Friday, July 3, 2015

Jesus Calling: July 4

When you worship Me in spirit and truth, you join with choirs of angels who are continually before My throne. Though you cannot hear their voices, your praise and thanksgiving are distinctly audible in heaven. Your petitions are also heard, but it is your gratitude that clears the way to My Heart. With the way between us wide open, My blessings fall upon you in rich abundance. The greatest blessing is nearness to Me--abundant Joy and Peace in My Presence. Practice praising and thanking Me continually throughout this day. 

John 4:23-24
English Standard Version

23 But the hour is coming, and is now here, when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth, for the Father is seeking such people to worship him. 24 God is spirit, and those who worship him must worship in spirit and truth.

Verse Thoughts
“True” worship is contrasted with the worship regulated by the temporary provisions of the law, especially the separation of Jews and Gentiles and the requirement of temple worship at Jerusalem. The ceremonial and sacrificial aspects of the law were not false; they were temporary and provisional. Worship “in spirit” is worship in the Holy Spirit. He continues the work begun by Jesus  (John 14:16-18; Acts 2:33). Prominent marks of the age of the Spirit are the removal of the barrier between Jews and Gentiles, and the ability of Christians to worship without the need for a temple of any kind. 
Psalm 100:4
English Standard Version

Enter his gates with thanksgiving,
    and his courts with praise!
    Give thanks to him; bless his name!

Verse Thoughts
This psalm may have been sung during a festive entry into the temple precincts. The words spoken here are universal. The people have arrived at the temple; the people have arrived at the Truth. The truth concerning that blessed name of Jesus, which Israel has missed through so much of her long, sad history will known and appreciated at last. 

Note: The devotion and scriptures are from author Sarah Young. If you haven't already, please purchase the book and support the author. 

Also, bookmark to have an easy link to the entire year of these entries.


  1. On a day when freedom from tyranny is celebrated, we are reminded of our eternal freedom from the tyrannical grip of Satan through Jesus Christ. But free for what? Free to live in love of one another and the Lord God Almighty. In so doing, we live out our life in praise and thanksgiving thus allowing the love to flow abundantly on all. Thanks be to God!

    1. Well said and heartfelt. It doesn't change with the passing of years. Thank you, Bob!

    2. Yes Bob. Free to live for what? Free to live in love of one another into the Lord God Almighty. Over the five years I've been on this blog I clean so much from you Bob Malsack. July 4, 2022. Blessings wherever you are. Blessings to the Payton FAmily this day!

    3. Amen thankful for this blog still!

    4. Thankful each year for the FREEDOM to come here praying, and leave here blessed.

    5. This is the day the Lord hast made..I give him thanks..thank you for this blog..this is my fairly new prayer closet I enjoy it here..I also leave with peace..I give you all the praise and all the glory forever and ever
      Amen πŸ™

    6. I love what you said, Brie!!! Amen!! Happy 4th πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ to all!! So very grateful for each one of you!! πŸ™πŸ»
      Bib in Cali

  2. Thank you Lord for the freedom we have in America to worship you in spirit and truth. We pray you will continue to preserve this freedom.

    1. Amen to this prayer.

    2. Amen. I don’t take that freedom for granted.

    3. Nor do we, Jeanne! Happy 4th!

    4. Happy Fourth dear Audra! Hope you had a blessed day. I got to do some cooking and visit with my son's family.

    5. Our freedom is in peril on this Independence day. Heavenly Father bless & heal us. We trust You. In Jesus' name we prayπŸ™πŸ»

    6. Thank you God that we are still clinging on to freedom in America. Praying & believing GOD WILL RESTORE OUR COUNTRY!!

  3. Blessed is the nation whose God is the LORD, The people He has chosen as His own inheritance. Thank you Lord for the freedom we have to worship you. God bless America!!! God bless my JC Family.

    1. My sentiments exactly, Sassy mom! Happy Fourth of July to my JC family! KS

    2. You said it well, dear Sassy Mom!

    3. (((πŸ₯° GOD BLESS OUR SASSY MOM πŸ₯° )))

  4. Praise God from Whom ALL Blessings flows, Yes Lord, we will worship You in Spirit and in truth! Thank You for granting me another blessed and gifted day! I am awake an in my sound mind. Thank You Lord!

    The God who bless nations and causes them to prosper, we lift our voices up this morning, this 4th of July, to say THANK YOU LORD for freedom, for this great nation that we are all bless to be in and proud to be Americans!
    Let Your sheild of protection continue to rest upon this nation, open the hearts of leaders to fear You and to walk and govern in Your way!
    Remove hatery, rejections, separations, biasness and evil from this land and let love and peace prevail and conquer ALL in Jesus name!
    Let FREEDOM REIGN! Whom the SON sets free is free indeed!



    1. Amen for today as it was expressed last year! Happy 4th!

    2. Amen! Thank you Lord for making all things right in our world today. Thank you for your beautiful words dear Maplewood, which are so meaningful, especially at this time.

    3. Still so meaningful and appropriate sweet Maplewood! Thank you. Praying you are well and your Mom is doing alright despite your great loss.

    4. Amen. God Bless America & the world. Thank you Jesus

    5. Freely happy to praise God with you again this year, Maplewood NJ. May you continue going forth for Him and be blessed by Him. In Jesus' Name. AME !

  5. Amen!! Praise the almighty God!!

  6. Thank You Lord for this beautiful July 4th. Give traveling grace to all that will be on the roads going to and coming from the celebration of freedom for our country. Most of all, thank You Lord for the freedom in Christ You so freely give. I pray that each person in our J.C.Family, what ever plans they may have, keep them safe from harm and let the weather be perfect for their plans. Amen to all the prayers that have been and will be asked of You today, let Your will be done in each of our lives. Thank You Lord in Jesus name I pray, Amen

  7. Thank You Jesus for everything. I bless Your Name!

  8. On this day of recognition of independence I am filled with gratitude to our Lord and Savior. Thankful for the freedom to live in a country that I can express my love for Jesus in public. Thankful to those who sacrificed on our behalf to live in the most amazing country in the world. Lord , I lift up our leaders of this nation in prayer along with all the citizens. May we always be the example and the window to others around the world that living a life for Christ is the ultimate freedom. As the day progresses I pray that we all practice love, kindness and compassion. Amen Always blessed by the prayers and devotion in this JC, Happy 4th my brothers and sisters.
    Hebrews 12:28 Therefore, since we are receiving a kingdom that cannot be shaken, let us be thankful, and so worship God acceptably with reverence and awe.

    1. Happy Fourth dear purplemartin. Amen! Living a life for Christ is the ultimate freedom.

    2. Thank You God for purplemartin and this entire JC Family of Prayer Warriors past, present, and to come. I was snagged by, "I can express my love for Jesus in public." It gave me cause to pause and ponder:
      Yes I CAN, but DO I? πŸ€”
      Going Forth, WILL I? πŸ€”
      If not, then why won't I? πŸ€”

    3. Blessings from NYJuly 4, 2024 at 6:49 AM

      Amen to that Brie❤️πŸ™

    4. In Mark 16: Was not it Jesus Who said 15 And then He told them, “You are to go into ALL the world and preach the Good News to everyone, everywhere...

      May I do my part in His Relay Race, so help me God. In Jesus' Name. AMEN!

  9. I thank you Lord for the freedom in this country to be able to get on the internet and post our thankfulness and gratitude to you. I have been blessed by all of the comments on here this morning. In You, Jesus, Your people have communion and love. Thank you Jesus for the freedom and peace You give.

