Thursday, September 3, 2015

Jesus Calling: September 3

Let the dew of My Presence refresh your mind and heart. So many, many things vie for your attention in this complex world of instant communication. The world has changed enormously since I first gave the command to be still and know that I am God. However, this timeless truth is essential for the well-being of your soul. As dew refreshes grass and flowers during the stillness of the night, so My Presence revitalizes you as you sit quietly with Me.
     A refreshed, revitalized mind is able to sort out what is important and what is not. In its natural condition, your mind easily gets stuck on trivial matters. Like the spinning wheels of a car trapped in mud, the cogs of your brain spin impotently when you focus on a trivial thing. As soon as you start communicating with Me about the matter, your thoughts gain traction and you can move on to more important things. Communicate with Me continually, and I will put My thoughts into your mind. 
Psalm 46:10
English Standard Version

“Be still, and know that I am God.
I will be exalted among the nations,
I will be exalted in the earth!”

Luke 10:39-42
English Standard Version

39 And she had a sister called Mary, who sat at the Lord's feet and listened to his teaching. 40 But Martha was distracted with much serving. And she went up to him and said, “Lord, do you not care that my sister has left me to serve alone? Tell her then to help me.” 41 But the Lord answered her, “Martha, Martha, you are anxious and troubled about many things, 42 but one thing is necessary. Mary has chosen the good portion, which will not be taken away from her.”

I Corinthians 14:33
New King James Version

For God is not the author of confusion but of peace, as in all the churches of the saints.

Note: The devotion and scriptures are from author Sarah Young. If you haven't already, please purchase the book and support the author. 

Also, bookmark to have an easy link to the entire year of these entries.


  1. I so appreciate the analogy of dew gently coming upon the grass for refreshment and revitalization. This process best occurs in a condition of quietness. In the practice of meditation and contemplation, the learned truth is absorbed into the heart and soul where it ultimately effects choices and thus conduct. Without meditation and contemplation, there is no absorption of the truth and we become like Martha, doing right things for the wrong reasons. Thus, Jesus affirmed Mary’s choice to sit and embrace the words of Jesus. Thus the words of Psalm 46:10 where the word to know contains the sense of becoming intimate with. True intimacy requires time and gentleness, like dew on grass.

    1. So sweet, that dew upon the grass that Nurtures our souls in Christ!

    2. Amen Bob! In stillness of our mind, heart and body we can hear God’s sweet whispers to our souls.

    3. Thanks Bob...we have to stop , put everything aside to be able to hear clearly from God !

    4. Dew of the living God, please dew fall afresh on us. Amen.

    5. Stop, be still, and focus our attention on God. These instructions have been my mainstay this last year as I’ve tried and been successful in how and when I spend time with God. Oh what a blessing the time I spend with Him.

    6. We are in the throws of wildfire in far northern CA. I believe in a God of miracles and pray for those lives lost and homes gone. Thank you for joining me. 🙏✝️

    7. Dear Audra, I’m joining you in prayer lifting you up sweet sister and all that are in the midst of the wildfires. Yes, Our God Is the God of Miracles. Lord, we ask for a miracle in stopping the fire like only you can, a miracle in a instant. Prayers for our loving and mighty God love, protection, safety, comfort and healing.🙏❤️

    8. FATHER I approach YOU through YOUR son our Savior JESUS CHRIST, please watch over my 91 year old grandmother who is in the hospital being checked for strokes, she’s all alone but I know YOU are with her FATHER, and humbly ask for YOUR healing hands to extend beyond the heavens and work through the doctors and nurses that are treating her, let YOUR Will be done, I praise YOU for helping my son with his health condition, although we don’t know what it is YOU led me to use gifts YOU have blessed us with which helped to mitigate the discomfort and pain, I Thank YOU FATHER, for all of the amazing gifts and natural medicines that surround us in nature. FATHER, through YOUR son Jesus Christ I plead for forgiveness of my sins, please forgive me for allowing my anxiety to manifest into anger, forgive me for not dropping to my knees when I was first with the feeling of hopelessness, forgive me for not consulting YOU prior to making decisions and for acting on impulse. I praise YOU for our lives , all the provisions YOU provide. It is truly a miracle we do not go without, because of YOU! Lead me where YOU need me to serve YOU, help me to determine when our departure date is, whether to let go of this house in this state I no longer care to be in, most importantly please show me how to know with certainty that I love & trust YOU completely, trusting and loving no one nor any thing more than YOU & YOUR beloved Son & Holy Spirit .
      Break these chains FATHER so I may be set free
      In Jesus Christ name I pray

    9. Prayers go out for your grandmother. May the Lord bring you peace while He is by her and her doctors side
      I am in the same situation about where I live. I want to move away from my city but I am patiently waiting on God to direct me. He never lets me down. I praise my Father for He is always good. I must continue to focus just on His during these difficult situations on earth.
      Peace be with you.

    10. Dear A🙏♥️,
      Your are indeed that. Thank you for your passionate pleas and gratitude for our King. They inspire me with hope and thanks for where our help comes from. ✝️

  2. Well said Bob.

    Dear Jesus let the dew fall upon me for refreshment and revitalization. Amen.

  3. Replies
    1. Dear unknown unknown sure would love to know what God has done in your life from a year ago. Praying you were cared for in your time of despair. Though all hoping you know how very loved you are by the Only One Who matters. In my prayers.

    2. Dear Unknown, "God please help me" is one of the most powerful prayers a soul can pray. Trust me I prayed those exact words in one of the worst dire situations a person can imagine I've prayed that prayer-Trust me he's coming might not be the way or when you think but he's coming and it will be sufficient and complete.

