Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Jesus Calling: July 16

Self-pity is a slimy, bottomless pit. Once you fall in, you tend to go deeper and deeper into the mire. As you slide down those slippery walls, you are well on your way to depression, and the darkness is profound.
     Your only hope is to look up and see the Light of My Presence shining down on you. Though the Light looks dim from your perspective, deep in the pit, those rays of hope can reach you at any depth. While you focus on Me in trust, you rise ever so slowly out of the abyss of despair. Finally, you can reach up and grasp My hand. I will pull you out into the Light again. I will gently cleanse you, washing off the clinging mire. I will cover you with My righteousness and walk with you down the path of Life. 

Psalm 40:2-3
English Standard Version

He drew me up from the pit of destruction,
    out of the miry bog,
and set my feet upon a rock,
    making my steps secure.
He put a new song in my mouth,
    a song of praise to our God.
Many will see and fear,
    and put their trust in the Lord.

Psalm 42:5
New American Standard

Why are you in despair, O my soul?
And why have you become disturbed within me?Hope in God, for I shall again praise Him
For the help of His presence.
Psalm 147:11
English Standard Version

11 but the Lord takes pleasure in those who fear him,
    in those who hope in his steadfast love.

Note: The devotion and scriptures are from author Sarah Young. If you haven't already, please purchase the book and support the author. 

Also, bookmark to have an easy link to the entire year of these entries.


  1. Dear Lord, Help me to stay focused on You, The Light. Give me the wisdom to not focus on myself, but rather your presence in my life. You never promised a life with out hardship, but you did promise you would be with me every step of the way!

    1. In Jesus name
      Texas friend

    2. Amen!!, thank you Jesus for always walking with me, never leaving me and always loving me 🙌🙏💕🙏

    3. Oh, Amen ABC!!
      6 years later, and your words are exactly what I needed to hear.. ‘give me the wisdom to not look at myself’ always look to Him!!!
      Thank you!!! God bless you and all on this site… Bib in Ca

    4. * meant “focus on myself”

  2. I stand in agreement with you !

  3. Dear Lord , today I step out of the way and give up trying to control all outcomes of my life’s journey no matter how difficult things may become. I know you have a perfect plan for me just ahead . So today I surrender myself to walking in your perfdcr light . Set my feet upon solid foundation in you even in my times is tests and trials . Amen 🙏🏽💜

  4. Oh my goodness!! Just what I needed as I have been on the pot recently and sinking today! Always get what I need; not what I want

  5. Self-pity is sin. Pure and simple. I've been on that "selfish" bent and been reminded at the communion table of how deep my delusion is in comparison to Jesus' earthly life and so many others in this fallen world. Where are the nail scars in my palms? Where are the open sores on my back from being beaten? In this blog space alone, how fortunate am I and my adult children compared to Kelly's early departure from this life as a young mother with a child of 5?

    I say this not to diminish anyone here and their current struggles and requests for prayers. I simply post to say that I have struggled with health and professional challenges for the past 21 months... but I know that my adult children are still blessed with 2 parents, my health is restored, and while my professional life will be different, I can still work. Plus, I'm an American so I am blessed vs. literally billions of people in worse circumstances. Regardless, I did go into the pit of self-pity and doubt... Praise God as I felt His hand holding me through the rough paths and His patience as He let me come to my own realization how blessed I am today. May Jesus' whisper be heard by all of those experiencing difficult times in this space. He says, "Know that you are loved, I am here with you always, and thus be at peace today." Amen.

    1. Amen Bob. Thank you for sharing.

    2. So true Bob, we have so much to be thankful for instead of falling in selfpity. We are alive by God's grace and blessed in so many ways. Giving THANKS to Him at ALL times should be our FIRST prority, and all other things shall be added onto us!
      THANK YOU JESUS for life today and brand new mercy!

      Maplewood NJ

    3. I miss Bob. He posted some very moving thoughts. He is/was a pastor according to his profile and a Google search. I am just a Christian guy from the south using a pen name/alias... my warped humor thinks of Leslie Nielson in the old movie... "and don't call me Shirley! (Bob)" ha ha. Pray that Bob is okay and I hope my posts are helpful as his were.

    4. MadFox - you said it perfectly. Amen. Blessings to all our JC family. KS

    5. I needed to hear that MadFox, thank you for being a willing vessel GOD could use this morning to speak to me! My professional life has gone down hill in the past two years but I too am blessed to have a job and good health. In HIS love!

    6. Very well said! Spot on! God bless!
      Colorado JC Friend

    7. Madfox I love your prayer and appreciate you shari g so openly. Prayers for all or JC family and for their loved ones. I miss Bob’s prayers and wisdom. Prayers he is ok. God bless each of you
      Texas friend

    8. To ALL with kind comments. I am in the 2nd half (maybe last 1/3! ha ha) of life and post attention getting medical, biz, and personal situations. As I told my kids, it provided much needed perspective. My goal NOW, personally and professionally, is to shine a light on Jesus' life and de-emphasize self. I want to help my kids, friends, and seekers humbly, lovingly, and gently where I can.

      And for non-believers, to be friendly and exhibit behavior antithetical to the stereotype of Christians in today's cynical environment. To do so succinctly and with humor like I think Jesus did. My mind's eye pictures Jesus with a smile, warm, and extremely witty. He laughed with His friends and strangers... but when battling the religious elites and the politicians, he became a man of few words with incredible intellect.

      Thank you again for the kind messages.

    9. I love this picture of Jesus, MadFox. I see his humor all the time in literal messaging... On licence plates, bill boards, in comments by friends they don't realize, and in people's names. Kind of like a tap on my shoulder to remind me he is always there.

    10. Thank you Bob..I mean made me laugh and happy with your kind calming words..thank you Madfox. De-emphasize thy self..yes yes..Lord all I need is you!!! Much love to you and yours.

    11. Concerning " To do so succinctly and with humor like I think Jesus did. My mind's eye pictures Jesus with a smile, warm, and extremely witty. He laughed with His friends and strangers..." Best example of the the interactive human side of Jesus I've ever seen is in the series 'The Chosen' . I thoroughly recommend it.

    12. I agree Peter. I've seen.season 1 and some previews of 2. The actor portraying Jesus is always smiling and I love His humor and gentleness.

    13. ♥️ The Chosen! Watched multiple times the episodes of both seasons and excited for what's next.

  6. Dear Father, Thank You for the gift of life today and Thank You for the reminder against the sin of selfpity. I have fallen into this dreadful pit and thought that people will really care, when the truth is that, they don't. There where times when I thought by explaining myself people would understand and stand up for me, as if! But the truth is, NO ONE can, but You. Thank You for forgiving me those times. You are the only light that can brighten my day and lift me up when the walls have closed and it seems that there's no way out.
    Father, I Thank You for the hope that is in Christ Jesus because I desire to focus on You in trust and be lifted from pain and brokenness of despair rather then fall in selfpity. Whenever I am goibg down into that pit, help me to grasp hold of Your hand Lord and pull me out of the darkness and into Your bright shining light. There is nothing like being covered with Your Righteousness and walking down the path of life with You right there by my side. Thank You Jesus!

