Monday, January 14, 2013

Jesus Calling: January 14

Let Me bless you with My grace and Peace. Open your heart and mind to receive all that I have for you. Do not be ashamed of your emptiness. Instead, view it as the optimal condition for being filled with My Peace.
     It is easy to touch up your outward appearance, to look as if you have it all together. Your attempts to look good can fool most people. But I see straight through you, into the depths of your being. There is no place for pretense in your relationship with Me. Rejoice in the relief of being fully understood. Talk with Me about your struggles and feelings of inadequacy. Little by little, I will transform your weaknesses into strengths. Remember that your relationship with Me is saturated in grace. Therefore, nothing that you do or don't do can separate you from My presence.
1 Samuel 16:7
English Standard Version
But the LORD said to Samuel, “Do not look on his appearance or on the height of his stature, because I have rejected him. For the LORD sees not as man sees: man looks on the outward appearance, but the LORD looks on the heart.”

Romans 8:38-39
English Standard Version
For I am sure that neither death nor life, nor angels nor rulers, nor things present nor things to come, nor powers, nor height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord.

My Prayer
Lord, I want to lean on You and allow You to bless me with Your grace and peace. Peace is something I readily understand, but grace is still a puzzling idea. When I see it, I think of salvation because it is receiving something I don't deserve. But, I also think of it as forgiveness. Help me to understand that.

Before You Lord, I stand empty. I don't come before You on my own merit or my own justification. Lord, there are troubles and toils in my life (back pain, needing a car, teaching class, getting work done, training my children, working around the house) that I confront, accept, and often dodge. Through them all, I need your help and guidance. I need Your strength.

Lord, I do feel inadequate. I feel inadequate at work to do the job I'm hired to do. I get so weak and want to give up. Lord, help me to take the right steps day by day to do my tasks. At home, I am exhausted and with my back hurting I don't want to do much. I want to just rest with my wife. Keep me alert and ready to work with my children. Thank you for your strength.

Lord, I pray that Your scripture and Your words would be in my life. Lord, apply them to the circumstances of my life so that I'm thinking the way You think.

Note: The devotion and scriptures are from author Sarah Young. If you haven't already, please purchase the book and support the author. 


  1. Lord I am today struggling with finances and struggling between the bickering of my younger brother and sister over my mothers illness and the fact that my sister had medical power of attorney. I have chosen to stay out of the decisions she makes as she has requested. I am okay with my decision but I still struggle. I know I'll be ok because I'm depending upon You to guide my thoughts and I will be comforted. I want my siblings to communicate in peace. Thank you Jesus. I do fell a bit of emptiness but I Trust you Jesus. Thank you.

    1. Awesome. Thanks for sharing. Ps 28:7, "The Lord is my strength and my shield."

    2. Paytonfamily, thanks for the prayer. I know it was probably written a while ago (I think) but hows the back? Back pain can be persistent and nasty! My prayer is that you are free from the pain you have experienced! Amen.

  2. HE will be with you through all things Tiny!!!

  3. Father, today was unfamiliar for a long while. I want to thank you for the strength to do and be not in my element. it is exhausting at this point. The anxiety has healed some and I am looking forward to feeling like myself again. my weakness is your strength, your grace makes up for all my faults. I am so happy you are advocating to save me from sin. Your will be done as I do my best today. I am tired though, let me give myself permission to rest. Father be with Chandler today and his ability to see clearly who he is in Christ. surround him in the Power of Love, guerd him from every evil that seeks to destroy his joy and hope. Be with Chase spending time with a friend, guard his mind against procrastination, help him to absorb the information needed for finals. Surround him with peace and security. surround his parents with confidence and hope that hard times are a thing of the past. That strongholds in finances are being broken, hope is being restored as both Justin and I look to you to heal our home, finances, marriage, communication, parenting relationships with our children. I envision Chandler coming over for dinner and he and Chase doing fun things together, they are bringing friends over that feel welcome and our family is having fun together. We are all enjoying each others company. i ask in your name I may feel love instead of fear.i pray I can meditate now and know your will, feel your presence enjoy your peace. Amen

  4. "Nothing can separate you from the love of God," so our fears can be given to Him and today we can have peace... and tomorrow, and the day after that, forever... Thank you for Your constant presence Lord. Amen

    1. Madfox - Amen!

      Romans 8:38-39
      For I am sure that neither death nor life, nor angels nor rulers, nor things present nor things to come, nor powers, nor height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord. Praising, Loving and Thanking You Lord for your promises.

    2. Amen and Amen MadFox and Sassy Mom! Thank you! I have always loved these verses and they give me so much comfort.

  5. WOW! WOW! What open and honest prayers noted with such transparency this morning! The Devotion is applicable to me today, and so are the prayers, Peace is a gift I am allowing myself to accept one day at a time. I realize I don't have to pretend that everything is alright any longer, GOD knows and he will help me live out HIS Will for my life. I am running late this morning but I wanted to share a testimony. Sunday morning I cried out to the Lord from my heart with tears, NEEDING to know HE was listening around 7 AM! Three specific requests, by 1 PM he audibly answered each prayer, one through the sermon, one through a text message and the HUGE one through my husband! I needed to know HE was with me more than anything on Sunday because I was slipping back to feeling alone! He heard my cry and he answered me, and I know he will do the same for each of your prayers, and it can be SUDDENLY, as it was for ME! I am continuing to pray and agree with you!

  6. God's daughter - what a beautiful testimony! I was so humbled by today's JC. He sees it ALL and loves me anyway! Ha ha...sounds trite but it is so true. He cares for every hair on our heads and goes before us in all things. Praying with you, God's daughter and all of our JC Family. That we can see ourselves, if only a minute at a time as our Lord and Savior sees us. It's so easy to be hard on myself and forgiving with everyone else. How can I be His light to others if I don't apply it to myself?
    Praying with all of you and thanking Him for all His many blessings.
    Unknown Unknown - I look back a year ago and look how far you've come! I still pray for you daily and trust all is well with your soul.
    We are blessed!

  7. I too appreciate the testimonies and open sharing! Wonderful to hear, God's daughter.

    I was drawn to the part about it being easy to touch up your outer appearance. Someone close in my life saw me shortly after Christmas and said it was so nice to see me happy. I was proud of myself for making myself up and "putting on a show." I was hurting inside and really struggling. Thank you God, my Father, for knowing me during my struggles, and loving me through everything. Thank You for always being by my side. Jesus, I trust in You. CO

  8. Holy Spirit, open my eyes so that I might see wonderful Truth from Your Word. Illuminate my mind so that I can learn what YOU want me to learn. Praying in Your precious name, Jesus.

