Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Jesus Calling: September 9

Walk with Me along paths of trust. The most direct route between point A and point B on your life-journey is the path of unwavering trust in Me. When your faith falters, you choose a trail that meanders and takes you well out of your way. You will get to point B eventually, but you will have lost precious time and energy. As soon as you realize you have wandered from your trust-path, look to Me and whisper, "I trust You, Jesus." This affirmation will help you get back on track.
     The farther you roam along paths of unbelief, the harder it is to remember that I am with you. Anxious thoughts branch off in all directions, taking you farther and farther from awareness of My Presence. You need to voice your trust in Me frequently. This simple act of faith will keep you walking along straight paths with Me. Trust in Me with all your heart, and I will make your paths straight
Isaiah 26:4
English Standard Version
Trust in the Lord forever,
    for the Lord God is an everlasting rock.
Psalm 9:10
English Standard Version
And those who know your name put their trust in you,
    for you, O Lord, have not forsaken those who seek you.
Psalm 25:4-5
English Standard Version
Make me to know your ways, O Lord;
    teach me your paths.
Lead me in your truth and teach me,
    for you are the God of my salvation;
    for you I wait all the day long.

Proverbs 3:5-6 (one of my favorite set of verses in all the Bible)
English Standard Version
Trust in the Lord with all your heart,
    and do not lean on your own understanding.
In all your ways acknowledge him,
    and he will make straight your paths.

My Prayer
Lord, as you know, the most difficult part of my walk with you is denying myself, getting out of the way and trusting instead in You with all of my heart. Sometimes Lord I don't know what this looks like or sometimes it looks scary. I feel like I'm waiting on you and then being a little passive with my life. Lord, help me to stay active, stay busy, and yet as I walk continue to voice trust in You. Give me a heart of desiring to love and serve you. Lead me in your truth. Thank you for the promise that as I trust in You, You will make straight my paths.

Note: The devotion and scriptures are from author Sarah Young. If you haven't already, please purchase the book and support the author. 

Also, bookmark to have an easy link to the entire year of these entries.


  1. God help me not lose trust but it's so hard. I am suck in point everyday is something bad please God help me please.

    1. it was fine but it just does not give me piece I don't know what am doing wrong

    2. Is there a pastor or person there at the church that you can speak with?

  2. You are not doing anything wrong... my experience has been when I seem distant from God, floundering, not feeling his guidance, distant, confused and discouraged— it is then Gods takes me to a new spiritual level of closeness and wisdom of His nearness, His Love, His patience, His Undying faithfulness for and to me. You are on the verge of something beautiful.
    Wait on the Lord- Be still and know that I am God -
    He’s got you....:)

    1. Beautifully written! This was a perfect way To describe an example!

    2. Thank you for this. Amen! CO

    3. Thank you for those beautiful prayers πŸ™πŸ’•
      Amen, Amen

    4. Hi JC family πŸ’•
      Asking for prayers for my sister, her family and a ton of my friends that have been evacuated in OregonπŸ™πŸ™πŸ™ Some have already lost their homes to the fire.

    5. Amen to that! And He always knows when we are lost and faltering! He gently picks us off the path of confusion and sets us right on the good road He already prepared for us. We must not get in the way of His guiding Hand. Lead me Lord as I put my trust in You. Amen.
      He knows our human frailties well. We must give Him the reins.
      Brandy, Praying for your Sister and family and all those affected and even homeless by the fires. Protect your people and the firefighters. Thank you Jesus!

    6. I am joining all JC Prayer Warriors praying for them, Brandy.

    7. Joining warriors in prayers for those whose homes are in the path of destructive fires.

    8. And a year later, here in the northwest, these prayers are still needed. On behalf of all, we seek, we knock, we pray, we thank you Lord for protection and restoration.

    9. Amen! Still praying together for those who have been affected by the storms and floods and all natural disasters.

    10. Praise the FATHER

    11. FATHER, I do trust YOU and seek YOUR guidance, although not enough. YOU know the situation I face, please give me the wisdom to know how to proceed, I surrender my entire being to YOU FATHER & Beloved SAVIOR, JESUS CHRIST. Please fill me with YOUR Holy Spirit, so I may be guided by YOU in everything I say and do today. I praise YOU & Thank YOU FATHER for all the provisions, opportunities, health and healing. I pray for those around the word in the midst of suffering and in war, help them FATHER , let YOUR light shine upon and within them. Place YOUR hedge of protection around us all especially the children FATHER. as YOU see what is happening to so many, and it’s literally heartbreaking ❤️‍🩹
      Oh Abba, I praise YOU for the difficult circumstances I face, because I know there will be a blessing or a lesson that follows. Help me FATHER know YOU more, love and trust YOU Completely.
      I pray for my children, family, loved ones, brothers and sisters in Christ, I pray we all remain on the straight and narrow path, remaining separated from this world, worshiping Only YOU
      In JESUS CHRIST, mighty name
      I pray

    12. NYC: Amen to that!!

    13. Thank You God for all these prayers and for Anonymouse September 9, 2018 at 11:33 pm,
      ...God, take us to a new spiritual level of closeness and wisdom of Your Nearness, Your Love, Your Patience, Your Undying Faithfulness for and to us. You are on the verge of something beautiful.
      May we Wait on You, Lord. In Jesus' Name. πŸ’– AMEN!

  3. Sharing Morning Prayer I received from In Touch Ministries:

    Morning Prayer - In Touch Ministries - Charles F. Stanley

    "Father I thank You for awakening me to this new morning! Please help me begin this day with rejoicing and with praise to You on my lips for keeping me through another night.

    I praise You for the promise of Your Word in Lamentations 3:22-23 that Your loving kindnesses never cease. I rejoice that Your compassion never fail but are new every morning.

    I commit this day to You. Help me to keep You first in my thoughts, and help me magnify and glorify Your great name in all I do and say. I pray this in the powerful name of Jesus. Amen."

    "It is of the LORD'S mercies that we are not consumed, because His compassion fail not. They are new every morning: great is thy faithfulness." Lamentations 3:22-23

    Blessings to my JC Family

    1. Thanks for sharing this prayer Sassy Mom, love Dr. Stanley's teachings. God bless.

      Maplewood NJ

    2. Such great focus. Thank you so much Sassy Mom.

    3. Thanks dear Sassy Mom! Just what I needed to hear today! Much love!

    4. Jeanne - I receive your love and send much love to JC Family.

    5. Still wonderful encouragement to start the day. Thank you Sassy Mom. ❤️

    6. Good morning Sassy Mom, declaring this today as well:
      "I commit this day to You. Help me to keep You first in my thoughts, and help me magnify and glorify Your great name in all I do and say. I pray this in the powerful name of Jesus. Amen."

    7. Amen dear Audra! Your prayer is my prayer.

    8. Sassy Mom - thank you for sharing Dr. Stanley’s prayer. We love watching him if we miss church. His prayer still resonates in 2022. This one is a keeper.

      SC Anonymous

  4. I have come to a place in my life that whenever I veer away from my path, my heart is immediately redirected back to my attention On the Lord. It feels like a gentle tugging at the heart. I have come accustomed to feeling Safety and wisdom in his presence. Often times when you feel lost or disconnected, I always urge someone to take 20 minutes of quiet time To spiritually sit with the Lord And find time to connect through prayer. That always does wonders for me! I Immediately feel reinvigorated I'm back to that feeling of closeness between me and the Holy Spirit.

    1. Beautifully written
      And so true
      God bless

    2. Lovely Sarah! Time to be still in His peace and presence and know He is our God. He gently tugs at our hearts and whispers assurances of His great love for us.

    3. Thanks for sharing that Sarah will definitely take a time out and seek God I feel overwhelmed.That is helpful way to reconnect with God

    4. Min Ahadi- praying with you and for you that as we seek God, his magnificence will make those things that overwhelm us absolutely diminish and disappear. ❤️

  5. Such an appropriate theme for me...AGAIN. It has been a weekend of trusting Him. Good family times - the comfort of having all of your 'babes' (regardless of their ages) in one place at one time. A mini glimpse of the Gathering, which is always my prayer for my children. It hasn't been perfect, but I guess that's reserved for His house. :) Trusting him throughout this day is my prayers. And to remember that when the devil is on my tail, maybe it's because I'm doing something right!! Prayers for all of you, my JC Family...