  10. God Bless America. So blessed and fortunate to be an American... and thankful for our incredible positive impact on the world despite our mostly minor flaws. Happy Independence Day!

  11. MadFox --- Yes, yes, yes! A Happy Independence Day!!! (Despite some minor flaws) Much, much love for this United States of America!!! Great blessings to all of the JC FAMILY!

  12. Happy 4th of July, JC Family, old and new! I thank you for your prayers yesterday, which I didn't see until this morning. Jan, I overcame the 'worry' about the weather today by ordering Fried Chicken for the masses! :) My Sister-in-Law's Onc. appt. went well. She has chosen to stop chemo "for the time being," as she is down another 4 lbs and can't eat while on it. Our prayers remain with her and we know that believing God over our 5 senses is not only difficult but we HAVE seen people healed when they can treat the physical symptoms, relax and pray. That is our prayer for her.
    Had I read yesterday's devotion, I believe I would not have been tricked as I was yesterday, which led to me judging a dear friend, texting (instead of waiting until we could talk face to face) and now having to wait over a week to have that conversation b/c she is on vacation. I don't see myself as a judgmental person, but when you get "hurt" by others' actions (meaning they don't do what YOU would do), isn't that judgement? I can't remember which of you recommended the book "Lord, Change Me," (Jan? JJ? Teri?) but I continue to pick it up and everyday that is my prayer. That rather than allow myself to get hurt or feel left out or misunderstood, when those feelings 'attack' (i.e. whispers of the adversary), I pray that my heart is changed.
    To Topi: WELCOME! When I read your post from yesterday, this morning, at first I thought you were going to say you struggled with self-CONFIDENCE, & then re-read and saw it was condemnation. Mine is self-confidence - I don't have a hard time believing what Christ says about me or that our Father loves me with a never-ending love. I guess I have a hard time believing OTHERS love me as much as I love them. And in my early morning prayers, to me that spelled JUDGEMENT, thinking negatively or evil of the very sisters and brothers in Christ God has blessed me with. I will pray with you Topi and you with me, OK? JJ, I loved your response and have read it many more times (and will again!). I have asked God to forgive me for my judgmental thoughts and my sister in Christ to forgive me for my poor timing, which she absolutely will. I want to live in the freedom that we read about in JC this morning. I am so thankful for what He did for me. I am also so thankful for the men and women who fought for our freedom in this country. And Sassy Mom, I join you in prayer that all Americans will come to recognize where our true freedom comes from, the Lord Jesus Christ. And I pray that I will remove the beam from my own eye before judging a loved-one about their choices. God made us the way we are for a reason. We are all different. Even my husband and me (he's the brakes; I'm the accelerator) would have burnt out a long time ago if we were both like me! Have a blessed, FREE, day, JC Family. SOMEDAY, I'll truly be like Jesus Christ...until that day, I'm every-learning, growing, blowing it, being forgiving and hopefully, regaining ground so I don't repeat the same mistakes.

    1. Thanks Norah. I too got caught in the snares of d'evil one and so I am joining you in prayer for God's Way Out...
      Rather than allow myself to get hurt or feel left out or misunderstood, when those feelings 'attack' (i.e. whispers of the adversary), I pray that my heart is changed...
      Thank you my brothers and sisters for always praying without ceasing. In Jesus' Name. Amen.

    2. Praying for you Brie, Our God is so much greater thatn the evil one.
      Do not be afraid of sudden terror, Nor of trouble from the wicked when it comes; For the LORD will be your confidence, And will keep your foot from being caught. Proverbs 3:25-26

  13. I join everyone in gratitude for America. She may not be the perfect country & struggles to keep to the straight & narrow, but her shores were opened wide to welcome an Asian mother & her child. My American step father helped to make that happen. He almost died to make sure America remained free. God be praised! Oh Lord, stand beside her & guide her through the night with the light from above. God bless America, my home sweet home.πŸ’•

  14. Happy Birthday America! Thank you dear Lord for that birth! God please bless this nation and all who inhabit it! Amen.

  15. Dear God, Thank You for being with us throughout the many challenges we have faced in the first half of 2020. With Your help we made it through!
    Thank You for blessing our country and all countries everywhere on this day and everyday. Thank You for making our Christian compass strong and may we be strong in every good way, word and work. Thank You for preserving our liberty and freedom with true Godliness of Your people. We pray for all of us to live in harmony and mutual respect… building peace. For where peace is built, then justice is guided by Your love. Bless our country and every country everywhere that it may deserve Your love. Amen.
    Dear JC Prayer Warrior Family, Would you help me thank our Lord and Savior for His great love for us and all of His children? Would you prayerfully stand with me in our faith in Jesus, thanking and praying for a better and more peaceful today and tomorrow for all God's children? While we recognize that the 4th of July is a unique American holiday, we celebrate with our beloved members from all over the World in appreciation of their country and culture and to unite in a more peaceful world where God reigns Supreme and Sovereign over all, through all and above all else. .
    As we pause to say our daily prayers, it may be helpful to think about the three important words we all want to hear, yet never say enough. . . I LOVE YOU. Those words can open doors and melt hearts. Bless those feelings inside us, Lord to say I LOVE YOU out loud. Hear us as we say how much we love You, too, Lord! - In Jesus' name. I LOVE YOU JC Prayer Warrior Family! Amen

    1. Thank you Brilamar for your beautiful prayer! We stand with you in praying for peace and protection all around the world. Thank you Jesus for your inconditional love and mercy, the blessings you renew everyday in our lives.

      Help us to glorify your precious name in every step we take, may every area of our life be filled with fruits of the spirit and protection as we seek you.
      Thank you for being the best Father, the best refuge that we don't even deserve. Help us to be better and more like You. Thank you Jesus, we love You ♡

      Blessings from France

    2. Yes Jesus, I love You, we love You! Thank You, Thank You, Thank You! Thank You for first loving us!!

      Maplewood NJ

    3. I love you Jesus! I trust you Jesus! Thank you Holy Sprit for your presence with us this day in all ways!

    4. Wonderful prayer of gratitude and hope! Thank you. Praying right alongside you, dear Sister with our JC Family. May we all be united under God and bound by love and hope, now as one large Family standing firmly on the Cornerstone, and looking ahead to the joy that God is preparing for us. Amen!

    5. Love you and your beautiful words dear Brie! Thanking the Lord with you and our dear family here!
      Dear BFF, He sure is the best Father and refuge we could ever have!
      Amen sweet Audra!

    6. I don't know how to leave a comment on this so I'm randomly picking yours to type on the reply button but this daailys read spoke to me directly to my heart and I got s huge smack i the face sign of him telling me he head my prayers and he's answering my prayers s much rn.

    7. Halleluia Unknown! Trust in His faithfulness. His promises are reliable. He is hearing all our prayers.

  16. Brilamar - I LOVE YOU. Joining you, prayerfully standing with JC Warrior Family.

  17. I shared this late yesterday. Sharing again,to make sure everyone knows how thankful and grateful Helen's family is for Warrior prayers.
    Sharing a thank you note From Aunt Connie for praying for her niece Helen:
    "Thank all these prayer warriors from me for my niece. Their prayers lift me up also. We all thank them.


    1. Praying for Helen, she's covered by the precious blood of the Most High, in Jesus name amen !

      Blessings from France

    2. Praying for Helen's complete recovery, one sweet new day at a time.

    3. Continuing to pray for dear Helen! God is faithful to those who sincerely trust Him and wait on Him. We may not understand why He does certain things but His Way is the right way.

