Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Jesus Calling: September 2

Living in dependence on me is a glorious adventure. Most people scurry around busily, trying to accomplish things through their own strength and ability. Some succeed enormously; others fail miserably.but both groups miss what life is meant to be: living and working in collaboration with me.
     When you depend on me continually, your whole perspective changes. You see miracles happening all around, while others see only natural occurrences and "coincidences." You begin each day with joyful expectation, watching to see what I will do. You accept weakness as a gift from me, knowing that My power plugs in most readily to consecrated weakness. You keep your plans tentative, knowing that my plans are far superior. You consciously live, move, and have your being in me, desiring that I live in you. I in you, and you in Me. This is the intimate adventure I offer you.

Second Corinthians 12:9–10
English Standard Version

9 But he said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” Therefore I will boast all the more gladly of my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ may rest upon me. 10 For the sake of Christ, then, I am content with weaknesses, insults, hardships, persecutions, and calamities. For when I am weak, then I am strong.

Acts 17:28
English Standard Version

28 for “‘In him we live and move and have our being’; as even some of your own poets have said,
“‘For we are indeed his offspring.’

Colossians 2:6–7
English Standard Version

6 Therefore, as you received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk in him, 7 rooted and built up in him and established in the faith, just as you were taught, abounding in thanksgiving.

John 14:20
English Standard Version

In that day you will know that I am in my Father, and you in me, and I in you.

Note: The devotion and scriptures are from author Sarah Young. If you haven't already, please purchase the book and support the author. 

Also, bookmark to have an easy link to the entire year of these entries.


  1. Dear Jesus help me to always find my Strength in You!

    1. I have found that if you truly seek this and realize it will happen IF YOU OBEY his word your whole world will change for the better as you trust in him through OBEDIENCE to his word. OBEDIENCE, even though it may require "doing" something is not works.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. Obedience is a desire to please God for the joy we receive from it.

    4. Amen to that Janet! 💗💗🙏😊

    5. When we put pleasing God and doing His will before anything else, we can’t help but feel the joy and peace. We have our priorities in the right places.

    6. Unknown, thank you for this comment. It is so true and good. We find true life and freedom If we DO the commands of Jesus!!! That is not works for salvation. Amen!!!

    7. ...being faithful to you, Lord, is the most important and rewarding way of life and is so easy to do bc Your mercy and grace, all healing peace is the highest of highs in I love explaining. Your faithfulness, Lord, is what motivates me to be more like you, Father...In Jesus's Mighty Name, Father I humbly come to you🙏

    8. Yes, Sweet sisters Jeanne, Janet and Deborah. May we seek our Lord Jesus with All our hearts with pleasing him as our focus and enjoy His peace and joy! Love, prayers and blessings over the JC family, over country and over our families 🙏💕🩵
      Love, Brandy

  2. I have experienced the joy of focusing on Jesus. My perspective changes when I make the decision to keep my eyes on the Lord. Amen

  3. I need you Jesus. Why don't I always look to you first? Help me to do that today. In your name amen

  4. I say everyday I'm not going to even look at the blog cause I'm losing hope what's the point in praying and being a good person if nothing helps nothing but then I still read just hoping my trust will always be there

  5. Your Grace is indeed sufficient for me Lord. I am not my own, I belong to You. That same grace woke me up to a new day and new mercy. Thank You.
    JC family, I thank God we are all here in this 9th month, depending on the Lord and not leaning on our own understanding. The enemy might laugh at us when we fall, but Falling down is part of life. Staying down is a choice. Lets make the choice to conquer adversity and see the good in every situation as hard as it may seem. Sometimes we don't know what a blessing this is because we refuse to see it. Don't pity yourself. When you have been given the strength to absorb it and win, praise Him.
    I pray that any or every mountain before you be removed in Jesus name. The same people who stood by to see you fail, will see you flourishing in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. Your best days are ahead.
    Stay blessed, encouraged.and depend on God.

    Maplewood NJ

    1. Amen. Thank you Maplewood. Thank you Jesus. KS

    2. This is written incorrectly. I say this not to criticize, but for someone reading it for the first time the meaning is completely changed and not as the author intended.

    3. Dear Unknown 10:26 am, thank you so much for your input on my prayer posting. However, I stand by my prayers and words of encouragement, as I always try to incorporate in my postings. Some days we post on reflections of the devotional readings and some days reflect just our simple prayers and words of encouragement to each other, as mine did this morning and other days may be inclusive of.
      I am totally in understanding of today's devotional reading as everyone on this blog are as well. I appreciate your comments and absolutely thankful to God that You understand it as well and sorry for any confusion you may have had from my simple comments and prayer of encouragement.

      Wishing you a safe and bless rest of this beautiful Labor day holiday.

      Maplewood NJ

    4. Living in dependence on Me (not independence)
      Some succeed enormously (not ignore mostly)
      You accept weakness as a gift from Me (not for me)
      I in you and you in me (not I am you)

    5. Yes @paytonfamily hopefully will see and make the corrections. sometimes autocorrect on a phone or iPad can really mess up spelling if you have a space and type a few adjacent characters. @maplewood, I believe unknown was referencing the JC post not yours.

    6. Thanks MadFox for the clarification. All is well.

      Maplewood NJ

    7. Wow. 4 mistakes in 1 day. That's impressive. I wish I only sinned 4 times in a day. Thanks for the heads up.

    8. Thank you dear Maplewood! I understood exactly what you were saying because my heart is open to the truth of God’s words and message!

    9. Amen! Thanks Maplewood NJ. 🙏

    10. Thank you all for the POSITIVE prayers, words, & wishes to one another that HELP vs criticize. Criticisms only show the rest of us who to avoid in order to do as Jesus would. Thanks & God Bless you all.

    11. Dear Maplewood, Your words & intentions are a bright light, & very much appreciated by all of us seeking comfort & positivity! God Blesses you for your Christ like patience, generosity, & grace! Susannah PA

    12. Dear Maplewood, Your words, filled with truth and the wisdom from above, are still blessing my heart and lifting my soul! Thanks sweet sister. God bless you always and ever.

  6. We praise You, love You, honor You, glorify You, our Redeemer, Rescuer, Savior and Lord and Friend. We know and believe that there’s no pit so deep that Your love can’t reach those who are lost.
    We need You, and we thank You that you hear our prayers and are at work even now. Powerfully, Faithfully, Miraculously. Thank You for the gift of our Savior, God with us. Thank you for your goodness and love, Your mercies are new every morning, great is Your faithfulness! Forgive those who are struggling. Make me a blessing. Praying our Labor Day is safe.