  9. I am blessed in reading your posts this AM, God's daughter, Norah, CO. Thank you! This AM, I sat with I Samuel 1:9-20, the story of Hannah's prayer before the Lord. She begins, "If only You will look on the misery of Your servant and remember me..." The "If" struck me. But I guess it shouldn't have for how often is that the spirit of my prayer even if unspoken, If. But the rest of her opening line drew my eyes to the cross. I thought, You have looked on my misery and remembered me. Being mostly at peace this morning, it is easy to say that; but if I am deeply troubled by something, will I surround my prayer with that confidence? Hannah's prayer was granted as she requested and she bore a son, Samuel. I Samuel 2 was the song she sang of God's great reversal of circumstances, very similar to Mary's song in Luke 1:46-55. Ah yes, the Lord God who reverses all ills, seen in the cross, experienced countless times throughout my life. Devout Hannah prayed, "If.."; I should be praying, "When..." God be with you.

    1. Hello Bob,
      Thank you for your reply yesterday. I am inspired by your faith.
      God bless.

    2. All these testimonies bless my heart and lift my soul. Yesterday I made a point of taking breaks through my day to sit quietly in His peace and presence. My day went very well. The assurance that He is with me always is such a blessing that never ends.
      Thank You, dear Jesus, for always understanding me and accepting me just as I am, for opening my eyeos to see the light around me, calming my mind so I can feel Your peace, lifting me when I’m weary, refreshing my soul, and leading me to glorify you. Amen

  10. This morning/day, I am blessed to be in the blessings of the Lord.
    Grace and Peace are experienced, they are not just objective status we enjoy before God, they are REAL enjoyment in the presence of the Lord. We will find and understand as we read Eph. 2:14-15 and Eph. 2:8, that God made an objective peace with us and Himself by the blood of Jesus through the scriptural true act of divine grace that was unchangeable.
    Reading today’s devotions reminds me of the Apostle Paul’s letters with prayers in the bible, He always prays for us with: “Grace and peace be to you,” “Grace and peace come to you”, “May grace and peace be multiplied to you”, “Grace to you and peace.” The Apostle is offering and praying for us to experience increase of grace and peace, not because God is gracious today and not tomorrow. What God has with us does not come and go, but as believers, Romans 5: 1 and 2 suggests that when we stand firm in the unshakable grace and unchangeable peace of our Lord, then we multiply in an increased and deepened experience of grace and peace.

    Father, I open my heart to receive Your Grace and peace as empty as I may feel. Thank You that You see straight through the depths of my being. I do my best to look good on the outside for people, but with You, I am free to let it all out because You already fully understand. Thank You that absolutely NOTHING I do or don’t do can ever separate me from Your love and presence. Again, yes I am indeed blessed to be in Your blessings. Thank You Lord.

    Prayers and blessings are all coming your way this day JC Family. Receive His grace and peace and stay blessed.

    Maplewood, NJ

    1. Just what I needed to hear dear Maplewood. Thanks, No matter what heavy thing settles in my heart, His love, peace and grace are above it and greater. His all encompassing love and understanding are incomprehensible and never ending.
      I must come to Him empty of all the trivial garbage that invades my mind each day. I wake up in thanksgiving and pray, but then I plan my day and rush about trying to complete my the things on my list. Thankfully I have been allowing myself to slow down and tune in to His will for me which often turns my whole day around, His way is so much better than my way. He establishes my steps. And in His love I am made complete.

    2. This is so true, His way is better than my way! Thank you Jesus for the ways you turned around the events of my day, for the circumstances and people you delivered in my path. You are so amazing!!!

    3. This amazing pence continues in my life day by day. Leaned hard on the trust muscles and saw signs when I looked up that He was near to me and in control. I love days like today. I will pray for all on my long drives tomorrow and Monday and ask for your prayers for traveling mercies and protection over this weekend. Thank you!

  11. Thank you to everyone for their inspirations. I use this blog everyday to help me get through my anxieties and depression.

    1. BMP, praying for you daily. May you feel His love, peace and grace always within you.
      Blessings from California

    2. Me too. Praying with BFF. May God heal your weaknesses and give you true peace. How did your son make out with his company? I’ve been praying he would raise money to keep his company open.

    3. Our Rose, Though you remain in my prayers, It is always good to see you.

  12. I will praise you, Lord, with all my heart; I will tell of all the marvelous things you have done. -Psalm 9:1 (NLT)
    Thank you Jesus for this day! You are always loving and with me. I pray to stop allowing the brokenness of grief drag me down, re-focus on Your love

    . I am very well aware of pretending that all is well to others. But that is okay. In my heart I am comforted 24/7 by your love , sweet Jesus. Today I chose to be about others. I know that opportunity will come up many times today. I cant recognize these chances to reflect your love in me when I have an internal battle going on. Free me Lord, grow me to glorify you! Amen

    1. This grabbed me with a tug on my heart this morning:
      I know that opportunity will come up many times today. I cant recognize these chances to reflect your love in me when I have an internal battle going on. Free me Lord, grow me to glorify you! Amen

      The internal battle seems to be intensifying. I think it's because I am putting my hope in this world. That the future will look more normal in terms of fun, travel, sports, entertainment. I'm looking at relationships that have become divided over conflicting news and opinions on what is true and right. Help me Lord to simply stay the course with you each day, moment by moment and let go into your will being done. Thank you!

    2. I am in the same boat with you Audra. It is a boat like The boat that started across the lake with His Disciples, when suddenly a terrible storm came up, with waves higher than the boat. But Jesus was asleep.
      Yuup! That's the boat! I am so ready to join the disciples who went to Him and awakened Him, shouting, "LORD SAVE US. WE ARE SINKING!
      I imagine He'll tell us the same thing, O Ye of little faith! Why are you so frightened?
      And we'll say because our mustard seeds of faith are drowning in the sea of circumstances.
      I'm OK with His rebuke as long as the rest of the Story unfolds...
      Then, He stood up and rebuked the wind and waves, and the storm subsided and all was calm.

      Work Jesus Work Out! Work out! Work It Out! I ask. I seek. I knock. I praise. I thank. In Jesus' Name. Amen.

    3. Amen! Surrendering myself to the Lord's will today. Thank You, Lord, that despite what I do or don't do, I can never be separated from Your love. This touched ny spirit deeply. "Free me, Lord. Grow me to glorify You."
      Blessings from California

    4. Amen sweet sisters! I sure can relate and I am trusting in the Lord with all my heart, mind and soul and doing my best not to lean on my own understanding. But I watch the news and I pray for God to end this craziness and usher in the new and better world. I trust in His promises and know He will never leave us. We are His beloved children and it appears we are in trouble and sinking, But we must look above all we can see and continue to lean on the Everlasting Arms.

