Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Romans 7:13 - Sinful Beyond Measure

Romans 7:13 - Therefore did that which is good become a cause of death for me? May it never be! Rather it was sin, in order that it might be shown to be sin by effecting my death through that which is good, so that through the commandment sin would become utterly sinful.

Message: A better understanding of sin in my life

Time:Another source cites this book as being written around 56-58 BC. Because Paul himself was a Roman citizen, he had a unique passion for those in the assembly of believers in Rome. Since he had not, to this point, visited the church in Rome, this letter also served as his introduction to them.

What the Lord is Saying:

I was reading yesterday in Tabletalk and it mentioned the point of reference for these verses in Romans, specifically verses 7 to 14. It stated the idea that these verses are not written to the believer in Christ but rather the person who is close to conversion. The person is beginning to recognize, through the Law, that they are a sinner. In verse 8, the person realizes that through the Law sin of every kind was produced or made more aware by the sinner. And then in verse 9 and 10 the person realizes that though they thought they were alive, without the Law, when they were confronted with it and its truth, they realized they were dead. And so there is a progression in these verses of a person understanding that they are in fact sinners.

Again, what is interesting in these verses is the condition of the person and the fact that people live most of their lives without a law in their life. And therefore, without a standard and without a need for a Savior.

Yesterday, during lunch, I was memorizing a couple of scriptures and I realized that I really have a sort of obligation or rather I have a desire to have conversations with the people at my work place outside of work. I would like to talk to my co-workers, if they are willing, about their faith and really see if I can understand where they are at in their walk. I could even talk to other family members. Could I do that? Sure I could. I need to do. God, give me boldness. As I read these passages of scripture it just moves me for people to understand Truth. It's not enough to make flippant comments here and there. Sure, God is at work and can work in people's lives. But, I am missionary and have been sent to these people. So, am I really doing everything I can to help people understand truth. I started to have a burden for this in the budget office, but said very little to people. I said something, but not much. I could say more and talk to people if they are willing to talk.

That said, I struggle understanding where people are at spiritually sometimes. I struggle being a detective of sorts and trying to figure it out. Because most people think they have the truth in their life. They think they are set. But, do they really understand it? Am I doing my best to help them? 

Today's Reading
Verse 13 continues the understanding of possibly this unregenerate person. Paul once again is realizing or showing us that the Law is Good. He says, "Therefore did that which is good become a cause of death for me?" If the Law is in fact good, then is it what caused me to see that I am dead in Adam? No, the Law exposes our sin, and then our sin is what moves us to this understanding, not the Law. Again, the Law is good. I am not to look at the Law as being something bad.

The Law exposes the sin in my life. A regenerate person want to see this.

Promise: The Law helps to expose sin in my life.

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