  18. God bless America, my home sweet home. My ma would have been 91 today which makes this day extra special. She went to our Lord on 9/11 2016 which made that day extra sad and special. My prayer that God pours his amazing grace over our world. Thank you Jesus for all your blessings; for this beautiful JC family of powerful prayer warriors. Thank you Chris and family. I love you all; may God keep you safe and pour His holy spirit on you and yours.

  19. Good morning Lord. Thank you for another blessed day in the Lord. Please protect all of Your children from any and all harm Lord. Please bless us and help us to always put You first and foremost in our lives Lord. Thank you for the most precious gift of You Lord. Praise the Lord continously.
    Please help me to not dwell on my problems and to keep my eyes on You Lord. You are my everything Lord. Thank you Jesus. Bless all of Your children here on this wonderful site. Please keep us all free in Your perfect love Lord. Amen.

  20. God bless America!!!!!!! Thank You Lord for blessing USA with FREEDOM, Happy Birthday.
    What joy for the nation whose God is the LORD, whose people he has chosen as his inheritance. - Psalm 33:12 NLT

  21. PRAISING and THANKING the Lord as our RN daughter came home for 3 weeks yesterday. It was great to see her and I insisted on a real hug at the airport! It is bittersweet however... She has suffered and seen a lot of tragedy and her taking three weeks to "just" be home with us and her brothers, is an indicator of how she has been alone, isolated, and as regulars here know extremely ill with CV19. I'm praying for healing as she is displaying deep emotional wounds. I ask for your prayers, as you did when she was sick, for her to find joy, and to heal while she visits her family in a no pressure environment at home.

    And today let us say and pray, God Bless and Heal America! I fear our nation is being torn apart by our politicians. Young adult Americans are viewing the future as bleak with a continuing pandemic and social unrest. May God reach down and restore us. Amen.

    1. AMEN!! That hug must have been amazing for you both!!! Prayers for her healing! Being at home with her family will surely be a balm for her wounds. I agree with what you said about the view of our young Americans... I pray for them daily as well!!

    2. Praying for you, Loveconquersall. I know you must miss your dear Mother every day. May God comfort your heart and fill it with his joy. You will surely be with her again. Sending love.
      Janet, I'm joining in your beautiful prayer and praying for your strength and guidance. Remember only to chew on sweet things as best you can and always go forward in trust that God is leading you to only good things. Think on those things that bring you closer to Him as you continue to let your gratitude and praise shine to please Him.
      Amen, Sassy Mom! God bless America, our nation still under God whom we trust! Trusting that His perfect plan is under way.
      Dear MadFox, So happy you got to actually hold your dear daughter who has been through so much! She knows she's enveloped in your love and care now and all your lovingkindness, prayers and encouragement will help heal even her unseen wounds. God bless you and your family in all things. Praying for you and your family and all my dear JC family. Much love!!!

    3. ** Thanks so much Jeanne. ** As a Dad, I am concerned but have put it all in His hands... He is the great Healer and our position is to just pray for that healing.

      NYC has become a very big challenge for all that live and work there. Govt leaders are betraying the trust given to them. There is much suffering still. Thanks again to all for praying for her to gain energy and strength from her visit home. I am blessed each moment that we get to be together for I feared the worst at the height of the issues in NYC. Godspeed. Happy 4th.

    4. MadFox --- My prayer for your daughter. Gracious Lord, I ask for Your healing touch on MadFox's daughter's life today. You know all about the emotional pain she has been going through. I ask that You would come into her heart and bind up the brokenness within her. Lord, I come to You and ask You to heal her emtions, heal her wounded heart, and heal the anguish that is deep inside. Lord, flood every corner of her being with Your soothing balm and Your healing love and root out all the negative emotions. Release into her, Lord, Your love and Your peace, Your hope, Your gracious presence and Your joy. I am trusting You to do this, Lord, because I know that You alone can be trusted. In Jesus's name I pray and believe, AMEN and AMEN I ask the Lord to release His healing balm over your whole family, MadFox. Great blessings to you!

    5. So happy for you and your family, brother MadFox! Your daughter being with the people who love her most is 'just what the doctor ordered'. The doctor in this case is enthroned in the eternal kingdom. God be with you all!

    6. MadFox I will be praying and sweet Jesus I trust that you will calm her spirit. Thank you for blessing her with a loving and caring family. Peace be with your precious family.

    7. Dear MadFox, Your daughter has come a long way. Continuing to pray fir both of you. May God heal every weakness and show you both His faithfulness. Happy Fourth! So much to be grateful for. Every new day is enough to thank Him for.
      Dear Loveconquersall, God comfort your heart as you remember your dear Mother and the love you shared.

    8. 7.4.21. She came home for the holiday to see her brand new niece! And yes, what a difference a year makes. Thankful for God's grace to our family as healing has been a big part of the past 12 months. And He blesses us with more each day. Grateful for our nation, pray we self-correct soon. Too many have not learned of how unique and great the American experiment was and is. God bless the USA. Amen.

    9. All true Mad Glad Fox! Happy 4th, and blessings full of healing for you, your family, our JC Family and our nation, and the world (hello Min Ahadi!)

    10. Wonderful news dear MadFox! Thanks for that precious update to warm our hearts. Yes! So many reasons to be grateful! I'm happy to hear of His continued blessings to you and your family. Answered prayers to celebrate! God bless the USA! Amen.

  22. Another year has passed and I again wish you a Happy Birthday America! Even in the midst of this nations turmoil, America is great and is blessed! Thank you dear Lord! Please God and Mary, mother of Jesus protect us and continue to bless this nations journey. Amen.

  23. Dear Heavenly Father, Thank You for waking us up this morning to a country where we have the Freedom to Pray without ceasing, Freedom to Worship in any way we desire because You created us for fellowship. Our individual gifts becomes stronger when we are joined with fellow brethren in Christ. Freedom to believe that we should not rely upon our government as the only resource to replace our faith in a God, for it is He: “who richly provides us with everything for our enjoyment” (1Timothy 6:17).
    Freedom to live out our Faith which gives us the foundation and assurance that You are in control of a world in chaos. By choosing to submit our requests to You in prayer we are making the choice to live out the faith to which You call us. Freedom of Speech. Thank You for the blessing to live in a country where Evangelism is tolerated and protected in our founding documents and although the Freedom to pursue happiness is one of the rights written in the Declaration, Galatians 5:22 says we can have real joy in our life as we walk in the Holy Spirit. We don't have to pursue happiness; rather we can choose to live it out in the Spirit.
    Father, You have made all peoples of the Earth for Your glory, to serve You in freedom and in peace. Give to each individual of this country a zeal for justice and the strength of forbearance, so that we may use our liberty in accordance with Your gracious will.
    Your Word says, “blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord (Psalm 33:12). Where Your Spirit is, there is freedom. We acknowledge that You are the stronghold and refuge that holds this nation and because of this, we are able to dwell in freedom and security. Thank You for the soldiers who fought for our independence. Thank You for the men and women who are currently fighting to maintain our freedom and independence. May they remain strong in battle. We pray for the President, leaders of government and ask that You endow them with Your wisdom and discernment to lead this nation according to Your will and not theirs. With all that transpired the last few months and still happening, we pray for a nation where violence is no longer heard in our land (Isaiah 60). Have mercy on this natiin for all the inquity and unnecessary bloodshed. We pray for a nation that offers good opportunity to the poor and one which offers freedom to the oppressed (Luke 4). We pray for a nation that welcomes strangers (Matthew 25). We pray for a nation in which we can use our freedoms first and foremost to care and bless others (Galatians 5) and we pray for a nation where there is justice and equality for all. White, black, green, yellow, we are all ONE race, the human race. Just as You intended it to be. Let there be a fresh flow of the fire od God upon this nation. Let the body of Christ prevail, be empowered to be bold, committed and unwavering and take territories for Your Kingdom. Restore Love and Peace! We pray this in Jesus’ name. Amen.

