live with Him; we share His sufferings and we share His joys. 

Psalm 27:8
English Standard Version

You have said, “Seek my face.”
My heart says to you,
    “Your face, Lord, do I seek.”

Verse Thoughts
To Seek God's face is to seek His favor.  

Romans 8:6 English Standard Version

For to set the mind on the flesh is death, but to set the mind on the Spirit is life and peace.

Verse Thoughts
This is the deception of the flesh. The flesh thinks it is alive. The flesh thinks it is about life, but in reality there is no peace in that life. There is living and going through the motions and not really thinking beyond the grave or in the afterlife or in outcomes. The mind set on the flesh is death. The mind set on the Spirit is life and peace.

I John 2:15-17
English Standard Version

15 Do not love the world or the things in the world. If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him. 16 For all that is in the world—the desires of the flesh and the desires of the eyes and pride of life—is not from the Father but is from the world. 17 And the world is passing away along with its desires, but whoever does the will of God abides forever.

Verse Thoughts
I feel like the world and its ways are wanting and getting more and more of me. Its desires are becoming my desires. But, then I return to the scripture and these devotions and I see that they are not meeting my eternal needs. They are temporal, passing away, so why do they get so much of me?

My Prayer
Lord, give me strength to resist the world and its ways. I don't want to be trained by the world, but rather I want to be trained by You and Your word and Your ways. 

Note: The devotion and scriptures are from author Sarah Young. If you haven't already, please purchase the book and support the author.

Also, bookmark to have an easy link to the entire year of these entries.


  1. Heavenly Father - There is a continual battle between our flesh and Spirit. Thank you for always being with me, protecting me from worldly temporal things. I want others to see Jesus in me.
    "For I consider the sufferings of this present time are not worth comparing with the GLORY that is to be revealed to us." Romans 8:18 ESV
    I desire to spend eternity with you.

    1. Sassy mom, I love your heart!
      My heart feels your words.
      Love you

    2. Amen Sassy Mom! Absolutely Amen!

  2. I relate to your comments. Thank you for them.

  3. Dear precious heavenly father please be with my sister as she goes through the battle of cancer with her husband. Please put a hedge around him and keep him safe. Please give my sister the peace she needs to withstand these trials of the body. Thank you Jesus

  4. At 7 months of sobriety, I feel this worlds need and want to drag ke down harder than ever before. Whats so crazy is that the longer I remain sober, I feel closer to God, yet further away at the same time. With all the wordly clamours, its like I seem to forget tje gift of desperation that I had in God first awakening me gettimg sober. But thank God, HE keeps me sober because I know I couldnt be doing this on my own, but sadly forget a lot that I'm not, but that its Him doing it for me...

    1. Nice work on 7 months of sobriety.

    2. Keep it up gods got doors you never imagined opening

    3. Having had a spiritual awakening as a result of these steps... Each day is a new beginning.

    4. Lean into God, practice the Serenity Prayer and things will happen beyond your wildest dreams.

    5. Bravo to you on 7 months ...its one day at a time or 1 moment at a time..God... not me has kept me sober for a number of years now..I get on my knees in the am & ask god to keep me sober thru the day & at night I get on my knees & thank God for keeping me sober during the day.. blessings to you you will meet alot of wonderful people in AA

    6. God keeps us sober. But we have to do the footwork. Take time for meditation and prayer daily. You can't imagine the beautiful journey he is going to take you on. Big Book and 12/12 a must. The program was designed to bring you to God. Stay spiritual and stay Blessed

  5. Good morning, my name is Linda I'm 41 yrs old and have 8 years sober, I saw your post and had to comment! Yes it's hard but omg so worth it ! The blessing of this life are way more numerous than the hard times. Hard times are just challenges to help up develope the self esteem we lost i our drinking years ! There is a blessing behind each challenge!! Xoxo

    1. Love everything about sobriety and Especially my Best friend God! Without him I couldn't make it and Jesus calling every morning 🌅 makes my day and hope!🙏❤️

  6. I can attest look up "do not drink" verses. A better quality of life and personal behavior patterns will make sense. You will be able to walk thru feelings and emotions without intoxicating or polluting your body.
    I just received a 24yr chip. All things are possible with God.

  7. Congratulations!! That's awesome!!

  8. In the Garden of Eden, we see the details of our fall. The evil one began by messing with the minds of Adam & Eve...”Did God say...?” Adam & Eve opened the door to their minds by engaging in discussion with the evil one. With that opening, the evil one went for the kill with lies, “thanks not true, because then you will become like God.” That being said, Adam & Eve allowed their heart’s longing to turn away from glorifying God to now gratifying the flesh. And so we all have made some of the foolish choices we have made. Like Adam & Eve, we know what is right and wrong but we allow self gratification to dictate our choices rather than our God created capacity to love God. The first three deadly sins (deadly because they are capable of taking over our soul) are gluttony, lust, and greed. The world is constantly trying to get us caught up in thinking in these directions. Jesus is saying, “Follow Me.” The Good News is one day our souls will be cleansed of ungodly desires and in fact, is in process of being cleansed as you and I share this time and space. Thanks be to God and thanks paytonfamily for taking the time to provide this space.

    1. And also thank you, Bob! Your comments are always so clearly written and speak to me each day. I pray today that the Holy Spirit works in us each day, this day, to peel off the layers of worldly desire and reveal our connection to God. Amen.

    2. Father, Help me to turn away from earthly pleasures and resist the trappings of the world. Let me look above all I can see and seek only those things of the Spirit that never fade away. Help me to hold tight to the precious things that endure for eternity. Thank you and Amen!

  9. Thank you for reminding me that God is good! I often forget when I become trapped in the cycle of worry that my life IS so much better! If you worry why pray; if you pray why worry? I trust You Jesus! I’m also 8 years sober and living now in what used to be ‘neverland’ 💕

  10. I want to always seek your face. thank u jesus amen

  11. Praise God for HIS faithfulness to us!

  12. Even though things aren't better I'm glad I can come here and read it helps me. Thank you

    1. unknown unknown
      God is so good! He is helping you get to the next day!! And one day, it will be better! Still praying for you!

    2. Dear unknown unknown, I've gotten to a place where I look for your text everyday to see how you are doing. And.. although it is one year later I still pray for you when I think of you. . Praying for you to see the light at the end of the tunnel. How God pulled you through these very difficult times. It seems that His sufferings are your sufferings and how you liver though it makes me desire to see what will happen to you. Blessings to you today wherever you are.
      Then he said to them all: “Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross daily and follow me. Luke 9:23

    3. I, too, pray for you, unknown unknown! There are several unknowns on here, so I'm not sure if you are one of the ones who has been sprung loose from your pain. I pray you are!

    4. Thank you Norah, I love you and Jesus loves you more.

    5. Unknown I'm praying for you that you have been able to free yourself from your demon alcohol. Praying for your strength and God's help to resist all temptation. May He strengthen all who are suffering and struggling to kick anything that threatens to separate them from the love of God and good clean living in Him. Amen.

  13. So many in need of prayers today! I lift each of you up in loving prayer! Whether it be for for healing, continued sobriety or whatever struggles you are facing...God knows our needs and meets us where we are!! Blessings to all!