    5. Amen, in Jesus's name we pray! 🙏✝️🙏✝️

  13. Blessed Day! Celebrated my Best Man's 76th Birthday. Several friends, kids and grandkids stopped by. One brought a meal, one brought hugs for Papaw,from 2 Littles. One will come later to share time with him on what he loves to watch. I gave him my gift - a photo compilation of our dear friends funeral, which he was asked to be an Honorary Pall Bearer. He had saved the rose, and the invitation. Our dear Dorothy passed away 6/15 and her husband of almost 70 yrs. followed 4 months later. They were such stellar examples of marriage and life and giving and my dear hub wept. He'd forgotten that he asked that I preserved that rose.
    I am going to bed very thankful. I know that I have changes to make, but I'm OK with that. We are all 'works in progress.' And God loved us enough to give His only begotten Son. The only Mediator; the only way to get to the Father.
    Lord, let my children see (SEE), the love and commitment between me and their dear Dad. Let our sons grow to cherish their wives and their wives to respect their husbands. It's the only reason we will celebrate 46 yrs next month. We followed The Word. Never perfect (so many flaws), but doing our best every day to be our best for Him. What a night. And we will celebrate this great husband, father, brother for the rest of the week. :)
    Love to all of you, wherever you are. Know that you are in my prayers and that the JC Prayer Warriors are praying with you.
    p.s. Bob, loved, LOVED, reading Hannah's prayers! Sassy Mom: your prayer is mine (Open my eyes that I may see); dear Maplewood, ('Open my heart to your grace.') - dear CO - the times I've put on the face for others. God sees it and will help you make that a REALITY! purplemartin - sometimes 'pretending' makes it a reality. Praying for your 'internal battle' with grief. While I haven't lived it, as you have, I have compassion b/c I feared it at times with what we've faced. FEAR: False Evidence Appearing Real...continue to praise Him with all of your heart. His Love, Mercy and Grace, will set you (us) free.

  14. Wow, Norah, so inspiring all the way around! Thank you for sharing. I will say special prayers for you and your husband tonight. I'm certain your children see (SEE) the love and commitment. God bless you. CO

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Thank you Brie for sharing her 4 things with us. The Lord blessed you with her kindness and wisdom and she was blessed to be your GodMother. Happy 100th birthday Leola!

      Blessings from France

    2. ? Hoping to see a repost, Brie ?

  16. Father, please help me to accept Your peace and grace with open arms, mind, heart, and spirit. Thank You Jesus for all You give, do, and will do. I want and need You in my life. I am nothing without You. You are my reason for being. Thank You for the gift of You and for the Holy Spirit. I am so honored, blessed, and grateful to be Your child. Magnify my love and faith in You and let it grow even more in me. Grant me a burning desire with a hunger and thirst for You and Your word that cannot be extinguished or quenched. Keep me close in Your heart and draw me closer to You Lord. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen 🙏. Praise the Lord continually and always.

    Father, bless and hear the prayers and hearts of Your children here and in the world. Answer them according to Your will and in Your perfect timing. Let them be Your witnesses in the world to others for Your glory. Thank You Jesus. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen 🙏.

    1. Amen! ❤ beautiful prayer Janet thank you!

      Blessings from France

    2. Janet - AMEN!!! Echoing your prayer. Thank you for sharing.

    3. Amen, Janet. Agreeing with you in heart and spirit.

    4. AMEN, AMEN and AMEN!!

      Blessings back to you Janet!!

      Maplewood NJ

    5. Amen, Janet! Your beautiful prayer is mine. God be with you.
      Blessings from California

    6. Beautiful and heartfelt prayer, sweet Janet! We are of one accord! Much love💕

  17. "For the LORD sees not as man sees: man looks on the outward appearance, but the LORD looks on the heart.”...and for this I am so grateful. Having the comfort of knowing that God is always here for me has truly helped me with my struggles of inadequacy and guilt...whether from grave past mistakes of 20 years ago creeping into my thoughts or from daily "slip-ups" where I allow my fatigue from the work day overtake me and I am grouchy to my spouse simply because I'm tired and hungry. I feel as though the devil waits for that window of weakness...from the thoughts of years ago or the daily fatigue after being "on" all day doing my best to do a good job and pour encouragement and positivity to the people I interact with. But knowing God is there with open arms to wrap me up mistakes and all makes me feel so very comforted and loved because He knows ALL of me and loves me anyway. (Didn't mean to ramble on. Apologies. Just feeling so grateful for His love.)

    Continued prayers for MadFox, Maplewood, and for all who need them in this awesome JC family and their family members. Grateful for this site and all of you! Have a blessed day and may we all feel God's loving arms around us! Be well!

    1. NJs - I do think our weakness makes us vulnerable sometimes, but God is with us in our weakness. You are seeking the right place! Thank you for sharing your heart here. Praying for you and your family.

    2. I often experience a rabbit hole of negative thoughts when I let my God guard down and the devil attacks my vulnerability. The MAIN reason to turn to Scripture and prayer and Jesus's name continually. Thank you Lord for making me stronger in this way.

    3. NJS, no apologies needed here. Thank you for pouring out your heart. The Lord will transform our weaknesses into strengths. Praying you feel His peace envelop you. God is with you always.
      Blessings from California

    4. Dear NJS, Always in my prayers. I believe the enemy tries to trip us up when we are weary and leaning more on our emotions than our spirit. We know that God is so much greater than he that is in the world.
      Ramble on anytime. We love you and we are all imperfect and flawed. But our great God loves us just the way we are and He is there even as we are being tempted to lose our peace. Hold onto it above all and always look for His light and strength to lift you out of the hard times.

    5. NJS, I not only loved your 'ramble,' but at one point, thought, 'when did I write this?' HA HA!!! It could have been me. I love that we can share hearts and boost each other and pray for each other. <3 Your heart is so sweet, NJS - well - ALL of you !! Whether we are rejoicing over returned kitties (remember when my neighbor's dog was missing years ago and then she came home? O, what rejoicing!' That's what makes us family.

  18. NJS I can earnestly relater to "God is always here for me has truly helped me with my struggles of inadequacy and guilt...whether from grave past mistakes of 20 years ago creeping into my thoughts or from daily "slip-ups" where I allow my fatigue from the work day overtake me." Iam retired but have a full-time job with constant overtime. I care for my 17 year old (autistic so I don't face all the teenager challenges). I'm also raising 2 grandchildren. I give my all to the point I don't have anything left to give. My pour husband gets the remainder. When I'm exhausted the feelings of inadequacy flood over me and I wonder why God has blessed me with raising more children. Then I go to bed wake up the next morning with renewed strength and a fresh Outlook because of the Holy Spirit. Then I walk through my day constantly asking Jesus for help and knowing that I can do it because if he gives us a job to do he equips us for that task.

    You were not rambling. It's a blessing to read how living a Christian life by abiding in Christ plays out in others day-to-day lives.

    Praying for all the JC Family for God to step into every situation, every need, every desire of your hearts to accomplish it according to his perfect will. Be blessed in your coming in and your going out.

    I would like to add 2 prayer requests. My husband is a type 2 diabetic. He hasn't been having problems for a few years and wasn't checking his sugar levels. He wasn't feeling well and was having vision problems. He checked his sugar levels 2 nights ago and it was 560. He didn't tell me until the next morning and it was 485. He let me call his doctor and he said to take him to the E.R. They gave him an insulin shot and sent him home. He hadn't eaten all day and the day before he only had a total of 8 carbs. He's afraid to eat and his numbers shoot back up.

