Monday, July 20, 2015

Jesus Calling: July 21

Rest in My Presence when you need refreshment. Resting is not necessarily idleness, as people often perceive it. When you relax in My company, you are demonstrating trust in Me. Trust is a rich word, laden with meaning and direction for your life. I want you to lean on, trust, and be confident in Me. When you lean on Me for support, I delight in your trusting confidence.
     Many people turn away from Me when they are exhausted. They associate Me with duty and diligence, so they try to hide from My Presence when they need a break from work. How this saddens Me! As I spoke through My prophet Isaiah: In returning to Me and resting in Me you shall be saved; in quietness and trust shall be your strength

Proverbs 3:5

Lean on, trust in, and be confident in the Lord with all your heart and mind and do not rely on your own insight or understanding.

Isaiah 30:15

For thus said the Lord God, the Holy One of Israel: In returning [to Me] and resting [in Me] you shall be saved; in quietness and in [trusting] confidence shall be your strength. But you would not. 

Note: The devotion and scriptures are from author Sarah Young. If you haven't already, please purchase the book and support the author. 

Also, bookmark to have an easy link to the entire year of these entries.


  1. Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day, our daily bread. And forgive us our debts as we forgive out debtors. And lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory, forever, amen.

    1. Amen. Just me and the nightingale here on the night watch with prayers for y'all. Well, probably not alone but feels like it. I am nursing multiple bee stings with ice and prayer and can't think of a better place to do that. Imagining the nightingale's to be worship music.

    2. Oh no. Sorry about the stings. Praying for relief. ❤️

    3. To bee or not to bee...Praying that you will bee all healed and the stings will soon bee beehind you. Love you dearly, Audra. Thanks for beeing on the night watch. Much needed and appreciated.

    4. Brie, Love the word play. For those of us that are sensitive to bee stings, we need the humor to distract from the trauma of an attack.

  2. God bless my JC Family with love, kindness and forgiveness as we prepare our hearts for another to worship King JESUS.

  3. What a blessedness, what a joy divine to lean on Your Everlasting arms this morning Father! Thank You for another day, the beginning of a new week. I need You today Father, just like everyday. But I need my today to be better then my yesterday. I am leaning on You and through the power of Your, will rest in Your Presence. I trust You Lord, it's just that sometimes when the going gets tough and I can't understand, I sometimes withdraw a little. Forgive me Father. You have granted me new mercy this morning and I am grateful. Help me to run with that mercy into You arms and forget about the disappoints and be reminded that trials will come, but You are my refuge and strength, my Present help in time of need and always. I surrender my day to You and say THANK You!

    Jan- I pray your strength has been restored and that You are trusting in Your father, 'who art in heaven'.

    Pam. K- interceding on your daughter's behalf. Nothing is impossible for our Great God. Don't give up on her, because God won't. Stay on your knees and win your family's battles.

    JC family- I Thank God for each of you and pray that as we have entered a new week, that His Holy Spirit will guide on the path that He has for us. Lifting EVERYONE up into God's capable hands this morning and always.

    Let's fight ALL our battles on our knees and we will win all the time. Bless and great day all.

    Maplewood NJ

    1. Thank you for your beautiful prayer and loving words to us all. This community has sustained me for the past two years. Love and prayers today for all. TL

    2. Praying for each of you and thank you so much for this beautiful prayer.
      Texas friend

    3. I wrote a novel on your post Maplewood, I don't know what happened to it and it wasn't saved in my notes. Also the message I wrote to Norah went under Maplewoods instead of under Norahs. I told Norah to read it so she could see how things went with Kristin. Here is a way shorter version. Kristin and I never dreamed we would be praising God for her going to jail this past weekend. That is how much God was all off in that jail. Kristin has a new outlook and sees what the Lord wants her to do now. Kristin needs our prayers she goes about seeing how she can be an advocate for women in jail. The conditions are deplorable and Kristin wants to make a change in that situation. She also want to get with the lady that came in and preached to them and see about having a ministry herself. Thank you Lord for giving Kristin a goal in her life to help others. God bless each member of our JC Family. Love and hugs from

    4. Yes, let us fight all our battles on our knees!
      2 Chronicles 7:14
      If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land. Thank you Father, Son and Holy Spirit! We pray for our spiritual, political, emotional and physical leaders to be humbled by your Truth and join in knowing you as the source of all great things and solutions. Amen!

    5. Amen! Maplewood, Let us fight our battles on our knees!
      Audra, Thanks for sharing that good Word. Joining in your prayer today! May God guidance His world and it's leaders and people, and open their hearts, minds and soul to His truth, love and peace. Amen! He can make all things right. I will continue to wait on the Lord and trust in His faithfulness.

    6. I still love that dear Maplewood! Amen! I can't face any battle without praying for God's help. We should all continue to fight our battles on our knees.
      He gets me through any trouble. Just staying in His presence and holding His ever present Hand is enough for me to overcome anything.

    7. In 2021 that beautiful prayer still applies. We will win our battles on our knees and we will find rest in our quiet time with our Lord Jesus. Thank you.

    8. A wise pastor once said to my husband:Always remember, There is no perfect "church " made up with people in the church, the one true perfect church and head of the church is always Jesus Christ."

    9. I meant to reply under Terri, Maddox, and Maplewood's comments...that being said, I also love and live with the fact that when we leave the church building for the week, we take the "church" with us when we leave...ourselves represent Christ through our prayers and supplications...much love today for all❣ I'm enjoying my quiet prayer time lounging on my porch swing, listening to the birds, and just now saying "Good morning to my hubby, who just got up."

    10. It's so easy to get caught up in our own mess to where we take our eyes off of the Lord.
      Thank You God for not taking your eyes off of us.
      Thank you Jesus for interceding on our behalf.
      Help me to stay quiet today unless I'm speaking of your Love.
      Thank you for my job
      My problems
      And help me to bless others through you
      In Jesus name I pray amen