  14. Getting a head start, JC Family! I am preparing for tomorrow's battles before I go to sleep. Thank you, Thank you, Thank you, for your love and prayers! I am so excited to tell you that we have 2 interested buyers on our MGB! Once my hub and I got like-minded, the gates opened wide. What a blessing! So unexpected, though I have to ask myself why? It's because it was in His timing, not mine. Please pray with me for Rachel who wants to buy out car. Once we lowered the price, she said, "I want it!" Amazing. Hub wanted too much, I wanted too little. On Sunday, we agreed. So, I take you to King James Bible
    "Again I say unto you, That if two of you shall agree on earth as touching any thing that they shall ask, it shall be done for them of my Father which is in heaven." Matthew 18:19. So...we finally agreed and look what God is putting before us!
    Last night, I came home from work, tired; honestly, weary, from Casework. My hub nodded to a package on the table and said, "I think that's for you." I said, "No, YOUR name is on the label." He encouraged me to open it and there was the most beautiful Christmas quilt with 2 Cardinals (my all time fav) and a verse that knocked my socks off. It said, "Once upon a time I became yours and you became mine & we'll stay together thru both the tears and laughter because that's what they call happily ever after. I'm so in love with every little thing about you. I love you forever & always! Love, Your Husband." In all of our 45 years of marriage, I have picked out my own gifts. It's exhausting. But, I honestly think he could not imagine matching my 'perfectionism.' So, he'd say, "What do you want, honey?" And, I'd go pick something out, sometimes drag him to the store with me and we'd choose a gift.
    Yesterday, he surprised me, with this lovely Christmas quilt, which I never felt we could afford. I spend the rest of the night glancing into our bedroom and thanking God that, FINALLY! He did it on his own. This may seem trivial to many of you, but trust me, it was the biggest blessing ever for me.
    My point in all of this is that on Sunday, my hub and I WORKED together, preparing for our oldest son's bday party. That day, we (FINALLY) agreed on a price for our Roadster. Today, Wed, we've had 2 offers - because we FINALLY became LIKE-MINDED. And! I got a gift that to many is frivolous (holiday bedding, really?), but to me meant the WORLD.
    So thankful and asking once again for continued prayers for my lungs and healing that will keep me here for many years to come. I hope that you, my dear JC Family, sees the greatness for the things that have come to pass. TRUST in God with all of your heart, mind, soul and strength and LEAN NOT ON YOUR OWN understanding. Lord, please, continue my health long enough to teach this to my kids, my sibs. SO. VERY. THANKFUL!!

    1. Norah--- What a wonderful blessing the Lord gave you through your hubby! It's such a God thing! After all, you are a daughter of the Most High God! Praying for healing for your lungs: Lamentations 3:56 "Thou has heard my voice: hide not thine ear at my breathing, at my cry." Joel2:32 "...whosoever shall call on the name of the Lord shall be delivered:..." Acts 17:25b "...seeing He giveth to all life, and breath, and all things;" Just praying the Word over you. Great Blessings to you from Kansas.

    2. Norah - Sharing your joy. PRAYERS FOR HEALING VICTORY.

    3. Sassy Mom --- Bless you! Been on the run with family, but didn't miss praying for the JC Family!

    4. Love your testimony. Wait on the Lord. Happy for all of your Blessings. Healing prayers are sent to you today.

    5. Thank you, loved ones! I've been coughing my head off all day - each time I think, "I'm getting rid of it! It's all of those prayers for me!!" It has finally calmed down after a nap after work. Hubby is fixing us some dinner and I think it will be an early night. Thank you all, so much!

    6. And, I've missed you to JJ! Glad to read your name! :)

    7. Norah --- How sweet of you to say. Will keep lifting up those lungs! Thanking the Lord for the healing and the victory!

    8. Norah, My husband bought my gifts every year. Almost 100% he would buy something he wanted. I rejoiced when last year he agreed that we could buy our own gifts. Opposite of you. Sounds like when he decided to buy your gift he got it exactly right. What a wonderful surprise.

    9. Dear Norah!
      What a wonderful gift of love from your dear Husband! I know you must cherish it! Look for God's guiding light upon your path guiding you to a way to restore your breathing and strength. The Way Maker is making a way for you.

    10. Even if I read your post the first time, I receive more insight the next time. I'm reminded of "The Five Love Languages" regarding gift giving. If gifts are important to us, we so desperately want to feel loved by getting the perfect gift. And when we don't, we feel unloved. How sad that any of us would experience years of that way of thinking. Norah reminds us that Scripture, once AGAIN offers guidance on how to experience God's love and teach us to have the capacity to love each other. ""Again I say unto you, That if two of you shall agree on earth as touching any thing that they shall ask, it shall be done for them of my Father which is in heaven." Matthew 18:19." Amen! I suggest this is how we roll!

    11. Thanks for reminding me to keep my focus and priorities on The Giver, who is always greater than the gift no matter how perfect the gift, or not!

    12. Sometime ago there was an American missionary living in a very tiny village. The young woman was a teacher who labored alongside the native people. One night, a boy from the missionary’s class brought her a crudely wrapped gift. The teacher was surprised as this little boy was very poor. What could he possibly give?

      The teacher unwrapped the present and inside found an exquisite seashell. Knowing the only place to find the shell was many mamy rugged miles away, through dangerous territory, she expressed enthusiastic appreciation. “My goodness,” she told him “you’ve traveled so far and through so much to bring me such a wonderful present.” At first the boy appeared surprised by her reaction, but his eyes quickly brightened and a wide smile crept across his small face; “oh, teacher,” he explained, “The long journey to get it is part of the gift.”
      May God help us to appreciate the Giver more than the Gift! I ask. I pray. I thank. In Jesus' Name. Amen

    13. I just love that story Brie!!!! Thank you!

  15. Good morning JC family 🌞. I'm waking up to a cool morning here in VA. Not getting use to it though, hot temps. Are coming back😰. Very nice loving thing for your hubby to do Norah. My hubby & I are going through the same thing with selling our camper. At the moment we are not agreeing on price, so the thing sits, no action. Pray for us please. Please JC warriors, pray for Amanda, a young mother who's batting cancer. First & foremost is her relationship with the Lord, my daughter in law traveled to be with her. Pray she will be bold enough to share the gospel with Amanda. Thank you warriors for the blessing of your prayers & the power it holds. Love & blessings to all🥰

    1. Of course come to think of it, "batting" may not be a mistake. Batting that cancer right out of the field is what we want!

    2. Good morning Jan from HOT "NO RAIN" TENNESSEE - Praying boldness for your DIL when she shares the gospel with Amanda, Complete surrender for Amanda. Courage and strength as Amanda battles cancer.

    3. Jan--- Joining in prayers with the JC WARRIORS for Amanda. Lord, we just thank you for the VICTORY in Amanda's life! Amen!

    4. Missed you JJ. Thank you & Sassy Mom🥰

    5. Jan --- Oh, such a blessing to hear from you. Great blessings for your day!

    6. Jan you are awesome ! It is cool here just several hours from you here in NC I love summer. I sure am praying for Amanda and your daughter I pray for strength for both, boldness and a hedge of thorns to surround the two of them for God to work through your daughters visit

    7. Praying for Amanda, Jan! I agree - you are AWESOME!

  16. My refuge and my strength, I am awake this morning only by Your grace and mercy. Thank You for another gift of life today.