  6. Oh Jesus, I trust You. My promise is to keep saying this small, but powerful sentence many times each day until I truly have
    surrendered. I struggle with trust issues in my daily life. Jesus, please continue to hold my hand and walk with me as I work through these struggles.
    I need to keep referring back to Proverbs 3:5-6 and trust in the Lord with all of my heart.
    Praying for each person in this JC Family for their needs and thanking You, Lord, for helping me to find this site. Jesus, I trust You. CO

  7. These words were perfectly written and spoke to me this morning. I have always had a solid relationship with my children, but have recently experienced some trials with my son. I know God is near and at work, so I am trusting in Him, but some days are really hard. Actually, I find I don't know exactly what to pray for my son because I realize that I do not necessarily know what would be best for him, but God does. So, I find myself praying for His will to be done and for acceptance of His will, whatever that may be. I would covet prayers for my boy though. I just pray for tender hearts, open heart, and hearts that can be molded into His likeness. So, today, I choose to trust. One day at a time.

  8. Very appropriate for me to. I am learning every day how much more peaceful my thinking is when I turn my life over to God on a daily basis. Thank you all for your prayers. I've witnessed miracles and I believe they are happening every day. God bless you all.

  9. Good morning Lord and JC family. I also have come to a point in life to simply say Jesus I trust in you over and over when as Norah stated the devil is on my tail. Yes, He is king of kings and lord of lords and the evil one knows it. Stay away from us Satan; you are not welcome here. Come holy spirit!

  10. The Lord is good and His mercy endures FOREVER. It is that mercy that woke me up this morning, so I say THANK YOU FATHER!!
    My JC Family, I hope you all had a great weekend and prepared for what our Heavenly Father has in store for you this day and throughout the week! Allow Him to direct your steps and paths so that whatever decisions and plans you have, it's not against His will for you. He's a TRUST WORTHY God. When life deals us the wrong cards, we don't feel this way, but the solid truth is, HE cares and we can Trust Him! Lets stay on the path with JESUS!
    Ecclesiastic 3 tells us about time and seasons for EVERYTHING under the sun. God's timing is best! Waiting on God and walking through the paths He has for us, is Never in vain!!

    Love, peace and blessings to all. Thanking Him for answers to ALL prayer requests, because He knew them way before we asked. Thank You Father!

    Maplewood NJ

  11. Please pray for my friend Connie a recent widow (last year) who is no longer able to live alone or attend church. She is very nauseous, her weight has dropped to 86 pounds. She also has asthma and on oxygen during the night. The doctors don't know what is wrong with her. Thank you for praying.

  12. Praying for Connie!
    Anonymous, prayers for your son...and for your continued trust in Jesus. CO

  13. Good Morning Prayer Warriors! Please pray for my family and friends and all those in the path of intense fires in southern Oregon and Happy Camp, CA. Residents, guests and public safety personnel. Having had to evacuate from fires two times in recent history, I know what fear and crisis can feel like. Anxious thoughts branch off in all directions, taking you farther and farther from awareness of My Presence. You need to voice your trust in Me frequently. This simple act of faith will keep you walking along straight paths with Me. Trust in Me with all your heart, and I will make your paths straight. I also know that all we have is this present moment and that is enough. Thank you Jesus, we trust you Jesus, your plan, your timing.

    1. I am praying right now, Audra for God to save them, lead them, and douse them in His Mercy.

    2. Joining Brie in praying now for the safety of your family πŸ™

    3. Joining in prayers for all those affected by the fires.

      Blessings from France

    4. Standing in agreement with the prayer band here and praying for safty, restoration, peace and strength for all affected, in Jesus' name!

      Maplewood NJ

    5. Agreeing with these prayers. We speak your peace to the fire Lord. Be still. Wind, die down. Fire, lose your appetite. Rain, douse the areas of fire especially. Peace to all people. May they speak your great name Jesus.

    6. Joining the prayer warriors in asking for blessings for all families and first responders battling the fires. We ask you, Jesus for mercy on their lives and livelihood.

    7. In the face of such challenges, the prayers of others are so essential in maintaining faith. Thank you for posting this, Audra, so we can be in prayer. God be with you.

    8. Joining in prayers with my family here for the families whose safety and homes are threatened by the roaring fires. Father protect all those facing danger and for thise who are losing their homes. Take care of your people and provide their needs and restore their peace and strengthen their faith. Bless and guard the firefighters from harm. Stop the fires completely. Thank you for your faithfulness as we pray for your amazing power to make all things right again. Amen!

    9. Be with all Your children Lord and keep them with You. Let their family and friends know that You are in control of all and they have nothing to fear. In Your son Jesus name I pray, Amen πŸ™

    10. As mentioned above, these prayers are still needed. Much as there is a "hurricane season", we now find ourselves in annual fear of fire season. I look at the vastness of the forests, home to people and wildlife and can not fathom that man can fight those best. I have to trust in Jesus, and I do.
      I awoke with a message today:
      "God and science are not mutually exclusive. Ask Albert Einstein and read the Word of God"
      To me this means seek the Creator in order to enjoy and protect His Creation. Inviting other insights and prayer from the JC family of warriors.

    11. Thank you for sharing your Message, our dear Audra. May He clear all the air that You breathe, walk you through Fire Season, and lead you to the water; in other words, I pray He continues to Do What He Is Famous For.
      I believe God and science are not mutually exclusive because I believe God set forth the principles on which science is based, along with other disciplines. I also believe He created the mind of humans in His Image and Likeness. Sometimes we use His gifts wisely. I am sending Love and prayers to you across all seasons, including hurricane, fire, and driftwood. In Jesus' Name. Amen.

    12. Praying that God will guide His people with wisdom to find solutions to the problems caused by this hurricane season and other natural disasters, and protect them, and also provide all their needs. Audra and.Brie, Praying for clean air, electricity and supplies and shelter. He is still in charge and He is mighty to save. Thank You Jesus!

  14. Good Morning and God Bless, JC Family. I am back to work today, so I am up early and enjoying the quiet (I can hear crickets outside!). The sun is not up yet (can't believe the summer is ending - it's still dark outside whereas just a few weeks ago, it was already coming up). This 'season' we are all in with the pandemic has brought so many changes, but I think the one I see the most is the lack of 'busyness.' We had no vacation plans and haven't gone anywhere other than to venture 40 minutes south or as yesterday, an hour and a half north. I only had about an hour with my sister, but it was so refreshing to be in different surroundings and spend time in the car listening to some of my favorite teaching tapes.
    My sleep was much better last night. The remote to my side of the bed (the one that I washed with the sheets) will not be here until the end of the month. Thankfully, the new part and shipment was less than $25 and the man processing my order got a kick out of my story. He said he hears some good ones, but doesn't recall one being washed with the sheets.
    Little connections with people, our ability to share a smile (even behind a mask), being patient with the gas station whose credit card function wasn't working, seeing little grands run up the drive to jump in my arms (so trusting - reminds me of how I need to run to God when I'm anxious) are all things that I may not have noticed as much had we not been so isolated so long.
    I find myself yearning for a more peaceful time, praying for the people out West who are experiencing the fires and crazy weather. Then I read back to 2018 and see that we were praying for the same things - only minus COVID.
    Thank you for this day, Lord. Let your light shine through me as I talk with people and help them find solutions to their needs. My part is small but it is no less important.
    Praying for each of you and will check throughout the day. And in case you missed my update yesterday - the Dental appt was a breeze! Sigh. I'll be making more appointments today and will thank you in advance for your love and prayers.

    1. Norah- great to hear about dentist visit. I too sometimes lament over the fact that covid has prevented some of our freedom to vacay. Hubby surprised me on our 50th to a vacay to Alaska on a train as I've never ridden one. Alas! No go😟. We are a member of a hospitality ministry called Wayside travel, we host christian retirees in our home for $20. A night & free breakfast, wonderful fellowshipping. Well guess what? No more hosting. So sad. PTL for times past, PTL for the present & PTL for what's ahead. BlessingsπŸ₯°

    2. Haha the remote thing made me smile sweet Norah!
      Indeed, we don't need to go too far to be refreshed. That is something we had to learn and appreciate through this whole pandemic situation.
      Praying for your work and appointments! God bless you.

      Blessings from France

    3. Norah- taking time now to greet our Jesus and run into his arms. Thank you for that!
      Jan - praying for a return and more blessing when God replaces what the locusts have ravaged.