  4. Also thinking on Classic Amplified Psalms 27:4 this am. "One thing I ask is to dwell in His presence to behold and gaze upon the beauty, the sweet attractiveness and delightful loveliness of the Lord"

    1. Thank you for sharing this beautiful Bible verse unknown. May God keep you safe and bless you with His love.
      Psalms 27:4
      “One thing I ask is that I may dwell in His presence to behold and gaze upon His beauty, the sweet attractiveness and delightful loveliness of the Lord”
      In Jesus name, Amen

  5. Also thinking this am of Psalm 27:4 AMPC. One thing I ask is that I may dwell in His presence to behold and gaze upon His beauty , the sweet attractiveness and delightful loveliness of the Lord."

  6. Nothing that will happen to catch God by surprise and I am learning to realize that fact and BE still and let GOD be GOD and mindful to give him glory every time I wake up because he didn't have to do it but he did! I love GOD will everything that is in me and I continue without ceasing to pray for all of us in the JC family! IN HIS LOVE

    1. Agree! Thank you for the reminder and God bless you!

  7. I ask for your presence to overwhelm me and for me be able to come to you first and to follow your way today and for my head to be clear so as I communicate with you I can truly express my heart and so I can clearly see your face today love you father without you I'm an empty shell consumed by this world with you I shall fear not but remain faithful and with that comes love and all it embodies AMEN

  8. "As dew refreshes grass and flowers during the stillness of the night, so My Presence revitalizes you as you sit quietly with Me." Amen!

    1. Praise God! Amen
      Love you Sassy Mom
      Prayers that you are doing well sweet sister 🙏❤️

    2. Brandy - Love and hugs to you and my JC Warrior family for your encouragement, love, hope and comforting uplifting prayers to our hurting hearts.

  9. A bright and beautiful morning to once again glorify Your Holy name Father and say THANK You for life anew and new mercy that comes along with it. I receive this gift and invite Your Holy Spirit to order my steps today as I allow the dew of Your Presence to refresh my mind and heart.

    I read about a study on "Be still and know that I am God" and learned that we understand it in the context of rest or relax in who God is and encourages believers to reflect on God, but when taken from Psalm 46:10, its really in the context of a time of trouble and war. It's more of a wake-up call rather than just a call to rest. However, Psalm 119:15, Joshua 1:8 etc..., actually tells us to be silent and listen to God.

    Cece, you are a testament to God's words in Isaiah 43:2, ("when you pass through the waters, I will be with you, and through the rivers, they shall mot overflow you. When you walk through the fire you shall not be burned, nor shall the flame scorch you") and also, "though He slay me, yet will I trust in Him" Job 13:15. Need I say more?. Thanking God for your strength and perseverance. As HE has heard you glorify Him in the midst of ALL your trials, may He grant you beauty for ashes, oil of joy for mourning and a garment of 'more' praise instead of a spirit of despair (Isaiah 61:3).
    Zfuntastic, keep pressing forward, Jesus is cheering you on.
    Praying for ALL areas (the Caribbean, northern Bahamas, the Carolinas, Florida etc..) and the people being affected by hurricane Dorian.God of miracles, we call on the name of Jesus to cease this storm and bring restoration to the lands. Safe Your People oh Lord and comfort the hurting as only You can in Jesus name.

    JC family, whether its 'Being still' in the context of Psalm 46:10 or Psalm 119:15, let's refresh our minds on the importance of the word of God.
    You may not be in a physical storm, but whatever storm you are facing, I pray the sufficiency & completeness of this month's significance (EMBER months-Sept.-Dec., when prayers ought to be intensified) deliver for you great blessings & mighty testimonies and remind you throughout to rewrite your story for better.
    This same God that has carried us through the last 8 months, will continue to make all things possible for you. What stopped others cannot stop you. God will beam his light on you and his glory will continually radiate in your life & that of your family in Jesus name!

    May the God of Peace carry you throughout this day and protect your steps in Jesus name.

    Maplewood NJ

    1. Good morning! I continue to be encouraged by your insights, Maplewood, from years past and those anew. Thank you! God bless you and all the JC followers! God is not the author of confusion, be still and know the Truth.

    2. Your post spoke volumes to me. I look back at the last 8 months and there have been many challenges and some sadness, fear, confusion and still uncertainty. Through it all I leaned on the Lord instead of my own understanding and I thought of all of His past faithfulness and His direction in my life. I was amazed at how He had equipped me for the new path I was walking. I was able to comfort others with the same comfort and Words He was giving me. No matter what us ahead of me I walk with my Good Shepherd always at my side. The peace He gives me is beyond measure and of the greatest value to my heart.

    3. Thank Maplewood ! We thank God for the new month and as we enter the months of ember , help us to lean on You God! When fear and doubt comes to cloud our minds , may look back at the past months as a reminder to how God has walked besisde us and will contiue to walk beside us always !

  10. Thank you for the additional verses that helped bring this devotion to life. Our weekend was full of family events and this morning, as I get back to the early morning prep for work, I am thankful to have quiet time with my Father.
    Today, I am asking for prayer for my daughter. She is the only one who lives 10+ hours away in our family and I could hear the loneliness in her voice. She called just as we were singing Happy Birthday to my daughter in law, who is also one of her best friends. I called her back later and asked if she was OK and she is not. She is a single, 32 year old woman whose friends consist of people at work and friends she has met but who have no substance b/c they do not know God. She recently met another young woman who goes to church and she is going to pursue that friendship and go to church with her. My daughter and her boyfriend broke up about a month ago, but they continue to see each other casually, which is not helping her get over the fact that he doesn't want to commit. She said the world is so brash and all the guys she meets are only interested in one thing. It's shallow and she just wants so badly to meet "her" guy, get married and have a family.
    I'm thankful for her honesty, but it was hard on my Mom ears. Please pray for her with me. She is a delightful, young woman - she just doesn't see it.
    Aching for her.