    Our Father God who answers by fire, I join my JC family this morning lifting unto you TL, Norah, Zfuntastic, unknown unknown and ALL my JC family for comfort, peace, healing, restoration, Love, provisions and health. Father You know all the needs and desires, You hear the cries, You see the afflictions, You know the brokenness, so this morning in the name of Jesus, answer us by fire and deliver Your people, let Your name be glorified, let Your servants testify to Your faithfulness and let Your perfect peace reign.
    We come against the battle field of our minds that tries to discourage us in any way, we pray for protection and discernment. As we stand in agreement to Your trusted Holiness, may Your Holy Spirit fill our minds with life and Peace, knowing that You are a FAITHFUL GOD. Thank You for hearing and answering us according to Your will, in Jesus name.

    We are VICTORS family, not victims! May the God of peace give you all rest today in Jesus name.

    Maplewood NJ

    1. Amen Maplewood! Thank you! We are Victors and not victims because God is greater than any problem, disease or circumstance!

  17. Every day, a new beginning. I’ve been reading here for over a year and maybe commented once before today. It is on my heart reading through the posts that I am grateful that you all share a little something extra from the devotion. Even though I don’t comment, please know that I petition God for the requests posted here on a regular basis. God bless each of you as you go through this day.

    I am flying to Florida today to see my son, whom I haven’t seen in almost a year. Please pray for safe travels on my journey.

    I read also about the people here with various lengths of sobriety and am encouraged. I’ve been clean and sober coming up on 20 years and am so grateful for God’s amazing grace. I thank him every day.
    The last year has been difficult to say the least. I’ve sold two houses. I bought a house. I got divorced from a woman who stated that she knew God’s will and she knew her will and was unwilling to do God’s will. Especially devastating as I walk on my own journey with the Lord.
    In January, I was seconds away from ending my life when God intervened and pulled me literally from the gates of death. My daughter has threatened suicide 5 times and attempted once since last November.
    And through all of this, God has been faithful. My faith and trust in him has grown exponentially as a result of the challenges I’ve faced. So, I thank God even for my troubles today, as they draw me nearer to him.
    All this to say that the reading and comments today remind me of one of my favorite verses.
    Eph. 6:10-18 ...pick up the shield of Faith, to defend against the flaming darts of the enemy...
    Last Sunday in church, we were reminded that we are on the offense, not the defense. The enemy is not at our gates, we are at his! And we have the power of almighty God on our side! Who can stand against us?
    So, again, thank you everyone for your faithfulness and trust in sharing your lives with me. Thank you Peyton Family for posting these online. Thank you God for making Your presence known in the midst of this fallen world. May God give you everything you need for this day according to His will.
    Have a blessed day!
    Dave D.

    1. Dave D - God is so good and your faithfulness is awesome. Thanks be to God. Have a blessed day also. KS

    2. Dave --- Thank you for your post today, a real uplift! Love the comment that We Are on the OFFENSE and Not the defense! I address myself only to the true and living God who has all the power and control over everything. satan, you enemy, I command you and all your demon forces of darkness, in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ to leave our presence. I bring the blood of Jesus Christ between the devil and our families, our homes, our finances, our spirits, souls and bodies. In the Mighty name of Jesus, Amen. Traveling mercies for your trip, Dave D. Great Blessings to you and your family from Kansas

    3. Dave D, thank you for sharing your journey. God is awesome isn't He! You are sooo right, the enemy better shake in their boots! When the warriors get up each morning and plant both feet on the floor, the enemy says, "oh crap! They're up!".

    4. Blessings on your trip. Have a super time with your son. Praying for your entire family. The enemy cannot have any of them.

    5. Looking forward to hearing about your reunion with your son, Dave. I read about what you've been through and know that I have only "first world problems." You remind me of some of my cases - one in which the wife left her husband b/c of his sickness and she was care giver, which I know from experience is taxing. However, once he was well - she LEFT! It left me speechless and quickly remembered my vows - 'in sickness and in health.' Marriage is certainly not a fair weather sport! Praying for your safe travels and a healing time for you and your son. Echoing Jan, JJ & anonymous' prayers!

    6. Dave, Your faith has brought you through so much misery and heartache. God has guided your life and I pray you and your family are doing well now. May He keep you all safe and guide your paths to all joy and peace in believing. Congratulations for remaining sober for over 20 years. What an awesome accomplishment! God is glorified.

    7. Joining Dave and all JC warriors on the "O line" as we pray for and lift up each other. Thanks and glory go to Coach Jesus Christ!!!

    8. Yuup! The best defense is a good offense. I am armored up for the "O line" with Coach Jesus and Owner God. I am so happy all of us are on the same powerful unbeatable, uncontainable, unstoppable team!

    9. Dave, I pray you are doing well and God has led you to a wonderful life because you trust in Him. We are all of one accord and all we need is our good God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Amen sweet Brie, We are indeed all part of the same powerful, unbeatable, uncontainable, unstoppable team with Jesus in charge. We can't fail. God bless you and all those who stop here for peace, encouragement, God's Word and love.

    10. Two songs I love to play which draw me deeper into the Lover of my soul are Agnus Dei (Terry McAlmon) and In Your Presence (Paul Wilbur), I recommend them to you

    11. Peter JF Jackson - Amen! Agnus Dei was played at my daughter's wedding. I Love In the presence of Jehovah (Damaris Carbaugh)

    12. 🎶♥️
      Agnes Dei

      In Your Presence

  18. Dave D - AMEN, AMEN!! Blessings to you!!

  19. Feeling the nudge to pray about "Future " I know the Lord holds my future. I may be looking at moving to a new location, which can bring uncertainty. I know to Worhip and not to worry. I know to Look to God, not the situation or the problem. And I know to Pray and not to panic. I know many are thinking about future circumstances in their lives. So here goes a prayer adapted from Stormy Omartian. I want to thank you Lord for your hand on everyone's future. I give you ALL the praise, honor and glory for the abundance of blessings You have afforded us. So, Lord, help us have patience and not grow weary or discouraged while waiting for our answers to prayer and for things to get a "move on." When we have doubts about our futures, please help us remember that we each have a high purpose and a calling. When we can't see how the future is ever going to turn out the way we want it to, remind us that because we have given our lives to you, our futures will turn out like You want them to. You have promised us a future of peace and hope, a future far greater than we can imagine. Thank you Lord for what You do for us. Amen and Amen. Jeremiah 29:11 "I know the thoughts that I think toward you," says the Lord, "thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give you a future and a hope" Thank you Lord for thinking of us.

    1. JJ, I just needed to pray that wonderful prayer with you. It is still so perfect for what is going on in my mind lately. So many things are weighing on my mind. My daughter in law recently told me she was very depressed and is now on medicine. They have a 2 year old and she has been through so much already. Years ago she was very sick with meningitis and after seizures, and being in a coma for almost a month, when she awoke she couldn't talk, walk, see, or understand anything. She was like a wounded little animal. We prayed and my son stood by her side. And God was so faithful! The fact that she is doing so well now and being a great mother and wife is nothing less than a miracle. I try to spend time with her every day. And my son and daughter in law are in CA and cannot even even breathe the air. I just give everything to God because I know he is well aware of our trials and tribulations and He is so much greater than them. I just say thank you for handling all of this. And Amen: His thoughts are of peace and not of evil, to give us a future and a hope. Trusting He is working good out of everything to give us a wonderful future. Our Hope in in the Lord and we will not fear!

    2. Praying and touching in agreement with you Jeanne and JJ. Yes! He'll make it right, Yes! Jesus will. Yes! He'll make it right! Even when we can't see it, He's working...

