Friday, July 31, 2015

Jesus Calling: August 1

Nothing can separate you from My Love. Let this divine assurance trickle through your mind and into your heart and soul. Whenever you start to feel fearful or anxious, repeat this unconditional promise: "Nothing can separate me from Your Love, Jesus."
     Most of mankind's misery stems from feeling unloved. In the midst of adverse circumstances, people tend to feel that love has been withdrawn and then have been forsaken. This feeling of abandonment is often worse than the adversity itself. Be assured that I never abandon any of My children, not even temporarily. I will never leave you or forsake you! My Presence watches over you continually. I have engraved you on the palms of My hands

Romans 8:38-39
English Standard Version

38 For I am sure that neither death nor life, nor angels nor rulers, nor things present nor things to come, nor powers, 39 nor height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord.

Verse Thoughts
The child of God is more than a conqueror. Time will not separate us from the love of God, nor will the future. No dimensions of any kind can separate us from the love of God. Nothing, nothing, absolutely nothing can separate us from the love of God. RC Sproul said, "We may feel at times that God has departed from us, but that is when we have to believe his Word rather than our feelings."

Joshua 1:5
English Standard Version 

No man shall be able to stand before you all the days of your life. Just as I was with Moses, so I will be with you. I will not leave you or forsake you.
Isaiah 49:15-16
English Standard Version 

15 “Can a woman forget her nursing child,
    that she should have no compassion on the son of her womb?
Even these may forget,
    yet I will not forget you.
16 Behold, I have engraved you on the palms of my hands;
    your walls are continually before me.

My Prayer
Lord, I want to rest on these promises. You know me and You know that Love is what I need, what I desire. In all of its forms - Your Love tells me I am valued, I am appreciated, I am unique. Your Love tells me I am good enough, I am needed, I am wanted. You tell me I am completely accepted. I need Your Love O God. Thank You again for never leaving me. Help me Lord to not listen to the voices that tell me I am not loved, I am not worthy. When I go to read my Bible or spend time in prayer, at times, those voices come to me and speak things that are contrary to Your word. But those crazy voices are not of You and in those moments remind me to tell those voices to "Get out of here you crazy voice" and then I can return to your words of truth that I am not forgotten, that tell me that your love is engraved upon me; you Lord have tattooed me with Your Love and it will never wear off. Thank you Jesus. 

Note: The devotion and scriptures are from author Sarah Young. If you haven't already, please purchase the book and support the author. 

Also, bookmark to have an easy link to the entire year of these entries.


  1. Thank you Lord, NOTHING can separate me from your LOVE.

    1. you may never see this (from 2017) I love you "Sassy Mom", you are a gift from "GOD" for me.
      In "HIS",name,
      Auntie Jeanne

    2. And right off the bat I hear Bob reminding us..."Nothing Means Nothing" thank you Jesus!!!! Good morning JC readers. ICYMI, Bob Malask gave a very insightful lesson last Sunday and provided a link to it for all to watch. I'm going back for seconds 😁♥️✝️

    3. Auntie Jean - Thank you for loving me, I receive your love.

    4. Amen and Amen! Absolutely nothing can separate us from the love of God. So blessed to be loved completely and unconditionally with an enduring love that lasts forever.

    5. to hear Bob's message

    6. Nothing...NO THING (person, place or thing, nouns, verbs and all we can imagine can separate us from HIS LOVE) Thank you Father!

  2. I am an alcoholic and addict in recovery and trying desperately to find my way back to God thru Jesus'Love. I have almost 5 & 1/2 months sober and can feel myself getting closer to the God consciousness within. Thank you Father for letting me know that NOTHHING can separate me from YOUR LOVE!

    1. Congratulations Notofthisworld! I pray your recovery has continued to this very day! Always remember God is with you every step of the way!

    2. I am with you. Almost 4 months sober.

    3. Lifting you up in prayer, Notofthisworld and Anonymous. Addiction, as we know, is a daily struggle, but God is with you daily. He never leaves your side. He's but a whisper away. Jesus Jesus Jesus. Cling to Him on your journey of sobriety. I pray for all those struggling with addiction, my husband and family members included. Lord, continue to give us all the strength we need to leave our addictions, whatever they may be, behind and follow You. You alone, who holds the promise of eternity, can get us through the storm. And Thank You, Father God, for always being there, always faithful, and always turning things around for our good. All praise and glory to You, Father God, always and forever.

      Blessings from California

  3. I've been feeling anxious, and overwhelmed about the thoughts of my future. But what I tend to forget is that Jesus is there tomorrow, and he will always be there. This is assurance that God never leaves nor forsakes us in times like these. His love is all we need to move forward, and today, is a good reminder that He is able, and He truly cares.

    1. Unknown, it's comforting to know that God never changes. He was the same yesterday, today and tomorrow. When we leave our anxious thoughts and burdens at the foot of the cross, God turns it all around for our good. Whenever I start to feel anxious or fearful about life's circumstances, I listen to Way Maker, and I instantly am reminded of who our God is. Let go and Let God isn't just a catchy WORKS. Turn your cares over to the Lord of all creation and witness the favor He has prepared for you and you alone. God is faithful.

      Blessings from California

    2. I don't know what my future holds, but I know Who Holds my future. And that's all I need to know!

    3. Brie, welcome home! Glad to see your posting again. You are loved and were missed dearly. I was blessed by your post about focusing on the Giver. Funny how we sometimes ask God to "fix" the other person or a situation or relationship, and He turns around and blesses us with more insight into ourselves and changing us for the better. Praise the Lord! May you, Unknown, Fern and all our JC family feel His love, peace, mercy and grace this beautiful first day of August. God be with you.

      Blessings from California

    4. Thanks Rose, It is good to be here with my JC Family. I so appreciate all of the sharings. More often than not, another JC Warrior puts my sentiments into words or says something that makes me see and behave differently. Since I overpaid for the lesson, " Focus on The Giver rather than The Gift" I am elated that others can use it. Praying Showers and Shiwers of Blessings and Love for our entire JC Family!

    5. Rose, this has been so apparent in my job loss situation! While I have had very little anxiety about my future... I have had a tremendous amount of stress in what I perceived as my former coworkers “lack of concern” and yes... waiting for God to “fix” them! Thankfully, I knew to pray, pray, pray! And not say or do anything that could burn bridges!! Praise Him for this!! Slowly but surely God is bringing me around to His way and I am getting the peace in my circumstance that I have been craving! I know with 100% certainty that He will provide more than what I could ever imagine and there is a lesson in the hurt feelings that I gave in to that I need to learn! I am the one who needs fixing more than they did! I am still learning this lesson but definitely feel that I am on the right path and trusting God to reveal all that I need in His perfect timing!❤️

    6. Yes Brie I know not what my future holds, but I know Who Holds my future, it's a secret known only to Him. jw

  4. Thank you for making this available. It is the first thing that I look at before checking emails.

  5. Thank you for NEVER abandoning me in my hardships! Also, thank you for engraving me in the palm of Your hands!

  6. Amen, thank you dear God for your unconditional, everlasting love

  7. Love all the comments; thank you for all the encouragement! Congrats to the recovery person; 22 years this month for me. One day at a time really works and if you have Jesus you will not fall!

  8. Why do I feel god isnt helping me I see all these comments and I pray and talk to him everyday and my kids are still doing the same things I'm still struggling financially everyday is worse the more I talk to him the worse it gets how do I not lose faith life sucks.Need lost of prayers.

    1. Unknown, I pray your situation has improved over the past 2 years. Sometimes when we pray, and we don't see a change or receive the answer we are seeking, it's easy to become disillusioned. Ask God to open your eyes to see, your ears to hear and your mind to receive the many treasures He has prepared for you daily. Thank Him for any blessings you can think of. A thankful heart is more receptive to His favor, and you'll start to feel better physically, mentally and spiritually. Your situation may not change or improve, but you'll have His peace that surpasses all understanding.

      Blessings from California

    2. Praying with you Rose that Unknown's situation has improved and that she is walking in her gratitude and feeling God's everpresent peace surrounding her which is not affected by any situation.