    Father, thank You for the favors You granted me and my mother yesterday. Today, we will need an even greater favor, but I fear not, because You remain the same. You did it yesterday, You will do it again today in Jesus name! Thank You.

    As she celebrate (mom) her 72nd birthday tomorrow July 17th, I cover her in Your blood and trusting You You to draw her to You. Thank You so much Lord for granting her long life and health. May she come to understand it is All the work of Jesus, what He did for her on Calvary! I thank You also fir giving me anotget chance with her, after being estranged for years. Thank You for the peace, the enemies are trying to take away again, but will NEVER, because You 'got my back'!
    I am not sure what to give her or do, but come tomorrow, please direct me and even if it's just loving on her, help her to receive it Jesus. I give You ALL the praise and say THANK YOU!

    JC family, it's a new day today, our Father has blessed it and ushered us in, let's rejoice, put aside self pity, forget about the pain, our problems and look up to our trusted God.

    Wishing everyone a blessed and peaceful day.

    Maplewood NJ

    1. Praying for you and your precious Mom today. May God continue to bless you as you honor her and continue building your relationship. Happy birthday to Mom!!

  7. Anonymous in Maplewood, my prayers are with you and your mom during this time as you build a new relationship. I think that this work will not only be a blessing for the two of you now and for you in the future when your mom is gone, but I also think it pleases God and weaves a tapestry in heaven. I pray that her birthday present is a renewed relationship.

    1. THANK YOU PEBGDesigns, for trusting God for our relationship and praying for her, means a lot. GOD bless you and yours abundantly in Jesus name!!

      Maplewood NJ

  8. Good Morning JC Family, Thank you for the courage to share your challenges, victories and prayers. I am uplifted and thankful when I read what is happening in the lives of my JC Family, and confident that we will pray for each other. I'm have the assurance that Jesus is always with me and will never leave my side. Nothing can separate me from Jesus!!!

  9. I read this as a WARNING this morning as I've been tip toeing around the edge of that pit. So thankful for your words of wisdom, MadFox. Our duties with Jinny are escalating and trying to juggle it with work has caused me to feel edgy. I catch myself sighing or feeling heavy, sad and anxious. Then I remember all He has done to deliver us from those feelings. That we won't have more than we can handle. That there is always someone else who has more. My heart goes out to Kelly's family and the families dealing with Barry's left overs. Flooding and loss of home. I'm able to recognize that Pamela's safety is no coincidence.
    So, I heed the warning and I'm thankful for it. We are more than conquerors through Him who loves us. My husband and I need to be the Light for Jinny and love her through this. Praying for wisdom when it comes to her cat who is reacting to all of the changes (healthcare in her home 24/7) by going to the bathroom on the carpet in the basement. The cat is sick, but like a child to Jinny, so I can't really bring up putting the cat to sleep. Please pray for wisdom and peace and the knowledge of how loved we are.

  10. Powerful and uplifting words from you all this glorious morning. Thanks to all for sharing.

  11. Mad fox you are the greatest! I have a friend whose daughter is facing brain surgery. Emily is only in her twenties. Makes faith so very important. Thank you for your contribution and prayers.

    1. Thanks for thinking so... as Paul says, no I am the least. While it is good to share struggles, and as a still maturing Christian, to grow from our mistakes is what God wants regardless of our physical age. Not growing in wisdom and faith, is sin! ...and leads to the self-pity described in today's JC. Sadly many older Christians focus on health fears, retirement financial challenges, and family issues. TODAY, God will provide all that is needed. Tomorrow He will do the same. Godspeed and Amen.

    Please pray for my 60 year old 2nd cousin Kenny, an amputee who is caregiver for his 91 year old mother (she is mobile, not bedridden). Kenny recently had surgery on his remaining leg to removed all his toes. The surgeon recommended amputating leg above the knee. Kenny refused because he is the only caregiver for his mother and receives no help from his siblings. He has been hospitalized 3 times since toe surgery 3 weeks ago. He now has blood infection and surgeon is again recommending amputation.
    I spoke with Kenny a few minutes ago, he said he would appreciate prayers. Thank you JC Family for praying.

  13. Good morning my JC family! God is Good! Thank you for being here with me in the mornings- my quiet time. ❤️

  14. I seldom comment, but I read Jesus Calling every day, including the posts of this amazing group.
    Today I am asking all of you to pray for a miracle. My sister-in-law has been fighting pancreatic cancer since May 2019. She was told than, that she'd have 3 months to a year. She's been covered in prayer by family, friends, and our church family and she made it past the one year mark. Praise God! But her cancer has grown and lately she's been in pain and very tired. The doctors are now giving her a couple more months.
    I need to give you a little background information to my bold prayer request for her healing:
    Monday afternoon I found one of our chickens under our patio table suffering from heat exhaustion. She couldn't stand up, hold her head up, and barely keep her eyes open. First thing I prayed, please, Lord, restore this chicken back to health. Then I did everything I could think of to cool the bird down, including bringing her in the house for the night. Yesterday morning she still did not look a whole lot better, but improved a lot throughout the day. Today she is back to normal. As I was thanking God for hearing my prayer for this chicken, I kept thinking of Matthew 6:26. If God hears my prayer for a chicken and brings it back from the edge of death, how much more would he hear my prayer for my sister-in-law and heal her.
    It would truly be a miracle! But I feel that God reminded me about this bible verse to give me encouragement to keep praying for her. Please join me.

    1. Thank you for posting Eyes of my heart! Sending healing prayers for your sister-in-law. Lord please grant her and her loved ones strength, comfort and peace. In Jesus name Amen

      Blessings from France

    2. Dear Lord please help heal your child who needs Your healing touch. I know that You are with her and will keep her in Your heart in Jesus name I pray. Amen. God bless this family and give them Your perfect peace Lord. Thank You Jesus. Praise the Lord continously and always.

    3. EOMH- Thanking God for your chicken's recovery. If He did it for a chicken, He most certainly will do it for your SIL who is of much more value! Joing our JC family in prayers, believing for a miracle for her from our MIRACLE working God! It is well!

      Maplewood NJ

    4. EOMH - joining all JC family in prayers for your sister-in-law. That the Lord will shower her with blessings and comfort. Glad your sweet chicken is better! KS

    5. EMOH~ joining our prayer warriors for your SIL. He is in the business of granting miracles! May he wrap His loving arms around all of you in comfort and give you all hope for many more years together. Please keep us posted on her progress.

    6. Thank you for your post, EMOH, and for sharing the experience the Lord granted you to affirm His love for your SIL. She is loved by God, nothing more is necessary. In that love, all good things will come to pass. In your (and now our) love for her, we would pray for God to be gracious to her and continually glorify Himself in her. May she be well, may she be whole again, may she be blessed...and she will. Thanks be to God.