    3. Thank you JJ. That prayer is still wonderful and I love Jeremiah 29:11. Reading my post from last year, I must thank God for His loving kindness. What a blessing that my dear daughter in love Mayra who was so depressed in 2020 is now the mother of another son, born Sept 1st. She is doing well despite spending almost all her time nursing little Nathaniel. Thanking God for His faithfulness in her life. Now if my dear son Greg can just get another job after being laid off. Thank You Jesus!

  20. JJ, this reminds me of what I went through before my move from PA. To VA. The agony I went through. My hubby built that house, I couldn't leave it. While crying & praying one day, the Lord lovingly reprimanded me. He said, "why do you box me in?, Wait & see. Behold I will do something new, more amazing than you could ever imagine, trust me". Wow! Did He ever! I thought I would do nothing but cry & keep looking back. Nope! Never cried, never looked back. Where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is peace sweet peace. Trust Him.

    1. JAN --- Thank for that encouragement! That really helps! Looking forward to the Lord's plans! Bless you!

    2. Still missing you these days, JJ. So grateful to have previous posts of your passionate prayers to join in with in your absence. Hope all is well with you!!!

    3. The Lord's precious Audra--- I am so humbled by your post. I know I haven't posted for awhile. There are just times I am not led to post. But I keep this AWESOME JCFAMILY lifted up to The Throne of God! The Lord has blessed me with Divine Health and I am so grateful!! I am celebrating the Lord's plan for America and the World. It is not end times, but we will see a move of God--- like a Red Sea episode on steriods, We will see The Lord's Exposure of demonic darkness, His Justice, Revival, Countless Souls won for Jesus and Great Celebration!!! We have GREAT BLESSINGS ahead!!! Keep looking up! Great Blessings and Love to you Audra and all my JC Family!!!
      In His Grip of Grace--- JJ

    4. Our JJ! I posted hugs, love and prayers for you on tomorrow's JC Board. Glad to know you are OK. You remain in our prayers and yes, I rely on your previous posts of passionate prayers.
      When it comes to sweeping satan out of this room, the Lord works phenomenally through you. I had a spirit of heaviness today, but seeing your post gave me a lift. Blessings to you and yours. You are truly a blessing to us. Thanks to you sister-friend in Christ and to our entire family of JC Prayer Warriors. In Jesus' Name. Amen.

    5. Me too! Lifted by the power of prayer and declarations by our sister JJ. Thank you! Your posts inspire us to join you in prayer, ever stronger and expectant to the coming of the Holy Spirit!

    6. JJ, your prayers still inspire me! Bless you and all who pass thru this blog on their daily walk with Jesus.

  21. Jesus, help me to remembet to always seek your face and your peace when the world is trying to take over my tboughts. May I acknowledge You in all my ways throughout every day. Amen

  22. Norah I loved reading your beautiful gift story
    Praying for healing

    1. Thank you, Dear runaprilmae! I came home from work and crashed on the sofa for a a tired and then cranky. I thought - I need to see my quilt! HA HA.

  23. Today has been a nonstop day for me. Made it to my daughter's house by 6:30 a.m., Jairo handed over to me and 3 year old Mateo running fever; always wanted to be a true granny. I keep going to my daughter's to help out, once she goes back to work I'm the babysitter. Finally I get to visit with my JC family. Forgive me Lord I did not sit still with you this morning. So much going on. I pray for my JC friends; Lord you know our needs. Give us the faith, patience, and strength to wait for your answer, to accept your will. Thank you Lord for answered prayer, for all of our accomplishments and healings only with your grace. Praise be to our Lord Jesus Christ. Glory and honor to our savior. AMEN! Norah, Jan, David D, Maplewood, JJ your prayers, your testimonies, are very appreciated by me..sooo beautiful.

    1. You ARE A TRUE GRANNY, Loveconquersall!!! I pray for blessings being heaped upon you - that when you lie down at night, your sleep is sweet and that you know how much you are blessing your family. What a joy divine!

  24. Wow; what an encouraging group of people! I am thankful and blessed to have found this site. Thank you Payton Family! Thank you to each person posting comments and for those reading and joining in prayer. I read everything on here daily and I am continually reminded that God is always with our struggles and our joys. Thank you, Jesus! I will pray peace and joy for each person on here. I will also pray for each of your specific issues, safe travels, contentment with decisions, continued sobriety, for those struggling with faith and also pray with thanksgiving for those who have truly blessed me with uplifting comments directly or indirectly. Each of you is a true gift from God, our Father. I will focus on His presence and feel a sense of love, happiness and peace wash over me, and set my worries aside. Amen. CO


    Today's JC reading calls us to shut out the worldly influences. Meaningful intimacy requires solitude with no interruptions.

    I pointed out to you the invitatory psalms (95,100,24,67) that have long been used to enter into this intimacy with our Lord. Whether you use them or simply capture the spirit of them is up to the leading of the Holy Spirit in you. Yesterday, I focused on His invitation to you 'to come'. God is the one who invites; you are the invitee.

    The invitation to come is followed up in both Psalm 95 and 100 with the spirit which is desired in coming. Psalm 95:1-2 - "O come, let us sing to the LORD; let us make a joyful noise to the rock of our salvation. Let us come into His presence with thanksgiving; let us make a joyful noise to Him with songs of praise!" Psalm 100:1 - "Make a joyful noise to the LORD, all the earth. Worship the LORD with gladness; come into His presence with singing." The spirit we want to enter into the presence of our Lord on our 'date' is one of uncontrollable joy which makes noise and sings out (isn't that what we do when we are overwhelmed with joy?). What reasons do we have for such a feeling? We will find them by starting with contemplating all that is so very wonderful with our loving Lord and giving thanks for all God's greatness. What is often a natural reaction when we are filled with joy? Do we not in some way or form sing out? Indeed, we are encouraged to come into His presence singing His praises (when you have that 'date' with the special somebody, do you not begin by 'singing (figuratively)' the others praises?). The ability to sing is a gift of God that lifts the soul. We should use it. This is why every worship service begins with music, preferably music in which you can sing your heart out. This has such a positive impact on the soul. All the above is the spirit which is desirable in coming to Him. Many of you in sharing your personal quiet times with the Lord, have told of wonderful and meaningful ways you do this. Thank you.

    So what if something has happened that is devastating and your heart is broken? Because you are finding your joy tank on empty, do you stay away? Heaven forbid! No, our Lord is especially looking out for you at this time. In these times, you are a priority to Him over and above the rest of us (if God indeed makes priorities). His heart wants to connect with your broken heart. So you must come. But how can you capture the spirit described above when it has been driven away? I would suggest you come and do the best you can. You may have to put more effort into it but do so. Work on setting your mind on God's goodness and love for you. You may need a little more time in doing this but take the time. In making your best effort, the Holy Spirit will honor what you have brought and begin to restore your broken heart. I recall a point in my life, my devotional time had become very dry and empty, I was feeling none of the above. My downcast spirit kept saying, 'Why bother?' but the Holy Spirit kept pushing me to maintain the practice. So I kept coming though it wasn't easy. Over time (it may have been weeks) the fog was lifted and I could feel the sunshine again.

    Be blessed my dear friends! With love, Bob

    1. Amen Bob Thank you for your encouraging words! Praying for your computer! Be blessed!

      Blessings from France

    2. I praise God for keeping them safe while on vacation. Now, the same God who took them, protected them, is returning them home safely in Jesus's name! His traveling grace and mercy is already upon them.

      God bless you, Blessings from France!