    “God bless America, land that I love
    Stand beside her and guide her
    Through the night with the light from above”

    May we all have the grace to walk in righteousness and peace, through Jesus our Lord. Wishing you and yours a blessed, safe and HAPPY 4TH! God Bless America!

    Blessings and Peace!

    Maplewood, NJ

    1. AMEN!!! Wonderful all inclusive prayer, twin bd sis. Thank you!

    2. Amen. Thank you for that wonderful post. Thank you jesus for everything you do for us. We are Your servants and we are here to do Your will. Bless us Lord. Praise the Lord continously.

    3. Amen! Thank you Maplewood, NJ. Very relevant prayer in 2024. God please bless America. Please bring peace everywhere in the world where there is strife (and lately it seems that is almost everywhere). We love you God. I believe you're in control, no matter what it looks like. Amen.

  24. Amen dear Maplewood! I could hear Battlefield of the Republic playing in the background as I read your beautiful prayer. My favorite part was: Your Word says, “blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord (Psalm 33:12). Where Your Spirit is, there is freedom. Halleluia!
    We are guided by God's Spirit and bound by His Love. This may be a fallen world but God is in the Center and In Him do we trust! Greater is He that is in us than he that is in the world. Praying for answered prayers, strength and healing of our weaknesses, guidance and peace. Let's celebrate our freedom and that we belong to a great and faithful God! Happy Fourth!!! Have fun and enjoy the day in His sweet grace and presence.

  25. Delighting in all the expressions of love for America posted above and even from France with a prayer for the whole world which is so much in order since America is a part of the greater whole of God's creation.

    On this day of celebration of America's independence, the suggested psalm reading is Psalm 72, a prayer for the king; put in terms of America's form of government, it is a prayer for the President, Vice President and all in positions of authority on a national level; it is a prayer for our governors and mayors who have to make decisions as they never have before. Scripture is clear, as seen in Psalm 72 and in I Timothy 2:1-4, we have a responsibility to pray for whomever is leading our nation. It is not about whether we like them or not, it is not about whether we agree with them or not, it is about 'them leading a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and dignity. (I Timothy 2:2). I 'woke up' to this requirement in my prayer life many years ago. In making it a part of my daily prayer life, I found it had a profound impact on me spiritually. In praying for individual leaders on all levels of government, I found myself less bothered and upset with anything I did not agree. I also found myself ceasing to express openly my displeasure of their leadership or forwarding malicious emails about them. How could I speak in a hostile way of people for whom I am praying? These times we are in has led to even more questions and disagreements concerning the directions our leaders are taking. I was glad to be led to spending time with Psalm 72 this AM for I needed to order my heart which has been challenged as it has not been challenged before in supporting our leaders with my prayers. The more I concentrate on praying for them, the less I whine about their leadership. The prayer I use most often for each and every leader is in Isaiah 11:2,3. It defines the Messiah but I was given to speak these words over every child I baptized thus I use it for our leaders as well.

    God bless America, land that I love...even more so because I pray for her. Be blessed this day, brothers and sisters in Christ. With love, Bob

    Because of our friend from France who has joined us, let us pray for France and its leadership as well on behalf of our friend. Que Dieu bΓ©nisse la France et ses dirigeants! (God bless France and its leaders.) And the same prayer for anyone reading this blog from another country in the world.

    1. Merci beaucoup Bob! It is very kind of you to pray for my country, I am really touched. Independence day here in France is celebrated on July 14.

      I have also been praying more for the leaders all around the world since coronavirus. Thank you for blessing us by sharing the words of God.

      God bless every country !

      Blessings from France

    2. I am gathering in prayer with you, Bob and BFF, praying for more gatherers, and imagining how much greater all our Countries would be when everybody prayed for all their leaders and all in positions of authority on a national level. Here in America, that would include our prayers for our President, Vice President governors, mayors and others who have to make decisions as they never have before. Yes! Scripture is clear, as seen in Psalm 72 and in I Timothy 2:1-4, we have a responsibility to pray for whomever is leading our nation.
      It is not about whether we like them or not.
      It is not about whether we agree with them or not.
      It is about leading a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and dignity. (I Timothy 2:2)
      Thanks for your post our Dear Brethren and Friend in Christ.
      May we go forth on the fourth, being forthright and bringing forth much needed prayer, peace, and unity 4 all. I ask. I seek. I knock, knock, knock, and knock. I praise. I thank. In Jesus' Name. Amen.

    3. Joining prayers to bring peace and help to our wounded country and to all the countries that are in need of God’s faithfulness.
      Amen dear Brie! Let us go forth on the Fourth bringing prayer, peace and unity 4 all!

    4. Amen, sisters and brothers!

    5. Thank you Bob Malsack. I needed to hear this in 2024. Praying for all leaders and potential leaders, in our nation, cities and towns, and praying to let go of judgment. I trust that God can bring good out of every situation. In America and throughout the world, let peace and freedom reign. Amen

  26. I am moved with the writings and readings as Sarah Young writes as I hear and feel that the words and messages are from In Jesus name. Impressive words I consult with dictionary to learn how it relates to the messages! I did receive Jesus Callings-devotionals in 2014 and enjoy everyday! God Bless you and Sarah for a daily enjoyable reading -with something Good I learn!

  27. I take a moment to share Happy July 4th in USA today! God bless all the people keeping up with so many things-like Colonavirus side effects-and get help all the Americans-and prayers to those struggling with health and troubles! With God I wish you all well!

    1. Thank you, TW. May you be equally blessed! God be with you.

  28. Dear JC Prayer Warriors - I only have a minute and will hop back on later or tomorrow, but I wanted to let you all know that our friend, Keith's COVID-19 test came back NEGATIVE! More details later, but the fam will be here soon.
    Love to all of you mighty men and woman of God. Love to each of you and to our great Country - HAPPY BIRTHDAY.

    1. So happy your friend's test came out negative. One more blessing! Praising God for His Faithfulness!

  29. Waiting Kathy,
    Thanks for your kind message yesterday.
    Very delayed move in has not happened yet for my brother, but we got Keith's car sold! YEAH for this VICTORIOUS though complicated feat!
    Move in is now scheduled for this upcoming Wednesday, July 7, 2021.
    Prayers requested for smoothe and easy, or patient acceptance of whatever is.
    I am planning to stay in his new apartment for at least a week afterwards to help him acclimate. I may not have internet access. You and our entire JC family can know that I will continue praying for you and yours everyday, as I do now and highly appreciate your prayers for me and mine. Just wanted you to know in case. Much love to all, Brie

    1. Father, please guide Brie and her brother on this new journey in his new home. Let the move be hassle-free and renew their hearts and minds. Thank You for all the possibilities for new things and memories to be made. May Your spirit fill every room. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen. Peace be with you.

    2. Joining prayers dear Brie for a smooth move-in on the 7th! What a blessing that Keith’s car was sold! Good job persevering! Praying always for you Sweetheart and yours! For healing, and every other little and big thing. You are taking care of business with the good Lord by your side.

    3. Praying for the process and transitions dear Brie.

    4. Dear GraceTakesTime, Praying you are feeling well and that your hubby is healed from his elevator accident. Stay blessed and safe dear sister.