    1. Beautiful words, Sassy Mom!

    2. He's still working Powerfully, Faithfully and Miraculously! Thank You Jesus. How blessed that His mercies are new every morning.

    3. Still loving your wonderful post, dear Sassy Mom. May God continue to bless and comfort you. Much love.

  7. Prayers for those in the path of Dorian.

    1. Yes Sassy Mom. We are praying for anyone in Dorian's path. May God protect them. KS

    2. Joining Sassy Mom, Anonymous & the rest in prayer for those in Dorian's path. Lord Jesus shield & protect them. Amen

    3. Joining all JC WARRIORS in prayer for those in Dorian's path. The Lord's hand of protection and ministering angels OVER all.

    4. Prayers for all those in the path of Ida! We are so flooded here in NY. I had to wade barefoot to get out of my car and into my apartment. My apartment garage was also flooded. My shoes were soaked right through. But other places have floods up to their waists so they need our prayers.

  8. Yesterday I accidentally threw away a small bag at a water park. It contained my wedding ring, a ring that belonged to my mother, my apple watch and some other jewelry. Understandably I was very upset. My son told me maybe it’s God reminding me where my real treasure is. I thought about that and felt ashamed that I was so distraught over my lost jewelry, when folks in the path of Dorian have lost or may stand to loose so much more. I join all of you in prayers for them.
    I still prayed though that by some miracle I might be reunited with my lost items, especially my wedding ring and my mom’s ring. Is that bad?

    1. Of course not, ��!! Those items represent people you love and God-provided memories of your mom and marriage. Ultimately life will go on and yes, some things are far more important, but you’ll treasure them all the more if you get them back. I pray your items are recovered... it happens to us all.

    2. Thank you, Annie!


    3. Dear The👀ofmy❤️: Were the items returned to you or do you still need more prayers?

    4. I would SO love to hear the REST of the Story!

    5. Praying you were able to get some of your lost items back. I know how hard it is to lose something so valuable. I lost my wedding ring but eventually found it. Let us know the rest of the story.

    6. Still haven't found those keys 😎 way too many possibilities in our merged piles in the garage. It might be months... Much to be grateful for nonetheless! Have a fun and safe Labor Day weekend JC peeps! 🙏♥️

  9. So thankful for this site! Every day I try harder to pray more and worry less, the struggle is REAL. Thank you all for being so honest and thank you Payton family for this much needed blog! LJ

    1. I am not alone in the everyday struggle. Reminding myself that Jesus is in control, if only I let go & let God. Trust the Lord with all my heart❤️
      Anonymous Q

  10. Good morning Lord and JC family. Lord have mercy on us. Thank you for your presence, always but a prayer away. Granny is tired but I call out your precious name JESUS JESUS and you give me the strength needed. Keep us safe from the evil one. Come holy spirit.

  11. Good morning and Blessings to all of you on this Labor Day 2019!! Rejoice in the Lord and remind yourselves that each new day brings hope and promises to those who are believers in God, the bible and all that is good. God is our redeemer who loves us unconditionally. We must release all of our problems, cares, fears and unbelief up to God. We must remember that fear is not from God. If we place all of our trust in Father God, He promises to take care of us, provide for us and never leave or forsake us! We must stop trying to fix our lives in our own strength and realize that it is in our weaknesses that He provides and makes us strong. I came to this blog back in July after the funeral for my 35 yr old daughter. She suffered with alcoholism for the past 6 years and developed cirrhosis of the liver. I have Guardianship of her only child that is 12. If this wasn't difficult enough, I also lost my younger sister to breast cancer last year 9/20/18 and I lost my sister that was only 13 months younger than me on 1/30/19 to heart disease and complications of diabetes. These 3 losses were most difficult to bear!! I had to trust that God was there each step of the way and it was God that carried me through! My husband of 35 years passed away unexpectedly in his sleep back in 2013. If you go back and read March 24 in Jesus Calling, God was already there for me. I know that it's easy to feel self pity but I cannot allow that to happen. It is a free fall into self destruction. Trust in the Lord our God. Give Him all of your love above all else and He will find a way when we don't see a way! He will guide us and lead us in His path and His ways are always better than our ways. I'm writing today to reach out to those who are suffering and not understanding why things are not going their way. Stop being angry and see that God never left you and that you are the most important person to Him. Read the 1st chapter of Ephesians and see what you are to God. His words are the truth and the key to your emotional healing. His love and grace are there for the taking. To my JC family, I need prayers for I believe in the power of prayers. My 2nd daughter had thyroid cancer at age 16. She had the surgery and radiation therapy and has been cancer free ever since. She is now 37 yrs and in her last checkup the cancer cells have returned. They are scheduling her for a PET scan to determine a plan of treatment. Please agree with me in prayer that she will be healed in Jesus mighty name. Jesus said that where 2 or more come together in prayer, He will be there too. I thank God for her healing because by His stripes she was healed by the blood of Jesus on the Cross, Amen. Thank you and may God bless each and every one of you. God is good all of the time!! ❤🙏🙇‍♂️🙇‍♀️🙏❤

    1. Prayers for you ������You truly are an inspiration! ❤️❤️❤️LJ

    2. Cece --- Thank you for your incredible post! You have certainly been through the "fire" and you are Standing Strong for Lord! Hallelujah!! Wonderful testimony for "hurting" people. Going boldly to the THRONE OF GRACE to intercede for your circumstances! Great LOVE and BLESSINGS to you from Kansas

    3. Agreeing with you in pray for your daughter's complete healing in the name of Jesus!

    4. Cece - My heart aches for you. When I lost my husband of 53 years over 4 years ago someone gave me a plaque:

      "When someone you love becomes a memory, the memory becomes a treasure."The heart heals but the scar remains.
      Thank you for sharing your testimony. I love you, my sister in Christ.

    5. Cece thank you for sharing your heartaches Even one could have been unbearable. I know the Lord is using your testimoniesite as a light to us all. God is good all the time but your insight is inspirational. Thank God that he is always with us especially in the unbearable times. Praying for you your daughter's healing and your family.

    6. Im a little kid bless you

    7. God bless you,little kid. Jesus loves the little children, all are precious in his sight...

    8. God's loving blessings of grace and Mercy are being prayed for you now, CeCe.

    9. Agreeing in prayer for your daughters full healing, Cece.

    10. Cece, Praying that your dear daughter is healed and every cancer cell is destroyed! Thank you Father for this in the name of your Son, Jesus Christ!
      God bless you always, Cece.