  4. God Bless each of you this beautiful morning, JC Family/Prayer Warriors! I read yesterday's devo but had no time to post and re-read this morning to know what to specifically pray for. Pamela K, you and your daughter, Kristin are in my prayers. It brought back memories - hard lessons our kids have learned and reminders too of 'never being caught,' being different than never indulging. Reminders that even the 'whiter than snow' Christian was just as dead in trespasses and sins as the ones who 'get caught.' No believer escapes the truth of being dead before Christ came to set us free. Keeps one humble, right? My prayer is that Kristin wakes up, as you said, and sees that we all have choices. My prayer is that hers becomes the choice to walk with God in the true freedom He has provided rather than the synthetic counterfeit.
    Prayers for you, Maplewood, and the mighty work that He is doing through your loving acceptance of your Mom. I, too, have family and friends that I am praying will return to God or choose him over their own way. As a friend just said to me, "Being a light is just that - being! We live our lives according to His Word and believe people will see the greatness of choosing Him."
    Yesterday, I delivered the wedding gift my husband & I gave our oldest son and his new bride - 4 rose bushes. Together, we assembled a lovely garden area...on the hottest day of the year! They were so blessed though and my body is still working out the kinks. We had dinner with a sweet, young couple who will be married in August. They are Believers and it was as much a blessing for us as for them, to revisit our youthful love and marriage and give them a glimpse of what it can be 45 years later. As they prepare their new home, we are taking care of an elderly sibling, wrapping up her life. None of us knows the various paths our lives will visit, but I remind myself, "I'm just-a passin' through, my treasures are laid up somewhere beyond the blue..." In the meantime, my goal, every day, is to live my utmost for Him. To extend the kindness to strangers that I extend to my own flesh and blood and to give them a reason for The Hope.
    Enjoy your day, everyone. Jan, you remain in my prayers - believing for your stamina to not only get through but to conquer whatever is ailing you. All of you are such precious believers, claiming the promises of God for ourselves and for each other. We, too, have choices to make, "In returning to Me and resting in Me you shall be saved; in quietness and trust shall be your strength." That is my choice and prayer for all of us, this day.

    1. Amen
      What a lovely prayer
      God bless you and our JC family

    2. Norah, thank you for your prayers and kind words of encouragement. I made quite the message on Maplewoods post about Kristin and how things went. For some reason it dissapeared and I rewrote my comment to Maplelwood, making a very short version than the one before it. The message I wrote you went under Maplewoods post.

      About Kristin,I can tell you this, Kristin saw Gods hand in every situation she could have from the accident to being released yesterday. She is on fire for doing things for Christ. I know many people that get arrested have a come to Jesus meeting but never go beyond after they are released. Kristin cried yesterday, all day as she told me the wonderful things that came about while being incarcerated. She has definitely received a very humbling heart for what has happened. I am about to get off here for now, my hands are hurting from holding this phone and typing so much in one setting. God bless you, Norah!

  5. Pray with me please... Our church is voting today on the sale of our building in this transaction we will get the building of the body of believers that is purchasing our building. This is not the problem , the problem comes in that a younger Pastor is trying to push out our Senior Pastor. We have gotten to this point through deception of our previous Pastor who left the church 4 years ago and now this young man is following suit. Our current pastors love for this young man who he has raised up like a son has allowed him to compromise and not address things when they first started. We also have a few elders of the church who had convinced the pastor there views were right because of their insight in the bible and have united with this younger pastor. Our pastor was the associate pastor when the previous pastor went missing and was appointed into office with a strong heart for God and his people, but little teaching experience. What the concern is we {on the inside track} feel that the young pastor is going to try and force voting the current pastor out today and himself in. Some members have no clue others know and are split. If God wants a pastor change so be it but not through deception and lies. Our pastor knows about this and has been handling it quietly and not saying or doing unless directed by God. Please pray that satan the enemy of all believers does not have his way today. Thank you TERRI

    1. So sad. Been there several times unfortunately. Man corrupts God's church with ego and pride. Ego - as said previously is also an acronym for Edging God Out. Perhaps you can stand up and ask for the vote to be postponed due to these issues. In every case like this that I've seen the church splits. Paul cautioned elders, they will be held accountable. Godspeed and prayers for clarity and truth coming out today.

    2. Interceding Terri, let God will be done and if man intercepts that, in the end, God's will always prevail! The enemy is a LIAR!!


  6. Couldn't post on July 20, got message "Page doesn't exist"

    Maplewood - Thank you for echoing the Psalmist Prayer - "Blessed is the man who does not walk in the counsel of the wicked or stand in the way of sinners or sit in the seat of mockers. But his delight is in the law of the Lord, and on His law He meditates day and night. ........." A perfect description of my deceased husband.

    1. I had gotten the same message on mine too. I went to the bottom of the page and hit the back arrow a couple of times and it finally brought me to the 20th. I hope this helps you.

    2. Janet - Thank you dear Janet. "Page doesn't exist" has previously happened a few times. This morning I clicked "older posts" and it took me to the 20th!!!! Blessings to you!


  7. Jan - "Our air conditioning gave out on the hottest week of July (105)." Couldn't post yesterday - Joining warriors in prayers for AC repair service. Been there done that. I have dealing with a leaking plumbing problem that more than doubled my water bill. A 2 week wait for a plumber. Thank you Lord for sending a plumber today. Great is thy faithfulness, all I have needed they hand has provided.

    1. SassyMom- praying for your plumbing issues. Praying today it will be resolved 🥰

    2. Great is thy faithfulness! God wants us to be comfortable. He's such a loving Father. Praying you are now sitting in a cool place and praising His Name.

  8. For all of you Night Owls: Too exhausted to read the last of the JC posts (7/20). Just got Lucie's results - NEGATIVE! Good God, give me SLEEP! Thank you, JC Prayer Warriors. Can't thank you enough.

    1. Hallelujah! God is so good. Thank You Jesus. Praise the Lord continously and always.

    2. Matthew 19: "Again, tuly I tell you that if two of you on earth agree about anything they ask for, it will be done for them by my Father in heaven."
      What power there is in this group! Norah, I rejoice with you over the good news and praise our Father in heaven.

    3. Thank you Lord for "Negative"!

    4. Hallelujah !! Praise the Lord!! ♡♡

      Blessings from France

    5. So blessed to see answered prayers. What a great God we have!

    6. Thank you Jesus, thank great thou art. I can feel your joy, your thankful heart, grandma Norah.

  9. Norah - This night owl is joining you in thanking the Lord for another Victory in Jesus. Praying you are blessed with sweet restful sleep.

  10. Thank You for letting me rest in You yesterday Lord. I needed it, but You already knew that Lord. Please continue doing Your work in me and keep me close in Your heart Lord. Help me to let go of my old ways and to embrace Your ways and the path that You have prepared just for me Lord. Please guide me, my steps, and choices to do Your will Lord. I want to follow You all the days of my life Lord. Help me to understand what You have been trying to tell me Lord. I really feel like I need clarity Lord. Praise the Lord continously. Amen.
    Bless Your holy name Lord and bless and favor us Lord. Please fill us up with Your presence and sear Your peace, love, joy, glory, and strength in our hearts, souls, minds, bodies, and lives Lord. Restore our souls. Breathe Your breath into us Lord and make us all new in You. Thank You Jesus. Praise the Lord continously and always. Amen.

    1. Amen dear Janet! Beautiful prayer. Our Father loves to hear how much we need Him. He is there for us in our weaknesses and knows us completely. He is the only one who can renew our spirit and restore our souls. Joining in your prayer and prayer for you, dear Sister.

  11. Dear Heavenly Father, Thank You for this day. I pray that You equip me with the grace of Your Holy Spirit and give me Your peace in my soul that I may be free from all anxiety, and worry today and find rest. Show me how to live in a place where I am aware of my constant communion with You. I pray in Jesus’ name. Amen.