    3. Praying for you Unknown. Have you tried inviting Jesus to change Your heart? Sometimes He works our Miracles from the inside out. In Moments like this, it helps when I sing "Change My Heart O Lord"
      Hold onto Him, for He is always holding onto you @ Isaiah 40:
      He gives Power and Strength! Receive it! They that wait upon The Lord Jesus Christ shall renew His Strength in their strength. Bonded together with Him, they shall mount upward, raised up on Eagle's Wings. They shall run and be invigorated; they shall walk bravely, upright and steadfast!
      Our Father,
      Would you make Unknown's heart, Spirit, mind, body, soul and strength pliable enough to receive Your Bond of Divine Instruction and Faith? Thank You Jesus. Amen.

    4. Sometimes He works our Miracles from the inside out, like He did with His 1st Miracle, changing water into wine from inside the jar, rather than getting it from outside vendors.

      ♥️🎶 Change my heart Oh God

  9. Aw I’m sorry to hear that. You will be in my prayers. Keep praying & trust God through these difficult times & you’ll come out stronger, keep spending time with him 1 on 1 and seeking him hi presence will become more apparent to you. Have a blessed week

  10. I pray that He would reveal Himself to you. I pray that He would reveal solutions and truth. That you would see specific strategies and plans--for you and your children. I pray for divine wisdom and knowledge about what's going on with your kids. God is a good Father so He gives them free will, He isn't a dictator who forces them to behave. Although it may be painful for you, your children are still loved and watched over, no matter what decisions they are making. Continue to pray and ask God to reveal Himself to them in His perfect timing. I pray for patience and faith to rise up in your heart. For the voice of truth to speak louder than the lie that "life sucks". If that is what you speak over your life, that will be your life. I pray for a heart of gratitude for what you DO have and what you've been given and what you've been saved from. It's not happy people who become grateful, it's grateful people who become happy. Tell God what you're thankful for as you call out to Him. He blessed a contrite and thankful spirit. I pray financial peace and blessing over you and your family--that God would show you how to make it and spend it wisely, may He bless you in all that you do -- from the inside out. I pray you feel His loving kindness & care wash over you. He is in all of this. Love you! God bless


    1. Thank you but I really feel I have nothing to be thankful for I could care less if the world ended today at least there would be no more suffering the 2 will be 22 years my kids were left with out a dad he was only 25 I was a signal mom tried my best to do a good job how was that my choice I think that has alot to do with how my kids are now
      I just want to keep the faith I feel like I'm going crazy this is to much I come here so I can get some positive motivation I need it and prayers thank you again

    2. You are correct. This world is hard and there is no comfort in this present life nor what the world offers us. Satan is the major influence on the ideals, opinions, goals, hopes and views of the majority of people. Paul told us each day to train ourselves to be Godly. When you don’t train yourself to be Godly you get trained by the world. And there is no peace in what the world offers. The comfort we read is from the first sentence of today's devotional - Nothing can separate you from God's love for us. Our hope is only in him. Jesus told us that we would experience a lot of trials on earth and he is right. We do. This world is hard. For all of us. We are all in this together and we all need each other. I admit, it's hard, but his Word is true when it says “Do not worry about anything but pray about everything.” This doesn't mean everything will work out the way we want it to because God isn't a vending machine. But he does promise us eternal life with Him for those that receive and believe Him as Savior and Lord of their life. Most of the disciples died painful deaths, but for those that have received Him and trust in Him as the Only Way, we all have good outcomes waiting for us in heaven, but for now, on this earth we will toil and struggle for we live with sin and its affects. But as we surrender to the Lord, His Spirit will give us peace through it all. As a mom, you want the best for your kids. That is good. God gave you as their mother for a reason. You are not a mistake. You are exactly what they needed, maybe they just haven't figured it out yet. I am thankful for you because by being real in your post, you remind us that we all struggle and again, it reminds us that we all need each other. God, I pray that this person's future would have good news. Thank you for always being our Good News for you have saved us from the darkness and that salvation lasts for an eternity. Be glorified in what we do and say. In Christ Alone. Amen.

    3. wow - thank you paytonfamily for that. KS

    4. To GOD be the Glory! Thank You Chris for uplifting unknown.
      Yes, the world we live in can be very cruel, but the God we serve is FAITHFUL and promises to carry us through those trying times!
      Praying unknown found God's peace that surpasses ALL understanding!

      Maplewood NJ

  11. A new day, a new month in which You have blessed me and ushered me and my mom in, with new mercy. I give You my praise and a heart filled with gratitude and thanksgiving. Thank You Father. May this new month bring You more glory than the last 7 months, through the plans You have for me, in Jesus name.

    JC Family, as I posted yesterday, I repeat: I pray the Peace of God will rest upon each of you this new month that you have been ushered in, with Praises to the Glory of His Majesty, our Heavenly Father!
    May the Angels bring forth to each of you and your families this month of August, great tidings, great manifestations, great breakthroughs, lots of laughter, lots of happiness, great health, restorations, provisions, increased love, showers of blessings from the heavens that overflows and unspeakable Peace, in Jesus name!
    We must trust and believe for the best this new month, no matter what still lingers!
    With God, ALL things are possible!
    Thank You FATHER for carrying us through 7 months of Your goodness and taking care of our trials and concerns. We are expecting and super excited for what You have planned ahead for us. Thank You for Your Grace that is sufficient for ALL of us!

    Thank You for never leaving nor forsaking us. We are blessed to have each of our names inscribed in the palms of Your hands. Thank You!
    It's a blessed assurance that Absolutely nothing can separate us from Your Love. Be glorified Lord!

    Happy and blessed new month of August family!!

    Maplewood NJ

    1. Thank you also, Maplewood NJ! KS

    2. You truly blessed and brightened my day with your comments! AMEN
      In his love

    3. Amen Amen, Maplewood. I am blessed by your words. Thank you.

      Blessings to you and your mom from California.

    4. Thank you Maplewood for blessing us all and the declaration of a wonderful new month of August to be filled with blessings that inspire!

    5. Thank you Maplewood for these prayers! ❤️❤️

    6. Dear Maplewood, You blessed me with your sweet prayer. I join in and I look forward to all the wonderful things God has in store for us who love Him in this new month. I pray we will all receive "great tidings, great manifestations, great breakthroughs, lots of laughter, lots of happiness, great health, restorations, provisions, increased love, showers of blessings from the heavens that overflows and unspeakable Peace, in Jesus' name!" The best part of this month is that Jesus has already prepared it for us and He will walk with us through it. Looking forward to many happy surprises and good health for all. And also answered prayers! Halleluia!

    7. Thanks again dear Maplewood. Praying that this new month will be blessed with many answered prayers, much healing, God's faithfulness and many wonderful opportunities and open doors. I trust in God's Word and that He will never leave or forsake us. He is always in our corner, fighting for us, no matter the situation. Be anxious for nothing. Pray without ceasing and put every concern at His feet. He can do all things and rest assured that He already holds our futures.
      Amen dear sister: "Happy and blessed new month of August" dear JC family!

  12. Sharing a tidbit from my daily In Touch Ministries:

    If you are living and breathing, then the heavenly Father has a purpose for you, a ministry to fulfill. Don’t think of ministry as something done only in a church building by a select group of people. Service to God is the responsibility of every believer. It’s a matter of doing the “good works, which God prepared beforehand” for each of us to accomplish (Eph. 2:10).
    Your entire life is meant to be an act of service to God. If instead you are living for your own happiness and goals, you will eventually be disappointed. But when you walk in the good works God has prepared for you, you’ll have the satisfaction of doing exactly what you were created to do. Blessings beyond compare for JC Warriors.

    1. Well said, Sassy Mom!

      SR in Houston

    2. That was so beautiful Sassy Mom! Father God, help me to walk in the good works You have prepared for me. Please guide me to all You need me to accomplish today. Help me to be more selfless and put You highest in my heart and mind, above all else. Remind me to stay put in Your sweet presence. Amen!

    3. Amen, Sassy Mom. I'm blessed to be a blessing. Help me, Lord, to follow Your will.

    4. Amen Sassy Mom! Thank you for your sincere words of truth!
      Dear Rose, Reading your older posts brings me so much encouragement. I just love the Christ in you. So very beautiful my dear Sister!

    5. Amen! I'm listening, Lord, for the clues that reveal the good works you designed me for. For these I pray in Jesus name.