    1. Norah, praying for you daughter that she sees what a wonderful person she is. God has great plans for her. KS

    2. Norah --- Going bodly to the Throne of Grace for your daughter's situation and your aching heart. Our Lord lifts up those that are bowed down. He has an awesome plan for your daughter. May He capture her heart in His hands and show her His blessed path for her life. Amen

    3. Praying for your daughter Norah. Her heart is in the right place, her God hears the desire from it and He will give it to her in due time. I know as Moms we want to fix all the boo boos, make it all better. Our God though is in the business of honing our children into godly, mighty men & women after His own heart, running & panting towards the cause of the kingdom. My daughter has been running backwards, we are just now beginning to see a slight turnaround. Thank God! He never lets go of their hand. I will pray for your precious daughter and you pray for mine.

    4. Norah and Jan, I am covering both your daughter in the Precious blood of Jesus. Take courage. God is able to turn things around for His glory. Fight all those battles on your knees and you will win all the time!

      Maplewood NJ

    5. *daughters

      Maplewood NJ

    6. Love you Anonymous 🥰. You inspire me.

    7. Jan --- Covering your daughter's "slight turnaround" with the miracle working name of JESUS! There is nothing to hard for our Lord! We place the Blood of Jesus upon her. She is marked for our Lord's Kingdom. Satan you have NO AUTHORITY over this precious daughter. You are nothing but a liar. I bind you up satan and loose the ALL encompassing power of our Lord upon her! Capture her heart in a new and fresh way TODAY! AMEN

    8. Woo-hoo!!! JJ you are on the offensive! How you put the enemy on notice is invigorating! True warrior after God's heart. Phil 1:3, I thank God every time I remember you.

    9. Norah and Jan - how are things with your daughters? Praying for them again, now.

    10. Norah, Your dear daughter is always in my prayers! May God lead her to all the desires of her heart!

    11. Mine is slowly progressing, still a ways to go to gain complete freedom from "captivity". Thank you for asking🥰

    12. Thank you for the update. Praying now.

    13. With a heavy heart I pray for my daughter. It is hard being distant when times are tough for either or both of us. Thank you for your prayers as I send mine out to daughters everywhere 🙏♥️

    14. Praying for your daughter. I thank God for her life and her desire to seek God and find like minded people to share her faith. May God send her in the right direction, ,may He fulfill the desires of her heart according to His will !

    15. Bless you, thank you for this prayer, Min Ahadi ♥️🙏

    16. Norah, Jan, Audra and Min Ahadi, Praying that God will guide your dear daughters to a strength of faith, good health, realization of the desires of their hearts, fulfillment and every blessing in His presence. Thank You Jesus!

  11. Reading of the dew in the morning brought back to mind what delighted me about it the other day. I forgot to water some very badly wilting potted plants, waking up the next morning I checked on them quickly and smiled as I saw that the heavy dew had revived them. Getting my hands dirty from pulling a weed, how many times have I brushed the dewy grass with that hand & they got cleaned. "God you are amazing, truly amazing!" Today He's used the dew in the morning to urge us to " come, come, sit awhile with me, drink in the dew, be refreshed, renewed, revitalized". I love you Lord ❤️. Amen

  12. "Be still, and know that I am God." This sounds so simple, but can be quite difficult at times. I am reminded today to sit quietly in the presence of My Savior. I will work on removing the "noise" and distractions from my head and focus on you, oh God.

    Oh Holy Spirit, please open my heart and mind while in marriage therapy today. Please guide my words to be words of healing, not resentment. Allow my ears to really listen and my mind to process what I have heard. Please use the therapist as a mediator for good. Lay your healing hands on us as we go through this painful journey. Allow me to be still and know that You are God.

    Norah and Jan, I will say some extra prayers for your daughters. It is definitely hard to see our children struggling or in pain. God is working! One day at a time. Amen. CO

    1. CO, lifting you up to our Lord as He guides your heart, mind & soul through this difficult journey. Victory is just around the corner, hang on. The Lord will a hedge against the enemy around your mind, as you process your thoughts. Amen!

    2. Co May God hear your earnest prayer ! We join hands with you as you go through maraiage theraphy may the sessions bring healing to your marriage.

  13. Good morning Lord and JC family. I tend to be a Martha and want so much to be a Mary. I love my Lord and Savior and seek him always but I find it difficult to just stop doing and rest in the Lord. Just sitting here looking at Jairo and Mateo (3 year old grandson) sleeping and thinking I could be cleaning up the kitchen. Thank you Lord for all your blessings; hear our prayers for our daughters. Refresh them today with your love and peace. Forgive us Lord in all the ways we fail you. Happy Monday I mean Tuesday to all.

  14. This rainy morning I sent my baby off to middle school. It's a day of mixed emotions but the reassurance that he belong to the Lord and will be cared for. I now take time in my quiet house to "be still and know that HE is God".
    Blessings on all of the JC family today!

  15. Good m9rning Jesus. I bask in your presence, knowing your plan is perfect amd know that You are Lord over my life. I am sorry for my sins, please forgive me. Please guide my steps today and every day toward doing your will. You continue to bless me while I am still a sinner. I have a hard time wrapping my head around that but I thank you. I will be trying to practice your presence more and acknowledge You in all actions. Thank you fir being the creator and master of the unuverse

  16. I'm trying to be still and be refreshed today but my mind keeps wandering back to those children still in the cages. I know this problem is way too big for me but God can handle the situation with his mighty power. I lay this burden at the feet of Jesus I thank God for his mercy and grace.