    The great Lord waits to show us His grace and mercy when we run to Him. And when we return to Him and rest in Him, we are safe. This happens in quietness and not during our busy or chaotic lives. In confidence knowing that we are where we need to be, we shall find our strength. Not the world’s strength, not re-charging strength, but real true strength, the strength of who we are created to be when all the noise of the world fades away in His presence.
    Our ability to be still in the Presence of Lord is not produced in one day or two. Our faith and trust increase the time of silence and the heart of confidence in Him. We live in a busy and overwhelming chaotic society, but our Father is whispering to us to come and rest under Him. As we draw closer to God our trust grows, and this allows us to find our strength in who He is, rather than in who we are. The more we press to know Him, the more worthy we find Him to be of our trust and we can always quietly and confidently come before Him in our time of need.

    The LORD replied, "My Presence will go with you, and I will give you rest." (Exodus 33:13).

    Dear Father, Our strength is directly linked to our relationship with You and we know that as we rest in Your Presence, You will bring us quietness, and the ability to be calm. We trust in You to keep Your promises. No more striving. No more worrying. No more letting our emotions control us. Just trusting in You, while knowing that You are our strength. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.

    Bob (bd twin). I am keeping your Pastor and his wife in prayers. Our miracle working God is going to turn it around for His glory in Jesus name.

    Jan- Praying for Josh’s salvation. It is God’s will that all receive the free gift of salvation.

    Blessings and Peace.

    Maplewood NJ

    1. Maplewood- aaaah, sweet rest, quietness, calm, no striving, no rush. Thank you for reminding us🥰.

    2. Thank you Maplewood for this reminder of His Peaceful Presence. I embrace it today on my way to surgical appointment. Perfect reading, I am leaning in to Jesus in confidence and trust. Giving up my thoughts of control, and finding Peace. I awoke this morning to a voice whispering John 14. I don't normally hear biblical verse messages 😉 Together with this blog, the message of the foundation of my faith is clear. Thank you Jesus, for calling me closer and closer whenever I take time to be with you. Thank you all for your prayers and blessings each and every day!

    3. Amen Maplewood, I must say you have the most beautiful words to soothe my soul. I will rest in the presence of the Lord today and I will find, love, peace, strength and comfort. I'm thanking God for my ceiling fans which keep us cool even without AC. Blessed I am that I'll be getting my stitches out in my mouth tomorrow. All is going well and I'm grateful. I'm sharing your prayer with my Bible group, and Mom and Sis. Thanks for the good food. Praying for our JC Family and keeping all requests in my mind and heart. Praise Him for the victories! To God be the glory!!!

    4. Your prayer spoke to my heart. I really loved: Show me how to live in a place where I am aware of my constant communion with You. I speak to the Lord throughout my day but sometimes when I get busy, I forget He's there. He's always there. We leave Him but He never leaves us. I had a lot of sewing to do tonight and I had my son's family for dinner tonight and I also had to start tomorrow's dinner because I'm getting together with a very dear friend tomorrow. Needless to say, I was praying a lot to get my sewing done and also to finish the cooking. I am up too late as usual and I know my loving Father wants me to run to Him now and rest and renew myself. Your wonderful post and today's devotion reminded me I must say goodnight.

    5. What wonderful moments and people in your life, dear Jeanne. Praying for what needs accomplishing and for sweet and restful interactions. ❤️

    6. Thanks dear sister. Your prayers are appreciated. Had some sweet moments to remember and also got some rest. God is so good! Praying for you too. Stay blessed in His presence. <3

  12. I feel the Lord leading me to post this. I watch "Discovering the Jewish Jesus " on TV and it has really helped me and inspires me. Thank You Jesus. Praise the Lord continously and always. God bless.

  13. Praying for Audra's surgery today and that all is well and her heart peaceful, as Bob explained how that helps the surgeon's hands.
    Thank each of you for singing God's praises over our little Lucie's test results. Prayers for each of you and a heart bursting with thankfulness as we go about our day in that quiet strength He provides.
    Sassy Mom - your prayer was answered for me with that 'sweet, restful sleep.' Thank you! Pamela K. - how is your daughter, a year later? MadFox, is your daughter still with you and your wife? Love and Blessings to all of you...and where's Brilamar?

    1. Joining Norah in prayer for Audra, may the hands of Jesus be on the hands of the surgeon. Speedy recovery also.

    2. Singing praises for Lucie!! Amen!!

    3. Joining the prayer warriors for Audra and her entire medical team.

    4. Thank you! God bless you! How humbling to see your prayers attached to my name this morning. I am moved to tears.

    5. So glad you got some sweet sleep, Norah! Praying with you for Audra's peace of mind and the blessed assurance that she is in His able Hands. May He guide the doctors to a successful surgery and lead Audra to perfect health.

  14. Good morning JC family🌞. Thank you for all prayers. Tomorrow our son & his wife will head for the " hot spot", Florida to look for property along with another couple who are not believers and has been a negative influence on them. Regardless, God is in control. As the JC message stated & Reminders from Maplewood, in quietness & rest we must trust. Amen!

    1. Praying for a hedge of protection around your son and his wife, and also that God has their reins, and will strengthen their faith and let His shine out like a bright beacon in the darkness.

  15. Good morning, JC family. Keeping you updated on the clergy couple who serve the church we attend (I learned the importance of this from Sassy Mom). He has shown some small signs of improvement, but still a ways to go. She finally got her test results (over 2 weeks) and yes, she does have the virus but it has having little impact on her. Thank you for your prayers.

    (II Timothy 2:15c) 'Rightfully explaining the word of truth'.

    Timothy has an important responsibility as do we all, to rightfully explain God's word of truth. There are two steps in the process. First, the word must be studied and understood. Second, the word must find its place within the heart. More people are good at the first step, less people in doing the second. When only the first step is taken, a person will become good at telling other people what they need to do, this was exhibited in the lifestyle of the religious leaders in Jesus day (and sometimes in our own day). Jesus came and knew what the word said for He was the Word, but He made it a part of who He was. He didn't just talk about it but He personified it, something that will be absent in those who solely know what the word says. This is the purpose of the 'resting in My Presence' that the JC reading speaks of today. When one rests in His presence, it allows His truth to wrap itself around our heart, making it in control of who we are. Let us practice 'resting in His Presence' so we can explain the Word of God rightly. (I certainly can tell you do by your posts.)

    Be blessed this day, sisters and brothers in Christ. With love, Bob

    1. Great explanation, Bob! Thanks for sharing.

    2. Thanks Bob! Resting in His presence and carving His Word upon the tablet of my heart. Much love and gratitude.

    3. Going to practice resting in His Presence right now dear Bob.
      I pray you and your family are well. Much love.

    4. Thank you Bob for such good insight and advice. Much appreciated. God bless 🙏.

  16. I wasn't able to jump on here yesterday as I was moving boxes from our office to my home where I'll be working remotely from now on. We decided to close our office permanently and all work from home. We are blessed to be able to work remotely but it's still bitter sweet to see the office deconstructed. Trying to keep a positive spin on the situation and view it as a new adventure. Moving in 100 degree heat in Houston wasn't the most fun thing to do but I got in almost 16,000 steps on my tracker. LOL

    Peace, love and prayers to you all.