    11. Cele, praying loving and miraculous healing prayers for your daughter & for you!
      With love

    12. Cece praying loving and miraculous healing prayers for your daughter & for you!
      With love

    13. Praying for CeCe and her testimony! Thank-you for sharing May God bless and keep you as your daughter goes through this. I pray He heals her and gives you both His Strength in Jesus Name Amen 🙏

  12. Jesus I come to you today to restore me, to open my eyes to your heart. Let me lean on you when I don’t understand or feel lost or weak. I ask in your name to bring clarity For the days ahead . Give me a sign from my loved ones and angels. Jesus I need your guidance lighting the way and removing the obstacles bringing me closer to you . I can not do this alone. Thank you I’m advance . I give you all the praise and glory.

  13. It is a beautiful morning in the midwest, after pouring buckets of rain, yesterday. I took my little granddaughter to the store with me yesterday about an hour before our cook out (which was in Plan B mode) and while we were in there, the skies opened up. We ran to the car in the rain, laughing and I got her in and told her to buckle up while I put the groceries in the trunk. Panting, dripping wet and now steaming in the car, she said that she couldn't do her belt (she had done it 3 x's already by herself). I started singing, "I can do all things through Christ which strengeneth me..." and at the same time, said, "Lord, please let her have a victory!" SHE DID IT! We hooted and hollered thanking the Lord. That little 4 yr old didn't - WOULDN'T, give up until she was the Victor! I love learning from my grands!
    We had enough of a break in the weather to grill off the pork tenderloins and later sat on the front porch while it again rained. The children were dancing in the rain and being silly and we were their audience. Such a blessing.
    Father, help me to remember the lovely times such as yesterday, when my blessings are so obvious...remind me when I am down in the dumps and feeling sorry for myself. There was a day when RAIN, ALONE, would put me in a funk, but through a child's eyes, it is a blessing. Thank you for safety for those in Dorian's path, for keeping my traveling loved-ones safe and always giving you the credit for the good that is in front of our eyes.
    To THE EYES OF MY HEART (it took me a minute to figure out your name - very cute!) - it is not selfish to ask to find your jewels. It reminded me of the woman in Luke 15:8 and I looked up the explanation of the parable to share with you.
    "The Parable of the Lost Coin
    7 In the same way, I tell you that there will be more joy in heaven over one sinner who repents than over ninety-nine righteous ones who do not need to repent. 8 Or what woman who has ten silver coins and loses one of them does not light a lamp, sweep her house, and search carefully until she finds it? 9 And when she finds it, she calls together her friends and neighbors to say, ‘Rejoice with me, for I have found my lost coin.’… Berean Study Bible." Just as you would want your child blessed, God wants you blessed. My prayer is that you are reunited with your treasures and that God will get the glory.
    To the aching, angry, tired, weary: you are in my prayers. Loveconquersall, I pray for your rest being multiplied as you care for your little J! I picture you thanking the Lord for your strength and counting your blessings, which I know you do.
    SassyMom and Maplewood - your beautiful prayers are mine. Love your hearts. Praying for all of our JC Family, His grace is sufficient for each of us. Thanking the Father in our Lord Jesus Christ's name that I hold this beautiful reminder close to me all day. That each decision is made, not by my own 5 senses mind, but together with my Lord and Savior.

  14. Cece - we must have been typing at the same time. I just your post. You are amazing in your belief, wisdom and tenacity to continue to give thanks in spite of all of the heartache you have endured. I stand in agreement with you for your daughter's restored health. I will pray continually with you.
    Lisa, I am also praying with you.
    To God be the Glory as we see his Word come into fruition. Love to both of you.

  15. Cece you are an amazing person. I am humbled and strengthened by your words. I am a recovering alcoholic. Your faith is an inspiration to me. I am joining in praying for you. God bless you.

    1. Zfuntastic--- So excited to read your post. The Lord is really moving in your life! I can see the LIGHT of the LORD shining through your words. PTL! Father God, I ask that you would capture Zfuntastic heart this day in a new and fresh way. Light up Zfuntastic's pathway with Your LIVING LIGHT! Don't let Zfuntastic veer to the left or to the right, but stay on the path You have have created! Father God, I give You ALL the praise, honor and glory. Keep standing Zfuntastic and keep moving forward!

    2. Amen! Thank you Father for guiding Zfuntastic to realize his dreams according to your will and strengthen his weaknesses in all ways! Amen!

    3. Z, I am learning that no matter how many wrong turns we may take, we can still end up where we are supposed to be. And God will always welcome us, no matter what!

  16. CeCe, it's apparent in your post that the joy of the Lord is your strength. Your testimony encourages all of us that our God never lets go of us, especially when we need Him most. Thank you for the glimpses into your journey of faith & trust. Hope is your reward & we pray that the hope for your daughter's healing will be yours to rejoice over🥰.

  17. Wow; what an amazing bunch of posts from the JC Family! I am inspired yet again on this Labor Day. I am reminded to live in dependence on God, and I know I see things differently when I do: miracles abound.

    I can certainly fall prey to evil and feel self pity for all of the struggles that come my way. Not today! Stay away Satan! Reading the devotion and the posts from others have given me the push and strength I need to surrender to Jesus.
    I have been praying for each person on here as I read your post for the day. May God bless each one of you. Cece, there will definitely be more than 2 praying for your daughter's complete healing in Jesus' name; add me to the list! Amen. CO

  18. Good morning and a huge thank you for all of you that stand in agreement with me in thoughts and prayers for my daughters total and complete healing! I'm looking at how big our God is and not at the struggle my daughter is dealing with. I choose to speak to the mountain knowing that God is bigger than any problem or illness we must deal with in this world!! Sing to the Lord for He is good!! Walk by faith and not by sight. If we believe then God will take care of the rest. We must all surrender our lives up to Him, Amen. ❤❤❤
    P.S. I will update you as I know more about my daughter!!

  19. Father, have Your will with me. Align my will with Yours and Align me with Your word. Father, magnify my love for You. I pray that Your love will grow still more in me. Thank You Jesus. Praise the Lord continually and always. Amen.

    1. Amen Janet����

      Blessings from France

    2. I claim Janet's prayer for me too Lord!

    3. Dear Janet, I came to the blog early this AM, thinking to post a verse to set the tone for the day. But when I arrived I saw that you had already been here. The prayer you left set the tone I desired for us all, so there was no need for me to add to it. Further, your prayer set the tone for the rest of my devotional time and added blessing. Thank you! (It also was a blessing to see the smiling faces of mon ami & Jan as I passed by.)

    4. Janet, Thank you for starting us up in prayer this morning for His perfect will to be done! How can we ever go wrong with God's will? Never!