  17. Thank You Jesus for transforming me into the likeness of You. I enjoy Your teachings daily and Your presence is the greatest gift of all. Praise the Lord continually and always. Amen.

  18. Great is the Lord and moat worthy of praise. In the stillness of this morning, I rest. I receive the gifts from you, Papa. In quietness and trust is my salvation.
    We herald ourselves in our busy accomplishments. We boast of them. But you call for our stillness. You work in our weakness. You restore us in the power of your presence. Your ways are not our ways. Thank you for meeting us here. Thank you for renewing and reviving us in you. May we usher peace to our frantic world from the overflow of our moments with you.
    Be exalted oh great God!

  19. Not sure if Brie could do something with a “Moat” of praise. . . But most worthy was my intent. 😀

    1. I know, right? She & Jeanne cracked me up yesterday with the sheep thing 😂

  20. Good morning! I am so happy to a found this site filled with prayers from and for believers. I am doing my very best to be still and let God. But sometimes it’s very hard. I feel like I’ve been still for 10 years waiting for my daughter to be delivered from depression. I feel like the father in the Bible who took his son to Jesus. I do believe, he said to Jesus, help my unbelief. Is it my unbelief that is holding my daughter back from being healed? I don’t know. It’s just very hard to watch. Please pray for me and my daughter and my family. Thank you!

    1. KT- It is great to have you on this site. We give thanks to the Almighty God for leading you directly here. This body of believers stand with you in prayer for your daughter's healing. Know that Jehovah Rapha is the greatest healer! Only believe my friend, only believe and TRUST Him!

      God bless you.

      Maplewood NJ

    2. KT - adding you and your family to my prayer list. Lord we believe, help our unbelief. JE

    3. Praying for your daughter’s sickness to be lifted and the veil of depression to be removed so her beautiful eyes can see clearly your love for her and God’s amazing faithfulness. May God lead her to the person who can treat her depression properly and heal her completely. God has an wonderful plan for her which includes true love and joy. Be strong. Hope and wait on the Lord. Praying for your strength of faith. God bless you always and give you guidance and spiritual strength as you care for her.

    4. Dear KT, Praying your dear daughter has been healed of her depression and is walking now in joy, peace, faith and contentment. May He guide you and her to your hearts' desires.

  21. Loving Heavenly Father, Thank You for another gifted blessed day that You've set before me. Help me to brainstorm a plan to obey You and just be still enjoying Your breath-taking Presence. Teach me to recalibrate my heart so that I have no problem following the direction You’ve set for my life. Your grace ia sufficient for me. I pray in Jesus name.

    When I think about the word refresh, another thing also comes to mind. Waking up to the view of an ocean, staring at the flow of beautiful, calm, crisp blue water and just marvel at the awesomeness of God's magnificent power. For me, it’s almost like seeing Him walk on a calm and still ocean, inviting me to join Him! Okay, now I’m getting over my head! But hey, nothing is impossible! (dreaming now of owning an ocean front property to enjoy the beauty and peaceful moments, on a refreshed, personal retreat with God) LOL- so shall it be in Jesus name!

    But way better than just an ocean view, is a spiritual getaway to be alone with Jesus, to hang out together and come into His Heavenly Presence, be refreshed and renewed. It will be a getaway for the divine reset of the mind. We find peace through Him and our refreshment comes from Him! Like a plant that grows, because of the nutrients from the sun, we as believers also thrive when we take the time to be in God’s breath-taking presence! And again, just like the plants responds to sunlight, so does our body, mind, and spirit respond to being in His presence. A time alone with the Master, draws us near to Him when we feel distant, it tackles out forgiveness when struggling with pain and hurt, it allows us to seek wisdom or direction when faced with difficult situations, it renews our strength when we feel so weary and week and equally important, we listen to Him and wait! Whenever we spend time to seek His amazing presence, we blossom in our relationship with Him.

    Dear Father, May each one of us dedicate alone time with You every day and allow Your Holy Spirit to lead and guide us into all truth. Help us see what we need to see and hear what we need to hear, but most importantly, that You be blessed by our time together. In Jesus’ name. amen!

    Blessings and Peace.

    Maplewood NJ

    1. Amen! So here I am grinning as I read your beautiful words as I am listening to the ocean and marveling at the peace I feel. Just breathing in the ocean air and filling my eyes with God’s beauty. Your words meant more to me than ever. I will be still and know that He is my God who loves me as I am. Thanks again sweet Maplewood for filling my heart with your wise words to ponder. I will seek that spiritual getaway with the Lord. In stillness He can be found. I was up late last night painting and I remember the last words in my mind as my head hit the pillow were Thank you Jesus.

    2. Ahh Jeanne, I want to join you (LOL)! Enjoy the Garden State's ocean breeze!

      Maplewood NJ

    3. Thanks Sweetheart! Wish you were here with me dear Maplewood! The beauty, peace and power of the ocean and the freshness of the sea air never fail to awaken my weary heart and soul. God’s glory is both humbling and refreshing and I am always blessed.

  22. Yes Janet, "transforming", not yet "transformed", the process continues as we daily walk with our Lord, listening amid the distractions of this world. It's amazing to me that as we are still, the transformation is at its finest, not when the pull of self, worry, impatience, & mistrust overtakes us. As an avid gardener, my perfect picture place of stillness is walking around my garden to see what changes transpired through the night. Often my shoes will be soaked by the dew. Jesus walks & talks with me then ( as the song implies), and I am transforming 🥰. Hallelujah!

    1. Amen dear Jan! We are always in the process of being transformed and molded. God will not be finished with His perfect works until our race is run.