  30. Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom. (2 Corinthians 3:17). We have freedom now, because Christ made us free. So stand strong. Do not change and go back into the slavery of the law. (Galatians 5:1). "So if the Son sets you free, you are truly free." (John 8:36).
    Heavenly Father, thank You for pulling me out of the depths of despair and bringing me into Your radiant, glorious light with You and showing me the truth, the life, and the way. Thank You for being patient with me while I adjust to Your perfect light. Please forgive me for my short comings, sins, wrong thoughts and doings. I am not perfect or worthy of anything, but You give me everything. Thank You Jesus. I praise You Lord continually and always. You are my saving grace and my blessed Father. Thank You for being in my life and for all You give to me. There is no one better than You. You are so wonderful! I love and adore You. Let Your beautiful presence fill me up and spill over into other lives around me. I can't thank You enough. Bless You Lord.
    May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in Him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit. (Romans 15:13).

    1. ❤️️ 🎢🎢🎢❤️️ I will enter His gates with a gift of thanksgiving in my heart;
      I will enter His courts with my gift of praise.
      I will say this is the day that our Lord has made.
      I will rejoice for He has made me glad.
      He has made me glad, He has made me glad,
      I will rejoice for He has made me glad, ad, ad.
      He has made me glad, He has made me glad,
      I will rejoice for He has made me glad.❤️️ 🎢🎢🎢❤️️

    2. Amen! He never fails to make me glad and I am so thankful! <3

  31. I’m off to sleep now dear Janet! Thanking and praising Him with you.
    Praying this for you:
    May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in Him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.
    May He fill your cup up till it overflows, May your heart be filled to the brim with joy and true peace, and May you continue to walk in praise and gratitude. He hears every beautiful word. Much love and a hug too!

    1. Answering your knock, Brie, with prayers for the move-in trip. <3

  32. How are you dear Min Ahadi? You are never alone and you are deeply loved. Rest in Him who cares for you. Praying He is making a way in your wilderness. You are always surrounded by our love and prayers. Stay strong sister.

    What joy for the nation whose God is the LORD, whose people he has chosen as his inheritance. - Psalm 33:12

  34. Thank you Lord that you hear me. Thank you for the reminder that what touches your heart and moves your hand is my thankfulness, praise and worship. Lord you know my heart. My desire is to do your will. Please Lord help me to do what you have called me to do.

    1. Amen dear Terri, Praying all is going well with your sweet children. May God continue to strengthen and prepare you for the work He has set out for you.

  35. Waiting-Kathy, so glad you and your mom received your furniture from those "movers". You've been in my prayers. So great you have a wonderfully peaceful neighborhood with beautiful trees, dog-walkers, etc. May walking thru it help ease your mind when stressed from your mom's negativity. And, Brie, holding you in those same prayers as you help your brother with his move. Caretaking is NOT for the faint of heart, that's for sure. There is such a special place in heaven for caretakers...I picture it resembling Bora-Bora with the houses hovering over the bluest water. May God give you both the daily strength, endurance, patience, & peace that you need as well as all in our awesome JC who are caretakers. Praying for healing as well for all who need healing! In Jesus' name, AMEN!
    And, yes, Sassy Mom, joining you in praying, GOD BLESS AMERICA!

    1. Thanks NJS and JC Family! for bringing a smile to my face, a joy into my heart, and a song on my lips,
      In my mind I'm going to Bora Bora; I'm going to Bora Bora in my mind... :)

    2. What a beautiful vision NJS! The beauty we will realize far exceeds our imagination. Looking forward to that.
      Praying with you for our dear Kathy and Brie.
      Amen Sassy Mom! God Bless America!

  36. I came across this prayer and wanted to share.

    Lord, You see how much our country has turned away from You. We are like a dry barren desert, largely lacking in spiritual life. Come, Lord, refresh us again with the water of Your Spirit. May Jesus Christ be worshiped truly. May Your word again be honored and revered. May people turn to You and come to know You not only as their Creator, but also as their Lord and Savior. We pray for all those who lead us, in local and national politics, in our armed forces and emergency services, in our schools, colleges and universities, in the media of our television, radio, newspapers and computer networks. We long for Your voice to be made known more clearly, Your will and purposes to be declared more fully, values to be upheld more firmly. Strengthen Your church, heavenly Father; draw Your people back to seek Yourself in humble prayer. Lead us to confess our sins before You more freely and deeply and to turn away from all that is not right. Mold us, prepare us, and equip us to fulfill all that You want us to be, to worship You more sincerely and to serve the fellow members of our communities more wholeheartedly. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen. God bless! Thank You Jesus. Praise God always!

    1. Thanks for sharing that wonderful prayer! Amen to that my sister!

  37. I just spent at least a half hour pouring my heart out to God, to all of you Prayer Warriors and when I hit send, it was too long! HA HA - you were SPARED, JC Family! :)
    So, I will give you the Cliff Note version: our day was a lovely blessing - church service at 10:30, (GREAT Sermon!), followed by a cook-out with scrumptious, home-made food (made by someone other than me) and then the sweetest thing I've attended in years: the 25 year renewal of vows for the minister and his "Bride," done by the minister who married them 25 yrs ago. Their combined family (all adult children with their own families) in attendance for "the first time in over 5 years."
    Then I read your prayer, NJS and I just lost it, because you SO GET the meaning of a Caregiver and I so needed to read your words. "Caretaking is NOT for the faint of heart." Brie, you and your brother have been on my heart and you are on my prayer list every day, believing with you that the 7th is TOTALLY PROTECTED. Waiting Kathy - I'll be praying for you and your mom and for all of us who are caring for a loved one. It's 24/7, constant and comes with some scary tasks. We did it with our babies, but that was with Youth on our side.
    Love to each of you and prayers for everything I read. Happy Birthday to our GREAT COUNTRY - so blessed to live in one nation under God. I thank all of the men and women who fought to make that happen and I rebuke the adversary in the name of Jesus Christ for trying to divide us and say it isn't true. MORE believe in our blessings than we'll ever hear from the media - so turn off the TV and thank God for His many blessings and the men and women who made it happen.

  38. MadFox - I was SO blessed to read the 'then vs now' of your daughter's visit to meet her new niece!! My heart melted at the memories of your daughter in NYC, sick, alone and you and your wife just wanting to SEE HER and protect her! And now she's home, visiting and celebrating with you the birth of your first granddaughter. What a Mighty God we serve!!

  39. And, Jeanne - can't wait to hear how your church service went! I can picture you (if I knew what you look like - ha ha), standing in the choir alone, belting it out! I LOVE THAT ABOUT YOU!!!

  40. Dearest Norah! You are almost right. There were two other people up there with me. And we all let it shine. I did belt out Battle Hymn of the Republic. It was the last song. About my looks: Well I'm very short, only 5 feet tall and I have long brown hair with quite a few gray highlights, big eyes and an Italian nose, and I smile a lot. Wish I had prettier teeth but my beauty is the Christ in me. My hubby is 6'6" so we are a good example of "Opposites attract". I love you!