    4. Dearest Norah! You also made me smile when you told me about the remote! I can relate. So glad you got a bit of normal time with your sister and also enjoyed your grands. Yes we must run to Him like a tiny child in pure love, trust and adoration. We are His little children as the Spirit bears witness. Always young and learning how to walk nearer to our Father. Looking forward to all things coming together in all of our lives and this fallen and crazy world as we continue to put Him in the Center.
      Your dental appointment was a breeze because He was in the chair with you!
      Amen Jan, BFF and GraceTakesTime! We are all wading through this pandemic muck but holding onto His Hand and resting on His promises and faithfulness. He is still refreshing and renewing us during our time together and through His Word and our fellowship!

    5. Great to hear, Norah.
      Pretty soon, you'll be an Ace in the Appointment Department!

  15. When I'm feeling distant from God due to life and its chaos at times, I say to myself or out loud, "I trust you Jesus" and most times I feel an instant exhale of relief wash over me. When it doesn't happen, which is rarely, I feel so disconnected and almost frenzied that I can't get that exhale feeling. I try not to get anxious knowing tomorrow is a new day and gift from Jesus. Norah, so glad you find ways to find joy with others during this time...whether it's a drive and a short visit or the man processing your order for parts. There are others seeking that very same connection. How great that your dental appt went well! God is so good...every day and ALWAYS. We simply have to let go and trust. Happy Wednesday and blessings to you all!

  16. Dear Heavenly Father, Thank you for the many times in my life when I have cried out to you in my distress and you have brought me out. Help me to always seek to do the right thing, whatever the consequences may be. Lead me, I pray, on a straight path. In Jesus' name. Amen.

    What are the straight paths of the Lord?
    When we acknowledge God in all our ways, speaking and acting in line with His Word, He directs our paths. His Word will always lead us down the straight paths He has for our life.

    God has straight paths that leads to faith. This is the advent-heart of God. He is still the pursuing God, urging believers just like He sent His Son to seek and save the lost. He has straight paths that leads to faith. He is sending, pursuing, searching, saving and calling us to join Him. Let’s do our part by spending time with Him, talking to Him, and listening to Him, because we have tremendous reason to be hopeful and confident in our Creator. If we join Him on that straight path, He will clear the way for us. Declaring His Word and acting on it will keep us from following after our own understanding, thereby putting our unwavering trust in Him. His Spirit lives within us and is always available to us, but we have to ask ourselves are we making ourselves available to Him?

    “Ponder the path of thy feet, and let all thy ways be established.” (Prov.4:26).

    Dear Father, May the Holy Spirit help us to always remember to affirm our trust in You (Jesus). When and if we fall off our ‘trust-path', we thank You for being right there to embrace and lead us right back on track, for Jesus's sake, Amen!

    Kmertens- As we take care of our mothers/fathers, God will take care us (strength, patience et al.,). It’s a great honor despite being drained some days, but also a great blessing! Continue to lean on Him for strength. My prayers are with you.

    Brie- Hope you enjoyed your anniversary! Mom is doing well, Janet is home from the hospital and just had another doctor’s follow-up/check-up yesterday. Believing for great results. Thanks for asking and the continued prayers for them. God bless you!

    ABC- I join the prayer band that is our JC family, in praying for your M-I-L Irene. Praying for peace and rest for her and your family.

    Blessings and Peace.

    Maplewood NJ

    1. Amen! Thank you Maplewood for this blessed post. Continued prayers for Janet and your mother. God bless you.

      Blessings from France

    2. M NJ - thank you.
      You wrote:
      This is the advent-heart of God. He is still the pursuing God, urging believers just like He sent His Son to seek and save the lost. He has straight paths that leads to faith. He is sending, pursuing, searching, saving and calling us to join Him. Let’s do our part by spending time with Him, talking to Him, and listening to Him, because we have tremendous reason to be hopeful and confident in our Creator.
      Thank you for that image and reminder.
      Praying for all, with all, today for trust, hope, and confidence in our Creator!!

    3. Thank you ,Maplewood, for the encouragement to those of us caring for elderly parents. I am an only child caring for my Mom and I agree that it is a great honor. Thank you for reminding me of that as I sometimes get a bit overwhelmed and forget to lean on the Lord and ask Him for strength and patience to do the things that need to be done. Blessings to all on this new, never lived before day !

    4. Thanks Maplewood for feeding me well! I love the advent heart of God. So glad He is always pursuing me and bringing me back because I at times I get distracted and wander away like a little child. So happy to hear Janet is home from the hospital! Praying for her recovery wet! God is busy at work on all of her weaknesses. I’m hoping you’re relaxing a bit more because of God’s faithfulness. Glad also that your Mom is doing well. God gives us a special blessing and added strength when we care for our good parents. I am blessed my 92 yr old Mom is doing well and able to take care of herself, and pray with me and my Sister every morning. She is quite amazing. God bless and keep all of our dear parents and loved ones! Amen.

    5. CapeCodgirl! - Caregiving is demanding and very rewarding. God bless you!!

  17. Maplewood- will continue to pray for excellent results for JanetπŸ™


    Creating a sacred space. Churches have sanctuaries for the purpose of providing a sacred space in which worship takes place. When a space is set aside solely for that purpose, it can develop an aura that gives a strong sense of the presence of God upon entering.

    This also can be useful in the practice of personal intimacy with God. Setting aside a space within one's domain where one meets God can further the development of intimacy with God. Much as a sanctuary is for a worshiping community, your space will develop an aura that will increase your soul's feeling of being in the presence of God. Yes, God is with you everywhere but in experiencing God in a sacred space lends to the awareness of the eternal presence wherever you go. Make the space the two of you share in whatever way is a blessing. Use chairs that are comfortable but not too comfortable so you won't find yourself dosing off. Like a church sanctuary, place images around you that draw your attention to God's love and grace for you. Decorate it in a way that draws your heart toward Him who is with you. Make it a sacred space in which only the two of you share.

    For me personally, I have my space outdoors. I find my quiet time is enhanced by breathing fresh air. I place an extra chair in my space to indicate God sitting with me. I light a fragrant candle because Jesus is my light and my salvation and the lingering smell creates a pleasing sense to it all (the olfactories can play a role in this time). Though my space is not free from interruption because the workers on the golf course are driving by on their machines, I turn that into a positive by waving at them as they go by and now overtime, they are looking for me and take the initiative to wave first. So in this space I rendezvous on a daily basis with my Lord, He is sitting in His chair when I get there and sometimes He is waving as He goes by. This is my space. Do you have a sacred space where God and you meet? What is it like? Thanks for sharing.

    God be with you, JC Family! With love, Bob

    1. Do you have a sacred space where God and you meet? What is it like?
      Thanks for sharing your Sacred Space with your JC Family, Bob. I have many Sacred Spaces where I meet God. After watching The Warroom Movie, My Dedicated Main GOTO Sacred Space for meeting with God during ordinary times, is the under stair Tornado Closet in our home. In here are prayer requests, answers, concessions, and Victory wall, my Bible, prayer books, Boho Beautiful Meditations, Beach Devotion Pictures, all of you, etc.
      Another of my Sacred Spaces is inside my vehicle. Post covid,  I live in a very rural area 100% of the time far outside of city limits. I travel 130 to 180 mile round trip for Dr and other Appointments. I clean off the seat and buckle the seatbelt on the passenger's side; just me and Jesus and a Christian Radio station, talking, laughing, singing, listening and yes, extra courteous driving, because Jesus demands I am kind to other drivers, because our Father In Heaven is. He even makes me say a prayer for the finger wavers.
      Another of my Sacred Spaces is on the hammocks with DH at sunset, thanking, sipping, marveling at and enjoying Jesus' Splendid Art Show across the evening sky, although His Works are NFS they are available to all!
      Pre Covid, I also had a Sacred Space at work, arriving 30 minutes before to pray for everything and everyone I encountered then walk in hand in hand with Jesus. I had a Christian Daily Planner, so each time I went to a new task, I read the short bible verse or Word and sought opportunity to do it before I went to the next task.
      THE BEACH! IS MY FAVE SACRED SPACE! At the beach, I am consciously aware of God, morning, noon and night.
      There are more, but all of the above are my mainstays! Thanks for asking. Since any Space can be a Sacred Space,  I too am looking forward to Sacred Space replies from our JC Family that The Holy Spirit inspires them to post.