  13. Sassy Mom - love that tidbit you shared! So true. Thanks! KS

  14. Thank you Maplewood for that blessing of a new month, a new beginning, a fresh start for our JC family. I took a break from posting, but not from praying for the requests. I read all the post but just couldn't find my way back to sharing my struggles & I got crazy busy. I felt like Norah😄, our Resident JC family busy bee!(lovingly said)🥰. Norah your whirlwind schedule keeps us all on our knees! Which is good. Anyway between family reunions, which lasted 4 days, we hosted, cardio appts. Cataract surgery, who had time to post! The JC post for today got me out of my slump. I did feel abandoned, forsaken, not appreciated, judged, most of all misunderstood. Nothing like a good ole family reunion to bring all that crud out! I cried out to the Lord, "why did you make me a mother? Poured all of the nurturing instinct into my heart, love beyond measure for all of my brats, only to one day stop dead cold on my tracks & proclaim to each of them "I'm done with mothering guys, I'm done caring about your lives, much less have anything to say about it, because quite frankly, my face is raw from getting slapped by your wings!" When our estranged daughter (5 yrs) attended the reunion, I was warned by all my children to be at my best behaviour, (wing slap). I learned a lot in that 5 yrs. Yet they each believe that the transforming power of the Holy Spirit does not work for Mom! Same ole mom. Son #2 said "no mom, don't hug her, just chill", so no words were spoken with my daughter & I. Okay JC family there you have it! Need your feedback. Let me have it, good or bad. I need to hear from my JC family. IIII'M BACK! Love you all🥰

    1. @Jan Hang in there Jan, love is an action word and when we are transparent with that love we can be misunderstood quite often. i have four children and after almost having a nervous breakdown the Lord revealed to me, it was time for me to pass the baton back to him, he allowed me the privilege to mother them and train them up in the way they should go and now that they are 36, 38, 40,& 42, they bring me quite a bit of grief STIL, he said it is time for HIM to take care of them from this point on. My testimony is I could never do anything right, if I loved them they felt smothered, if I backed off I didn't care and if I said NO, well that was a crime; But I finally heard the voice of the LORD and on my knees in prayer I surrendered them to him and trusted that he knows best and now I love them through HIM, and I finally have peace that whatever happens they are in the best care, because he has taken care of me well and he has no respect of persons and will care for them also! I am praying with you to release them to GOD one day at a time!!
      In HIS love!

    2. Thank you God'sdaughter, bless you. It's very difficult isn't? But you're right on. I love them so much but the Lord loves them even more. "One day at a time". I love that🥰.

    3. Thank you Jan! My life in a nutshell! The only way to feel peace is to give them up to does not mean I love them less but that He loves them as only He does!

    4. Kahlil Gibran always reminds me:
      They are God's Children who only came through us!
      And a woman who held a babe against her bosom said, Speak to us of Children.
           And he said:
           Your children are not your children.
           They are the sons and daughters of Life’s longing for itself.
           They come through you but not from you,
           And though they are with you yet they belong not to you.

           You may give them your love but not your thoughts,
           For they have their own thoughts.
           You may house their bodies but not their Souls,
           For their Souls dwell in the house of tomorrow, which you cannot visit, not even in your dreams.
           You may strive to be like them, but seek not to make them like you.
           For life goes not backward nor tarries with yesterday.
           You are the bows from which your children as living arrows are sent forth.
           The Master Archer sees the mark upon the path of the infinite, and He Bends You with His Might that His Arrows may go swift and far.
           Let your bending in the Archer’s Hand be for gladness;
           For even as He loves His Arrow that flies, so He loves also His Bow that is stable.
      Blessings JC Family

    5. Jan gridley, I join our JC family in praying for you and your family. Our children are ours but for a moment, but they are God's forever. As much as we love our children, He loves them more. God's peace be with you.

      Brie, that was beautiful! Thank you for blessing me today and being His vessel.

      Blessings from California

    6. Dear Jan, That must have been some reunion! I have put my 3 sons and their wives into His Hands. Whether or not they believe in Him, I believe that God will protect, guide and strengthen them in all ways because I know My God HEARS my prayers. Praying that your loved ones see Christ in you as we do. May God soften their hearts and draw each one of them to Himself. And fill them with peace and gratitude. They have an awesome mother and we love her dearly!

    7. Thank sweet Jeanne😘. Things have smoothed out some & I'm grateful to my warriors for it. I had to revisit the book I recommend to our Norah, Lord change me. I kept thinking, what other changes could I make? I've changed plenty for them! I'm all squeezed out, wrung out, of changes for them. APPARENTLY NOT! There's a drop or two left. God be praised! He's not done with me yet. Be blessed dear ones. Love you all💕

    8. I sure know how you feel. Even when we feel we have given every ounce of ourselves, God is still using us from the inside out. If we give the best we can to make things better and right, and try to bring our loved ones closer to Him, God gives us a star on our foreheads for effort. Love you my sister 💗

  15. Replies
    1. Thank you dear Sassy Mom. You're sweet to post those healing words. It's good to know that we can vent to our JC family. Even if it's the ranting of an ole frustrated mom. So sorry all. Your prayers are really all I need. God has been so close & faithful because of your prayers. Little did I know when I started to post early on, I stopped & wondered what the Lord would have me post to you all, He said to call all of you, His PRAYER WARRIORS! Wow! He knew you were already that! He was affirming. See you at the battlefront Warriors!

    2. Your shared ranting as ‘an ole frustrated Mom’ is the rantings of this one!
      I am a slow, frustrated one-finger typist on my phone otherwise you would have heard me a long time ago!!😂😂
      Love this day!

    3. Unapologetically Share on and shine on, Jan. That is one of the reasons we are here. Reminder July 28: Open up every part of yourself to My Transforming Presence instead of trying to present a cleaned up self! Love to you and our JC Family of Prayer Warriors

    4. Amen to that sweet Brie! We are the beloved children of The Most High just as we are. He is transforming us every day. Blessed to be clay in His able Hands.
      “But now, O LORD, thou art our father; we are the clay, and thou our potter; and we all are the work of thy hand.” Isaiah 64:8

  16. @ unknown unknown: I understand completely where you are coming from and want to encourage you to not lose faith because hope that is seen is not hope and NOW faith is the substance of things hoped for and the evidence of things not seen, instead of continuously praying about your concerns, in faith since you have already prayed just THANK HIM ALL DAY FOR THE VICTORY! Praise moves GOD because that is saying you believe his word is true. His time is not our time but his TIMING IS PERFECT! In everything give thanks not FOR everything but in everything because ALL THINGS WORK TOGETHER for the good of those who love the LORD! Be encouraged and I will be praising God with you for the victory over all of your concerns! IN HIS LOVE

  17. Thank you JC family for all your prayers and support. My first time to comment; today's comments hit home. My step granddaughter is struggling with drugs and was incarcerated. Popo bailed her out; showed no remorse and no gratitude. Please pray for popo to show tough love who is raising two granddaughters. We will not give up. We will pray harder. Thank you my dear Lord and Savior for all you do for us and we know you love our grandchildren very much. Help us to be patient and to know that you will open their eyes to better see your face and open their ears to hear your voice and best of all to open their heart to love as you do. AMEN!

    1. Welcome Loveconquersall🥰! Father thank you for these granddaughters, thank you for poppy, bless him for his unconditional love for them, even when there is no gratitude or remorse from the one. Popo, whether he knows it not is modeling your character. So many of your people do not show gratitude or remorse for the high price bail you paid on the cross. I pray that these girls will see clearly the example of that love from popo & step-grandmother & turn from their ways. In Jesus Holy name amen.

    2. When we view people's choices on a human level, LCA, doubts about their salvation creep in. But from a divine perspective, 'Every knee shall bow and every tongue confess that Jesus is Lord to the glory of God the Father'. The human perspective wonders 'if', the divine perspective says, 'will be in time'. Pray continually so you are always in the frame of heart to speak the word or show the love that is of God that leads to 'the time'. God be with you.

    3. Thank you LCA. Praying for your dear ones and mine that God will open their hearts to love Him as we do. Amen!!!
      Amen Bob. Pray without ceasing. We must be a bright light at all times, and stay in the state of holiness. We are called to be a righteous witness to our faith any time God gives us the opportunity.

    4. Joining inn prayers for our loved ones salvation through Jesus Christ.

  18. "Nothing can separate me from Your Love, Jesus." Abundant blessings, love, protection and peace to my beloved family of warriors. Praying for you as you pray for me.