    1. God is your strength, Suzanne. I'm relieved that you will be working from home and safe from the Virus. Changes are unnerving but good. I'm sure you will be producing good fruit for God at home. Enjoy the new adventure and the next chapter in your book. I'll be praying all will go well to His glory.

  17. Good Morning
    I do not post often but I read the blog everyday. Today I ask for prayers for my Son’s company. They badly need a loan or they will need to shut down. Over 100 people will lose their jobs and we will lose thousands in our investment. I pray that God, Jesus and Holy Spirit help the company.

    1. Praying for your son's company BMP. May God help him to find a solution and fill him and the employees with hope strength and peace as they trust God in this situation. In Jesus name, Amen

      Blessings from France

    2. BMP- Joining Anonymous in prayer for your son.

    3. Praying that God will provide the financial help to save your son's company. Thanking Him in the name of Jesus Christ for His guidance and faithfulness.

    4. BMP --- Joining Blessings from France, Jan, Jeanne and along with other JC WARRIORS in prayer for financial help for your son's company. Lord I ask for a financial breakthrough for BMP's son's company. Thank You Lord, for this financial miracle that comes by Your Divine Power! Let the son's finances Thrive in Your hands. I ask in Jesus's name, The Son of the Most High. AMEN and AMEN

    5. BMP- joing the Family here in prayers for your son's company. One of the many, many amazing things about our Father, is that we can ask Him for anything!
      Hold on to your TRUST in Him!

      Maplewood NJ

    6. BMP..joining all JC Warriors in prayer for your son's company. Jesus we trust in you.

    7. Praying that all things work to good for your son, BMP, as they always do. God be with you.

    8. Continuing to pray for you dear BMP and your son. God is still in charge and He can make everything work together for good.

  18. First...been here, reading through JC daily and am solidly with all the JC group on prayers for family, friends, and most especially our nation and world due to CV19 AND the SOCIAL issues that the MEDIA EXACERBATES and thus makes worse.

    Finally to Norah's question: yes, our daughter is here for a few more days but spent the last two and a half, out of town, visiting one of her best friends, who has a few months old baby. She is doing well but I am praying that she will leave Manhattan this fall as I don't see that living there with CV19 restrictions nor the criminal activity allowed by civic officials, getting any better in the year ahead. Pray for her to make wise decisions about her next career move and a closer to home life journey. Thanks Norah and all here.

    1. Madfox --- Very thankful your precious daughter has been able to be home with her family! So I come to the Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace and stand before you today to ask for miricles for MadFox's daughter. I pray that she will have enough wisdom Oh Lord, that she will be able to discern which path is right for her and which path she should avoid. God bless her with wisdom and give her the ability to make the best judgments in any scenario she finds herself. Thank you Lord, that you hear my prayer and let it bring Glory to You! I trust You to answer this prayer because You alone are TRUSTWORTHY. In His Honor For His purposes. AMEN and AMEN

    2. JJ: Beautiful. Thank you. Amen.

    3. Spoken like a true loving father, I would speak no differently. May God's will be done in your daughter's life; as it has been, may it always be. God be with you both, MadFox!

    4. Cherish every moment with your daughter. Sorry she is leaving but I know God is guiding her. I hope she realizes her heart is with those she loves. May God lead her to stay near to you.

    5. You and your daughter are always in my thoughts and prayers. How are you dear Brother? I pray you are being strengthened through your treatment and things are going very well. God bless you in all things, and your lovely family.

  19. My great grandson is being tested for leukemia. He’s only 2 months old. Would anyone feel led to join me in asking for a miracle from our Father, please? He is so precious and we all love him so much. Thank you.

    1. Father. we pray for the Leukemia test to be negative and that he be healed. Amen

    2. Unknown --- Joining MadFox and other JC WARRIORS in going to The Throne of Grace to intercede for your great grandson. Lord, we come to You and ask for Your intervention in this baby's life. Let the test result be negative and restore him to Full Health and Strength! Lord, we place this baby into Your-safekeeping, and may the Peace of God guard the family's hearts and Your reassuring comfort flood their souls. We ask in Jesus' name. AMEN and AMEN

    3. Unknown - Praying comforting prayers for you while Joining warriors in praying for god to restore your great grandson to perfect health.

    4. Unknown- going in prayers for Your previous great grandson. God is able to do what seems impossible. May the power in the Blood of Jesus flow through His little body and remove anything that is not of God. TRUSTING God for him, unknown.

      Blessings and Peace.

      Maplewood NJ

    5. Sweet Jesus hold unknown's great grandson ever so closely. Joining all JC Warriors in prayer lifting your baby to our most merciful, divine healer Jesus Christ.

    6. Unknown- joining the warriors as we storm the gates of heaven for this precious little one. Hold him in the hollow of your hands oh Lord & quiet the spirit of his family as they put their trust in You. As your eye is on the sparrow, how much more will you keep watch on this little jewel. Amen!

    7. Adding my prayers to those above, UK, that your great grandson be made whole by our Father's love. God be with you.

    8. Please Lord be with this family and cover this child with the blood of Your son Jesus. Keep him wrapped up in You and please work Your miracles Lord. Thank You Jesus. Praise the Lord continously and always. Amen.

    9. Praying for that miracle to heal your dear little baby grandson. He can do all things. May He protect him and guide the doctors to give him the right treatment to make him all better. Thanking God for this in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen

    10. Praying your dear grandson is doing much better. God is the greatest Healer. May He wrap His loving arms around your grandson and bring him to perfect health.

  20. Dear Madfox, Your good daughter is always in my prayers. I believe God is guiding her to make the right decisions. She has been through so much and has been a good, selfless and faithful servant. May He lead her to safety, good health, fulfillment and the desires of her beautiful heart. We ask Him together for all this in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.

    1. Jeanne, thanks so much. I'm hopeful that the NYC "season" is coming to a close sooner than later. Again, much appreciation for your thoughts and prayers.

  21. So many hopeful posts. Exhaustion exactly describes how I feel right now...the Lord knows all about it and he is our help from it <3

    1. free as can B --- Just wanted to lift you up to the Lord and ask Him to wash over your heart. See the Lord pouring His grace and mercy into your heart. Feel His loving arms around you and release all that's weighing you down and set it aside. The Lord can take the burdens off your shoulders, even if the problems
      are still there. Breathe and rest in Him. "He gives strength to the weary and increases the power of the weak." Isaiah 40:29 May the Lord Bless you Greatly, free as can Be! You are a child of the Most High God! You were bought at a great price. God knows you thoroughly and loves you completely! AMEN and AMEN

    2. Dear free as can B, I understand exhaustion because I try to do too many things and don't get the rest I need. I pray you are feeling well rested and much better. We must be attentive to God's plea to Rest in His presence and renew and refresh ourselves so we can serve Him better and bring light and joy to our loved ones. When we are weary, we are not at our best. God wants us to give Him our burdens and walk with a lighter load. I'm going right to sleep because I know He knows I need it. God bless you and lift up your heart. Look for the light and beauty that surrounds you and be thankful. Much love.