  23. Dear Jesus let the dew continue to fall upon me for refreshment and revitalization. As I gaze out on my dew covered windows this morning, I am in awe--amazed of your plan to mingle your daily word with my specific life. Please continue to find me worthy of your daily blessings that you shower on me. Amen

  24. “O come let us adore Him!”

    We sing it at Christmas and the Church calls us to adore Him in every act of worship. I know that should be the orientation of my heart. How am I doing? I asked God to show me an example of adoration.

    I have a beautiful niece, beautiful in body, mind and spirit. She brought her 3 year old son over to be watched by my brother and sister-in-law, a.k.a. His grandparents. He played house with his grandpa and was very content. Forty-five minutes later, my niece returned to get him. When he saw her coming through the gate, he immediately stopped what he was doing and went running to her. With the love of a mother smiling across her face, she scooped him up into her arms and hugged him. He wrapped his little arms around her neck and the expression on his face reflected complete happiness. They remained that way for a moment or two. God said to me, “That’s an example of adoration.”

    Jesus said, “Unless you become like a little child, you cannot enter the Kingdom of God.” The love of a mother for her child is much like the love of God for each of us for He adores all His children. When I stop all else so I can jump into His arms is when I am most adoring Him. I want to be like my three year old great nephew someday.

    Be blessed my brothers & sisters in Christ. With love, Bob

    1. That picture if perfect adoration blessed my heart, Bob! Let us adore Him as a little loving child with a pure and innocent heart of love, trust and total devotion!

    2. Thank you for sharing this beautiful example of adoration. May we all be like children jumping to our Father's arms.

      Blessings from France

  25. Update on Pastor Louie - "Louie came through surgery well, had a good night, is awake and sitting up, ate a little breakfast, not experiencing much pain. They will have him walk today." Thank you for praying.

  26. Such wonderful news! Continuing to pray for Pastor Louie’s perfect recovery! God is so faithful and good.

  27. Please pray for my mum . Her blood pressure has gone high, loss of appetite and she has a bad headache. Pray for healing, the doctor changed her medication ...may God touch her restore her back to good health. Thanks family.

    1. You got it! And prayers for all those suffering with illness, may they be touched by God's healing hands.

    2. Father, please place Your healing touch upon Min Ahadi's mom. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen.

    3. Praying for full healing for your mom, Min Ahadi!

    4. Prayers going up for your mom🙏💕

    5. Praying for your mum, that the medication change will help and that God will bring her back to good health. Peace be with you all! JE

    6. Joining prayers for your good Mom that her blood pressure will return to normal and God will heal all of her weaknesses. Thank You Jesus.
      Amen Audra, May He in His mercy and power heal all those who are in need of healing of body, mind and spirit. Thank You Father for this in Jesus Name.

    7. In prayers with our JC family for your mom Min Ahadi. May the good Lord grant her a turnaround in her blood pressure med. and restore her to normal readings in Jesus' name.

      Maplewood NJ

  28. Our Dear Sister in Christ, Jan gridley, I am praying that nothing will stand in the way of the last wishes💕
    What a lovely tribute, Jan. I am also praying for smooth and easy flow through of the financial blessings to fund the surgeries of children's cleft palates in the Philippines.
    I know the need as my youngest granddaughter Isabella and her older sister Hannah set up Cleft For A Cause to do the same thing at Children's Hospital in New Orleans. Isabella has had an untold number of corrective surgeries since birth, and she and her sister are committed to helping others to receive the care she received. They inspire me and I pray for them often.
    Blessings on your request and on you, Jan as you go forth with God's Blessings. I ask. I seek. I knock. I praise. I thank. I yield. In Jesus' Name. Amen.

    1. Dear Brie, thank you for prayers. I'm inspired also by Isabella & her Sis. What a wonderful ministry they have! They are after God's heart. I'm lifting them up in prayer. They will continue to see the fruit of their kingdom labor. I hope to be able to see the fruition of what Loretta & our mother's wishes will do. Thank you for sharing Brie💕. The Lord bless your day.

    2. Brie, I will be looking up the Cleft for a Cause in New Orleans also.

    3. Dear Brie, May God bless your youngest granddaughter and her sister in all their endeavors and with good health. Isabella and Hannah have done a wonderful thing to help others to get the care and surgery they need. They are an inspiration and you should be so proud of them.

    4. God bless your young nieces Brie! Our life is not worth living if we cannot reach out and help someone and at such young age, here they are setting great examples. May God bless them, use them for His purpose and keep watch over Isabella and her sister, along with all the good Samaritans!

      Maplewood NJ

    5. HANNAH'S TESTimony and Isabella's Prayer Request:

      Audra asked on August 31, 2021 at 9:53 AM
      Praying for Hannah and passing part 4 with flying colors! How many parts are still ahead for this smart one?

      A year later, Brie responded
      Brie August 31, 2022 at 9:37 AM
      Part 4 of the CPA exam was the finale. Praise God, our Hannah is finished with the series of CPA exams!. Thanks to Almighty God and your prayers, she passed all 4 and is now working for a CPA firm. As she told us, "I now have a big girl job!" God is so good to give us a wonderful, ever-praying JC Fam of Prayer Warriors. You kicked Hannah's faith up a notch!

      Prayers are now being requested for her younger sister, Isabella, who has applied to Medical Schools.
      May she be accepted to the best one for her in accordance with God's Plan for her life. If it is close to our home, that would be the cherry blessing on top! I know, as Jan Gridley would say, THE WARRIORS ARE ON IT! Thanks in advance. What A Mighty God We Serve! In Jesus' Name. Amen.

  29. You will keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on You, because he trust in You. Trust in the LORD forever, for in YAH, the LORD, is everlasting strength. (Isaiah 26:3-4).
    Praise You Lord always. Thank You Jesus.