    1. Amen dear Sassy Mom. So blessed to be enveloped together in His love with you and all of our JC Family. Praying for God's blessings, faithfulness and provision in your lives.

  19. Wow! so much happens here in this communion of saints. Thank you Peyton Family for this place for us to come. I am blessed to be among you brothers and sisters in Christ.

    When I watched Bob's sermon I felt like I could say "this is my friend bringing this service". I feel like Bob said yesterday that it's surprising how you are virtually in my heart. I'm an early riser so I come here early before most of you have checked in. I go back and check the day before so I won't miss too much. :) I miss you and wonder if you're okay when I haven't seen you come and write in awhile.
    God Bless and Keep you all in the shelter of His wings. Love, Kathy

    1. It is a blessing to be your friend, Kathy! God be with you.

    2. Thanks my Sister Kathy! God bless and protect you always.

    3. While attending Bob's service, I had the same thought that we were watching a friend, because we were! Love JC Family.

    4. Amen! Dear Bob, You are a brother to us and a dear friend. Thank you for sharing your wisdom from above.

  20. Dear Heavenly Father, You have caused us to hear Your Loving kindness and tender mercy this first day of a new month! Let us wake up every morning being thankful for the many wonderful blessings You lay before us. May we grow in grace, wisdom, inspiration and in a knowledge of the Lord Jesus, throughout this new month, and beyond. Fill us with praise and worship to You our King of kings and Lord of lords. Renew our strength so that we can fly like the eagle and stand strong in our faith. Give us the power to look beyond past and present disappointments and keep our eyes fixed on You, who make ALL things work together for our good (Romans 8:28). Cause us to be on fire for You and grant us Abraham and David’s unshakable faith. Grant us a new mindset, new focus, new start, new intentions and new results. You are the giver of all good things. As we have entered a new month, we are believing and trusting You to show us all the unknown and unseen possibilities in life. You know our desires, our hopes and our dreams. But don’t let our desires, hopes, and dreams blind us from Your will. Throw up a brick wall before us if those dreams are not in line with Your will. Grant us peace about whatever the outcome will be. Our responsibility is to love You and allow You to work out the rest. We know that absolutely NOTHING can separate us from You and Your Love for us. Your promises are a sure bet! Your grace is big enough to forgive all our sins, and Your power is big enough to conquer them. This fact allows us to approach each day with total confidence. Our names are inscribed in the palm of Your hands and You continuously watch over us. We give to You this day, our attitude of humility and thankfulness. Thank You most of all, for Your unconditional Love. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

    God is worthy of praise, awesome in creative power, and full of goodness.

    “Know that the Lord is God. It is he who made us, and we are his; we are his people, the sheep of his pasture. 4 Enter his gates with thanksgiving and his courts with praise; give thanks to him and praise his name” (Psalm 100:3-4).

    Happy, Blessed and Peaceful August and expect God’s very Best for you and yours!

    Maplewood, NJ

    1. I luv how you bring us into a new month, twin bd sis! Yes,there is a bit of the sense of freshness and newness in starting a new month. A tiny bit of a 'born again' feeling and God leads you to affirm that for all of us. As I sat with the thought of August 2020, it is a very special time for my wife and me. On the 14th of this month, we will celebrate the 50 anniversary of the covenant of marriage God established between us. I am a romantic and live more on a emotional level so my feelings may leak into my posts but not to fear, my wife keeps me under control. (Opposites attract). That's what your post meant to me today, twin bd sis. Thank you!

    2. Thanks for the beautiful prayer, Maplewood. I am sharing it to lift those I love. I feel so secure knowing that my name is inscribed in the palm of His hands and I am ever in His watchful eye. So blessed He loves me despite my many shortcomings. What a wonderful Father we have. Walking with gratitude and praise into this new month, and setting my eyes high above from whence my help and blessings cometh.
      Happy 40th anniversary to you and your wife, Bob! And still the romance continues. God bless the rest of your love journey together.

    3. May God continue to bless you and your wife.

    4. Amen Maplewood. It's a new month, it's a new day. Plenty of Sonshine coming our way. Zippa De Dooda Zippa De Aye!

    5. Sharing your wonderful August prayer with my Mom, Sis and Bible Group. You are such a good sister to lift me sky high with so much beautiful encouragement and inspiration.

      Happy, Blessed and Peaceful August to you dear Maplewood and all my JC Family! We all expect God will shower more blessings down on us as the praise and gratitude go up. Hallelujah!

    6. Dearest Maplewood, We are blessed to still have your beautiful spirit guided words to usher us into the month of August. You are always in my prayers dear sister! May God surround you and your dear family with a hedge of protection, cover you all with His unchanging peace, and heal every weakness in your bodies, minds and spirits. Much love and gratitude.

  21. Good Morning Team JC. I say team purposefully because that seems to be how this virtual community works. Many support each other through prayer, and often one person's insights to the JC daily message are complimented by another. The team has grown in number... plus, new and fresh voices help reach the goal of supporting those "injured" in the game of life, and those needing "coaching" to understand the "owner's" love for His team and the world.

    The analogy isn't perfect because we aren't. But, I thought about it and nicknames and aliases are even part of sports teams. While it is always good to be transparent with loved ones, in today's world, there is a need to privacy. The "over-sharing" on social media comes to mind. I would never post some of the details of my family or friendships as often the information is not mine to share, or could create a problem. As Norah and I stated a year or two ago, our goal is to be a blessing here, by being anonymous (if needed, many don't feel a need) we and others can also be much more open about personal and professional situations.

    Finally, this "relationship" is indeed an area of friendship despite being virtual. Relationships are built by communication and certainly that is occurring with regularity here. And yes, when Bob was willing to be open about his ministry, he created another bond for all of us through worshipping together! Some here pre CV19 said they hadn't been to church in a while.... well we got some church last week! One day, we will indeed laugh in heavenly realms at the friendships we made from France to Arizona to (insert where you are!) by a blog started by a man in New Mexico. And in today's JC message, nothing can separate us from the Love of God, and nothing should separate us from the community built because of His love either. Godspeed friends and teammates! Amen.

    1. Great summation of this all, brother MadFox. I am amazed (but shouldn't be) how this keeps getting better and better. God be with you!

    2. Amen Madfox!!! This community is such a blessing and I'm so thankful to be a part of it! We are all in unity for the Glory of God!

      Blessings from France

    3. Amen Madfox. I especially relate to football, since Coach made me spend the month of July in the Locker Room!
      Every time I read Revelations 7, I think This is us! The Tribe of Ulation:
      9 After this I saw a vast crowd, too great to count, from all nations and provinces and languages, standing in front of the Throne and before the Lamb, clothed in white, with palm branches in their hands. 10 And they were shouting with a mighty shout, “Salvation comes from our God upon the Throne, and from the Lamb.”
      11 And now all God;s Angels were crowding around the throne and around the Elders and the four Living Beings, and falling face down before the Throne and worshiping God. 12 “Amen!” they said. “Blessing, and glory, and wisdom, and thanksgiving, and honor, and power, and might, be to our God forever and forever. Amen!”
      13 Then one of the twenty-four Elders asked me, “Do you know who these people are, who are clothed in white, and where they come from?”
      14 “No, sir,” I replied. “Please tell me.”
      “These are the ones coming out of the Great Tribulation,” (Read: Tribe of Ulation!) he said; “they washed their robes and whitened them by the Blood of the Lamb. 15 That is why they are here before the Throne of God, serving Him day and night in His Temple. The One sitting on the Throne will shelter them; 16 they will never be hungry again, nor thirsty, and they will be fully protected from the scorching noontime heat. 17 For the Lamb standing in front of the throne[a] will feed them Himself and He will be their Shepherd and lead them to His Springs of the Water of Life. And God will wipe all their tears away.” Amen

    4. This past Sunday during Bob's service, my phone rang:
      Me: Hello, got to go, I'm watching a good friend's service;
      Caller: Where?
      Me: Some Where, Arizona.
      Caller: I didn't know you had friends in Arizona. How did you meet them?
      Me: I met him online
      Caller: (Dead Silence) (Gasp) (Long pause and then) Does Larry know?
      Me: Got to go. Bye!

    5. Brie: phone conversation... hilarious! Love it!

      Bob. it is amazing how large this is becoming. but then as you say... it isn't amazing to see the Spirit working.