      Remain blessed my sister!

      Maplewood NJ

    5. Yes- thank You Janet!
      Happy Wednesday all.

    6. Amen dear Janet! You echoed the words of my heart! Father, take the reins of my life and lead me closer to You. Help me to surrender all to you and empty myself of worldly concerns and distractions so you can fill me to bursting with Your Spirit and grace. Amen!

    7. This is my prayer too! I declare the strength I need in all I do today comes by the grace of God, in Jesus's name!

    8. Thanks Janet. I am trying to continually stay aligned in His Presence during ordinary times. A challenge for me today.

    9. Your prayer is mine as well Janet
      God bless you
      Praying god all of our JC family
      With love

    10. Joining in your perfect prayer which is absolutely timeless.
      Amen. Thank you dear Janet!

    11. Reread your prayer this morning Dear Janet &, claimed it again for myself. It's timeless.

  20. This AM , I watched Jesus enter Capernaum (Luke 4:38-44) where He healed Simon Peter’s mother-in-law. Shortly thereafter, people came out from the neighborhood in droves bringing the sick and demon possessed people for Him to heal. And He healed them as requested. The next day, the scenario repeated itself and sensing He was planning on leaving, they begged Him to stay. Though not in these words, Jesus said, “No. For this is not my primary calling. It is for the proclamation of the love of God I came and I must move on to let others know the Good News of Gods love.” And He left.

    For most of last year, I was not a part of this blog. I felt the blog had become primarily a prayer group for the sick and demon possessed circumstances and that was a good thing. I felt my posts might be disruptive to the direction of the blog so I stopped posting and eventually stopped visiting the blog. Toward the end of the year, MadFox did a search to find me and encourage me to return. He was successful. My wife also encouraged me to be posting again and so I did. It has been necessary for me spiritually to become a part of praying for the people and their needs you bring to Jesus in this blog. That is important to God and I have grown in entering your wonderful prayer circle. You have taught me to share needs here in this space and I have experienced God’s love through your prayers for me and I thank you. In the process of this blessed activity, let us all never lose sight of the purpose of it all, to proclaim, whether in lifestyle or loving words, the Kingdom of God, that God is love. For it was Jesus primary purpose and it is the same for us who are His followers. Thank you, Chris for establishing and maintaining this blog, thank you MadFox for searching for a wayward sheep, and thank each and everyone of you for the bond of Christ we share here. With love, Bob

    1. This poem, written by Rita A. Simmonds, accompanied my devotion today. She has not yet published it so please be respectful of it.

      A Single Thought

      Our Savior was not sent
      to attend to everything at once.
      It must’ve hurt him to refuse
      the eyes asking him to stay,
      as he sensed the call
      from distant towns
      tearing him away.
      Now we have
      social networking systems
      which instantly transmit desire,
      send images of accompaniment,
      tap hearts, magnify faces,
      and receive endless solicitations.
      The mind skips like an old record,
      or gets carried off by emoji eyes
      and likes that lead
      to continuous swipes.
      We’re fatigued from
      constant tweets
      devoid of depth.
      In every age,
      there must be a place
      where Christ can rest.
      Would your heart be a desert
      that draws him?
      Can your mind hold
      a single thought?

    2. Bob, my bday twin (can't get tired of hearing that-lol!). We thank God that you are back on the blog from a hiatus last year and back to posting insights from your well deserved 50th anniversary celebration with family and friends!
      You may not understand, but you bring so much to the table here that I can't in my wildest nightmare think that anyone would find your posts disruptive to the theme of the blog!! This is about coming together as a believing community to pray, share insights through the word of God, encourage and even bring souls to Christ! Some are silenr and some have very little to share, but those 'little' carries heavy weight, power and speaks volume to the glory of God! Silence is also great because God already knows the heart! Others have more to share (as the blog allows) to give further insights/understanding, when led by the Spirit, and no one can stop that. It's a choice to read through or skip, but through it all, GOD is the focus and should remain the focus!
      In a nutshell, your inputs are so much appreciated (I believe by ALL) and never disruptive.
      Chris created this blog for unity, love, peace and the sharing of God's Word!
      So keep sharing my brother and remain blessed!!

      God be with you!

      Maplewood NJ

    3. In complete agreement with Maplewood 🥰! Your posts are always looked fir & appreciated brother Bob❤️

    4. Bob, you display the heart of a servant... and our Father (Shepherd) works in mysterious and wonderful ways, often through His flock (community) of sheep (in this case, a blog family). Sheep need other sheep but they realize most of all, the necessity of their Shepherd, who protects, comforts, and loves them.

      Many of this flock "bleeted" that You were missed here. One sheep was led by our Shepherd to find the one missing, but that sheep was simply a helper to our Shepherd, who saw the need for this wise and mature sheep to mix and mingle with this flock. The shepherd guided the helper to find the lost one, who was in the wilderness, unsure if he could or wanted to find his way back to the flock.

      Thankfully, the helper found the one in the wilderness and said the flock had been "bleeting" in concern... as the two saw the flock on the return journey, he ran into the midst of them, where love was poured out by the fellow sheep... and then our Shepherd bent down and gave a loving embrace... and the blessings of the sheep who is now back in the flock is readily apparent for all to see. The Shepherd is well pleased. In Him and Amen.

    5. Dear "Kotter" Bob
      �� Welcome Back!
      Welcome Back!
      Welcome Back!
      I know I always could spot a friend
      And I smile when I think how you must have been
      And I know what a scene you were learning in
      Was there something that made you come back again?
      And what could ever lead ya
      (What could ever lead ya)
      Back here where we need ya
      (Back here where we need ya)
      Welcome back, welcome back, welcome back, welcome back
      Welcome back, welcome back!

      As for my story, The Holy Spirit led me here.
      I hung around for the prayers and many other reasons, but the greatest of these reasons, is the love. I stay for the love that is so prevalent in every post, every prayer request, every Victory Report, as well as in every response; Love of God and our Savior Lord Jesus Christ, Love for His Word, Love for one another in a judgment free space, and learning to love ourselves and embrace our situations with faith, hope, love and blessed assurance.
      Thanks MadFox for allowing the Holy Spirit to work through you and find our lost gem, Bob.