    2. Bob and Brie! I love the sacred meeting spaces you describe! Especially the extra chair and candle and the closed seatbelt! I agree Brie! I always feel so close to Him at the Beach when I am surrounded my his beauty, power and glory! His sunrises and sunsets never fail to leave me open mouthed, humble and totally in awe. He always meets me in the kitchen where I am in my element. But He is everywhere and always present. When I am very busy, I ask Him to remind me to stay in His presence. Just saying His Precious Name always brings me back.

    3. Dear Bob, Your post, THOUGHTS ON INTIMACY WITH OUR LORD, may be seen by more JC Warriors if you repost it tonight, but on tomorrow's Board.

    4. Thank you for sharing your sacred spaces Bob, Brie and Jeanne! Very inspiring. My main one is in my bedroom, just sitting on the floor while spending time with Him. I agree the beach is one of the best! Last time I went I couldn't stop smiling at the beauty of the water going back and forth and laughing when it came on my feet. We're so blessed to be able to see His wonderful creation.

      Blessings from France

    5. Yes Bob, So true! I also like to use the spiritual images as well as candles in my quiet time/sacred space, (the fragrance you describe reminds me of the incense we use in church-some don't care for it but I love it, very comforting) Amen.

    6. I have a friend who always lights a candle when she prays because it is her grateful candle, and it reminds her of all of God’s blessings in her life.

    7. Thanks for sharing Peter J, As I pondered your Sacred Spaces, I too, experienced hairs on my arms when I read about the Turkish Grandmother. Thanks again for sharing your Sacred Spaces.

    8. I too enjoyed reading what all of you wrote above. There have been times when I lightly sensed the presence of God but one time in particular I will never forget. In 1997 my ex-husband and two oldest daughters were in Paris and we went into the beautiful Basilica of the Sacred Heart of Jesus - "Sacre' Coeur" We were visitors within the roped-off guide area but the feeling in there was unmistakable and so pleasantly strong yet so gentle -- Joy, Peace, Love, Acceptance enveloping us. I've never felt anything like it.

    9. Thanks for sharing your beautiful experiences and sacred spaces in God’s presence. I too was moved by the story of the Turkish Grandmother and the unmistakable feeling of the Presence of the Lord you had. I have had a similar feeling walking on the grounds of a Rehab facility near my home under a certain tree. For whatever reason I feel connected to Him in such a real way under that same tree! I have felt His Spirit in the breeze and in the rustling of the leaves. I have received messages that I was taken care of and had nothing to worry about. I do believe if we come to Him with an Open heart of trust He will fill us.

  19. Thank you all for your prayers. I set my trust in God and Jesus as we see what the light of this new day shines on the areas ravaged by fire last night. Praying that the light of God outshines and puts to rest all evil influences over our region and the world.

  20. R U OK??
    APB going out to OUR JJ. Come in JJ. Come in. Come in. Copy...

    1. JJ. I have been wondering if you are OK as well.

  21. JC Warriors -- thank you for all your prayers and thoughts. I really appreciate all of you. You are all blessings from the Lord.

    Father, thank You for all the healing You are doing in my life. I can't thank You enough. You are so wonderful and amazing. I trust in You Lord. I'm putting all my trust in You. I know that You are always with me and that You love me, protect me, guide me, and will not forsake me. Your promises are true and faithful. Help me to keep You the center of my life and to always look to You in all things. I praise You Lord always. Thank You Jesus. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen.

    1. But the Lord is faithful, who will establish you and guard you from the evil one. And we have confidence in the Lord concerning you, both that you do and will do the things we command you. Now may the Lord direct your hearts into the love of God and into the patience of Christ. (2 Thessalonians 3:3-5). Now may the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, that you may abound in hope by the power of the Holy Spirit. (Romans 15:13).

    2. Jesus I trust You. Thank You for Your Healing Blessings on our Janet and on our entire JC Family of Prayer Warriors and each of their dear ones. Amen.

    3. Joining you, Brie and Jeanne, asking our Jehovah Rapha for healing our sister, Janet! Your faith, Janet, is so very strong and God sees this and is bringing you through! While we may not see or feel His works or guidance sometimes, we must continue to "trust in the Lord with all our hearts" which is what you do each day, Janet. While it's sometimes difficult to not want to "lean on our own understanding", we continue to seek and trust in everything knowing He will guide us when we do! Praying healing prayers for you and all of our JC family, Janet! Peace and blessings family! Amen!

    4. Adding my prayers and big warm hugs for you our dear Janet. God Bless you and I admire your strength you've already shown.

  22. If you only knew what a sweet blessing you are to us dear Janet. I believe that the best is yet to come in your life because you are trusting God for everything you need, and you're doing your best not to lean on your own understanding. Keep Him in the center and everything will come together. I am joining in your beautiful prayer. Amen and Amen.
    Driving in the morning to Brooklyn to visit my good Mom. But I'm really sleep deprived so I'm heading right off to bed. Have a blessed new day since it is already morning. Goodnight and God bless you all, my dear JC Family.
    Dear Brie, Praying with you that JJ will return soon. We love her dearly. Thank You Jesus!

    1. You are very sweet Jeanne. Thank you for all your thoughts and prayers. Mercy travels to you and enjoy time with your mom. God bless.

    2. May Our God of all Mercy provide you with His Traveling Mercy, dear Jeanne, and may His Spirit of Joy dominate the time you and your Mom get to spend together. In Jesus' Name. I ask. I seek. I knock. I praise. I thank. I yield. Amen,

    3. Joining in prayer dear Jeanne for safe travel & amazing visit with your mom. Amen.

    4. Amen for travel and rest for dear Jeanne,
      And also trusting God for your wellness visit, dear Jan. ❤️

    5. Joining in prayer for traveling mercies and a lovely visit. See you back soon!

    6. Sweet sisters! How I love you. Thanks for your prayers! Enjoying my time with my Mom.
      Had a Jesus moment today. Stopped to get coffee at a gas station and then when I got to Brooklyn I went to my Mom’s grocery store to buy her favorite lemon pepper chicken and broccoli and mushrooms. But when I went to pay, my credit card was gone. God told me not to react so I searched in my bag and had the exact amount including nickels and dimes to buy the chicken and vegees. I went to the car and searched everywhere. I was aware a worker was watching me search under seats and in between. I called my husband who said not to worry. He could call and put a temporary hold on the card. I said it was possible I dropped it when I got coffee. I tried to call the gas station but their phone was out of service. Went out of the car and said to the worker: Trust in the Lord with all thine heart and lean not unto your own understanding. Acknowledge Him in all things and He will direct your path. He smiled and nodded yes. I called my sister and we prayed together. She said: Father show Jeanne where her card is. I said Amen. I looked between my seat and the brake area where I had looked before and it was there! Hallelujah! What a faithful God we serve! Thank You Jesus!!! The rest of the day went well to His glory. Had precious time with my Mom and for my prayers. My little Mom ate well, thank God. We had tea and cake too, and we watched movies together. Built some sweet memories. I’m even going to sleep early! God is so good and I am so grateful.

  23. Wellness doctor visit this morning. Praying that God give wisdom, discernment & knowledge to my Doc to be able to answer questions about some health issues. Bless each of you warriors as you walk closely with the Lord of the universe.πŸ’•

    1. Praying that your doc takes the time you need with them and that they in turn HEAR your concerns about your health and have answers for you, Jan. Praying Jehovah Rapha, our BEST physician, "assists" your doc today, Jan, with what you need! Amen!

    2. Praying for your quantum health, Jan gridley, and for the health of our JC Family of Prayer Warriors and each of their dear ones. I am also including all Doctors and Medical staffs in my prayers, and for God to send them the help and wisdom they need to channel his healing, even in the midst of distractions. May they have ears opened to first hear You Father, and then us. I ask. I seek. I knock. I praise. I thank. I yield. In Jesus' Name. Amen.

    3. You've got the Lord with you. And now you've got our prayers. God be with your doctors and give them full understanding and wisdom.

    4. Amen! I join in these prayers πŸ™♥️

    5. Amen! Joining prayers for God to guide the doctors to give you the answers you need to resolve your health issues. God already knows your weaknesses and is the best Physician. And He is always with you.

    6. Praying all went well for you Jan. Father, cover Jan in Your restoration of healing and comfort. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen. Peace be with you.