    My other prayer request is for my friend Debbie who is driving across country alone to be at her sons wedding. She is a God fearing woman who tries to listen to God's leading in everything in her life. In my phone I have her as Debbie Psalmist (at the time I didn't know her last name but this fits her perfect) My prayer focus is on health, safety, her husband and her desire is to be able to talk to at least 1 person each day about Jesus and his amazing love for him. Thank you JC prayer warriors your prayers mean a lot to me.

    Brie I still have my "Joy" alarm set. I have to say I miss some but I try to make up for it when I have the time.

    1. Amen Terri, it's all about trusting that He has equipped us to do His will. Help us, Lord.

      Praying healing for your dear husband and travel mercies for your friend Debbie. In Jesus name, Amen.

      Blessings from France

    2. Praying for you dear Terri. I am so glad you were able to get treatment for your husband. Praying for you both and your Debbie, too. ❤️

    3. Terri, may the Father give you strength and peace daily to do your tasks and place His healing hands on your husband and help him with his health issues. Lord, grant Debbie travel mercies and let Your glory work through her to touch the lives of others. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen 🙏.

    4. Terri- I join our JC family in prayer for your hubby. God is able!!! He's JEHOVAH RAPHA!!

      Norah- Sending prayers up to the MASTRR HEALER for your dear hubby as well. Healing is His in Jesus' name!!!

      Maplewood NJ

    5. Thank you Lord for hearing all our prayers and the miracles that answer them!🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏

    6. Terri, joining you and all Prayer Warriors here in praying for your sweet hubby's health concerns, strength to accomplish your tasks of caregiving for your family, and travel mercies for Debbie. God be with you.
      Blessings from California

    7. Dear Terri, God has put many things on your plate. He has equipped you for your mission and He will give you strength to carry on. Praying with my family here that your husband’s condition will improve and God will lead him back to good health very soon.
      Also praying for your dear friend Debbie for His hedge of protection around her as she travels, and fir His healing of her and her husband in all things. May God put all those who need Jesus in her path so she can let her light shine before them and glorify Him. Amen, Thank You dear Jesus.

  19. "...Remember that your relationship with Me is saturated in grace. Therefore, nothing that you do or don't do can separate you from My presence..." Dear lord thank you for being with me every step of the way. Help me to continue to believe your grace supersedes all my actions. Provide in me the faith I need to manage all I encounter this day! Amen.

  20. Terri - Praying diabetic prayers for your husband to Jehovah Rapha the GREAT PHYSICIAN!!! Prayers of protection for Debbie Psalmist as she travels alone. Praying she is a blessing to those she encounters.

  21. Norah - Joining warriors in healing prayers to Jehovah Rapha for your husband. Blessings of His peace, grace, love and protection to you and your loved ones.

    1. Norah, joining Sassy Mom and other JC Warriors in healing prayers for your husband. May the Lord's hands be on him and your family. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen 🙏.

    2. Amen! Healing prayers sent up for your dear husband, Norah. May His love, grace, peace and strength be with you this day.

  22. “Rejoice in the Lord always: and again I say Rejoice.” Philippians 4:4

    Loving Father, Thank You for another blessed day. I pray this day that You would endow us with the Spirit of excellence, so that we can make a diiferec in our generation. Liberate us from the filthiness of the flesh and empower us with grace to truly be a light to the world. Create in us a clean heart and help us to stay in constant communication with You to enable us to fulfil our destiny on earth. Please empower us with supernatural wisdom to make a difference in our families, amongst our friends and in our lives. Breathe on us the breath of life and help us to use the gifts You've given us to bless others. May we have the fervency of spirit to accept and follow Your will at all times. Deepen our understanding of Your Will and divine purpose for our lives so we can shine brightly in all we do. We thank You for hearing us each time we pray and attending to our every need, in Jesus' name. Amen.

    “May God the Father and our Lord Jesus Christ give you grace and peace.” Galatians 1:3

    “God the Father knew you and chose you long ago, and his Spirit has made you holy. As a result, you have obeyed him and have been cleansed by the blood of Jesus Christ. May God give you more and more grace and peace.” 1 Peter 1:2

    Blessings and Peace.

    Maplewood, NJ

    1. Praying your prayer with you Maplewood, Amen 🙏 🙌.

    2. Amen! Thank you and joining in your beautiful prayer, Maplewood. God bless you.

    3. Amen Maplewood!

      Glad to see your posts again dear Rose. Been praying for you and all JC family.

      Blessings from France

    4. Thank you dear Maplewood! Hope you’re recovering well.
      Thank You Holy Spirit for working mightily within us to do Your Will and boldly glorify You in all we say, think and do,
      I was also thinking how good to have your posts again, dear Rose!

  23. JC Warriors, please continued prayers for my unemployment issue. It's been compounded and they say I need to speak with the customer service center (I haven't been able to get through since I started trying in December). I know that they are very busy and it makes me somewhat feel like I'm bothering them. The lady I spoke with last week told me that I had to go online and file a new claim (it didn't make sense to me, but I don't really know how it works), so I did. Only now that's not what I needed to do. I needed to file an extension on my existing extension. So, needless to say, now it's even more confusing and messed up than it was, not to mention that I haven't received any money since December 2. All of your prayers are most appreciated. Thank you all in advance. I know that the Lord is always going to take the best care of me. I trust You Jesus and thank You 🙏 🙌.

    1. Praying for you Janet, for clarity and speed in navigating the system that will bring you financial relief. It can be so frustrating to get problems solved in this day and age, may you be covered in peace along the way, I pray, in Jesus's name.

    2. My Husband is having the same issues, Janet. The systems keep circling him into filing a new claim every week, without accepting his job searches and without paying him since before Christmas. I am praying for God's resolution for both of you and all JC Warriors and their dear ones who may be in this boat. LORD SAVE US. WE ARE SINKING! and the systems are making us dizzy! Amen.

    3. Amen 🙏. Praying with you Brie and I will pray for your husband also. I'm sure there are many of us in this boat right now. Thank God for being with us.

    4. Joining in prayers JC family ❤

      Blessings from France

    5. Praying with and for you, Janet, Brie, and anyone else experiencing financial hardships and unemployment. May God's peace follow you through the storm.
      Blessings from California

    6. Joining in prayers for God to lead you to a resolution of your financial problems and unemployment issues, Janet, and also, for your husband, Brie. May God in His mercy assist, heal, comfort, guide and provide for all those suffering from the effects of COVID in any way. He is the Way Maker and He promises to meet our needs.
      Trust in the Lord, and do good; so shalt thou dwell in the land, and verily thou shalt be fed.
      And God is able to bless you abundantly, so that in all things at all times, having all that you need, you will abound in every good work.

