Monday, September 15, 2014

Romans 7:8-11 - Sin's Perversion of the Law

Romans 7:8-11 - 8 But sin, taking opportunity through the commandment, produced in me coveting of every kind; for apart from the Law sin is dead. 9 I was once alive apart from the Law; but when the commandment came, sin became alive and I died; 10 and this commandment, which was to result in life, proved to result in death for me; 11 for sin, taking an opportunity through the commandment, deceived me and through it killed me.

Message: Sin's relationship with the Law

Time:Another source cites this book as being written around 56-58 BC. Because Paul himself was a Roman citizen, he had a unique passion for those in the assembly of believers in Rome. Since he had not, to this point, visited the church in Rome, this letter also served as his introduction to them.

What the Lord is Saying:

Setting It Up
Is Law Sin? That was the next question found in verse 7. I would not have known sin if the Law had not said, "Don't ______." The law was more specific. Whether it is the Law or it is sin, the Believer has died to both of them. Justification took care of this. And now I am sanctified in Christ until I will be glorified for all eternity with Christ.

The law produced in me coveting of every kind. Sin is far reaching. And sin is comprehensive. Sin is multifaceted.  When I ask people questions about sin and whether they have broken a commandment, there are many ways a person can break one individual commandment.

These verses are a little tough and challenging. And I must admit, they do begin to confuse me a little. The phrase "apart from the law" previously was used by Paul to describe that the Law and God's declaring us righteous are not connected. So, doing the Law or doing what God commands is not connected to God declaring us righteous. Works don't have a bearing on receiving God's righteousness. That is an important separation.

Sin takes its opportunity
Sin here in verse 8 are not acts of sin, but our sin nature. Without the Law, the sin nature is relatively dormant. It is not dead for Paul has already shown us in Romans 2 that the conscious accuses man alternately. And this was before the Law. But, with the Law now, sin seizes the day. And so the nature of man and his sin nature sees the Law clearly now and has the opportune moment now to be a rebel from it.

The opportunity for more sin is taken and now sin is produced in every kind. This is what sin does. We open the door and suddenly we are sinning in ways that, at the onset, we weren't even considering.

But, the Law here isn't the problem. The problem is man and his selfish will.

Apart from the Law, sin is dead 
Romans 3:21
But now apart from the Law the righteousness of God has been manifested, being witnessed by the Law and the Prophets, 

Romans 3:28 
For we maintain that a man is justified by faith apart from works of the Law.
Yet now in Romans 7, as we talk about the sanctified life, the use of the phrase "apart from the Law" appears to be different. Verse 8 speaks to the fact that sin is dead apart from the law and verse 9 says I am alive apart from the Law. 
Romans 7:8 
But sin, taking opportunity through the commandment, produced in me coveting of every kind; for apart from the Law sin is dead.
Romans 4:15 states, "where there is no law, there also is no violation."

What happened here in this progression is, earlier in verse 8, sin took the opportunity and suddenly sin of every kind was being committed. So, therefore, apart from the law sin is dead. But, really it feels dead, which is what the commentators state. It is not literally dead and not breathing, but it is dormant and feels dead.

Without the mirror I don't think I have a dirty face, but that doesn't mean my face isn't dirty. The mirror just exposes me. Without the mirror, I may feel the dirt, but looking into the mirror now makes me realize just how dirty I am.
Previously, I felt healthy
Romans 7:9 
I was once alive apart from the Law; but when the commandment came, sin became alive and I died;

Without the Law, I feel fine. A-ha! See, this is why sin in the life of the non-believer is so dormant. They have no law in their life. They have no mirror. They feel alive and free from sin. It is not until they see the law, are exposed to it, that they understand the 10 commandments and then realize, "O, wow. I am a sinner." Without the Law, I feel like I am spiritual healthy. And people even with the Law nearby will do everything possible to make it seem like they don't really have anything bad in their life. This is the problem with the Christian. They don't want to be accountable. No one wants to be accountable. No one wants someone else to tell them to change or really anything to tell them to change. The cry of every person is "don't judge me." What each person is saying is, "Leave me alone. I decide what is sin in my life. No one else."

But sin makes me realize I'm dead
We are all about living and living life to the fullest. We are entertainment and recreation oriented in life. Everyone is working for the weekend, to borrow a Loverboy song from the 80's. Life is about having fun. We are become more and more better at improving life and lengthening life. Don't talk about death. And yet that is the result of sin and the gospel, the realization that I can't do it and I need Christ. That, without Christ I am dead. No one wants death and so they do everything to avoid it.

Thought to be life, really death
Romans 7:10
and this commandment, which was to result in life, proved to result in death for me;
Most people think the laws are there, so that, if we keep them we are safe. The keeping of the commandment brings life, but only if the commandment is kept perfectly and completely.

What is the response of people confronted with the 10 commandments

  1. I formerly did that, but not any more so I'm okay
  2. Everyone does it so you can't condemn me as well

People talk about having a perfect driving record with no accidents and no tickets. But, have they been perfect in their driving? Not a chance. They have sped and may have even hit someone, but its just not on their record. The problem is without anything on their record or a ticket they think they are fine.

Deception is the Key
Romans 7:11 states, "sin...deceived me." This is it. This is the key to all of life without Christ. And the key to so many religions. People have been deceived. People have been made to think they are alright and getting them to come out that state of deception is a work of God in their life.

This is an utterly sad state of mankind: deception. Something sounds like truth so it becomes truth. It is truly and completely unfortunate.

For Paul here, he felt deceived because the Law he thought would bring life, but in the end, it brought death. 

Promise: The secret to life is death.

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