  24. Today's devotion reminds us to walk with You along paths of trust chosen by You, rather than meander circuitously along paths of our own choosing, like driftwood on the Beach -that chunk of wood separated from its source, adrift in a sea of circumstance, landing on a far away beach.  Beached in a quandary of doubt, now waterlogged and consumed by gribbles, driftwood can become useless or useful. What causes our drifting?
    Many worldly things can cause us to become adrift. Situations we consider good or bad, can distract us from our original Source. Maybe the distraction came in the form of  a promotion,  a wonderful relationship, a horrible relationship, a hobby, boredom, overwhelming responsibilities that caused us to neglect Spiritual prayer time, etc.  Regardless, of our driftwood issue, yet unlike driftwood, we can always become strong, become courageous,  stand firm,  and return to our Faithful Source saying, I trust You Jesus. I want Your Will for me. Send Help!
    Asking God to shed light, provide clarity, and get us safely back to His Shore, and reattached to Him, purifies us, renews us, and smoothes out the knots and knocks on our driftwood. Remembering to thank Him for the rescue, strengthens our Faith.
    Dear Heavenly Father God,
    Would You draw us closer to You when we are adrift in a sea of circumstance, refresh our faith in You when we return, and give us confidence to face all things through You. I ask. I seek. I knock. I praise. I thank. I yield. In Jesus' Name.  Amen.

    1. I again enjoyed your writings using known objects to tell the story Brie.

      "Many worldly things can cause us to become adrift" is exactly what we face every single day. The "worldly things" we deal with that pull on us are ever present and some of the waves that knock us around are what we call here in Oregon "sneaker waves". They come out of nowhere and are very consuming to all in their path. Some days, like yesterday, I come here and read the passages and messages and feel like "I'm okay today - Praise God" and then in no time the worldly things start happening in the day and I'm on my knees. We are indeed "unlike driftwood" and can say "I trust you Jesus" I want your will, send help!
      What a good way of putting it all into perspective with your stories that we love so much here in this JC family.
      God Bless you and all who come here -
      whether you write or not. God knows your heart and I pray for all of you.

    2. I very strongly sensed the presence of God in stillness and with arm bumps, when I read your post, Kathy.
      The Holy Spirit more than gently NUDGED me to write about Driftwood on the Beach when I had chosen another topic. The Spirit said many in our JC family, myself included, are currently in Driftwood Season and we would be coming in and out of our prayer room today and needed hope that Driftwood Season is neither fatal nor final, but hopeful! Love you dearly.
      Now can you drift some of that Oregon Breeze this way?

    3. I have often said if I were not tethered to the Lord and anchored to Heaven by my faith, I would be like a piece of driftwood floating around in a sea of confusion! Thanks dear Brie! You made me smile because I sure can relate!

    4. I join with you, Brie, and our sisters regarding feeling like driftwood at times. This is so true both feeling that way and how to overcome feeling that way by shaking our snow globe a bit and crying out to our Heavenly Father who always throws us His anchor! Thank you, Brie, so very poignant and relatable to us all!

  25. Thanking You Lord for another blessed day. May Your Spirit guide me and lead me to all the gifts placed along the way for me today, so that when night falls and I bend my knees in prayer, I can thank and glorify Your Holy name. I thank You for Jesus Father, because without Him Salvation would not have been possible and because He lives, I can face whatever comes my way, trusting and depending on Him! I honor and thank You this morning for Your Loving kindness and tender mercies bestowed on me and my family every second of each day. I pray this in Jesus' name. Amen.

    JC family, I leave you with this quote today by Alice Walker, especially for all those suffering from doubts and depression. Please know that God is with you. Hope is NOT lost!
    " Some periods of our growth are confusing that we don't even recognize that growth is happening. We may feel hostile or angry or weepy and hysterical, or we may feel depressed. It would never occur to us, unless we stumbled on a book or a person who explained to us that we were in fact in the process of change, of actually becoming larger, spiritually, than we were before.
    Whenever we grow, we tend to feel it as a young seed must feel the weight and inertia of the earth as it seeks to break out of its way to becoming a plant.
    Often the feeling is anything but pleasant. But what is most unpleasant is not knowing what is happening. Those long periods when something inside ourselves seems to be waiting, holding its breath, unsure about what the next step should be, eventually become the periods we wait for.
    For it is in those periods that we realize that we are being prepared for the next phase of our life, and that in all probability, a new level of the personality is about to be revealed."

    Let's walk with and TRUST God, leaving ALL the consequences to Him!

    Blessings and Peace.

    Maplewood NJ

    1. Thank you for what you share Maplewood. Your maturity astounds me sometimes. Your message on "growth pains" will help many here.
      Blessings and Peace back to you

    2. Thank you Maplewood NJ. I am joining in with you and Kathy during this period of growth, where I am desiring to learn and practice how to bring my every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ, and make my every thought a prisoner until I hear and obey Christ. I trust You Jesus. Would You help me walk and TRUST You at the same time, better than I walk and chew gum, and leave ALL the consequences to You? In Jesus' Name. Amen!

    3. Sweet Maplewood, I have been feeling quite overwhelmed because I know my free time is disappearing because I must help my son and daughter-in-love a lot more now because of the new baby. His big brother Gabriel needs my attention more than ever now too. Leaning on the Everlasting Arms. I trust You Jesus. .It is a blessing to have baby Nathaniel and Gabriel in our family but I know I must put them first now. My needs are secondary. Your wonderful message made me feel much better. God is indeed preparing me for the next phase in my life.!He always equips us well for what He assigns us to. I am well taken care of.

    4. Amen Maplewood! God bless you.

    5. Insightful wise words, Maplewood. Thank you and what a great visual for us to think on! Made me think of when my kids were little and had very painful growing pains. Those pains were necessary for their physical growth...much like the struggle a seed, caterpillar, baby bird must do to emerge! While I struggled a good long time (8 weeks or so) with the disconnect my family has done with me, I have felt God saying to me a lot lately that He is enough for me. That with Him, I can stand alone and yet not be alone! That He has a purpose for me and this separation from them...helping my long-time feelings of inadequacies around my family fade away. That with Him, I can do all things. How great is our God?!
      Thank you, Maplewood & Brie, for your words today! Blessings one and all to my JC family!

    6. Maplewood, even though your comment was last year, it is EXACTLY what I needed on this day! God used you to confirm something I have been praying about! Thank you for your obedience! Won't HE do it? Praise our On Time GOD.

  26. Praying for you always dear NJS. Trusting God will make all things right with your family members. Much love. My sister has a daughter that has put a wall between them for years. It hurts my sister so much. My sister Janet needs prayers. Her blood pressure has been very high and she has heart rhythm problems. Thanks for your prayers.
    Rick and I are driving home tomorrow after a nice break. Our oldest son Bryan is flying in from CA on Saturday. Gabriel starts school in the 13th and turns 4 on the 15th. It’s a busy time and a blessed time. God is my strength. All will be well because He is so faithful. Keeping you in my prayers dear JC Family. Stay strong, hopeful and focused on the Lord. We are not alone.

    1. Amen Jeanne πŸ™. Praying for your sister Janet's blood pressure and for her relationship with her daughter. May our heavenly Father heal and restore both in her life. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen. God bless.

    2. Jeanne- praying for safe travels home, your sister’s blood pressure, and the first day of school.

      SC Anonymous

    3. Joining warriors dear Jeanne for each of your concert. In His faithfulness He will tend to them all. As JC stated, just whisper, "I trust You, Jesus". πŸ˜πŸ™

    4. Thanks dear Janet, SC and Jan. Your sweet prayers and loving messages added much light to my day! Amen Jan. Putting it all in His Hands. I trust You, Jesus to make my sister better, and my son’s trip safe and fruitful, and Gabriel’s days in school peaceful and happy, and a smooth and joyful 4th Birthday celebration.
      Thank You Jesus.
      Woke up early and walked to the beach to watch the sunrise. There was a huge crowd of young people on the beach waiting for the sun. It turned out to be a high school Senior happening. The sunrise was really pretty and I was blessed by it! took some pictures and just thanked God for the gift of it all. I stood and took in the awesome beauty of the sun shining through the clouds and off the water, and the seagulls soaring, and the graduates happily mingling. It was a sweet vision to behold. God fills my heart with so much light and joy. His gifts keep on giving because I can carry them with me. Have a blessed day!

    5. I trust Jesus to paint the sky with light to remind us of who HE is. It's a new day, in a new way we walk in it, never alone.