    1. YAH, the WAY, the TRUTH, and the LIFE!

    2. Amen Sisters! That is one of my favorite verses and so true.

  30. Heavenly Father, thank You for Your perfect peace, love, and comfort. Please let Your presence refresh and renew my heart, mind, soul, and body. I know that the world is always pulling me in to its ways. Help me to stay focused on You and Your word. Let my eyes stay fixed upon You and Your ways. You are my perfect Father. Thank You Jesus. I praise You Lord always. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen.

    1. Amen dear Janet, Joining in your prayer of praise and gratitude.
      Dear Jesus, Thank You for reminding us to remain in Your blessed presence and peace all through this day.

  31. I came across this prayer and wanted to share and pray it.

    Lord God, You call Your people to care for people from other countries in our community. We pray for those who have had to leave their own homes, families and countries. We pray for those who seek asylum in our country, that they will be kept safe, have their basic needs met, and be treated fairly. Lord God, You know the feeling of powerlessness, frustration and bewilderment, the sense that their life is "in limbo" at the moment. May decisions on their future not be delayed unduly. We pray for those who have been granted permanent visas that they will settle down in our own community, and find work and make good friendships, that they will discover Your plan for their lives. May they know hope and courage as they face the future. Lord, for the ones that are still suffering terribly, let them know Your presence in the memories of their terror, Your courage and comfort in their pain, Your healing in their wounds, and Your hope as they try to rebuild their lives and endure what they are going through. Give them the strength and power they need at this very difficult time. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen. Praise God! Thank You Jesus!

    1. Wonderful prayer! Amen and Amen! Thank You Jesus!

    2. Thanks Janet, I will reprint and repeat this prayer often today. It applies to all, including the IDA Survivors, who have to move on from their losses as well.

  32. “In the midst of a COVID-19, a situation of crisis, Psalm 46 verse 10 suddenly turns and God starts speaking and says, ‘Hey You!’, ‘Be still and know that I am God. The English language actually does not translate this very well, so I chose to read Psalm 46:10 in Hebrew and found out that the word ‘Be still’, ‘raw-faw, would be translated in English into ‘slacken’.

    “The meaning of the scripture Psalm 46:10 is this: it’s is a picture of loosening or slackening our grip on our circumstances and the outcome of our circumstances. It calls us to trust God who is sovereign. In other words, here we are holding onto our lives and holding on to our everyday circumstances and we are holding on so tightly because the world is going so fast. And then God looks at you and me and says – ‘Hey slacken up! Loosen up or Let go of your grip !’

    “Instead of including the words ‘Be still’ as a gentle suggestion, the psalmist is actually telling us to stop striving, to stop, and to specifically in this context, stop fighting and to surrender to the all Sovereign God.

    1. Love, love this translation Min! The rubber hits the road here! LET GO! SURRENDER! RELEASE IT IN MY CAPABLE HANDS. AMEN! HALLELUJAH!

    2. And simpler still, Let go and let God. Easier said and read than done. By the grace of God we can.

    3. Wonderful advice and translation. Stop trying to hold onto the empty glitter, trappings and promises of this world and let go and surrender to His lead. All beautiful summations and simplicity. Amen!

    4. Thanks so much Min Ahadi. Your post helps me to slacken my grip and Let Jesus Take The Wheel!

  33. Thank you for your prayers for my mother in law. Tho he didn’t answer the way we had hoped, we know his ways are higher and his will to remove her pain and bring her to perfect health in Heaven brings us much peace.

    1. You have my deepest sympathy, Child Of God. May your Mother-In-Law's soul and the souls of all the faithfully departed, rest in His Peace, safe in His Arms. In Jesus' Name. Amen

    2. sending love and peace your way Child of God.

    3. C. O. G., your MIL is resting in God's arms. May her memories remain with you all as God grant you comfort and peace.

    4. I'm so sorry for your loss, but please find comfort and peace in God's perfect healing, loving arms. May He wrap you up in His presence and make you whole. Peace be with you and your family.

  34. Child of God, praying for you and your family in this time of sorrow. 🙏

  35. Dear Child of God, His Will be done. So very sorry for your great loss and for your family's heartbreak. God in His mercy lifted your dear mother in law out of her misery and brought her HOME where she is finally out of pain and in a peace that is beyond our human understanding. Rest in God's promises that He had prepared a wonderful place for her in His Kingdom. May He comfort all of your broken hearts and bring you peace. Thank You Jesus.

  36. Well dear JC family, we're wrapping up the Ark Encounter trip. What an adventure! We started with the Creation Museum. The common question was were there dinosaurs in the ark. Yes! But Noah called them dragons. Before blood was shed in the garden you could've petted or ridden one. Snakes didn't have venom, we wouldn't be afraid of them. Just think we could've been running around naked without knowing any different!, the ark was well, phenomenal! Thank you all for your prayers for us. Please pray for safety heading home tomorrow. Love & blessings 💞

  37. Sweet Jan, So happy you had a great adventure going on the Ark Encounter trip. God was with you to give you and your DH His healing strength. And I'm sure you were bright lights among the people. Cherish those memories. God is glorified by your faith walk.
    My dear daughter in law arrived from CA today and we had a wonderful dinner at my apartment. I cooked so much food and everyone enjoyed. Even the babies. God is so good! Dear Allie is going off by herself to look at some houses tomorrow. Praying God guides her to the right one that they can afford so my son's family will move closer to us. Thank You dear Jesus, Thank You Holy Spirit, and Thank You dear Father! I know they are in Your loving Hands!