      Blessing from France. You made us global... although who knows there may be others globally that are just readers at this point!

    6. Madfox: ...amazing to see the Spirit working...
      Yes, we are all Spirits, who happen to inhabit bodies as our traveling vehicles to get us all safely back Home. I am convinced that neither the body vehicles we drive, nor the roads we take, nor the number of "wrecks" we've had getting there (including wrecks with trains, hence, train wrecks), nor the many times we have run out of gas, will mean anything once we're back in our Heavenly Home, and can park what is left of the body/vehicle and continue on in Spirit! I get excited about the thought of meeting all of you there! Receive His abundant blessings, my brother Spirit in our Lord Jesus Christ!

    7. Your phone conversation made me laugh Brie! So glad we have friends and brethren in so many places, even France! Amen. What a wonderful reunion we will have some day when we are called Home!

    8. Beloved brothers, MadFox and Bob! It amazes me how the Spirit is working through so many people in this wonderful JC Family and blog. I come here to be filled and leave satisfied and ready for another day in the sweet Presence of the Lord. I feel His love right through these words of faith, trust and comfort every day. It is the Christ in us that encourages others. We love because He first loved us and will always love us. We care because He cares.
      Dearest Brie, You always crack me up. Can't wait to hug you in the grand reunion someday.

    9. Your post still radiates a year later, Madfox. Thank you for stating what everyone is thinking.

    10. I missed this last year. Yes, it is a community!

    11. Love you dear MadFox! Your words still ring true. Praying you continue to be strengthened and healed as our prayers are answered. I am still amazed at the team spirit within this family built on the Solid Rock of Christ. God has led us all here for a reason. There is a unique closeness between family members. I have been so encouraged by the love and prayers offered to me during my most difficult situations. I pray I lift you all in the same way because I really care about you. Miss seeing the names of so many dear ones here. Know that I still keep you in my prayers and pray all is going well.

    12. No question, you serve in ministering here. Carry on light-bearer!

    13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  22. I'm writing from Georgia! Love being part of this team and lovers of God and His Word! I look forward to opening this JC post each day! It fuels me with love and positivity for the day and gives me an opportunity to pray for others! How awesome is that?! Be well and be blessed!

    1. NJS --- The best to you this wonderful morning from Kansas! Thank you so much for your prayers! I think of being on this site as Holy Ground. You are so right, it is awesome! Great blessings and favor over each JC WARRIOR. I am praying for each of your journeys.

    2. Amen NJS and JJ! So happy to have this Holy Ground to stand on each day and to have true fellowship with those who are of one accord and in agreement. We all are following after righteousness and the spirit here. How fortunate we are to have found this place of refreshment, renewal and encouragment as we continue to stand together on the Rock that never moves. Amen JJ! Great blessings and favor over our JC Family.

  23. Good morning, JC family. As we usher in a new month of August, I'm thankful and grateful to the Father for the many blessings He has seen fit to rain down on me and my family. I'm thankful for this place where we can all gather as children of Christ to pray for one another and give praise and glory to God. Please know that I read every post, and my prayers are with you all as I know you pray for me. I love and appreciate my JC family.,May the Almighty God grant all of you an abundance of blessings and favor. We are a team of prayer warriors, and God remains undefeated. Hallelujah! Let us know Him more fully, seek Him always, and praise His name continuously. God be with you.

    Blessings from California

    1. Amen dear Rose! Day by day
      Oh Dear Lord
      Three things I pray
      To see thee more clearly
      Love thee more dearly
      Follow thee more nearly
      Day by day.

  24. (II Timothy 2:22) Shun/flee (with an element of being aggressive about it) anything not of God; pursue (equally as aggressively if not more so) 'righteousness, faith, love, and peace'. Not a complete list but certainly a good starting point.

    As I look back on my own spiritual journey, I find I moved through phases. The first phase was one of praise of God. This is something scripture calls us to and it is a healthy exercise in relationship with God (or any relationship for that matter). This I could do but would have to admit, I wasn't always fully engaged in doing so. Then as a teen, God moved me to the next level with Him, one in which I realized it is not about 'having to' but about 'wanting to'. I did not worship because I 'had to', I worshiped because I 'wanted to'. It is amazing (not really) now much more meaningful worship was in this new state of heart. Then came the deepest level of faith, I began to adore God (or as I like to say, 'I fell in love' with God). This was a significant growth for me because love was now the full motivation of all my choices. This made life a lot easier because I was no longer fighting within myself the affects of a divided heart. I now wanted the good things as this passage speaks of, righteousness, faith, love, and peace. For me, learning the use of meditation and contemplation was a major factor in reaching this level. (I hope you hear this for what is intended and are not offended) For me, I call this 'making love' with God. As two people in the covenant of marriage use this God given physical ability to bond; meditation/contemplation has been a spiritual bonding experience with God, allowing for the 'two to become one'. Of course, the JC readings that have brought us here together, are constantly pointing us in that direction.

    Have you ever sang a love song to God? Here is one my devotional opened with this AM, from St Alphonsus Liguori (1700's). Try singing it to the tune, "When I Survey the Wondrous Cross".

    'Tis Thy good pleasure, not mine own
    In Thee, my God, I love alone;
    And nothing I desire of Thee,
    But what Thy goodness wills for me.

    In love no rival canst Thou bear
    But Thou art full of tenderest care;
    And fire and sweetness all divine
    To hearts which once are wholly Thine.

    In Thee all pure affections live,
    To love, Thou dost perfection give;
    While ever burning with desires,
    The loving soul to Thee aspires.

    Thou makest crosses soft and light,
    And death itself seems sweet and bright;
    No cross nor fear that soul dismays,
    Whose will to Thee united stays.

    To Thee I consecrate, I give
    My heart and being while I live,
    Jesus, Thy heart alone shall be
    My love for all eternity.

    Be blessed this day, my dear JC family! With love , Bob

    1. Merci Bob! Very interesting! Thank you for sharing this beautiful love song to our Lord! May we always keep pursuing God.

      Here's another love song I love, it's called Relentless Pursuit, from Kim Walker :

      It's a relentless pursuit, relentless pursuit
      I will not stop chasing after you
      It's a relentless pursuit, a passion in pursuit
      I will not stop chasing after you the love of my life

      I can't take my eyes off of you
      I can't take my mind off of you
      I'm hopelessly crazy in love for you, you, you, you
      You've taken the keys and you've opened up all of me
      And now I'm running, I'm running after you
      The love of my life
      Oh you the love of my life

      God be with you mon ami
      Blessings from France

    2. Thanks Bob and Blessings from France. I have been told, S/he who sings, prays twice. I am all over the BOGO! I wake up singing love songs to God, and I sing to Him throughout the day, and go to bed praising him for all His virtues, starting with Alpha A, and ending with Z. Confession, I usually fall asleep before M. Love You

    3. Mon ami, merci for a song that picks up so well on this verse. Brie, you are wonderful at suggesting music. Yes, we do pray twice when we sing. Reason being in my opinion, music opens the heart and an open heart is able to more fully engage in prayer. An interest exercise which I enjoy doing is listening to love songs that were written about two people in love. But if you turn them from horizontal to vertical, many of them can sing so beautifully of our relationship with God. One favorite of mine is 'Unchained Melody' by the Righteous Brothers (appropriate). I had hit a moment when I was in a spiritual quandary and that song played over my radio. I heard God longing for me to come to him as that song sings about. I immediately went into a blessed quiet time. Thank you both for your thoughts.

    4. Bob, I know Unchained Melody very well! For me, it was an apex in their career. Bill Medley is/was a distant relative of mine. Since many singers got their start in the church, I no longer wonder why the songs grab me. It appears that many of the songs they sing, and the fervency with which they sing, was really being done for Christ. Of course, Christ got left out of the worldly moneytarization of the music. But, I feel comfortable putting Him back in when a song grabs me!
      Oh oh oh, listen to the music!

    5. Amen and Thank you Bob. We are all on a faith journey and we have the Lord by our side and abiding with us always. Changing from serving God out of duty into doing it because we want to is spiritual maturity at its best. Having a strong need to follow hard after righteousness because we have a strong desire to do so is far more important than feeling we must do it because it is required to do it as a Christian. God knows our motives so we must do our best to keep them good and pleasing to Him. The greatest love affair is always between us and our first Love. God loves us with a love that is without equal.