      Maplewood NJ

    3. Error, meant to comment on Bob's post here.

      Maplewood NJ

    4. Great Psalms selections bday twin! Will read and meditate on them this weekend. Thanks for allowing the Spirit to use you to feed us with the messages and questions for thoughts. May you be strengthen and encouraged more and more as you allow God to use you for His glory, His way!

      Stay blessed my brother.

      Maplewood NJ

    5. Thank you Bob, I am coming back to my quiet time with the Lord through this blog. It has been so helpful in this trying time. Please pray for Gods peace and joy in my mind and spirit. Thank you, and Gods blessing to all of you!

    6. Thank you so much Bob! Coming to the Lord with gladness, thanksgivng and praise! Singing and making a joyful noise! Lifting my head to the King of Glory. All the Psalms were helpful. I especially have always loved Psalm 100: Thanks also for your honesty and for opening your heart always to us. God bless you dear Brother.

      Make a joyful noise unto the LORD, all ye lands.
      Serve the LORD with gladness: come before his presence with singing.
      Know ye that the LORD he is God: it is he that hath made us, and not we ourselves; we are his people, and the sheep of his pasture.
      Enter into his gates with thanksgiving, and into his courts with praise: be thankful unto him, and bless his name.
      For the LORD is good; his mercy is everlasting; and his truth endureth to all generations.

    7. Setting up the muaic playlist to divert my attention back to glorifying and praising God at the watershed. Thanks for your help, family!

    8. nagged by "The spirit we want to enter into the presence of our Lord on our 'date' is one of uncontrollable joy which makes noise and sings out ...What is often a natural reaction when we are filled with joy? Do we not in some way or form sing out? Indeed, we are encouraged to come into His presence singing His praises ...why every worship service begins with music, preferably music in which you can sing your heart out... This has such a positive impact on the soul...Today's JC Warriors' Playlist Compilation:
      "Alive And Breathing"
      "Great Things"
      "The Goodness Of God"
      "It Is So"
      "Famous For"
      "To Love A Fool" album be continued...

    9. Meant to type Snagged, not nagged, or just maybe I was nagged :)

  26. Personal note, these thoughts may not be appearing for a day or two...or three because I am replacing an antiquated computer. How long this will be depends on how long it takes this old dog to learn new tricks. You could pray about it, I don't think this is beyond God's power---LOL.

    1. if I can help... I'm happy to, can post for you if you email it via your phone email and/or dictate it to me!! ha ha but seriously am happy to help. 😁

    2. Beautiful!! Thank you for this gracious and generous family, Papa!! Be glorified. Be blessed.

    3. ROOF! ROOF! ROOF! ROOF! My 3 granddogs plus 1 great granddog want you to know they too, are praying for you, BOB! They say new tricks are easier when you get good treats afterwards.
      Thanks for your generous offer Madfox to keep the flow going on THOUGHTS ON INTIMACY WITH OUR LORD. Love, Favor and Blessings abound here.

    4. You always make me smile, Brie!
      Praying always for you Bob so I'll add your computer problem.
      Amen Madfox, I am getting so much from Thoughts on Intimacy with our Lord. Keep it coming, Bob!

    5. Miss you Bob and MadFox. Hoping and praying you are both doing well.

  27. Good morning JC family!

    Two weeks ago I asked for your prayers for my brother, SIL and nephew as they were going on a vacation. Now they are coming home and I'm asking for your prayers again as they will be driving all day. Thank you for your prayers. Love you JC fam!

    Blessings from France

    1. I am Praying Traveling Mercy prayers for them, Blessings from France!

    2. I praise God for keeping them safe while on vacation. Now, the same God who took them, protected them, is returning them home safely in Jesus's name! His traveling grace and mercy is already upon them.

      God bless you, Blessings from France!

      Maplewood NJ

    3. Praying for their traveling safety and God's strong hedge of protection to surround them. Praying for your peace of mind and comfort too, dear Blessings from France.

    4. Keeping you and your family in my prayers dear Blessings from France. Love you dear Sister.

  28. Thank You Jesus. Praise the Lord continually and always.

  29. Loving Father, I reckon myself dead to sin because it is no longer I who live, but Christ who lives in me! Help me to say NO to my flesh, my words and the struggles of my mind, so that I can count myself alive unto You! May the Holy Spirit energize me with Your strength and power to walk in the resurrection power of Christ Jesus! Yoyr grace is sufficient for me. I pray this in Jesus’ name!

    When our flesh rise up and tempts us to have thoughts that are not pleasing to God, we must shut it out and grab hold of His power to change the way we think and take charge of our emotions; our thoughts and yield ourselves as instruments unto God.
    As humans, we struggle with the battlefield of the mind, but sometimes we put ourselves in situations where we put in lots of garbage and others from things we watch and envision. So how do we guard our minds against these garbage and how can we help others fight this too? First, we must turn to the Word of God. Philippians 4:6-8 says: “Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things”.
    To help us get rid of the struggles of our mind, the Apostle Paul tell us to Pray in and through EVERYTHING. Don’t worry about ANYTHING and the result will be, the Peace of God that surpasses all of our understanding! As difficult as it may seem, thank God that we can do ‘ALL things through Christ which strengthened us’ (Philippians 4:13)!

    Dear Father, May the Holy Spirit ignite fire in us for You so that we can shut the world out and focus on Your Presence and allow Your spirit to fill our minds with life and Peace. We thank You for forgiving us each time we fall short of Your glory. Help us to keep pushing forward, keep our eyes fixed on You and ‘look forward to an eternity of strife-free living, reserved for us in Heaven’! In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.

    Blessings and Peace.

    Maplewood, NJ

    1. SUCH GREAT INSIGHT and perspective, Maplewood. It is so easy...especially in the days we are in now, to get lost in earthly thoughts of despair and unrest. To take the time to re-center our focus on God is what is needed. For me, repeating scripture in my head or out loud and listening to great praise music brings me back to focus on what is important. I have enjoyed your teachings and insight, Maplewood! Blessings to one and all this Saturday morning!

    2. Wonderful encouragement and truth, dear Maplewood! Thanks for my favorite "go to" verses too! We sure must Pray in and through everything. Putting any worry on my Lord's shoulders and staying in His presence with His Spirit guiding my way today.

    3. Amen dear Maplewood! God equips us to stay on the straight and narrow. We wake up in Thanksgiving and put on our Armor of God and avoid any empty trapping of this world that threatens to pull us away from our life giving vine and the love of Christ. "Pray in and through everything". Amen and Amen. Pray without ceasing. Thank you. Praying your beautiful prayer. You feed my soul so well.

  30. This is incorrect:"Verse Thoughts
    To Seek God's face is to seek His favor." More correctly 'To seek God's face' is to seek or express your desire for a deeper relationship with Him. Not asking for favor but needing more of Him in your life.

    1. Peter, "incorrect" is harsh and our goal in what has become a "tight" community of believers is agape and peace amongst all those that post here, so I will in peace say, that I believe you're reading favor as one definition and Chris is intending another...quite frankly that is one of the challenges of the English language. Love in English is far too broad and often we refer to the Greek when reading and discussing Paul's letters in particular.. where love in Greek is agápe, éros, philía, philautia, storgē, and xenia!

      Chris, the author of this blog, I feel is using a different "complexity" to favor than you and in my view, although I have no way of knowing, he could be using any of several definitions below, and be "correct". Please read with no malice. I'm simply saying that words are often malleable and since we cannot dialogue easily in this format, forbearance or perhaps asking first what someone means, may be preferable...then a Christ-like dialogue can begin. Godspeed and peace to you.