    7. EMOH, thank God, everyday holds the possibility of a miracle or multitudes of them. Praying that your sister in law experiences one today!

    8. EOMH- I join you and JC prayer warriors in lifting up your SIL in prayer to the Almighty Father. Lord, we thank you for the blessings of healing, mercy and grace that You are raining down on this family. Lord, give them peace that surpasses all understanding and comfort them, Father God. In Jesus Holy name, I pray. Amen
      EMOH, know that God loves your SIL and holds her in the palm of His hand.

      Blessings from California

    9. Dear Eyes of my heart, What a wonderful testimony to your faith. God restored your chicken to health and is already working on your Sister in Law. Praise God that she has lived so much longer than was predicted. Praying that the Greatest Healer will change every cancer cell to normal healthy tissue and restore your Sister in law's strength. Thank you Father for this and for leading her to a full recovery to the amazement of the doctors. We know you can do all things and we stand on your faithfulness. We pray and believe in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.

  15. Eyes of my heart - Joining Warriors in prayer for you, your sister in law and others who are suffering from cancer.

  16. Janet- I am with JC family, praying for Debbie! I echo the prayer of our amazing Pastor Bob (my bd twin-lol), and trust that God has heard the cries of his people! God bless you!

    Debbie- much credit and bravery on your part to come on and not only love on your sister Janet, but ask for prayers of deliverance. You are on the right track!! I also encourage you to seek professional help as well. God use people in amazing ways! You are in our prayers! Stay blessed!

    Norah- I am lifting your friend Bev in prayers. Jehovah Rapha is always at work, He wants us well. Blessings!

    JE- In prayers with the warriors for your hubby Jim’s healing and restoration of his ribs. We serve the greatest Healer. God bless!

    As always, Praising and thanking God for all the prayers and insights all of you like-minded believers share each day. God bless you exceedingly, abundantly above your wildest imaginations!

    Maplewood, NJ

    1. Thank you so much for your lovely thoughts and prayers for my sister and me. I am so thankful for all of you here on this site. Thank You Jesus. Praise the Lord continously.

  17. Eyes of my heart.... praying for restoration and peace of mind to your sister in law and all others needing the power of prayer. We are strong in numbers. God bless each of you

  18. Thank You for the gift of You Lord. I am very grateful and blessed to have been chosen to be a child of God. Please help me to always keep You first and foremost in my life Lord. If I get distracted from You, please bring my eyes back to You Lord. You are my everything Lord. You are my sunshine. Please help me to stay in step with You on Your path and walk in Your ways Lord. I have been in the pits of the abyss and I don't ever want to return there Lord. Please keep me close in Your perfect heart Lord and fill me up with Your presence. Sear Your peace, love, joy, glory, and strength in my heart, soul, mind, body, and life Lord. I need You and I want You Lord. I am nothing without You Lord. I can do all things in Jesus Christ. I want to follow You all the days of my life Lord. Thank You Jesus. I trust You. I love You. Praise the Lord continously and always. Amen.

    1. So praying for you and Debbie, Janet. Seeing a happy ending for all of this in the distance, don't let the bumps in the road effect your aim. Keep your focus! Debbie, please do the same. You have gotten off the super highway that leads to God's glory, but you are finding your way back, we are all finding our way back. Thanks be to God! Hop onboard!

    2. Janet, Praying for your joy, peace and contentment in the Lord. How blessed we are to have him with us at all time. Yesterday when my tooth was pulled, He was right there with me and He is with my in my paint today soothing me and comforting me. I know I will be okay because He hasn't left my side. Was just out looking at my flowers and thanking Him for His faithfulness. I know His Spirit is working mightily inside you and Debbie. Debbie, Praying for your strength in overcoming temptation. Hold onto that Unchanging Hand and never let go. He will make all things right again. He is the only one who knows how we feel and it's a blessed assurance to know He is our God.

  19. Eyes of my heart, praying for your SIL. Jehovah-Rapha, the Lord our healer, is restoring health back unto her. While the diagnosis is grim, we are believers in Christ and know the healing He is capable of. May she feel His healing presence today and in the days ahead!

  20. Amen! The more we focus on God the more He washes us and the more we see the light. As the message Norah shared yesterday, we have to make sure to clean our light.
    Praying for you all brothers and sisters and all your prayer requests.

    Bob that was an interesting question that you asked me on yesterday's post and I've learnt more as I did a web research about the etymology of "ami" and "amour".

    I've learnt that the word "Ami" comes from Latin language "amare" and means "aimer" which means "to love" in English. In Old French ami was used by people in love with each other.
    "Amour" too comes from a Latin word "amor" which was also used in an old Southern French language during the Middle Age, and also means "to love".
    They are pretty similar due to their latin roots but nowadays "ami" is used for friendship and "l'amour" can be used for love in general but also as being in love with someone. But you can also call "mon amour" someone you like/love such as a family member or a friend but it is more used between girl friends, not between a girl/boy friendship.
    Pretty similar yet different.

    French do not have different words for the different types of love, I wonder if there are languages (other than Greek) that do. We use the verb "aimer" (to love) and there is also the verb "adorer" (to adore).

    Thank you for asking mon ami! I hope I explained well.

    Have a blessed day everyone!

    Blessings from France

    1. Thank you, mon ami de France, for such a detailed and thorough answer. Thank you for taking the time. It impacted me that the word used for friend was so close to the word for love. And yet, why not? Isn't that what true friends do, love one another? It is a good thing! And I am blessed by your friendship as I am blessed with all the friendships established in this blog. It is beyond a good thing, it is a blessing from God!

    2. I second that Motion, Bob! It is a blessing from God that we are loving and caring friends here. We love because He first loved us. Be blessed today, dear ones, and make sure to keep that light bright and share it. Much love and gratitude.

    3. Amen! So thankful for this blessing!
      That's right it impacted me too!
      God bless you my friends ♡

      Blessings from France

  21. EOMH..joining JC Warriors in prayer and lifting your SIL up to our Lord. May she rest in you Lord; we trust in you sweet Jesus.

  22. Good morning, my JC family.
    Please add to your prayer lists the son of a very dear friend of mine, Jimmie. He has been in and out of rehab for years for drug and alcohol addiction and he has once again alienated his family and is in failing health. He is not expected to live much longer. He is only 43 and chose this life over his two young children. Mary and I have been friends for so long that I feel like her children are mine. When she hurts, I hurt. This is so hard to watch unfold.
    Thank you all for always being here.

    1. The love you have received from God and now share with your friends, Suzanne, will be so important in these times. And we will support you with our prayers in order that the love is maxed out in this situation. God be with you.