    6. ♥️♥️🎶
      Unchained melody

    7. Thank you Audra!
      I hope there is music in Heaven.
      Just in case, I'm planning to get buried with my ipod ♥️♥️🎶

    8. Unlimited data storage in heaven!

  25. Nothing can seperate me from your love Jesus. " Most of Mankinds misery stems from feeling unloved, in the midst of adverse circumstances people tend to feel that love has been withdrawn & they have been forsaken, abandonment is often worse than adversity itself" This hit home. It is often fear of being rejected that fuels so very much misery within me. It comes in so many different shades of colors that it is not easily identified as the source of the pain....I shall be more aware of this distinct possibility. I shall be more aware of the reality and not the lie that I am never forsaken or abandoned, never. Asking for God to make this knowledge highlighted in all of your minds today. Great love and blessing to all of you. Thank you for the great love you showed me and my family thru your many prayers. God continues yes to blow us away with His great love for us. Peace my friends! Love from Texas today

    1. Fern --- Well written point about what often happens when peole feel forsaken or abandoned. Continued prayers for you and your family. Great love and blessings to you from Kansas. Wouldn't it be fun to know how many WARRIORS come from all the different states and
      countries--God's Army! Loving everyone of them!

    2. Forgive-- should read people.

  26. Everything, everything, absolutely everything bonds me to the Love Of God in Our Lord Jesus Christ. Like Tattoos, Engravings, Etchings, Welded Objects, Green on Grass, Wet on Water, Gorilla Glue and yes, His Yoke! Thank You for Bonding us together Lord Jesus Christ, for Bonding us together in Your Love. Amen
    PS You can shake an apple off an apple tree
    Shake-a, shake- sugar
    But You'll never shake me
    No-sir-ee, uh, uh
    I'm going to stick like glue
    Stick because I'm
    Stuck on You!

  27. Praying from Mississippi via Louisiana/ Georgia/Canada, on my way Home; destination Heaven!

  28. That was so beautiful like a fervant love song to our Lord! Nothing can match His love for us. Let our love always be on fire for Him. Amen!

  29. My sweet JCFamily! I just wanted to jump on here and let y’all know that Patti is doing great! Hoping to discharge early next week! I had posted this yesterday evening but wanted to be sure everyone saw! She is so grateful for all the prayers that were lifted up for her as am I! She is the literal glue of my husband’s family and was my friend long before I married her brother! Thank you Jesus for this awesome team who prayed together with me for this miracle! God is SO GOOD!!

    1. From an earthly perspective - amazing! From a heavenly perspective - as to be expected out of the love of God! Its okay to feel both for Patti. BG, thanks for inviting us into this special time.

    2. Glory to God! So glad! Thank you for the update dear sister!

      Blessings from France

    3. Praising God for His amazing healing power and faithfulness to Patti! He is so good!

    4. Dear BamaGrl, Continuing to pray for dear Patti! Praying for your Mom's bladder and your health too! Much love.

  30. Glory an praise to God. Thanks for updating us Bamagrl. Love

    1. BamaGrl --- Joining the JC WARRIORS in praise to our Lord, The Victorious One, for Patti's successful transplants! He is indeed, The Waymaker!!

  31. Wow; I'm completely blown away (in a very good way) by all of the posts from Aug 1 over the years. There are so many words of wisdom throughout. Thank you all!

    I have prayed with and for you as I read through each post and comment. And I attempted to sing along to the songs that were written. Thank you all! What wonderful reminders that God is always with us...through the easy and the difficult days...and we cannot be separated from His love. God is an awesome God! Thank you Jesus, for everything! CO

    1. I feel the same way dear CO! I loved all the posts and they were absolutely right on time. Thank You Jesus!!!

  32. How are you Maplewood NJ?
    I miss you much and pray for you often. Any updates?

    1. Amen! Miss you much too sweet Maplewood. Love all your past posts. They never fail to satisfy my hungry heart.
      Joining Brie's prayers for your healing from your surgery and for your comfort and your Mom's comfort after losing her dear sister. I pray your sister, Janet is feeling much better, and that your son and Mom will come to know the Lord.

  33. Heavenly Father, thank You for loving me unconditionally and always. I love and adore You. You know everything about me, even better than I know myself. You know that right now I am concerned about what may happen when I lay down to sleep. Please protect me, like You always do. I know that when I just say Your name, You are there and You save me every time. Thank You Jesus. Praise You Lord always. There is no one better than You. Please put Your mark on me Lord. Let me be bold in spreading Your word to others in the world. Let me stand firm in my faith in You. Reveal to me the things I need to let go of. What am I still holding on to? Father, You gave "all of You" for me. I desire to give "all of me" to You. Please help me to follow You Lord and the leading of the Holy Spirit and to do Your will and walk in Your ways and not my own. Help me to let go of the things of this world and to wholeheartedly commit myself to You. Pray for me Lord. I take refuge in You. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen.

    And he who does not take his cross and follow after Me is not worthy of Me. He who finds his life will lose it, and he who loses his life for My sake will find it. (Matthew 10:38-39). Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For My yoke is easy and My burden is light. (Matthew 11:28-30).

  34. Always in my prayers dear sister Janet. May our loving Father wrap you safely in His Arms as you sleep and protect you from any harm and give you rest and peace in His presence. He is our refuge, our strong tower, our stronghold, our cornerstone, our best friend, our shelter, our protection, our guidance, our never ending light and our peace. Rest well sweetheart. I believe He has great joy in store for you, just around the bend.

  35. Loving Father, Thank You for the blessing and opportunity to come back and share the Word and pray with this body of believers. As I reflect on Your power, I am overwhelmed by how great and kind You are. You created all things, Your understanding is unsearchable and yet You also care about the little details in my life. Thank You. Today, I want to remind myself that You are near, and You love me. Nothing is impossible for You! You comfort the hurting, You redeem broken relationships, restore lost hopes, heal the sick, and set Your people free from bondage. You delight in showing mercy, and Your power is perfected in weakness. Thank You for never leaving us. No matter what we face, please help us remember that You’re not done working in and through us because greater things are still to come. You are turning impossible situations around for Your glory and for the good of those who love and trust You. May Your unspeakable blessings of this new month locate me and my family in Jesus’ mighty name. Amen.

    As God has blessed us to enter this beautiful first day and new month of August, remember that if you are not where you planned to be, don’t give up, just keep trusting and fixing your eyes on Jesus. If you are at your lowest ebb, remember that God has not forgotten you. If you have been waiting endlessly, it does not mean that you are no longer on God's list. If what you are getting is not what you envisaged, remember that your best is coming because the best is always kept for last.
    No one and nothing can stop what God has in store for you. It shall be manifested in the name of Jesus.
    I pray for you this morning, that Jesus will come right into the midst of your storm, He will be your Lawyer in the courtroom, He will be your doctor in the sickroom, He will be your marriage counselor, your guardian Angel, your rock, your provider, your Prince of Peace and your Jehovah Rapha. He will come into the midst of your fiery furnace, He will be right there with you in whatever storm you are going through, and He’ll go with you through the lion’s den and walk with you through the raging waters (Isaiah 43:2).
    Whatever situation you are going through today, I pray for you that Jesus will be there with you.
    May the glory that swallows shame be yours, may you experience Acceleration that cannot be stopped, may the Prosperity that is beyond human explanation be yours, and may the Transformation that produces Congratulation and Celebration be your portion. May All these and more be yours by the special grace of God this month of August and beyond, in Jesus’ mighty name. Amen.

    “And after eight days His disciples were again inside, and Thomas with them. Jesus came, the doors being shut, and stood in the midst, and said, “Peace to you!” (John 20:26). This verse reminds us that Jesus came at the right time when the disciples were afraid of the Jews. He is the same Yesterday, Today and Forever. Be encouraged that He will be there with and for you at the right time and in the right place. Yes, Nothing will ever separate us from God's unconditional love!

    Brie, what wonderful example/story (your yesterday’s posting) of being Christ’ example. Our life is not worth living if we cannot reach out to help/bless someone. As God shows His love and mercy for us each and every day, may we do likewise to our fellow brethren! Belated Birthday blessings to all the July born, may you have many more blessed years ahead in Jesus’ name!