  27. Good Morning JC Family, as I read, "You will get to point B eventually, but you will have lost precious time and energy. As soon as you realize you have wandered from your trust-path, look to Me and whisper, "I trust You, Jesus." This affirmation will help you get back on track. The farther you roam along paths of unbelief, the harder it is to remember that I am with you. Anxious thoughts branch off in all directions, taking you farther and farther from awareness of My Presence." Immediately, I knew this WORD was why God prompted me to get up at 3 AM to spend time with HIM. In the MORNING's QUIETNESS. I am praying with each of you and Praising GOD for his faithfulness to me, even when I fall short. This blog is my place to connect with GOD and how I like to start my morning, in my secret place of my office. My coffee, desires, cares about the world and knowing Jesus is with me jump starts my day, and calms my anxieties on most days. Thank you for remaining in prayer with ME as I step out in faith and get back on track, going from Point A to Point B with Jesus, the proper way this time.
    Have a blessed beyond measure day and I pray God exceeds your expectations.

    1. Amen...thank for sharing this . Sometimes we are going along a self choosen path which bring hardship and sadness , may we seek God earnestly , He has the best prepared for us .

    2. Amen Anonymous & Min, amen! Taking in what you're sharing to jump start my day. Thank you. Blessings on your day πŸ’žπŸ™.

    3. Amen dear Anonymous, Min Ahadi and Jan. His way is the right way. I too start my day in prayer and gratitude but then often get distracted by my own “To Do list”. I should trust Jesus to guide me to accomplish what He wants me to, and to find precious time to be a Mary instead of a Martha.

  28. My prayer is when we wake up and start out day .....there are so many paths ahead of us daily..... may our prayer be that God will leads us in the paths that He has prepared for us , a path that will lead us to God's blessings, a path where God will be glorified and a path that will bring us closer to God. Psalms 25 4-5 gave me goosebumps reading God's word and listening to the Holy Spirit , He will direct on paths .

  29. Our trust in Jesus wavers when we let go of His Hand and lean on our humanity and emotions. The world sways us but God understands.

  30. Your comment truly resonates with me…the first thing I saw this morning was an advertisement for a PRIDE event on 9/11 featuring a children’s drag queen show. 😑😭 This world is so filthy and corrupt, and I fear for our children and grandchildren…but I have all of my trust in Jesus that He will fight for and save these little babies from the demons that pursue them. πŸ™πŸ»❤️πŸ™πŸ»

    1. I am repeating JJ's 2024 prayer for our children, whose beautiful minds may be in danger of being reprogrammed.

  31. I have been reading Jesus Calling (off and on) for many years and just so happened to look online (a few days ago) to see if I could find the daily reading.
    I then found myself reading all of your beautiful messages shared with one another.
    I believe the Holy Spirit guided me to you all. My life and heart are in need of a daily life with God.
    Otherwise…. the struggle can be just too worldly and at times unbearable. You all have been an awesome blessing!
    God be with you and May He surround you with His unending love.
    Thank you!
    Margaret, Pennsylvania

    1. Welcome Margaret, Pennsylvania! God's Holy Spirit's Invitation is what brought most, if not all, of us here into The JC prayer Warriors Room where we pray continuously 24/7 from all around this world. Some of us post; all of us pray.
      I think of it as buffet style. Come as often as you like, stay as long as you like, partake of as much as you like, passover what you don't need. All in his name and for His Glory, we use Chris' postings of Sarah Young's book and associated bible verses to connect in a judgement free zone where we can be as honest and transparent as we need to, praying for one another, encouraging one another supporting one another, and lifting one another, rehearsing, redoing, and refocusing on the skills that we need to have honed on this leg of the journey toward our Heavenly Home. We are always glad to see you and we are glad you are here. In Jesus' Name. Welcome!

    2. Welcome to our favorite place, dear Margaret of Pennsylvania! We find comfort, joy, God's Word, friendship, love and we always find peace here, leave peace here, and take some with us. God has led us here for a reason. We are all in need of encouragement and understanding. The Lord is faithful to those who trust in His ways and seek Him with a sincere heart. It is a blessing to come together in faith, with Jesus as our Shepherd and as our mighty Cornerstone. His Spirit guides our words and our days. So happy you are part of our JC Family. God bless you in all things.

  32. I trust You, Jesus, to always keep me
    Walking along Straight Paths with Thee. Amen.

    1. Thank You Lord for helping me to joyfully accept and embrace Your Path for my journey. In Jesus' Name. Amen.

    2. Dearest Brie, I have been praying Jesus, I trust You for hours. I got home from NJ and wanted to cook some special things for my vegan son who is arriving today (tomorrow-I'm up too late) from CA. So I unpacked and didn't even think of my camera. I just went into the kitchen and cooked some nice dishes for him. Then I realized the last time I saw my camera was in the car. I looked in the car, in the garbage, in every bag I unpacked, in the piles of things I unpacked, on the floor, in the hamper, in my shelves, in the kitchen drawers, even in the refrigerator. I can't find my precious camera. But I just keep praying: Jesus, I trust You and I know I will find it. But I must go to sleep now. Thanks for your prayers and also for traveling mercies for my good son, Bryan. God bless you and all our JC Family. Trusting in God's faithfulness and leaning on His promises. I am gonna lie down and rest in Him who cares for us.

    3. Jesus, Jeane's camera is lost; Jesus, Jeanne"s Camera is found! I thank You Jesus.
      Jesus, Jeane's camera is lost; Jesus, Jeanne"s Camera is found! I thank You Jesus.
      Jesus, Jeane's camera is lost; Jesus, Jeanne"s Camera is found! I thank You Jesus...
      Traveling Mercy prayers for Bryan. In Jesus' Name. Amen.

  33. Dear heavenly Father, keep me close to you on my daily journey. Keep me on YOUR path of absolute trust. Help me to know that the you are with me every step of the way in good, and not so good times. Jesus I trust in you! Jesus I absolutely trust in you! Amen.

    1. Amen and Amen dear ABC. Absolutely trust in Jesus above all else.

  34. Dear JC Family - my DH made it through 2 days of his preliminary chemo and has done really well. They did an EKG after the infusion to make sure his heart is handling this. Tomorrow, we will receive the blood test results. Please pray with us that his cardiac enzymes are normal and nothing else is needed in the Cardiac area. We are tired, but blessed, and praying for a good night's sleep. Love and thankfulness to all of you. Honestly, I didn't get to read all of today's prayer requests, but I have prayed for each of you. I'll catch up on specific prayers tomorrow, but know that you are being prayed for, spiritually - perfectly. <3

    1. Praying for DH and for you Norah, our dear sister friend in Christ.

    2. Dear Norah, Continuing to pray for your DH. Thanking God for carrying him through 2 days of his treatments and giving him the strength to tolerate it well. Praying that his cardiac enzymes are normal. Thank You Jesus. May God show you His faithfulness and bring rest to your weary bodies and minds. Rest well. Thanks for the prayers, dear one.

  35. πŸ™ Norah and your DH! ♥️

  36. I’m trusting the Lord with all my heart. He is holding my Mom tight and she’s holding onto Him. She wants Him to take her Home right away. She fades away a little more each day. I’m thankful to be with her and my sister right now. We know God’s timing is the best timing. We sure don’t want our Mom to suffer and we can see she’s having a terrible time. God knows how much she loves Him. She is a super prayer warrior and she has such a good and generous heart of faith and gratitude. She is in God’s loving Hands. Trusting in His promises and resting in His Word as His Plan for this good and faithful servant unfolds. May His Will Be Done.

    Psalm 73:26
    “Nevertheless I am continually with thee: thou hast held me by my right hand. Thou shalt guide me with thy counsel, and afterward receive me to glory. Whom have I in heaven but thee? and there is none upon earth that I desire beside thee. My flesh and my heart fail: but God is the strength of my heart, and my portion forever.”

    John 14:1-3.
    “Let not your heart be troubled. You believe in God, believe also in me. In my Father’s house are many mansions; If it were not so I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and take you to Myself; that where I am , there you may be also!”

    1. Praying THY WILL BE DONE! prayers for MOM, Jeanne.
      When Larry's sister told us of her intense desire for Jesus to take her, I asked her if she talked to Jesus about it? She said, No, but I will. The next day, I asked her if she discussed her desire with Jesus, and she said yes. I asked her, What did Jesus say? She said, "He said, WAIT!"
      This comforted her for the next 3 weeks, and then her WAIT was over! I trust You, Jesus. You have a time and place for everything; and, everything is in Your Time and Your Place. In Jesus' Name. AMEN!