    6. So glad you decided to come back, Bob. You were truly missed. Praise God for whispering in Madfox’s ear to Google stalk you. 😂

    7. Ditto and Amen, Maplewood NJ, Madfox, and Jan Gridley!

    8. Madfox: Can the Helper go back out into the wilderness and flush our Jeff Hildreth?

    9. It's not the same without you Bob and/or all of you here. Thank you Madfox for "herding the sheep". Hallelujah!

    10. So blessed to have you with us Bob! God gave you a wonderful gift to preach His Word and share His message and you do it so beautifully from a heart of true faith and love. I learn from your insight and I am always humbled by your wisdom. Thank you Madfox for rounding up this lost sheep and driving him back to the fold. So good to have you Baa k!

    11. LOL at the sheepish term 'baaaaaack'! Love ewe!

    12. Mon ami, I'm so thankful that God led you here and also led Madfox to bring you back with us. Don't ever think that your posts are disruptive. They are such a blessing to read everyday and you add more love in our family just as everyone here does. Thank you for sharing your heart and wisdom with us. God be with you!

      Blessings from France

    13. Oh my gosh! Brie & Jeanne stop it! You two are hilarious 😂😂😂! Love you both💕😂😂😂

    14. I am wonderfully blessed by your thoughtful posts, Bob, as well as the heartfelt responses, prayers and insights of this delightful fellowship. I have found that reading the devotional entry, Scripture references and the blog is a fine way to begin each day.
      Blessings and love to each of you.

    15. Miss you my good and dear brothers, Bob and MadFox. Praying things are going well for both of you. Much love!

    16. Snagged this year by the poem... Can my mind hold a single thought? Need more training 😉

  21. Janet - Amen! Echoing your prayer.

  22. Please continue prayers for Pastor Louie. He will have surgery at 3 PM this afternoon for COLON CANCER.

    1. Continuing in prayers for Pastor Louie's surgery and full recovery! I know that the God we call on is well able! Nothing is impossible with Him

      Maplewood NJ

    2. Praying for Pastor SassyMom. Jesus will be in that room guiding the surgeon's hands. We pray oh Lord that you will calm any worry or anxiety from family & friends who wait & please Lord a quick & complete recovery in Jesus' name amen! Hallelujah!

    3. As you have faithfully prayed for my pastor (he is finally home), SM, I offer my prayers for Louie and the upcoming surgery that God has ordained to occur. To steal a line from the song ‘Jesus Take the Wheel’, Jesus, take the scalpel. God be with, Louie and glorify Himself!

    4. Praying for Pastor Louie that God will guide the hands of the doctors to do just what they need to get every last cancer cell out. May God bring him to a perfect recovery so he can continue to glorify Him with his service, proclaiming the good news.

  23. Oh Dear Heavenly Father, Thank You for another blessed and gifted day. I cannot fool myself to think that I can depend on me or anyone. I ceased fighting for my own rights and give up trusting in my own strength to learn and become a living sacrifice to You, so that I can discover the truth that “when I am weak, then I am strong” (2 Cor. 12:10). I depend on You. Thank You for Your grace that is sufficient for me. This is my prayer to You, in the name of Jesus. Amen!

    There is a difference between dependence and presumption and we can learn a critical lesson from the two. There may be no greater statement of confident dependence on God than what the Apostle Paul said in 2 Timothy 1:12, “For I know whom I have believed, and am persuaded that he is able to keep that which I have committed unto him against that day.” Paul enjoyed the absolute blessed assurance that God would take good care of all that he had entrusted to Him; meanly his soul. In spite of this, the Apostle Paul never presume upon the grace of God, but he prayed over everything without ceasing and acknowledged God in all of his ways so God would direct his paths (Romans 1:9-10). As Paul did, so can we.

    Depending on God is not something we assemble in an urgent situation; it is the bare fact that apart from His will we cannot presume even our next breath, let alone our next second. Being Dependent on Him is seen as being everything; whereas presumption sees Him just as a resource for our demands and I want-list. When we Depend on God, we are expressing our faith and confidence in Him, we are surrendering the need to control everything. Presumption on the other hand is an act of pride (2 Chronicles 25:19; 26:16), it trusts the flesh and it attempts to seize God’s glory, but NEVER will!

    I preach this to myself based on some of what I’ve gone through, that If I have not learned God’s faithfulness in the everyday affairs of my life, I will not suddenly learn the calm assurance of faith when hit with more trials and tests. So like the Apostle Paul, I choose to depend on God by using practical methods and take on Prayer (Philippians 4:6), an acknowledgment of God’s power, promises, and provision. Honor the Bible by reading a few passage every day, because the Word of God has information, instructions, examples, and promises for our daily walk (Acts 17:11), push to do right by God (Daniel 6) and be a living sacrifice (Romans 12:1). As God’s children, we all have it in us to do just that.

    Almighty Father of all grace, As we have entered the beginning of the 'ember' months, You have called us unto Your eternal glory by Christ Jesus for peace, strength and dependence on You. We surrender to depend on Christ as a fruit-laden branch depends on the grapevine, because the branch attached to the vine fulfills its purpose. Teach us Lord, to really ‘cast all our anxieties on You because You care for us’ (1 Peter 5:7). We pray this in Jesus’ name. Amen.

    Blessings and Peace.

    Maplewood, NJ

    1. Our very breath is dependent on God. Thank you Maplewood 🥰

    2. Amen sweet Maplewood! We must remain attached to our life giving vine at all times! He never leaves us. We must not leave Him. The word “all” means not leaving anything out so we must Acknowledge Him in every last thing and invite Him into every part our day so He can establish our steps, provide us with His strength, words, and direction. His guiding Hand must be with us at all times as we do our best to remain in His presence and grace and favor. Let us be awesome witnesses today. and lead others to Him. And hopefully bear a lot of good tasty fruit to His glory! Have a blessed day and rejoice and be glad and even have some silly fun. I pray your day will be dotted with laughter too. Amen!

  24. MadFox perfectly written. Bob I always look forward to your posts and insights. I love reading everyone's posts and prayers. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. Love to all. JE

  25. UPDATE PASTOR LOUIE - Just received this message.
    Pastor Louie's surgery has been RESCHEDULED for 12:30 instead of 3:00 today. Thanks for keeping them in prayer.

    1. Prayers continuing, Sassy Mom.

    2. Joining in prayers for Pastor Louie.

      Blessings from France

    3. Praying for Pastor Louie’s surgery and recovery! Thank you Jesus!.

  26. I truly love the 'Gifts Differing' on display in all the posts. They are presided over by God's Holy Spirit. As I sit with my fingers poised over the keyboard, I whisper Dear Holy Spirit what do you want to convey through me? Many times I give The Holy Spirit, a side eyed look, saying You really want me to say this? Or, I don't want to press send. And the Holy Spirit says to me, 'You press send because I am sending someone into the room who needs this' I hold my nose, I close my eyes, I press send.
    I pray everyone's scroll down bar is working, just in case. I love you JC Family. Thank you for showing up!