      Merriam Webster online has the Definition of favor as at least these potential meanings:
      (1) : friendly regard shown toward another especially by a superior (i.e. a politician attempting to keep the favor of the voters)
      (2) a: approving consideration or attention : approbation looked with favor on the enterprise
      b: partiality The students naturally showed favor toward their own team.
      c (archaic): leniency
      d (archaic): permission
      e: popularity (i.e. The fad lost favor quickly.)
      (3) a: gracious kindness also: an act of such kindness did you a favor
      b (archaic): aid, assistance
      (4) a: a token of love (such as a ribbon) usually worn conspicuously
      b: a small gift or decorative item given out at a party
      c: badge
      (5) a: a special privilege or right granted or conceded granted a favor to a dear friend
      b: sexual privileges —usually used in plural
      (6) (archaic): letter
      (7): behalf, interest a man who acts only in his own favor

    2. Amen Madfox, for Holy Spirit dialogue among all who enter here.
      Blessings to you and our entire JC Family along with agápe, éros, philía, philautia, storgē, and xenia! Or whatever word best communicates love to all.

  31. Several weeks ago . I asked for prayers for friends and there son Joshua for his battle with cancer. He has completed treatment 7 (8 more to go) but the blessing that I wanted to share is that the most recent set of scans showed such an improvement that the Dr. wants to eliminate the hardest of the 4 chemo drugs! So the next 8 treatments will be with less chemo! Please continue to pour the prayers on Mark, Kim and Joshua to accept Gods will in all this. Prayerfully with Hope, to include complete remission. Amen.

    1. We praise you God. Oh the miracles you perform. We bless you and thank you for what you have done in Joshua and for he and Mark and Kim. Thank you for encouraging us with your power, Paoa.
      Thank you ABC.

    2. HALLELUJAH!!! Thank you so much Lord for your faithfulness! Will be keeping Joshua Mark and Kim in my prayers.

      Blessings from France

    3. Joining in the Hallelujah for another victory!!!! Thank you Jesus! Thank god for such an amazing improvement. God is guiding all things for good. Waiting to hear more good news of His faithfulness!

    4. Glory HALLELUJAH, HALLELUJAH, Glory HALLELUJAH, I am going to praise His Name! and thank Him for your Victory Report!

    5. Continuing to pray for little Joshua that he and his family have seen God's faithfulness and healing.
      Thank You Father for Joshua's complete remission and Mark and Kim's peace of mind in the Name of Christ Jesus.

    6. Thank you all for praying for Josh and parents, Mark & Kim. Josh continues this long battle with cancer. Nasty disease! It seems to have "left in many parts of his body" but has creeped into other area not present in the past ;( He has started a radical "healthy" diet regime. Josh says he has never felt better in some ways. He lost 100 + lbs ( that might be why he's feeling better too!). Please continue to include him as well as Mark and Kim in your daily prayer. Amen.

  32. Joy still comes in the morning
    Hope still walks with the hurting
    If you're still alive and breathing
    Praise the Lord
    Don't stop dancing and dreaming
    There's still Good News worth repeating
    So lift your head and keep singing
    Praise the Lord

    Let everything, let everything
    Let everything praise the Lord
    In the working, in the waiting
    Praise the Lord
    In the blessing, in the breaking
    Come on, praise the Lord
    In the dying, the rising
    Let it praise the Lord
    Let it praise the Lord
    Praise the Lord
    -Matt Maher

    1. OMG. I heard this song yesterday but forgot the name of it. I asked our Lord to reveal it, and voila! He did through you. Thanks for posting in answer to me and for our entire JC Family!

    2. ♥️🎶

  33. I love it!!! Thanks GraceTakesTime!
    Here's another good one. I heard for the first time yesterday. It's by Phil Wickham called Great Things.

    Come let us worship our King
    Come let us bow at His feet
    He has done great things
    See what our Savior has done
    See how His love overcomes
    He has done great things
    He has done great things
    Oh, hero of Heaven, You conquer the grave
    You free every captive and break every chain
    Oh God, You have done great things
    We dance in Your freedom, awake and alive
    Oh Jesus, our Savior, Your name lifted high
    Oh God, You have done great things
    You've been faithful through every storm
    You'll be faithful forevermore
    You have done great things
    And I know You will do it again
    For Your promise is "Yes and amen"
    You will do great things
    God, You do great things
    Oh, hero of Heaven, You conquer the grave
    You free every captive and break every chain
    Oh God, You have done great things
    We dance in Your freedom, awake and alive
    Oh Jesus, our Savior, Your name lifted high
    Oh God, You have done great things
    Hallelujah God, above it all
    Hallelujah God, unshakable
    Hallelujah, You have done great things
    Hallelujah God, above it all
    Hallelujah God, unshakable
    Hallelujah, You have done great things
    You've done great things
    Oh, hero of Heaven, You conquer the grave
    You free every captive and break every chain
    Oh God, You have done great things
    We dance in Your freedom, awake and alive
    Oh Jesus, our Savior, Your name lifted high
    Oh God, You have done great things
    You have done great things
    Oh God, You do great things

    1. Thanks for another great praise and worship song, Jeanne, to help me open up the flow of God's goodness when my mind gets to the watershed!

    2. ♥️🎶

    PSALM 57: Lord, be exalted above the Highest Heavens. Show Your Glory High above all the earth. O God, my heart is quieted to hear You and confident enough to sing Your Praises. Rouse yourself up, Oh, my soul! Arise oh harp and lyre. I will thank You publicly throughout the land, oh God. I will sing Your Praises among the nations!
    We have many means for picking and storing the perfect songs for a beach playlist! Upbeat tunes lift our spirits and give us energy.  Softer tunes relax and mellow us. The songs we choose help determine the direction of our beach time. Gratifying satan might tempt us to change our songs to complaining with depressing melodies. These are the times we need to have a playlist on the ready to choose praise songs, Glorifying God and His Victories with Worthy Melodies.
    Dear Heavenly Father God,
    In the watershed of our minds would You help us to choose songs that direct the flow of our thoughts to Glorifying You and Your Victories, and a steadfast heart singing worship songs to God, thereby shutting off the flow to satan and its worldly gratifications?  Like a faucet over a double sink, would You help us choose and direct on which side we want our water thoughts to flow through? I ask. I pray. I thank. In Jesus' Name. Amen.
    PS JC Prayer Warriors: My goto praise and Worship song for today is The Goodness of God.
    What's yours?

    1. Amen dear Brie! My go to praise and worship song for today is It is so by Elevation Worship ♥

      Blessings from France

    2. Thanks for adding to the Playlist, BFF, I am going to listen now!

    3. Thanks again BFF. It Is So is a beautiful addition to our Watershed Playlist!

    4. Listening to It is So! Thanks! It is so beautiful!

    5. In keeping with today's DEVOTION...I created you with the capacity to experience foretastes of heaven. When you shut out the world and focus on My Presence, then you can enjoy sitting with Me in Heavenly Realms. This is an incredible privilege reserved for precious ones who belong to Me and seek My Face. Your greatest strength is your desire to spend time in community with Me. As you concentrate on Me, My Spirit fills your mind with Life and Peace... and songs...
      One of the songs on my beach playlist that I am sitting with today is BELIEVE FOR IT!