  41. Ahhh, Dear Jeanne!! I just brought up The Battle Hym of the Republic and I can hear you singing, in all of His glory! God Bless you, little Jeanne! Sleep sweet, my dear Sister! <3

  42. Thanks Norah! Planning to go to sleep very soon. <3

  43. Praise, gratitude and worship. Let us join together in a prayer of Thanksgiving.
    Father, You are everything to us. You have brought us through the storms and we are still here. You have dried our tears and guided our feet. You have held us when we were afraid or hurt. You have comforted our sad and weary hearts. You have healed our infirmities and lifted our head when we were downtrodden and brokenhearted. You know us like no other and You love us just as we are. You lead us through this day and right through to eternity. You instruct and guide us through Your Spirit, our Helper. You strengthen our weaknesses and lift us high above our misery. Thank You for giving us the gift of Your Son. He has changed us, and saved us from destruction, and redeemed us. We have the Hope of Salvation. We praise and bless Your Holy Name. We put our lives in Your able Hands and we trust Your guidance always. Lead us Lord. Your Way is the Only Way. Thank You for all Your blessings, Your endless peace, and for preparing our futures. We believe the best is yet to come. We wait on You and we love you. Amen

    1. I join you in this beautiful prayer dear Jeanne. Thank you for sharing & blessing us with it.πŸ’žπŸ™

  44. Dear Sassy Mom, I can't imagine how you must feel, but please know how much you are loved and appreciated for all that you are, and for your beautiful and caring heart. God understands everything you and your family are going through. He knows this valley time is so very difficult. He has your sweet daughter in His care now, and she is resting in His love and peace. May He wrap you and your dear ones up in a blanket of comfort so you can feel His sweet love surround you. He will walk with you through this storm and carry you lovingly when you are too weak to walk. We trust His promises and know this is to be true. Much love.

    1. Dear JC Warriors,thank you for your comforting prayers. This is the worst nightmare I have ever experience. Tomorrow, July 5th will be difficult when we receive friends. July 6th will be the most difficult when my Debbi's casket is closed. Love and prayers to my JC Family.

  45. God bless you all dear JC Family. Be strong, brave, patient and a light to everyone you encounter. Pay His unconditional love forward. Driving to Brooklyn early this morning. My Mom has a doctor's appointment on 7/6 and I want to spend time with her. Have a good weekend, and stay blessed and safe in God's presence. Happy Fourth!

    1. Thank you, Jeanne. Go fourth with traveling mercy!

    2. Dear Lord bless Jeanne with safety as she travels. Deliver her safely to her mom's to enjoy this time together amen.

    3. Thanks for the traveling mercies dear Brie and Jan. Leaving now surrounded by God's Hedge of Protection and your sincere prayers. Already have my red, white and blue on because I promise you my Mom already does. God bless you in all things. Have fun!

  46. Thank you Jeanne, Janet, Norah, Audra, and all who prayed! God heard us and He answered with a gloriously wonderful and fun re-meet. For JC Prayer Warriors, Thank You Jesus. For answered prayers and joy-full reconciliations, Thank You Jesus. For all the good you do, Thank You Jesus. For Who You are and for the person you are changing me to be, according to Your Image and Likeness, Thank You Jesus! For playing the song, "Peace Train" over and over in my mind, before, during, and after the remeet, Thank You Jesus! For the doors that were opened wide to me by You, doors that no one could close, Thank You Jesus. For providing me with a fresh feast plus leftovers (prayers) and to witness Your Victory in a judgment free zone? Priceless. Thank You Jesus.

    1. Hallelujah for more answered prayers. So very happy for you. Thanks for all the prayers too!

    2. πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘ yay God!

  47. Our dear, dear, sweet sister in Christ JJ.
    I received your request and will start hunting for the post. If anyone finds it before I do, please feel free to repost:
    I AM THE STORM! I hope you will repost that somtime in the future. There was such an ANOINTING on that post that brought such Great Empowerment! That post represents how we should deal minute by minute with the enemy. Bless you, Bless you for sharing! JJ

    1. Dear Brie ---- Still so thankful for you sharing you cousin's "I
      Not sure this is what you want. AM THE STORM!!! It is said, the best defense is a good offense. Proactively attacking one's enemy is the best way to protect oneself, since they will be too occupied with defending themselves to stage an attack on their own.

    2. Or this:

      The devil whispered in my ear "You're not strong enough to withstand the storm" Today I whispered in the devil's ear " I am the storm."

    3. Thank you Sassy Mom, that is it. I pray JJ finds the freedom to read today. Just in case I will repost tomorrow. Should you ever care to reach me, I am
      (((πŸ₯° )))

  48. Thank You Lord for the freedom we have in You, for the Joy and Peace we have in Your Presence.
    Isaiah 61:3 Amplified Classic Edition:
    "To grant [consolation and joy] to those who mourn in Zion—to give them an ornament (a garland or diadem) of beauty instead of ashes, the oil of joy instead of mourning, the garment [expressive] of praise instead of a heavy, burdened, and failing spirit—that they may be called oaks of righteousness [lofty, strong, and magnificent, distinguished for uprightness, justice, and right standing with God], the planting of the Lord, that He may be glorified."
    🎢Put on the Garment of Praise for the spirit of heaviness,
    Lift up your voice to God,
    Pray in the Spirit and with understanding,
    Oh magnify the Lord🎢

    1. Beautiful brother Peter. Thank you. Amen!

  49. Happy 4th JC family! Yes! Thank You dear Lord that in spite of the chaos our country is experiencing, we can still enjoy the freedom to express how we feel about it all. I thank You most of all Jesus for giving Your life that I may have the freedom from sin & death, the freedom from the powers of darkness, freedom from the destroyer of life to be lived abundantly, freedom from the evil grips of anxiety, depression, illness, addictions & despair. You Jesus, sacrificed all for my freedom to worship You in spirit and truth! Hallelujah!

    1. With 4titude, may we all go 4th on the 4th, being 4thright and bringing 4th much needed prayer, peace, love, unity, liberty and justice 4 all. I ask. I seek. I knock, knock, knock, and knock. I praise. I thank. In Jesus' Name. Amen.

  50. So very true. How blessed we are because of His great Sacrifice made out of pure love for us and His Father. We have the freedom to Worship Him in Spirit and Truth. Praise and Gratitude to the Most High! Amen.

  51. Thank you for this rain in northern CA, Lord. Refresh my mind and heart with gratitude for this new day. Thank you for our freedoms that many I know feel robbed of. Bless our prayers for one nation UNDER GOD INDIVISIBLE WITH LIBERTY AND JUSTICE FOR ALL.Of thee I sing. Bless our leaders and decision makers and protect and deliver them from evil. In Jesus's name I pray.

    1. Let Him Reign, (with due apologies to David Crowder)
      So let Him Reign, let Him pour
      Lord, I need You more and more
      Let Your Reign, Reign down on me
      Every day, whatever You want
      Not my will but Yours, Lord be done.
      Let Your Reign, Reign down on me...

    2. Such a perfect prayer for today dear Audra! Joining right in with our sister Brie! Amen and Amen. His Reign has no end. Hallelujah!

  52. From Galatians 5:
    So Christ has made us free. Now make sure that we stay free...
    All we need is faith working through love...
    He is The One who has called us to freedom in Christ...
    For, dear brothers and sisters, we have been given freedom to love and serve each other, rather than serve catty, judgmental criticism.
    God's whole Law can be summed up in this one command: “Love others as you love yourself.”
    Galatians teaches that believers are judged and justified by Jesus alone. They are a part of a diverse family and equipped by the Spirit to love God and all others. May we all Go 4th and multiply the love of Jesus, in His Name. Amen.

    1. AMEN and AMEN!!! I so love Galatians. Thank you for sharing. Well stated, Brie! There is just something about that name, Jesus. Holy, holy, holy is the ground where we stand. JJ

    2. From Chris Payton's Walking in the Word, in Christ
      Posted Saturday, July 4, 2015
      RE: Romans 15:1-3 - Bearing with the Weak
      Romans 15:1-3 - 1We who are strong have an obligation to bear with the failings of the weak, and not to please ourselves. 2 Let each of us please his neighbor for his good, to build him up. 3 For Christ did not please himself, but as it is written, “The reproaches of those who reproached you fell on me.”