  38. Heavenly Father, thank You for the words of instruction that were given to the Saints in Corinth. I pray that any ungodly or carnal attitude that I have developed in my Christian walk, would be identified and dealt with. Thank You that You are not a God of confusion. I pray that You would give me wisdom when I come across disunity within the Body of Christ so that I may know how to behave and what to do in a way that honours Your name and character. Help me to walk, day by day, in humility and godly righteousness to Your honour and glory. This I ask in Jesus' name, AMEN

    1. Amen to your prayer Min Ahadi. Conflict, confusion and disunity are the tools of the enemy. Additionally he uses these to distract us. Be blessed to sit at His feet and be a Mary today.

    2. Amen dear Min Ahadi. Too often we follow the flesh instead of the spirit. Unfortunately our human emotions lead us. We must consciously stay focused on the Lord instead of being swayed by this world. Amen. Let us walk with humble hearts and follow hard after righteousness so we can bring glory to God.
      Thank You Father for giving us discerning hearts so we can choose only those things that please you. Let the words of our mouths and the meditations of our hearts be pleasing to You.

  39. Traveling Mercy Prayers, and then Rest Prayers, are requested for me and all Weary Travelers, please and thanks! In Jesus' Name. Amen.

    1. Praying you will find satisfying rest and safety as you travel today.

    2. Brie - praying for safe travels and rest.

      SC Anonymous

  40. Amen dear Brie! Praying with you for traveling mercies for you and your loved ones, and all those who are traveling, including my dear daughter in love. Thank You Father for protecting all those on the road, and bringing rest to the weary. Restore our dear Brie and all those in need of restoration in Jesus' Name we pray.

  41. Some words to consider: The words you are saying are either in agreement with what the world says or with what God says.
    Which one do you believe and say the most?
    Here are a few of a NEVER AGAIN list:

    NEVER AGAIN will I confess "I can't " for "I can do all things through Christ which strengthens me." Philippians 4:13
    NEVER AGAIN will I confess lack, for "My God shall supply all my needs according to the riches of His glory in Christ Jesus. " Philippians 4:19

    NEVER AGAIN will I confess fear, for
    "God has not given me the spirit of fear, but of power, and of love, and of sound mind." 2 Timothy 1:7

    NEVER AGAIN will I confess weakness, for "The Lord is the strength of my life." Psalm 27:1

    NEVER AGAIN will I confess defeat, for
    "God always causes me to triumph in Christ Jesus. " 2 Corinthians 2:14

    1. Amen JJ! Thank you for the inspiring words. God bless and peace be with you 🙏.

    2. Thank you God for JJ and the JC's. I am printing these Scriptures out to use as an antidote and a sword for can't, fear, weak, and defeat! In Jesus' Name. AMEN!

    3. Amen! Saving to revisit often to commit to memory. Thank you JJ!

    4. Thank you JJ. Why am I so easy to forget when He has unmistakably carried me throughout?

    5. JJ, yes! Scripture reminds us...THAT is who we are!

  42. Just wonderful encouragement and truth coming at the right time, dear JJ! We are well equipped for anything in front of us and God is our strength when we are weak. He fights our battles for us and He makes a way in our wilderness. We are well taken care of. Hallelujah! Resting in Him Who loves us.

  43. One of the JC bible verses for today, "For God is not the author of confusion but of peace..." (1Cor.14:33). I needed this verse for the past few weeks, as I've labored professionally and personally, with some confusing areas of my life. The confusion isn't of God as He delivers peace. Therefore I need to find where the peace in my current circumstances can be found. Peace JC Prayer Warriors, let us seek it. Amen

    1. Amen Madfox 🙏. Peace be with you!

    2. Peace please for Mad 🦊 and all of us that seem to attract confusion..

  44. Our God is a mighty and merciful God. His Words are true and reliable. We are children of the light so we have no reason to fear. We have been cleansed by the Blood of Jesus and made anew. The future is bright because we belong to Him and we are dearly loved.

    Exodus 14:14
    The Lord will fight for you, and you shall hold your peace.

    Psalm 62:1
    Truly my soul finds rest in God; my salvation comes from him.

    Habakkuk 2:20
    The LORD is in his holy temple; let all the earth be silent before him.

  45. Peace I leave with you, My peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid. (John 14:27). Now may the Lord of peace Himself give you peace always in every way. The Lord be with you all. (2 Thessalonians 3:16). I will both lie down in peace, and sleep; for You alone, O LORD, make me dwell in safety. (Psalm 4:8). You will keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on You, because he trusts in You. (Isaiah 26:3). Let the peace of God rule in your hearts, to which also you were called in one body; and be thankful. (Colossians 3:15).

    1. Thanks for feeding us well! Covered by a blanket of peace that never changes. Thank You Jesus!

  46. I read that our Beloved Sarah Young, the author of what we use for this incredible prayer group, passed away yesterday, to be with our Father in Heaven. I'm so grateful for her work and this resulting Blog and group of Prayer Warriors who uplift and remind me each morning of his unfailing Love and Sacrifice for us all! ❤️🙏

    1. I'm so sorry to hear of the passing of Sarah Young. How many lives did she impact? SO many. I will look forward to meeting her someday. Thankful that she is at Peace.

    2. Amen! We will meet her in the Gloryland. She added so much light to so many lives.

  47. God Bless you, JC Family. Long, but fun day. Praying for each and every one of you and yours.
    Love Always and God's richest blessings.

  48. Thanks for your prayers! So happy you had a fun day dear Norah! Hope you’re resting well. My Mom had a good day thank God. She felt a little better. We watched an old movie and she got Wordle in 3! My good sister Janet is flying in tomorrow morning and Rick and I will pick her up and take her to our Mom’s. I’m so relieved our Mom won’t be alone. Then Rick and I are finally off to the Jersey shore for 4 days. God is so faithful and good!! Waited all summer for this and God made a way!! I’ll go back to my Mom’s on Friday and stay till Sunday. God is leading me so I will rest in Him. Goodnight Norah and all our dear JC Family. Rest well. God is on the Night Watch.