    2. Bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ.
      As I am getting older, would God say, I am getting nobler? I am getting better in His eyes? I am getting more helpful to Him? I am getting more humble? or am I just get older? Am I exhibiting the life that human's take knowledge of as having been with Jesus, or am I getting more self-assertive, more deliberately determined to have my own way? It is a great thing to tell ourself the truth.
      Oh! Oh! The Armor Belt of truth just got tightly uncomfortable around my waist. . Jesus, I trust You to make me who You Made me to be for Your Glory, instead of mine. AMEN!

    3. A worthy reminder to help me get more comfortable wearing the belt of truth. Thank You God for Blessings From France's post, Aug 18, 2020 at 3:22 am:
      Today I'm sharing about the belt of truth.
      Eph 6:14 "Stand firm then, with the belt of truth buckled around your waist."
      "Don't back away from the enemy.
      Roman soldiers wore the belt around their waist. They hung their sword, their knife, their flask, their food, their personal belongings, and so on. The belt was the centerpiece of the armor. Paul exhorts us to make the truth of God's Word the centerpiece of our walk with Christ.
      Your love for the truth will keep your heart in honesty, integrity, sincerity, authenticity. 
      Wearing the belt of truth means loving the Word of God and seeking to obey Him with zeal and passion. With this attitude of heart, you can go into battle with confidence. To be confident before God is to be confident before the devil.
      God gives you His Word like a belt that holds your armor in place so that it remains effective.
      May His Word be the lamp that guides our steps and the light that illuminates our path; may it guard our heart and our thoughts. May God fill us with wisdom, love and strength."
      Be blessed and have a wonderful day JC warriors! You are all in my prayers.
      Blessings from France

    4. Praying comfort, peace and His strong Presence for your Mom, for you Jeanne and all family and friends of your Mom at this precious time. May the Lord be gracious and grant your Mom's desire real soon. Praying His strength be your portion when your Mom passes.

    5. Praying for your mom, sister, and you Jeanne. May our heavenly Father give you peace, comfort, and strength. May His loving arms hold tightly around all of you and His presence be felt. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen πŸ™. Peace be with you!

    6. To our dear Jeanne, sister, family, and especially MOM, may the love of God surround you, the peace of God be with you and our joining in prayers comfort you. With love, Audra

    7. Audra - Amen, beautiful prayer!!!!

    8. Dearest Brie, Peter, Janet, Audra, and Sassy Mom, If you only knew how much your loving words and prayers have lifted me. It was like receiving a big tight warm hug. Today was a good day and we all felt the love and care of our great God surrounding us. My younger brother Tom and his wife came to visit our Mom. It was such a blessing to all of us. She seemed to perk up a bit by their presence and kind words. Our older brother called a couple of times. We know his dog is sick with diabetes but he really must come to see his good mother. Jesus is holding her hand so she was calmer today. So many prayers surround her and she knows how deeply she is loved by God and her family. Janet’s estranged daughter even called her Nana. I am staying a little while longer tomorrow. I’m concerned about my own health again because I have started to cough again. Took a Covid test and it was negative. God is leading me. Must be careful not to spread any germs to my dear ones. God is telling me to rest. My appointment with my Oncologist is Monday. Jesus is holding my hand too. Resting in Him.

  37. Praying for your mom along side your sister and you dear Jeanne. Love and blessings❤️πŸ™

    1. Thank you so much! Your prayers mean a lot to me and my family. πŸ˜˜πŸ™

  38. Thank you Brie. Good bless you

  39. Joining JC warriors in comforting prayers for Jeanne’s beloved Mother.

    1. I love you Sassy Mom. Thanks. His Will be done

  40. I trust You Lord, lead I pray along Your straight paths.
    Lead on Lord, Lead on, lead by Your Precious Holy Spirit.

    "It's the Presence of Your Spirit Lord We Need".

  41. He who heeds the word wisely will find good, and whoever trusts in the LORD, happy is he. (Proverbs 16:20). Whom have I in heaven but You? And there is none upon earth that I desire besides You. (Psalm 73:25). Commit your way to the LORD, trust also in Him, and He shall bring it to pass. He shall bring forth your righteousness as the light, and your justice as the noonday. (37:5-6).

  42. Just what I needed, dear Janet! Amen

    Lamentations 3:22-23
    It is of the Lord's mercies that we are not consumed, because his compassions fail not. They are new every morning: great is thy faithfulness.

  43. Praying for your health Jeanne, your dear mother’s and the precious dog as HE will sustain you and give you strength at this time of a lot going on in your life to take one day at a time. My younger sister has many health challenges and has been on disability for several years after ‘burning’ herself out with a highly stressful job. She was unable to have children and seems to sleep most of the days. She is now staying w: my elderly mother due to possible ‘mold issues’ at her rental with friends. I pray for her healing and to allow the Lord to strengthen her just one day at a time.

  44. Praying for Norah & her DH. Safe travel dear ones. Jesus is with you & whole host of angels. Praying for your mom dear Jeanne & the phone issue. Katie, lifting your Sis up to the throne of grace. God's got this y'all!πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™Œ❤️

  45. To My Beloved JCFAMILY/WARRIORS: Even though I haven't posted in a while please know that you have not been forgotten. I've been faithfully praying for the requests shared here, lifting each of you up to our gracious Father God. Your burdens and joys have been close to my heart. May God's ABUNDANT BLESSING.S & HEALTH be upon you!
    This has been on my heart, so here goes.
    My Father God --- In Jesus's name I lift up this younger generation to You and ALL the things the enemy is trying to do to these young people and these young children; how the enemy is trying to warp their minds; trying to destroy them and weaken them; how the enemy is trying to bring great fear and devastation to them. I bind that assignment of the enemy and I thank You, Father God, that they
    have the MIND OF CHRIST. I am calling them RESTORED! I am calling them FREE from depression, anxiety, fear and weakness and hopelessness and despair. I thank You, Father God, that our children have the MIND OF CHRIST and You HAVE NOT given them the spirit of fear, but of POWER, and of LOVE, and of a SOUND MIND! I thank You, Father God, that You are bringing them back to a SOUND MIND!
    I thank You, Father God, for ALL the children, ALL your people, and this My Beloved JCFAMILY/WARRIORS, ALL the Body of Christ all around the world, that You HAVE NOT given us spirit of fear, but of POWER, and of LOVE, and of a SOUND MIND!
    Fear WILL NOT stop us. Fear WILL NOT shut us up. Fear WILL NOT
    paralysis us. Fear WILL NOT stop Your will from coming to pass. I thank You, Father God, it say in Your Word that " We can do ALL things in Christ." We can fight through unprecedented events. We can keep our HOPE. We can keep our JOY, because You are pouring it out to us. We can keep it and protect it, because the JOY OF THE LORD IS OUR STRENGTH! You have given us the ability to do that because WE CAN DO ALL THINGS IN You, our MIGHTY LORD!
    Thank You, Father God, for giving us the STRENGTH to breakthrough that hopelessness, to breakthrough that despair, to breakthrough that medical report--to BREAKTHROUGH! I Decree and Declare that
    NO WEAPON FORMED AGAIST US SHALL PROSPER! I thank You, Father God, that we WILL STAND & HOLD THE LINE . We WILL NOT grow weary and we WILL NOT quit, faint, or lose heart in our life and world circumstances, because we know if You go before us, who can be against us. You bring the enemy's plots, plans & schemes to nothing. We will trust and rely on you, Father God, that Your are in control and we thank you for it. I thank You, My Lord, I am more than able to stand in the gap and take the heat the enemy tries to bring, because it can't be HOT ENOUGH, the FURNACE is in my FAVOR! HALLELUJAH!!! I don't pray in intimidation or fear, I pray with COURAGE. I pray knowing, Father God, that Your Word--Your ARE GOING TO PERFORM. When I pray, I pray with AUTHORITY, because I know who is BACKING UP THOSE WORDS! In Jesus's Might Name, AMEN and AMEN.

    Ok, for a small bit of humor:


    Lost hearing in my left eye.

    1. Wonderful prayer, AMEN! Thanks JJ. The chocolate thing...sight in my right ear has gone too 😳 🀣

    2. Them's fightin' words JJ! The enemy just got his notice. I claim your warrior prayer for my granddaughters. They are so vulnerable, targets for the enemy. My 13 yr. Old is on medication to ward of depression!! Please pray for her. Her sister is entertaining the idea she may want to be a boy!! So yes our young people, the future of this world are under heavy attack. Let's cover them with the blood of the risen Lamb! Hallelujah, Amen!