    7. Problem solved. What a difference a year makes!

  24. Lord, I need You in all areas of my life. Even though most of the world thinks O have it all together, I have empty spots inside me that yearn for Your peace. Teach me to remember to call on Your name in my times of weakness, doubt, and worry. Your love is pure and all grace flows from You. Plesse help me to practice Your presence all day in all parts 9f my life. Amen

    1. Amen Mark 🙏. It's funny that you said His love is pure. I was just writing that yesterday. So very, very true. Hallelujah.

    2. Amen Mark and Janet! There is no darkness at all in Him, and in Him we are made blameless and pure, but to be worthy of that gift, we must do our best to live to please Him and reflect that we are changed and filled with His light. We are imperfect in our humanity, so it takes a conscious effort to stay in His grace and favor. He is a discerner of hearts and understands that and just loves us with all our flaws and brokenness.

  25. JC family Prayer Warriors, please join me in lifting up my Aunt Bertha to the Throne of Grace. She was admitted to the hospital last night where she's receiving care and treatment. It appears that she has suffered another stroke. This is the second (possibly third) in less than a month. Drs have ordered an MRI to confirm. Praying the Lord be with the doctors and nurses caring for her. I received a call from her last night. She wasn't feeling well, but is able to speak. Praise God! It was so uplifting to hear her voice. Praying to our Lord, the Great Healer, for a full and complete recovery in Jesus name. God is good!

    Lifting up all prayer requests and petitions from the JC family to the Lord, our God. Blessings upon blessings to all of you.

    1. 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏 for Aunt Bertha and her family.

    2. Rose - Echoing prayers for Aunt Martha and loved ones.

    3. Praying now for Aunt Bertha. Thank you Lord for taking care of your children and guiding the doctors and nurses to do what is needed to help and heal their patients, Aunt Bertha being one of them. Thank you for putting your healing hands on her and all who are suffering from any disease. We trust you Lord. In Jesus name we pray, Amen.

      Blessings from France

    4. Joining in all prayers for your Aunt Bertha and all those suffering from heart conditions. God is with her and all of you and He is the greatest Physician,
      Thank you Father for healing her weaknesses and bringing her back to good health, and thank you for our answered prayers. We love you and thank you for Your faithfulness and all our blessings! Amen

    5. Praying for Aunt Bertha to be lifted up in the Lord's healing hands and comforted in His arms. Grant Rose and her family strength and peace in knowing You are with them. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen 🙏.

  26. “The Lord will give strength unto His people; the Lord will bless His people with PEACE!” ~ Psalms 29:11
    Fellowship’s Prayer For Peace
    O God, I pray today for those who share faith, as well as those who hold other beliefs, that we may join in love and understanding to promote peace between all people ... regardless of race, creed, color, or political affiliation. May we unite in rejecting satan's hatred and fear everywhere. Please let there be Your Peace on Earth and in our nation ... and let it begin with me and all of us who pray together today and everyday in Fellowship. Thank You, God! ~Amen

    1. Amen Brie!

      Blessings from France

    2. Joining in your prayer Brie, Amen 🙏 🙌.

    3. I'm all in on this prayer as I lay me down to sleep! 🙏😴

    4. Great prayer Brie! Joining in. Amen!

  27. Norah - Continuing prayers for your husband and loved ones.

  28. Thank you, Sassy Mom, Janet, Jeanne, and all of you praying for my Dear Hub. He is doing better - it comes and goes, but we are celebrating his Birthday with Chicken Pot Pie - a far cry from the Steak Dinner I had planned for him, but if it sounds good - that's what we're eating! :) It has been a pleasant, low-key day. I took most of it off - just needed a break from the mayhem. You can imagine what a Congressional Office is like right now! It's bedlam. The phones are ringing off the hook; people are mad, sad, disappointed, elated, thankful, - all over the place!! They are SO upset and I try to calm them down, let them know we want to hear their opinions, but even that doesn't console all of them. For some, there is no consolation, as was my call last night for almost an hour with my Chief of Staff and this horribly upset man (who sounded like a woman - so I doubly insulted him/her when I called him, ma'am. UGH!!!). But, we ended the call. I was only in tears 4 x's yesterday and 3 of them where for good, sweet reasons. A 26 yr old (now) student of my hub's wrote an article in our paper about the 'Love of Grandparents.' We welcomed her into our lives (again) and said we were always looking for more Grandkids! There is nothing like a young person (whether they are related or not), to remind you that you are valued and remembered. And, what did we read, just today? "Remember that your relationship with Me is saturated in grace. Therefore, nothing that you do or don't do can separate you from My presence." We are saturated in GRACE! My sweet hub has (gratefully) eaten his chicken pot pie and buttered bread. He enjoyed the Cherry Pie and Ice Cream from his Big Boy lunch. He is a happy camper! And that is all that matters to me. Thank you again, for all of your prayers - please, keep them coming! All of you are in mine, as well!

    1. Amen and Hallelujah Norah 🙌 🙏. And happy birthday to your husband. Whether you're eating pot pie, steak, or pb & j, as long as you're together, that's what makes it so wonderful. God bless you 🙏.

    2. That's wonderful. More answered prayers. Chicken Pot Pie sounds pretty yummy! Happy Birthday to your dear Hubby! Glad the day went well. You can only do the best you can on those calls. Amen, always good to be reminded that you're valued and remembered. Yes, our relationship with the Lord is saturated in GRACE! So glad he enjoyed the cherry pie and ice cream. That was a good Birthday celebration. Sure will keep those prayers coming dear Sister.

  29. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. ...Talk with Me about your struggles and feelings of inadequacy... Lord, I am feeling feel totally inadequate right now.
      Thank You that my feelings of inadequacy cannot separate me from Your Presence. Amen.

    2. Some days are just like that with tech. Turn the device off and on again, unplug, or log out and back in. If all else fails, out it away and try in the morning😉. Casting the demons trying to interrupt your involvement here off to the lake of fire baby!

    3. Brie. I've been in business with heavy use of PC's, mobile phones, and web/e-commerce for decades. It never ceases to amaze me, the gremlins that will cause issues that others can't duplicate or when IT shows up, the system, software, or device will work correctly!

      I got so tired of losing posts here that, in general, I write it elsewhere and then copy/paste/post. Replies to posts usually, like now, directly, but even then I've lost a few and then have to retype the thought.

      I've deleted the previous functional posts which is one drawback here (blogger) that we can't privately message like many forums or blogs. I'm working on an idea for that, and will discuss with Chris at some point. Glad you found delete! Some things in life need to be deleted: diseases, evil, bad thinking, Satan and his influence, most, if not all current politicians (term limits?!), etc. Peace and Grace. In Him.

    4. Can you get us a delete key for diseases, evil, bad thinking, Satan and his influence, and most, if not all of satan's current politicians, beginning with those who have unlimited terms? Wouldn't it be nice...