    1. Brie, I just want to take this spot to appreciate your portion. your sense of humor is definitely a blessing and please never stop being yourself. I love how you let the spirit guide your typing hand. I love how you type the songs on your heart. You are a special breed . Haha Its supposed to say “ you are special Brie” but I like you are a special breed. I really like the cheese too 😁 sorry I couldn’t stop myself. I love everybody in here. Maplewood I enjoyed your words today. They touched my heart whole soul. You guys, I don’t know what I’ve done to my arm but my right arm really my elbow is becoming a daily pain and I need it for work. I could use some prayers for the use of my right arm. It sounds silly but it’s very important. How fitting that today’s message is about depending on the Lord. I am nothing without him. I can do nothing without him. Thank you Father for hearing all of our prayers and for the many blessings you pour out on all of us. This group is a blessing.

    2. LOL at 'special Brieeed' Yes all of us are special and precious in His Eyes. Thank God for God!
      I am praying to The Master Healer to guide you to a complete healing for your neck, shoulder, elbow, arm. Does ice help it to feel better? With Love to you Sisters Keeper and to our entire JC Family.

    3. I just love you Brie! Exactly the way you are! I always find myself grinning after reading your sweet posts! Much love.
      Sisters Keeper, Praying for your arm, Sweetheart. May God heal it completely so you can do your work. Amen.

    4. Sending healing prayers for your arm dear Sisters Keeper.

      Blessings from France

    5. Dear SK, you are covered. Feel better soon🥰

  27. God is Powerful. God is Present. God is Peace. God is Love. I am grateful. Amen.

  28. Jesus, Thank you for grace that gets me through each day. I pray for Your will to be done in my life. Use me as You will for Your plan. My joy and peace come remaining Your faithful servant and making my life more for You than me. Amen

    1. Thanks Mark......Making my life more for You than me! Amen!

  29. Update on Louie from his wife Carol just now, 4:00 PM my time. "Louie's surgery is done. Dr. Robertson said he did great. Will be in recovery for about an hour. Thank you for all the prayer. God is our strength in time of need. Carol"

  30. Couldn't read everything because I must pick up my grandson in the morning, despite the flooded garage and roads. I just wanted to say I'll have 2 yr old Gabriel with me for the next 2 days and nights right into Saturday. Hope to meet his brand new little brother, Nathaniel Luis tomorrow. All is well but very busy. God is taking care of all the loose ends and I am trusting in Him without wavering. Stay safe from the storm and may God protect you, heal you and your loved ones, and provide you with water and electricity and everything you need. He already knows what you need. He's working on it, Powerfully, Faithfully and Miraculously. Thank You Jesus! We sure do love you.
    Much love. Jeanne

    1. Amen Jeanne! Mercy travels and stay safe. Enjoy your time with Gabriel and make many joyful memories. Praying for Nathaniel Luis's start to be a wonderful one. God is good and always "on the job". God bless and peace be with you!

    2. Safety in travel oh Lord for Jeanne & Gabriel🙏. Safe & blessed birth for Mom & Nathaniel. Amen.

    3. Thanks for all the prayers Janet, Jan and Audra! All is going well thank God and Nathaniel is such a sweet little angel. Praying for you dear sisters and all my JC Family. Stay safe and blessed!

  31. I can of Myself do nothing. As I hear, I judge; and My judgment is righteous, because I do not seek My own will but the will of the Father who sent Me. (John 5:30). And He said to them, "Why did you seek Me? Did you not know that I must be about My Father's business?" But they did not understand the statement which He spoke to them. (Luke 2:49-50). Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven. (Matthew 5:16).

    Father, thank You for walking with me through this journey of life. You are always with me, step by step, through the good and bad. Lead me on Lord and help me to follow You along the path You have for me. You are my reason for being. You are the reason for life. I praise You Lord always. Thank You Jesus. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen.

    1. Amen dear Janet! Joining in your wonderful prayer.

    2. Dear Janet, Your beautiful prayer still blesses my heart! Amen.,

  32. Amen! Thank you sweet Janet for sharing💕

  33. Seeking prayers from the warriors. When my sister Loretta passed, she barely had enough money for me to cover her cremation. Her mother, my second mother passed 2 mos. Before her. There was a trust set up for Loretta. At this point & time her lawyer & I as executor are prayerfully hoping it can be released without constraints. The assets are earmarked to fulfill Loretta's & my wish to help her home church start the building of a much needed church and to fulfill our "mother's" wish to fund the surgeries of children's cleft palates in the Philippines. We've petitioned the Lord to see this to fruition. Please pray that nothing will stand in the way of these last wishes. Thank you & blessings everyone 💕

    1. Jan, praying Gods Will--will be accepted and for Loretta's wishes to be granted. Sorry for your loss. Jesus I Trust in You! Amen.

    2. Father, please grant these last wishes to come to pass. You are sovereign over all things and have the power to make anything happen. Your blessings are asked for in this situation. May many others be blessed by this blessing. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen. God bless! Thank You Jesus. Praise God always!

    3. Joining prayers that Loretta's selfless wishes will come true and her trust will be used to glorify God and help so many people.
      Thank You Father for this. Joining in all prayers for the fulfillment of your good servant Loretta's requests. Thank You in the Name of Jesus. Amen. Praise Your Holy Name Forever.

  34. Please pray for my mum . Her blood pressure has gone high, loss of appetite and she has a bad headache. Pray for healing, the doctor changed her medication ...may God touch her restore her back to good health. Thanks family.

    1. Father, let Your healing hands touch and restore Min Ahadi's mom. Comfort and strengthen her in Your perfect presence. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen. God bless!

    2. Praying this moment Min Ahadi, and prayers will continue,

    3. Praying God's healing touch over your mom, Min Ahadi, and any others who are ill, my daughter included 🙏♥️

    4. Covering you and your daughter in prayer, Audra. Is she the bride-to-be? 💕

    5. Joining prayers for the healing of your dear Mother. May God bring her back to perfect health and ease your worried mind. Thank You Jesus.

  35. JC Warriors -- please pray for the U.S. resistance fighters that are still in Afghanistan fighting against the terrorist groups and trying to help the oppressed. Father, please put Your hedge of protection around them and let Your angels fight with them to bring hope to a country that is being taken over by terrorists. Please help the helpless. If You are with us, who can be against us. Thank You Jesus. Praise You Lord always! In Jesus name, I pray, Amen.