      Message: Pleasing my neighbor

      Time: Written in AD 57 from Greece, to the Christians, both Gentile and Jewish in Rome

      What the Lord is Saying:
      Remember the weak in faith and do not quarrel over opinions.
      People have different convictions. Respect those differences. Let God be the judge.
      If you have a conviction, be fully convinced.
      If you have a conviction, honor the Lord and give thanks to Him.
      Make sure your acts in response to your conviction don't cause others to stumble or hinder their walk.
      Don't let what you call as good be called evil by someone else.
      The goal in all of this is peace.
      Everything is clean, but that doesn't mean partaking of everything is correct. Look at your motives.
      Be careful, what is good may in fact be sin if it is done with the wrong motives.
      This is quite interesting, Paul goes from don't quarrel to don't judge to honor the Lord to not causing your brother to stumble to spreading peace to right motives. The bottom line is a message that I see throughout scripture and that is, be careful.
      Thanks Chris for helping God to smoothe our walkway . In Jesus' Name. Amen.

    3. Your posts and prayers were wonderful dear Brie!!! Thank you! Like dear JJ I am also a lover of Galatians. Paul stressed to the backsliding Galatians that God’s Law was above man’s laws and Jewish traditions, and faith in Jesus was what they needed to become a Christian along with God’s Grace. But they also had to be consistent in their Christian walk, and not be swayed by others who threatened to pull them away from God’s truth and message of salvation. Paul was a great Witness to his faith and although his speech wasn’t eloquent, his message was always pure and true because he received it from the Lord. It remained unchanged and Paul presented it to them as it was given to him. God’s Spirit empowered him as he did the Lord’s work despite his weaknesses. He sincerely loved the Galatians as if they were his own children despite the fact that many of them were claiming to be Christians while turning back to some ungodly ways. God’s Spirit works mightily through us to follow after righteousness and to speak the right words when we get into difficult discussions with those we care about. Sometimes the Spirit advises us to just keep quiet and be the bearer of peace. I always pray God will help me to be better and more selfless person, and help me not to judge others. As I get older, I try not to judge anyone harshly because I am so imperfect. Let God be the Judge. I know my own human imperfections and frailties often get me into trouble. Also we reap what we sow.
      Love one another as I have loved you. Why is it so hard to love unconditionally? Our loving Father does it all the time. Praying He will help all of us share that perfect love, and give us the strength to forgive those who hurt us or disagree with our beliefs. We are all God’s children so we must try to respect each other despite our differences. Best way to do that is to stay in His presence, allow His Spirit to work through us, and keep those emotions at bay. Thank You Jesus.

  53. Brie and Jeanne - this morning, I was getting on July 5th but kept feeling 'nudged' to go to July 4th again. I am so glad that I did. Both of your posts helped me so much with a family issue we are having. Brie - the teaching in Chris' from 2015 is exactly what I needed to read and Jeanne, you answered my "how?" by sharing how you handle situations such as the one I'm in. Love you both, so much. Thank you, Sisters!

    1. Thanks to Jeanne, I am learning to pray, Dear Heavenly Father God,
      Would You help me be a bringer of peace rather than a harbinger of strife?

    2. Offering up the Prayer for you our dear (((Norah))), that I said for Audra and me when we were walking into the GIamour Sticky Situation Of The Month:
      Dear Heavenly Father God, Please put Your Arm around my shoulder and Your Hand over my mouth.
      He can. He will. He did!

    3. Thanks dear sisters. If I helped you in any way, God is glorified. You two always lift and inspire me.

  54. Dear Brie and Larry thank you for your comment and lighting a candle on my Debbi's tribute wall.

    1. Wishing and Hoping and Praying we could do more. Love You!

  55. Dear Sassy Mom, Praying you can feel God’s comfort wrapped around you like a soft cuddle blanket, and His peace filling the painful hole in your heart. His will be done. You and your family will be with your dear Debbi again. Sending love.

  56. Let us worship Him in spirit and in truth with gratitude and praise. He is so good and faithful. May we all enjoy this special day. Some of you may not have anyone to celebrate it with but the good Lord is by your side. Feel His peace and love surround you. He’s the Best Friend we could ever have. He is a forever friend who will lead us from this world into the next. Our High Priest whose reign never ends. Enjoy your day in His presence. Spread His light everywhere and glorify Him with all your good fruit. Much love to all. May God answer our prayers and lift our hearts. Thank You Jesus.

    1. Amen πŸ™. Beautiful words Jeanne. Thank you 😊. God bless!

    2. God bless you dear Janet! Have some fun today and eat some yummy food! Sending a hug.

  57. Now therefore, our God, we thank You and praise Your glorious name. (1 Chronicles 29:13). Let everything that has breath praise the LORD. Praise the LORD! (Psalm 150:6).

    1. Yes, Amen PTL... Praise The LORD.

    2. Amen! Praise him with every breath and give thanks to the Lord for He is good. His love is everlasting.

  58. Independence Day is the day of celebrating freedom from tyranny and the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.
    Each Born Again person has an Independence Day too, the day our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ freed us from the tyranny of sin, gave us the right to Eternal Life. Gave us liberty to pursue a relationship with Almighty God through Himself and showed us true happiness; that state of being whereby we are at rest, at peace and content in all things and in friendship with Him.
    Wishing all a great Independence Day, be blessed in Jesus Name.

  59. Beautiful truth dear Peter! Amen! We have so much to celebrate! May God surround us with a hedge of protection and grant traveling mercies to everyone on the road today! Let us rejoice and be glad in this day and rest in His love and peace. Have fun, dear ones.

  60. Today and everyday, May I always be In_dependence on Jesus!
    Thank You Lord for placing me in a country where I can worship you whenever, however, wherever I please. May I take full advantage of this gift and do so now, forever and always. In Jesus' Name. AMEN!

  61. Amen dear Brie! I can't keep from telling people the reason for my joy! Let us praise Him together. Just got home and I have Gabriel for a sleepover. All is well and God is good.

  62. What a beautiful image that angels are joining with us in the heavenly realms to praise and worship our Lord and King with us. Petitions are heard at HIS righteous throne !!! Wow!!

  63. Amen and AMEN to all of your prayers and thanksgiving! Love and Prayers to all of you, my dear JC Family.

  64. Praise Him for everything He is to us! And for all He has blessed us with! Praise Him for His Faithfulness. Trust in Him because He keeps His Promises. Thank Him for His Mercy and Forgiveness. And for His Unconditional Love and Unchanging Peace. And for this New Day and this New Month. And All that He has Given Us. Praise Him with Every Breath! Taste and See the Goodness of the Lord!
    Have a wonderful Fourth of July in His Presence and Peace. Stay Safe and very Blessed!
    Thank You Father for answering our prayers and restoring Larry’s breathing and Norah’s DH’s hearing. Turn every bad situation to good. Heal my mom’s leg and get rid of her bathroom problems. Give her joy and a zest for life. Guide Peter’s decisions and all of our paths. Instruct us and Lead us. Supply us with the words You want us to share. Comfort and heal us and give us hope and joy. Show us the right way to walk. Give us eyes to see the true things that endure, and a discerning heart! Draw us closer to You. We love You and need You more than life itself. Thank You Lord. We Praise Your Holy Name Forever!

    Psalm 103:1-5
    Bless the Lord, O my soul;
    And all that is within me, bless His holy name!
    Bless the Lord, O my soul,
    And forget not all His benefits:
    Who forgives all your iniquities,
    Who heals all your diseases,
    Who redeems your life from destruction,
    Who crowns you with lovingkindness and tender mercies,
    Who satisfies your mouth with good things,
    So that your youth is renewed like the eagle’s.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Going forth and praising Your Holy Name Forever with Jeanne and the JC's!