    2. Suzanne, joining you, brother Bob and JC prayer warriors in prayer for Jimmie. May God restore him and cast His loving light upon him. God bless you all.
      With love from California

    3. Suzanne, I'm praying for your friend's son, Jimmie. He is on a hard road now and needs to be put back on the straight and narrow before it takes his life. He's already sick and may lose his two little children. Father God, take this weak child of Yours and change his heart and mind right now to see his mistakes. Give him a new strength of faith to believe that You can do all things. Let him see that it's not to late to turn his life around. Save Him from the drugs that have ragaged his body and show him he has a future that includes his children and good health and peace and joy in believing. You are above all things and nothing is too hard for you. I pray you will open his eyes to your power and give him a determination to stop using the drugs and to do everything in his power to renew his faith and restore his health. Change everything in his life to good, to your glory and his salvation. We pray this in the powerful name of the Risen Lord, Christ Jesus. Amen.

    4. Joining my JC warriors in healing prayers for Jimmy!

      Blessings from France

    5. An update on Jimmie: he went to be with our Savior last October. No more addiction, no more pain. The funeral was one of the hardest things I’ve ever had to do. Thank you for your prayers.

  23. Thank you all for standing with me in prayer - and THANK YOU to our Amazing God who is all powerful and yet cares about the smallest details of our lives. The meeting went well at the center (better than expected) and they are taking steps to help my sister. She is still there which is thebest place she can be right now. Thank you Thank you for standing in the gap! I pray the peace of God, which passes all understanding, for each of you today!

    1. Angela,
      Your sister is in my prayers. Thank God for guiding her to this center, where your Sister will heal and recover. God is so good and provides all our needs. He is doing amazing work inside your sister right now. God bless you and all my JC Family .

  24. Loving Father, Thank you for pointing me to the sin of self-pity and continuing to work in and through me to allow Your will to be done in my life. I will ALWAYS need you! In Jesus name I pray. Amen.

    Self-pity, we know people who wallowed in it!- Yeh, that was me, a self-pitying sulker! Feeling sorry for myself and mad that God was (and still is) using me to be a blessing to family and friends and not being appreciated. Then the stories of Elijah, Jonah and others, encouraged me to lay aside that sinful weight I was carrying and let God’s will be done!
    In I Kings 19:4-15, Elijah pitied himself to the extent that he asked God for death! "It is enough! Now LORD, take my life, for I am no better than my fathers!" When He crawled into his shell, God ordered him to get up and get moving. God wanted Elijah to make a choice between godly character pointing to obedience, instead of inaction leading to negative consequences based on his self-pitying emotions.

    We also learned in Jonah 4 how Jonah felt sorry for himself when God showed mercy to sinners (example, Nineveh). God gave Jonah chance after chance. But Jonah got mad when his enemies received second chances. God said to him: “Have you any right to be angry?” (Johan 4:4), “You pity the plant, for which you did not labor, nor did you make it grow, which came into being in a night and perished in a night. And should not I pity Nineveh, that great city, in which there are more than 120,000 persons who do not know their right hand from their left, and also much cattle?” (Jonah 4:10–11), but to Jonah, everything felt so unjust and undeserving Nineveh repenting and the plant perishing? Jonah got mad and lashed out at God (Jonah 4:9). LOL! but God wasn’t about to let him have his way! We all know how the story ended and the lesson Jonah learned!

    Self-pity is a dangerous, deceitful, heart-hardening sin (Hebrews 3:13). It encourages us to comfort our poor selves with all manner of sinful indulgence, it poisons our relationships with God and others. It is our sinful, selfish response just because things doesn’t go the way we want it to. Sometimes we are in denial of it because it puts on the disguise of righteous indignation. Yes we experience injustice, but God wants us to walk in obedience.
    Next time you want to wallow in self-pity, repent and give yourself some gospel straight-talk (Matt. 4:12-19, Philippians 4:12-19, Luke 11:9 and Hebrews 5:14, etc..).

    Dear Heavenly Father, Please teach us to deny ourselves. Remind us that some things in life are beyond our control, and we must learn to surrender them to You. Grant us the solutions to alleviate this sinful nature of self-pity whenever we fall to the ploy of satan. Help us to repent, and take obedient actions right away. Thank You for‘covering us with Your righteousness and walking with us down the path of Life.’ Give us rest and new focus, in Jesus; name. Amen!

    Blessings and Peace!

    Maplewood, NJ

    1. Boy did I need that Maplewood. Thanks!!
      I sure will remember today that some things are beyond our control and we must learn to take our burdens to the Lord and leave them there. When I woke up in pain from my tooth being pulled, I didn't immediately say: Thank you for this new day and all the good things in it and the light my eyes can see and the blessings you have given me. Instead, I felt discouraged and sorry for myself because my mouth hurt. I lay there in my pity pool for a little while. But soon afterwards, I renewed my mind and said: Thank you Father for Your faithfulness. I'm still here and You never left me. Just gonna stay in His presence today and do the best I can. I was just painting on the computer and I made a new bible card to share with others. Psalm 145:8 The Lord is gracious and compassionate, slow to anger and rich in love.
      God is good and I am blessed.

    2. Amen Maplewood and Jeanne!
      Self-pity is so easy to fall in.
      We need To constantly remind ourselves to turn our eyes upon Jesus! (love this song)

      Blessings from France xx

  25. (II Timothy 2:14) Paul continues with guidance to young Timothy in the ministry to which God has called him. 'Remind them of this', that to which people need to be remind is something that must be easily forgotten. 'And warn them before God' oh, this is taking on a serious tone whatever it is that people must be reminded. 'Avoid wrangling over words', oh, the tendency of humans to need to be right and in order to be so, others must be proven to be wrong. And now the reason why wrangling is so harmful, 'which does no good but only ruins those who are listening.'

    We are living in times in which there is so much disunity and conflict between everyone. It has been said, 'not since the Civil War has America been so divided'. As I drive around the area I live in, I see lots and lots of churches. A speaker came to town to speak at a Chamber of Commerce dinner. Noting the number of churches in the community he commented, "You all must be very spiritual or else no one can get along." The audience laughed (sadly). Something that has been so disheartening to me is the disunity within the Body of Christ, the entity which is given by God to be an example of how people should live in peace and harmony with one another. Is it any wonder that we have so much division in our country when that which is suppose to reflect the love of God for one another practices being at odds with each other?