      BELIEVE FOR IT by CeCe Winans

    7. Such a powerful song. And God was right on time. Praying for amazing healing for some of my family. Thanks Brie.
      Thank You Jesus.

  35. Listening to Cory Asbury's new release "To Love a Fool" Have a great day everyone, blessing you in Jesus' name!

    1. Thanks for helping our JC Prayer Warrior Family to build up our watershed playlist glorifying God, thus sending you know who back down down down into his burning ring of fire!

    2. I'm having a watershed moment; I just played:
      Famous For (I Believe)
      There is no fear, 'cause I believe
      There is no doubt, 'cause I have seen
      Your faithfulness, my fortress, over and over
      I have a hope found in Your name
      I have a strength found in Your grace
      Your faithfulness, my fortress, over and over
      Make way through the waters
      Walk me through the fire
      Do what You are famous for
      What You are famous for
      Shut the mouths of lions
      Bring dry bones to life and
      Do what You are famous for
      What You are famous for
      I believe in You
      God, I believe in You
      Release Your love inside of me
      Unleash Your power, for all to see
      Spirit, come, and fall on us
      Over and over, oh Lord
      Make way through the waters
      Walk me through the fire
      Do what You are famous for
      What You are famous for
      Shut the mouths of lions
      Bring dry bones to life and
      Do what You are famous for
      What You are famous for
      God of exceedingly, God of abundantly
      More than we ask or think
      Lord, You will never fail
      Your name is powerful, Your word's unstoppable
      All things are possible in You
      God of exceedingly, God of abundantly
      More than we ask or think
      Lord, You will never fail
      Your name is powerful, Your word's unstoppable
      All things are possible in You
      Make way through the waters
      Walk me through the fire
      Do what You are famous for
      What You are famous for
      Shut the mouths of lions
      Bring dry bones to life and
      Do what You are famous for
      What You are famous for
      I believe in You
      I believe in You
      There is no fear 'cause I believe
      There is no doubt 'cause I have seen
      Your faithfulness, my fortress, over and over

  36. Pastor Louie update - Pastor Louie will begin 3 months of chemo beginning in October and will attend church tomorrow to thank them for their cards and prayers and tell his congregation he will return after the chemo. Thank you for your continued prayers.

    1. SASSY MON: Thanks for the update. Along with our JC Family, I too, will be praying him through it all.
      BOB: How is your Pastor doing?

  37. Praying God will destroy every cancer cell and his treatment will be tolerable. Thank you Jesus for your amazing Healing power. May he touch the hem of your garment. Amen

  38. Prayers requested for the soul of my dear MiMi, who died Friday, September 17, at the age of 97. May she forever rest in peace, safe in His Arms. And may we heal from losing her, now that she is gone from our earthly lives. In Jesus' Name I ask. I seek. I knock. I praise. I thank. I yield. Amen.

    1. Father, bring MiMi into Your loving arms and her new, wonderful home with You. Place Your healing, comfort, peace, strength, and love into the hearts of Brie, Larry, Keith, and all her family and loved ones. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen. Peace be with you.

    2. Praying with my JC family for you and your family, Brie, on the loss of your sweet MiMi. While we are comforted knowing she is at home with our Lord, her presence here on earth will be missed by your family. May you feel God's loving, comforting arms around you all, Brie. Sending peace and love.

    3. Praying for you and your family Brie on the loss of MiMi. May God comfort you in your time of grief. God bless!


    4. Oh Brie, so sorry to hear of the loss of your dear MiMi! It's never easy loosing a love one no matter what age. I pray a prayer of peace, strength and comfort for you and your family. MiMi was blessed with 97 years, glory to God!! She is now resting in her Savior's embrace.

      Peace to you and family.

      Maplewood NJ

    5. Dearest Brie and family. May the Love of God surround you, especially in this time of Los of your dear MiMi. 97! I can only imagine the life experiences and stories that have left with her. Hoping you have a treasure chest of memories to open and revisit from time to time. ♥️🤗

  39. Brie - Comforting prayers for you and your loved ones for the loss of your MiMi who is safe in the arms of Jesus. We love you.

  40. Praying for your dear MiMi. May God rest her beautiful soul. She was a good and faithful servant. She is now realizing His promises and understanding His perfect peace. She has only gone Home and you will be with her again. Joining prayers for your comfort and your sorrowful family. God is our refuge and peace. Thank You Father for wrapping our dear Brie and her family up in Your sweet comfort and never ending Love in Jesus' Name. Amen

  41. For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty in God for pulling down strongholds, casting down arguments and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ, (2 Corinthians 10:4-5). Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places. Therefore, take up the whole armor of God, that you may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand. (Ephesians 6:11-13). Therefore submit to God. Resist the devil and he will flee from you. Draw near to God and He will draw near to you. Cleanse your hands, you sinners; and purify your hearts, you double-minded. (James 4:7-8).

    Father, thank You for all that You do for me and all that You are. I am so grateful that You are in my life. I'd be so lost without You. I need and want You in my life. You complete me. Help me fight against the evil that comes against me. Give me Your strength to stand against all the strongholds on my life. Deliver me from this smoking addiction. I have been struggling for so long. I am weak, but You are strong. Help me Jesus. I can't do it on my own. You have the power to take the desire away from me. I praise You Lord always. Thank You Jesus. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen.

    1. Our dear Janet, have you tried Nicotine Anonymous? I did and it is still working Miracles for me, when nothing else did. Since Nicotine is addictive, Nicotine Anonymous is a 12 step program like AA. Praying for you with love, our sister in Jesus Christ.

    2. Janet, may Psalm 46 be a guide for you as you also seek the necessary treatment needed to help you overcome. God be with you.

      Maplewood NJ

    3. Thanks Maplewood NJ.
      I love to lean on Psalm 46: God is our refuge and strength, a tested help in times of trouble. 2 And so we need not fear even if the world blows up and the mountains crumble into the sea. 3 Let the oceans roar and foam; let the mountains tremble!

      4 There is a river of joy flowing through the city of our God—the sacred home of the God above all gods. 5 God himself is living in that city; therefore it stands unmoved despite the turmoil everywhere. He will not delay his help. 6 The nations rant and rave in anger—but when God speaks, the earth melts in submission and kingdoms totter into ruin.

      7 The Commander of the armies of heaven is here among us. He, the God of Jacob, has come to rescue us.

      8 Come, see the glorious things that our God does, how he brings ruin upon the world 9 and causes wars to end throughout the earth, breaking and burning every weapon. 10 “Stand silent! Know that I am God! I will be honored by every nation in the world!”

      11 The Commander of the heavenly armies is here among us! He, the God of Jacob, has come to rescue us!

    4. Amen! He is our stronghold when the storms around us are raging. Dear Janet, it took me 3 or 4 tries before I finally quit smoking. I was weak and the smoke smelled good when someone nearby lit a cigarette and I remember giving into temptation, just thinking that just one cigarette or even a drag wouldn’t make a difference. But it did and I returned to smoking. I prayed for help too. But finally when I wanted to run and had a smoker’s cough and knew I needed to breathe better, I tried harder and was able to quit. I think I used Nicoderm or some nicotine gum or patch. I chewed more gum and gained some weight because I ate when I felt like a cigarette. I bit my nails and I even chewed on straws. But thank God I was finally able to quit. Tell yourself it’s a filthy habit that makes you smell bad to others. The blessing from quitting is that soon the cough goes away and you wake up with a better taste in your mouth and your hair smells nice and your clothes smell fresh. God is faithful to those who sincerely wait on Him. Be strong and brave and seek help if you need it. He is in your corner. You can do all things through Christ Who strengthens you. Praying for you dear sister.