    3. JJ & Peter, I personally think you need to get back to the chocolate. Peter posted that the " sight on his right "ear" is gone &, JJ's eye has lost hearing! You guys are hilarious πŸ˜‚

    4. AMEN πŸ™. Thank you JJ for those encouraging words and prayer!!! Our God is bigger than ANYTHING or ANYONE!!! He is ALWAYS with us and He goes before us and with us ALWAYS!!! God bless πŸ™.

    5. So much power in your prayer, JJ! Thank you! It is SO needed. I pray my son comes back to Jesus & brings my DIL with him. That their eyes and my daughter and SIL's eyes be opened to the evils of this country & world. Let the scales on their eyes...that seem to be cemented in place, be removed! In Jesus' MIGHTY name, AMEN!

      *Again, thank you for this awesomely powerful prayer, JJ. While I know you're having chocolate withdrawals, you've channeled those withdrawals into so much good with this prayer! Bless you and your family.

    6. So glad to see your post JJ. When I didn't see you during the last week I thought, maybe I had lost the hearing in my eyes and the sight in my ears as well, so I ate chocolate for breakfast!
      Seriously, I am praying your prayer and will pray it everyday and also include THESE CHILDREN'S PARENTS and also their environments. We know what happens when we pray an "apple" well and then throw it in a barrel full of sick ones.
      Dear Heavenly Father God, You can turn this around. We seek Your Intervention. We pray in the gaping breach with JJ and the JC's. Come to our aid and into the lives and hearts of our precious children, their parents, and their environments. Plant them in Your Good Soil. Keep satan's hands off them and keep the chaff out of their lives, now and forever. The children are our future. Teach them well, so they can lead the Way to You. Show them all Your Beauty they possess inside...
      Turn them and theirs around until we all face You. We love You Lord and pray in the Name of Jesus. AMEN!

    7. Amen! I was missing you as well, JJ, and so wonderful to hear from you and to agree with you in prayer for the youth and the children, as well as their parents as Jeanne has mentioned.
      I have been comforted when the Lord has reminded me that it is no mistake that these dear ones were brought into this world at this time and that He has a purpose and that we can claim Romans 8:37 for us and them:

      Amplified Bible
      Yet in all these things we are more than conquerors and gain an overwhelming victory through Him who loved us [so much that He died for us].

      And who knew that all I needed was some good chocolate to restore my vision and hearing πŸ˜‰

    8. AMEN JJ!
      NOT TODAY satan!
      About face, people. God's army is on the move and WE WILL NOT accept the attacks on our children. By the grace of God, they will be restored and inspire and share their God given health to each other and their families.
      It is not God's will that ANY would be lost or perish.

      (Inquiring minds want to know...Milk, dark, or all chocolate?) Say it isn't so 🀣

  46. Love you dear JJ!! Amen and Amen! A powerful prayer we need right now.
    I trust YOU Jesus to make all things right for our young people and to heal our dear ones and all those on our prayer lists. Rick’s family is suffering. His younger brother’s wife has Alzheimer’s His older brother Jimmy has leukemia and his oldest brother has A-Fib and is getting an ablation on Thursday. May God help them all! My dear friend Sandy is in the hospital with an infection in her blood. May God remove the infection and the cancer and strengthen her in body, mind and spirit. My dear cousin Liz is getting knee surgery today. May God guide the doctor’s hands to make her better, and heal my brother in Christ, Kevin who is meeting his cardiologist tomorrow because there was something wrong in his test results. And our brother Peter isn’t feeling well. May God heal all his infirmities and Rich C and his daughter, and Ellen’s daughter and husband, and Jan and her husband and SC’s husband and Norah’s DH and daughter Joni and sister Pam, and dear Brie’s Larry and my mom and Janet. Dear Anonymous needs God’s help and guidance, and dear Janet needs God’s strength to quit smoking and Sassy Mom needs comfort and so many others need healing of so many things. I trust You Jesus to help and heal these people and Mayda and Emilio and everyone I forgot. Thank You dear merciful and faithful Father for this in the Name of Christ Jesus. Amen.

    1. Jeanne, joining you in thanking God for everything He does for us and lifting up so many to Him this morning.
      SC Anonymous

    2. Amen dear Jeanne & SC. Lifting all listed here to the throne of grace. Thank you for including DH & I. We also lift you dear Jeanne, warriors need strength, supernatural strength! πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™Œ❤️

    3. Joining in prayer for these listed needs for friends and family of Jeanne and Rick. Thank you in advance for your answers, Father.

    4. Taking time this morning to pray for so many needs. Adding my friend Annie who is suffering with pneumonia. Thank you Jesus for showing her way back to joy.

    5. Thanks dear SC, Jan, Websister and Audra. Praying with you and for you and for Anna with pneumonia.
      May God answer our prayers and heal Anna in Jesus’ Name. Amen

  47. Dear Jesus, Healer of all. Please shower healing on all who are suffering and are struggling with aging issues. Help them to know you are with them on their journey. I confidently ask you: please give them comfort! Please give them hope! Amen.

    1. ABC, echoing your prayer. Lord please be with your children who are experiencing the issues of aging. Please be with their caregivers as well. Please let them rely fully on You.
      SC Anonymous

  48. Trusting in You, Lord to bless and heal all those mentioned and our Nation, as JJ so powerfully prayed. Two hours into my day and I am built up spiritually, mentally and hmmm....not physically yet, but that is on my list today...MOVE NORAH! Reading over the past few years, I see we have all grown and been through many things and we're still here, praying for each other, believing God for His mighty power to be seen by all.
    Have a blessed day, Dear JC Family. Praying with each of you on here or not...give us a report later, Peter. My prayer was that you would sleep like a baby!

    1. I did indeed sleep like a babyπŸ™‚. No pain or discomfort...was great, thanks to all for prayers.

    2. Hallelujah,Amen!πŸ™ŒπŸ™ŒπŸ₯°

  49. I live close to the sea, I'm often by it, not so much on it or in it these days. In merchant ships I've sailed with no land in sight, I know it's vagaries and it's power. Many a time I've needed to say "I trust You Lord".
    Thinking on this, the hymn below started playing in my head.
    Earth's oceans can bring fear, death and destruction but God's Love Vast As An Ocean brings Peace, Love, Salvation and Life.

    1 Here is love, vast as the ocean,
    lovingkindness as the flood:
    when the Prince of Life, our Ransom,
    shed for us His precious blood.
    Who His love will not remember?
    Who can cease to sing His praise?
    He can never be forgotten
    throughout heav'n's eternal days.

    2 On the mount of crucifixion
    fountains opened deep and wide;
    through the floodgates of God's mercy
    flowed a vast and gracious tide.
    Grace and love, like mighty rivers,
    poured incessant from above,
    and heav'n's peace and perfect justice
    kissed a guilty world in love.

    3 In Thy truth Thou dost direct me
    by Thy Spirit through Thy word;
    and Thy grace my need is meeting
    as I trust in Thee, my Lord.
    Of Thy fullness Thou art pouring
    Thy great love and pow'r on me
    without measure, full and boundless,
    drawing out my heart to Thee.

  50. I love this prayer JJ it really hit my heart this morning. Praying for all our JC family.

  51. My wonderful savior of whom i cherish. God ,Please, oh please, father when I come to atone for this season in my life Lord I beg for your hand of mercy, of which I do not deserve. I am stuck in this seemingly DEEP, redundant and endless void of depression and am in this moment failing to rise up and be the leader (father and husband) I once was and know I can be. I break away and isolate myself from all things for the feel of comfort but in the same essence my wife and daughter are the ones suffering as if I have dies and left them yet I am still breathing. Lord I just need you I don't want to be or feel like this anymore and I can't bear this heartache and pain I see and feel it doing to my wife and little girl they are blessings of them utmost in my life. As which you have blessed me abundantly by putting them in my life. You know my heart as well as my spirit Lord and know it will never sway from you. I don't want to lose or fail my family. Help me put smiles on my girls faces once again so that I may smile again too if only it is in my heart. You are and always wills be the King of Heavens Armies and the keeper of my soul forgive me my trespasses as I will forgive others when trespassed against. In Christ's blessed name I pray. Amen.