    After being away for the last 4 weeks, I give thanks and glory to our Almighty God for returning me back on this blog, sustaining me and my family and granting us peace in the midst of our storm. He is indeed a faithful God. I missed you all, have prayed for you and all that concerns you, and will continue to do so in Jesus’ mighty name.

    Happy, Blessed and Fruitful month of August!

    Blessings and Peace.

    Maplewood, NJ

    1. Welcome back, Maplewood. We have missed you! We all have storms and take breaks when we need them. It’s ok. Please know you are in our thoughts, prayers and blessings.

      I join the ranks of the mighty prayer warriors in prayers for a blessed and fruitful month of August as well. Even if we are perishing in this heat down here in Houston.

    2. Amen Maplewood! Welcome back. You were certainly missed and prayed for while you were away. You were definitely not forgotten. Glad you are back. Peace be with you.

    3. What a blessing to have you ushering us into another new month, Dear Maplewood!
      Love and prayers to everyone on this beautiful August 1st. May your day be blessed with all His promises. Thank you for reminding us to stay connected to The Vine, Suzanne (below). This is definitely a blessed place.

    4. Amen Maplewood! Glad that you're back here with us! Been thinking and praying for you and your family, as well as all our JC family.
      We're so blessed to have this community of believers and prayers no matter what we face. I'm so thankful for all of you, posting or not, God knows all of your specific needs, and our prayers for each other cover us through the Spirit of the Lord all around the world as nothing can separate us from His Love.

      Have a blessed & wonderful day dear family, love you! ❤❤❤

      Blessings from France

    5. Missed you, dear Maplewood and kept you in my prayers. This, right here was worth waiting for:
      May the glory that swallows shame be yours, may you experience Acceleration that cannot be stopped, may the Prosperity that is beyond human explanation be yours, and may the Transformation that produces Congratulation and Celebration be your portion. May All these and more be yours by the special grace of God this month of August and beyond, in Jesus’ mighty name. Amen.
      God bless you for blessing us!

    6. Joining the "welcome back" conga line, Maplewood. You have been missed! Continued prayers for you and your family. SO good to "see" you and read your words of wisdom. I wish I could convey just how needed and necessary today's entry means to me. Have been dealing with being isolated, shunned, & banished by my entire family. Have committed no crime but made an educated and researched decision that was right for me. For that, I've been ostracized as a leper of sorts. I have never been so low in my life and even felt disconnected from God and yet I know in my heart of hearts He's been there and it's just me feeling alone. Your words are both comforting and encouraging. Thank you! Healing blessings to you and your family, Maplewood.

    7. So very blessed to read your beautiful post of glorious encouragement for this new month to lift every situation we may find ourselves in! Welcome back dearest Maplewood! Thanks for the brilliant light, sweet comfort and good food you always offer to our hearts, minds and souls. Know you are deeply loved and appreciated. God bless you and your family in every little thing! 💗

    8. NJS you are not alone 🤗

    9. Sweet Maplewood, Still so blessed by your beautiful encouragement and sincere words of faith. I pray God is continuing to show you and your family His faithfulness and loving kindness every day. I am also blessed by all the beautiful responses filled with love, truth, gratitude and sincere prayers. We are Family. Thank You Jesus.

  36. I’m on night watch. Praying for all my KC prayer warriors as you all slumber. He is always on night watch, always looking over us. Nothing can separate His love for us and I so embrace this for all of us.

    Lord, I pray that you bless US indeed
    And enlarge OUR territories
    I pray that Your hand be with US
    Keep US from evil so we cannot do harm.

    Blessings of peace to you all this morning as I pray for a restful slumber for my prayer warriors. May God bless you and keep you as this day unfolds.

    And as always…. stay connected to The Vine

    1. Thanks so much for blessing me with your Nightwatch post dear Suzanne! Just what I needed! Had my grandson for a sleepover so I only had about 6 hours sleep. He was a bit of a challenge but I love him so much. He’s 2 so he’s always testing me. I rest on my fruit of the Spirit, long suffering. I told him God loves him and wants him to be a good boy. He always looks at my bracelet that only has one charm that says FAITH. Now he says “GOD” when he sees it. Makes my heart happy.

    2. How are you dear Suzanne? Keeping you in my prayers. Much love.

  37. Thank you Suzanne for your prayers for restful sleep, they were well received.
    Thank you Jesus for unconditional love. Thank you for getting my mind off worry as I focus on you instead. I let go and turn everything and everyone over to you, God. So much easier said, heard and read than done.
    Thank you all for continued prayers for Marc's knee and ongoing challenges for healing, for BIL Paul who has amped up his faith and lives each day in joy. Thank you for Traveling mercies as I prepare for my trip to NYC to celebrate the kids engagement with soon to be SIL family. Replace any anxiety with confidence, fun is long overdue. I'm from Long island, and absolutely love NY. Let me keep an open heart and no expectations as nothing stays the same (well maybe the dioramas in the museum of natural history). Excited for a return to the right coast, not so much for the process to get there. I expect to be surprised by what and who God puts in my path in this next week.

    1. You and God have got this Light shining thingy, sister, and JC Warriors will be praying you through it all. It's going to be OK in NY! Love you!

    2. Praying for nothing less than an awesome and blessed trip. Dear Audra , I had a feeling you were a NY girl. I was born and raised in Brooklyn. My best friend who I loved more than any other friend is waiting for me in Heaven. She was from Long Island too. Let your beautiful light shine before your family and gave a wonderful time! Sounds like Paul is being strengthened in the Lord and Marc is recovering slowly with some normal bumps on his road. God bless and heal you all!

  38. I love you Jesus ❤️

  39. I have never posted before but was so moved I just had to. Being written on the palm of his hand resonated so deeply in me. It is 3 am, can't sleep. Just diagnosed with uterine cancer and started construction on a new house in the past two days. I lost the last of my family recently and because of being caregiver to shut-in parents had to worship at home for several years so no church family. Today's JC was like a bug bear hug from my Daddy...just what I needed when I needed it. God's Grace Is Sufficient! I humbly ask that the JC family remember my in their prayers.

    1. Joining prayers for you, dear Redeemed! You have had so much to bear. You are never alone and He knows exactly how you feel. May God heal your body, mind and spirit and provide your needs and give you comfort. Thank You Jesus.We believe in His miracles and we have seen His amazing faithfulness! Putting you right on my prayer list dear Sister. Rest in Him who cares for you.

    2. Dear Redeemed, You are always in my prayers. Praying you have seen God's faithfulness in your condition and in your life. May God heal and strengthen you, and bless and heal your loved ones. Amen. God's Grace is Sufficient. We must rejoice even in our trials.

  40. Dear Redeemed, I and this entire JC family gladly and warmly wrap you in our arms and prayers. So glad you've landed here as it is a definite soft spot to land filled with love, hope, and strong believers in The Lord, Jehovah Rapha, the GREATEST physician there is! I, too, needed this entry today and felt that same warm hug from God. Adding you to my prayer list as will my other JC family. Thank you, Lord, that You are restoring health unto Redeemed! In your Son, Jesus' name, AMEN.

  41. Had a good and bad day yesterday. God held my hand throughout. Praying something I lost turns up. I made a nice dinner for my family and they appreciated it. Held my two grandsons and made them smile. When things go wrong, there is always God's light and grace to see you through. Absolutely nothing can separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus. We are well taken care of. Have a blessed day dear JC Family.

  42. I am prompted to post these Scriptures for two of our grandsons new Bibles. Trusting these Scriptures will be helpful:
    James 1:5 ' If any of you needs wisdom to know what you should do, you should ask God, and he will give it to you. God is generous to everyone and doesn't find fault with them.'

    Proverbs 3: 5-6: 'Trust God with all your heart and do not rely on your own understanding. Always let him lead you, and he will clear the road for you to follow.'

    Deuteronomy 31:8 'The LORD himself goes before you and will be with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged.'

    Jeremiah 29:11 'For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.'

    Isaiah 49:31 'But those who wait upon the LORD for help will find their strength renewed. They will rise on wings like eagles; they will run and not get weary; they will walk and not grow weak.'

    Psalm 32:8
    I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go;
    I will counsel you with my eye upon you

    Psalm 139:1-4, 23-24
    O Lord, you have searched me and known me!
    2 You know when I sit down and when I rise up; you discern my thoughts from afar.
    3 You search out my path and my lying down and are acquainted with all my ways.
    4 Even before a word is on my tongue,
    behold, O Lord, you know it altogether.