  42. Today's devotion speaks of a mighty battle going on for control. In the book, My Utmost For His Highest (thanks Chris) I read that the Mighty battle of satan's temptations are really satan's temptations aimed at Him, and not at us. Temptations are satan's aiming to destroy the life and love of the Son of God within us. The honor of Jesus Christ is at stake in our bodily life. Are we remaining loyal to the Son of God in the midst of satan's temptations aimed at Him?
    This reading made me drop back and punt, think and eat thought food, but mainly it made me go HMMMM! while singing The Battle Belongs To You.

    1. As a result of today, I am beginning to better understand the lyrics:
      BATTLE BELONGS by Phil Wickham

  43. "For though we live in the world, we do not wage war as the world does. The weapons we fight with are not the weapons of the world. On the contrary, they have divine power to demolish strongholds. We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ" (2 Cor. 10:3-5).

    Most gracious and loving Father, It's a joy and a blessing to be in Your presence another day. Thank You for scripture that says we can win the battle of the mind when we:
    Bring Every Thought CAPTIVE,
    Cast Down STRONGHOLDS and Every HIGH THING and
    Carry the DOUBLE-EDGED SWORD to Every Battle (Eph. 6).
    Thank You for grace that makes it all possible in Jesus' name. Amen.

    Blessing and Peace.

    Maplewood NJ

    1. Thank you for the reinforcement, Maplewood NJ...
      Before, during, and after the battle, I am praying for His Grace and Thanking Him along with you, our dear sweet Maplewood NJ.

  44. Love that song Brie! Sent the link to my BIL Jack in the hospital and his good wife Sally.. Trusting in God’s faithfulness, promises and power to heal Jack. Our God is greater than his affliction. He is Almighty! Thank You Jesus!
    Thanks sweet Maplewood for sharing His Word and your encouragement and affirmation! Amen and Hallelujah. Taste and see the goodness of the Lord!

  45. Today is another chance to follow hard after righteousness and do our best to do His will and not ours. Loving each other is the best beginning. God knows we are trying to pay His perfect love forward. Forgiving each other is necessary because we have been forgiven. No need to walk with a burden of anger and resentment on your shoulder when forgiveness is possible.
    Jesus help us to see others through Your Eyes with an unconditional love. Help us to forgive and to ask for forgiveness. Help us get right with You. Thank You dear Lord. May we please you today above all else. Help us to be better people and faithful servants. We love You. Amen.

    1. Joining in prayer with you Jeanne. May the spirit of forgiveness flow freely from me as I walk through my day. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen 🙏. God bless.

    2. Yes indeed dear Jeanne, let's follow hard after righteousness & forgive as the Father has forgiven us. Amen! Hallelujah ❤️🙏

    3. Lord, I do not know how to forgive as You do; would You give "them" Your Forgiveness for me? In Jesus' Name. Amen.

    4. Praying together for God's help to have a merciful heart of forgiveness.
      Thank You Jesus.

  46. Heavenly Father, thank You. I praise You Lord always. Shine Your face upon me and bless me and keep me close in Your heart. Draw me closer to You and magnify my love and faith in You every moment of every day. I depend on You for everything Lord. You complete me. I can't do anything without You Lord. Please let Your Spirit embody me and fill me with Your love and peace. Let my eyes, mind and heart stay fixed and focused on You. Lift me up to the rock that is higher than my circumstances. Help me to shut out the wickedness of this world and embrace the spiritual things of the Heavenly realms. Let me be overflowing with Your joy in my heart and grant me opportunities to share it with others in the world. Thank You Jesus. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen 🙏.

    1. Praying this prayer with you, for all of us, Janet. In Jesus' Nane. Amen.

    2. Amen, Amen, Amen!

    3. Amen dear Janet! Keeping you tight in my prayers and in my love.

  47. Thank you Payton family for this blog. I know it’s been said many times over, but I wanted to say thank you as well.

    SC Anonymous

    1. Joining you in gratitude to the Payton family for this JC family home and to Sarah for her spirit guided words and for sharing God's Word.

  48. Good morning JC Warriors. What a wonderful day God has given us. My husband and I were out of town this weekend for his sister’s husband’s funeral. He died unexpectedly last week. I thank God for the strength his family showed in this sad time. I pray that this man found God in his last days. His wife prayed for his salvation daily. They had been together for over 30 years. I pray that God continues to comfort his wife and kids during this time of grieving.

    SC Anonymous

    1. Praying SC for the Holy Spirit to embrace each member of this grieving family with supernatural comfort that is sorely needed at this time. I'm sure God didn't ignore the prayers of his wife. We just don't know what happens in the last few moments of breath. Some say we might be surprised who we see in heaven when we get there. Love & blessings 💞😘

    2. Praying with you that your husband's sister's husband said yes to Jesus and accepted Him unto salvation. It is a blessing that his good wife prayed each day for that to happen. I believe he is resting in the arms of the Lord. May God comfort his loving wife and family and give them peace, guidance and all the help they need. Thank You Jesus!
      Amen, dear Jan. May the Spirit wrap around each member of his sorrowful family and soothe their sorrowful hearts.
      I am sure we may be surprised by who we meet in heaven. Only God knows their hearts.

  49. In keeping with today's devotion to shut out the world and focus on His Presence and Enjoy sitting with Him in heavenly realms, I'm listening to and adding this song to my beach playlist:
    THERE'S HONEY IN THE ROCK by Brooke Ligertwood
    What's on your playlist today?
    Much Love, Brie

  50. "Singing in the Rain" in northern CA! Praising the Lord for answered prayers. 🙏🌧️

    1. So happy you got your much needed rain! God is so faithful. Hallelujah!

    2. Wait, What? Did she
      just say California?

  51. Papa God, let my praise be an aroma to You. It comes straight from my heart. Where would I be without You, oh Lord?
    "Blessed be the Lord, who daily loadeth us with benefits, even the God of our salvation." Psam 68:19

  52. For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places. (Ephesians 6:12). For the flesh lusts against the Spirit, and the Spirit against the flesh; and these are contrary to one another, so that you do not do the things you wish. (Galatians 5:17).

    1. Amen! The battle was won on the Cross, we're engaged in stamping out pocket's of resistance. Resist the devil and he WILL flee from us.

  53. Praying for your mom. I'm glad to hear that you found what was lost. God is so good ALWAYS! You are faithful and He knows how much you love Him. God bless 🙏.

  54. Heavenly Father, thank You and bless Your holy name! I praise You Lord always and thank You Jesus 😊. Lord, please cover all of us in the whole armor of God from our heads to our toes. Help us stay tethered tightly to You and protect and guard our hearts and minds. Stifle the enemy. Let the peace of God rule and reign in our hearts and minds. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen 🙏.

  55. Dear Lord, echoing @Payton Family prayer, please help us keep our focus on You and not the things of this world.
    SC Anonymous

  56. So thankful your eye appointment went well. Praying for your mother and for healing. Lifting your family up in prayer.
    SC Anonymous

  57. Thanks Jeanne for your wonderful posting - my breakfast this morning. Praying Peace, Joy and contentment for your Mom. As a child of the Most High, In the arms of her Beloved Heavenly Father she is totally safe.