  22. Free as can B, May God give you a surge of strength today and lift you out of depression and discouragement. He has your back. Keep your eyes set on Him always and look for the light in the day. Get out of the house and look at the sky and the flowers. I will keep you in my prayers.

  23. Jesus, I am learning to lean on You more and more in my daily walk. Please help me to remember to include You first so I can lay all my concerns at Your feet and not stress over how I will overcome them. I know You want to be in every facet of my life. It is up to me to tag you in throughout my day rather than adressing you morning and night. Lord thank you for all You do in my life that I see and real8ze but also for ehat You keep away from me that You never wanted me to see.

  24. Amen Mark. I loved your gratitude and also that you thank Him for the things He keeps away from you. He guards us well and protects us from harm and anything that threatens to separate us from His love.
    Jesus, Remind me to invite you into every part of my day and night. Remind me to stay in Your sweet Presence.

    1. Amen dear Jeanne! To be renewed in the light of His perfect presence is such a delight and joy to the heart and mind. God bless!

    2. Amen! He renews us every day in every way in His presence.
      Thanks for the blessing sweet sister! God bless you always.

  25. It is better to trust in the LORD than to put confidence in man. (Psalm 118:8). But as for me, I trust in You, O LORD; I say, "You are my God." (Psalm 31:14).

    Father, thank You for always being there to lean on. You are the most dependable, reliable, loving, forgiving, caring, comforting, best Father ever. There is no comparison with anyone or anything. You will always win -- "hands down"! To know that You are always with me is such a blessing. Thank You Jesus. I praise You Lord always. Yesterday was quite a day for me. I'm not sure what was happening, but I'm so grateful that You were with me through everything. Please forgive me for my shortcomings. You know that I'm not perfect and yet You love me anyway. Thank You for being in my life. You are more than just my God Almighty, You are also my best friend. Thank You Jesus. Praise You Lord. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen.

    I will bless the LORD at all times; His praise shall continually be in my mouth. My soul shall make its boast in the LORD; the humble shall hear of it and be glad. Oh, magnify the LORD with me, and let us exalt His name together. (Psalm 34:1-3).

  26. Thank you for Psalm 34 Janet. So good. So powerful. We bless you Lord!! ❤️

  27. Bless you warriors for your prayers for my sis Loretta. She did awesome, just awesome. The meeting with the lawyer went fantastically. She blew my socks off! We are both so grateful to you all for interceding on her behalf. God is so good! Amen, Hallelujah!

    1. Thank God your sister Loretta did awesome at the meeting. That was God's Spirit guiding her. God is so faithful! Hallelujah!

  28. Please pray for my bff's hubby who was in remission from stomach cancer. 2 polyps were found in his stomach & we are all petitioning the Lord that it will be just that, benign polyps. My bff has to have arthroscopic surgery on her right knee. When it rains it pours! Jesus please be under the umbrella with these two. Amen & amen!

    1. Totally with you Jan on the when it rains it pours of only it was rain on our drought ridden California instead of family health challenges!! Thank you heavenly Father and Holy Spirit for helping me thru it all.

    2. Father, please bring healing and restoration to Jan's bff and her husband's bff. Let Your healing hands rest upon both of them and bring them Your peace, comfort, and strength. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen. God bless.

    3. Joining in prayers for both of them dear Jan. Amen!
      Praying for only benign polyps for your bff's hubby, and a smooth and succesful knee surgery for your bff. Thank You Jesus!

  29. After a wonderful night's sleep I am rested and ready for the day. " quietness and trust, shall be your strength." Oh, so true, that in the Peace of the morning, a new day is seen as blessed and knowing He goes before us to prepare us for what the day holds.
    Please pray with me for my dear husband's tests today. He is doing so well and we are expecting good news - again!
    And my friend's mom who is in the hospital. That she gets test results and released, soon. Such a strong, believing woman.
    Also, please pray for my daughter's tests tomorrow and her prep this evening. I'm so glad that she is getting this done!
    So, I give it all to God in that quiet trust, knowing He will provide all we need. Praying for each of you and that you know the Good Lord is with you, preparing the way.
    Love and Blessings to each of you.

    1. Father, please bring good news with Norah's dear husband's test results and her friend's mom in the hospital so they may have the relief and release that they need in their lives. Let her daughter be well prepared for her tests tomorrow so she may pass with flying colors. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen. God bless.

    2. Praying for great test results for your DH, dear Norah. I am believing for very good news. And for great test results for your friend's Mom and also for your good daughter. Waiting on the Lord from Whom all blessings flow. May your daughter's prep go wel too.
      Thank You Father for all this and for giving all these patient patients peace of mind and the blessed assurance that you are their God and you are faithful. Thank You Jesus!

  30. When many times, we simply need to live as the Psalmist and “be still and know that He is....... God” Psalm 46:10. Our comfort won’t come from solving the issues alone, but knowing God and his ways during our busy life. Strated the day by inviting God to take charge and what a day it has been. Thank God for the patient Dentist who did my daughter's cavity and she left the clinc with a smile asking for mashed pototoes and baked beans ! Thank Father for my late sister"s teenagers , its was a wonderful aftrenoon spent catching up with them. Thank God for your word today when I felt alittle anxious about the dentist bill....I kept saying Jesus , Jesus, Jesus .... and I felt peace throughout the clinc visit.Thank you Lord for the reminder in Isaiah that God remains gracious and compassionate with us, lets turn to Him wholeheartedly.

    1. Hallelujah and amen! God is so good -- ALWAYS! Give it all to Him, for He is faithful and true. Peace be with you.

    2. How blessed you were throughout the day because you held tight to His Unchanging Hand. You put Him in the center, and every little detail came together for good.
      Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, we trust in YOU. Thank You for the peace that passeth all understanding in every situation. Thank You for Your Faithfulness!

  31. Requesting prayer for our daughter-in-law. She is scheduled tomorrow for surgery to remove a benign tumor from near her brain stem. Lord, give us, her family, peace, knowing that all is in your capable hands. Thank you in Jesus name!

    1. Father, please place Your healing hands upon 10-4's daughter-in-law's surgeons as they remove the tumor from her. Let Your presence be felt and give them all Your perfect peace, comfort, healing, and strength as they endure this trial. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen.