    3. Happy 4th dear ones! Thank you dear Jeanne for your prayer. I'm lifted up in spirit to face the day! Bless the Lord oh my soul!❤️πŸ™ŒπŸ™

    4. Thanks! God Bless you dear Jan and Brie! Praying with you and for you! Much love!


    1. THE GOODNESS OF GOD sung by CeCe Winans is one of my faves. Thanks for linking us in Min Ahadi.

    2. Listened to it yesterday. Love it!

    3. Thanks dear Min Ahadi! One of my favorites too! She sings it so beautifully right from the heart. God bless your day!

  66. Thank You God for FREEDOM to FREELY Worship You in Spirit and in Truth, with FREEDOMS that are not FREE. And thank You for Janet E., JJ, Blessings from NY, Suzanne R., Jeanne, and all others who are joining me in petitions, prayers and praises for Larry's "nose job". Thank You for the smile Suzanne R. nose she put on on my face with that description! Only God nose the best date, and Doctor; we accept Your Sovereignty, Lord!
    Thank You God that we are freely connected to the same Vine because we can be, and because we want to be.
    Thank You for our Service brothers and sisters who help make it possible. Thank You for keeping them, and all of us, safe and FREE today and everyday.
    Praise and Thank You Lord for clearing The Way, wide open, for Your Blessings to Reign Supreme as they fall upon us in Your Rich Abundance. Thank You for perfecting my wait and my patience, for Thou are so Worthy of both. In Jesus' Name. AMEN!

    1. Yes dear Lord! I join Brie in her offerings of thanksgiving for all of our freedoms. Especially the freedom from sin & death through the cross! Hallelujah! Amen! πŸ™Œ

    2. Joining warriors dear Brie for Larry's surgery to be moved up asap. Nothing is impossible with God. I too might be facing surgery for my nose. Haven't been able to breathe through my left nostril for years. Diagnosis revealed a condition that causes blood to pool there when I lay down & becomes inflamed. Not fun! Trusting the Lord for you & Larry to get through this. πŸ™πŸ™ŒπŸ’ž

    3. I thought you'd get a kick out of that, Brie.

    4. Dear Brie! I’m believing for a surgery date to be cancelled and given to Larry right away! God is Sovereign and He will make a Way! He Nose the surgery date already! Waiting on the Lord with all our family here! Thank You Father for healing Larry and Jan and for moving Larry’s surgery way up so he will soon be able to breathe normally and heal Loren so he can hear normally. Thank You for this and for answering our prayers in the powerful Name of Christ Jesus. Amen.

  67. And let the beauty of the LORD our God be upon us, and establish the work of our hands for us; yes, establish the work of our hands. (Psalm 90:17). Because you have made the LORD who is my refuge, even the Most High, your dwelling place, no evil shall befall you, nor shall any plague come near your dwelling; for He shall give His angels charge over you, to keep you in all your ways. (Psalm 91:9-11). I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go; I will guide you with My eye. (Psalm 32:8).

    1. Beautiful truth and good food for our souls! Thanks dear sister! May God guide you to all of your heart’s desires, heal you in all ways and continue to bless and protect you. Thank You Lord.

  68. Thank you dear Janet for a great kick start of my day. God's word. πŸ™ŒπŸ₯°

  69. When you worship Me in spirit and truth, you join with choirs of angels who are continually before My throne. "Worthy Is The Lamb"
    Enjoy a blessed July 4th.

    1. Thanks dear Peter. Amen! Worthy is the Lamb! God bless your day too.

  70. Thanks Suzanne R. Connected to The Vine, I will enter today with thanksgiving in my heart...

  71. Prayer of gratitude

    1. Thanks dear Sassy Mom! He really does whisper gently into our hearts! No one can comfort us like our Loving Father! Praise Him! Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Sending a hug for your heart!

  72. Act like EVERY day is INDEPENDENCE DAY!

    Do you remember the details of July 4th, 1776? Maybe like me, you’ve forgotten the Founders’ ONLY action that day was to ratify a DECLARATION written primarily by Thomas Jefferson. They didn’t actually sign the document until August 2nd in Philadelphia.

    On the 4th of July, am reminded that we as citizens must also exercise INDEPENDENCE.

    Old Testament wisdom can be read as sound responsibilities as a citizen that even an atheist can embrace: “…maintain love and justice” (Hosea 12:6). Your “love” for your fellow citizen is as simple as treating them with compassion, and “justice.”

    Our American founders DECLARED that King George III and Parliament were NOT treating the colonies JUSTLY. The Result? REBELLION! Similarly, our leaders need to listen, respond, and then govern fairly, or a "POLITICAL REBELLION” might result.

    ** So, Politicians and fellow Citizens act like it’s INDEPENDENCE Day – 24:7, which really means act like Christ would. **

    Happy 4th of July!

    1. Always good to see you post, MadFox. Along with our entire JC Family of Prayer Warriors, I think about and pray for you every day. Happy 4th

    2. That was awesome dear MadFox! Love and Justice! Praying for God to change the hearts of His people and our leaders to good and may they embody love and justice. So good to read your post. Praying God is leading you through your daily challenges and covering you with His faithfulness. Please keep my dear friend Sandy in your prayers. Her multiple myeloma is not responding to the meds and she must begin a long round of chemo. May God grant her true faith, tolerance, patience, hope, and healing in the Name of our Risen Lord, Christ Jesus. Amen

  73. Red, White and Blue Blessings to all of you Dear JC Family. I've enjoyed a quiet morning reading your posts, prayers, counting your blessings, listening to your songs, and prayers. I always enjoy seeing your name on here Dear Brother MadFox. You and my DH have much in common and he will enjoy hearing your sharing today.
    Our adversary is trying to sweep me into his pity party which is now making me spiritually angry because I have so much to be thankful for and I know it is a trick. (there was a day that I would blame it on hormones, but that ship has sailed - ha ha). I have NOTHING to blame but my own stinkin' thinkin'.
    So, I will celebrate His Truth, His Loving Goodness, and look forward to this day and weekend and whoever I am blessed to see. And if that isn't many, it will still be just what is needed. His promises never fail. I get mad at myself for allowing a gray day to turn my thoughts gray. So, I am seeking the Sonshine and telling the devil to take a hike.
    There is nothing going on that is causing me to feel this way other than failure to renew my mind to God's Word. I can usher that out just as our Dear Maplewood always thanks God for ushering in the greatness of our day, a new month, a new year. His mercies are new every morning. One thought, prayer and confession of all of His goodness, then the next, then the next.
    I thank you for your prayers and please know, as always, that each of you and yours have mine. I'll keep listening, reading, praying knowing that He Who is in me is greater than he who is in this world.
    Can I get an Amen? :)

  74. Thanks dear Suzanne R. Amen! We are nothing without Him. Keep Him in the Center and All Things Will Come Together! Enjoy your day celebrating Freedom. Jesus bought it for us too! Praise Him with every breath!

  75. Amen dear Brie! Thank you!
    I will rejoice because He has made me glad! May God restore Larry’s breathing and also heal Jan’s nose. Thank You Jesus.

  76. Amen, Amen, Amen!!! You got that right, Sis! Tell the devil to flee! We have Jesus!!! We shall overcome anything!

    1 John 4:4
    You are of God, little children, and have overcome them, because He who is in you is greater than he who is in the world.

  77. Where the spirit of the Lord is, there is true liberty <3

    1. Not sure why it has me as anonymous, this is Free as can B

  78. Remember to press LOAD MORE !! ❤️