  36. Amen! For God is greater than the evil in this world.
    Thank You Father for protecting and guiding your people in Afghanistan. Help those who are in dire need of your faithfulness, protection, provisions and saving power. You are in control. Trusting in You to make things right because You are the Way Maker in Jesus Name. Amen

  37. Thank you for this glorious day, Lord. Thank you for your Word and for walking with us. Please bless the JC Warriors as we head into this holiday weekend.

    SC Anonymous

    1. Thank you dear SC for your sweet blessing and prayer! Enjoy and stay safe. May we all be surrounded with God’s protection, peace, love, healing, and guidance through this beautiful Labor Day weekend. Thank You Jesus

  38. On waking this morning, thoughts flowing on God's greatness. One phrase in particular comes to me from time to time, 'God...Who dwells in unapproachable light'.
    1 Timothy 6 15-16 " God....the blessed and only Ruler, the King of kings and Lord of lords, 16 who alone is immortal and who lives in unapproachable light, whom no one has seen or can see. To him be honor and might forever. Amen.
    No human can see Him, Moses had to cover his face and " you will see My back, but My face must not be seen." (Exodus 33: 17-23)
    After Moses encounter with God, his face was so radiant ( lit up) that the people were afraid to come near him and he took to wearing a veil, only to be removed in God's presence.
    In our trials, difficulties, aches and pains, in our needs, in our prayers for others it helps to remember how Great our God is.
    How Great Is Our God:

    1. Amen dear Peter! We serve the greatest God! Mighty He is, and merciful, compassionate and loving! How Great Thou Art!


  39. Lord, I praise You for Your kindness, mercy, and grace powerfully displayed in Your sovereign election. Thank You for calling me out of darkness into Your light. Grant me strength to boldly proclaim Your Truth, trusting that You will bring fruit to bear in my life and the lives of those around me. I pray in the name of Jesus. Amen.

    1. Dear Sassy Mom, Amen! He is the bright light that guides you in your wilderness. He wipes your tears away and graces you with loving kindness and tender mercies. He knows your heart intimately and comforts and soothes you every day. His joy and peace are with you always. We believe His promises and we look forward to being with our loved ones again. Sending a big warm hug and much love.

    2. It seems that your prayer for strength may have already been granted, Sassy Mom. You always boldly proclaim His Truths to us and I'll bet you also proclaim to many others outside of this Prayer Warrior's Room. So much good fruit do you also bring to bear into all of our lives. You are a joy to be around. In the name of Jesus, I thank God for granting your prayer. Amen.

    3. Amen Brie! May God answer your prayer dear Sassy Mom. His plan for your future continues. In Him you will be safe, comforted and blessed. Thank You Jesus!

  40. Continuing to give thanks to my JC Warriors for love, prayers, encouragement and support.

  41. Thank you Abba father for all the blessings this day and for my JC family. When I am weak and on my knees help me to continue to look to you for strength guidance wisdom mercy and grace Knowing you will not leave me nor forsake me!

    1. May God grant your prayer, dear Rich, and strengthen and guide you in every area of your life, and grant you His wisdom, mercy and grace.
      Thank You Father for this in Jesus' Name. Amen.

  42. Blessings to each of you this non-stop, unable to list all of the blessings, Day! From the moment I got out of bed right up until now, God, has shown Himself to me (us, - whole family), in one blessing after another. I prayed for each of you early this morning, and Brie, you have come to my mind so often got an extra dose, along with Sassy Mom.
    Jeanne, I can just about taste all of your good food (I'm not even a "sweets" person, but I bet your cupcakes are SO GOOD!). Wishing I could picture Jan and her hubby on that huge ark!
    Love and blessings to each of you and I thank you for your continued prayers. God is answering them one by one...praying that all are receiving the same.

  43. Your prayers are so appreciated, dear Sister. May God continue to show you and your family His blessings. Dear Brie I am also praying for your strength and every loose end to be handled because God knows your needs, goals and weaknesses. Yes the baking is going well, and I ate some of my chocolate cookies with my family today. The cupcakes and strawberry shortcake are for Nathaniel's party after Church on Sunday. Praying with you for our sisters and brothers and for you and your DH. Rest well. Goodnight dear ones. Much love.

  44. That you may walk worthy of the Lord, fully pleasing Him, being fruitful in every good work and increasing in the knowledge of God; (Colossians 1:10). Observe the commands of the LORD your God by walking in His ways and by fearing Him. (Deuteronomy 8:6). And thine ears shall hear a word behind thee, saying, this is the way, walk ye in it, when you turn to the right hand, and when ye turn to the left. (Isaiah 30:21). This I say then, walk in the Spirit, and ye shall not fulfill the lust of the flesh. (Galatians 5:16).

    1. Thank you dear Janet for those beautiful verses. Amen. May we walk worthy of Him today, and let the words of our mouth and the meditations of our heart be pleasing to Him. Let us follow hard after righteousness and the Spirit instead of the world and the flesh. Thank You Jesus for guiding us to be good witnesses for You. Help us to be selfless instead of selfish. Let us to be light-bearers for You and lead us to give You glory today. Amen

  45. Walking with You dear Lord. Thank you dear sister for a blessed reminder of this. Blessings on the day🥰

  46. Good morning JC family I pray this for all of us:
    “ You accept weakness as a gift from me, knowing that My power plugs in most readily to consecrated weakness.”
    God bless you all❤️🙏

  47. I’m off to spend the weekend with my good Mom! Thanks for your prayers. Both Marion and Florian are doing well after their surgeries May God bring them both back to perfect health. So blessed and thankful that God guided my Mom’s MRI to good. It showed no indication of an aneurysm or stroke. Her Neurologist believes a blood vessel may have burst near her eye causing her symptoms. The full report will be ready in a couple of days. Then he must see her again. Praise God for His loving kindness and tender mercies. May we all continue to see His faithfulness in our lives and the lives of our loved ones.
    Thank You Father for this and for protecting us as we travel, healing our weaknesses and guiding us to help others and to please You. Amen

    Matthew 5:16
    Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven.

    1. Praise God from Whom all blessings flow! Such good news about MOM! And now you get to enjoy your vacay with DH.
      Much ❤️ and Many 🙏, Brie

    2. Thanks my sister friend! Your prayers mean so much to me. My Mom is happy to have me with her. She really needs my help. God is with us both so we’re okay. Love you. 💗🙏

  48. It is with an extremely heavy heart that I spread the news of Sarah Young's passing on August 31st. Her many publications touched so many and she definitely was the hands and feet of our Lord. Please keep her family in your prayers.