    Isaiah 30:15
    For thus said the Lord God, the Holy One of Israel, “In returning and rest you shall be saved; in quietness and in trust shall be your strength.”

    1. Thank you God for all of your gifts to our Jeanne! Her Mom is better, her sister Janet is coming in to relieve Jeanne by staying with their Mom, and she and Rick can have a wonderfully blessed vacay with a freed up mind and Your Traveling Mercy. I appreciate all You do for all of us. In Jesus' Name. AMEN!

  49. I read the last two posts, mine and sweet Brie's, and I smiled because it is an exact replay of last year. Janet just relieved me so I could return home and our mom is in her good care now. Rick and I will finally go off to the Jersey shore on 9/8 for a few days. God is so faithful and good. We celebrated Nathaniel's Birthday on 9/1 and yesterday I baked a cake for my daughter in love, Mayra's sister Mariana's Birthday today and spent the day with my son, Greg, and Gabriel and Nathaniel and I made dinner for them and Mayra, and even had Gabriel and Nathaniel over for a sleepover. Rick and I had wanted some time alone but God guided the day and everything worked out for the best. I prayed with my little grandsons a few times when Greg wasn't in the room. Gabriel will be starting what I always call "God School" in my Church very soon. One of the requirements is attendance in Mass. Greg who is an atheist said he will drive Mayra to Church with Gabriel but he will not attend. Well I'm putting the whole thing into God's Hands. He is my Way Maker, and my strength and my song. I am blessed. Staying in His Presence and Trusting in His Word. As today's devotion says:
    "Let the dew of My Presence refresh your mind and heart".

    Psalm 51:10
    Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a right spirit within me.

    Psalm 19:7
    The law of the Lord is perfect, reviving the soul; the testimony of the Lord is sure, making wise the simple;

    Romans 8:28
    And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose.

    1. It's so good to hear all those wonderful things Jeanne! God is so good ALWAYS! Praying that the Lord will reveal Himself to your son Greg in a mighty way and open his heart to receive His message. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen 🙏. Peace be with you!

    2. Amen. Your prayer means so much to me. Thanks dear Janet!

  50. And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God. (Romans 12:2).

  51. Heavenly Father, thank You and bless Your holy name! I praise You Lord always and thank You Jesus! Lord, please let the Holy Spirit take control of my mind and speak my words, teach me all things, direct my steps, and remove wicked thoughts. Heal my heart and mind. Bring me into alignment with You Lord. Let me be Spirit-minded and not carnal-minded. I want to walk with Jesus. I give You my heart. I belong to You Lord. Thank You for everything Lord. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen 🙏.

    1. Janet, what a wonderful prayer. Thank you for sharing.

      Lord, I echo this prayer and ask that you gently remind us to sit quietly in your presence and listen for You.
      SC Anonymous

    2. Beautiful prayer Janet, thank you. I too surrender all to Him.

    3. Amen to that perfect prayer! Thanks Janet.

  52. 1 Speak, Lord, in the stillness,
    while I wait on Thee,
    help me now to listen
    in expectancy.

    2 Speak, O gracious Master,
    in this quiet hour;
    let me see your face, Lord,
    feel your touch of power.

    3 For the words you give me,
    they are life indeed;
    living Bread from heaven
    now my spirit feed.

    4 Speak, your servant listens
    I await your word;
    let me know your presence,
    let your voice be heard!

    5 Fill me with the knowledge
    of your glorious will;
    all your own good pleasure
    in my life fulfil.

    1. Amen and amen, thank you for sharing.

    2. So beautiful! Amen. Thanks brother Peter.

  53. Today’s JC reading reminds me of an old chorus that we sometimes sing in our church services -
    Let the dew of heaven fall upon my thirsty soul
    Let the dew of heaven fall on me
    Precious Holy Spirit won’t you come and take control
    Let the dew of heaven fall on me

    Have a blessed day

    1. Wonderful lyrics! Thanks so much for sharing!

  54. Refresh, Lord!

  55. Thanks dear Audra. I just loved that song. A friend and brother of Christ sent it to me this morning so I was doubly blessed! The sweetest and best place to be is in God’s Presence!

  56. Listening to your song before I go to bed, Dear Audra. Too tired to write about my day, but thanks to all of the prayers, it all turned out great for our dear daughter. My DH wanted to take a walk tonight, which we did - so proud of him and thankful to God. He said, "Well, if God has gotten ride of the Multiple Myeloma cells, I'd better get out here and strengthen my legs." Two blocks but for him, it could have been a mile - what a blessing.
    Thankful to read about your day, Jeanne and the many ways you blessed your family as well as looking forward to time with Rick! At least Greg lets you take Nathaniel to "God School!" He's not depriving his son of something that obviously blessed him at one point in his life. God's Word does not return void....he'll be back!
    Janet, your prayer clinched my heart. I'm praying about your desire to stop smoking (hope I got the right person - I think it was you!). You can do the same for me, Sister.
    Good Night Dear Family....I'm typing in my sleep.
    Love and God's best - please pray that I sleep soundly - I'll be up at 6A to prep for work and then DH's Infusion. Whew! Lots going on, but God has it ALL and US!

  57. Dear Norah! Thanks! I’m putting Greg into God’s loving care so He will soften his heart and turn his eyes towards Him. Such good news of God’s faithfulness and answered prayers. Joni and your DH are in the Hands of our Great Physician. Those two blocks he walked brought glory to God! I’m believing that both of them are being healed and the best is yet to come.