    This blog has been a wonderful example of what God intends for His children. We come together in love, we look out for each other, we pray for each other, we affirm each other. And what is the result? All the love that is shared attracts people. How many posts have been made by people who say they feel that love, a.k.a. the presence of God, in the posts here and thus, they keep coming back even if they don't post on a regular basis. And how many people have been helped by God through what takes place here? Many, many, many! We do not wrangle over words here. I am sure there are differences in our faith journey but it is never evident. We just keep posting words of love to each other and it is having its impact. What we are experiencing here is what God most desires from His children. As Jesus prayed (that's how serious He was) in His final prayer, "That they may all be one. As you, Father, are in me and I am in You, may they also be in us, so that the world may believe that You have sent me...that they may become completely one, so that the world may know that You have sent Me and have loved them even as You have loved Me. (repetition is used for emphasis)" (John 17:21,23)

    Well done, brothers and sisters in Christ! Let us take what we are experiencing here into the churches we attend so the world may see the goodness of unity and seek the same. God be with you. With love, Bob

    1. Amen Bob! I pray for unity within the body of Christ all around the world.

      Blessings from France

  26. Yes, Bob! In Jesus's name I declare this truth!

  27. Amen, Amen, Amen! Thanks so much Bob. You just added much light to my day. What we are experiencing here is what God most desires from His children. We are all of one accord and united in the love of Christ and standing together on the Rock surrounded by His sweet peace and light. Blessed we are and blessed we will remain.

  28. Aging has taken it's toll on our bodies, my wife more than my own. It becomes more of a chore to get around. We are on both sides of 80. In spite of it all we are often told we are a "cute couple". Accepting our current "normal" and thanking God for the health we have, lets our love for Him shine through. I pray that He will show us more opportunities to let people know the source our Joy.

  29. Thank you, all, for your prayers and encouraging words. Jeanne, your beautiful prayer especially touched me.
    Today I told my sister-in-law my "chicken story" and that I, and now the JC prayer warriors, will continue to pray for her total recovery.
    She said she really appreciates it, but I could hear the hopelessness in her voice. :( I will keep you updated. Thanks again!

  30. I’m so thankful for each one of you! Bob, you are so right, this is truly a special place of God’s love in a judgement free zone! I pray for all of you every day and wish many blessings, healing and God’s perfect resolution for all problems as I know you pray for me!
    Peace to all!

  31. Thank you BamaGrl for your prayers. I'll be praying for you too.
    May God bless and heal you in every part of your life. Peace and love to you and yours.

  32. Prayers requested for my oldest GrandDaughter, Hannah, who is taking the second section of the CPA Exam. May the Good Lord Bless her with the Light of His Presence shining down on her and on all her answers. I ask. I seek. I knock. I praise. I thank. In Jesus; Name. Amen.

    1. May the Lord be with Hannah as she takes her CPA exam. May He fill her thoughts with the right answers and put her on the right path in life. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen.

    2. Praying for Hannah🙏. Lord bring to the forefront of her all the stored information she needs to ace this test. Place a calm in her spirit knowing You are with her. Amen.

    3. Praying for Hannah that all the numbers and needed answers will align and that she will recall what is needed to be successful. May God grant confidence in his wisdom and peace that Hannah as she taps into God and all her preparation. ❤️

    4. Joining all in prayer for Hannah taking her CPA exam. Lord you hold all the answers within yourself. Please remind Hannah what is stored in her and when she comes to the unknown questions give her your wisdom and thoughts to answer them correctly. Thank you Lord eager to hear how you work this out in her.

    5. Joining all in prayers for Hannah. May He wrap her in His cloak and grant her calmness and confidence on this important day.

    6. Joining in all prayers. Praying for Hannah to ace her CPA test with God’s help and wisdom. May His Spirit feed her all the right answers and relax her in His presence.

    7. Holy Spirit, full Hannah with your peace and confidence as she takes her professional exam. Thank you Lord, we see her success and know Hannah will help others with her knowledge in your perfect timing.

  33. Some people have gone astray without knowing it. He is able to deal gently with them. (Hebrews 5:2). You, O LORD, are a shield about me, my glory, and the lifter of my head. (Psalm 3:3). Do not throw away your confidence, which has a great reward. (Hebrews 10:35).

    Father, when I think about all You have given me, done for me, and changed in my life, I am so thankful. You do, give, and change everything I need in my life and guide me to a better life in You. You are my everything. I desire to be close with You and to know You even more deeper. Let me be open to receive Your presence fully within me. Let our spirits be aligned together and our hearts beat as one. I delight in our "conversations" and when I see Your beauty and miracles all around me in the world. You are so good! No one will ever love me like You do. There's no other love like Yours. The peace of Your presence in my life is above all things. There are no words to describe how amazing You are. Help me share You and Your word with others in the world. Let Your wonderful glory flow through me and touch the lives of those I come in contact with. Magnify the praises to You all over the world. Touch all the hearts of Your children and strengthen our faith in You. I don't deserve anything, but You give me everything. Thank You Jesus. I praise You Lord always and continually. Help me keep You the center of my life and to always look to You in all things. Let me know You and walk with You in spirit and in truth. Help me walk more in the spirit and less in the flesh. Help me decrease so You can increase in me. Let there be more of You and less of me. Help me shed my worldly ways, thoughts, and desires. Thank You for being the best Father ever! In Jesus name, I pray, Amen.

  34. Thank you for all your sharing. Thank you Lord for the sunny weather today. Thank you Lord for the wonderful lady whose life we are celebrating today. We know that she is dancing in your presence no more pain .Thank you Lord for friends who checked on my 76 mum , spent time with her and made her laugh yesterday afternoon. Thank you Lord for good health and for strength to face the day . Thank you Lord for holding my hand and remind me God has got it I shall not fret !

    1. Amen and joining you in thanksgiving dear Min Ahadi.
      Your Mum is well loved and taken care of. Praise God!

    2. Thank You, Min Ahadi, for the reminder to continually Thank Him, in Jesus' Name. Amen.

    3. Blessings to you Min Ahadi at this difficult time. Thank God, He's got you!

  35. NJS: You asked on 7.14: "When you've been in the pits of despair, did you feel God was with you or did you feel alone?" Your question was missed (apologies) but seems even more appropriate today with ultimate despair being described as a pit that you sink in with self-pity. Despair is defined by Merriam-Webster as the "utter loss of hope".

    So, in my 20s, I was a new father and early in my marriage, had a business and family crisis, and was still uncommitted to faith. I got pneumonia due to that stress and did feel all alone. At that point, I "gave in" to Christ's love and became engaged in seeking God and growing my faith. Since then, I can honestly say, I've not despaired and have believed any "crisis" will all work out.

    Since then through far worse health situations and business setbacks, I've not despaired and sought God. I think as Christians, if we lean on our Father, He will do as described here by Sarah Young. Also, I'm an optimist by default and I just don't allow myself to get "depressed" ... Christ's life was far more challenging. He is our example. He did NOT ever demonstrate self-pity and His example to the 12 for strength was always to pray. So, NJS, through this 9 month cancer process, and the initial "mountaintop" experience, I've had amazing peace because of prayer, unexpected friends providing wisdom and love, and a family who've provided unsurpassed support. I am blessed and know He will keep me from despair. Hope this helps. In Him and Amen.

    1. As Maplewood reminds us, we overcome (the enemy) through the power of the blood and the word of testimony. Thank you Madfox and all, for powerful sharing of God’s grace and provision in your lives. ❤️

    2. Amen MadFox! If you keep your eyes focused on the Lord, everything else will fall into place. He is our rock and firm foundation. Believe in Him -- He will not fail you! God is so good -- ALWAYS!