    1. I was so sad to hear this. For 3 years now my husband and I start our day with Jesus thru Sarah's work. And yet, I see her in heaven, rejoiced over, and am so grateful for her.

    2. Thank you Sarah and may God continue to bless you ❤️🙏

    3. So sorry to hear of Sarah’s passing but we know that she is finally with Jesus and realizing God’s promises. May she rest in perfect peace. She brought so many people to the Lord. She was a good and faithful servant. Thank you for helping to bring us together too.

  49. Well done, Sarah, a good and faithful one. Your authorship continues to strengthen my walk with Jesus and led me to this beautiful virtual family. I thank you from my heart and offer prayers of peace to your family. ✝️♥️🙏

  50. I am the vine, you are the branches. He who abides in Me, and I in him, bears much fruit; for without Me you can do nothing. (John 15:5).

    1. Without God we can do nothing. Puts my day into proper perspective dear sister, thank you &, bless you 💖🙌

  51. A perfect verse to start our day. Thank you, dearest Janet! I was so tired last night that I went to sleep early and then I woke up too early. So I had some sweet quiet time with Jesus. I had a cup of tea with Him and I thanked Him for my blessings and breathed in the beautiful scent of the light pink roses Rick gave me for our anniversary. I’m blessed to have a good and faithful Father and husband. After so many years together, Rick is still the one who holds the key to my heart. Today’s devotion and verses and the posts of our JC Family filled me with the joy and peace that we only receive from believing. His Word is truth and light! And the Christ in us is so beautiful! It’s the best and most precious part of us. He lives in us as we live in Him. To feel Him holding me through thick and thin is such a gift. I’m blessed and thankful to belong to Him and have the gift of this new day. May He bring joy, healing and strength to Janet and her husband and my good mother. God faith brought me home to my husband and my family. He knows how happy I am about that. I waited patiently on the Lord and He kept His promise. Praying that our prayers are already being answered and our dear ones are being healed, comforted and guided. I’m praying that those who do not believe are seeing the light and strength of Christ in us which will never grow dim or weaken. We must guard His peace and His gifts carefully. He loves all of us with an everlasting Love. May He help us today to pay that perfect love forward so we can be a blessing to Him and our families and friends. I love this verse from today’s devotion:
    Colossians 2:6–7
    Therefore, as you received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk in him, rooted and built up in him and established in the faith, just as you were taught, abounding in thanksgiving.

    Where would we be without our dear Jesus? I need Him every hour. He is my
    Backbone, my Strong Tower, my Peace, my Grace, my Strength, my Joy, my Light, and my Love! He remains the Same and He will be our Guide this day and right into Eternity. May we trust Him with every fiber of our being and bear some good fruit today for His glory. Let’s try our best to stay in His Presence and be a faithful instrument in His Hands, and a Bringer of Light, Peace, and Love. Today I’ll be with my unbelieving son who is still unemployed. He gave his son a great 3rd Birthday party yesterday and he made 4 delicious homemade pizzas for us. May God soften his heart and draw him and all our unbelievers back to Him and change their lives to good, and answer our prayers as we trust in His faithfulness.
    Thank You Father for all this and for granting this family’s prayer requests and for continuing to bless us in so many ways in the Name of Your Son, our Risen Lord and Savior, Christ Jesus. Amen

    1. I too love my quiet, sweet time with the God of all creation. Thank you dear Jeanne for sharing such encouraging words to start our day. Manna for the soul. Good to hear you made it home safely. Praying for Janet as she cares for your mom. Let's all cover our unbelievers in our family, keeping in mind we are just to love them unconditionally as the Holy Spirit woos them gently.🙌🙏❤️

    2. I just completed 9 days praying to God in the breach for all of our prodigals, disbelievers, separatists, etc. I also requested St Monica to grant her Heavenly Intercession as well. She prayed for her child for 15 + years, and now he is Saint Augustine and one of the church's pillars. If you let us know when yours return, we will Raise The Praise loud enough to kill the fatted calf!
      Much ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ and Many Continuous 🙏 🙏 🙏 from God's Waiting Room. In Jesus' Name. AMEN!
      PS. If you catch a glimpse of them DOING Good Works, then that may be a Turning Signal 😉
      Love to all my JC siblings in Christ!

    3. Dear Brie! I know your powerful prayers for Greg are helping the seed of faith to grow in his heart. Looking forward to seeing more good reports of God's faithfulness. Love you!

  52. Oops! God faithfully brought me home.

    1. Thank you Jeanne for your beautiful , encouraging words this morning. Joining you in prayer for those who do not yet believe. ❤️🙏

    2. I’m glad I encouraged your heart dear Blessings from NY. Yes we will continue to pray someday they will seek the Lord and find Him and believe.

  53. Thank you all for your Faithful presence here. God's Blessings for all this day.

    1. Thanks for the Blessings, dear John H. I received them and I'm thankful. God bless you in all things too.

  54. Resting in the peace of a HOLYday. Take some time with Jesus, easy on the labor 😎✝️

    1. Thanks for making me smile! Rest in Him dear sister, and have some true R and R! Happy and healthy Labor Day to all our JC Family.

  55. In the Pocono mountains camping and fully absorbed in God’s stunning creation. Had to make this trip alone for a few days, but we’re not really ever alone as believers, are we?
    I certainly am closest and most connected to God while in nature, yet sometimes my mind wanders reminding me of my weaknesses, which I often see as faults or failures. Today’s devotional is a wonderful reminder that God created me as I am, He loves me with all my faults and these things draw me closer to Him. I pray that I am able to accept His grace, to surrender, trust and experience Christ’s peace, even when it’s hard.
    I pray that you may rest well and be blessed with answers to all your prayers.

    Shalom JC family🙏

    1. Shalom to you Rich C. Thanks for sharing ❤️🙏

    2. Thanks for your prayer. So glad you were surrounded by the peace and beauty of God's creation. God bless you with answered prayers too. Keep trusting in the Lord and resting in His peace especially when you're in the valley times. He will lead you through them. Thank You Jesus.

  56. Bless your heart, Rich C! Please don't focus on your weaknesses, which we ALL have! You are a great Man of God! Enjoy every moment in the Poconos and know that you are being prayed for. Forget your faults and/or failures and know that God loves you, as all of us on JC do. Heading to bed and praying for all of my JC Family. As Rich said, accept His grace...and experience Christ's Peace. He holds us in the palms of His hands: just the way we are!
    In His Glory!
    Love to all,

  57. Rest up, sweet Norah! Blessed with you to be held so lovingly in the palms of our Father's Hands and loved just as we are!