    5. Thanks Madfox, On Payton Place's JC Calling Blogspot, I prefer the openness and inclusivity of a totally open forum rather than the exclusion inherent with Private Messaging. We all draw so much of God's strength from one another, see His road of life through the journey of others, find His Answers and Healings in United prayer with those who post and pray, and those who don't post but pray anyway. Praying that the Holy Spirit Leads us to His thoughts. A blog divided may not be able to stand the test of time as this one has. IJS!
      Thanks for all you do and all you share. It is appreciated.

    6. I agree. But there are issues where we could have had your blogging delete messages in private... but I like the openness as well as a blog is more a train of thought and not like some forums where it is a debate. However one big drawback here is the most recent comments are at the bottom, new readers may see and think that the blog is dead since new stuff can now be 100 comments down. Bob has mentioned also hard to find posts as no search function can take you directly to a post on a topic or by a person. Again not a problem just reality.

  30. I have been having a lot of trouble posting lately too. But I just try, try again. Dear Brie, You are so worthy and values and so very loved!
    Good advice Audra! That's just what I did. Turned it off and then tried again. God is at our side and that's all the help we need.

  31. Keeping you all in my prayers. Have a BLESSED WEEKEND.

  32. Thank You Jesus. Praise God always.

  33. And you as well, Jeanne. Traveling mercies for all of us on the move this weekend 🙏

    1. Thanks dear Audra! Your prayers helped get me here safely. Enjoying precious time with my Mom! Praying for you and Marc and Paul.
      Amen. May God keep all those traveling safe and protected from the virus. Thank You Jesus.

  34. JC: "Let Me bless you with My Grace and Peace... Remember that your relationship with Me is saturated in grace."

    Blessings and Grace, even more so, His Peace. As the omicron variant of CV-19 rages, and thankfully for most, it is mild. I'm reminded that God has been with us throughout. There are natural law consequences to man's folly, and the global community has been paying a price for it for centuries. This too shall pass, but what permanent changes to society will result?

    This week some final tests and labs showed a secondary issue for me to deal with. Thankfully this long-time, but newly discovered issue will be mostly a nuisance; however, uncovering it, sheds light on why some side effects persisted and may not be able to be completely eliminated with chemo tweaks. Regardless, His grace and mercy, of this being manageable, are such a blessing. Thanks for your prayers, it is quite humbling to read so many, as we all lap last year's posts on the pandemic as well! Godspeed, in Him, Amen.

    1. May our heavenly Father bless you and keep you close in His heart as His healing touch takes your afflictions away. God bless 🙏.

    2. Madfox I pray that Gods continues to watch over you🙏

    3. Joining in prayer & thanksgiving for what has been discovered, MadFox. God is good & looking after every detail of your journey to complete healing. Amen! Hallelujah!

    4. Continued prayers for you, MadFox. God knows every hair on your head - no surprises for Him, who loves you so. Praying for your continued Peace.

    5. Praying for full health and healing in every way, Madfox!

    6. Joining into all prayers for you our Madfox, and for all our JC sisters and brothers in Christ. May all be blessed and healed in Jesus' Name. Amen.

    7. Navigating through life with all its challenges, new discoveries, health issues and the like is a journey in which we have a A GUIDE. And we thank and pray for the peace that comes from recognizing and following HIM. That right there is something I am learning from the posts in this blog, many ones from your experiences, Mad 🦊, are the greatest observations. 🙏♥️

    8. No matter the issue, i’m continuing to pray that God is already on it. Joining all prayers with thanksgiving that He is strengthening every weaknesses in your body which He created! He knows you through and through and you are His beloved child. Hold onto His Unchanging Hand and go forward into the future He has prepared for you. Much love.
      Amen dear Audra. Following His lead day by day.

  35. Father, please open my heart and mind to receive all that You have for me. Open my eyes to see all Your beauty and miracles in the world all around me. Let Your heavenly, loving presence permeate within me and all around me. Allow Your perfect peace and grace to flow abundantly through me and spill over unto others. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen. Thank You Jesus. Praise God always.

    1. Joining you dear Janet in your prayer🙏💕. Amen. Hallelujah!

    2. Beautiful prayer dear sister! Joining in too! Amen and Amen!

  36. God's ways are higher and better than my ways ,praying for the will of God in my life as I wait for Him to reveal the next season to me . May I lean on Him and not on my strength !!!

    1. He sure is my strength too! Every day I’m leaning on Him! Trusting Him for my future. Amen sisters!!

  37. Good morning dear family🌅. Please pray for son#2 that his echogram test results will be great and carpal tunnel on both hands be resolved, in Jesus name. Thank you & blessings on everyone 💕

    1. Joining prayers for your dear son’s test results and healing of his hands and wrists. Thank You Jesus!

    2. Joining in prayer for your son. May our heavenly Father touch him with His healing 🙏.

  38. Praying for those great results, Jan, for Son#2!

  39. Today is my DH's 78th birthday! We have dinner plans (here at home) with 2 friends this evening and the whole family on Sunday. He was a little sniffly last night and I am praying that it's change of weather and nothing more. Reading last years' post reminds me, that we will celebrate, regardless. If the plans have to change, the 2 of us will celebrate. It's funny to me - when I ordered my Click List at the store, I got chicken pot pies to put in the freezer. That's what we ended up having last year! LOL! God knows what will happen and I know we can be blessed, even if plans change.
    Let not our hearts be discouraged, Father. Praying for your Peace and that we know this, too, shall pass.
    Praying for each of you and that your needs are met and your hearts' desires fulfilled.

    1. Happy blessed b'earthday, Norah's DH. You shall remain in my prayers.

    2. Happy 78th Birthday to your darling husband! Hope and pray the sniffles go away and you’re able to celebrate with your 2 friends! God is guiding everything. Chicken Pot Pie sounds delicious too. You will be blessed no matter what!

    3. Happy 78th birthday to your husband. Praying that you have a wonderful time together ❤ 🙏.

    4. Happy 79th birthday to your DH, Norah! May the celebration be full off love and laughter.

  40. Lifting up all prayer requests to the Throne of Grace. The Lord, our God is bigger than any need we have.
    Hebrews 4:16 "Let us then approach God’s throne of grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need."

    1. Amen to that! Let Him reign in our hearts above all.

  41. May God examine our hearts , I know I need God to perform cleansing and restoration on my heart ❤️. Seek my heart Lord, reveal all the areas that disappoint You Father ! Make me willing to change , may I be obedient to Your disciplining , I know it will make me more like Jesus...I want to be more like Christ done being in the driver's seat and going round in circles !

    1. Me too, Min Ahadi! More and more releasing control and surrender to God brings on peace and let's me be the passenger and enjoy the ride.

    2. Awesome Min! Give Him the wheel! Trust Him and enjoy the ride. Even if it gets bumpy He will lead us safely through.

  42. I needed this today. As I prepare for the interview today today several of them. I thank God for the opportunity being unemployed for these last 4 months have been the hardest things I've ever had to do.God has blessed me so much with so much when I did not deserve it and I don't want to lose it all, but I know my God has a plan. My children and I will prosper he didn't bring me this far. To leave me.