    23 Search me, O God, and know my heart!
    Try me and know my thoughts!
    24 And see if there be any grievous way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting!

    Romans 8 38-39:
    38 For I am certain that neither death nor life, nor angels nor rulers, nor things present nor things to come, nor powers,
    39 nor height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord.

    1. Wonderful reminder! Thank you for collecting all in one place and sharing here.

      SC Anonymous

    2. Peter, those verses were on the money today! I will come back to them throughout this day.

    3. Such wonderful wisdom and encouragement to share with our dear ones. I plan to use it for my Bible Group. Thanks Brother Peter!

    4. Oh, Peter, you had me at James 5:1! There is NOTHING

    5. The above post should read: There is NOTHING LIKE THE WORD! I am so thankful for THE WORD! Bless you Peter for your post! HALLELUJAH!!! JJ

  43. Thank you Jesus for your love and support you show me everyday. You are my rock . I am forever grateful. I pray for my family and this world we live in. You are so very much needed ! I love you Jesus. ❤️🙏🏽

    1. Praying your perfect prayer with you dear Audra! Trusting Him to bless and protect and guide all our dear ones. Amen! He is so very needed right now. I love You Jesus!!!!

  44. Thank you all again for the prayers for my M-I-L, Ruth. She is feeling much better now and will hopefully be home today or tomorrow.
    May your day be filled with His love and knowing that He is always with you!
    Blessings 🙏

    1. Hallelujah! More answered prayers and one more victory to celebrate! Thanking God for His Faithfulness and Loving Kindness.

    2. Rich --- Great Praise to our
      God! He is soooo faithful!
      Thank you for sharing! JJ

  45. Replies
    1. Hi JC family. I haven't figured out why, but I have been unable to share from my personal phone. My work phone is able to publish... so its been awhile. Also, I have tried to encourage some of you but was unable to though my phone but was with you in spirit.

      What a truth to marinate in... nothing can separate us from His love... even in the times we are unable to perceive it!

      Update on my recovery. I have been released to light duty at work but after much discussion, work decided that they cannot take me back until I have no restrictions. That is such a relief as I was not up to that schedule, the commute, and energy it takes for therapy and healing along with ongoing pain at times. So I am grateful that the Lord is meeting my need and allowing me this time to continue healing and time to discover His active Love that surrounds us and dwells in us.

      Blessings my friends

    2. Keith ---- I am so pumped up to see your post and update! We JC WARRIORS kept you in prayer. I am just Celebrating and if I had a shofar, I would be blowing it!!! My Papa God, has a great plan for you!!! You keep looking up. Papa, in Jesus's name, bring COMPLETE HEALING AND RESTORATION to Keith through the Stripes of Jesus. AMEN and AMEN.

      " I lift up my eyes to the hills -- where does my help come from? My help comes from the Lord, the Maker of heaven and earth." Psalm 121:1-2 HALLELUJAH!!! Great Blessings and Love to you, Keith! JJ

    3. Everytime I pray for you, I wonder how your burns are healing and how your life is changing because of your condition. I can see God is leading everything, You need more time to be still and know He is God. And just to let the healing continue. Love you my Brother Keith!

  46. Good morning, I read all the beautiful prayers and comments everyday, but do not post. I am having back surgery tommorrow and have put all my trust in God. I am trying to change my "worry" into "worship". Please keep me in your prayers. Thank you in advance. I know He has me in the palm on His hand. Love you Jesus. AMEN!!!!!

    1. Anonymous--- Bless you, bless you, so delighted to see your post! A HUGE WELCOME!!! I stand by you to WORSHIP for a Great outcome from your surgery! My Papa God, I trust You with Anonymous's life. For You promise us: "Lord my God, I called to You for help, and You healed me." (Psam 30:2) Bless the surgeons and medical staff
      that will operate on Anonymous. Be with them and equip them to be the extensions of Your Healing/Restoration hand. Help Anonymous to feel Your presence, and remember You are always with them. Never leaving. Always Faithful. And because of the Authority you have given us in Your Word, and The Blood of Jesus, I come against you, satan, who wants to STEAL our health away. Satan, you WILL NOT have your way against Anonymous! I Declare, that Anonymous is rising up above every tool, every single weapon, every single plan, plot or scheme of the enemy. NO weapon formed against Anonymous will prosper. And I Declare that Anonymous will rise up stronger now than any other time they have ever lived. My Papa God, let your Guardian Angels carefully watch over Anonymous. Today, my Lord, I reach out with Anonymous and touch the hem of Your garment and receive a healing for Anonymous's back. I ask it all in Jesus' name, the King of kings, the Lord of lords and our Waymaker! AMEN and AMEN.

    2. Dear Anonymous, Thanking God for guiding your doctor's hands to do just what they need to to fix your back and for bringing you through a smooth recovery and good health and restored flexibility.
      Father, We know you can do all things. Thank You for guiding this back surgery and bringing Anonymous through her recovery with only good progress unto perfect health and for giving Anonymous the patience to endure the journey back, in Jesus' Name we pray. Amen.

  47. Nothing can separate us from the love of God. He is watching us at all times. His love for us is perfect and unconditional. We are His beloved children just as His Spirit bears witness. This truth gets me through my days. He knows how I feel at every given moment. I am not alone and I am completely understood. Although I often fall short of pleasing Him, He knows my effort and understands how my responsibilities often distract me from remaining in His presence. We must stay plugged into our life giving Vine. We can do nothing without Him but with Him we can do all things.

    Philippians 4:13
    I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.

    Romans 8:37-39
    Yet in all these things we are more than conquerors through Him who loved us. For I am persuaded that neither death nor life, nor angels nor principalities nor powers, nor things present nor things to come, nor height nor depth, nor any other created thing, shall be able to separate us from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.

    Isaiah 41:10
    Fear not, for I am with you;
    Be not dismayed, for I am your God.
    I will strengthen you,
    Yes, I will help you,
    I will uphold you with My righteous right hand.’

    1. Thank you dear sister for these powerful words. I have been qouting Phil. 4:13 a lot lately. Been feeling weak kneed at some point in the day. Not sure what it could be. We all know how the enemy can discourage us by preying on our health. Fastest way to derail God's people! Please warriors pray for me. Thank you😍

    2. I have been praying for your shoulder dear Jan and for your good husband’s health and for your family. I sure will continue to pray that God will strengthen you in every way. He is so much greater than anything the enemy throws at you. Be strong in the Spirit. Keep declaring you can do all things through Christ Who strengthens you, and you are more than a conqueror in Christ Jesus. Wake up in gratitude with praise on your lips and put on God’s Armor and be not afraid dear sister, He will not leave or forsake you. His promises are reliable. He goes before you always. Sending much love and prayers for His faithfulness to cover you like a warm cuddle blanket.

  48. Behold, the eye of the LORD is on those who fear Him, on those who hope in His mercy. (Psalm 33:18). But I have trusted in Your mercy; my heart shall rejoice in Your salvation. I will sing to the LORD, because He has dealt bountifully with me. (Psalm 13:5-6).

    1. Amen! Thank You God for Your mercy.

    2. Amen and Amen. His mercy endures forever.

  49. Lord, thanking for reminding us that nothing can separate us from Your Love. Thank you for always walking with us. Help us remember that You are always with us and always love us.

    SC Anonymous

  50. Such a beautiful, heartfelt prayer, Janet. Thank you!

  51. Thank you Jeanne, Janet and SC Anonymous for helping us all start our days off right! Love and blessings to all here! ❤️🙏

    1. Received your blessing with joy! Sending you a big hug.

  52. Yes dear Janet, sharing in your heartfelt prayer. Blessings 💞🙏🌈

  53. Hallelujah! Blessings to you dear warriors for nourishment for our day!🥰

  54. Joining my sisters with gratitude for your awesome prayer, Janet. Just perfectly said. Thank you!

  55. You blessed my morning with that perfect prayer. Amen and thank you, dear Janet! Off to see my good Mom and I’m praying her leg is being healed because of God’s mercy and loving kindness.

  56. Thanks for your blessings and prayers, dear Jan. Praying all will be well. Put every concern into the able Hands of our loving Father. We are well taken care of.
    Thank You Jesus.

  57. Thank you Father,Son,Holy Spirit! You are always in me! Who could come against me? NO ONE!