    3. Wonderful testimony dear MadFox. He has helped you weather many storms and you have been a great witness to your faith dear brother, and an inspiration to all of us.
      Amen dear GraceTakesTime! He is greater! We shall overcome in all things.
      Amen dear Janet, We are immovable on the Rock that never crumbles. Hallelujah!

    4. Thanks for sharing MadFox. Two days ago on July 14, I slipped into that slimy bottomless pit. Thanks to posted words from Jeanne, and Audra, and all of my JC family of pray-ers, your words, prayers, and the Good Lord were like steps providing me the footing needed for me to get up and get out onto our Solid Rock, turning my despair into desperation for God. I needed Him. You helped me call out to Him from the depths of my heart. He heard. He knew exactly where I was and He crafted an answer and a way out. I am continually praying for you and yours and receiving all the prayers you so generously pray for me and mine. They are more valuable to me than my words can tell. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. For always being here and forever holding up Christ's mirror so all of us can see Him more clearly. Love Him more dearly. Follow Him more nearly day by day by day and night after night after night. We are framily. I love you, Brie.

    5. One of my many fave psalms which rang out loud and true as a perfect fit for my situation and circumstance:
      From Psalm 40: 2-3:
      2 He drew me up from the pit of destruction,
      out of the miry bog,
      and set my feet upon The Rock,
      making my steps secure.
      3 He put a new song in my mouth,
      a song of praise to our God.
      Many will see and believe,
      and put their trust in the Lord.
      Yes He Can and Yes He Did!

    6. I found myself sliding down that slippery slope yesterday. Today's devotion could not have been more appropriate! I was ashamed of myself and asked and received God's forgiveness. Oddly enough, I had been listening to a teaching called, "Godly Sorrow." So, today, I knew exactly what to do. My heart is lighter and I am so thankful for the love, prayers, patience, mercy and grace I receive daily on this blog, from my family, my brothers and sisters in Christ.

    7. Dear Brie! So happy our prayers and God’s faithfulness got you back on the Rick. We all fall off from time to time because of our humanity. I sure can relate dear sisters. Things were going smoothly until we got into a discussion about politics and the COVID vaccine. My niece doesn’t believe in the vaccine. And we disagreed on so many things. I lost my temper and so did she. She went into the living room and I went into another room to work in a painting which I will eventually slip into her suitcase as a surprise gift. Anyway I had a long conversation with Jesus and He said He didn’t want us to fight because we are sisters in Christ. So I apologized to her for judging her. I said I am just a sinner with many flaws. We talked about our faith and she said I shouldn’t focus on my sins but that God loves me because I am the righteousness of God. Amen. We hugged each other. And Norah, my heart is lighter because we are friends again and always will be sisters.

  36. “Though the Light looks dim from your perspective, deep in the pit, those rays of hope can reach you at any depth.“

    Indeed. Fourteen weeks ago my Husband B had a horrible bizarre accident and dropped about 15 feet causing a compound fracture (bone protruded through skin) and breaking both heel bones and both ankles. I shared this with you several months ago. And I appreciated your encouragement and prayers.

    We met with the surgeon again two days ago. And one of his team told us that the fracture on his left foot was so bad, that just 25 years ago, they would have amputated his left foot because they didn’t have any way to help it to get better. We are so grateful for every screw and pin and piece of metal that is helping his bone to regenerate and his ability to walk again become a reality.

    Yesterday he stood up for the first time in 14 weeks! I wish I could send you the video. It would likely make you cry as many of us have! We still have a long journey. But, pun intended, we are trusting God for every step of the way. Thank you so much for your prayers.

    Please continue to pray for his ability to walk. Doctors warn B may only have 50% of motion in his left foot. We are praying for complete healing! Also, his motivation is to walk our oldest daughter down the aisle in October. So we are grateful for that goal!

    Indeed God’s rays of hope burst through in so many moments. We praise Him. ❤️

    1. Oh, Jesus, You are so wonderful and amazing! Thank You for this victory in GraceTakesTime's husband's life. You are our healer and miracle worker and continue to place Your healing hands upon him and be his legs while You strengthen him and grant him the ability to walk again completely and afresh in You and not only walk his daughter down the aisle, but dance at her wedding. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen. God bless!

    2. I remember the elevator accident and pray for him every day. God has been so faithful to him and I am so thankful.

    3. I am praying for walking, dancing, and running with the desperation of the hemmoraging woman of Mark 5: 25 who was willing to press her way through the crowd, because the only thing that mattered to her was touching Jesus, regardless of what others thought, and regardless of what doctors and others had already said. Lord, Hubby B and our Grace Takes Time are desperate for You and the healing only You can give. Perfect our trust to know that anything coming from Your Hand is Good and benefits us. I ask. I seek. I knock. I praise. I thank. In Jesus' Name. Amen.

    4. Amen Brie! All things are possible in Christ Jesus! He is the Bringer of all good things.

  37. Praying for B. What a great motivation and goal!

  38. Thank you for the update! Thank you Lord for providing skilled surgeons to assist you in this healing process. Father your desire is to give us your children the desires of our hearts. Please honor this desire to walk his daughter down the aisle. Father because you are such a good father your desire is to lavish your children with gifts that honor you. So please not only allow him to walk down the aisle with his daughter, but to walk as though he has new feet because that is our ernest prayer. Thank you for loving your children with a perfect love.

    1. Amen Terri! Maybe even dance with his daughter! God can do all things. We are blessed that He loves us with a perfect and unconditional love.

  39. Thanks so much, MF. I thought I was super-strong in my faith and trust with God and then my world got rocked hard with this family issue and yet, if I only look at my blessings, I come up for air and think, 'okay, You're with me and I can get through this' feeling. It's keeping the blessing-plates in the air and spinning vs succumbing to the despair-smoke seeping in under the door kind of feeling. I need to stuff a towel down there and not allow it in knowing and feeling God WILL bring me through this and turn the situation around somehow, some way. Hate this icky overwhelming feeling and wish I could simply take a shower to wash the hurt/shunned feelings away. Thanks for sharing your experience and how you've moved through difficult and more recently life-threatening times in your life, MadFox. You are always in my prayers and I love to share your faith and success with others. (If your ears burn sometimes, that's just me bragging on my JC family member's great faith.)

    1. Ha ha. I'm humbled by your kind words. God bless you... for you too spread an example of faith in Christ.

  40. Always in my prayers dear NJS! Love your faith and gratitude. Much love.
    All is going well thanks be to God and all your prayers.