  32. Thank You dear Father for leading 10-4's dear daughter in law safely through her surgery and guiding the doctor's hands perfectly to do just what they need to, in order to bring her back to complete health. We ask this in the powerful Name of the Risen Lord, Christ Jesus. Amen

  33. TRYING AGAIN! Dancing on the ceiling with you, Dear Brie!! I was SO happy to read of Keith's great victory and am happy to report one for my DH - Counts: good; Progress: good! We don't have to go back for 2 months, pending a call from them - which the Good Dr. said, not to expect! My Best Man's Leg is a miracle - as the Dr. was able to witness today. He said, "Whatever you are doing - KEEP DOING!" Taking a DEEP breath, thanking my Father in the name of Jesus Christ!
    On another note, my friend's Mom, Janet, was tested positive for COVID - after her vaccine; now has heart issues. Never before - but now, she has them. Giving that one to God. She is spunky (at 87!) and my prayer is that she is released soon, b/c being quarintened is far worse than being treated (so she says).
    May God Bless all of you and I thank you for your prayers. You, as always are in mine. Sleep Sweet!

  34. Look where we were a year ago, Dear JC Family! Together, we've seen victories, heartache, praises, tears, - you name it, we've been through it together. Our God is an AWESOME God!

  35. Dear Norah, I am so happy to hear your DH is doing well and Will's leg is a doing great! Halleluia! The power of God's healing, and many prayers from sincere hearts of faith are what is working. We trust in God's faithfulness and we rest in His promises. Praying now for your friend's Mom who has Covid. That must be a strong strain if she got it after her vaccine, and she needs our prayers because she is at risk because of her heart issues.
    Father God, Thank you for healing Norah's dear husband and also their Best Man, Will's leg. You are so amazing and merciful. Thank you for continuing to answer our prayers. Please now heal Norah's friend's Mom who has Covid. She really needs your healing because she has heart issues. You already know she needs you. We are praying together in the powerful Name of Christ Jesus and we trust you to lift her up out of her illness, and grant her healing unto a perfect recovery. We know you can do all things. Thank You!

    Encouragement for today

  37. Wonderful encouragement. We must not get discouraged when the storms come. God is just polishing us. He allows us to suffer but He faithfully sees us through our troubles. He's molding us. He never promised us a rose garden in following Him. But He promised to always be with us. And even when we do not receive answers to our prayers, God is still working within us every day. When things don't turn out the way we planned, we must understand that His Way is the right way. We must surrender ourselves to His will. And rejoice in every situation because God is testing our faith. Let Him see that we are trusting Him in all things.

  38. Heavenly Father, thank You. I will praise You Lord always. Father, I depend on You for everything, including my very next breath. I can't make it without You--nor do I want to. You complete me. You are my everything Lord. Thank You for granting me the privilege of leaning on You and taking refuge in Your loving, everlasting arms. You are my strength and my song. As I snuggle up closely within You, please restore my heart, mind, and soul Lord. Make me lie down in green pastures. Lead me beside the still waters and lead me in the paths of righteousness for Your name's sake. Bless Your holy name Lord. Thank You Jesus. In Your very precious name, I pray, Amen 🙏.

    1. Thank you sis Janet for this prayer. Yes Lord, lead us beside the still waters, drinking in Your strength for the challenges of the day. 💞🙏

    2. Janet --- Just love the PRAISING of our AWESOME Lord!!!
      AMEN and AMEN

    3. Amen! Such a sweet and sincere prayer!

  39. You omitted Psalm 91:1

    Psalm 91:1 NLT
    “Those who live in the shelter of the Most High will find rest in the shadow of the Almighty.”

  40. Praise and Gratitude to The Most High! Thank You Father for this new day and all the blessings You set before us, Let me not get distracted by worldly things. Help me to remain in Your Presence and Peace. Show me the right way to walk and give me Your words to share. Lead me to be a blessing to all those I see today and let me give you glory with my good fruit. You are such a good and merciful God. Help me always to please You in my thoughts, words and deeds. Thank You for this and for more answered prayers for all of us in Jesus’ Name.

    1. So good Jeanne! Amen, absolutely Amen!

    2. Much love dear ABC! We know where our Help cometh from.

  41. Blessings sweet family sent your way. Brie, missing you!

    1. Praying with you, dear Audra, for our sweet Brie.
      Father, Bless our dear sister and carry her through all she is accomplishing with Your strength, and bring her rest and peace of mind as she cares for dear Keith and her good family. Thank You for this in the powerful Name of Christ Jesus, our Risen Lord.

  42. Please pray that tomorrow's visit to my son and daughter in love and grandsons in Boston will be sweet and blessed. I know many of you know they are not Believers and unfortunately I do not have a close relationship with my son's wife although I am trying. Giving everything to the Lord to handle. May His Spirit supply all the right words to say, and even guard my mouth from speaking when I must be silent and listen. Thank You Jesus. Trusting in Your faithfulness. Resting in Your Love.

    1. Dear Jeanne --- I offer up this prayer for your loved ones: Father, I declare that all of Jeanne's family, her friends and all those that she loves WILL become MIGHTY children of God. They WILL be free in Jesus' name. They WILL NOT miss their destiny. They WILL BECOME the living testimony of the Saving Power of Jesus Christ. AMEN and AMEN
      We Proclaim it, we Proclaim it and SHOUT it from the rooftops!!! HALLELUJAH!!! JJ

    2. Amen! For all out families sake!

  43. Dear Sassy Mom and Terri, Know you are in our thoughts and prayers. God knows how you feel and what you are dealing with. Rest in His peace and use His unlimited strength when you are weary and weak. We love you dear sisters.

  44. Joining you Jeanne and the JCFAMILY in lifting up Sassy Mom and Terri with your prayer. Our Heavenly Father is faithful. In Psaln 146 says God lifts up those who are bowed down. I believe He means what He says. HALLELUJAH! JJ

  45. Humbly accepting a lift ♥️✝️🙏

  46. May God continue to lift our dear Sassy Mom, Terri, and Audra, and all those who need a lift. Thanks for your prayers for Danuta’s Mom. God carried her safely through her knee replacement surgery and she is doing well. Spending tomorrow with Dylan and Erica and our grandsons, Leo and Lucas. Putting it all into God’s Hands. Have a blessed day in the Lord. Look up from where your Help cometh.

    1. May this port on your voyage be steered and blessed by HIM. And when necessary, may you follow the sun and the Heavens:
      The sun and the Heavens are continually 'telling' the glory of God by marvelously displaying His Craftsmanship. Day and night they keep on 'telling' about God without a sound and without any words! They are silent in the skies, yet their message reaches out to all the world!
      I know you always bring goodness and light. I can hardly wait to hear the rest of the story when you return. Blessings, in Jesus' Name. AMEN!

    2. Looking to the skies to remember the glory of God. It was a nice long prayer at 30,000 looking out the jet window. So grateful to finally be home and spending quiet time in my own space with HIM. Thank you all for your traveling mercy prayers. It was a good trip relationship wise, not so much fun travel wise. It's way too peoplely out there.