  43. Dear Unknown! Amen! Trust Him to continue leading you to fulfillment and prosperity! He will provide your needs and light the path He has set before you. Believe the best is yet to come and remember His faithfulness. God bless you and your dear ones.

  44. Great devotion for everyone. God knows us through and through! He knows our innermost thoughts and dreams and goals and fears and our motives. We can tell Him anything because He always understands. We can bring Him all our concerns, problems and burdens. As long as we seek His help, we will receive it. It is better to trust God than man.
    I was blessed yesterday because so many prayers were answered during my treatment! I wasn’t afraid because I had the Lord right by my side. My body tolerated the infusion with only mild side effects. My focus was on God and on my prayers for my dear ones and I believe I glorified God by my words and my trust in Him. So many of you prayed that all would go well because you trust in His Words and promises. I felt God’s presence and your prayers so there was no reason to be afraid. I had my armor on and I was well equipped in the Lord. Thank you so much for all the love, prayers and encouragement you gave me. Love you all. May God continue to bless you and your loved ones and answer your prayers. God allows the trials to test our faith and to make us strong in Him. May He always lead you in your wilderness: Thank You Jesus.
    James 1:2-4
    My brethren, count it all joy when you fall into various trials, knowing that the testing of your faith produces patience. But let patience have its perfect work, that you may be [b]perfect and complete, lacking nothing.

    1. Yeah Jeanne! Thank you for the update. So thankful for a good outcome for you. Loved the way you used the WORD with Authority and witnessed to the medical staff. You brought Glory to our Lord. May the Lord's Grace and Mercy be all over you and give you rest and restoration. Sending bunches of Love and Blessings your way! JJ

    2. So glad to hear that your treatment went well and that God was glorified through you. May those things continue as you endure this time on your journey with Him. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen 🙏. God bless and peace be with you.

    3. Jeanne - so happy everything went well with your first infusion. Thank you for sharing this journey and your faith. I know all the medical people were blessed by your faith.

      I love the verses from James that you shared. I’ve always loved them - especially when trials come.

      SC Anonymous

    4. Rejoicing with you dear sister that you did good. PTL from whom all blessings flow. Hallelujah! 💞🙏🌈

    5. Thanks dear JJ, Janet, SC, Jan and MadFox!
      Amen! God has been so good to me. He keeps His promises and I have been in the Word and in His presence all morning while I packed up my Christmas decorations away even though I feel weak, I am filled with God’s strength. Going to take a nap after lunch. Praise His Holy Name forever! He is such a good and caring Father. The praise goes up and the blessings come down. God bless you all. Much love 💕

  45. Well done, Jeanne. As Sarah writes today as JC, "Therefore, nothing that you do or don't do can separate you from My presence." He was with you as He promised and your and His light filled the rooms! May each treatment be easier, and your faith hold strong. Amen.

    1. Dear brother, Thank you for your help and advice always. We pray for each other. I believe each treatment will be easier and God is building me up physically, mentally and spiritually so I can serve Him better. This trial was part of His Plan. The best is yet to come. God bless you as you walk through your own, holding His Hand.

  46. JC Warriors - asking for prayers that I do not have covid. I was exposed three days ago. Our kids have Monday off, so we were going to see my parents for a couple of days (5 hours away). They are in their 80’s and do not need covid. My dad said don’t worry - come we want to see you. If I have it, I probably won’t have symptoms for 2 more days. I will take a test before we leave, but I fear taking germs to my parents.

    SC Anonymous

    1. Dear SC --- You have my prayers.

    2. SC --- I just want to say that the weapons of warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God in pulling down strongholds. And so, I come against this covid exposure and I cast it down and anything of the enemy and forbid it to operate in your territory. It will fall to the ground broken and of NO effect. I Plead the Blood of Jesus over your whole family. I thank you Heavenly Father that You hear my prayer and You watch over Your WORD to perform it. In Jesus's name, AMEN and AMEN.

    3. Amen! Agreeing with you JJ, and praying for SC and the family.

    4. Amen JJ! Joining in your prayer for our dear SC that she will not be carrying any Covid germs with her, only love to her good parents. God is greater than a covid exposure and He already knows what she needs. He is already on it.
      Thank You Father for showing Your faithfulness to dear SC in Jesus' Name we pray. Amen.

  47. Dear Peter --- Loved the explanation of Grace --- God's Riches of Christ's Expense. That went deep into my spirit! Thank you Peter, great post. JJ

  48. Thank you for explaining what Grace is. Unmerited, undeserved, unearned favor from God, made available to us by and through the redemptive work of His Son, our Saviour Jesus Christ. “Grace and truth came through Jesus Christ”(John 1: ?) Thank God for the New Covenant of Grace He has made with us, sealed by the blood of Jesus Christ! Having been redeemed by the blood, reconciled to God, adopted into God’s family as His children, we now enjoy peace with God and GRACE that abounds and never runs out. God deals with us in and with Grace; not seeing our unworthiness, our failings, our sins, but seeing the imputed perfect righteousness of Christ upon us! Hallelujah! As the redeemed, God has made us and sees us at all times as “holy, blameless, righteous” (Ephesians 1); thus, without earning or deserving His grace (blessings, favor, forgiveness, healing, health, provisions, protection, eternity with Hom, etc), He gives it freely to us. We ask in Jesus’ Name and we receive - by GRACE! Hallelujah! I didn’t understand all this till I listened to Joseph Prince and read his books Grace Revolution and Destined to Reign. That’s a sound and anointed Grace preacher! Loves Jesus n exalts Him constantly in all his sermons. I never experienced REST in my soul till I understood Grace through Christ Jesus! Jesus did all the work for us! We simply receive and believe in Him, abide in Him and let His words abide in us - and so we bear fruit and become like Him, from glory to glory!

  49. I'm so blessed to hear your report, Dear Jeanne!! Continued Peace, Health and GREAT results to you, my Sister. Love and prayers to all of you. Getting ready for the Store Run to celebrate my Best Man's 79th BD! What a blessing to be doing this today. Family and friends will help him celebrate. "Keep me calm, Lord and in balance so I can give my hubby the best celebration, yet!" This is our 49th celebration of his Birthday together. How quickly those years have flown by. I am a blessed woman and thankful for each of you and your prayers, sharing and teaching me along the way.

    1. Happy Birthday to your DH! 79 years Young! Have a blessed and happy celebration. God will be leading it all, so enjoy the ride! You two have been a loving couple for 49 years! You are blessed indeed. And we are blessed to have you as a beloved sister! Thanks for your powerful prayers always. Much love <3

  50. Twice I have come to this blog and was amazed and saddened that no one had currently commented. Then I realised that I was a day ahead! So very glad many of you are still here and posting! Sure Miss Maplewood NJ and Mad Fox’s Godly wisdom.