  41. Thank you Holy Spirit for guidance and presence yesterday as we navigated the big city to fetch BIL Paul from the hospital. Jesus took the wheel as we found patient discharge parking and had a safe ride home.
    Thank you Jesus for the people and circumstances that bring me closer to you EVERY DAY you answer this prayer for me.
    I am sitting outside this morning before the heat of the day and I just heard Paul's laughter as he reconnected with other neighbors. He has become a truly unexpected light of your love out of this heart health experience.
    You are an amazing God who works us all in amazing ways, all we need to do is tap in to your truth waiting to be shared.
    I love you all, be blessed today JC family!

    1. Thank God all went well because Jesus was in the driver’s seat. What a blessing that Paul is all bright light to you and your neighbors. Praying for his perfect recovery and Marc’s too. Much love.

  42. Dear almighty god thank you for everything in life!
    Praise the lord. 🙏

  43. Please pray for my sister Janet who got a wasp sting last night. Her hand is very swollen and she is in pain. She’s hosting a Baby Shower today for a member of her Church. Thanking God for healing her so she can get everything finished in time and everyone can have a blessed day of celebration. Trusting in God’s faithfulness. Thank You Jesus!

    1. Praying for Janet. May our heavenly Father touch her with His healing hands and remove the pain from her body. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen 🙏. God bless and peace be with you.

    2. Thanks dear Janet! Janet said she was feeling much better today! God bless you too sweet sister.

  44. My Beloved JCFAMILY --- I have been Interceding for all the requests for prayer for July 15. Had a glitch. Tried to post earlier on July 15, but all vanished, poof, gone. Jeanne, I added your twin sister to my petitions to my Papa God. So, this is another try. Just want to love up on this awesome JCFAMILY. You are so loved! No matter what we maybe facing, our Heavenly Father DID NOT leave us helpless, but MIGHTY, through authority He has given us, agreement in faith, enforcing The Blood of Jesus and putting on God's armor. HALLELUJAH -
    Papa God, I pray You will uphold each one in this JCFAMILY. You are their refuge and their strength. You uphold each one with Your righteous right hand. I ask you, Papa God, to put a hedge of protection around each one in this JCFAMILY. Bless them richly with healing, restoration, abundant life and great confidence. Let your Glory be with them in all that they do and in all their conversations. Keep them safe from the snares of satan. We WON'T tolerate your garbage, satan!. I Plead the Blood of Jesus over each one and I speak Jesus, Jesus Jesus over each of their lives. I ask it all in the Mighty name of Jesus, the NAME ABOVE ALL NAMES, AMEN and AMEN,

    1. Thank you JJ. May the breath of God cover your beautiful prayer and let it be carried straight to the throne of heaven. Peace be with you 🙏.

    2. Yes JJ, thank you for that powerful prayer of protection over this JC family. I love your "momma warrior" attitude, commanding satan to leave this family alone!, Hallelujah! Be blessed 💞🙏

    3. Thank you JJ for that awesome prayer…God is blessing you with a heart for this group as we all have been given. He has also given you strong authority to speak out your prayers of healing and victory which are SO ENCOURAGING! Ellen

    4. Amen and Hallelujah dear JJ! Your powerful prayer is mine! Gathering into it with our dear JC Family! Janet is improving thanks to all our prayers. He hears every one and He is so faithful!

  45. Amen amen! Blessed by your posting JJ. ( Globally many I.T. issues recently, affecting all telecommunications, postings, the 'net, email etc etc. Apparently the Sun is more active than normal, massive solar flares & sunspots)

    1. A sign of the times? Come Lord Jesus come.

    2. Amen! Come Lord Jesus and stir the hearts of your faithful, and soften all hardened hearts, and open all blinded eyes to see You so clearly that they will seek and find You.

    3. Peter --- So humbled by your post. Yesterday I was trying to comment on your Commanding Words, " absolutely refuse to worry." Oh, how I love that spirit!!! I had read this several years ago and it has be a help to me. You'll either worry or worship for the rest of your life. You'll either panic or pray. You'll either look to at the problem or look to God. Which will you choose? I am working on NOT complaining, but PROCLAIMING! Great things are on the horizon: Great Justice, Great Exposure, Great Revival, Great Healing, Great Restoration and a Great Return of Hearts to our Heavenly Father, the GREAT I AM, Jesus, our Savior, The Lion of Judah, and The Holy Spirit, our Comforter and Helper and my Best Friend! I am Celebrating!!!
      In His Grip of Grace ---- JJ

  46. Praying dear Jeanne for Janet's hand to continue to heal, that the shower will go off without any hiccups. Anonymous, praying the Lord will touch that muscle weakness &, strengthen them even better than before!, Safety for your family at YMCA camp gathering. In the name of Jesus, amen.

  47. Amen and thank you dear Jan! Janet’s hand is getting better and she is almost ready for the Shower thank God! Praying with you and for you. And for muscle strength for our sister’s husband and a nice get together.
    My son’s family is coming to my Mom’s today. Can’t wait till she holds Gabriel and Nathaniel in her arms. God is so good!

  48. Love and continued prayers for each and every one of you. This day has been like none other for me...Littles, constant needs, eats, demands. I feel like a noodle. However, a thankful one. My youngest just served me a plate of steak and salad and I am SO thankful. To God Be the Glory - great things He has done! Sleep sweet, Jeanne: praying for Janet's hand. Love and Prayers for Brie. All of you are in my prayers.

    1. Dear Norah, Sounds like you could use some rest and relaxation! But I’m sure there was much joy in your day. I’m glad you had a steak dinner. Thanks for your prayers. Janet told me she had 40 people at the Shower and everything went well to God’s glory. Her hand is much better. We serve such a faithful God. My Mom enjoyed being with baby Nathaniel and little Gabriel. We all went out for pizza. And they were very good boys. Driving back home for Church in the morning. Learning the songs right now. All is well. Praying for traveling mercies for all who are traveling. Thank You Jesus. Here’s a link to These Alone Are Enough. Enjoy

  49. Seems like the adrenalin is wearing thin after this Wedding Week. It went so smoothly, all we're blessed in their love for the happy couple. Good times! Thank you for traveling mercy prayers for the newlyweds off on European travel. And also for guests now traveling back to their homes. My heart is full and I have much to think about as my automatic behavior needs a big attitude adjustment. More on that another time, prayers accepted. 🙏♥️

  50. Dear Audra, I’m happy it was a blessed Wedding day and the happy couple are on their way to Europe for their Honeymoon. Thanking God for their traveling safety and for all the family and guests. We all need God’s help to not lean on our human emotions. When we don’t follow the Spirit, we get into trouble and say the wrong things. So grateful God loves us even when we mess up. God forgives you so forgive yourself. We love you sweet sister.

  51. I went down to the moorings of the mountains; the earth with its bars closed behind me forever; yet You have brought up my life from the pit, O LORD, my God. When my soul fainted within me, I remembered the LORD; and my prayer went up to You, into Your holy temple. Those who regard worthless idols forsake their own Mercy. But I will sacrifice to You with the voice of thanksgiving; I will pay what I have vowed. Salvation is of the LORD. (Jonah 2:6-9). A joyful heart is good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries up the bones. (Proverbs 17:22). Restore to me the joy of Your salvation, and uphold me with a willing spirit. (Psalm 51:12).