    3. Thanks dear Brie! Amen! God’s glory is always on display in the Beauty of His Creation. We stayed up watching the sky last night. I shared His love and light with Dylan’s family. And as I was leaving today, Erica walked over to me and gave me a big hug! It blessed my heart. God is so faithful!
      Thanking Him, dear Audra, that you are safely home and away from so many people! Rest in Him dear sisters, and all our JC Family. God bless your new day. Much love

  47. There remains therefore a rest for the people of God. For he who has entered His rest has himself also ceased from his works as God did from His. (Hebrews 4:9-10). For I have satiated the weary soul,and I have replenished every sorrowful soul. (Jeremiah 31:25). Then the churches throughout all Judea, Galilee, and Samaria had peace and were edified. And walking in the fear of the Lord and in the comfort of the Holy Spirit, they were multiplied. (Acts 9:31). Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden ,and I will give you rest. (Matthew 11:28). And let the beauty of the LORD our God be upon us, and establish the works of our hands for us; Yes, establish the works of our hands. (Psalm 90:17).

    1. Wonderful verses today, sweet sister! Thanks

  48. Heavenly Father, thank You and bless Your holy name! I praise You Lord always and thank You Jesus 😊. Lord, I am reminded of Martha and Mary: Now it happened as they went that He entered a certain village; and a certain woman named Martha welcomed Him into her house. And she had a sister called Mary, who also sat at Jesus' feet and heard His word. But Martha was distracted with much serving, and she approached Him and said, "Lord, do You not care that my sister has left me to serve alone? Therefore tell her to help me." And Jesus answered and said to her, "Martha, Martha, you are worried and troubled about many things. But one thing is needed, and Mary has chosen that good part, which will not be taken away from her." (Luke 10:38-42). Father, help me to remember that which is most important--YOU! No matter what is going on in my life/day, let my eyes stay focused upon You. There are many distractions in the world that can pull us away from You. Let my heart and mind be filled with You and Your word. Please "nudge" me if I allow something to distract me from You. Let my heart and mind be planted at Your feet. Thank You Jesus! In Jesus name, I pray, Amen 🙏. I love and adore You Lord!

    1. Awesome prayer once again, Janet. Thank you! I too want that nudge when I'm being distracted from Him and His word.

    2. Amen and Amen! Gonna try my best to be a Mary today.
      Thank You Jesus for reminding me to stay in Your Presence.

    3. Thank you Janet! It's so easy for me to be a Martha. Need to be a Mary today and everyday.

  49. Learn the unforced rhythms of grace.

    Matthew 11:28-30 ( The Message), “Are you tired? Worn out? Burned out on religion? Come to me. Get away with me and you’ll recover your life. I’ll show you how to take a real rest. Walk with me and work with me—watch how I do it. Learn the unforced rhythms of grace. I won’t lay anything heavy or ill-fitting on you. Keep company with me and you’ll learn to live freely and lightly.”

    1. Resting in Him is a true rest from this fallen world. His peace is above our circumstances.

  50. Humbly asking for Dear JC prayer warriors to pray for a dear friend receiving a heart transplant today ❤️
    Than you and God Bless you All.
    - Margaret /Pennsylvania

    1. 🙏Sincere prayers going up for Margaret's friend. May the life of God surround her and her medical staff until she is healed!

    2. Praying for your friend and the entire medical team, Margaret!

    3. Joining in HEART FELT prayers for Margaret's friend as requested. Expecting perfect outcomes from surgery. ✝️♥️

    4. Amen. Prayer Power!
      Thank you All!!
      Margaret Pennsylvania

  51. Father God, You can do all things and we trust in Your amazing healing power. Thank You for guiding this heart transplant perfectly and bringing Margaret’s dear friend back to complete health to Your glory. Praying in Jesus’ Name. Amen

  52. Amen, Thank you Jeanne.
    And thank you All!
    You ALL are AMAZING! Praise God!
    Thank you, Jesus ♥️

  53. 😊 God is so amazing. And faithful. 💗🙏

  54. Please pray family. Our son & wife visiting from Texas tested positive for covid.

    1. Joining in prayers for you Jan. May our heavenly Father remove the Covid from your son & daughter in law and may it not be spread to others around them. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen 🙏. Peace be with you!

    2. Praying for your family to get well and be healed from covid.

    3. Praying your son and daughter-in-law's covid dx quickly exits, Jan, and they are feeling better soon! Hoping you can still have a nice visit with them!

    4. Joining in prayer for your family. Praying for quick recovery for your son and daughter-in-law and for His covering and protection over all other family members and friends who have been in contact with them.

    5. As we live with viruses in our midst, I pray complete and prompt healing over all who met them face to face. Thank you Father, for strength and healthy choices that keep them at bay.

  55. Father God, You can do all things and You are our Great Physician and we trust in You. Thank You for healing dear Jan’s son and his wife who have Covid and protecting the rest of the family from getting it! Thank You for leading them back to perfect health without any lasting symptoms and covering them all with your peace as they rest in You. We ask this in the powerful Name of Christ Jesus our Risen Lord. Amen.

    John 14:13-14
    And whatever you ask in My name, that I will do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son. If you ask anything in My name, I will do it.

  56. Praying with you, Dear Jeanne, for Jan Gridley and Family. All of you, JC Family are in my prayers as I go to sleep. God Bless You - sleep sweet. God is on the Night Watch!

    1. Thanks for your prayers, dear Norah! I’m praying with you and for you. Hope God blessed you with a sweet sleep. Have a great day in the Lord!

  57. There remains therefore a rest for the people of God. For he who has entered His rest has himself also ceased from his works as God did from His. Let us therefore be diligent to enter that rest, lest anyone fall according to the same example of disobedience. (Hebrews 4:9-11). Rest in the LORD, and wait patiently for Him. (Psalm 37:7). Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart and you will find rest for your souls. (Matthew 11:28-30).

    1. Thanks dear Janet! Amen. You fed us well and I’m grateful. Resting in Him Who makes our burdens light.

  58. It's all because of You, my Lord Jesus, thank You.
    Precious lyrics:

    1. Beautiful song dear Peter! Thanks!
      And now I stand, forever free. My Savior rescued me!

  59. Just wanted to address that all your prayers were definitely heard last year at this time (if you go back today last year) my friend had a heart transplant. He is doing well and God heard our prayers. God bless you all JC Family! ~Margaret from Pennsylvania

    1. Such good news of God’s faithfulness! May your friend continue to live his life in good health and gratitude, proclaiming the Goodness of God.


    1. Beautiful song. Thanks for adding light to my day!

    2. Thanks Sassy Mom. What a beautifully perfect musical accompaniment to Maplewood NJ's 2020 post 🎵
      Anonymous April 28, 2020 at 5:17 AM
      Dear Father, I thank You that I am alive to worship You today.I praise Your Name because You have counted me as Your Own.I praise and thank You because Your Promises are ever with me and Your Presence is above me, beneath me,and on all sides of me.Teach me to align myself with Your Greatness, and give me a new way of looking at life. In Jesus name I pray. Amen.