    1. Still in my prayers dear Learning to trust! So happy to see you today. May God continue to bless you in every area of your life and heal your weaknesses. Have a great day in His presence.

    2. Glad to "see" you again Learning To Trust!

  51. Wonderful teaching and good food to savor. By the undeserved Grace of God we are truly saved and blessed beyond human understanding. Hallelujah! Amen and thank you dear Peter. You added much light to my day and to my heart.

  52. Thank you dear Anonymous for your wonderful response to Peter because your spirit guided words and truth blessed me so much. Hallelujah! We reap so much just by receiving and believing in Him through God's gift of Grace. I'll have to listen to Joseph Prince and check out his books. God bless you in every little thing.

  53. Rejoice in the relief of being fully understood...Two songs play in my heart:
    FULLY KNOWN by Tauren Wells
    AND I'M SO BLESSED by Cain

  54. Thanks dear Brie!! More light in my day.

  55. I purchased on line Jesus Calling to be able to read along with my daughter. I had given her my hard copy. Recently I received a notice that I have go to a monthly subscription?
    Why can’t I access my subscription?

  56. I posted this last night but it went into Load More. Little Eli needs our prayers so I’m posting it again. May God bless your days, heal your weaknesses, comfort your hearts and bring you peace. Thank You Jesus.

    Please pray for Eli, an 8 yr old boy with a brain tumor. My sister’s DIL’s cousin’s son just got diagnosed and he’s not doing well. He really needs our prayers.
    Father, You know Eli needs your help and healing and his family needs your guidance and peace. Thank You for removing this tumor and guiding Eli to the best doctors and treatment and lead him back to good health so he can proclaim your good deeds and give you glory. Thank You for bringing peace of mind to him and his family and let them feel Your loving presence. Thank You for this in the powerful Name of.Christ Jesus our Risen Lord. Amen

    Psalm 18:6
    In my distress I called upon the LORD;
    to my God I cried for help.
    From his temple he heard my voice,
    and my cry to him reached his ears.

    Psalm 50:15
    and call upon me in the day of trouble;
    I will deliver you, and you shall glorify me.

    Psalm 55:22
    Cast your burden on the LORD,
    and he will sustain you;
    he will never permit
    the righteous to be moved.

    1. Joining in prayers with you for Eli and his family. May our heavenly Father touch him with His healing hands and remove this affliction from his body and let this child be a walking, talking miracle in the world as a testimony to the Lord's mighty power. May his family be comforted and strengthened with Your loving arms wrapped around them. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen 🙏.

    2. Praying for Eli and his family, trusting God for Eli's healing and recovery.

    3. Joining in prayer for Eli- thanks and praise to our Lord Jesus for this healing. Amen.

    4. Boarding this awesome prayer train for Eli. Jehovah Rapha, obliterate this little boy's tumor. Let Eli and his family witness your miraculous healing! Let them feel your presence each and every day, Lord. In Jesus' mighty name, AMEN.

    5. Lifting Eli up to our Lord. Lord, please place your hand on this child and heal him so he can tell the world about your grace. Please be with Eli’s family as they travel down this unfamiliar road. Please give them the strength they need to be strong, bear witness for You, and make the tough decisions for their son.
      SC Anonymous

    6. Praying for Eli's health if it is God's will. In Jesus name l pray. Amen.

    7. Thank you Father for your healing hands on Eli! Peace and comfort from you will fall upon this family. 🙏

    8. Thanks dear Janet, Peter, Blessings from NY, NJS, SC, Anonymous and Audra! What a blessing to read your prayers and feel your loving care! We are a family of prayer Warriors and we know the power of sincere prayers from hearts of faith. The Lord is indeed in this place. God hears every one. I shared them with Janet and told her Eli is in the Best of Hands and he is surrounded by prayers. Waiting on the Lord with you for His amazing healing power to heal this young boy and many hearts to burn with newfound faith. Thank.You Jesus.

    9. Prayers for Eli ♥️🙏✝️.
      Margaret from Pennsylvania

    10. I call on Jehovah Rapha for Eli to completely eliminate this brain tumor in a MIRACULOUS way. Satan, I come against you in Jesus's Mighty Name. I bind you up over this situation and I loose the Healing of God, God's Goodness, His plan, His Way, His Abundant Life, His Grace and Mercy and the Blood of Jesus over Eli. Restore, Eli, to full health, so he can live the life You intended him to live. I give you Highest Praise and Worship and thank You for watching over Your WORD to perform it! In Jesus's Name, I Pray and Believe, AMEN and AMEN.

  57. But whoever drinks of the water that I shall give him will never thirst. But the water that I shall give him will become in him a fountain of water springing up into everlasting life. (John 4:14).

    1. Amen! The Water of Life that never ends.

  58. God's Grace towards us:
    Acts 20:32
    And now I commend you to God and to the word of his grace, which is able to build you up and to give you the inheritance among all those who are sanctified.
    2 Corinthians 9:8
    And God is able to make all grace abound toward you, that you, always having all sufficiency in all things, may have an abundance for every good work.
    Hebrews 4:16
    Let us then with confidence draw near to the throne of grace, that we may receive mercy and find grace to help in time of need.

    1. Beautiful encouragement! I come here empty and I leave full and satisfied!

  59. Lord, taking a long trip. Keep us safe from ice and snow as we travel on our way. Please stay close to us as we will be close to you 💕

    1. Amen 🙏

    2. Safe travels for all in motion! Stormy weather!

    3. Praying with you, Sis for God’s protection and traveling mercies to cover all those traveling today. Thank You Jesus

  60. Celebrating my Dear Hubby's 80th birthday today on this 10 degree day in Ohio! I read JC last night before bed and again this morning. I'm praying that this day blesses my best man and that the family is safe driving around today (and warm!). Getting ready for fellowship, but wanted you to know I'm praying for all requests and for safe travels for you, Anonymous. For you and your good Mom, Jeannie and a lovely day for all of you...Brie and Audra, stay warm!
    Thanks for all of your sharings, prayers and blessings Dear JC Family!

    1. Norah- sending birthday wishes to your husband. Stay warm today!
      SC Anonymous

    2. Happy and blessed 80th Birthday to your Best Man! May God bestow Birthday blessings and grant him much joy, good health, peace and love! Hope you all have a wonderful celebration!!

    3. Dear Nora -- Wishing your hubby a fantastic birthday filled with joy, laughter, and wonderful moments ahead!

    4. I'm praying that this day blesses your best man, you, and the family. May your day be toasty and warm!

    5. I was thinking about your Best Man’s 80th Birthday today. Hope he had fun! It was also my grandson’s 5th Birthday. I made cookies for him and Rick brought them to him.
      Good news about Eli. The CT scan showed no bleeding but there is swelling. Thanks for your continued prayers. God bless your night.

  61. Happy celebration for Loren today! May the fellowship and love of God surround you.