    1. Thanks for that good food. I have Proverbs 17:22 up in my kitchen. The week that I had found out I had cancer was a hard one and I was depressed. I read the Word and emptied by heart tot he Lord. When I read: A joyful heart is good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries up the bones. I reminded myself that I have Jesus so I am more than a conqueror in anything. I wanted to show my family the strength of my faith. Some were showing me pity but I didn't need that because I know I am well taken care of and God promises are reliable. No reason to slide into the pity pool when we have Jesus!!! My response to all was: I am being healed by Jesus. And I was!!!! Hallelujah!

  52. Your ONLY HOPE is to l👀k up and see the light of My Presence.
    From Psalm 19: L👀k up and see The heavens telling the glory of God; l👀k up and see the marvelous display of His Craftsmanship. 2 L👀k up Day and night and see and hear them continuously keep on telling about God. 3-4 Without a sound or word, silent in the skies, their message reaches out to all the world. The sun lives in the heavens where God placed it 5 and moves out across the skies as radiant as a bridegroom going to his wedding, or as joyous as an athlete looking forward to a race! 6 Everyday The sun crosses the heavens from end to end, and everything is exposed to its warmth! Even now. Even me.
    L👀K UP CHILD by Lauren Daigle

    1. Thanks dear Brie! Such a great song! Looking up with you from whence our help cometh!

  53. Do you see what I see? Thank you Lord, for the light of Your Presence. We are blessed ✝️♥️

  54. Sure do, dear Audra! Thank You Jesus!! We are indeed blessed and surrounded by an unchanging and perfect peace and the unconditional love of our amazing God!

  55. I place my trust in You, dear Father. I love You for all You are to me, and I’m so thankful for all the blessings You’ve given me and my family. You know my twin sister is going through such a very hard time. Her knees hurt so much and her blood pressure is still too high. Thank You for bringing her back to good health and comfort. You’re healing my mom’s leg and I’m so grateful. Please heal her in every way and give her more joy and gratitude. She just wants You to call her Home soon and she lets me know it all through the day. Please give her an appetite and put an end to her bathroom problems. I’m trying my best to take good care of her. What a comfort You are to me! You’re always with me and I know You understand my frustration and weary heart. Janet and my mom love You and trust You. We all know our help comes from You. Thank You for healing them, and Norah’s DH, and sister Pam, Brie, Larry, Keith, Audra, Marc, Jan and her DH, and Ellen’s daughter, Peter’s daughter, Nicholas, Jim, Eli, Mike, Sandy and so many others on my prayer list and thank You for answering all our prayers and the prayers of our JC Family, seen and unseen. You know all those who put their trust in You. Thank You for all this in the powerful Name of Your Son, our Risen Lord, Christ Jesus. Amen

    Micah 7:7
    Therefore I will look to the Lord;
    I will wait for the God of my salvation;
    My God will hear me.

    1. Dear Jeanne, joining you in prayer for all the needs of our JC family. Thank you for including my DH & I . Praying for you, mom and your family too.😍🙌🙏

    2. Continuing to pray for you, Jeanne, for His wisdom, peace and strength to infuse you mind and body. Praying for His healing touch for your sister and your mom. Thank you for your faithfulness in posting and praying here on this blog, it means so much to all of us. God bless your day.

    3. Bless you Jeanne and thank you for your prayers. God is SO GOOD! He's brought a prodigal son home and our hearts are full. With him comes our grandson, a gentle loving spirit (albeit a busy 6 yr old boy 🤣) summer fun!
      Now, about this cough now two weeks out, thank you for your prayers to silence it, in Jesus' name I pray.

    4. Thanks dear Jan, Websister and Audra! Janet said she woke up with a BP of 152/91. That is much better than yesterday morning. We’re believing for a better report tomorrow and more victories to cel. Hopefully, dear Audra that your cough is on its way out. Enjoy your family. God is good!

  56. At that time the disciples came to Jesus, saying, "Who then is greatest in the kingdom of heaven?" Then Jesus called a little child to Him, set him in the midst of them, and said, "Assuredly, I say to you, unless you are converted and become as little children, you will by no means enter the kingdom of heaven. Therefore whoever humbles himself as this little child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven. Whoever receives one little child like this in My name receives Me." (Matthew 18:1-5).

    1. Amen, thank you Janet.

    2. Beautiful food for our souls. Thanks dear Janet!

  57. As I come to this blog for nourishment of my soul, I realize how selfish I am. My knees hurt, and I’m facing a tough audit at work; I’m looking for encouragement to make ME feel better. What I should be doing is seeking ways to make OTHERS feel better. I read this last night and it struck a chord within me. May it serve as a blessing to all of you: Psalm 94: 18-19:
    When I said, “My foot is slipping,” your love, O LORD, supported me. When anxiety was great within me, Your consolation brought joy to my soul.
    May this passage be a blessing to all who read it, in Jesus’ name, AMEN!

    1. And this is a blessing, thanks for sharing KC!

    2. Thank you for blessing my day. Asking for strength, wisdom and relief from pain for your day. God bless!

    3. Amen dear KC! Praying with you and for you. God hears us!
      Father God, we thank you for removing the knee pain from dear KC and all those who suffer in body, mind and spirit! Thank You for Your sweet release, relief and comfort in Jesus’ Name. Amen!

    4. Y’all are AWESOME! Be blessed!

  58. Missing Brie as well. Re-posting one of her posts from above that spoke to my heart. The past year the Lord has made very real to me in so many ways to look up and keep my eyes on Him. Brie’s post reflects this -

    Brie’s post
    ‘Your ONLY HOPE is to l👀k up and see the light of My Presence.
    From Psalm 19: L👀k up and see The heavens telling the glory of God; l👀k up and see the marvelous display of His Craftsmanship. 2 L👀k up Day and night and see and hear them continuously keep on telling about God. 3-4 Without a sound or word, silent in the skies, their message reaches out to all the world. The sun lives in the heavens where God placed it 5 and moves out across the skies as radiant as a bridegroom going to his wedding, or as joyous as an athlete looking forward to a race! 6 Everyday The sun crosses the heavens from end to end, and everything is exposed to its warmth! Even now. Even me.’
    L👀K UP CHILD by Lauren Daigle

  59. Thanks for sharing that dear Websister! Thanks Brie for your timeless encouragement! Much love.

  60. Praying with all of you and especially for my only daughter, who tonight sent me a pic of us looking like, "Twins!" What a blessing. Praying for healing for those who need it, for peace, for deliverance, for joy, for patience, kindness - for the Spirit to be manifested in each of us (I'm sure I've left some out). YOU, Father know our needs according to Your expectations. Planning on another night's sweet sleep - for me, my DH and all of you!
    God Bless, He is on the Night Watch,