      Someone Shared This With Me And I Thought It Is So Worth Sharing As Food For Thought!

      “Think, if you had a basketball in your hand, it’s probably worth maybe 10.00 dollars.
      But you put it in the hands of LeBron James, it’s worth 34-40 million dollars.
      If you had a football in your hand, it’s worth maybe 10-11 dollars.
      But you put it in the hands of Peyton Manning, it’s worth 50-60 mil.
      If you had a golf club in your hand, it’s probably worth 50 bucks maybe.
      But you put it in the hands of Tiger Woods, it’s worth 80 million.
      If you had a stick or rod in your hand, you might use it to beat a wild animal or something,
      But you put it in the hands of Moses, it parts the red sea.
      If you had a sling shot in your hand, it becomes like a kid’s toy.
      But you put it in the hands of King David, he slayed a giant with it.
      If you had in your hand 2 fish and 5 loaves of bread, you’ll feed yourself and with a little bread left over.
      But you put it in the hands of JESUS, and it feeds 5 thousand (called: "miracle of the five loaves and two fishes")
      If you had a couple of nails in your hands, you can probably build a bird house, nail down a piece of wood.
      But if you put the same nails in the hands of Jesus,it leads to SALVATION and to ETERNAL LIFE, for folks who love Him and trust Him.
      But your worries and your cares and the things that got you stressed out, if you leave it in your hands, that’s all it’s ever going to be..
      But if you put those same worries, cares and problems in the hands of CHRIST, He’s going to see you through it. He’s going to take care of your every need.
      Have a blessed day, but remember, it DEPENDS ON WHOSE HAND IT’S IN.
      Put everything you've got into JESUS' Hands and let Him take care of it for you.”
      Heavenly Father, We thank You that Your truth dwells in the atmosphere of worship. We worship You in the splendor of Your holiness. Please help us to make the conscious choice of trusting You at all times and in all circumstances, casting all of our cares into the Hands of JESUS and stay focused on Your loving Presence. In the name of Jesus, we pray. Amen.
      Maplewood, NJ

  61. Today is my Debbi's Birthday. Happy HEAVENLY birthday to my Debbi. Thank you Jesus for 63 ears of loving my daughter.

    1. Happy Heavenly Birthday to your wonderful daughter Debbi. She is realizing God’s promises and you will be with her again. What a joyful Reunion that will be! You are always in my prayers, dear Sassy Mom!

    2. Joining you, Sassy Mom, in wishing your Debbi a Happy Heavenly Birthday. May past birthday memories that you celebrated with her give you comfort today. Hugging you mightily, dear Sassy Mom.

    3. Big hug aimed at Sassy Mom today!!! 🤗♥️

    4. Happy Blessed Heavenly Birthday, Debbi, with showers and showers of favors on the birthday 🎂 girl's MOM!

  62. God Bless you, Dear Sassy Mom, you are on my heart and in my prayers. Thank you for sharing about your friend, Margaret. Loved the verses you shared, Janet and Jeanne. I will listen to those songs now and then get ready for Fellowship!
    Have a Lovely, God-Blessed Day!

    1. God bless your Fellowship and your new day! We will rejoice and be glad in it. Thanks always for your sincere prayers. We pray for each other and our dear JC family because He hears every prayer and He is faithful. Love you!

  63. Please pray for me I have several relationships in my life that are very difficult for me at this time. I need serious discernment and direction. I’m really starting to be on the brink of depression. Usually I am a very joyful and peaceful person, but right now I’m struggling. No judgement please just prayers or words of wisdom and encouragement. Thank-you all 🌹❤️❤️❤️

    1. Praying with you and for you with no judgement whatsoever.
      Love, Norah

    2. No judgement. Just love and understanding, Anonymous. May you feel God's love and guidance in each day going forward. In Jesus' name, amen.

    3. I lift you up in prayer. May the loving and healing hands of Jesus Christ support you and lift you up during this time and may the Peace of the Lord that surpasses all understanding surround you. God Bless you this day.

      "The Lord is at hand; do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus."

    4. God bless you, anonymous, and all who need a little extra boost of love from the Father today. HE LOVES YOU! YOU ARE HIS FAVORITE!

    5. Thank-You all sooo much for the words of comfort! Audra I literally just wrote down a prayer before I got online to look at these responses. I was thanking God and said I am the apple of His eye. 🩷I have to remind myself of His Love for me through all of my complex thinking.

  64. Dear Anonymous, You’re not alone. Give those relationships to the Lord to handle. He knows your heart intimately and understands how you feel and what you’re up against. He will supply you with all the right words and lead your steps. Be not afraid or dismayed, He goes before you always and He’s got this. Get out in the sunshine today and listen to praise music. Drink a lot of water and look for the light God is shining in your day. Be kind to yourself. Stay with people who lift and encourage you. Chew on that which is sweet and not bitter. May God, our Way Maker turn things around and make all things right again. Thank You, Jesus!

    Philippians 4:8
    Finally, brethren, whatever things are true, whatever things are noble, whatever things are just, whatever things are pure, whatever things are lovely, whatever things are of good report, if there is any virtue and if there is anything praiseworthy—meditate on these.

    Isaiah 41:10
    Fear not, for I am with you;
    Be not dismayed, for I am your God.
    I will strengthen you,
    Yes, I will help you,
    I will uphold you with My righteous right hand.’

    Deuteronomy 31:8
    And the Lord, He is the One who goes before you. He will be with you, He will not leave you nor forsake you; do not fear nor be dismayed.”

  65. Than you Jesus for today you have given my husband and I a wonderful 51 years of marriage together!!! I thank you for the wonderful man you put in my life to share these great 51 years together. We both love you Lord❤️❤️❤️❤️

    1. Celebrating with you and praising God!

  66. Feeling so blessed to have family to go to worship together with today! We now see how giving them up to God results in outcomes so perfect and greater than we could ever hope to have done. Giving God all the glory on this beautiful day! ✝️🙌🙏👍♥️

  67. Prayers needed for my dear friend Sandy. She has been getting treatment for Multiple Myeloma and she’s having a PET scan tomorrow and a bone marrow biopsy on 7/31. Then a tunnel catheter on 8/12 and a stem cell transplant on 8/19 and then chemo. Praying for her to have a strength of faith. She told me she prays now and then. I told her to tell Him how she feels because He understands.
    Father God, You are merciful, faithful, and mighty to save. Thank You for giving Sandy good test results, protecting her from harm and bad effects from her treatments, guiding her through her difficult procedures and chemo, healing and comforting her, opening up her heart to You and strengthening her in faith, body, mind and spirit. Let her feel Your Presence and Your Peace. We ask this in the Name of Christ Jesus. Amen

